Drawing stages for children 4 5. We teach children to draw a person: Simple schemes and recommendations

Drawing stages for children 4 5. We teach children to draw a person: Simple schemes and recommendations
Drawing stages for children 4 5. We teach children to draw a person: Simple schemes and recommendations

The kids really like to draw, but in the middle preschool age, their works of art weakly resemble something realistic. How to organize drawing classes for children 4-5 years so to instill love love for fine art and teach to draw simple drawings? Tell me where to start classes, what is the benefit of such lessons and what art accessories can be used.

Practice use

Classes creative activity - This is an important element in the process of child's development. For preschool children, it is characteristic of visual-shaped thinking, so drawing lessons have great importance At this age stage.

Drawing helps in development:

  • imagination;
  • abstract logical thinking;
  • shallow motors;
  • logic;
  • creative thinking;
  • care.

And also drawing is a reason to spend more time with the baby, which has a significant impact on his psycho-emotional development.

How to develop the most significant for the child sphere for 20-30 minutes a day

  • Three ready scenarios integrated educational classes in PDF format;
  • Video recommendations for comprehensive games and on their independent compilation;
  • Plan scheme for compiling such house activities

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What you need accessories to classes depends on what you are going to draw. And you can do this in different ways:

  • fingers;
  • palms;
  • tassels;
  • pencils;
  • flomasters;
  • cotton chopsticks;
  • cotton.

You can use coloring or just album sheets.

To draw for children to be as efficient as possible, use various objects and forms of lessons. For example, you can show several creative techniques to a child with color pencils, and the next day, fasten these techniques, drawing small ones on the asphalt, etc. The kids 4-5 years old may not like the same drawing with markers or pencils, so it is important to periodically change ways learning.

5 ideas for training

To teach a child to draw, you need to know several interesting techniqueswhich will instantly locate the crumb to classes. Consider them and start with the most suitable.

  • Blots.

This is an easy way, but it is very loved by the kids. You will need a landscape sheet, paints and tassels. Bend the sheet in half, on one side draw the butterfly wing, then press the half to each other tightly, so that the wing is imprinted on the empty part. This can be drawn not only a butterfly, but also a leaf, flower, two friends, etc.

  • Geometric figures.

Use the familiar kid geometric shapes. For example, to gradually draw a girl, use, circle, line and triangle. First draw your head (show the baby, how to draw a circle), from the circle draw a dress in the form of a triangle, legs and hands are drawn, respectively, lines.

  • Stencils.

Prepare in advance different stencils that the child will first circle, and then color. Gradually, he will remember the image and shape, and he will no longer be stencil to draw a certain item. If the crumbs have a stencil stencil, a triangle and a rectangle, he will be able to draw a house. Then he will begin to invent, which could still draw from these figures.

  • Prints.

In 5 years, children like to paint something, and then make prints. You can start with palms, then remove prints from convex surfaces. Now curly prints are sold, of which the baby can create images. Flower field is obtained from the flower prints, and the sun can be drawn from the geometric shape - a circle.

  • Appliques.

Combine drawing with others creative techniques. You can draw a background (blue sky, mountains, rocks, etc.), and other items (stars, clouds, trees) cut out of paper, paint and glued to the background. You can also use colored sand or beads.


Drawing with children - part of your communication with them. In class, you are constantly talking to the baby, asks leading questions, thinking about which, he comes to certain conclusions. Thus, its ideas about the world are developing. Drawing the sea, the child him may have never seen, but already knows what color it is and that there are waves on the sea. Depicting a tree, kid remembers what it consists of, and that in foliage can be determined by the time of year. Be sure to include drawing lessons in your child's activities, because it contributes to the full formation of his personality.

Master - Class "My Fluffy Friend" non-traditional drawing with preparatory children groups dough

Sokolova Svetlana Sergeevna, teacher additional education, MBOU to the center Children's creativity P. Syava, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Master Class For children 6-7 years old, parents and teachers.
Purpose of the master class. This master class will be useful to educators, educators of additional education, educators of the extended day in teaching children non-traditional techniques drawing. Also, they can take advantage of parents, who are involved in their children.
Children's work can be used for the exhibition. creative work, Room Decoration, Gift.
Purpose: Teach draw fluffy animals non-traditional technician: drawing a broom and print with a sponge.
Acquaintance with the concept of "artist - animal";
develop a sense of texture; develop creative skills and interest in visual art; Educating love for animals, observation.
Paper A4 (Color or White),
Kitten stencil, (you can take any of the Internet)
Water jar.

Kittens templates:

Live on Earth
The creatures of unearthly beauty.
I think you guessed
What is it - to ... .. (you).
Our master class we will devote these cute, charming, graceful and mysterious animals. Draw a tailed fluffy friend. And unusual items for drawing will be helped to portray it fluffy, it is a small broom and a foam sponge.
If the house has a pet, then in it, as a rule, peace and peace. There are a lot of love, warmth and good in this house. And near the pet grow most often good and good people, able to love, compassion, come to help the one who needs it.

Man tamed a cat about 4,000 years ago. And watching for domestic cat, I discovered a lot.
Cat washed - to guests.

Hides nose to cold.

There are artists who have animals and birds are the main characters of drawings and paintings. They are called animalists. The word "animal" comes from the Latin word "Animal", which means "Animal". But it's not so easy to draw animals. Because animals do not know how to pose. An animalist has to be diligently observed and study their habits, character. The artist begins his work with the performance of sketches, sketches and sketches with nature of living animals, birds, fish, and the fulfillment of long-term work is usually carried out with stuffed animals or by photography.
Artists - animalists try not only to achieve external similarityBut also reflect in the drawings the character inherent in the depicted beast or bird is trying to convey the individuality of the animal.

One of these artists popular artist Russia Viktor Chizhikov - author of the Olympic Bear Bears, Talisman XXII Summer olympic Gameswhich took place in Moscow in 1980.

He made the books of Marshak and Barto, Chukovsky and Volkov, Mikhalkov and Nosov. For half a century, his illustration appeared in magazines " Funny pictures", Murzilka. On his drawings full sunlight, humor and joy, not one generation of readers has grown. One of the most beloved artists image of cats.
Wonderful illustrations painted Viktor Chizhikov to the book of Andrei Usacheva "Planet Cats". The artist gave his heroes - animal features peculiar to people.

There is somewhere cat planet.
There cats, as people live:
Read in bed newspaper
And drink coffee with cream.
They have apartments and cottages,
Machines and other comfort.
They adore fisher
And they carry children to the resort.
Fly in overseas countries.
Find diamonds with fist.
Sit on flowerbed tulips
And even breed dogs.
Luxurious life on the planet
Cats, cats and kittens!
But strange residents of these
All the time something sad ...
How many good toys!
How many plates and books! ..
There are only cats in cats.
Oh, how sad without them.
(Andrei Usachev)

And we have no time to miss, we begin to draw a fluffy kitten.

Practical work.

Apply the stencil of cat figures in the middle of the album sheet.

Do the dry sponge in yellow paint And printing movements fill the silhouette color. We start from my head, then the torso, tail.

It turned out a stain - the figure of the kitten.

An orange color of a small broom draw on the contour of the shape of small strokes in the direction of growing kitten's wool.

We highlight the face, paws, breasts and cheeks.

Draw stripes on the tail, sides and kitten's head.

Tassel draw eyes, nose and kitten mouth, creep mustache and eyebrows.

You can independently draw a background. You can depict a kitten on the summer lawn. Also a broom paint grass, tassel - flowers, a sponge - clouds.

Drawing ready.

Pictures of students of creative association.

Alina 7 years old

Nastya 6 years old

Vika 6 years old

Natasha 6 years old
In the technique, drawing a broom with children can draw fluffy and prickly animals, trees.
Christmas tree

Every young mother admires his child and considers it the most beautiful in the world. Often, parents want to portrait a portrait of his own baby. After all, photography is, of course, well, but the drawing, made independently, is valued much higher. So consider many people. But then the question arises: "How to draw a child?". Because even those who have already learned to portray an adult, sometimes there are difficulties with work with children. The whole problem is in the difference in proportions.

Child's face

If you do not adhere to the appropriate proportions, then the image of the child will rather look like a mini-copy of the adult. And we need a technically correct portrait. It's time to clarify, pencil. To portray correctly children's portrait, pay attention to the two components of it: face and cranial box, as well as their proportional ratio.

The most common mistakes

To avoid some errors in the process of drawing, it is desirable to take into account some points. Many novice artists mistakenly believe that the baby's face must be quite large compared to the size of the cranial box. If it is conditionally divided by the adult's head, then his face takes the third part of the head. If you do the same with a cranial box of a baby, it will face no more than the fourth part. In addition, the child's head has a more round shape. It should not be noted that the neck in children compared to the head looks too short.

Phased drawing

Determine the direct procedure. How to draw a child with a pencil in stages?

First you need to perform a sketch of a large square. As a result, it is he will determine the child. We divide the square to four equal parts. The lower left figure will serve as a children's face. Not all people immediately manage to portray the perfect shape of the circle. Therefore, first should be practiced in this action.

Now draw a large circle on the whole overall square. So we start depicting a baby portrait in profile. Now we start drawing a baby lyrco in a small circle. Believe me, it is better to begin to practice in the image of the profile portrait of a child. It is much easier to perform it. And over time, you can go to portraits in the face. In the lower left square we depict the eye. Then draw eyes, mouth and nose baby. Delay when everyone is ready, then with the help of a gum we wash a square and all auxiliary elements. Add hair. They must be barely noticeable that the drawing is more believable.

You can proceed to tinting and dimming. Patiently work over the details. But the child's face is not recommended to shadow too dark tones. The drawing will seem rude. Shades should be soft and not to create sudden contrasts. The hatching will give the picture the impression of three-dimension.

Work over children's eyes. It is the pupil that must have the darker tone on the whole drawing. Do not forget to leave an unmeasured place for the flare. The eyes will acquire realistic. You also need to accumulate the ear.

Go to the drawing of the hair. If all the tips were taken into account, the portrait must comply with the initial recommendations: the baby's face occupies the fourth part of the head. So we came to the answer to the question of how to draw a child in a pencil in stages. The task is not simple, but many of us are forces.

Picture in full growth

We now turn to the study of the order of action in how to draw a child in stages in full height. We offer you two schemes of images of children of different ages.

We begin with outlining oval. He will play the role of head. Draw a skeleton scheme, as shown in the picture. We start to throw part of the body. We make bends of legs, outlining hands. Then, according to the outlines, we begin a detailed draw of all parts of the body.

Personal face is recommended to fulfill the last time, as it requires the greatest attention. We depict the features of the children's lyrics in detail. In no case do not forget about the proportions. When the picture is ready, you can add interior details, toys with which it is amused to give the picture greater realistic. Turn on the fantasy. In this case, you will have a not an abstract child, but a completely real kid.

It is possible to achieve a satisfactory result you will have to be trained. Now we gave an exhaustive answer to the question of how to draw a child.

Group plot

When you finally managed to draw a baby, it would be nice to portray and group children. For example, guys playing in a sandbox or running in the park. Why not use acquired knowledge about how to draw a child? You can create a whole series of your work and place them in the album. Original decision there will be an image of a child on different stages His development.

Ultimately, you will receive the story of several years of your baby in pictures. And the most important thing is that you will be the author of this masterpiece.

Who said that real art is paints and canvases? We are ready to tell you about the direction in artistic creativitywho spent well and own masters like Vrubel or Brian Duey. They perfectly performed drawings simple pencil. And these works are worried, please and bring pleasure. Is it possible to take their equipment and learn to draw a similar method? Sure you may! But, how and what is necessary for this?

  1. To begin with, let's talk, why it is worth paying attention to this area.
  2. Following important questionwhere we will stop, these are the secrets of drawing.
  3. And finished this excursion to the world, where black and white images reign small, but a pleasant gift.

Monochrome pencil drawings

Speaking of the greatness and genius of all simple, it is impossible not to remember ordinary pencil. Which of us is not familiar with him and kept him in his hands. We all speak well since childhood. Of course, for beginners, for very tiny kids, it seems that it is so easy to take a pencil in the hands and start to "create" kalyaki-staks.

But the child grows, and he sees that the spectrum of the use of a pencil is huge, and it can be used in different ways. Someone cities, bridges and houses build them on paper. The other is paving them on the map the route of the World Travel. And the third writes poems or draws a portrait of his beloved.

So easily and just a pencil entered our life and became our assistant and friend. And pictures drawn by a pencil are a whole direction, stylish and having its unique charm.

Their distinctive feature is that they are absolutely versatile. Therefore, their possibilities are endless. Drawn by a simple pencil, they:

  • Suitable for any age. And little kids are interesting to consider them, and adults like it to use them in their entries in social networks.
  • No limiting criteria for use. Girls and guys will be interested to put similar beautiful picturesHow the status or give them to your friend.
  • They can be copied or easy to learn to execute themselves (sripe).
  • Different character character. This may be cute pictures with nyashnye fluffy, can be fun and funny, or, have similarity with photos.

And most importantly, pencil drawing It looks incredibly attractive and convincing. It can decorate not only your profile on a page in social networks, but also morning, and all day with pleasant memories.

Simple image drawing options

The most basic secret, why drawings with a pencil cool, original and draw attention, is that they look like alive. Drawn everything is so real and exactly what it seems that people are about to speak or laugh, pay, and items can be taken and use them.

Why are they so cool and everything looks like this? What do they live? Consider, through the light touches noticeably that the master thought out not only the accuracy of lines transmitting the image and silhouette, he paid particular attention to one tiny nuance, thanks to which images are not only beautiful, but also almost material. What is it? Light and shadow.

Workshops working on lightness, the artist seeks the apparent volume. Before us, as was, simple black and white pictures for drawing. But when the shadow appeared, for example, from the curl falling on the face, or on the table from the vase, everything suddenly came to life.

Can you do the same? Do you want to learn? Do you want your acquisition realistic look? Then you looked up correctly!

Phased master classes

Easy to say: "Draw", and how can you really do this if it never studied it and it seems that there is no talent? The team of our site gives all his friends an amazing opportunity to learn to perform pencil drawings in stages. Without teachers, you yourself are able to become an artist and delight yourself and your favorite your work. How? If you accept our prompts for which you can master the drawing, the technique of repetition. It is absolutely not difficult. Yes, and the result will delight.

How to draw easily stages and in cells?

Using a simple technique phased drawingEven novice artists will be able to draw beautiful animal figures. That's how you can draw a fun puppy.

And so with geometric figures You can draw a cow.

A chicken, which sits on eggs begin to draw from a circle. Gradually draw the beak, eyes, wings and tail.

And after the chicken cast eggs, you can paint and chickens.

Draw a bat at first glance seems difficult, but if you use the technique of phased drawing, then this pretty bat It will appear in your album after 5 minutes. Also two circles, but the larger below, and the smaller above will help draw a cat.

Birds are difficult to draw, but the parrot draw even more difficult. But three circles of the same size will help to cope with this task.

And so you can draw a mouse.

A very pretty lady cat is drawn with a pencil, the auxiliary lines are neatly removed and the cat is painted watercolor paints.

The drawing of an elephant and horses will be able to draw everything that can draw circles, ovals and rectangles.

The hard task to draw a camel only seems difficult. But in the technique of phased drawing there is nothing no possible.

Pets of sheep and pig are drawn a little differently. Pigs first draw the face, and then the torso. In sheep, on the contrary, first the torso and at the end of the face.

Not flying bird of cold seas Penguin and Forest bird owl are drawn in stages and painted with watercolor paints.

A snail drawing is easy if you draw a circle, then paint the body of the snail and draw the curl on the sink, eyes and mustaches.

To draw Duckling enough to launch an oval and draw a tail, beak and eyes and wings.

And so you can draw kids.

It happens that girls are drawn in albums, but do not know how to paint face beautifully. On the help will come simple scheme where are observed right proportions Persons.

You can not break your head for a long time, what hairstyle draw the girl in the diary, but just choose your favorite and draw the same.

Flowers in albums can also be drawn in stages. So that the flower had the right form to make a circle or oval and try the center and petals.

Beautiful and light drawings on cages for drawing in a notebook and a personal diary for girls 5 - 12 years

It is easiest to draw in cells. Of course, if you have a drawing drawing. These cute kittens may appear in the diary, if they draw them through the cells.

For pages in the diary about love, a drawing is suitable with a boy and a girl who exchange hearts.

Another drawing on the theme of love is easy to redraw, but very interesting.

A bear who keeps the heart will decorate the pages of the girl's diary, and the cells will help him draw it.

A smiling dog in colors is suitable for those who like to communicate with dogs and draw them.

Pictures of girls in the style of anime will decorate the diary pages. They are easy to redraw on the cells and paint with watercolor paints or wovers.

The drawing is more composed with a girl, butterfly and strawberry. Nevertheless, if the cells carefully read and draw on them, success is guaranteed.

The portrait of anime girl in the profile is also suitable for girls' diaries. The drawing is transferred through the cells, the color of the hairstyle and the eye of the drawn girl depends on the wishes of the mistress of the diary.

Bear-boy and a bear-girl will remind you that friendship happens both between the animals and between the guys.

Beautiful and light drawings on cages for drawing in a notebook and a personal diary for boys 5 - 12 years

Cats love to draw as boys, so girls. Such a cheerful cat will appear in the album or notebook if it is sught by cells.

Boys love to draw motorcycles. Let the motorcycle still do not yet real lifeBut it can always be drawn through the cells.

Space Topic Also relevant for the drawings of boys and cat-cosmonauts may have to do.

Cell drawings Beautiful and light for girls and boys: ideas, photos

The lion with a red mane, drawn through the cells of his fiery mane, will decorate any diary.

Through the cells, you can draw a whole picture. Lion, zebra, giraffe, elephant and hippopotam are sitting on it in dense thickets.

These animals can be drawn separately. Blue Elephant for drawing by cells

And so you can draw and paint the butterfly. She can decorate the glasses albums.

If you draw a pond and reassembly, it turns out a picture with merry frogs in the center.

The foxes drawn through the cells can be drawn on fabulous pictures or you can add flowers and grass and decorate the diary picture. Tree for drawing by cells

Cheerful dragonfly will surprise with bright wings.

Video: How to draw a bee phased?