Autumn holidays in November. Russian folk holidays of the autumn cycle. Russian calendar and ritual holidays of the autumn cycle and their artistic elements

Autumn holidays in November. Russian folk holidays of the autumn cycle. Russian calendar and ritual holidays of the autumn cycle and their artistic elements
Autumn holidays in November. Russian folk holidays of the autumn cycle. Russian calendar and ritual holidays of the autumn cycle and their artistic elements

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Perm State Pedagogical University

Faculty of Physics Specialty "Technology and Entrepreneurship"


Russians folk holidays autumn Cycle.

Perm 2003.


1. Introduction.

2. "Autumn calendar".

2.1 Seven Day.

2.2Read of the Virgin.

2.3 Exaltation.

2.4 cover of the Most Holy Virgin
2.5 Kuzma Demyan Winter

3. Conclusion.

4. References.

Many philosophers and historians proved that ignorance of the past inevitably leads to the lack of understanding of the present. But they also believed that the attempts to understand the past were just as vainly, without having sufficient knowledge of the present.
Folk creativity is not only an inexhaustible source of wisdom and beauty, but also an invaluable means of education, the introduction of modern people to treasures of oral artistic, applied folk culture.
The life of Russian people in the distant past consisted of a series of everyday life and holidays. Weekdays are the time filled with works and worries. Them distinctive feature There was an integrity of home existence, moderation in food, simple and comfortable clothes, calm and benevolent relations, the degree of conversations, the closure of leisure within their small family world.
Weedness opposed the holiday - the resting time, fun, joy, feelings of the completeness of life, the time when people realized themselves part of the united community. The alternation of everyday life and holidays was considered the necessary component of the normal flow of life, and the failures could lead to people's ideas, to chaos and death of the world.
Festive days in Russia of the XVIII-XIX centuries. There was a lot: 140-150 per year. They arose in different historical epochs. The most ancient were holidays associated with the agricultural calendar of Slavs. They were called calendar or annual holidays, since, starting in December, when "the Sun turned for the summer," they continued all year, and ended in late autumn with the completion of harvesting. The main among them were: shints, carnival, seven fence, Ivanovo-Kupali festivals, as well as holiday harvest holidays, that is, those that have noted the most important natural-astronomical phenomena: winter and summer solstice, spring and autumnal equinox. At the heart of these festivities, which appeared in deep antiquity lay the pagan ideas about the device of the world, the relationship of people with space, with nature and deities. These holidays had, mostly magical character and were aimed at ensuring the well-being and health of people, a good harvest, a good selection of cattle.
Along with the ancient pagan holidays in the Russian life of the XIX century there were many holidays of the Orthodox Church. They began to be installed at the end of the h., After the adoption of Christianity on Russia, but they received universal recognition in the folk medium only from the end of the XVI - early XVII century. The church, as it was not great, her desire to end the pagan workers, was forced to "link" church holidays to traditional calendar and put up with the preservation of pagan rituals, which intended to intertwine with religious.
All Russian holidays were exposed to a certain hierarchical staircase. The main holiday for all Orthodox was Easter, which was called the holiday of all holidays, the celebration of all celebrations. The Great Holidays of the Orthodox Church was considered the two-month, that is, 12 holidays in the year, glorifying Jesus Christ, the Virgin, as well as 5, dedicated to the evangelical events.
The holiday in Russia was also considered Sunday, coming every 6 days. It was accepted as a day of rest with ancient Slavs along with the calendar, which year chlenged for 12 months, and a month for four weeks. In antiquity, this day was called "Week" that is, the time when it is impossible to do anything, but with end of XVIIIearly XIX. explosive He got into memory of the resurrection of Jesus Christ his modern name.
Holidays are usually noted by the whole community. All adults of villages, villages, the city district or street participated in them.
Each holiday had its distinctive long-standing program. The originality of the festive ritual depended on the event itself underlying the holiday, its origin and significance for society. At the same time, the holidays had a lot in common. The necessary component of many of them were prayer and Procession, street walking and horse riding, long meal with an abundance of food and hop drinks, dance, games, including sports, visiting fairs with their boots, trays, carousels, bear fun. The festive days program included the execution of rites, primarily the rites of the annual cycle associated with economic activities Russian farmer, as well as separate ritual components life cyclenoted the main stages human fate: Birth, marriage, death. In deep antiquity, they represented complex often dramatically decorated actions committed in magical purposes. By the XIX century. The religious and myflogic basis of these rituals was lost, and the actual action turned out to be included in the holiday as interesting game, bent ancestors.

2. "Autumn calendar"

Songs met in the old days Autumn - work, generous and cheerful hours. Labor - because there are still many autumn worries ahead, but generous and cheerful - because the bread filled the crust, in every peasant house included wealth, and here it did not do without dancing and songs. Countdown autumn days Started in August, because the main care of the farmer - cleaning breads. So that the harvest was ambulance, and work - without fatigue, Zsotin was commissioned the woman most respected in the village, a good worker.
Our ancestors celebrated autumn three times. On the first day of September - the first holiday of the meeting of the autumn is the first autumn. On the eighth day - the second Outnaires, and the third - on the upstream, when the bread with the fields moved, and the bird went to the delicate (moved).
Autumn-time of youth sites, weddings, folk playing, theatrical ideas, this is the time of farewell to the past summer and winter meeting.

2.1 Seeds Day (Syram Day, Simeon Student, Semyon - Lettering)

The national name of the day of memory of the St. Simeon of the Stattle, celebrated on September 14th. According to the legends and lives of the saints, the Rev. Simeon, Rod, Kilikiets, was a shepherd and pass the sheep of his father in Cappadocia. Then he went to the nearest monastery, where seven days asked to accept him. Having received permission, he became a novice, and in eighteen years - inkom. Happing ascetic lifestyle to serve God: So Simeon made a belt from the wood branches, which, dried, dug into his body, settled at the bottom of the dried well (lake), then in an abandoned hut with a mountain sole, later in a stone cave, So that no one interfere with his prayers and communicating with God 1.
Rev. Simeon was the author of the mobility, called the pillar. He folded the stone four-meter pillar, to which he put the celle, and then got it with a stena. From this pillar, he read the preaching of the arriving pilgrims and became known as a wise spiritual mentor. He knew about him in the entire Roman Empire and beyond. The emperors wrote him about their affairs and asked advice. Saint Simeon died at the age of 103 (in 459), more than 40 years, from which he spent on the pillar.
In Russia, the end of the old summer (year) and the beginning of a new one, which is why Rev. Simeon received the name of the Writer, was coincided. On this day, there was a special "Chin of the Travel of Summer", the celebration of the Church New and the "Start of Indict".
On the 1st Ecumenical Nikitsky Cathedral in 325, it was decided to postpone the beginning of the new summer (New Year) from March 1 to September 1. In this regard, in Russia for four centuries Up to 1700, to the well-known decree of Peter 1, who has undergone the celebration of the New Year on January 1, St. Simeon's Day was the first day of the New Year 2.
This day was celebrated in Russia. The greatest solemnity of the festival reached in Moscow. People were going to visit each other and did not diverge until the morning. These evenings wore a family character: to meet a new summer (year) was taken from the older in kind. From family gatherings went to church to the Sautren. Action of the Novolhetia began at midnight with a blow of a west gun in the Kremlin. In Russia, Simeon's Day - the bullet rid had great importance And as "Judgment Day". In Moscow, a judicial expression "put" the presence of the sovereign and boyars went to Moscow: "Copy by plaintive people" to the "Judgment Day" to Moscow - is known from the time of the Grand Prince John Vasilyevich. The same "vessels" for monastic people and peasants, as seen by their Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich and Alexey Mikhailovich, were seen by the Christmas and Tricky Day, the order of the Big Palace was appointed for the Judgment Day. The sovereign allowed all the controversial issues that could not be solved on the ground.
As the end of one year and the beginning of the other day of Simeon of the Still on the established custom. It was considered "Urgent Day" and was a deadline for payment of filters and duties 3. In addition, the rite of "Testers" and "Sitting on the horse" was timed to Simeon's Day. ("Symeon is a child, Say Say and I stretch in the horse"). He was made over the firstbots, "when moving from infancy", usually when fulfilling them three years, on the fourth year of life. The rite was committed not only over the peasant children, but also over the grand mined children. Kuma and Kum took the kid to the courtyard, where he was waiting for his father with a climbed horse and held his hand. And Kum drove a horse under the coziness. At the porch, the father took off the child and passed the Kuma, who handed the kuma kuma - "from the floor in the floor" with bonds. Kuma assigned him to the mother, uttering greetings to the latest. At dinner, Kum with Coumoy was cleaned with a pie with the wishes of wealth and happiness 4. A special place was held by Semyon's day at the peasants: "Summer seeds is accompanied." The rite of autumn, the first meeting of autumn. The present or "old" indigent summer began. ("Semyon of Indian Summer gives"), which continued until September 21 - the Day of the Nativity of the Virgin. This week was called in Russia "Semenovsky". About this time they were spoken "how none were poured, Baba, Babi in the summer, but still looking Ovnana - Mother: in the yard September - in September one berry, and that bitter rowan!" five . Indian summer was considered a Babi holiday and time. When autumn began women's work: Miles and trepidated hemp, dried hemp, washed in water and spread Lyuham Lyuly. In Semyon, the day began to spin and plot the curros, that is, prepared the basis for weaving machines to weave the canvas.
To the day of Simeon Stalnnik ended the cleaning of spring crops ("Semen day - Semen's Day, that is, the seeds themselves fall out of the collies"), sowing Rya ("In Semyon, Pasha dinner, and after dinner Pahar Valkom pursue"), Solished cucumbers, From Semenov of the day began to be frighting the fields to protect them from the unclean strength 6.
In Semyon, the day made a housewarming. If the day of Simeon has not occurred on Sunday, then in the morning the woman in every house was taken for thorough cleaning. They tried to get rid of flies and cockroaches, who were inevitable human life satellites. Even special proverbs and sayings were formed: "Izbu Surubi, and the cockroaches will lead their own artel", "Flashing Flashing, biting - to bad weather," "Ilinskaya_Muha", they tried to get rid of both by the sea and conspiracy from them. Called the largest cockroaches, put in the old lap and dragged away from home, hoping that everyone else would go behind them.
Especially fun and naughty celebrated the day the rural youth. Interesting the rite of "funeral flies." They believed in the people that if "the evil flies to burn in the fall in the land - other bang will not be biting." Together with the "funeral flies" and summer left. But the comic effects were hiding a very serious purpose of this holiday. Rustic girls, swallowed in the best outfits, gathering together, distributed roles in the performance of the "funeral flies" only girls took part in it, and the guys were invited as the audience. The girls were caught flies and mosquitoes and placed them in the "Muskiki" - a deepening in carrots, repex, swear.
Partial funerals were made to all the canons of this rite. During this play, the girls tried to show all their advantages: funny character, resourcefulness, humor. Playing a fun ceremony, the girls actually arranged a loot. After all, the time of weddings approached. No wonder it was believed that from the seven of the day to Guri (December 11) - wedding weeks.

2.2Reatitude of the Virgin Mary (Virgin Day, the second Major Machine, Aspos Day, Pasikov Day, Outnaire, Bows Day, Summer Day)

The National Name of the Great Two-Mother Original Holiday of the Orthodox Church - Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary and Savorodel Mary, which is celebrated on September 21. Installed in memory of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The christmas festival information is rising to 4-5 centuries. In the 6-9 centuries, this event is described by the Holy Stephen Svyatograd.
The Most Holy Virgo was born in Nazareth, she was given the name Maria, which means "high", "superior", "Mrs.", "Hope" 7.
The Day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is celebrated by solemn prayer, the singing of the magnitude of the uterus: "Major, the Most Holy Virgo, and honor the saints of your parents and the Allwalian Christmas of Your Child." Church chants: Poems, Paths and canons in honor of the Virgin Mary are called "Virgin".
The people of the Virgin Mary worshiped. The image of the Virgin was clearer more affordable and closer to popular consciousness than the image of Jesus Christ 8. On the one hand, the divine "ascended into the world", on the other - it remained related to ordinary peopleMaternally worried and standing up for them. According to observations, V.V. Rosanova, "Russian people threw Christianity to worship God's Mother."
The popular cult of the Mother of God was expressed in numerous epitheats: "Most Holy", "Most", "Master", "Queen of Sky and Earth". Since in the people's ideas of the Virgin, seeing comforting, merciful, responsive to any misfortune and facilitating pain, it was often treated in conspiracies, prayers and spells in different cases of life.
In Russian folk tradition The image of the Mother of God became close to the way of the Mother Earth, which led to the deification of the cult of the Mother of God. The Mother of God was equated, and sometimes he was identified with the birth and fructing earth-boring 9. The beginning of Seva in some areas is associated with the cult of the Virgin.
The Mother of God was the intercessory of children on this and that light. Often, the Mother of Mother of the Mother of God was called upon in statements and prayers when healing from diseases.
In a special honor, there was a Virgin and girls at the issuance. They appealed to her asking for grooms (see the Pokrov Virgin Mary). For Christmas, the Day of the Virgin or Asposov, the Day was timed to autumn - the second meeting of the fall (the first one took place in Semyon). Women were going in the morning and went out on the banks of the rivers to meet Mother Ovnaina (see for this meeting the application).
Specially baked oat bread, which kept the eldest of women, and young sang songs, standing around her, then the bread was blocked into pieces in terms of the number of those who gathered and they fed their lives.
Outnaires coped for a whole week. The Christmas of the Virgin fell in the number of days, which marked the end of the harvest festival harvest. For which it is characteristic of going to visit, hospitality with a fun walk, accompanied by special game songs (application). The yammer was summer, the longer the holiday. It was cooked fresh beer, a lamb was prepared, a jelly, baked Couples with fish, from wheat flour with the addition of lattice.
Over one or two days before the beginning of the holiday, the parents sent children to relatives with invitations to visit, mother-in-law and the father-in-law could have been invited to young son-in-law with a swarm and mother-in-law to establish good relations between the Schat families, her husband's parents and the bride. A special custom was visiting newlyweds relatives and acquaintances. On this "Pier" a specially selected person - "called" invited guests with the following words: "Come visit the young, look at their lives - to be, to teach them the mind," relatives treated the festive lunch. After that, the young hostess showed his farm, and the owner led the guests to the courtyard, demonstrated a horse harness in a barn and lively in the barn. Accompanied by showing the praise of guests and bringing the beer to them (hence the name of this day "Submersenyev" 10.
The Nativity Day of the Virgin coincided with the day of autumn equinox, and, as on the day of the spring equinox, the fire was updated in the Bogoroditsyn in the outbreak - the fire was exhausted - the old and lit new ones.
In Aspos, the day ended with India Summer. On this day, the bees are cleaned, they collect onions, hence the name - onions day), chopped cabbage for the workpiece for the winter. The time of "gatherings" 11, "Evening" 12 began.

2.3 EXTENSITIVE (Movement, Health, Running Day, Stavrov Day, Capo Layout)

The national name of the Great Boxed Holiday, which is celebrated on September 27. Installed in the first half of the 4th century in honor of the ceremony of the holy equivalent Elena Honest Cross of Christ.
Holiday Exaltation was established in commemoration of the events of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ on Calvary.
In the people's tale dedicated to the Valuation Day, the meaning of the holiday is revealed in its own way. There is a battle between "honor" and "dishonor", they rise ("erected") to another two forces: the truth and the Crimder, "Holy" and "not holy". The victory won the truth, with the help of the Lord of the Holy Cross of the Holy Cross of the Lord.
This is based on the sayings and signs dedicated to this day, (Appendix) spoke about the end of harvesting: "The last shock from the field moves, the last WHO is in a hurry in a hurry," "Exaltation - Bread from the field moved."
Babe summer has been completed for the attachment, the third meeting of autumn was completed: "Summer's attachment closes the keys, a tick with me takes off for the sea." The winter approach was noted: "Round the autumn winter moves to the meeting." To the offensive of winter colds, they were prepared in advance, so they said: "The attachment of the caftan with the shoulders will move, Tulup will give up," "Zipypun will push the attachment, push the fur coat."
Favoring the lives of animals and birds also did not remain unattakened by the peasant: "There was a bird in the excitement of the bird", "Berlogue lies in the native day. The attachment was considered a dangerous day for a hike to the forest not only because of the snake, but also because of the deborn, island and other unclean. The debt gathered suspended animals in one place and arranged a review before the coming winter.
The harvesting of vegetables, flax, cannabis was completed for the attachment, the flax processing took place ("swaying"). Began to chop cappist and harvest it for the winter, so the attachment called the cabbage holiday. Accompanied cabbage cuts by songs and treats in the evenings. From an attachment, a number of autumn maiden parties were beginning to be called "cabbagers", "Capusthenians", "Capulants". The cabbagers took place not only in the villages, but also in the cities and lasted two weeks.
Girls, put in elegant clothes, went from home to a house with songs kill cabbage. Prepared a special table with snacks. The groom's guys came from the hotels and looked out for brides - "Capulants". There were rounds and sang songs.
In Siberia, a neighbor was invited to Cabesthenian parties ("and a bad woman on the slope - cabbage"). Cabwoons, entering the house, congratulated the owners with the harvest of cabbage, as with the holiday. For guests, beer was boiled and a treat with the main dish was preparing - "Blending Pie". The evening ended dancing and games (see Appendix).

2.4 PCOs of the Blessed Virgin Mary (cover day)

The national name of the holiday of the Orthodox Church - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, who is celebrated on October 14. Installed in the memory of the phenomenon of the Virgin in the Varhranian temple in Constantinople. This event occurred in the middle of the 10th century to the reign of the Byzantine emperor Lion 6 wise.
In Russia, the holiday was at Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky around 1164. It is based on a legend about the phenomenon of the Virgin in the church in the Velvernakh - the imperial residence in Constantinople, where the Riza of Our Lady, her head cover and part of the belt were kept. At that time, the war was followed with Sarcins, and the inhabitants of Constantinople turned with a prayer to the Virgin, asking the city's defense. Saint Andrey and his student saw a phenomenon God's Mother On the air with the Sleep of Saints and Angels. She spread over her cover praying (headquarters) and walked to the Lord prayer for the salvation of peace and delivering a person from the troubles and suffering 15.
In folk understanding, the church holiday of the Pokrov Virgin appears far cut off from the Christian legend. The people create their legend of the suffering of the Virgin, who in one of the villages were abandoned overnight, for which the inhabitants were punished by the Prophet Ilyoy. Pragged people of the Virgin Mary saved them, unfolding cover over the village, after which they became kind and hospitable.
For a peasant Pokrov Day - one of the most important autumn holidays, binding to the folk tradition with the completion of agricultural work and the beginning of winter.
The border position of the holiday of the Intercession between the fall and in the winter marked him as a day, which was determined by the weather for the upcoming winter, because for the peasants always imagined the importance of the Surva Whee will be the approaching winter. Accordingly, notes: what the weather on the cover is as follows and winter (application)
Near the cover dropped the first snow, so in the folk consciousness of Pokrov connected with the snow cover of the Earth at the occurrence of winter: "On the cover of the earth, the snow is covered, frost is dressed."
Pokrov (boards) of the Blessed Virgin Mary binds to the bedspread, Fao, headscarf, which was covered by the bride during the wedding rite. The day of the Pokrov Virgin was considered the "patron saint of weddings," a girlish holiday. And so about the weddings and grooms the girls are most interpreted, then the holiday is first of all the girl. On this day, the girls did not work, they gathered together in the same house, each had a wreath of autumn leaves. It was usually celebrated for three days: they walked on the gatherings, sang, danced 16.
On the eve of the holiday itself, the girls died in a well-dressed clothing - costumes of old men and old women, and the holiday itself dressed up "in good", went to visit the guests. Girls rewarded chicken eggs. From this day, as a rule, weddings began: "Bel Snow Earth covers, there is not me, the ram, married." The girls had believing: who earlier will put a candle on this day, he will come to marry before, so they got up early and fled to the church to put a candle to the holiday. I was going to young people at the gatherings in those houses where there were young guys and girls, alternately or hired one loose constantly. The girls were sitting at midnight during the mud at work and songs. The guys have fun girls, baskets and lapties, let and brides were chosen. Songs on the gatherings sang a lot of sad and fun, he managed to manage 17 with work.
From Pokrov, the peasants began to prepare their horseshi of winter: to warm them up and cavalo them - as they said to "be worried", "capture heat to the cover", that is, repair the hut. On this day, the first time was treated in residential stoves. Cleaning bread was completed - the bread was harvested - the last sheaves were taken and folded in Riga or Ovin. The cleaning of vegetables from the gardens was completed: "On the cover of the last fertile collection" 18. In many places, the Pokrovsky fairs began 19.

2.5 Kuzma Demyan Winter (Craftsmen, Lady Blacksmiths, Wedding Blacksmiths, Kaliniki, Chickenters, Chicken Gods, Kochyatniki, Kuzminki)

The national name of the days of the memory of the Holy Spheres and Damian, celebrated by the Orthodox Church, in accordance with the lives of the saints three times a year:
    July 14 - the day of memory of the brag and Damian, born in Ancient Rome And who became doctors.
    October 30 - Martyrs of Kospla and Damian Arabian, famous adherents of Christianity.
    November 14 - the wonderwors of the Asia, born in Malaya Asia and educated Christian.
According to the folk ideas of Kosma and Damian were considered artisans. The main occupation of which was forge. They called them in the People with the Saint Blacksmiths with the people, who worked not for remuneration. Forge craftsmen appealed to Kosme and Damian as their patrons and celebrated the autumn day of their memory - November 14 - as the holiday of the Kuznetsov, which is not taken to work 20.
Such ideas were transferred to Saints Musto and Damian (who sold in the folk consciousness in one person and called often Kuzma Demyan) in connection with the name of Kuzma with the words "Forge", "Kuznitsy", "Kuznets", as well as with "Cousl ", Folk title, denoting forging, hammer or blacksmith horn. At the same time, the people represented Kosma and Damian to the forces of God and the Earth, the land and water in the ice shacks, creating frost and winter strules. Hence the majority of proverbs and sayings, relate to this day (application).
Through the blacksmithoughness of Mosov and Damian, they were associated with the fiery elements, which corrected them with a cult of Perun, which seemed to the people in the form of a blacksmith who had an attribute of a rooster, bird dedicated to him, and partly and the sun. Mosnim and Damian were associated with blacksmithing craft and folk legends and fairy tales, who tell about how they are whitewashing and plows and distribute them to people, and some legends even teach people agricultural work.
The holy blacksmiths of Moak and Damian were endowed in the people's ideas in a permanent attribute - a hammer, and, in addition to the manufacture of ice chains for the Earth, weddings were shot down (from here - "Kuzma Demyan - Wedding Blacksmith"), wedding crowns and marriage ties (chains), becoming so , the patrons of marriage, family, home the hearth, and Skak and Damian perceived here as one female face 21.
Kosima and Damian were considered patrons not only of male crafts, but also of various female work, no wonder these saints were especially revered by women and girls who appealed to them with requests for help: in summer timeWhen they started the harvest, in autumn - they were going to place the winter yarn (from the November Day of Mosov and Damian, women's work began - spinning, tissue).
But not only with the work is connected for women and girls the day of memory of Moskov and Damian, throughout Russia on November 14 applies to the number of maiden holidays (Kuzminki).
The ritual dishes on Kuzminki, cooked from the chicken, correlates with the folk view of Kosme and Damiana as a "chicken gods", guarded chickens. Therefore, this day was often called "Chicken Name Day", "Chicken holiday", "Kochyatnik". Custom "Chicken Name Day" coped in Russia long. On this day, women gathered with churars near the church, after dinner, older women served prayers 22.
In addition, on this day they cut the chickens, sacrificed to the patrons of the brave and Damian chickens, which contribute to the fact that a bird will be kept during the entire year in the peasant farm.

The countdown of autumn days began in August, because the main concern of the farmer - cleaning of breads. So that the harvest was ambulance, and work - without fatigue, Zsotin was commissioned the woman most respected in the village, a good worker. On the eve of the harvest, late in the evening, suffer so that no one saw and did not move the drowsy, she made his way to his strip, tied three snappings and laid them with a cross. And on the morning all the boards were going to the field. Having finished his defense, they walked to help lonely, weakly, large families.

Practicing Diada, wandering souls also allowed to swim and warm up. For this purpose, special saunas were prepared, as well as shooting in graves and crossroads of fire paths. The dismissal of the fire was also an additional feature - it helped the wandering soul to get to loved ones, because without her she could lose their way in the dark. The same fires also pointed to her return to Navia. The fire was also a protective function - this prevented the demons to enter the world, which in Slavic beliefs appeared from lost souls, people belonging to peoplewho died suddenly.

In the villages they collected Bratchin. It was a common harvest festival. Cook "Mirskoe" beer, i.e. All "Mir" (Selo). All that was in the fields, now on the tables, and the most important birthday was bread.

Our ancestors celebrated autumn three times. On the first day of September - the first holiday of the meeting of the autumn is the first autumn. On the eighth day - the second autumn, and the third - to the exaltation when the bread with the fields moved, and the bird went to the departure (moved).

The era of Dzogchen, as already mentioned, is a time of closer communication with the world of the dead, so that the world at this time is pursuing not only the friendly souls of ancestors, but also harmful demons, such as those who can wish to explain people who contributed to condemn them .

Currently, the graves placed on the graves should embody the memory of the dead, which is associated with the symbolism of life as a burning candle. While the candle burns, the memory of the dead still exists. However, it is difficult to see an explicit analogy with old fire habits of wandering shower. Another tradition of tradition Dzogchen is the habit of symbolically fruits food into the graves of loved ones. It is preserved in some parts of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, and even in Eastern Poland. Christianity tried to fight with pagan customs - they were expelled to their practice or tried to adapt their elements to Christians.

On the first day of September, Semenov celebrated the day, called him in the people of "Semenome - Lettering". This holiday has appeared from the first years of Christianity in Russia and was devoted to the memory of Simeon Studnik (Christian Holy, it is famous for spent on a pillar of 37 years in post and prayer). Under the seeds, the day in all the skeins were quenched the lamps and from the furnace got a new fire, from which in the evening for the first time since the summer, lamps lit the lamps, candles, raysin and began the evening business "with fire". In Semenov, the day made a housewarming. If the day of Simeon has not occurred on Sunday, then in the morning the woman in every house was taken for thorough cleaning.

The Catholic Church of all saints is not without reason at the same time as the autumn festivals.

No less influence on the celebrations associated with the celebration of Holy Ancestors were running beggars who were accidentally called the grandfathers. These pathetic people sometimes had a medium with which it was possible to come into contact with this world. It was sometimes believed that the ancestors themselves visited their homes. For this reason, the generals were generous in the past at festivals donated by donations from food or other material goods.

Especially fun and mischievously celebrated the rural youth. Interesting the rite of "funeral flies." They believed in the people that if "the evil flies to burn in the fall in the land - other bang will not be biting." Together with the funeral flies and summer left. Rustic girls, swallowed in the best outfits, gathering together, distributed roles in the play "Furi Furi". Only girls took part in it, and the guys were invited as audience. The girls were caught flies and mosquitoes and placed in the "Muskiki" - deepening in carrots, repex, beets. Partial funerals were made through all the canons of this rite: fought, arranged funeral processionThey carried on the "cemetery", they were kept "graves", buried, holly poured and put crossings. During this performance, the girls tried to show all their advantages: cheerful character, fiction, resourcefulness, humor.

This custom lasted for a long time in the area of \u200b\u200ball Slavonia. Feeding the beggar was usually considered as the worship of his ancestors. For this reason, here and now, the poor receive the gift of dead food family. Also remember that the Slavs are still, and their pumpkins. At the turn of October and November, there was a time when the ancient Celts noted the dead with their self-sheine. The famous masks for Halloween were taken from their traditions, earlier from hollow beets, turnips, turnips or potatoes. Regardless of the raw materials used to create a mask, it was intended to indicate a wandering soul.

Playing a fun ceremony, the girls actually arranged a loot. After all, the cover was approaching - the time of weddings, walling.

Then the funny "commemoration" was arranged, to which the guys were joined. During the ceremony, games, dance, couples, who visited each other could go closer. And since after the seed of the day began the gatherings, they had the opportunity to consolidate their sympathies.

Cultural equivalents of the Halloween pumpkins of the former Slavs were crabs - wood masks that were installed around the place of celebration of grandparents. Their work is probably a bit more difficult than hollow out pumpkin, but technically talented we urge you to make your crabs into the glory of the Slavic tradition.

The celebration of the Holiday Dead is a specific Christian-commercial Mishmash, in which many of the ancestors are often forgotten. Early cemetery expeditions in the cemetery are a multitude of burdensome obligations that are often associated with crowded streets or a fashionable show of the cemetery. Halloween himself was very isolated from his pagan origin, so people celebrating it are usually delivered to this day to the parade in various costumes and sweets. About Dziad We are not very remembering today.

September - a month of billets of various daristers of the forest: mushrooms, berries, nuts, healing roots. Rowan is one of the latest berries. September 23 - the day of Perth Ryannik, by this time the berries sticking with the frost, losing their tartness. On this day, the girl, taking baskets, walked into the forest. Collection of autumn berries turned into a real holiday. The girls drove dance in Ryabina, trusted her secrets. Collecting the berry, be sure to leave some of the fruits on the tree, not forgetting about the birds, because the winter is long.

Maybe it's better that the memory of this tradition remains a niche? There is no doubt that modern generations It will also be able to confess this tradition. Who can help at this particular time to wander around the shower crossing. Poles, such as treats and Slavs, is a joyful nation. Please note that in our habits there are no sad holidays! Speak now and the holiday of the dead? Well, the holiday of the dead is not a sad holiday! In addition, it comes from Christmas, slavic days worship dead ancestors.

Dancing, folk custom Slavs and Baltov, originating from the ancient pagan Slavic rites. The goal of the rite was to worship the ancestors, and not only, as usual writes, to contact the souls of the deceased and get their favor. In this holiday, he showed gratitude, keeping them alive and grateful for the generic gift, given to us ancestors located between alive and alive life paths on the ground.

Were in September and other holidays: on the day of Ivan Lena (September 11), the camouflage was stood, worked fun, with jokes and songs. On the day of St. Luke - Bows Day (September 20) - arranged onion fair.

All September walked holidays in the glory of a new harvest, assembled in the field, in the forest, in the garden.

In October, there were also quite a few holidays, but the Pokrov holiday was more significant (October 14). The history of this holiday goes deep in centuries. In 910, a vision was happening in Constantinople: during the vigil was the Virgin, with a covering in his hands, and announced that it was a saving cover. She covered her white covered over people and raised a prayer for the salvation of the world from adversity and suffering. This covering the Virgin Mary protects believers and bear love and joy.

The peculiarity of Slavs is deep respect for the dead, as to those from whom we came. So there were spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the summer and in winter they also called Baba. Devotion to the deceased probably exists as long as a person. Slavic worship has always been given to their ancestors in places where ordinary corpses or ashes were buried - on moths or garbers or on their own farms. The memory of rulers and heroes was also highlighted in a special way - with their magnificent embankments and mound. In the burials of the rulers and celebrated the day of the grandfather.

Day of the holiday of the Intercession is in the People's Presentation by Megeless between the autumn and winter. By this time, severe suffer ended, and the people could pass, go to the bazaar to stretch, buy updates. From the Pokrov began to play around the wedding villages. To the intercourse - the day of the girl Tkut "ordinary relea". Having gathered together, they treated Len with special songs, straight and flaxed fabrics, trying to finish all the work on one day. Then this veil carried to the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin and asked the bridegroom.

Krakow Kurgan. The ceremonies on the occasion of grandfathers also took place on the hills, hills, under sacred trees, places that are considered sacred. Regardless of how we tried to wipe our past, which was part of our life and our habits, this is not the end. They survived their names folk songs, passages or even written by those who plunged them, or in their subconscious, which manifests itself in behavior and on modern festivals, Whether it is a church or state.

The celebrations were the holiday of joy, pride, the fame of the dead, who created us as their most important life. Therefore, on this day they sang them, fir, drank, laughing, danced, danced on the graves. The burial place of Diada was a posthumous hut for Slavs. Therefore, Diada was called together for food and holidays as the owners of this place.

The beginning of November gives "Winter Kuzma and Demyan" (November 14). This day is installed Orthodox Church In honor of the memory of the saints of Cosmas and Damian. Kuzma - Demyan considered the patron saint of crafts.

Kuzminki (so called this day in the people) Girls began a series of maiden holidays. They celebrated several days. For these days, the girls looked off the most spacious house in the village, brought a treat, covered the table. Guys came to the party, then there was a cheerful action. Of the straw and the ear of the grass they did the scarecrow, ran out in men's clothing, ignored Kuzma. Kuzma was a participant in games and dances, the bride was chosen by common efforts. Arranged a fun wedding, where girls sang, as it should wedding rite, Great songs were accomplished. Unexpectedly for unknown reasons "Kuzma" sick and died. All also satisfied the fun funeral in all the rules of real. The scarecrow was stacked in a wooden trough and carried across the entire village for the Occolic, they burned there (sometimes treated in the river). At the same time they shouted loudly, whistled, beat in Thai. These actions, according to ancient reference, drown unclean power, evil spirits from the whole village so that they do not interfere with leaving the long cold Winter. Then everyone returned to the village and continued to have fun until the morning.

It should be added that the activity of witchcraft, the challenge of the dead, to say something living, transfer knowledge - has nothing to do with the feast of the forefathers, as explained. In addition, the "Underground World for Slavs" was not terrible place. There was no creature over the court, because the dead went to Navi. The gods accepted everyone in Underground world - The one who was right was not to be afraid of everything that was unreasonable, as a rule, is able to revive.

The fire was lit as a sign of glory, honor - for the dead and for the gods, smoke from the fire caused heavenly prayers, promises, burned food, flowers, herbs, wreaths and requests for help. The fire drove pirates from the world. Flashes were dismissed so that the wandering souls would find their way and spend time with their loved ones. Autumn holiday western Slavs. was also spiritual. They were not worshiped dead, but their spirits were called by name, and they were kept on the road. At night, the holiday of the grandfather, who was also called the festival of the goat.

Autumn is the time of youth sites, weddings, folk playing, theatrical ideas, this is the time of farewell with the past summer and meeting the coming winter.