Happy and unhappy numbers from different nations.

 Happy and unhappy numbers from different nations.
Happy and unhappy numbers from different nations.
Japan has a unique culture in which everything is spinning around the hard rules of etiquette and mutual respect. Japan can also be called the country by the meme generator, because from there the many popular habits of modern Western society came from there.

Want to eat noodles - follow the rules, you give you a gift - follow the rules for the adoption of a gift, came to visit - observe another million rules in order not to offend the owner.

This is a complex interlacing of social norms and traditions, it may seem strange for those who are for the first time in Japan, so if you are going there, then be sure to read the following rules.

1. Avoid the number "four" at any cost.

In Japan, the number four avoid absolutely everything, because it sounds like "death". In the same vein as the number 13 in Western culture, the four in Japan is extremely lucky, because she constantly rests. Not even to meet the four of them.

In the Japanese buildings there is no fourth floor, and all the floors from 40 to 49 are added to them in the skyscrapers. The number 49 is not particularly lucky, as it sounds like "fatal pain."

All this is called "Tetrafobia", and this phobia suffers almost everything in Eastern and Southeast Asia.

2. Furious in the public is strictly prohibited. This is considered a gross violation of the rules of etiquette.

Sleeping in public really unpleasant for others. Instead, the Japanese, as a rule, shy the nose until they find a secluded place. The Japanese also do not tolerate nasal headscarves.

3. Tips are considered as an insult.

Tips are considered a gross violation of the rules of behavior and even to be considered in Japanese society as humiliation. Leaving Tips Europeans and Americans are often surprised when the waiters run behind them to return this money.

If you like the service, do not leave money, but make a gift.

4. Do not eat while walking.

Although many of you eat on the go, in Japan, this is regarded as a violation of the rules of etiquette. Many also consider a gross violation of food intake in a public place or in transport.

There are of course exceptions. You can calmly eat ice cream.

5. In the metro car, specially trained people will be pushed you.

"Tolkachi", wear a special uniform, white gloves and hats, but they do not give hand, they literally pushing people into crowded metro wagons per hour of peak.

6. People can sleep in transport putting your head on the shoulder.

If someone is falling asleep and his head falls on your shoulder - this is normal. The Japanese work a lot and go to work for a long time and back, so they are all constantly sleeping. You should simply accept.

7. Bathrooms have special toilet slippers.

It is quite normal to wear slippers at the entrance to the Japanese house, a traditional restaurant, a temple. If there are slippers at the entrance to any room, you must convert.

But to visit the toilet room, the Japanese use special toilet slippers, which are stored in the bathroom or stand in front of the door. You must wear them when visiting this room.

8. You should always bring a gift to the receiving side.

In Japan, it is an honor to be invited to someone's home, and if this happens, then you must bring a gift. A gift should also have a very complex packaging with a variety of ribbons and bows. And do not forget that the owner can refuse you several times in the reception of your gift, but you must insist and 5-6 times he will accept it.

9. On a visit you can not pour drinks to your glass.

You must pour a glass to the owners, and they you, and before drinking you must say "Canpai".

10. You are obliged to chaktie and combine food.

Harbor and smoking you express the pleasure of eating food, which is a praise for the hostess. On the other hand, Japanese soup and noodles are usually served hot enough to burn the tongue, and inhabiting helping to cool down.

But do not even think to grow ...

11. Japan is the only country where capsule hotels pay off and are quite popular.

Japan is an amazing country with a great history and a rich culture. More than 200 years since 1639, she remained

13 incredible facts about Japan

15:45 January 26, 2017

Japan is an amazing country with a great history and a rich culture. More than 200 years since 1639, it remained completely isolated from the outside world. The identity of the country of the rising sun is still surprised and fascinates us. I present to your attention 13 interesting facts about Japan, which is difficult to believe.

1. Capsule Hotels

One of the options for Japanese hotels, which is small sleeping cells located over the other. The capsule spaces are enough to sleep, watch TV or read the book. The night in this hotel costs about 30 dollars.

2. Christmas dinner in KFC

Mark Christmas dinner in KFC is a tradition that is becoming increasingly popular in Japan. Whole queues are lined up for the festive bucket of sharp wings, salad and cake.

3. Some Japanese women are specially twisted their teeth.

In Japan, there is such a Trend "Yaeba", which means "double tooth". Japanese pay hundreds of dollars dentists to change absolutely straight and smooth teeth. All of them want elongated and repealing fangs.

4. In Japan, Digit 4 is considered unhappy

In hotels and hospitals, Japan rarely have 4 floors. Four avoids absolutely all, as it is consonant with the word "death".

5. It is impossible to be located without a gas mask

Oyama volcano, located in the center of the island, is erupting poisonous gas (sulfur dioxide), so no gas masks simply do not do.

6. Sleep at work

Sleep at the workplace "Inemuri" - a sign of a serious attitude to work, so Japanese companies encourage the tired employees to take off half an hour.

7. This year, 32,000 Japanese turned 100 years

In Japan, more than 65,000 people currently live, the age of which exceeds 100 years. On the day of worshiping old age on September 19, every new long-liver government gives a silver dish.

8. The Japanese refuse sex

The Japanese (45% of women and 25% of men) no longer want to walk on dates, marry and even try to have sex, because everything is obsessed with only a career.

9. Police catches criminals with balls with paint

The trail from the paint, which remained after the shot on the clothes or the vehicle of the criminal, helps to detain the attacker faster.

10. Ban of dancing in clubs after midnight

The law on the ban of dancing after midnight was adopted back in 1948 to prevent the proliferation of prostitution.

11. Japan - the birthplace of the oldest business in the world

The oldest business in the world is the Japanese Hotel Nisiyama Onsen Keiunchan, which has been working since 705.

12. Pupils themselves clean classes

Students are engaged in the classes in Japan.

13. More than 70% of the total territory of Japan are mountains

There are many active volcanoes in the country, because it is located on the Pacific Volcanic Fire Ring.

Like many representatives of other cultures, the Chinese have their ideas about happy and unhappy figures. The value of numbers in China depends, first of all, from their energy. In Eastern philosophy and religion, the universe appears dual. Moreover, unlike European, Christian culture, the two world originated - darkness and light, yin and yang - not only oppose each other, but can also merge in harmony. The same representations permeate the eastern numerology. These numbers are associated with the world of living, they exude benefit and order, and internally - with the world of the dead, they carry with them chaos and exuded bad energy. That is why, in contrast to Russia, in China, it is customary to present bouquets made up from a read number of colors, and simply present the amount of money as a gift.

To numerology in this country, generally belongs to a large trembling, the numerical symbolism here penetrates absolutely everything. For most locals, it is fundamentally important to stay in an apartment with a happy number or have a successful combination of numbers in the phone. And for the purchase of a license plate containing certain numbers, some Chinese are ready to give a whole condition. In addition, since the sound of many Chinese words coincides with the pronunciation of numbers, numeric rows are often used to transmit messages.


From a number of successful numbers that bring the fourth. The fact is that this figure is denoted by the letter to the same hieroglyph as the word "death". If in our time in Western countries to superstitions associated with numbers, usually relate to irony, then most Chinese perceive digital symbolism very seriously. In everyday life, residents of the Middle Kingdom are trying to avoid figures 4, prevent that it appears in the telephone and rooms of the machines. In many buildings, you will not find the fourth floor or cabinet under the number, instead of it uses 3a or 5a. Fears also cause numbers 13 (because 1 and 3 give 4) and 14 (hieroglyphs, which correspond to these two digits, can also be read as the phrase "true death"). They are replaced with combinations 15a and 15V, respectively. Or dangerous numbers simply skip. For the same reason, in China, air travel on the Tu-154 plane is especially unpopularity.

People who are not prone to superstitions, such fear can be beneficial. Acquisition of an apartment at number 4 or the purchase of a phone number containing fourths may be much cheaper than their real market value. Sellers who know about the tetrofobia of their compatriots try to sell everything that contains a terrible figure, with big discounts. However, the same fears can cause merchants to round prices to a beautiful number in their favor.

Despite the fact that the majority tries to avoid a demonic number, 4 in China is also an important sacred symbol. As mentioned above, for Eastern philosophy there is nothing absolutely white and absolutely black. The positive values \u200b\u200bof this figures embody four times of the year, four elements or four sides of the world.

Number two in China

The attitude to a duke is also very ambiguous. On the one hand, 2 is a unlucky number in China. It is from the two who begins contradictions and conflicts. This is a symbol that everything in the world is divided into black and white, yin and yang. However, the opposites may not only join the fight, but also complement each other. Yin and Yang are able to merge into a single symbol. Therefore, at the same time, the number 2 is the sign of the marriage union, love and harmony. Very often in Chinese wedding ceremonies you can see the hieroglyph, which this number is passed on to the letter.

Also, according to beliefs, the figure 2 is also the symbol of the Moon, which personifies indecision and uncertainty. A person who born the second number, two will constantly shoot down from the road and pull in different directions.

Happy number in China

The most favorable number in Chinese numerology is the eight, this is the symbol of the highest harmony and prosperity. This figure is indicated by the same hieroglyph as the verb "get rich". And since in its form the number also reminds the sign of infinity, it also personifies the incessant stream of wealth. It is no coincidence that the solemn opening of the Beijing Olympiad took place in the eighth of August 2008 exactly at 8 o'clock 8 minutes 8 seconds, and China's telephone code is a number 86.

The cult of numbers 8 permeates the whole Chinese philosophy and religion. For example, in mythology there is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe eight divine winds. Furnaces of worship of the eight can be found in traditional Chinese architecture, painting and even poems. Buddhism 8 is also an important sacred number. Despite the fact that at present, the activities of Buddhist communities in the territory of the PRC are strictly prohibited, this religion has greatly affected the culture and mentality of the Chinese. According to Buddhist ideas, to achieve Nirvana, the believer must pass at the noble eight way, who refused all his worldly desires. Dharma Wheel, symbolizing liberation from the next rebirth in Sansara, is also often depicted with eight knitting needles.

In order for the benefit never dried up, the eight should be as much as possible, or they must be combined with other happy numbers. Three eights are the tripling of wealth and all kinds of goods. The figure of 168 uses the same honor, which generates its hieroglyphs can be read as a "flourishing path".

Numerology in China has become the basis of marketing. In order to attract customers, many companies and shops are trying to use the number 8 in their telephone numbers or names.

Knowing the ratio of Chinese to numerical symbols, you can easily arrange local residents to yourself. To do this, pay attention to the numbers during communication and try to allocate the most successful ones.

The Chinese people have always been famous for their superstition and serious relations to legends and generally accepted traditions. This is especially true of the magic of the numbers, which is respected from ancient times and even slightly afraid, because it can be controlled by people's life. Figure 4 in China is considered the most terrible. Due to such respects, the Chinese had even a special term "terafobia" - fear of figures 4.

What is the reason for such fear? Everything is simple. The bottom line is that the number 4 in China sounds approximately as the word "death". Four - 四 Sì, death - 死亡 Sǐwáng.

Even a different writing and tone of pronunciation could not protect the number from such a sad fate.

That it became more clear, for the Chinese, the four means the same thing that for us number 13. This is a devilish number that brings solid troubles and troubles. By the way, in the poor value of the number 13 in China, they do not believe, but in solidarity with European tourists, the Chinese also try not to use this number.

Panic and fear, which sows its presence of a number 4 in China among the local population, led to the fact that the government had to resort to the removal of this figure from the universal turnover. Arriving to China and settled in the hotel, you will not be able to find no floor in it, no number signed by the number four. Most often, the staff uses the substitution of the letter F or simply the floor or the number that follows in order, sign the fifth. Also applies and signature 3 "A".

It is not possible to definitely do it all, there are elevators with numbers 4, and floors and rooms of houses, but the most superstitious still try to remember the meaning of the figure 4. Most recently, in one of the hotels in China, I have three times, we wanted a long-term corridor, looking for my Number with digit "2034". It was simply not turned out, 2036 was immediately 2036 (even side).

Many know the story that the existing hospital at number 4 almost stopped their activities, because patients refused to undergo treatment in it, explaining their position in that, agreeing to cross the hospital's threshold with a "dangerous" number, obviously ordered themselves . In this regard, the hospital had to be renamed urgently.

The unfortunate digit 4 in China, in the end, led to the fact that the country was banned and issuing car numbers containing this magic figure. The fact is that almost all the motorists who "lucky enough to get a registration number from the Four refused to receive it, frightened by the fact that at best to get into an accident on such a vehicle or to die at all. Even despite all the paper, the revision of documents, confusion in registration services and huge queues there, the figure 4 in China became prohibited.

By the way, the fate of the "unfortunate" and "avoidable" number of the number was not only fourth, but all other complex numbers that contain it. For example, 14, 24, 54, 742, etc.

Whatever it was, no matter how many people wanted to believe in Chinese ancient superstitions, but I will not deceive the statistics. And she says that most often deaths in China occur in the fourth number. Such data provide American sociologists, analyzing the data about the mortality of the Chinese residents in the United States. Superstition is this or fiction? The question remains open, but statistics - the science is accurate, therefore, to understand the Chinese, which with fear belong to the figure 4, it is very possible.

Although even despite such sad data, many modern Chinese remain cold-blooded towards the magic four. Even considering the fact that the basis of Chinese Numerology is Taoism - a tradition, tested by time.

I will also add something that digit 4 in China may have a positive value. For example, the number 48 in the literal translation sounds like "deadly money", but denotes "enormous wealth", which is earned by honest hard work.

Believe in this superstition or not, this is your personally, I will add from myself that this phenomenon is not explained in any way.

If you want to know more about the traditions and culture of China, everyday life and superstitions, and in parallel to study Chinese (or even get higher education), we suggest familiarizing yourself with the possibilities of obtaining long-term language courses, undergraduate programs and magistracy.