The author came to give you will. Vasily Shukshin - I came to give you will

The author came to give you will. Vasily Shukshin - I came to give you will

Vasily Shukshin

I came to give you will


Stepan Razin - the soul of Cossack Will, the people's intercessor, a non-real-minded man, a cunning diplomat and squeezed delets. He is uncontrolled in battles, unbridled in love, unless in mistakes. His stops went down to the shores of Persia, walked along the wide Volga expanses and rays of Don. He forced the trembling of the strengths of this world and became a truly popular pet. It is that it appears on the pages of the novel Vasily Shukshin surrounded by friends and enemies against the background of his restless time.

Part one
Free Cossacks

Every year, in the first week of the Great Post, the Orthodox Church for different voices of Klyala:

"The thief and a traitor, and a crosstact, and the shrinking gentleman of the Razin forgot the Holy Cathedral Church and the Orthodox Christian Faith, a great sovereign changed, and many dirtyness and bloodshed and murder in the city of Astrakhan and in other grassroots grades, and all Custracy did not stick, broke, then he himself soon disappeared, and with like-minded people will be cursed! Yako and cursed new heretics: Archimandrite Cassiap, Ivashka Maksimov, Nekras Sleeveless, Wolf Kuritsyn, Mitya Konoglev, Grishka Fraveev, Additional and Thief Timosha Akindinov, Former Propopop Avvakum ... "

True bucled on the frost of stal bells. Shuddered, silence swinging; Grunted sparrows on the roads. Over white fields, solemn sorrowful sounds flooded over the snowdrifts, sent people to people. Voices in the temples of God told the sweeter - something terrible, bold:

"... The fear of the Lord God of the Almighty disguised, and an hour for the mortal and day forgetting, and the reward of the future by a malicious thing in the extension, the church was outraged and wrapped, and to the great state of the king and the great prince Alexey Mikhailovich, All Great and Malya and Belya Russia, Allevia, Cross kissing and oath overwhelmed, IHO work rejected ... "

Above the hills are patient, over housing is buzzing casting copper music, as beautiful, alarming, how familiar. And they listened to Russian people, and baptized. But go sorts - what's there: trouble and horror or hidden pride and pain for the "despicable hour of mortal"? Silent.

... "The people of Christian-Russian positive, and many Nevihi seduced, and wander to the sicks, the fathers on the sons, and the sons of the fathers, the brothers on his brothers, the souls of a county of countless Christian people who destroyed, and the premature innocent bloodshed fault of the Former, and all The state of Moscow, the grantee, the enemy and the crossfinder, the robber, the showering, human-bias, bloodstand, a new thief and a traitor of the Don Cossack, a new man, and the mentors and the grankers of such an evil, with his first advisers, his will and the villain of his attacks, a degree in his lead Yako Daphan and Aviron, let them curses. Anathema!"

Such is a magnificent variable - the holding voices with the pegs of Ataman Razin, alive, even before the Moscow ax cut him down in Square, officially.

Golden Days, in August 1669, Stepan Razin led his Vatagu from the sea to the mouth of the Volga and became the island of four bugs.
Dangerous, protracted, exhaustive, but extremely lucky hike in Persia - behind. The differences were shipped slightly alive; They are not the first, they are not the last "ran to Khvasyn", but they were only those rich only. There, in Persia, the Cossack life remained for "Zipuny", and a lot. And the most, maybe, dear - sore of a curve, a beloved friend Stepan, his twin. But the Strongs of the Donets were broken from all kind of good, which was "branded" from the "squinty" sabers, courage and treachery. Cossacks swollen from salty water, there was a lot of birth. All 1200 people (without prisoners). It is necessary to gain strength now - to relax, find out ... and the Cossacks again took up the weapon, but it was not needed. Yesterday, the Metropolitan of Astrakhan Joseph was etched - Salted fish, caviar, iaxigu, bread, how much was ... And there was little. They also took boats, non-gap, boilers, axes, bugs. Therefore, it was not necessary for the weapon that the slave people from the study were almost stripped, and those that remained, did not think to resist. And Ataman did not touch anyone to touch. He still left a different church utensil on the study, icons in expensive salaries - in Astrakhan, in the Astrakhan knew his kindness and tendency to peace. It was necessary to go home somehow, on Don. And in front of his campaign to Persia, the Razinki tightly touched the Astrakhans. Not so much astrakhans as Astrakhan Governors.
Two ways home: the Volga through Astrakhan and through the graters of the river Kuma. There and there - Sgorov Sagittari, which, maybe, already ordered to transfer Cossacks, they have good and disarmaled with them. And after - scatter and dissolve from home, and not such an oral. How to be? And good to give it a pity, and disarm ... and why give away?! Everything was produced by blood, in deprivation of won ... and - all to give everything?

... The circle was noisy.
From a barrel put on the priest, a large Cossack is naked in all sides, naked on the belt.
- What kind of visit to Kuma gathered?! - shouted to him. - Duck and then it's not a KUM kum's darm lovely, another will coal than the gate lock.
- I am not a governor, but I don't have this thing! - Proudly answered the Cossack with a barrel, showing a saber. - I myself can do whom to treat.
- He has a Cossack grasp: how to grab a woman for tits, so shouts: "Chur on one!" Oh and greedy!
The circle laughed.
- Kondrat, and Kondrat! .. - Ahead was the old dry Cossack with a large hook nose. - What are you going to ignite it, you do not kum? How to check it?
- Check out? - Kondrat revived. "And let's pull out your tongue: if it is shorter than the same nose," Iger to me. Ruby me tada my head. But I'm not a fool, straw my head to substitute myself to substitute: I know, you have a tongue three times and a half around the neck turns around, but the nose, if you are captured on one side, only before the nape ...
- Will sewn! - Kondrat knocked off the Cossack barrel in Esaulian clothes, serious, reasonable.
- Brothers! - he began; Around crushed. - Drake her throat - the head does not hurt. Let's think how to be. Two roads home: Kuma and Volga. Wallpapers are closed. There and there it is necessary to make a swing force. You will not miss good for good. And since this is the case, let's decide: where is it easier? In Astrakhan, we have long been waiting for us. There now, I think, the two days of one year older gathered: new came and the old on us hold. Tych five, or even more. We are a thousand with a little. Yes, the twigs won! This is one. Terks - there are also Sagittari ...
Stepan sat on the stone, somewhat away from the barrel. Next to him - who was standing who was sitting - Esuyuly, Sotniki: Ivan Chernoyatarya, Yaroslav Mikhailo, Frol Minaev, Lazar Timofeev and others. Stepan listened to Suknin indifferent; It seemed that his thoughts were far from here. So it seemed - it does not listen. Without listening, he, however, I heard everything well. Suddenly sharply and loudly asked:
- How do you think, Fedor?
- on the graters, the Bat. There is not sweet, but everything is easier. Here we are all heads without a sense, we will not pass. And the graters will give God, take, zazimu ... There is where to peak.
- Ugh! - Again, the dry dura living old man Kuzma was blown again, on the nicknamed stirm (steering wheel). - You, Fedor, sort of and the Cossack was not so! We will not pass there, they will not be empty here ... And where are they saiboto? Where that's us so directly with tears asked: "Go, Cossacks, Purchase us!" Tell me such a town, I run there without pants ...
"Not put, stimped," said serious Esaul rigidly.
- You are not going to make your mouth! - called and stimple.
- What do you want?
- Nothing. And I give up to me, the Coteko here in vain sabluk myself hung.
- Duck to twist it - to whom, like, stimple, - silently noticed Kondrat, standing next to the old man. - Comedy to you, it is at all without need: you are not Tokmo Astrakhan with our tongue, but you will put Moscow on the karachi. Do not be offended - you have a long one. Show, huh? - Kondrat depicted serious curiosity on his face. - And then they chat, it's not a simple, but it seems to be wool ...
- Language is just! Said Stirm and pulled a saber out of herbal. - I better show you this Lyalka ...
- Enough! - Chernoyatarya poked down, the first Esaul. - Males. Language wallpapers. It's about talking, and they are here ...
"But he is still longer," the Kondrat finished and moved away from the old man.
"Speak, Fedor," said Stepan. - Speak, which began.
- It is necessary to the graters, brothers! Loyal. We will disappear here. And there ...
- Dobryo where we do?! - asked loud.
- Perezimuyu, and in the spring ...
- Do not! - Many shouted. - Two years were not at home!
- I have forgotten how the woman smells.
- milk, like ...
The stimper dismissed the saber and threw it on the ground.
- You are all the women here! - said evil and sorely.
- To the yoke went! - Distributed voices. - Film Yik - with foot Trade shopping! We now have no tattarsnaire.
- Doma !! - Oral set. Noisily became.
- Yes, how to homedo?! Caak? Cockhorse?!
- We are the army of Ali - so-so?! Take! And do not try - you are sorry, it's not great. We are the first, right?
- Do not take us now Yaika! - Fedor died. - We have weakened! God gave the Terks to overcome! .. - But he was not to shout.
- Brothers! - On the barrel, next to Fedor, climbed the low, kudlated, wide in the shoulders of the Cossack. "I will send to the king with an ax and a fee - the execution of Ali Millu." Sweet! Ermak King Ivan Milked ...
- The king raises over! Catch up yes I raises over again!
- And I think…
- Punch !! - stood stubborn, like stimper. - What kind of devil think! Dummy devils were found ...
Stepan Everything was stealing a coat with a shock. Raised his head when they shouted about the king. I looked at Kudatta ... Whether he wanted to remember who the first jumped out "with an ax and the french", what kind of smarter.
"Batka, tell me, for the sake of Christ," Ivan Chernoyatarian turned to Stepan. - And then until the evening we will have a gallery.
Stepan rose, looking in front of him, went to the circle. It was a heavy strong gait. Feet - slightly registry. The step is non-dusty. But, it can be seen, a man's racks on Earth, they will not immediately sneak. Even in the appearance of the Ataman - the arrogance, not empty arrogance, not ridiculous, but clear the same severe force, the whole figure is naipped.
Differed. Smallkley at all.
Stepan approached the barrel ... Fedor and Cudlated Cossack jumbled with a barrel.
- Stim! - called Stepan. - Come to me. Lookover to listen to me your speech, Cossack. Go, I want to listen.
The stimple picked up a saber and looked straight, not reaching the keg:
- Timofech! Judge myself: let's say, we would with your father, the kingdom of heaven, became Tada in Voronezh to think so guess: I don't have to intert on Don Ali? - Not to see us dona as their ears. No! Steel, shook - and went. And became the Cossacks! And the Cossacks spawned. And here I do not see any Cossack - Baba! Yes, whether we warsed learned? Whether the meat stratets were empty? PUI of us? Cossacks ...
"We speak well," Stepan praised. The sick of the side of the barrel, pointed to the old man: - Nuka - from him, so that it was heard.
Stirm did not understand.
- Like this?
- Clear on the barrel, say. But also folded.
- Unable ... Why did you decide?
- Take it up so. Will it come out?
Stimple in indescribable Persian sharovar, with a curve of the Turkish sabelka I climbed into a cool porch barrel. Under laughter and shouts climbed with sin in half, looked at the Ataman ...
"Speak," he ordered. It is not clear that he started.
- And I say, I do not see the Cossacks here? - Solid Kakieto ...
Barrel turned around; Shash robbed on it, waved his hands.
- Speak! - Tried Stepan, smiling too. - Speak, old!
- Yes, I can not! .. He spins like this ... How Jean is guilty ...
- Joint, stim! - shouted from the circle.
- Do not give up, my mother's yeah! Long with your tongue! ..
Stirm did not resist, jumped off the barrel.
- Can not? - Loud - on purpose loudly asked Stepan.
- Let me put it on the ass ...
- Here, stim, you and you say Mastak, and you can not - not firmly under you. I do not want it so…
Stepan put the barrel on the ass, rose to him.
- I also go home too! - Only go home to the owners, and not the psa bits. - Ataman spoke with short, banging phrases - as far as the air has grabbed at times: having spoiled, he threw a sharp, capacious word again. It turned out to be asserted, continued. A lot here - in the manner hold on and talking in front of the circle - also proceeded from Stepan's strength, truly powerful, powerful, but there was a lot of art here, experience. He knew how to talk, even if he did not always know what to say.
- So that we are not spinning on the Don like a strive on the barrel. It is necessary to pass, as is - with weapons and good. Punch - the force is not great, brothers, few of us, stuck. A lot of births. And we will try - they will not go to climb. Problem. Our power there, on Don, we will collect her. But you need to spend whole. We will still stand here - rest. Powm up. Meanwhile, we serve what pies bake in Astrakhan. Drain, get fish ... Here in the pits there are a lot. Dosor - look!
The circle began to diverge. Dish, unfolded a non-day. Flying to Earth is expensive Persian dress ... went on it. Sweetly buried, substituting the gentle native sunshine sides. Couples wishes into the water, stretching the non-day. Okhaly, Ahali, merrily faded. There they also stuffed fires; Lighted the large artic boilers on tripods.
The patients were demolished from stings on the beings, clapped a row. They also rejoiced the sun, a festive turmoil, which began on the island. The prisoners also brought ashore, they scattered around the island, helped the Cossacks: they collected firewood, they wore water, bonfires were bonflash.
Ataman stretched silk tent. Esyulya gathered there: something did not say that Ataman did not seem to be Toto. They would like to understand that he was tatt.
Stepan is patiently, but again, not fully and vaguely spoke, and angry that he says a lot. He did not hide anything, he did not know what to do.

I came to give you will

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I came to give you will. Vasily Makarovich Shukshin

Part one
Free Cossacks
Every year, in the first week of the Great Post, the Orthodox Church for different voices of Klyala:

"The thief and a traitor, and a crosstact, and the shrinking gentleman of the Razin forgot the Holy Cathedral Church and the Orthodox Christian Faith, a great sovereign changed, and many dirtyness and bloodshed and murder in the city of Astrakhan and in other grassroots grades, and all Custracy did not stick, broke, then he himself soon disappeared, and with like-minded people will be cursed! Yako and cursed new heretics: Archimandrite Cassiap, Ivashka Maksimov, Nekras Sleeveless, Wolf Kuritsyn, Mitya Konoglev, Grishka Fraveev, Additional and Thief Timosha Akindinov, Former Propopop Avvakum ... "

True bucled on the frost of stal bells. Shuddered, silence swinging; Grunted sparrows on the roads. Over white fields, solemn sorrowful sounds flooded over the snowdrifts, sent people to people. Voices in the temples of God told the sweeter - something terrible, bold:

"... The fear of the Lord God of the Almighty disguised, and an hour for the mortal and day forgetting, and the reward of the future by a malicious thing in the extension, the church was outraged and wrapped, and to the great state of the king and the great prince Alexey Mikhailovich, All Great and Malya and Belya Russia, Allevia, Cross kissing and oath overwhelmed, IHO work rejected ... "

Above the hills are patient, over housing is buzzing casting copper music, as beautiful, alarming, how familiar. And they listened to Russian people, and baptized. But go sorts - what's there: trouble and horror or hidden pride and pain for the "despicable hour of mortal"? Silent.

... "The people of the Christian-Russian indignant, and many Nevihi seized, and wander to the fathers, the fathers on the sons, and the sons of the fathers, the brothers on his brothers, the souls of a county of countless Christian people, and the premogne innocent bloodshed fault of the former, and to all the state of Moscow, the gloor, the enemy and the crossect, the robber, gentleman, human-bias, bloodstand, the new thief and the traitor of the Don Cossack walls, the Mentors and the grankers of such evil, with the first of their advisers, his will and the villain of his attachments, the detention of his lead Affiliates, Yako Dafan and Aviron, may be cursed. Anathema!"

Such something - the gravestone-mortal - powered by the present voices with the pegs Ataman Razin, alive, even before the Moscow ax cut him down in Square, Official.

– 1 –
Golden Days, in August 1669, Stepan Razin led his Vatagu from the sea to the mouth of the Volga and became the island of four bugs.

Dangerous, protracted, exhaustive, but extremely lucky hike in Persia - behind. The differences were shipped slightly alive; They are not the first, they are not the last "ran to Khvasyn", but they were only those rich only. There, in Persia, the Cossack life remained for "Zipuny", and a lot. And the most, maybe, dear - sore of a curve, a beloved friend Stepan, his twin. But the Strongs of the Donets were broken from all kind of good, which was "branded" from the "squinty" sabers, courage and treachery. Cossacks swollen from salty water, there was a lot of birth. All 1200 people (without prisoners). It is necessary to gain strength now - to relax, find out ... and the Cossacks again took up the weapon, but it was not needed. Yesterday, the Metropolitan of Astrakhan Joseph was etched - Salted fish, caviar, iaxigu, bread, how much was ... And there was little. They also took boats, non-gap, boilers, axes, bugs. Therefore, it was not necessary for the weapon that the slave people from the study were almost stripped, and those that remained, did not think to resist. And Ataman did not touch anyone to touch. He still left a different church utensil on the study, icons in expensive salaries - in Astrakhan, in the Astrakhan knew his kindness and tendency to peace. It was necessary to somehow go home, to Don. And in front of his campaign to Persia, the Razinki tightly touched the Astrakhans. Not so much astrakhans as Astrakhan Governors.

Two ways home: the Volga through Astrakhan and through the graters of the river Kuma. There and there - Sgorov Sagittari, which, maybe, already ordered to transfer Cossacks, they have good and disarmaled with them. And after - scatter and dissolve from home, and not such an oral. How to be? And good to give a pity, and disarm ... and why give something?! Everything was produced by blood, in deprivation of won ... and - all to give everything?

– 2 –
... The circle was noisy.

From a barrel put on the priest, a large Cossack is naked in all sides, naked on the belt.

- What kind of visit to Kuma gathered?! - shouted to him. - Duck and then it's not a KUM who loves the darmersmannikov, the other will treat, than the gate locks.

- I am not a governor, but I don't have this thing! - Proudly answered the Cossack with a barrel, showing a saber. - I myself can do whom to treat.

- He has a Cossack grasp: how to grab a woman for tits, so shouts: "Chur on one!" Oh and greedy!

The circle laughed.

- Kondrat, and Kondrat! .. - Ahead was the old dry Cossack with a large hook nose. - What are you going to ignite it, you do not kum? How to check it?

- Check something? - Kondrat revived. "And let's pull out your tongue: if it is shorter than the same nose," Iger to me. Ruby me tada my head. But I'm not a fool, straw my head to substitute myself to substitute: I know, you have a tongue three times and a half around the neck turns around, but the nose, if you are captured on one side, only before the nape ...

- Will sewn! - Kondrat knocked off the Cossack barrel in Esaulian clothes, serious, reasonable.

- Brothers! - he began; Around crushed. - Drake her throat - the head does not hurt. Let's think how to be. Two roads home: Kuma and Volga. Wallpapers are closed. There and there it is necessary to make a swing force. You will not miss good for good. And since this is the case, let's decide: where is it easier? In Astrakhan, we have long been waiting for us. There, now, I think, the two days of Godovalshikov-Sagittarov gathered: new came and keep the old on us. Tych five, or even more. We are a thousand with a little. Yes, the twigs won! This is one. Terks - there are also Sagittari ...

Stepan sat on the stone, somewhat away from the barrel. Next to him - who was standing who was sitting - Esuyuly, Sotniki: Ivan Chernoyatarya, Yaroslav Mikhailo, Frol Minaev, Lazar Timofeev and others. Stepan listened to Suknin indifferent; It seemed that his thoughts were far from here. So it seemed - it does not listen. Without listening, he, however, I heard everything well. Suddenly sharply and loudly asked:

- How do you think, Fedor?

- on the graters, the Bat. There is not sweet, but everything is easier. Here we are all heads without a sense, we will not pass. And the graters will give God, take, zazimu ... There is where to peak.

- Ugh! - Again, the dry dura living old man Kuzma was blown again, on the nicknamed stirm (steering wheel). - You, Fedor, sort of and the Cossack was not so! We will not pass there, they will not be empty here ... And where are you somehow allowed? Where that's us so directly with tears asked: "Go, Cossacks, Purchase us!" Tell me such a town, I run there without pants ...

"Not put, stimped," said serious Esaul rigidly.

- You are not going to make your mouth! - called and stimple.

- What do you want?

- Nothing. And I give up to me, someone in vain sabluka myself hung.

- Duck to twist it - to whom, like, stimple, - silently noticed Kondrat, standing next to the old man. - Comedy to you, it is at all without need: you are not Tokmo Astrakhan with our tongue, but you will put Moscow on the karachi. Do not be offended - you have a long one. Show, huh? - Kondrat depicted serious curiosity on his face. - And then they chat, it's not a simple, but it seems to be wool ...

- Language is just! Said Stirm and pulled a saber out of herbal. - I better show you this Lyalka ...

- Enough! - Chernoyatarya poked down, the first Esaul. - Males. Language wallpapers. It's about talking, and they are here ...

"But he is still longer," the Kondrat finished and moved away from the old man.

"Speak, Fedor," said Stepan. - Speak, which started.

- It is necessary to the graters, brothers! Loyal. We will disappear here. And there ...

- Well, where do we exhale there?! - asked loud.

- Perezimuyu, and in the spring ...

- Do not! - Many shouted. - Two years were not at home!

- I have forgotten how the woman smells.

- milk, like ...

The stimper dismissed the saber and threw it on the ground.

- You are all the women here! - said evil and sorely.

- Domo-Oh !! - Oral set. Noisily became.

- Yes, how home something?! Ka-ak? Cockhorse?!

- We are the army of Ali - so-so?! Take! And do not try - you are sorry, it's not great. We are the first, right?

- Do not take us now Yaika! - Fedor died. - We have weakened! God gave the Terks to overcome! .. - But he was not to shout.

- Brothers! - On the barrel, next to Fedor, climbed the low, kudlated, wide in the shoulders of the Cossack. "I will send to the king with an ax and a fee - the execution of Ali Millu." Sweet! Ermak King Ivan Milked ...

- The king raises over! Catch up yes I raises over again!

- And I think…

- Punch !! - stood stubborn, like stimper. - What kind of devil think! Dummy devils were found ...

Stepan Everything was stealing a coat with a shock. Raised his head when they shouted about the king. I looked at Kudatta ... Whether he wanted to remember who the first jumped out "with an ax and the french", what kind of smarter.

"Batka, tell me, for the sake of Christ," Ivan Chernoyatarian turned to Stepan. - And then until the evening we will have a gallery.

Stepan rose, looking in front of him, went to the circle. It was a heavy strong gait. Feet - slightly registry. The step is non-dusty. But, it can be seen, a man's racks on Earth, they will not immediately sneak. Even in the appearance of the Ataman - the arrogance, not empty arrogance, not ridiculous, but clear the same severe force, the whole figure is naipped.

Differed. Smallkley at all.

Stepan approached the barrel ... Fedor and Cudlated Cossack jumbled with a barrel.

- Stim! - called Stepan. - Come to me. Lookover to listen to me your speech, Cossack. Go, I want to listen.

In the main
Calls Operator Film Company Country Year Film output "I came to give you will"

"I came to give you will" - Feature film, whose shooting V. M. Shukshin planned to begin by the fall of 1974.


The basis of the art film was to become Roman V. M. Shukshin "I came to give you will." The film was planned three serial.

Showing group

  • Screenwriter: Vasily Shukshin
  • Director: Vasily Shukshin
  • Operator: Anatoly Zabolotsky


« He is a national hero, and about it, oddly enough, it is necessary to "forget." It is necessary, if possible, can "take away" his excellent legends and leave a person. We must not lose the hero, the legends will live, and Stepan will become closer. It is difficult for nature, in many respects contradictory, the unbridled, swallowing. There could be no other. And at the same time - a man cautious, cunning, smart diplomat, extremely inquisitive and enterprising».

This idea arose long before the creation of the novel. Shukshin carried him through his whole creative life. In essence, his whole life, passed under the sign of loyalty. Since childhood, the story of the walls struck his imagination. Razin was amazed by his spirit of the Spirit, selfless courage and determination to stand up for the folk will. At the time of the first serious reflection on the meaning of life, about the place of a person in the chain of generations, he was struck, as a firmly entered the difference in the memory of the people.

That's what Shukshin himself wrote about this:

« Here we will talk about one person who is enough for three films, because the person is a huge destiny. Not enough that he is a hero, a story knows a lot of heroes, the fate of which is exactly stacked in the anecdote; He is a hero, whose personal destiny does not belong to him, on the presence of the people, the pride of the people. Therefore, everything that denies it, as such, the church, for example, I am deeply hated me. What makes such heroes such? Rare, amazing, incredible ability of complete self-denial. And the heroes of such in the history of mankind - nine ten: founders of religions, Christ, including the leaders of popular uprisings, not all: Pugachev can not be referred to here. Napoleon also "did not come out" on such a hero, even though the noise made them more than all of them. Razin ...»

Failure to the film studio. M. Gorky, received in 1966, Shukshin did not discourage - the scenario has already surrendered into a large artistic fabric, and it was necessary for philosophically moral reflection of the material. Subsequently, Shukshin recalled:

« Only in a literary letter, I seem to have managed to express everything to the end everything I wanted. But now you can translate the novel to the cinematic language. So it seems to me.»

The image of Stepan Razin finally developed in his representation. It was in literary creativity that he was able to truly express his attitude towards the hero and to display his identity. Oh either entertainment, nor cinematic was a novel, but in the scenario, many lines had to be hidden, many episodes simplified - this inevitable work was difficult and painstaking. Shukshin has now plotted the film not in two, but in three series. And everything is exactly, even with such a scenario, the material concluded in the novel demanded great abbreviations.

By the end of 1970, Shukshin considered the work on the scenario of completed, published him in the magazine "Art of Cinema" and turned to the film studio. M. Gorky with a request for the production of the film. And immediately encountered a sharp rejection of his child. There were so many objections that at the time it was not amendments to enter, but write a new script. At the same time, it was a review of four doctors of historical sciences, and they all highly appreciated the work.

Here, as the cinematic image of Shukshin himself understood:

« ... If you seriously raise the topic of "will" - it is necessary to be seriously, to know what it means: this means that a person who accepted folk pain, raises the punishment hand. And, Lord, should we count how much he struck strikes, and didn't you have anything else? Let them be grave! I am this that the scenario still caused complaints in cruelty - tough Stepan. Here I do not know what to say. Cruel - with whom? After all, if a person is strong tough, he is always cruel with someone, but there is no one. In the name of what he is cruel? Cruel in the name of the dies of his power - then he, strong, causes fear and disgust. Then this historic dwarf itself is able to whine in the face of death - it is stronger. She raises him. Caught to self-denial, dies without fear - and lives in a grateful memory of human, in a song, in legend.»

« Razin is a Russian tragedy. How much is able to love Razin - so loves the people who gave birth to him, as hated by him fear and slavery, so they were damned initially by his praid - the people. At that distant time, the people did not know how to free themselves. Did not know and the difference. If I knew, I would free up. "I came to give you will" - and accepted the Thala ax. Razor cannot be cruel historically. Cruel, I repeat, the one who ruins from fear and powerfulness.»

« The construction of Kinooroman was intricate as a story about a historical hero with a predominance of his personal character, psychology, actions, which, of course, not self-concrete. But still, the uprising is largely unless in the decisive moments - the essence of one will, one mind. And this is part of the tragedy. Even when the public forces were grouped due - hostile - the way, even when the clash is inevitable, even then those who will send out of their rows to those and these. So in the middle of the XVII century in Russia, they went out - and for a long time, the course of events was determined by three figures: Razin, Boyarin Alexei Romanov King, and Nikon Patriarch. The fate of the Russian state, the Russian peasantry was solved. The peasantry was crushed, his intercession, Don Ataman Stepan Razin, quartered in Moscow. When I understand the events, and I understand them, the conversations about the cruelty of the razin seems to me unnecessary.»

Almost all of the winter of 1970-1971 extended under the sign of an imminent idiot. In this winter, Shukshin repeatedly turned to his Stepan to Razin, reflected on how best to do business, how to transfer the romance artistic fabric. At that time, he decided to somewhat change the finals of Kinororoman:

« ... Before the execution of Stepan, the sun will surely see the sun: it will break out due to clouds and - in full screen - disks the world.»

Horstovet was appointed on February 11, Larisa Yagunkova, who worked at that time with Shukshin, received a note:

« The film was closed!»

« EVERYTHING. May the ballerina solve the fate of Russia from now on. PA-de-de - with Komsomolsky zador ... nausea».


Vasily Shukshin. Earth Righteous / L. D. Yagunkova.- M.: Algorithm: Eksmo; 2009.- 320C.: IL.- (Best biographies).

Shukshin, V. M. Sh95 Live / Vasily Shukshin. - M.: Zebra E, 2006.- 522, (6) p.

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin

I came to give you will

Part one

Free Cossacks

Every year, in the first week of the Great Post, the Orthodox Church for different voices of Klyala:

"The thief and a traitor, and a crosstact, and the shrinking gentleman of the Razin forgot the Holy Cathedral Church and the Orthodox Christian Faith, a great sovereign changed, and many dirtyness and bloodshed and murder in the city of Astrakhan and in other grassroots grades, and all Custracy did not stick, broke, then he himself soon disappeared, and with like-minded people will be cursed! Yako and cursed new heretics: Archimandrite Cassiap, Ivashka Maksimov, Nekras Sleeveless, Wolf Kuritsyn, Mitya Konoglev, Grishka Fraveev, Additional and Thief Timosha Akindinov, Former Propopop Avvakum ... "

True bucled on the frost of stal bells. Shuddered, silence swinging; Grunted sparrows on the roads. Over white fields, solemn sorrowful sounds flooded over the snowdrifts, sent people to people. Voices in the temples of God told the sweeter - something terrible, bold:

"... The fear of the Lord God of the Almighty disguised, and an hour for the mortal and day forgetting, and the reward of the future by a malicious thing in the extension, the church was outraged and wrapped, and to the great state of the king and the great prince Alexey Mikhailovich, All Great and Malya and Belya Russia, Allevia, Cross kissing and oath overwhelmed, IHO work rejected ... "

Above the hills are patient, over housing is buzzing casting copper music, as beautiful, alarming, how familiar. And they listened to Russian people, and baptized. But go sorts - what's there: trouble and horror or hidden pride and pain for the "despicable hour of mortal"? Silent.

... "The people of the Christian-Russian indignant, and many Nevihi seized, and wander to the fathers, the fathers on the sons, and the sons of the fathers, the brothers on his brothers, the souls of a county of countless Christian people, and the premogne innocent bloodshed fault of the former, and to all the state of Moscow, the gloor, the enemy and the crossect, the robber, gentleman, human-bias, bloodstand, the new thief and the traitor of the Don Cossack walls, the Mentors and the grankers of such evil, with the first of their advisers, his will and the villain of his attachments, the detention of his lead Affiliates, Yako Dafan and Aviron, may be cursed. Anathema! "

Such something - the gravestone-mortal - powered by the present voices with the pegs Ataman Razin, alive, even before the Moscow ax cut him down in Square, Official.

Golden Days, in August 1669, Stepan Razin led his Vatagu from the sea to the mouth of the Volga and became the island of four bugs.

Dangerous, protracted, exhaustive, but extremely lucky hike in Persia - behind. The differences were shipped slightly alive; They are not the first, they are not the last "ran to Khvasyn", but they were only those rich only. There, in Persia, the Cossack life remained for "Zipuny", and a lot. And the most, maybe, dear - sore of a curve, a beloved friend Stepan, his twin. But the Strongs of the Donets were broken from all kind of good, which was "branded" from the "squinty" sabers, courage and treachery. Cossacks swollen from salty water, there was a lot of birth. All 1200 people (without prisoners). It is necessary to gain strength now - to relax, find out ... and the Cossacks again took up the weapon, but it was not needed. Yesterday, the Metropolitan of Astrakhan Joseph was etched - Salted fish, caviar, iaxigu, bread, how much was ... And there was little. They also took boats, non-gap, boilers, axes, bugs. Therefore, it was not necessary for the weapon that the slave people from the study were almost stripped, and those that remained, did not think to resist. And Ataman did not touch anyone to touch. He still left a different church utensil on the study, icons in expensive salaries - in Astrakhan, in the Astrakhan knew his kindness and tendency to peace. It was necessary to somehow go home, to Don. And in front of his campaign to Persia, the Razinki tightly touched the Astrakhans. Not so much astrakhans as Astrakhan Governors.

Two ways home: the Volga through Astrakhan and through the graters of the river Kuma. There and there - Sgorov Sagittari, which, maybe, already ordered to transfer Cossacks, they have good and disarmaled with them. And after - scatter and dissolve from home, and not such an oral. How to be? And good to give a pity, and disarm ... and why give something?! Everything was produced by blood, in deprivation of won ... and - all to give everything?

... The circle was noisy.

From a barrel put on the priest, a large Cossack is naked in all sides, naked on the belt.

- What kind of visit to Kuma gathered?! - shouted to him. - Duck and then it's not a KUM who loves the darmersmannikov, the other will treat, than the gate locks.

- I am not a governor, but I don't have this thing! - Proudly answered the Cossack with a barrel, showing a saber. - I myself can do whom to treat.

- He has a Cossack grasp: how to grab a woman for tits, so shouts: "Chur on one!" Oh and greedy!

The circle laughed.

- Kondrat, and Kondrat! .. - Ahead was the old dry Cossack with a large hook nose. - What are you going to ignite it, you do not kum? How to check it?

- Check something? - Kondrat revived. "And let's pull out your tongue: if it is shorter than the same nose," Iger to me. Ruby me tada my head. But I'm not a fool, straw my head to substitute myself to substitute: I know, you have a tongue three times and a half around the neck turns around, but the nose, if you are captured on one side, only before the nape ...

- Will sewn! - Kondrat knocked off the Cossack barrel in Esaulian clothes, serious, reasonable.

- Brothers! - he began; Around crushed. - Drake her throat - the head does not hurt. Let's think how to be. Two roads home: Kuma and Volga. Wallpapers are closed. There and there it is necessary to make a swing force. You will not miss good for good. And since this is the case, let's decide: where is it easier? In Astrakhan, we have long been waiting for us. There, now, I think, the two days of Godovalshikov-Sagittarov gathered: new came and keep the old on us. Tych five, or even more. We are a thousand with a little. Yes, the twigs won! This is one. Terks - there are also Sagittari ...

Stepan sat on the stone, somewhat away from the barrel. Next to him - who was standing who was sitting - Esuyuly, Sotniki: Ivan Chernoyatarya, Yaroslav Mikhailo, Frol Minaev, Lazar Timofeev and others. Stepan listened to Suknin indifferent; It seemed that his thoughts were far from here. So it seemed - it does not listen. Without listening, he, however, I heard everything well. Suddenly sharply and loudly asked:

- How do you think, Fedor?

- on the graters, the Bat. There is not sweet, but everything is easier. Here we are all heads without a sense, we will not pass. And the graters will give God, take, zazimu ... There is where to peak.