The story of the "Battle of Blacks in the Dark Cave of Deep At night. "Black Square" first wrote not Malevich, and the French poet beat, calling the picture "Battle of Blacks in Tunnel

The story of the
The story of the "Battle of Blacks in the Dark Cave of Deep At night. "Black Square" first wrote not Malevich, and the French poet beat, calling the picture "Battle of Blacks in Tunnel

The French journalist, the writer and the eccentric humorist Alfonsist Alla's idea liked so much that he developed it in 1893, calling his black rectangle "Combat De Nègres Dans Une Cave, Pendant La Nuit" ("Battle of Blacks in the Cave of Deep At night"). Not stopping by achieved success, then Alla put a nine white sheet of Bristol paper called "The first communion of the chlorosis of girls in a snowy course." Six months, the next picture of Alfons Alla was perceived as a kind of "coloristic explosion". Rectangular landscape "Cleaning the yield of tomatoes on the shore of the Red Sea by apoplexic cardinals" was a bright red one-color picture without the slightest signs Images (1894). In the end, in 1897, Alle published a book from 7 paintings "Album Primo-Avrilesque" (Propoarel album).

Thus, in twenty years before the suprematic revelations of Kazimir Malevich, the artist Alfons Alla became " an unknown author"First abstract pictures. Almons Alla also became famous for almost seventy years, it was unexpectedly anticipated by the well-known minimalistic music play "4'33" "John Cage, which represents four and a half" minutes of silence. " Perhaps the only difference between Alphonse Alla from his followers was that he, exposing his stunning innovative works, I did not try to look at a significant philosopher or a serious discoverer.

Kazimir Malevich wrote his "Black Square" in 1915. This is a cloth of 79.5 to 79.5 centimeters, which shows a black square on a white background, written by a thin tassel. According to the artist, he wrote it for several months. The black square also has 2 "brothers": red square and white square.

Malevich's "Square" was written in the exhibition held in a huge hall. According to one of the versions, the artist could not finish work on the picture in scheduled timeSo he had to smear the work of black paint. Subsequently, after the admission of the public, Malevich wrote new "black squares" already on clean canvas. Attempts to explore the canvas for finding the initial option under top layer Made repeatedly. However, scientists and critics considered that the masterpiece could be caused by irreparable damage.

"Battle of blacks in a dark cave of deep at night" - the picture of Alfons Alla, which is absolutely similar to the "black square" Malevich and written 30 years before him. However, according to Russian experts, the picture is comic and compared with Malevich's masterpiece can not, since he is the manifesto of the Suprematism. What this picture cannot be accurately compared with the Black Square, so it is in price.

Alfons Alle

Eccentric writer and journalist, Alfons Alla was born in the town of Ontfler in 1854. It is considered the attitude of conceptualism and minimalism in almost all major art directions: in music, painting and even literature. Most of all, he became famous for its absurdity leavings and black humor.

Picture "Battle of blacks in a dark cave deep at night"

His play "Revenge Magnum" for 50 years overtook the introduction of minimalism in the theater. And in 1882-1884, he began to draw pictures that belong to the so-called monochrome painting. Such pictures were rectangles of white, green, red and wore names like the "first communion of pale girls in the snowy course."

However, the first picture in the form of a four-colored black color belongs not to him, but its near friend Bio. Bio became the author of the painting "Battle of Blacks in the Dungeon", which he painted in 1882. The picture laid the beginning of a series of comic monochrome cloths into which in the following years and included paintings by Alla and Bio, and, according to some experts, the same "black square".

The minimalist work of John Cage "4" 33 ", which is four and a half minutes of silence, is also not the first of its kind. The championship belongs to Alle and his" funeral march to the death of the Great Deaf. "

Humorist Alla was not by office, but in life and received a lot of pleasure from this. A joke was accompanied by all life by Alley, she ended with a joke. On the last evening, before his death, the doctor ordered him to stay in bed for another six months, otherwise the Alfons would not live for a long time, but he did not follow the recommendations of the doctor.

He invited his friends to the restaurant and spent there last evening. Alfons argued that he was better than death than half a year in bed. A friend who accompanied him, he said that he would not live until tomorrow and this would be a kind of joke, over which he would not laugh. The next day he really died.

Battle of blacks in a deep cave

Since the predecessors of Malevich's painting, this picture has the greatest fame, it is most often compared with the "square". Some experts tend to consider black square plagiarism. Some - a continuation of a series of jokes, but the main part of domestic experts, including the Malevich's nephew categorically insist that the picture of Alla has nothing to do with Malevich. But is it really?

A recent discovery showed that under the main layer of the first "black square" Malevich also has two additional, different from the square, non-ferrous, but also abstract. In addition, the "Battle of Blacks in a Dark Cave" was found in the picture, which, apparently, belongs to a masterpiece to a series of comic paintings. But the date of application of the inscription is not specified, although it still seems to be what the author did it, simply, perhaps somewhat later than the picture was drawn. Most contemporaries immediately began to reign. In their opinion, this circumstance can undeservedly reduce the greeting picture.

In addition, to Malevich, as it turns out, there were not only these two paintings with black figures in the form of a rectangle, but also the canvas Robert Fladda "Great Darkness", dated by the XVII century, and "Twilight Russia" Gustava Dore. Marked their "masterpidence", it states that Malevich's square is unique to what effect he produced, and not his originality or art features. There is another opinion that explains the high popularity of the square of the elementary blank.

The picture occupies his niche in world art. And although it does not have such a high value as Malevich's masterpiece, it has the right to a fair assessment. Alphonse Alla is certainly impossible to reproach in the plagiarism.

January 25th, 2014

Marek Raczkowski.

Of course, everyone knows everything, but I will probably, perhaps everything in one place. It is possible that you will discover something new in this topic.

In 1882 (33 years before the Black Square, Malevich) year at "Exposition Des Arts Incohérens" in Paris, the poet Paul Beauley presented the picture "Combat De Nègres Dans Un Tunnel" ("Battle of Blacks in Tunnel"). True, it was not a square, but a rectangle.

The French journalist, the writer and the eccentric humorist Alfonsist Alla's idea liked so much that he developed it in 1893, calling his black rectangle "Combat De Nègres Dans Une Cave, Pendant La Nuit" ("Battle of Blacks in the Cave of Deep At night"). The picture was first exhibited at the exhibition "Torn Art" in the Vivien Gallery.

It looked like this masterpiece as follows:

Further more. And the white, and the red square was also first depicted by Alla Alphuison. " White square"It was called" the first communion of the insensible girls in the snow "(was also made in 1883). Looking this masterpiece like this:

Six months, the next picture of Alfons Alla was perceived as a kind of "coloristic explosion". The rectangular landscape "Cleaning the yield of tomatoes on the shore of the Red Sea by apoplexic cardinals" was a bright red one-color picture without the slightest signs of the image (1894).

Paintings by Alla Alphonx were perceived as clean water Steb and shocking - actually only on this idea and bring us their names. Apparently, therefore we know so little about this artist.

Thus, in twenty years before the suprematic revelations of Kazimir Malevich, the artist Alfons Alla became the "unknown author" of the first abstract paintings. Almons Alla also became famous for almost seventy years, it was unexpectedly anticipated by the well-known minimalistic music play "4'33" "John Cage, which represents four and a half" minutes of silence. " Perhaps the only difference between Alfons Alla from his followers was that he, exposing his stunning innovative works, did not try to look at the meaningful philosopher or a serious discoverer.

Who is he? Alfons Alla (October 20, 1854, Onfleur (Calvados Department) - October 28, 1905, Paris) - French journalist, an eccentric writer and a black humorist, known for its acute language and gloomy absurdist transfers, on a quarter of a century anticipating famous shots of Dadaistov and Surrealists 1910- X and 1920s.

Alfons Alla almost all his life was an eccentric writer, eccentric artist and an eccentric person. It was eccentric not only in his aphorisms, fairy tales, verses or paintings, but also in everyday behavior.

Hasually finished learning and receiving a bachelor's title for seventeen years, Alfons Alla (as an assistant or an expert) entered the pharmacy of his own father.

Alphonse's father with great pride outlined a great chemist or pharmacist career for him. The future will show: Alfons Alla with glitter justified the hopes of his pharmacy father. He became more than a chemist and deeper than the pharmacist. However, even the very beginning of its activities in the family pharmacy has already been very promising. As debut, Alfons spent several bold experiments on the effects of high-quality placebo patients with its original formulation, the original fake drugs synthesized, and the "personally" put several extraordinarily interesting diagnoses. He will gladly tell about his first small pharmacy triumphs, in his fairy tale: "Height of Darwinism."

"... I found something for a lady, severely suffering from the stomach:

Lady: - I do not know what to me, first the food rises upstairs, and then goes down ...

Alfons: - I apologize, Madame, did you accidentally swallowed the elevator? "

(Alfons Alla, "Increased!")

Seeing the very first successes of her son in the field of pharmaceuticals, the Father gladly sent him from Ontoflera to Paris, where the rest of the life of Alfons Alle was passed.

Father sent him to be in a pharmacy of one of his loved one. More closely, a few years later, this pharmacy was a privileged Masonic cabaret " Black cat"Where Alfons Alla continued to compose his recipes and heal the offends. By this respected business, he was engaged practically until the end of his life. His friendship with the Charlock Kro (the famous inventor of the phonograph) would have to return it to scientific researchBut these plans were not destined to come true again. Fundamental scientific work Alfons Alla is a contribution to science, although today they are significantly less known than he himself. Alfons Alla managed to publish his serious studies on color photography, as well as extensive work on the synthesis of rubber (and stretching rubber). In addition, he received a patent for own recipe Cooking lyophilized coffee.

At the age of 41, Alfons Alla married Margarita Alla, in 1895.

He died in one of the rooms of the hotel "Britain", where Alfons Alla spent a lot of free time. On the eve of the doctor stricully prescribed him for six months not to get up in bed, only then recovered was possible. Otherwise, death. "Funny people, these doctors! They seriously think that death is worse than six months in bed "! Hardly only the doctor disappeared behind the door, Alfons Alla quickly gathered and spent the evening in a restaurant, and to a friend who came back to the hotel, he told his last joke:

"Keep in mind, tomorrow I will already be a corpse! You will find that this is witty, but I will not laugh with you. Now you will stay laugh - without me. So tomorrow I will be dead! " In full compliance with its last cheerful jokeHe died the next day, October 28, 1905.

Alfons Alla was buried at the Paris Cemetery of St. Uan. After 39 years, in April 1944, his grave was a steer from the face of the Earth and disappeared without the slightest remainder under the friendly bombs of the French liberation army of Charles de Gaulle. In 2005, the imaginary remains of Alfons Alla solemnly (with a big pomp) were postponed to the Montmartre hill.

After the Second World War in France, the political association of absolute apologists of Alfons Almons was organized in France (abbreviated "A.A.a.a.a.") (abbreviated "A.A.a.a.a.") This cohesive group of fanatically-minded people is a public body, in which Humor Alphonx comes above all other lovelies of life. Aaaaa, among other things, has its own legal address, bank account and headquarters in the "Little Museum of Alfons Alla" on the top street of Ontofler (Calvados, Normandy, Pharmacy).

Every Saturday is closer to the evening the Alphonse Museum is open to free visits to everyone. In the services of visitors Laboratory experiments "A la Alla", Chemical tastings "A la Alla", diagnoses "A la Alla", inexpensive (but very effective) gastric pills "Pur Alla" and even a direct conversation on an ancient phone "Hello , Alla. " All of these services can be obtained for some half an hour in the gloomy scenes of the onflore pharmacy, where Alfons Alla was born. This extremely close room was also declared the smallest museum in the world, not excluding the world's smallest museum "Authentic Room" Alfons Alla in Paris, and the most little Museum "Cabinet Eric Sati" in the Ministry of Culture of France. These three most small museums in the world compete for the title, who are less. A permanent guide allele long years It is a certain person, Jean-Yves Lorio, constantly having a formal document confirming that he is illegal to the reincarnation of the great humorist Alfons Alla.

Alfons Alla broke with pharmacies and began to regularly publish a long time ago, it seemed to be in 1880-82. The first careless story of Alfons laid the beginning of his 25-year-old writing life. I did not tolerate about the order and directly declared "don't even hope, I am dishonest." He wrote in a cafe, workers, almost did not work above the books, and it looked like this: "Do not speak nonsense ... so that I sit, not taking off the ass, and Corpel over the book? - It's impossible to be funny! No, I'd rather, I'll still calm down! "

Mainly it literary creativity It consists of stories and fairy tales, which he wrote on average two or three pieces per week. Having a "heavy duty" to keep a ridiculous column, and sometimes even a whole column in a magazine or newspaper, he also had a little afraid every other day "laugh for money." For his life, he changed seven newspapers, some had in turn, and three - at the same time.

Thus, first of all, alive eccentric, then a little journalist and editor, and only the last thing the writer, Alla worked forever in a hurry, wrote dozens of their "fairy tales", hundreds of stories and thousands of articles on the left knee, in need and most often at the table (or under the table) in the cafe. Therefore, much of his works was lost, the value was even more accurate, but most of all - it remained at the tip of the tongue - unwritten.

Alfons Alla never stopped on something one. He wanted to write everything at once, embrace everything, succeed in everything, but not specifically. Even purely literary genres He is always confused, scattered and replaced one of the other. Under the guise of articles, he wrote stories, called fairy tales - he described his acquaintances, instead of poems wrote Calambura, said "Basni" - but he meant the black humor, and even scientific inventions In his hands they acquired the cruel kind of satire on human science and human nature ...

In addition to classroom literature "under a table in a cafe," Alfons Alla had many more important duties in his life.

In particular, he was a member of the board of honorable hydropaths club, as well as one of the main participants adopted in the Governing Bodies of the Masonic Cabaret "Black Cat". It was there that, in the Gallery Vivien, during the exhibitions of "Torn Art", he first exhibited his famous monochrome paintings.

Perhaps the only difference between Alfons Alla from his followers was that he, exposing his stunning innovative works, did not try to look at the meaningful philosopher or a serious discoverer. That is, perhaps, led to the absence of professional recognition of his contribution to the history of art. His works in the field of painting Alfons Alla very accurately explained the old as the world of thesis: "It is not so important what you are doing is much more important - how you will serve it."

In 1897, he composed and "led the" mourning march for the funeral of the Great Deaf ", which, however, did not contain any notes. Only silence, as a sign of respect for death and understanding of the important principle that big grief is dumb. They do not suffer either fuss, no sounds. By itself, that the score of this march was an empty page of tank paper.

"Never postpone tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."

"... With money, even poverty is moved easier, is it?"

"It is more difficult to survive - the end of the month, especially the last thirty days."

"While we are thinking, however better to kill time, time is making us a methodically."

"Get off - it's very little to die. But die - it's very much! "

"... as a man's widow told the three best doctors of Paris after the conservima:" But what could he do one, patient, against three - healthy? "

"... you need to be tolerant to a person, nevertheless, let's not forget about what a primitive era it was created."

(Alfons Alla, "Stuff")

And what about Malevich's square?

Kazimir Malevich wrote his "Black Square" in 1915. This is a cloth of 79.5 to 79.5 centimeters, which shows a black square on a white background, written by a thin tassel. According to the artist, he wrote it for several months.

Black Square 1915 Malevich,


Kazimir Severinovich Malevich was born (11) on February 23, 1878 near Kiev. However, there are other information about the place and time of birth. Malevich's parents were Poles by origin. Father worked as a manager at the sugar factory of the famous Ukrainian industrialist Tereshchenko (according to other data, Malevich was the Belarusian ethnographer and folkloride). Mother was a housewife. Four Malevichi had fourteen children, but only nine of them lived to mature age. Casimir was the firstborn in the family.

To draw began to learn independently, after at the age of 15 years, the mother gave him a set of paints. At the age of 17, spent some time in Kiev art school. In 1896, the Malevich family settled in Kursk. There, Casimir worked as a small official, but quit the service for the sake of the artist's career. The first works of Malevich are written in the style of impressionism. Later artist became one of the active participants of futuristic exhibitions.

We are the life of K. Malevich seems incredibly saturated, complete contrasts, uplings and falls. But according to the master himself, she was not too long and rich in the events, as he dreamed. Long time Malevich dreamed of visiting Paris, but he could not do it. He visited the border only in Warsaw and Berlin. Malevich did not know foreign calls, as he had very sorry for all his life. He did not leaving the Zhytomyr. He failed to experience many aesthetic and everyday joys available to its more secured and educated colleagues.

"On the Boulevard", 1903

"Flower", 1903

"Grinder" 1912.

Malevich independently passed all the way from modest self-taught to worldwide famous artisthe took part in two revolutions, composed futuristic poems, reformed the theater, played on the scandalous disputes, was fond of theosophy and astronomy, taught, wrote the philosophical work, was sitting in prison, was the director of the solid institution and the unemployed ... Punin wrote that Malevich belonged to those People who were "charged with dynamite". Not every thing famous artists Could so polarize public opinion. Malevich has always been surrounded devotees And passionate rivals, critics, he called the most rude broken, "his students are idle as Napoleon army." Even in our time you can meet people who have a sharply opposite attitude towards the heritage of Malevich, and to his personal human qualities.

All the meaning of Malevich's life was art. His characteristic explosive energy Malevich brought in his work. His evolution of the painter is really similar to a series of explosions and disasters. They were not particularly natural, the researchers said that it was "" test landfill, "on which the art of painting checked and honed his new opportunities." Therefore, it is possible to determine the directions in the history of the arts of the beginning of the XX century. Malevich was outstanding artistwho made their contribution to the development of the art of that time.

Malevich's "Square" was written in the exhibition held in a huge hall. According to one of the versions, the artist could not finish the work on the picture at the right time, so he had to smear the work of black paint. Subsequently, after the admission of the public, Malevich wrote new "black squares" already on clean canvas. Attempts to explore the cloth for finding the initial version under the upper layer were repeatedly performed. However, scientists and critics considered that the masterpiece could be caused by irreparable damage.

Wikipedia informs us that Malevich's black squares really are also not alone, but four:

* Currently, there are four "black squares" in Russia: in Moscow and St. Petersburg, two "squares": two in the Tretyakov Gallery, one in the Russian Museum and one in the Hermitage. One of the works belongs to the Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin, who acquired him from Inkombank in 2002 for 1 million US dollars (about 28 million rubles) and transferred for indefinite storage in Hermitage.

Black Square 1923 Malevich, Wikipedia

Black Square 1929 Malevich, Wikipedia

Black Square 1930 Malevich, Wikipedia

Malevich and red square and white square, and a lot more. But the global glory won for some reason this particular, black square. However, it is not a square (corners not straight!) So it is also not quite black (at least, the file with the picture contains about 18,000 colors),

Maudded art historians Write:

The conceptual content of the "Black Square" is primarily to bring the consciousness of the viewer into the space of another measurement, to that single suprematic plane and economic and iconic. In this space of other dimension, three main directions - supremacy, savings and iconomy can be distinguished. By itself, the form in the suprematism due to its - nothing is depicted. On the contrary, it destroys things and makes sense as a primary element, fully subordinate to the economic start, which in symbolic expression there is "zero forms", "black square".

Again, considering that black, defined and pronounced in the form of a "black square", inextricably linked with a white background and without it, the color manifestation always remains incomplete and dim. It turns out another, no less significant formula for "black square" as a symbol: "Black Square" is an expression of unity of opposing colors. In this most generalized formula, black and white can be expressed as light and can be expressed as the two attributes of the absolute, existing and inseparable, and insensitive. That is, they exist as one, one - thanks to which one on the other , and here . Look back to work The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -

No envy, I am an artist and painting, (live letter) from the work of Malar distinguish. Here is the opinion of the Jew on this matter.

Gordon Kiheot.

I will try, as far as it is in my weak power, explain this paradox - do art historians forgive me!

Examples of artisans, ordinary gray launches, who would punish the sky a deadline and shined without a trace, if it were not for an insulting that fought them to the exclusive arrogance of the act - for their time, of course, everyone has a hearing. Malevich with this unhappy dry canvas (quite, by the way, template for this representative Geniyev. For some reason, everyone forgot about blue and yellow squares, about a red triangle and so on. He had a lot of such masterpieces. Indeed, after all - the talent !!) Picasso with two eyes on a schematic profile, the place of Maznia Stegala - who would be, do not guess to hang the inhabitants of a sideways in the air?

That is, the whole thing in a act - but to explain it, the most stupid, the most brazed, the most meaningless is the matter of others, those who will warm up in the light of fame. Moreover, it's funny that you have almost forgotten the harmless crazy, Chairman of Zershar Velimira Khlebnikov with his buzzing muttering and verbury. As if there was no + but about this sole - Malevich, Chagall - heard everything.

Khlebnikov carried the same terrible wave of collapse - but there was not enough aggression to declare loudly. There were few saliva in order to make a pretty harm in the face - even the new world building.

At first I thought that in this game - to completely destroy the old one, in the ashes of disseminate all the accumulated intellectual values \u200b\u200bof the guys, the artists played sincerely. Well, yes, well, yes + Khlebnikov actually considered himself a chairman Globe. This is evidence. Yes, and Malevich was a frank, large-scale, frantic destroyer. All and all.

But at the same time, in letters to their associates, he strictly adhered to the tradition - called them exclusively on you. Just like that with large letters. And the signs of punctuation were stood exactly where it is necessary, and the inscurious was a syllable. You can destroy everything - especially painting - everything, except the relationship with the identity of the genius. This is not a trick. Do not cheat.

That is - there was no insane, fanatical burning, like Khlebnikov (who, by the way, did not stretch for a long time.) There was a sober calculation. There were a lot of conversations. There were disciples, with young acne ready to destroy old, no matter how good it was, and create a new one, whatever it was primitive and stupid. There were many experiments - with a plane, with a color, the benefit then allowed everything. For the time being, as you know, and time. But there was no main thing - there were no mystery of art. Of that inexplicable impact, which makes it remember to reread simple at first view of the string; What suddenly squeezes the throat in front of the picture and does not give away, amazing, how shock - what is this? What happened? Why do I want to return again and again?

It is indisputable that the experiments of the twenties have the right to life. There must be someone really discovers unknown horizons in the tagged mourning canvas. Why not? But do not confuse God's gift with the scrambled eggs. No need to mix art in its high sense - and Malevich. Call it with a suprematist, modernist, avant-garde, chascoist, Adventist - yes, as you like. Select a separate direction for it - and let it ruin there, the dead man, undivided. Even I, maybe, interested in his frills - if he won't call himself an artist. And it will be modest - or vice versa, proudly stand away from painting.

Perhaps - I am stupid, stupid, primitive traders with limited intelligence. I agree if the level of development is determined by the ability obediently admire progress , skillfully stunned into the ranks of the Great.

Sometimes an interesting thought comes - this black square did not pound only the lazy of those who are not included in the circles of painters and art historians. And also those who come in them, consider their holy debt to bow and say - ah, ah, high class !! What is he great! I took and crushed a rag as great! Why didn't we guess? There would be now in annals in his place.

Clear, why people Do not like a black square. Blue, and green and red. "So I can +. You will come on Murk !!"

There are works of art that divide the story on "to" and "after". To their number, no doubt, the famous, scandalous "black square" of Kazimir Malevich. Already 100 years have passed since the creation of the canvas, and disputes and stormy discussions around it are not stopped so far. It is curious that the author himself was tormented by questions. Here is his words: "I could not sleep, nor, and tried to understand what I did - but could not." And here is the answer Tretyakov Gallery.

The Tretyakov Gallery unveiled the data of the most recent studies. It turned out that a color image is hidden under the Black Square. And not one, and two. This discovery was made a little more than a month ago.

"It was known that under the image of the" black square "there was a certain underlying image. We found out that such images are not one, but two. And proved that the initial image is a cubaceuturistic composition, and under the "black square" whose color you see in the crakhelur is a proto-absorbative composition, "said researcher Department of scientific examination of the Tretyakov Gallery Catherine Voronin.

IN x-ray rays At the Black Square, the outlines of another painting of Kazimir Malevich are clearly visible. Under the microscope is clearly visible, as through the cracker, that is, the cracks of the "black square", shines the other colorful layer. Research authors - Employees of the Tretyakov Gallery of Ekaterina Voronina, Irina Rustamova and Irina Vakar - told about another opening. They deciphered the inscription on the "black square", which is considered the author. More precisely, almost deciphered: there are not enough three letters. In the Word, which begins on "H", and ending in "s." The whole phrase, according to the museum workers, sounds like the "Battle of Blacks in the Dark Cave". Thus, the picture of Malevich can be considered something like a correspondence dialogue with the artist with the author of the canvas, written in 1882 french writer and Eccentric Almons Alla. Its picture is called the "Battle of Blacks in the Dark Cave of Deep At Night".

"Malevich's complex tangled handwriting and some letters are written in the same way:" N "," P ", and even" and "in some texts are very close to writing. We work on the second word. But the fact that the first word "battle", you can all see, making sure of this in the exposition, "Commented on Ekaterina Voronin.

It was seen that few of those present expected to hear something similar. At the international conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Black Square, guests came from different countries.

"Our family is very glad that the memory of very an important artist For the world alive, and not only here in Moscow, "the grandchildren of Casimir Malevich Ivon Malevich admitted.

Art historians still have to be able to comprehend the discovery made. And the artists have already done it. In the walls of the Academy of Arts, an exhibition dedicated to the "Black Square" was opened. The authors are the most famous modern artists.

"We seemed to us that it would be appropriate in the year of the 100th anniversary of the Black Square to bring the line under his pressure, pressure, charm and the magnetism, which he possesses, and finally free to move to move on. In short, we wanted to get rid of his influence, "explained the curator of the exhibition Ivan Kolesnikov.