Autumn folk holidays in Russia. Russian calendar and ritual holidays of the autumn cycle and their artistic elements. Autumn Folk Holidays - Presentation

Autumn folk holidays in Russia. Russian calendar and ritual holidays of the autumn cycle and their artistic elements. Autumn Folk Holidays - Presentation
Autumn folk holidays in Russia. Russian calendar and ritual holidays of the autumn cycle and their artistic elements. Autumn Folk Holidays - Presentation

1. The most significant folk holidays of the autumn cycle

The national name of the two-place holiday of the Nativity of the Virgin and Nabdowel Mary in memory of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. IN folk tradition The Mother of God saved from sorry and misfortunes, facilitated pain, patronized to the women in labor, was the intercession of children and girls for granting.

Congregation led a wandering man and a man in a mask. Only older people and beggars could participate in this holiday, which is already one foot in the underground world. Grandparents on the holiday were Velle who carried the soul from the Underground World in underworldfrom which they could return to Earth with birds and new life. Shivi asked her grandfathers and grandparents to call the dead for the holiday, which was supposed to provide them with the power required for a trip to Viraja. Food for the dead.

The rest of the community prepared a feast in which they were not present, and at sunset they burned fire on burials. On this day, alms were given to the poor to remember the souls of the dead. Zuraz in the strang on the cemetery in Kamenets-Podolsky. On this day, some actions were forbidden, for example, pouring water after washing the dishes from the window so as not to stun the soulless soul there and burn in the oven, because in this way the souls sometimes come back home. That night needed to open windows and doors. It was also possible to put a snack for the ancestors in the furnace - at the main place of the cottage.

The national name of the name of the memory of the reverend Simeon of the Still, the founder of the mobility, called the pillarity (IV-V century). In Russia, he was called "with a loft" and for 400 years this day celebrated the beginning of the new summer (year), since in Russia until 1700 the new year began on September 1. The peasants in the seeds of the day committed the rite of Osenin - the first meeting of the autumn and the offensive of the Babiy summer.

Flash flash. In addition, at sunset, the burial bonfire was lit to the dead, who were still Holy Grove, could go with the sun in Welles, Navi. After the baptism of Polish pagan local customs, they gradually reduced and prohibited. But not everything was destroyed from the memory, and we are borony in the ground. Slavic habits were deeply rooted in us and were part of this, so the fact that it was impossible to resist even serious prohibitions was perceived and adapted to Christianity.

And because our customs are beautiful and important for the formation of a human soul. One of them - Dzogchen Day - modern analog Nazis. Catholic ChurchUnable to deal with this important holiday, was forced to take the autumn holiday. The efforts of the Church in Slavonia tied slavic holiday The ancestors on the day of all saints and artificially moved them there, where it is today.

The national name of the great two-place holiday of the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, established in honor of the foundation of Holy Equal-Apostles Elena Honest cross Christ. On this day, crosses were raised on the temples under construction and put the cross-road crosses.

National name of the church holiday cover Blessed Virgin Mary In memory of the phenomenon of the Virgin in the temple in Constantinople in the middle of the 15th century. In folk tradition, the holiday is associated with the completion of the field work and the beginning of winter, with the first snow cover of the Earth. It was considered a devotional holiday and patron of weddings. From this day, youth walking was transferred from the street to the hut, the cattle was put on the courtyard, the hunters went to winter crafts.

And here Dziada became oars celebrated the day after all saints. Another thing to add is one more. The memory of the ancestors continues to collapse, albeit not the church, but by themselves. Pay attention to what the word "grandfather" means. And our ancestors are our ancestors. He destroys us, giving new meaning Words requiring respect! Another word is "village", although a rural resident - every hamburger, because all come from the village.

The church changed the tradition of worshiping ancestors. On November 1, the faithful worship of the Holy Church, alien to their ancestors, and not their ancestors, as it should be. November 2 is mentioned dead. You can mention the deceased friend or even a stranger, while closestly to worship, like those of which we! He does not deny our faith in anything. Why don't you let it, since they all return their ancestors that day? In the end, the 4th commandment demands from us to read our father and mother?

Parashen (March 20 / April 2 (Roman Velikomi Paraskeva, affected by neuron), July 26 / August 8 (Paraskeva's pretext, born near Rome in 138), April 14/27 (Rev. Paraskeva Serbian, famous in the middle of the XI century), October 28 / November 10 (Martyr Paraskeva Friday).

People's name of the days of memory of saints paraskeva, which in orthodox tradition There are four. W. eastern Slavs. Particularly revered Paraskeva Friday, the patron sitney of the same day of the week. Girls and women considered her with their intercession: she helped at childbirth, patronized marriage, house, female classes, primarily spinning. Paraskeva healed from spiritual and bodily ailments, patronized land, livestock and water was the intercession of trade.

So, on the festival of the dead, as well as on the eve of the legends, the most important part of the rituals of the day is to be on the grave of the deceased and give them the honor that the world gave us, which forced us to live. Placing gray ranks. Also, the custom has disappeared associated with smoking lamps, flowers, as well as food and smoke from candles and chopsticks for incense.

West is a kind of gratitude for your life. Today, all this race is a way to keep the memory of them, their lives and on the connections that connect us with them. They created and formed our qualities and skills. Often they did not want, but they made us as we are. The holiday of the dead is gratitude to them!

The girl's holiday, celebrated on the day of memory of Cosma and Damiana (Kuzma and Demyan). On this day, the girls - the bride became full hostess at home. The girls "Kuzminsky parties" were arranged, special ritual dishes were preparing, brides were held.

2. a brief description of Events of holidays (pagan and orthodox sense of holidays)

They went to B. best world. It also serves to preserve the collective memory of the people, his history and training of the citizen's behavior, which is part of the state based on the behavior of the behavior of the dead. Lviv cemetery. That is why he marks memory national heroes And makes people aware of the rich past state. That is why on the graves of national heroes and their monuments, in the rebel graves, many lights are lit in the places of special national memory!

As can be seen from the foregoing, the modern "holiday of the dead" comes from the day of the pagan grandfather and is only its transformation. Our soul is subconsciously worshiped and worshiped the ancestors. You have to do this, because we proceed from them, and we need a lot.

Nativity of the Virgin (Virgin Day, the second Music, Malaya Music, Mrs. The second, Mrs are rich, sociable, sorcelain, Large Scoop, Aspos / Aspasses / Day, Disputes Day, Pasikov Day, Outnaire, Second Autumn, Bows Day, Rancing Day) - national title Great Two-Mother Virgin Holiday orthodox church - The Nativity of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin Mary and Nestodle Mary, who is celebrated on September 8 (21). Installed in memory of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Lord God of Jesus Christ.

Devotion is dead does not bother us in the modern beliefs of the Poles, so it is necessary to take care of this custom, because it is common to us, despite religious differences. And also the fact that the most important thing for us is, and someone is good, one day not only mentioned, but also worshiped his grandfathers - dead ancestors.

It is good that the church did not lead to the disappearance of this custom, and even despite the reduction of the holiday to one, it spread to the whole world, where such celebrations were absent. It is a pity that he does not care about it four times a year, as before. On the other hand, let's take care of the memory of ancestors every day not only during all saints and saddles. This is an important holiday for the unity of the nation in the fact that we all together at the same time bow our heads over the ancestors through which we are and will. Although on this day we reflect on unity.

Information about the holiday of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary to go to the IV - V centuries. The first indication of this holiday, according to Palestinian legends, is the fact of the construction of St. Elena Temple in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin. This festival mentions St. John Zlatoust, St. Burner and Blaz. Augustine. In VI - IX centuries. The event of the Nativity of the Virgin was described by St. Stefan Svyatograd, in the VII century. SWV Andrei Cretan and Sergius, Patriarch Konstantinople, in the VIII century. SWV John Damascus and German Constantinople.

It is important to note that according to the reasons described above, we need to remove inconsistent useless religious Halloween. This is a foreign custom for us. While it's fun, it has nothing to do with the honor of the dead ancestors, and, most importantly, it does not lie in the circle of Slavic habits, because it traces their memory.

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The Day of the Nativity of the Virgin is celebrated by solemn prayer; Singing the magnitude of the uterine: "Majesta, the Most Holy Devo, and honor the saints of your parents and the Allwalic Holly Christmas." Church chants: Poems, Troparies and canons in honor of the Virgin Mary are called "Virgin", they are part of all daily services. In the liturgical books, the Virgin holidays are highlighted in honor God's Mother. To each Virodoroditskaya holiday is confined to utilum.

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Official state and church holidays celebrated in Switzerland: January 1, New Year, Easter, Pentecost, August 1 Confederation of Holidays, Christmas. In some cantons there are church and secular holidays, such as: Corpus Christi, Assumption, All Saints, Labor Day. The cantons of Lucerne and Ticino are most active.

The people of the Virgin Mary worshiped. The image of the Virgin was clearer, more affordable and closer to popular consciousness than the image of Jesus Christ. On the one hand, the Divine "ascended into the world", on the other - it remained associated with ordinary peopleMaternally worried and standing up for them.

The Mother of God was considered a patroness of the feminine, which follows from the maternal beginning in its image, which is confirmed by the iconography of God's Mother of God, as well as the etymological proximity of the words "Virgin" and "childbirth". Therefore, requests for help with difficult births were sent to the Virgin. The Mother of God saw not only God's mother, but the mother in general, his mother's mother. In this sense, the Mother of God is often called the mother, Mother. Hence the view of the people on the Materchina: she insults the three mothers of man - the Virgin, mother-cheese earth and native mother.

Swiss celebrate a tradition, so during the year there are many local festivals, including Basel, Lucerne and Zolled. Christianity is a dominant religion in Switzerland, hence the tradition of celebrating church holidays. Catholics live during Christmas, as in Poland, and they are preparing for the festivities in Adventu before Christmas. In Switzerland, it is customary to invite poor or lonely people for dinner on Christmas Eve. After a meal, sang songs, attend the holy mass and give gifts. The tradition was held here for Christmas fairs; The largest in Zurich, where the fifteen meter Christmas tree is decorated with crystal decorations and 140 festive chalets.

In Russian traditional tradition, the image of the Virgin became close to the way of the Mother Earth, which led to the formation of the cult of the Mother of God. The Mother of God was equated, and sometimes it was identified with the birth and fructing land-boring ground.

In a special honor, there was a Virgin and girls at the issuance. They appealed to her with requests for grooms.

At Easter, the Swiss do not feed the filled food cells, they do not know the lunar Monday, have the opportunity to spend a vacation. In some areas of the Lake Geneva, there are 23 large eggs, each weight of 15 kg and 1 meter height. Tourists and residents of the city are surprised by the role of gigantic eggs. They are transformed into various forms of chickens, rabbits, penguins and others. Easter is especially waiting for children, because on Sunday in front of breakfast they are looking for eggs that the Easter rabbit allegedly hid.

After the bike festival at the end of October, the Greedisht community authorities organize the autumn holiday on Friday, November 4th. Residents in neighboring areas and not only are invited to folklore shows, prizes to "Natural" races, competitions for students and tasting products. These two projects are aimed at promoting local culinary products, but also encourage local residents ride a bike. The purpose of the event is to contribute to the achievement of one of the objectives of creating a bike market, namely the sustainable development of the district through alternative tourism, based on the principle of minimizing the impact of tourist activities on natural environment.

IN folklore tradition The Mother of God is a favorite character of spiritual poems - epic songs on religious plots, which were performed by stray singers at fairs, bazaar squares or at the gate of monastic churches.

According to North-Russian legends, the Virgin Mary for Easter "goes on the ground." The legends about birds and animals are associated with the Virgin. Folk legend The Russian population of the Surgut region reports the Mother of God, who frightened in the forest Ryabchik, angry, she turned him into a "small bird with a big rustle" so that any hunter could rather find it, and the gentle white meat ("Rybikchiko inheritance") divided between all Birds and animals.

Thus, the area will become known to those who are in close proximity to it as a reservoir of high-quality agricultural products at affordable prices of manufacturers. The bike in the commune will be made safely on the cycle, built in the project. The track has a width of 1, 0 m and 29 intersecting platforms with a length of 8 m and width 1, 0 m, located approx. 200 m from each other. The activities offered by the project will lead to the sustainable development of the gradiste community and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants, "local authorities said.

Among the most beautiful places. The Greidish Commune is located on the plain Bergagan, which is part of the Romanian plain. This embossed block was the subject of studying several well-known Romanian geologists and geographers, within the framework of numerous studies conducted here.

Merry Christmas or Asposov, the Day was timed to autumn - the second meeting of autumn - the fall (the first happened to the Transfiguration of the Lord or in Semenov day). Women gathered early in the morning and went to the shore of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Ovnaina. For this meeting, oat bread was specially baked, which held the eldest of women, and young sang songs, standing around her. Then the bread was blocked into pieces by the number of those who gathered and they fed their lives.

Promotion of tourism in Romania. The gradist has a big tourist potential not only through a large number of archaeological sites located in the area, but also through tourist boarding houses that began to occur in last years. First-class archaeological monuments.

Seven goals in the Commune Greadishtey are included in the list. historical monuments In the Calaeli district. Two other goals are classified as architectural monuments: The Church "Saint Nicholas" in the village is rich; And the church of St. Nicholas in the center of the village of Race. Festive destinations in October.

Outnaires coped for a whole week (in church tradition For the celebration of the Nativity of the Virgin, 6 days was given to the celebration, since this holiday had a day of prepress - 7 (20) of September and four days of permanent).

Exaltation (Movement, Health, Running Day, Stavrov Day, Cabbbles / Cabwoons /) - The National Title of the Great Two-Mounted Holiday of the Orthodox Church of the Exaltation of the Honest and Living Cross of the Lord, which is celebrated on September 14/27. Installed in the first half of the IV century. In honor of the acquisition sacred equaluctoral Tsarice Elenah honest Cross of Christ.

A feature of the service of this holiday was the transfer of a cross from the altar to the throne during the evening and then takeimoint him for the uterus, after the great Slavs, to the middle of the temple to worship. In the church, the celebration lasts seven days; The celebration of the holiday is made on September 21 / October 4.

IN people's taleDeaded to the Exaltation Day, the meaning of the holiday is revealed in its own way. In the told it says about the attack of Constantine on the "Jewish land" and about the capture of the "king of the Jewin", which refused to say where they are "crosses are honest" and was killed. The Jewish Queen was reported about finding crosses, not to withstand his child's torture laid between two "live lights". She sent the king of Konstantin on the Odubar Mountain, where they were found to be honest, about whom the apostles spoke.

Since the cross is a symbol of suffering, the day of the erection of the Cross of the Lord was considered in the people led: "At least for the Sunday day, come up, and everything is on him - Friday-Head, lean food"; "Who will not post an exclusion - Cross of Christ, - on that seven sins will be erected"; "Who on the table about the exaltation of the depot - that all his prayers kills."

In the annals, this day was called "Stare Day" (Greek. Cross). For a long time, on the upstream cross moves Around the villages to protect them for a year from troubles. Prayers were served, the icons were raised and there were bypass of the fields with a prayer for the future crop. Prayed and about the patients: "with faith to pray for an upstream day, so Life-giving cross And with the mortal bed raise. "It was accepted to raise the crosses on the temples under construction; to establish roadside crosses; build a lot of chapels (ordinary) and small churches - on the promise, in honor of the holiday.

In the people's ideas, the Exaltation is associated with the word "movement" in the word ", with the help of which many peasants explained the value of the holiday. This is based on the signs and sayings, dedicated to this day. They spoke about the end of harvesting: "On the upstand, the last shock from the field moves, the last WHO is in a hurry in a hurry"; "Running - bread from the field moved."

The concretion was completed with the exaltation, the third meeting of autumn was completed: "Summer's attachment clouds, the keys of the tick with them takes off the sea" (Smolensk.). Winter approach was noted: "Evidence of the fall of winter moves to meet"; "On the upstream of Zazimki - a man does not matter"; "On the upstream winter from Bela - the nest is removed, the Goshik is going to the Russian peasant," Six-ka (Says) I, Zima-Zimsky, on the Holy Rus, the Gray Manya, I will visit. " To the offensive of winter colds, they were preparing in advance, so they said: "The uplift of the caftan with the Ples will move, Tulup will give up"; "Exaltation will push Zipun, push the fur coat."

Exodued did not begin important cases, since there was a belief that everything started on this day would be unsuccessful and useless.

The exaltation ended the cleaning of vegetables, flax, cannabis; The processing of flax took place ("sowing"). They began to chop cappist and harvest her for the winter, so the exaltation was called the cabbage holiday: "On the upstream - whose festive, and the cabbage will beat everyone!"; "On the upstream of the first lady - cabbage"; "Shoot, Baba, about cabbage: the upstream came!". Accompanied cabbage cuts by songs and treats in the evenings. "A good man on the upstream day and cake with cabbage"; "On the upstream of good well done - a cabbage at the porch."

From the exposure, a number of autumn maiden parties be called "Capups", "Cabbbles", "Capulants", "Capusten Evenings" began. The cabbagers took place not only in the villages, but also in cities, and lasted two weeks. Girls, dressing elegant clothes, went from home to a house with songs - chop cabbage. A special table with snacks was prepared. The groom's guys came from the hotels and looked out for brides - "Capulants".

Pokrov Virgin Mary (cover day) - the national name of the Virgin Day of the Orthodox Church - the Intercession of the Most Holy Master of Our Virgin Mary and Nestodle Mary, which is celebrated 1 (14) October. Installed in the memory of the phenomenon of the Virgin in the Varhranian temple in Constantinople. This event occurred in the middle of the city. In the reign of the Byzantine emperor Lion Vi Wise.

In Russia, the holiday was installed at Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky around 1164.

The church worship is assigned on this day a special "masterpiece": "Majesty, the Most Holy Devo, and honor your honest." In honor of the cover of God's Mother there is an Akathist.

In folk understanding religious holiday The Intercession of the Virgin appears far cut off from the Christian legend. The people create their legend about the wandering Mother of God, who in one of the villages were abandoned overnight, for which the inhabitants were punished with Ilya - the Prophet, sending "thunder-zippers", "fiery and stone arrows", "Grad value with human head"," Shine-rain ". Sick people, the Mother of God saved them, deploying cover over the village, after which they became good and hospitable.

Pokrov Virgin Mary acquires symbolic meaning And see the fabulous veil of the Virgin - the Sun, which personifies the morning and evening dawn. This paddle covers all disadvantaged and spinning from gold and silver threads descending from the sky.

For the peasant cover day - one of the most important autumn holidays, bonding folk tradition with the completion of agricultural work and the beginning of winter.

The border position of the holiday of the Pokrov of the Virgin between the autumn and in the winter marked him as a day, which was determined by the weather for the upcoming winter, as for the peasants it was always important, the Survival Whee will be the approaching winter. Accordingly, notes: "What is the weather on the cover - this and winter"; "Where does the wind on cover come from there, according to frosts," (Voronezhsk.); "If the sheet with oak and birch on the cover falls purely - to light year, not purely - to a strict winter ";" Departure cranes on cover - on early cold Winter";" Kolya protein before the cover of Chista (figured out), then autumn (winter) will be good "(Permsk);" If the hare is not running down to cover, then the autumn will be long "; characterized by a dual weather in this day:" Pokrov - The first zazimier ";" Autumn is on cover to lunch, and after dinner Zimushka-Winter ";" With the cover of winter, the winter is covered, from the winter Matrey - 6 (19) and 9 (22) Winter stands on his feet, frosts are flown ";" Cover Not summer - a step (Annunciation) is not winter ";" Pokrov covers the earth, then a sheet, then snow. "

Near the cover dropped the first snow, covering everything around, so in the folk consciousness of the Pokrov, the Virgin Mary binds to the snow cover of the earth at the occurrence of winter: "The land is covered with snow, frost is dressed." But the snow, which fell on the cover, often quickly melted, and for a peasant a serious problem was the end of the autumn dishthele and the establishment of a sledge path, so they watched: "If snow fell in the cover, then in Dmitriev Day (November 26/8) will certainly be the same "; "Pokrov Nepoli, then Ekaterina (November 24 / December 7) Nagolya"; "From the first snow to the Sunway six weeks" (Pinezhye).

But not only with snow cover connected in the folk mind the day of the Intercession of the Virgin. The cover (boards) of the Blessed Virgin bind to the bedspread, FATO, headscarf, which was covered by the bride during wedding rite. The Day of the Pota of the Virgin was considered the "patron of weddings" and the girl's holiday: "Pokrov will come, the girl will cover the head"; "If the winds are windy - there will be great demand for brides"; "If snow falls on the cover, it foreshadows a lot of weddings"; "If the snow falls on cover - young happiness"; "Pokrov land and girl will cover (earth with snow, and girl scarf)"; "Put the Comatern to the Pokrov (spoke about the bride)."

The girls especially believed due to the holiday of the cover, so various actions were confined to him, helping them to find the narrowed and marry. On the eve of this day, the girls were guessing in Ovin: for the commission of fortune telling, they baked small rye bread, as well as the miles and grated the bunch of flax. In the evening, bread and Len were delivered to Hisp and put on perforations - laid horizontally stiffs, which were set for drying sheafs of bread, while they said: "My narrowed, my dear, come today in Riga, look at the job, show from the window" (Yaroslavsk .). At the same time, the girl had to be silently waiting for the appearance of the narrowed, standing in the middle of the gum and looking out the window through which sheeps in the Ovin. Most often, the girls were afraid to stay at night in Ovin and, putting bread and flax on the trees, went to sleep, and in the morning, when the Blagovest was heard to the morning, they took the bread and flax from the rag that had miraculous power to try heart. If the girl is secretive to eat a piece of bread and put a thread in his pocket from the "stolen" flax, the guy liked her love her.

After the holiday of the Potor of the Virgin, youth walking was transferred from the street - to the horsepower ("Pokrov - the end of dances, the beginning of the villages"), while on Sundays, festive evenings were arranged, and in weekdays, after graduating for household works on the house, the girls were going to take turns to each other at the gatherings, mainly with spinning or sewing: "Zazimier came - the prevails led"; "With the cover, they are sitting on the night."

Pokrov was a day, according to which the period of hips and deals were considered - usually the workers were hired for a year - from the cover to the cover; The cover was made by the calculation of shepherds and urgent workers, new ones were hired. Various deadlines were established: "From the cover to Evdoki"; "From cover to baptism"; "From cover to Egorya." After the cover, completing agricultural work, many peasants went to the peasants, especially if they owned some craft, and some, on the contrary, returned home.

Cleaning the cleaning of bread was completed - the last sheaves were taken away and consisted in Riga or OVIN; The cleaning of vegetables from the gardens was completed: "The Major Mother (the Assumption of the Virgin) Saws, and the Pokrov collects"; "On the cover of the last collection of fruits." In many places, the Pokrovsky fairs began: "Fit the grace, to the cover, rent at the Pokrovskaya Fair"; "Wait before cover: all debt payment."

Kuzminki (Kuzmodemyanka) - a maiden holiday, celebrated throughout Russia girls in the autumn day of memory Kuzma and Demyan - November 1/14.

On this day, the bride girl became a hostess at home. She prepared meals for the family and treated everyone; The main dish submitted on the table was a chicken noodle. In the evening (less often - for three days), the girls arranged "Kuzminskaya Party" ("Sync", Bratchin). For which the huts were filmed in advance, they were collected in the village - potatoes, oil, eggs, cereals, flour, etc., prepared a ritual food, among the mandatory dishes there were porridge, cooked a goatmodemyanian beer. Often girls sold porridge guys for a few kopecks, overlapping in different sizes Cups, and the money received was divided among themselves. Teenage girls boiled porridge in several pots; After that, they ate in a certain order: first they eaten the dish of cereals with lean oil, then with rapid butter, and at the end - a dish of porridge with pork lard. (Novgorodsk.).

After the treat, the games of young people began, among the indispensable, the so-called "kiss". So, playing in the "Pryer", playing became in a circle, and during the performance of the song: "My cooker is a rider, I'll tele you from the mountain ..." The guy with a girl was spinning in different directions, kissed and inferior to another pair (Pechorsk.) .

Kuzminskaya party could continue all night. When the treats ended, the guys were sent "to the fishery" - stole neighbor chickens for the manufacture of new dishes (such thefts were not condemned by the peasants); After that, the fun resumed.

The girl's celebration, celebrated on the day of Cosma and Damian, logically fit into the autumn wedding period, when brides were taking place (they said: "Given the girl guy!"), Dating young people (in folk terminology - "Brienikhanye"), joint games and courting, creating The preimage of the wedding game (so, among the main treats Kuzminok - wedding ritual dishes: chicken noodles and porridge), which was laid in the image of saints, as the patrons of marriage and "wedding kuznetsov".

To say about the meaning of the dance for education, but limited to such an assessment: the dance is an excellent tool that promotes the socialization of the child, gradually entering it into society with the knowledge of its personal claims, with the skills and communication skills. Sowing, fevers. In the autumn-winter period on holidays (cabbages, shints, etc.) and on ordinary days there were gatherings - one of the forms of communication ...

Such a development strategy seems to me personal culture Child as the basics of his love to the Motherland. Chapter 1. Theoretical part 1.1 Folklore as a means of admiration for children of senior preschool age To the sources of Russian folk culture In class musical education Childhood is a period of flourishing in a person's life. This is the time when the child is like a flower that stretches its ...

Changing day folk calendar Slavs and rite of completion of the harvest. By mid-August, the harvest of bread, hence the name of the holiday. The ignitions are characteristic primarily for the East and West Slavic tradition; Southern Slavs has a holiday harvesting of breads shifted for a period of grain thunder

The lifting on the outcome of the summer in the farm, where there is still not a cleaned field, it is harmful (voluntary assistants). The last sheaf is zero, so as not to disturb the spirit of the field that moves into it. By ancient custom On a compressed field, they leave a small part of the non-embaning, binding their ribbon curls "beard"

Osnairen Day of the People's Calendar East of Slavs falling on September 21. The holiday is dedicated to the harvest harvest, fertility and family well-being. By this time ends field work. Laid the foundation of the well-being of the family on next year. On this day, honored and thanked the Virgin at the harvest. It is believed that she gives well-being, patronizing agriculture, family and especially mothers. In some places, commemoration of the dead, as in Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

The ignition of fire was believed that from September 21, the end of the summer and the autumn comes into their rights. About this day they said: "Some fly Amen." The autumn meeting in some areas is noted by the upgrade in the fire of fire: the old fire is quenched and lit a new one, which is mined by flints or friction of the tree.

Wearing women Early in the morning, a woman and girls went to the shores of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Ovsyanam bread and a kissel. Senior woman stands with bread, and young people singing around her songs. After this, they smoke bread into pieces in terms of the number of people and feed them livestock.

Flies on this day in some places, the rite of "Fly Muh" is held. Caught Muh (Tarakan, Mosquito, Osu) put in home from carrots, solemnly attribute to the wasteland and buried in the grave than denoting insects and land for the time of the upcoming winter.