Marinated cobweb recipe in the brine. Culinary recipes and photo records

Marinated cobweb recipe in the brine. Culinary recipes and photo records
Marinated cobweb recipe in the brine. Culinary recipes and photo records

Tolstolobik is a very tasty freshwater fish, its meat can be sophisticated without difficulty and salt themselves at home. Applying a little effort, as a result, you can get not only delicious, but the main thing is a very useful snack, which can be the original decoration of any festive table. Tolstolobik is quite rarely used to prepare the ears, baked and fried dishes, because in the pulp of this fish there are many small bones. It is recommended to process small fish, for the preparation of a kitlet or acute spicy snack. And so the thick-carob is great for marination, the size of the rise is not important for the preparation of this snack. The main requirement, the product must be fresh, frozen pieces cannot be used.

Properly pickled or saline thick carp can without any problems are stored at home for three to four months.

Recipe 1. Marination in oil

In order to pick up a delicious thick-carp in oil, the following ingredients will be required :

  • Tolstolobik is not a large one kilogram;
  • Vinegar fifty ml;
  • Oil vegetable three hundred ml;
  • Onion Four pieces;
  • Sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Special seasoning for salting fish.

Cooking process

Fish is cleaned of scales, fins, head and tail are cut off. Clean. Carefully washed in flowing cold water. Next, fall asleep salt so that the whole surface of the fish is completely hidden, and give it in a cold place for two hours.

After being started to cook acetic marinade, one tablespoon of vinegar is bred in one liter of water and placed fish for forty minutes into this mixture. A well-fused fat carp is removed from the water, rinsed well and cut into small pieces. The pieces neatly lay out layers into glass dishes. Each layer is plentifully sprinkled with a special seasoning for salting fish, a little sugar, are paved and poured with vegetable oil. After all the fish is laid out, it is necessarily covered with a flat plate, a heavy oppression is installed on top, you can a jar of three-liter with water and sent for six o'clock in the refrigerator. After the expiration of this time, the thick-carob is fully prepared for use.

In order for fish to give a flavor, sharp and spicy taste, it is not recommended to experiment and different seasonings, so you just risk spoiling a dish, special ready seasoning for salting fish is the perfect option.

Recipe 2. Pickup marination in spicy marinade

In order to prepare this snack, the following ingredients will be needed. :

  • Fresh thick carp two kilograms;
  • Onion five pieces;
  • Oil vegetable two hundred grams;
  • Lavar leaf;
  • Caraway;
  • Vinegar;
  • Salt;
  • Coriander.

Cooking process

Fish is cleaned of scales, all fins are cut off, cut off her head and tail. After this fillet of the fish are placed in a salt solution for six hours. In order to prepare the solution, one liter of water and two hundred grams of salt are needed.

Preparation of marinade is prepared as follows: Mix forty ml. The vinegar with butter vegetable, cumin and confused coriander are added to the mixture, and the bay leaf. Onions are separately cut by half rings. Prepare enameled or glassware, in which the fish will be pickled.

Fish is cut into small pieces, each separately fumulates abundantly in the marinade and laid neatly in the dishes, the onions are stacked on top of the rings. The remnants of the marinade pour the top layer. The dishes filled with fish are cleaned into the refrigerator, and it is possible to brew for three hours. Upon expiration of this time, a pickled casproof can be boldly to eat.

Recipe 3. Marinated Tolstolobic

This recipe for pickled a crowded is proposed in two versions. They differ significantly from each other in ways and duration of fish processing.

Marinated Tolstolobic - Option First . This method of cooking makes it possible to get a very fast spicy snack, literally in six to seven hours. Tolstolobic marinated when stored in the refrigerator will become even tastier and rich. The recipe of this dish implies a thorough mixing of all ingredients and insistence them in a cold place. It is recommended to use pre-slightly salted fish. But if you do not have enough time for this, then the flesh of the fish should cut into small pieces, separating it from the ridge and bones.

Required ingredients:

  • Fresh bite three hundred grams;
  • Fresh juicy carrot two hundred grams;
  • Salt three hundred grams for salting;
  • Salt hundred grams for marinade;
  • Various spices of your taste four spoons;
  • Vegetable oil, better than a fraction of two hundred ml;
  • Vinegar 9% one hundred seventy ml.

Cooking process

Fish will crack, clean, cut off, thoroughly wash the outside and inside. Then across divide on thin and long slices. For one hour the pieces fall asleep with salt, they rub it off and stirred, it was not treated in advance. Then the fish is washed with cold water and give it a little drain. The most subtle slices begin to prepare immediately, without prior to implies. Crude carrots and onions are cut by large pieces and stirred with spices and fish. The resulting mass is placed in a saucepan, slightly tamping. Poured all with oil and vinegar. Two hours insist at room temperature and stir regularly, then the pan is sent to the refrigerator. The lid is tightly closed after seven hours you can try to try.

The pickaxe pickled is the second option. Marinated fish prepare somewhat differently. The recipe for this dish from the previous one is distinguished by the duration of the processing of the thick-carp meat. First of all, the meat is placed in salt for twelve hours. Then they are soaked, changing the water a couple of times. Most often, in a solution, the fish is not more than thirty minutes. After that, fish fill with vinegar for two hours. The frontal pieces of fish are placed in another ass, mix with onions and spices. It is recommended to use a special Korean seasoning for marinating fish. Appetizer Piquant is practically ready. It is poured half the oil of vegetable. The second half heats up to a boil with a shredded fresh onion. Mass stirred with chopped greens and put in a refrigerator for storage.

Recipe 4. Marinated Tolstolobic

In the autumn and winter period of time, an excellent dish can be a tasty pickled thick carp. It is this marinated fish that is the best decoration of any festive table. You can easily surprise your guests with a new snack.

Required ingredients :

  • Fresh fish - a thick-carob one thing;
  • Onion one;
  • Lavar Leaf One;
  • Sugar, salt, pepper black to taste;
  • Vinegar;
  • Oil vegetable hundred ml.

Cooking process

For preparation it is recommended to buy a large fish, preferably more than three kilograms. The big fish are not so many bones, so it is ideal for marinating. The pickaxe pickled has amazing taste and is practically no different from fish expensive varieties. This preparation recipe is very simple.

Fish is cleaned and washed thoroughly. Cut on medium pieces. Pretty rubbing the mixture of salt and sugar. For impregnation, leave it, for a whole night in the refrigerator.

In a three-liter jar, the fish is layered by layers. Onions are placed on each of the layers, and add one teaspoon of vinegar. Picking in this way, the fish is sent to the fridge for the whole day. The next day, pickled a thick carp can already be eaten.

Recipe 5. pickled pickled

List of essential food cooking products :

  • Fresh thick-carob one kilogram;
  • Orange one;
  • Lemon one;
  • Crushed ginger five grams;
  • Spices for fish;
  • Fennel seeds;
  • Onions onions two pieces;
  • Salt sixty grams;
  • Sugar forty gram;
  • Onion green for sprinkling;
  • Dill;
  • Vegetable oil as needed.

Cooking process

  • First of all, the fish is clean and separated, the fish must be fresh. She is lowered for ten minutes in very cold water, then take into his hands and rub it a little with a small salt.
  • This process helps to get rid of the excess odor of Tina, as this is a characteristic smell for river fish. The fish is cleaned, let's get off, cut off the tail and head, later of them you can cook broth.
  • Along the whole fishery, on top of the ridge make an incision knife. And thus liberate fish from the ridge. It is also possible to simply cut it with steaks with the bones of the ridge.
  • Next, take a large container and put fish into it in such a way: two spoons of dining salts and one spoon of sugar sand are poured, the fish fillets are laid on this layer and sugar in the same quantity, then fillet and salt with sugar. The cargo is installed on the fish, and send it for two days to the refrigerator.
  • After time expires, the fish is removed from the refrigerator, the whole fluid should go out of the fish, and it should be very dense in its structure. Fish is thoroughly rinsed from salt and poured with water, and leave to stand for one hour.
  • Thus, two salted fish fillets should be obtained. Of these, you can now cook two types of snacks. One fillet is suspended in a cool place for a week, it will eventually come out of it, something like fishing bali.

Marinated Tolstolobic with Citrus Exotic Motics

  • From the second fillet prepare a pickled tolstolobc with citrus notes. For the marinade, the orange zest is put on a rather deep bowl, the juice of one orange and juice of lemon also add. Ginger is crushed and also sent to a bowl, the fennel seeds add, spices for fish, salt to your taste. Thorough marinade is mixed.
  • Take the bank, a couple of orange fucked on her bottom. The part of the marinated fillet is lowered into the jar, then alternate layers of orange and fish, and onions cut by thin half rings. Fish is abundantly poured by marinade and tamper it. Top poured a couple of spoons of vegetable oil. Then the jar is closed with a lid and remove the refrigerator overnight. The next day, a delicious pickled cobster is ready to use. For more convenience, it is recommended to cut into small pieces. Finished fish is served on a wide plate, richly decorated with chopped dill and onions.

Recipe 6. Polished Pickup

For the preparation of this recipe, any kind of oily fish is perfect for the recipe: trout, pink salmon, a thick-carob, sazan, is perfect for a thick carp. The basis of this preparation recipe is Korean Salad - hee from fish, only some products add there, and in this case only the method of delicious Marinovka of the fish itself remains. The result is a rather tasty dish.

Required ingredients:

  • Fresh thick-carob;
  • Salt;
  • Vinegar 9%;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Bulb onions.

Cooking method

Fish is prepared, cleaned and wage. Cut into thin pieces, then these pieces each is cut along. The belly is separated and cut separately, slices should turn out not very large, smoothly so that they are well blocked. The bottom of the container in which it is planned to make fish, sprinkle with salt and lay the first layer of fish. Her tops are abundantly falling asleep with salt, it is not recommended to regret, since let the fish be good enough to spare than it will be raw. So every layer of fish, then it is pressed by the press and leave for six hours.

Upon the expiration of this time, the fish was washed in water and poured with vinegar, so drowned in it. Again pressed the press, and leave for five hours. Then the surplus of vinegar is drained, the finished fish is poured with vegetable oil and sprinkled with sliced \u200b\u200bthin rings of onions, and served to the table.

As you can see, there is no complicated in the home marination, the main thing is to comply with all the recommendations.

Prepare marinated fish at home - very simple. This is a wonderful snack that can be served and both completely independent dish and prepare on the basis of any salad with fish. With such a pickled thick carp, you can cook snacks with creamy oil sandwiches and greens. The best garnish for such fish will be potatoes - fried, boiled in uniform, baked in the oven slices or potato mashed potatoes.

Any fish in which there are few bones, ranging from Hebe and ending with salmon, trout is suitable for marinization. Tolstolobic, pickled in vinegar with onions and vegetable oil - gorgeous treat!

  • Tolstolobik
  • Sunflower oil
  • Onions - 3-4 big heads
  • Vinegar 9%

Do not be surprised that the recipe does not indicate the exact number of products. You can take as much as you need or to taste.

So, a step-by-step photo recipe for pickled a crowd

We begin with the preparation of products, clean the thick-carp and onions. Fish needs to be thoroughly rinsed after cleaning to remove the remains of the scales.

Fish mode in small pieces of 4-3 cm wide, cut off the fins. To do this, it is convenient to use kitchen scissors.

Share fish into a deep bowl or plate, sprinkle with salt. Cover the plate smaller and put on top of the goods (a jar with water, brick, wrapped with a package, etc.). Leave the thick-carp under load for 2-3 hours.

Onions cut into half rings.

After the fish got mastered, rinse it under running water from excess salt, to dry a little and put in a jar or an enameled pan with a bow, alternating layers, as in the photo. Top to pour the thick-carp with vinegar so that it covers the entire surface. Put fish to pickle in the fridge for 5-6 hours.


This classic snack of avid fisherman will be tastier if add spicy spices: peas pepper, dried herbs, bay leaf. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice.

We put the fish again with layers with a bow and fill with sunflower oil. We put in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and better for a day.

After the last time, we get our thick-carp picking in vinegar, and you can try.

Bon Appetit!

Tolstolobic is fresh fish, which is very easy to pick up with her own hands. Properly saline fish can be served as a snack for holidays and on the usual family dinner. In addition, marinated fish can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. Thus, the thickness carp will be preserved in the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

How at home to pick up a thick carp in oil?

A very popular option that allows you to prepare gentle and delicious fish.

For her you need to take such ingredients: 1 kg Tolstolobka, 300 g of vegetable oil, 3 bulbs, vinegar, salt, sugar and seasoning for fish.

To pick up the fish, we recommend separating the cooking process into several stages:

  • Starting with the preparation of fish that you need to clean from scales, cut your head and fins. Then remove the inside and rinse the carcass in running water. Put it with salt so that the entire surface is covered. Place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours;
  • At this time, you need to make marinade at home, for which connect water and vinegar at the rate of 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. spoon. It should be put in half an hour;
  • After the time expires, get the thick-carp and cut it with small pieces. Take a flat glass dishes and put the pieces in it with layers. Each layer must be sprinkled with spices, a small amount of sugar, sliced \u200b\u200bby semiring onions and fill with oil;
  • It remains to cover the whole flat plate and install the oppression of it, for example, a three-liter water bottle. Leave all for 6 hours. In the refrigerator.

How to pick up a tolstolobka like a herd?

Thanks to this recipe, the fish in taste is obtained as a beloved to many sled. Everything is preparing very easily and quickly.

For this option you need to take such ingredients: 1.6 kg of a thick-carp, 300 g of onions, 100 g of carrots, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 80 g of salts, 40 g of sugar, 50 ml of lemon juice, pepper peas and bay leaf.

We start with the preparation of fish, which should be cleaned, remove the insides and wash well. You still need to remove bones, head and fins. After that, make a carcass with portion pieces that should not be large.

Connect salt and sugar, and then, in the resulting mixture, cut the prepared pieces from all sides. Connect the oil, lemon juice and half a hydro mixture. In the marinade, put the fish and mix well with your hands to get tasty.

Go to vegetables: Bow Cut rings, and soda carrots on a large grater. Take the bank and lay out the fish into it, periodically laying the layers of vegetables. Add a couple more laurel leaves and black pepper peas.

Pour the remaining oil marinen in the bank. Close it by the caproic lid and leave it for several hours at room temperature. After that, put the bank in the refrigerator or in a cold place.

After a couple of days everything will be ready. It is important to notice the longer the process of marinization will last, the more tastier will be a thick carp.

How is the fillet of a tolstolube to pick up Korean?

For fans of piquancy, this particular option is suitable. This is a beautiful dish for a festive table.

For cooking you need to take such ingredients: 500 g fillets, 3 bulbs and carrots, 5 garlic teeth, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, soy sauce and 9% vinegar, 2 tbsp. Spoons of salt, 100 ml of lean oil, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry chili, coriander, greens and vegetable oil.

This recipe also begins, as in other options from the preparation of fish. Fille rinse in running water, and dry it with a paper towel.

Cut it with small pieces to make everything well blocked. Put them in a saucepan, fill with oil and vinegar, cover the lid and leave for a couple of hours. At this time, we clean and cut onion onion with rings, and squeezed carrots rudder on the grater. Garlic skip through the press.

After two hours, all the prepared vegetables will be put on the fish and pretty mix it with their hands. In a separate container in soy sauce, dissolve sugar, add spices, mix everything and pour to the fish.

To further reveal the taste of the dish, the pieces of fillet are encouraged to fry on hot oil for 5 minutes.

How is the thick-carp tasty to pick up with ginger?

Fish prepared on this recipe, it turns out very tasty. Its original taste will like even demanding gourmet.

For cooking you need to take such ingredients: 1 kg of fillet, lemon, orange, bulb, 1 tsp of crushed ginger, spices, fennel seeds, 3 tbsp. Sugar spoons, 6 tbsp. Spoons of salt, green onions and vegetable oil.

Now we'll figure it out how to pick up thick and quickly and quickly:

  • Take a deep container from plastic and put fish into it: on the bottom there are several spoons of salt, a spoonful of sugar and pieces of fillet, and it is as many spices, as at the beginning;
  • Then there is the next layer of fish, etc. Put the board on top, and install the cargo on it. Put the whole design for a couple of days in the refrigerator;
  • After the time expires, get the fillet and rinse it to remove the extra salt. After that, fill it with water for an hour;
  • At this time, prepare the marinade for which in the bowl of the orange zest and squeeze the juice from it, and then from Lemon. I put the ginger there;
  • Then send the spices there, the fennel seeds and mix the marinade thoroughly;
  • In order to pick up a thick-carp at home, you should take a bank and put a few pieces of orange and fish to the bottom, then layer onion, oranges and fish again;
  • Top to pour the marinade and give a pretty one;
  • Add some oil, close the jar, put in the refrigerator;
  • Day Fish will be marinated and in the end it can be eaten. The taste of this fish will be remembered for a long time!

All the above recipes, how to pick up crowds, simple and, if desired, can cope with them. The main thing is to follow the recipe, but if you wish, you can experiment with spices. Remember that it is important not to rearrange, so as not to kill the taste of the fish itself.

About such a snack as I knew quite a long time, but everything somehow slowed to try to get it in practice. If a fresh thick carp appeared in the house, as a rule, it frying it in a flour in a pan, or he causing with carrots and onions. Literally the other day I bought a big crowd and immediately remembered that I had long wanted to pickle it.

The benefit of my old culinary book quickly found a long-recorder recipe for a pickled roller carp with bow and vinegar at home, which one good acquaintance shared with me was shared. Immediately remembered the sharp and spicy taste of a pickled chatter carp, which she treated me then. To taste, the fish turned out no worse than salty.

It is no secret that the thick-carob exactly as somewhere is a river fish with a specific taste of meat. The meat of these fish smells of tina and mule. Unlike fried fish, pickled fish thanks to a spicy marinade, cooked with the addition of vinegar, spices and a bunk, absolutely not smelling tina.

And now let's go to the recipe and see how preparing marinated Tolstolobik Stepgovo with photos.


  • Tolstolobik - 1 carcass,
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon,
  • Vinegar table 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Spices: Spices to fish, black peas pepper, coriander, bay leaf,
  • Water - 500 ml.,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Sunflower oil refined - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Marinated Tolstolobik at home - Recipe

Prepare marinade. To do this, pour water into the saucepan. Pour the table 9% vinegar.

Following it add sugar and salt. The amount of sugar and salt at the end of the preparation of the marinade can be corrected to their taste.

It remains to be made by marina spices. Pass the coriander and peas.

Put the bay leaf.

Let the marinada boil. After boiling, negotiate it for another 2-3 minutes. Try the taste. It should be sufficiently salted and sour. Remove from the stove and let cool.

Clean and cut the quaterns or half rings onions.

While the marinade will cool, prepare crowded to pickle. Fish clean the husk. Cut your head. By the way, do not try to throw it out, because of it, together with the tail you can cook a beautiful homemade fishing ear. I have a recipe for such a mustache, it remains only to publish it. Remove the belly. Get inside. Cut the tail. The resulting carcass was rinsed with a fish carcass under running water.

It remains to cut the fish into small pieces. To get them, for the beginning, the thick-carp should be cut into steaks (pieces) with a thickness of 2-3 cm.

Next, each steak cut the ridge into two parts. The ridge can be left in the fish or carefully cut off his knife, it is already at will. But the skin with pieces do not need to remove fish. Prepared Tolstolob's slices fold in a bowl.

As soon as the marinade cools and get room temperature, it can be used to marinating a thick-carp. For marination, the cropper is very convenient to use plastic containers with a lid. Put into the container pieces with crowded.

Sprinkle fish onions from above.

Pour marinade.

Be sure to put a bay leaf from the marinade tray. During marination, he will become an additional flavor of a thick-carp. Pieces of fish must be completely covered with marinade. Top pour marinade with sunflower oil. Cover the tray with a thick-carp lid. Put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours. In some recipes pickled a crowd, which I found on the Internet it is indicated that for salting the fish will be enough 2 hours.

In fact, even small pieces of fish for such a short period of time will not have time to wake. The upper part of the pieces of fish can be salted, while in the middle of the fish can be completely tasteless and raw. Therefore, I strongly recommend to hold fish in marinade at least five hours.

Personally, I personally pickled a pickaxe at home with vinegar and onions much tastier on the second day. I also want to draw attention to the fact that pieces of a thick-carp on the edges in the finished form will change the color to white. Fish meat will become as boiled. This is normal. The fact is that under the influence of onions and vinegar and salt the structure of fish fibers, and more precisely the protein is broken, as a result, the meat is a white shade, like boiled.

How best to serve a pickled crowded. For a festive table, a piece of thick-carp can be put in the center of the plate, decorated with salad leaves, dill and parsley. Beautifully will look unfolded on the edge of the dish of olives, slices of lemon or cherry tomatoes. From above on fish, you can lay onions from marinade or cut the ring of fresh onions.

Marinated Tolstolobik at home. Photo

Among the recipes of a marinated tolstolobik home-friendly, the recipe for pickled a pick-up in a can of carrots with carrots deserves attention. To salting the fish in this way it will also be necessary for a simple list of products.


  • Tolstolobik - 1 carcass,
  • Onions - 2 pcs.,
  • Carrot - 1 pc.,
  • Single lemon juice
  • Water - 1 cup,
  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml.,
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. Spoon with a slide,
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon,
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pieces,
  • Black peas - 4-6 pcs.

Marinated Tolstolobik in a jar with carrots - recipe

Preparation of a thick-carp on this recipe begins with the preparation of fish fillet. The throttle to the throttle to cut the tail and head. Cut fins. Put on the back. Press it in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ridge, trying to turn her sides to the surface of the table. Thus, you will have a revealed fish. Make an incision near the ridge, where the tail of the fish. Carefully get the ridge.

Remove the rib tweezers and other other large fish bones. Fish cut along into two parts. Next, cut across the strips with a thickness of 2-3 cm. Slices of a thick-carp fold into a bowl. Prepare marinade. Pour cold boiled water in a bowl. Add lemon juice into it, black peas, salt, sunflower oil and sugar. Marinade Mix.

With carrots and onions, remove the peel. Cutting on a grater for Korean carrots, bow down by half rings. Loke with carrot mix.

Prepare a two-liter jar. At the bottom of the bank lay out pieces of a thick carp. Plush fish onion and carrots. Put the bay leaf. Put the fish layer again. So alternate the layers until the fish end. A jar with fish and vegetable slicing pour marinade. Cover the lid. Tolstolobik in marinade made of oil with lemon juice, onions and carrots in the refrigerator.

Marinated Tolstolobik in a jar with carrots and onions In oil will be ready after 12 hours. No less tasty it turns out and.

I offer a proven recipe for marinating a crowded at home in a vinegar with a bow. Fish is performed in the measure of salt, with a minimum amount of vinegar. Such a pickled tolstock is an excellent addition to boiled, fried or baked potatoes. Since the fish is in the future flooded with vegetable oil, it is possible to store it in the refrigerator for about a month.


To prepare a pickled cropper in a vinegar with a bow, it will be necessary:
fresh thick carp - 1-1.5 kg;
onions - 6-7 pcs.
For marinada:
water - 1 liter;
salt - 100 g;
sugar - 100 g;
vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.;
grains mustard - 1 tsp;
coriander grains - 1 tsp. ;
carnation - 2-3 buds;
black peas - 1 tsp;
fragrant pepper - 5-7 pieces;
vegetable oil - 700-800 ml.

Stages of preparation

Clean the cushion from scales, remove the insides.

Feds and tail Cut with kitchen scissors, remove the gills and eyes. We will not need a tail and head for marinating, you can cook ear or bay.

Remove the saucepan from the stove, let the marinada cool down, add vinegar, mix. Lower the prepared pieces of the thickness car in the marinade, put a small plate on top. Put the fish to marinate into the refrigerator for 1-1.5 days.

Then drain marinade.

Clean the onions and cut on the rings, either half a rings.

In pure banks, put the layerly pickled pieces of the thick-carp and onions, filter from above with vegetable oil (it should completely cover the fish). Fish can be stored in the enameled saucepan, but necessarily in the refrigerator.

Remove in the refrigerator for a day. After a day, fish is ready. A pickled roller carp in a vinegar with a bow is obtained very tasty, I definitely advise you to take advantage of this recipe!

Tasty and pleasant moments!