Rules for building proposals in English. The order of words in the English sentence, the construction scheme

Rules for building proposals in English. The order of words in the English sentence, the construction scheme
Rules for building proposals in English. The order of words in the English sentence, the construction scheme

Greetings, dear reader.

I am sure that if I ask you than the word of words in the proposal in English from his Russian fellow, you can not really tell me. Well, maybe some of you. Therefore, today I will spread all your knowledge on the shelves, tables and schemes.

What is the main difference

To make it clear everything for children, let's consider immediately simple examples. With this, everything is started with both adults in various courses and children in grade 2.

If in Russian we can do everything we want, then in English with this there will be difficulties. For example:

The cat climbed onto the tree.
A cat climbed on the tree.

But see what will happen if we do with the English option:

The Cat Broke The Window. -The cat broke the window.
The Window Broke The Cat. -The window broke the cat.

See, the difference is essential and, to some extent, comical. And the reason is that in English the order of words is solid, and the changes are succumbed to how unfounded!

How to make a proposal

Standard word order of a simple sentence Next:

  1. In the first place it is subject to.
  2. Behind him follows.
  3. After that, there is an addition.
  4. And, at the end, the circumstance.

Let's figure out the examples:

Mother IS A Doctor. - Mom - doctor.

Mother. - this is subject to; The one who performs the main action. It comes first.
IS. - This is a failed. It always comes after the subject.
Doctor - This is an addition.

Let's see some more examples.

I. (subject to) like. (predicate) coffee. (addition) in The Morning (circumstance). - I love coffee in the morning.

We. (subject to) do. (predicate) The Job (addition) well (circumstance). - We are doing work well.

WE BOUGHT A Beautiful Car Last Week . - Last week we bought a beautiful car.
I Have a Concert Tomorrow Evening - Tomorrow I have a concert in the evening.

And what to do with time indicators? - you ask. To which I will answer: they can stand like at the beginning, so I. in the end offers.

I. (subject to) dRINK. (predicate) coffee. (addition) in The Morning (time indicator). - I drink coffee in the morning.

In The Morning (time indicator) I. (subject to) go. (predicate) jogging. (addition). - In the morning I go to the jog.

To better remember this rule, I have a table for you, which will help you quickly refresh your knowledge at any time.

What to do with questions

For those who are already studying in the 5th grade, the most common mistake becomes the wrong formation. (Come on the link to find out about everything more details)

The word order in the question offer depends on the type of proposal with which you encounter. If the question is common, that is, it requires only the answer "yes" or "no", then the words will go in the following order:

  1. Auxiliary verb (for example, IS, Are, Do, Did, Does, Was, Were, Has, Have, Will, etc.).
  2. Next comes subject to.
  3. It follows the main verb.
  4. After that, all other parts of the sentence are used.

IS. (auxiliary) John. (subject to) A Student. (addition)? - John Student?

Do. (auxiliary) you. (subject to) dRINK. (Basic verb) water (addition) in The Morning (time circumstance)? - Do you drink water in the morning?

WAS. (auxiliary) he. (subject to) reading. (Basic verb) a Book (addition) last Evening. (time circumstance)? - He read the book last night?

But in the language there are also special questions that are needed full-fledged answers. The difference in this case is only that the question word appears before the auxiliary verb ( what, WHEN, WHO, WHOM, WHERE, WHICH, WHOSE).

What (question word) wERE (auxiliary) you. (subject to) doing. (Basic verb) last. Evening. (time circumstance)? - What did you do last night?

Who Did You Call Yesterday? - Who did you call yesterday?

WHEN DID YOU SEE HER FOR THE LAST TIME? - When did you see her for the last time?

To remember the information much better, here is a scheme for you, which, I hope will help you to master the rule faster.

Well, my dear, the only thing that remains for me to tell you is, exercises and even more English. Only with constant practice and constant improvement of the language can be achieved good results. After all, we are still at the very beginning of the path that can be the starting point for you to the beautiful world of English speech.

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To new meetings, my dear.

Word order in englishsubordinate to clear scheme (in Picture). Place there instead of square words and get the correct order of words. The scheme is simple and to figure it out in it literally in 15 minutes. For a better understanding, there are examples of English proposals with translation into Russian.

The order of words in the English proposal, the construction scheme.

Standard English offer is built by such a scheme:

The proposal shown in the figure is called narrative or, which is the same, affirmative. An affirmative offer, this is when someone did something, and we are talking about it.

At the first place The offer is subject to the one who performs the action. The diagram and the examples are allocated red. As a subject to be used, a noun (mother, cat, apple, work, etc.) or pronoun (I, you, he, etc.). The subject can also contain several adjectives used as definition (fast cat, red apple, etc.).

In second place Always fawn. The legend is actually the action itself. In the diagram and in the examples, the failed is highlighted in blue. It is expressed by the verb (go, watch, think, etc.)

After the fague There is one or more additions. Supplement, it is again nouns or pronoun.

And at the end of the sentence there are circumstances of the place and time. They show where and when it happened. As a rule, first are the words responsible for the question "Where?", And then the words responsible for the question "when?".

Examples of affirmative offers:

What if not subject to?

In Russian, the statements are fairly common in which either subject to either leaving or both. For example:

In English, the failed necessarily. And in such cases, the verb to Be is used as a tag (there). For example:

They are students.

That is, the British instead of "students" say "they are students", instead of "this tree" say "it is a tree." Here "Are" and "IS" are the forms of the verb to be. This verb, in contrast to most other English verbs, is changed by persons. All forms of verb to be you can see.

If there is no refinable in the Russian proposal, then "IT IS" is placed when transferring to English at the beginning. For example:


The order of adjectives.

It happens that the supplement contains a large number of adjectives. For example:

I bought a big beautiful and very comfortable sofa.

Here is the standard order of words in which the adjectives are located in the English sentence:

1) Adjectives describing your impression about the subject (good, beautiful, excellent ...)

2) size (big, small ...)

3) Age (new, old ...)

5) Origin (Italian, German ...)

6) Material from which manufactured (metallic, leather ...)

7) For what is designed (office, computer ...)

For example:

Words having a special place in the sentence.

If the sentences meet words:

Showing an action frequency (often, never, sometimes, always ...)

Then these words need to be put before the meaning verb or after the verb to be or, in the case of a composite verb, after the first verb. For example:

He. often. Goes to the Gym.
He often goes to the gym.

He is often. Tired After Work.
He is often tired after work(BE Tired - be tired)

You must. never Do it Again.
You will never do it again.

The order of words in a negative and questionnaire English offer.

I told about the affirmative offers. It's simple with them. But in order to somehow talk in English, you need to be able to build negative statements and ask questions. In the negative English proposal, the order of words is almost the same, but the questions are built on a slightly different scheme.

Here is a drawing, which shows all three types of suggestions:

In any language, the order of words in the sentence helps to logically express thought, and also performs grammatical and often expressive function. Knowing it, you can correctly translate someone else's speech, to build our own statements, put a logical stress, etc. From this article, you will learn what the word order in the proposal depends on the order in English.


To begin with, get acquainted with the basic principles that we will rely on considering this topic.

The order of words in the English proposal is fixed. This means that each of his dick is in a specific place. And if moved, then according to the rules.

In the affirmative statement always goes first to be, then led. For example: She Likes Sandwiches. Subject to be expressed not only by pronoun, but also nouns, including with dependent words.

People Dance in the Street.

A Happy Boy Smiled.

Please note that the English proposal cannot do without subject to. It contains even those statements that in Russian could be called impersonal and indefinitely personal.

Hot - IT's Hot.

He is cold - He is Cold.

Sketchy image

The order of words in the English proposal can be represented as such a standard scheme: subject + fad with + minor members (what? Whom? + Where? Where? + When?).

If you carefully consider the following examples, you will see exactly such a sequence. One or another minor member of the proposal may be absent, but the order is preserved.

A Woman Visits Her Mother in a Hospital on Sunday.

I MADE A Cake Last Night.

The Men in White Clothes Travelled to China in August.

The order of words in the proposal in English is such that the main members occupy a fixed position. The secondary can move, but they do this on a certain rules.

Where is the supplement

This member of the sentence may be direct and indirect. The first species answers questions: "What?" And "Who?". The second type of additions is responsible for a variety of questions: "Who?", "For whom?" "With whom?", "What?", "What?", "O Com?" etc. For example, in the proposal YOU GAVE ME A BOOK A direct addition is the word Book, and the indirect - ME.

If there are such members, then the order of words in the English offer can change slightly. In the above example, an indirect addition should first, and then direct. But they can be swapped, if the pretext of To is used. Then the offer will look like this: You Gave a Book to Me.

What position is the circumstance

This member of the proposal is quite moved. He can have three fixed positions, based on what question he answers.

1. The circumstance of the place ("Where?") You can put either at the beginning or to the end of the sentence.

In The Cinema I Met Jack.


2. The time circumstance ("when?") Can occupy the same two positions: the end and beginning.

I Met Him Yesterday.

Yesterday I Met Him.

3. The circumstance of the image ("How?") Is usually made after direct addition, but before indirect.

You Play Tennis Very Well.

She smiled happily at him.

This provision changes only in rare cases, to create an expressive effect. Then the circumstance of the image of the action put in the first place in the proposal.

An important place in English is occupied by question and negative proposals. They will be discussed next.

How to ask a question

The order of words in an English question offer has its own nuances. It depends on the type of question: general, special, alternative, dividing and subject to subject. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.

1. The question is to the easiest, since it does not change in it. All you need to do is replace this subject to a suitable question word. For example:

HE IS Happy - Who is Happy?


The only thing is difficult in the proposal of this type is not to confuse it with a special issue. After all, they are similar only at first glance.

2. A special issue also uses question words. But he set to any member of the proposal, except to be. And the order of words in such a proposal is reverse. First, the leaky (more precisely, its part, expressed by the auxiliary verb), is then subject to.

Where do you go?

What Are you doing?

3. The general question also has the opposite order of words. In question deals in English, this is a rather frequent phenomenon. At first in this case, special types of verbs are put in this case: auxiliary (Does, DID, IS, Are, WAS, WERE, WILL, etc.) or modal (CAN, May, Must, Should, etc.)

Do You Like Reading?

Is This A Pen Red?

Will He Come Today?

CAN You Run Fast?

In cases when to Be acts as a semantic verb, it is not required to add auxiliary:

Was She At Home Last Night?

Will You Be Happy?

4. An alternative question implies the opposite order of words. It begins in the same way as a common question, but at the end the structure with the word OR (or) is added:

Do You Like Winter or Summer?

5. The dividing question consists of two parts: the proposal itself (unchanged) and the "tail" (in Russian translated "not so?"). If the first part of the question in the affirmative form, then the second must be in a negative (and vice versa):

You Live Here, Don't You?

He Isn't Your Brother, Is He?

Thus, it is the type of question that determines the order of words in question deals. In English, each species has its own characteristics.

Another type of suggestions remained negative. Let's see what the order of words is used in them.

How to formulate denial

Here everything is quite simple: negative particle NOT is added to the auxiliary and modal verbs already known to us. And get such forms: do not (don't), Does not, IS NOT (ISN't), Are Not (Aren't), Was Not (Wasn't), Were Not (Weren't), Will Not (Won't), Would not (Wouldn't), Cannot (CAN't), Must Not (Mustn't), etc.

The order of words in negative proposals are direct. Auxiliary (modal) verb with a notot particle is placed before the leakage.

She isn't Sad.

They Can't Understand.

He MustN't Worry.

Many factors affect the order of words in the English proposal, but he has two - direct and indirect varieties. Each part of the sentence is assigned to its place.

You probably noticed that the meaning of the proposal itself does not change in the Russian suggestion. What is the difference, will we say "in the forest there are many wolves" or "a lot of wolves in the forest." And so, and this is said about the presence of a large number of wolves in the forest.

Approved proposals

In English, the word order is strictly fixed

This means every word my place. Well, in fact, not everyone, but only to two to and to the faith. Let's remember school years. Substant - this is who or what makes action; What or about the commemorated in the proposal. The faithful is that this person / subject does. From the latter it follows the conclusion that the lean is a verb. So, in relation to the English proposal, there is a central dogma, consisting of two points:

FIRST. In the first place is subject to, on the second - a lean, and then everything else goes. Schematically, it can be portrayed like this:

Table. Word order in English offer






Other members of the sentence



These Flowers

so beautiful!



The following remark should be done to this table: you can definition before the subject. And second: this scheme is used for affirmative sentences, i.e. Those at the end of which is worth the point.

SECOND. In the English sentence, there is always a preselected, i.e. verb! Even if in Russian translation of this offer you do not hear this verb. For example: many wolves in the forest. (There is not a single verb here, although it is possible to remake this offer for a convenient translation: "There are many wolves in the forest." In this version there is already a verb - there). - There Are Many Wolves in the Forest.


Such a order of words concerns only proposals, at the end of which the point is worth, that is, the affirmative offers. And there are more questionings, at the end of which is a question mark. And here it is the difficulties with the order of words and all sorts of confusion.

So, there are 2 basic types of questions: common and. On the first we answer "yes" or "no", and on the second answer something defined, special (depending on what is asked about the question). Remember that the order of words in any English proposal is fixed, and it also concerns questions.

0 place - question word

  • What - what? What?
  • Who - who?
  • Who (M) - who? by whom?
  • Where - where? where to?
  • WHEN - When?
  • Why - why?
  • How - how?
  • How Much (Many) - How much?
  • Which - which?
  • What?
  • Whose whose?

1st place - auxiliary verb

  • iS / Are / Am
  • dO / Does / Did
  • will / Would / Shall
  • have / has.
  • cAN / COULD
  • may / might
  • ought
  • shld

2nd place - subject

3 place - the main (semantic) verb

3rd place - other words

This structure also has several comments.

Note 1.. How to choose auxiliary verb? Very simple: auxiliary verb one that first is present in the initial offer. For example:

  • Danny Is a Worker ---\u003e Is
  • Anna Will Drive ---\u003e Will
  • They Have Finished The Report ---\u003e Have

Therefore, to ask a question, you just need to rearranged to and leakable.

What if the auxiliary verb is not? For example: We Visited The Museum. Here we only have the main verb - visited. Therefore, when there is no visible auxiliary verb, then he is does / DOES / DID Depending on time. In our case, it dIDSince the verb is worth.

Note 2.. The main (semantic) verb, when you ask a question, goes clean, that is, without any endings, in the initial form.

Note 3.How to understand 0 place? This position in the question is called so, because there is only question words only in special issues, but there are no them in general. It is on an interviewal word that you define what to answer. For example:

Mother Gave Her Son A Tasty Medicine Yesterday Because He Was Ill.

  • WHO? - Mother.
  • WHOM? - Son.
  • Whose Son? - HER.
  • What? - Medicine.
  • What medicine? - Tasty
  • WHEN? - Yesterday

In general questions (those you are responsible for "yes" or "no") there is no questioning word, that is, auxiliary verb is immediately.

Finally, we offer you a small test:

And now we will analyze on the genuine the basics of compiling orders to express the past, present and future time.

Building proposals in the Simple group

Approved proposals

To begin now, Present Simple. All affective proposals are built according to the following scheme:

  1. "I" in this example is subject to. It is not necessary to confuse it with the addition, because the step to be performed, and it is performed on the addition. Moreover, in Russian, we are not important to the order of words, because it is so clear who makes action. We can freely say: "I eat cake." But in English it will not be possible to build a proposal, because in the first place should be the one who makes the action, otherwise you will simply laugh when you say: "The cake eats me." Even through a passive deposit, such a phrase will sound very strange.
  2. In second place should be a lean, which expresses itself. In Russian, there are often proposals with an incomplete grammatical basis, where there is no subject to or tame, or both are missing. In the latter case, we are dealing with an impersonal offer: "Dark". In English should always be subject to both. So, if there is no verb in the Russian offer, then in English it will definitely appear. Take for example a single-delivery offer in which there is no failed: "phone on the table". To translate it correctly, we will need to use the "to be" verb, which will connect to the beyond. As a result, the phrase will be literally translated as: "The phone is on the table."
  3. In the third place, secondary members of the proposal on a specific rule were lined up: it first goes a direct addition (answering the question "Who?", "What?", "Who?"), Then indirectly (answers the same questions, but with the pretexts "with whom ? "," To whom? ", Etc.). This rule is not always observed and is not strict.

As in Russian, British verbs are modified depending on the face. The main changes occur in the 3rd face of the only number (He, She, IT), where the suffix "S" or "ES" is added to the leak. As a result, we receive an offer: "He Goes to School."

Negative sentences

In addition to approval, there is also a denial, the scheme of which is as follows:

In this scheme, there are all the same components, except for the verb ligament "DO" and "Not" particles, which is equivalent to the negative particle "not" in Russian. What is an auxiliary verb and why is it needed? Unlike the Russian language, where we simply put the "not" particle before the verb, in English in front of the "Not" particle should be auxiliary verb. For each time it is different, and in the case of Present Simple, it will have the form or "DO" or "Does" depending on the number and person subject. Example: "She Does Not Go to School".


So, we considered the approval, denial, and we had a question, whose education also requires auxiliary verb:

So, we have disassembled with you the basic principles of building various types of proposals in Present Simple. Past Simple and Future Simple are built in a similar way, the main differences will be in the form of auxiliary verb.

Building offers in Future Simple


The scheme for building an approval in a simple future (Future Simple) looks like this:

Auxiliary verb Will indicates that the action takes place in the future, and the phrase will be translated as: "I will go to school."


The denial is based using the "Not" particles already known to us and the auxiliary verb "Will".


Any question begins with auxiliary verb, so when building a question, simply put Will in first place.

Past Simple.


When building an approval in the last time, the Simple group has a small feature: the "ED suffix" is added to the verb.

I specifically lowered an example with the school, because there is an incorrect verb. Most verbs form a simple past time by adding the "ED" suffix to the base (Cook - Cooked), however, there are about 470 verbs, if you believe the Oxford Dictionary that form the past time on its canons. Our verb "go" is also included in their number, which will change the form on the "Went": "I Went To School."


The negation in simple last time is built similarly to Present Simple with the only difference that the form of the auxiliary verb "DO" acquires the past "DID".


The question is also built by analogy with Present Simple. We only change the shape of auxiliary verb on the past.

So we studied the construction of proposals in the entire Simple group. The main thing is to remember the schemes for all three types (approval, denial and question), do not forget how the wordforms have changed in the verbs in the 3rd face of the only number and learn by heart the main irregular verbs to achieve automatism in speech.

Building proposals in the Continuous group

In the Continuous group, there is always auxiliary verb "To Be", the change in the form of which will tell us when the action takes place: yesterday, now or tomorrow. In this group, the Communion I is also present, similar to the actual communion in Russian. The communion itself is built by adding a suffix "ing" to the verb (GO - GOING).


Let's not retreat from the structure and consider the education of time in Present Continuous.

The forms of the verb "To Be" video are video depending on the face, and here it is not limited to changes only in the 3rd face of the only number. Forms you just need to remember.

In the past time, the auxiliary verb changes its shape on "WAS" or WERE ", depending on the face and number.

Scheme Building a sentence in Past Continuous will be the following:

The future time in this group is formed without any changes, simply put the verb of the future time "Will" before the auxiliary "to be":

Denial and question

The construction of denial and the question occurs in the general scheme of building proposals: when negative, we put the "not" after auxiliary verb, and when they set the auxiliary verb in the first place.

To build a last form, you need to change the shape of the auxiliary verb on the "HAD".

To build a future form, additionally set "Will".

Denial and question

The negation and the question are built classically: the NOT particle after HAD (with denial), HAD in the first place (when question).

Denial and question

Negation Question
I have not been going. Have I Been Going To School?

These proposals are given only for the sake of example, in practice you can hardly fall into a situation where you need to express on Perfect Continuous. It is much easier and faster to build a phrase from Simple and Continuous groups.

Simplified formation table of all types of proposals in all times

For those who first face with times, this article may seem a bit messy, so I offer you a ready-made table as a result with the formation of proposals in all times so that you feel easier to see the whole picture entirely. You can use it as a crib at the initial items of studying temporary designs. Table taken from the "Pikabu" resource.