Life and oral folk creativity. Moldavian-Russian relations at the present stage (research)

Life and oral folk creativity. Moldavian-Russian relations at the present stage (research)
Life and oral folk creativity. Moldavian-Russian relations at the present stage (research)

The traditions and customs of the inhabitants of the Moldavian land, leaving their roots deeply in the past, are holy stored and transmitted from generation to generation.

Hospitality is distinctive feature Moldavian people. Guests are customary to meet bread - salt and a glass of good wines.

Each village of Moldova honors a certain saint, which is their patron, and in this regard, celebrate the temple of the village / city.

On this day, cleanliness is guided in all houses and tables are covered.

The hostesses prepare delicious dishes: Sirmelice Moldenvenet (cabbage rolls), Kyrnacesia, Mititia, Vertunes, Placints, Mamalygu, Brynza and many others.

The owner gets out of the cellast - krama the best wines And treats relatives and acquaintances.

In the national game, Trynt is determined by the strongest, which receives grand Prize - Baran. Combines all choir - collective dance.

Metropolitan Chisinau celebrates his birthday for the Pokrov of the Mother of God - October 14.

In the morning, worst in all temples are held, and then on the streets of the city are arranged festivities.

On the same days - the second Sunday of October - in Moldova officially legalized national Tradition Mark the day of wine.

Treat your young wine on central Square Winemakers come out from all over the country and the best is determined at the competition.

Guests from many countries of the world come to participate in this holiday.

Autumn in Moldova is rich not only on the harvest, but also at the wedding. Many newlyweds prefer to create families at this time of year.

The customs of the Moldavian wedding are aimed at creating a strong family, for this purpose, newlyweds choose planted parents - nanyas and nanashka for whom they become the famines. In the future, Nanashi are a young family mentors, and those in turn should listen to their advice, visit, congratulate on holidays.

The ritual of gift of gifts to newlyweds, according to folk tradition, called - Masa Mare (big table). Each guest with congratulations and wishes announces in all his gift. The example is given to the planted parents and, as a rule, give the most significant gift.

With the birth of a child - Moldova, mostly orthodox country - Its congestion, choosing marsh parents and celebrate Kumenia (christening). All Kumany, and there may be up to 50 people, get from the parents of Kalachi and in turn give the baby gifts.

Frequently, Moldovan unites the celebration of the Marsichor's holiday, which is celebrated with the arrival of spring - March 1. Everything from Mala to Great Give to each other red and white decorations of handmade in the form of two woven threads with flowerflowers at the end.

Marsichor is worn throughout the month, attaching to the clothes, on the left side of the chest. At the end of the month it is removed, they make a desire and hang on a tree.

In nationwide holidays, celebrated in many countries of the world, the Moldovan people added their flavor. So on the first day of the new year in the houses, it is customary to scatter grain as a symbol of a future rich harvest;

- This is a comprehensively developed country filled with many important historical events that are associated with its culture. Culture of Moldova It became influenced by Romania. Also, much was adopted from the Old Russian and Turkish population.

Religion Moldova

Personal Religion Moldova It does not have a single direction, and the leading is Christianity that professes 90% of the inhabitants. Christianity is confessed immediately in all three areas: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantia. In addition, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism are present in Moldova. According to the census, 33,000 residents counted themselves to atheists.

Economy Moldova

National currency of Moldova - Moldavian lei. Economy Moldova It is developing mainly due to the development of agriculture, services and industry. In addition, Moldova is successfully engaged in exporting food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, machinery, equipment and clothing.

Science Moldova

Moldova is a country that conducts many scientific research. Developing, provoked the construction of a leading center for fundamental research. The institution is engaged in studies of public and natural sciences.

Art of Moldova

Culture The country was formed from a variety of factors. An outstanding direction art of Moldova is an art. It developed under the influence of Byzantium and since then many frescoes, miniatures and icons remained. The most valuable monument of architecture and painting is located in the city of Kushen. There is the church of the Nativity of the Virgin, who was painted by Voinoku, Rada and Stanchul. It is these attractions that many others encourage travelers more attentively to plunge into Tourism MoldovaAfter all, understanding the culture, you can understand the people.

Kitchen Moldova

A characteristic feature of Moldavian cuisine is an abundance of vegetables, fruits and meat. Kitchen Moldova It has developed due to the influence of many countries. The country's leading dishes are Sarmal, Placinda with cottage cheese and men. Sarmal reminds of its kind and methods of preparation of dolt and cabbage rolls. Placinda is a national cake, more resembling a round or square flat pellet. Mandys is garlic sauce on vegetable or meat broth.

Customs and traditions of Moldova

Moldova Country, whose people honor their traditions and their very large number. They are transmitted to descendants and stored by each generation. Customs and traditionsMoldova are associated with hospitality. Moldovans celebrate the same holidays as slavic peoples. Including New YearBut with the addition of your raisin. The first day of the holiday is accompanied by a sprinkling house by grain. The christmas warriors, and after Easter in a week, all relatives visit the graves of close and relatives.

Sport Moldova

Moldova leads an active sporting life, the main proof of the country's participation in olympic Games. Sport Moldova Make up swimming, equestrian and cycling, rowing, swimming, boxing, archery, biathlon and football.

The main type of Moldavian literature was oral artistic creativity. Century-old slavery did not break the vital forces of the Moldovan people, did not kill their will to fight and victory, did not strangle him creative Dara. Heroic folk songs From the cycle of struggle with Turkish feudals, the idea of \u200b\u200bprotecting the Motherland from the Enemies-Invaders is infused. The heavy historical past of the Moldovan people imposed his mark on his songs (Deutins), which is often inherent sad, pulling tangle. Widely known national dance Moldovan LOB or choir.

From the folklore of other peoples of Moldova, the folklore of the Bulgarian colonists stops. Bulgarian improviser singers in the XIX century. They kept in their memory a large, diverse and interesting repertoire of heroic songs from the era of Turkish yoke and Bulgarian wars for independence.

From the cities of Moldova, the most important cultural significance in the first half of the XIX century. I received Chisinau - the center of the Bessarab region. The bulk of the population of the city was Moldovans and Bulgarians. But immediately lived the Greeks, Turks, Ukrainians, Serbs, Karai, Germans, French, Italians, etc.

The general cultural level of Moldovan boyars of the beginning of the XIX century was low. But on the eve national Movement In the Sudenha Moldova and Valahia (in the early 20s) in Chisinau, there was a noticeable awakening of cultural and public life. In the house M. Katsika was arranged a Masonic bed associated with secret Society Decembrists; The main master of the lodges at one time was the Russian Major General Decembrist P. S. Pushchin. He found in Chisinau a divisional Lancaster school. The most educated and advanced part of Chisinau Society of the 20s of the XIX century. Collapacuses, members of the Greek Getteria and Participants of the National Liberation Movement of Greek Greek, and participants of the national liberation movement of the Greek revolt, were collected in the houses of the Prince of Cantakusen and George Matteria and participants of the National Liberation Movement of 1821.

Great value for cultural life Chisinau in the 20s of the XIX century. There was a stay there, the headquarters of the 16th Infantry Division, which belonged to the 6th Corps of the Second Russian Army. The Decembrist MF Orlov was appointed commander of the 16th division in July 1820. He gave much attention Together with the Decembrist V. F. Raevsky organization of Lancaster schools. Chisinau House Orlova became a focus of cultural life and the center of the advanced political thought of Chisinau. His regular visitor was serving the link A. S. Pushkin in Chisinau. In Chisinau, P. I. Pestel.

A significant event in the cultural life of Bessarabia was three-year (1820-1-823) staying there A. S. Pushkin. In a number of their works, the Great Russian poet used the motives of Moldovan folklore. The song of the Young Moldavanka Mariula went on the basis of the poem of Pushkin "Black Shawl". In Chisinau Boyar houses were very popular and were invited to all balls chori fortress Gypsy Boyharin Bartholomew. The poet watched Gypsies, listened to the Gypsy songs and reproduced them in his poem "Roma". Researchers believe that in the poem "Rogue Brothers" to some extent reflected the impressions of Pushkin from Moldovan reality and from the personality of the famous Ursula; At the request of the poet, a fully judicial matter about Ursule was rewritten.

Acquaintance with advanced Russian literature was a favorable importance for the activities of Moldovan writers K. Negruzi, A. Donica, K. Statimi.

The cultural and ideological life of the Bulgarian colonies in Moldova had a serious impact of the awakening of the national self-consciousness among the Bulgarian intelligentsia. One of the major and earliest figures of the Bulgarian Renaissance was a well-known scientist, close to his worldview to Slavophilas, Yu. I. Venines. The son of the Ukrainian priest from Galicia, he studied at Lviv University, and in the 20s of the XIX century. He moved to Chisinau, where he got acquainted with the life of Bulgarian colonists. The result of this acquaintance was the book "Ancient and current Bulgarians in political and religious relations", which caused a strong interest in the Bulgarian question in Russia, was released in 1829.

The development of the culture of Moldova is closely associated with history. Romanesque roots, leaving for the II century of our era, influenced it, to the period of the Roman colonization of Dacia. As a result most of The population of modern Moldova, Moldovans, being descendants of immigrants to this region due to the rod (starting from the XIV century), have common ethnicity with Romanians. The formation of Moldovan culture occurred in the Middle Ages with the emergence of the Moldovan Principality. It was formed under contacts with East Slavic (ancient Russian) population, and then in the conditions of dominion Ottoman Empire. In 1812, the territory of modern Moldova was liberated from Ottoman domination and included in Bessarabian province Russian Empirethat had a great influence on the development of the culture of the region. After the October Revolution in 1918, Bessarabia moved to Romania for 22 years, and on the left bank of the Dniester, the Moldovan ASSR was formed, as a result of which a certain time the development of culture was in different ways.

During the existence of the MSSR, the rapid development of culture began, a Moldova-film film studio was created, education developed, etc. The collapse of the USSR and independence was developed to strengthen the National Moldovan component in the modern culture of Moldova.

Middle Ages

The local population began to identify itself widely called "Moldovans" to the fourteenth century. One of the oldest sources certifying the appearance of the ethnonym "Moldavian" is the Pastoral Ballad "Miorica". Another example of Moldavian medieval creativity is a legend about the foundation of the Moldovan Principality. Doyna, colinde, urates, snowava, and many of which have been preserved to this day were spread. Most of the population of Medieval Moldova professed Orthodoxy, which led to cultural connections by others orthodox nationsliving in modern Romania and Ukraine. Byzantine-South Slavic writing influenced the Moldovan-Slavic chronicles, the Polish historiography had an impact on the official chroniclel, which was carried out under the patronage of the Moldovan gentlemen.

Since the development of culture took place in the Moldovan principality in the conditions of a feudal society, it is possible to distinguish the culture of the dominant class, represented by written monuments and on native cultureWhile reflected in folklore and the device of life. Formation of ideological direction medieval culture Moldova took place in two stages. In the first, reasant period (XIV - the first half of the XVI centuries), the ideological need to create a strong centralized and independent state is manifested in culture. The Ottoman period is characterized by the development of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe struggle for the overthrow of the Turkish IGA and independence.


Read more: Moldavian SSR music

In 1940, the State Conservatory, Philharmonic, Music and Drama Theater, Middle Music School were opened in Chisinau. The philharmonic was included a symphony orchestra, Choir Capella "Doyna", and, in addition, a group of pop artists. For the years of war, the fruitful period of creativity of the Moldavian composer Stefan Nyagi emerged. In the genre of patriotic song, David Grigorievich Gershfeld, S. B. Shapiro and others worked.

After the war, musical groups have resumed their activities, the rapid development of music began. Plomes are acquired, such composers like L. S. Gurov, S. M. Lobel, V. G. Zagorsky, S. V. Zlatov, V. L. Polyakov, G. S. Nyaga, P. B. Rilivis, N. I. Makovy, A. P. Luxembourg, T. V. Kiriyak. In the genre instrumental concert D. G. Gershfeld, D. G. Fedov, A. B. Millov, Z. M. Tkach, E. D. Dog. Moldovan composers of the Soviet period create numerous rhapsodies, suite, ballads, processing Moldovan folk songs, music for children, romances. Much attention is paid to the development of choral art.

Fame acquired Opera "storming" David Gershfeld, "Dominica's heart" A. G. Styrchi, "Klop", "Revolution called", "Dragon" by E. Lazarev. Recognition of the public receive Ballets "Dawn" V. G. Zagorsky (1959), "Broken Sword" (1959), "Ghosts" (1959), "Anthony and Cleopatra" (1965), "Arabesque" (1970) E. L. Lazareva, Radda D. G. Gershfeld (1975), "Crossroads" V. G. Zagorsky (1974).

In the Soviet period, much attention was paid to the development of musical education. In 1963, the State Institute of Arts named after G. V. Muzing, three musical schools worked, more than 50 children's music schools, Middle Special Music School - boarding school.

The academic ensemble of the Folk Dance "LOC", Orchestra of Moldavian folk instruments Fluuyesh, Ensembly "Koder", "Lautary", "Noroka" group, "Raispownow", "Orizont", "Play".

Culture and traditions Moldovan S. Sirkovo MD, Rezina.

Culture and traditions Moldovan S. Sirkovo MD, Rezina. On the culture and temperament of Moldovan communities in conditions ...
6:52 min.

Association of Foreign Policy With Financial Support Foundation Open Society Institute has prepared an analytical report "Moldavian-Russian relations: positive and destructive trends bilateral cooperation on the modern stage". Give it completely.

The Moldavian-Russian relations considered through the prism of the strategic partnership continue to maintain tensions, despite the attempts of rapprochement of general positions on a whole spectrum of key issues. Withdraw a bilateral dialogue between states on qualitatively new level It is not possible yet. Political distrust, frequent use of diplomatic and economic instruments to counteract each other's policies give rise to the actual permanent nature of the stagnation of Moldavian-Russian relations.

The cultural space is increasingly experiencing the whole severity of spiritual and social challenges, which are a consequence of political pressure and promotion of internal and external political influence, gagging by the political elites of the Moldavian-Russian cultural space. Populist tactics are widely used by the Moldova and Russia authorities lead to an increasing increase in the activities of the Russian influence agents in the Republic of Moldova and the increase in dividing lines in society on a geopolitical principle.

The experience of many years of cooperation, achievements in various fields, the multifaceted mutually beneficial relationships are not fully used by states. It is at these postulates that a new bilateral interaction platform should be based, which, combined with a respectful attitude towards the European foreign policy vector of development of the Republic of Moldova and the role of Russia at the regional and international levels, will be capable of building and developing a new format of Moldavian-Russian cooperation in modern conditions.

Tensions of political relations

After ratification by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, the Association Agreement with the EU on July 2, 2014 there was a tendency to deteriorate relations in the Moldovan-Russian dialogue. Moldova was guided in this matter by external pragmatism, which was based on the attempt to weaken the Russian influence. Despite the predetermined split of the Moldavian society, the position of Gagauzia and the Transnistrian region Moldova made its choice in favor of European civilization.

In Russia, the decision was considered illogical, symmetric measures were immediately adopted. On the same day, the signing of 7 memorandums on interdepartmental cooperation between the Russian authorities and the unrecognized Transnistria, which were aimed at the intensification of bilateral trade, ensuring optimal shipping schemes for Transnistrian goods to the Russian market and other states of the Eurasian Economic Union, attraction of investments in Transnistrian region, interaction In matters of international passenger and freight traffic by road and rail transport, as well as cooperation in the field of antimonopoly policies and in the field of education and culture.

This step Moldavian side perceived as the beginning of using Russia's political instruments aimed at the most vulnerable areas in the relations of states in protest and expressions of discontent with the European selection of the Republic of Moldova. The coagulation of political dialogue has gone significantly to the situation, the complexity of bilateral relations was manifested, the need to remove tensions in bilateral interaction were becoming more perceptible.

In April 2016, after inviting the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration A. Galbura to Moscow, made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S. Lavrov, had hopes for a breakthrough in the relationship between Moldova and Russia. During the working meeting, the issues of impulse of Moldavian-Russian cooperation were considered. This was a manifestation of the desire from the Moldovan authorities to resume bilateral cooperation, and from the Russian side of readiness to revise and rapprite positions on key issues of bilateral cooperation. The reason for finding ways to converge the pro-European parties with Russia consisted not only in the approaching presidential elections, but also in understanding the need to overcome the crisis in a political dialogue, in an attempt to start building a new platform for cooperation between states. However, it was not possible to come to this parties.

In the political dialogue of the heads of state of the Republic of Moldova and Russian Federation A long pause was satisfied, which was largely related to the peculiarities of the domestic political development of the Republic of Moldova. However, on January 17, 2017, after a nine-year break, the relations between the presidents were renewed again. The first foreign visit of the newly elected President I. Dodon was precisely to Moscow, which was perceived by many as confirmation of his pro-Russian aspirations, intentions to normalize Moldovan-Russian cooperation and statements to restore strategic partnerships with Russia made during the election race.

Changing the foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Moldova, the termination of the Association Agreement with the EU, as well as its statement about the need to preserve peacekeepers in Transnistria, it is possible to consider non-iron. This caused the resonance of opinions in the Moldovan society, the rapid response of experts and analysts, and the battle of discussions, initiated by the media.

Interesting is the perception of Russia of statements made by the President of Moldova. V. Putin said: "I really expect your first visit to Russia, this is your first foreign trip as president, it will be a good joke for the development of our interstate relations in all directions." The need to activate the Moldovan-Russian dialogue is indisputable.

The dialogue of heads of states is extremely important, which sets the tone to bilateral interaction as a whole. It seems objective. However, the question of political confidence is not fully understood. In Russia, they cannot but understand that the powers of the President according to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova will not allow him to implement the statements made by him, due to the lack of levers of influence on politics. Consequently, they allow the share of two-minded political opportunism in the statements made by the statements of the first person state, however, despite this, they preferred to establish a dialogue with him. For 2017, four bilateral meetings took place at the level of the heads of state. In addition, the heads of state discussed the possibility of developing cooperation in the post-Soviet space as part of the CIS leader summit and the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, which took place in Sochi in October 2017.

In turn, the Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Moldova outraged the fact that the president, whose authority in foreign policy is limited, does not coordinate their actions with power structures regarding applications made in Moscow. P. Philip assured that the Association Association Association Part of the Government Program, which, as the European country's development vector remain unchanged. It can be assumed that the painful reaction of the Moldova authorities followed and the preference of Moscow to develop a dialogue only with the president, while the pro-European majority made a number of actions aimed at resuming bilateral cooperation.

In ambiguity conditions, which characterizes the current Moldovan-Russian political dialogue, the parties noted in 2017 the 25th from the date of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Commitment and willingness to cooperate were reflected in the congratulatory messages of the presidents and foreign ministers of states, the main achievements of many years of cooperation were emphasized, namely, the creation of strong, multifaceted, friendly and mutually beneficial relations in all areas, the prospects for bilateral dialogue are outlined - access to the new Strategic partnership level.

It would seem that the outlined positive dynamics in the political dialogue of states will gradually be firmly established, however, the announcement of the non-graphic of the Russian vice-minister D. Rogozin and the expulsion of Russian diplomats became precedents of deterioration of relations and demonstration of mutual misunderstanding and political distrust. One of the last events of the outgoing year was a review of the ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in the Russian Federation A. Negutsa for an indefinite period of time, which was the subject of stormy criticism both by the President of Moldova and from the Russian side.

Of course, for the diplomatic relations of states, this measure can be considered as an unfriendly action, not deprived of provocative motives related to the domestic political situation in the Republic of Moldova.

In the current conditions, mutually beneficial Moldavian-Russian cooperation is seen possible only by creating a new platform for the interaction of states based on pragmaticity, deprived of illusions and incitement, taking into account the European foreign policy vector of the Republic of Moldova and the role of Russia in a regional and international context.

Economic factor: basic tools, strategies and tactics of bilateral cooperation

In general, the period from 2014 to 2017 is characterized by the tension of Moldovan-Russian relations. Council of Russia was not limited to diplomatic methods, and economic instruments that led to a reduction in turnover between the two countries more than twice were largely widely used. From September 1, 2014, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2014 "On the introduction of imported customs duties against goods, the country of origin of which is the Republic of Moldova" in order to protect the interests of Russian economic operators. So, to prohibitions for deliveries in the Russian Federation, Moldovan canned food, fruits and meat, which were introduced on the eve of the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU joined the imports of the 19 Commodity Positions. Despite the fact that the Republic of Moldova has not introduced response prohibited measures to import russian products In Moldova and advocated the abolition of customs duties introduced by Russia for individual categories of Moldovan goods, it was not possible to remove restrictive measures. The result was a significant loss of Moldova of its position in the Russian market. In January-September 2016, in relation to January-September 2015, the Russian-Moldovan turnover decreased by 13.9% and amounted to $ 788.1 million, exports - $ 631.8 million (-19%) , Import - $ 156.3 million (+ 16.1%). Waving between two zones of influence - the Russian Federation and the EU became increasingly more difficult, and to develop a compromise, mutually beneficial decision of the Moldavian and Russian parties, based on the changed foreign policy vector of Moldova, was failed.

The political nature of the embargo denied by the Russian authorities. Rosselkhoznadzor and Rospotrebnadzor was focused on violation of phytosanitary norms. In addition, the Russian Federation was seriously concerned about the practice of re-export products from the EU to the Russian market under the guise of Moldovan goods. This problem Even more aggravated as a result of difficulties in relations between Russia and the European Union.

Understanding the complexity of the current situation, aggravated discontent of representatives of the business environment, labor migrants and ordinary citizens in 2016, Moldovan authorities took a number of efforts to develop a "road map" to restore trade relations between countries. Particular attention was paid to the prospects for the resumption of exports of agri-food and alcohol products to the Russian market, the possibilities of bilateral cooperation in the energy sector, transport, investment, migration and other issues were discussed. It was a difficult task, since the criticism of the Eastern Partnership and its anti-Russian orientation has repeatedly sounded from Russia. In November 2016, the work of the Moldovan-Russian Interdepartmental Commission for Trade and Economic Cooperation was resumed.

At the same time, the effect of visibility of the breakthrough in establishing economic cooperation is associated with a dialogue between the presidents of the two countries. Moldova for the first quarter of 2017 increased in annual terms by 42% export of goods to Russia. In January-March 2017, the export of goods amounted to 528.2 million dollars, which is 26.8% more compared to the same period of the previous year.

In addition, the Russian parties resumed a dialogue with the Republic of Moldova on migration issues. From March 1, 2017, amnesty began to operate for labor migrants from Moldova. It is important to note that decisions that were adopted by Russia as a result of Moldovan-Russian negotiations on the practical solutions to the most important problems associated with labor migrants and the opening of segments russian market To resume the supply of Moldavian products, made to support the efforts of the Moldovan President aimed at the normalization of Moldovan-Russian relations.

It seems important to preserve the positive dynamics of trade and economic cooperation. Parties should develop economic relations guided by the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation based on pragmatism and mutually beneficial interests. It is necessary to move away from the declarative and formal nature of these principles and to direct the efforts to develop a new format of economic cooperation, taking into account the above principles and the current realities of the development of states, in particular, the European Development vector of the Republic of Moldova.

In this context, it can be assumed that Russia will perceive the termination financial assistance EU for the Republic of Moldova. This is especially evident in the context of its expectations of the geopolitical vector shift by our country, which is constantly reinforced by the critics of the Eastern Partnership. This fact It can be clearly demonstrated by the example of the postprared of the Russian Federation under the EU V. Chizhov, made following the Summit of the Eastern Partnership held in November 2017 in Brussels. "The results of the summit show that the Eastern Partnership exhales itself as the fateful political and economic initiative of the European Union." This testifies to the possibility of revising the entire agenda of Moldavian-Russian cooperation, including trade and economic cooperation, depending on the results of the commercial parliamentary elections in Moldova in 2018.

The question of Moldavian-Russian cooperation in the fuel and energy sector continues to be important. PJSC Gazprom continues to ensure the needs of the Republic of Moldova in natural gas. In 2016, Moldovagaz JSC made payment of gas supplied by consumers of the Republic of Moldova excluding Transnistria. Despite this, the Russian side stated the growth of the debt of Moldovagaz JSC before PJSC Gazprom in 2015-2016. According to the Resolution of the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation, parties should continue to consult on the integrated permission of problematic issues of cooperation in the gas sector.

In this context, it is necessary to mention the debt of Transnistria in front of Gazprom. During his visit to Moscow, I. Dodon announced the readiness of Moldova to take responsibility for the gas debt of the left bank, because in the aggregate it is the debt of the Republic of Moldova.

Despite the criticism of the applications made by him, it can be assumed that he most likely wanted not only to enlist Russian support, but also considered this step from the point of view of the so-called "return" of Transnistria to Moldova. It is not entirely clear how with their powers, he plans to implement it, because gas agreements are not included in the president's competence.

At the same time, the question of the dependence of Moldova from Russian energy supplies continues to be problematic, especially in the light of the intentions of Russia to abandon the transit of gas through the territory of Ukraine by creating alternative gas pipelines. In particular, we are talking About the developed and ratified project "Turkish stream", which is able to fully provide gas to the south of Europe. Its launch is scheduled for 2019. This puts in front of Moldova new problematic issues in this area. In case of success of this project, gas transit in Moldova will be carried out through Romania. This will inevitably lead to an increase in the price of energy resources, as the supply shoulder and the number of transit countries will be increased, through which Russian gas will fall into Moldovan gas pipelines. In addition, Moldova will lose opportunities for receiving payments for gas transit. This is an important argument, since most of the income of the state budget of the Republic of Moldova is closed at the expense of customs payments to import, in them the share of VAT on imports natural Gas It is almost half. All this indicates the dependence of Moldova from Russia in the energy and gas spheres.

Do not forget that the Republic of Moldova, being a member of the European Energy Community, assumed obligations to implement energy packages. Moldova managed to achieve the transfer of the term until 2020 to introduce technical norms that caused disagreements with the Russian side. However, harmonization legislative base In accordance with EU standards, the reform of the electricity market, the modernization of the infrastructure and the restructuring of the energy system continue to be problematic and require significant internal potential and human resources To implement the planned plans.

Cultural space: spiritual and social challenges

Russian heritage is an integral part of the cultural space of Moldova. This common value foundation of the peoples living in Moldova is often used in order to political pressure or promoting the political influence of both external and internal nature. It is important to prevent the so-called lines of faults in the nationwide cultural space Republic of Moldova. Many of them are clearly visible and affect the issues of placement of nations and conducting cultural borders, language factor, the revision of the centuries-old total cultural heritage, restructuring system of value orientations in relation public holidaysTotal change public consciousness. Aggravation of separations in the Moldovan society in the pro-European and pro-Russian supporters, as well as the tendency to increase the pro-Russian views, would fairly be called the result of the disappointedness of the population in the democratic coalition, conducted by the policy that led to a very serious problemsWith which the citizens of the Republic of Moldova had to come across.

Strengthening a single Moldovan-Russian cultural space should be considered from the point of view of national importance and not to resort to its distortion by the political elites of both states. A significant part of the migratory population ethnic minorities. Many of the bottom are well educated, have professional qualifications And turn out to be in demand both in the countries of near and far abroad. The main reasons for migration are the low level of knowledge of the state language, the inability to fully realize itself in view of this professional activity, complex economic situation in the country, lack of jobs and meager pay, as well as low probability cardinal changes in the medium term. As a result, the changing structure of society is not characterized by the most favorable dynamics. Local authorities actually do not take decisive actions aimed at preserving qualified labor and human potential. At the same time, the effective migrating policy of the Russian Federation, aimed at providing promoting the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad turned out to be very successful. Many residents of the Republic of Moldova took advantage of them with the ability and emigrate on permanent place Residence in Russia.

At the same time, the resettlement of compatriots is considered by Russia itself as the possibility of filling its regions with a new workforce, specialists in many sectors of life and return to their native culture. Moldova's authorities should focus their efforts in the development of a complex of effective measures aimed at preventing the risks associated with the outflow of Moldovan citizens and as a result of the loss of human capital, the exacerbation of demographic issues, a decrease in the number of taxpayers and election points to the elections.

In the Republic of Moldova, a manipulative impact is maintained by the influence of Russian ideological and information resources, which feeds the established socio-cultural stereotypes. The problem lies not only in propagating propaganda and disinformation by the Russian Federation, but also in the fact that the secondary perception of herself is characteristic of Moldova. The powerful structures and the expert community often raise the question: "Who are we for Russia?". While primary attention should be given to the national interests of the Republic of Moldova and the search for pragmatic solutions for their implementation.

The struggle against Russian propaganda and disinformation has long been the subject of turbulent discussions in the Republic of Moldova, but practical measures have not been undertaken. A radical step of changing this situation is seen by the adoption by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on changing the Code of Television and Radio December 7, 2017, which is aimed at limiting broadcasting and relaying on the territory of Moldova information and analytical, political and military programs from states that have not ratified the European Convention on transboundary broadcasting. In fact, this law limits the broadcast of these gears from Russia, since the Russian Federation did not ratify this convention.

The President of the Republic of Moldova made criticizing this initiative and stated that he would not sign this law as it was anti-constitutional. The Russian side has reacted acutely. The deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Karasin, called this measure by the Information Blockade of the Republic of Moldova of its own population. Opinions in Moldavian society were divided. Some, considered it expected, predictable and necessary. Others tried to find a reason that pushed such a decision. At the same time, few people recalled the obligations undertaken by Moldova before the EU regarding the improvement of the legislative framework for regulating the media activities and the key goal of this draft law - the state security of the state.

The Transnistrian region and Gagauzia have significant impact, including the Russian media. This was clearly demonstrated by the referendum on the attitude of the country's foreign policy and the results of the presidential election of 2016 in 2014, during which I. Dodon, who managed to build his election campaign on the thesis on rapprochement with Russia, scored during the elections to Gagauzia 99% of votes.

These events attracted increased attention The international community to the region and its problems and revealed the need to reduce the role of Russian media. In view of this, it is important to focus on the issues of ethnic minorities living in these territories and develop instruments and mechanisms that will accelerate their integration into Moldovan society, to substantiate as the importance of their interest to be an integral part of the modernized Moldovan society and the value of the presence of ethnic minorities for Single state.

The Russian influence is fueled by the so-called fifth column that provides opposition to the basic policy of the state - the course for European integration. Activates not only activity russian foundations in Moldova, but also political parties, Russian agents of influence, experts, journalists, public figuresacting under political cover. Their main goal is to break the political and financial relations of the Republic of Moldova with the EU.

The difficulty of carrying out separation lines between the opposition and the fifth column becomes all tangible.

In this context, it is important to note the creation in the Parliament the strong faction of the pro-Russian Party - the Socialist Party of the Republic of Moldova, the election of the leader of the pro-Russian Forces by the President of the country, who is widely used by the populist tactics, expressing in unreasonable promises to the people in order to acquire wide popularity. At the same time, understanding the essence of what is happening, it appeals the category "The Promoldavsky Parliament", thereby trying to focus its commitment to the national interests of the country.

Also noted the politicization of distribution and use in their own interests of the "imperial minority" status. Subscribing the ethnic tensions of various kinds of initiatives, the occasion of society on a geopolitical principle, economic, cultural and media influence, the split of society is artificially created. It should be understood that oppositionists are primarily the patriots their countries that promote their own ideological views going into incision with official politics for the benefit of their homeland.

The actions of the same oppositionists who harm the national interests of the country are already the category of the fifth column mentioned. Problems of the superiority of the imperial minority, the preservation of the widespread Russian language and nostalgia of ethnic minorities about the Soviet past are used by the Russian influence agents not to solve these problems in the Republic of Moldova, but to consolidate mental dependence on the Russian Federation in the Moldavian society in order to use this factor in Promotion of own political interests. An important role in enhancing the activity of the fifth column belongs russian mediabroadcasting in the territory of the Republic of Moldova. All this leads to increasing ethnic tension.

The issues of spiritual and social challenges that are facing everything orthodox world, largely unite Moldovan and russian people. High level religiosity in both states allows you to strengthen orthodox church And at the same time, relying on the worldview of people to build certain political and social programs. During the meeting, Patriarch Kirill and I. Dodon, held on September 22, 2016, discussed the threats of statehood, values \u200b\u200band traditions. The church plays an important role in the formation of political preferences of citizens. The Presidents of the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation are popular, among other things, thanks to the declarations of their attitude towards the Church and Christian principles and values. The initiative proposed by I. Dodon on the national reconciliation of the right and left banks of the Dniester, partly relies on Orthodoxy and faith as incentives to unite the country and reunification of territorial integrity.

The worldview of people and their religious openness should not become part of political programs. Respect for spiritual values \u200b\u200band traditions, the preservation of faith is an important component in the development of states. However, they should not be used to promote political schemes and serve as the basis for various political speculation.

Transnistrian conflict

Transnistrian issues may be considered as part of a common strategy of Russia aimed at maintaining its impact in the region and the possibilities of influence on foreign Policy, Including to replace foreign policy priorities.

Question about the output russian troops From the territory of Transnistria continues to be problematic. Russia has repeatedly stated that the operational group of Russian troops will not leave Transnistria, referring to the fact that ammunition is kept in sausage, appealing to historical memory and legal reasons, in particular, the Agreement on the principles of peaceful settlement of armed conflict of July 21, 1992. The same arguments are used to substantiate the skepticism of the Russian side in relation to the change in the format of the peacekeeping mission, which are supported by concerns about the exacerbation of the conflict due to the emergence of a new source of open tension in Southeast Europe.
In Moldova, it is believed that the transformation of the peacekeeping mission to a police officer is able to solve the problem. In Russia, they speak exclusively for the political settlement of the conflict, and reasoning about the possibility of a smoke of the current format of the peacekeeping operation and the withdrawal of the Russian military from the left bank of the Dniester - cut off from reality.

Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip in his speech at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, which was held on September 19-22, 2017, asked for support in the withdrawal of OGRV from the Transnistrian region, referring to the Declaration of the Moldovan Parliament of July 21, according to which the stay of Russian troops in the territory The Republic of Moldova was called illegal. The Russian side regarded this step as a provocative initiative of the Moldovan authorities.

After a long pause in Vienna, November 27-28, 2017, a regular round of negotiations was held in the format "5 + 2" on Transnistrian settlement. Particular attention was paid to agreements reached between Chisinau and Tiraspol and significant progress in the negotiation process.

The opening of the bridge in the village of Gura Bykuluu-bull is an important step in the Transnistrian settlement, which will bring positive changes for the local population and is favorable to affect the entire OSCE area. At the same time, in the expert community of the Republic of Moldova there is an opinion that the hurry of the adopted documents can delay the decision of Transnistrian issues.

Russian Federation is an important partner for the Republic of Moldova. The modification of its policies on our state or the revision of individual decisions are seen possible if the Moldavian side is developed. The tensions of political relations between states can be overcome by means of contradictory discussions and the search for a common denominator in bilateral cooperation. This can be the key to success and the beginning of the development of a new platform for dialogue.

The use of political pressure and response tools in the interaction of the two countries lead to stagnation of relations, undermining the agreements reached, political confidence between power structures, error repeatability and pro accounts. Partnership should be built on the basis of the changed modern realities development of states, regional and international context. Trade and economic cooperation should be based on pragmatism and mutually beneficial interests.

Exacelifications and feeding outside the lines of faults in cultural space are a serious challenge for future Moldovan-Russian relations. Cultural factor Must serve as a platform for cohesion, the implementation of common interests and joint socio-cultural programs and projects aimed at improving the life of the population of both states. The Transnistrian conflict continues to remain the cornerstone in the bilateral relations of states. The authorities of the Republic of Moldova should concentrate efforts to develop their own clear position in this matter, which will be equally declared by all internal state institutional structures, and not supported by the parliamentary majority and criticized by the president. Only in this case, the Republic of Moldova will be able to enlist the support of international structures on demilitarization of the Transnistrian region.

The analysis of Moldavian-Russian relations allows us to formulate the following recommendations:

It is necessary to review the problem areas concerning the convergence of positions on the fundamental issues of bilateral cooperation. It is necessary to thoroughly like building the basics for political trust, which is the key to the success of subsequent cooperation. Duality, political opportunism and incitement in political relations between states should be avoided. This will bring to bring attitude to a qualitatively new level and will be a solid foundation for an updated platform for cooperation.
- Economic instruments should not be used as countering the policy pursued, it is important to focus on general pragmatic economic interests. A new format of trade and economic cooperation should be built on the basis of the current dense of the European aspirations of the Republic of Moldova. The area of \u200b\u200bbilateral economic cooperation between states remains large enough, even taking into account this factor, it has a place for the development of new directions of trade and economic cooperation.
- the cultural borders, the use of a language factor and populist tactics in unacceptable, seems to promote certain political interests in Moldovan-Russian relations. The same applies to Russian ideological and information resources aimed at propaganda, disinformation and feeding of persisting socio-cultural stereotypes in the Republic of Moldova.
- It is necessary to move away from the placement of society for a geopolitical principle, which leads to the exacerbation of ethnic tension. The religious openness of the population of the Republic of Moldova should not be used to implement the political interests and promotion of individual political schemes for the promotion and dissemination of the already persistent influence of the Russian Federation.
- The decision of Transnistrian issues continues to be resolved to a greater extent of external actors and requires the development of a clear position of the Moldovan authorities, which they will be systematically followed.

Sterkul Natalya

Program Director, Eastern Research Department: Ukraine and Russia Association of External
Politics of the Republic of Moldova