Lilia Khigay: What does it mean to see yourself in a dream. Go in a dream - interpret specific images

Lilia Khigay: What does it mean to see yourself in a dream. Go in a dream - interpret specific images
Lilia Khigay: What does it mean to see yourself in a dream. Go in a dream - interpret specific images

Many people have seen a famous Hollywood film about traveling in dreams and about a dream inside sleep. Many people can sleep in a dream. In terms of most dreams, this is a danger warning.

This phenomenon must be analyzed from the point of view not only scientific, but also esoteric. Some people never see such dreams or see once for life. You need to know what our body and our soul tell us, because it may be a kind of fate.

See yourself sleeping - what it means

Many specialists explain this to what you can get out of the body and see yourself from. From an esoteric point of view, this means that your soul is light, like a feather, and you know how to manage it. Scientists are a little different opinion, because they see in all the fads of the inner world of man. They say that seeing themselves sleeping in a dream is a deep desire to become someone else, try something new in life. Perhaps you need to change your genus of reality, because, it is quite likely that you are tired of everything around you.

Folk observations and dreams say that such a dream is an indicator of your unwillingness of change. You are afraid of them, do not want to take. When you see yourself in a dream, it symbolizes the approximation of changes, and not just your fear.

Sleep in a dream

When you sleep in a dream or woke up in a dream, this is a sign that you need to be careful. You can miss some opportunity to be late somewhere. This is a symbol of chance that may occur and not to delight you. Coming something unusual.

Freud said that such a dream from the point of view of psychology means some confusion in herself, and also shows that your mental capabilities are expanded. You want change, changes.

See sleep in a dream

This is an incredibly rare case. You sleep, but see sleep inside sleep, and then wake up first in a dream, and then you can wake up in real life. In esoteric, there are practically no information about such a phenomenon, so many specialists in the field of magic and bioenergetics say it to trouble.

If you do not suit you such a interpretation, then try to trust the opinion of Freud, who claimed that the multistage sleep is a sign of high intelligence, the large stock of the forces of your brain.

See someone else's sleep in a dream

When someone sleeps in a dream, and you see it, this man most likely needs your help, in your patronage, support. It is possible that this support will need him in the near future.

From a psychological point of view, see how another man sleeps, means that you are very much wanting to achieve something. This is the case when you see the enemy. If in a dream you see how a close man or a friend sleeps, then it shows your subconscious desire to heal him or protect it.

Despite the fact that such dreams are very rarely shot by people, they are not always dangerous. One way or another, do not think that something is wrong with you. It is not quite usually, but can talk about many positive things or upcoming changes. Successful dreams to you, success, and do not forget to press buttons and

In a dream, you can drink in front of a close and fairly serious updating of life. The same image hints at a receipt of some information. To understand what a drink was dreamed of a drink, dream books recommend as you can accurately set a variety of drinks.

What dreams to drink in the dream of Miller

In a dream, I treated a sip of wine - to competition or discord because of something material, for example, because of the inheritance.

You stopped drinking either see how others stopped drinking - your financial situation will rise, and surrounded by a friendly friendly.

Dream that you drink in a dream - dream book Freud

A man drinks - the desire to get an orgasm. From Bokal drinks - he has the only partner. Drinking from the spring - then the needs of a woman do not play roles for him, it is important for a man to satisfy only their personal.

Drinking out of the palms is inclined to do onanism, drinks from female palms - he is dusty tied to her. If the fluid in the palm does not delay, and it goes to get drunk - to unhealthy. Sleeping drinks from the bottle - he passionately wishes oral sex.

Woman quenching thirst in a dream, dreams of becoming a mother. Drinking out of the glass - dreams of offspring from the beloved. Spring water drinks - wishes experienced and wise in Cavallar's bed affairs. Drinking out of his palms - she is satisfied with sex. Quenching thirst out of the hands of a man - wants to have an intimate relationship with him, but she keeps her.

What does it mean to dreamed that you drink - Dream Vanga

Drinking water means that the dreams are eager to update his life, and it is already close. Drink noble drinks - to well-being. Of the perfect sudine - get the inheritance, or big profit.

Drink light wine - to a loss, to begging with relatives. Beer or cheap wine - to death, to attack.

What does it mean, you dreamed that you drink Hasse

  • Drink from one with someone glass - a certain secret to the public.
  • From the vessel of silver or gold - good luck in all matters.
  • What does it mean, I dreamed that you drink in the dream interpretation
  • Thickening thirst in a dream - the dreams takes everything that happens, too personally.
  • Drink alcohol - we will handle any help with all the problems.
  • Clean cold water - to health.
  • Warm water and stupid - to death.
  • Drink with your beloved person water from the beginning of the source - to a happy marriage.
  • If the water is bitter, and you swallowed to wealth.

What does it mean that you drink by the dream of copes

Drink in a dream - to merry. Cool clean water - you have good health. Water, heated and unpleasant to taste - to unhealthy. Want to drink - you need help. Push clean water - to good luck or to the wedding. Take any sentence that you will do.

Drinking with milk - the dream need help. But to buy it, you need knowledge in a certain area. Change to courses. Or read the desired book. In a dream, drink coffee, juices, tea - to a visit to comrades. Drink alcohol - do not trust anyone, hope for your strength, you are a creative person and handle.

What dreams of drinking in the dream book Ivanova

Drink to diabetes mellitus.

Drink alcohol - to a similar event.

Sweet elixir - a romantic date that does not oblige anything.

Interpretation in the dreams from A to Z

Water from the well - you are waiting for successfully completed business.

  • From the bucket - to death, get injured, unhappy incident.
  • From glass drink water - to the threat, to infectious disease.
  • From the jug - to well-being.
  • From the mug, the glasses - to the profit, to the worship.
  • From a stack or fezhar - to a quarrel in the family.
  • From the Cup - know the joy and bitforth of love.
  • From the bottle of wine to drink - to mutual friendship and happiness in the family.
  • From the horns of drinking - to the execution of desire.
  • White wine - to joyful fun.
  • Red - to the long-distance path.
  • Champagne - conclude a contract.
  • Unclean and warm water - to unhealthy.
  • Drinking from the hole - to unexpected generated love.
  • From the source - change the job.
  • Milk from the goat - a wedding soon, marriage with a wealthy person.
  • Farmer milk from a cow - you will soon realize the true intentions of a person who seeks your friendly location.
  • Kefir - to minor losses and discomfort.
  • Kumys - Good luck in enterprises and mental vigor.
  • Drink cold kvass with sourness - a favorable contract breaks.
  • Drink tea with lemon - you will indulge your own whims.
  • Drinking beer - you will be disappointed in the one who has recently loved or love Donal.
  • Limonad - meet your future love.
  • Coca or Pepsi -Kol - to good health.
  • Morse - to the offense.
  • Cocktail - stitch all some idea.
  • Butter drink to unhealthy.
  • Dissolved salt - to security.

What dreams that you drink vodka, champagne, brandy, wine

Drink vodka - to condemnation.

Weching with vodka - to overcomes.

You are treated - disappointed in their friends

Drink with someone - conflict with colleagues or companions.

Champagne - to profits.

Drink champagne - in reality, begging because of your gaze on people. Be kindly to others, and they will also be treated towards you.

Buy champagne or drift - to a quick bankruptcy.

Drinking cognac - to wealth.

You drank too much brandy - to the disease.

Gave a bottle of brandy - quickly hurt.

They broke a bottle of brandy - to be patient from the goat enemies.

Bought in the store Cognac - you will firmly implement your projects, not paying attention to any obstacles.

Wine drink to health, to security, to a serene life.

Drink wine with friends - to some celebration.

A businessman dreams, drinks wine - to luxury, successful to conclude contracts.

Wine sour - to sorrow.

What dreams of drinking coffee, tea, cocoa

Drink coffee to a friendly interview.

Flexing coffee - confidential relationships.

Coffee moody - to distrust, doubt.

Tea drink - to the Wests, from which you will be very surprised.

Hot tea - to unborn guests.

Spilled tea - to the breakdown in the family.

Cocoa drink - to a meeting with a comrade, to a small vobine.

Cocoa brew - you will be pleasantly surprised.

What dream of drinking water

Symbol for updating life for the better, if only water is clean and pleasant to taste. If not, then wait for small trouble with which you can cope.

What else dreams to drink in a dream

  • Drink blood

See that someone drinks your blood - when you wake up something sharp to imagine yourself.

In a dream, you drink blood - to a long depression, after such sleep you need to go to psychoanalyst.

In a dream, drink blood - means that it is necessary to get rid of things taken by a dishonest path, from bad people, from all negative, which may be ruined. Do not leave such a dream without attention.

  • Drink in a dream juice

Drink delicious juice - to pleasure.

Drink fresh juice - to a safe ending.

Drink Sweet juice - you are satisfied with yourself.

Gorky - to the annoying promise.

The juice is black - to disappointment.

Birch juice - to health.

  • Drink in sleep compote

Drink compote - to frivolous perekami on your part.

Clean the compote - to a favorable column.

Cooking compote from fresh berries - to parting with a long time for a long time.

Cooking from dry fruit compote - to disagreement with colleagues for work, perhaps change the place of work.

  • Drink in a dream tablet

Girl in a dream to take pills - to traps who will arrange unfriendly people.

Also, the reception of the tablets flashes the dream that he is not all right.

Interpretation search:

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Choose a section for the transition of disease and health You personally movement and travel actions and adventures Money and purchase Days of the week. House and terrain Food and drinks Animals, fish, insects, birds Sounds and speech art and professions Love and sex people and mindedness and communication nightmares Training and work Vegetables and fruits Clothing, appearance Nature and seasons Effects Entertainment Symbols and fantasy Element and cataclysms Colors and numbers of emotions and feelings

At night, you dreamed of a new mysterious dream, and you wish to understand his meaning? Dream Interpretation Online - a convenient service interpretation service that contains 100 best copyright dreams and more than 250,000 interpretations. Using our dreams every day, you can analyze your present and future, realize an internal psychological state, find an answer to the question.

Our collection of dream books is intended for those who believe that every symbol in a dream mean something, and for those who want to know their future. Do not disdate from your dreams! They are your inner psychoanalyst, follow the plots and sleep moods. Read between the lines, and everything will become clearer. In this section of the site dedicated to sleep, a convenient system for finding the value of the dialing action, subject or symbol is implemented, thanks to which it is easy to interpret dreams. You can solve your dream in three ways: 1) in the alphabetical dictionary, 2) through the search form, 3) on the topic of sleep.

Interpretation of dreams is not unambiguous: one and the same circumstance can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, so that the meaning of sleep is plausible, remember not only the general meaning of sleep, and the smallest nuances you have seen. This will help to understand the mystery of your night dreams. In addition, focusing on the consideration of different dreams - interpreters, you can add strokes to the resulting picture. Online dream interpretation from different authors on includes a very large collection of interpretations - more than 75 dreams, many of which are published only with us. Our interpreter is offered to all inquisitive readers for free.

Big online dream book and its content

  • Author dreams (Miller, Vangi, Freud, Yuri Longo, Fabe, Azara, Kopalinsky, Loffa, Catherine Great, Simon Kananita, Jung, Miss Hasse, Tsvetkov, Smirnova).
  • Dreams of the peoples of the world (Russian, French, Jewish, English, Islamic, Italian, Muslim).
  • Ancient dreams (Assyrian, Numeric Pythagora, Egyptian, Chinese Zhou-Guna, Persian Tafelisi, Greek Basinock Ezopa, Kolden Medea, Vedic Shivananda).
  • Folk dreams - Interpreters (Velezov, Russian People's People's Healers, Healers of Maria Fedorovskaya, Babushkin 1918, Ukrainian People).
  • Thematic dreams (star, astrological, home, magic, children, female, idiomatic, psychoanalytic, culinary, lunar, love, mythological, psychological, symbolic, modern, XXI century, for the whole family, birthday names from January to December, yogis, health, subconscious, Taro, black magic, esoteric, erotic, etc.).

Existing dreams are very numerous, classic among them is the American interpreter in Gustav Miller. The interpretation of dreams in Miller has drawbacks - many items and phenomena that have arisen in the twenty-first century do not have interpretations at all. Therefore, we recommend using this interpreter to those who are looking for a classic interpretation.

Bulgarian clairvoyant Wangelia saw sleep, who spoke about unpleasant and good events, which then came true. Free interpretation of dreams as their own and accessing people, she produced using their abilities to see the future. Vanga snotcher allows us to learn the usual person to understand prophetic symbols in a dream.

The clairvoyant astrologer Michel de Notrdam was so geenen that his interpretation of dreams still did not lose their relevance. The main labor of Nostradamus is considered its glorified book of prophecies - Lespropheties - which describes the fate of peoples and states. According to Nostradamus, it will be interesting to those who have intuition and often sees prophetic dreams.

Scientist Sigmund Freud believed that items and phenomena in dreams are sexy characters. Freud's dream interpretation was based on a theory of studying a person's intimate life. In order to learn to interpret the dreams, using the online dream book on Freud, you need to possess not only wide views, but also some courage, since his interpretations often expose the dark side of nature, and sometimes they are simply mixed.

The outstanding Swiss psychotherapist Karl Jung compiled his own interpreter of dreams with psychological clarification. According to Jung's theory, we are all self-learning through our dreams, which our unconscious mind fills the symbols by sending us information about everyday affairs in reality.

Some Jews made a dizzying career at the courts of pharaohs. For example, the famous Joseph, which the king said: "There is no so reasonable and wise like you." Joseph has reached the privileges and grace of Pharaoh, creating a dream book to record all the night dreams of its lord and their meanings. The epic with Joseph is a legend in which it is now difficult to separate the truth from the fiction.

According to historians, the first time people began to interpret dreams approximately 5,500 years ago. In the ancient Sumer, people first began to allocate a separate room under a falling asleep. It is worth noting, it was supposed to be only a king - everyone else was sleeping where it would work out. Among other things, an ancient Egypt also includes the art of interpretation of dreams. One period in Egyptian settlements was even built special temples, in which the elected priests were interpreted by the dreams of aristocracy.

Breeding in vintage times was considered a natural window in the otherworldly world. However, unlike an ordinary person, Shaman owned art to navigate the world of the sleepy kingdom, knew "where what's here." Shaman conducted the study of this area and knew how to interpret sleep. Modern dream interpreters with all its volume and quality cannot be ahead of the magical capabilities of the shaman in this skill.

The ancient Egyptians, like all the people, saw dreams, sought them to decipher their interpretation, but unlike contemporaries, gave their dreams great importance, they made practical conclusions from their dreams. The dreams predetermined the actions of the ancient Egyptians, including the pharaohs. It was in dreams that, as they were already believed, the intended future could be awarded the commoner and pharaoh.

In the east, time immemorial interpretation of night visions trusted only astrologers. Why? As it turned out, the wisest people believed that the interpretation of dreams is directly depending on how the sign of the zodiac was born a man. After all, the same dream, dreamed of Aries or Sagittarius, is interpreted completely differently. For someone, the river seen means a quick replenishment in the family, and someone should be ready for a long business trip. Only with the help of online dream book you can solve sleep.

Sleep is a certain physiological condition of the body when it minimizes the surrounding reaction and lowers brain activity.

We all know what to relax, sleep healthy, because the body is restored during this time. But do you know that we just need to see dreams? This is due to the fact that they help us relax and get rid of nervous tension accumulated per day. This fact is justified by scientists.

Why do we see dreams at all? Such ability of the human body can be explained by the work of the subconscious during the rest of the body.

We could notice more than once that the dream that we had dreamed, talking about what we thought on the day before. Or our experiences, fears may be embodied in it. This is all because during sleep we cannot control themselves to a complete degree, so our emotions take over us.

Did you ever have that you seem to watch or even see how you sleep from the side? In fact, this is a rather common phenomenon.

But those who once dreamed of such a dream can say that this is a rather unusual feeling that causes many questions. Because you have a feeling of separation from your body, which does not often meet in everyday life.

What do we dream of such dreams and how should we interpret them, are they afraid of this or just learn how to manage such a process?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream

There are a lot of them, let's stop their attention on several:

1. Deniz Lynn's dream book says to see himself sleeping means you went to the astral. This is the possibility of a soul to disconnect from the body and be in space, which is the source of the other forces.

2. If you see a dream in a dream, this suggests that this dream is conscious. That is, your subconscious works and perceives the picture that you are displayed.

3. The imperial dream book is told if you have a clear idea in a dream that you see a dream - this means the harmonious dynamics of Yin and Yang. In other words, this is the interaction of the opposites that find the overall start.

4. If you clearly realize that in a dream you see another dream, it says to control it about your ability, and you can easily decipher it after wary.

5. Autumn Dream Interpretation: If you see that you sleep as badly, this suggests that your body is very tired and demanding rest.

6. If you dream that you see another person sleeping, means that you want to get away from his influence on yourself. Apparently this person has certain forces and emotions that you are unpleasant and you want to get rid of it.

7. If everyone is sleeping around, and you are not, it says about your desire to individualization. It is your need to be implemented, to separate from the "gray" crowd and find yourself.

8. Italian Dream Interpretation: sleep in a dream, this desire to defer a solution or event. Perhaps you fear something and thus want to push the case that you need to implement.

Your capabilities

What do such dreams dream? Do not be afraid, dream interpreters interpret this situation in different ways. Check out all possible options and remember that everything can be turned on your hand.

If you see similar geography, you have certain abilities. Consider what:

  • Control the unconscious state. Psychologists believe that this is a normal, adequate condition of a healthy person. So there is nothing to be afraid.
  • What they saw, it will happen. Scientists tend to believe that this is a playback of the situation that should happen to you. If you are tired of the interchange of the position, then everything remains if not, you can think of it that in itself will change the outcome.
  • The ability to influence your dreams. People who see similar dreams can order them, thinking about certain things before bedtime.

Such dreams can make relief, as, for example, cry in a dream, and can, on the contrary, leave a feeling of anxiety, it depends on how you wake up or who wakes you.

Do not perceive the things that you dream, literally, they usually have an abstract meaning. For example, one person dreamed that he saved other people's children. When he woke up, he began to be afraid that something would happen to his own. But children in this case mean his ideas and thoughts, and salvation that they will have to compete.

Therefore, if in a dream you are separated from your body, it does not bear a negative meaning, but indicates that you can look at the situation from the side, analyze it, predict the result desired for you. Basically, this is a positive property, since you have clean and clear sleep.

Wake up in a dream

One dream interpretation decided to consider concrete dreams to explain what the event can dream of something, and what it means to wake up in a dream:

1. A person dreamed that something would steal something, he tries to wake up and go to his neighbor to talk about what happened to him. So repeats many times until the person fails to wake up.

The fact is that some of the fear and incomprehensible strength is felt precisely from the neighbor. As Dream Interpretation explains that the danger can come from some person in life.

2. It dreams that a person leads his daughter to school on September 1, and here begin to shoot, he falls to the ground and covers her daughter. Wakes up, feels pain in his hand and sees plaster, tells someone about his dream, and here he wakes up in reality.

What could you dream such a strange dream? This can be interpreted as follows: a man in a dream depicted his hand, and this pain was imprinted on his dream.

As the interpretation data show, that there is nothing terrible in waking up in a dream. Not worth all actions perceive literally, under each of them they laid a certain meaning. One of the bright examples is to cry in a dream, which means to rejoice, having fun in life. What do we succeed to cry during a dream?

  1. If someone cries, then this is to Westm.
  2. Cry overwrite to relief.
  3. Play in a dream - to experience pity and compassion for a person, or to what happens to you. This is an emotional discharge that you need.
  4. Play - to family joy.

Do not be afraid to look into the dream book and remember that you can manage your dreams, your thoughts, because even when the brain rests, the subconscious works.
Posted by: Margarita Ivanova

in the dream of flowers

very clear dreams - emergency implementation.

See in a dream

by Dream Loffa

It often happens that we see a dream that we sleep. But this is, in fact, there is a real state of the body when something dreams of us. However, in a dream to sleep and rest does not always mean the same thing. Sleep condition is one of the most vulnerable states of the body. At this time, we are unarmed before the alarms: the ability to self-defense is limited, not to mention the inability to take care of others. The dreams of this kind, as a rule, cause either a sense of relief and peace, or a feeling of violence. Important elements of interpretation of such sleep are answers to questions about how you wake up and who wakes you.

What dreams to sleep

in the dream of flowers

(free air, outside the house) - long road.

Sleep value about snoring

by Dream Freud.

Before interested in the interpretation of sleep, you need to make sure that the snoring really was heard by you in a dream, and not from the mouth of the neighbor on the bed. In a dream, hear someone's snoring - you will prevent sex during sex, but it will not be distracted. To see himself as snoring - despite all your efforts, the problem has emerged not so long ago in your life will remain unresolved, but then some strong will take on all difficulties, and you will be delighted with them.

What dream blanket

in the dream of flowers

disease, if you are covered; New - moving, change in personal or service; We drag (for women) - a new novel, (for men) - appointment for office.

Sleep value about the blanket

by Dream Freud.

Pull in a dream the blanket for yourself - you will meet a partner who will not satisfy you, but will require your own pleasure. To hide in a dream with a blanket - in real life you suffer from the inattention and coldness of the opposite sex. To cover someone with a blanket - in fact, you will have to make serious things in no serious, all the time and effort will go to entertainment.

Dreamed blanket

by dream of Miller

Dirty blankets in a dream mean treachery, treachery. If they are new and clean - then the dream foreshadows success in matters, although there is a danger of failure. Divine fishery will help you avoid deadly disease.