Genres of folklore calendar family. Basic folklore genres

Genres of folklore calendar family. Basic folklore genres
Genres of folklore calendar family. Basic folklore genres

Researchers of literature allocate certain varieties or types folk creativity. Folklore subdivided by different signsBut most often allocated the following species groups:

Labor Songs
This is a kind of song genre, the main sign of which is mandatory support labor activity. This kind of folklore is the method of organizing a collective, general workflow. Her goal is to ask a rhythm with a simple motive and words.

Calendar Folklore
The foundation for the formation of steel ritual traditions of the calendar year. The lifestyle of the peasant who works "on earth", largely depended on the weather conditions. This is breeding a large number of Different rites designed to attract good luck, well-being, good harvest, etc. The most famous and important holidays were Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Baptism and Trinity. Each holiday necessarily accompanied songs, shallows, conspiracies and special rituals.

Wedding folk creativity
Wedding folklore implies, above all, songs that sang in the three main rites: walling, farewell to parents with the bride and on the main holiday.

Not ritual folklore
This includes all varieties of small genres of oral folk art (a chastushka, spoering, etc.). But this approach is ambiguous. For example, some varieties refer to children's folk art: Pestushki, lullabies, riddles, sweatshirts, teasers, etc.

Oral prose
It implies such varieties of Russian folk art as legends, legends, visuals - a short retelling of real events, whose feature is that the narrator was not a witness to what happened.

Song Epos (heroic)
This is a very ancient form of oral folk creativity, telling about any happened events in the form of a song. The epics are an ancient song that you need to tell solemnly and leisurely.

Artistic creativity
This block includes epic and song genres created in the style of folk, artistic creativity. The most famous of them is a fairy tale.

Folklore Theater.
Presentations on the streets were very popular among the population of the old Russia. Verp - View dramatic workdesigned for ideas in the street puppet theater. Rajak is a view of the picture view, which was carried out using the device in the shape of a box with each other with each other. The submission was accompanied by oral stories.
Thus, you can see how popular people art culture, it includes different kinds (from the song folklore to the folk theater), as well as genres (from songs and chastushki to legends, epic, fairy tales, etc.).
At the same time, the forms of folk art have always been associated with each other: the songs were accompanied by dancing and rounds, and art Reflected the thinking and world population.

(Poiché Quanto Sotto RiPortato è Parte Della Mia Tesi Di Laurea Magistrale, Se Desiderate Copiare Il Testo VI Prego Di Citare Sempre La Fonte E L'AUTORE (Margherita Sanguineti). Grazie.)

Folk genres are also distinguished by the method of execution and various combination Texts with melody, intonation, movements (singing, singing and dance, told, playback, etc.).

Changes in B. social Life Societies in Russian folklore have also arose new genres: Soldier, Yamchichsky, Burlats songs. The growth of industry and cities caused romances, jokes, working, school and student folklore to life.

Genres exist in folklore productiveIn the depths of which new works may appear. Now these are chastushki, sayings, urban songs, jokes, many species children's folklore. There are genres unproductiveBut continuing your existence. So, new folk fairy tales does not appear, but the old are still told. Sing and many old songs sing. But there are almost no historical songs in the lively execution.

Depending on the stage of development, the folklore is made to divide on rannetoradic folklore, classical Folklore I. lamedditionalfolklore. Each group belongs special genresTypical for this stage of development of folk art.

Rannetraditing folklore

1. Labor Songs.

These songs are known for all peoples that were performed during labor processes (when raising gravity, plowing the field, handling of grain and so on.).

Such songs could be executed during single work, but they were especially important when working together, as they contained teams to simultaneously.

Their main element was a rhythm organized by the labor process.

2. Fortune telling and conspiracy.

Dusting is a means of recognizing the future. To recognize the future, followed unclean power So the fortune telling was realized as a sinning and dangerous occupation.

For gadas, places were elected, where, on the presentation of the people, it was possible to come into contact with the inhabitants of the "other world", as well as the time of day, in which this contact was the most likely.

At the heart of the gadas lay a reception of interpretation of "signs": accidentally heard words, reflections in water, animal behavior, etc. To obtain these "signs", the actions were made in which items, animals, plants were used. Sometimes actions were accompanied by verbal formulas.

Classic folklore

1. Ritals and ritual folklore

The ritual folklore was verbal and musical, dramatic, game and choreographic genres.

The rites had ritual magic significance, contained the rules of human behavior in everyday life and work. They are customary to share for labor and family.

1.1 Labor rites: calendar rites

The observations of the ancient Slavs over the Schorteur and the changes associated with it in nature were in the system of mythological beliefs and practical skills attached to rites, signs, proverbs.

Gradually, rites formed an annual cycle, and the most important holidays were timed to the winter and summer solstice.

There are winter, spring, summer and autumn rites.

1.2. Family rites

Unlike calendar rites, family rituals hero - a real man. The rituals accompanied many events of his life, among whom were the most important birth, marriage and death.

The most developed was a wedding rite, he had its own characteristics and laws, his mythology and its poetry.

1.3. Laying

it ancient genre Folklore, genetically associated with funeral ritual. The object of the attraction is tragic in life, so the lyrical beginning is strongly expressed in them, the melody is expressed weakly and in the content of the text it was possible to find many exclamation and interconnecting structures, synonymous repetitions, unity, etc.

2. Small genres of folklore. Parema.

Small folk genres include works that differ in genre suppliesBut having a general external sign - a small volume.

Small genres of folklore prose, or paremia, very diverse: proverbs, sayings, signs, riddles, additives, dings, patters, calabura, prosperity, curses, and so on.

3. Fairy tales(see § 2.)

3.1. Fairy tales about animals

3.2. Magic fairy tales

3.3. Household fairy tales

3.3.1. Anecdotal fairy tales

3.3.2. Novelistic fairy tales

4. Non-sucking prose

Incoming prose has a different, rather than fairy tales, modality: its works are confined to real time, real locality, real persons. For non-surrender prose is characteristic of the stream ordinary speech, lack of special genre and style canons. In very the general sense It can be said that its works are peculiar stylistic form Epic narration of reliable.

The most stable component is a character around which the rest of the material is combined.

An important sign of non-sucking prose is a plot. Usually, the plots are embryonic (single one), but can be transmitted both compressed and in detail.

Works of non-bargaining prose are capable of contamination.

Belongs to non-surrender prose the following genres: legends, legends and demonological stories.

5. Epics

There are epic songs in which the heroic events or individual episodes of ancient Russian history.

As in magic fairy talesThe mythological images of enemies appear in the eponymies, the character reincarnation occurs, animals help heroes.

Epics have a heroic or novelistic character: idea heroic epic - the glorification of the unity and independence of the Russian Earth, in the novelist epics glorified sophisticated loyalty, True friendship, condemned personal defects (boasting, arrogance).

6. Historical songs

Historical songs are folk epic, limier and lyrical songs, the content of which is devoted to specific events and real persons of Russian history and expresses national interests and ideals of the people.

7. Ballet

Folk ballads are limier songs about tragic event. Ballades are peculiar to personal, family-household topics. In the center of ballads are located moral problems: Love and hatred, loyalty and treason, crime and repentance.

8. Spiritual poems

Spiritual poems - songs of religious content.

The main sign of spiritual poems is to oppose the whole Christian - worldly.

Spiritual poems are heterogeneous. In oral existence, they interacted with epics, historical songs, ballads, lyrical songs, due.

9. Lyrical outcompass songs

In the folk lyrics, the word and melody are inseparable. The main purpose of the songs is to disclose the globility of the people by direct expressing his feelings, thoughts and moods.

These songs expressed the characteristic experiences of the Russian man in different life situations.

10. Folk theater.

The folk theater is the traditional dramatic creativity of the people.

Specific features of the folk theater are the lack of a scene, the separation of performers and the audience, the action as a form of display of reality, reincarnation of the artist in a different objective image, the aesthetic orientation of the presentation.

Pieces often spread in writing, pre-rehearsed, which did not exclude improvisation.

TO folklore Theater. Belong: Balagans, Mobile Pattern Theater (Rajak), People's puppet show and folk dramas.

11. Children's folklore.

Children's folklore is a specific area of \u200b\u200boral artistic creativity, having, unlike folklore adults, his poetics, its forms of existence and their carriers.

General, Generic Sign of Children's Folklore - Calculation artistic text with game.

The works of children's folklore are performed by adults for children (Maternal folklore) and children themselves (actually children's folklore)

Late-based folklore

The lateral folklore is a combination of works of different genres and various directions created in the peasant, urban, soldier, working and other environment since the start of development of industry, the growth of cities, the decay of the feudal village.

For late-formative folklore, a smaller number of works and as a whole is a less high artistic level compared to the classic folklore.

1. Chastushki.

A chastushka is a short rhythm folk song that is executed in fast Tempe on a certain melody.

The theme of the chastushki is diverse. Most of them are devoted to love and family-household topics. But often they are reflected in them modern life People, those changes that occur in the country are contained by sharp political hints. For a chastushka, a smart attitude towards its heroes, irony, and sometimes the sharp satire is characterized.

2. Folklore workers

Worker folklore - oral folk workswhich were created in a working environment or assimilated by it and processed so much that they began to reflect the spiritual requests of this particular environment.

Unlike a chastushka, the workers folklore did not turn into a national, communional phenomenon. His characteristic feature - locality, closedness within a particular industrial area. For example, workers factories, plants and mines Petrozavodsk, Donbass, Urals, Altai and Siberia almost did not know oral works each other.

In folklore, the workers prevailed song genres. The songs depicted heavy working conditions and the life of a simple worker who contrastedly opposed the idle life of oppressors - owners of enterprises, supervisors.

The form of a song is monologues-complaints.

3. Folklore period Great Patriotic War.

The folklore of the Great Patriotic War period is works of various genres: songs, prose, aphoristic. They were created by the participants in the events and battles, workers of factories and factories, collective farm fields, partisans, etc.

These works reflect the life and struggle of the peoples of the USSR, the heroism of the defenders of the country, faith in victory, the joy of victory, loyalty to love and love treason.

In our work, we will dwell on the folklore classical fairy tale genre.

Unnexted oral folk creativity. It was created for centuries, there are many types of its varieties. Translated by S. of English language "Folklore" is " national meaning, wisdom ". That is, oral folk creativity - everything that is created by the spiritual culture of the population for the century historical life his.

Features of Russian folklore

If you carefully read the works of Russian folklore, it can be noted that it actually reflects a lot: and the game of fantasies of the people, and the history of the country, and laughter, and serious Duma about the human life. Listening to the songs and fairy tales of the ancestors, people thought about the many difficult questions of their family, social and labor life, reflected how to fight for happiness, improve their lives, which should be a person to make fun and porous.

Varieties of folklore

Varieties of folklore include fairy tales, epics, songs, proverbs, riddles, calendar chorus, the grade, sayings - everything that was repeated, passed from generation to generation. At the same time, the performers made often in the favorite text of something, changing individual details, images, expressions, imperceptibly improving and honing the work.

Oral folk creativity for the most part exists in the poetic (poems) form, since it was she allowed to memorize and transmit these works from the mouth for centuries.


The song is a special verbal musical genre. It is a small volume lyrical-narrative or lyrical workwhich was created specifically for singing. The types are as follows: lyrical, dance, ritual, historical. Expressed B. folk songs Feelings of one person, but at the same time a variety of people. They found a reflection of love experiences, social events and family lifeReflections on hard fate. In folk songs, the so-called submission of parallelism is often used when they are transferred to the nature of the mood of this lyrical hero.

Historical songs are devoted to various famous personalities and events: the conquest of Siberia Yermak, the rebellion of Stepan Razin, peasant War Under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev, the battle of Poltava with the Swedes and others. The narration in historical folk songs about some events is combined with the emotional sound of these works.


The term "epic" was introduced by I. P. Sakharov in the 19th century. It is an oral folk creativity in the form of a song, heroic, epic character. There were epics in the 9th century, it was an expression of the historical consciousness of the people of our country. Bogatyri - the main characters of this kind of folklore. They embody the people's ideal of courage, strength, patriotism. Examples of the Bogatyurians, whom the works of oral folk art were depicted: Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Mikula Selyaninovich, Alyosha Popovich, as well as a merchant Sadko, Giant Svyatogor, Vasily Buslaev and others. Life foundation, while enriched with some fantastic fiction, constitutes the plot of these works. In them, heroes alone overpowers whole hordes of enemies, fighting with monsters, overcome instantly huge distances. It is very interesting this oral folk creativity.

Fairy tales

We need to distinguish from fairy tales. These works of oral folk art are based on invented events. Fairy tales can be magical (in which fantastic forces are involved), as well as household, where people are depicted - soldiers, peasants, kings, workers, princesses and princes - in a daily atmosphere. From other works, this type of folklore is distinguished by an optimistic plot: it always triumphs over evil, and the latter or tolerate defeat, or ridicule.


We continue to describe genres of oral folk creativity. Legend, unlike a fairy tale, is a folk oral story. The basis of it is an incredible event, fantastic image, a miracle that is perceived by a listener or a storytellor as reliable. There are legends on the origin of the peoples, countries, seas, the suffering and exploits of fictional or actually existed heroes.


Oral folk creativity is represented by many riddles. They are an allegoric image of a certain object, usually based on a metaphorical convergence with it. The riddles in volume are very small, have a certain rhythmic structure, often underlined by the presence of rhymes. They are created in order to develop intelligence, guess. Riddles are diverse in content and subject. There may be several of their options about the same phenomenon, an animal, subject, each of which from a certain side characterizes it.

Proverbs and sayings

Genres of oral folk creativity also include sayings and proverbs. The proverb is rhythmically organized, brief, figurative saying, aphoristic folk statement. It usually has a two-part structure, which is supported by rhythm, rhythm, alliterations and associations.

The saying is a figurative expression that evaluates some phenomenon of life. She, unlike the proverb, is not a whole proposal, but only a part of the statement, which is in oral folk creativity.

Proverbs, sayings and riddles are included in the so-called small genres of folklore. What is it? In addition to the above species, it includes other oral folk creativity. Types of small genres complement the following: Lullabous songs, Pestushki, Pestech, Supports, game chorus, sharing, sentences, riddles. Let's stop a little more on each of them.

Lullabous songs

Small genres of oral folk creativity include lullaby songs. In the people they are called bikes. The name did this happen from the verb "Bat" ("Bailat") - "talk". This word It has the following ancient value: "Tap, whisper". Lullaby songs got this name is no coincidence: the oldest of them have a direct relation to the conspiracy poetry. Fighting with a dream, for example, the peasants said: "Dundushka, get away from me."

Pottushki and fun

Russian oral folk creativity also represent the pests and functions. In their center there is an image of the younger child. The name "Pestus" comes from the word "to dream", that is, "go for someone, raise, nursing, wearing in your hands to raise." They are short sentences that in the first months of the baby's life comment on his movements.

You are unnoticed by the Pests go to the fun - the songs accompanying the Games of the baby with the fingers of the legs and the handles. It is very diverse this oral folk creativity. Examples of drills: "Forty", "Ladushka". They often have a "lesson", instruction. For example, in the "forty" Beloboka all fed a porridge, except for one lazy, albeit the smallest (it corresponds to the little finger).


In the first years of the life of children, nanny and mother sang songs already more complex content that are not related to the game. All of them can be denoted by a single term "add-on". By content they resemble small fairy tales in verse. For example, about the rooster - a gold scallop, flying on a Kulikovo field for oats; About chicken in a row, which "peas of Lesales" and "millet sowed".

In addition, as a rule, a picture of some bright event is given, or it depicts some rapid effect that corresponds to the active nature of the kid. They are noticeable to the plot, but the child for long-term attention is not capable, so they are limited to only one episode.

Sentences, Slashki

We continue to consider oral folk creativity. Its species are complemented by shafts and sentences. Children on the street are very early to study in the peers in various shallows, which are an appeal to birds, rain, rainbow, the sun. Datvora at the case shouting the name of the word in the case. In addition to the chain, in the peasant family, any child knew sentences. They are most often pronounced one by one. Sentences - appeal to the mouse, small bugs, snail. It may be imitued with various bird voices. The verbal sentences and songs are filled with faith in the strength of water, sky, land (then beneficial, then destructive). Their pronunciation acquired to work and the lives of adult peasant children. Sentences and shakes are combined into a special department called "Calendar Children's Folklore". The term emphasizes the existing link between them and the time of the year, the holiday, weather, all the life and building of the village's life.

Game sentences and chorus

Genres of works of oral folk creativity include game sentences and chorus. They are no less than ancient than shafts and sentences. They or associate parts of some game, or begin it. They can also perform the role of the ending, determine the consequences that exist when violating conditions.

Amazed games similarity with serious peasant activities: harvest, hunting, sowing flax. Reproduction of these cases in a strict sequence using multiple repetitions made it possible to instill with early years Child respect to customs and existing order, teach the rules of behavior adopted in society. Game names - "Bear Bor", "Wolf and Geese", "Korshun", "Wolf and Sheep" - talk about communication with life and life of the rural population.


In folk epics, fairy tales, legends, songs live no less exciting colorful images than in artwork Classic authors. A peculiar and surprisingly accurate rhymes and sounds, bizarre, beautiful poetic rhythms - as if lace woven in texts of chastushki, flows, booms, riddles. And what bright poetic comparisons we can find in lyrical songs! All this could create only the people - great master the words.

These are small folklore works. Some works are found to define children's folkloreSince such folk products enter into life a person very early, long before the speech mastering.

Pestushka (From the word to park, that is, nursing, holy) - a short poetic verse nyanyushki and mothers, as they accompany the actions of the child, which he performs at the very beginning of his life. For example, when the child is wanted, the mother strokes, caresses him, saying:

Potoigunyushki, strikes,
Acupus a lot
And in the pens Fatanyushki,
And in the rotary speakers,
And in the head is easy.

When a child begins to learn to walk, say:

Big feet
Walked on the road:
Top, top, top,
Top, top, top.
Little legs
Ran along the track:
Top, top, top, top,
Top, Top, Top, Top!

Pestech - Element of pedagogy, a sign-sentence, accompanying a game with fingers, hands and legs of a child. Pestees, like the Pestushki, accompany the development of children. Small poxes and songs allow encourage the child to action at the same time producing massage, physical exercises, stimulating motor reflexes. In this genre of children's folklore, incentives are laid for the fiction of the plot with the help of fingers ( finger games or ladies), hands, facial expressions. Help helps to instill a guy's skills, order, develop small motor and emotional sphere .



Forty-crow (leading finger by palm)
Kids gave.
(Finger flex)
This gave
This gave
This gave
This gave
And this did not give:
- Why didn't the firewood saw?
- Why didn't you wear the water?

« » (on shock syllables clap your hands)

Ladushka-ladies, where were there? By Grandma!
And what ate? Pitch!
And what drank? Major!
Casya Maslenka!
Braza Sweet!
(Baby Doblenka!)
Poured, filed, sh-y, y, ...
Shuuuuu !!! (Home) flew!
On the head sat down! ("Ladushki" sank)
Sat down
Further (home) flew !!!

Support (from fire, that is, tell) - poetic, short, a funny storythat Mom tells his child, for example:

Owl, Sovinka, Owl,
Big head,
At Kola sat,
On the sides looked
Head spit.

We will pass something.

Road spoon to dinner.
Wolf fear-forest does not walk.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Without difficult, do not pull out the fish out of the pond.
Fear has big eyes.
The eyes are afraid, and the hands do.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
Not needed treasure, if in the family of the way.
Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
I would know where you fall - straws would unstill.
Mildly stele, yes to sleep hard.
Motherland is a mother, able to stand up for her.
Seven one is not waiting.
For two hares, you will not catch one.
The bee is small, but it works.
Bread all over the head.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

    comestic. As a rule, these games were played in the evening and gatherings (they usually ended with a kiss of young guy and girls);

    ritual. Such games were peculiar to some kind of rite, holiday. For example, maslenic walking (characteristic fun: removal of the prize from the top of the pillar, tugging the rope, agility competition, strength);

    seasonal . Especially distributed among children, especially in winter time. They played the so-called "warming up": the presenter shows any movements, and everyone else repeat. Either traditional "prorts" and " ».

An example of a kiss game:

The spleen duck shared
Young sulfur vydy
Go, duck, home,
Go, gray, home,
Ulya seven children
And the eighth spleen,
And the ninth itself,
Kiss time!

In this game, "Duck" became in the center of the circle, and the "spleen" outside, and played like the game " " At the same time, standing in the dance tried not to let the "spleen" in the circle.

Slashki - One of the types of casual songs of pagan origin. They reflect the interests and presentation of peasants about the economy and family. For example, a rich harvest spell passes through all calendar songs; For yourself, children and adults asked for health, happiness, wealth.

The shafts are an appeal to the sun, rainbow, rain and other nature phenomena, as well as to animals and especially often to birds that were considered spring messengers. Moreover, the forces of nature were worshiped as alive: in the spring, they are requested, they wish her early arrival, they complain to winter, complain.

Forky, Forky!
Fly to us
Bring us summer warm
Carry from us cold cold.
Us cold winter Supervised
Hands, legs frosted.

Belonging - A small rhyme, the shape of the draw, with which they define who leads in the game. The belch is an element of the game that helps to establish consent and respect for adopted rules. The organization of readers is very important.

Ati Bati, soldiers went,
Ati Bati, to the bazaar.
Ati-Bata, what did you buy?
Ati Bati, Samovar.
Aty-Bata, how much does it cost?
ATA-BATH, three rubles
Aty-Bata, what?
Aty-Bata, Golden.
Ati Bati, soldiers went,
Ati Bati, to the bazaar.
Ati-Bata, what did you buy?
Ati Bati, Samovar.
Aty-Bata, how much does it cost?
Ati-Bata, three rubles.
Aty-Bata, who comes out?
ATA-BATH, this is me!

Patter - Phrase, built on a combination of sounds, impede the rapid pronunciation of words. Species are also called " "As they contribute and can be used to develop diction. Species are like rhymed and unimposed.

Greek rode across the river.
Sees Greek: in the river Cancer,
Greek turned his hand into the river -
Cancer for the hand of Greek - DAC!

Bull stupogub, a stupid bull, the bull of Guba Bela was Tup.

From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field.

Mystery, like the proverb, is a brief definition of the subject or phenomenon, but in contrast to the proverb, it gives this definition in an allegorical, deliberately darkened form. As a rule, in the riddle one item is described through another on the basis of similar features: "Pear hangs - it is impossible to eat" (lamp). The riddle may be a simple description of the subject, for example: "Two ends, two rings, and in the middle of the carnations" (scissors). This is I. folk fun, and test on the smelling, intelligence.

The role of mysteries and booms were played and unprecedented-overwhelms, which for adults appear as nonlapitsa, for children - funny stories About what does not happen, for example:

Because of the forest, Grandfather Egor rides from the mountains. He is on a svoy on the cart, on the creaking at a horse, a strain of subjected, the belt behind the belt will shut up, the boots of the lap, on the boss, Zipun.
In pre-school pedagogy there are many methods and techniques for the influence of children, the choice of which depends on the specific situation. Sometimes caregivers acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience (in print during viewing open classes, games) reveal new tricks of manual and design game zones and mechanically transfer them to their work without receiving desired result. Methodical techniques bring the result in cases where the educator applies them systemically, takes into account the general trends mental Development Children, the patterns of formulated activities, if the teacher knows well and feels every child. Human acquaintance with works of art, with the best samples of oral folk creativity should begin from the first years of his life, since the period of early and preschool childhood is a determining stage in the development of the human person. Age up to five years - the richest child's ability to quickly and greets the world, absorb great amount impressions. It was during this period that children with astounding speed and activity begin to adopt the norms of the behavior of others, and most importantly - to master the means of human communication - speech. The most young children first introduce the works of oral folk art. Brilliant Creator of the Language and the greatest teacher - People created such works artistic wordwho lead a child in all steps emotional and moral development. The acquaintance of the baby with oral folk creativity should begin with a song, flows.

Oral folk creativity - is a traditional verbal creativity People. It can be both old and new - creative today. His main feature is that this art Words are transmitted from generation to generation from mouth to mouth.

Genres in the verbal folk work is a big set. These are myths and legends, epic, epics, proverbs and sayings, riddles, chastushki, fairy tales, songs ... Listed them can be infinite. The Creator is not a separate person, but the people. That is why no essay has its own definite, the only author.

The centuries of the creation of people were in common verbal forms, subsequently forming rhymes ("poems"). Thanks to this, the work was easier to transmit and memorize. Thus, ritual, dangling, dance, lullaby songs appeared.

Topic folk Creativity Fully depended and continues to depend on culture, beliefs, history and from the region of residence of the people. But the main feature Such creations were and remains a combination of direct reflection of life with conditional. Simply put, there is no compulsory reflection of life in the form of life itself, there is always a conventionality in it.

Genres of Folklore

To better understand that it is an oral folk creativity, it is necessary to get acquainted with his genres closer, and in this kind of verbal art, a great set.

Proverbs and sayings

Let's start with those we know well and sometimes, we use in everyday life - with proverbs and sayings. These types oral art Are among the most interesting genres that have come down to this day.

Nobody does not know when these genres of oral creativity appeared. The undoubted fact remains how accurately and concise, figurative, logically complete sayings, expresses the people's mind and experience gained by many centuries.

Meanwhile, many of us have been used to thinking that proverbs and sayings are the same. In fact, it is not. The proverb is a complete proposal containing folk wisdom. Writing a simple, often stamped language.

Example of Russian proverbs:

"God saves man, who save himself"

"Small spool but precious"

"Kopeyk ruble coats"

Then, as a saying is a well-established phrase or phrase. It is designed for decoration.

Example of Russian sayings:

"Stay with the nose" (be deceived)

"Bear Service" (Help addressed to harm)

"When the cancer on the grief whistles" (never)


Signs are another folk genre, which has undergone not enough change, but still did not lose his wisdom and reached the modern man.

He appeared in ancient times, when our ancestors were very close to nature when people watched her, behind the phenomena occurring around, and found links between events. Over time, people exercises their observations in words. So the signs appeared, which via the ancestors collected in themselves.

Some examples of weather will take:

The larks fly - to warmth, chapter.

From the birch flows a lot of juice - to rainy summer.

Sparrows bathe in the sand - to the rain.

Under the same time, many old will come to the house and house-related. The most common is: "Salt wake up - shed tears." It is believed that this sign appeared in the middle of the XVII century, during the times of riots and uprisings in Russia. Then salt literally was on gold weight. Hence, this value appeared - wake up so expensive "seasoning" as a salt will inevitably lead to a quarrel in the house.

A few more examples of household will adopt, which, undoubtedly, are familiar to us:

"Whistish at home - you freeze money"

"Wear inside out - to the passage"

"For yourself, sew - you will send memory"

Fairy tales

With antiquity, individual elements of children's folklore are preserved - fairy tales. Later, this genre of oral art has changed greatly. This happened under the influence of aesthetic and pedagogical functions, but still he continues to exist.

However, some genres of verbal art with time "die", and humanity gradually forgets about them. This process is a natural phenomenon, it does not testify to decline folk art. On the contrary, the process of "death" is a sign of the fact that due to the change in the conditions of human existence, the artistic collective creativity of the people occurs, as a result of which new genres appear and the old one appear.


It can be attributed to such genres (or as they were also called - antiquities - Russian heroic-patriotic legends, the main plot of which were important historical events or heroic feats Bogatiyrey and the viritatives). This genre arose in ancient Russia, existed until the Middle Ages and gradually began to forgotten by the XIX century.

In addition, the ritual folklore can also be attributed to almost forgotten genres. Let's look at its components a little closer.

Calendar Folklore and Annual Song Cycle

These small genres appeared due to the need to monitor the agricultural cycle, as well as the changes occurring in nature and religious holidays.

Many proverbs, accept, tips and prohibitions in the calendar folklore. Here are some of which they reached this day:

"It will hide early - it does not melt for a long time"

"March and snow sow, and the sun warms"

Not few songs were folded by the people and for the annual song cycle. So the carnival was accepted in pancakes, performing rites of winter wires and sing ritual songs. This and some of the old traditions have been preserved so far.

Family Folklore

Invassed such small genres like: family stories, lullabies, cubs, sweatshops, wedding songs, funeral bale.

The name "Family Stories" speaks for itself, and there exists this genre of verbal art from time immemorial - perhaps as much as a person lives in this light. Notable in that it is formed quite apart, as a rule, within the framework of the family and a close environment.

In addition, this genre has its own peculiarity, it can form "certain expressions", understandable only to family members or people present during the event, which resulted in the appearance of this phrase. For example, there was such an expression in the Tolsti family as "architect to blame".

The birth of this expression was preceded by an event: when Ilya Tolstoy was five years old, New Year He was presented with the promised cup. Happy child ran to show all his gift. Walking through the threshold, stumbled and fell. The cup crashed. Little Ilya, justifying, said that he was not to blame, and the architect who made this thoroughtle was to blame. Since then, in the family of Leo, Nikolayevich Tolstoy appeared its expression equivalent to the winged - "Radio to blame".

Lullabous songs

Another no less interesting genre In the family folklore were lulled. In the old days, the ability to sing the lullaby songs was considered special art. In the process of the game, Mothers taught their daughters correctly "Bay". This ability was needed, so that older girls are already at six to seven years to seven years. That is why this ability paid special attention.

The purpose of the lullabies was not only to calm down, but also to protect the child. Many songs were "conspiracies." They were called to protect little child From the dangers that could lie in the future. Often, the lullabies were addressed to spirits and mythological beings, sleep carriers - Drema, sleep. They were called in order to burn the kid. Currently, this genre of folk art is almost forgotten.

Pottushki and fun

Pottushki and fun - presented short tunes. They helped the child in the development and in the knowledge of the surrounding world. Perhaps someone remembers from childhood - "forty-crow ...". Such small songs and sentences encouraged the baby to action, caught hygiene skills, developed a small motorcy, reflexes, helped to know the world.

Wedding songs

Wedding songs - plungely different from all other small genres of family folklore. Noteworthy was the fact that outside wedding rite These songs did not sound. In addition, from a functional point of view, they were extremely important, since they performed a kind of "legal role" in this event. Along with wedding songs, an important role in the rite was taught. They were an integral part of the holiday, represented lyrical narrations that described the experiences of the bride, parents and girlfriends.

Also, a considerable role was played by magnifications. We praised the bride and groom in the songs in the songs, wished young well-being and happiness. To all, any wedding could neither do without brief songs. This small component of the wedding ritual was comic songs. As a rule, they were addressed to matchmakers, due to which the bride "left" native seven., girlfriends and losing their maiden will.

Funeral exemptions or crying Another ancient folk genre, about the time, the appearance of which, nobody does not know. He only "scraps" reached the present day, but from the name it can be easily understood what this is speech And for which this genre served.

The main feature of this oral creativity was that he had his own "formula" or better to say a strict sequence, which each plaster "decorated" with his creative element - a story about life, about love or death of the deceased. Now, for example, part of the rite, as well as crying can be seen and hear in the film "Viy" (1967).

Ocquasonal folklore

Not corresponding to the generally accepted use of folklore. It was an individual character due to a specific situation, the reason. It was treated with such small genres as: sharing, counters, conspiracies.


The Russian folklore is incredibly rich. They were small songs, often not devoid of humor and accompanied by gaming actions. The plots of this small genre were the most different: it could be sharing about the weather and weather events, about nature and times of the year, about animals and fabulous beings ...

Rain, lei! Rain, lei!

On me and on people!

On me on a spoon.

On people in a blue.

And on Leshego in Bor -

Lei on a whole bucket!


Considers are another small genre of verbal folk art. He emerged for a very long time, but now almost disappeared from modern folklore. Meanwhile, no matter how surprisingly it sounded, in the distant times, the readings were widely used by adults. Their main function was the distribution of work.

Yes Yes. After all, then many types of work were not only very heavy, but sometimes life-threatening. Therefore, few people wanted to take into such a matter. And counting allowed to distribute the work between the participants so that no one was "insulting". Nowadays this " important role"It is lost, but they still exist and still perform their feature in children's games.


Finally, the most amazing, but not the last, quite complicated by its structure an ancient genre of oral folk art, who, oddly enough, continues to live in our time - a conspiracy. Function, since the occurrence this genre, not changed. He still continues to perform the role of a "magic gun", designed to fulfill the desire to talk. As mentioned above, this genre is rather original in its performance and is often complicated by its design - this is the feature.

You can talk about the genres of oral folk creativity for a long time, because all directions are interesting in their own way and unique. This article is designed only to familiarize the reader with an immense, multifaceted wealth. human culture And wisdom, brightly reflecting the experience of previous generations.