Soloists "Yin-Yang" explained why the daughter's Jewish name was given. Soloists "Yin-Yang" explained why Dali Daughter Jewish Name The Yin Yan Group of Composition Tatyana Bogacheva

Soloists "Yin-Yang" explained why the daughter's Jewish name was given. Soloists "Yin-Yang" explained why Dali Daughter Jewish Name The Yin Yan Group of Composition Tatyana Bogacheva

Tatyana Bogacheva is a pop singer, a finalist of the Music show "Factory Star-7", soloist group.

Tatiana Bogacheva - Crimean. She was born in Sevastopol in February 1985. Parents immediately noticed that the daughter grows with an artistic and musical gifted girl. Therefore, a 5-year-old Tanya took a 5-year-old Tanya in a children's opera studio, where experienced teachers put the voice of the girl, taught the Azam vocal, acting skills and pantomime.

In a couple of years, Tatiana Bogacheva has already participated in vocal competitions and song festivals. In her house is kept not one dozen literacy and prizes.

Vocal classes in Native Simferopol allowed the girl with ease to enroll in the Kiev Academy of Culture and Art. Tanya chose the specialty "pop vocals".

In Ukraine, Bogachev knows as a singer and a bright model. The girl consisted in the model agency of Kiev and more than once appeared in commercials and posters. Perhaps Tatiana with its external data could make a good model career. But the girl dreamed of music.


This opportunity received Tanya in the 2007th. This year, the creative biography of Tatiana Bogacheva started. The singer passed the qualifying stages of the 7th season of the popular TV show "Factory of Stars" and hit the project that Tatyana Tatiana was in life.

The ranking of the seventh season "Star Factory" was so high that the organizers decided to hold an international tour, which includes a visit to Israel, Spain, Kazakhstan, Latvia and the United States. In 2008, Tatiana Bogacheva and Artem Ivanov entrusted the first to fulfill specially written on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the family in Russia, the anthem of the holiday.

And in September, the listeners have already enjoyed new compositions - "Karma" and "Kamikadze". Video clips were removed on both hits. The group is invited to the anniversary concert of the Music Boxing TV channel, and then the clip on the song "Karma" receives the first place in the video contest in Eurovision - 2010.

Then there were many remarkable new compositions, but the best of them is considered to be the song "Popping". She instantly became a hit, including won popularity as mobile content. After the video appeared, the composition was posted on YouTube and received 22 million views.

The three-year-in-law of the existence of the group Tatiana and Artem pleased the fans with the new single "Do not let go of my hand", the video for which was removed using the New Year symbolism. Three months later, the group has already participated in the "Star Factory: Return" - the superfinal of the show, where the strongest finalists of all issues were invited. Soon the releases of the songs "Cool", "Thailand," Saturday, the author of which was Artem Ivanov. In 2016, Tatiana and Artem Duet performed the composition "Mushka".

In addition to participating in the Yin-Yang group, Tatiana's music career was lucky to cooperate with composers, George Garajan. A number of joint compositions with, were recorded.

Songs performed by Tatiana Bogacheva sounded at the concerts "Song of the Year", "Big Love Show", "old songs about the main thing", "five stars", "two stars", "Minute of Glory".

Personal life

When Tatiana got to the "Star Factory", she had a young man. But almost closed life on the project, where participants turn into one family, dictated their rules. Tanya met Artem Ivanov, to which sympathy immediately arose. At first, the guy liked outwardly. The singer reminded her who was the standard of male beauty in the youthful years of Tatiana. Then, having acquainted closer, Bogacheva marked excellent education and rare guy intelligence.

The novel was bright, although not fragile. The organizers of the show and the leaders of the team did not like that there was feelings between the two participants of Yin-Yang. But there were no special obstacles to love guys.

The novel did not pass and after the end of the show. Personal life of Tatiana Bogacheva and her chosen one for several years flowing in one direction. At first, the pair removed housing and lived in a civil marriage. But in May 2016, Bogachev and Ivanov turned into a real "cell of society". The young adorable girl who decided to call the unusual name of Mirra.

The name for the daughter chose Artem when Tatiana was still at the initial stage of pregnancy. After the birth of Mirra, her photo immediately decorated "Instagram" Tatiana, although his daughter's face was hidden for a long time.

Tatyana Bogacheva now

Now Tatyana Bogacheva began a new stage of creative biography - the girl became interested in teaching activities. In February 2018, Bogachev was invited to the pedagogical composition of the studio Vocala Voice "Studio, where future pop artists are being prepared, recorded songs. The studio also cooperates with the music TV-show, which allows promising students to receive the first experience of interacting with the public.

Due to the pregnancy and childbirth of Tatiana, the concert activity of the Yin-Yang group declined. But for the fall of 2018 it is planned to update the composition and repertoire of the musical team. With the new program, the singers promise to return to the musical Olympus.


  • 2007 - "Little, yes Intow"
  • 2007 - "Save me"
  • 2008 - "Karma"
  • 2008 - "Hymn of the family"
  • 2009 - "Kamikadze"
  • 2010 - "Do not let go of my hand"
  • 2010 - "POFIG"
  • 2012 - "Alien"
  • 2014 - "Thailand"
  • 2015 - Saturday
  • 2016 - "Goracle"

Singer Date of birth 17 February (Aquarius) 1985 (34) Place of birth Sevastopol Instagram @Bogacheva_T

Tatyana Bogacheva was known in his homeland, in Ukraine, even before the beginning of a professional musical career. Thanks to the external data of the girl, the future of the model was proper. However, Love Bogacheva to music turned out to be stronger.

Biography Tatyana Bogacheva

Tatiana was born and spent all his childhood in Sevastopol. I barely learned to walk and talk, the girl began to show a special interest in songs and dances. Already in 3 years, Bogacheva arranged at home improvised concerts. Noticing the desire of his daughter to music, in 5 years, parents found for Tatiana teacher vocal. Then she began to attend classes in the children's opera studio. There, Bogacheva was trained in singing, pantomime and acting.

Already in junior high schools, Tatiana participated in song contests of various scale. By the time of receipt of the certificate of secondary education, the Bogacheva in the asset there were already several dozen awards and letters received at festivals.

After school, Tatiana went to study in Kiev. There, the girl easily entered the prestigious State Academy of Culture and Arts. The main direction of Bogacheva chose a pop vocal.

Being a student, Tatiana signed a contract with a model agency and was often starred in advertising. After graduating from the university, the girl was offered to completely devote themselves to the career of the model, but Tatiana refused.

In 2007, the singer learned about the casting in the television show "Factory of Stars - 7", the producer of which was Konstantin Meladze. Not a minute not doubting, Bogacheva decided to participate. The girl immediately liked the jury and was soon accepted into the project. It was there that Tatiana united with Artem Ivanov in the yin-yang duet. Later, the producers expanded the duet to the quartet.

The group became very successful, the hits went out one by one. After the end of the television show, the team released several successful compositions.

What happened to the performers who left superpopular Russian groups

Personal life Tatiana Bogacheva

Before participating in the project "Star-7 factory", Tatiana had a serious relationship, but the long-term separation did not allow them to develop. On the TV project itself, Tatiana Bogacheva and Artem Ivanov rather quickly rose a novel. The producers of the show were unhappy with the musicians too close relations in a duet, but to ban anything could not.

During the project, Tatyana and Artem dispersed several times. At that time, Bogacheva had short novels with other participants of the show. But soon they realized that they wanted to be together not only on the scene.

After the "Factory of Star-7" Bogacheva, with Ivanov, removed the apartment and began to constantly live together. Registered officially, the couple did not in a hurry. Cardinal changes in the life of lovers occurred on May 2, 2016: on this day, Tatiana gave birth to a daughter. The girl got a rare and beautiful name of Mirra.

Tatyana Bogacheva became the only girl in the Yin-Yan group after she left her another participant in Julia Parshuta. But the guys are not going to turn their group to a quartet again - they feel comfortable and threesome. Personal life Tatiana Bogacheva From early childhood is associated with music - from five years old she was engaged in a children's opera studio in his native Sevastopol. These classes gave her a lot for the future career - Tanya learned to sing correctly, hold on to the scene, suffered as a pantomime. Early, she began to participate in various vocal competitions. After school, Tatiana easily entered the Kiev "State Academy of Headers of Culture and Art" for a course of pop vocals.

In the photo - Tatyana Bogacheva and Artem Ivanov

Attractive appearance also played his role in the personal life of Tatiana Bogacheva - for some time she worked as a model and starred in numerous commercials, not forgetting about the main goal - to become a famous singer. It was for this that she in 2007, successfully overcoming the casting, became a member of the project "Star Factory 7". It is on the "factory" two guys and two girls using producers organized the Yin-Yan group, with which many events in the personal life of Tatiana Bogacheva are connected.

When the guys were still members of the Star Factory, the audience, who watched the romantic relationship between Tatiana and Artem Ivanov, assumed that all this was really informative and was not really done in order to draw attention to the project. However, later, when they became parties to the group, relations between them were preserved, and later Tatyana and Artem said they live in a civil marriage.

In the photo - the group "Yin-Yan" today

Now the Yin-Yan group is very different from the one that was at the very beginning. The guys became more elegant and stylish, acquired a huge musical experience. They work a lot - their touring schedule is so tight that the time for personal life remains quite a bit. Together they have been almost native to each other for many years, so it works very easily together. They spend time together and outside work - sometimes rest, shop, picking up clothes for concerts. Tatyana and Artem together go to the gym and do fitness to keep themselves in shape.

    At the moment, everything that managed to find is just Joint photos of Artem Ivanova and Tatiana Bogacheva, or a few photos of Tatiana alone in a wedding dress. Maybe weddings between the soloists of the group Yin-Yan Not yet, I do not know.

    There are no wedding photography, only Tatiana in a wedding dress with a bouquet.

    The soloists of the Yin-Yan group yesterday recent became their parents. They had a daughter born, called Alexander her. Here are follidges, both the pair, and Tatiana in the wedding robe:

    Photos from the wedding Tatiana Bogachev and Artem Ivanov on the Internet are practically no - there are only mentions. Apparently, they try not to advertise their personal life, actors, singers, and artists, so everything is on display - although some intend to replicate information about themselves earning the ratings. A little photo can be found in social networks.

    Tatyana Bogacheva and Artem Ivanov-participants of the group Yin and Yan. Their history of love began with this project, which the fans first counted PR, but then it turned out that the beloved was played by a wedding. And recently they had a daughter. Wedding photos as such are not, apparently guys hide personal moments from strangers, and the photo of Tatiana in a wedding dress can be found here.

    Tatyana Bogacheva and Artem Ivanov is a very interesting and beautiful couple. If someone is not aware, I will remind you that young people participants in the team Yin-Yan, very talented and externally attractive guy and a girl. The romantic relationships are tied up for a long time. But as for wedding photos, there are no them on the network. There is, however, photography Tatiana in a wedding dress and with a lounge near a bouquet, but it is most likely just a photo session, and not a photo from the event. In general, it is quite mysterious. In principle, as always with public persons. Now May 2016. Let's see what will happen next.

The fans of the Yin-Yang group have long suspected that the participants of their favorite team of Artem Ivanov and Tatiana Bogachev bind romantic relationships. The musicians were in no hurry to confirm other people's guesses, but now finally decided to do this: they told about the birth of their own feelings and security of official novels in conversation with OK!

Photo: Irina Kaidalina

Which of you is talkative?

Artem: In everyday life - I. Not in everyday life - probably, too, I.

Tatyana: And I'm an introvert. I love to be silent and to be alone.

BUT.: By how you chat with girlfriends, you can't say.

T:: I'm talking to those who enters my circle.

Do you have different circles?

BUT.: Not really, just Tanya has this circle more maiden, and I do not climb into their conversation.

The third participant of your group "Yin-Yang" Sergey Ashinymin who of you more friend?

BUT.:It is hard to say. On the one hand, he is a boy, on the other - Tanya has even a novel on the "Star Factory" ...

T::Very short-term. Now Serge has a girl, we all communicate very well.

How do you explain the absence of Sergey on our photo shoots and interviews?

BUT.: Seregi has her clothing store Erque, and he flew over his affairs to another country.

Maybe he felt like the third superfluous?

T:: I do not think. Artyom and I have never advertised our personal relationship at work. People guess that we meet, but we did not confirm this. Perhaps, now for the first time we admit that we are together.

In the creative team, it is possible to share work and personal life?

BUT.: We have decided that our relationship should not influence the speeches. What would be between us at breakfast or lunch, the viewer has nothing to do with it. Meanwhile, we have happened anything: and we quarrel and quarreled, and even broke up for a long time, but continued to work. Earlier in the group there was another participant with which I always had stretched relationships.

Do you mean Julia Parshuta?

BUT.: Yes. Nevertheless, we went on stage, hugged, performed. And behind the scenes diverged in different directions. Now, thank God, we have a lot more organic, we even began to relax together. I'm with Tanya and Seryoga with my girlfriend.

The question is suggesting: the girl seloge can not be taken to the group?

T:: She is very beautiful, but not a public person at all and works in another area.

When you just started to meet with each other, you were not afraid that to share work and personal would not work, and your relationship would just destroy the team?

BUT.: In general, it is incorrect - work together. It does not affect both sides of life. We are then the leadership of the group said that the relationship inside the team is not needed, which will only be worse. I can not say that we were rejected by some incredible obstacles, and we walked in advance, but our novel was unhappy.

T:: There were even such people who believed that I need some oligarch, and not a young boy. But we did not listen to anyone. Yes, and we did not put the conditions - they say, or you parted, or the group decays. We just advised us.

BUT.: Then we began working directly with Konstantin Meladze, and it is only interested in the realization of creative ideas. Of course, when we quarreled and parted, he rang, asked how we were doing.

Could you say that at first were close friends?

BUT.: Yes, at the "Star Factory - 7". The fact is that I, Tanya and Nastya Prikhodko, who then won the TV project, came from Ukraine. The castings were held in Kiev, we all illegal. I remember, they bought three cheeseburgers and did not share with anyone. ( Laugh.)

T:: Because, a clear thing, in Russia they were lucky on us, and we were such three chicken, held together. Then made friends.

It did not seem that you should not spoil friendship with personal relationships?

BUT.: I do not fully believe in the sincerity of friendship between a man and a woman. If the work does not bind them, but they communicate, then it means one different one. I often watched friendship happened after the relationship. When people are friends, and then begin to meet - here, as a rule, there is an important role that there is a condesception of one of the parties: or it allows himself to love himself, or he.

Your case is what?

BUT.: We had a short friendship, we immediately understood what I like each other. We all entered the "factory" in relationships. Tanya had a young man, I have a girl. But the "factory" is the same as a pioneer camp, where all young people, merry, but are forced to live separate from around the world, closed life. I began to care for Tanya, and soon we began to meet.

In such a closed space, as "Factory", were there opportunities for someone?

T:: We did not have a candy-bought period, and it is unusual. I never happened to me - I got used to me, I always cared, called me, wrote SMS, and then there were no conditions for this.

BUT.: Therefore, I immediately came to the maiden bedroom.

T:: Yes of course!

BUT.:But there was in addition to you ten girls, I came to look around.

T::This is true, the boys visited us, made massages. An Artyom also gave me a very cool CD player, with whom I didn't part all touring.

BUT.: Yes, although we had a rather limited opportunity at the "stars factory". The authors of the project were then invented that we ourselves would earn money for life with concerts. Therefore, the first time we even had nothing.

That is, with the player, did you give chic?

BUT.: Yes. I also generously treated all dumplings and Hawaiian mixtures.

When you, Tatiana, managed to start a novel with Sergey Ashimin?

BUT.: With Tanya, we had a short cooling period, I stopped to interest anything at that moment, except for speeches and creativity. Tell me, Tan, how did you come out with a grayly?

T:: Yes, they won't call it novel - we sympathized with each other and once they kissed.

BUT.: In this sense, the "factory" really looked like a camp. As for Tanya, already at the final stages of the casting I understood that I like her. I remember Kostya Meladze distributed to us songs, I heard Tanya performs "I did everything", and was fascinated. For some reason I immediately thought that I want to be with this man. But the Tanya, the windy young lady turned out to be. With gray, yes right in the middle of the "Factory"! ( Laugh.)

T:: What are you talking about? Where in the middle of the "Factory"? It will write everything!

You have the opportunity to argue, Tatiana.

BUT.:And she has nothing to object.

T:: And you did not have a novel?

BUT.: Did not have! My lips remained intact.

What Artyom fascinated? Of course, except for the player and dumplings with Hawaiian mixtures.

T:: First appearance - he immediately liked me. The fact is that in childhood I adored David Beckham. When I saw Artem, it caught the similarity with the favorite football player. Then he conquered me by cagoation. A very educated young man was. I remember, I dragged to a hotel with a huge suitcase and here I met Artem. He galaned helped me to put a suitcase in the room. For me it was something out of a series of outgoing. But I then had a boyfriend, I had distilled my thoughts about new relationships. Only after a while, everything changed, and I understood with Artyom that I love each other.

BUT.: We had a period of first, interesting, but rather heavy tours. I did not know how to lead myself: first the people who six months ago know me did not know, suddenly they reacted rapidly for each of my appearance. And then, when we rolled back the tour, the same people who have been raised a month ago, forgot what my name is. And we, already in the group "Yin-Yang", had to start all over again. Earn popularity. Prove to producers that we are a workable team. All this was psychologically hard. I'm not sure that at that moment a person could appear next to me, which would understand all this. But near the Tanya, which I could tell everything, and she understood me.

T:: Tanya, by the way, was in the same situation.

You were born in Ukraine, but in different cities. How similar was your paths?

T::We were born in the Soviet Union. We have absolutely different ways, although we then understood that everything was, as in our song: "I walked on the same roads ..." I studied in Kiev, Artem, too, we walked in the same places of the city. I loved Spice Girls, especially Victoria Adams, who then became Bekham's wife.

BUT.: And I adored Beckham and even practiced football.

T:: We consisted in one model agency, which were visited by castings.

With music, you also developed in different ways?

BUT.:I always worked for music, but I understood that I need a more "earthly" profession, so the question was not stood about higher musical education. I graduated from the Kiev Polytech, I did not regret any seconds. I got a mathematical education and met at the Institute of Wonderful People. I was engaged in music for fun: I wrote down the tracks, I made arrangements. Sang, raising my neighbors 'neighbors' neighbors, sometimes at night, very sad songs, because I, apparently, the lyrical nature. The neighbors came, asked: "You at least something is more funny - sadly". As a result, the music said: since you are not looking for me, I will find you. I accidentally found out about the set on the factory. It was my first musical casting. Konstantin Meladze is the first person who believed me. I was very "raw", worried, but Kostya managed to tell me these words, after which I realized that the music was love and the matter of my life.

T:: I understood it still in kindergarten. I sang constantly, so the teacher advised my mother to give me to vocals. So I found myself in the Opera Studio, where he studied from four to seven years. After that, I had a huge break - I grew sick, sang at home, did not participate in any school cabins. In school at all, no one knew that I sing. But Mom has always supported me in this, she also offered me to pass the exams to the Kiev State Academy of Governing Persons of Culture and Art for the specialty "Past Vocals". Odnoklassniki were shocked when they found out, they said: "Do you know how to sing?" I walked around the castings, but often dropped out on the third round. I even tried for the sixth season of the "Stars Factory" Victor Drobysh, but flew at the last moment. I was sure that you need to pay money or to meet with someone in order to get there. But the seventh "factory" went - for the company with his then guy, he dancer. And I was unexpectedly taken.

I do not believe that your personal relationships are not reflected in the composition and performance of songs.

BUT.: The process of writing music for me is much less romantic than we can assume. He is much more mathematical. Much more I can afford not in music, but in verses. In them, I will sublimating my problems, complexes, fantasies, dreams. All my verses are devoted to one girl, who is sure that does not exist in the world. She is abstract, even I myself imagine it quite approximately.

Tatiana, oh what it is he?

T:: Is it true, what is this girl? ( Laugh.) But in fact, I understand that he means. All the authors are devoted to poems and songs by wives and companions. So he has a lyrical heroine.

I really want to ask: Do you have similar character qualities? Interests?

T:: We have a similar sense of humor. We love to laugh, including ourselves, is a valuable skill. We have the same ideas about decency.

BUT.: But the interests with Tanya are quite different. However, should they coincide? The main thing is that the interests of a person who are near, not irritated. As a last resort, - wept. We are also distinguished by warehouses of character, and the perception of the world, but do not face foreheads.

T:: Although before we often quarreled, to hysterics.

Because of what?

T:: He gasped me, I am to him.

BUT.: Tanya then, even by virtue of his youth, refused to recognize my exceptional right in everything. ( Laugh.)

Do you have a common life?

BUT.: Yes of course. We live together in Moscow.

T:: The search for co-housing is very rallied. After the "factory" we were in a single private house with other graduates of the TV project - there we began to live together with Artyom. Then they changed the endless number of apartments. As a rule, the initiator of the move was Artyom, he believed that the living space became too small to us, and it was necessary to look for another, more quickly. I am opposite, easily got used to the place, I was sorry to part with him. But I must say that we do not spend together 24 hours a day. We often go to tour, and there always settle in different rooms.

And could save the organizers.

T::(Laugh.) But rest each other. I drive to the parents to Sevastopol without Artem. He was there, with his parents a sign, but I go to them alone. Also rest from each other.

How did you get acquainted with your parents?

BUT.: Parents knew us long before the direct acquaintance - they also watched all the esters of the "Star Factory". So when meeting, it was useless to talk about myself.

Was it without looking?

T::Yes, without official. With Mom Artem, I met when she came to Moscow to the final "factory" concert in the Olympic SC. We greeted, liked a very friend. Artyom came to me in Sevastopol, and "Anemone". I flew there - he calls and says:
"And I'm here". And again, the pupil showed - did not want to be imposed on, said: "I removed the hotel room." I say: "What are you?! Let's go to me. With parents get acquainted. " Persuaded.

Artem, is it exciting - get acquainted with the parents of the girl? It is necessary to impress, remember the names of the parents ...

BUT.: I was not afraid, besides, Tanya's parents were well-tuned to me. Her mother is called Lyudmila Gennadevna - I quickly remembered. But Pope is Alexander Juvenalevich. That is, there was, of course, an obstacle in the form of an unusual patronymic. But I rehearsed and "Hello, Alexander Juvenalevich!" Said without a stick.

I wonder if you feel your family?

T.: Sure.

BUT.: Probably, we are still a cell of society. We buy tomatoes in the store together. And when people buy a tomato together together, then I think they are family.