Man and nature in works of fiction and music. Man and nature in modern literature

Man and nature in works of fiction and music. Man and nature in modern literature

"Happiness is to be with nature, to see her, talking to her," L.N. wrote so many years ago Tolstoy. Are there any happiness in people today? It becomes less and less clean rivers and lakes, wild forests, non-painted steppes. IN major cities People have nothing to breathe.

Who is to blame for the fact that the unity of man with nature disappeared? Why did the opposition come? Answers to these questions are looking for those who are concerned about the future of mankind and land. Among the defenders of life on the planet and Russian writers. Not one decade listened to their opinions, discuss their books, they equal to environmentalists and politicians. Works V. Astafieva, V. Rasputina, Ch. Aitmatova reveals the painful problems of the relationship between human and nature. But if in the works of V. Astafieva and V. Rasputin, nature dies, although it is not always conquered, then the Aitmatova is starting to take revenge for all suffering.

From the first lines of the novel "Floh", the reader feels anxious motif of the end of the world, the death of nature before the crushing human activity. "Machines, helicopters, rapid rifles - and overturned life in Mojunkum savannah upside down ...". The reason for the abuse of nature is the most prosaic: the area does not fulfill the plan on meat. As a result, it was decided to fulfill it at the expense of nature resources. In the protected areas, saigas are brutally destroyed.

The reader wants to find answers to many questions. Does the main of them are special actions of a person and nature? And it turns out that most often incompatible. What could be a tragic than such an answer, because the man is the child of nature.

In the novel "Floh" nature personifies the family of wolves. Wolves - free, powerful animals. Amazes the image of the Akbary's Wolf with transparently - blue Divine eyes. It is so beautiful, according to Aitmatov, should be in us nature. While the touch of Akbara with the world of people is not broken, it can sorry a naked, defenseless person. But the person interferes with the fragile harmony of nature: suits the slaughter. During the hunting of saigas kills, burns, kidnaps wagins. Losing three broods

wolves begin to revenge man. One day, a child meets the child: "She looked at the kid, having wrapped around the tail." From this phrase, heat becomes in the soul. For Akbara, as for any mother, children are the meaning of life. But the Wolf carries the child, and the tragic shot, which is buring both lives.

Boston family tragedy is equivalent to the tragedy of the wolves family. Describing the death of a big-headed wolfone during the execution and death of Boston's son, the writer addresses to one image: the world loses sounds. And Boston's wife, mourning his son, "... fell to the headboard and overwhelmed the way at night akbar."

In each line of the novel, the writer breathed a particle of his soul. His civil position It suggests that he cannot remain indifferent, anticipating disasters, the suffering of mankind, busy self-destruction. Drawing the global opposition of man and nature, Aitmatov calls for conscience, good and responsibility of everyone. "Floa" sounds a tragic warning: if a person destroys nature, he will lead a death sentence.

The problem "Man and Nature" - moral. Because the attitude of a person to nature can be considered the criterion of humanity. She grows into the problem of conscience as one of the qualities distinguished by a person from everything else in the world.

The problem is "Man and Nature" and social. Because it is very important who will be on the land owner, in whose hands will fall natural resources. Will these hands belong to people leaning, hardworking and diligent. And whether it will bloom the land of native

Revealing these aspects of the problem, literature helps to defend not only the best in life, but also life itself, gives recipes harmonious relationship man and nature.

To finish the writing, I want the words of the Ural writer Nikolai Nikonov, because I have nothing to add to him:

"Forest and city. City and forest. Human celebration and nature celebration. Who knows how long they will be considered unequal and almost enemies since then, when a born in the forest, a bidded creature raised his paw on him with

stone-cut and the first tree with a moan fellow to his feet. Who knows how much the offensive of mankind will continue to have a housing from the century, she dressed, she kept, worn, gave breathe and live .... "

Silent, thinking, and I,
Creative view of contemplating
Sinister festival of being,
Missing appearance native region.
N. Rubtsov
One of the problems that was worried and, obviously, would be worried about humanity throughout the centuries of its existence, is the problem of human and nature relationships. The finest lirik and the beautiful connoisseur of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet so formulated it in mid XIX. A century: "Only a person, and only he is alone in all the universe, feeling the need to ask what kind of nature surrounding him? Where did it all? What is he himself? Where? Where to? What for? And the higher the person than the most powerful of his moral nature, the sincere the these questions arise in it. "
That man and nature are connected by inseparable threads, wrote and spoke in the last century all our classics, and philosophers end XIX. - The beginning of the 20th century even established the connection between national Character and the lifestyle of the Russian man, nature, among which he lives.
Evgeny Bazarov, whose mouth Turgenev expressed the idea of \u200b\u200ba certain part of society that "Nature is not a temple, and the workshop, and the person in it is a worker," and Dr. Asters, one of the heroes of the play Chekhov "Uncle Vanya", planting and growing forests thinking About how beautiful our land is - here are two poles in the formulation and solving the problem of "Man and Nature".
Perishing the Aral Sea and Chernobyl, polluted Baikal and drying rivers, advancing the fertile lands of the desert and terrible diseases, appeared only in the 20th century, is just a few "fruits" of human hands. And such as asters, too little to stop the destroying activity of people.
Anxiously sounded the voices of Troypolsky and Vasilyeva, Aitmatov and Astafieva, Rasputin and Abramov and many, many others. And in Russian literature, sinister images of "Arkharhtsev", "poaitry", "tourists-transistor-flaps", which "have become subject to impressive expanses". "On the expanses", they are so frolic in that behind them, as after Mamaeva, the troops - burned forests, a ridden shore, dirty from explosives and fishes. " These people have lost contact with the Earth on which they were born and grew.
The voice of the Siberian Writer Valentina Rasputin in the story "Fire" sounds angrily and pouchingly against the people who do not remember his kinship, their roots, the source of life. Fire as retribution, glory, like burning fire destroying on skouring hand Built housing: "Forest-industrial warehouses in the village of Sosnovka are burning." The story, according to the writer, created as a continuation of the "farewell to the mother," speaks of the fate of those who ... betrayed their land, nature, the very human essence. The beautiful island is destroyed and flooded, since in his place there should be a reservoir, everything is left: houses, gardens, unlucky harvest, even the graves - the sacred place for the Russian man. Upon specifying the authorities, everything should be burned. But nature opposes a person. Like crosses, sticking from the water of the burnt skeletons of trees. Matera dies, but the souls of people are dyed, spiritual values \u200b\u200bare lost, which remained in centuries. And still alone successors of the topic of Chekhov's doctor Astrova Ivan Petrovich Petrov from the story "Fire" and the old woman Daria from "Farewell to the Materia". Her words are not heard: "This earth is one belongs to you? This land is all belonging to who before us was and who will come after us. "
The tonality of the topic of man and nature in the literature changes dramatically: from the problem spiritual impoverish It turns into the problem of the physical destruction of nature and man. That is how the voice of the Kyrgyz writer Chingiza Aitmatova sounds. The author considers this topic globally, in a universal scale, showing the tragity of the rupture of human relationships with nature, connecting modernity with the past and the future.
Restraining and selling protected wood Oozquil turns into a bomb-like being rejecting the folk morality and removed from the life of Sabijan's relatives relatives to him, revealed himself to the big city boss, exhibits worn and disrespect for the deceased father, objects against his funeral on the Baby Cemetery of Ana-Bate - this "Heroes" of the novel "Brons of the Film".
In "Floa" to the limit pointed a conflict between nature and "dark forces", and in the camp positive heroes Wolves turn out to be. The name of the Wolf, losing the fault of the people one brood after another, - Akbara, which means "the Great", and her eyes are characterized by the same words as the eyes of Jesus, the legend about which Aitmatov did part of novel. Huge wolf is not a threat to man. She is defenseless in front of racing trucks, helicopters, rifles.
Nature defenseless, she needs our help. But as sometimes it's a shame for a person who turns away, forgets about it, everything is good and light, which is only in her depths, and is looking for his happiness in false and empty. How often we do not listen, do not want to hear the signals that she without tired sends us.
I want to complete my reflections to complete the words from the story of Viktor Astafieva "Falling sheet": "While the sheet fell; While he reached the earth, lay down on her, how much was born and died on the ground of people? How many joys happened, love, grief, trouble? How many tears and blood shed? How many feats and betrayal happened? How to comprehend all this?

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Man and Nature in Russian Literature

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Topic: "Man and Nature in the works of literature." Completed: 9th grade student Sorvachev Igor Head: Teacher of Russian Language and Literature Timmin O.V.

"Love the nature means to love the Motherland" (M. Pryshvin) "A man, shooting in nature, falls into himself" (Ch. Atmatov) "Not that Manty You, Nature: Not Sleeping, not a soulless face - there is The soul, there is freedom in it, there is love in it, there is a language in it. " (F. Tyutchev)

Literature always reacted sensitively to all changes occurring in nature and the surrounding world. Poisoned air, river, land - all pray for help, protection. From decision environmental problem Our future depends on our children. This problem is devoted to a number of works such famous writersAs Chingiz Aitmatov, Valentin Rasputin, Victor Astafiev and others.

In the work of the "king fish" Astafyev as he asks you: Do you use the right thing that you are given, do you not waste the wealth of this wealth? The truth written here will clarify memory and thoughts and makes it look at the world with other eyes.

The laws of human relations are not amenable to mathematical calculations, and in this sense the Earth rotates, as a carousel of bloody drama ... Ch. Aitmatov.

Roman Ch. Aytmatova "Plach" is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe contradictory of human nature. On the one hand, a person submits himself and uses nature, consuming it through the fruits of its activities, and on the other hand, destroys its transformations. Thus, the world of nature turns into the human world. The relationship of kinship, harmony should be established between them, but in fact - the opposite is the opposite. About this and says Genghiz Aitmatov. The disharmony leads to the tragedy, leads human race on the fell!

In the center of the novel, the conflict of man and a couple of wolves who have lost their cubs through the fault of a person. "Flah" is a novel-cry, a novel written by blood, this is a desperate appeal facing each.

The problem of ecology is most disclosed through the description of the life of the Wolves family. Their perception of the world author brings to the human, making their thoughts and experiences clear and close to us. In the Syan shooting stage, people seem simply monsters who do not know pity for living beings. Running together with saigas wolves are seen more noble and even more kind people. Grip live nature, man will destroy and herself. All problems of humanity are born on the lack of moral principle in humans. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to strive to evoke compassion and love, honesty and disinterestedness, kindness and understanding in people. All this tried to awaken in the people of Avdiy Kallistratov, all we should strive for this, if we don't want to be on the "Floa".

In the story V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera" is depicted concrete life situation (Flooding of the island village due to the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The resettlement of people to new lands is acquires a generalized-symbolic meaning. On the fate of the Motherland, the whole land, a certain model of which is Matyor, thinks a writer with anxiety. No wonder so many associations with the word Mattera arises: Mainland (Earth Tver), Mother Cheese Earth, Mother, Mother (Healthy, Strong) Folk Lifestyle. "This is a work on world Team, - believes D.S. Likhachev, because the topic of attitude towards native places is interested in all all over the world. "

In the story V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera" depicts a specific life situation (flooding of the island village due to the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The resettlement of people to new lands is acquires a generalized-symbolic meaning. On the fate of the Motherland, the whole land, which is a certain model of which and is the Writer with alarming, . No wonder there is so many associations with the word Mattera: Mainland (earthly hard), mother-cheese Earth, Mother, Mother (Healthy, Strong) Popular Lifestyle. "This is a work on the world theme," said D.S. Likhachev, because the topic Relationships to native places are interested in all all over the world. "Rasputin makes readers look back on themselves, remember which matters each of us.

The question of attitude towards nature, to native places is the question of attitude to the Motherland. American scientist Barry Commoner formulated four laws of ecology: "Everything is connected, everything should go somewhere, everything is worth something, nature knows it better than us"

What whispers the park ... about every new fresh stump, about the branch, broken aimlessly, long-haired soul. And so tragic hurt me. The fleet of the park, radiates the wilderness, they strongly have a bush ... He was once the forests thick, and in the mirrors of the autumn puddle, he reflected the giant ... But they came on two legs of animals - and the ax of the valleys, the ax spread his worshi wave. I hear how, attentive a murderous ax, the park whispers: "Soon I will not ... But I lived - I was time ..." Igor Northernik Do not ruin the bird nests, do not kill the ptasha small to come back the singing stroke, in spring The song did not have a wiggle. You are the lord of the man! Let your rifle mischief, let the blood in the snow, let him leave the banks from the banks. Nature asks: "Stepping!" The cruelty is fraught, think about what ahead? Do not avoid me back. She knows how to forgive everything, brushes a tear of the hand of aspen. Do not make her suffer, she is a mother - so be her son. Alena Kolokolnikova

People, look around! Like nature is truly beautiful! She needs taking your hands to make her beauty not to Gasla. B. Labinin

Not that manty you nature,
Not blind, not a soulless face.
There is a soul in it, there is freedom in it,
It has a literal language.
Literature always reacted sensitively to all changes occurring in nature and the surrounding world. Poisoned air, river, land all pray for help, protection. Our complex and contradictory time gave rise to great amount Problems: Economic, moral and others, but, in the opinion of many, an environmental problem occupies an important place among them.

Our future and the future of our children depends on its solution. There is an ecological state of a century ambient. Many areas of our country have long been unfavorable: destroyed by Aral, who could not save, Volga, poisoned by the drains of industrial enterprises, infected with the radiation of Chernobyl and many others. Who is guilty? A number of works of such famous writers like Chingiz Aitmatov, Valentin Rasputin, Victor Astafiev, Sergey Zaligin and others are devoted to this problem. Can not leave the indifferent reader Roman Chingiza Aitmatova "Floch". The author allowed himself to speak in the most painful, topical issues of modernity. This is a novel written by blood, this is a desperate appeal to each.

In the center of "Flows", a person's conflict and a couple of wolves who have lost their young man in the fault of man. The novel begins the theme of wolves, developing the death of Savannah. Due to human fault natural environment habitat wolves. Akbar's wolf after the death of his brood occurs with a man one on one, she
Strong, and a man is rejected, but the Wolf does not consider it necessary to kill him, she only leaves him from new things. And in this we see the Eternal Law of Nature: not to cause evil to each other, living in unity. But the second brood of the Volchat dies during the development of the lake, and again we see the same lowness. human soul. No one worries the uniqueness of the lake and its inhabitants, because the profit, native for many is most important. And again the infinite Mother of Mother of Mother of the Wolf, she has no place to find shelter from the monstering flame mahin. The last refuge of the wolves of the mountain, but also here they do not find soothe. There is a fracture in the minds of Akbary, because the evil should be punished.

In her sprawling, the feeling of revenge, but morally Akbar above the person is settled in her soul. Saving a human child, the creature is clean, not yet touched by dirt of surrounding reality, Akbara shows generosity, asking people causing evil. Wolves are not only opposed to a person, they are thinking, endowed with nobility, that high moral force, which is deprived of
people. Animals good manBecause they take from nature only what is necessary for their existence, and the person is tough not only to nature, but also to the animal world.

Without a sense of regret, meat harvesters are shot into the focus of defenseless saigas, hundreds of animals die, a crime against nature is committed. In the story of "Floa", a wolf and a child die together, and their blood is mixed, proving the unity of all living things, despite all the existing imbalances. A man, armed with equipment, often does not think about what consequences for society and future generations will have it. The destruction of nature is inevitably combined with the destruction of the whole human in people.

Literature teaches that animal cruelty and nature turns around for the person of a serious danger to his physical and moral health. The story of Nikonov "on the wolves", she talks about Egele, a person, by profession, designed to protect all the living, actually moral freak, which causes irreparable harm. Having experienced a burning pain for the dying nature, modern literature acts as her defender. A large social response caused a story Vasilyev "Do not shoot in white swans." For Lesnik, Egor Polushkin Swans, whom he settled on a black lake, is a symbol of pure, high and beautiful.

In the story of Rasputin "Farewell to Materia" the theme of extinction of the villages rises. Grandma daria main character, heavier than everyone accepts the news that the Matera village of Matera, where she was born, lives his last spring. A dam is built on the hangar, and the village will be flooded. And here, the grandmother Daria, who worked for half a century, honestly and selflessly, almost not received anything for his work, suddenly resists, defending his old hut, his matter, where her great-grandfather and grandfather lived, where everybody not only her, but her ancestors. He regretted the village and the son of Pavel, who says that it does not hurt to lose her only to someone who "did not watered every furrow."

Paul is understandable and today's truth, he understands that the dam is needed, but cannot accept this truth grandmother Daria, because they will flood the graves, and this is a memory. She is sure that "the truth in memory, who has no memory in that has no life."
Daria flashes on the cemetery at the graves of his ancestors, asks them for forgiveness. Scene Farewell to Darya on the cemetery cannot but touch the reader. Building new villagebut there is no rod that rustic life, the strength that the peasant is gained from childhood, communicating with nature. Against the barbarian destruction of forests, animals and in general nature from the pages of printing constantly sounds of writers who seek to awaken in the readers responsibility for the future. The question of attitude towards nature, to native places is the question of attitude to homeland.

There are four laws of ecology that formulated more than twenty years ago american scientist Barry Commoner: "Everything is interconnected, everything should go somewhere, everything worth it, nature knows it better than us." These rules fully reflect the essence of the economic approach to life, but, unfortunately, they are not taken into account. But, it seems to me if all the people of the Earth thought about their future, they could change the world's arguing environmentally dangerous situation. All in our hands!

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Man and Nature in modern literature

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