Distorted and vintage words in the story of Lefty. N.S.

Distorted and vintage words in the story of Lefty. N.S.
Distorted and vintage words in the story of Lefty. N.S.

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on this topic:

"People's etymology in the competition


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and literature

Solovyov M. G.

Kazan - 2009.


To identify and describe the phenomenon of folk etymology in the "Left -shest" tales.


To find out the understanding of the morpheme composition of the word and the motivation of its value on the basis of rapprochement with consonant words other than him by origin.


The fate of left-handers symbolizes the fate of the entire nation for Leskov, the potential of which is enormous, but are constrained by external circumstances. In the competition, the writer embodies the epic image of the gift master living in the minds of the people. For this leaks uses the reception of "folk etymology" - the distortion of the word on the people's way, reproduces the spelling of ordinary people, which is relevant and informative and in our day.

Practical value:

If the student knows, from what language the word came to Russian, as it is formed, what is its etymology, he will never allow an orphan error.

1. Introduction.

2. Main part.

B) folk etymology.

3. Conclusion.

1. The tracking.

In the "Left -sham" tales we meet with many new words. The wordness begins where the narrator or hero faces non-Russian names, an incomprehensible small man. Master, telling about the things to him unfamiliar and alien, distorts their names according to their submission of them. But at the same time, the narrator invests in them a humorous meaning in the spirit of people's understanding.

In the incorrectities that are found in the text, folk etymology (science on the origin and history of words) reflected. The big encyclopedic dictionary defines the folk etymology as an understanding of the morpheme composition of the word and the motivation of its value on the basis of rapprochement with consonant words other than him by origin. In other words, folk etymology is the alteration and rethinking of the borrowed (less often native) word on the pattern of a word close to him native languageBut which differs from him by origin. Unlike scientific etymology, folk etymology is based on the laws of language development, but on the random similarity of words.

Researchers recorded more than 3000 neoplasms different parts Speech in the work of Leskova. He first in Russian literature consistently used this method of word formation as an artistic technique.

This is the feature of the individual style of the writer.
A verbal game displays an assessment, creates a comic effect. It characterizes the horizon, attitude to the usual phenomena of life, as well as other culture (the life of kings, English workers). In addition, the word "," Language frills ", wit, talent, the manifestation of the talent of the Russian people, because the ability of" wonderful "to speak is not every skill, as any skill.

3. Main part.

A) "Lefty." The originality of the genre.

The colorful nature of the Greater Russian man and his fate in Russia are in the center of attention in his suggestion "Lefty." The writer actively uses the traditions of the people's tale, oral traditions, booms. Inspecting image authenticity people's LifeThe writer resorts to the well-developed folklore specific metals, which provide maximum objectivity of the story.

The plot of the tale is based on the motive competing, rivalry, struggle characteristic of the folk epic.

The whole story is told on the face of a simple person. It would seem that Leskov did not find himself anywhere. But in the illumination of events, Leskov is important not only to see the whole story with the eyes of a character close to the hero, but also to fix it. Leskov reminds of itself with a stinging senior, then deliberately satirical outlines, then sad thinking. No matter how skill left-handers, his craft loses a lot from the fact that he is creating on the Nativity, according to inspiration, without thinking with the simplest knowledge. Therefore, the fishing racks are not only admired by the photograph of the Russian man, but sarcastic. His satire is aimed, of course, not to the left-handle, who does not know "literacy", but on those who excused him from enlightenment and left talent with gray, intense. The fate of left-handers symbolizes the fate of the entire nation for Leskov, the potential of which is enormous, but are constrained by external circumstances. Therefore, without refusing the anthem by the talent of a simple Russian man, the fishing racks significantly sharpe satirical imageAnd the whole tale acquires a tragic sound. Leskov as it would face two intonations, narration: laudatory and ulcer. The motive of rivalry allows the writer to give an incident, the case, the curiosity is a nationwide, summarizing meaning. A life talented man In Russia, according to the thought of the writer, tragic and no one needed. But the leaks do not lose faith in popular nature, in his vitality, humane and moral principles.

In the competition, he embodies the epic image of the Gusher's master who lives in the minds of the people. The writer uses the reception of "folk etymology" - the distortion of the word on the people's way, reproduces the oral speech of ordinary people: "Dolbitsa multiplication", "Dvyzvenny" (double), "nymph-ry" (infusorium), "Prelamouth" -Rased ", etc.

Completing the story of Lefters, he wrote: "These are their epos, and moreover with a very" man's soul. " The writer sought to make dear thought and beliefs for him, as it were from a folk heart. So he entered so wide folklore motifsAnd the whole tale grew out of the proverb "Tulyaki Blokha snapped."

B) folk etymology.

The phenomenon of folk etymology is a bright sign of the surprise, so often writers for the characteristics of the speech of their characters are resorted to the use of words that are rethought by random consonance and semantic rapprochement. We observe such a phenomenon.

What kind interesting examples Do we meet folk etymology? Here is an incomplete list of words that illustrate the phenomenon of folk etymology.

    couch - "Ubuchpet" wester - "Sweethesky" table - "Dolbitsa" Apollo Belvedere - "Abolon Polvedrysky" camel - "Merblusia" pyramids - "Ceramides" variations - "Principles" pearl - "Prelamouth" poodle - "Pubel" document - "Tugament" pudding - "Studing" socks - "Logging" dance - Dance microscope - "Melkoscope" paris - "Pars" bay - "Buffet" Mediterranean - "Surridish" barometer - "Bumetre" "Nymphosoria" - from the words of the Nymph and Infusoria "Public" - from words of public and police "Cutleton" - from Words Faketon and slander.

Let's try to explain how some of these scratching words appeared. In my opinion, it is absolutely clear why socks got the name of the flap. They are put on their feet! Yes, and weave to attract attention, used the whistle. Probably, even a more accurate name was a barometer: it is possible to determine the approach of bad weather, storms. So appears in the speech of Leskov's heroes Breumetr. Yes, and the probation sounds quite reasonable, because the word "variations" occurred from the Latin "change".

Interesting the use of word-forming models of the Russian language to explain the words of foreign language origin.

Pudding is a casserole of cereal, cottage cheese, fruit. Apparently, this evan reminded our heroes a Russian dish - a jelly.

Faken is a newspaper or magazine article on a topical subject that uses humorous and satirical techniques presentation. However, in feuetons you can use unreliable information. And then he really turns into a slandon.

Similarly, there were words: Melkoscope, Bumightr, Nymphosoria, Public, etc.

In the tallery, many language curiosities in the spirit of the squigches, even in the emperor, there is malfunction. The language language simulates live oral speech. The narrator speaks on behalf of the people himself, so distorts unfamiliar, especially foreign words so that they become close and understandable to him. In the misfortune of words, folk wit (slandon) was manifested, resourcefulness (buymetre), irony (Count Kiselhrode).

The term folk etymology introduced German Linguist Fersssman in the middle of the last century. In Russia, such major scientists, as, de Kuryee, modern linguites, etc., were written about traditional etymology, and others. However, in the description of ethology, modern authors mainly use examples from the Fund created by Russian linguists on turn XIX-XX explosive and replenishing very scoop. This suggests that people's etymological words arise, firstly, in oral speech, secondly, in the environment of illiterate or individuals who have not received sufficient education, and are not recorded, not recorded. With growth scientific knowledge and language culture This phenomenon can disappear at all.

Now the principle of rapprochement of different, but several consonant words, characteristic of traditional etymology, use some students when dictates are written. Of course, such "folk etymology" does not save them, on the contrary, leads to spelling errors. This happens when in the word (and even foreign) is found unroven vowel accent [A] or [O], [E]. Here is the writing and looking for an explanation, bringing a closer word with him similar on the sound and does not take into account that they are independently not connected. For example, how to write the word Vanilla (Franz. Vanille) and Moral (Franz. Mog1e)? There is not enough competent to write "Voniel" and "Maral", erecting Vanilla to the word Snor, and Morals to the verb to be painted. If the student knows, from what language the word came to Russian, as it is formed, what is its etymology, he will never allow an orphan error. Let's look at the etymological dictionary often!

3. Conclusion.

Leskov called himself an "artist of the syllable", that is, a writer who owns a living, and not a literary speech. In this speech, he learned its imagery and strength, clarity and accuracy, living emotional emotion and musicality. Leskov believed that in the Oryol and Tula provinces, the peasants say surprisingly figuratively and aptly. "For example, - reports the writer, - Baba does not speak about her husband" He loves me, "and says" He regrets me. "Think, and you will see how it is full, gently, accurately and clear. Husband He says that she "liked it," he says, "she came to all thoughts." See again, what clarity and fullness. "

In an effort to enrich, strengthen the linguistic means of artistic image and expressiveness, the leaks skillfully took advantage of the so-called people's etymology. Essence is in rethinking in the common spirit of words and phrases, as well as in sound deformation of words (especially foreign origin). It is also carried out on the basis of the corresponding semantic and sound analogies. In the story "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky county"We read:" Few you have a long tongue in the long language. "In" Warrovers ":" What are you ... Himself very mercy. "In" Leftersha ":" Five Care "," Melkoscope "," Nymphosoria ", etc. P. Of course, Leskov overheard, such a rhituals are not for the sake of the aesthetic collecting or photographic copying, but in the name of achieving certain ideological and artistic problems. The rethinking and sound deformation of words and phrases in the speech of the narrator often attached to the language of the work almost elusive comic or parody-satirical, Humorous and ironic shade.

Used Books:

1. Encyclopedia for children. T. 10: Linguistics. Russian language. M., 1999.

2. , Bobrov dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1994.


4. http: // *****

5. http: // RU. Wikipedia. ORG /

6. http: // *****

7. ksana. k. / narod. / ru / book / 3 tOM. / 3 / literature. / 12/ htm. Features of the poetics of works


Our work was performed on the topic "Okkazional vocabulary in the Jail of Nikolai Semenovich Leskov" Levsh ".

The wording, that is, the formation of new words according to word-forming models available in the language, is undoubtedly developing sensitivity and attention to the native (Russian) language, creative skills, helps to educate love for a member artistic Word Russian literature. Hence. An inquisitive reader, schoolboy, for example, this work will be interesting when studying such as "vocabulary", "word formation" in the Russian language and "Creativity N. S. Leskov" in literature.

The purpose of this study is to study the peculiarities of the formation and functioning of occasionalism in the work of "Left -sham".

The implementation of this goal contributed to the following tasks: 1) study scientific literature on research topic; 2) the identification of the composition okkazional words; 3) a description of the methods of formation of occasionalism; 4) the definition of the functions of the author's neoplasms and the peculiarity of their use in the "Lefty" tales.

We consider the chosen topic as relevant, since in modern linguistic literature there is no unambiguous determination of the volume and content of the concept of "occasionalism", and the Language innovation N. S. Leskova, described in the works of A. S. Orlova, V. N. Geleb, F. Krasnova, N. A. Nikolina, is devoted mainly to the novels of the writer and the story "Enchanted Wanderer." In addition, researchers consider the word-resistant Leskov in a broad sense of occasional words. In our work, we adhere to a narrow approach in determining the term "OKKAZIONALISM".

The following methods were used in the paper: 1) the method of linguistic description, which implies observation and classification of occasionalism; 2) a comparative method that allows you to identify the nature of the external novelty of Okkazionalisms and determine their type; 3) Method statistical analysis followed by generalizing the results obtained; 4) Text Interpretation Method.

CHAPTER 1 Theoretical problems Okkazional vocabulary

The question of determining the volume and content of the concept "OKKAZIONALISM" does not have a unambiguous solution in modern linguistic literature. In studies on individual-copyright transformations, both wide and narrow approaches in the understanding of the term "Okkazional Word" are observed.

For the first time this term It was used in relation to the Russian word formation in the article N. I. Feldman "Okkazional Word and Lexicography" ("Questions of Linguistics". -1957. -№4) The concept of occasionalism (lat. Occasionalis -Chonal) firmly entered into science from the 70s The 20th century, but also at the present time, and others are generally accepted, the other are used: individual words, copyrish neologisms, disposable neologisms, context neologisms, poetic neologisms, individual-stylistic neologisms, self-class words, meteora words, egolisms (ego -"I").

The problem of individual-copyright transformations attracts the attention of specialists after the publication of the city of Vinokura "Mayakovsky - Novator language", in which the author formulated the concept of potential words: "In each language, along with existing in everyday practices in words,. There are, in addition, a kind of "potential words", that is, the words that are actually no, but who could have been if the historic accident was wanted "(Vinokur G. O., p. 327) Thought G. O. Vinokura was supported in linguistic circles.

In this paper, we follow E Hanpira. E. A. Zemskoy. A. l, Casatkin adhere to a narrow understanding of occasional words, opposing them to potential words. Individually copyrighted words, in contrast to potential words, retain their novelty and unusual during the action of the same word formational norms. And therefore, they are characterized by the principled inability to become the property of the language.

A. G. Lykov calls as the main signs of occasional words as the following: 1) belonging to speech, 2) Certificate, 3) word-forming production, 4) non-normality. 5) Functional disposable. 6) individual affiliation (Lykov A. G., 1976, p. 11)

The belonging of occasionalism to speech is the most important feature, which is celebrated by all researchers; The remaining signs of occasional words are a specific embodiment.

The work of occasionalism is opposed to the reproducibility of words created by sample. For occasionalism, each specific case of consumption is the only one in his speech implementation. For example: "The sovereign with the board in Kunstkamera took another day. More sovereign did not take anyone from Russians, because they filed a two-way carriage "(that is, a double).

An obligatory sign of the author's neoplasms is expressiveness. , which, according to A. G. Lykov, wears a "mandatory" character, that is, "internally inherent in occasionalism and does not depend on the context and situation" (Lykov A. G., 1976, p. 23) For example: sweaty spiral ( There is a fume from sweat air), the fucking multiplication, recklessness, etc.

So, under OKKAZIONALISM, we will understand the "speech expressive unit with the properties of non-refusedness, abnormality and word-forming production" (definition of A. G. Lykov, ibid. 36)

Researcher L. P. Krysin believes that the use of speech "incorrectities" in artistic literature "Variously characterizes different authors and depends on both the linguistic fuss of the writer and from those artistic and fine tasks that it sets itself" (rats of L. P., p. 35).

Style N. from Leskov Individual, in it (in style) expressed the poetic attitude of the artist to the life of the people and folk speech. According to M. Gorky, " magic words"N. S. Leskov" wrote not plastically, but told and in this art does not have equal to himself. His story - spiritualized song, simple purely virtual words "(Gorky M., p. 354)

Prose Leskova has a fantastic character. The tale is a special type of narration, which is under construction as a story of some distant from the author of the person (), possessing a kind of own speech manner "(brief literary encyclopedia. T. 6, p. 75) Narrator, usually a member of events, as a rule, is a person of another social circle and the cultural layer to which the author owns.

Nikolay Leskov sought to enrich literary language elements of people's speech. This explains the fantastic nature of the writer's prose.

By the ratio with the parts of the speech was established. That in the text under consideration is used mainly, nouns (39) and adjective names (10).

Occaissional adjectives for internecine (conversations), robish (nose), two-way (carriage), mbbleuzzi, starabled plate, pool tube, vane icon, festive icons and sofforming chapters and power, coastal.

As a result of our study, a partial word-forming analysis of occasional words was also carried out. Note. What is the purpose of this analysis - "establish how words are formed from the point of view of modern language consciousness" (modern Russian language under the editorship of DIBROKY. I., p. 192)

The addition of the foundations of words (or the addition of truncated bases) is the most common way of formation of occasionalism. Interestingly, Okkazional words are often the result of using the reception of "folk etymology", that is, rethinking (alterations) of an unfamiliar word on the sample of close on sound. For example: "A Count Kiselhrode ordered to wipe the left-handed in Tulyakovsky nationwide baths"; "And those persons who have passed the courier nymphosoria, she considered it in the strongest small melkoscope and now in the public domains description, so that tomorrow, the universal news the slandon came out."

Okkazionalism. Created on the basis of an external, accidental sound coincidence, excluding real origin, serve as a means of creating a comic effect, emphasize the social position of heroes and, of course, vividly characterize the individual style of N. S. Leskov.

Functions of Okkazional words in the Szap N. S. Leskov "Levsh"

Okkazional words that we identified in the "Left-hander" tales are used both in the speech of characters and the character hero, and in the author's speech.

In the speech of the narrator and character characters are a means of disclosure from socio-psychological features. For example: "Aglitsky Polichper at that time, on the other day, the chicken was eaten another day with a trick" (in speech narrative with trot. That is, with rice); "Here Martyn-Solsky Chernyshev about Lef and recalled, and Count Chernyshev and says:" I went to hell, a pusier tube, do not interfere with your business "(Chernyshev Alexander Ivanovich - Prince. Military Minister from 1827 to 1852)

In the speech of the author, individual entities, firstly, are used to refresh, refresh the story (in this case, they usually consist in quotes or stand out in italics), secondly, for the characteristics further unfolded events. For example: "Come to the previous building in the most important hall of various huge bustras, and in the middle under Valdakhin stands Ababolon Polvedrysky"

In the "Levshi" taking place, one of the leading functions of occasional words associated with the characteristics of the individual style of the writer is presented - the function of the language game. Taking language games used by the author are diverse: Contamination, Kalambourg, "Narodnaya Etymology" For example: "The British immediately began to show what they were adherent for military circumstances: Breumtra Sea, Merblyuzi Manteon walking regiments, and for the cavalry of resinwife. "

Examples of people's etymological transformations are Okkazionalism: Digitizes, Vodka-Aciry, Timber Sea, etc. "Narodnaya Etymology" performs not only to the means speech characteristics Characters, but also a kind of transmission of their worldview.

Okkazional words in the work of "Left -sha" perform functions characteristic of the artistic text: 1) Expressive-estimated ("fees did not answer anything sovereign, only his robust nose in Lohamata burkes lowered"; 2) serve as a means of deploying a basic image of the text ("Melkoscope filed, And the sovereign saw that near the flea was really lying on a tray "); 3) the refinement function (synonymic) ("This is, - is responsible - not the Syrinka, but nymphosoria); 4) the function of the text of the text ("filed a hot studing of their cooking on fire," he says: "This is, I don't know that this can be"); 5) styled districst ("And Levsha dumped in a quarter to the floor and ask:" Who So wherever, is there a passport or what other tugment? ")

Occazionalism synonyms perform a styled silent function, pointing to the style, the sphere of consumption. The main part of Leskova neoplasms has shades of speaking and sponsor. These neoplasms are usually included in the speech of the characters. In the author's speech, they are perceived as the transfer of indirect speech of heroes.


As a result of the analysis of linguistic units - occasionalism and the study of scientific linguistic literature, we came to the following conclusions.

The tale of "Lefty" is distinguished by the saturation of the occhasional words and the variety of their composition. In total, 49 occasional words were revealed. The study showed that the word-resistant writer is represented by the words of different parts of speech, among which the names of the nouns are dominated (80%)

Of particular interest are word-forming ochazionalism, which are the result of word formation on individually copyright or linguistic models.

OKKAZIONALISIAs in the "Left-handed" program perform various functions: enhance expressiveness, serve as a means of speech characteristic of characters, participate in the reflection of the image of the world and in the disclosure of the inner world of heroes, and also contribute to the creation of a comic effect.

We believe that our work may be the first step in consideration of the question of the functioning of the occasional vocabulary in the work of N. Leskov, for example, in the cycle of righteous. The student in the wording of Nikolai Semenovich considered the language innovation of the writer in his novels and the story "Enchanted Wanderer." Tale "Levsh" in his own way ideal contentundoubtedly close to the righteous cycle.

This is one of the most popular Leskov's works. It is written in the form of a folk tale in 1881 and at the same time published in the journal " Rus"Under the name" Talk about the Tula Spirithe Leeshem and a steel flea (shop legend) ".

The subtitle "Shop Legend" and Leskov's remark in the preface to the first separate publication of 1882, which says that he "recorded" this legend, gave the foundation to readers and literary criticism to consider the tale like the ledged folk people, "specially weedly legend."

In fact, the preface and the narrator, on behalf of whom the story allegedly conducts, is just a literary and artistic reception, the frame in which the tale is inserted.

Leskov often used this technique to give their narrative not only artistic, but also household "reliability." To this end, it was also indicated by an imaginary source of the plot, in this case the old Sestroretsky gunsmith, a leaving from Tula.

Historical "reliability" is achieved by the fact that the story appear Ataman Platov, Kleinmichel, Bobellev and other historical faces, as well as some historical details of the first halves XIX. century. ( This material will help to competently write and on the topic of Lefty story. Summary does not allow to understand the entire meaning of the work, so this material will be useful for a deep understanding of creativity of writers and poets, as well as their novels, stories, stories, plays, poems.) But historical "accuracy" is also just a background, an artistic agent, often used by Leskov in his work. In the work, the chronological sequence of events is not always observed, there are anachronism. However, at the same time, the "Common Spirit" of the era of serfs of Russia in the story, according to the author himself, "captured by a metro and right."

The story caused the readers a full illusion of the folk legend, and the leaks already in the same 1882 in his "literary explanation" had to say that "Left -sha is a face ... fictional."

In the last lifetime publishing "Levshi", in the composition of the compositions of 1894, the author moved accents in the title with "flea" to "Levshi", thereby emphasizing the character of the hero, and not the "shop" master in the content of the tale.

Leskov himself noted the essence and value of the image of the left as "the Russian people expressed".

Previously, the writer created images of "good-heroic" type Ivan Northwhanovich Flagin or is headed. It belongs to this row. Only all the beauty and strength of the leftist are concentrated in his truly wonderful talent nugget, masters for all hands. And with the appearance of the hero of the tale, it's not just a non-zeanist - outwardly, he had to impress if not a freak: left-handed, and even oblique! Leskov very subtly reflects here the feature of popular ledges in which clumsy, simple Ivanushka often becomes the winner in puzzles, complex situations.

By its essence, Lefty is the character of the people's heroic, "personified folk fantasy myth." Truly unlimited love of left-handed to his homeland and readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of her good.

Notable personnel and officials are depicted in the story with stupid, cruel, chvanie people sitting on the neck of the people. Such are both emperors, Count Kleinmich, General of the Skobelev and even Ataman board.

Inimorate and unique the tongue of the tale, saturated with bright folk vocabulary in special, leskovskaya, its processing. Language neoplasms of Leskov Some critics were regarded as a thoughtless mannerial or just killing.

The main story that is conducted on the face of the narrator, a simple gunsmith, is characterized by a humorous speech setting, which, as it were, the "epic character of his main character" and tragic fate This, essentially a nameless genius with a very "man's soul."

And only in the last, very short, twentieth chapter, which serves as an afterword, the narrative is conducted on the person's face. There is no speech manner of the saying and a purely literary vocabulary is used.

"Lefty" was warmly met readers, reprinted repeatedly during his lifetime and after the death of the writer and entered the golden fund of Russian classical literature.

Viennese Council - refers to the Vienna Congress of 1814-1815, in which the winner of the Winner on Napoleonic France, including Russia, participated. The main role in the Vienna Congress was played by Emperor Alexander I.

Plates Matvey Ivanovich (1751-1818) - Ataman (Hetman) Troops of the Don Cossacks, General from Cavalry. An active participant in the Patriotic War of 1812. After the conclusion of the world, he was accompanied by Alexander I in London.

Tseykhgauz - Military Warehouse.

Kunstkamera (it.) - unsystematic collection Droinen rarities.

Grabish - humpbat. Folding - folding icon.

Two-minute - calculated for two (the connection of the words "double" and "sit").

Bustra - the connection of the words "busts" and "chandeliers". Baldahin - Baldahin.

Abolon Polvedroi is Apollo Belvedere. (Famous statue. Monument of ancient Roman art, a standard for male beauty.)

Breumetr - formed from the words "storm" and "barometer". Merblyui - camel. Manteon - from the word "Manto". Noncrubling - waterproof raincoat.

Ardation - here: indifference, immudence (formed from the words "assessment" and "waiting").

TwoDend Language - meaning the Napoleon Army, consisting of soldiers of various nations.

The recklessness is formed from the words "recklessness" and "prejudice".

Mortimerovo Ruzhye.- Mortimer G.-V., English gunsmith XVIII century.

Pistol - Pistol.

I would have done noble - that is, it was in the noble rank. Bending - fold.

Sugar Mivo - named Petersburg Sakharazavodnik early XIX. century Ya. Molvo.

Bobrin Plant - A. Bobrinsky sugar factory, near Kiev, existed since the 30s of the XIX century.

Nymphosoria - from the words "infusoria" and "nymph".

Ceramide - Pyramid.

Dance dance - here: in the meaning of some dance form.

Melkoscope - microscope. Primary variation. Prelamut - Pearl.

The root tube is sharpened from the root of a tree. ... Pound Zhukova Tobacco ...- According to the names of the owner of the St. Petersburg tobacco factory V. Zhukov. The couch is a couch. Without stopping - without stopping.

When it was killed, it was confused ...- There is a rebellion of the Decembrists when entering the throne of Nicholas I.

The boards were still alive ... - Plates by this time was no longer alive (see note to p. 343).

... "Two ninety versts" - one hundred eighty miles.

Holy Athos Peninsula in Greece, famous for its monasteries.

Sing with Babylonies - with twisted, with frills.

River Zusha - the influx of Oka.

Sweistse - from the words "wiznaya" and "whistle". ... sweaty spiral ... - Fine air. Pubel - Poodle. Tugament - document.

Kazamat - Casemate (single camera in the fortress).

Count Kielvrode - Count K. V. Nesselrode, Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1822 to 1856.

"... SE TRE Zhuli" (Franz.) - ... This is very cute.

Studing - from the words "jelly" and "pudding".

Public - from the words "Public" and "Police".

Cutleton - from the words "Faketon" and "slander".

Simphone - siphon.

ERFICS - sobering agent.

Grandev - Randevo (Franz.) - Date.

Flas - heavy cotton fabric type velvet.

Talma - a sleeveless cape.

Schigs are stones.

Digital Distitation - multiplication table.

The tummy sea is the Mediterranean Sea.

Breshing - from the words "tremble" and "reheetter" (the mechanism in pocket watches, which beats the time when the special spring is pressed).

Buffet - bay.

Water supply - from the words "Water" and "Saccination". Present - here: tarpaulin. Guinea pig - sea disease. Polsholper - Podgolper (Skiper Assistant). Paris - bet.

Prior to Riga dynosen ...- Dynamine - port in the mouth of Western Dvina.

Murin - Negro.

Obekhvinskaya Hospital - Obukhovskaya. ... Chicken with trot ...- Chicken with rice.

Kleinmichel P. A. - Managing Running Runs from 1842 to 1855.

Full pupping got a apoplexic strike.

Skobeliev I. N.- Since 1839, the commandant of Petropavlovsk Fortress. Indisarized pseudopathic novel writer.

Doctors from the spiritual title ... Martyn-Salsky.- Solsky Martyn Dmitrievich is a famous doctor in St. Petersburg.

Chernyshev A. I.- Military Minister from 1827 to 1852.

Pleasure tube here: Client tube.

... "Affairs of the past days" - a quote from the first song of the poem A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila" Pushkin: "Affairs of the long-lasting days."

Talk about the Tula Spirlae and Steel Blook

Chapter first

When Emperor Alexander Pavlovich graduated from the Viennese Council, he wanted to flew in Europe and wonderful in different states. He traveled all the countries and everywhere through his storminess always had the most interne-friendly conversations with all sorts of people, and everyone surprised him and wanted to adopt to her side, but it was don Cossack The boards, who did not like this decline and, bored in their farm, all the sovereign home manil. And almost just if the fees notice that the sovereign is very interested in something very interested, then all the accomplices are silent, and the boards will now say: "So, and we have no worse than our houses," and something will answer.

The British they knew this and to the arrival of the Sovereign invented different tricks, so that he would distract him alone, and in many cases they achieved this, especially in large meetings, where the boards could not speak French; But he was not interested in it, because there was a man married and all the French conversations were considered for trifles that do not stand imagination. And when the British began to call the sovereign to all sorts of their Ceiguses, weapons and soap-saw plants to show their advantage over us in all things the advantage and the more famous - the boards said to himself:

- Well, there is a Shabash. Until now, I still endured, and then it is impossible. I could not talk to a dream, but I will not give up my people.

And only he said to himself such a word as his sovereign himself:

- So, so, tomorrow we are going to you and we are going to watch their weapon kunstkamera. There, - says, - such nature of perfection, what you look, then you will no longer argue that we, Russians, are not good with their meaning.

Plates did not answer anything sovereign, only his robust nose in Lohamatu Burku lowered, but came to his apartment, ordered the twin from the cellar of the Caucasian vodka flask [Kizlyaki - approx. The author], pulled a good glass, was prayed for a travelers to the road, the brick was hidden and walked so that in the whole house the British could not sleep anyone.

Thought: Morning Night is wisin.

Chapter Second

The sovereign went to Kunstkamera as the next day. More sovereign did not take anyone from Russians, because the carriage was submitted to them a two-way.

They come to the previous building - the entrance is unfamiliar, the corridors to infinity, and the rooms are one in one, and, finally, in the most important hall of various huge bustrs, and in the middle of the Baldakhin there is an abolon half-session.

The sovereign looks at the platform: he is very surprised and looking at; And he gave her eyes down, as if he sees nothing, - only from the mustache rings.

The British immediately began to show different surprises and explain what they were adherent for military circumstances: seaweights sea, merbellies of the mannons of foot regiments, and for the cavalry, resinwesters. The sovereign for all this is rejoicing, everything seems to him very well, and the boards holds their ardation that everything does not mean anything for him.

Sovereign says:

- How is it possible - why are you so intense? Is it not surprising for you here? And the boards are responsible:

"It's one amazing me here that my opinion-well-made languages \u200b\u200bwere fought and tweaked and tweaked.

Sovereign says:

- This is a recklessness.

Boards answer:

"I don't know what to attribute to, but I don't dare to argue and should be silent."

And the British, seeing such a grinding between the sovereign, now let him down to the most Abolonian half-one and take the Mortimerovo rifle from one hand, and from another pistol.

"That's," they say, "What is our performance," and serve a gun.

The sovereign at Mortimerovo rifle looked calmly, because he has such a royal village, and then they give him a pistol and say:

"This is a pistol of an unknown, inimitable mastery - her admiral at the robbery Ataman in Kandelabria from behind the belt pulled out.

The sovereign looked at the Pistol and cannot be cleaned.

Raidished terrible.

- Ah, Ah, Ah, - says, - how it is so ... as it can even be so fine! "And to the Platov in Russian turns around and says:" If I had, although I had one such a master in Russia, so I would be very happy and proud of it, and that Master would now have done noble.

And payments for these words at the same moment lowered right hand In their big sharovars and drag from there a rifle screwdriver. The British say: "It is not reversed," and he, not paying attention, well, to pick the castle. Turned once, turned two - the castle and came out. The fees show the sovereign dog, and there the Russian inscription was made on the south itself: "Ivan Moskvin in Grad Tula."

The British are surprised and friend pens out:

- Oh-de, we gave Mahi!

And the sovereign of the board sad says:

"Why are you very self-confused them, they are very sorry for me." Let's go.

They sat down again into the same two-way carriage and drove, and the sovereign on this day was on the ball, and the boards even a larger glass of Sisireki entered and slept a strong Cossack sleep.

It was even joying that he was killed by the British, and put the Tula master to the point of type, but it was and annoying: why the sovereign under such a case the British regretted!

"What kind of sovereign was upset? "I thought of the board," I don't understand much, "and in such a reasoning he got up twice, he baptized and vodka drank, until he was forced a strong dream brought.

And the British at that time also did not sleep, because they are handing it up. While the sovereign on the ball had fun, they admitted to him such a new surprise that the platform had all the fantasy.


The other day, as fees to the sovereign with good morning came, he says to him:

- Let now be laid a two-way carriage, and we will go to the new Kunstkamera to watch.

Plates even dared to report, which is not pretty, they say, alien products to watch and is not better to gather to themselves, but the sovereign says:

"No, I still wish other news to see: I praised, as they have the first grade sugar make.

The British are all sovereign: what they have different first grades, and watched the boards, I watched yes suddenly says:

- And show us your sugar factories?

And the British and do not know what it is so miserable. We are grimpre away, distorted, they say to each other: "Hello, it's crazy," and you cannot understand that this sugar is done, and we must confess that they have all the sugars, but "Solva" is not.

Plates says:

- Well, there is nothing to brag. Come to us, we will be asked for tea with a real bobringe factory.

And the sovereign him for the sleeve pulled and said quietly:

- Please do not spoil me politicians.

Then the British called the sovereign to the very last kunstkamera, where mineral stones and nymphosoria were collected from all over the world, starting with the most huge Egyptian ceramic to a rolling flea, which the eyes are impossible to see, and a remorse of it between the skin and the body.

The sovereign went.

We examined the ceramides and all sorts of stuffed and go out, and the fees think:

"Here, thank God, everything is safe: the sovereign is not surprised by anything."

But only came to the very last, room, and here there are their workers in cloudy vests and in the aprons and hold a tray on which there is nothing.

The sovereign suddenly was surprised that he was served an empty tray.

- What does this mean? - asks; And the aglitsky masters respond:

- This is your majesty our submissive racing.

- What is this?

"But," say, "learn to see the Savrochka?"

The sovereign looked and sees: exactly, lies on a silver tray the very tiny sorink.

Workers say:

- Allow your finger to stroke and take it to the palm.

- What is this Sorink me?

"This is," answer, "not Sorinka, but nymphosoria.

- Living she?

"No," answer, "is not alive, and from the pure of the aglitskaya steel in the picture of the fleas we are forced, and in the middle there is a plant and spring. Please turn the key to: it will start dance to dance.

The sovereign served and asks:

- Where is the key?

And the British say:

- Here and the key before your eyes.

"Why," the sovereign says, "I don't see him?"

"Therefore," answer, "that it is necessary in a small piece."

Melkoscope was filed, and the sovereign saw that near the fleas really was lying on a tray.

"EXCHANT," say, "a clockwork hole in her bumbach, and the key has seven turns, and then it will go dance ...

Nasil the sovereign, this key grasped him and nasil him in a pinch could hold, and only the key inserted the fleece, and only he felt that she began to drive his mustache, then she began to sort out the legs, and finally he suddenly jumped on one summer direct dance and two The probation aside, then to another, and so in three probations, the whole Kavrille danced.

The sovereign immediately ordered the British million to give, what they themselves will want money, they want silver patch, they want small appliances.

The British asked that they were released with silver, because they do not know in the pieces; And then now and another of his cunnings were shown: the Bloch was submitted to the gift, and the case did not bring the case: without the case, neither her nor the key to keep it, because they will be lost and they will throw them into the suto. And their case is made to her from a solid diamond walnut - and her place in the middle is crushed. That they did not file, because cases, they say that the state, and they have a stateless strictly, although it is impossible to sacrifice.

The boards were very angry, because, says:

- Why such fraud! The gift was done and a million for that was received, and still not enough! The case, "says, always belongs to every thing.

But the sovereign says:

- Leave, please, this is not your business - do not spoil me politicians. They have their custom. - And asks: - How much is the walnut worth it, in which flea is revealed?

The British laid for another five thousand.

Sovereign Alexander Pavlovich said: "Pay," and he himself lowered the fleering to this nut, and with her, together and the key, and in order not to lose the nuts, he lowered him into his golden tobackerka, and Tabacakerka ordered to put in his road box, which is all woven Prelamouth and fishing bone. The Agriticky Masters of the Sovereign went with honor and said to them: "You are the first masters on the world, and my people cannot do anything against you."

Those remained very satisfied, and the fees could not prone anything against the words of the sovereign. Only took a small one, nothing to speaking, he launched himself into his pocket, because "he is here," he says, it belongs, and you have a lot of money. "

Sovereign, this did not know until arrival in Russia, and they left soon, because the sovereign from military affairs was made melancholia and he wanted a spiritual confession to have in Taganrog in Fedota ["Pop Fedot" not from the wind taken: Emperor Alexander Pavlovich before His death in Taganrog was confessed by the priest Alexei Fedotov-Chekhovsky, who was named "the confessor of His Majesty," and loved to put everything in appearance this is a completely accidental circumstance. This Fedotov-Chekhovsky, obviously, is the legendary Pop Fedot. (Approx. Author.)]. Dear with a fence, there was a very little pleasant conversation, because they became completely different thoughts: the sovereign did not think that the British there are no equal in art, and the fees brought that we were looking at what they could do - they can do everything, but only them useful teaching . And I represented the sovereign that the aglitsky craftsmen are completely at all other rules of life, science and food, and every person they have all the absolute circumstances to themselves, and through it is a completely different meaning.

The sovereign did not want to listen for a long time, and payments, seeing it, did not increase. So they drove silently, only the boards at each station will be released from the annoyance of a kvass glass of vodka will drink, the salt base snacks, snacks his root tube, in which a whole pound of Zhukova, Tobacco, was consumed, and then he silently sits next to the king. The sovereign in one direction looks, and the boards to the other window of the Chubuk will drunk and smokes to the wind. So they drove to St. Petersburg, and the festival did not take the fell at all.

"You're," says, "the spiritual conversation is not confirmed and so much smoke very much that I have so far from your smoke in my head.

The boards stayed with an offense and went home to the annoying ukuushku, yes everything was lying yes, she smoked tobacco beetles without stopping.

Chapter Fourth

Amazing flea from Aglitskaya Voroneno Steel remained at Alexander Pavlovich in a casket under fishing bone, while he died in Taganrog, giving her ass Fedot to surrender after, the sovereign, when she calms down. Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna looked at the blochens of the probation and grinned, but she did not work.

"My," says, now the wideline case, and I do not share any fun, "and returning to Petersburg, I handed this Dicks with all other jewels to the inheritance of a new sorce.

The emperor Nikolai Pavlovich initially did not pay any attention to Bloch, because when he was confused, it was confused, but then the casket began to review him once and took out a tobacco car from her, and a diamond walnut was from her tobackerchka, and it found steel flea from her Which has not been headed for a long time and therefore did not act, but lying smartly like a nichenelay.

The sovereign looked and surprised.

- What is it for a trifle and what is she here at my brother in such a preservation!

Guards wanted to throw away, but the sovereign says:

- No, it means anything.

The chemical bridge from the anichkin bridge from the nasty pharmacy, which was weighed in the smallest scales, and he was shown, and he now took Bloch, put in the tongue and says: "I feel the hlad, like from a strong metal." And then her tooth remembered her slightly and announced:

- As you please, and this is not a real flea, but nymphosoria, and it is created from the metal, and this work is not ours, not Russian.

The sovereign ordered now to find out: where does it and what does this mean?

Rushed to look into business and in the lists, - but nothing is written in affairs. Began to ask another, "no one knows anything. But, on the happiness, the Don Cossack of the Boards was still alive and even still on his annoying ukushushka lay and smoked the phone. He as he heard that there was such anxiety in the palace, now it rose from the ukushchka, the phone threw and appeared to the sovereign in all orders. Sovereign says:

- What do you, courageous old man, is needed from me?

And the boards are responsible:

- I, Your Majesty, do not need anything for myself, because I drink what I want and I am satisfied with everyone, and I, - says, came to report about this nymphosoria, which I was found: it, "he said," so it was , and that's how it happened at my eyes in England, - and here there is a key with her, and I have their own alkoscope, in which you can see it, and the sim key through this nymphosorium can be started, and it will ride in any Space and to the probation side to do.

We started, she went to jump, and the boards says:

- It is, "says, Your Majesty, for sure that the work is very subtle and interesting, but only we should not be surprised with one delight of feelings, but it would be necessary to expose it to Russian revisions in Tula or in Sisterbek, - then the sisterbeck is also called - Can not our masters exceed that the British on the Russians are not delivered.

Sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich in his Russian people was very confident and no foreigner did not like to give up, he answered the board:

"It's you, a courageous old man, speak well, and I charge it to you to believe." I still don't need this box at all at my trouble, and you take it with my own and your annoying ukuchka no longer lie down, but go to the quiet Don and there is there with my diameters internecine talk about their lives and devotion and what they like. And when you go through Tula, show this nymphosorium to my Tula masters, and let them think about her. Tell them from me that my brother of this thing was surprised and other people who did nymphosoria, praised everyone, and I hope that they are no worse. They will not be damaged to my words and do something.

Chapter Fifth

The boards took Steel Bloch, and how he went through Tula to Don, showed it to Tula gunsmiths and the words of the sovereign were transferred to them, and then asked:

- How do we now be, Orthodox?

Gunsmiths answer:

- We, the father, the gracious word of the state we feel and never forget it for the fact that he hopes on his people, and how we can be in the present case, we cannot say in one minute, because the aglitskaya Natsya is also not stupid, And quite even tricky, and art in it with great meaning. Against her, they say - it is necessary to take the thinking and with God's blessing. And you, if your mercy, like our sovereign, have confidence in us, go to your quiet don, and leave this flea to us, as it is, in the case and in the Golden Tsarkaya Tabaccochka. Walk yourself along the Don and healing the wounds, who accepted for the Fatherland, and when back to go through Tula, - stop and begone for us: We will give it to that time, God will come up with something.

The boards were not quite satisfied that Tulyaki demand so much time and do not say clearly: what exactly they hope to arrange. He asked them and otherwise and on all manners with them slylyly spoken of the Donskoy; But the Tulyaki did not give up to him in tricks in tricks, because they had immediately such a plan, according to which they did not even hope so that they believed them, but they wanted to fulfill their bold imagination, and then give.

- We also do not know what we are learning, but we will hope for God, and there will be no word of the royal sake for us in the presentation.

So the cards are wisers, and Tula, too.

Plates wisered, wiely, yes he saw that Tulaaka did not tolerate him, filed a tobacker with nymphosoria and says:

- Well, nothing to do, let him - he says, "will mostly do; I know you, what you, well, have nothing to do, - I believe you, but just look, a diamond not to replace the aglitskaya thin work, but you will not carry a short one, because I go chibically: two weeks will not pass like I'm with a quiet don again in St. Petersburg, "then I could certainly have something to show.

The gunsmiths were completely calmed down:

"Thinking," say, "we will not, there will be no challenge and diamond, and two weeks we are pretty time, but by that when you return back, you will be something with the magnificence worthy to present.

And what exactly, this is also not told.

Chapter Six

Tula feet left, and gunsmiths three people, the most skillful of them, one oblique left-handed, on the cheek, the spot is a birthmark, and in the temples of the hair, when learned, they said goodbye to comrades and with their homework, I didn't try anything to There we need edible and disappeared from the city.

Noticed for them only what they did not go to the Moscow Zava, and in the opposite, Kiev side, and thought that they went to Kiev to worship to worship or advise there with someone from living holy husbands, always staying in Kiev in abundance .

But it was only close to the truth, and not the most truth. Not the time nor the distance was allowed to go to Tula masters to go three weeks on foot in Kiev and even then have time to do the work for the aglitskaya nation. It would be better if they could go to pray to Moscow, to which only "two ninety versts", and holy worshis and it is very much. And in the other direction, to the eagle, the same "two ninety", and yes for the eagle to Kiev again a good five hundred miles. There will be no such way to do the way, and having done it, do not rest soon - there will still be glazing and arms for a long time.

It was even thought that the masters were vanished before the plates, and then, as they thought, they were and now they were completely fled, having taken with them and the royal Golden Tabakcoquka, and a diamond, and having mastered the hassle of aglitskaya steel flea in the case.

However, such an assumption was also completely unreasonable and unworthy of artificial people who have now spent the hope of a nation.

Head seventh

Tulyaki, people smart and knowledgeable in a metal business, are also known as the first experts in religion. Their native land, and even Saint Athos: they are not only the masters sing with Babylons, but they know how the picture "Evening ringing" is written, and if any of them dedicate himself to more ministry and go to the monk, then Such will hear the best monastic economies, and the most capable collectors come out of them. In Saint Athos, they know that Tulyaki - the people are the most profitable, and if they were not, then the dark corners of Russia would probably not have seen very many holiness of the remote East, and Athos would lose many useful offenses from Russian generotes and piety. Now "Athos Tulyaki" take holiness throughout our homeland and masterfully collect fees even where there is nothing to get. Tulyak is full of church piety and great practices of this case, and therefore those three masters who took to support the platform and with him the whole of Russia did not make mistakes by dating not at Moscow, but south. They were not at all in Kiev, but to Mtsensk, to the county town of the Oryol province, in which the ancient "vane" icon of St. Nicholas; Saying here in the most ancient times on the big stone cross on the river Zose. Icon This type of "Terrible and Freshechnaya" - the saint world-Lycian depicts on it "in growth", the whole clothes of Srebocoslated clothes, and the temple is holding the temple on one hand on one hand, and in another sword - "Military wrecking". Here in this "overcome" and was the meaning of the thing: St. Nikolai is generally a patron of commercial and military affairs, and the Mtsensky Nikola is especially true, and the Tulyaki and him went to worship. They served prayer from the same icon, then the stone cross and, finally, returned home "Nostania" and, who did not tell anyone, began to go to the terrible secret. They converted all three to one house to Lefters, the doors were locked, the shutters in the windows were closed, in front of Nicolina, the lamp dialed and began to work.

The day, two, three sit and do not go anywhere, they pull all the hammers. Something is something, and what a bunch is nothing unknown.

Everyone is curious, and no one can know anything, because working does not affect anything and the outside are not shown. Walked to the house different people, They were knocked in the door under various kinds to ask for fire or salt, but three artists are not unlocking for any demand, and even what they eat - it is unknown. They tried them to scare them, as if the house was burning in the neighborhood, whether they would not jump in the fruit and whether they would not appear then that they were forgotten, but nothing took these cunning masters; Once, only Lefty leaned over his shoulders and shouted:

"Lay yourself, and we have no time," and again hid his cigarette head, I slammed the shutter, and it was accepted for my work.

Only through small slits was visible, as inside the house there is a light shine, it is heard that thin hammers via ring anvils are pushed.

In a word, it was all the case in such a terrible secret that nothing could not know, and moreover, it continued until the return of the Cossack of Platov from a quiet Don to the sovereign, and at all this time the master did not see anyone and did not speak.

Chapter Eighth

The boards were very hastily and with the ceremony: he himself was sitting in a wheelchair, and on the goats two whiskers with Nagaiki on both sides of the daughter sat down and walked him without mercy to jump. And if what Cossack is a backlight, his boards himself from the stroller is a nagging pcnet, and the evil will suffer. These prompting measures acted before that successfully that anywhere in any of the station could not be held, and always a hundred jumps past the stopping place was retelling. Then, again, the Cossack over the yammer is backwards, and hesitated to the entrance.

So they rigged to Tula, - also flying a hundred jumps on the Moscow outpost first, and then the Cossack was aware of Nagyochu's yamchik in reverse side, And became the porch of new horses to bargain. The boards did not come out of the stroller, but only ordered the whistling as soon as possible to lead to the master who left Bloch.

One whistling ran to go as soon as possible and carried him the work that the British had to be launched, and there was still few this whistling ran orders, as the boards after the new sect, so that as soon as possible.

All whistles dispersed and became already ordinary people from the curious public send, and even himself from impatience of the foot from the stroller and he himself wants to run away from impatiently, and the teeth will be squeezed - everything is not soon.

So at that time, everything was needed very in the neat and at speed so that no minute for Russian utility would disappear.

Ninth chapter

Tula masters who were wondering, at this time just ended their job. Sweisthers came running to them fattening, and ordinary people from the curious public were not at all who did not succeed at all, because with inappropriate, the legs were scattered and fed, and then from fear, so as not to look at the platforms, hit the house where they got hidden.

Sweistse as they dug, now they screamed and as they see that they do not unlock, now without the ceremony, the bolts were rushed at the shutter, but the bolts were so strong that the nimalo did not go, jerked the doors, and the doors from the inside were laid on oak laws. Then the worshi took the log from the street, it was ordered for a fire manner under the roofing bump and all the roof from a small house immediately and bore. But the roof was removed, and they themselves fell now, because the masters in their cramor chorominku from reasonless work in the air, such a sweaty spiral was made that the unusual person from fresh treads could not be extended.

The ambassadors shouted:

- What are you, so-shy, bastards, do, yes still a helix to make a mistake! Or in you after this God is not!

And those respond:

- We are now, the last carnation is smuggling and, how I will score, then we will bring our job.

And the ambassadors say:

"He will eat us before that hour and the soul will not leave.

But the masters answer:

- He will not have time to absorb you, because while you talked here, we already have this last nail. Run and tell me what is now carrying.

Wishist ran, but not with conviction: they thought that the masters would be deceived; Therefore, fucked, fucked yes, they will look around; But the masters behind them went and so very soon hurried that it was not even quite how it should be dressed in an important person, but on the course the hooks in the caftanes are fastened. Two had nothing in their hands, and the third, left-handers, in a green case, a royal box with aglitskaya steel flea.

Chapter Tenth

Sweistse ran to the board and say:

- Here they are here!

Boards are now to the masters:

- Is it ready?

"Everything," answered, "ready."

- Sign here.

And the crew is already hardened, both the spacing and the afternoon. Cossacks right next to the yamshchik sat down and Nagaiki raised over him and so swinging and kept.

The boards ripped out a green case, opened the casket, took out a gold tobacco car from the cotton, and a diamond walnut from the tobaccochka, he sees: the aglitskaya flea lies there what was there, but there was nothing else.

Plates says:

- What is what? And where is your job, to whom you wanted to console the sovereign?

The gunsmiths answered:

- Here and our work.

Plates asked:

- What does she make himself?

And gunsmiths answer:

- Why explain it? Everything is here in your appearance - and provide for.

The shoulders took place and shouted:

- Where is the key from fleas?

- And right there, - answer, - where is flea, here and the key, in one nut.

I wanted to take the key to take the key, but his fingers had a swamps: I caught, I caught, - I could not grab neither a flea, neither the key from her abdominal plant and suddenly got angry and began to swear in the Cossack manner.

- That you, the scoundrels, did nothing, and even, perhaps, the whole thing was spoiled! I'll take my head!

And Tulyaki him in response:

- in vain, they are offended by us, - we are from you, as from the states of the ambassador, all resentments should be squeezed, but only for the fact that you have grown up and thought that we even sovereign the name to deceive - we are not the secret of our work now Let's say, and please leave for a sovereign - he will see what we have people and whether he has a place for us.

And the boards shouted:

- Well, you still do not lie to the scoundrels, I will not fall asleep with you, and one of you will go to St. Petersburg, and I will try it there that you have your tricks.

And with this handed his hand, grabbed his fingers for the Schieness of the Bosoy Legshold, so that all the hooks from Cossakina flew off, and threw him into a stroller.

"Syidi," says, "here, before St. Petersburg, like a Pubel," you answer me for everyone. " And you, - says Sovistov, - Now Hyda! Do not yaw so that the day after tomorrow I was in St. Petersburg.

The masters he only dared to say for his friend that how, they say, you take it from us so without tugament? He can not be back to follow! And the feet instead of the answer showed a fist - such a terrible, bug and the whole chopped, somehow processed - and, mowing, says: "Here is a tugance!" And the Cossacks says:

- Hyde, guys!

Cossacks, yamms and horses - all the prosecution earned and squeezed left-handed without a tugament, and a day later, he ordered him, so it was rolled up to the sovereign palace and even saying as it should, passed by the columns.

The boards stood up, picked up the Order and went to the sovereign, and Kosoy Levas told the Soviet Cossacks at the entrance of the guard.

Chapter eleventh

The boards were afraid of the state to seem to appear, because Nikolai Pavlovich was terrible what wonderful and memorable - did not forget anything. Plates knew that he would certainly ask him about a flea. And now he was not afneuger in the light of the enemy, and then Stroxy: he entered the palace with a casket yes, quietly her in the hall behind the stove and put. Hiding the box, the boards appeared to the sovereign in the office and began to report to report, what the Cossacks on quiet Don. Internecine conversations. He thought so: To take this sovereign to take, and then, if the sovereign himself remembers and speak about flea, it is necessary to file and communicate, and if he does not speak, then silent; Casket Cabinet Charnelin Told Hide, and tula Levshu In the fortress Kazamat, to plant without a term, to sit there until time, if you need.

But the sovereign of Nikolai Pavlovich has not forgotten about anything, and a little feet, I finally cummed, he also asks him:

- And what, how are my Tula masters against the aglitsky nymphosoria justified themselves?

Plates answered in that kind of how it seemed to him.

"Nymphosoria," says, Your Majesty, everything in the same space, and I brought it back, and the Tula Masters could not do anything more pleasant.

Sovereign answered:

"You're a courageous old man, and that you repeat to me cannot be."

The boards began to assure him and told how the whole thing was, and as he said that Tulyaki asked his flea to the sovereign to show, Nikolai Pavlovich slammed him on his shoulder and says:

- Sign here. I know my me can not deceive me. There is something excess done here.

Chapter twelve

They carried the box from behind the stove, they removed the clouded cover from it, opened the gold tobacco and a diamond walnut, and in him flea lies, which was before and as she lay.

The sovereign looked and said:

- What famously! - But the faith of their own in the Russian masters did not lose, but ordered his beloved daughter Alexander Nikolaevna and ordered her:

"You have thin fingers on your hands - take a small key and climb the abdominal machine in this nymphosoria.

The princess began to turn the key, and the bluha simply made a mustache, but she does not touch his feet. Alexandra Nikolaevna pulled the whole plant, and Nymphosoria still does not dance dance and not a single probation, as before, does not throw out.

Plates all discounted and shouted:

- Oh, they, the shelms are a dog! Now I understand why they did not want to say anything there. It is also good that I captured one of my fool with him.

With these words ran out for the entrance, I climbed Leftche for the hair and began to flutter there, so that the shreds flew. And the one when his boards stopped beat, recovered and says:

- I and so all the hair when studying extended, but I don't know now, for what kind of need I need such a repetition?

"It's for that," says feet, "that I was hoping for you and got clustered, and you rarely spoiled."

Lefty replies:

"We are much satisfied that you treated us for us, but we didn't spoil anything to spoil: take, in the strongest melkoscope.

Board boards ran about the melkoscope to say, and left-handed only dried up:

"I am," says, "such a fucking story, still ask."

And he ordered the whistle to spin it left as much strb, and he rises along the steps, drooped and reads prayer: "The good king of the benefit of Mati, the most accurate and clean," and on, as needed. And the connoisseurs who are standing on the steps, everything is turned away from him, think: fell fees and now it will drive him out of the palace, - because they could not stand him for courage.

Chapter thirteenth

As the words of Levshina, the words of the word sovereign, he says now with joy:

"I know that my Russian people do not deceive me." And ordered a petlock on the pillow.

At the same moment, the petcoscope was filed, and the sovereign took the flea and put it under the glass first up the spindle, then a barrel, then a bumbling, - the word to say, it turned it on all sides, and there was nothing to see. But the sovereign and here did not lose his faith, but only said:

- To bring now to me here of this gunner, which is below.

Posts report:

- It would be necessary to like it - he was taken in what was taken, and now very much in an evil form.

And the sovereign answers:

- Nothing - to enter as it is.

Plates says:

- Now go now myself, such a story, in front of the eyes of the sovereign.

And Left -sha answers:

- Well, so I will go, and I will answer.

It goes in what was: in the lap, one pant in the boot, the other wounds, and the ogetchik is old, the hooks do not shut up, are straight, and the collar is broken; But nothing, not confused.

"What is? - thinks. - if a sovereign to see me, I have to go; And if there is no Tugament with me, so I'm not causing it and I will say that there was so it was. "

As left-handed and bowed, the sovereign himself now and says:

- What it is, the brother, it means that we also watched, and under the small melkoscope, but do not see anything wonderful?

And Left -sha answers:

- Are you, your Majesty, did you want to watch?

Velmazby him nodding: Say, you don't say that! And he does not understand how he is in court, with flattery or with cunning, but says simply.

Sovereign says:

"Leave it to wise over him," let him answer, as he can. "

And now he explained:

"We," say, "that's how I put," and put a flea for a small piece. "" Look, "says," says nothing. "

Lefty replies:

- Stark, Your Majesty, nothing and it is impossible to see, because our work against this size is much more secret.

The sovereign is a question:

- What about?

"It is necessary," says, "only one of her leg into the details under the whole melkoscope and separately look at all the heel, which she steps.

Sweet, tell me, says the sovereign, is already very finely!

"And what to do," Left -shest answers, "if only the way our work can be noted: then everything and surprise will be."

They put how Leftre said, and the sovereign as soon as she glanced into the top glass, so all and spawned, he took himself, which he was unlucky and in dust, impertuous, hugged him and kissed him, and then turned to all courtiers and said:

"You see, I knew best that my Russians did not deceive me." Please look: after all, they, shelms, aglitskaya flea on the horseshoes were hijacked!

Chapter Fourteenth

They began to approach everything and watch: Bloch really was on all the legs hidden on real horseshoes, and Left -sha reported that it was not all amazing.

"If," he said, "there was a finely small melkoscope, which in five million increases, so you would love," says the name on each horsesky, the name is exhibited: what Russian master did this hilt.

- I. your name Is there? - asked the sovereign.

"No," Left -sha is answered, "my one is alone."

- Why?

"And therefore," says that I worked smaller than these attacks: I saw the carnations, which are scored, "there can not take any melkoscope there.

Sovereign asked:

- Where is your petcoscope with whom you could produce this surprise?

And Levsel replied:

- We are poor people and in the poverty of their melkoscope do not have, and we have the eyes of the target.

Here and other courtiers, seeing that left-handed things burned, began to kiss him, and he gave him a hundred rubles and says:

- Forgive me, Brantz, that I pulled you for the hair.

Lefty replies:

- God will forgive, - this is not for the first time such snow on the head.

And no longer said, and I once had no one to talk to anyone, because the sovereign now ordered this savvy nymphosorium to put and send back to England - like a gift, so that we realized that it was not surprising. And he ordered the sovereign to be a special courier, which is scientist who is all languages, and with him that Lefty is and so that he himself could show work and what our master in Tula is there.

His boards crossed him.

"Let," says, "there will be a blessing over to you, and I will send my own sour Sisilian on the road. Do not drink little, do not drink a lot, and drink media.

So did - sent.

And Count Kiselhrode ordered to wipe the left-handed in Tulyakovsky national baths, gripped in a hairdresser and dressed in a parade caftan from the court singer, in order to seem to seem to be some kind of chin.

As his manner, they were disappointed, drove on the road of tea with a fellow school, tightened with a belt belt as much as possible so that the guts were shaking, and were lucky to London. Hence the left-hander and went foreign species.

Fifteenth chapter

I drove the courier with Lesshem very soon, so that from St. Petersburg to London did not stay anywhere, and only at each station the belt to one icon was still dragging so that the guts with the lungs are not confused; But as a left-handed after the presentation of the sovereign, on the payment order, from the treasury, the winning portion was relying, he, he did not support this one and sang Russian songs to all Europe, only chorus did foreign: "Aiu Lyuli "

The courier as he brought him to London, so it appeared who needed and gave a casket, and Left-Hashe in the hotel put in the room, but he was more boring here, and there was a wanted. He knocked on the door and showed his service to his mouth, and he was now and brought him into the editorial room.

Left-shelled here at the table and sits, but as something in the aglitsky ask - it does not know how. But then I guessed: Again, just on the table the finger, I will show yes in my mouth myself will show itself, "the British guess and serve, but not always what is needed, but he does not apply. His making a hot studing in fire, he says: "I don't know that this can be there," and not to eat; They changed to him and put another Kushan. Also, the vodka did not drink them, because she was green - it seems like a vitriol refilled, but chose that everything is natural, and waits for a courier in the coolness of the eggplant.

And those persons who surrendered the courier nymphosoria, I was considered by this minute in the strongest small melkoscope and now in the public domains description, so that tomorrow, the universal Lime slandon came out.

"And the master himself," say, "we want to see now.

The courier presented them into the room, and from there in the edification hall, where our left-handed was already twisted, and he says: "Here he!"

The British Levshchu is now claning on the shoulder and how even oneself - by hand. "Kamrad," say, - Kamrad - good master- Talk with you over time, after we will, and now let's drink for your well-being. "

A lot of wine asked, and Lefters the first charm, and he did not drink the first to drink with politeness: thinks - maybe you want to poison from annoyance.

"No," says it is not order: and there is no owner in Poland anymore, "eat ahead.

The British of all wines were tried in front of him and then he began to pour. He got up, she crossed his left hand and drank their health for all.

They noticed that he was baptized with left hand, and asked the courier:

- What is he - a Luthenets or Protestantist?

The courier replies:

- No, he is not a Luther and not a protestant, but the Russian faith.

- Why did he be baptized with his left hand?

Courier said:

"He is left-handed and all makes everything with his left hand."

The British began to be surprised even more - and began to pump wine and left-handle and courier, and so for three days they managed, and then they say: "Now it is pretty." According to the Symphon of water with the Erfix, they accepted and, at all the light, began to ask Leely: where did he and what he studied and how long does the arithmetic know?

Lefty replies:

- Our science is simple: according to the psaltier, yes to the half-sounter, and we do not know the arithmets.

The British looked around and say:

- It's amazing.

And the left-handers answer them:

- We have so everywhere.

- And what is it, they ask, - for the book in Russia "Waldonnik"?

"It's," says, "the book, to that, belonging to that if something about the gadagna Tsar David disliked something about the gadagna, then the addition is guessed in the semi-conn.

They speak:

- It's a pity, it would be better if you were from arithmetic in extremes at least four rules of addition, knew, then you would have been much more convenient than the entire semi -one. Then you could figure out that in each car there is a strength of strength; And then, Khosha you are very in my hands skillful, and did not realize that such a small machine, as in nymphosoria, can not be accustomed to the most accurate accuracy. Through it is now nimphosoria and does not jump and dance does not dance.

Lefty agreed.

"This is," says, "there is no dispute that we did not go into sciences, but only our fatherland is faithful.

And the British affect him:

- Stay with us, we will give you a great form, and an amazing master will come out of you.

But it did not agree to this left.

"I have," says, there are parents at home.

The British were called to send money to his parents, but Lefty did not take.

"We," says, are committed to His homeland, and my old man is already the old man, and the parent - the old woman and accustomed to the parish to go to the church, and it will be very boring here, because I still idly.

"You," say, "will do that, our law will take, and we are brought to you."

"This," answered Levas, - never can.

- Why is that?

"Therefore," answers - that our Russian faith is the right most correct, and how they believed our rights, and they should definitely believe and descendants.

"You," say the British, "our faith do not know: we are the same law of the Christian and the same gospel content.

- The Gospel, - Left-Soviet replies - really everyone has one, and only our books against your thicker, and faith with us are more complete.

- Why can you judge this?

"We have this," answers, "there are all obvious evidence.

- And such, - says; - What we have both the booming icons and the sofforal chapters and power, and you have nothing, and even, except for one Sunday, there are no emergency holidays, but for the second reason - I am with the British, though it happens In the law, live confusely.

"Why?" - Ask. - You do not neglect: ours are also very purely dressed and economic.

And Left -sha says:

- I do not know them.

The British respond:

- It does not matter the essence - you can see: We will do you Grandev.


"Why," says, in vain to the girls to fool. "And told." Grandev, "says, this is the case of the Lord, and it will be on, and if this house, in Tula, recognize, I need a big mockery.

The British were curious:

- And if, - they say - without Grandev, how do you do in such cases to make a pleasant choice?

Left-handed them explained our position.

"We," says, "when a person wants to find a detailed intention to discover, sends a spoken woman, and how she will do the pretext, then together in the house they are politely and the girl looks without being looking at the house, but with all relatives.

They understood, but they answered that they had no conversational women and such wings were not found, and Leftheed says:

- It is also more pleasant, because such a thing is to do, then it is necessary with a detailed intention, and how I do not feel to someone else's Natsi, then why are girls to fool?

He liked the British of Yves of these judgments, so that they again went on the shoulders again and kneeling with the cuddle of her palms, and they themselves ask:

"We would," they say, "they wanted to know only through one curiosity: what kind of vicious signs in our girls are noting and for what they are going on?

Here, left-handed them already frankly answered:

- I will not turn them, but I don't like it that clothes on them somehow masses, and not to disassemble what it is worn and for what kind of need; There is one anything, and below the other than others, and some nuns are in my hands. At all exactly the monkey-sapu - plina talma.

The British laughed and say:

- What is the obstacle in this?

"Obstacles," Left -shest answers, "no, but only afraid that it will be ashamed to look and wait for it from all this to deal with."

- Is it really, they say, is your style better?

"Our Logson," answers, "in Tula is simple: everyone in his lace, and our lace even worn big ladies."

They also caught him too and their ladies, and there he poured tea and asked:

- Why are you frowning?

He answered that we, say, are not very sweetly accustomed.

Then he served in Russian in principle.

It is shown that the point is as worse, and he says:

- Our taste is tastier.

His British could not knock him down, so that he was abandoned by their lives, but only persuaded him on a short time Start, and they will show it at this time at all of the plants and all their art will be shown.

"And then," they say, "we will bring it on your ship and deliver living to St. Petersburg.

He agreed on it.

Chapter sixteenth

They took the British left-handle on their hands, and the Russian courier back to Russia was sent. Courier though and Chin had on different languages He was scientist, but they were not interested in them, and they were interested in Lessh, "and they went left to drive and show it all. He watched all their production: and metal factories and soap-saw plants, and he really liked all economic orders, especially about working content. Every employee is constantly in satiety, it is not dressed in scraps, but on each capable vest, wish in thick jackets with iron naval, so that nowhere has no legs for anything; It works not with a boiler, but with learning and has no idea. Before everyone in sight, fucking variations are hanging, and under the hand starable plate: everything that the master does, - he looks at Dolbitsy and hesitates with the concept, and then he writes one on the ski, the other is erased and drives it: what is written in the gathering, then And in fact it turns out. And the holiday will come, they will gather in a couple of couple, take in hand by a wand and go to walk gray-noble, as it should.

Left -sham on all their lives and did not look at all of their work, but most of all paid attention to such an item that the British were very surprised. It was not so it occupied as new guns do, how old as old in what form consist. Everything will cost and praise, and says:

- This is and we can.

And as the old rifle comes to, "the finger will put in a blow, she tales on the walls and sigh:

"This is," says, "against our not an example of excellent."

The British could not guess what left-handed notes, but he asks:

"I can't," says, "do I know that our generals ever looked or not?" He is told:

- That were here, those must have looked.

- And how, - says, - they were: in a glove or without glove?

- Your generals, they say - the front, they always go to gloves; So, and here were so.

Lefty said nothing. But suddenly began to miss restlessly. Skirovat and squeezed and tells the British:

- Poorly thanks to all the treats, and I have all pleased with everyone and everything I needed to see, I have already seen, and now I want to go home.

Could no longer hold it. On land, it is impossible to put it, because he didn't die on all languages, but it was not good on the water, because the time was autumn, stormy, but he stuck: let go.

- We are at the Bremiethr - they say, they watched: the storm will be able to rest; This is not the fact that you have a Finnish bay, but here's a real-sided sea.

"It's all, equal," answers, "where to die," all the only, the will of God, and I wish it soon to my native place, because otherwise I can get a genus.

His force was not held: they have been rewarded with money, gave him a gold watch with a trepidir, and for maritime coolness on the late autumn journey, they gave a bike coat with a chicken-headed head. Very warmly dressed and took the left-handed to the ship, which went to Russia. Here placed left-handle in best of sightlike this Barin, but he did not like to sit with other gentlemen in the closure and consumed and consumed, but will go to the deck, he will sit down and asks: "Where is our Russia?"

The British, whom he asks, will show him on the other side or willham himself, and he will turn his face there and impatiently looks in his native side.

How to get out of the buffet to the tidird sea, so the desire to Russia had it that it could not be calmed. The water supply has become terrible, and, left-handed everything down to the cabins, it is sitting under the presentation, he hung out headloped and looks at the Fatherland.

Many times the British came to the warm place down to call, but he, to do not bother him, began to marry.

"No," answers, "I feel better here; And then with me under the roof of the navigation, the guinea pig will be done.

So all the time and did not go to a special occasion and I really liked one Polshochyri through it, who, on the mountain of our left-handed, was able to speak Russian. This Polcholper could not put as far as the Russian land man and so all the bad weather withstands.

- Well done, - says, Russian! Let's drink!

Lefthew drank.

- And Polishper says:

Left-handed and drunk, and got drunk.

Polichper him asks:

- What kind of state of our state are you carrying the secret to Russia?

Lefty replies:

- It's my business.

- And if so, - answered Polishper, - So come on to keep the aglitsky pares with you.

Leftless asks:

- It is not to drink anything alone, and everything is drunk: that one, then certainly the other, and who curses whom the hill.

Left -sha thinks: the sky is stealing, the belly will pump out, - the boredom is big, and Putin is long, and the relative place for waving is not visible - betting to keep everything is more fun.

"Good," says, "goes!"

- Only to honestly.

"Yes," says, "do not worry.

I agreed and struck hands.

Head seventeenth

They started at them in the tidwish sea, and they drank to the Riga dynoste, but they went all along and each other did not give way and before that neatly equal, that when one, glanced in the sea, see how the hell is climbing, so now The same thing appeared to another. Only Shekolper sees the feature of the redhead, and the left-hander says as if he is dark as Murin.

Lefty says:

- Crightening and getting angry - this is the hell of the puchin.

And the Englishman argues that "this is marine acrow."

"Want," says, "I'm in a sea of \u200b\u200ba shusser?" You do not be afraid - he will give you back now.

And Left -sha answers:

- If so, then pops.

Polholper took him on a risk and carried to board.

The sailors saw it, stopped them and reported to the captain, and he ordered them both down to lock and give them roma and wine and cold food, so that they could and drink and eat and their bet to stand, - not to serve hot studing with fire, because They in the lack of alcohol can light up.

So they were brought to St. Petersburg, and betting from them did not win one each other; And then they turned them to different carts and were lucky by the Englishman to the Messenic House on the Aglitsky Embankment, and Levshu is a quarter.

Hence the fate began to be very different.

Head eighteenth

The Englishman, as brought to the Embassy House, now immediately called in Lekary and Pharmacist. The doctor told him with him warm bath put up, and the pharmacist now rod guttaperchevaya pill now, and he told him in his mouth, and then both got together and put on the feather and left on top of the fur coat and left to sweat, and so that no one bothered him, for the whole embassy, \u200b\u200bthe order is given bold. I waited for a doctor with a pharmacist, until Shekholooner fell asleep, and then he was cooked another gutta-operator, near his headboard was put on the table and left.

And Levcha dumped in a quarter to the floor and ask:

- Who is such a deposit, is there a passport or what other tugment?

And he from illness, from drinking and from a long choping so weakened so that no word answers, but only moans.

Then he was now searched, a motley dress was removed from him and watches with a trepidir, and the money was fought, and the attacker himself ordered on the oncoming drive for free to the hospital to send.

He led the city left-handed to Sanki, so long could not catch a single meeting, because the cab drivers run away. And left-handed all the time on the cold parat lay; Then I caught the city driver, only without warm fox, because they are in the sleigh in the sledding, in such a way, they hide for themselves so that the police moves their legs. Levshu was carried so uncovered, yes, as from one cab driver, they will be replant with another, everyone drops, and it will be raised to raise - the ears are torn to come into memory.

They brought one hospital - they are not taken without a tugament, brought to another - and there, do not accept, and so on the third, and in the fourth - until the very morning he was dragging all the remote curvopants and everyone transplanted, so that he beat everything. Then one poaker said to the cities to carry him into a common Obekhvinskaya hospital, where the unknown class of all dying is taken.

Here we were told to give a receipt, and Levshu before disassembling on the floor in the corridor plant.

And the Aglitsky Polichper at that time was the next day, another gutta-operative pill was swallowed in the larger, he eaten a chicken breakfast with a trick, she was driving and says:

- Where is my Russian Camrade? I'll go to see him.

Dressed and ran.

Chief nineteenth

Someone's amazing manner somehow I found it very soon, I found himself, only it was not yet on the bed, and he lay in the hall on the floor and complained to the Englishman.

"I would," says, "the sovereign should certainly say two words.

The Englishman ran to the Clap Kleinmiech and Zarel:

- Is it possible! He has, "says, even though Ovechkin's fur coat, so the soul of man.

An Englishman now from there for this reasoning won, so as not to bother to remember the soul of man. And then he said to him: "Would you go better to the Cossack of the board - he has simple feelings."

The Englishman reached the platform, who was now lying on the bite. His boards listened and remembered about Levasha.

- Like, Brother, - says, - very briefly familiar with him, even for the hair, he was Dral, just I don't know how to help him in such an accident; Because I have already arrived at all and got a full pupping - now they do not respect me anymore, "and you are more to the commandant of Squarev, he is in power and also in this part is experienced, he will do something.

Shekolper went to the Skobelev and said everything: what Leftshies have a disease and why it became. Skobelev says:

- I understand this disease, only the Germans can not be treated, and here it is necessary for some doctor from spiritual title, because those in these examples rose and can help; I will now send the Russian doctor Martyn-Solsky there.

But only when Martyn-Solsky arrived, Left-shelled had already ended, because he had a neck about the parat, and he could only distort himself:

- Tell me the sovereign that the British guns are not bricks with bricks: let them not clean, and then, God god war, they shoot are not suitable.

And with this loyalty of Lefty crossed and died. Martyn-Solsky immediately went, about this count Chernyshev reported to bring to the sovereign, and Chernyshev's count shouted to him:

"Know," says, the laxative, and not interfere with his vomit, and not interfere with: in Russia there are generals.

The sovereign never said, and cleaning everything continued to the very Crimean campaign. At that time, the time for steel guns to charge, and bullets in them are dangling, because the trunks are cleared with bricks.

Here Martyn-Solsky Chernyshev about Lefters recalled, and Count Chernyshev and says:

"I went to hell, a plesyr tube, do not interfere with your business, but I did not heave it that I never heard about it," you will get it.

Martyn-Solsky thought: "It really ends", "so silent.

And bringing them left-handed words in their time to the sovereign, - in the Crimea in the war with the enemy would not be another turnover.

Chapter twentieth

Now all this is already "cases of the past days" and "foreman of the antiquity", although not deep, but the legends of these are no need to rush to forget, despite the fabulous warehouse of the legends and the epic character of her main character. Given name left-handed, like the names of many the greatest geniuses, forever lost for offspring; But as an impersonated people's fantasy myth, he is interesting, and his adventures can serve as a memory of the era, the overall spirit of which fell by apt and true.

There are no such masters such as a fabulous left-hander, now there is no longer in Tula: the cars were equalized by the inequality of talents and tanks, and the genius does not rush in the fight against adjacent and accuracy. Favoring elevation of earnings, cars do not favor artistical delete, which sometimes exceeded the measure, inspiring the folk fantasy to the composition of such currentable legends.

Employees, of course, are able to appreciate the benefits delivered to them by practical devices of mechanical science, but they remember with pride and love about the same old. These are their epos, and moreover with a very "man's soul".

Frameing manner of "Levshi" Nikolai Semenovich Leskov suggests the presence of a narrator, a narrator who not only tells about the events described in the work, but also itself is a member of these events. Therefore, the language and style of the tale reproduce live oral speech. The Tale of Lefty is saturated with a variety of and very colorful words, which reflected not only the inner world of heroes, but also their social status and education.

"... This folk, vulgar and fancy language, which many pages of my works are written, not me, and the man is subhearded by the man, in the intellectual, in Krasnobayev, the oborudy and sacrais," - wrote N.C. Leskov.

The Leskov himself said that the plan of the tale of "Left-shell" arose from him on the basis of the saying, which states that the British made steel flea, and the Russians were picked up. And in the joy itself, we meet the folk sayings: "He has no sheep, and the soul of man".

The writer builds his work, stylizing some episodes, for example, under a fairy tale. So, the dialogue of the king and the platform resembles a fabulous zinch:

"The sovereign says:" What do you, a courageous old man, is needed from me? " And the boards are responsible: "To me, your majesty, nothing for myself is not necessary ..."

Speech of simple masters from Leskova is typical for simple people. Left-shelter to use the sovereign during the work of the master microscope replies that, they say, they will be able to do work without a "melkoscope", as they have and so "the eyes of the target".

But the so-called Leskovskoye "word" reader will see where the character faces a foreign, a malfunctional illiterate person. So the distorted words appear: "Ababolone Polvedroin", instead of busts - "bustra", "ukulpet" instead of a couch, "whistle", while wept or instead of the table - "Dolbiza". Some foreign words are pretty angry, some foreign words, in their own way specifying their meaning. Probably clearer simple man The expression "chickenproaching", and not some strange "hood" or "noncrublocks" - "Galoshi".

It looks pretty peculiar to the Emperor Alexander I. Leskov says that Alexander Pavlovich decided not to go to Europe, but "Driving." The word is close in structure and value to such a word as "ride", that is, to make a superficial walk. Thus, the author lies the image of the king, which makes a pretty frivolous journey. But the use of the verb's emperor "rushed" in the speeches shows how much he looks lost and helplessly in the eyes of readers.

The impression of the reliability of what is happening in the "Lefty" taking place is created in many respects due to the living, plausible language of the heroes of Leskov. At one time, the writer opposed the introduction into the Russian language of alien and unrelated foreign words. Therefore, we see a parody of the use of words in Russian that have come from the West in Russian.

"We must take our rich and beautiful language from damage",

Wrote N.S. Leskov in 1878. This appeal of the nineteenth-century writer is relevant more than ever when our language is subjected to powerful attacks that destroys its integrity and originality!