Alexander Antonovich Soloduha: Biography. Alexander Soloduch - Singer

Alexander Antonovich Soloduha: Biography. Alexander Soloduch - Singer
Alexander Antonovich Soloduha: Biography. Alexander Soloduch - Singer

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum, born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad (USSR), Soviet and Russian author, performer, singer, composer, poet, actor, writer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of classmates from the 1st Medical Institute, Yakov Schmarievich Rosenbauma and Sophia Semenovna Milyaeva. Yakov and Sophia graduated from the institute in 1952, and then the Rosenbaum family went to live in East Kazakhstan, to the city of Zyryanovsk, where there was no railway. Yakov, a urologist, became the chief physician of the city hospital there; The profession of Sofia is an obstetrician-gynecologist. For six years, Father and Sasha's mother were treated by the inhabitants of Zyryanovsk. In the same period, another son was born in the family - Vladimir Rosenbaum.

Pinochetes only three thousands of those who came up against the regime with a weapon in his hands. There was also an ordinary Kabatsky Labuh Victor Hara, from which there was not. And he just went with everyone, disturbing.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

Alexander began to make music from five years old. He graduated from school on the street of the uprising - School No. 209, the former Pavlovsky Institute of Noble Maiden, his parents studied here, then - daughter. He graduated from the music school number 18 in the class of piano and violin first under the leadership of Larisa Yanovna Ioffe, and then - the Talented Teacher Mary Alexandrovna Glushchenko. My grandmother's brick was the famous guitarist Mikhail Alexandrovich Minin, who had learned the Azam, the playing guitar he studied himself, participated in amateur time, then graduated from the evening music school in the class of arrangements. He played for friends, playing at home, played in the yard. According to Alexander Yakovlevich, he "on stage from five years old." I went to figure skating, in 12 years I switched to the "Labor reserves" box.

In 1968-1974 he studied at the First Medical Institute in Leningrad. Until now, there is concerts every year. By chance he was excluded from the institute, but they did not take into the army because of poor vision. Alexander Rosenbaum went to work in the hospital. A year later, Rosenbaum recovered at the institute and finished his education. In 1974, having passed on excellent state exams, Alexander received a general medical-therapist diploma. His specialization is anesthesiology and resuscitation. I went to work in ambulance, on the first substation located on the street of Professor Popova, d. 16b, not far from the native institute.

Engaged in the evening jazz school at the Palace of Culture. S. M. Kirov. Songs began to write since 1968 at the Institute for Capups, Student performances, vocal instrumental ensembles and rock bands. In 1980 he went to professional stage. He played in various groups.

He who did not know that happiness did not find any luck.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

Rosenbaum's family life began early, but the first marriage lasted for a short time. After a year, Rosenbaum married again, this time on his classmate, and their daughter Anna was born. Alexandra Rosenbaum had a choice between the profession of a doctor, according to which he had already worked for 5 years and found himself, and a pop career. The choice was made in favor of music.

He performed as part of groups and ensembles: "Admiralty", "Argonauts", VIA "Six young", "Pulse" (under the pseudonym of Ayarov, from "A. Ya. Rosenbaum").

The pain who did not recognize, did not find the joy sincerely.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

In 2003, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of Russia from the Party "United Russia".

Vice-President and Artistic Director of the Concert Department of the Society "Great City".

Chairman of the Council of the Foundation for the Development of the Historical Heritage "Kronstadt". "The restoration of the Marine Cathedral of Kronstadt and the return of its people to serve the idea for which he was created is to be the main maritime temple of the country, - according to the Chairman of the Council of the Foundation, Alexander Rosenbauma, is the" Holy Task "."

Age is the state of the soul, the body conflicting sometimes.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

June 28, 2005 Signed a letter to 50 representatives of the public in support of the sentence to the former leaders of Yukos.

Lives and works in St. Petersburg.

Signed at the number of 42 famous St. Petersburgers an open letter to President Dmitry Medvedev in support of the construction of the "Okhta Center".

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum - Photo

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum - Quotes

I do not fix anything. This is the norm. The rate for a strong man who I would like to count myself.

The biography of Rosenbauma Alexander is full of interesting events and steep turns. Today, this singer knows far beyond the limits of the CIS countries. However, few people know that if his fate had developed differently, instead of the musician, the world could get an excellent athlete or a talented physician.

Far home

The family of a brilliant artist is very closely connected with the doctoral business. His mother and dad - Sophia and Yakov - the indigenous Leningraders, and together studied at the Medical Institute. Not yet received diplomas, they got married. And on September 13, 1951, the firstborn was born in a small new family. Boy called Sasha. In 1952, young parents successfully passed the exams, and in a year, according to the Soviet Program, they went to work to the East of Kazakhstan. There he spent his early childhood Alexander Rosenbaum. Its biography is closely connected with the town of Zyryanovsky, who became his new home. In this village, there were people who had previously sent the power to the link. His mother worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist, the father in the specialty was a urologist, but in parallel performed the duties of the chief physician.

In a small town, residents managed to open a music school, where he began to master beautiful art of Sasha. Parents believed that education was necessary for the Son. The singer himself says that he is on stage from 5 years.

In 1956, the second son was born in the family, which Vladimir was named.

Having worked for 6 years in Kazakhstan, parents and children returned to Leningrad. Since mom and dad were constantly busy, the boy brought up her grandmother. She worked as a proofer, so the baby learned the baby very early to read and write. From the smallest years, he helped a woman to check articles, therefore, in adulthood almost did not make grammatical mistakes.

Childhood in the yard

It was his grandmother very much influenced his fate, as Alexander Rosenbaum says. The biography and the creative path of the famous singer would have formed differently without this woman. It was she who first noticed that the child had a gift to music. Therefore, the baby from five years old attended violin courses, and later the piano. However, such classes were interested in his little.

The boy was much more liked life in the yard. A young family settled on Nevsky Prospect. At all, they shared a small room in a communal.

Especially stormy events took place on the street. Sasha was a common robber: at 13 he began smoking cheap cigarettes, and after a while I cut the port of Portver. Often participated in fights. Although in general, as a man remembers, he was a rather calm and obedient child.

Parents, noticing the hot-tempered character of the Son, decided to curb him, giving it to the sports section for figure skating. However, already in 12 years, Sasha switched to boxing. There, his coach was Grigory Kusykjanz, from under the leadership of which there were talented athletes. The Biography of Rosenbaum could not be associated with music. After all, the young man did significant progress in boxing, and he really liked such lessons.

Classes were not in vain, the guy became a candidate for the master of sports. He could have a good future like a fighter. But the creative side of the soul won. It should be noted that the parents were against such a career for the Son. Today, a man declares that Boxing helped him confidently hold on to the stage, because she is very similar to the ring.

Football Steps

At 13, the teenager heard the game of one jazz pianist. Music so faded the guy that he immediately wanted to repeat amazing notes. Subsequently, he met Mikhail Mini. The famous guitarist was his grandmother's neighbor. When a man learned that the guy is interested in music, he taught him to play the instrument. So the Biography of Rosenbaum has already crossed with notes. The artist showed him asses, then Sasha independently and persistently studied the guitar game.

At 16, Alexander began writing poetry. At first, from under his pen, there were uncouth lines, and then the columns that were well rhymed and had a deep meaning. Themes for the writings of the young poet were their native city, sympathy, patriotic motives. These were the first steps to our own songs.

When after school, the question arose about where to go to learn, the young man did not think for a long time. Like his relatives, he entered the Medical Institute. A very big influence was the choice of profession on his life, as Alexander Rosenbaum himself said. Personal life began to emerge at the desk, then he began to develop as a musician.

He often entertained the public with his playing guitar. Also performed beautiful songs. One of his work secretly sent to Kiev to the competition of author's compositions. Then the guy received a prime of visual sympathies. This event happened in the first year.

Two love

Contributed to the development of musical talent. At the university, many young people created groups. In one of the teams, namely "Argonauts", and Sasha performed. Then he first declared himself as a songwriter, vocalist and guitarist. His works were very popular among young people.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich studied very well at the Institute. However, the guy's misunderstanding was expelled. As it turned out, Sasha once did not go to collect potatoes. The administration did not like it, and the young man without regrets were kicked out of the university.

He was not taken to the army because of the problems with vision. For the next, free from study, he works as a paramedic, cares for sick. Alexander sees human pain, so without hesitation decides to return to the medical case.

In 1974, the guy successfully gives all exams and receives a specialty therapist. Even today, after many years after receiving a diploma, the artist gives concerts annually in his native Alma Mater.

Then the year is served on the ship. Upon return, it is set in ambulance.

During the student years, Rosenbaum married. Biography, personal life and even the name of his first companion are unknown. With his wife Sasha lived for 9 months, after which the couple broke up.

However, the period of mourning was short. After a year, in 1975, the man married again. At this time, the chief officer Elena Savshinskaya became the chosen, which is still near the musician.

Poet who treats the soul

For a long time, Alexander worked in ambulance. Every day he had to deal with life and death. Of course, 5 years of work, the doctor did not pass in vain. Heavy labor influenced the soul of the poet. Fliely, deep songs flew from under the strings. In parallel with the work of Sasha ends the evening jazz school.

At this time, the Biography of Rosenbauma changes cool. Music ceased to be only a hobby for him, became one of the main things in life. Then Sasha was difficult to choose: a scene or medicine. He leaned toward the first.

The musician wrote about everything he inspired him. Many believe that the first songs of the singer were thorough compositions. However, in fact, he began his creative activity with romantic works. Melodies were gentle and simple. Alexander reflected a lot about love, fatherland and hometown. Cardiac feelings poured out such motifs as "Smoke of Love", "Warm Wind of Summer", "Window Cap".

Worried Rosenbaum and trouble war. His father fought in the Great Patriotic. Leningrad still remembered the difficult times of blockade. All this inspired his poetic soul. So the compositions "Red Wall" appeared, "on the road of life", "maybe there was no war?".

Protest in music

At first, the future star of the Russian pop performed underground. However, constant checks, raids and persecution tired him, and he decided to work at a legitimate level. Finally threw medicine a talented register Rosenbaum in 1980. He settled in Lenconcert and began to tour with the group "Pulse". However, no one is known, although an excellent musician was initially uninteresting to the public. For several years he spoke without poster and for the minimum salary. But the public loved the artist for sincerity and penetration.

Often the musician had problems with the Soviet authorities. Not all of his songs expressed that patriotism, which was needed by a leadership. For example, the compositions from the "Cossack cycle", "Babi Yar" and "Waltz 37 years" were subjected to considerable criticism from the party. The musician even advised the sake of his own security to complete concert activities. But Alexander was not going to give up and continued to convey to the public the truth in the form of a song.

Despite the persecution and threat, the singer Rosenbaum has gained more and more. The biography of the artist is changing after 1983. Then he begins to act as a soloist in different teams. The date on October 14 is considered the beginning of his solo career.

Especially insightful were his songs about Afghanistan. Rosenbaum was repeatedly in this country with concerts and even participated in hostilities. It should be noted that Alexandra did not have been released for war for a long time. However, Joseph Kobzon helped him there. Three times came on the battlefield of the singer. The "black tulip" became the most popular composition of this cycle.

Artist at zone

Rosenbauma is considered unique to such works he inspired "Odessa stories" Isaac Babel. For a very long time, this singer was considered a supporter of bandits and prisoners. Indeed, Alexander does not hide, which has connections with not very law-abiding people. However, the artist explains that every person is interesting to him, regardless of the past. All deserve respect - Alexander Rosenbaum is confident. Life is often unfair, so the star is equally well the star.

The singer was also repeatedly shared by the fact that among his good acquaintances there are thieves in law. Very often, the artist gives concerts in prisons. His managers declare that there is not a single correctional institution where the musician would not have visited. Alexander himself is confident that the song can be influenced by the soul.

Especially well he refers to young criminals. Even financially and morally helps one of the children's colonies. Rosenbaum says that young people are sitting there, who just got stuck in life. He hopes that his good word he carries through the song will be able to help them deal with the past and arrange a bright future.

Unforeseen stop

Not one stage of history survived Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich. The biography of this person is connected with many difficult periods. There was no poet aside and from the events of the 90s. At this time, the song "Something is wrong here", which expresses his attitude towards the situation in his native land. The works of "thieves in law", "posthumous note" and "arrow" were equally popular.

In the late 1980s, the concert activity of the artist was partially stopped. The first reason is the economic crisis, the second - frequent pieces of men. Alexander felt unnecessary and talentless. He rinsed his grief in a glass. Because of the harmful habit, even those performances that have already been planned are canceled. So it lasted until 1992.

Everything has changed after the fateful concert in Australia. Having lost extra, the musician lost consciousness. Then his heart stopped for a moment. Life singer saved a man who worked at the hotel where the group was stopped. He provided first medical care and called the doctor. Then, Alexander Rosenbaum almost died. Biography, personal life, creativity - everything flew before our eyes.

After this event, the artist decided to tie with alcoholic beverages. In an interview, he repeatedly stated that a Russian person is very difficult to stop on three stacks of vodka. And then it is almost impossible to completely throw a drink. However, with the help of professionals and psychologists, a man once refused alcohol forever.

Public figure

In 1993, the Gop Stop disk came out, which the audience was very loved. Then "Nostalgia" and "hot dozen" were released.

The singer cannot call himself. He also believes that not every artist stands such a title. For a very long time, his work was not recognized. But in 1996, the public noted the songs of the Golden Gramophone Prize. Subsequently, his beautiful compositions were honored with Chanson Year's awards.

In July 2001, the singer gave the title of People's Artist. The award was awarded the president himself, who positively appreciated the work of Alexander.

In 2003, he became a member of the United Russia party and was elected a deputy in Duma Rosenbaum. Biography (family, by the way, supported him in all endeavors) from now on acquired new paints. Alexander Yakovlevich was able to help people at the state level. He mostly cared for cultural issues and affairs. However, in 2005, the artist left a new position.

Engaged in another social work of the musician. The singer restores architectural monuments and helps young talents to organize concerts.

Bright charisma

Alexander publishes his own books where his best poems and songs are collected. Now he continues to speak with the group "Old Army". It should be said that his team never acts under the phonogram.

So far, many compositions writes Alexander Rosenbaum. Discography has already officially with 32 collection. I tried my strength and in the movie artist. Usually he plays in the episodic roles of himself.

During one of the interviews, he was asked whether he would remember how it was a doctor. The artist replied that the foundations of such a job could not be forgotten. After that, he had to confirm his words. The car in which the star was driving, suddenly stopped. It turned out that the accident occurred nearby, in which a pedestrian suffered. Rosenbaum, having learned that the doctors did not profit yet, went to the rescue. He examined the victim, led her to feel and took a dressing, after which, together with her, waited for an ambulance.

His daughter Anna successfully married a citizen of Israel. Children were born in their family. Now Alexander has four grandson. Together with the son-in-law, the artist leads business. They are engaged in a network of beer "fat franger".

The musician does not interview often, and in general, considers himself a simple, modest person. Alexander Rosenbaum continues to tour. The photo of the artist may well hand over its charisma and light energy!

(1959-01-18 ) (59 years)

Alexander Antonovich Soloduha (belor. Alyaxandr Antonavіch Saladuha; January 18. , Kamenka, Sergiev Posad district , Moscow region , RSFSR , the USSR) - Soviet and Belarusian singer. Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus (2018).


1989 - the work of the Song Theater Jadvigs Poplavskaya -Alexandra Tihanovich.

1991 - the beginning of a solo career, a performance with the group "Carousel". Songs: in Russian and Belarusian languages, Stylistics: Witch song. In the same year I got the nickname "funny milkman".

Takes part in television and radio broadcasts, performs concerts in the CIS countries.

In the late 1990s, the singer appeared again in Russia and began to cooperate with Alexander Morozov . In October 1999, a clip was shot on the song "Kalina". Rotation on Russian TV channels, including Russia ("Good morning Country!").

On July 3, 2000, the album "Kalina, Kalina" came out, who had good demand in Russia. But already on July 8, Soloduha went to Belarus again. Songs "Kalina", "hugged, did not love" and "swim, swim, sail" switched to the repertoire Brothers Radchenko.

In 2005, the presentation of the album "Hundreds of kilometers to love" (entered the compositions of past years and new songs). The song "Grapes" fell into rotation Road Radio.

September 20, 2007 A solo concert took place in the Vitebsk Summer Amphitheater (a hundredth concert within the tour in Belarus's cities in support of the album in 2007) Alexander Solodukhi "Hundreds of kilometers to love", dedicated to the 20-year anniversary of the concert activity of the artist.

In 2010, the album "You came true for me" with a clip to the title composition.

In 2011, a film was released about Alexander Sodozhe "My Eye's Daughters". In the frames of the film got Stas Mikhailov who also collaborated with Solodua as the author (songs "you, Favorite"). In the same year, Soloduha came to Russia again and recorded the album. November 11, he was released.

The album was met by a mixed review Ilya Malinovsky , which noted that hits seem to be such as "Hello, someone else's sweet" and "grapes", there is no disc. The material is too similar to songs from previous albums. Positively described music (except Mikhailov's song) and arrangements: "Only one of the most famous composers of the country could write so unpredictable musical moves" (Belarusian composer Oleg Eliseenkov). Texts of songs were criticized. According to Malinovsky, they are the most typical, but sincere and even the naive execution of Solodukh makes a certain meaning in them. An extremely negative journalist responded about the text of the song "Memory V.Muluavina " The fact that this text was listed as popular, according to Malinovsky, means that the author just "hid" "because of shame" for his media.

Alexander Soloduch is working on a new album, the release of which is scheduled for year 2014 . The title composition is already in 2012. hit on Russian radio.