The death of the "crocodiles hunter" Steve Irvina filmed on video

Publication time: 09:11
Last updated: 14:34

An old friend tragically died on Monday, the actor, Showman and Naturalist Steve Irvina spoke about the circumstances of his death.

"There was no blood in the water, it was not very clear ... Something happened to this animal, which made him blow up, and Steve was not in that place not at that time. If he got a blow to another place, then we would now They did not talk about the tragedy, "said Peter West, the owner of the vessel on which the film crew sailed.

The operator and another member of the team pulled Irwin out of the water, put on an inflatable boat and delivered to the support vessel. The team members told that he was almost unconscious after the rolling of the skate and died during transportation.

Mark Manka, researcher of the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences, says that, although the spikes of the rods are covered with poisonous mucus, the main damage is caused by the breakdowns of blood vessels. "The spikes have very small teeth, like arrows heads. When the skate removes spikes from the victim, the teeth tearing the flesh. It's like a blow to a born knife," he says.

Toxicologist Chris Winker from the university of New South Wales says that the chenopal poison acts very slowly. The wounded people sometimes do not even suspect that the toxins gradually kill their fabrics.

In 1988, 12-year-old Jeff pretended to died a week after him in the chest enclosed a three-meter scat. Having spent two days in the hospital, he was discharged home. A few days later Jeff after dinner got up due to the table, and then just fell dead.

"If Steve Irwin died so quickly, then it was not toxins," says Winer.

Mark Mikan reminded that most wounds from the skates occur when people walking in shallow water, accidentally come on them. First aid usually consists in washing the wound with water to deactivate toxin. Usually the victim is experiencing painful pain.

Film with the deadly attack was transferred to Police of the Queensland, reports The Australian.

Peter Beatti Prime Minister said that Irwin will be buried with state honors, if his family wants.

For the first time, the program "Hunter on Crocodiles" was broadcast in 1992. Steve managed to turn his imagination of fearless and complete enthusiasm of an amateur to resear the fauna in close contact in the trademark, and his series was with great success all over the world through the Discovery channel.

Steve Irwin was born in the Australian state of Victoria in 1962. His father was created by the Park Park in Queensland in the 70s of the last century.

Since 1991, Steve Irwin has continued the family business and soon created the first series of "Crocodiles" film (Crocodile Hunter), which has become popular worldwide. This year, Irwin was awarded for his contribution to the Australian Tourist Industry. The award was noted by the merit of Irwin to promote the green continent in the documentary films about the wildlife and the creation of the Zoo "Australia".

Repeated Irwin was in situations when his life literally hung on the hair. He had a large number of wounds obtained during contact with animals.

As Steve himself told, for the first time he received serious damage in the early 90s, when he dived from a nose boat on the crocodile. The crocodile was sitting on the rock, about which Irwin hit his shoulder, and the stone broke it to the bone. The bone cut all important muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Another time in East Timor, he saved the crocodile, which fell into the concrete pipe, and there was no way to pull him out from there. Therefore, Irwine dived inside with animals. The crocodile grabbed it with a dead grip, as a result, the same hand was once again, and the tendon was broken.

Once Irwin struck the crocodile head, which he caught under water. Then his knees and lower legs cut when he poured on a 4-meter crocodile. Another time on the road on the shooting, he had to save a kangaroo on the side of the road. When he approached the animal, Kangaroo hit him and Rutching her lip in pressure.

In spite of everything, Steve Irwin continued to shoot films. "If you can't laugh at yourself, then you are too correct and your life is too boring," he said.

Irvina had two children, Bindi Sue and Bob Clarence. His wife Terry assisted him on the set.

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