What role do folk motives play in M. Saltykov-Shchedrin's satire? (Unified State Exam in Russian)

What role do folk motives play in M. Saltykov-Shchedrin's satire? (Unified State Exam in Russian)

Scientific and practical conference

"First steps in science-2015" on the basis of MBOU "Petropavlovsk secondary school named after the hero Soviet Union Zhukova D.A. "


“Folklore motives in M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "(project)

student of grade 10,

MBOU "Solovykhinskaya secondary school"


Nechaeva Irina Nikolaevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

Petropavlovskoe, 2015


Research plan ……………………………………………… ... 2

Epigraph ………………………………………………………………………… 2 Relevance ………………………………………………… …………………… ... 3

Objectives of the work ……………………………………………………………………… .5

Hypothesis ………………………………………………………………………… 4

Work tasks …………………………………………………………………… ..5

Research methods …………………………………………………………… .5

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… ..6

Main part. …………………………………………………………… ..7-16

Conclusion …………………………………………………… .. ………… ...... 17

Conclusions ………………………………………………………………………… .18

Results ……………………………………………………………………… 18

Literature ……………………………………………………………………… 19

Appendix …………………………………………………………… .... 20-22

Research work plan :

Stage I.Organizational and preparatory.

Determination of the research topic; formulation problematic issues research; research planning (goals, hypothesis, methods); acquaintance with the criteria for assessing public protection of work.

Stage II.Research.

Conducting research: collecting information; solution of intermediate tasks; registration of research results; analysis of information; formulation of conclusions

III.Final. Public defense of educational research work.

Oral report with demonstration of materials, written report.


"In Saltykov there is ... this serious and malicious humor, this realism, sober and clear among the most unbridled imagination ..."

I.S. Turgenev


A bright sign of the creativity of many writers XIX century was their ability to continue folklore traditions in their works. They were famous for this and Pushkin, and Nekrasov, and Gogol, and Tolstoy. But this series would be incomplete if we had not put one more name in it - Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Fairy tale is one of the most popular folklore genres. This type of oral storytelling with fantastic fiction has a long history. Saltykov-Shchedrin's tales are associated not only with folklore tradition, but also with satirical literary tale XVIII-XIX centuries. Already in his declining years, the author turns to the genre of fairy tales and creates a collection of "Fairy tales for children fair age". They, according to the writer, are called upon to "educate" these very "children", to open their eyes to the world around them.

In Fairy Tales for Children of Fair Age, the writer castigates the riots that hinder the development of Russia. And the main evil that the author condemns is serfdom.

I am investigating the connection of fairy tales from Saltykov-Shchedrin with the traditions of the oral folk art, their thematic diversity, as well as artistic features... In his work on fairy tales, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin relied not only on the experience of folk art, but also on the satirical fables of I. A. Krylov, on the traditions of Western European fairy tales. He created new genre a political fairy tale, in which fantasy is combined with real, topical political reality.

The faith of Saltykov-Shchedrin in his people, in his history remained unchanged. Thus, in the fairy tales of ME Saltykov-Shchedrin, satire on various aspects of life is clearly visible.

The language of Shchedrin's tales is deeply popular, close to Russian folklore.Saltykov - Shchedrin introduced topical political themes and with the help of familiar characters revealed complex problems modernity.

Relying on folk wisdom Using the riches of folk speech, Russian folklore, imbued with purely folk humor, the writer created works whose purpose was to awaken in the people his great spirit, his will and strength. With all his creativity, Saltykov - Shchedrin strove to ensure that "children of fair age" matured and ceased to be children.

Hypothesis: the disclosure of the complex problems of our time by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin through an introduction to the world of folk art, through folklore motives.

Purpose of work: Learn the distinctive features and characteristics of the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin.


to draw attention to the study of the work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin as prophetic;

to collect material about artistic features, folklore motives;

Research methods:

1. Questioning students on the work of ME Saltykov-Shchedrin.

2. Selection and analysis of information from various sources.

3. Testing according to the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Object of research: works of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, critical literature on this topic.

Terms of research: November 2014 - May 2015


ME Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote over 30 fairy tales. The appeal to this genre was natural for the writer. Fabulous elements(fantasy, hyperbole, convention, etc.) permeated all his work.

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! ..” But A. Pushkin was right. Yes, a fairy tale is a lie, a fiction, but it is she who teaches to recognize and hate hostile features in the world, the fairy tale shows everything positive traits people and stigmatizes, ridicules domination. With the help of a fairy tale, it is easier for the author to communicate with the people, because its language is understandable to everyone. In order to be convinced of this, I would like to analyze the work of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

What brings together the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin with the folk? Typical fabulous beginnings ("Once upon a time there were two generals ...", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there lived a landowner ..."); sayings ("by pike dictates"," Neither say in a fairy tale, nor describe with a pen "); phrases characteristic of folk speech ("thought and thought", "said and done"); close to folk language syntax, vocabulary; exaggeration, grotesque, hyperbole: one of the generals eats the other; " wild landowner"Like a cat climbs a tree in an instant, a man cooks soup in a handful. As in folk tales, a miraculous incident ties the plot: two generals "suddenly found themselves on a desert island"; by the grace of God "there was no peasant in the entire space of the possessions of the stupid landowner." Folk tradition Saltykov-Shchedrin also follows in fairy tales about animals, when in an allegorical form he ridicules the shortcomings of society!

The difference between Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tales and folk tales is that they intertwine the fantastic with the real and even historically accurate.

Main part

Among the many genres of folklore, we are most interested infairy tale, for "fairy tale - very popular genre oral and folk art, genre epic, prosaic, plot ".

The traditions of Fonvizin, Krylov, Gogol, Belinsky, Chernyshevsky and others, as well as folk art were inherited and received further development v new era in the work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, who, designating the most painful places of autocratic Russia, enriched literary images created by progressive writers before him. According to the just definition of M. Gorky: "It is impossible to understand the history of Russia in the second half of the XIX century without the help of Shchedrin."
“The allegories in Shchedrin's work are enriched with folklore images and expressions, which made his language more colorful, vivid and passionate.
It has been repeatedly noted that the satirist's tales are organically linked with folklore. However, borrowing folklore images Shchedrin endows them with new features, different from those that are inherent in them in folk tales. " If in folklore the traits of animals are transformed into traits of people, then the writer satirically sharpens the reader's attention on individual traits human character bringing him closer to the animal.

The use of proverbs and sayings is, perhaps, another of the features of Shchedrin's tales, which, naturally, indicates their nationality, their originality.

Distinctive feature allegories of Saltykov's tales is the use of the author's periphery ("Bear in the Voivodeship", "Dried vobla", "Eagle-patron").

Another important feature Shchedrin's tales is the use of inceptions and sayings that give the tales a special, some kind of fantastic shade. But unlike folk tales, science fiction has a very real, vital basis.

The writer essentially created a new genre - a political fairy tale. The life of Russian society is the second half of the XIX century was captured in the richest gallery of characters. "Shchedrin showed the entire social anatomy, touched upon all the main classes and strata of society: the nobility, the bourgeoisie, the bureaucracy, the intelligentsia."

Approximate plan analysis of fairy tales

    The main theme of the tale (about what?).

    The main idea of ​​the tale (why?).

    Features of the plot. As in the system actors the main idea of ​​the tale is revealed?

Features of fairy tale images:
a) images-symbols;
b) the originality of animals;
c) closeness to folk tales.

    Satirical techniques used by the author.

    Features of the composition: plug-in episodes, landscape, portrait, interior.

    A combination of folklore, fantastic and real.

"Although animals, but still kings ..."

These words can be successfully attributed to the study of the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, which the writer himself called fairy tales "for children of fair age."

"Fairy tales" are a kind of result artistic activities writer, since they were created at the final stage of life and creative path... Of the 32 fairy tales, 28 were created over four years, from 1882 to 1886.

In the writer's satirical images, there is not only laughter at how you can distort, disfigure your life and even your appearance, but also tears about how easily and imperceptibly a person is able to abandon his high destiny and irrevocably lose himself. (This is the hero of the fairy tale " Wise squeaker"- from the word" squeak ", since a gudgeon fish, if you grab it with your hand, makes a sound like a squeak.)

The tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin are not the speech of the narrator-people. This is a philosophical satirical tales... They are about life, about what the writer saw and observed in reality. To be convinced of this, one can compare the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin with Russian folk tales and note common and distinctive features in them.

Tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin

Fairy tales of the Russian people

Common features

Fabulous plot
Folklore expressions
Folk vocabulary
Fairy tale characters
The ending

Distinctive features

Mixing the categories of good and evil
No goodie
Assimilation of man to animal

Victory of good over evil
Positive hero
Humanization of animals

What did Saltykov-Shchedrin teach "children of fair age" to think about? - “Children of fair age” must mature and stop being children. What are the objects of Saltykov-Shchedrin's satire?

Government circles and the ruling class;

philistine (liberal) intelligentsia;

the disenfranchised position of the people in Russia, their passivity and obedience,

lack of spirituality.

Satirical techniques used in fairy tales by the writer. Different ways laugh:

a) irony - ridicule that has double meaning where not a direct statement is true, but the opposite;

sarcasm - caustic and poisonous irony, sharply exposing phenomena that are especially dangerous for humans and society;

grotesque - an extremely sharp exaggeration, a combination of the real and the fantastic, violation of the boundaries of plausibility;

b) allegory, allegory - a different meaning hidden behind the external form. Aesopian language - artistic speech based on forced allegory;

c) hyperbole - excessive exaggeration.

As found out literary critics, a vivid sign of the creativity of many writers of the 19th century was their ability to continue folklore traditions in their works. They were famous for this and Pushkin, and Nekrasov, and Gogol, and Tolstoy. “But this series would be incomplete if we didn’t include one more name in it - Saltykov-Shchedrin. Among the great legacy of this writer, his tales are very popular. It is in them that the traditions of Russian folklore are most clearly traced. "

Saltykov-Shchedrin turned to fairy tales not only because it was necessary to bypass the censorship that forced the writer to turn to the Aesopian language, but also in order to educate the people in a form familiar and accessible to him.

a) In its own way literary form and the style of Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tales are associated with folklore traditions... In them we meet traditional fairytale characters: talking animals, fish, Ivan the Fool and many others. The writer uses the characteristic folk tale beginnings, sayings, proverbs, linguistic and compositional triple repetitions, vernacular and everyday peasant vocabulary, permanent epithets, words with diminutive suffixes. As in folk tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin does not have a clear time and space framework.

b) But using traditional methods, the author deliberately deviates from tradition. He introduces socio-political vocabulary, clerical phrases, French words into the narrative. The pages of his fairy tales contain episodes of modern public life... This is how styles mix, creating a comic effect, and the connection of the plot with the problems of our time.

Thus, enriching the tale with new satirical techniques, Saltykov-Shchedrin turned it into an instrument of socio-political satire.

The satirical fantasy of Shchedrin's final book is based on folk tales about animals. The writer uses ready-made, perfected by age-old folk wisdom, content that frees the satirist from the need for detailed motivations and characteristics.

In fairy tales, each animal is endowed with stable character traits: the wolf is greedy and cruel, the fox is insidious and cunning, the hare is cowardly, the pike is predatory and voracious, the donkey is hopelessly dull, and the bear is stupid and clumsy. This plays into the hands of satire, which by its nature shuns details, depicts life in its most dramatic manifestations, exaggerated and enlarged. Therefore, the fabulous type of thinking organically corresponds to the very essence satirical typing... It is no coincidence that among folk tales about animals there are satirical tales: "About Ruff Ershovich, son of Shchetinnikov" - a bright folk satire on the court and legal proceedings, "About the toothy pike" - a fairy tale that anticipates the motives of "The Wise Piskar" and "Carp the idealist".

Borrowing ready-made fairy-tale plots and images from the people, Shchedrin develops the satirical content inherent in them. And the fantastic form is for him a reliable way of "Aesopian" language, at the same time understandable and accessible to the broadest, democratic strata of Russian society. “With the advent of fairy tales, the addressee of Shchedrin's satire changes significantly, the writer is now addressing the people. It is no coincidence that the revolutionary intelligentsia of the 1980s and 1990s used Shchedrin's tales for propaganda among the people. "

Saltykov-Shchedrin willingly used traditional methods of folk art. His fairy tales often begin, like folk tales, with the words "they lived and were," "in a certain kingdom, in a certain state." There are often proverbs and sayings: "The horse runs - the earth trembles", "Two deaths will never happen, one cannot be avoided." Shchedrin's tales are very close to folk tales with the traditional method of repetition: "everything trembled, everything trembled ..."

The author deliberately emphasizes one feature in each character, which is also characteristic of folklore. There are often sayings ("at the behest of the pike", "not to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen"); phrases characteristic of folk speech ("thought and thought", "said and done"); syntax, vocabulary close to the national language; exaggeration, grotesque, hyperbole: one of the generals eats the other; "Wild landowner", like a cat, in an instant climbs a tree, a man cooks soup in a handful. As in folk tales, a miraculous incident ties the plot: two generals "suddenly found themselves on a desert island"; by the grace of God "there was no peasant in the entire space of the possessions of the stupid landowner."

In the fairy tale "The Wise Piskar" Saltykov-Shchedrin also makes extensive use of expressions similar to proverbs and sayings ("wherever he turns, he is swearing everywhere", "living life is not like licking a whorl", "it is better not to eat, not drink, rather than to lose life with a full stomach "," I will swim along the whole river with a gogol "," like such idols the water endures ").

The satirist does not parody folklore expressions and contemporary living, folk speech, but adapts them to solve their own artistic tasks, which has become a characteristic feature of the author's style.

In his work on fairy tales, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin relied not only on the experience of folk art, but also on the satirical fables of I. A. Krylov, on the traditions of Western European fairy tales. He created a new genre of political fairy tale, in which fantasy is combined with real, topical political reality.

Saltykov-Shchedrin did not copy the structure of the folk tale, but introduced his own new one into it. First of all, it is the appearance of the author's image. The sarcastic grin of a merciless satirist is hidden behind the mask of a naive joker. The image of a peasant is depicted in a completely different way than in a folk tale. In folklore, a man has sharpness, dexterity, invariably wins the master. In the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, the attitude towards the peasant is ambiguous.

Often it is he who remains in the fool, despite his sharpness, as in the fairy tale "How one man fed two generals." “The comic and parody of the figure of a wonderful man is obvious. On the one hand, Saltykov-Shchedrin parodically alters the motive of the hero gaining a wonderful helper, characteristic of folk fairy tales... Shchedrinsky "muzhichina" is endowed with the same supernatural gift as any Grey Wolf or Baba Yaga ". [5.70] But unlike the hero of folk tales, to whom the assistant owes something (for example, the wolf - life), the peasant has not the slightest reason to be grateful to the generals.

“In world literature, the mutual influence of the plots of fairy tales is clearly traced different countries and peoples; in addition, we constantly meet some images that are firmly entrenched in world folklore. First of all, this can be said about the image of the wolf, which appears both in the fables of Aesop and in ancient Eastern fairy tales (in particular, in the Arab ones). Russian folk tales, proverbs and sayings give the wolf colorful characteristics. The wolf is not forgotten by Saltykov-Shchedrin ("Poor Wolf", "Candidate for the Pillars"). "


His fairy tales are a magnificent satirical monument of a bygone era. Not only the types created by Saltykov-Shchedrin, but also winged words and the expressions of the master of Aesopic speeches are still found in our everyday life. Words-images of his works, such as “pompadour”, “idealist crucian carp”, “bungler”, “foam remover”, firmly entered the life of his contemporaries.

“I love Russia to the point of heartache,” said Saltykov-Shchedrin. He distinguished the dark phenomena of her life, because he believed that moments of insight were not only possible, but constituted an inevitable page in the history of the Russian people. And he waited for these minutes and all his creative activity tried to bring them closer, in particular, with the help of such artistic means like Aesopian language.

In general, all the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin can be conditionally divided into three main groups: tales that castigate the autocracy and the exploiting classes; tales exposing cowardice contemporary writer liberal intelligentsia and, of course, fairy tales about the people.

Images of fairy tales have come into use, have become household names and live for many decades. That's whyI amI think that it was not for nothing that Pushkin said the words "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! .." After all, thanks to the fairy tale, we, I mean our generation, learned, learn and will learn to live.

Relying on folk wisdom, using the wealth of folk speech, Russian folklore, imbued with purely folk humor, the writer created works whose purpose was to awaken in the people their great spirit, their will and strength.


Having analyzed the work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, in accordance with the purpose of our work, I came to the following conclusions:

1. The writer's language is deeply popular, close to Russian folklore. In fairy tales, Shchedrin makes extensive use of proverbs, sayings, sayings: "Two deaths cannot happen, one cannot be avoided", "My hut is on the edge", "Once upon a time ...", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ..." ...

2. "Tales" by Saltykov-Shchedrin awakened the political consciousness of the people, called for struggle, for protest.

3. The survey showed:

Most of the students became interested in the work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.


Scientificthe value of our work is related to the study a large number actual material.

Practical application : the results of our research can be found in the preparation of history and literature lessons using the genre of political fairy tales.

The results of our research allow us to use the main findings of the work when developing lessons and extracurricular activities on literature and moral education students.


    Bazanov V.G.From folklore to folk book... - L., 1973.

    Bushmin A.S. Evolution of Saltykov-Shchedrin's satire. - M., 1984.

    History of Russian literature of the XIX century (second half). / Ed. S. M. Petrova. - M., 1974.

    Kachurin M.G., Motolskaya D.K.Russian Literature. - M., 1981.

    Criticism about M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin //Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. The history of one city. Golovlevs. Fairy tales. - M., 1997.

    Lebedev Yu.V. Fairy tales of M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin / M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales. - M., 1999.

    Prozorov V.V. Saltykov-Shchedrin. - M., 1988.

    Russian Literature XIX century. Second half. Issue 1. / Ed. L. G. Maksidonova. - M., 2002.

    Russian writers. Biobibliographic Dictionary. / Ed. P. A. Nikolaeva. - M., 1990.

Informational resources:


1. Test.

1. What explains ME Saltykov-Shchedrin's choice of the fairy tale genre?

a) the desire to get away from life's verisimilitude.

b)desire to overcome censorship obstacles

c) addiction to the allegorical! manner of writing

d) the popularity of fairy tales as a favorite genre
propaganda literature

2. What do the fairy tales of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin have in common with folk tales?

a) fabulous plot

b)based on realities of life

v)popular beliefs about good and evil

d) traditional fairy tricks

e) socially acute problems

f) images of animals typical for folk tales

3. What is the difference between the "Shchedrinskaya" fairy tale from the folk?

a) evil in the finale is not always punished

b)the use of sarcasm and satire

v)interpretation of characters

d) the introduction of images atypical for a folk tale

4. Distribute the names of the tales by subject.

"The Wise Squeaker"; "The Bear in the Voivodeship"; "Eagle patron"; "The story of how one man fed two generals"; "Horse"; "Crucian-idealist"; "Bogatyr"; "The Crow-petitioner"; "Dried vobla"; "Wild landowner".

a) the theme of the people

b)power theme

v)condemnation of philistinism

5. Distribute comic funds in ascending order.

Sarcasm; humor; hyperbola; irony; grotesque; satire.

6. Match the example from the text of the tale and the title artistic reception which is used in it.

a) "The men see: although stupid, 1) irony
them a landowner, and he was given a great mind ... "

b)"Across provincial town flew off - 2) speech alogism
a swarming swarm of men ... "

v)"He was an enlightened squeaker, 3) grotesque
moderately liberal and very firm
understood that living life is not

what a whorl to lick ... "

7. What heroes of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tales are not typical even for folk tales?


b)A donkey


d) Hare

e) Squeaker

e)a lion

g) Crucian carp

h) Chizhik

8. Who is ridiculed in the fairy tale "The Wise Piskar"?


b)revolutionary democrats
c) common people

d) liberals


1.c, d

2.b, d

3.a, b

4. a) "A Bear in the Voivodeship", "The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals", "Horse", "Crow-petitioner", "Wild Landowner"

b) "Bear in the Voivodeship", "Eagle-patron", "Bogatyr"

c) "Wise Piskar", "Crucian-idealist", "Dried vobla"

5.irony, humor, hyperbole, satire, sarcasm, grotesque

6.a - 3, b - 1, c - 2

7.c, e, f, f


2. Questionnaire questions (based on the works of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

1. Where and in what family was he born?

2. When did I start literary activity?

3. Why are we studying his work?

4. List the main life principles M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Was he strong personality?

5. What is the style of his works?

6. What is the phenomenon of Shchedrin's fairy tales?

Saltykov-Shchedrin in his work often resorted to a fabulous form of storytelling. Folklore genre let the great satirist denounce social vices and bureaucratic insolvency, bypassing tough censorship.

Let us consider with examples what techniques the master of the well-aimed pen resorted to and what was hidden behind them. In "The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals," the satirist immerses the reader in absolutely fantasy world: two high ranks find themselves on a desert island.

At the same time, none of the generals is adapted to life in extreme conditions. They do not even know that food in its original form "flies, floats and grows on trees."

From the inevitable death of comrades in misfortune, a man who has appeared from nowhere saves. He fed and watered the generals, and also weaved a rope for himself "so as not to run away." V fairy tale a literate reader easily understands the author's hint, but Saltykov-Shchedrin introduces an additional detail into the narrative - “the number of Moskovskiye vedomosti”, thereby reinforcing the grotesque and dispelling doubts about the connection between the bizarre story and real life.

Events in The Wild Landowner are no less fantastic.

The hero of this work is even more stupid than the generals mentioned. The landowner does not tolerate the "servile spirit" and dreams of getting rid of the peasants, not realizing his dependence on them. As soon as the men leave the master, he begins to reincarnate: he does not wash, does not cut his hair, starts walking on all fours. The culmination of wildness is the transformation of the hero into a bear. The image of the clubfoot was not chosen by the author by chance - he associates it with extreme savagery and stupidity.

It can be concluded that the writer deliberately combined folklore with satire in order to avoid censorship. At the same time, he succeeded in accessible form and most fully display hot topics.

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A striking sign of the creativity of many writers of the 19th century was their ability to continue folklore traditions in their works. They were famous for this and Pushkin, and Nekrasov, and Gogol, and Tolstoy. But this series would be incomplete if we had not put one more name in it - Saltykov-Shchedrin. Among the great legacy of this writer, his tales are very popular. It is in them that the traditions of Russian folklore are most clearly traced.

The form of a folk tale was used before Saltykov-Shchedrin different writers... In verse or prose, they recreated the world of folk ideas, folk poetry, folk humor. Let us recall, for example, Pushkin's fairy tales: "About the priest and about his worker Balda", "About the golden cockerel".

Saltykov-Shchedrin's work is also replete with folk poetic literature. His fairy tales are the result of many years of life observations of the author. The writer brought them to the reader in an accessible and vivid artistic form... He took words and images for them in folk tales and legends, in proverbs and sayings, in the picturesque dialect of the crowd, in the entire poetic element of the living folk language. Like Nekrasov, Shchedrin wrote his tales for ordinary people, for the widest readership. It was not by chance that the subtitle was chosen: "Fairy tales for children of fair age". These works were distinguished by their true nationality. Using folklore samples, the author created on their basis and in their spirit, creatively revealed and developed their meaning, took them from the people in order to return them later ideologically and artistically enriched. He skillfully used the vernacular language. There are memories that Saltykov-Shchedrin "loved a purely Russian peasant speech, which he knew perfectly." Often he said about himself: "I am a man." This is basically the language of his works.

Emphasizing the connection between the fairy tale and reality, Saltykov-Shchedrin combined elements of folklore speech with modern concepts... The author used not only the usual beginning ("Once upon a time ..."), traditional phrases ("neither say in a fairy tale, nor describe with a pen", "began to live and live well"), folk expressions("the thought thinks", "the ward of the mind"), vernacular ("spread-barking", "ruin"), but also introduced journalistic vocabulary, clerical jargon, foreign words, was referring to Aesop's speech.

He enriched folklore stories with new content. In his fairy tales, the writer created images of the animal kingdom: the greedy Wolf, the cunning Fox, the cowardly Hare, the stupid and evil Bear. The reader knew these images well from Krylov's fables. But Saltykov-Shchedrin introduced topical political topics into the world of folk art and, with the help of familiar characters, revealed the complex problems of our time.

But the words of the author dedicated to the people are permeated with bitterness. He endures the oppression of the landowner, endures meekly. When it becomes unbearable, the peasants turn to God with an orphan's tearful prayer: "Lord, it is easier for us to be abyss with small children than to languish like this all our lives!" Men are dumb creatures who live an unconscious herd life. The heart of the great writer is overflowing with longing, pain for his people and hatred for the oppressors.

In a fairy tale, a call-question sounds, like in Nekrasov's: "Will you wake up, full of strength?" And, as it seems to me, with this fairy tale and all his other works, Saltykov-Shchedrin tried to convey to the people those lofty ideals in the name of which he himself fought with the sharp pen of satire.

Relying on folk wisdom, using the wealth of folk speech, Russian folklore, imbued with purely folk humor, the writer created works whose purpose was to awaken in the people their great spirit, their will and strength. With all his creativity, Saltykov-Shchedrin strove to ensure that "children of fair age" matured and ceased to be children.

Saltykov-Shchedrin's work is extremely diverse. He wrote novels, dramas, chronicles, essays, reviews, stories, articles, reviews. Among the great heritage of the satirist, his tales occupy a special place. The form of a folk tale was used by many writers before Shchedrin. Literary tales, written in verse or in prose, recreated the world of folk ideas, folk poetry, and sometimes included satirical elements, for example, Pushkin's tales \ "About the priest and about his worker Balda \", \ "About the golden cockerel \ ". Shchedrin creates witty-satirical tales, continuing the Pushkin tradition.

Fairy tales are the result of many years of life observations, the result of the entire creative path of the writer. The fantastic and the real are intertwined in them, the comic is combined with the tragic, grotesque and hyperbole are widely used in them, and the amazing art of the Aesopian language is manifested. In fairy tales we meet all Shchedrin's heroes. Here are the stupid, ferocious, ignorant rulers of the people, its exploiters (\ "Bear in the province \", \ "Eagle patron \", \ "Wild landowner \") here and the people themselves, hardworking, talented, powerful and at the same time obedient to his exploiters (\ "The story of how a man fed two generals \", \ "Horse \") here and the people awakening, seeking the truth and overthrowing the yoke of autocracy (\ "Raven petitioner \", \ "Way-by-road \ ", \" Bogatyr \ ").

The tales depict the betrayal of the liberals (\ "Liberal \", \ "Sun-dried vobla \"), the cowardly narrow-mindedness of the man in the street (\ "Sane hare \").

In many of Shchedrin's tales, there is a belief in the ultimate triumph of positive ideals. This faith illuminates the sorrowful pages of his satire with the light of optimism. So, in the fairy tale \ "Conscience is Lost \" Shchedrin denounces the world of predators, money-grubbing and covetous people - a society that has lost its conscience. But the writer expresses confidence that conscience, thrown out like an unnecessary old rag, falling into the cradle where the little Russian child lies, will find its defender in him.

Like Nekrasov, Shchedrin wrote his fairy tales for the people, for the widest readership. He turned to oral folk art, enriching traditional images and plots with new, revolutionary content. The satirist skillfully used the folk language, as well as the language of journalism, and clerical jargon, and archaisms, and foreign words.

Shchedrin made extensive use of images of folk tales about animals: a greedy wolf, a cunning fox, a cowardly hare, a stupid and angry bear. However, the satirist introduced topical political motives into the world of folk tales and with the help of traditional, familiar fabulous images revealed the complex problems of our time.

So, in the fairy tale \ "Bear in the Voivodeship \" a dull, sometimes angry, sometimes good-natured fairy-tale club-toed bear under the pen of a satirist acquires the features of an obscurantist administrator who exterminates sedition, oppresses the people and destroys education.

The satirist castigated not only weaknesses and vices in his fairy tales. For example, in the fairy tale \ "The Wise Gudgeon \" with bitter mockery, he draws an image of a terrified man in the street, protects his cold life \ ".

In this tale, extremely important are posed (and not only for the Shchedrin era) philosophical problems: what is the meaning of life and the purpose of a person, what ideals should he strive for, how to live?

The image of a small, pathetic fish, besp. nauseous and cowardly, characterizes the trembling man in the street in the best way possible. The writer ascribes human properties to fish and at the same time shows that a person has \ "fish \" traits. Thus, \ "gudgeon \" is the definition of a person, it is an artistic metaphor that aptly characterizes the breed of common people, cowardly and miserable.

The whole biography of a gudgeon is reduced to a short formula: \ "Lived - trembled and died - trembled \". With his fairy tale, the writer wants to tell the reader: live in such a way as to give people warmth and light, because there can be only one happiness - to bring happiness to others.

The images of fish, animals, birds created by the satirist have become common nouns. If we are talking about a person: this is a real idealist crucian carp, this one is a dried roach, and that one is wise minnow, then everyone is clear what qualities we mean.

Of all the arts, literature has the richest opportunities for the embodiment of the comic. Most often, the following types and techniques of the comic stand out: satire, humor, grotesque, irony. Satire is called a look "through a magnifying glass" (V. Mayakovsky). The object of satire in literature can be the most different phenomena. Political satire occurs most often. The tales of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin are a vivid proof of this. Fantastic fairy tales allowed Saltykov-Shchedrin to continue criticizing social order bypassing censorship even in the face of political reaction. Shchedrin's fairy tales draw not just evil or kind people, not just the struggle between good and evil, like most folk tales, they reveal the class struggle in Russia in the second half of the 19th century.

Let us consider the features of the problematics of the writer's tales using the example of two of them. In "The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals," Shchedrin shows the image of a worker-breadwinner. He can get food, sew clothes, conquer the elemental forces of nature. On the other hand, the reader sees the peasant's resignation, his obedience, unquestioning obedience to the two generals.

He even binds himself to a rope, which once again indicates the submissiveness, downtroddenness of the Russian peasant. The author calls on the people to fight, protest, calls on to wake up, to think over their situation, to stop submissively obeying.

In the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" the author shows how a rich gentleman can sink when he finds himself without a man. Abandoned by its peasants, it immediately turns into a dirty and wild animal, moreover, it becomes a forest predator. And this life, in essence, is a continuation of his previous predatory existence. Worthy appearance the wild landowner, like the generals, acquires again only after the peasants return.

In their literary form and style, Saltykov-Shchedrin's tales are associated with folklore traditions. In them we meet traditional fairy-tale characters: talking animals, fish, birds. The writer uses beginnings, sayings, proverbs, linguistic and compositional triple repetitions, vernacular and everyday peasant vocabulary, constant epithets, words with diminutive-affectionate suffixes characteristic of a folk tale. As in a folk tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin has no clear time and space frames. But, using traditional techniques, the author deliberately deviates from tradition.

He introduces socio-political vocabulary, clerical phrases, French words into the narrative. Episodes of modern social life fall on the pages of his fairy tales. This is how styles mix, creating a comic effect, and the connection of the plot with the problems of our time. Thus, having enriched the tale with new satirical techniques, Saltykov-Shchedrin turned it into an instrument of socio-political satire.

Samoilov M.

Research: "Folklore motives in the fairy tales of M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin"



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Bondarskaya secondary school

Competition of literary and artistic creativity

"Masterpieces from the inkwell"

Research work (abstract) on the topic:

“Folklore motives in M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "

Nomination: "Literary criticism"

Completed: student of grade 7 A Samoilov M.

Supervisor: teacher of the Russian language and

Literature Shestakova O.A.

with. Coopers

2016 year

Brief annotation

The author of this work tried to find the distinctive features and features of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's tales, as well as to analyze what brings the tales of the great writer closer to works of folklore and how they differ from them.


Analyze folklore motives in M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tales;

Learn the distinctive features and characteristics of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tales;

Check if creativity is interesting this author to the modern reader.

Research methods:

1. Working with the texts of fairy tales.

2. Analysis of information about the fairy tales of ME Saltykov-Shchedrin from various sources.

3. Testing based on the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin.


A striking sign of the creativity of many writers of the 19th century was their ability to continue folklore traditions in their works. This also applies to the work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. This is most clearly manifested in his fairy tales.

Fairy tale is one of the most popular folklore genres. This type of oral storytelling with fantastic fiction, which has a long history. The tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin are associated not only with folk traditions, but also with the satirical literary tale of the 18th-19th centuries.

In Fairy Tales for Children of Fair Age, the writer castigates the riots that hinder the development of Russia. And the main evil that the author condemns is serfdom.

I am investigating the connection between M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin with the traditions of oral folk art and I will try to understand for what purpose the author introduced topical political themes into folklore motives and, with the help of familiar characters, revealed complex problems of his time.


ME Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote over 30 fairy tales.

But A. Pushkin was right when he wrote: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! ..” Yes, a fairy tale is a lie, a fiction, but precisely with the help of M. Ye. Saltykov - Shchedrin shows all the positive qualities of the people and stigmatizes, ridicules the domination of some over others in society. I believe that with the help of a fairy tale, it was easier for the author to communicate with the people, because its language is understandable to everyone. In order to be convinced of this, let us take a closer look at the fairy tales of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Main part

Among the huge literary heritage M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tales are very popular. It is in them that the traditions of Russian folklore are most clearly traced. Fairy tales are the result of many years of life observations of the author, since they were created at the final stage of his life and creative path. Of the 32 fairy tales, 28 were created over four years, from 1882 to 1886. The writer brought them to the reader in an accessible and vivid artistic form. He took words and images for them in folk tales and legends, in proverbs and sayings, in the picturesque dialect of the crowd, in the entire poetic element of the living folk language. Shchedrin wrote his tales for ordinary people, for the widest readership. It was not by chance that the subtitle was chosen: "Fairy tales for children of fair age". These works were distinguished by their true nationality..

What brings Shchedrin's tales closer to folk tales and how do they differ from them? Let's try to figure it out. In Shchedrin's tales, we see typical fairy-tale beginnings ("Once upon a time there were two generals ...", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there lived a landowner ..."), which give the tales a special, some kind of fantastic shade; sayings ("at the behest of the pike", "neither say in a fairy tale, nor describe with a pen"); phrases characteristic of folk speech ("thought and thought", "said and done"); syntax, vocabulary close to the national language; exaggeration, grotesque, hyperbole. For example, one of the generals eats another; "Wild landowner", like a cat, in an instant climbs a tree, a man cooks soup in a handful. As in folk tales, a miraculous incident ties the plot: two generals "suddenly found themselves on a desert island"; by the grace of God "there was no peasant in the entire space of the possessions of the stupid landowner." The use of proverbs and sayings is another of the features of Shchedrin's tales, which, naturally, indicates their nationality, their originality. A distinctive feature of the allegory of Saltykov's tales is the use by the author of a periphery ("Bear in the Voivodeship", "Dried Vobla", "Eagle-patron").

But, at the same time, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is not the speech of the narrator-people. These are philosophical and satirical tales. They are about life, about what the writer saw and observed in reality. The difference between Saltykov-Shchedrin's tales and folk tales is that they often intertwine the fantastic not only with real events, but even with historically reliable ones.

To be convinced of this, one can compare Shchedrin's tales with Russian folk tales and note common and distinctive features in them.

Tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin

Fairy tales of the Russian people

Common features

Fabulous plot
Folklore expressions
Folk vocabulary
Fairy tale characters
The ending

Fabulous plot
Folklore expressions
Folk vocabulary
Fairy tale characters
The ending

Distinctive features

Mixing the categories of good and evil

No goodie
Assimilation of man to animal


Victory of good over evil
Positive hero
Humanization of animals

Emphasizing the connection between the fairy tale and reality, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin combined elements of folklore speech with modern concepts. The author used not only the usual beginning ("Once upon a time ..."), traditional phrases ("neither say in a fairy tale, nor describe with a pen", "began to live and live"), folk expressions ("the thought thinks," "), vernacular (" spreading "," ruining "), but also introduced journalistic vocabulary, foreign words. He enriched folklore stories with new content. The folk tradition of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin also follows in fairy tales about animals, when in an allegorical form he ridicules the shortcomings of society! He created images of the animal kingdom: the greedy Wolf, the cunning Fox, the cowardly Hare, the stupid and evil Bear. Despite the fact that the reader knew these images well from Krylov's fables, Shchedrin, with the help of familiar characters, revealed the complex problems of our time, introducing topical political topics into the world of folk art.

Relying on folk wisdom, using the wealth of folk speech, Russian folklore, imbued with purely folk humor, the writer created works whose purpose was to awaken in the people their great spirit, their will and strength. With all his work, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin strove toso that "children of fair age" mature and cease to be children.

Thus, having enriched the tale with new satirical techniques, Saltykov-Shchedrin turned it into an instrument of socio-political satire.

The satirist does not parody folklore expressions and contemporary lively, folk speech, but adapts them to solve his own artistic tasks, which has become a characteristic feature of the author's style. Saltykov-Shchedrin did not copy the structure of the folk tale, but introduced his own new one into it.


M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is a great Russian writer. His fairy tales are a magnificent monument of the past. Not only the types created by this author, but also winged words and expressions are still found in our everyday life. The images of his works have firmly entered the life of the Russian people, have become household names and live for centuries.


After analyzing the tales of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrina, in accordance with the purpose of our work, I came to the following conclusions:

1. The language of the writer's fairy tales is deeply popular, close to Russian folklore.

2. The folklore basis of fairy tales attracted the attention of the masses of readers. "Fairy Tales" by M.Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin awakened the political consciousness of the people, called for the fight against injustice and human vices.

3. The testing I conducted among classmates showed:

Most of the children read with interest the fairy tales of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.


1. Test.

1. What explains ME Saltykov-Shchedrin's choice of the fairy tale genre?

a) the desire to get away from life verisimilitude;

b) the desire to overcome censorship obstacles;

c) addiction to the allegorical manner of writing;

d) the popularity of fairy tales as a favorite genre
propaganda literature;

2. What do the fairy tales of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin have in common with folk tales?

a) fabulous plot

b) based on realities of life

c) folk ideas about good and evil

d) traditional fairy tricks

e) socially acute problems

f) images of animals typical for folk tales

3. What is the difference between the "Shchedrinskaya" fairy tale from the folk?

a) evil in the finale is not always punished

b) the use of sarcasm and satire

c) interpretation of characters

d) the introduction of images atypical for a folk tale

4. Who is ridiculed in the fairy tales of ME Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) government

b) revolutionary democrats
c) common people

d) liberals