Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms about good luck and fortune. Literature lesson on the topic: "Folk wisdom of proverbs and sayings

Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms about good luck and fortune. Literature lesson on the topic: "Folk wisdom of proverbs and sayings

Tatyana Tebenikhina

The theme of the interview that Sergey Evseyev gave our correspondent was the role of the department headed by the Department in the formation of a "sports component" of public consciousness. Sport unites people. We so wanted victory to our Olympians in Vancouver! Unsuccessful performance of the national team - a reason for analyzing the situation. It is necessary to decide which changes are required in organizing sports to adequately prepare for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. In the end, as folk wisdom says, "there is a rise for each descent."

- Sergey Petrovich, did not have time to calm down the Olympic passions after Vancouver. And the heat of these passions will not subsight - in 2014 the country is preparing to accept the Olympic flame in Sochi. There is a time to reflect where the weak link in the Russian sport system, which prevents our athletes to give their loud names to new world records.

Today in the Russian sports system of higher achievements, including in science, education, sports medicine, there is a crisis. I think that one of the main reasons for this is to reduce the role of state bodies of management such a social phenomenon as the sport of higher achievements. Not for benefit use scientific and educational institutions in fact uncontrolled independence, which is combined with symbolic financing of the most important areas of development of science and education, medical and anti-doping support.

- What is taking the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation to align the situation?

We are developing a set of measures to exit the situation. The main vector is the strengthening of state influence on the development of sports, science and education in the field of physical culture and sports in our country. Themed plans of research and development work approved until 2013. They will be financed from the federal budget due to the current activities. The federal target program "Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015" is being implemented. Research and development work is performed on a competitive basis and aimed, first of all, to improve the theory and methods of winter sports. This is an important area of \u200b\u200bpreparation for Sochi-2014.

- What scientific problems do you consider priority?

Several relevant areas: means and methods for improving the training of sports shifts of various qualifications; scientific and methodological support of sports of higher achievements and training of sports reserve; medical preparing athletes; The problem of doping. Model characteristics of athletes of participating in the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2012 and 2014 are very important. We pay a lot of attention to the strategic development of integrated target programs for various sports. The goal is to develop and approve the State Educational Standard for Professional Training Athlete-instructor on average professional education. This work is extremely important, because there is a powerful educational unit - 14 higher educational institutions, eight colleges of physical education and sports, nine schools of the Olympic reserve (colleges). All this educational network must function in accordance with unified state and educational standards.

- And yet, in your opinion, how should the formula for the success of our Olympians look like?

This formula can be removed from the alloy the main components. First of all, a systemic state approach is required and sufficient sport financing. Next - the development of the latest training technologies, alternative to doping "accelerators". Without widespread use of IT technologies today, it is not necessary to do it today, so we will equip sports bases and teams by scientific hardware. Currently, work has been completed on the creation of integrated scientific groups on all winter Olympic sports, which will work with the basic and reserve compositions of national teams.

- Doping problem becomes all larger. What conclusions can be made from a series of doping scandals, affected by our Olympians?

First of all, it is emphasized that doping is a common problem, it does not know borders and nationalities. As for us, the spread of doping in the sports of higher achievements, especially in those types that require stamina and strength, has become a consequence of folding scientific and methodical work.

- Is something changed today?

There is a kind of renaissance of research work in the sphere of sport. In addition, in the autumn of last year, a comprehensive plan of measures for anti-doping security of higher achievements was adopted, which accumulates 12 directions. A commission was established to comply with the International Convention and the requirements of the WADA Code in Russia. Russian anti-doping legislation continues to be improved and referred to with this important document.

- But doping control is possible only if there is an appropriate material and technical base?

The World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) accredited 35 laboratories, one of them is Moscow. And only these laboratories have a legal right to determine the presence of positive samples among athletes. Such a serious verdict is only accredited by laboratories. In Russia, all relevant functions accumulate with us, at the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy. Although our concerns are not reduced only to control, especially medical. In my opinion, 80% of success is the upbringing and education of young people. We introduced anti-doping information to all standards, prepared special training courses. Do not everyone know how many problems lies in harmless, at first glance, fitness. Often, the boy seeks to become strong as possible - and begins to take steroids. He does not set a goal to become a champion and get into the team team, and drugs accept to improve their physical condition. Ultimately, the health is applied irreparable harm! There is a well-known formula: "Ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility." So here - the result of ignorance becomes the disease. It is necessary to enlighten it, but this is a pedagogical task, and not medical ... Doping is a greater degree of the problem of worldview, self-esteem, an individual look for life. If the athlete is trying to achieve success with the help of doping, it means that he cannot use his potential, reveal it through training. After all, the use of artificial stimulants inhibits the potential capabilities of the body athlete to improve. There are many scientific research, including a biological plan, the results of which make it possible to use excellent training techniques, mobilizing the internal forces of the body to achieve the highest result.

- It turns out, the propaganda of a healthy lifestyle is able to create a healthy competitive environment?

We do a lot to create a positive image of Sport-shift, which counts on their own strength and ability to be released by nature. And modern scientific achievements will help him to improve this wealth. In addition, for medical support of the Sports of higher achievements, it is planned to organize the center of sports medicine of the national teams of Russia. Along with the medical control of the state of athletes and the correction of their state, the Center will be engaged in scientific research in the field of compensatory functions of the body.

Sergey Petrovich, in our conversation, the leitmotif sounds insistent - the basis of modern success is conjugate with excellent education. This opinion is adhere to many champions, both the current and transferred to teaching work. One coach somehow told me that he seduces his disciples that differ not so much by force as ... intelligence. And it was not about chess.

I fully agree with this statement. Speaking about education in the field of physical culture and sports, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that in the present, 2010, in our country there is a transition to state-owned educational standards of the third generation, implementing a two-level system of training of bachelors and masters. The most important direction of the development of education in this regard is the active development of master programs in the field of physical culture and sports for specialists and bachelors of other areas of training: in economics, management, jurisprudence, journalism, director, therapeutic case and others.

- already became the history of the 2009th, called the "Year of Equal Opportunities". Does this idea continue to develop today?

Of course, we even have a specialty transformed into a direction - physical culture for persons with disabilities in a state of health, the so-called adaptive physical education. An important area of \u200b\u200bsocial practice - Olympic (including Paralympic, Surdlimpic, Special Olympic) Sport will actively develop further. Professional sport will in no way displace the mass, part of which is adaptive physical culture.

- Sergey Petrovich, you have done a lot to develop adaptive physical education and sports. You are one of the authors of the "Concept of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of rehabilitation and social adaptation of persons with disabilities by means of physical culture and sports." Tell us more about this direction of your activity.

A group of specialists has developed state educational standards of higher and secondary vocational education for new specialties in the field of adaptive physical culture. These specialties were introduced into the appropriate classifiers. Currently, when the state educational standards of the third generation come into force, the specialty adaptive physical culture is transformed into the direction of training with its undergraduate and magistracy. I participated in the preparation of the tariff qualification characteristics of new posts for working with disabled people in the field of physical culture and sports: a trainer teacher and instructor-methodologist on adaptive physical culture. My colleagues and I did a lot to open the first department of the theory and techniques of adaptive physical culture in Russia. Now they are already over 60. In 1999, the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture was organized in the country's higher education system. So, as you can see, the year of equal opportunities is not completed.

- Do you have a lot of time, apparently, such a margin of strength gave you a sport? Tell us about your activities of the organizer of Russian sports movement.

Indeed, sport is an important component of my life. Actively engaged in sports gymnastics, was even a member of the youth team of the country, but the injury interrupted my sports career. Now is also associated with sports, I work in the Department of Science, Innovation Policy and Education of Milportturism of Russia. I am glad that life provides me with a chance to express your creative potential in significant, consonant times. One of these cases is the development of a scientific concept of organizing higher achievements in modern socio-economic conditions, which is focused on coordinating and integrating the efforts of public and government agencies and organizations in this important matter. Still a lot of time paying the development of adaptive physical culture. These problems are in the focus of attention of the annual Russian national Congress "Man and His Health". I am a member of the Program Committee and the Chairman of the section "Adaptive Physical Culture in Medical Rehabilitation and Socialization of Disabled" of this Congress.

- And one more important part of your activity is science. You have published more than 500 scientific and scientific and methodological works, protected 15 patents for inventions, including a patent for the invention "Site for playing Peterbaquevalide." Modern sport is difficult to imagine without a scientifically based approach ...

Completely, without science, modern sport is not thought, so he needs well-educated personnel. I consider it important to work on the creation of scientific and methodical literature and textbooks. Under my editors, the first textbook "Theory and Organization of Adaptive Physical Culture" was published. In this work, especially in his second edition, I managed to express my creative credo, the vision of the situation, since more than half of the material stated belongs to Peru of your submissive servant. In collateral with colleagues, five approximate type programs approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and included in the State Educational Standard for a new specialty - adaptive physical education. In April 2010, it is planned to enter the light of the teaching aid on "Adaptive Sports". This is my joint work with our Ukrainian colleagues.

Poetic line comes to mind: "About Sport, You're Life!" Scientifiable work with those people who have certain health restrictions, gives brilliant results. Somehow I heard the mouth of the champion of the Paralympic movement of the phrase, addressed to children with disabilities: "Sport will give you the opportunity to feel that your possibilities are limitless."

With this statement will not argue. We have developed a competition program and conducted four All-Russian and two international universiaries for students studying in the specialty adaptive physical culture. After the universities in many universities of Russia, the training of students on these sought-after directions was launched. As a result, work with disabled people in physical cultural clubs and sections has become more active. For the first time, a comprehensive scientific examination of Russian national teams on Paralympic sports was held using SPBNIFC capabilities. This has played a positive role in the successful speech of Russian disabled sportsmen at the XII Paralympic Games of 2004 in Athens, the XIII Paralympic Games of 2006 in Beijing and the IX Winter Paralympic Games of 2006 in Turin, where the Russian national team took the I-e team place in the unofficial standings.

- You did a lot to strengthen and improve the Paralympic Movement, so it is not surprising that in 2006 the Paralympic Assembly chose you by the Vice-President of the Paralympic Committee of Russia. Tell us about the prospects for this work.

To date, all the problems that previously existed the problems of a legal nature for the mass development of the Paralympic Movement were lifted. However, this process develops slowly. And the main brake of this, oddly enough, are psychological stereotypes of relations to disabled people - stereotypes formed in the Soviet period. Thus, the main thing is to be done in this direction - to change the attitude of society to disabled and achieve their equal opportunities in all spheres of social life, including in sports.

The first post in the new 2012 would like to start with something simple, without leaving the braces of tactics and strategies. Here we will offer you a small selection of proverbs, aphorisms about good luck and luck. As always, we went, in order.

  • Fortuna smiles only to those who are ready for this. Louis Paster.
  • Once in the life of Fortuna knocks on the door of each person, but very often a person at that time sits in the nearest beer and does not hear her knock. Mark Twain
  • The only thing you can say with confidence about good luck - it will change. Misner
  • Weak people believe in good luck, strong - in the cause and consequence. Ralph Walds Emerson
  • To be particularly unbelievable - another way to constantly feel your own importance. Alfred Adler
  • The man who was lucky is a man who did what others were going to do. Jules Renar
  • Love, like luck, does not like to chase behind her. Theophile guilder
  • Good luck is a constant readiness to use the case. Oprah Winfrey
  • How many born in the shirt are lazy to earn even on his pants! Leonid S. Sukhorukov
  • And you! .. You are a thief! Gentleman Good luck ... stole, drank - in prison! Stole, drank - in prison! Romance! from the movie "Gentlemen Good luck"
  • The trouble does not come alone, but also luck too. Romain Rolland
  • In good luck should believe, but it is not worth trusting her ... Sergey Pushkarev
  • If a person does not believe in good luck, he has a poor life experience. Joseph Conrad
  • All bad ever ends. And it starts even worse. Yaroslav Donchenko
  • Think about success, imagine success, and you will actually actuate the wishes. Norman Pil.
  • If luck is haunted, let it catch up with her. Boris Trushkin
  • If you have not achieved success right away, try again and again. And then calm down and live in pleasure. William Claude Fields.
  • Fortuna is friendly with brave. Dryden
  • To their luck, modestly belong to not to produce envious gossip. Georgy Aleksandrov
  • People are more often capitulated than crawling. Henry Ford
  • Do not rejoice, fool, good luck, while Fortuna is looking for delivery! Stepan Balakin
  • No winner believes in chance. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Sometimes just slipping, you understand how you got. Evgeny Kashev
  • Luck in the maps, is not lucky in love. Proverb
  • It is better in small luck than in a large failure. russian proverb
  • Each descent is a rise. russian proverb
  • Last luck is better than the first. russian proverb
  • The first victory is not a victory. japanese proverb
  • Do not look up - you will not fall down. kurdish Proverbits
  • When luck enters - the mind comes out. german proverb

You can add a list of proverbs, sayings and aphorisms about good luck in the comments to this message, the main thing, do not forget to indicate who is the author of the expression.

Topic: Folk wisdom of proverbs and sayings. Collections of proverbs.

Purpose: acquaintance and formation of the concept of new genres of folklore, development of oral speech skills.

During the classes.

1. The word of the teacher.

Let me read the statement of V.I. Dalya about the proverb (p. 32).

What expression of Daly seems to you the most important?

We write one or two sentences to the workbook, for example: "Who composed it - not to anyone; But everyone knows her and they are conquered. This essay and heritage general, like the most joy and grief, as the experienced wisdom, who exposed to the whole generation, who has extended such a sentence ... "

Remember what a proverb is. What proverbs do you often use in your speech?

In the speech, we often use such proverbs: not a different pit - you will get it in it. Word is not a sparrow, caress - you can't catch. What is written in pen, do not cut down the ax. We read groups of proverbs (p. 33-34), determine the topic of each group:

Proverbs are combined into sections on the themes:

1. Motherland, native land;

2. Labor, work;

3. grades, learning;

4. Friendship.

- Show on the example, as you understand what is the direct and figurative meaning of the proverb.

The proverb "There is a lot of people - do not make hands," says that during the work on arable land must be kept behind the couch, and not to swing their hands. This is the direct meaning of the proverb. In a figurative sense, this means: making a difficult thing, it is necessary to be concentrated, it is impossible to be distracted by trifles.

- What is rhythm? Give an example of rhythm in proverbs.

Rhythm is heard in all sayings and proverbs, for example: Good fraternity Mile wealth.

- What is rhyme? Write in the notebook three proverbs in which there is rhyme.

Rhymes in proverbs: patience and work will be perfect. Pasha plow - do not make hands. Repeat - mother of teaching.

- What is the proverb different from the saying?

- What are the sayings do you know?

We ask students to show the collections of the proverbs that they brought to the lesson. We introduce them (if they are not yet familiar) with the collection of V.I. Daly "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people."

What are the collections of the proverbs that you brought to the lesson? Name the compilers of these collections.

How many proverbs and sayings are collected in your collections? Wisdom of which peoples is enclosed in them?

2. Proverbs of the peoples of the world.

We read the article by the textbook-hunting (p. 34-35).

- Which of the proverbs given in this article did you like most? What nations belong to these proverbs?

- Determine the direct and figurative meaning of the Assyrian proverb "Each descent should be raised" and the Chinese proverb "The high lamp is far shining."

Assyrian proverb "Each descent has a rise" in the literal sense speaks of the movement in the mountains, where, after the descent from the mountain, the road again goes to the mountain. In a figurative sense, this proverb means that for a person who moves forward, the failure should again rise again.

A man with high thoughts in the Chinese proverb appears in front of us in the image of a lamp that illuminates a large space: "The high lamp is far away." A person who sends his thoughts and acts to the benefit helps to live many other people, as if covering their way.

3. Independent work.

Of the proverbs of different nations of the world (p. 35-37), write proverbs: a) about friendship; b) about the attitude towards work; c) about the attitude towards teaching.

In the explanatory dictionary of S. Ozhegova we read that "good" ■ - this is all positive, good, useful; "Evil" - something bad, harmful. All nations are useful to teaching, adjacent, hard work, friendship, politeness, courage, modesty, love for people. Proverbs of all nations condemn ignorance, laziness, betrayal, rudeness, cowardice, boasting and selflessness.

ABOUTfriendship they say such proverbs:

Good friend closer brother. (Azerbaijan.)

For the sake of a friend of the terp and a snowstone, and snow. (Azerbaijan.)

In a difficult moment - the friend here is like here. (Arabic.)

A friend in the eye will say, the enemy is behind his back (Bashkir.)

The tree is very rooted, and a person is friends. (Georgian.)

The unreasonable about a friend only remembers the misfortune. (Georgian.)

Friendsbetter old, clothes- new. (Chinese.)

Aboutattitudetolabor we learn from such proverbs:Who is neknows howwork,for the work does not end. (Abkhaz.)

It is better to eat your own bread,thanalienpilaf. (Azerbaijan.)

Nothingnotmakingwe learn bad things. (English.) It remains until tomorrow- Consider thatstuck. (Armenian.)Labor feedmanidleness- spoils.(Assyrian.) Earthappreciatebread, - Del. (Bashkir.) The horse is found in the jump, man - in affairs. (Kazakh.) You will not give your hand, you will not get off the shelves and a spoon. "(Latvskaya.)

Many handsraiseand heavy burrow. (Lithuanian.) Life - Happinessin labor. (Lithuanian.)Without pressing the couch, do not dig the cake. (Lithuanian.) Who cares for a lot, the arable land is caressing. (German.)

Idleness - the mother of all vices. (French.) The Crafts has a golden bottom. (Estonian.)

The water in the spring river distinguishes, the price of a person's work adds. (Uzbek.)

Attitude toteaching expressed in proverbs:

Ignorant -, the enemy himself. (Arabic.)

Ignorance is not a vice, unwillingness to know - a big vice. (Bashkir.)

Without teaching there is no and decrease. (Vietnamese.)

A man with strong hands will overcome onehumanwith strong knowledge - a thousand. (Kazakh.)

Diligence is a father of happiness. (German.)


Individual task:prepare the story of Vladimir Monomakh.

Show on the example of several proverbs their accuracy, wisdom, imagery and beauty.


Proverbs wisely and aptly express thoughts, and these thoughts are very important for humans. Take the English proverb "Empty dishes thundering around everything." In the literal sense, a really empty pan rattling louder to full, and in a figurative meaning it is about a person who is drumming, loud and long conversations tries to cover its inner emptiness or incompetence. Or the Estonian proverb "Relying on the Mother's knees, the child is growing rapidly." In the literal sense, this proverb says that the mother, being near, helps the child. And in the figurative sense it should be understood as follows: the role of mother in the formation of a person's personality is great. Proverbs are very shaped, and you need to strive to use them in speech.

Proverbs of all nations tags, wise, shaped and beautiful. Many proverbs can be viewed in a direct and figurative sense, for example: Assyrian proverb "Each descent is a rise" in the literal sense, talking about the movement in the mountains, where after descending from the mountain the road again goes to the mountain. In a figurative sense, this proverb means that for a person who moves forward, the failure should again rise again. A man with high thoughts in the Chinese proverb appears in front of us in the image of a lamp that illuminates a large space: "The high lamp is far away." A person who sends his thoughts and acts to the benefit helps to live many other people, as if covering their way.

Love is just a word! But how much it means for people. Of course not for everyone. Someone chases these crazy feelings, and someone does not appreciate happy moments,
In the arms of loved ones, someone tries to hide in a cozy mink from butterflies in the stomach. People are so different ... But sooner or later it happens to each of them ... he will
be in love! Perhaps someone will be lucky, and he will, go beyond his hand with his second half, and those, luck, turned out to be not on their side, will stand aside and
swallow saliva.
Many consider love to be an evil sorceress, descended from the hell, to shiver them, but it only proves that behind their shoulders souchcharitable love with sad
end. These people still remember that happiness that managed to experience them, and do not forget that grief, surviving which, they swore never to fall in love.
There are those who chase for a cheap mask of love. In people, there is nothing similar, except for the ability to love. When a person loves he becomes less selfish, trying to give a part of himself to his favorite, well, and when a person loves, and he also loves, he is revealed, as if the first dandelion flower. Lovely man, like a dandelion, wound.
Only try the light breeze to blow in his direction, how immediately the petals will scatter, so that they are no longer collecting together.
You just think, and what do we fall in love? In beauty, in character traits, in voice timbre, in gait, thin legs and relief torso? No, all this is nonsense compared to
with a fold on the forehead that appears when the beloved person is angry! But how can you not love to the mole on the cheek? The appearance of a person does not depend on its very
It depends only on how we look at it.
Well, when a person has already noticed in his new acquaintance or a familiar something special, not like the rest, he begins to look for his dignity. As we do not notice that the appearance of man has not changed in a few days, and the behavior of all the more. But what makes us look at him or she so admire, like thousands of models faded before our favorites? Just has changed our attitude, we see everything differently. And perhaps your classmate seemed to you before the usual unremarkable boy, but now we notice that none of your friends and next to him stood. This is the first in love. She is the most memorable, no one can help you,
After all, who can understand your problems? First love is beautiful ... She falls on the most not only difficult, but also a wonderful age. Everyone, of course, consider
Childhood the greatest period in life, do not forget about adolescence. First in love, the first kiss and everything happens for the first time. There are also a lot of problems at this age: school performance in school, quarrels with parents.
Love is beautiful not only in adolescence. Love and be loved by always. For this man and exists! There is nothing more beautiful than love, it is worth remembering that everything is forever.
Any lucky moment you would like to stretch for life, sooner or later ends! But every descendant is a rise!