Andrey Malakhov: what are the latest news about him. Andrei Malakhov for the first time frankly told why he left the first channel It's all the fault - the new producer and political topics

Andrey Malakhov: what are the latest news about him.  Andrei Malakhov for the first time frankly told why he left the first channel It's all the fault - the new producer and political topics
Andrey Malakhov: what are the latest news about him. Andrei Malakhov for the first time frankly told why he left the first channel It's all the fault - the new producer and political topics

The figure of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, who seemed to become the eternal face of the evening television broadcast on Channel One, in the summer of 2017 became one of the central news in show business and media. Malakhov's unexpected and rather sensational transition to a rival television channel became almost the main television event of the whole year. We will find out why Andrei Malakhov left Channel One, what are the latest news about his future fate.

The news that Malakhov, who recently hosted a talk show called “Let them talk” on the country's main television channel, is leaving the team in which he worked for exactly 25 years, since 1992, has become so sensational that immediately believed.

Indeed, over a quarter of a century, the figure of Malakhov, who grew from a correspondent and presenter of the secular section of the morning broadcast into the host of almost the most rated evening talk show, became inextricably associated with the channel, and it was unusual and surprising to imagine Malakhov working somewhere else.

The rumors were soon confirmed, and speculation began about the reasons for leaving. Some said that Andrei Malakhov was constantly pressured, demanding more politics and state propaganda in his program.

Others said that the whole point is that in the fall Malakhov's wife is expecting a child, and the TV presenter volunteered to sit with the baby on maternity leave in the first years of his life, to which he received a sharp and insulting refusal at the place of work.

What motives drove Malakhov in reality and what happened lately behind the scenes of Channel One now, of course, will not reliably tell us. If you trust the comments of Andrei Malakhov himself, then he presented approximately the following version of why he left Channel One.

According to Malakhov, the attitude towards him on the first button of Russian television has not changed much over the years of his work.

He came there as a young trainee, who brewed coffee for senior colleagues and ran to the store for alcohol for them, and was perceived by his colleagues as a minor character. Although over the decades of work, Andrei Malakhov has grown very noticeably in a professional sense, they treated him in many ways condescendingly, not allowing him to become more than just a show host.

At the same time, people like Ivan Urgant, who came to the channel much later, not only conduct their programs, but also produce them, determine the topics and guests of the programs, etc.

In a word, Malakhov compared his career on Channel One with a marriage that began out of love, and ended with habit and calculation. At some point, the presenter's patience ran out, and he decided to quit his job.

Where is Andrey Malakhov now: latest news

The main competitor of the first channel, the VGTRK holding, which invited Malakhov to work on the Rossiya channel, could not help but take advantage of the situation. Malakhov is already working on this channel, where he hosts the “Live” program.

The former host of this talk show, Boris Korchevnikov, left to run an Orthodox TV channel. Malakhov himself was replaced by the host of the Vremya program Dmitry Borisov in “Let Them Talk”.

As they say, on the channel "Russia" Malakhov received much more freedom in his work. By the way, the presenter denied rumors that the reason for leaving his previous job was the pressure to add politics to the show.

On the contrary, Malakhov is glad that he can devote much more time to such topics on VGTRK, since it is quite difficult to keep the bar of interest in his shows and high ratings on secular and domestic scandals alone.

For many years, the famous showman Andrei Malakhov was the irreplaceable host of the Let Them Talk program, which is so loved by the viewers of Channel One. The news that he was leaving not only the show, but also the channel shocked his fans. However, this information has not yet received official confirmation.

There is a lot of talk now about why Malakhov plans to leave Channel One. There are many different speculations on this topic, but these are just rumors. So, they say that Andrei and his program were replaced by a new, even more scandalous project called "Let them talk." It is led by Dmitry Shepelev, who, together with experts, tests the characters for sincerity using a polygraph.

However, if you believe the words of an anonymous source, Shepelev has nothing to do with it. Employees of the popular channel hinted that Malakhov's departure was provoked by an internal conflict over a new producer. So, producer Natalya Nikonova returned to "Let Them Talk" and decided to add a lot of political themes to the program. We are talking about episodes dedicated to the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the deceased ex-deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov.

Nikonova intends to shake up the social and political bloc on the eve of the presidential elections. Rumor has it that the showman was against the politicization of the show, but still filmed several of these issues. Apparently, it was the disagreements within the Channel One team that caused Andrei to leave.

Where will Malakhov work now?

If you believe the information of the same sources, the presenter will henceforth work on the TV channel "Russia 1". Also, there were gossips on the network that Malakhov was offered to become the host of the scandalous reality show Dom-2 on the TNT channel. Even if this is true, few people believe that a man will agree to such a job.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov wrote an open letter to Konstantin Ernst and all the staff of Channel One, in which he said goodbye to his colleagues with whom he had worked for long 25 years.

“In our digital era, the epistolary genre is rarely addressed, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people were still writing letters to each other, not text messages. Therefore, forgive me for such a long message. I dare to hope that you know the real reasons for my unexpected transfer to Russia 1, where I will host the new program Andrey Malakhov. Live ", engage in Saturday shows and other projects", - the website quotes the text of the letter.

The host of Let the Talk thanked his colleagues for their kind attitude and support, recalled by name those who treated him better than others, noting the professionalism of the channel's team, and wished success to his successor, Dmitry Borisov.

“Dima, all hope is for you! Recently I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I am sure you will succeed! ”- wrote Malakhov.

“I did not comment on your recent video against the background of the castle, because if money were in the first place in this story, my transfer, as you can imagine, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov said in particular.

And in an interview with the website of his wife Natalya, he frankly told why he left Channel One. Andrei Malakhov admitted: after he turned 45, he realized that "it's time to get out of the cramped framework."

“I've always been subservient. A soldier man who obeys orders. And I wanted independence, ”said the“ king of ratings ”.

An additional "blow", the presenter admitted, was the move of the Let Them Talk program from Ostankino, where Malakhov and his team spent a quarter of a century, to another studio.

Therefore, he agreed when he received a call from "Russia 1" and was offered to become a producer of his own program in order to "decide for himself what to do and what topics to cover."

In addition, the presenter announced the name of his new program: "Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast".


Boris Korchevnikov: In a sense, Andrei Malakhov and I have a common life

"The main intrigue of the summer" is no longer: there was indeed a change in the "Live" talk show on the "Russia 1" channel. The presenter Boris Korchevnikov, having received a promotion in the leadership line, handed over his post to Andrei Malakhov, who for the sake of this resigned from Channel One. Filming will begin this week

Andrey Malakhov will become the host of the "New Wave 2017"

Passions around Andrei Malakhov do not subside. They just dissuaded them on the topic “Let them talk” and Andrey’s scandalous transition to the channel “Russia”, they were only glad that Malakhov and his wife Natalya would become parents. Suddenly - a new story. As the organizers of the competition told us, Andrey will become the host of one of the concerts that will take place within the framework of the "New Wave" ().


"Let them talk" with the new presenter: They saw off Malakhov - they broke two button accordions


In the first issue of the program "Let them talk" with the new presenter, they decisively broke with the dark past ().

In mid-August, Russian TV viewers were puzzled by the changes that had taken place in the team of one of the country's highest-rated shows. The permanent host of the program "Let Them Talk", who for sixteen years told the audience about the fate of stars and ordinary people, suddenly left his post.

A master of his craft, who knows how to direct the conversation in the right direction and perfectly controls the disputes arising in the studio, is loved by many viewers. Therefore, the question of where Malakhov went from Channel 1 remains one of the most popular in recent months.

The future successful showman came to the main channel of the country as a student. Fascinated by the world of television, he decides to devote his whole life to this business, and after successfully graduating from the Faculty of Journalism, he comes to work at Ostankino. For a long time, Andrei gained experience working as a special correspondent and program editor.

Over time, a successful journalist begins to broadcast rating programs, which enjoy great love from viewers. The charismatic presenter begins to work in the "Big wash" program, soon a program with Malakhov "Five evenings" appears, and then "Let them talk." The talk show launched became the apogee of the TV presenter's career.

In 2005, viewers saw the first release of the Let Them Talk program. The emotional show, filled with tense moments and dramatic twists, immediately soared to the top of the ratings. Its presenter skillfully fueled the interest of the audience, untangling intrigues and understanding the intricacies of human destinies. Within a couple of years, the talented TV presenter was firmly entrenched in the status of "the king of ratings", and his personality was invariably associated with the TV show. All the more incredible was the news that the presenter of Let the Talk will work on the second channel.

This news was reported by the TV presenter himself, who gave a detailed commentary on his departure. He thanked the entire team of the first channel for many years of fruitful cooperation and wished good luck to the new host of the show.

Disputes with the producer

For all fans who are interested in where Andrei Malakhov went from the first channel, the TV presenter highlighted his future plans in detail. He went to work for the channel "Russia-1" in a project similar to his previous place of work. Now the popular showman will broadcast "Live" instead of.

In the new show, Malakhov will become not only the host, but also the producer, and this is one of the reasons for his transition to competitors. In a frank interview, the presenter shared some details of his work on the first channel. In "Let them talk", as in other rating shows, the main word always remains with the producer and the presenter, despite his colossal experience, cannot influence the final decision. What topic to discuss, what guests to invite, how to influence the rating - all these questions remain in the hands of the producer of the program.

In order to understand why the TV presenter switched to the second channel, it is necessary to consider the rating of the show in recent years. In 2014, the transmission share was about 20%, but by 2017 this figure had dropped to 16%.

According to the TV presenter himself, this is due to the wrong choice of topics, and, consequently, a decrease in the audience. However, he could not influence the choice of questions for discussion, although he proposed interesting projects.

To raise the rating of the Let the Talk program, the channel's managers decide to return to the team the producer with whom the company collaborated several years ago. Natalya Nikonova again headed the show, but this time there was no favorable cooperation with the TV presenter. Disputes began regarding the subject matter of each issue. The TV presenter's desire to add more social and political programs was not taken into account, and the show continued to be based on everyday problems and tragedies of famous people. This was the main reason that Malakhov is now working on the second channel.

At the new place of work, Andrey will be able to independently choose the topics and focus of the program. As the producer of the project, he gets the right to choose the heroes of the program and topical issues that will be dealt with in the studio. He will be able to independently make each issue, based on his preferences, knowledge and experience.

Now, instead of Boris Korchevnikov, the host of "Live" will be Andrey Malakhov

Definitely, this is a career advancement for a TV journalist who gets the long-awaited freedom in choosing the topics that he wants to discuss with the viewer. The desire of the TV presenter fully explains his behavior and answers the question of where Malakhov disappeared from the first channel, but there are other reasons explaining the changes in his career.

Other reasons for leaving

Insufficient remuneration was named among the possible reasons for the popular showman's transition to a rival channel. Almost everyone who is interested in where Andrei Malakhov went from Channel 1 was faced with information about the TV presenter's dissatisfaction with his earnings. In a recent interview, the journalist confirmed that he received a fixed monthly salary, while his colleagues were paid royalties for each broadcast. However, the TV presenter stressed that it is not about money, but about the lack of career growth. The Russia-1 TV channel is also a state channel, so the remuneration under the new contract will be almost identical to the previous one.

Rumors about which channel the "king of ratings" would be working on were very controversial. The TV presenter himself announced a large number of various proposals, some of which were quite unusual. The producers of the STS channel tried to get a talented TV journalist, proposals for cooperation came from the NTV channel. The most unusual project offered to Andrey was the show "Dom-2". However, it was on the second channel that the TV presenter was offered the position of producer of the show, to which he had been striving for so long.

Among the reasons for the termination of the long-term contract with the first channel was called the presenter's desire to go on maternity leave. Andrey and his wife will soon become parents for the first time. This joyful event spurred the TV presenter to go on a long vacation after the birth of the baby. However, according to some reports, such an intention was not approved by the management of the first channel, and the showman was denied a long vacation.

The employer's reluctance to meet the future father is called by some publications the main reason that Malakhov left for the second channel.

Dmitry Borisov new presenter of the program "Let them talk"

The TV presenter does not comment on the rumors about maternity leave in any way, but he calls the change of studio, in which “Let them talk” was filmed for many years, one of the reasons for leaving. In April, it was decided to change the studio and move the show team from Ostankino. For Andrey, this was a blow, according to him, that special energy and aura that was in his usual place of work can no longer be returned. For many years, the team spent filming in a small cozy room, which became a second home, and the new filming location of a thousand square meters could not replace it. Changing the usual place of work was one of the reasons why the TV presenter left his favorite show.

The combination of the sounded factors ultimately led to the showman's dissatisfaction with his place and the desire to change something. The thirst for change, Malakhov also explains the midlife crisis, arguing that he began to look at some things in a completely different way. I wanted to take new peaks, create something new, my own. According to the journalist, he has grown out of his position and is ready for more serious tasks. The gradual destruction of the old foundations and the desire for change explain where and why Andrei Malakhov left the first channel.

Successes and failures in a new place

Becoming the producer and host of the "Live" program, Andrey hopes to create a large-scale project that will be able to show various corners of our vast country. He said that he plans to make each episode of the program memorable and exclusive, using only relevant and interesting information. The TV presenter plans to travel programs, independent reports and stories from the most remote corners of the country.

After replacing the TV presenter in the show "Let Them Talk", the reaction of viewers was mixed. Many loyal fans of Andrei refused to accept new episodes of the program without their favorite presenter and found out which channel their idol went to. Dedicated fans followed the charismatic showman, and the first episodes of "Live" showed record high ratings.

Farewell to the former host of the program Boris Korchevnikov, and an exclusive interview with Maria Maksakova attracted more than 20% of TV viewers. Andrey has once again proved that he is a master of his craft and rating programs are not only his profession, but also his vocation. However, following three successful issues, the rating fell rapidly to almost 9%.

According to experts, the failed broadcast is connected with the choice of the topic. The investigation is mysterious

21 Aug 2017

The TV presenter confirmed his "transfer".

Andrey Malakhov / photo:

Andrei Malakhov intrigued his fans with silence when rumors appeared about his departure from Channel One. The TV presenter did not comment on this news for several weeks, and there were many suggestions in the press about what could have caused his dismissal and where the TV presenter will now work. Later, Andrei confirmed that his wife and he wants to go on maternity leave to be with her. And his place is a talk show host.

Several issues with the new TV presenter have already been released, and his work was positively appreciated by both fans and. “Dima, all hope is for you! Recently I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I am sure you will succeed! " - he turned to his colleague in a letter. Andrey also confirmed that he and his team have now settled on the Russia 1 TV channel. He will host the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live ", as well as engage in other projects, including Saturday shows, according to the publication" StarHit ".

At the moment, there are two versions that could provoke his transfer: his wife's pregnancy and. The TV presenter decided not to talk about what was the real reason for the transition to the Russia 1 channel. Maybe, . The other day he published a photo in which he poses in a T-shirt of the St. Petersburg football club "Zenith" and hinted that he received a job offer from this club and he agreed.