The topic of honor and mercy in the story of A. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" (the religious and moral meaning of the "Captain's daughter" A

The topic of honor and mercy in the story of A. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" (the religious and moral meaning of the "Captain's daughter" A

The answer was left the guest

All the creativity of Pushkin is the highest expression of the values \u200b\u200bof universal: love, friendship, honor, conscience, justice, human dignity, mercy.
Especially penetrated by the Spirit of Mercy The story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter". It can be called a story about mercy. The central storyline of the story - the history of the relationship between Greeneva and Pugacheva - there is primarily the history of mercy. With mercy, this story begins, and ends. Recall the first meeting of Greeneva with Pugachev, when Grinevo orders to give Pugachev his holy Tulup. Savelich is amazed. And it's not just that Tulupe roads. The gift is meaningless. "Why doesn't your hare Tulup? He will drink it, a dog, in the first Cabeq." Yes, this youthful Tulup does not climb on Pugachev "Plumbing!" And Savelich Rights: Tulupe cracks on the seams when Pugachev puts him on ... However, Pushkin writes: "The tramp has been extremely pleased with my gift." It's not in Tulup the case ... Here I first flashed between an officer of the Grinemen and a quick Cossack Pugachev something else ... In gratitude Greeneva, not just gratitude. There is pity, mercy and ... respect. Respect for man and his dignity. And the man is cold. And the person should not be cold. Because he is the image of God. And we should not indifferently pass by a person who is cold, because it is blasphemy. All this felt Pugachev. Therefore, such a warm side farewell: "Thank you for your wellness! Award you Lord for your virtue. The century will not forget your mercies!" And they started between the heroes of the relationship, where the highest and lowest one, where there is no Mr., nor a slave, where the enemies are brothers. What can be answered by mercy, in mercy? What to measure it? - Only mercifully.
And through all the other meetings Greeneva and Pugacheva, the main topic is the topic of mercy. When the Belogorsk Fortress of Pugachev, having learned Greeneva, immediately pardoned him, saved from the death penalty. "I pardon you for your virtue," for what you had a service ... "- says Pugachev Grinevo. But how non-unimproved service and reward: a glass of wine, a holy Tulup and ... Life, presented to the officer of the Nasty Forces, with which war is conducted.
Pugachev was to pardon Greeneva, because one day the Grineh saw a man in Pugacheva, and cannot already forget this Pugachev. All in the story is full of mercy. Love Peter Andreevich Greenieva and Marya Ivanovna Mironova - not love - passion, not love - admiration, and Christian love, sorry. He loves and tearfully regrets Marwan Ivanovna, Syrotot, who has no close to anyone around all over the world, Grinev. He loves and saves her knight from the terrible fate of the dishonor of Marya Ivanovna.
The merciful grine and to his enemy (to the Swabron). When Grinevo takes out with the help of Pugacheva Marree Ivanovna from the hands of Schwabrin, Grinev has enough reason to hate the traitor and the rapist. However, this is how the head of "orphan" ends. True good Popy Grinewear with their beloved depart from the fortress. "We went. At the window of the commandant home, I saw Standing Swabrin. The face was portrayed with a gloomy malice. I did not want to triumph over the humiliated enemy and drew my eyes to the other side." Celebrate over the destroyed enemy according to the Christian morality, which Grinove is guided, ashamed. Since, while a person is alive, God hopes for him, on his correction. You should even hope for a person. And to arrange the "feast of the winners" above the defeated opponent - rudeness. Therefore, the Grineal turns away. And in this again mercy of the chaste soul.

Mercy in our time seems to be unreal and very rare. It happens that the unpleasant person, coarse and in places angry, turns out to be merciful to others, and we can never distinguish the person who has this quality. Be merciful, it means to help people, forgive their actions.

The theme of mercy is very extensive, both poets and writers were discussed, artists were resorted to her songs of musicians. But more extensively and colorfully, of course described her writers in their works. One of these became all of us known to A.S. Pushkin, his works is always a story and morality that intertwine among themselves the nearest thread. In his story, "Captain's daughter" he raises a lot of problems, but the topic of mercy remains one of the main. He managed to reveal it at once on several characters, thereby showing what people are able to possess this rare quality. Greeneva and Pugachova meets and ends with mercy. The first manifests him, at that time more tramp Pugachev, he helps the lost travelers to get out of the natural West. In gratitude to him, Grinove decides to give her Tulup to the man, here we also see the reflections of mercy, which is capable of good heart of the main character. But as we know from the story, this story does not end in this two. Never once they face each other.
When Pugachev is already starting his riot, and gets to the fortress, where the Grinev is served, it makes not peculiar to robbers and killers. Seeing his old acquaintance, he decides to meld over him, tolerates the refusal to accept the greatness of Pugachev. And let the Grineh rescued Pugacheva, but he is not a high moral man and he does not have respect and a sense of duty. In this case, Pugachev exhibits mercy, which is not very typical of his image, he lets the guy. But on this mercy, Pugacheva does not end. When Schvabrin gets at the honor of Maria Mironova, Pugachev himself personally pulls her out of the hands of his ward and gives Ginner. He can't forget the actions of the guy, because Grinev was able to see the soul in him, understand his feelings and fears.
Pushkin managed to show mercy in Grozny and the ruthless killer. He gave people to understand that every person can possess this quality, regardless of his outdoor. Whether he is cruel or evil, mercy is a bright ray, which is buried in his heart Love for people. To understand what another person live is very difficult, but there are things that immediately rush into our eyes. Mercy is the gift of God, who should have every person. After all, it is not difficult to be kind and time to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of other people.

The theme of grace and cruelty is one of the key in the famous story of Pushkin. The image of Pugacheva for the first time in Russian literature was shown to the reader from different sides. Pugachev appeared in the story not only as a rowman, the destructive calm of the sovereign of the empress and the robber-impostor, but as a truly strong personality, a man of a wonderful courage and the strength of the Spirit.
The epigraph to the story is the Russian proverb "Take care of the honor of the Smoloda." The problem of honor for Pushkin is a problem, as it were, "non-social", honor or disgrace can be equally inherent in the nobleman and commoner. "Take care of the honor" is the moral covenant who receives Petrusha Grinev from his father before leaving to Orenburg. Pushkin holds his hero through peculiar tests: Meeting with Zurin, Snow Buran in the steppe, a dreary monotony of life in the Belogorsk Fortress. Every time the hero turns out to be a choice, and every time he makes him in favor of honor. For example, Grinev could refuse to pay the debt to Zurina, referring to the fact that the money is stored at Savelich, and he himself "Parents
Do not play halls. " However, for him any debt is a debt of honor, and money, at the time, considerable - one hundred rubles, were paid.
Grievous first meets Pugachev in the chapter "Department". This chapter is not called so by chance. The word leader means not only the "conductor on the road", but also "Head, Mentor". It was Pugachev who became a mentor in fate for Greeneva. Pugachev (about which we first do not know who he is in fact) helps Grinevo find the road to housing, saves from possible death. For this, Grineh has mercy - gives a holy Tulup from his shoulder. In the eyes of Greeneva, this is an act of honor, the act is mandatory, because he wants to adequately thank the charge. In the eyes of Savelich, this is the mercy of the Barina in relation to the commoner, the non-disabilities, a gift that the leader does not deserve at all.
In the "Captain daughter" Pushkin shows that every mercy causes a retaliatory mercy, every cruelty is a retaliatory cruelty, despite the fact that justice does not always triumph.
The theme of cruelty occurs in the text of the story in the head of the "attack", which describes the seizure of the White-Gorskiy Fortress by the Buntockers. "Do not bring God to see the Russian riot, meaningless and merciless," Pushkin wrote about the popular uprising. The cruelty of the rebel amazing imagination. They executed Captain Mironov, spread to his wife Vasilisa Egorovna. After a series of executions, the "terrible comedy" began - the oath of the new king. Pushkin does not justify the rebels, but their cruelty in relation to the royal officers is due to the years of oppression of the people. It is not by chance that the "Pugachevshchina" chapter shows the image of Bashkirts with a torn tongue, without nose and ears. So a person was punished for a protest, and this was punished on behalf of state power. The cruelty of the rowers in relation to the commandant of the fortress and his wife is cruelty not towards specific people, it is evil towards representatives of the hated power.
Pugachev is depicted in the story Dually. It also shows the greatest wisdom, and a huge organizational talent, and the naivety naivety (gathered in a trip to Moscow), mercy and cruelty. Pugachev, who gained an unlimited opportunity to execute or pregnant in the captured fortress, gives Grinevo freedom. First, Pugachev remembers the mercy given to him - a presented hare Toulup. In addition, Pugachev unmistakably guess the honor of honor in the Grinev. Grinev did not swear Pugachev, did not recognize the sovereign in him, because, according to his own words, was a natural nobleman and silence the sovereign to Empress. "My head is in your authority," he says Pugachev, "let me let me go - thanks; Excuse me - God's judge; And I told you the truth. " Pugacheva wisdom and innate nobility of the soul manifest exactly that he respects the personal rights of Greeneva and is sleeping him.
Pugachev embodies the best features of the Russian people: faith in the future, delete, "wild inspiration." He tells the Grinevo Kalmyk fairy tale, which reflects authentic values \u200b\u200bfor the people. "Than three hundred years to eat Padalu, it's better to drink alive blood once, and there it will give!" The mercy of Pugacheva is much more significant, deeper than cruelty. Traditionally, Rus was taken to protect orphans. This unwritten wisdom is embodied in the consciousness of the Grozny "People's King". Hardly learning that in the fortress "Syrota offend", Pugachev wants to immediately "save the sirotom" and teach Schwabrin. Fate, all the happiness of two people - Greeneva and Masha - are in the hands of Pugachev. Pride is peculiar to Grinevo, but not a pride. He finds the right words in a conversation with a terrible king, asking him about mercy. "You are my benefactor," he says Pugachev.
Much greasy cruelty than the rowers when killing the captain and his wife, in the story commits Schwabrin. Those you can somehow justify, because they kill, mushrooms for the past, for oppression. Schvabrin also understood that Pugachev is about to let go of Masha Mironov and she will become Women Grneev, gives her origin. He tells Pugachev that Masha is the daughter of Captain Mironov, who is executed when taking a fortress. Cruelty connected to meanness is the main qualities of Swabrin. Cruelty and indifference can be called the basic qualities of the Orenburg military, refused to assault the captured fortress.
The mercy of Pugacheva gives the Grineal a new life. From the hands of the rowers, he gets life, and happiness.
Good and honor in the story always turn out to be in vain. The mercy of the queen is caused by the Masha Mironova, and its soft perseverance, and most importantly and honor, who "stirred by the Smoloda" the main characters of the story.

Debt, honor and mercy in Roman A.S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter"

I. Introduction

Debt, honor and mercy - unconditional moral values \u200b\u200bfor Pushkin. But sometimes they conflict with each other.

II. main part

1. From the main heroes of the novel only for Masha Mironova there is no contradiction between the debt, honor and mercy.

In any of her act (refusal to marry Swabrin, the desire of Greennev tackle and others.) Debt, honor and mercy are merged together.

2. On the other hand, there is a hero in the novel, which is constantly coming against and debt, and honor, and mercy is Swabrin, which causes only a sense of contempt into the reader.

3. Complex relationships between the demands of debt, honor and mercy are characteristic of such heroes, like Grinev, Pugachev, Catherine II.

a) Grinev. Until a certain time, there is no contradiction between the debt and honor. But at some point he is forced to neglect his duty (stay in Orenburg) for the sake of honor and mercy (he feels moral duty to save Masha and for this is forced to contact Pugachev for help). But he does not lose his honor under any circumstances, which can be seen, for example, in his attitude to Pugachev: He refuses to swear, boldly objects to him, etc.

b) Pugachev. It is characterized by a contradiction between duty and mercy. The debt commands him to execute Greenish at the same time with the defenders of the Belogorsk Fortress, and later - for deception with Masha. But mercy in this case takes the top. Even when he fully paid himself with Grinev for a hare's Toulup, retaining his life and freedom, he continues to make good and merciful actions, helping, in particular, to free Masha grine. This is exactly the beginning of mercy led to Pushkin's sensual attitude towards Pugachev.

c) Catherine II. For her, as well as for Pugachev, a certain contradiction between the debt and mercy is characterized. She, believing Masha, pardoned Greeneva, although the debt prescribed her to betray him and maybe execution.

4. In the novel, "Captain's Daughter" Pushkin It was important to show that in man the most important thing is that it is the human beginning, standing above the class situation, a public role, and the like. In this regard, two episodes are remarkable: Greennev's meeting with Pugachev during a blizzard and a member of Masha with an empress. In both cases, this meeting is not a nobleman with a man and a non-sovereign with a modest nobility - this is a meeting of a person with a man. It is in such situations that people tend to show primarily with mercy.

III. Conclusion

Mercy is the highest moral value in the understanding of Pushkin. It is not by chance that he put the fact that "grace to the fallen appeared" ("I have been erected by a monument to myself ...").

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  • working Plan Captain's Daughter
  • plan to Composition Captain's Daughter
  • theme of mercy in the captain's daughter Works with a plan

Lesson study

According to Tale

A.S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter"

/ Mercy topic in story /

Objectives lesson.

Subject: promote the development of prosaic text analysis skills.

Methodical: development of scientific thinking of students through the establishment of causal relations.


Moral development:conduct a study of text, bring students to the conclusion: the story A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" - a story about mercy, develop students to educate kindness, love for people ;

Intellectual development: form abstract thinking, critical thinking, improve theoretical analysis skills.


Epigraph: to Pushkin, gentlemen! - To Pushkin again! ...

He would reach our bile - and the bile would turn into a smile.

V. Orovanov

Equipment: Computer, Texts, Dictionary of Ozhegov.


1. Summer word teacher.

Pushkin, did you participate in December 14, if I were in St. Petersburg?

    Certainly, the sovereign, my all friends were in conspiracy, and I could not not participate in it. Only the absence of saved me, for which I thank God, "Pushkin answered so courageously on the direct question of the emperor.

    Did you notice the duality of the answer?

    All the remaining life, the great poet had to solve this issue of honor. And in the "Captain daughter", completed a few months before death, the answer was given to this question, the fruit of reflection of a lifetime.

Young man! - As if the Pushkin appeals to us with the will, "if my notes fall into your hands, remember that the best and most strongest changes are those that occur from changes in the morals, without any violent shocks." Well, of course, this is the famous place about the Russian Bunte: "Do not bring God to see the Russian Bunth-meaningless and merciless." But remember: "... My friends were in conspiracy, and I could not not participate in it." No, it's not about it. This life is so folded that they involuntarily ask questions: how to live? What to be guided? The epigraph to the story "Captain's daughter" gives one of the answers. What?

    Take care of honor.

    Yes it is. But life with all the contradictions is more complicated. Honor is too fragile, requires protection. If you do not cool down, do not smallestify yourself, so in this case is always ready to slander. And it is not by chance that the head of "court" has an epigraph ...

Mirous Solve-Sea Wave. "

    It means that one is not enough. So what else? What are the relationships of people are impossible?

    No kind, sympathy.

    • I agree with you. And Pushkin in the "Captain daughter" gives a certain answer: "Honor and mercy above all."

The story is so much imbued with mercy that it can be called a story about mercy. Today at the lesson - the study will try to prove it

Wordwork. Work with the Word of Ozhegov.

    And what is charity?

In the Ozhegov dictionary, it is defined / writing on the board /.

Mercy is a willingness to help someone or forgive someone from compassion, humanity.

Compassion - pity, sympathy caused by anyone misfortune, grief.

Auditious - love for people.

    The history of the relationship between Green & Pugacheva.

So This is primarily the story of mercy. With mercy, this story begins, it ends.

Recall the first meeting of Greenyov and Pugachev.

    What unusual did you notice? / In the word brother /

    What do you think the nobleman turns to the Bosia? What lies the reason? / People who survived the only dangerous adventure, feel a special generality: everyone is mortal, the life of each fragile, without distinction, ranks and age.

    And Grinyov finds the word brother, fraternity. What is the reaction of Pugacheva for this invitation to fraternity? / Revealed immediately Pugachev, complained, almost confessed.

Greenhouse offers Pugacheva tea, and after, at his request, and a glass of wine. But the thread of sympathy, pity, gratitude is not breaking on it. Continue my thought ...

    In gratitude Greenwood is not just gratitude. Here is pity and respect. Respect for man, his dignity. A man is cold, and man should not be cold. And if we are indifferent pass by the man who is cold, then this is already blasphemy. All this felt Pugachev. Therefore, it rejoices a gift. Therefore, such a warm farewell of Greenwood / read /: '' Thank you, your wellness! Award you Lord for your virtue. The eyelid will not forget your mercies. "

    So far, only so can thank Pugachev. And what's next / guys talk about the meeting of Pugacheva with Grneuv, about the capture of Belogorsk


    And the third meeting ...

Pay attention to this detail: Grinyov believes in the best qualities of Pugacheva: "You are my benefactor ..." / read /

    Pugachev does not believe in pardon for himself. What lies for this? What conclusion is done?

    We will quote once again a wonderful place, describing the meditation of Greenyov at a parting: "I can not explain what I felt ..."

    Behind at Rinöva, a nightmare, he is pardoned by the Empress.

It seemed to be happy. But ... / Guys continue the thought, read from the text: "Meanwhile, a terrible feeling ... /

Top pace carefully picks up Pushkin.

Let's call and illustrate them.

The story of a mutilated Bashkirc / read /

    Why do this scene need Pushkin?

/ To condemn the hard old custom torturing when interrogation /

    But it is deeper than him. Here is the Belogorsk Fortress taken by the rebels. Among them and the previously ran Bashkitra. Continue ...

    Conclusion: The world lying in the MGL goes its own ways, west and mercies. "Oco for the eye, tooth for the tooth" - here is an ancient law.

About mercy He also says the history of the Maksimycha / reading on episode roles /

All in the story is filled with mercy. Love Love Peter Andreevich Greenyov and Marya Ivanovna Mironova is also basically love-merciful

/ tell /

The topic of mercy to the enemy / Swabrina /

Outcome: I I have no doubt that everyone who participates in the classroom will perceive as a call for the mercy of the word V. Orzanova:

To Pushkin, gentlemen! - To Pushkin again! ... He would reach our bile, and the bile would turn into a smile. "

And pay attention to the words L.N. Tolstoy: "Mercy begins at home. If mercy needs to go somewhere, then it is hardly mercy. "

Homework. Write an essay on the story "Captain's daughter". Themes on the slide (their comment). I hope that working on an essay, you will reflect, express your thoughts. You can formulate your topics. And what topic do you suggest, based on today's lesson?

    I do not put the estimates. Let them appreciate you, your actions, your good things are those with whom you are near daily, and those who will give you fate.