Philosophical understanding of the problems of modernity in the work of Rasputin. Moral problems in works in

Philosophical understanding of the problems of modernity in the work of Rasputin. Moral problems in works in

The work of Rasputin "Fire" was published in 1985. In this story, the writer as if continues the analysis of the life of those who moved to another village after the flooding of the island of people from the story "Farewell to the Materia." They were moved to the village of urban-type Sosnovka. The main character - Ivan Petrovich Egorov - feels heavily morally and physically: "As in the grave".

The event is simple: In the village of Sosnovka, warehouses tanned. Who saves folk good from the fire, and who pulls that it is possible for himself. The way people behave in an extreme situation, serves as a impetus to the head of the head of the charm of Ivan Petrovich Egorova, in which Rasputin embodied the people's nature of the tastefulness suffering from the form of destruction of the age-old moral basis of being.

The situation with the fire in the story allows the author to explore the present and the past. Warehouses are burning, goods that people have not seen on the shelves: sausages, Japanese rags, red fish, motorcycle "Ural", sugar, flour. A part of the people, using confusion, dismisses what can. In the story, the fire is a symbol of a catastrophe for a social atmosphere in Sosnovka.

Ivan Petrovich is looking for answers to questions that throws him the surrounding reality. Why "everything turned upside down? .. It was not necessary, not accepted, it became necessary and accepted, it was impossible - it was possible, it was considered a shame for the death sin - worshiped for agility and valor." Ivan Petrovich made the rule of his life to "live on conscience", it hurts him that during the fire the one-handed Savely drags bags of flour into his bathhouse, and the "friendly guys - Arharaztsians" firstly grab drawers with vodka.

But the hero is not only suffering, he is trying to find the cause of this moral cloak. At the same time, the main thing is to destroy the centuries-old traditions of the Russian people: they have learned to plow and sow, they are accustomed only to take, cut down, destroy.

In all works, V. Rasputin plays a special role in the image of the house: the house of the old women Anna, where her children go, housing housing, which does not take a deserter, Darya's house, going under water. The inhabitants of the sinth is not, and the village itself, like a temporary refuge: "Uncomfortable and untidy ... Bivly type ... Like naochesed from place to place, stopped waiting for bad weather, and they were stuck ...". The absence of a house deprives people of life base, good, warmth. The reader feels acute concern from the picture of the ruthless conquest of nature. A large amount of work requires a large number of workers' hands, which often got. The writer describes the "unnecessary" reservoir, indifferent to the entire people, from which in the life of the disorder.

They were added "Arharovtsy" (Brigade of Oriforb), which brazenly pressed at all. And locals were confused before this evil force. The author through the reflections of Ivan Petrovich clarifies the situation: "People disappeared in themselves even earlier." Social layers in Sosnovka were mixed. There is a decay of "general and well-coordinated existence". For twenty years of life, morality changed in the new village. In Sosnovka even there are no pales from the houses, because it's still temporary housing. Ivan Petrovich remained faithful to the former principles, the norms of good and evil. He honestly works, is experiencing for the decline of morals. And it turns out in the position of the foreign body. Attempts by Ivan Petrovich to prevent the bowl of the ninth to finish the power ending the revenge of the gangs. They pierce the tires at his car, then squeeze the sand into the carburetor, then the brake hoses are cut down to the trailer, then you will chop the rack from the beam, which almost kills Ivan Petrovich.

Ivan Petrovich comes with his wife Alena to leave for the Far East to one of the sons, but he will not be able to throw this land.

In the story a lot of positive characters: Wife Ivan Petrovich Alena, the old uncle Misha Hampo, Afonya Bronnikov, Head of the Lespromhoz site Boris Timofeevich Vodnov. Symbolic descriptions of nature. At the beginning of the story (March), she is sluggish, depleting. At the end, the moment of the clutch, before the flourishing. Walking along the spring earth Ivan Petrovich "as if he finally carried on the right road."

"Farewell to Mattera"

In the story before the reader appear, traditionally for Rasputin, "ancient old women": Daria Pinggin, Katerina Zotov, Natalia, Sima, as well as a hero-man of the beard. Each of them in the past - severe labor life. Now they live as if to continue the family (human) kind, considering it their main goal. Rasputin makes them carriers of folk moral values \u200b\u200band opposes them "Obhevkov" - those who are not the road Matera, who without regret leaves the native walls. This is Andrei, grandson Darya: the land of ancestors and her fate does not care if his goal is a big construction, and he argues with his father and grandmother, denying their values.

In general, the composition of the story is quite vague, it is represented as a chain of events related, if you can express it, only internal meaning, chronology. All that happens directly concerns the Mater, the fact of its inevitable (as emphasized by the author) of the disappearance, from here, and all the experiences of its inhabitants. All characters with a significant share of confidence are subject to the system of opposing the true village residents, with their range of values, and the so-called "landmarks". On this basis, you can also consider the funds used by the author in order for the reader to understand how it refers to one or another heroes. Rasputin gives his favorite heroines, the Russians who cast something rustic, names: Daria Pinggin, Natalia Karpova, Katerina. There is such a colorful character as a bogacity, he gives the devils similar to the hero of Russian fairy tales.

In contrast to them, Rasputin awards the derogatory names of the heroes unpleasant for him - Pligunova, Petruch (in the past - Nikita Zotov, subsequently renamed to a similar pacery with a female parsley). He adds negative features to such characters and their speech - literary poor, with illiterately built phrases, and if it is correct, then a saturated stamps ("Understand or what will we be?"). It is noteworthy that in the story of positive heroes - old women and children (Little Kohl). Both those and other are helpless, in fact, the "young tribe" displaces them.

Rasputin writes that the old, outgoing world is the only abode of holiness and harmony. After all, there are really residents (or rather - mostly residents) Mothers do not worry any external problems, they live in their closed world. That is why the penetration of external, ill and aggressive world is so scary for them. From his impact of Matera just dies.

It's one thing - a mess around andother - the mess inside you

In 1966, the first collections of the stories and essays of the writer "Kostonoy new cities" and the "edge near the sky" were seen. First story V. Rasputin "Money for Mary"it was published in 1967 in Almana "Angara" and brought all-union fame to the writer. Then followed Tale: "Deadline"(1970), "Live and remember"(1974), "Farewell to the Materia" (1976) Publicistic story "Fire" (1985). Valentin Grigorievich Rasutin twice was awarded the State Prize of the USSR (1977 and 1987).

Known Rasputin and as a master of the story. Masterpiece of this genre "French lessons"it was written in 1973. The story is in many respects wearing an autobiographical character - a consistent person from the height of his civil, social maturity mentally traces the steps of his ascent to knowledge, recalls how he is a rustic boy - at eleven years in a difficult post-war period comes to the district center for fifty kilometers study at school. The lesson of mercy, rented in his soul by the teacher of the French language, will remain with him for life and will give shoots. Therefore, the story begins with very capacious words about responsibility, about the debt to teachers: "Strange, why are we, as well as before parents, whether we feel your guilt before teachers? And not for that at all, what was at school, but for what happened to us after. " In cycle "Century Zhvi.- centurylove "(Our contemporary. 1982, No. 7) included stories "Natasha", "What to convey the Voronene", "Web live- love the age, "I can not-y".In them, the writer carefully explores the psychology of relationships with close people. Exhibits an increased interest in the intuitive, "natural" beginning in man.

In 2000, Rasputin was awarded a prize of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "For prapping of the expression of poetry and the tragedy of Russian life in a sphericness with Russian nature and speech, souvenrancy and chastity in the resurrection of good began." The founder of the Prize - Nobel Laureate - representing the laureate of the Award A. Solzhenitsyn, said: "In the mid-seventies, a quiet coup in our country, a group of writers began to work as if no social realism existed. They began to call the villagers, but it would be more correctly morals. The first one is Valentin Rasputin. "

Already in the first stories, in the story "Money for Mary"the characteristic features of the creative hand writing of the writer - attentive, thoughtful attitude towards his heroes, deep psychologism, subtle observation, aphoristic of the language, humor. At the heart of the plot of the first story received the development of the motive of ancient Russian walking truth. Tractorist Kuzma, a conscientious rural saleswoman who fell on the embarrassment, collects money from fellow villagers to compensate a shortage. The writer puts the characters a story before the event that detects their moral value. The current state of the Russian Council is subject to moral inspection. In the story, Rasputin expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bthe preservation of traditions, which are formed by measured rural lifestyle: "All people come from there, from the village, only one before, others later, and some understand it, and others are not.<...> And Human kindness, respect for the elders, and hard work, too, from the village. "

Tale "Deadline"i became one of the canonical works of the "rustic prose." The basis of the negotiable history of the collapse of generic relations. The dissolution process, the "resorption of the peasant family", the alienation of family members from each other, from the house, from the Earth, on which they were born and grew, is comprehended by Rasputin as a situation of deeply disturbing. The old Anna speaks before his children in his children: "Do not forget the brother of Sister, sister Brother. And here too, visit, here are our whole race. "

On the impossibility of happiness for a person, a controversy with a genital morality, the story of Rasputin narrates "Live and remember."The tale is built on the conflict of cowardice, cruelty, extreme individualism, betrayal, - with one

side, and debt, conscience, morality - on the other, on the conflict of the maidos of its heroes. The deep concept of a story is in the inseparalness of the fate of a person from nationwide, in person responsibility for their choice. The meaning of the name of the story is - it is a reminder to a person to remember his duties - to be on earth by man. "Live and remember," the author says.

An artistic achievement of Rasputin is recognized as a story "Farewell to the motley."In the story, Rasputin creates an image of a folk life with its ethics, philosophy, aesthetics. The tires of the heroine of the story, the old women of Daria, personifying the folk character, the writer throws a reproach to those who forget the past, calls for harmony between such eternal moral concepts as a conscience, kindness, soul, mind, with which a person is preserved as a person. The story caused a stormy controversy. So, some participants in the discussion in the magazine "Questions of Literature" criticized the author for the dominance of the feeling of dying, the attention of others attracted the wealth of the socio-philosophical nature of the work, the ability of the writer to solve on the local material "Eternal Questions" of Human Being and People's Life, skill in the transfer of Russian speech. (Discussion of prose V. Rasputin // Questions of literature. 1977. No. 2. P. 37, 74).

The originality of the conflict in the story V. Rasputin "Live and Remember"

Sweet live, scary to live, I am ashamed to live ...

Tale "Live and remember"it consists of 22 chapters, compositely interconnected by common events, heroes, identifying the motives of their behavior.

The story immediately begins with the conclusions of the conflict: "Winter on the 45th, the last military year in these parts stood or the orphans, but Epiphany frosts took their own, retired, as they were left behind forty.<...> In the frost in the Ban of Guskovy, standing on the lower garden at the hangary, closer to the water, there was a loss: a good, old work, a carpentine ax, Mikheich, has disappeared. At the end of the work - in the 21st and in the 22nd chapters, an omission is given. The second and third chapters are an introduction part, exposure, they show events that begin to deploy the plot narration: "Silent, the walls. It's me. Silent. Strong, hard hands grabbed her shoulders and pressed to the bench. From the pain and fear of the walls groaned. The voice was hoarse, rusty, but the latter remains the same, and the walls recognized him.

You, Andrei?! Lord! Where did you come from?!".

Nastana recognizes the voice of a husband, so expecting it, and tough intonations, threatening it, who argue about his appearance will become the "last term" in her life, will put a clear border between her last life and the present. "From there. Silent.<...> No dog should know that I am here. Say someone kill. I will kill - I have nothing to lose. So remember. Where did you get it. I now have a hand on it hard, do not break down. "

Andrei Guskov deserted after four years of the war ("... fought and fought, did not hide, did not chitril"), and after the injury, after the hospital, at night, as the thief, made his way to his native Atama-Novku. He is convinced that if he returns to the front, he will definitely kill him. To the question of the walls - "But how, how did you whine? It is not simple. How did your breath have enough? " - Guskov will say - "there was nothing to breathe - before you wanted to see you. From there, from the front, of course, would not run ... it seemed like nearby. And where is it near? I was driving, I was driving ... to a part of the easiest to get there. Well I did not beat. Then I see: where to say? To death. Better to die here. What to say now! Pig mud will find. "

Psychologically designed to test the character of a person who has entered into the trait. The artistic authenticity of the image of Guskova is that the writer does not depict it with one black paints: fought, only at the end of the war "Nemogyo became" - became a deserter. But as it turns out, the thorny path of man who has become an enemy, who stood on the path of betrayal. Guskov places his guilt on fate and spiritually destroys it. He is aware of everything that happened to him, gives a sober assessment to his behavior in a conversation with Nastya, convinces her that it will soon disappear. V. Rasputin gradually, but the scenario is prepared for the "light soul" of the phi

nash story, showing her inner torment, experienced guilt, its honesty and inability to live on lies, and marginal individualism, cruelty of Guskova, Antigero, not a tragic hero.

The logic of developing the artistic image of Guskova, who made his homeland in a difficult time for her, when (as it is convincingly traced in the story on the example of the inhabitants of Atamanovka, - the key point - the return of the front-line Maxima Vologdi-on, the fate of Peter Lukovnikov, "Ten Handers in Hands in Bab, The rest are fighting ") The entire Soviet people was ready for everything to finish the fascists, to free his native land, he was all the fate and finally" brought. " While Guskov will learn to throw in Wolf, for itself explaining his "truth" - "It will be useful to scare good people" (and the author will emphasize - "with a malicious, vivid pride of Guskov), in the house of Maxim Vologda people from all villages To say thanks to the front-line, seriously wounded at the front. With what hope they ask the countryman about whether, "will the war ended soon?", "And hear the answer they knew and expected to hear that" the Germans of the Russian soldier who had come down to Germany. "Now dat," Maxim says, "no, they do not break." I will go back with one hand, one-legged, crumpled will go, and do not break away, will not allow. Not on those pumped out. "This mood is supported by all fellow villagers who were in the rear, but worked for the front, like Nastya Guskova, as the father of Deserter Andrei - Mikheich. Row for the line, the page behind the page traces Rasputin's soul scenario Guskova, his apostasy from The norms of human life is cruelty, and his meanness towards a mute Tana ("Tanya he sat in a stupor and fear all day, everything is going to climb and somewhere, in some direction to move, he also set up another, and then And he was stuck at all, deciding that he would better wait for him until he finally lost both at home and on the front "), which simply uses and in a month, not saying goodbye, run away, and cruelty to his wife. Now Guskov will begin to steal fish from the wells, and not even from desire to eat, but simply to make the accuracy of those who are free, do not like, walks on their land. About the devastation of the soul testifies his "Laid desire to set fire to the mill" - to do what he himself called "dirtyness".

Deciding traditional for Russian literature moral and philosophical questions about fate, about the will, about social determination of a deed, behavior, V. Rasputin primarily considers a person responsible for his life.

In close connection with the image of Guskova, the image of the walls is designed. If Andrei vinit the fate, then the walls blame himself: "Since you are to blame, then I'm guilty with you. We will answer together. " The time when Andrei returns a deserter and will hide from people, will be the "last term" for the walls, which can not lie, live away from people, according to the principle that Andrei chose: "You yourself are, no one." Responsibility for the man who has become her husband does not give her the right to abandon him. Shame is a condition that will constantly experience the walls in front of the mother-in-law and beck of his girlfriend, before the chairman of the collective farm, and finally, in front of the child she wears in themselves. "And the sin of the parent will get to him a harsh, witness sin, - where to go with him?! And I will not forgive, he will curse them - befold. "

The meaning of the name of the story "Live and remember"- This is a reminder to a person to remember his duty to "be on earth by man."

The last clock, the minutes of Nastya, before she deprit both of themselves, and the future child of life, - tilting the boat and leaving the bottom of the hangars, filled with genuine tragedy. "It's embarrassing ... why is so extremely ashamed and before Andrey, and in front of people, and in front of you! Where did she score guilt for such a shame? ". If Andrei deprives himself connections with the world, with nature, then the walls until the last second will feel their unity with the world: "On the soul from something, it was also festive and sad, as from a long-standing song, when you listen and lose, whose voices are - those who live now, or who lived a hundred, two hundred years ago. "

The Nastya is the same when it comes to the shore, and the bear-breaker will want to bury in the cemetery of drunks, women "destroyed the earth among their own, just a little with the edge, at the smashed hedge."

Images of Wine and Andrei V. Rasputin is experiencing heroes on a life path, not the most small deviations from ethical norms.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole story is in the inseparalness of the fate of a person from nationwide destiny, responsible for a person for their actions, for their choice.

Poetics and problematics of the story T. Tolstoy "On Gold

The writing

Good and evil mixed.
V. Rasputin

It is difficult to find a work in the history of literature, in which the problems of spirit and morality would not be understood, moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bwould not be defended.
Creativity of our contemporary Valentina Rasputin is not an exception in this regard.
I love all the books of this writer, but I especially shook the story "Fire", published during the restructuring.
The event is simple: In the village of Sosnovka, warehouses tanned. Who saves folk good from the fire, and who pulls that it is possible for himself. The way people behave in an extreme situation, serves as a impetus to the head of the head of the charm of Ivan Petrovich Egorova, in which Rasputin embodied the people's nature of the tastefulness suffering from the form of destruction of the age-old moral basis of being.
Ivan Petrovich is looking for answers to questions that throws him the surrounding reality. Why "everything turned upside down? .. It was not necessary, not accepted, it became necessary and accepted, it was impossible - it was possible, it was considered a shame for the death sin - worshiped for agility and valor." How modern is these words! After all, in our days, sixteen years after the publication of the work, the oblivion of elementary moral principles is not a shame, but the "ability to live."
Ivan Petrovich made the rule of his life to "live on conscience", it hurts him that during the fire the one-handed Savely drags bags of flour into his bathhouse, and the "friendly guys - Arharaztsians" firstly grab drawers with vodka.
But the hero is not only suffering, he is trying to find the cause of this moral cloak. At the same time, the main thing is to destroy the centuries-old traditions of the Russian people: they have learned to plow and sow, they are accustomed only to take, cut down, destroy.
There are no sinths of this, and the village itself is like a temporary refuge: "an uncomfortable and untidy ... bivachny type ... As if they noded from place to place, stopped waiting for bad weather, and they were stuck ...". The absence of a house deprives people of life base, good, warmth.
Ivan Petrovich reflects on his place in the surrounding world, for "... There is nothing easier, how to get lost in yourself."
The heroes of Rasputin become people who live according to the laws of morality: Egorov, Uncle Misha Hampo, the price of his life was the moral commandment "not steal". In 1986, Rasputin, as if anticipating the future, spoke of the public activity of a person who could affect the spiritual atmosphere of society.
One of the important in the story is the problem of good and evil. And again I was amazed by the wisest talent of the writer who said: "Good in its pure form turned into weakness, evil - by virtue." From our life, after all, also left the concept of "good man," we learned to evaluate the identity of her ability to feel someone else's suffering, empathize.
One of the eternal Russian questions sounds in the story: "What to do?". But there is no answer. The hero, who decided to leave the sinth, does not find calm. The final of the story is impossible to read without excitement: "There is a small lost person on the spring earth, desperately finding his home ...
Silent, not that meeting, not that accompanied him, the earth.
Silent the Earth.
What are you, silent our earth, are you talking about?
And are you silent? ".
Russian writer Valentin Rasputin with civilian direct lifting raised the most pressing problems of time, touched on the most pain of his points. The very name "fire" acquires the character of the metaphor that bears the idea of \u200b\u200bmoral disadvantage. Rasputin convincingly proved that the moral damage of a separate person inevitably leads to the destruction of the foundations of the people's life.

Valentin Rasputin is one of the most famous writers of our time, in whose work is the most important place
the problem of human relationship with nature.
The image of the "unified reality", the ideal world of order, forcibly destroyed by a person, creates the author in
tale "Farewell to Mattera",
written in the mid-seventies of the 20th century. The performance appeared at the moment when the process
the destruction of human communication with
doya reached the critical point: as a result of the construction of artificial reservoirs, it was leaving
fertile lands, projects for the transfer of northern rivers were developed, unprofitable trees were destroyed.
Rasputin saw the deep connection of environmental and moral processes - the loss of the world's original
harmony, destruction of the relations of the ethical world of the person and Russian spiritual tradition. In "Farewell to Mattera" this
harmony personify the inhabitants of the village, old men and old women, and above all, the grandmother Daria.Resputin showed
the ideal world of nature and man living in harmony with him performing their work duty - saving
memorial about the ancestors. Darya once left her testament: "Live, stir, to break down to hook us with
white light, in it, that we were ... "These words largely identified her actions and relationships with
people. The author develops in the story of the motive of the "last term", the essence of which is that every person
its presence in the world establishes the relationship between the past, the present and future. In the story there are two
the world: the righteous, who the grandmother Daria calls "here!
"This is a matore, where everything is" familiar, it is covered and pretty ", and the world of sinful -" there "-juggers and a new
the village. Each of these worlds lives according to its laws. Matorery old people cannot accept the life of "there", where
"Forgot about the soul," the conscience "", the memory of "dried up", and after all, "dead ... ascend."
The most important problem is the feasibility of human intervention in the world of nature. "What
price? ", - Fucking the question of the son of grandmother Darya Paul. It turns out, work, which from the point of view of Christian
psychology is benefactor, it can be destructive power. This thought arises in the reasoning Paul about
the fact that the new village is built somehow inadvertent, "unfortunately".
The construction of hydroelectric power station, as a result of which the island of Matseur will be flooded, the ruin of the cemetery, burning houses and
forests - all this is more like a war with the world of nature, and not on his transfiguration. How tragedy perceives
everything that happens the grandmother Daria: "Nowadays the light broke in half." I am sure the old Daria and that lightness,
with which people are torn all ties, the painlessness of the crop with their native land, house, are composite
"Lightweight Life" of people of loveless, indifferent and even cruel people. Names such people in Daria "Observations".
V.Resputin with bitterness notes that the feeling of kinship is lost, lost in the consciousness of young people
memory, and therefore, they are incomprehensible to the pain of old people who say goodbye to the Mattera like a living being.
Episode of the destruction of the cemetery, saving which residents of the village are rushed
one of the key in the story. For them, the cemetery is a world in which
rolling their ancestors to live. It's a crime from the face of the earth. Run then an invisible thread,
binding peace together. That is why the ancient old women stand on the path of the bulldozer.
Man in the artistic concept of Rasputin is inseparable from the outside world - animal, vegetable,
space. In case of violation of even one level of this unity, the whole chain rushes, the world loses harmony.
The first death of the Mattera is the first to anticate the owner of the island - a small animal that symbolizes by
the author's plan, nature as a whole. This image gives the narrative a special deep meaning. It is pos-bond
to see and hear what is hidden from a person: farewell moans of the Lord, the "breath of growing grass", tried
pichug from the word, feel the doomes and close destruction of the village.
"There's no money to be," the owner accepts. And in his words - evidence of the helplessness of nature
before man. "What price?", "This question does not arise from porch, official Vorontsov or"
the richness of the beetle from the field of flooding zone. " She torments this question to Daria, Catherine, Paul and the author himself.
The story "Farewell to Mattera" gives an answer to this question: the price of the loss of "Natural Lada", the death of the righteous
world. He (peace) sinks, strokes fog, is lost.
The final of the works is tragic: the old people who remain in the Matte will hear the sonful howl - "Farewell Voice
The owner. "A good junction is natural. It is defined by the idea of \u200b\u200bRasputin. And the idea is as follows: people without soul and without
God ("in a com soul, in that and God," says grandma Daria) thoughtlessly carry out the transformations of nature, the essence
which in violence over all alive. Destroying the harmonious world of nature, the person is doomed to destroy himself.

The writing

The problem of morality in our time has become particularly relevant. In our society, the need to speak and reflect on changing human psychology, about the relationship between people, about the meaning of life, which is so tirelessly and so painfully comprehend the heroes and heroines of the ages and stories. Now we meet the loss of human qualities at every step: conscience, debt, mercy, good. In the works of Rasputin, we find situations close to modern life, and they help us understand the complexity of this problem. The works of V. Rasputin consist of "live thoughts", and we must be able to understand them if only because it is more important for us than for the writer himself, because the future of society and every person depends on us.

The story "last term", which V. Rasputin himself called the main of his books, touched upon many moral problems, illuminated the vices of society. In the work of V. Rasputin showed relations inside the family, raised the problem of respect for parents, very relevant in our time, revealed and showed the main wound of modernity - alcoholism, raised the question of conscience and honor, which touched each hero of the story. The main acting face of the story is the old woman Anna, who lived at his son Mikhail. She was eighty years old. The only goal remaining in her life is to see all his children before the death of all his children and with a calm conscience to go to the world. Anna had many children. They all went away, but fate would like to collect them all together at the time when the mother was in death. Anna's children are typical representatives of modern society, people employed, having a family, work, but remembering the mother, for some reason very rare. Their mother suffered very much and missed them, and when she came to die, only for the sake of them was left for a few days in this world and she would have lived as much as possible, if only they were near. And she, being already one foot on the world, managed to find the strength to revive, bloom, and for the sake of their children "miraculously it turned out or a miracle, no one will say, just to see his guys, the old woman began to come to life." And what about them. And they solve their problems, and it seems that their mother does not care much, and if they are interested in it, so only for decency.

And they all live only for decency. Do not hurt whom, not to focus, not to say superfluous - everything is for decency, so that no worse than others. Each of them in heavy days is engaged in their affairs, and the state of mother is little worried. Mikhail and Ilya hit the drunkenness, Lucy walks, Varvara solves her problems, and no one had an idea to pay a mother more time, talk to her, just sit nearby. All their concern about the mother began and ended with the "manna porridge", which they all rushed to cook. All gave advice, criticized others, but no one did anything himself. From the very first meeting of these people between them, disputes and swearing begin. Lucy, as if nothing had happened, sewed a dress, men drunk, and Varvara was even afraid to stay with his mother. And so passed days: permanent disputes and swearing, resentment on each other and drunkenness. So the children spent their mother on the last path, so they cared for her, so she was bothering and loved. They did not imbued with the mental state of the mother, did not understand her, they saw only that she recovers that they have a family and work and that they need to return home rather. I could not even say goodbye to my mother. Her children missed the "last term" to fix something, ask for forgiveness, just to be together, because now they are unlikely to gather again.

In this story, Rasputin showed very well the relationship between the modern family and their shortcomings, which are clearly manifested in critical moments, revealed the moral problems of society, showed the severity and selfishness of people, the loss of all respect and the ordinary feeling of love for each other. They, native people, were mired in malice and envy. They are worried only their interests, problems, only their affairs. They do not find time even for loved ones and native people. Did not find time for the mother - the most native person. For them, the first place is "me", and then everything else. Rasputin showed the rational of the morality of modern people and its consequences. The tale of the "last term", over which V. Rasputin began working in 1969, was first published in the magazine "Our Contemporary", in the rooms 7, 8 in 1970. She not only continued and developed the best traditions of domestic literature - first of all the traditions of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, but also reported a new powerful impetus to the development of modern literature, asked her a high art-philosophical level.

The story immediately came out a book in several publishers, was transferred to other languages, published abroad - in Prague, Bucharest, Milan. The "Last Deadline" play was put in Moscow (in Mkate) and in Bulgaria. Glory, brought by the writer first tast, was firmly fixed. The composition of any work V. Rasputin, the selection of details, of the visual means help to see the image of the author - our contemporary, citizen and philosopher.

One of the most famous modern Russian writers is Valentin Rasputin. I read a lot of his works, and they attracted me with their simplicity and sincerity. In my opinion, among the defining life impressions, one of the most severely impressed by simple Siberian women, especially the old woman. They attracted a lot: calm power and internal dignity, dedication in the difficult rustic work and the ability to understand and forgive others.

Such is Anna in the story of the deadline. The situation in the story is set at once: the eighty-year old old woman dies. As it seemed to me, the life introduced by Rasputin in his signs is always taken at the moment of a breakthrough of his natural course, when suddenly suddenly hangs a big trouble. It seems as if the Spirit of Death Victures Rasputy Heroes. Almost only about death thinks the old Tofamarka from the story and ten graves in the taiga. Ready to a date with the death of aunt Natalia in the story of Mairia. He dies on the hands of friends Young Leshka (I forgot to ask Leshki ...). Accidentally dirty from the old mine boy (there, on the edge of the ravine). Anna also in the story is not afraid to die, she is ready for this last step, because it is already tired, feels that he got out to the bottom of the bottom, bought up to the last droplet. The whole life run, on the legs, in labor, concerns: kids, house, garden, field, collective farm ... And now the time has come when the forces are not left at all, except to say goodbye to children. Anna did not imagine how it can leave forever, not seeing them, without having heard the native votes. For his life, the old woman gave birth to a lot, but now alive it remains only five. It turned out so because first to them in the family, like ferret in the chicken coop, having sought death, then the war began. The children disappeared, the children were missing, were strangers, and only the close death of the mother forces them to get together after a long separation. Before the death of death, not only the spiritual depth of a simple Russian peasant is revealed, but also in the nude light appear faces and the characters of her children.

I admire the character of Anna. In my opinion, it has the unshakable principles of truth and conscience. In the soul of an illiterate old woman, there is more strings than in the soul of its urban who have seen the world of children. There are such heroes of Rasputin, who can, and a little bit in the soul of these strings, but they sound strong and purely (for example, the old woman Tofamarka from the story of a person from this light). Anna and, perhaps, to an even greater degree of Daria from the story for Mary on the wealth and sensitivity of spiritual life, the mind and knowledge of a person can withstand comparison with many heroes of world and Russian literature.

Take a look from the side: lives his nervous old woman, it almost does not get up for recent years, why she and live something fondly writer so we describe her that we see how in these last, it seems to be completely worth it for it, months, days, hours , minutes in it is intense spiritual work. With her eyes we see and evaluate her children. These are loving and regretting eyes, but they definitely notice the essence of the changes. Brighter than all the facial change is visible in the appearance of the eldest son Ilya: next to his head his face seemed to be increasingly painted, as if he had sold his own Ilya or lost to an alien person. In him, the mother finds familiar features, it loses.

But the middle daughter Lucy became the urban all, from the legs to the head, she was born something from the old woman, and not from any urban, probably mistaken, but then I still found my own. She already, as it seems to me, everything was reborn to the last cell, as if she had no childhood, nor youth rustic. It is boxed by manners and tongue Rustic sisters Barbara and Brother Mikhail, their indigestivity. I remember one scene when Lucy was going to take a walk for health in the fresh air. Before her eyes appeared a picture of once native places, hurting a woman: an abandoned, launched land was spread before her, everything that once was well-groomed is given in the appropriate order of loving labor of human hands, now converged in one foreign launcher. Liuya understands that he was pleased with some silent long-standing wine for which they would have to keep the answer. Here is her wines: she was completely forgot with her here. After all, it was given to her to know and joyful dissolution in his native nature, and the daily example of a mother who felt deep relatives with all living things (no wonder Lyus remembered the case when the mother is affectionate, as a native man, raised hopelessly wondered by the smell, I caught a horse She and the terrible consequences of nationwide tragedies: a split, struggle, war (episode with trafficking, rustered Bandera).
Of all the children of Anna, I liked Mikhail most. He stayed in the village, he lives his century Anna. Mikhail is simpler, rougher its city children, there are more cones with claims and raves, but in fact he is very dull and deeper than others, not the fact that Ilya, that a cheerful buncher rolls through life, trying not to touch any angles.

Magnificent in the story of two chapters on how, having bought two drawers of vodka on the alleged commemoration, the brothers on the joy that the mother suddenly moved by a miracle from death, they began to break them down at first, and then with his friend Stepan. Vodka is similar to an animated creature, and, as with an evil, capricious lord, you need to be able to handle the smallest losses: it is necessary to take it on the fright, ... one does not respect her to drink. She then cholera, evil. The highest moment in the lives of many, above all men, alas, began to drink. For all the colorful scenes, behind the Plutov's stories of the drunks (here this story of Stepan, who sobs around his finger, snuck into the underground for the moonshine), for comic conversations (let's say, about the difference between a woman and a woman) Public, popular evil rises. Mikhail said about the causes of drunkenness: Life is now completely different, everyone, read, changed, and they, these changes, in person additives demanded ... The recreation body demanded. This is not me singing it he drinks. Let's return to the main heroine of the story. In my opinion, the old woman Anna embodied all the best sides of an original Siberian nature and in perseverance to the fulfillment of the everyday life, in hardness and pride. In the last chapters, the stories of Rasputin fully focuses on its main heroine and the final segment of her life. Here the writer introduces us to the deeces of maternal feeling to the latter, most beloved and close to her, the daughter of Tanychor. The old woman is waiting for the arrival of his daughter, but that, unfortunately, did not come, and then in the old woman suddenly something broke out, something burst into a short moan. From all children, again, Mikhail was able to understand what was happening with his mother, and he again took his sin to his soul. Your Tanychor will not come, and there is nothing to wait. I beat her a telegram, so as not to come, overpowing myself, he puts the point. It seems to me that this act of his cruel mercy is hundreds of unnecessary words.

Under the press of all unhappiness Anna cheated: Lord, let me go, I will go. I went to mine death my, I'm ready. His death, Mother-to-Metalky, she represented the same ancient, exhausted old woman. Own care for a long-distance katchet Rasputin's heroine will hold with amazing poetic discriminations, in all its stages and details.

Leaving, Anna recalls its children in those moments when they expressed all the best in themselves: the young Ilya is very serious, with faith takes the maternal blessing before leaving the front; Barbara, who grew up such a fusive, unfortunate woman, is seen in the early childhood of the digging fossa in the ground just look like that, and what is in it, looking for the fact that no one else knows it, Lucy is desperately, the whole being rushes from the outgoing steamhouse to meet the mother, leaving home; Michael, stunned by the birth of his firstborn, suddenly pierces the understanding of an ineverable chain of generations, in which he threw a new ring. And Anna remembered himself at the very wonderful moment of his life: she is not an old woman, she is still in girls, and everything around her young, bright, beautiful. She wanders along the coast on a warm, steam room after the rain river ... and it's good, happily to live at that moment in the world, to look with my own eyes on his beauty, to be among the stormy and joyful, consonant in all the acts of eternal life that she spins her Head and sweet, excitedly rocket in the chest.

When Anna dies, the children literally leave it. Varvara, referring to the fact that the guys left some, leaving, and Lucia and Ilya and do not explain the reasons for their flight. When a mother asks them to stay, then her last request remained unrelated. In my opinion, it will not pass by Varvar, nor Ilya, nor Lyus. It seems to me that it was the last of the last deadlines for them. Alas…

At night, the old woman died.

Thanks to the works of Rasputin, I was able to find answers to many questions. This writer remained in my presentation one of the best, leading modern prose. Please do not pass by his books, remove from the shelves, ask the library and read slowly, without hurrying, with thoughts.