Proper speech is the key to successful communication. How to learn to speak beautifully

Proper speech is the key to successful communication. How to learn to speak beautifully
Proper speech is the key to successful communication. How to learn to speak beautifully

The ability to express competently lies not only in the lexical combination of words and the correct alignment of stress. You need to learn how to allocate the main volume of information.

Imagine that you are looking for an interesting series, which friends told you so passionately. After the tenth episode, the most interesting thing begins, and the producer, as discharged, stretched this moment and hid the climax for a bunch of unnecessary details. After another series, you will throw off and switch to more informative movie cornocarte.

This happens with speech. Opponents are not interested in listening to history with a lot of smallest details. The story must be concise, logically connected. The overseas pushes the interlocutors and kills interest.

Step number 2. Increase vocabulary

Discard the use of those words whose value is not clear to you. Expand the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge in terms of Russian speech will help the explanatory dictionary. If unknown the value of foreign words, refer to the World Wide Web. Such actions are not only helping to express the versatile, but also contribute to the infusion in different layers of the population. After a month of regular practice, you can find a common language with teachers, dancers and professors. Take the habit to learn the value of 3-4 words per day. It is important to learn, understand and remember the studied aspects.

Exclude words that do not carry any semantic load. These include "not a month May". May is a certain period, called a month. He can not be a year or hour. Also common examples that do not represent separate information, it is customary to be "retreating back", "raise up", etc.

Step number 4. Repeat information

Psychologists advise to stand in front of the mirror and talk with reflection. Of course, this technique makes sense to try. But there is another way that allows man to learn literacy. Collect friends once a week together (at least 4-5 people) and retell the knowledge gained earlier. Have you watched an interesting movie? Highlight the essence and try to set out the plot of interesting things, concisely, without unnecessary preludes.

Watch out for the public reaction. If the listeners yaws, lower eyes or ask questions not related to the topic, they are bored. In this case, you have 2 outputs: independently analyze what exactly you did not do so, or contact your opponents directly. A frequent error of the newly minted "renators" is excessive use of pronouns instead of calling heroes by names.

Step number 5. Avoid tautology

Tautology refer to the figure of speech when the speaker uses closest or single words. Similar phrases make it difficult to perceive, so they need to be avoided. An example of tautology can be considered "oil oil" or "similar analog". Remember, this rule is a fundamental competent speech.

To learn to select relevant words, you can follow the speakers on the radio or TV, after which they analyze their missions. People who have the main work should be closed to remote articles writing activities. Copywriting forces the same in meaning, but different words on pronunciation.

Step number 6. read books

Classical literature is considered to be a sample of artistic speech. Unconsciously you will begin to adopt from the books of words and expressions that are ideally suited in a certain situation. You should not count on the fact that the daily 15-minute reading will make your speech competent. This process must be allocated for at least 2-4 hours a day.

After a month, the reading information will make it felt, you will stop experiencing difficulties in the selection of words and build proposals. People who are trained through the development of fiction, are called well-width. This is due to the fact that a person begins to be expressed by the once studied words learned at the level of the subconscious.

Step number 7. Watch for speech

In Russian, there are a lot of slangs that are intended for specific situations. In the official situation and during a public speech before the highest segments of the population, it is necessary to use professional vocabulary. In a conversation with friends or "simple" people, it is worth preferring the youthful slang. Regarding expressive jargon, give up him at all. The words "hut", "bucks", "car" do not intersect with a competent speech.

Video: How to learn to speak beautifully

Many compelling speech are considered to be talent, which is given to the chosen and are necessary only in some areas of activity. In fact, to think about how to develop speech, it is worth everyone. After all, good diction makes listen to the speaker person and trust him more. In addition, such a skill often contributes to career growth, especially if it is often necessary to communicate with people to fulfill official duties.

Main appliances and exercises for speech development

Next, we will give the most effective exercises that allow improved diction. A clear speech and a well-supplied voice is the result of a long and hard work on yourself. Therefore, performing these exercises is necessary regularly, and not from the case of the case, because only so you will achieve progress in the development of your speech.

Workout for the articulation apparatus

Keep yourself to the clarity of pronunciation before performing any exercises aimed at developing diction, short workouts will help. One of its options is to firmly squeeze with a pencil teeth and pronounce a phrase, approximately 10-15 words. After that, remove the pencil and the same phrase pronounce again. To make sure of the text selection each time, you can use any poem when performing this exercise.

It will also help to get started to help start to speak and strengthen the muscles of the organs involved in the speech process will also help exercises aimed at improving their mobility and accuracy. After all, these characteristics are mandatory for the development of diction and high-quality sound pronunciation.

As is known, the most mobile articulation body is a language. Therefore, most of the gymnastics are connected with him. There are many exercises, the regular execution of which will save from the need to think about how to develop speech. For example, you can narrow the tongue and try to reach them at the beginning to the chin, and then to the nose. Or like a brush smooth movement to draw lines from the teeth to the larynx.

Printing phrases with artificially complicated articulation

Species for the development of diction are considered a classic workout option. With their help, it is possible in a relaxed atmosphere to practice clarity of different consonants. To achieve excellent results, it is enough to allocate on occupations at least 5-10 minutes. However, for the development of good diction there is one important rule: each phrase needs to be pronounced in slow, medium and very fast pace.

You can start training with the most simple sentences that teach clearly pronounce one or two sounds. For example, it can be:

  • All Bobras are kind for their baobryat.
  • Skinny, wealthy blasting, dragging a box of vegetables.
  • Buckles Klim in one pancake wedge.
  • The thunderstorm of Grimov, Graza.
  • The harrow rowned the field Neboral.
  • Kosi, Spit, until Rosa, Rosa Down - and we are home.
  • Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass; Do not rub firewood on the grass of the yard.
  • Lie Lisa village, the edges of the forest near the forest.
  • The census rewrited three times the rewritten census results.
  • There are more complex phrases that help to understand how to learn to speak clearly and quickly words in which the pronunciation of two or more sounds is being worked out in difficult combinations:

    • She spoke Govorun Govorunam: "I said, do not say the gathering that Govorun spoke", govorun said the saying tank. She spoke to Govorun, and the throat of Govorun spoke slightly, and then Govorun says finally: "Stop saying Govorun Govalkin."
    • The commander spoke about the Colonel and about the Colonel, about Lieutenant Colonel and about Lieutenantkress, about the lieutenant and about the guarantile, about the companion and about the companion, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the subpenser, and about the subpenser was silent.
    • On the courtyard of firewood, behind the courtyard of the firewood, under the courtyard of the firewood, above the courtyard of firewood, the firewood along the yard, the firewood of the yard, does not accommodate the yard of firewood! Probably throw firewood from your yard back to the woody courtyard.
    • She sews the cap is not in Kolpakovski, the bell will not be pulled out.
    • The horror of the buried. I will not get along with the dupress. From horror, it was already - the horror of the dinner will eat for dinner and says: "Begin first."

    Print spelling

    There are also special patters for the development of diction and eliminate problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds. A good way to figure out what exactly it will be necessary to correct - listen to your own speech from the part. After the problems are identified, you can start working on the development of diction.

    First you need to learn how to prone isolated sound correctly. Then it is necessary to make a distinction in speech similar sounds, for example, "C" and "W" or "P" and "L". An essential assistance is to correct his speech, it can be the pronouncement of special phrases, for example:

    • Lara played on Lira.
    • Forty mice went, they found forty pennies, and two mouses found two pennies.
    • The Ligurian Adjustment regulated in Liguria.
    • Cossack with a checker jumping to Sasha playing checkers.
    • Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying. Brass beavers in random cheeses. Beavers brave, but for the baobry of good.
    • Bull Stupubub, stupid bull, bull Be Bela's lip Tup.
    • There was a Baran blocker, all the rams were secreted.
    • It was Frol, Frolu on Laurel lurved, I will go to Lavra, Lavra on Frol Navru.

    Go to work on the next sound is only after the correct pronunciation of the first sound.

    Reading out loud

    In addition to pronouncing pattering for the development of diction, it is also useful to read out loud. A good stimulus can be recording a voice to the voice recorder. Few, having heard their speech, will not want to improve it. Reading the segments from books and making audio recording can be worked out pronunciation until it becomes almost perfect.

    How to learn to say that you really were nice and interesting to listen? When reading out loud, do not allow monotony, and change intonation. In addition, it is necessary to change the volume and speed of reading, learn how to distinguish the most important moments by pauses. But at the same time control your speech so that such pauses are relevant and not too tightened.

    Also do not lose sight of the fact that the best and confident voice is best perceived. Whether he will be like that, largely depends on the mood and internal state of the person, its ability to control emotions. However, engaging in the development of diction, you can learn to speak calmly and convincingly. For example, why not imagine yourself with a politician and not tell about the state of the economy in the country, sitting in front of the mirror?

    Replenishing the vocabulary

    Another important aspect that needs to be taken into account is the need for constant intellectual development and replenishment of the vocabulary stock. A well-developed person in any situation can support a conversation and find suitable words. To become like this, it is worth reading more, more often to solve crosswords and attend various trainings by.

    If you dare to give daily even a few minutes to work on improving diction, after a few months you will begin to speak well, and the voice itself is transformed to be unrecognizable. In this case, all the efforts undoubtedly will be rewarded with time.

    Diaphragm training

    In the matter of how to put speech, a very important aspect is the ability to control the breath. Without it, the text can be interrupted by pauses and inhams in those places where it violates its meaning or worsens emotionality. As a result, it will be a breakdown, and the meaning of the said is perceived worse.

    Therefore, one of the first exercises for the development of diction should be training to develop proper breathing:

    • Arrange the legs on the width of the shoulders, straighten the spine, put one hand on the chest, and the second on the stomach. Inhaling the nose, put forward the belly forward. After that, calmly exhale air through a small hole in the lips, returning the chest and stomach to its original position.
    • In order to start talking better with time, you can complicate the exercise. To do this, try maintaining proper breathing and at the same time walk, running non-place, imitate the rod of wood or sweeping.
    • Improve the development of dictation can be used with the following exercise. To begin with, breathe calmly, and on exhale as long as possible pull any vowel letter. When you can hold the vowels for more than 25 seconds - try changing the voice tone.

    The main reasons for speech problems

    It is impossible to achieve positive results in the development of diction, if you do not understand the reasons for violations of speech. Only occasionally they are associated with health problems and develop, for example, due to an abnormal structure of the jaw or short bridle of the language.

    Many people have problems with speech provoked by the wrong pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds, as well as the lack of sounds "L" or "P" or a violation of their pronunciation. May be caused and weakened articulation apparatus.

    Even if a person knows how to speak well, correctly pronouncing all the sounds, in particularly significant situations, his speech can be blurred and fuzzy. After all, when speaking words, the articulation apparatus needs to be very quickly switching from one movement to another. This is achieved only with the active and intensive work of the muscles that must be trained, for example, regulating the spells for diction.

    However, the main reason for the challenge, quiet speech is the shyness of a person and the lack of confidence in their own forces. In such a situation, the development of diction - the problem is secondary. First of all, work is needed on its own character and combating complexes.

    A person who has a pleasant competent speech and good vocabulary, always want to listen. The interlocutors perceive such a person as a very educated and intelligent, as he knows how to express his thoughts available and nicely, and his speech is extremely clear.

    On the contrary, no one perceives a person with insufficient speech literacy and a small vocabulary reserve, they do not listen to his point. Milnographed speech causes people a negative reaction, rejection. People prefer to deal with frantic intelligent interlocutors.

    In the case of learning set speech, invaluable help has read. Despite the computerization of our life, today it should still find enough time to read. Books are the best source of competently constructed phrases, the storehouse of the Russian language. Reading books helps in spelling.

    Of course, you need to read books that bring joy. This process should be pleasure. First of all, it concerns children. Forcing children for a long time to sit for reading. An unwanted negative reaction may occur.

    Entering a new intricate word in my personal dictionary, find out its exact value, ask, from where it came to Russian and when. Vitivaty words are also not worth abuse. Everything is good in moderation.

    Very useful habit - continuous use of the dictionary. The dictionary helps to deal with strokes, to find synonyms for the word, find out its meaning.

    Written texts must be checked. It should be monitored by both spelling and punctuation, as well as the logic of statements. Your thoughts should be clear for reading.

    The intellect of charaks, crosswords, rebuses are well trained. All this helps to master mastery beautifully and folded talking.

    The ability to speak beautifully will be useful to each person, regardless of the profession. The interlocutors always react positively to a given voice, good diction, competently constructed phrases and justified intonation. We master the entry into the art of rhetoric.

    Among the professions demanded lately, most are based on the ability to beautifully and correctly speak. Lawyers, politicians, speakers on numerous television and radio channels, teachers, those who work with customers - in a word, representatives of a huge number of successful people should speak so that they are listening to them, they admired them.

    Therefore, work on its speech includes three main directions:

    • training of diction (clear pronunciation);
    • work on the technique and the content of speech;
    • increased your vocabulary and development of speech.

    In addition to verbal (verbal), there are non-verbal means of speech:, intonation, mimic, communication, and so on.

    The correctness of speech, the clarity of the origin of vowels and consonant sounds, the change of intonation, the vote is allocated - all these characteristics of your speech will help you to influence almost any person, to arrange it to yourself, convince you to continue with you further cooperation.

    Dictation training

    Start training is needed from the right breathing. If it is incorrectly breathing, then this can entail a breakdown of voice, protracted pauses, distortion of the meaning of the phrase. Therefore, during public speeches, speakers are not common in conventional breathing, but a speech. Conventional breathing may simply not be enough, so it is important to learn to spend the air and restore it on time. In this case, use diaphragm breathing. It develops a whole system of respiratory training, but they require perseverance and plenty of patience.

    • Write your reading of any text on the voice recorder.
    • Listen to the resulting entry.
    • Give it to listen to it.
    • Match your opinion and someone else's.
    • Select the main disadvantages.

    The most commonly encountered the following pronunciation errors:

    • improper pronunciation of vowel sounds in a weak position (without stress);
    • "Evidence" of individual consonants;
    • loss of vowels;
    • improper connection of consonant sounds when they are connected;
    • curply pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds;
    • improper utility of soft sounds, etc.

    It is advisable to deal with the correction of diction. Now there are many organizations where speech therapists work. Of course, mainly classes are designed for children, but you can take private lessons in order to quickly achieve the right effect.

    All classes need to be started with exercises to relax muscles responsible for the correct articulation. It is better to observe a certain sequence of exercise. Starting the exercises are needed from the easiest, gradually moving to more complex. You need to do every day. Go to the workshoot of the next exercise only after complete assimilation of the previous one. Every day you need to put new goals and objectives. The results achieved from time to time you need to maintain the repetition of the main exercises.

    Work on the content and technique of your speech

    One of the frequent speech errors is too fast. When a person is in a hurry, what is called, taraturt, it is difficult to perceive. You need to learn to control the tempo of your speech. To begin with, it is possible to pronounce at a very slow pace of any speech material that does not require much understanding. It can be a sequence of numbers, for example, up to one hundred, names of months, cities or countries, a list of male or female names.

    It is better to record this sequence so that words can be pronounced in direct and reverse order. Over time, remembering this sequence, it is better to play in memory, simultaneously training and memory. Then you need to move to the repetition of the text on the rumor. And it should be recorded in the fast pace, but it will be necessary to repeat at a slow pace.

    How to "put" voice

    Of course, the term "voice formulation" more relates to musicians, actors and other creative professions. It means that you need to train the voting force, its range and timbre. The voting force can be trained if the texts of various character are loud and clearly pronounced: poems, fables, odes, poems in prose.

    The range is quite possible to expand if a variety of text exercises at the highest or lowest colors. At the same time, the voice ideally should become higher or lower, depending on the ultimate goal. The same voice depends on overtones, that is, from an additional tone, sounding as a kind of echo. Oberton appears at the moment of reflecting the sound from the wall of the natural resonator (its own skull, chest cavity, larynx and others).


    Unfortunately, modern people are increasingly tonasky, cannot competently express thought, confused in words. This is explained by many reasons.

    First, they read little now, as you spend more time at a computer monitor or a TV screen.

    Secondly, the samples of competent speech are heard too much. After all, it is no secret that even from the TV screen rarely hear samples of the right and beautiful speech. There are no talk about radio stations in general: DJs communicate with radio listeners just as used to communicating with friends, - speaking their speech by fergular words and expressions.

    Thirdly, rarely watch theatrical productions. After all, the theater requires a special style of clothing, it is necessary to behave culturally, the most important thing is to understand the content of individual Misaneszen, the complexity of the character of heroes. All this requires from people's excess efforts, so it's much easier to go to the movies, eat popcorn and "scatter".

    However, if you are firmly confident that your speech is distinguished by the poverty of the dictionary, abundance of speech mistakes and improper construction of proposals, and you intend to learn how to spend the attention of the audience, then you just need to urgently start working on your own speech.

    Learn to speak beautifully

    So, here are the advice that will help learn to master the beautiful and competent speech.

    1. Build proposals

    An illiterate and monotonous speech is given primarily incorrect offers. When a person painfully selects words to continue his thought, makes long pauses, and as a result he gets a "coronal" thought, this suggests that he does not own the technique of properly building proposals.

    It is necessary to study the right construction to start with written exercises, recording interesting thoughts, observations, aphorisms in a separate notebook. In the future, immediately before the performance, you need to make text in advance on paper, retelling on the finished plan, repeating individual expressions.

    You can generally keep a diary (it is fashionable, judging by the TV shows like the "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva" and those like him), writing impressions for the day, some kind of observations, reasoning. All this contributes in general to the development of speech, well, and the correct construction of proposals in particular.

    2. Increase vocabulary

    Poverty of the speech gives a poor vocabulary. If a person expresses his assessments, judgments, comments among the same words, this suggests that it is difficult for him to express his thoughts due to the lack of knowledge. Therefore, this speech produces a repulsive impression, and the person himself will not have authority, especially among those who speak well a speech.

    Agree, in our time, let's say, the Kosonasky Director of the School is nonsense. He simply will not be able to speak in front of the teachers, which means that it will not be able to conquer the authority among his colleagues or among the students of his own school. After all, even illiterate students understand that the teachers, and even more the director, should be competent in all senses of this word.

    How to diversify your speech? Of course, first of all, to work with an intelligent dictionary. Hearing a new word for myself, you need to find its meaning in the dictionary, write out and remember. And remember the word only in the context, that is, in the sentence. Used without context, the word may be incomprehensible or perceived in distorted meaning.

    It is not bad to solve at least crosswords or scandards, because there are also the meaning of words, and sometimes in an allegorical or ironic sense, which helps learn to understand the meaningful words. It is also important to read articles in various magazines - not only in glossy.

    For example, reading economic news will help to understand the financial and legal spheres and will significantly enrich your speech by terms from these areas. If you are interested in medicine, even if you look like a "live great" and similar to it, it can be understood in a variety of medical concepts, ranging from elementary injection and ending with narrowly special terms.

    Reading articles on psychology, you can expand your vocabulary with a lot of fairly modern concepts, because we have almost everyone or a psychologist yourself, or a doctor himself. Ideally, it is better to expand the circle of your communication. After all, supporting relations with lawyers, specialists in the field of IT technologies, doctors, teachers, etc., you will freely or unwittingly hear new words for you, starting gradually to understand in their sense, and then introducing into your own speech.

    3. Learn to allocate the main

    Attention to the details is good for observation. But, especially public, excessive detailing can lead to a weakening of interest and boredom. Therefore, it is important to learn how to compress any information. With the help of computer programs, compress the amount of information is quite simple. And how to do it with the text?

    You need to learn how to control the tempo of speech so that there was a time to stop before you have time to bloat. Let it be better to be a small pause than "Ecane" and "Beckan". This requires self-discipline, permanent self-control, but the result is definitely worth such victims.

    5. Expand spoken practice

    Now, in the age of testing and writing offended homework, it is rarely given the opportunity to perform with monologic speech. Therefore, there are also former schoolchildren and students and then come to work with oblique. Therefore, if you go out to learn how to speak correctly, it is important to use all the possibilities for a public speech at school.

    Oral responses in the lessons, speeches at various scientific and practical conferences, speeches before classmates, on stage - all this will help not only become confident, but will make it comes to talking, competently, convincingly.

    Of course, it will help reading classic artistic or popular science literature, because you can always give examples from books or modern reality. And nothing is more convincing, as bringing a large number of arguments.

    Use gestures that will allow you to feel more comfort, while in front of the audience, and the listeners will cause the right associations. If you first play, peeping into the abstract, then frequent and prolonged performances will soon help you feel confident even during direct communication with the hall or a certain circle of people.

    A pleasant voice, the right diction and ability to build beautiful offers are the foundations of effective communication with people. It is no secret that our voice affects the feelings of the interlocutor, and the figurative and competent speech easily comes to his consciousness and convinces. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to speak beautifully and competently, correctly and clearly posing your thoughts.

    In everyday life, the ability to beautifully speak will also give you and help you easily solve any problems.

    The voice of a person is a powerful tool in the formation of interpersonal relationships. With the help of it, you can work wonders: repel or charming, attract attention, cheer up or put it. As a rule, the gift of eloquence is rarely given to someone from nature, usually there is a lot of work behind it. Therefore, if you want to speak beautifully, you want to listen to, you will have to practice.

    Below will be councils and techniques thanks to which you can get rid of the dialect, we will master the azami art and learn to speak beautifully and correctly. To begin with, try writing your voice to the voice recorder. Listen to how you like it? Probably not very .... Noticeable knocking, swallowing endings, unnecessary pauses and many other unpleasant moments. Now it is clear that you need to change and over what to work for finding a beautiful speech. So, proceed.

    Technique Speech

    It is divided into four subsections:

    1. Breathing
    The key to successful communication is impeccable deep breathing with a diaphragm. It is necessary to learn how to reduce the pressure on the speech apparatus, then the voice turns out to be deep and sounds beautiful. Many breathe superficially, while the voice weakens, acquires a hoarse shade, becomes unrivileged, quickly getting tired and sometimes even sits down.
    When you succeed, as you should breathe, you will have a healthy blush on the cheeks and the overall health will improve.

    2. Diction
    Good dictation is the first condition of a beautiful speech. When you eaten the end or sounds, it sounds illegible. This happens because of the lethargy and immobility of the lips. Because of this, there is a moldability, whispering and surgery. Talking beautifully - means smoothly pronounce each word, well opening your mouth, for a clear pronunciation. You need to learn not to pronounce the phrases too fast or patter, as the speed of thinking of your interlocutor may differ from yours, and it will seem that you are saying illegible.

    3. Voice
    And again, breathing, because this is the basis of the voice of the voice. To put a voice, you need to learn to breathe aperture and understand how to use the resonators. Sometimes you notice when you communicate a lot, your voice sits, becomes a sip, it becomes a sore throat, you get it hard to talk and you, reduce the tone. But it can be done strong, sonorous, flexible, with a wide range of sound. But for this you will need to improve your speech technique, strengthen it and develop.

    4. Orphoepium
    This science studies the laws and rules of proper pronunciation. Deviation from the Rules leads to the emergence of problems in communicating, the listening has ceased to understand what you tell him and does not perceive the information you want to convey to it. Share orfoepias are a little time and your ability to put your thoughts beautifully, competently by putting emphasis even in difficult words, accurately appreciate others.

    Important! Before proceeding to perform speech development exercises, deal with charging. Exercise improves blood circulation, muscles warm up, relieve physical and emotional clamps, relax the forearms, shoulders and neck, and all the muscles that affect the voice.


    • slopes head in different directions, head rotation in a circle;
    • mahi and circular movements with hands;
    • turn and tilt the body in different directions, drawing circles of hips.

    After charging, you need to lie on the rug and relax. Imagine a beautiful landscape, feel the light breeze, feel how the sun warms you and you, deeply breathe fresh air.
    Now you are ready for classes.

    Learning to breathe correctly

    If you want to communicate beautifully and for a long time, so that the voice sounded and did not break down - you just need to learn to include a diaphragm in the sound formation process. It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bsolar plexus.
    To begin with, practice keep posture using the "Wall" exercise, perform it every day for 5 minutes for several weeks. Pierce your back to the wall with the whole body from the head to the spots. Inhale through the nose, exhale your mouth. 6 very deep breaths. 1,2,3,4 inhale and 5,6,7.8 exhale. Then go through home at different speeds, while the back position should remain unchanged. You say more often: "I am a bold and decisive!", These words of belief your body will react with a straight back automatically.

    Exercises for breach training diaphragm

    The ability to beautifully express his thoughts is only half of the success. You probably paid attention that some people want to listen, and others albeit very smart - no. What is the case then? You will be surprised, but in fact it is important that man says, but how he does it. Pleasant timbre, proper abdominal breathing and ability to pronounce phrases with different intonation can turn even the most boring report in a fascinating show. Below are 3 exercises, which will, you will become the owner of your vote.

    Candle - Trains slow breath. Imagine that you blow on the candle, if it is difficult to imagine, then burn the present. Caution Concentrate on the stomach. Slowly exhale, try to keep the light-tilt.

    Stubborn candle - Make a deep breath, a little delay your breath, and then sharply and with the power start blowing, trying to inhale several such energetic exhalations.

    Gasim 10 candles - Principle, as in the previous exercise, only increase the amount of candles from 3 to 10, spending less and less air to bloom, and the amount of inhaled air leaving the same.
    After a few weeks of these exercises, you will notice how your breathing the diaphragm has become automatic.

    Put a voice

    So that your voice was volumetric and sounded beautiful, you need to learn to use the upper (skull, mouth and nose) and lower (breast) resonator systems. Ten times unlucky inhale the stomach. Short breath and slow exhalation. And you can start the exercises.

    Moan- Do not forget about posture. Tell me with closer lips "M". Try it to exhale, do not strain. Now start changing the position of the head, pronouncing the same sound. Gradually, you will begin to feel the vibration in the upper resonator. Having mastered the sound of "M", start to attach other vowels: O-a-and-y, so that they sound like "MMMM-E-MM-O-MM-A-MM-MM-MM-U-MM-s " When you are mastered and this practice, proceed to the merging pronunciation of different variations of these sounds.

    Tongue Twisters. Upgrade pronouncement is a truly great way to push speech and master the art of beautifully talking, clearly pronouncing every beech. Try to say the phrase: "On the Meli, .. on Melie, on Meli, .. on Mels, on Meli, on Meli," rubbing the forehead. Also we do with the words "we are lazy" - rubbing the nasal cartilage, "Nalima caught" - rubbing the cheeks.

    Beep- Direct posture, lips with a tube, in exhale, pronounce the sound "y". Next, combine it with other vowel sounds. The main thing is not to change the position of the lips.

    Poems - Read them out loud and with intonation using the average tone. At the end of each line, take a breath and pronounce a string on exhalation. I recommend on the Internet to find the poem "Reading Rules", which A.V. wrote Spinters. It is ideal for the correct execution of this exercise.

    We train diction

    First, do the workout with the speech apparatus. All these exercises do 5-7 times.

    • Roth close and relax. Speak the sound of "U" a couple of times, pulling out the Uuuuuu. Now A, revealing slowly mouth vertically, no more than 3 centimeters.
    • Show your teeth. Squeeze the jaws and in an unnatural smile, stretch your lips.
    • Lips fold the tube, the jaws are closed. Make circular movements with lips up and down, to the left. The tongue with the tongue is touched to the lower row of teeth, the mouth is discovered not wider than 3 cm. Now raise it to the top nebu, after the left-right cheeks.

    Now you can enjoy articular gymnastics.

    • Let's say on one exhale of vowels, trying to use all the muscles: and-e-ah-oh. Gradually increase the speed of pronunciation and invest several ligaments into one exhale. After we have mastered this bundle, start experimenting with others.
    • Do the same with vowels, substituting consonants to them. Example: bi, ba, bo .... , bi-bi ..., bi-bi-bi .., bip, bep ..., then with sound P, TD, kg, fv, m, n, l, r. gbdie .., BDGI .., Thtka .., Mi mi .., mlli ... The same do the same with whistles and with hissing sounds with, s, w, sh, sh: Si-zh .., ziSi .., approx .., st .., etc. Connecting them into groups and combining.
      As well as read as many patters as possible, they will great help you work out the speech apparatus.


    Science studying, a set of rules for regulatory literary pronunciation, strokes in words, beauty and sound speech, as well as the rules for the articulation of sounds and phrases. Since the rules in orthoepia countless, if you want to speak beautifully, correctly pronounce words, you need to refer to the appropriate literature.

    We work with speech

    You need to be able to correctly put intonation in your speech so that this is to learn best to train on expressive reading out loud of artistic texts, recording on the voice recorder. Listen, analyze how much it is right it turns out, correct the shortcomings and read again. Do the same with an article from a newspaper, technical literature or any other source. Make life and brightness to your voice - Start talking correctly!