A. Fadeev

 A. Fadeev
A. Fadeev


Civil War is the main topic of the novel. The writer does not doubt that historical justice won in the revolution. For Fadeev, the revolution was primarily the beginning of the new world. What to be this world, what laws will reign in it, largely depends on how the causes of the revolution, the tasks of the class struggle will be understood.

The novel was highly appreciated by Soviet criticism immediately after the publication. M. Gorky believed that the "defeat" gives a "wide, truthful and talented picture of the civil war". But the controversy was called artistic principles of the novel. One of the items of the dispute between the literary figures of that time was psychologism. So, O. BRIC wrote an article that condemned the installation of Fadeev to disclose the inner world of his characters to the detriment of historical accuracy in the image of events. He called Fadeeva "Intuivistist", who wrote a novel "On the tutorial of Tolstoy and Chekhov". A. In-Ronsky saw in the novel "Not only the fat construction of a phrase, but also a Tolstovsky ministry, the Tolstsky method of the image of the psychological state of a person." As you know, after the revolution, some artists declared a refusal to classic heritage. Psychology is now often recognized by no dignity, but a disadvantage. "A person is valuable not by what he is experiencing, but what he does," says the hero of the novel. Fadeev also seeks to explore the psychology of his heroes. This is determined by the task that the author formulated during a meeting with young readers: "What are the main thoughts of the novel" defeat "? I can determine them, the first and most important idea: In the Civil War, the selection of human material takes place, all hostile is sweeping by the revolution, everything that is not capable of real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, is eliminated, and everything that rises from the genuine roots of the revolution, From the million masses of the people, it harvested, growing, develops in this struggle. There is a huge alteration of people. " This explains the artistic features of the work and features of his psychologism. The writer's attention is aimed at how his heroes behave in the proposed historical conditions, whether they take the requirements for the time, revolution. For members of the partisan detachment there is no choice. They fight in the name of the future, which is not very clear for them, they just know that it will be better than the past and present.

In this respect, an image of frozen is interesting, one of the heroes of the novel. Actually, his finding in the center of the work and is explained by the fact that it is a model of a new person exposed by "alteration". The author spoke of him in his speech: "Frost - a man with a heavy past ... He could steal, could rudely, could lie, drink. All these features of his character, undoubtedly, the huge drawbacks. But in difficult, the decisive moments of the struggle, he acted as it is necessary for the revolution, overcoming his weaknesses. The process of participation in the revolutionary struggle was the process of forming his personality ... "

Speaking about the selection of "human material", the writer meant not only those who were needed by the revolution. People, "unsuitable" for the construction of a new society are mercilessly discarded. Such a hero in the novel is a mark. It is not by chance that this person on social origin belongs to the intelligentsia and consciously comes to the partisan detachment, conducted by the submission of revolution as a great romantic event. The focus to another class, despite the conscious desire to fight for the revolution, immediately repels from him others. "To tell the truth, I did not like the frozen at first glance. Frost did not like pure people. In his life practice, these were non-permanent, nochly people who cannot be trusted. " Such is the first certification that the tape receives. Doubts of the frozen are consonant with the words V. Mayakovsky: "The intellectual does not like risk, / he is red in moderate as radish."

Several chapters are devoted to the swing, one of which is the very characteristic name "one". Alienation from the collective, the feeling of yourself with an independent person is in the eyes of Fadeev the worst flaw. Switching can not be converted. And the writer contemptuously notices that his hero could not even kill a pig, but the pork eating with everyone, because he was hungry. He can't insult a woman, get off, make small theft. But these advantages for others become disadvantages, especially since he cannot also clean the rifle, to cost the horse, generally become a fighter. The problem of the division is that he came into a squad at a good wax, but to leave him, when he understands his inconsistency, can no longer. He leaves a detachment, only committing a betrayal.

In the ethical novel system, class hatred is a completely natural and valuable feeling. Peaceful life for the author "defeat" is located at the very bottom of the value scale. Higher self-effectiveness of a person is a class struggle with arms in hand. The events that occurred in public life were the reason for changes in the psychology of the heroes and the author's close attention to the inner world of man.

Formulating the main thoughts of the novel "defeat" and reflecting on the alteration of people, Fadeev wrote: "This alteration of people occurs successfully because the revolution leads the advanced representatives of the working class - the Communists who clearly see the goal of the movement and who lead to more backward and help them rebuild " This acts in the Roman Levinson. Levinson left the right to violence because "That the power is correct." He does not know fear and doubt, and if he knows, and the usual human feelings are experiencing, it seeks to hide them with all his might. He must be a leader who "leads to more retarded". " This image is the perfect, corresponding not so much truth of life as the copyright idea.

Describing the features of the works of the 1920s, we talked about the image of the revolutionary mass, the poetics of the rebellion. Fadeyev has not single heroes, but a single team, it is the team, and not a crowd that does not have common tasks and clearly visible landmarks. The main thing in it is the presence of a unifying, high revolutionary goal. The spontaneity, chanting by many in those years, does not at all attract Fadeev. The members of the detachment often allow themselves to be the hooligan deeds (theft of melons from bushtan, for example), which are evidence of their low consciousness, proof of the need for a person for a new life. The story with thefts of Melon is described at the very beginning of the novel, when we are still the "former" frozen. Overcoming spontaneity, getting rid of what was brought from the past, the mass becomes a team. "Yes, I will give blood on the alkalo for everyone, and not that shame or how!" - exclaims frozen when it comes to exile from the detachment. Comrades are in defense of the frozen: "I am not in defense, because the two sides are not winning here, - the guy's attackness, I myself go with him, I wonder ... Only the boyfriend, say, fighting, - do not rans. We with him all the Ussuri front passed, on advanced. My boyfriend will not give up, will not sell ... "- says Goncharenko. He will repel the oaks: "And he thinks, not yours, not yours? .. in one hole they came across ... Singing the third month under the same sinel!" A partnership that has passed the tests for these people is a higher value.

The team members of the detachment are aware of themselves in opposition to men (the head of the men and a coal tribe). All the time stay of the detachment in the village two groups of people exist separately. The people, for whom the revolution was performed for the happiness, not the most important at the moment. Even more than the interests of the revolution and the interests of the people often do not coincide, the revolutionary necessity is above the people. The partisan detachment is more necessary for the revolution, and when, difficult times are coming, Levinson does everything for a detachment: "From this day, Levinson was not considered anything, if it was necessary to get food, carve out the extra day of rest. He caught cows, hurt the peasant fields and gardens, but even the frozen saw that it was not at all like theft of Melon with Ryabtseva Bshtanya. " The kill of Melon was taken by frosty for themselves, Levinson acts in the name of the team's interests, and therefore, by and large, the interests of the revolution.

Even the life of a separate person is a partisan of Frolov, mortally wounded and therefore interferes with the promotion of the detachment, can be sacrificed to the interests of the team. The social necessity for Fadeev and his hero is more important than "abstract humanism". Once, arguing about the life of the old women of the member and the welfare of mankind, Raskolnikov said: "Yes, arithmetic!" Indeed, arithmetic calculations are convinced by the right of Skolnikov and Levinson. But F.M. Dostoevsky denied this approach to life, believing that it was impossible to buy the happiness of all mankind even at the cost of one "tears of a child." This is an ethical imperative1 of all Russian classical literature. She always argued that the goal does not justify the means. Fadeies has the same ethical system. For him, there is a higher goal - a revolutionary benefit, - justifying any means.

Revolutionary ethics are built on a rigidly rational approach to peace and man. The author of the Roman himself said: "Mechka, another" hero "of the novel, quite" moral "from the point of view of the Ten Commandments ... But these qualities remain in him external, they cover its internal egoism, the lack of dedication to the work class case, his purely small individualism " It is directly opposed to morality of the Ten Commandments and the dedication to the work class. The author, preaching the celebration of a revolutionary idea, does not notice that the connection of this idea with life turns into violence over life, cruelty. For him, the appeared idea is not utopic, and therefore any cruelty is justified.

Roman Fadeeva still causes a stormy controversy. His heroes are real, alive, but many see them to state order and Soviet revolutionary propaganda. And although the story has now turned against the "red", there are still millions of people who are close in the position of frozen and Levinson, but there are those who sympathize to the swing, they are against good and freedom mixed with blood.

The author wrote a novel of 25 years, but despite this, the work was quite mature. Critics immediately noted the talent of the writer. The work brought him success and recognition, because the ideological basis of the book was very suitable for the political course of the new state. The action in the "defeat" unfold during the civil war in the Ussuri Territory. Alexander Alexandrovich himself fought in the 1920s in the Far East against the Army of Kolchak and Semenov and personally experienced battles. Therefore, the descriptions of combat tarts and front-line life looks so convincing and vividly, as if the reader himself witnessed these events and now listens to the nostalgic story of the comrade of those years.

the main idea

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of Fadeev said this:

The first and main idea: In the Civil War there is a selection of human material, all hostile sweeps by the revolution, all incapable of a real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, is chipped, and all the revolution raised from the authentic roots, it grows out of millions of people, growing, develops In this struggle. There is a huge alteration of people. This alteration is successful because the revolution leads the advanced representatives of the working class - the Communists who clearly see the goal of the movement and which lead to more backward and help them are re-removed. "

And, indeed, throughout the story, in the center of which there are three heroes, we see how they change. The author describes in detail their experiences, dreams, desires, suffering, thoughts. Many critics even accused Fadeev in the unnecessary internal sensing of the characters, in an unnecessary "Tolstashchina". But without it, it would be simply impossible to reveal the images of frozen, swing and levinson. The writer managed to overcome the surface of social realism and to preserve psychologism in the literature, typical of classical Russian prose.

Image of frozen

Heroes are representatives of different layers of society, with a different destiny, but they were united by the revolution. They found themselves in the same detachment, side by side fighting with the enemy, experiencing every day similar feelings. The author describes in detail the development of each of them.

Freezka is a mining guy, since childhood living in physically heavy, but careless life. At the age of 12, he had already started working at the mine, learned to fool and drink vodka. Fadeev writes that the frozen got into the squad, most likely, it was not necessary, simply, it was impossible to come differently. It turns out that he appeared together with his wife Varota, the partisan accidentally, unconsciously, the fate itself was started there. But in the first chapter, we see that the frozen values \u200b\u200bits place in the detachment and will not leave him for anything, it became the meaning of his worthless, aimless life. It initially has the ability to implement real honest things, but also it can easily make a low, disgraced act. Freezka does not give out his comrades, saves the life of the scene, but after stealing Bakhchi in a row, with whom she slept under one blanket and lived with him. Later, the frozen changes. The author describes his development so much: "He thought about the fact that life becomes cunning, the old Sukhan trails will overgrow, it is necessary to choose the road." This suggests that the hero is fully consciously chooses his way. Further the frozen already makes decisions. In court, he promises that she will never dare to disgrace their detachment, says that it is ready to shed blood for each of them. The soldier has long been an integral part of the detachment, this is his most native people, for whom he in the final of the novel, without deliberation, gives life. Such people need revolution. They have no egoism, and they love their comrades more than themselves.

The image of Levinson

Levinson is completely different. He is a commander of the detachment and for most partisans is an example for imitation. Everyone considers it the strongest, brave, smart man who always knows how to do it. In fact, Levinson grew in an ordinary Jewish family, helped the father to trade supported furniture, was afraid of mice and was in many ways like his partisans. But he knew that he could lead people only, deeply hiding all his fears and anxieties, he should be an example for them to imitate. Levinson just like a frozen, loves his comrades more than himself and his sufferings. He knows exactly that there is an important thing for which he lives and ready for everything.

Image of swing

Motchka is the direct opposite of the frozen. The guy from the intelligent family graduated from the gymnasium and got into a squad at his own request, only he had completely different ideas about the revolution, the struggle, they are too book, romantic. In life, everything turned out to be different, but Motchka did not immediately realize that it was not his environment. The author shows his long path to betrayal.

Fadeev immediately represents his eyes from frozen, which does not like such clean people, his experience says that this is unreliable comrades who can not believe. But at first the Motchka wanted to fight and movement, young hot blood burst in it. He was immediately not accepted by partisans, as he was very different from them outwardly. Seeing real living people - coarse, dirty, unwanted - he was disappointed. The image of the sword is written in the most detailed, as it is important to know how it seems to be good guys become traitors. Fadeev thoroughly describes this process. The author writes about him without contempt, he seems to justify his sin. After all, this partisans themselves did not accept it, and the main reason for this was that he belonged to another class. He was constantly offended, they mocked him and trembled. He was always, in essence, one, and loneliness pushes people to desperate actions. Motchka, unfortunately, did not get into his environment, but it was impossible to leave in a good way. Fadeev leaves him alive, he will have to live with his betrayal. The hero will be able to justify himself, since most of all he loves only himself, that is what it is. How he is not a place in revolutionary ranks. It is too weak to fight.

Main problems

When it comes to a big and responsible matter, it is important to understand all his aspects and if we take for it, then stand up to the end. If you rush around, then nothing good will come out. In this sense, the central in the novel is the problem of betrayal. It is her that the author will take a lot of time and strength. His position is not one-bed: he does not judge, but trying to understand. So he wants to prove to people that he should not chop off the shoulder if a traitor is in front of them. It is necessary to take into account the reasons that they prompted the person to become. In this case, it is impossible to blame in the entire class failure of the intelligentsia, as Soviet literary critches are hurried at the top of the top. The roots of the moral crime are much deeper, because we have almost a biblical plot: the renunciation of the apostle Peter from his teacher. That was what Motchka did, and his betrayal was also predicted. So, the problem of moral choice stood before humanity from the very first day and is still unchanged. Someone initially does not have the resistance of the Spirit to defend their beliefs, so I choose the curve on the crossroads to save your life.

Also the author found courage to look at the revolution from different points of view. Someone imagines her by romantic aspiration, and someone sees a real struggle with blood, then death at every step. However, a realist risks becoming a cynic and meat grinder, going to the goal, no matter what. And the romantic may break and roll down the price of considerable victims. It is important to observe the balance and perceive the revolution soberly, but at the same time obey the highest moral laws and follow the ideal, without agreeing to compromises.

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In the socio-psychological novel, the "defeat" the author tells about the years of the Civil War. The composition and plot works are built in such a way that it is possible to bright and fully show the sprouts of the new consciousness in the souls of the fighters of the partisan detachment. According to the author, this is the inevitable result of revolutionary events. Fadeev, proving this idea, connected two different genres - epic and novel. Therefore, the plot of the works turned out to be very branched, in which various characters and events are intertwined.

Prerequisites for creating a novel

Alexander Fadeev became the writer "New Time". To display reality, he tried to show the appropriate mood and introduced new images into the literature. The task of the writer was to create a hero of the revolution, which would be understood by a new one, mainly a small, reader. According to the plan, thoughts and book book should have been available to people who do not have sufficient education. In other things, it was necessary to approach the issues of spiritual values, in another perspective to present such concepts as humanism, love, loyalty, debt, struggle, heroism.

Speech date

In this turning point for the country, from 1924 to 1926, Alexander Fadeev writes the Roman "Rod", which "grew up" from the story of "Metelitsa". Writers who dedicated their creations of the Civil War tried to somehow "smooth out" sharp corners, constrained their heroes, not letting them go down to the limit. In Fadeies, on the contrary, heroes are merciless, dishonest and cruel. The terrible conditions in which they are, his characters are justifying that it serves the protection and victory of the revolution. By serving the highest idea, they justify all the actions and crimes, assuring themselves that the goal justifies the funds. So the moral principles are guided by the heroes of Fadeev.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel

The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the "defeat" of Fadeev defined something like this: "In the war, hardening people occurs. Unable to fight withdrawal. " Of course, from the position of today, such an assessment of the civil war is unfair. But the undoubted merit of the author is that he managed to show a civil war from the inside. And in the foreground, his novel is not military actions, but a person. Not by chance to describe the author chose the time when the squad is crushed. Fadeev wanted to show not only the successes, but also the failures of the Red Army. In dramatic events, people's characters are revealed to the most deeply. Such is the history of the creation of "defeat" Fadeev.

Theme of the work

The effect of the novel occurs in the Far East, where the author himself fought in those years. But in the foreground is not the historical component, but socio-psychological problems. Partisan detachment, war - only the background to display the inner world of heroes, internal conflicts and psychology. The plot of the novel is very complicated, and in a short period - from the beginning of the defeat and before the breakthrough - various characters of heroes are identified, as well as the attitude towards them. Several figures - Levinson, Frost, Metelitsa and Motchik - occupy a central place in the work of Fadeeva "Roll".

Characteristics of heroes Consider in more detail. All of them are in equal terms, which most accurately allows you to judge the characters of these characters and their actions.

Commander detachment

Levinson is a true hero of time. He is in the novel by the embodiment of heroic. Born and grew up in the working and peasant environment and devoted his whole life to serving the people. In the soul of this person lives a dream of a light and strong person - just like this, according to his submission, and there must be a new revolution. The commander of the detachment is a debt man, "special", cold and unshakable, "right breed", which is just the case above all. He knew that people would go behind a strong and confident man. And he knew how to be.

Levinson quickly makes decisions, acts confidently, with anyone it does not share his feelings and thoughts, "presents ready-made yes or not." His heroism is based on unshakable faith in his ideals; The ultimate goal is justified by "even death". This confidence and gives him moral right to brutal orders. For the sake of a great idea, you can allow a lot: to select a single pig at the Korean family with six children (in the end, not for their future fights the detachment?); To poison the wounded comrade, otherwise it will slow down the detachment of the squad ...

But Levinson is not easy to remain cold and impregnable: he suffers, having learned about the murder of Frolov, does not hide tears when he learns about the death of a young Baklanov. He's a pity and Korean, and his children, and their children suffering from Qinggi and Malokroviya, but he does not stop before, the main thing for him is to fulfill the task of the Bolshevik Center. He thinks about the future and present: "How can we talk about a beautiful person if millions of people are forced to live unbearably scarce and miserable life?"


It is highlighted in the work and a former shepherd of the Metelitsa. The pride of the entire detachment is a platoon of Metlia, whom the commander appreciates for "extraordinary chain" and "vitality". In the number of major heroes, he moved only to the middle of the novel. The author explained that he saw the need to reveal in more detail the character of this hero. It was late to repaint the novel, and the episode with this character somewhat broke the harmony of the narrative. Metelitsa is clearly sympathetic to the author of the work of the "defeat" - Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev. First, it can be seen in the appearance of the hero: Slender Bogatyr, in it "Unusual Value" and "Life Strength". Secondly, the way of life of the hero - lives, as I want, does not limit yourself, a hot, bold and decisive person. Thirdly, the actions of the Metelitsy prove the positive individuality of this hero: he fearlessly goes to intelligence, deserves behaves in captivity, for the sake of others he takes death. He dare and decisive.

Being in captivity, Meselitsa calmly reflects on death and wishes only one thing - dying decently. He holds proudly and independently and rushes to salvation of the shepherd, who did not want to give the scout white. The braveness of Metelitsy admires others. So he was before the war, in labor life, and the revolution helped the hero not to lose his best qualities. In the novel, he is like a Levinson Supplement: the decisiveness of the Metelitsa seems to complement doubts and the experience of the commander. This can be seen from how deftly the commander replaces the Miscelter's rapid plan more careful and calm. Getting captured, he understands the hopelessness of his position. But behaves like a real hero and wants to show those who will kill him that "is not afraid and despises them." According to the author, the new hero and must be imbued with class hatred, which is capable of making a real hero from the ordinary fighter.


Ivan Morozov or, as they call it, frozen, did not seek in the life of light paths. This is a broken and talkative guy for twenty-seven years old, miner. He always walked long-timed paths. Freezka is being compassionated to the swing and saves it. Frost showed courage, but still considered the sword some "clean" and despised this person. The guy hurts greatly that Varya falls in love with the swing, he indignantly promotes: "And in whom? In Entoch, Maminov? " And with contempt, calls the opponent "Yasthot", from pain and from anger. In personal relationship, he tolerates the collapse. There is no closer to Ivan anyone, so he is looking for salvation in the detachment, with his comrades.

When he steals melons, he is very afraid that he is expelled from the detachment for this offense. For him, even a thought about it is unbearable, so closely he lives the life of the detachment, he died with these people. Yes, and there is nowhere to go. At the meeting, he says that for each of them "on the droplet" his blood "would give" not doubting. He respects his commanders - Levinson, Dubova, Baklanov - and is trying to imitate them. They just saw in the guy not only a good fighter, but also a good-natured, responsive man, and in all he was supported and trusted. In the last exploration sent it precisely. And freezing justifies their confidence - the price of his life, he warns his fellow on danger. Even in the last minutes, he thinks about others. That's the Fadeev of the main character of the "defeat" - for devotion and courage, for kindness, because he did not grow out the sword for Vary.


The heroic images of the frozen and the Metelitsa are opposed to the image of a swing. This is a nineteen-year-old young man who came to the detachment voluntarily to felt his vanity. To prove yourself at least somehow, he is torn in the hottest places. With the members of the detachment, he cannot get close to him, because he loves him above all. He had a thought of desertion, although no one would drive him in the squad - he came himself. This means only one thing: he came here not to serve the case, but simply painting with his valor. He stands as if as it were from the rest. And when he deserts, the reader is not surprised.

Levinson calls swing weak and lazy, "worthless empty-flower." He deserved such an attitude. Egoist who appreciates himself highly, does not confirm this actions. In the decisive moments, he himself, not aware of himself, is inflounted. His selfish nature revealed already when he allowed to step on the photo of the girl, and then silent her. He got angry with his horse for an unattractive look and stopped serving for animals, condemned. It is the Mountain to blame for the death of frozen. It is terrible that after betrayal, his thought is not about the death of friends, but that he, Metchik, "stained" his unrepressed soul.

And yet in the novel by Alexander Fadeeva "defeat" he is not an embodiment of evil. Most likely, the cause of his failures is that the commemorate from another social layer, the representative of the "rotten intelligentsia". He is not vaccinated features inherent in other members of the detachment, which for the most part of the people from the people are coarse, bold, loyal people and loving it. In the silence of various desire for the beautiful. He shocked the death of Frolov. He is inexperienced, Yun and afraid not to please, among whom he has to live. Perhaps it makes him come so unnatural.

Comrades in arms

Continuing the analysis of the "defeat" Fadeev, get acquainted with the members of the detachment. Those who surround Levinson, the same devoted idea of \u200b\u200bpeople. His assistant Baklanov imites the commander in everything. Vailing oaks, former miner, honest and devoted person, whom can be sent to the most responsible sections. A demolition of Goncharenko is an insightful and reliable red Army.

Private comrades Levinson know their inner strength, but burdened with daily bustle, "feel their weakness" and "repose" themselves to stronger comrades like Baklanov, Dubova, Levinson. As the analysis of the "defeat", Fadeev, to brighter in the characters heroic, creates anti-game images, such as chizh and a tick. They are glad to see "from daystream, from the kitchen," to retreat or betray, they are always such "clean" and "with the right speech."

Plot Romana

We continue the analysis of the "defeat" of Fadeev. The epic pinnight of the novel is built on the story about the defeat of the partisan detachment. In the exposition - the passage in the war in the Far East, when the partisan detachment is located on vacation. The string of the work is to receive from the headquarters of the package with an indication - "Save small, but strong combat units." The development of the action in the work is the detachment maneuvers, which will break away from the pursuing of his Kolchaktsev and the Japanese. The ring of the environment is unaffected by the culminating scene in the novel is the night battle in the swamp, in which he is checked who is and what is. Immediately for culmination follows the disconnement - the remnants of the detachment, getting out of the swamps, fall into the ambush and almost everything is dying under the machine-gun fire. Alive remains only nineteen fighters.

Composition of the work

Completing the analysis of the "defeat" of Fadeev, consider the composition of the novel, which has some features. One of them is a leisurely deployment of events. Almost all the work is as it were, the development of action, and only in the last two chapters - the climax and junction. Such a construction is explained by the genre feature of the work. "The defeat" is a socio-psychological novel, the purpose of which is the image of human characters and meaningful changes in the consciousness of heroes during the revolutionary struggle. The feature of the novel is also that Fadeev skillfully intertwines the epic plot and separate scene lines of heroes.

For example, the backstage of the frozen introduces at the moment when it rides with a package in the Shaldyba squad. Here is this event pause, while the ordinaries rides, the author and fills the story about the last life of the hero. In the same way, the author portrayed a lot of essential details from the former life of the sword, Baklanov, Levinson, Var, Metelitsa, Dubov. Thanks to this construction, the heroes of Fadeev turned out to be bright and convincing. The author chose a direct order of narration, where each chapter is an independent story, in the center of which is a separate character.

The roman "defeat" was built very successfully and has a dynamic plot. At the same time, the author is not limited to the chronicle of the defeat of Levinson, the characters of the heroes and the problems of Fadeev in the "defeat" discloses not only through the overall plot, but through their interaction and comparison.

Frost drove away from the rod.

The overgrown country road rushed to the river. On the sun, they got out of the river Greek and Wheat Niva. The blue caps of the Sikhote-Aligna Range swore in the warm veil.

Frost was a miner in the second generation. His grandfather - the Sucean grandfather, offended by his God and people - still plowed the earth; The father traded the chernozem for coal.

Frost was born in the dark barrack, at the NO 2 mine, when the sipy beep called to work the morning shift.

"Son? .." Father asked when the mining doctor came out of the Camorka and told him that he was born exactly the son, and not who else.

"So, the fourth ..." the father summed up meekly. - Happy life...

Then he spoiled the carrot jacket smeared with coal and went to work.

At twelve, frozen learned to get up on the beep, roll trolleys, speak unnecessary, more matel words and drink vodka. Kabakov on the Sukhansky mine was no less than Koprov.

In a hundred seeded from the mine, Padi ended and sicles began. From there strictly watched the villages of the concommunicable eats. Sedy, foggy mornings Taiga Razubra tried to shout the beeps. In the blue spans of the ridges, through cool passes, on the endless rails crawled day after day, loaded decorations on the carbon station on the Kangauz station. On ridges black from fuel oil drums, trembled from a tireless voltage, slippery cables wrapped. At the foot of the pass, where the stone buildings were unpassed into fragrant cheva, they worked unknown for whom people, disconnecting whistles "cuckoo", the electric hoists buzzed.

Life was really fun.

In this life, the frozen was not looking for new roads, but walked with old, already calmed paths. When it came time, bought satin shirt, chrome, bottles, boots and began to walk on holidays on the village of Valley. There, with other guys played on the harmonica, fought with guys, sang sang songs and "spoiled" rustic girls.

On the way back "Miner's" crawled on Bashtakov watermelons, round murom cucumbers and bathed in a fast mountain robust. Their diving, cheerful voices excited the taiga, looked at the rock with envy, over the river. Warm night dampness was swimming over the river.

When it came, the frost was planted in a sharp, who mastered the police station with onchshes and clouds. It happened in the midst of the April older, when underground water, muddy, like tears of blinding mine horses, the day and night focused on the mine barrels and no one bought it.

He was planted not for any outstanding exploits, but just for the talkativeness: they hoped to admonish and replace the instigators. Sitting in a smelly chamber with the Mayhin alcohols, the frozen told them the unpelled number of honey jokes, but I did not give the instigators.

When it was time, I went to the front - got into the cavalry. There learned contemptuously, like all the cavalryrs, look at the "walking up a million", was injured six times, two times contused and quit on clean even before the revolution.

And returning home, he specified two weeks and married a good walking and fruitless rollback from NO mine 1. He did it immenticated: life seemed to him a simple, unwilling, like a round Murom cucumber from the Sukhansky bashtanov.

Maybe therefore, taking a wife with him, he left in the eighteenth year to defend advice.

Be that as it may, but since that time, the entrance to the mine was ordered to him: the advice failed to defend himself, and the new government did not even give such guys.

Bear angrily tsocal forged empties; Orange sputs were annoyed over the ear, fused in shaggy wool, tempting to blood.

Freezka left for the Sviyaginsky combat site. Behind the bright green hazel hill, the wering was invisible; There was a detachment of Shaldyba.

- in-zr ... in-zr ... - It was hot on the restless worst.

A strange, the buffaceous sound fucked and swept over the hill. Behind him - the other, the third ... as if the beast broke down from the chain broke on the striking spiny shrub.

"Further," said the frozen slightly heard, pulling the reins. Teddy bear obediently, filmed forward a muscular body.

- Do you hear? .. shoot! .. - straightening, excitedly fond ordinar. - shoot! .. Yes? ..

"Ta-Taha-Ta ..." the machine gun was flooded behind the hill, stuck with fiery threads a deafening Wuhan Berdan, rounded clear crying of Japanese Karabinov.

- In the quarry! .. - shouted the frozen with a tightly excited voice.

Socks were familiar to the stirrups, the flutter fingers unzipped the holster, and the bear had already rushed to the top through the clapping shrub.

Without leaving on the ridge, frozen besieged a horse.

"Obidges here," said, scolding to the ground and throwing a reason on the bow of the saddle: Teddy bear - a faithful slave - did not need to be tied.

Frost crawl clowd to the top. On the right, by passing the wings, the right chains, outerly, as on the parade, the small identical figures were fled with yellow-green chains on the caps. On the left, in a panic, frustrated handhelds rushed through the cereal barley, people, shooting from Berdanok. Enjoyed Shaldeb (Frost learned him on the Crown horse and the Ostroda Barzuchi Papakh) whipped a wagon in all directions and could not keep people. It was seen how some disappeared with red bows.

- Babe, what they do what they do ... - More and more exciting from a shootout, mumbled frozen.

In the back bunch of people running in a panic, in a dressing of a handkerchief, in a cough downtown jacket, ineptly dragging a rifle, fled, laughing, a leanable boyfriend. The rest, as can be seen, was apparently applied to his run, not wanting to leave one. A bunch of rarely rarely, the boyfriend in the white bandage also fell. However, he was not killed - he tried to rise several times, crawling, stretched his hands, shouted something sore.

People added the go, leaving him behind, not looking around.

- bastards, and what they do! - said the frozen again, nervously dumped with his fingers into the sweaty carbine.

- Bear, here! .. - He suddenly shouted. The stallion scratched into the blood, lush inflating the nostrils, with a quiet rye, was releasing at the top.

After a few seconds, I flew like a bird, frozen flew along a barley field. Viciously reconciled over the head-fiery walkers, fell somewhere in the abyss of the horsepie spin, stringly whistled under the feet of barley.

- Lit! .. - shouted frozen, throwing a seat for one side and madly sporing the stallion with one foot.

Bear did not want to go to bed under the bullets and jumped by all four around the overturned moaning figure with white painted with blood bandage on the head.

- Lit ... - Frost hoarse, breaking horsepower rippled.

Pursing the knees trembling from the stress, the bear fell to the ground.

- It hurts, oh ... boasts! .. - wounded wounded when the ordinar moved him through the saddle. The guy's face was pale, fareweish, clean, although smeared in the blood.

- Silent, bore! .. - whispered frozen.

A few minutes later, lowering the reins, supporting wear with both hands, he grew around the hill - to the village, where Levinson's detachment stood.

- What? What? .. - Motchka confused. - Why is it the same - "maximists" ... read, comrade!

- Search-AT! ..

A few minutes later, the Czechka - beaten and disarmed - stood in front of a person in Ostroda Barzuchi Papakh, with black eyes burning to heels.

"They didn't disassemble ..." said Motchka, nervously sobbing and staring. - After all, it is written there - "maximists" ... Please note ...

- Well, give paper.

A man in a barzuchea papakh stared at the ticket. Under his eyes, the crumpled paper seemed to smoke. Then he turned his eyes to the sailor.

"Fool ..." said Surovo. - You do not see: "Maximists" ...

- Well, yes, well! - exclaimed the tickle is delighted. "After all, I spoke - maximets!" After all, it's completely different ...

"It turns out, in vain Beii ..." Said said disappointed. - Wonders!

On the same day, Cechka became an equal member of the detachment.

The surrounding people did not resemble themselves at his ardent imagination. These were dirtier, stitching, tougher and immediately. They kraled each other's cartridges, swear irritated because of every trifle and fought in blood because of a piece of salo. They mocked the sword on every occasion - over his city jacket, above the right speech, on the fact that he does not know how to clean the rifle, even on the fact that it eats less than the pound of bread at dinner.

But this was not book, but real, living people.

Now, lying on a quiet taiga plot, Motchka all survived again. He became sorry for good, naive, but sincere feelings with whom he walked into a detachment. With a special, painful sensitivity perceived now, the care and love of others surrounding, the dormant taiga silence.

The hospital stood on the arrow at the confluence of two keys. On the edge where the woodpecker was tangled, the crimsons were whispering, manchurian worms, and below, under the slope, tirelessly sang wrapped in a silver peychnik keys. Patients and wounded were a bit. Heavy - Two: The Sucean Frolov Partisan, wounded in the stomach, and the commercial.

Every morning, when they were taken out of the stuffy barrack, a light and quiet peak of a peak was approached. He reminded some very old, by all forgotten picture: in calm silence, the ancient, smoking moss sits on the lake, on the emerald babe, a bright and quiet old man in the skafea and fishes. The quiet sky above the old man, quiet, in the hotstock, ate, quiet, overgrown with the lake. World, sleep, silence ...

Is it not a dream for a dream of a soul in the soul?

- Yes, ... it comes to me. I, cathray, sit at the apiary. Well, did not see a long time ago, they kissed - the business is understandable. I see only, he is sink, then ... "I, says, did, in the cheat I'm leaving." - "Why is that? .." - "Yes, says, Kate, Czechoslovaki appeared." - "Well, what, I say, Czechoslovaki? .. Live here; Look, I say, what a grace is what? .." And right: I don't have a paradise at the apiary: birch, you know, linden in bloom , bees ... in-zh ... in-zh ...

The peak took a soft black hat from his head and happily took it around.

- And what do you say? .. Not stay! So it was not left ... I left ... Now and the apiary "Krapkki" defeated, and the son of the son ... here is life!

Motchka loved him to listen. I liked the quiet singers of the old man, his slow, coming from the inside, gesture.

But he loved even more when "merciful sister" came. She truncated and washed off the whole climb. It was felt in it a big love for people, and she treated to the swinge especially gently and carefully. Gradually getting better, he began to look at her earthly eyes. She was a little bit of sutula and pale, and her hands are too great for a woman. But she walked some kind of special, non-plain, strong gait, and her voice always promised something.

And when she sat down next to the bed, the tickle could no longer lie calmly. (He would never admit to this girl in bright curls.)

"She's croping - Varoka," once the peak said. - Frost, her husband, in the detachment, and she blamed ...

Motchka looked at the side where, winking, pointed out an old man. The sister washed on the plot of linen, and near her the Feldscher Harchenko. He then leaked to her and said something fun, and she, increasingly looking off from work, looked at him with a strange smoky look. The word "crumping" awakened sharp curiosity in the sword.

- And why is it ... such? He asked his peak, trying to hide embarrassment.

"And the jester knows her, where she is so affectionate." Can not deny anyone - and that's it ...

Motchka remembered the first impression that sister made him, and the incomprehensible resentment moved in it.

From this moment he became attentive to watch her. In fact, she "twisted" with men too much, - with all sorts of one who could have done a little bit without someone else's help. But there were no more women in the hospital.

In the morning, somehow, after dressing, she was delayed, recovering the scene bed.

"Sit with me ..." he said, blushing.

She looked at him for a long time and carefully like that day, washing underwear, looked at Kharchenko.

"You are ..." said unwittingly with some surprise.

However, after recording the bed, sat down near.

- Do you like Harchenko? - asked Motchka.

She did not hear the question - answered his own thoughts, attracting a swing with large smoky eyes: - But such a young ... - and having tried: - Harchenko? .. Well, nothing. All you are on one block ...

Motchka took out a small bundle in newspaper paper from under the pillow. With a faded photo, a familiar girl looked at him, but it did not seek him so cute, as before, - it looked with someone else's and delivered cheerfulness, and although Motchik was afraid to confess this, but he became strange how he could think so much about her. He still did not know why it does and it's good when I stretched out the sister portrait of a girl in bright curls.

The sister examined him - first close, then retreating his hand, and suddenly, toring the portrait, screamed, jumped out of bed and quickly looked back.

- Good smoke! - said because of the maple whose mocking hoarse voice.

Motchka glanced in the other direction and saw a strangely familiar face with a rusty naughty chub from under the cap and with mosmptive green-brown eyes, who had another expression.

- Well, what was frightened? - Selfly continued a hoarse voice. - This is me not on you - on the pitt ... I changed a lot of women, but I do not have the battles. Maybe you when you give me? ..

Varya came to himself and laughed.

- Well, scared ... - I did not say with my singer's vote. "Where are you from that, the trait of the palate ..." - and turning to the swing: "It's frozen, my husband." Always arrange anything.

"Yes, we are familiar with him ... Troops," said the ordinar, with a grin, hesitating the word "Trokhni".

Motchka lay as a hurt, not finding words from shame and resentment. Varya has already forgotten about the card and, talking to her husband, stepped on her foot. The sword was ashamed to even ask to raise the card.

And when they left in Taiga, he, grieving his teeth from pain in her legs, he himself took the portrait of the portrait and drove him into the nurses.

III. Sixth Sense

Freezka and cooking returned for noon, without looking at each other, tired and lazy.

Freezka came out on the gasy and, having laid two fingers in the mouth, whistled three times with a piercing robbery whistle. And when, as in a fairy tale, flew out of the Curchay, Calcopped Stallion, Cechike remembered where he saw both.

"Michrutka-a ... Sukin Si-н ... Wait? .. - Laskovo Ground the Ordinar.

Driving past the swinge, he looked at him with a tricky smile.

Then, diving across Kosoyram in the shady beam, frozen has repeatedly recalled the sword. "And why are just such to us?" He thought with his annoyance and bewilderment. - When the conceived, there was no one, and now it's going to go ... "It seemed to him that Motchik really came" on the prepared ", although on the most The case of a hard godpie lying ahead. "Spedrik will come to Edaku - softening, nagitan, and we are broken ... And what did my fool found in him?"

He thought about the fact that life becomes cunning, the old Sukhan trails will overgrow, have to choose the way.

In the minds, unusual heavy, frost did not notice how he left the valley. There - in the scented drinking, in the wild, crispy clover robbed braids, sailed over people a diligent worker-day. People had curly as clover, beards, sweaty and long, knees, shirts. They walked over the punks measured, squatting, and herbs were noisy at the feet, odorous and lazy.

Having envy the armed rider, people slowly threw the work and, covering their eyes without palms, watched a long time after.

"As a candle! .." They admired with a frost landing, when, racing on the stirrups, bending to the front onions with a straightened body, he smoothly walked on triy, slightly shuddering on the go, like a flame candle.

For the radiation of the river, the bashtans of the rural chairman of Homa Ryabtsa, Frost held the horse. Above scratchs did not feel a caring master's eye: when the owner is busy with public affairs, bashtans will overgrow the grass, rotates the Dedovsky smoking, puzzled melons with difficulty ripen in a wormwood shirt and scarecrow over scatters looks like a squeezing bird.

Berso looking around, frozen turned to a smoking currency. Carefully looked inside. There was no one there. Some rags were lying on, a rusted chip of braids, dry crusts of cucumbers and melons. Turning a bag, frozen jumped off the horse and, bending to the ground, crawled along the ridges. Having feverishly breaking the shoulders, stuffed melon into the bag, some immediately eaten, looking at the knee.

Teddy bear, waving his tail, looked at the owner with a tricky, understanding his eyes, when suddenly, having walked the rustle, raised the shaggy ears and quickly turned to the river a cudel head. From Evnyaka, the shore of a long-working, wide-resistant old man in linen pants and a brown felt hat. He barely held in his hands who went to the walker, where a huge plane taper in the flour was fought by a suicide. With sputs with cold jets, it struck onto linen pants, on strong barefoot feet diluted with water raspberry blood.

In the rolling figure of Homa Egorovich Ryabtsya, Mishk learned the owner of the nooda wide coherent of the mare, from which, separated by a making partition, Mishka lived and table in one stable, languishing from constant lust. Then he frivally spread her ears and, throwing his head, stupid and joyfully called.

Frost frightened and froze in a semi-bent position, holding the bag with both hands.

- What are you ... do you? - With a hub and tremble in his voice, Ryabets said, looking at the frost unbearably strict and sorrowful look. He did not let out of the hands of a tight shuddering spruce, and the fish knew at his feet like a heart from unspoken, boiling words.

Freezka lowered the bag and, cowardly absorbing his head in the shoulders, ran to the horse. Already on the saddle, he thought that it would be necessary to embrace melons, grab the bag with him so that there were no evidence. But, realizing that now it's still, I spurred a stallion and rushed along the road dusty, crazy career.

- Further-and, and we will find at you the board ... Find! .. We find it! .. - shouted at Ryabets, Bulking on one word and still not believing that the person he was fed and dressed as a son, Tries to his bashtans, and even at such a time when they overgrow the grass because their owner works for the world.

In the garden at Ryabtsa, laying up in the shadows, on the round table, a knocked card, Levinson was interrogated with just returning scout.

Scouting - in Steghan Menzitsky Nutva and in the noodles - visited the very center of Japanese location. His round, the sun-frozen face was burning with joyful excitement just mined danger.

According to the scout, the main Japanese headquarters stood in Yakovlevka. Two companies from Spassk-Primorsk moved to Sandago, but the Swiyaginskaya branch was cleaned, and the scout was driving the train along with two armed partisans from Chaldyb's squad.

- Where did Shahdyb retreated?

"To the Korean farm ... the scout tried to find them on the map, but it was not so easy, and he, not wanting to seem like an ignorant, vaguely poked his finger in the neighboring county.

"The wings were great for their wings," he continued Boyko, shyring his nose. "Now half of the guys scattered around the villages, and Shaldyb sits in Korean winterier and eats a chumise. They say drinking great. Skinned at all.

Levinson compared the new data from those who said yesterday Daubikhinsky Spertonos Styrksh, and with those that were sent from the city. Something was not worthless. Levinson had a special scent on this part - the sixth flair, like a bat.

It was not necessary for the fact that the second week left for the Spare Chairman who went to the Spare Week did not return home, and in the fact that the third day ran out of the detachment of several Sandagoane peasants, unexpectedly buried the house, and in the fact that chromon-legged Honghuz Lee-Fu, who kept with a detachment The path to cleaning, for unknown reasons, turned to the heads of Fujin.

Levinson again and again began to ask and again went into the map. He was extremely patient and persistent as an old taiga wolf, which may not have the teeth, but who will powerive leads the flocks - the invincible wisdom of many generations.

- Well, something special ... not felt?

Scout looked not understanding.

- Nut, silently! .. - explained Levinson, collecting his fingers into a pinch and quickly bringing them to the nose.

"I'm not unuhal ... just as there is ..." Scouting said guilty. "What am I - a dog, or what?" He thought with an offensive bewilderment, and his face immediately became red and stupid, like the merchant at the Sandagoan Bazaar.

- Well, go ... - Liminson waved his hand, squintingly squinting the blue, like pool, eyes.

One thing he was in thought in the garden, stopping at the apple tree, he watched a long-haired bug in the bark for a long time, and some unknown ways came suddenly to the conclusion that soon the detachment accelerate the Japanese, if it was not ready to prepare in advance .

At the Kalita, Levinson collided with a ripper and his assistant to a cormorant - a chunky guinee of nineteen in a cloth protective gymnaster and with a non-primary collet at the belt.

- What to do with a frozen? .. - Baklanov scared from the spot, collecting over the tight folds of the eyebrows and angry from under them burning like coals, eyes. - Melon from a row cradle ... here, please! ..

He with a bow led his hands from the commander to a ripper, as if he offered to meet them. Levinson did not see the helper in such an excitement for a long time.

"And you don't shout," he said calmly and convincingly, "no need to shout. What's the matter?..

Ryabets with shaking hands stretched out the ill-fated bag.

- Polbashtan traveled, Comrade Commander, true truth! I know, sputum checked - in which eyelids gathered, - when I get out of the jest ...

And he exiled his abyss, especially with the fact that, working for the world, the farm launched at all.

- Baba with me, you know, instead that the rollers do, how do this people are underway, they are in bloom. How damned! ..

Levinson, after hearing him carefully and patiently, sent behind the frozen.

He came with a casually stunned on the back of a cap and with an impregnable impudent expression, which was always intimidated when he felt wrong, but he intended to lie and defend themselves to the last extreme.

- Your bag? - asked the commander, immediately involved in the orbit of his unlocking eyes.

- Baklanov, take him Smith ...

- How to take it? .. Did you give me him?! "Freezka jumped to the side and unbuttoned the hobur."

"Not a baluster, do not poison ..." Baklanov said with harsh restraint, tightening the folds of overhead.

Left without weapons, frost immediately soften.

- Well, how much do I take these melons there? .. And that you are, Homa Yegorch, in fact. Well, after all, the same trifle ... in fact!

Ryabets, waiting for his head expectantly, moved by bare fingers of dusty feet.

Levinson ordered that in the evening gathered for discussion of the Morozkinsky act a rural gathering along with a detachment.

- Let everyone know ...

- Joseph Abramych ... - spoke out of a deaf, darkened voice. - Well, let's eat - a detachment ... it's still. And why do men?

"Listen, dear," said Levinson, turning to the ripper and not noticing the frozen, "I have a matter of your eye."

He took the chairman for the elbow and, recalling, asked for a two-day period to assemble the village of Bread and accepted the puddles of ten superstars.

- Just look, so that no one knew - why are the crown and for whom.

Freezka realized that the conversation was over, and sadly shoved into the guard room.

Levinson, remaining alone with Baklanov, ordered him from tomorrow to increase the horses portion of oats:

- Tell me on the night, let the pilot full measure.

IV. One

Frost arrival violated the spiritual equilibrium, which was established in the sword under the influence of even, serene life in the hospital.

"Why did he watch so dismissively?" I thought Corchka when the ordinar was left. "May he pulled me out of the fire, does it give me the right to mock? .. And everything, the main thing ... Everything ..." He looked at his subtle, disgusting. Fingers, legs under a blanket, composed, and old, drunk inside the resentment broke out with a new force, and his soul was squeezed in confusion and pain.

Since the pore, like a sharp guy with prickly, like a bodian, eyes hostile and severely grabbed him for the collar, everyone went to the swing with a mockery, and not with help, no one wanted to understand his offense. Even in the hospital, where Taiga silence breathed love and peace, people caressed it only because they consisted of their duty. And the hardest, the most bitter for the sword was to feel lonely after and his blood remained somewhere on a barley field.

He was drawn to the peak, but the old man, spreading a bathrobe, slept peacefully under the tree on the edge, laying under the head a soft hat. From a round, brilliant liski diverged in all directions as radiance, transparent silver hairs. Two guys are one with a bandaged hand, another, laughing on the leg, came out of the taiga. Stopping near the old man, cheerfully worried. Chrome found a straw and, raising her eyebrows and wrinkling, as if he was going to sneeze himself, he told her in a peak nose. The peak was sleepingly blocked, stuck with his nose, dismissed his hand several times, finally sneezed loudly, to universal pleasure. Both took place with laughter and, bending to the ground, looking around, as the popular guys, ran to the barrack - one carefully mans his hand, the other - begging on his leg.

- Hey you, a death assistant! - shouted the first, seeing Kharchenko and cook on Zavalinka. "Do you own that you paw women? .. Well, well, well, give me and serve me ..." he blurted out with an oil voice, sitting next to and hugging his sister to a healthy hand. - We love you - You have alone, and this black acoustic drive - drive him to Mama, drive him, a bitchy son! .. - He tried to push Harchenko with the same hand, but the paramedic cuddled to Vare from another sides and smoothly, The teeth yellowed from the "manchurki".

- And I have an idea to catch? - crushed climbing chrome. "And what is it, and where is it true, and who is designed by the wounded man," how do you look, comrades, lovely citizens? .. "he often became, like a warranty, blinking with wet centuries and mischievously swinging his hands.

His companion fadingly haughtily shook his foot, not subpaucting close, and Feldsher laughed unnaturally loudly, imperceptibly climbing Ware under a blouse. She looked at them muddle and tired, not even trying to drive out Harchenkov's hand, and suddenly, having caught a confused view of the swinge, jumped up, quickly fossy blouse and pouring like a peony.

"We climb like flies on honey, tagged males! .." said in the hearts and, lowly bowing his head, ran into the Barack. In the doorway she slammed the skirt and, angry with her, she slammed the door again so that the moss was sneaked out of the gaps.

"So my sister is! .." Saddy headed chrome. " He was jerked, as in front of tobacco droop, and Zahoshikal - quiet, finely and dirty.

And from under the maple, from the bed, from the height of four mattresses, settling in the sky yellow, exhausted face with the disease, alien and strictly watched the wounded partisan of Frolov. His look was dim and empty as the dead. The wound of Frolov was hopeless, and he himself knew it from the minute, when, doring from the fatal abdominal pain, for the first time saw in his own eyes the obverse, overturned sky. Motchka felt his fixed glance and, shudder, frightened his eyes.

"Guys ... Skody ..." Frolov said hoarsely and stirred his finger, as if he wanted to prove to someone else.

Motchka pretended to be heard.

And although Frolov had long forgot about him, he was afraid to look in his direction for a long time, "it seemed to be wounded, looking back in a bony, covered with a smile.

From Barack, awkwardly broke in the doorway, Dr. Stashinsky came out. Immediately straightened like a long folding knife, and became strange as he could bend when she got out. He went to the guys with big steps and, forgetting why they needed, he stopped in surprise, blinking with one eye ...

- Heat ... - finally grunted, folding his hand and spending her on a cut-off head against the hair. He came out to say that it's not good to bother a person who cannot replace everyone mother and his wife.

- Bored lie? He asked the sword, coming to him and lowering him on his forehead, hot palm. Switch touched his unexpected participation.

- I - what? .. recovered and went, - Motchik was attracted, - but how are you? Forever in the forest.

- And if necessary? ..

- What is needed? .. - I did not understand the Motchka.

- Yes, in the forest, I be ... - Stashshsky took his hand and for the first time with human curiousness looked at the scene directly in his eyes with his shiny and black. They watched somehow from afar and sadly, as if they had absorbed all the wonderful longing for people, that long nights were given by Taiga singles at the Chadi Sikhote-Alil Kostov.

"I understand," said Motchik sadly and smiled just as friendly and sad. - Didn't it be in the village to get a set? .. That is not what you personally, - he intercepted a loss question - and the hospital in the village?

- Save here ... and you yourself from?

- I am from the city.

- For a long time?

- Yes more than a month.

- Kraiselman know? - Voshinsky revived.

- I know a little ...

- Well, how is he there? And who else know? "The doctor climbed the eye and so suddenly sank to the penalty, as if he had hit him under his knees.

- I know Efremova, Efremova ... - He began to list the Motchka, - Guryva, Frankel - not the fact that in glasses - with the unfamiliar, and the small ...

- Why is it all "maximalists"?! - Surprised Stashsky. - How do you know them?

"So, after all, I'm all more with them ..." Kechka muttered uncertainly, for some reason Robust.

"Ah ..." - I wanted to say as if Stashin did not say.

"A good deal," buried dry, somehow with a confused voice and got up. "Well, well ... straighten ..." said without looking at the sword. And, as if so afraid, he will call him back, quickly walked to the barrack.

"I still know Vashutin! .." - trying to grab something, shouted the mark after.

"Yes ... Yes ..." said Staszysky several times, having heard and student steps. Motchka realized that he did not please something to him, - he glanced and blushed.

Suddenly, all the experiences of the last month jerked at him, - he once again tried to grasp something and could not. His lips trembled, and he blinked quickly, quickly, holding tears, but they did not obey and flowed, large and frequent, sprawling along the face. He closed with a blanket with his head and, without holding back more, I cried quietly, trying not to tremble and not sobat so that no one would notice his weakness.

He cried for a long time and loosely, and his thoughts, like tears, were Solons and tarts. Then, calming down, he remained lying motionless, with a closed head. Varya approached several times. He knew her strong taire well, as if, until the sister's death, a loaded trailer was pushing. Having hesitantly standing near the bed, she left again. Then she caught a peak.

- Sleep? - asked clearly and affectionately.

Motchka pretended to be sleeping. Peak waited a bit. It was heard, as the evening mosquitoes sing on the blanket.

- Well, sleep ...

When he was dark, two came again - cooking and someone else. Gently raising the bed, carried it to Barack. There was hot and raw.

"Go ... Go for Frolov ... I'll come now," said Varya. She stood over a bed for a few seconds and, carefully lifting the blanket from his head, asked:

- Are you what it is, Pavlusha? .. bad to you? ..

She first called him Pavlushe.

Motchka could not see her in the dark, but he felt her presence just like the fact that they were only together in the barrack.

"Poor ..." he said in dawn and quietly.

- Legs ache?..

- No, so-so ...

She quickly bent and, tightly clung to him with a big and soft breast, kissed him on his lips.

V. Men and "coal tribe"

Wanting to test your assumptions, Levinson went to the meeting in advance - to lose among the men, whether there are any rumors.

Skhod gathered at school. The people were some more: a few people, who returned from the field, could have humbled on the porch. Through the opened doors, it was visible, as a ripper was in a room with a lamp, adjacent the wigble glass.

- Osip Abramychu, - Men respectfully bowed, in turn stretching the dark livonson, who won their fingers from work. He greeted each and modestly sat down on the step.

Behind the river, the varnish sangs; It smelled by a hay of dust and smoke bonfire. It was heard, how tired horses are fighting on the ferry. In a warm evening millet, in the viper of loaded cart, in the length of the filled missed bows, a man's fighter day fastened.

"Low enough," said Ryabets, leaving the porch. - Yes, many and do not collect Sedni, many people spend the night ...

- And where to go to Buden day? Al urgent what?

- Yes, there is one Delcea here ... - Chairman was too. - Nabulized here one of them, - I live. It, as if to say, and trifles, and a whole ventilator turned out ... "he looked embarrassed on Levonson and fell silent.

"But if empty, and not the mark would collect! .. - Diale the men talked. - Time is a man every hour of roads.

Levinson explained. Then they were in vindicate to post their peasant complaints, helicate more around the pouch and the bestower.

- Would you, Osip Abramych, walked somehow on the bow, looked, what do people kit? Whole brain, no one, who would have one for laughter, are all Latany. Do not work - Matahe.

- Semyon back which thoroughly! He would have everything soon, - a greedy man to the matter, - goes on a proofer, sniffs, exactly the car, in the Kochka Ka-Ak ... Star! .. Now, how much, notin, not that.

- Well "Litovka" was! ..

"My one is there? .." said Ryabet thoughtfully. - Help, chi not? Honch rich herb is rich - although B. Sunday, the flying wedge was removed. Will will be in a penny war.

In the trembling lane, new figures in long dirty and white shirts, some with nodules, fell out of the darkness, some of the work. They brought with them a slurred man's talk, smells of tar and sweat and freshly adhesive herbs.

- Hello in your hut ...

- Ho-ho-ho! .. Ivan? .. And well, Kazhi the face to the light - Great Chmiel bites? I saw how you ran from them, the ass hung up ...

- Why are you, infection, my wedge squinted?

- How is yours! Not a barrack! .. I am in between, tupping to the bail. We are not someone else's nad - your grabs ...

- We know you ... "Esch - em!" There are no pigs from the garden ... Soon there will be a pierce on my scatter ... "Hwa-ta is! .."

Someone, tall, sutured and hard, with one shiny eye in the darkness, grown over the crowd, said:

- The Japanese of Third Day came to the journal. Chuguev guys bayali. I came, took school - and immediately in Baba: "Ruska Barysen, Ruska Barysen ... Syu-shh. Ugh, forgive the Lord! .. - he cut off with hatred, sharply rushing his hand, like a cut.

- He will come to us, this is how to drink ...

- And where to attack such?

- No peasant sniff ...

- And all that on a man, and all something on it! Although it happens to that one came out ...

- The main thing - and no exits! Hut so in the grave, fuck so in the coffin - one distance! ..

Levinson listened without interfering. Forgot about him. He was so small, non-pieces in appearance - all consisted of a cap, red beard and Ichigi above the knees. But, listening to disheveled men, Levinson traveled into them a disturbing notch distortion.

"It's bad," he thought focused, "it's too bad ... I need to write a stash tomorrow, so that I caress the wounded where it is possible ... I will measure for a while, as if there is no ... Karauly strengthened ..."

- Baklanov! - he called an assistant. "Go here for a moment ... what's what ... sit down closer." I think I am not enough for us one hour in the rod. It is necessary to make an equestrian watch to the wingspiece ... at night especially ... We have been hurt carelessly.

- What? - the cormorated eggplanes. - Isn't that an alarming? .. or what? - He turned to Levinson a shaved head, and his eyes, oblique and narrow, like the Tatar, watched wary, toastly.

"In war, cute, always anxious," said Laskovo and poisonous Liskovo. "In the war, dear, that's not what Mary Russa in a haymaker ..." he laughed suddenly fractionally and cheerfully and pinned the Bucklanov in his side.

- You are what smart ... - I swore Baklanov, grabbing Levinson by the hand and immediately turning into a fucking, cheerful and good-natured guy. "Don't jog, don't fucking - you still can't break it away! .." He greeted into his teeth in his teeth, twisting his hand back and squeezing him to the porch column.

- Go, go - Won Marusya calls ... - Chitril Levinson. - Yes, let you, h-damn! .. Uncomfortable on the gathering ...

- Just uncomfortable, and I would have shown you ...

- Go, go ... she is, Marusya, something ... Go!

- Potion, I think one? - asked Baklanov, getting up.

Levinson with a smile looked after him.

"You have an assistant heroisk," said someone. - Does not drink, does not smoke, and the main thing is young. Enters the third gradder in the hut, the clamp to shake ... "Well, I say, don't you want a redmashchka with a pepper?" "No, says, do not drink. If, if, he says, you think you think, the milk come on - Milk, says, I love it right." And he drinks him, you know, smoothly a small child - with a bowl - and the loaf crumbs ... a fighting guy, one word! ..

In a crowd, glittering with rifle dlooms, the figures of the partisan flashed more and more often. The guys went down to a term, together. Finally, the miners headed by Timothy Dubov, a rising descent from Sucean, now a pleasant commander. They were so joined in the crowd of a separate, friendly mass, not dissolving, only the frozen was satisfied with the village of Zavaling.

- Ah ... and are you here? "Noticing Levinson, the Dubov riddled himself was delighted, as if he had not seen him for many years and did not expect to meet here. - What is it Torzovka there? He asked slowly and densely, stretching Liminson a large black hand. - Teach, teach ... So that others have been not every way! .. - threw again, without hearing the explanations of Levinson.

"It's time to pay attention to this frost for a long time, it's time to pay attention - the stain on the whole detachment puts," the sweet-haired guy screwed, he chizes, in a student cap and cleaned boots.

- You were not asked! - Without looking, cut off the oaks. The guy prew up his lips offensively and dignity, but, caught on himself a mocking view of Levinson, whispered in the crowd.

- Did you see a goose? - gloomily asked Voice. - Why do you hold it? .. According to rumors, he himself kicked out of the institute himself.

"Do not believe any hearing," said Levinson.

"Would you like that whether Cha! .." Rybets appease from the porch, confused with his hands, as if he did not expect that his overgrown Bain was serving such a cluster of the people. - Would you start ... Comrade Commander? .. To the cocks, we are pushed here ...

The room was hot and green from smoke. The benches lacked. Guys and partisans have scored a passage, crowded in the door, breathed Levinson in the head.

"Start, Osip Abramych," Ryaben said sullenly. He was dissatisfied with himself and the commander - the whole story seemed to be worthless and troublesome.

Freezka was swayed in the doorway and became next to Oak, the gloomy and evil.

Levinson blew more on the fact that he would never be to tear up the men from work if she had not believed that it was general, both sides were affected, and in addition, in the detachment a lot of local.

"As you decide, it will be," he graduated from Vesko, imitating a tormentary hawk. Slowly dropped on the bench, I was looking back and immediately became a small and invisible - SGAS, as a fitist, leaving the gathering in the dark itself to solve the case.

At first, several people foggy and disadvantaged, joking in the trifles, then others got involved. A few minutes later nothing could be understood. More men said, the partisans were silent deep and expectantly.

"Also, this is not an order," the grandfather of Eustafius, gray and nagging, like the flying moss. - In the old time, with a mycolashka, for such things on the village drove. Will stolen and water under frying music! .. - He instructed someone with a dried finger.

- And you do not merry in Mikolashkina! .. - I shouted the sutured and one-eyed - the one that told about the Japanese. He always wanted to swing his hands all the time, but it was too close, and from this he was angry. - You would have all a mycolaca! .. I moved time ... auch, do not turn! ..

- Yes, my Mikolashka is not a mycolaca, but only this is not the right, "the grandfather did not give up. - And so all the ball feed. And the thieves produce us too unorded.

- Who speaks to produce? Nobody behind the thieves! Thieves, maybe you yourself bred! .. - hinted one-eyed to the Sand's grandfather, without a trace of missing years ten years ago. - Only here his measure is needed! The guy, maybe the sixth year is fighting, "without induluble and do not hurt a melon? ..

"And what was he a squirrel? .." Was alone. " - Lord your will - the good woother what ... Yes, you will go to me, I bless him full of Kaist for my eyes ... on, take it - pigs feed, no sorry for a good man! ..

Frames themselves decide with the chair! .. - shouted someone. - There is nothing to climb into this case.

Levinson rose again, knocked on the table.

Let's, comrades, in turn, - said quietly, but it is clearly, so that everyone heard. "We will talk to once - I will not solve anything." But where? .. And well, go here ... - he added, Potmennev, and everyone was glared to where the ordinar was stood.

I also see from here ... - Dwelch said Frost.

Go, go ... - pushed his oaks.

Freezka hesitated. Levinson leaned forward and, immediately grabbing him, as a tick, a non-moving look, pulled out of the crowd as a nail.

The ordinar was swayed to the table, lowly bowing his head, without looking at anyone. He sweat itself hard, his hands trembled. Feeling hundreds of curious eyes on themselves, he tried to raise his head, but stumbled upon harsh, in hard felt, the face of potena. The demolution watched sympathy and strictly. Freezka could not stand and, turning to the window, froze, overlooking the void.

Now we will discuss, "said Levinson is still surprisingly quiet, but heard for everyone, even behind the doors. - Who wants to talk? So you, grandfather, wanted, it seems? ..

Yes, what to say here, "the grandfather of Eustafius was embarrassed, - we are so only, between themselves ...

The conversation here is short, decide yourself! - again talked guy.

Well, the old man, I give me the word ... - suddenly told the oaks with a deaf and restrained strength, looking at the grandfather of Eustafia, why Levinson called an old man by mistaken. In Dubov's voice, it was such that all the heads, shuddering, turned to him.

He squeezed to the table and became near the frost, tanning Levinson a large and high-hand figure.

Himself decide? .. Are you afraid?! - rushed angrily and passionately, clouding the air. "We decide! .." he quickly leaned toward the frozen and dug into him burning eyes. - Our, you say, frozen ... Shakhtar? - asked hard and hardly. - U-y ... unclean blood - Sukhanskaya ore! .. Do not want to be ours? Warred? disgrace the coal tribe? Okay! .. - The words of Dubov fell in silence with a heavy copper rumble, like a hectic anthracite.

Freezka, pale as a canvas, looked into his eyes without breaking down, and the heart fell in it, as if shoven.

Okay! .. - repeated oaks again. - Bloudi! Let's see how they live without us! .. And we need to drive it out! .. - he suddenly cut off, turning sharply to Levinson.

Look - Catchy! - cried out someone from the partisans.

What?! - asked Oaks scary and stepped forward.

Yes, the tsyz are you, go-sodi ... - he was plaintively inflated from the angle of a frightened senioc voice.

Levinson from behind grabbed the sleeve.

Oaks ... Oaks ... - he said calmly. - Move the little thing - the people are blocked.

The charge of Dubov was immediately disappeared, pleasant crashed, confusedly blinking.

Well, how do we drive him out, fool? - spoke Goncharenko, raising over the crowd crispy, fearless head. "I am not in defense, because you don't win on two sides," the guy's attackness, I myself go with him a day ... Only a guy, say, battle - you do not rans. We with him all the Ussuri front passed, on advanced. Your boyfriend will not be issued, will not sell ...

His ... - I interrupted the oaks with bitterness. - And he, you think, is not yours? .. in one hole they smoked ... Singing the third month under the same sinel! .. And then everyone is a bastard, - he suddenly Suddenly, he read, - Will learn! .. - "So I'm going to and I lead to that," Goncharenko continued, asleeply asking for Dubov (he accepted his curses to his own account). - It is impossible to quit this case without consequences, and immediately drive it too, they are not reson - picked up. My opinion is: to ask him yourself! .. - And he hungryly cut his palm, putting her on the edge, as if he had separated everything else and unnecessary from his and right.

True! .. ask yourself! .. Let us say, if conscious! ..

Oaks, who began to be squeezed into place, stopped in the aisle and inquisitively stared at the frost. He looked, not understanding, nervously tense with sweating fingers.

Speak, how do you think! ..

Frost glanced at Levinson.

Yes, if I ... - he began quietly and humid, not finding words.

Speak, speak! .. - shouted incentive.

Yes, if I ... I did it ... - He again did not find the necessary word and nodded on a row ... - Well, these melons would ... I would have thought if I thought ... with evil or how ? And then because we have sesmanship - everyone knows, so I ... And as the oaks told that everyone I guys are ... Yes, if I, brothers! .. - Suddenly it came out from the inside, and All he leaned forward, clutching his chest, and his eyes splashed with light, warm and wet ... - Yes, I will give blood on the alkalo for everyone, and not that shame or how! ..

Outsided sounds from the street crowded into the room: Dog Boyala somewhere on a Nestlik's cute, sang the girl, near the ass pounded something measured and stupidly, as if in a mortar. "Creek and! .." - broken down on the ferry.

Well, how do I assume myself? .. - with pain, but already much harder and less sincerely continued freezing ... - Only the word I can give ... Shakhtarskoe ... It will be faithful to do it. ..

And if you do not restrain? - Carefully asked Levinson.

I cut it ... - and frost wrinkled, staring in front of the peasants.

And if not?..

Then you want ... Although shoot ...

And shoot! "Oakov said strictly, but his eyes glistened without any anger, lovingly and mockingly.

So, both shab! Amba! .. - shouted with benches.

Well, and all the things ... - the men spoke, rejoicing that the visual meeting comes to an end. - The matter is trivial, and conversations for the year ...

On this and decide, what? .. There will be no other offers? ..

Yes, you close, Ch-Damn! .. - Skilling partisans, breaking down after a recent voltage. - And it is tired of ... eat hunting, - the intestine of the china shish shows! ..

No, go, "said Levinson, raising his hand and shouting restraint. - with this question is finished, now another ...

What else is there?!

Yes, I think I need such a resolution to take ... - He looked around ... - And we didn't have the secretary! .. - he laughed suddenly finely and good-naturedly. - Go, Chizh, write ... Take such a resolution: to chase dogs on the streets free from hostilities, and help the owners, at least a little ... - He said it so convincingly, as if he believed himself, What at least someone will help the owners.

Yes, we do not demand that! .. - shouted someone from the men. Levinson thought: "pecked ..."

Czishch, you ... - The rest of the rest. - Run better. Pushy and really work - your hands will not be twisted! ..

And we will especially work on Ryabtsy ...

Why especially? - worried men. - What is he for a bump? .. Little labor - the chairman can! ..

Cumming, cum! .. Agree! .. write down! .. - The partisans fell off from the places and, no longer listening to the commander, piled out of the room.

And-eh ... Vanya, and! .. - jumped to the frozen the shaggy, the Blood Guy and, fractionally knocking the boots, dragged him to the exit. - Boy you are my disadvantageous, my son you are my, snot nostril ... and-eh! He pulled out on the porch, a famously climbing a cap and hugging a frozen with a different hand.

Go you, "His ordinarist flew sobfully. Levinson and Cablannes were quickly passed.

Well, and healthy this oaks, "the assistant said, excitedly splashing saliva and waving his hands. - Here they are with a potena! Who is who, what do you think?

Levinson, busy other, did not listen to him. Removed dust handed over to the legs of the ugly and gently.

Freezka quietly lagged. The last men overtook him. They spoke now calmly, not in a hurry, accurately walked from work, and not from the gathering.

Friends of the hut crawled on the hill, called dinner. The river was noisy in the fog on hundreds of jurored voices.

"The bear has not yet caught ..." - frost was fixed, entering gradually into the familiar marvelous circle.

In the stable, hiding the owner. Teddy bear quietly and displeased, as if asked: "Where are you hacking?" Freezka spoiled a hard mane in the dark and pulled it out of Puni.

I was happy, "he pushed his head Mishkin, when he cheated back into the neck with wet nostrils. - Only you can smoke, and fade away - so I am alone ...

Vi. Levinson

The Levinson detachment stood on vacation already the fifth week - an overgrown by the farm: crown horses, styles, kitchen boilers, around whom the tormented, conspiracked deserters from foreign detachments, "the people laid out, slept more than, even in Karalah. The alarming did not allow Levin-Sona to move off all this bulky Mahine: he was afraid to make an increasing step - new facts were confirmed, then his fears were ridiculed. More than once he accused himself in excessive caution - especially when it became known that the Japanese left the wings and intelligence did not find the enemy for many dozens of miles.

However, no one except Starshovsky knew about these fluctuations in Levinson. Yes, and no one in the detachment knew that Levinson could fluctuate at all: he did not share with anyone with his thoughts and feelings, he presented ready-made "yes" or "no." Therefore, he seemed to everyone - with the exception of such people as oaks, Stashin-Sky, Goncharenko, who knew the true price, is a person special, the right breed. Each partisan, especially the young cormorants, who worried about everything on the commander, adopted even his external manners, thought something like this: "Of course, I, a sinful man, I have a lot of weaknesses; I don't understand much, I don't know how much I don't know how to overcome much; at home I am a caring and warm wife or bride, according to which I miss; I love sweet melons, or a milk with a loaf, or cleaned boots to conquer the girls on the evening. But Levinson is quite another. It can not be suspected of something Similar: He understands everything, everything does it, he does not go to the girls like cormorants, and does not steal melons, like a frozen; He knows only one thing - the matter. Therefore, it is impossible not to trust and not submit to such a right person ... "

Since left as Levinson was chosen by the commander, no one could imagine him elsewhere: it seemed to everyone that his most distinctive feature was exactly the fact that he commands them with a detachment. If Levinson told about how in his childhood he helped the father to trade with used furniture, as his father wanted to get rich all his life, but he was afraid of mice and badly played a violin, - every person would hardly be like a relevant joke. But Levinson never told such things. Not because it was hidden, but because he knew what he thought about him as about the "special breed" man, many of their weaknesses and weaknesses of other people also knew and thought that we could lead to other people, only pointing to them on Their weaknesses and suppressing their hiding from them. Equally, he never tried to make fun of the young Baklanov for imitating. In his years, Levinson also infused people who have learned him, and they seemed to him as correct as he was to Blankov. Subsequently, he was convinced that this was not the case, and was still very grateful to them. After all, Baklanov admirated not only external manners, but also an old life experience - the skills of struggle, work, behavior. And Le Voszyzon knew that external manners are filled with years, and skills, replenished with personal experience, will move to new Levinsons and Baklanov, and this is very important and necessary.

In the crude midnight in early August came to the detachment of the horse relay. She sent her old Sukhov-Kovtun - Head of the headquarters of partisan detachments. Old Sukhov-Kovtun wrote about the attack of the Japanese on Anuchino, where the main partisan forces were concentrated, about the deaths of the lime, about hundreds of tortured people, that he himself hides in hunting winter, wounded by nine bullets, and what can be seen, It's not long to live for him ...

Rumor about the defeat was walking along the valley with ominous speed, and yet the relay was overtaken. Each ordinarie felt that this was the most terrible relay, which one had to carry from the beginning of the movement. The alarm of people was transmitted to horses. The shaggy partisan horses, squeezing their teeth, the quarry rushed from the village to the village of Gmurym, splashing, splashing the worshi of the hoops of the mud ...

Levinson received a relay in half the first night, and after half an hour, the shepherd of the shepherd of the Misteli, who passed the rattling, scattered by Fan in secret Sikhote-Alignan trails, spreading the alarming news in the detachments of the Sviyaginsky combat site.

Four days collected Levinson disparate information from the detachments, his thought worked intensively and feel like listening. But he still calmly talked to people, silently pure blue, the alternate eyes, teased Bucklanov for the boys with "Zoodpannaya Maruska". And when Chizh, loosened from fear, asked once why he did nothing, Levinson politely clicked him on his forehead and replied that it was not an avian mind. " With all his own kind, Levinson, as it were, showed people that he perfectly understands, why everything happens and where he leads that there is nothing unusual or terrible and he, Levinson, has long already has an accurate, unmistakable plan of salvation. In fact, he not only had no plan, but generally felt confused, as a student who was forced to immediately solve the task with many unknown. He waited for more than Westa from the city, where a guerrilla was left a week before the alarming relay.

He appeared on the fifth day after the relay, which briefed bristles, tired and hungry, but the same sorty and redhead, as before the trip, - in this respect he was registered.

In the city of the failure, and Kraiselman in prison ... - said the wounders, pulling a letter from an unknown sleeve with the agility of a card cheeler, and smiled at one lips: he was not fun at all, but he did not know how to speak without smiling. - In Vladimiro-Alexandrovsky and at Olga - the Japanese landing ... All Sucean is crushed. Ta-tank business! .. Squash ... - and handed Levinson a gilded cigarette, so it was impossible to understand whether to "snatch" to a cigarette or affairs that are bad, "like tobacco".

Levinson looked at the addresses to the addresses - one letter hid in his pocket, another printed. It confirmed the words of Kanunnikov. Through the official lines full of deliberate cheerfulness, bitterness of defeat and powerlessness appeared too clearly.

Poor, eh? .. - Heat asked the wounds.

Nothing ... who wrote a letter - gray? The events nodded affirmatively.

This is noticeable: he is always on sections ... - Levinson mockingly emphasized the nail "Section IV: the next tasks," sniffed a cigarette. - Dried tobacco, right? Give it to see ... You are only there among the guys do not tremble ... about the landing and other things ... I bought the phone? - And, not listening to the explanation of the canunnikov, why he did not bought the tubes, again buried in paper.

The "Regular Tasks" section consisted of five points; Of these, four seemed impossible Levinson. The fifth point said: "... most importantly, what is required now from the partisan command - what you need to achieve as far as it makes it, it is to maintain at least small, but strong and disciplined combat units, around which subsequently .. . "

Call Baklanov and Nachoza, "Levinson quickly said. He put a letter to a field bag, and without reading that it would be subsequently around combat units. Somewhere from a variety of tasks, one - the "most important one" was drawn. Levinson threw out an extinct cigarette and banked on the table ... "Save combat units ..." This thought was not given at all, stood in the brain in the form of three words written by a chemical pencil on a lined paper. Magically groped the second letter, looked at the envelope and remembered that it was from his wife. "This is later," he thought and hid him again. - Save the combat e-di-ni-tsy. "

When Nachhoz and Baklanov came, Levinson knew already that he and people who were in his subordination would do: they would do everything to preserve the detachment as a combat unit.

We will have to leave here soon, "said Levinson. - Are we all right? .. Word for Nachhoz ...

Yes, behind Nachhoz, - as Echo repeated the cormorants and pulled the belt with such a harsh and decisive look, as if he knew in advance what was going on.

I - that, for me, the case will not, I am always ready ... Only here, how to deal with oats ... - and Nachhoz began to tell very long about the submissive OVE, about torn Blades, about sick horses, about That "all the oats do not raise them in any way," in a word, about such things that showed that he is not yet ready for anything and generally considers the movement of a harmful course. He tried not to look at the commander, painfully wrinkled, blinked and rugged, as it was confident in advance in his defeat.

Levinson took him for the button and said:

Durry ...

No, however, Osip Abramych, it is better for us to strengthen the ...

Strengthened? .. here? .. - Levinson shook his head, as if sympathizing with the stupidity of the Nachoza. - And so gray in her hair. Yes, what do you think, whether head?

No conversations! - Levinson was intelligible to twitch him for a button. - At any time be ready. Clear? .. Baklanov, you trace this ... - He let go of a button. - I am ashamed! .. Your trifles are your bloves, trifles! "His eyes wet down, and under their tough look, Nachhoz finally made sure that the bloves were exactly the trifles.

Yes, of course ... well, that, it is clear ... It is not the essence of this ... - He was confused, ready to continue to agree even to carry oats on his own back, if the commander finds it necessary. - What can we prevent us? Yes, how long is it? Fu-y ... at least today - in two bills.

Here, here ... - Levinson laughed, - Yes, okay, okay, go! "And he lightly pushed him in his back." - To at any time.

"Sly, bitch," - with annoyance and admiration thought Nachhoz, leaving the room.

By evening, Levinson gathered a detachment council and platoon commanders.

Levinson's news reacted differently. Oaks all evening sat silently, packed up thick, hard messed mustache. It was seen that he agreed with Levinson in advance. Especially objected to the departure commander of the 2nd platoon Kubarak. It was the oldest, most honored and most nonsense commander in the whole county. Nobody supported him: Kubrak was from the wings, and everyone understood that there were wovel pies in him, and not the interests of the case.

Cap! Stop! .. - interrupted his shepherd of Metelitsa. - It's time to forget about Babi Hem, Uncle Kubara! "He, as always, unexpectedly flared from his own words, struck his fist on the table, and his rowed face was immediately swept. "Here we are, how smoking," stop, and a lid! .. "And he ran around the room, shining stacking stools and a lash.

And you are hiding a little, you will not get tired soon, "Levinson advised. But in secret, he admired the gusty movements of his flexible body, tightly twisted like a belt beach. This man could not sit in a minute - all there was fire and movement, and his predatory eyes were always burned by the insatiable desire to catch up and fight someone.

Metelitsa put out his retreat plan, from which it was seen that his hot head was not afraid of large spaces and was not devoted to a military surge.

That's right! .. He cooks the bowler! - exclaimed the cormorants, admiring and a little offended by too bold flight of Metizian independent thought. - Lives a lot of horses, and a year later, looked, we'll have to command ...

Metelitsa? .. U-y ... because it is a treasure! - confirmed Levinson. - Just look - do not come to know ...

However, taking advantage of the hot debate, where everyone considered himself smarter than others and did not listen to anyone, Levinson replaced the Plan of the Metelitsa his - easier and cautious. But he did it so skillfully and unnoticed that his new proposal was voted as a proposal of the Metelitsa and all was taken.

In response letters to the city and Stashinsky, Levinson informed that the other day she transfers the detachment into the village of Shibishi, in the upper reaches of IROCHEDZY, and the hospital had prescribed to remain in place to a special order. Stashovsky Levinson knew in the city, and it was the second anxious letter, which he wrote to him.

He finished his job in deep at night, in the lamp Travel Kerosene. In the open window pulled damp and a premium. It was heard, how the cockroaches and a ripper snoring around the stove and row in the next hill. Levinson remembered the letter of his wife and, topping the lamp, listed him. Nothing new and joyful. Still, they do not accept anywhere, it is sold to everything that you can have to live at the expense of a "working red cross", in children - qing and anemia. And through everything - one endless concern for him. Levinson pensively pointed his beard and began to write a response. Initially, he did not want to turn the circle of thoughts associated with this side of his life, but gradually he got carried away, his face was blossomed, he wrote down two sheets in small, unintelligible handwriting, and there were many such words in them that no one would think about that They are familiar Levinson.

Then, warm-up member, he went to the courtyard. The horse crossed the horse, juicy crunched herbs. Dayal, hugging a rifle, slept tightly under the canopy. Levinson thought: "What if the sentries also sleep? .." He stood a little and, with difficulty overcoming the desire to go to bed himself, brought out a stallion stall. Sedded. Dayal did not wake up. "I watch Sukin Son," Liminson thought. Carefully removed the cap from him, hid it under the hay and, jumped into the saddle, went to check the guard.

Holding the bushes, he sneaked to the rod.

Who's there? - Sureovo called the clock, blasing the shutter.


Levinson? What do you wear you at night?


Minutes from fifteen one left.

New nothing?

So far, calm ... there is a smoke? ..

Levinson squeezed him "Manchurki" and, crouching across the River, drove into the field.

Pledged a month looked, a pale bushes were stepped from darkness, drooped in dew. River River on a ride clearly - every jet into a stone. Ahead on the Bugre is unclear four equestrian figures. Levinson turned into the bushes and hid. Voices were glad quite close. Levinson found out two: sentient.

Well, dogers, "he said, leaving her way. Horses, snorted, stagged to the side. One learned the stallion under Levinson and quietly rushed.

So you can go, - said the front to the alarmed-vigorous voice. - TRP, bitch! ..

Who is this with you? - asked Levinson, approaching closely.

Osokinsky intelligence ... Japanese in Maryanovka ...

In Maryanovka? - Levinson was fixed. - Where is Osokin with a detachment?

In the wings, - said one of the scouts. - We retreated: the battle battle was, did not hold. Here sent to you, for communication. Tomorrow I leave the Korean farm ... - He talked hard on the saddle, exactly the cruel load of his own words pressed it. - Everything went to the ground. Forty man lost. For all summer, this was not a loss.

Are you starved early from the wings? - asked Levinson. - Turn back - I will go with you ...

In the detachment, he returned to almost the day, thinned, with inflamed eyes and head, severely from insomnia.

The conversation with Okokin finally confirmed the correctness of the decision taken by Levinson - to go in advance, noted traces. Another eloquent said about this view of the Okokinsky squad: he flew over all the seams as the old barrel with rotten rivets and rusty hoops, which were tightly shouted. People ceased to obey the commander, fleeing aimlessly in the courtyards, many were drunk. Especially remembered by one, Cudlated and skinny, - he was sitting on the square near the road, staring into the ground with turbid eyes, and in the blind despair, he slammed the cartridge for the cartridge in Belegoy Morning Mc.

Returning home, Levinson immediately sent his letters to the appointment, without saying, however, to anyone that the departure from the village was scheduled for them for the next night.

VII. Enemies

In the first letter to Stashinsky, sent another day after a memorable man, Levinson shared his concerns and offered to gradually unload the lazaret so that there was no extra burden. The doctor reread a letter several times, and because he bligned especially often, and on the yellow face everything was sharpened to the jaws, everyone became bad, it was not good. As if from a small gray bag, that he kept Stashinsky in dry hands, crawled, spike, vague Levinson's anxiety and from each edge, from every spiritual pedestal, a cozy stagnant quietly scared.

Somehow it was immediately broken by clear weather, the Sun has crossed out with the rain, the manchurian worn was sadly soldered, before all feeling the breath of a nearby autumn. The old black-free woodpecker scored according to the crust with an unprecedented fierce, "the peak rushed, became silent and nelaskov. He wandered all day after the taiga, came tired, unsatisfied. It was taken for Shtivo - the threads were confused and rushed, he sat down to play checkers - lost; And he had a feeling that he was pulling through a thin straw, rotten swamp water. And people have already diverged around the villages - the bladd soldier nodules cooled, - smiling sadly, they went around for the handle. The sister, having examined the dressing, kissed the "brothers" for the last farewell, and they walked, drowning in MShu new lapotopes, in a unlucky distance and slush.

The last cooking was performed by chrome.

Farewell, Bratuha, - said, kissing him on his lips. - You see God loves you - a good day arranged ... Do not forget us, poor ...

And where is he, God? - grinned chrome. - No God ... No, no, I won't yell! .. - He wanted to add something else, habitual and fearful, but suddenly, having flown in his face, waved his hand and, turning away, slapped along the path , terribly striking the bowler.

Now, only Frolov and Corchet remained from the wounded, and even a peak, which, in fact, did not hurt anything, but did not want to leave. Motchka, in a new chacharea shrine, who sewed his sister, he seeded on the bed, nearby pillow and Pikin Bath. He was already without a dressing on his head, his hair was thrown away, crowded with thick yellowish rings, the scar of the temple did the whole face seriously and older.

So you will recover, you will go soon, "sister said sadly.

And where will I go? - He asked inevitably and himself was surprised. The question was floating for the first time and gave rise to unclear, but already familiar ideas - there was no joy in them. Motchka frowned. "Nowhere to go to me," he said hard.

Here you and on! .. - Varya was surprised. - Go to the detachment, to Levinson. Do you know how to ride? Equestrian detachment of our ... Yes, nothing, you will learn ...

She sat down near the bed and took his hand. Motchka did not look at her, and the idea that sooner or later would still have to leave, it seemed to him unnecessary now, sadly, as a refive.

And you do not be afraid, - as if I understood him, Vary said. "Such a beautiful and young, and timid ... Robust you," she repeated with tenderness and, promptly looking around, kissed him in his forehead. In her caressing there was something maternal. - ... This is Shaldyba there, and we have nothing ... "she quickly whispered in her ear, not agreeing on words. - He has a rustic, and we have more miners, their guys - you can get along ... you come to me more often ...

What about the frozen?

But what about that? On the card? "She replied the question and laughed, pulling away from the sword, because Frolov turned his head.

Well ... I also forgot to think ... I broke the card, - he added hurriedly, - saw the papers then? ..

Well, with a frozen and that me - he got used to. Yes, he himself walks ... Yes, you are nothing, do not be sad, - most importantly, come more often. And do not let down the descent ... do not let me. They don't need to be afraid of our guys - they are in the form of evil: Put the finger in the mouth - they will break off ... And only all this is not scary - alone. You only need to show your teeth yourself ...

Do you show?

My business is female, maybe this is not necessary - I will take it to love. And without it it is impossible, it is impossible ... Only you can not, "she added, thinking. And again, leaning towards him, whispered: - Maybe I love you for it ... I don't know ...

"It's true, I am completely at all," thought Motchka, laying his hands under his head and staring into the sky a fixed look. "But can I not be able to? After all, you need somehow, they know how others ..." In his thoughts, however. , There were no sadness - dreary and lonely. He could already look at everything from the side - with different eyes.

It happened because in his illness came a fracture, the wounds quickly bored, the body was hard and poured. And it went from the ground - the land smelled with alcohol and ants - and even from Vari - her eyes were sensitive, like smoke, and she said everything from good love - wanted to believe.

"... And what do I really lose heart?" I thought Motchka, and it really seemed to him now that there is no reason to be sad. "We need to immediately put yourself on an equal foot: do not give the descent to anyone ... not to give anyone. - It was her very correctly said. People here are others, you need to somehow shifter ... And I will do it, he thought with an unprecedented determination, feeling almost sown gratitude to Vare, to her words, to her good love . - ... Everything will go back in a new way ... And when I return to the city, no one knows me - I will be completely different ... "

His thoughts were distracted far away - to bright, future days, - and therefore they were lungs, melted themselves, like the pink-quiet clouds over the taiga stuffy. He thought about how, together with Vares, he would return to the city in the swinging car with opened windows, and they would swim outside the window the same pink-quiet clouds over the distant migrant ridges. And they will be two sitting by the window, clinging to each other: Cookary tells him good words, and he strokes her hair, and her braids will be quite gold, as noon ... And cooking in his dreams, too, did not resemble the sutvinat Shakhty No 1, because everything I thought did, there was no real, but what he would like to see everything.

A few days later came from the second letter from the detachment, "his frozen brought. He did a big stir - burst out of the taiga with a screech and gicke, angleless stallion and shouting something reason. He did it from an excess of life forces and ... just "for laughter."

Wears you, the devil, "said a frightened peak with a singery ukriznaya. "The man dies here," he nodded at Frolov, "and you yell ..."

Ah ... Father Seraphim! - Greeting his frozen. "Our forty one with a tassel! ..

I am not a father to you, but the name of me by F-Fedor ... - Pick spilled. Recently he was often angry, - was made funny and miserable.

Nothing, Fedose, does not bubble, not that hair will get out ... Spouse - respect! - Skazhka spoke, while removing the cap and putting it on Pikin's head. - Nothing, Fedosi, hacking to your face. Only you pick up, do not hang, do not hang, like on scarecrow, uch-chen non-altenitiously!

What is the rods soon to entertain? - asked Stashinsky, breaking the envelope. "Let's go to Barack for the answer," said, hiding a letter from Harchenka, who pulled the neck with a danger to life because of his shoulder.

Varya stood before the frozen, turning through the apron and for the first time experiencing awkwardness at a meeting with her husband.

What was not long ago? - finally asked with the delounted indifference.

And you probably missed? - He asked mockingly, feeling her incomprehensible alienation. - Well, nothing, now you are growing - I'll go to the forest ... - He paused and added Ecco: - suffer ...

You are only business, "she replied dry, without looking at him and thinking about the swinge.

And you? .. - Frost outlit and played the lamb.

And I am not the first time, there is not strangers ...

So go? .. - He said carefully, without moving from the place. She lowered the apron and, throwing the braids, went ahead along the path with a careless delivered gait, keeping not to look back to the sword. She knew that he was looking after a pathetic, confused glance and would never understand, even then, that she was only a boring duty.

She was waiting for that the frost would drive it from behind, but he did not approach. So they walked for quite a long time, while maintaining the distance and silently. Finally she could not stand and stopped looking at him with surprise and waiting. He came closer, but never took her.

Something Fints You, the girl ... - suddenly said hoarsely and with the arrangement. - Vlipla already, or what?

And what about demand? - She raised her head and looked at him in the emphasis - stopping and boldly.

Frost knew before that she was walking in his absence just like walked in girls. He knew it since the first day of living together, when drunk in the morning I woke up with a headache, in a pile of bodies on the floor, and saw that his young and legitimate wife sleeps in an embrace with Ginger Gerasim - Cube from NO 4. But - As then, and in all subsequent life - he treated this with full indifference. In essence, he never tasted with genuine family life and never felt like a married man. But the idea that his wife's lover may be such a man like a tank, seemed to him now very offensive.

Who are you, it would be desirable to find out? He asked deliberately politely, withsting her eyes with a careless and relaxed smile: he did not want to show offense. - In Entoch, Mamina, or what?

And at least in my mother's ...

Yes, he is nothing - clean, - Morozka agreed. - There will be a stop. You are your handkerchiefs to him - wash the snot.

If it is necessary, both our and morning ... the morning itself! Hear? - She brought the face closely and spoke quickly and excitedly: - Well, what are you brave, what is your sense in your vitality? For three years, the child did not - only we are tongue, and there ... the bogger is tissue! ..

You make you, how, if there is a whole platoon, it works ... Yes, you do not shout, "he cut it off - not that ...

Well, what is "not that"? .. - she said defiant. - Maybe you will beat? .. And well, try, I'll see ...

He raised the wagon in surprise, as if this thought was an unexpected revelation for him, and lowered again.

No, I will not beat ... - said insecure and with regret, as if he was thinking about whether he really didn't. - It would be necessary, but I'm not used to beat your brother. - In his voice, he slid unfamiliar notes.

Well, yes, well - live. Maybe you will be launched ... - He turned cool and walked to the barrack, knocking the flower heads on the go.

Listen, go! .. - she shouted, suddenly hesitating his pity. -- Vania!..

I do not need to me boric squirrels, "he said sharply. - Let me use my ...

She swamped, whether to run after him or not, and did not run. I waited until he hits around, and then, licking dried lips, slowly went.

Seeing freezing, too soon returned from the taiga (the ordinar was wagged, having swollen his hands, with a heavy gloomy ruffling), Motchka realized that the frozen from the Varai "did not happen" and the reason for this - he, Corcyt. An awkward joy and a sense of unfortunate guilt smoked in it, and it became terrible to meet with a frozen exterior look ...

The Koyki with a crunch pointed a shaggy stallion with a crunch: it seemed that the ordinar was going to him, in fact, the dark swing power attracted him to the swing, but the frost hid it even from herself, full of unattricible pride and contempt. With each step of his step, the feeling of guilt in the sword grew, and the joy was disappeared, he looked at the frozen with a cute, leaving inside his eyes and could not break his eyes off. The Ordinarus grabbed the stallion under the booze, he pushed him with his face, turning to the schishka as if on purpose, and the Cechok choke a suddenly stranger and heavy, muddy from hate. On this short second, he felt so gently, so unbearably gadko, which suddenly spoke to some lips, without words, he did not have words.

Sit here in the rear, "Dark thoughts said with hatred with his dark thoughts, not wanting to listen to silent clarification. - Shipshoy shirts hoped ...

He became a shame that the Cechok could think that he was angry with jealousy, but he himself did not know her true causes and cursed her long and badly.

What are you swearing? - flashed, asked Motchka, feeling incomprehensible relief after the frozen swore. "My legs are interrupted, and not - in the rear ..." he said with an angry proud trembling and bitterness. At that moment he believed himself that his legs were interrupted, and generally felt as if he was not he, and the frozen wears shaggy shirt. - We also know such frontalists, "added, blushing," I would tell you too, if I hadn't been obliged to ... on my misfortune ...

Yeah-a ... Labor? - I almost bouncing, I screamed frozen, still not listening to him and not wanting to understand his nobility. - I forgot how I pulled out you from the floor? .. We drag you to our head! .. - he shouted so loudly, as if he dragged out of the hollow every day, like chestnuts, - on Sv-in the head! .. here you are sitting! .. - and he hit himself on her neck with an incredible bitterness.

Stashinsky and Kharchenko jumped out of the barrack. Frolov turned his head with painful surprise.

What are you shouting? - asked Stashinsky, with a terrible speed blinking with one eye.

My conscience where?! - shouting frozen in response to the question of the sisterka, where he has a conscience. - Here it is where, conscience, - here, here! - He chopped with distervection, making indecent gestures. From the taiga, from different sides, sister and peak, shouting something in hand, frost jumped on a stallion and pulled him a lot of his whore, which happened to him only in the moments of the greatest excitement. Teddy bear squeezed over and jumped aside as scratching.

Study, you will capture the letter! .. Frost! .. - Knuckle shouted Stashinsky, but the frost was no longer. From the disturbed thickets came the rabid fog of removed hooves.

VIII. First stroke

The road fled to meet, as an endless elastic tape, the branches hurt the frost in the face, and he was all challenged and drove the crazy stallion, a full inhound malice, resentment, mens. Separate moments of a ridiculous conversation with a sword - one whisk of another - again and was born again in the trimmed brain, and yet frost it seemed that he had not sufficiently strongly expressed his contempt for such people.

He could, for example, remind the parties as he clung to him on a barley field, as in the distraught her eyes, there was a room fear for his little life. He might be cruel to rid of the love of a swing to the curly lady, whose portrait, maybe still stored in his pocket of the jacket, near the heart, and put this beautiful, the clean young lady with the most pubesiest names ... He remembered that the mark "was" confused " With his wife and it is unlikely to insult now for the clean young lady, and instead of a malicious celebration over humiliation of the opponent, frost felt his irreparable insult.

Bear, disqualched by the injustice of the owner, fled until the lips were not weakened in the lips; Then he slowed down and, not hearing new puffs, went to a shown-rapid step, just as a person, offended, but not losing his own dignity. He did not pay attention even to the skews, - they shouted too much this evening, but, as always, in the back, and more ordinary seemed to him with fussy and stupid.

Taiga was parted by an evening birch edge, and in her wisely, her lumens, right in the face, beat the sun. Here it was cozy, transparent, fun, "so unlike a man's bustle. The wrath of frozen cooled. The offensive words that he said or wanted to say to the swing, long ago have long lost a vivid-bright plumage, appeared in all its communited unsightly: they were unnecessary crying and lightweight. He regretted already, which contacted the sword - not "stood up the brand" to the end. He now felt that cooking at all was not so indifferent to him, as it seemed earlier, and at the same time he knew that he would never return to her. And because Varya was the closest man who connected him with her old life on the mine, when he lived, "like everyone else", when everything seemed to him simple and clear, now, swaying with her, he experienced such a feeling, This big and solid band has completed, and the new has not yet begun.

The sun looked the frozen under the goat - it still stood over the ridge with an impassive, non-moving eye, but the fields around were disturbing-deserted.

He saw infracted barley sheaves on the poor stripes, Babi Apron, forgotten by the horses on Suslon (Suslon - compiled on the stuffing sheep.), Rake, Komle stuck in between. On the wrinkled stack sadly, the orphans, the crowd and silent. But all this sailed by consciousness. Freezka stunned a long-standing dust of the memories and found that it was not fun at all, and very badly, damned cargo. He felt abandoned and lonely. It seemed that he himself floats over a huge fruitless field, and the disturbing emptiness of the last only stronger emphasized his loneliness.

He woke up from fractional horse hide, suddenly escaped because of the Bug. Barely threw his head - a slim, pulled in the belt in the belt, a dosage figure on the eyes of a bad horse grew up in front of him, - she sat down from surprise to the hind legs.

Well, you are, Coblo, here's Coblo! .. - Crowded sentient, caught on the fly a female hitting the impetus. - Frost, what? Vali speeds up to home, to the house of Vali: there we have this - do not disperse, understand, by God ...

Yes, the deserters have passed here, a whole WHO was talled, one-piece WHO - the Japanese-de-Dee here! Guys from the field, women in the roar, women in the roar ... They caught a cart from the Ferry, that your bazaar, - fun! .. Little ferry did not kill, they didn't send it all - no, I did not cross it! .. And Grishka Our will drive the verst for ten - the Japanese and the layer do not hear, do not hear - Brehnya. They switched, bitches! .. Shoot for such things - and then the cartridges are a pity, and it is a pity, by God ... - the lingerie splashing, waved his lamb and removed, I put on a cap, famously shook the diplots, as if, in addition In all other things, I also wanted to say: "Look, dear, like girls love me."

Frost remembered how many months two years ago, this guy stole a tin mug from him, and after it was that she had her "from the German front." The mugs were not sorry now, but the memories of it - immediately, the faster words of the sentiment, whom the frost did not listen, occupied by his, - she pushed him into the usual rut of the detachment life. The urgent relay, the arrival of Canunnikov, the retreat of Isokina, the rumors that the detachment was eaten lately, - all this joined the alarming wave, washing the black scale of the past day.

What are the deserters, what are you taking? - he interrupted the sentiment. He raised the eyebrow in surprise and froze with a listed cap, which he had just removed and was going to wear again. - You would only put it out, Zhenya with a handle! - Cruise said Frost; Angrily pulled under the boil and a few minutes later he was already in the ferry.

A hairy ferry, with a pantic, with a huge chillion on his knee, really suffered, chasing the overloaded ferry and forth, and yet many still crowded on this side. As soon as Parom praised the shore, a whole avalanche of people, bags, a cart, bulling guys, cracked, was collapsed on him - everyone tried to hate first; All this was pushed, screamed, creaked, fell, - a ferry, having lost his voice, vainly spread his throat, trying to put the order. Kurta Baba, having time to personally talk to the deserters, tormented by an insoluble contradiction between the desire to get home and take his news to the remaining, - for the third time it was late for the ferry, pokeled after a huge, more herself, a bag with a vote for pigs and then praying: "Lord , Lord, "I was again taken to tell to be late for the fourth time.

Freezka, hitting this bog, I wanted, on the old habit ("for laughter"), even more stronger, but for some reason he thought and jumping from the horse, began to calm down.

And the hunt to breach to you, there are no Japanese there, - I interrupted the battle-free woman, "tell me too:" Ga-Ases are pushing ... "What are the gases there? Koreans, maybe a straw paled, and her - ha-aza ...

Men, forgetting about the woman, they survived him, - he suddenly felt like a big, responsible person and, rejoicing his unusual role and even that he suppried the desire to "market", - until then refuted and ridiculous deserters, Dramed the gathered. When the next ferry approached. There was no such junk. Freezka himself directed the training in turn, the men complained that they left the field early, and, in the annoyance of themselves, scolded horses. Even the smoke babe with a bag finally got into someone's cart between two conquer faces and a wide torment.

Frost, having frowning through the railing, looked like a white mug of foam runs between the boats - did not overturn the other, - their natural order reminded him as he himself was just a sorgalized man; Reminder it was nice.

Speeding, he met a peddrawn - five guys from the platoon of Dubov. They welcomed it with laughter and good-natured mothers, because they were always happy to see him, and they had nothing to tell them about, and therefore, that all these were healthy and strong guys, and the evening came the cool, cheerful.

Rolls a sausage! .. - spent their frozen and looked with envy after He wanted to be together with them, with their laughter and the mother - together to rush to the ward of cool and vigorous in the evening.

Meeting with the partisans reminded the frozen that, leaving the hospital, he did not capture the letters of the stash, and he could get for it. The picture of the gathering, when he almost flew out of the detachment, suddenly stood before his eyes, and immediately sternly. Freezka just now felt that this event was, maybe most important for him for the last month - much more important than what happened in the hospital.

Michutka, "he said the stallion and took him for the withers. "I'm bored with everything, my brother, to a buzze mother ..." Teddy bear walked her head and snorted.

Handing to the headquarters, frozen accepted a solid solution to "give a damn on everything" and to take peace for the platoon to the guys, having completed the responsibilities of the ordinary.

On the porch at the headquarters of Cablanov interrogated Deserters, they were unarmed and under guard. Baklanov, sitting on the step, recorded the names.

Ivan Filimonov ... - he poodled one by a plaintive voice, with all his might pulling her neck.

How? .. - Terrificantly asked Baklanov, turning to him with all the torso, as it was usually Levinson. (Baklanov thought that Levinson was doing this, wanting to emphasize the special significance of his questions, in fact, Levinson turned out because once he was injured in the neck and otherwise he could not turn around at all.)

Filimonov? .. Patronymic! ..

Levinson where? - asked freezing. He nodded at the door. He corrected the Chub and entered the hut.

Levinson was engaged at the table in the corner and did not notice it. Frost in indecision played a wag. Like everyone in the detachment, the commander seemed to be frozen an unusually correct man. But since life experience suggested him that the right people do not exist, he tried to convince himself that Levinson, on the contrary, is the greatest rogue and "on his mind." Nevertheless, he was also sure that the commander "everything sees scorch" and to deceive it is almost impossible: when I had to ask for anything, frozen knew a strange malaise.

And you are all in the papers, like a mouse, "he finally said. - I took a package in full trial.

No answer?

Not-ETU ...

Okay. - Levinson postponed the card and got up.

Listen, Levinson ... - Frost began. - I have a request to you ... You'll get up - you will be eternal friend, though ...

Eternal friend? - with a smile asked Levinson. - Well, say that there is a request.

Let me in a platoon ...

In the priest? .. Why did you fit you?

Yes, for a long time - the outlining to me, believe the conscience ...

Exactly and not the guerrilla, and so ... - Frost waved his hand and frowned, so as not to be out and not to ruin things.

And who is the ordinary?

Yes, the efimka can be adapted, - clutched frozen. - Oh, and rides, I will tell you - in the old army, prizes took!

So, you say eternal friend? - again asked Levinson in such a tone, just this consideration could have a crucial value.

Yes, you do not laugh, Choler Chertov! .. - did not stand the frozen. - To him with the case, and he hahanki ...

And you are not hot. It is harmful to ... You say Dubov, so that sending Efimka, and ... you can go.

That is, it has been working out, so far! .. - Frost was delighted. "So I put a brand ... Levinson ... This n-number! .. - He threw a cap from his head and slammed her about the floor.

Levinson raised the cap and said:

Frost came to the platoon - already hemnelted. He caught a twelve man in the hives. Oaks, sitting on a bench, with a night light disassembled Nagan.

Aa, unclean blood ... - he was trying from under the mustache. Seeing a bundle in the hands of frozen, surprised. - What are you with all the reasons? Demolished or what?

Shab! - shouted freezing. - resignation! .. Feather in the ass, without a pension ... Snap Efimka - Commander orders ...

Went, you have developed? - Efimka asked intactly, dry and bile guy, overgrown by degraving.

Vali, Vali - We'll figure it out there ... in a word - with an increase, Efim Semenovich! .. Magarych with you ...

From the joy that again is among the guys, the frozen was rapid by additives, teased, shipped the hostess, spinning around the hollow, until he flew out on a platoon and did not overturn the rifle oil.

Cripple, disgusting nemazano! - Oakov swore and slapped him on his back so that Morozkin's head did not separately separated from the body.

And even it was very painful. Movneda was not offended - he even liked how the oaks sweeps, using his, not well-known words and expressions: everyone here he took as proper.

Yes ... It's time, it's time ... - said Oaks. "It's good that you're looking at us again." And it was absolved at all - rusted like a bolt unaccustomed, because of you

Everyone agreed with what it is good, but for another reason: most liked in the frozen just that Dubov did not like.

Frost tried not to remember the trip to the hospital. He was very afraid that someone asks: "How is your life doing? .."

Then, along with everyone, he traveled to the river to ride horses ... Digucho, it was silent, the horse heads broke out in the fog over the water, silently were broken, the ears were stretched; The shore had dark towers in cold breeding dew. "This is life ..." - thought frozen and gentlely slowdown the stallion.

At home they screwed the saddle, rubbed the rifles; Dubov read out loud letters from the mine, and goes to bed, prescribed a free-air frozen "on the occasion of returning in Timofeev Lono."

All evening frozen felt a good soldier and a good, right man.

At night, Oaks woke up from a strong shock in the side.

What? What? .. - asked frightened and sat down. I did not have time to exhale my eyes on a dull nightness - heard, or rather, I felt a distant shot, after a while another.

At the bed stood frozen, shouted:

Get up soon! Shoot behind the river! .. Rare single shots followed one after another with almost the right intervals.

Buddly guys, - Dubov ordered, - now the cut for all Halupam ... Soon! ..

A few seconds in full combat equipment, he jumped into the courtyard. The sky is broken - the windless cold. The stars fled to the Mallsty Failed Paths of the Milky Way. From the dark hole of the SHAYNAL popped up - one after another - the laid partisans, swearing, fastening on the move of the cartridge, took the horses. From the petitions with a frantic cauchane flew chickens, horses beat and rzhali.

In a gun! .. By horses! - commanded the oaks. - Mitrine, Senya! .. run around the huts, wake people ... Soon! ..

From the square at the headquarters, the dynamite rocket was silent and rolled over the sky with smoky merry. Sleepy Baba leaned out the window and quickly dived back.

Tie ... - Someone said fallen, trembling, voice. Efimka shouted from his headquarters shouting into the gate:

Anxiety! .. Everything is in the prefabricated place in full! .. - shot above the crown of a raised horse and, shouting something incomprehensible, disappeared.

When the sent was returned, it turned out that more than half of the platoon would not sleep at home: from the evening they went to the golyanka and, it can be seen, the girls remained. Having confused oaks, not knowing whether to act with cash or go to the headquarters to find out what was the matter, - scolding in God and the sacred synod, sent to all the ends to look for one by one. Two times came the orders with the order immediately arrive with all the platoon, and he could not find people, rushed across the courtyard, as a caught beast, was ready to start a bullet in his forehead in despair and, maybe it would be allowed if I didn't feel all the time Its difficult responsibility. Many of this night were injured from his ruthless fists.

Finally, tipped by a stubborn dog, the platoon rushed to the headquarters, filling the fear of the street with a mad horse trap and the ringing of steel.

Dubov was very surprised, put the whole squad on the square. Along the main path stretched ready for the road, - many, hurrying, sitting near the horses and smoked. He found his eyes a small figure of Levinson, he stood near the lighted torch logs and calmly talked with Meselitsa.

What are you so late? - attacked Baklanov. - And you say more: "We are ... Shakht-Era ..." - he was beyond himself, otherwise he would never say Dubov such a phrase. Welcome only hand waved. The most insultant for him was the consciousness that this young guy of the Baklanov now has the legal right to blame him in every way, but even Hula that will not be a worthy fee for him, Dubov, guilt. In addition, the cormorants hung it in the most sore place: in the depths of the soul, Dubov believed that the miner's title was the highest and honorable, which man can wear on earth. Now he was confident that his platoon disgraced himself, and the Sucean Mine, and all the mining tribe, at least to the seventh knee.

Having grown into withdrawal, Baklanov left to remove the doses. From five guys who returned from behind the river. Oakov learned that there was no enemy, and they shot "in white light, as in a penny", according to Levinson's orders. He understood then that Levinson wanted to check the combat readiness of the squad, and he was still pretty much from consciousness that he did not justify the confidence of the commander, did not become an example for others.

When the plats were built and made a roll ring, it was found that many still lack. Especially a lot of deserters turned out to have a Kubra. Kubrak himself traveled to say goodbye from the relatives and still did not rub. Several times he appealed to his suspension with a speech - "Can it be respected if he is so scounded and a pig," and cried. And the whole detachment saw that Kubrak was drunk. Only Levinson as if he did not notice this, otherwise it would have to remove the Kubra from office, and it was somehow to replace it.

Levinson drove in line and, returning to the middle, raised his hand. She hung coldly and strictly. Light night noises were heard.

Comrades ... - He began Levinson, and his voice, a quiet, but intelligible, was heard by each as the beat of his heart. - We leave here ... Where - this is not worth talking now. Japanese forces - although they do not need to exaggerate - yet such that it is better to hide to the pore, until time. This does not mean that we are completely derived from danger. Not. She constantly hangs over us, and every partisan knows about it. Are we justifying your partisan title? .. Today I did not justify anyhow ... We blurred like girls! .. Well, if you really were the Japanese? .. Yes, after all, they dismissed us like chickens! .. Sidl ! .. - Levinson quickly laughed forward, and the last words were twisted at once unfolded the spring so that everyone suddenly felt herself captured by the rupture chicken, which was staggering in the darkness inexorable iron fingers.

Even nothing who understood Kubrak said convinced:

Privacy ... everything is so ... Privacy ... - turned the square head and shook loudly.

Dubov waited from minute to minute, that Levinson will say: "Here, for example. Oaks - he came today to a hatching role, and I hoped for him the most, - Stamp! .." But Levinson did not mention anyone by name. He generally spoke a little, but stubbornly beat in one place, as if she was in a massive nail, which to serve for eternal times. Just making sure that he was reached by appointment, he looked towards Dubov and unexpectedly said:

Dubova Platov will go with the turn ... It hurts an impact ... - stretched out on the stirrups and, waving his lamb, commanded: - Media-I-Ino ... to the right three ... A-A-Arsh! ..

According to the municipality, the mouthpieces were blocked, the saddles were scrupted, and, silent in the night, as a huge fish in the waters, a thick string of people swam where

IX. Motchka in detachment

Stashinsky found out about the speech from the Assistant of the Nachoza, who arrived in the lazaret to prepare food.

He, Levinson, Cooked, "said the assistant, putting the sun outstanding humpback back. - Without it, we would have disappeared everything ... So here you judge: no one knows the road in Lazare, in the case of which I will drive us - we are all a detachment here! .. and remember, as we were called ... And here and provisions and forage are suitable. Lo-Ovko was invented! .. - Assistant in admiration twisted his head, and Stashinsky saw that he praises Levinson not only because he actually "smelted", and also from the pleasant thing that the assistant attributing to another person unusual to him Good qualities.

On the same day, Zechka first got on his feet. Supported under his arms, walked along the lawn, surprised and joyfully feeling elastic turf under his feet, and darelessly laughed. And after, lying on the bed, he felt the restless beat of the heart not from fatigue, not from this joyful feeling of the earth. The legs were still trembling with weakness, and a cheerful jumping itching was wandering around the body.

While the Motchka walked, Frolov watched him with envy, and the Metchi could not have to overcome the feelings of some guilt in front of him. Frolov had been sick for so long that he had exhausted all the compassion of others. In their indispensable caress and caringness, he heard a permanent question: "When do you still die?" "But I didn't want to die." And the visible absurdity of his clinging for life pressed everyone like a grave plate.

Until the last day of the duration of the sword in the hospital, there were strange relations between him and Veres, similar to the game, where everyone knew what he wants alone and was afraid of another, but none decided to make a brave, exhaustive move.

For a difficult and patient life, where men were so much that it was impossible to distinguish them in color of the eyes, hair, even by name, - Varya could not say anyone: "welcome, beloved." Motchka was the first to whom she had the right to be - and said these words. It seemed to her that only he, so beautiful, modest and gentle, is able to satisfy her longing motherhood and that she loved him for it. In anxious adversity, she called him at night, I was looking for an unattramibly every day, eagerly, trying to lead from people to give her late love, but never decided for some reason to say it straight.

And even though the swinge wanted the same with all the fervor and imagination just ripe, he stubbornly avoided to stay with her alone - he dragged his peak behind him, he complained about the unhealthy. He Roblast because he was never close to a woman; It seemed to him that it would come out by him not as in humans, but very shameful. If I managed to overcome the timidity, suddenly the angry figure of frozen got up in front of him, as he goes out of the taiga, waving his lamb, and the Motchka was then a mixture of fear and the consciousness of his non-payment debt before this man.

In this game, he lost and rose, but so until the last minute and not overwall weakness. They went along with the peak, embarrassing with everyone as if with strangers. Varya caught up on the trail.

Let's even forgive me as you should, "said, stern from running and embarrassment. - There I was ashamed somehow ... I never had it, and then he was glad, "and blamed him the embroidered plenty, as all young girls did on the mine.

Her embarrassment and a gift did not knit so with her, - the sword became sorry for her and ashamed before the peak, he barely touched her lips, and she looked at him the last smoky look, and her lips were shrieled.

Look, run away! .. - she shouted when they were already disappeared in more often. And, not hearing a response, right there, dropping into the grass, cried.

Dear, recovering from sad memories, the Cechka felt himself a real partisan, even turned out his sleeves, wanting to light up: it seemed to him that it was very necessary in that new life he began after a memorable conversation with his sister.

The mouth of the IROCHEDZE was occupied by Japanese troops and quaffes. Peak Brotil, nervous, complained of all the way to non-existent pain. Motchka could not persuade him to bypass the village of Valley. I had to climb on the ridges, according to unknown goat beats. They descended to the river on the second night by Rocky Circular, almost without killing, - Motchka still faded himself on his feet. Almost by morning they fell into the Korean fan; Headlessly swallowed the chuminess without salt, and looking at the exterpant, miserable figure of peaks, the Cechuche could not restore the captive eagle the image of a quiet and bright old man over a quiet reed lake. The crushed of his appearance as it were to emphasize the fragility and deceit of this silence, in which there is no rest and salvation.

Then they walked rare farms, where no one heard about the Japanese. To the question - was the detachment? - They were pointed to the upper shovel, they asked the news, they poured honey kvass, girls looked at the sword. Baby has begun. The roads were drowned in a thick bustling wheat, the empty web was growing in the mornings, and the air was full of bee degenerate a plaintive Hood.

In Shibishi, they came in the evening; The village stood under the wooded mountain, on the priest, - the sun's sun beat from the opposite side. A group of cheerful, threshing guys with red bows in full swing of the chapel mushrooms, and red bows were playing in town. Just struck a little man, in high Ichigah and with red, long wedge, a beard, similar to the gnome, which they draw in children's fairy tales, - shamefully misstowed all the sticks. Above him laughed. The little man confusedly smiled, but so that everyone saw that he was not at all confusively, but also very fun.

So he, Levinson, - said the peak.

Yes, there is a redhead ... - throwing a perplexed sisterka, a peak with unexpected, demonic barking to a small little man.

Look, guys, - Peak! ..

Peak and there is ...

Solded, damn bald! ..

Guys, defeating the game, overturned the old man. Motchka stayed aside, not knowing - to come to approach or wait until you call.

Who is that with you? - finally asked Levinson.

And the guy is one from the hospital ... Ha-Road guy! ..

Wounded it, that the frozen brought, - inserted someone, having learned the sword. He hearing what they say about him, went closer.

The little man, so badly playing the towns, turned out to be big and clever eyes, "they grabbed the swing and, twisting him inside out, suited so a few moments, as if we were weighed everything that turned out there.

Here came to you in a detachment, - started the commemorate, blinning for his tough sleeves that forgot to unscrew. "There used to be at Shaldyba ... before the injury," added for weight.

And Shaldyba since when?

Since June - So, from the middle ...

Levinson again looked at his inquisite, looking at his eyes.

Do you know how to shoot?

I can ... - County said unsure.

Efimka ... bring the dragoon ...

While running behind the rifle, the tens felt how dozens of curious eyes learn from all sides, a dumb persistence of which he begins to take over hostility.

Well ... What would you shoot? - Levinson seeked his eyes.

In the cross! - Someone happily offered.

No, it's not worth the cross ... Efimka, put the town on the pillar, turn there ...

The Metchka took the rifle and almost clogged from the bunda, which they took possession (not because it was necessary to shoot, but because it seemed as if everyone was wanting to miss).

Left hand take a closer look - loss, "someone advised.

These words, spoken with obvious sympathy, helped a lot. Osmeliev, he pressed the trigger and in the screen shot - here he was still closed - managed to notice how the town flew from the pillar.

Come on ... - Levinson laughed. - Have you had to contact the horse?

No, - Mechik confessed, ready after such success to take on even other people's sins.

Sorry, - said Levinson. It was clear that he was really sorry. - Baklanov, give him a sousy. - He squeezed himself. - Take care of her, the horse is harmless. How to take care, inclusive will teach ... in what platoon we will send it?

I think to Cubra - he has a shortage, "said Bucklanov. - Together with the peak will be.

And that ... - Ghondson agreed. - Vali ...

The first look at Zychihu forced the sword to forget his good luck and caused by her boyish and proud hopes. It was a tearful, mournful mare, dirty white, with a spin-made back and a meakkin belly - the submissive peasant horse, who spoken in his life is not one tent. In addition, she was a toss, and her strange nickname stuck to her, as the whispered old woman of the Lord's blessing.

This is me, yes? .. - asked Motchka with a fallen voice.

Horse is Nekaznaya, - said Kubrak, slapping her down. - the hooves of her weak - not that, to say, from education, not from a painful relationship ... Ride, however, it is possible ... - He turned to the Square Square, in a gray hedgehog, head and repeated with stupid conviction : - You can ride ...

Don't you have any other? - asked Motchka, immediately penetrating the powerless hatred of the sousie and to the fact that it can be ride.

Kubrak, without answering, began to be boring and monotonously telling what McCacht should do in the morning, at lunch and evening with this shabby mare to protect it from innumerable dangers and diseases.

Returned with the campaign - do not immediately displeasure, - I was waiting for a pleasant one, - let's stand in the way, cooled. And as soon as he lasted, knock her back with her hand with her hand or hay, and before sad, too, wipe ...

Country with a shiver in the lips watched somewhere on his horse and did not listen. He felt as if this offensive mare with poured hooves gave him purposely to humiliate from the very beginning. Recently, any of his act, Czechka considered at the angle of that new life he had to start. And it seemed to him now that there could be no speech about some new life with this disgusting horse: no one will see that he is already completely different, strong, confident man, and will think that he is the former, funny tape, Who can not be trusted even a good horse.

At the mare, in addition to the protocon, - the lush ... - Unconvocatively spoke of an inclusive, not wanting to know how the Metchike is offended and whether the words intend. - It would be necessary to treat it by a vitality, we have no eight way. We treat a chicken litter with a chicken litter - the remedy is also very sincere. It is necessary to impose on a cloth and wrap the District in the wanders in front of it - very helping ...

"What am I - a boy, or what? - thought Motchik, not listening to the rod. - No, I will go and say Levinson that I don't want to ride such a horse ... I am not obliged to suffer for others (he is nice It was thought that he became a victim for someone else). No, I will tell him right, let him not think ... "

Only when the welded cumshot and the horse was entrusted to the mouth of all the sequel, he regretted that he did not listen to explanations. Zychikha, pouring his head, lazily came through with white lips, and Menthet realized that her whole life was now in his hands. But he still did not know how to dispose of a simple horsepower. He did not even be able to even bind this bad mare, she wandered on all the stables, gone into someone else's hay, irritating horses and dayal.

But where is he, cholera, this new one? .. What a mare does not knit myself! .. - Someone shouted in Saraj. Furious blows of the screamers were heard. - I went, went, and, bitch! .. Day, remove the mare, well, her ...

Metchka, sweating from fast walking and inner heat, going through the most evil expressions in the head, stuck on the spiny shrub, walked on the dark, dormant streets, looking for headquarters. In one place, I almost got to the golyanka - the hoarse harmonica came out "Saratovskaya", the treasures pins, ragged checkers and spurs, the girls were squealed, trembling the earth in a crazy dance. Motchik was glad to ask them the road and went around the party. He would preprulate all night if he had not emerged from the corner a lonely figure.

Comrade! Where to go to the headquarters? - Calcated the Czechka, coming closer. And I learned freezing. - Hello ... - said with a strong embarrassment.

Frost stopped in confusion, making some uncertain sound ...

The second courtyard right, "finally answered, without inventing anything more. Strangely shone his eyes and passed by, without turning around ...

"Frost ... yes ... After all, he is here ..." - thought Motchka and, as in the previous days, felt like a lonely, surrounded by dangers, in the form of frozen, dark, unfamiliar streets, a random mare, which is unknown as Contact.

When he approached the headquarters, he was finally weakened by his determination, he did not know why he came to do and say.

The man twenty-partisans lay around the fire, divorced in the middle of empty, huge, like a field, yard. Levinson was sitting at the fire itself, Pascha in Korean's legs, trimmed with a smoke effervescent flame, and recalled the swing of the gnome from a children's fairy tale. Motchik approached and began behind, - no one looked around at him. The partisans in turn told the bad pleasures, in which an invariably participated in the unlucky pop with a wander-up and removal guy, who easily walked on the ground, cleverly inflated the ass because of the affectionate vosta Pethod. The swing seemed to be told these things not because they are funny in fact, but because there is nothing more to tell; Laugh as duty. However, Levinson listened to his attention all the time, laughed loudly and as if sincerely. When he was asked, he also told several funny stories. And since among the gathered most competent, his history was obtained the most intricate and bad. But Levinson, as can be seen, did not hesitate at all, but said mockingly, calmly, and the bad words went as if she was not assisted, as strangers.

Looking at him, the swinge involuntarily wanted to tell himself - in essence, he loved to listen to such things, although he considered them shame and tried to pretend to be as if they were above them, - but it seemed to him that everyone would look at him with surprise and would come out awkward.

He went and left without joining, having taken into his heart to annoy himself and his insult on everyone, more on Levinson. "Well, let him," Motchka thought, offensively mans his lips, "I still won't care for her, let it breathe. Let's see what he dries, but I'm not afraid ..."

In the following days, he really stopped paying attention to the horse, he took it only on horse-drawing, occasionally on the water. If he got to a more caring commander, perhaps he would be pulled out soon, but Kubara was never interested in what was being done in a platoon, providing everything with a progress. Zychikha overtook the past, hungry, Non-clear, occasionally taking advantage of someone else's pity, and Motchike gained universal dislike, as "Lodriode and asked."

Of the entire platoon, only two people were more or a mee close - peak and chiz. But he fell out with them not because they satisfied him, but because it was no longer able to come together with anyone. Chizh himself approached him, trying to drop its location. Having imagined the moment when Ment, after a quarrel with separated because of the unclean rifle, lay one under a canopy, stupidly staring at the ceiling. Chizh approached him with an unclusion of gait with the words:

Angry? .. Throw! Dumb, a little man, is it worth paying attention?

I'm not angry, "said Corchik with a sigh.

So you miss? This is another thing, I can understand this ... - Chizh sank on the shot of the front of the cart and the familiar gesture pulled his thickly lubricated boots. - Well, you know, and I'm boring - intelligent people here are little. Unless Levinson, and he, too, ... - Chizh waved his hand and looked at his feet.

And what? .. - asked Country with curiosity.

Yeah, you know, not at all such an educated person. Just cunning. On our hub, the capital of himself is. Do not believe? - Chizh smiled Gorky. -- Well yes! Of course, you think he is very brave, talented commander. - The word "commander" he said with a special savor. - Throw! .. All this we ourselves have been composed. I assure you ... But here we will take at least a specific case of our care: instead of tipping over the enemy to a rapid blow, we left somewhere in a slum. From the highest, you see, strategic considerations! There, maybe our comrades die, and we have strategic considerations ... - Chizh, without noticing, took a pad out of the wheel and disadvantaged her back.

Mischka was not believed that Levinson was really like, how I was depicted by Chizh, but it was interesting to listen: he did not hear such a competent speech, and he wanted for some reason that she had a share of truth.

Is it really true? He said, promoted. - And he seemed to me a very decent person.

Decent?! - I was horrified by Chizh. His voice lost ordinary sweet notes, and now the consciousness of her superiority sounded. - What is the error. Yes, you see what he picks up people! .. What is the cormorants? Boy! Think a lot about yourself, and which of him is the assistant commander? Was it impossible to find others? Of course, I myself have a patient, wounded by a person - I was injured by the seven bullets and stunned by a shell, - I am not at all chasing such troublesome position, but, in any case, I would not be worse - I will say no praise ...

Maybe he did not know that you understand in a military business well?

Lord, did not know! Yes, everyone knows about it, ask anyone. Of course, many envy and spoke to you by malice, but this is the fact! ..

Gradually, the Czechka revived also and began to share his moods. All day they spent together. And although after several such meetings, Chizh became just unpleasant to the swing, yet he could not take him away from him. He even searched him himself when he did not see for a long time. Chizh taught him to dwell from the daystream, from the kitchen - all this was already lost the charm of novelty, it became a tedious duty.

And since that, the kipheny life of the detachment went past the swinge. He did not see the main springs of the detachment mechanism and did not feel the need for everything that was being done. In such an alienation, all his dreams about a new, bold life, although he learned to gripe, not be afraid of people, tanned and sank in clothes, externally coming to everyone.

Abstract on the topic:

Defeat (novel)


  • 1 Description of the plot
  • 2 History of creation
  • 3 E-shielding
  • Notes


Defeat - Roman of the Soviet writer A. A. Fadeev.

1. Description of the plot

Roman tells about the history of the partisan red squad. Events occur in the 1920s during the Civil War in the Ussuri Territory. The inner world of the main heroes of the novel is shown: the commander of the detachment of Levinson and the fighters of the squad, frozen, his wife Varia.

The partisan detachment (like other detachments) is in the village and for a long time does not behave hostilities. People get used to deceptive calmness. But soon the enemy starts a large-scale offensive, one by one thumbs up the partisan detachments, the rings of enemies are compressed around the detachment. The commander of the detachment does everything possible to save people and continue the struggle. The detachment, pressed against the bog, does Gat and goes along it in Taiga. In the final, the detachment falls in the Cossack ambush, but, the monstrous losses have lost, breaks through the ring.

2. History of creation

The novel was written in 1924-1926, then a little-known writer Alexander Fadeev.

Roman "Rod" occupies, of course, one of the highest places in the literature of Russia. And I should rightfully take much greater and be well known much more. The author gives a real picture of civil war events. There is no victorious procession of socialist ideas in the work and speech. He is about a friend: about human relations, about difficult conditions in which it is necessary to survive, and about loyalty, of course not without it. Fadeev does not accidentally choose the time to describe in the novel when the squad is already crushed. He wants to show not only the successes of the Red Army, but also its failures. Just do not immediately think about the anti-Soviet "Double Day" of the novel, this is an obvious Soviet work.

But some metamorphosis happened. One of the main positive heroes of the novel is a man by the name Levinson. Fadeev made a positive hero of his work with a Jew for nationality, according to internationalism of the 20s. But in the following years, literally in a few years, a long-term anti-Semitic campaign began in the country, and the positive hero of the Jew was no longer a worthy place in the new Soviet literature. For the school program of that time, up to the end of the 80s, the book was recommended as optional. And literary critic, consciously distorting the work, the main character was stubbornly called Levinson, but frozen. Nowadays, the Roman is studied, published and available on the Internet.

"The defeat" brought the young writer with glory and recognition, Fadeev becomes one of the leading writers of the USSR, although after this novel he had almost no time to book, as he became more literary official than the writer.

3. Shielding

  • "Youth of our fathers" (1958)


  1. "Literary Encyclopedia" T. 11 / M.: Art. lit., 1939. Article "Fadeev Alexander Aleksandrovich" - feb-web.ru/feb/litenc/encyclop/leb/leb-6411.htm?cmd\u003d2&istext\u003d1 Link from September 28, 2008
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization performed on 07/14/11 04:11:54
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