Anonymous - a story about the Azov siege sitting of the Don Cossacks. Tale of the Azov Sitting

Anonymous - a story about the Azov siege sitting of the Don Cossacks. Tale of the Azov Sitting

Tale of the Azov Siege Sitting of the Don Cossacks

"The story of the Azov Siege Sitting" is a condemnant condemnation ("unsubscribers") Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich (1613 - 1645) Poetic description of valid events - four-month siege of the Turks in 1641. Powerful Azov Fortress - an important support of Turkish possessions In the Black Sea region - was captured in 1637 without the knowledge and consent of the Russian government to the Don Cossacks. In 1641, Turkish Sultan Ibrahim I sent a huge army under Azov, which had about 250,000 people. In Azov, there were only about five and a half thousand Cossacks. Cossacks rejected the proposal of the Turks to pass the fortress and heroically defended it for four months by beating 24 attacks. Turks were forced to remove the siege. However, the Zemsky Cathedral, which gathered in January 1642, fearing the war with Turkey, refused to accept Azov to Russian citizenship, and in the summer of 1642 the remains of the Cossack troops left the city. Azov was attached to Russia only in 1696 as a result of the campaign of Peter I.

The author of the so-called "poetic" story about the Azov siege sitting was, as believed by one of the participants of the Cossack Embassy to Moscow of the Military Council (Head of the Office of the Office), in the past, the Runling Holop of Prince N. I. Odoevsky, Fyodor Ivanovich Poroshin. The story was written in the winter of 1642, during a meeting of the Zemsky Cathedral, as a kind of poetic call to support the heroic struggle of the Cossacks. In its work, poroshin widely used the images and motives of the Old Russian military stories and the Cossack folklore.

The text of the story is published on the list of Ban 32.11.7. XVII century Corrections are made on the list of HBL, COLC. Undolsk, No. 794, published in the book "Military Tale of Ancient Russia", M. - L., 1949, and Lists of GPB: NSRK, 1936, No. 164; Q, XVII. 143 and Q, XVII. 209. Corrections are noted in italics.

Tale of the Azov Siege Sitting of the Don Cossacks

In 7150 (1641) in October, at the twenty-eighth day, they came to the sovereign of the king and the great prince of All Russia Mikhail Feodorovich to Moscow from Don from Azaz-city Don Cossacks: Ataman Cossack Naum Vasilyev Yes, Esava Fedor Ivanov. And with them the Cossacks twenty-four people who sat in Azov-city from the Turks in the siege. And they brought the seat to their siege. And in the description is written.

In the past, they write, 149 June on 24 days sent Sultan Ibrahim, the Turkish king, against us, the Cossacks, four purses with two colonels, Capiton, and Mustafa, and from the nearest advisers at the court of his servant of his, Ibrahima Eunuch, above those Pasha instead of him, the king, to watch their affairs and actions, like them, Pasha, and Colonels, will act under the Azov-city. And with those Pasha, he sent against us a abundant rhe Basurmansky, they collected, coinciding against us from the twelve land of military people from their permanent troops. According to the census of combat people - two hundred thousands, except for Poronan and Kafinsev, black men, who are assembled from the Crimean and Nogai Horde, on our burial. In order for them to lie down with us, to fall asleep to them with the mountain, as they buried people of Persian. And so that all of them through the dying to get the fame of the eternal, and we would have been an eternal urcorival. And those black men are collected against us many thousands, and there is no number nor the account. Yes, after the Crimean king came to them, yes, his brother of His People Tsarevich Crimea Girls with all his Ordo Krymskoye and Nogai. The Crimean and Nogai Princes, and Murz, and the Tatars on the census, besides the hoochy people, were 40,000. Yes, with those king, the mountain princes and Circared from Kabarda were 10,000. Yes, there were still hired people, two German colonel, and With them Soldiers 6000. And there were still fabrics with the same Pasha for all over us. Many German people who grant the capture of cities, and all sorts of military tricks on the subcopy and attacks, and the gear of the nuclei, the fire, from many states: from Greek lands, From Venice, the Great, Swedish and French Petharists. Heavy guns were with Pasha under the azov 129 guns. The kernels were their great - in PUD, and in one and a half, and two pounds. Yes, they had only 674 guns and mattresses from the small guns, except for flamethrower guns, and these were 32. And all the tools were chained with them, from fear, as if we, having committed, did not take them. And there were people from different lands against us with Turkish against us, that under His rule, Sultan: First, the Turks; secondly, the Crimeans; Third, Greeks; Fourth, Serbs; Fifth, Arapha; Sixth, Magyars; in-seventh, Budans; in eighth, bosniki; in ninth, Arnauts; in-tenths, woes; in-eleventh - Moldovans; in the twelfth, Circassians; in thirteenth, Germans. And just with Pasha and with the Crimean king, there were on the lists of their recruitment people, except for foreigners-Germans, black men and hooching people, 256,000 people.

And she was going to us and thought the Turkish king at the sea exactly four years. And for the fifth year, he sent his own to us under Azov.

June on 24 days before afternoon came to us Pasha and the Crimean King, and the Turkish forces were surrounding us. Our pure fields Ordo Nogai all are quenched. Where we had before the steppe is clean, there are many people in front of us in front of us that the unpretentious Great Forests are dark. From that power of the Turkish and from the jumping of the horse earth, under the azov, the water drove the Waves to the shore from Dona-River, left his shores, as in a flood. We started the Turks on the fields with us to put the tents of our Turkish, and many tents, and there are highs, as if the mountains are terrible and walked around. Then, in the shelves, they are in the shelves, many, the great, the great, dicked, the voices of their terrible, bass, rose the game. After that began in the shelves of their shooting of muskets and guns the Great. As there is a terrible thunderstorm of heaven - and lightning and thunder scary, as if from heaven from the Lord! From the shooting of the fiery fiery to heaven stood fire and smoke. All our strengthening in the city shook from the fiery shooting, and the sun on that day was alarmed and the blood was painted. How to eat darkness pitch! Scary, scary to us from them at that time; With trepidation, we were surprised by the unspeakable we looked at that of their slender approach Basurmansky. It was incomprehensible to human mind at our age and hear about such a great and terrible assembled troce, but not to see with his own eyes! They became very close from us, less than behind the probe from Azaz-city. Their Jancharian bosses lead them under the city to us with large shelves and squads on the shangam. Many banners they have, Yanychar, big, black, dickers. They will threaten them, and pipe pipes, and in the drums beaten the great. Twelve for those Janchar Colonels. And they came up very close to the city. And coming down, they became the circle of the city to eight rows from Don to the sea, at a distance of an elongated hand. Fitoli with muskets, everyone is shining that candles are burning. And every colonel in the shelf of Yanychar to twelve thousand. And they all have a fire, a dress from the Colonels of Jancharian Shito Gold, and giving them all the same red, as if buried. They were singing with all long Turkish, with fingers. And on the heads of Janchard Shisheschi, like stars, glow. Similar to the construction of their construction soldier. And in the ranks with them there are two German colonel with soldiers - they have 6000 soldiers in the shelf.

On the same day, as Turks came to us under the city, by the evening they sent the Turkish pasches of translators of their Basurman, Persian and Greek to us. And with Tolmachi sent with us to talk to the older of Jancharn infantry colonels. I turned to us by the colonel Yanacharsky with the word from the king of his Turkish, from four purses and from the king of the Crimean, began to speak speech smoothly:

"Oh people of God, the servants of the king of heaven, who are not led by any deserts, not sent by anyone! Like steaming eagles, without fear you fly through the air; Like lions ferocious, wandering on the deserts, reveal! Cossacks Don and Volzhskoy Fierce! Next neighbors! The moral is non-permanent, sly! You deserted deserted killers, robbers merciless! Unreleased your eyes! Incomplete your womb - and never fill! Who do you apply the grievances, terrible rudeness? You came on such a hand high, on the Tsar Turkish! Do you really still have Svyatarvsky's heroes in Russia? Where can I run from his hand now? You predicted His Majesty Sultan Murat, Tsar Turkish. You killed him servant of his faithful, the ambassador of the Turkish Foma Cantakuzina, killed you all Armenians and the Greeks that were with him. And he was sent to the sovereign to your. Yes, you took from him, Sultan, his favorite royal winner, glorious and red Azov-city. You attacked on him, like the wolves hungry, did not spare in it from the floor of Magnifier neither old, nor small and children killed everyone to one. And those won the name of the beasts of the people. Through that robbery, the sovereign of the King Turkish sovereign from his horde the Crimean Azov-city was separated. And the Crimean Horde - the defense of it on all directions. Second: you took the ship's pier. You created the azov-city all the sea blue, did not give a passage through the sea by ships and ships in any kingdom, in Pomeranian cities. Why do you, having committed such a keenness with a luteuya, wait here to wait here? Clean our winch of Azov-city per night, not bag! What do you have your silver and gold there, then without fear, incur from the Azaz city of Vaughn with your Cossacks to your comrades from the town. And when you get off, you will not touch you. If only you will not leave the Aziz-city on this night, you will not be able to stay in our day alive. Who is you, villains and killers, can hover or obscure such a strong king of Eastern, Turkish, and from such great, terrible and invincible forces? Who will stand before him? There is no one in the world equal to him or similar to greatness and forces! One will obey only God heaven. Only he is one - the faithful guard of the coffin of God! By the will, he chose his one among all the kings in the world. So save your life at night! Do not die then by his hand, the king of Turkish, the death of Luitu. In his will, he, the great sovereign East, Turkish king, never was a murderer for your brother, thief, Cossack-robber. Only then, to him, the king, the honor is worthy of how the king of the great, equal honor to him, - and your does not go to him the blood of robbing. And if you take this night in Azov-city, contrary to the words of Tsarev, so gracious, contrary to his guarantee, take tomorrow the city of Azov and you will take it in it, thieves and robbers, like birds in your hands. We will give you, thieves, on the flour of a lady and terrible. We will split your body on small crumbs. At least you were sitting, thieves, there are 40,000, because with us, Pasha, sent more than 300,000 forces! There are so many hair on your heads, how much power with Turkish under the azov city. You ourselves, thieves stupid, see their eyes with their own eyes, innumerable, as they covered the whole steppe! Can not, right, with urban heights of your eyes to see from the end to the end even our forces are the main. It does not turn through the power of our Turkish no bird soaring: everything is from fear, looking at our people, on the forces of our many, fall from the height of the ground! And we give you, thieves, to know that I will not be from the Moscow strong kingdom of your people, no help or revenue. What are you, thieves stupid, hope, if the breadpage with Rus will never send you? And if you only wanted, the Cossacks ferocious, serve the army of the sovereign to the commander, his Sultansky Majesty, bring him, the king, his heads of the robbery mounted, swear to him in the earlier. Let me go to the sovereign to you our Turkish king and Pasha His all your Cossacks are roughly the former and current takes to Azov. They will comply with our sovereign Turkish king you, Cossacks, honor. Enrich you, Cossacks, he, sovereign, many uncountable wealth. I will arrange you, the Cossacks, he, the sovereign, in Himself in Tsargrad, the Honorary Life. Forestly will come to you, all the Cossacks, a dress with a gold sewing, the signs of the boys of gold with the royal stimples. All people will be to you, Cossacks, in his sovereign Tsargrad to bow. Then your glory will be held by Cossack eternal for all countries, from the East and to the West. All hordes of Basurmansky, Yanychars, and the Persian people, the Cossaccies, the Cossacks, the Cossacks, with your forces are not afraid of the Cossacks, with your forces are small, with a family of Turkish, so invincible forces of the Tsar of Turkish, Three hundreds of Tsar Turkish, Three hundreds of thousands of Tsar. You waited for the shelves to the city itself. How norrigious and stronger in front of you, the Cossacks, how richer and crowded Shah is the Persian king! He owns all the great Persido and hernate India; He has the troops, like our sovereign, the Turkish king. But the same Shah Persian will never stand on the field against the strong king of Turkish. And his people are never defended in the cities of their many thousands of us, the Turks: they know our ferocity they are fearless. "

The answer is our Cossacks from Azaz-City Tolmacham and Colonel Jancharsky:

"We see all of you and until this afraid we see everything about you, all the forces, all the threats of the Tsar of Turkish are known to us. We are translated to you, Turks, often at sea and over the sea, on a dry path. We know your strength to Turkish. We waited for you to visit you for yourself, many days. And where are your Ibrahim, Turkish king, all his mind Deval? Il did not have his own, the king, for the sea of \u200b\u200bsilver and gold, which he sent to us, the Cossacks, for the sake of the bloody Cossack zipunov of our four purses, and they raise their Turkish - 300,000 again with us, and then We ourselves exactly see and know that his strength is worth three hundred thousand combat people, except for black men. Yes, he hired against us, your Turkish king, of four foreign land, six thousand soldiers and many scholars and gave them for the money of many. And then you, the Turks, the very worn that we do not capture our vypunov for our time. Let him, the Turkish king, now will take us in the Azov-city attack, will not take it with his royal grandeur and reason, but those of the great Turkish forces and the trusters of the German hired people, a little honor in that will be for the name of King Turkish, which will take us, Cossacks, in Azov city. He does not freeze the Cossack nickname, does not empty Don from the Cossacks. Everyone will be all with Don Well done. Pasham yours from them for the sea to run! And if God eliminates us from his strong hand, if they sit down from your siege in the Azov city, from his great strength, from three hundredth thousand, with their own forces with small (all of us, selected Cossacks, 7590 sits in Azov with a weapon), - the entertainment will be He, the king of your, eternal and from his brethren and from all kings. He said to himself, as if he was above the Earth Kings. And we are the people of God, we have all the hope of God on God, and on the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, and in holy wings, and on their brethren - comrades who live on the towns in the towns. And we are the chores Natural sovereign of the king of the Christian kingdom of Moscow. Nashe eternal nickname - Great Cossacks Don Affective. We will become with him, the king is Turkish, fight that with thin swine! We, the Cossacks are free, buy death instead of belly. Where many strength are now, there are many corpses there! We are not the fact that the people of Shah Persian. There are them that women fall asleep in the cities of their mountains high. Although us, Cossacks, and only seven thousand five hundred and ninety people are sitting, and with the help of God, we are not afraid of the great those king of the Turkish forces of three hundred and German tricks. He, Basurman, Gordom, King Turkish, and Pasham Your God opposes their speeches arrogant. It is equal to him, the dog is something, your Turkish king, honors herself to God. He did not call, Basurman, frowning and vast, God of Himself. He hoped on his wealth a great butter. Satan ascended by his father, his father, pride to heaven, but the God would throw him into the abyss forever. With our weak hands, the Cossack decree to him, the king, will be eternal. Where now he is ratty great in the fields we are root and boasts, tomorrow they will play from us under the city of people's corpses in many. Javits us God for our humility of Christian lions violent in front of you, dogs. For a long time, we have, in the fields of our letoma, you have a spellishness, the eagles of the SIZY, the crows of the crows are black, go beside Don Foxes red, they are waiting for all the corpses of your Basurmansky. You feed them with your heads, as we took Azov, and now they want your flesh again; You will focus them. After all, we took Azov from Him, the Tsar Turkish, not the thieves cunning, "they took him an attack, courage to her and mind to see what his Turkish people in the fortresses are defended. We have strengthened in it by the power of Nard, deliberately dividing the forces in two, we will now test the strength of your Turkish, the mind of your and tricks. After all, we try everything to Jerusalem and Tsargrad. Let us take to us and Tsargrad. After all, there was a Christian kingdom there. Yes, you, bass, scare us that there will be no supplies from Russia, nor the help that you, bassurmans, from the Moscow state about us about that written. And we are about themselves without you, dogs, we see: what are we in Russia, in the state of Moscow, people are expensive and what we are needed there! Mark, we will know yours. The state of the Moscow Great, the most extended and crowded, it shines among all states and the Horde - and Basurmansky, and Elelinsky, and Persian - like the Sun. Do not read us there, in Russia, and for the ps of a deadling. We fled from that state of Moscow, from the slavery of the eternal, from the Halophry full, from the boyars and the nobles of the state, and they settled here in the deserts of immense. We live, looking at God. Who is there to rummage about us, we are glad there all the end to our! And the stock of bread to us from Russia never happened. It feeds us, wellms, the heavenly king in the steppes is his grace, the beast of wild and the marine fishing fisheries. Feels like the birds of heaven: do not sow, do not pass, do not get into the residents. So eat near the sea blue. And silver and gold for the sea you find. And wives are red, any, choosing, will take away from you.

And we took you azov-city in our Cossack will, and not by the state by the command, for the sake of Cossack zipunov, and for your arrogant people. For us, the horses of their distant, the sovereign is hard offended. Fear from him, the sovereign of the king, for the capture of the Azov's punishment of mortal. And our Sovereign is the Great, Presbyte and Righteous Tsar and the Grand Duke Mikhail Feodorovich, All Russia, the Summer and the owner. Many people, sovereign king, in the Great Hald, serves such basher kings such as your Ibrahim, the Turkish king. It is pretty, the sovereign is our great and ledge king, coming to the legend of the Holy Fathers, not wanting the shedding of the blood of your Basurman. Pretty our sovereign is rich in the god of the subjects and royal grants and without your windy basher dog wealth. And if he had his state command, if he wanted only, the great sovereign, the blood of your basher scholars and cities of your Basurman's ruin for your Basurmanskoe to him, sovereign, disobedience, if it only told him, sovereign, to go war on you All, bassurmen, their Ukraine, which is sitting in His, the sovereign, in the steppes from the Nogai Horde, then there would be here his sovereign people of Russians with one of Ukraine a lot of many! And these are his sovereign people from Russian Ukraine, that, like lions, violent, Archut and want to taste your Basurman's flesh. Only holds them and he does not command his land of the Tsarskaya, and in the cities in all the fear of death constrain them in the prince of the commandment of governors of sovereign. And then I would not have been covered by your Ibrahim, the king is Turkish, from his arms of the sovereign, from the hard-hearth of the people of His sovereigns and in the womb of his mother, - and from there, the trips, his dog, was taken out before the face of Tsarev. It would not protect him, King Turkish, from the hand of that sovereign, from the land of his high and the sea is blue, would not keep it people of sovereigns! Would be one year old after him, our sovereign, and Jerusalem and the Tsargrad, and in all the fortresses of your Turkish, there would be a stone on the stone from our attack of Russian. You call us a speech of the king of the Turkish to serve him, the king of Turkish, and promise us the honor of the great and wealth of it. And we, the people of God, the sovereign chores of the king of Moscow, refer to the baptism of Christians Orthodox. How can we serve the king of the wrong! After leaving the leafy local light and the future, we do not want to go to the hellish darkness! If we, the king of Turkish, as the servants are needed, then we, after sitting on our power of your troops, we will visit him, the king, for the sea, under his Tsargrad, let's see on the city that we are natural; With him, the king of Turkish, we will talk there the Great speech, if only I would let your Cossack fall in love with him! Let's serve him with the caustic yes with his sabers sharp! And now we have nothing to talk here with anyone, except for your sauna. Your ancestors, bass, that they arranged to Tsargrad - captured it with us! They killed in him the sovereign of the king of the brave, Constantine Paznovy. We broke the Christians in it thousands, much many. Obtained by the blood of our christian christian church thresholds, before the end I eradicated you are a Christian faith there! So it would be necessary for us now this is your example! Taking that tsargrad attack from your hands, kill in it as your Ibrahim, King Turkish, and all of you, Basurman. I would also shed your blood bassurman unclean. At that time b and we had peace with you. And now we have nothing more to speak with you. Everything is well known to us.

And about everything that you hear from us, pass your pasham. You can not put up, there will be a single faith of a Christian with bass. What is the appeal! The Christian wins in his soul, and in that truth he and the age stands. And your brother Basurman comes to faith Basurmansky. And your Tatarstsky live is like a mad dog. So you believe your brother-dog! We are glad of you tomorrow in Azov to sweat than we, wellms, God sent! Go to your stupid Pasham not bag. And again, you do not drive with a stupid speech. To deceive us - only for nothing days to lose! And who, to us from you with a speech of a stupid again, will be, we have to be under the stena! Do you, why from the king of the Turkish to us are sent. We have an Azov with our youths with their heads, a little bit. And you already from our Cossack hands get it off with Turkish heads, many thousands. Some of us will help God? Lose to you under the azov of our Turkish heads many thousands, and not take you from the hands of our Cossack before the century! Unfortunately, taking it with us, Hals, the sovereign our king and the Grand Duke Mikhailo Feodorovich, All Russia's confident, you, dogs, they will comply. Then you still will be. To his will of the sovereign! "

As a colonel and Tolmachi returned to the forces of their Turkish, to Pasham, they began to drive many great in the troops in their troops. After that playing tube in the gun and beat the drums. Stated crows and the animals scream foul.

Built the shelves of their all night they are up to light. And how was the first hour of the day on the courtyard, they began to speak out of their strength Turkish. Banners and pricks them bloomed around the field, like flowers different. From the pipes of large and drums they rose inexplicable, terrible sounds.

Attacking them to our city. We went to the attack German two colonels with soldiers. Behind them went the injection infantry Yanycharskaya, one hundred and fifty thousand. Then he went to the attack on the city and the whole of the horde was walking. They shouted the cry and furiously and violently.

The first attack. They tilted all the banners of their city, in our direction. Closed the entire Azov-city our banners. Steel towers and walls with axes chop. Many on the walls at that time were climbing the stairs. And then we started shooting from the deposited fortress, and until we were silent. From the fire and smoke, it has not been visible to us each other. On both sides of the shooting only the fire and thunder stood, the fire was raised and smoke to heaven. As if the thunderstorm began terrible, as it happens to the thunder of the thunder and lightning. Substicks are secret that we were left for the city in anticipation of their attack, everyone did not hold the forces of their unprecedented, collapsed, did not hold the land of their forces. In those failures, we were beaten by the Turks, many thousands. It was cooked with us all the subtilities, they were packed by fraction and fragments. And it was killed while the attack on the first day under the wall of the city of one Colonels Jancharsk six and two German colonel with all six thousand soldiers of them. On the same day, making a breakdown, we captured a big banner of the king of Turkish, with which they went to the attack for the first time. The Pashas of Turkish come to us with great forces on that first day until the night, even at the evening dawn. We were killed on their first that day, except for the six colonels of the Jancharian and two German colonels, one Janicar twenty-five thousand, in addition to the wounded.

The next day, on the bright dawn, they again sent the Turks to our Tolmachi to us - asking us to remove them to remove them from the city of the body of the killed, which was hacked at Azov under the saint of the city. And they gave us for each Nanycharskaya's headed head on the Gold Chervonets, and for the head of Colonels for a hundred talers. And our army did not go to that, did not take the fallen silver and gold behind them. "We do not sell the corpses of the enemy, but the road is glory eternal. It is to you, dogs, from us from Azaz-city toy first. While we, well done, the guns only cleared. All so you, bassurmans, from us will be! You have nothing to sweat, your business is siege! "

On this day, we had no battle with them. They collected the corpses of their killed to the very night. Dropped for those corpses deep ditch in three versts from the city, fell asleep their mountains here, set over the hill many signs of Basurman and the inscriptions there in various languages \u200b\u200bdid.

After that on the third day, the Turks came again to us under the city with all their own, only became already gone from us and the attack did not do. And their people hiking on that day lead to us a high, earthen huge shaft, many above Azov-city. That mountain, highly wanted to cover us in the Azov city of the Great forces Turkish. Tested it to us in three days, and we, seeing that Mount High, Mount His eternal thing that will be our death from her, as soon as the God of mercy and help from the Major Virgin and from the image of the forerunner, calling for the aid of the wonderworkers of Moscow and committing a death farewell With all the Orthodox Christians, we went from the city to only our buddy, in seven thousand things, for a straight fight with their three thousand people. "Our Lord, Creator, Heavenly King, do not give out the wicked creature of their hands! We see in the face of these forces from them the death of themselves in the face! They want to cover us to cover the mountain high, seeing our powerlessness and the fact that there are few of us that in the desert we left all the Christians of Orthodox, wounding the appearance of the terrible and great strength to their Turkish. And we, the poor, were not desperate in your, lord, mercy, leading your generotes great! With your God, the death of Christian here is dead, fight against their big strength, in three hundred thousand, for the Church of God, for the whole state of Moscow and for the name of the royal! "

Having performed all the rules of the deathly, went to the battle, and unanimously we were all shouted, going to them: "God is with us! Mute, innings and incorrect, and conquer, because God is with us! "

They heard the wrong words wrong from our mouths that God with us, and none stood before our face, ran all away from the high mountain of their own. We broke them in that hour many, many thousands. We took into battle then, on the babble at the mountain, sixteen banners of some Yanycharski and twenty-eight barrels powder. And the fact that he was powder, sinking their high, we scattered all her. And he broke down with many thousands of them, and to us those our subcois the living Yanychar threw a thousand five hundred people! And since then, the earthen tricks were passed. They led the first mountain of another mountain, even more than one. In length, poured it on three best shots, and in the embroidery many above the Azoz city, she was - barely until half a stone to feed! On that grief, they already put all their guns, and the infantry all led their Turkish, one hundred and fifty thousand, and the Horde Nogai with the hurried hurried. And they conceived from that mountain from the guns to beat them on the Azov-city day and night incessantly. From the guns, their scary thunder stood, the fire and smoke smoked from them to the sky. Sixteen days and sixteen nights did not smear their guns for any hour. In those days and nights from the shooting of their guns, all our Azov fortifications were broken, - and the walls, and the towers, and the Church of the forerunner, and at home everyone broke up to the very foundation.

And our guns broke everything. Alone in our entire Azov city of the city, the church was half a half - Nikolin. Therefore, it remained that she was covered below, to the sea under the mountain. And we sat from them by pits. They did not give us out of pits. And at that time we made them the rest spacious in the ground beneath them, under their shaft, the courtyards are fairly spacious. And from those secret courtyards of their 28 subcords under their tables. And those subposses were arranged for themselves help, relieved great. I sometimes went out on their infantry Yanycharskaya, and we broke their many. Those with their night collections on their infantry Turkish, we brought great fear on them, and the damage was big caused to them in people. And after that Pasha Turkish, looking at those of our skillful subcuildings in the siege of the actions, the seven of their subcuildings from their Tabor took towards. And they wanted to fall into our pits, in order to crush us with their many. And we grave the grace of God, all the subpoples of them, and ruined them all right, I buried them here many thousands. And since then, their cutting wisdom was passed all. Considered them so tricks.

But everything was from the Turks to us under the city of Azov 24 attacks all their power. But after the first large attack of such cruel and bold no more. On the knives, we cut them into that attack. They conceived to throw in the pit our kernels fiery and all sorts of German siege tricks. And those, the forests of the attacks, they caused us a great implantation. They killed many of us then and turned out. And after those nuclei of the fiery, that they were consistent with us, leaving all their tricks, they began to overcome us and approach us direct fight with their power.

They conceived to us to send their Yanychar to us every day. For ten thousand, they compete on us all day until the night, and another ten thousand go to the night to replace them. And those coming on us all night to light. Not one hour will give peace to us. And they fight shifting day and night, so that Istomy to master us. And from those of their tricks and maliciousness, from their hard wounds and from insomnia, from Luta, the needs of all sorts and from the berahny smell of the body became a nememoch, everyone was squeezed by the SEEPEM's outer diseases. And our squads are completely few left; We will not change with anyone, we will not be given to rest. At that time, we all in the life of our life and in the Azov city were desperate, lost hope for revenue from people, only and expecting help from the Most High God. Resorted, poor, only to their assistant to the forerunner. Before Him, the light of our, fill with tears bitter: "Sovereign you, the light, our assistant, Ivan Forerunner, according to yours, our light, the phenomenon ruined the nest of the snake, took the Azov city. We broke in it all Christian tormentors, Idolars. Your, the light of our, and Nikolin house cleared and decorated your eyes miraculously with their own sinners, unworthy. Without singing to this afternoon in front of the images, our day did not pass. What do we, of you, are our lights, did you predict that we go to the hands of Basurman? On you, you are our lights, we hoped, sitting in the siege, leaving all our comrades. And now from the hands of Turkish see their death. They worry us insomnia; Days and nights are increful with them to suffer. Our legs under us are pregnant, our hands from defense were crying, do not serve us. Already our eyes do not look away from fatigue, too, from an indifferent shooting, the eyes screamed by gunpowder, all shoots in them. Our language is already in the mouth, it does not turn to the bass scratch. That is our powerlessness: we can't keep your arms in the hands of your hands! We read by us now yourself for the corpses of the dead. Two hours in the siege we can no longer sit! Now we, the poor, parting with your icons of miraculous, with Christians with all Orthodox: We will not be on Holy Rus! Death came in the wilderness to us, sinners, for your icons miraculous, for the faith of Christian and perthe name of the royal, for all the kingdom of Moscow! " Began to say goodbye:

"Forgive us, the horses of their sinners, our Sovereign Orthodox, the king of All Russia Mikhailo Feodorovich! Matching our sinners sinners! Forgive you, the sovereigns of the Patriarchs are universal! Sorry, all state trucks Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops! Sorry and you, all archimandritis and igumens! Sorry, all state trucks Protopa, and priests, and deacons! Sorry, our state trucks, all the Christians are Orthodox! Measure our sinners' sinners per day Parental! There is no melancholy State of Moscow! We think the poor, in the mind of our own, to die are not in the pits, for us and to get a good fame to ourselves. "

We raised on the hands of the icons of miraculous - the forerunner da Nikolin - and went with them against the bassurman on the college. And by the grace of their apparent broke bassurman in that sudden shooting six thousand. And there were Turkish people who keep us the mercy of God, which could not be mastered by anything, who have not been sent to us to attack their people. And then we rested from the Iston, from mortal wounds.

After that battle passed three days, and again began to screaming them Tolmachi, call us to the conversation. And we really could not keep them, because our language from our mouth did not grieve in the mouth! And they started on arrows to us labels throw. And they write in them, they ask us the place of Azov. And give us a repurchase for each well done for three hundred talers of silver pure and two hundred gold worber talers. "And in that you swear to you and the colonels with the soul of the king of Turkish, which now, when you are moving, you will not touch you. Flight with silver and gold in the towns to your comrades, but we only give us an empty place Azov. "

And we write back to them: "Not expensive to us your dog silver and gold, in Azov and on the Don we have our own. Then we, well done, need and expensive, so that we were about us than the fame of the eternal world, that you are not afraid of your Pasha and the power of Turkish! We immediately told you that we would let you know about yourself, you will be remembered for us. Returning over the sea, in the edges of Basurmansky, it was to tell you that to tell your king Turkish stupid, what to start the Cossack Russian. How much do you have broken bricks and stone in the Azov city, so much we have already taken away from your goals for the destruction of Azov. On the heads and on the bones of your mock the city of Azov is better than former! And our glory will be held all over the world until the century, as laying the cities on your heads. I found here your Turkish king for myself shame and the eternal ukrizna. Let's take a tribute to him every year six times more. " After that, it was easier for us from them, there were no more attacks. They considered that under the azov, they had many thousands.

And during his sewing siege, we held, sinful, post. Many prayers made prayers, respect the purity of bodily and spiritual. In the siege, many of us people sophisticated saw in a dream and revealed - one wife is beautiful and light, in the air standing in the middle of the village of Azov, other people - the husband of ancient, with the vlas of the long, in bright riza, which looks at the shelves Basurmansky. And did not betray us the Virgin in the hands of Basurmansky, applied us against them an explicit assistance, leaving the murremely: "Stretch, Cossacks, and not horrity. Grad of this Azov from the lawless Agaryan, their dishonesty, evil and cruelty of Lengan, the thrones in the Nerchs of the Forerunner and Nicolina are defiled. And not only desecrated, they land in Azov and the thrones, but also the air over him overshadowed, the burden here and torturing Christians were learned, separated husbands from legitimate wives, sons and daughters from fathers and mothers. From much crying of that sobbing all the land of Christian recreation. And about clean devices, about the widows of immaculate and about the walkers in the infancy of my mouth and spark not in the abundance, looking at the crown to them. And heard the god of prayer and crying them. Seeing the creation of his hands, Orthodox Christians, the evil dying, gave you against Basurman, the ignition betrayed you and their hands in your hands. Yes, they will not say wicked: "Where is your Christian God?" And you, the brothers, do not take care, tear away every fear of yourself, will not touch you any bass sword. Put hope for God, accept the crown from Christ an imperishable. And your soul will take God, you have to reign with Christ forever. "

And many atamans saw that the forerunner had flowed at the image of Ivan's forerunner from the eyes of his tears abundant on the day of each attack. And on the first day, during an attack, you saw the lamp at his image, a lot of tears. And when you searches from our city, everyone saw bass - and the Turks, and the Crimeans, and the Nogai - the husband of brave and young, in the rolling clothes that went among the battle with the sword naked and many Basurman struck. And we have not seen. Only on the killed we know, something is the matter of God, and not our hands: People are Turkish in half dissected! Sment from the sky was victory over them! And they, bass, we asked for us many times, who from us from the city goes to the fight with a sword. And we told them: "Our governments come out."

And we sat in Azov in Siege from the Turks from June 24, 149 to September 26, 150, 93 days and 93 nights. And on the night of the 26th day of September, Turkish Pasha with all the Turks and the Crimean King with all their forces four hours before the light ran, the popyan, in confusion and trembling, from Azaz-city, with any of us are not striking. With eternal shame, Pasha Turkish to themselves left for the sea, and the Crimean King went to the Orda to himself, Circassians in the cabarda his own, the Nogai went to their uluses. And we, the Cossacks, as heard of their retreat, attacked their tubors a thousand people. And we took them in the devices then languages, the Turks and Tatars are alive, four hundred people, and the patients and the wounded were caught with two thousand.

And those languages \u200b\u200bon interrogations and torture were all spoken unanimously, why among the nights ran from the city of Pasha and the Crimean King with all their own. "On the night of that night there was a terrible vision. In heaven over our shelves, Basurmann walked with Russia from your kingdom of the Moscow cloud, the Great and terrible. And she became against the very appa of our. And in front of Tuchey, two terrible boys go through the air, and in the hands of their own swords naked and threaten to our shelves Basurmansky. At that time we learned them all. And on the same night, the terrible governors of Azov in rich clothes went onto the battle attack on us from Azaz-city. Flutted us in two, along with horses. From that terrible vision and ran from Tubors Turkish Pasha and the Crimean King. "

And we, the Cossacks, that night there was also a vision: on the shaft of Basurmansky, where their guns were standing, two husbands walked, ancient years. On one thing is the clothes of the Ierie, and on the other - the owner of the ribbed. They point to the shelves of Basurmansky and tell us: "ran, the Cossacks, from you Pasha Turkish and the Crimean King from Tabors. The victory over them from Christ, the Son of God, from Heaven, the power of God. "

And they also told us those languages \u200b\u200babout damage in the people of their own, how many of them beaten from our hands under the azov city. From their main forces, they are broken by their one Murz and Tatars and Yanychar ninety-six thousand, except those blacks. Many people and hooching people. And we have only 7367 people in the siege, only 7367 people were sitting in Azov. And those who survived from us, sovereign horses, after siege, all wounded. There is not a single person with a person; None who would not shed his blood in Azov sitting in the name of God, for the Christian faith. And now we have all the army at the sovereign of the king and the Grand Duke All Russia, Mikhail Feodorovich, asking mercy. We ask, the chores that were sitting in Azov, and those who live in the towns in their towns, so that he told him to take from the hands of our Sovereign Votchin - Azov-City, for the sake of bright images of the Forerun and Nikolin, for the sake of all that Lights our, pleased here. Nevertheless, he will protect the sovereign, the sovereign, from the war of all its Ukraine, will not be war from the Tatar before the century, how are our in Azov-city,

And we, the chores, what remained after the siege of the Azov, we all already elders are injured, there are no strength in our combat fishery. And then our vow, all, in order the forerunner: to take a try in the monastery of it, take the image of the monastic. We will pray to God before the century for him, the sovereign, and for the whole state of him. His state defense and our faith defended us from such Turkish forces, and not our youth courage and fishery. And if the sovereign of us, the slaves of their distances, do not comply with, do not tell us from our hands of our Azoz city, then we, wept, leave it! We will raise, sinful, icon of the forerunner, and let's go with him, our light, where he tells. Ataman, I will hold before it, it will be over us with igumen. And I will hold up, that we will have an organizer. And we, poor, although weak everything, do not depart from His, the forerunner, the image, the poke is all here to one. Will be the fame of the Lavra Forerovanskaya.

And after the same Atamans and Cossacks attributed to the certificate, which is needed in the Azov for siege seating of 10,000 people, 50,000 pounds of all sizes, 20,000 pinds of gunpowder, 10,000 muskets, and all the money is needed 221,000 rubles.

In the current 7150 year, by. Past and Embassy of King Turkish Ibrahim-Sultan, Sovereign King and Grand Duke Mikhailo Feodorovich helped him, Tsar Turkish Ibrahim-Sultan, and ordered the Don Ataman and Cossacks of Azov-City to leave.

Tale of the Azov Sitting,
As the Don Cossacks sat in siege from the Turks in the city of Azov, five thousand people against three hundred thousand people.

Summer 7150 October 28 days. To the great state of the king and the great prince Mikhail Fedorovich, in Belarus, came from the Turkish land, with Don, from the city of city, Don Cossacks: Ataman Naum Vasilyev, yes Yasaul Fyodor Ivanov, and with them the Donskoy ordinary elected Cossacks twenty-four people arrived with them who were sitting in the Azov city from the Turks in the siege, and their siege and combat and boldly brought them with a genuine painting.

And in the painting they are written with genuinely apart by articles.

In the past in the 149th year, July in the 24th day, sent to the Turkish Idle Saltan Tsar to us the Don Cossacks of Four Pasha, and two of their colonels, and Captain, and Mustafa, the closest Duma and the secret of his peace, good over us Look at the fishery, how to produce Pasha and Colonels over the Azov city will be made, and with them Pashadas sent many of his collected treasury and the Bosurmanskaya strength, but she sent the Don Cossacks with them, a joint land of the Don Cossacks, his friends and subjects of Military people. And his strength, on the lists of his faded martial people of two hundred thousand, the separation of Pomeranian and Cafinsky black men, and which on this side of the sea are collected from the whole horde of the Crimean and Nagai to Zagreb, so that the Cossacks in the Azov of the city of living to overcome and fall asleep to them The mountain is high as they enhance people Persian; And myself would tell them our our maturity of the Glava Great, but we would crush it forever. And they are collected by their black men by many thousands, they are not the same. Yes, with the same Pasha, the Crimean Tsar came, yes, his brother of his native Crimea Tsarevich with his Order of the Crimean and Nagai, and with them the Crimean and Nagai people Murz and Tatar, led people, the church of hunters, forty thousand, and the same Tsarevich came with him and Cherkan princes from the Kabarda one thousand people. Yes, with them Pasha had hired people from Venice of the German two colonel, and with them soldiers there were six thousand people. Yes, with Nimić, the German people of Greek, wise fictions of many states from Greek and from the glass and the French lands, Pinars who know all sorts of attacks to do and fiction to the wisdom and squeezed incendiary to do and fiction and squeezed dungeons. And the projectile of anyone with those pills and the colonels were under the city of Azov's great large breaks of 129 guns, and the kernels of those cannons were in half a downturn and in one and a half of the way and in two pounds, and Melkova, the projecture was with them cannons and tufies six hundred semesat four guns, The okrom of the fiery riding incendiary cannons, and there were thirty-two-two guns, and they had all the shell all on the chains, fearing that they did not take it on the seals. And it was with those Turkish people of people under the Azov city and different lands: the first Turks, the second Crimea, the third of the Greeks, the fourth Serbs, the fifth Arapes, the sixth Mozharas, the seventh Budans, the top of the Boycelas, the Ninth Arnauts, the Tenth Mutyan, the first-tolerance, Second-to-put the Cherkasy, the third-to-stop the Germans, the fourth-to put out Janchieri. And with Pasha and from the Colonels and with the captain there was under the Azov city of the people of people, and with the Crimean king and the Tsarevich Crimea, on the lists of the fiction of any fighting man, the disinterested in the fictionalines of German and black men and hunters, two hundred and fifty-six thousand. And he selected, the Tour Tsar, the power of the sea on us, the Don Cossacks, to go under the Azov city, exactly four years, and on the fifth year in the summer of 7149, the month of July in the 24th, for the Christmas of the Saint Glorious Prophet and the Baptist Preports The Lord of John, they came to an urgent days for 1 hour, at the lunch itself.

Pasha, his Turners, Colonels and Captain, and the Crimean Tsar and Tsarevich, they came on their own on the Azov fields, and they took a lot of steppe, and the dark steel in the Azov city of Aki Forests. And from the strength of their Turkish and from the cultivation of the horse earth, we were crushed under the Azov city, and from the Don River, the water to the shore seemed to us, sitting in the city of Azov, spoke. We are poor from that Velmi, sitting, horrified, Tokmo hope with God for God and for the Most of the Virgin and in all the saints of his worship, nor whining the same assistance to Teahah.

The Turks also so much the tents and tents Many put and make a might of the tents, it is more than a summer, and they so much in the shepherds there are trunnels and games and swirle squeaks of great self-confidence; Also, they have so much to drive into the pipes of German and Turkish unraded to glasses, terrible and unfamiliated by Bosuryman games.

The post of those all kinds of Igor have them to have a shooting Muskel and Cannon-Great, as it was standing over the city over the Azov and above we have a thunder and from the invoking of the food and from the cannon smoke, that each other is not video.

We are poorly poor from their Bosurmansky parish, and they were horrified by the ear, and we are ease of their great power to dig. They became the same to be close to us only for the sufferings small from Azov city. Yancharian heads go to us under the city of the great shelves, divided by banners, many without a sign on Shiren, they threaten in the pipes and the drums are beaten incessantly, and in no fact that we have not seen such banners and boat and drums.

They came to us in the very closeness of twelve heads of Yanychorski, to the city of Azov, I began to stack a circle of the city in eight rows from the Don River, capturing the hand to the sea. We all see everyone from them from everyone, that they boil them in the muskets, they are burning the candles, phytilovat with gray fuel. And in any Yancharian head in his regiment on twelve thousand people. And they have a fight all fiery muscutty fight, and all those Yanchard goals wear gold lettuities, and on the Yanychykhi, the dress is a single-color red dress, and the muffins were frozen and they were squeaked with iron, steel and sticked rigs. And similar to our Russian soldier's system is like. Yes, with them, they became a number of German two colonel with their German people with hired soldiers. And there were six thousand people in the regiment.

We for the help of God, I didn't give anything at that time, I did not give them anything, we expect to ourselves that they would have the fishery on us. Tokmo do excavation subpopers and prepare on them, every big and small rifle charging the shot and lides of small iron.

The same days for the evening, as the Turks came to us under the city, Pasha, and the captain and Colonels sent to us under the city of hiking of their Bosuryman Turkish Tolmachi and Persian and German people with reprimand.

And we ordered the system of the infantry yancharian head, and the head of their Yanychorskaya wounded to us the Don Cossacks to speak the word of the Turkic Tsar and four Pasha, and the captain, and from the king and from Tsarevich the Crimean Rumshoy smooth and the words are mounted: the people of God, the king of heaven, in the desert to this nobody Visible, or sending, the eagles of the Eagles soaring, without fear of the air where the air is lettingheave, and the lions ferocious in the deserts growl; Cossacks Donskoy free, neighbors Our neighbor, non-permanent morals, deserted desert residents and robbing nonposable, unacceptable your eyes are not full of your womb! Who bring such insults great and terrible rudeness? You came on such a hand high, on the king of our Turovsky. Nearby you're still on Rusy Svyatoruski, where can you kill his hands so strong? You prepicsed Amurat-Saltanovo Majesty, you killed the servant of his faithful, ambassador of his Turkish foma Kutigigina 2, and he broke all Armen and the Greeks of many people with him; And he was sent to your great sovereign to the king and the great prince Mikhail Fedorovich Moscow and All Russia. Yes, you took your favorite the victim of the Tsar of the Turkish Nice Red Azov city, you attacked the aques of smooth wasts at him, you did not spare in it. Nikaki aged age, you beat everyone to a single person, you put the wrong name for yourself; They accepted our king of the Turov with his Ordo crickered by its own on our Azov city, and he had a Horde, the Crimean defense of him on all sides terrible.

The second, you separated it with the ship's ships, you gave them to them azov city all the sea is blue, do not give the aisle on the sea either ships nor to corticams, or in which Pomeranian city of Tsar Tour Tour. Cutlery you are such a rudeness, the end of him in it wait or death different bitter? The hearts are your Christian cruel, clean the defendant of the Tsar of the Turovsky, Azov city, in this shop, not a bag, until you beat you; And that in our Azov city there is your thieves of the robbing assembly and all sorts of your belongings, and we don't have something to do it: everything is incurred from Azov of the city to our Cossack towns with themselves without fear of their comrades, and on the fatherlessness you will not be touched . And you only from Azov of the city in Nosti, do not let out, can not leave, no one from you is alive tomorrow from us. And hide and kill you from Azov of the city of non-wad, and stand up and help you out of our hands. Our also strong no one. And against our king of the Turov and such great and invincible terrible oriental and midday forces who stand or be patted? Like him from the kings and from the princes of Majesty in the world to be taken. Tokmo is guessed by the Unified Heavenly God, and he is a coffin of the Lord, and in the will of God, he is elected His God in the world of Sing United, in one of all the kings and princes of earthly. Fur in the back of this belly. And do not murita from his hand, his luto is their own fool. He, the king of the East, not the killer to anyone your brother Warru Cossack and the robber; He is the king of our honor worthy. They break to him the people of the king of the Russian, is it deprived of their honor to be. His inexpensive is your blood tatina and robbery.

And if you already move in a nosti, through Tsareva, such a merciful speech and the commandment in our Azov city, and we invite the Zouch city of Azov, and you are taata and the robbers of Yako birds in the Ruta and bring you the thieves on flour different and split your flesh On the crumbs small. At least you were sitting on all thieves and forty thousand, and otherwise the strength for you is sent with Pasha more than three hundred thousand. And the hair will not be so much on the chapters of yours, how much is the passage of our passage under the Azov city; You see the thief of the stupid squeezes of their own way, the great and uncountable, as they covered this degree great, and from the height of your eyes all see how much our strength under the Azov city, that the other edge of our end is not to see. Yes, and then we give you a statement that from the kingdom of your Moscow strong and terrible, no people will help you from people, and to help you out for anyone, because you have taken azov city with our stupid thieves, the king and the Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich, All Russia, and Nikoli Nicoli will not send to you in the reserves of Nikoliki.

And you have to serve our king of the Turk, because your breed of Cossacks Don free, ferocious and fearless, shepherd and teachers do not have anything, live by the liberty of your own, bring the blame of your tatinium and robbing and obeying their stupid heads to our Pasham and Colonel in The obedience to the eternal service, and for that let you go to the king of our Turkish and Pasha, and the colonels of the guilt of your sufferer and will not remember your previous rudeness and the current Azov take.

And you will comply with the Don Cossacks of Celebrate Great and enrich you, he king our Turkish great and uncountable wealth and will give you the Cossacks of the Great and put on you a gold-head dress and will give you the press of the Bogatyrs with a malicious tsarist brain, and every Cossacks on you Your kingdom in our kingdom will put you and read, and call you Don of Nice Cossacks, selected knights, noble people, and that Cossack glory Eternal in Tsaregda and in other cities will be in Either the Cossacks of the Cossacks will become east and to the West to the West Weightly, all hordes of Bosurmansky, Perensky and Elinsky, holycked heroes that did not frighten from us, you sat down in the city of Azov with these small people, only have five thousand people, and such terrible and unbeatable three hundred thousand forces do not have. Where did you die your mind? What are you in prior to you and Silen and are crowded and rich in Shah Kizylbash and the Persian king, he owns everything Persido, India, and has many people. And he does not counter the king of our Turov; It never happens that he will never be with us in the town and in the fields are not sitting on the strength of our passage, seeing to her humility of our, always obey us and mercy from our king of the Turovsky ask.

For the same response, the Cossacks from Azov Tolmacham and the head of Yanchurch.

We see all of you and to sefes, we know you and we know about you, the strength and puffs of the king of your Turkish everything we know, and we are with you, the Turks, in Chasta at sea and over the sea and on a dry path; For a long time, we were waiting for you to visit the city under the Azov, the city was waited, only you lost the days of many, in vain we go to the Azov city.

Where is your business king of the Turkish mind, or he, Tsar of the Turov, did not become behind the sea of \u200b\u200bZlata and Srebra, that he came under us, Cossacks, for the bloody Zipunov?

And you tell us what sent four pasha and Captain, yes two colonels, and they sent Turkish forces to us three hundred thousand combat people for us, the chickens of black men, but he hired four German lands of soldiers six thousand, and many wise colonels and gave them for the treasury her great. And then the Turk himself knows that, on this time, no one for the gift of Zipunov revenge with us. Although he takes us a tour tsar to take us in Azov, the city with their great forces and people hired, and the mind and intelligence and fishery of German, and not their princeness and courage, then a little honorable honors and praise from his brothers, from other surrounding states and lands will be; He does not freeze the topics of our old Cossack nickname, and he will not launch from the heads of our heads.

And the recovery of our will be well done with Don. Then at that time do not kill with your Pasha and Captain and Colonel for the sea. And whether there will only save God from the hand of His so strong, they will discuss from you in Azov of the city from such great strength from three hundred thousand people with such as our small people with five thousands, then the great sacmot of the king of yours from all the surrounding states and lands will.

And he called the Turkish king himself itself from all the Earth Kings and Princes more and Cement above and is written by the Guardian of the Mernel's coffin in vain.

And this city of Azov is the structure of the blessed great kings of the Greek Orthodox Christian faith, and not your Bosourman Tsar Tour, and he took possession of them in vain. And we are people of God, and our hope we have all for His mercy and then at the most the Mother of God and all the saints of his worships, and on our brotherhood, who live in the towns in the town: those will be helped, and we hooks natural srators great The sovereign of the kingdom of Moscow.

And the nickname of our eternal Cossacks is Donskoy free, fearless; We will become with him, the king of the Turkie, fight that with thin pigs, then all of you and hired people will jump on our belly place; Where are your great, here will be to lie down from our Christian hands corpses the great and your Bosurman bones. And we are people not Shaha Tsar Persian, although you are people of him and call women and break their many.

And although there are five thousand Cossacks in Azov, only for God's help is not afraid of the forces of three hundred thousand, which is sent to us and hired by German many people from your Bosurman Tsar Tour.

And proud to him Bosurman and Pasham, and the captain, and two colonel for such your words stupid and unreasonable, God will oppose, Aki Proud Pharaoh and conquer your rati on our feet.

Unless he, a blue dog, is called his stupid highness and in the titles of his unreasonable, he is written by God; And he did not put the Bosurman God of Assistant himself, but the Uporna is on the laretch of his own, ascended by Bo Satan, his father is proud of him to heaven, and lower his God for the time from the height of the abyss, and from our Cossack hands, small sacmot will be the king of your tour eternal.

Where are the great things stand, and here in the fields we are roared by bears and wolves, and all sorts of beasts are many, and here many thousands of people will be saga from our hands under the city, and your brows and heads will be announced to eat any animals and birds And God will show us for our humility and truth and meekness in front of you, dogs, Aki Lviv violent.

For a long time, our eagles fly in our fields and the black and all sorts of birds are playing, near the Don River, and have been waiting for your flesh of the flesh, and the beasts of wild, bears and waves and foxes awaiting themselves for feeding their heads and the corpse your his.

And before this, the fifth year, as we took this Azov city, and then the same birds flew away and the beasts wildly fled to your Bosurman's flesh beaten, for feeding and for food for yourself. And now we are your Bosurman's heads and the corpse of the focus of the same all sorts of bloodthirsty birds and all the beasts of wild to satiety for many times, and now it wants the same.

But we were in the summer of the city in the summer of 7145th in your king of the Turovsky not tatin and not robbery, per day, and not at night, Dorobism and Mind, take away the face with you from the crested face on the face, not fear and Do not be afraid of the great forces of your forbidden for experience, what the king of your Turovsky in the town people are sitting.

And now we are poor sitting from you in the siege in the Azov city of small people, divided by the onset, for the experience of the Turkish intelligent minds and crafts.

And all that we apply to Jerusalem and to the Tsarugrad, I want to take Tsargorod to you so much. And then the state was the Christian former great pious kings of the Greek structure, and not your Bosurman Tsar Tour. Yes, you are barefoot with us and threaten to us that with Russia will not be sent to us and will not send any reserves and from the kingdom of Moscow there will be no military to help us; About then we ourselves we know without you and about everything about everything to the great sovereign of the king and the great prince Mikhail Fedorovich All Russia to Moscow written.

What are we in Russia, people are needed and expensive!

We in the Moscow state are not needed and not suitable, and we also know such a queue and we know truly.

That state is Moscow Great and most and crowded shines in the midst of all states and land and the Horde of the Bosurmansky and the Elin and Persian Aki Sun.

And they do not honor us the poor in Russia, the Aki Pdov sinks do not hate us, because we are swelling from that state of Moscow and from his other sovereign cities from the union and the tax, from the work and from the Half of Eternal and the great, from his state princes and boyars and nobles and children of Boyar Moscow and all sorts of city orders. Yes, Zea was settled in the deserts impassable, Tokmo look at God and all the saints of his worship.

Who about us poor in the Moscow State to expose or to strive? All the princes, and the boyars, and the nobles, and the children of the boyars Moscow rank and different cities are ordinary people on the end and death and death of our Rada; But the stocks of bread with Russia do not come to us, feeds us the God of wellms on the field, the wilderness, beasts wildly, and we eat the naval fishery, Yako, the birds of heaven neither sow, nor Ore, nor in the residents, and we are satisfied. Tako We are poor eat beam of the blue sea.

And Srebro and Zlato Emmal we have over your sea, then you yourself know.

And they choose their wives with the red, take away from the Tsager and the wives of your children talk with you together.

And we took you from you by the city of the city, and not by the state command for the Cossack zipunov of their own and for the people of yours, and for us, the kernels of their distances, the great sovereign, the king and the Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich Wielmi twists, and we are poor for then from him the great sovereign for taking the Azov worried the execution of mortals.

And he sovereign our king and the Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich, All Russia, many states and Hordes sovereign and owner.

And he has a sovereign in the eternal Halophry of such Bosurmansky kings not alone, and serve him, a sovereign, in such a time, what are your king of the Tour; Only he, the sovereign is our great and leafy, rejects the legend of the Holy Apostles and the Holy Father and does not want to shed the Bosuryman blood of yours.

And so, he, our sovereign, is rich from God with its own regulations and without your Bosurman's mindful wealth. There would be something that would have been on his state the commandment of this, he would have wondered, the great sovereign, the slicer of the blood of yours, and the ruin of your Bosurmansky wished, and at least he on you on all Bosurman ordered the war to go to one of his Ukraine who live his sovereign From the field of the Nagai Horde, I would also have gathered here more than the legion of thousands of people of His Ukrainian, such His sovereign people Russian Ukrainians, are like and greedy for you for your ruin and full patience, Yako Lions of violent wants to absorb you and live flesh your Bosurman . Yes, he holds them and does not master them the great sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich All Russia. And his land of the state.

And in the town, in all, under his state fear of mortal, hold them by the commandment of sovereign boyars and governors.

And the Turkish king would not take place from the hands of his sovereign and from the land of his high, and the sea would not keep him blue. There would be a sovereign for him to some summer Jerusalem and Tsargrad, formerly pious kings. And the Turkish city would not be in all the stone on Kameni from the mind and fishery of the people of his sovereigns. Yes, you call us the word of the Tsar of the Turovsky, so that we live for him and serve him to the Tour Tour, and the king of the Turkish honor from him is a great and wealth of the Tsar. And we are people of God, and the hoods of the sovereign of the king of Moscow, and everyone is noving on the baptism of Christians. Why do you serve us with me to king your incorrect, leaving the current light and go to the darkness pitch?

Budge we will sit in Azov of the city from the forces of His great, and then we will visit him and beyond the sea under his king, and let's see His Tsar-hail we build the blood of yours. There, with him, the king of the Turkie with himself will talk to all. If only to him, our Cossacks would be loved.

And we will serve him and ridewind with all your young heads over it and over all his human heads with food Cossack, and with their sabers in the east. And now we are with you and talk with anyone, with your pasha.

And how did this you learn about the king, and you took it to take it and killed the king of the Greek Orthodox Christian faiths Konstantin Ivanovich blessing and beat the Christians of darkness and thousands of many people, did you choose the blood of our Christian all the thresholds of church and I eradicated to the end of the Christian faith: Tobroes and now we are working on all of you and gathering to take us the order of the king of your Turkish and kill the same way, as you killed the Blessed Tsar of Greek Konstantin Ivanovich, and take us a king city with all of you Bosurmans , and shed your blood is unclean. Then we and the world and the world will be delivered.

And now we have nothing to say with you: what we heard you, then we all firmly know.

And what you hear from us, and then everyone tells our Pasha and Captain and Colonels to their. And to put up or believe us with the nicomen of the Deli is not me; Further-Christian with Bosourman to bear consent. The Christian sneaks the soul of Christian, and on that he truth stands forever. And your brother Bosurman faces faith by Bosurmann, and Io is all lying. And belief your Bosurmanskaya is equal to a mad dog. So what is your brother and believe?

We are glad to drag you in the morning than God had happened in Azov. Go to your stupid Pasham not bag. And it is again to us again with such a stupid speech, do not go, and you can make your loved days to lose us.

And who, from you to us, he will come with something stupid speech, and that from us under the saint of the city of Azov to be killed.

Furiously you are for what you are to us under the Azov city from the Tsar of the Turov. And we have an Azov city took the heads with our youth few people. And you have it from our Cossacks from our hands to our heads with our Turkish many of our own thousands, and God will help to someone in the battle. To lose you under the Azov city of Turkish my heads, many thousands, and not see him from the hands of our Cossack and before the century that their ears.

Does it fighters him, the horses of their distant, the great sovereign King and the Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich All Russia, and you will comply with the city, then at that time it will be to you on his state will.

And both from the city of the head and Tolmachi went into the strength of their Turkish to Pasham and to the captain and to the colonels, and our answer was told in all the shelves, and at that time all military people were confused in all the shelves. And so much in the pipe pipes, the great gathering everything, and after the meeting, the trunnels began to beat their great and into the world and to drive into the horns and swirls, and they were learned to play a thoroughly in the mouths.

And then everything is notable that they are preparing for a row to take a hail of Azov, and at the infantry of them all soldiers and Yancharian heads in the shelves are slowly in the drums beaten.

We distraise them in the shelves of their own and built the night all before the world. And as in the yard for an hour for days.

Then, so much to speak out of the eagle of his Turkish, the banners of their bloomed and prepaches on the field, as there are flowers, many different, and from the pipe and from the Nabaths of their greats went inevitable screech, Dive and Strained by Velmi, coming to us under the Azov city never anywhere Such is the parish we did not see, and it cannot be worse.

The first coming to us to us under the city, came to us to the row of German two colonels with soldiers, and the entire infantry yanychkaya had come for them, and in those shelves one hundred and fifty thousand military people.

Therefore, we know that in advance of this and from the kind of them to the attack the entire infantry system to the cities did not care anywhere.

Tung boldly and severely coming to the city of Azov. First of attaconed, they are banners their all and covered our entire Azov city.

And so much to glorify the axes and kirms with iron city walls and towers. And the villages went on the stairs, they wanted to take us to take the same hour of the first with their many unspeakable forces.

And at that time, we had the shooting on them siege from the city. And before those places, we were all silent, and in the lights and in the smoke we have a must-see each other video of video on both sides. Lishe Thunder stood from the shooting of their fiery, and the smoke was treated to heaven. How was there a terrible and terrible cloud, when there is a thunder from heaven with Lightning.

And which we have underground subpopkins were left for the city in advance of this for their approachable time, and those subpopters from many of their unfounded forces and from throwing a lot of people did not resist and have not been kept, everyone collapsed, and on those gaps of subcuilding from us, Don Cossacks, Turkish their collected forces Many thousands; We have been on those subpopkins. We had the entire shell and was naked with us, the Cossacks, the fraquence of iron bars. And their Turners people were killed from us, Don Cossacks, under the walls of the city on the first attack on that first day, six yanychny heads, and two hired German colonel with all their soldiers six thousand.

Yes, on the same day, on the same first fit, we took them on the babble of a big banner of the king of their Turkish with his stigma, and Pasha and the colonels first started with all their forces in the very first day and until the night and dawn all the evening. And at the time, that first day, they were killed from us, Don Cossacks, under the city of Azov, the seaside of the six heads of Yancharian and two German wandering colonels, one Yanyucher twenty-three thousand, the separation of the wounded; We walked, the Don Cossacks, the city's circle above the belt.

On the other day, at the dawn of the evening, they sent the Turks to us under the city of Tolmachi their own, in order to give them to take away the bodies of their corpse, which was born from us, Don Cossacks, under the stance of the city of city. And they gave us for all the killed head, YanaChigan on the Golden Chervonne, and for the heads and for the colonels were given in the stu of Silvents.

And our warriors were not stood for that, they did not take anything for their murdered their heads: neither Srebra, nor Zlata, but told them the Cossacks Don, that we do not sell the dead corpse of the dead Nikolige. Not expensive to us Srebro yours and Zlatto, the road is the fame of the eternal. Then you are sabacs from Azov city from us, Don Cossacks and Well done, the first toy. Lishe we are well done, the Don Cossacks, our weapons were clean, and you will only become a lot to the Azov city, and then you will have all the Bosurmen to the Turkie, and others will you pull you anything: the matter is now siege.

And on the other day, we did not have a battle with them. Therefore, they were taken from the city of their born people all day until the evening. And they dug pits the great things to their broken corpse and dug out from the city for three versts and fell asleep their mountain high and put signs of many different Bosurmansky signs over them. And they signed the languages \u200b\u200bover them with many different things.

And after that on the third day, again, they, the wrong Turks, in the midst of the city, came with all their Bosurmanny forces, only began to go away from us so that their guns would not take them from the city. And the row to us from them was not.

So far, their people hiking on that day the mountain lead a high, the earthen shaft is great above many of the city of city.

And then the mountain, we wanted to cover our great forces in the Azov of our great forces of Turkish in Azov, and they were led to us by Mount to Azov the city three days unplanned.

And we, the poor, seeing such their evil troubles and the death of their eternal, that from that mountain will our death, and we are poor, asking from the God of mercy and at the pre-Mary Mary of Assistance, and the forerunner of the image, and calling for the aid of the Wonderworkers Moskovskie, and teaching us among themselves for a tombstone forgiveness and kissing with each other and with all Orthodox Christians, it's not my own buddy, the five-thousand meter went to them from the village to a straight fight against three hundred thousand and verbahi with each other: the Lord, the homework of the sky and the earth, Do not give us the wicked sim creating your hands. We see from them the strong presets the death of your lute and bitter. They want to cover our mountain high, seeing the emptiness of our and impotence of our, that our Orthodox Christians left in the deserts, the face of their terrible and terrible, and the great Turkish forces. And we are poor not descending to themselves, Vladynye mercy, keeping your generotes great for your God's help, for faith Christian dyeing, fight the controversial of large three hundred and thousands of people, for the Church of God and for the whole state of Moscow and for the name of the royal. We put on yourself with deaths, we went out to the fight unanimously.

They shouted on battle, published them, great glaces: God, the desire of languages \u200b\u200band the conquest, I can be with us! Incorrectly heard from the mouth of our word. And he did not imply indeed from us the same man against our face of our face, everyone ran our Our Mountain.

And at the time, you have broken them on the babble, many thousands. Yes, they took them at the same time on the same bitter and on the same battle at the mountain banners some sixteen thousand yanychorskih, and twenty-eight barrels powder.

And so we are powder, sinks under that of the mountains high, scattered throughout their strength to the Turkish many, many thousands, and to us in the city of Yanyuhercher, those our subcuilding, the lives thoroughly threw us a thousand four hundred people.

After now, the wisdom of their earthenly passed. They already led to us another mountain behind, the mountains are more than three rich shooting times, and in the embroidery many above the city of the city, and the width of the grief as the murmur you throw twice. On the same grief they put all the shell of their cannon and infantry. Turkish led and the Horde all his Nagai put on the same grief and soaked from the mountain from the projectile to beat the day and more incessantly on the Azov city.

And from their cannon shooting terrible thunder stood and the fire and smoke was treated from them to heaven.

And they beat around the city from that project day and more incessantly sixteen days and sixteen new.

For no time at the time and days and reservoirs, we were not at the same time, and from the shooting of their guns, all our Azov fortresses shook, and the walls, and towers, and the Church of John the Forerships and the chambers all to the single sole of the sole.

And the shell of our cannon all broke. Only in our city in Azov, the Church of Nicholas Wonderworker remained in the middle of the city. Because she stood in a meadow to the sea under the mountain.

And we were sitting from them by pits at that time, they will not give us. And we at that pores made themselves the great in the ground, for their shaft the courtyards did the deceased to themselves, and of those of our courtyards, they led the twenty-ends of the subcuets under their table, and we doped the help and getting rid of the Great, went out to Their infantry is Yancherskaya and we beat them there many. And we are with our subposses, we have a Turkish bitches on their infantry, we laid the great fear, and the damage was greatly learned in the people of them.

And after that Pasha is Turkish, looking at our subcurate wisdom and siege fisheries, they already told them on the contrary to us from their Bosuryman Tabors seventeen subcordes; They wanted those subtops to come into the pit in the pit and suppress us with their subposses and many of their people. We walked God's delicate and prayers and the intercession of all the saints of his wisdoms and their gunpowder against their subcuildings and brought their subpoples from Azov to their dops against their subcuildings and though their gunpowded many of their subpoples and flooded the earth in many Turkish people, And at that time, we are poor from Azov city, they beat people from them many thousands and to the biggest ones were driven out, and with those seats, their wisdom was passed; And it was to us from the Turks to the Azov city of twenty-four attacks by all their people, the separation of their first first row.

Such is cruel and bold a row to us did not happen that now the last attack on the city wall, having been cut with them, they cut the knives and barely from the wall of the hail they were shot down.

And so much they already throw on us, our pits, the kernel fiery ranks and all sorts of German attacks and fictional wisdom. Now they are, sitting in the Azov city, revenge the instrument and close the Great Pushcha of the first row. And they broke and fell away with the fiery incendiary cores of many people.

And after those cores of fiery and incendiary, fiction over us with poor few people with their own and mind and fiction and wisdom of German, and left other all sorts of wisdom German and incendiary fiery nuclei, everyone left. And they soak us to worry about the topics and provide us with direct manual for their fights and their great. They so much to send us to the attack, on any day of the people of their ten thousand.

Those people proceed to us to Azov in the city a day until the evening, and the other ten thousand will be attached to the reasons. And they start all the rust and will not let us relax on the day or in a nost; They are fighting with a change of day and shop so that we are too much to worry to worry, and we will change the poor to us, they are not alone, and from those of their evil fishery and the fiction of German and from their non-evil evil And the regrettable needs of the sieges agreed and clogged.

And from the Spirit of the Smerandy Battered Cover, many clogged, caught in the poor, sitting in the siege in the city of Azov, at that time, despairing her belly. And revenue to us and rockey from any people nor from anyone. Only for yourself and tea help from the Vyshny God and from the preching of the Virgin and from all the saints of his worship. Tokmo we submit the poor to the image of the Saint Glorious Prophet and the forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord of John. And I melt before saintly with bitter tears and the verb in addition to it:

Oh great, holy, glorious prophesuit and forerunner Baptist Marten John! Casting and mighting our sinful and indecent slaves of their own Bosurman's invasions and from bitter in vain deaths; We ruined the nest of their serpentine, we took the whole of the city and we broke in it to the tormentors and the faders of all Christian souls of our and idolatles of body heretics. And we cleaned and decorated the lenswelled temple and the holy image, the great and glorious in the wonderland of Nicola, the wonderworker and other in that holy temple many holy images from their sinful and unworthy hands; And without singing, we have never been to your saints, you have never been to the saints, they rejected the saints that we go from us in the Ruta of the lawless and wrong Bosurman; I do not hope that there is no help to help you, the great saint and the great teachers.

And sitting in the siege, leaving all his comrades, and now we see from them dirty death and torment bitter.

They raise us to be confused; Fourteen days and fourteen people with them are already inconspicuously tormented, already our legs under us were joined and our defense hands already serve. And our mouth and do not verb from the incremental shootings are cannon and custom. Our eyes, for them, focusing shooting, burned down. Our language in our mouths on them, frowning Bosurman, can not shout. This was the powerlessness and non-denunciation that there could be no weapons in their hands. We read today yourself for the dead; From two hours will not be in the city of Azov's seating of ours.

Nowadays, we have broken down with all the Holys of the Church and from the images of God and all the saints of his worships and with all Orthodox Christians.

There is no longer an empty on Holy Rus and not see the kingdom of Moscow and his sovereign many cities! Nowadays, the death of our urban sinner in the deserts, for our icons miraculous and for the faith of Christian and for the name of the royal and for all Christianity is Moscow.

And already so much we are poor for goodbye. Forgive us the sinful and uncompromising slaves of our, the Great Sovereign and the Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich, All Russia and led our sinners. Sorry all the Patriarchs of the Universal, forgive all the Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops and Archimandrite and Igumen and the All Sacred Chin, Protopa and Deacon. Forgive the deserted inhabitants and Mnashsyan's governments and all her age, which in the deserts in the deserts, wandering and in the mountains and in the prepastech of the earth. Sorry all the Orthodox Christians and remember our sinners with all our parents: We are not a shame, the poor, they learned the entire state of Moscow. Forgive us the forests of dark and dubbiva green, forgive us fields clean and quiet creek. Forgive us, the sea is blue and quiet Don Ivanovich. Already for you, atman, our ardor, with a formidable army, and Dikov, the beast in a clean field are not stiffer and in the quiet Don Ivanovich do not lavish fish.

And so we are the Cossacks, despairing your abdomen and stand up with all Orthodox Christians, we expected our still rudeness and the death of bitter and walking from those wrong Bosurman, from the order of the Tsar Tour and from his collection of strong.

And as already in the yard there is a day, and there is no rose from them.

And we, the poor, asking the god of the mercy and at the Prechure of the Virgin, the ambulance assistants and warm intercessors, and the intercessors of the Saint Glorious Prophet and the forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord of John, we went to them from the city of Azov to their Turkish tabors.

And we have a poor and tomlard and sorrowful and wounded people seemed to benefits and vigor a great, and fear and tremble away from us. And the video, we are that the Turks and the Yanychar are standing according to the tobabors. And after seeing us that we are going to them against them, not afraid and not afraid of the forces of their great and in the praise they did not allow them to take us to take the city in Azov. Leaning them all their Turkish tabors, ran from us to the sea to their ships and corticam, seeing they from us to themselves their death and fear of the Great from our hands small.

And we are poor, hoping for their hands the defensive and feet confined, we did not hoped the poor on our power, only tea and expecting themselves and asking for the god of mercy and at the preching of his Mother of God and in all the saints of his worships and at the forerunner of the image.

And we shouted the poor on their Turkish tables. For example, God's love of God is only burning, and there were no one about the lights, and there were no one for people, all of our fear of our sea ran to the ships to the ships to them to get away from us for the blue sea.

And we, the poor, hoping on the Vyshny God, went hiking for them. For example, they sit in their ships and boots and beads. And we shouted onto their corsters and who were on a dry coast, and they, without blowing each other, began to rummage on ships and beads and boots, and in the fact that there were many on that dry coast, and more than though rushing on the stops in the sea.

Pasha, they moved them to the Turks from us from the city of the city with the Great Grief, not with a lot of Turkish power left for the blue sea in the Tsargrad. Only languages \u200b\u200bsay that they have on battles and on the colors from us from the Don Cossacks: just left them from under the city of the city for the sea of \u200b\u200bfifty thousands of thousands. And your Tour Communication Bosurman from our hands is small and from the Cossacks of the Don University and the Everweica of all lands and from the kings and kings. And our Orthodox king Sovereign, Mikhail Fedorovich, all of Russia, the fame and fell eternal in all hordes of Bosurmansky and Elinsky.

And our Ataman Nauma Vasilyevich and Yasaulu Fyodor Ivanovich and all the Don Cossacks, Grozny and Terrible, Glory and Praise Eternal. Amen.

Cited by: Tale of the Azov Seat, as the Don Cossacks sat in the siege of the Turks in the city of Azov, five thousand people against three hundred thousand people // Russian Archive No. 8. M. 1898Teg:

In a number of historical leads XVII century. Special literary interest pose a story about Azov, created directly after the events themselves. These are the "historical" story about the capture of Azov with the Don Cossacks in 1637, "Documentary" and "Poetic" (by the terminology of A.S. Orlov) Tale of the Azov Siege Sitting in 1641 "Poetic" reached us in four editions And it was written in the form of military Cossack abuse - reporting the king Mikhail Fedorovich, - clothed in the art form, partly due to the influence of epic, Cossack songs. This story is the most artistic in the entire cycle of Azov stakeholder.

The "poetic" story about Azov was written in Moscow in the winter of 1641-1642, when fierce disputes on the Azov issue went on the Zemsky Cathedral. This story arose as a campaign work that had its main goal to cause the greatest sympathy for the Cossack heroes from the Moscow readers, to convince them of the need to access Azov to the Russian state.

The form of military Cossack abuse chosen by the author of the story for his story was habitual for contemporaries, and at the same time, in the situation of the hot interest of Muscovites-readers to events in a distant Azov, it was this form that was most convincing, as it created the impression of a living, agitated The story of the Cossacks themselves, the heroes of the siege, about the experienced them.

The author of the story undoubtedly belonged to the democratic environment of the Don Cossacks. There is every reason to assume that this work was written by Esuul "Stanitsa" Cossacks, who arrived in 1642 with Opius on the heroic defense of Azov, - Fedor Ivanov Poroshin.

Poroshin served on the Don the position of the military dequeble (head of the military office). Genuine poroshina abuse, one of which caused even the wrath of the king with its excessively persistent requirement to assist the Cossacks in the fight for the Azov, turn out to be very close to the stories and in content and style.

Tale of the Azov Siege Sitting of the Don Cossacks

In 7150 (1641) in October, at the twenty-eighth day, they came to the sovereign of the king and the great prince of All Russia Mikhail Feodorovich to Moscow from Don from Azaz-city Don Cossacks: Ataman Cossack Naum Vasilyev Yes, Esava Fedor Ivanov. And with them the Cossacks twenty-four people who sat in Azov-city from the Turks in the siege. And they brought the seat to their siege. And in the description is written.

June on 24 days before afternoon came to us Pasha and the Crimean King, and the Turkish forces were surrounding us.

On the same day, as Turks came to us under the city, by the evening they sent the Turkish pasches of translators of their Basurman, Persian and Greek to us. And with Tolmachi sent with us to talk to the older of Jancharn infantry colonels.

"... and we give you, thieves, to know that I will not be from the Moscow strong kingdom of your people, no help or revenue. What are you, thieves stupid, hope, if the breadpage with Rus will never send you? And if you only wanted, the Cossacks ferocious, serve the army of the sovereign to the commander, his Sultansky Majesty, bring him, the king, his heads of the robbery mounted, swear to him in the earlier. Let me go to the sovereign our Turkish king and pashi all of your Cossacks rudeness former and current take-off Azov. "

The answer is our Cossacks from Azaz-City Tolmacham and Colonel Jancharsky:

"We see all of you and until this afraid we see everything about you, all the forces, all the threats of the King of Turkish are known to us.

Let him, the Turkish king, now will take us in the Azov-city attack, will not take it with his royal grandeur and reason, but those of the great Turkish forces and the trusters of the German hired people, a little honor in that will be for the name of King Turkish, which will take us, Cossacks, in Azov city. He does not freeze the Cossack nickname, does not empty Don from the Cossacks. Everyone will be all with Don Well done. Pasham yours from them for the sea to run! And if God eliminates us from his strong hand, if they sit down from your siege in the Azov city, from his great strength, from three hundredth thousand, with their own forces with small (all of us, selected Cossacks, 7590 sits in Azov with a weapon), - the entertainment will be He, the king of your, eternal and from his brethren and from all kings.

And we are about themselves without you, dogs, we see: what are we in Russia, in the state of Moscow, people are expensive and what we are needed there! Mark, we will know yours. The state of the Moscow Great, the most extended and crowded, it shines among all states and the Horde - and Basurmansky, and Elelinsky, and Persian - like the Sun. Do not read us there, in Russia, and for the ps of a deadling.

And we took you azov-city in our Cossack will, and not by the state by the command, for the sake of Cossack zipunov, and for your arrogant people. For us, the horses of their distant, the sovereign is hard offended. Fear from him, the sovereign of the king, for the capture of the Azov's punishment of mortal.

You call us a speech of the king of the Turkish to serve him, the king of Turkish, and promise us the honor of the great and wealth of it. And we, the people of God, the sovereign chores of the king of Moscow, refer to the baptism of Christians Orthodox. How can we serve the king of the wrong!

As a colonel and Tolmachi returned to the forces of their Turkish, to Pasham, they began to drive many great in the troops in their troops. Stated crows and the animals scream foul.

As if the thunderstorm began terrible, as it happens to the thunder of the thunder and lightning.

We were killed on their first that day, except for the six colonels of the Jancharian and two German colonels, one Janicar twenty-five thousand, in addition to the wounded.

Having performed all the rules of the deathly, went to the battle, and unanimously we were all shouted, going to them: "God is with us! Mute, innings and incorrect, and conquer, because God is with us! "

They heard the wrong words wrong from our mouths that God with us, and none stood before our face, ran all away from the high mountain of their own. We broke them in that hour many, many thousands.

But everything was from the Turks to us under the city of Azov 24 attacks all their power. But after the first large attack of such cruel and bold no more.

And our squads are completely few left; We will not change with anyone, we will not be given to rest. At that time, we all in the life of our life and in the Azov city were desperate, lost hope for revenue from people, only and expecting help from the Most High God.

We raised on the hands of the icons of miraculous - the forerunner da Nikolin - and went with them against the bassurman on the college. And by the grace of their apparent broke bassurman in that sudden shooting six thousand. And there were Turkish people who keep us the mercy of God, which could not be mastered by anything, who have not been sent to us to attack their people.

And we sat in Azov in Siege from the Turks from June 24, 149 to September 26, 150, 93 days and 93 nights. And on the night of the 26th day of September, Turkish Pasha with all the Turks and the Crimean King with all their forces four hours before the light ran, the popyan, in confusion and trembling, from Azaz-city, with any of us are not striking.

And we, the Cossacks, as heard of their retreat, attacked their tubors a thousand people. And we took them in the devices then languages, the Turks and Tatars are alive, four hundred people, and the patients and the wounded were caught with two thousand.

And those languages \u200b\u200bon interrogations and torture were all spoken unanimously, why among the nights ran from the city of Pasha and the Crimean King with all their own. "On the night of that night there was a terrible vision. In heaven over our shelves, Basurmann walked from Russia from your kingdom of the Moscow cloud and terrible cloud ... "

And they also told us those languages \u200b\u200babout damage in the people of their own. Of the main forces, they are brown by their one Murz and Tatars and Yanychar ninety-six thousand, except those black men and hoeing people. And we have only 7367 people in the siege, only 7367 people were sitting in Azov. And those who survived from us, sovereign horses, after siege, all wounded. There is not a single person with a person; None who would not shed his blood in Azov sitting in the name of God, for the Christian faith. And now we have all the army at the sovereign of the king and the Grand Duke All Russia, Mikhail Feodorovich, asking mercy.

And if the sovereign of us, the slaves of their distances, do not comply with, do not tell us from our hands of our Azoz city, then we, wept, leave it! We will raise, sinful, icon of the forerunner, and let's go with him, our light, where he tells.

In the current 7150, after the Embassy of the King of the Turkish Ibrahim-Sultan, the sovereign of the king and the Grand Duke Mikhailo Feodorovich helped him, King Turkish Ibrahim-Sultan, and ordered the Don Atamans and Cossacks of Azov-city to leave.

Tale of Mount and Zlophatia

The wonderful "story about the mountain and the zlophatia, as the Mount-Zloshikin brought the hedgehog in the monoty chin," written by folk poems, stands in a number of significant creatures of world literature. She reached us in the only list of the first half of the XVIII century, but it appeared, apparently, about half of the XVII century.

In all the previous Russian literature, we will not find works in which the fate of an ordinary world man would have described and the main events of his life. "The story of the mountain and Zlophatia" speaks of the fate of a unlucky well done, violating the commandments of antiquities and is hard for it paid.

The image of "grief-thicker" - a fraction, fate, as he gets up in a story - one of the most significant literary images. The grief simultaneously symbolizes the external, hostile man strength and the inner state of a person, his mental devastation. It is how his twin.

Slight ethical element paints "Tale of Mount and Zlophatia" almost on all its length: almost a complete identity of the metric building a story of the epic verse; epic common places (parish on feast and praise on the feast); Reception of the repetition of individual words ("Nadya, Nadya on me, Brother Nazvanova", etc.); Reception of tautological combinations "Decorating-robbery", "Rhodes-tribe", etc.); The use of permanent epithets ("Buyna Head", "Fast River", "Green Wine", "Oak Table", etc.).

But next to the specified elements of the stenchathical tradition in the story clearly gives itself to know the tradition of books. It is found primarily in joining the story that sets the origin of sin on Earth after violation by Adam and Eve of the commandment of God's infertility of the fetus of grape. And entry and imprisonment bring it closer to the works of the Zhiyan genre.

The story of Mount and Zlophatia, as Mount-Zlochemia briefly brought the hammer in the monochic chin

Lord of God and the Savior of our

Jesus Christ Almighty,

from the beginning of the century of humancago.

And at the beginning of the century of this Tlennago

created the sky and earth

god created by Adam and the European

commanded them in the holy paradise,

gave them to the commandment of Divine:

did not command the fruit of grapes

from Eminskago Tree Velikago.

Will be well done already in mind, in silence "

and his father and mother loved

learn it was studied, punish,

to instruct:

"Cute you are our child,

listen to the teachings of the parentskago "

Do not go, child, in peers and in frachin,

do not sit down in place

do not drink, Choo, two hours for one!

More, child, do not let the eyes of the will, -

do not adversely, child, on good red wives,

other daughter!

Do not lie, Chado, grind in place,

do not be afraid of wise, be afraid of stupid,

to stupid on the draw

yes, I would not remove the port of you ...

Well done was at that time here Mal and Stupid,

not in complete mind and imperfect mind:

his father is ashamed to conquer

and the mother worship,

and I wanted to live like him any.

... and he drank, well done, drunk beer,

he swept off without memory

and where drank, here and went to bed left:

he hoped on his brother called.

... from sleep well done awakens,

in those pors, well done looked around

and what are removed from it Dragia ports,

chairs and stockings - Everything is noticed:

shirt and ports - everything brought

and all the Sobina at his robbed ...

in the heads of Mila friend and not close.

Stassed the hammer appear

to his father and mother

and to her family and tribe,

and to her old pretty friend.

He went to Chuzhu the country, far, not know.

Do not be awake, you are walking on someone else's side,

conquer you to a friend and ease

bow old and young

and you do not declare Chuzhih,

and what you hear or see, do not tell ...

"You didn't think, well done, with his happiness,

Do not boast with their riches -

there were people from me, grief,

and wisering you and leisure 21 , -

and I am them, grief, cleared:

learn to them Zlochemia Great ...

Well, he did not touch well for that.

So evil then the grief was emitted -

Mount Arkhangel Gabriel Molotts

still again, the Zlochepiex attached ...

Well, he tried to be a dream

he saved his stomach,

and he threw him a living dress,

he put on a hussy kabatskaya,

he covered his body white.

And what sees a well done [mischievous] unnemceptory,

related sorrow is unclean -

bowed grief to the raw material.

Say a hammer good people:

"And what are you as, good well done,

you come to your side,

to a honest honest parent,

i'm sorry with your parents,

take the blessing of the parent!

Well done with a clear falcon, -

and the grief behind him is white rig;

well done flew by the SIZY Dove, -

and grief behind him with a gray hawk ...

Well done well done saved way -

and the Ottol, well done in the monastery went tagged,

and the mountains of the Holy Gate remains,

the hammer will continue not to give a lot!

Tale of Savva Grudtsina

"The story of Savva Grudtsina" is the Russian secular story of the XVII century. Dated allegedly 1660s (as one of the arguments is that the events of the story are considered as an episode of the recent past), known in several lists .. The work reflected the historical events of the first half of the century and many household traits of the time. However, these are secondary, concomitant narrative details. In the center of the work, as in the "Tale of Mount-Zlophatia," - the fate of a young man. Like a well-member of "Grief-Złophais", Savva Grudtsyn, coastality and inexperience, which came into dependence on hostile otherworldly power, finds salvation in the monastery.

In his style, the story of Savva Grudtsina represents a peculiar combination of elements of the old narrative, in particular zhitsky, traditions with elements of literary novelty. The main meaning of the story is to save the sinner with prayer and repentance. The behavior of a person in the sin is not so much a consequence of its natural individual qualities, how much the result of the impact on it is extraneous forces - evil or good. None's personal initiative; She is entirely subordinate to the strangers, outside his elements.

Combination in the "Tale" of the novelty theme with detailed descriptions of life and morals of Russia XVII century. Gave the basis of a number of researchers to see the experience of creating the first Russian novel in this work.

Pthe livence of the bearer of the Protellity and surprise is worthy of what happened in the city of Kazan with a kind of merchant the chest and son of his savoy

There was also the son of the Song of the Song, the name of Savva. Had a pet for shopping on shopping deeds down the Volga River. She taught it his son Sawvu, ordering an adolenially one of them to engage in the death of Otzaya to become the heir to all the estate.

A few days later, and his son on the overseas courts on the command of his father went into swimming in Soli Kama.

The Son of Thoma Grudtsina arrived from Kazan from Kazan, and he said himself: "His father with me is a strong friendship, and I come out, offended the young man! I will take it to my house: let him live with me and feeds with home for one table. "

And the Bazhen of the second was a wife, the third marriage given, married to the virgin. Hatering human sacrup Divol, seeing the husband of that virtuous life and wanting to teach outrage in his house, drove his young wife for a prodigal desire for the young man, and the young man himself was constantly inconsistent with flattened lions to fall.

He, although young was the young, but, hung the fear of God, wounded by the court of the Lord, reflecting: "How will we create so bad things in such a holy day?" And, thought so, began to renounce her with an oath.

And then poured cooked poisoned potion Savva. He, who does not know anything, drank this potion. And then I began to burn a fire in his heart.

He walked on the field alone, nothing else was thinking about his friend, as soon as he had a wonderful thought in his head, and he said to himself: "If what kind of person or though the Divol himself helped me again That woman, so I would serve and devil. "

No, you give me some kind of receipt, and I will fulfill your desire. Savua, I know how to write badly, to bring the demon, without reflecting on what he writes, he brought the renewal from Christ, the true God, and brought to the ministry to the devil, an imaginary brother.

She again sends him and the second, and the third letter - and prayes prayes, and spells him in the oaths to immediately returned to Kazan. But Savva, Nimalo, without the mother's Marana Moluba and the oath, did not put them in anything and only in the prodigal passion exercises.

Thomas, having heard such words from his wife, quite embarrassed by his mind and immediately, North, wrote a message to Savva with hot requests without a slowdown to return to Kazan, "To see me, Choo, the beauty of your face." Savva received a message and read, but didn't change anything to return to his father, but I didn't even think about that, but only I practished in frantic crushing.

The demon, having learned that the Father Savvin moves to Sali Kama to return Sawvo to Kazan, suggested Savva: - Brother Savo, how long will we live in this small town uneaten? Let's go, in other cities we take a walk, and then come back here.

There was a lot of days, and Savva got drunk, and so the burner was his illness that he was approaching his death. The wife of the centurion that he lived was prudent and was afraid of God, and any care about Savva had. She told him mogs to urged the Ierhea, confessed his sins and met the Holy Taine. Savva refused, saying that "although he suffer severely, but this disease is not to death." But the day of the day the disease became more stronger. And finally, I was forced to Sava Bogolyvoy that wife to call for himself.

And when all people from home came out, he began to confess, and then suddenly sees the sick, which enters the house a huge crowd of demons.

The imaginary brother, and it is better to say, the demon, together with them, was, but not in human already, but in his browse, and, put behind the demonic crowd and, crossed his teeth and shaking from the malice, began to show Savva his gloomy receipt with the words : "Breakposter! See what it is? Are you wrote this? Or do you think that you avoid us? No, and do not think, and I will bring you on you with all my power!" - And so on in such a spirit. The patient saw them, as in reality, was horrified and in the hope of God, everything in detail told the priest.

And a considerable time our patient was in the hands of demonic forces.

"Listen, Savva, when the feast of the phenomenon of my Kazan icon goes, you come to my temple, that on the square near the rags, and I will reveal the miracle before all the people!" Having said so, she became invisible.

When the Divine Liturgy began, Savva was put on the carpet outside the church. And when the "Cheruvimskaya" was singing, a voice, like thunder, was: - Savva! Get up, what are you slow?! Go to church and you will be healthy. And no longer sin! - And on top from the height, an apostate detection fell and washed off as if she was not written.

Then Sava distributed his property to the poor, everything he had, and himself went to the monastery of Miracle ArchReart Mikhail, in which the power of the saint of God Metropolitan Alexey (this monastery is called miracles). There he took a monk and began to live in a post and prayers, constantly praying to the Lord about his warm-up. In the monastery, he lived a lot and moved to the Lord to the Holy Residents.

Tale of Frole Skobeev

The complete opposite of both the content and in the language of the Highness and Zlophatia, and Savva, Breyschina is "History about the Russian Nobleman Frol Schever", telling about the adventures of the Plut and the Yabrange.

The language of the story discovers a fundamental difference from the traditional language of the preceding monuments of Russian literature. He approaches the language of the secular associates of the Petrovsky era and at the same time uses modern stationery-tapping jargon.

The story fell fashionable foreign words, like "publication", "Register", "Apartment", "Person", "Banquets" "Natural", and such funeral, which are also in the fashion of expression, as "My service to you is not found "," Mighty evenings, called shints ", etc. The author, apparently, tried to write in the language, which seemed to him the most relevant modern requirements, which were presented to the secular story, but in their attempts he should have probably like to seem naive even his more educated contemporaries. He himself obviously belonged to either a stationery-ordinary or chalkodvoryan environment and, despite his undoubted talent, was a man of very moderate literary literacy.

The action of the story in one of the lists is timed to 1680, in another list of this year dates back to its writing. Judging, however, according to the language and by the fact that in the story of some facts it is said as already about the affairs of the past, the story should be given to the in the end of the XVII century. or early XVIII century. - Noun Petrovsky reforms. In the future, it becomes already characteristic of the story of a gallant-novelty style, like a story about Vasily Kariotsky.

The story of the Frole Schever is a typical pattern of the genre of Plutovskaya novel

History about the Russian Novgorod Nobleman Frole Skobeev, Marsh Daughter Dardin Nachekin Annushka

In 1680, the Frol of the Schever lived in the Novgorod district, the fir-Novgorod subsection was the victobs of the Tsydin-Nachchokin in the same Novgorod district; And in those faiths lived his daughter His Annushka.

At the time of the sinic pleasure evenings, when the girls are going to have fun, the daughter of Oblastin Narden-Nachichin Annushka ordered her educators to go to all the nobles living near them from their primary and who had a daughter-maiden, and ask them to call her a batch party.

However, the will of his brother's brother was not disobeyed, brought him a maiden's session, and Frol of the stuffed, groaned in the girl's dress, went with his sister to Annushka.

The teacher cannot recognize the scobaeva in it. He took out five rubles and presented her. That with great reluctance took. The studs see that the teacher cannot recognize him in any way, fell on his knees in front of her and announced that he was a nobleman Frol of the stuffieev and that he arrived in the girl's dress for the sake of Annushka, because he needed to have love with her!

The stuffyev remained with Annushka and announced that he was Frol with stupid, nobleman Novgorodsky, and not a girl. Annushka did not know what to answer, and was in a strong fear. And our Frol, despite the danger, led himself very bravely and mastered her. Then Annushka began to ask for a scraper, so that he would not disgrace her before others.

And there were three days behind the screcks for three days (everything in the girl's dress - so that the servants in the house did not recognize him), having fun with her and after three days he went with his sister to his home. Annushka gave the stabyev several Chervonians, and since that time the Holodranets of the stubborn began, began to live luxuriously and arrange banquets for his brethren-noble.

Skobayev learned that the Annushka went to Moscow, and thought: he did not know what to do - the nobleman he was poor and earned only the fact that in Moscow the court cases were in Moscow. Finally, he decided to lay and go to Moscow to go to Moscow to get in wives.

Well, Mother's sister, not the fools, please do nothing: let and life lies and the end of your own, and I will not leave the annuna - or I will colonel, or the dead man!

And the slab has not been at his sister for a long time and thought that Annushka in the monastery. And Frol of the stuffed already on her and married! Then somehow Nardin-Naschokin went to the sister into the monastery and set out there, and I did not see my daughters.

The crawler drove to the sovereign and announced that he had a daughter missing. And the sovereign commanded to make a publication about his daughter: if someone keeps her secret, then let them appear, and if not appear, but it will be collapsed, he will be executed by death.

And if you do not defend me, "said the stuffy, - then I will say a word about you. I would have had to tell you that you were horses and a carriage, and if you didn't give, I would not do anything!

I saw the stupuses that a person goes from the test and ordered his wife to go to bed and pretend to be a sick. Annushka and did the way her husband wanted.

Look, my friend, - says stupid, - What kind of health it is: this is the parent's wrath - they wander it for her eyes and Klyanut, because she lies at death. Donis their mercy so that they at least at least blessed it in life.

Stop it, "says Stolnik," stop it, Plut, on the courts to drag - I have a property in the Simbirsk district of the Three hundred yards, yes in the Novgorod district from two hundred yard. Edit them for themselves and live like people.

And, the deadlines for some time, the slack of Nardin-Nachchokin moved in deep old age in eternal life, and Schever made the heir of all his movable and real estate. After some time, the mother-in-law was pressed. And so Frol of the stuffyev, living his life in glory and wealth, heirs left and died.

Tale of Yersh Ershovich

The story of the Yersh of Heshovich, the theme of which is land litter between fish due to the ownership of the Rostov lake, reached us in four significantly distinguish from each other. More than 30 lists of the story are known; It is also adjacent to the rhyme-rhymed rhyme-riddenness about the rams.

In all edits, the Tale of the ERS is depicted as an expanded Plut, Naked Crash, a dexterous fraudster who knows how to be impudence, connected with guesses, to erupted in difficult circumstances. He is able to fool such noble, but inconsolable persons as the cities and somes, whom he not only brings to trouble, but also the evil at the same time mocks them, unwittingly causing at the same time if not sympathetic, then in any case an indulgent attitude towards himself reader.

It is impossible to talk about the story as a whole as an artistic phenomenon - each of its editors, with the community of the plot, is quite independent in the language and artistic organization of the text. The older editors are largely focused on the document on the judicial procedure; In the second - more attention is paid to the sound organization of the text (the rhythm of text, rhyme, paronomasia, tautology, etc.).

The story of the Yersh Hrshovich is a monument of satirical literature created at the end of XVI or NCH. XVII century During the subsequent time - during the XVII-XVIII centuries. "The story continued his literary history in a handwritten tradition, found his access to the loupel literature, was recycled to a folk fairy tale and reflected in the folk proverbs and sayings.

In Mori, before Big Fishes, the tale of the Yersh about Yershov's son, about the bristle about the Yabednik, about the thief about the robber, about a man, how a fish was in bream and a head, the peasant of Rostov, a must

Summer on December 710, a day was in a large Lake Rostov, a proud of all cities, names of judgments: Beluga Yaroslavl, Salmon Pereyaslavskaya, Boyar and Voivode Sturgeon of the Holy Sea, Okolnichy was soma, big waist limits, vessel men, Sudki Yes Pike-treppetuha.

The Lake of Rostov Lake Lake, Bream and Head, on the Brushnaya Brushnaya.

And that Vorishko Yersh was born in our patrimony in the Rostov Lake, yes, we had a living and I broke away, and my daughter gave my son for the Vandyyshev and walked with his nephew myself, and you were baptized, I was knocked out and stuck And the lake seized the violence with the bright and s kids, and we have a knob to stare hungry death. Smilauced, gentlemen, give us a court and board.

And the defendant told the ruff before the judges: "My Suddy's gentlemen, I answer them, and I will look for a hackishness for them, and I called me a thin man, and I didn't beat them and not a battle and I don't know. And then the Rostov Lake is directly mine, and not them, from the ancient grandfather to my Yershu Rostov residents. And family native Az is an ustarinist, a boyar kid, small boyars on the nickname of Vandishev, Peretoletsy. And those people, Bream and the head, were at my father in the hobs ... and I, gentlemen, God's love and fatherly blessing and the material prayer did not chute, nor the thief, nor and neither the robber, and I didn't get out of Polishnago, I lived, I live According to his power and the true decent, and after the next, I did not hurt me and I did not cry anywhere.

And the sudia was asked by the Yersh: "Tell me, Yaresh, do you have a path and the Rostov Lake and Danya and what fortresses?" And the ruffs said that: "Lord, I tell you, I had ways and donible and all sorts of fortresses on the Rostov Lake. And sin for my sake in the past, the gentlemen of mine, the avench then the Rostov Lake burned with the days of the days yes to the seven days of the years, and there was nothing to gut in order, because the old straw was held, and the new straw did not sleep at all. I have ways and donated burnt. "

Yes, tea, knows Evo and the voivode sturgeon of Hagonskago Sea da som of the big mustache, that he, a horse, an age-old deceiver and a wishwriter and Vorishko ".

And the proud of the truth was asked and sentenced in bream with a comrade right literacy to give. And they gave a bream from the comrades Yersch a bristle head. The trouble from the troubles, and the bundle did not leave the bream and turned to the bream, and I myself so much to say: "If you gave me a head, and you, you lie down with a comrade, run from the tail."

And bream, seeing Yershevo the sinusiness, thought the hers of heads to swallow, and I would not get good enough, and from the tail, it was stated with a bristle that a man's horns or arrows, Nelzea to swallow. And One Yersh was released on the will, and the Rostov lake began to own, and the Yershu live in their baptias. They took, lie down with a comrade, on the ruffle of the right literacy, so that the unfortunate of the trouble was not, and for the theft of Yershevo, they ordered on all the brother fish and on Omut's fish to beat Evo Knut mercilessly.

And the court was tried: Boyar and Voivode Sturgear of the Sharnskago of the Sea and Som Som with a big mustache, yes Pike-treppetua, but immediately fished the fish Nelma yes Salmon, but the bait was the bastard, yes Jazev Brother, and Ball Beat Yersh Knutom Fish Kostrich. Yes, the vessels was the watchman Men Chernyshev yes another Troye, and the older Sazan Ilmenovskaya was understood, and the bolotov cancer, and the kalid rewrite the stomach, and the stakes are five or six pods of red that Yershev's stomachs rewrite in the looting, the names of the kiss - the cod of stallions, Koned Brother. And let's right on the ram Dali.

Tale of Shemyakin Court

The story is based on the plot of the litigation of two peasant brothers, rich and poor. The story exposes the wrong trial in Russia in the XVII century, talking about the behavior of the judge bribe, the nickname of which is connected with the personality closer to us not a well-known judge, who worn the name of Shemyak, very common in the XVI-XVII centuries.

In the title of some lists of "Shemyakina Court" it is indicated that the story is "discharged from Polish books." The Polish version belonging to the Writer of the XVI century is known., Nikolai Rey from the naked. The Russian origin is proved primarily by the fact that it has the characteristic features of Russian life, Russian legal terminology of the XVII century, and also found a very broad reflection of the Russian trial and judicial practice of that time. Judging by the fact that the story depicts the order of the Voivodesian court established in our afternoon in the second half of the XVII century, the occurrence of the story should be given no earlier than the 60s of this century.

The handwritten texts of the story, obviously, should be conducted from the records of Russian oral fairy tales, which chronologically need to be considered older than the handwritten texts, judging by the fact that they are talking about the righteous judge, without confusion even to Shemyak. On the basis of Russian fairy tales, a written story was created, which turned the didactic material into a satirical, which turned the matter so that we were talking about the referee.

In the XVIII century The story of Shemyakin Court was amused by verses, passed into the loudspeakers and then in some writers were subjected to further literary processing.

Tale of Shemyakin Court

In some places there were two marriage brothers: one rich, the other poor. The rich leaned many years of the poor, but he could not improve his scarce.

And so the poor led to his brother with his horse without a tail. And he saw his brother that the horse had no tail, he began his brother to displacing that, having scoring his horse, spoiled her. And without taking back the horses, went to him beat the man in the city, to Shemyak, the judge.

He reflected, no matter how to hang out and what to give the judge. And, not finding anything, I thought so - I took a stone, wrapped in a handkerchief, put it in the cap and became before the judge.

Poor, not knowing what to say, took a wrapped stone from the cap, showed the judge and bowed. And the judge, tea that the poor I wrapped his MZDU, told his brother: "If he rode your horse's horse, do not take his horse his own until the horse has grown up. And how the tail will grow, at that time and take He has his own horse. "

Poor again took the same knot from the header and showed the judge. The judge saw and thinks that, in another case, another node of gold is surit, says the ass. "If he is my son's son, give him his wife to fall as long as he will not reach the child, he will not reach you; at that time, I will get it with his child."

And after the third court began for, rushing from the bridge, he was his father's head of the old man from his son. The poor, drove out the stone from the hat, wrapped in the handball, showed the judge for the third time. The judge, tea that for the third court he is the third knot for him, he says to the one who has been killed by the Father: "Get out to the bridge, and let your father, let him be under the bridge. And you borrow from the bridge yourself and kill him as well How he is your father. "

The rich brother gave him five rubles for his horse so that he would give him, although without a tail, gave her. And he took five rubles from his brother and gave him a horse.

And so I took myself poor from all three.

Then the servant tells him: "What do you think the stone?" And the defendant said: "This is a judge. Ya de, says whenever he began to judge me, killed him with the stone."

The servant returned and told all the judge. The judge, after hearing the servant, said: "Thank you and praise God, what he judged. Whatever he was judged, he would be a bash."

Tale of Cura and Lisea

In the first half of the XVII century, judging by one documentary mention, it was known in Russia "Tale of Cura and Lisce", which came to us in prosaic and poetic, as well as mixed handlers in the lists of the XVIII-XIX centuries, which passed into the luxury literature and The folk fairy tale and is a satire to external, formal piety.

The oldest editorial office "Tale of Kura and Lisce" is prose; As for the poetic and mixed, they arose no earlier than the beginning of the XVIII century.

The use of "Holy Scriptures" in satirical and parody purposes in the ridiculous application, which is present in this story, once again testifies to the overall decline of church prestige, especially in the environment from which the story was published, in the environment of the service class or in Posal. The story is a skillful combination of church and generally book quotes with elements of the spaciousness and a dedicted substantive and proverb.

Tale of Cura and about Lisa

Arkhangelskaya A. V.

Back in the XVI century, the strengthening of the Russian centralized state caused mass shoots of peasants from the central regions to border lands. The greatest community of refugees was formed on Don, where these people began to call themselves "Cossacks" (R. Picquio writes that this word of Turkic origin was originally indicated by the concept of "free people"). After a point, the Don Cossacks turned into a very serious military force, which was led by the commander selected from their environments - Atamans. The object of military attacks was mainly the Turkish ownership between the Azov and the Black Seas.

The always stumbling block for the Don Cossacks was Azov - a powerful Turkish fortress at the mouth of the Don. In the spring of 1637, the Cossacks, taking advantage of the favorable placement of forces when Sultan was busy with the Persia, besieged the azes and after two-month attacks mastered the fortress.

The Azov epic lasted for 4 years, and the Muslim, and the Christian world was observed with her living interest. Cossacks understood that without the help of Moscow, they did not keep the Azov. Therefore, the Don Army sought the adoption of Azov "under the Sovereign Hand". The Moscow Government was afraid of a big war with Turkey, the world with which was the sustainable principle of foreign policy of the first kings of Romanov. Moscow did not decide to move troops to help the Cossacks and officially celebrated from them through the Russian ambassador to Tsargrad. At the same time, it sent the Cossacks weapons and supplies and did not prevent "fucking people" to replenish the Azov garrison.

In August 1638, Azov was besieged by the horse hordes of the Crimean and Nogai Tatars, but the Cossacks forced them to leave the ravis. Three years later - in 1641 - the fortresses had to be fighting back from the Sultan troops of Ibrahim I - a huge, equipped with a powerful army artillery. The large fleet of ships blocked the city from the sea. Mines laid under the walls, and siege guns destroyed the fortress. All that could burn burned down. But the handful of Cossacks (at the beginning of the siege there were five with little thousands against the three-hundredth Turkish army) withstood a four-month siege, beat off 24 attacks. In September 1641, the sultan troops had to retreat. The shame of this defeat of the Turks was worried very hard: the residents of Istanbul under the fear of punishment was forbidden to pronounce even the word "Azov".

The events of the Azov epic were reflected in the whole cycle of narratives, extremely popular throughout the XVII century. First of all, it is three "stories", defined as "historical" (about the capture of the fortress with the Cossacks in 1637), "Documentary" and "Poetic" (dedicated to the defense of 1641). At the end of the century, the material was once again reworked and the so-called "fabulous" story about the taking and siege of Azov arose.

It was obvious that Ibrahim I would not give way to Azov, that a new campaign is just a matter of time. Under these conditions, and in Moscow, they realized that the ambiguous policy came an end. In 1642, the Zemstvo Cathedral was convened, which was to resolve the question of what to do next: to protect the fortress or returning it to the Turks. From Don to the Cathedral, elected representatives of the Don Troops arrived. The leader of this delegation was Esal Fyodor Poroshin, a runa Holop KN. N.I. Odoevsky. Apparently, it was he who wrote a poetic "story about the Azov siege sitting" - the most outstanding monument of the Azov cycle. The "story" was designed to incline the Moscow public opinion on the side, influence the Zemsky Cathedral.

R. Picquio, characterizing the "story," first of all its traditionalness: "Sometimes it seems that you read the" Tale of Bygone Years ", or the" Tale of Mamaev Boy ", or" Tale of Taking Tsargrad "... Images of the Turks from Sultan Ibrahim's Troops like They are written off from ancient Kumanov or Tatars Batiy ... The power of the tradition of ancient Russian literature informs the whole narrative of moral strength that gives the charm of each phrase and every gesture that is not accidentally committed by an instant impulse, but in accordance with the deceo covers. Azov Cossacks are provided by themselves, formally They do not depend on the king and are able to choose their fate. And yet they are not known in doubts. They are strong in the Orthodox faith and morality. For them, patriotism and religion are the same. In the face of the Turkish threat, they know what accusatory speeches to contact Incorrect, what fiery prayers to rendered the Lord, the Mother of God and the Holy, what miracles wait from heaven, how to welcome Christian brothers, sun, rivers, forests and the sea. Whether in their actions, more improvisation would disappear the charm of the paintings written in the old way. "

Indeed, the "tale" composed a very well-read man, based on a very wide range of book sources. Of these sources, the "Tale of Mamaev's Boy" was particularly important for him, from where borrowed, for example, techniques descriptions of the enemy force. However, as the majority of researchers notes, the artistic specifics of the monument determine still not paraphrase and non-hidden quotes. In the poetics, there are two organizing factor in the story: the artistic rethinking of the stationery genres and the use of folklore. The author is widely used by the oral folk creativity of the Cossacks and from book sources also took the folklore motifs. In addition, the story draws attention to the innovative image of the main character: in the center of the narration is not the princes and sovereigns, but a collective, collective hero - a heroic Cossack garrison of the fortress as a whole.

The story begins as a typical extract from the document: the Cossacks "the painting was brought to her siege seat, and the painting was submitted in Moscow in the Social Order ... Duma Deca ... And in the painting they write them ..." But the subject of this "painting" becomes a lengthy The list of troops sent to the Azov "Tour King of Ibrahim-Saltan", infantry regiments, cavalry and artillery, the Crimean and Nogai Murz, the Gorsky and Circassian princes, European mercenaries, etc., etc. Tradition of business writing, at first glance , gives this list documented impassive tone. But at the same time, this list turns out to be emotionally painted. The author pursues a certain goal: Metodically listed all the new and new detachments of the Turks, he injected the reader with the impression of fear and hopelessness and himself seems to be in the authority of these feelings. He is terrified by what he wrote, and the feather falls out of his hand: "There are some thousands of people on us, black men, many thousands without a number, and they have no letters (!) - Taks them many."

It is very important to remember that it says that the man says, perfectly knowing about the prosperous outcome of the siege. It means that we have a skillful use of artistic reception, forcing us to see in the author is not a fabric office, but an artist who knows the contrast that the contrast creates an emotional tension: the hopelessness looks like, the more specthers and a weighty happy end. Apparently, this contrast picture is the main, but the long target of the author. In the meantime, he prepares the soil to move from the stationery to the semi-spool style of the military story, to the hyperbolic-etiquette image of the irrelevant enemy hordes. The subject of the narrative remains the same, but an epic style comes to replace the documentary.

Clean fields overnight turned out to be snowy Turkish and Nogai Ords (comparison of the battle of sowing is a traditional motif of battle descriptions in folklore and literature). There are so many enemies that steppe spaces turned into dark and impassable forests. From crowded and horse shelves, the Earth shook and rushed and rushed, and from Don, the water spoke ashore. A huge number of diverse tents and tents is likened to the high and terrible mountains. A cannon and muscle shooting is likened to thunderstorms, sparkling of lightning and powerful thunder strikes. The sun focused on the powder smoke, his light was pretended to the blood and the darkness came (how not to remember the "bloody sun" "words about the regiment of Igor"). Shishaki on the helmets Yanychar sparkle like stars. "In no country's countries, such people we did not see, and do not breathe about such a rail from the century," the author sums up, but immediately recovers, because Finds the appropriate analogy: "just as the Greek king came under the Trojan state with many states and thousands."

Transitions from the stationery style to folklore and will continue to remain the most characteristic feature of the author's manner in the "Tale". The author not only alternates the stationery and folklore styles, it connects them, saturating the folklores of the business genre and thus the artistically rethinking it.

Cossacks in every possible way to blame Sultan: he and "thin pork shepherd Namit", and "Smrochy dog", and a "scared dog". This brand is akin to that literary brahi, which meets in a number of monuments of this era, also artistically comprehending business genres: in the legendary correspondence with the Turkish Sultan of Ivan the Terrible, and then Zaporizhia and Chigirin Cossacks.

From song lyrism to the "literary brahi" - such is the stylistic range of the story. It is all built in contrasts, because its historical basis was also a contrast - the contrast between the handful of the defenders of Azov and a huge number of precipitating.

It is noted that the Turks not only threaten the Cossacks, they tempt them, offering to save their lives and move to the side of Sultan, promising for this great joy and honor: the abuse of any guilt and rewarding with unconscious wealth. The mention of this transfers the center of the narrative from the region of the battle in the moral region.

After a series of attacks that collapsed to the city, the Cossacks, feeling that their strength is dried and the end is approaching, they appeal to the heavenly patrons, the holy intercessors of the Russian Earth. Christian-Cossacks are not given to the power of incorrect. In response to this, the words of the Virgin, comforting and lifting the spirit of the Virgin, exudes tears located in the church of the icon of John the Baptist, and the army of Heaven angels collapsed on the Turks.

Tale of the Azov Siege Sitting of the Don Cossacks

Summer 7150 [*] October on January 28 came to the sovereign of the king and the great prince Mikhail Feodorovich All Russia to Moscow, from the Don from the city of Don Cossacks: Ataman Kazachi Naum Vasilev Yes Yasaul Fyodor Ivanov [*]. And with him Cossacks 24 people who were sitting in Azov city from the Turks in the siege. And the seat was brought by its siege [*]. And in the painting they write them.

In the past, de, in the 149th year of June, at 24 days [*], sent to the Turkish Ibrahim Saltan Tsar under us, the Cossacks, four purses, and two of his colonels, Captaina and Mustafa, and the closest secret Duma, the rest of his servant Ibremia-Skattsy over them already watches instead of themselves, the king, the battle of them and the fishery [*], how to produce Pasha and Colonels over the Azov city. And with them, Pashadded under us a lot of his assembled Raint Bouurshmansky, aggregate to our faded twentiets. Military people, rewritten their rati, by lists, combat people of two hundred thousand, the okrom of Pomeranian and Kafimsky and black men [*], which on this side of the sea are collected from the whole Horde of the Crimean and Nagai [*] for the booming, so that we are living to survive , fall asleep us with a mountain of them high, how the Persian people will enjoy [*]. And to them, and the death of our glory to the fame of the eternal, and we would be an eternal ukurit. Those collected people on us black men in many thousands, and not the number of them and letters. Yes, after the Crimean king, the Crimean King came to them, yes, Yoo's brother, the People's Crimea Gury Tsarevich [*], with all the Ordo, Krymsky and Nagai, and with him, Crimean and Nagai Princes and Murz and Tatars Slave, Okroma Hunters [*], 40,000. Yes with him, king, came the mountain princes and Cherkas IC of Kabarda 10,000. Yes, with them, Pasha, there were hired people and they have German [*] two colonels, and with them Salidat 6000. Yes, with them, Pasha, was for Fishes over us Many German people of the city names, attacks and squeezed wise fictionalines [*] Many states: from Deverteous and Outanese, the Great [*], the Vinecets are great and the string [*] and French people [*], which can do all sorts of attack and subtro Wisdom and kernel fiery chiennia. Along, it was with Pashai Pasch under the azov of the Great Barbounds [*] 129 guns. The kernels were great in Poud, in Poltar and in two pounds. Yes, Melkova, alongside, it was with them all guns and mattresses [*] 674 guns, the okhrom of the rushes [*] fiery, those were the rolled 32 guns. And the whole outfit was walked on the chains, fearing that we, in the Vyladah Vedasy, Evo did not take. And it was with the Pasha Tour People with Evo under us, the first Turks, the second Crimeans, the third Greeks, the fourth Serbi, the fifth Arapes, the sixth of the Muzhai [*], the midst of the Budans, the Oshem Bolars [*], the Ninth Arnauts [*], Tenth Volokha [*], the first to ten [*] Mittyan [*], the second for ten Cherkasy, the third of the ten Germans. And everything with Pashai people were under Azov and with the Crimean king on the lists of their Branvan's guy, except for the fictionaries of the German and black men and hunters, 256,000 people.

And the Turkish king was called on us over the sea and thought exactly four years [*]. And on the fifth year, he walked his own to us under Azov. June On 24 Day, in the early dinner, the pashi and the Crimean king came to us and they came to the great Turkish forces. All our fields are clean from the horde Nagaiskiya, where we had a steppe clean, here we had one hour, by people with many that the Greatness of the thorough forests are dark. From the strength of their Turkish and dilution [*] of the horse earth, under the azov, we had a river and rivers from Don Waves on the shore showed, gave way to their places that in water films [*]. I sorapy, the Turks, on the fields we have a stress tents of our Turkish and patches, many and mates [*] Great, and the Mountains of the Terrible Mountains. So far from them in the shelves of them to be a rumor rushing in the pipes, the games of many, the sisters are greatly unraded, the voices of their terrible Busturman. After these in the shelves, they are solar to be the Muskeleton and Cannon Great arrow. As there is a terrible thunderstorm of heavenly above us, lightning, since the thunder lives thunder from the Lord with heaven. From the arrow of them of that fiery stood by fire and smoke to the sky, all our hare fortresses shocked their fiery arms, and the moon was fed up in the days of Tom Light, the blood was turned into blood, as TMA was coming. It was terrible to us good from them in those pores and precisely and wildly inseparably on their slender arrival of Bursurmann was Voschi. Inconsidate the human mind at our age [*] to hear, not a Tokmo that such a rail and terrible and collected clearance to whom video cells. I am intimidated by sickness. It has so much a stagnation of the Castle from Azov. Their Janaccharian heads [*] We are building their Yanchorskiy to go to us under the city of the great harsh shelves and coupes on the shark [*]. Many banners for them, everyone is given [*], great, ingrowed, black banners. Scores [*] they will threaten, and in the pipes are trumped and in the drums, they are in the Gorya, it is not enough. Twen days of their heads are yanynoe. And they came to us in the nearby near the city of IC, ONE became the circle of city to Shempov to the rows from Don, capturing her hand to the sea [*]. Fitoli they all have the Yanyachar boil them in muskets that the candles are burning. And in any head in the shelf of the one of the twenty-thousand. And they all have a fire, and the dress on them, on all the heads of the Janic Glap-headed, on the Janissions on all the zbruham, they are the same red, Sgorody seems to be. They were singing with all the long-world tourski higens [*]. And on the chapters, all theant of the Shishaki, the stars seem to be. Similar to the construction of their system to Salidatsky. Yes, the German two colonels with Saldates became with them here. In the shelf they have a soldier 6000.

The same days for the evening, as the Turks came to us under the city, sent to us the Pasha's Turkish Tolmachi of their Bustorman, Pershens and Elelinsky [*]. And with them, Tolmacham, sent to talking with us the first from the ranks of his infantry. I so much to speak the head of their Janaya word king of our Turovsky and from four pasha and from the king of the Crimean speech smooth:

About the people of God king heaven, nobody in the deserts of driving or sending. Yako Eagles Farming, without fear through the air fly, and squeezing Luvie in the deserts of the drivers, reveal, Cossacks Don and Vessel [*], ferocious, neighbors, our neighbors, non-permanent morals, deserted, you are wilderness of the creek, the robberies are dismissed , incomplete your womb, Nicoli will not be filled. Who bring such insults great and terrible rudeness? You came on such a hand high, on the Tsar of the Turov. Hope you still in Russia, the Bogatyri Svetorsky. Where are you now you can leave Evo? You predicted Murat Saltanov Majesty, Tsar of the Turovsky [*]. Yes, you took Nevo to love Evo Tsarev's victim, glorious and red Azov city. You attacked you, Aki Wolves smooth. You did not spare in it Nikaki Men's age [*] Neither Starov alive, and children beat everyone to the Edinov. And you put the wrong name for yourself. Divided the sovereign of the king of Turkhago with all Evo Ordo Krymsky theft of his and the Azov city. And he has the Horde of the Crimean - Defense EVO on all parties. You killed him by the ambassador of the Turkish foma Katuzina [*], you broke with him Armen and Grechinin, and he was sent to the sovereign. The terrible second: you separated it with a smoking chain. You gave them to them by the Azov city. All the sea is blue: they did not give a passage along the sea. Neither Karablami neither Qatharians [*] in no kingdom, Pomeranian cities. Cuttering you are such a rudeness, what is your end in it wait? Clean the Votchina Azov City in the night of this not bag. What do you have your silver and zlata in it, then incur from Azov of the city of Vaughn with your Cossacks, without fear, to your comrades. And on the waste, you will not tend you. And you really, you will not leave the city from Azov in Nosta, you can not, you can't have any life of life tomorrow. And who causing you, the villains of the kill, to cover or care from the hands of Evo such strong and from the great terrible and invincible forces, the king of the Eastern Tour? Hto will stand him? Nikovo is equal to or is equal to the Majesty and forces in the world, he is always responsible for God to heaven, one is only true to the guard of the coffin of God: according to the will of God, Evo, God of God in the world from all the kings. Fur in the new stomach your belly.

Do not die from Evo's hand, Tsar Turkago, Lutto's death: He will be the will of the great Sovereign of the eastern, Turkish king, not the killer of Nicoli to your brother, Warmer, the Cossack-robber. He is then, king, the honor is worthy, which will win where the King of the Great, equal to his honor, and your not the road is a robbery. And I have already re-send in the Azov city of Nosch, for the Tsarev, such a merciful speech and step, take it tomorrow is a hail of Azov and you in it, thieves-robbers, Yako poultry in his hand. We will give you, thieves, on the flour of a lady and terrible. We will split the entire flesh your fractional crumbs. At least you, thieves, I was sitting in it 40,000, and Io, the forces are submitted to you with Pashes of Bolshi 300,000. There are no collisions on the chapters of your, Scoland Tour Forces under the Azov city. You see, you ourselves, the thieves are stupid, the cleaning of the Network will Evo the Great, inener, how it covered the whole steppe is the Great. Can not, tea, from the height of the city of your eyes to see another the edge of our forces, one trivete [*]. Will not fly through the power of our Turkish Nikaya bird soaring: from the fear of people Evo and from many forces of our Valitz all from height to Earth. And then you, thief, gives to behave that from the kingdom of your Silnago MOSCOW Never from the person you will not have RUSS and revenue [*]. On the shutters reliable, the thieves are stupid? And the stock of bread with Russia Nicoli is not sent to you. And Eat evenly, you are so much inhabit, the Cossacks fiercely, the sovereign to the tsar of the Majesta to the Majesta, to bring him, the king, the wine [*] his heads of robbing in obedience to the eternal service. Let me go to the sovereign of our Turkish king and Pasha Evo all your Cossacks rudeness former and today to take Azov. They will comply with our sovereign, Turkish king, you, Cossacks, Cevity Great. Enrich you, Cossacks, he, sovereign, many inenected wealth. He will learn to you, the Cossack, he, the sovereign, in the Tsaregrad, the Great peace. We also put on you, on all the Cossacks, the dress of gold-headed and pressing is the Bogatyrsky Z Gold, with the prince of his stigma. All to the age of you, the Cossack, in the state Evo Tsareglada will be bowed. It will be your Cossack glory eternal to beyond the edge from the East and to the West. All the hordes of Bursmansky and the Persian Svetorskiy Bogatyri and the Persian Svetorskiy Bogatyri will be called you forever, the Cossacks, such as their people, with the family of thousands, the terrible such invincible forces of the Tsar of the Turovsky - 300,000 written forces. We waited for their regions to themselves. What are you before you, the Cossacks, Sladen and Silen and are crowded and rich in Shah, Persian King. He owns all the Great Persido and annate Indely. It has a rati many, yako our sovereign Turkish king. And the Shah, the Persian king, rightly do not stand Nicoli on the field against the controversial king of Turkago. And people are not sitting by Evo Persian antih us, the Turks [*], many thousands of their town, leading our ferocity and endlessness. "