Support in contact call. Administration VK: How to communicate and feedback

Support in contact call. Administration VK: How to communicate and feedback
Support in contact call. Administration VK: How to communicate and feedback

Have you ever had a situation when you needed to contact the VKontakte administration? Very often, we do not know the answer to the question of how to properly use the specific function of this social network.

It is worth remembering that if you still unable to solve your problem or you have questions, you can always write administrations VK. However, how to do it?

It should be borne in mind that the wait for the answer can take more than 24 hours, so you immediately need to be prepared for waiting or still try to solve the problem yourself, for example, using the Internet. If you do not find your question on the expanses of the world cobweb, then it is better to ask for workers directly to this social network.

So, let's consider in more detail the topic of how to write the administrations of VKontakte yourself.

We start writing appeal

The first thing to be done to contact technical support is to click on the "Help" section, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen near the "exit". Thus, you can contact the administration in contact or as they are called on the site of the support agents. After you have pressed the "help" in short in the top field about your problem. Perhaps your question is quite frequently asked, and at this stage you can get a response on it, choosing from the list of questions and answers below. If nevertheless, none of the options fit, then you need to choose the corresponding function, which is called "none of these options is suitable."

After that, you will be reported, how much time you need to wait for an answer. On average, it ranges from 24 to 48 hours.

If you agree to wait a certain time, then you need to fill in a special form. Initially write the topic. This is a concise offer that briefly tells about your problem. Below, in the corresponding field, you can say about this problem in more detail so that the support agent most clearly understood your question. It is possible, for example, thus.

You can also attach files in the lower right corner, that is, it can be screenshots or photos to reveal the essence of your question in more detail. After you have entered the topic, the problem descriptions in more detail and on need attached additional materials, you need to click on the "Send" button. Your question will queue for consideration.

And what then?

As soon as the time passes, and the support agent will answer your question, you will be notified about it on the left side of the screen with the note "plus one". Pressing there, you can see your question as well as the response Agent's response.

It is worth noting that the support agents are responsible for any question, and most importantly politely, that is, it is possible not to be afraid to ask even the most at first glance with ridiculous questions, they will always answer clearly and politely. Therefore, I would like to recommend to users of the social network VKontakte also politely communicate with support agents, because it is always worth remembering that on the other side of the screen, too, live people who are always ready to come to the rescue and answer any of your question.

As they say, "all professions are needed, all professions are important" and such a profession as a support agent in contact is also an integral part of our life, since we can not always know everything 100% of this social network. They will help in solving our problems and issues.

If the answer was given not enough exhaustive, you can write this employee again in the same form, and in the form of a dialogue to communicate with him further, asking clarifying questions.

VKontakte is a social network, with a huge multitude of settings and additional features that are constantly under large loads. The daily audience of the site is more than 70 million people (according to LiveInternet statistics), and many users face problems when working.

Most common:

  • The site does not open (not working);
  • Account is stolen;
  • Recovery or password change;
  • Complaints on unlawful actions of other users.

To assist in solving emerging problems, the administration was created by the department - the support service consisting of trained specialists, ready to solve any task in a short time. You can contact technical support in three ways, everyone we consider in detail.

Contact through the section of questions and answers

In order to reduce the burden on the department, the developer team creates the responses to popular requests. However, not every problem, you can solve the template otpio. Therefore, in almost every section there is a button to create an application.

1. Go to the "Questions and Replies" section on the link (you must be authorized in the system) -\u003dHome. or through the section "Help", from your profile.

3. Select the appropriate option. If he does not solve the task, click "write in support".

4. On the page that opens, describe in detail the problem and click "Send". The speed of the decision will depend on the employment of employees.

How to write to technical support - direct link

In addition to the "standard" method described above, you can use a small Livekhak. The creation page of the new application has a permanent address, regardless of the profile ID and even if there is no access to the profile.

2. Before you ask a question - to clearly formulate it, and if necessary, attach the screenshot. After sending, a window will pop up that informs about the waiting time.

3. The response of the operator will come to private messages and will be duplicated in the "My Questions" section. In the same place, you will be able to continue communication, if any additional questions occur.

Remember, creating an additional application - does not speed up the response time, and may be regarded and at all as spam.

Mail technical support

Difficulties arise, not only registered users, but also those who have not yet decided to make a questionnaire. For such people, there is a special form of communication - Email technical support.

Enough to write a letter to the address - [Email Protected] , with a description of the resulting complexity. The answer will go within a week, not earlier. Need faster? Get off

From open sources, it was possible to add a three more addresses, which can be contacted by the representatives of the administration:

  • [Email Protected] - for media representatives;
  • - representatives of advertising agencies;
  •\u003dNew_ads - help on advertising companies.

One of the most important omissions of the technical support department - there is no free hotline number, because the voice problem is solved much faster.

Ask a question from a mobile phone

Mobile phone users are also not deprived by the opportunity to communicate with the "support" of the social network. If everything is clear with the mobile version of the site - links are similar to the WEB version, with the application for smartphones will have to search.

1. Open the VKontakte mobile application menu, "Help" section.

2. Scroll through the list to the end and go to the buttons marked in the picture.

3. Answers to applications are located in the specified tab.

Feel free to continue communication with the operator until your problem is solved.

Answers to frequent questions

Instead of the usual results, I picked the frequent questions regarding the technical support of VC and I will try to give deployed answers to them.

What is the official site of the "support"? - It is not. Everything is solved through the contacts described above.

How to call hotline? - She is not. User support is carried out only in writing.

The operator did not help solve my problem, what to do? - After a couple of days, create another application, she will leave another specialist.

Hello, dear friends. Today, let's talk about the service of supporting the social network VKontakte, or rather, how to reach it.

Immediately I warn you that in all kinds of trifles in technical support does not need to write, it is easier to find a solution to your question on the Internet either in the database of answers to the social network itself. No need to take time from technical support workers on trifles. But if you really have a weighty reason to write, and your problem is not solved by reading the forums, then let's figure it out how to do it.

We go to your page, click on the top menu in the right corner and from the dropping list, choose the "Help" item:

We offer a section of help. We drive out that we want to learn from above to the appropriate field and click on the ENTER button:

You are displayed search results in which we can observe a list of answers that can help you. These are the answers that are in the social network database. Read the fluent, suddenly one of these answers will help you.

If nothing helped, we click on the button "it does not solve my problem":

At the next stage, we are asked why their answers did not help. We need to click on the reference "I have questions":

Everything, we inform us that the technical support works are very much, they also write to us how much time will pass, so that we will be answered. We read and press the "Ask a Question" button.

We pop up the field to enter an extended description of the problem. Describe your problem in detail, and I am sure that your problem will be solved:

Now I want to go back a little back, at that time, when I was hampered in the field and the list of answers was issued. I want to warn you that no answers may not be found. In this case, we write that I didn't find anything on request, and that if we want, we can write them. We do not refuse the offer and click on the link "Write to us."

That's the next screenshot, as this window can look like.

After clicking on the reference, you will enter the message entry page already familiar to us for the support service.

And the last thing I wanted to pay attention to this article is to the "My Questions" tab. Everything is placed there that the support service responses is also asked. You can always return to some point if some problem suddenly arise again. Technical support will resume the correspondence with you until the problem is solved.

On this I would like to complete this article. Write, do not hesitate, technical support at the social network VKontakte is quite adequate and polite, helps to solve some questions. But you, for our part, also ask adequate, do not mix the support service :)

To new meetings, dear friends. If something was not clear, you as always, you can ask your question in the comments.

Hi friends! This article will be discussed about the support service in VKontakte, namely how it can be contacted in order to ask any question, or solve the problems associated with the social network VK. When I needed to ask them for help, I didn't even immediately find, where the same page is where I can talk to take off. That's why I decided to write an article for those comrades who cannot find this disguised support. VK should be honest although it looks simple, but sometimes some details have to look for a very long time.

Immediately I want to tell those characters who are looking for a phone number by which you can contact them. On the phone, it is impossible to contact. No, of course, there is a phone number, but it does not advertise anywhere. Even if you manage to find a room, you will rather turn around it, and if it turns out to be called, you will be sent to solve your problems through the form on the site in VK or via mail. So immediately forget about the phone, and use communication methods with them, which I will describe in this article.

How to contact support in VKontakte from a personal page?

2. Go to the "Help" tab.

3. After you go, a page appears where the most popular questions are displayed. At the very top there is a small string in which you can write your question, and get a ready-made answer if it, of course, will be. But if the finished answer was not given, or need to be contacted with support, then write in this line any one word. I wrote a word that does not exist to save time. After that, the reference will come out at the bottom, it is called "None of these options is suitable." That's precisely on this link and go.

4. After you come to, you will fall on the page where you can write them.

Well, in principle, and all, write your question and send, after a while you will definitely come. An approximate response time will be shown to you after sending your appeal.

How to contact VK support via email (e-mail)?

Different situations are in life, for example you cannot write through your personal profile, since you do not have access to it for various reasons, but you need to write. Therefore, there is also a second option, this is an appeal via the mailbox. Emails send on [Email Protected] This option is fairly long, as they respond on average for such letters within 4 days.

Where to watch answers?

1. Go to your login and password on the profile from which they wrote.

4. After you get to the page, where you can watch all your contact with support, and naturally answers that you were given.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell. It seems that everything described everything in detail, but if something is incomprehensible, then ask questions in the comments.

Very good, if the material of this step-by-step instruction of the site, our reader is never useful.

In principle, in VK there is a powerful and detailed system of automatic issues and answers, so that to write the administrator in VC really is not often.

So, on the memory of the author of the site there was a case with an unauthorized publication of a private home video without a knowledge, and the permission of the author's lines. Speaking easier, the attackers simply posted a private video on the network, for the removal of which had to turn to the administration in VK.

As a result, the prohibited video was removed, and the appeal to technical support in VC had its own action. What clearly indicates that it is possible to write administrators, and sometimes even needed.

About how to apply to the technical support of the site VKontakte, we will talk in this article-instruction.

How to write an administrator in VK: Step-by-step instructions

1. First of all, we will have to enter your personal account by entering a secret login and password.

We get to the WC help page:

Find the answer itself will be faster than waiting for several days or hours of response administrators VK.

Who knows, maybe your question is not so rare, but there is already an answer to it. Then the administrator will not have to write anything to the administrator.

In case your problem is solved only through administrators, then ...

4. Open any help point. For example, the top point is " My page was blocked!"(Or any other item).

Find under the 2 buttons under decision: "This solves my problem" and " It does not solve my problem. " You need to choose the second:

5. Here choose the last - bottom item " I have questions left»

6. The information window opens " Approximate waiting time "where we report that administrators are very downloaded and busy, which will have to wait for a response.

This is normal. Look at the time of waiting - it will suit you? If yes - click the " Ask a Question".

  • Title (upper empty field)
  • Test text for administration (large text field).

In addition, to solve the problem, it will be useful to specify links to the page of the VKontakte website, for which problems or questions arose. Also does not prevent:

  • the essence of the problem or question (for example: "Photos are not loaded, Error pops up");
  • time or date Detection of the problem (for example: "Tried to upload a photo yesterday and today - the problem does not disappear");
  • what exactly do you want to get from the technical support of VC (for example: "Help download a photo on my page" and links to photos or attached pictures through the "Attach" option).

8. Upon completion of the formation of your message, when the text of the appeal will be ready, click "Send". We are answering the answer from the site administration.

In fact, it is impossible to consider all possible problems and questions within this step-by-step instruction.

Each social network user has their own questions and problems on working with the site system. Nevertheless, this article article will teach our readers to compile any appeal or look for ready-made answers to their issues and difficulties.

The message forms page opens through special scripts that are available only after searching for ready-made solutions and in case of non-response to requests.

Additionally, I would like to note that the response of technical support in VKontakte may not follow. It is natural, if you consider how many appeals the administration in VC gets daily and hourly.

If you need to wait, the VKontakte system reports openly, and the user sees a message type:

« Unfortunately, the answer to your question can be received only after 15 hours... "Well, or like that. In any case, the response will follow correctly and sent to technical support.

Wait for it, and do not hesitate to seek help. VKontakte employs ordinary people who will definitely help cope with your problem.