Accentuations in person briefly. Human accentuations: classification by Leongard and personal

Accentuations in person briefly. Human accentuations: classification by Leongard and personal
Accentuations in person briefly. Human accentuations: classification by Leongard and personal

Accentuctions (from lat. Accentus - Emphasis, underscore) - extreme options for the norm, in which individual traits are hypertrophied and manifest in the form of "weak places" in the psyche of the individual - selectively vulnerability in relation to some of the effects with good and even increased stability to other impacts.

Types of accentuated personalities are not defined completely. They are described by K. Leongard and A. E. Pershy. However, these authors give an overly fractional classification of accentuations.


We allocate only four types of accentuated personalities: excitable, affective, unstable, disturbing.

Unlike psychopathy, character accentuation does not cause common social dezadaption of the person.

Intensively manifested in adolescence, character accentuation over time can be compensated, and under adverse conditions - to develop and transform to the "edges" of psychopathy.

Types of character accentuations

The main types of character accentuation include:

· Excitable;

· Affective;

· Unstable;

· Anxiety;

Sometimes an accentuation borders with various types of psychopathies, therefore, when it is characteristic, psychopathological schemes and terms are used. Psychodiagnostics of types and degree of severity of accentuations are carried out using the "Pato-kharacteriological diagnostic questionnaire" (developed by A. E. Persoid and N. Ya. Ivanov) and the MMPI personal questionnaire (the scales of which include zones of accentuated and pathological manifestations of character).

Character accentuation is the extreme options for the norm as a result of the enhancement of individual features. The accentuation of the character with very unfavorable circumstances can lead to pathological violations and changes in the behavior of the person, to psychopathy, but to identify it with the pathology is illegal. The properties of the character are not determined by non-biological patterns (hereditary factors), and public (social factors).

The physiological basis of character is the alloy of the type of type of nervous nervous activity and complex stable systems of temporary ties, developed as a result of individual life experience. In this alloy, temporary ties system play a more important role, since the type of nervous system can form all socially foam qualities of the person. But, firstly, the relationship systems are formed differently from representatives of different types of nervous system and, secondly, these relationship systems appear peculiar depending on the types. For example, the determination of character can be brought up by a strong representative, exciting the type of nervous system, and from a representative of a weak type. But it will be raised and manifest themselves differently depending on the type.

Attempts to build typology of characters have been repeatedly undertaken throughout the history of psychology.

All typologies of human characters proceeded and proceed from a number of general ideas.

The main ones are as follows:

§ the character of a person is formed pretty early in ontogenesis and throughout his rest shows itself as more or less stable;

§ The combinations of personal traits that are included in the character of a person are not random. They form clearly distinguishable types, allowing to identify and build typology of characters.

Most of the people in accordance with this typology can be divided into groups.

One of the curious classifications of character belongs to the well-known domestic scientist A.E. Persian. This classification is built on the basis of observations of adolescents.

The accentuation of character, in person, is an excessive increase in certain character traits (Fig. 6), in which no deviations beyond the norms in the psychology and human behavior are observed, bordering pathology. Such accentuations as temporary states of psyche are most often observed in adolescent and early youth. This factor explains the author of the classification as follows: "... With the action of psychogenic factors addressed to" the place of least resistance, temporary violations of adaptation, deviations in behavior can occur. When adulted in a child, his characteristic of his character, manifested in childhood, remain quite pronounced, lose their own Acute, but with age can again be shown clearly (especially if there is a disease).

In today's psychology, there are from 10 to 14 types (typologies) of character.

They can be defined as harmonious and disharmonious.

Harmonious types of character are characterized by a sufficient development of the main characteristics of the character without selection, separation, without exaggeration in the development of some other features.

Disharmonious manifest themselves from identifying different character traits and obtained the name accented or accentuated.

In 20-50% of people, some character traits are so poisoned that there is a "skew" of character - as a result, the interaction with people is worse, difficulties and conflicts appear.

The severity of the accentuation can be rachtic: from a light, noticeable immediate surrounding, to extreme options, when it is necessary to think, there are no diseases - psychopathy. Psychopathy is a painful deformity of the nature (while maintaining human intelligence), as a result of which relationships with the surrounding people are dramatically violated. But, in contrast to psychopathy, the character accentuation manifests itself is inconvenient, over the years they can completely smooth down, approach the norm. Character accentuation is most often found in adolescents and young men (50-80%), since it is these periods of life that the most critical for the formation of the nature, manifestation of uniqueness, individuality.

The accentuations can then be smoothed or, on the contrary, intensify, dismantle in neurosis or psychopathy.

Figure 2. Scheme of character accentuation according to E. Filatova and A.E. Testicle

You can consider twelve disharmonious (accentuated) types of character (according to the typology of K. Leongard) and describe their positive and negative qualities that can be reflected in human professional activities - we need it to confirm the foundation of the identity differentiation in the aspect of the characterological properties of a person.

Hyperthymic type

It features almost always a good mood, high life tone, splashing energy, irrepressible activity. She strives for leadership, adventures. It is necessary to relate to its unreasonable optimism and the revaluation of its capabilities. Features, attractive for interlocutors: Energy, thirst for activity, initiative, feeling new, optimism.

For the people around them, it is unacceptable: frivolity, a tendency to immoral actions, a frivolous attitude to the duties entrusted to him, irritability in a circle of loved ones.

The conflict is possible in monotonous work, loneliness, under conditions of tough discipline, constant morals. This leads to the fact that this person has anger. Such a person manifests itself well in the work associated with constant communication. These are organizational activities, the service of life, sports, theater. It is characteristically changing professions and work for him.

Distimical type

The opposite of the first type: Serious. pessimist. Constantly reduced mood, sadness, closedness, laxity. These people are with noisy societies, they don't agree with colleagues. Conflicts are rare, more often are in them the passive side. They highly appreciate those people who are friends with them and tend to obey them.

The surrounding their seriousness, high morality, conscientiousness and justice. But such features like passivity, pessimism, sadness, slowdiness of thinking, "separation from the team," repel those who surround from dating and friendship with them.

Conflicts are observed in situations that require violent activities. On these people, the change of the usual lifestyle has a negative impact. They cope well with work, which does not require a wide range of communication. Under adverse conditions, a tendency towards neurotic depression. This accentuation occurs most often in persons of the melancholic temperament.

Cycloid Type

Character accentuation is manifested in cyclically changing periods of lifting and downtime. During the period of lifting the mood, they show themselves as people with a hyperthythmic accentuation, during the period of decay with the distiliac. During the recession, exacerbately perceive the trouble. These frequent shifts of the mental state tire of a person, make his behavior unpredictable, contradictory, prone to the change of profession, place of work, interests.

Excitable type

This type of people has an increased irritability, a tendency to aggression, incontinence, disgusting, the focus, but is possible flattering, helpfulness, a tendency to rudeness and obscene branches or silence, slowness in conversation. They are actively and often conflicted, do not avoid quarrels with the bosses, non-advocate in the team, in the family are despotic and cruel. Outside the attacks of anger, these people are conscientious, neat and show love for children.

The surrounding does not like their irritability, hot temper, inadequate flashes of rage and anger with hand-drawing, cruelty, weakened control over the deposit. Physical labor, athletic sports are well affected on these people. They need to develop excerpt, self-control. Due to failure, they often change place of work.

Stuck type

People with such a type of accentuation "stuck" in their feelings, thoughts. They cannot forget the offense and "raise the scores" with their offenders. They have a service and household disadvantage, a tendency to protracted squabbles. In conflict, most often happen to be active and clearly define the day of themselves a circle of friends and enemies. Show authority.

Interlocutors like their desire to achieve high indicators in any case, manifestation of high demands, thirst for justice, principle, strong, sustainable views. But at the same time, these people have features that repel others: suspiciousness, suspicion, vitality, self-addiction, jealousness, ambition.

The conflict is possible with prudence of proud, unfair offense, obstacles to achieving ambitious purposes.

Pedantic Type

These people have pronounced "zealousness" in the form of the experience of details, in service they are able to torture formal requirements, exhaust home excessive accuracy.

For others, they are attractive in good faith, accuracy. seriousness, reliability in affairs and feelings. But such people have a number of repulsive character traits: formalism, "hooks", "fusey", the desire to transfer decision-making on others.

Conflicts are possible in the situation of personal responsibility for an important thing, with the underestimation of their merit. They are prone to obsession, psychstore.

For these people, professions are preferred not related to the "paper work". They are not inclined to change the place of work.

Alarm type

People of this type of accentuation are distinguished by a reduced mood, timidity, fearfulness, insecurity. They are constantly afraid of themselves, their loved ones, have long experienced failure and doubt the correctness of their actions. Conflicts rarely take and play a passive role.

Conflicts are possible in situations of fear, threats, ridicule, unfair accusations.

Surrounding their friendliness, self-criticism and operational. But childhood, constancy serve sometimes target for jokes.

In such people can not be managers, to make responsible solutions, since they are infinite experiences, weighing.

Emotive type

The person of this type of character is excessively sensitive, too, too, and deeply worries the slightest troubles. It is sensitive to comments, failures, so he most often has a sad mood. He prefers a narrow circle of friends and loved ones, who would understand him with a half-clow.

Conflicts rarely enters and plays a passive role in them. Resenting does not splash out, but prefers to keep them in themselves. The surrounding I like his compassion, pity, the expression of joy about other people's luck. It is very executive and has a high sense of duty.

Such a person is usually a good family man. But extreme sensitivity, tears repel from him around him.

Conflicts with a close man, death or illness he perceives tragically. He is contraindicated by injustice, rudeness, stay surrounded by rude people. It reaches the most significant results in the field of art, medicine, education of children, care for animals and plants.

Demonstrative type

This person seeks to be the center of attention and achieves his goals at any cost: tears, fainting, scandals, diseases, boasting, outfits, unusual hobbies, lie. He easily forgets about his non-resident auction. He has high adaptability to people.

This person is attractive to those surrounding perseverance, perseverance, focus, acting, the ability to captivate others, as well as its originality. He has features that people repulse from him, these features contribute to conflict: egoism, the unbridle of actions, deceit, boasting, tendency to intrigue, lean from work. Conflict with such a person occurs when his interests are infringed, the underestimation of merit, overthrowing from the "pedestal." These situations cause him hysterical reactions.

Exalted type

People with such a type of accentuation have a very volatile mood, liftingness, increased distractions for external events. Their emotions are pronounced and find their reflection in love.

These features like altruism, artistic taste, artistic talent, the brightness of feelings and affection for friends, like interlocutors. But excessive impressionability, pattering, panicity, exposure to despair are not their best features. Failures and gradual events are perceived tragically, such people have a tendency to neurotic depression.

Their existence environment is the field of art, artistic sports, professions associated with the proximity of nature.

Introvert type

People of this type of accentuation are characterized by small sociability, closedness. They are located aside from all and come into communicating with other people only but necessary, most often immersed in themselves and their thoughts. They are characterized by an increased vulnerability, but they say nothing to themselves and do not share their experiences. Even their loved ones are cold and restrained. Their behavior and logic often do not understand others.

These people love loneliness and prefer to be in privacy, not in a noisy company. Conflicts are rare, only when trying to invade their inner world.

They are legible in choosing a spouse and are engaged in search of their ideal.

They have strongly expressed emotional coldness and weak attachment to loved ones.

The people around them like restraint, powerfulness, aimedity of actions, the presence of solid beliefs and principle. But the persistent settling of its unrealistic interests, views and the presence of its point of view, sharply different from the opinion of the majority, repel people from them.

Such people are preferable to work that does not require a large circle of communication. They are prone to theoretical sciences, philosophical reflections, collecting, chess, fiction, music.

Conformal type

People of this type have high sociability, wordhatotes to chatty. Usually they do not have its own opinions and do not seek to stand out from the crowd.

These people are not organized and strive to submit to others. In communicating with friends and in the family, leadership is inferior to others. Surrounding in these people like their willingness to listen to the other, the extension. But at the same time, these are people "without a king in the head," are subject to someone else's influence. They do not think about their actions and have a big passion for entertainment. Conflicts are possible in a situation forced loneliness, uncontrolled.

These people have an easy adaptability to a new job and perfectly cope with their official duties when the tasks and rules of behavior are clearly defined.

Conclusion for the fourth chapter

Separate accentuated character traits are usually enough compensation. However, in difficult situations, a person with an accentuated character may have a violation of behavior. Character accentuation, its "weak points" can be apparent and hidden, manifested in extreme situations. Persons with personal accentuations more pillars with environmental influences are more susceptible to mental injury. And if the unfavorable situation is hitting the "weak point", then all the behavior of such persons is sharply modified - begin to dominate the features of the accentuation.

personality Psychological Character

"The students, with whom she most often had to work, extremely quick-tempered. Many of them, devoid of elementary moral men, habitually Lgali, hooliganili, cheered, but at the same time they fell into limitless, genuine rage from undesumed accusations "

Joan Rowling "Random Vacancy"

This is a quotation from the work of the famous as it is impossible to accurately characterize the entire completeness of the unpredictability and controversialness of a person, who was still careless yesterday, was distinguished by "smooth" behavior, and today it is absolutely inadequate for others and even for himself reacts and acts in those situations that previously did not cause himself No special emotions. It is true that the teenager is not an adult, but no longer a child. An adult mature personality is characterized by character stability, while the teenager only steps on the path of personal development. It is at this time that for the first time they begin to vividly allocate characteristics of character - pointed features that manifest themselves in specific situations.

Domestic scientist, doctor of medicine A. E. Pershko created the character of the character accentuation, which combined the knowledge of psychopathies and the classification of Leongard's accentuations at the time. Psychopathy is deviations in the character that affect all human lives. They proceed from the concept of "accentuated personality", while personality is a broader concept, rather than character. Character accentuations are personalized by typology of pointed character traits as an extreme version of the mental norm. This is not deviation and no violation, but those characteristics of the nature that form the personality of the teenager.

Professional psychological method of PDO (Patoocherological diagnostic questionnaire) was created by A. E. Pershy specially for identifying types of character in the presence of certain accentuations. This technique is useful in that in time the identified accentuations make it possible to adjust their negative impact on the formation of a mature personality. The technique helps the psychiatrist to identify psychopathy, and the psychologist is an accentuation of character.

It was time to consider in detail the accentuation of the character in person, which form the character of a teenager and affect the formation of his personality.

Hypertension type

These are very movable, sociable and even sometimes chatty people who seek independence. Usually, they are with a positive-raised mood, which can be changed by discontent, angrily or anger in a situation of misunderstanding of their behavior by other people. The place of joy comes ugly, because of discontent itself. In stressful situations, a large stock of vital energy and optimism demonstrate. High vitality can lead to the revaluation of its capabilities. They are often unsolicited in dating, which can lead to negative consequences: asocial behavior, to the formation of bad habits.

This type of accentuation is manifested by cyclical, when the hypertension phase is replaced by depressive manifestations. Each phase has its own "weaknesses". During the hypertension of the phase, these are all the same non-trimming links, the intolerance to the monotony and painstaking work. All this is replaced by the crash of life stereotypes in the depressive phase, when an ordinary lifestyle ceases to arrange, appears, irritability. The sensitivity in comments and reproaches are exacerbated, which are perceived as confirmation of their insolvency and weakness. If these feelings are exacerbated, a threat of suicidal behavior may appear. Persuko indicates that these phases can be replaced both every three or four days and delay for longer periods.

Labile type

The main feature of this type is the extreme variability of mood and a common emotional state. If other unstable types have variability manifest in behavior, then the labile type is changing exactly the emotional state. This feature can be explained on a simple example: in the absence of explicit failures and problems, the mood of such a person can change dramatically from very fun to gloomy and depressive, because the random passerby "threw" an unwriting look, or rain began. Usually these experiences are very deep and manifest as in the absence of appetite, the loss of working capacity, the desire for loneliness.

Asthenonevrotic type

This type of accentuation is characterized by a tendency to the hypochondria - exaggerated experiences about possible diseases. Such people are prone to high fatigue and irritability. This is especially manifested with excessive mental loads. Irritation is very strong when the surrounding can get "under the hot hand". But this condition is dramatically replaced by repentance and even tears. Self-assessment in these people is associated with manifestations of hypochondria: if the well-being and mood is good, then they show themselves quite confident and optimistic.

Sensitive type

These are people who are distinguished by anxiety from an early age, and at an older age, there is no closure and closeness. It is difficult for them to relax in a noisy company and find a common language with an unfamiliar person. However, in close surroundings are open and sociable people. When entering adult life, they feel the feeling of insulation and inferiority, which generates the reaction of hypercompensation. This means that a person does not avoid his "weak zones", but on the contrary, to strive to assert them. For example, the shy guy behaves unclosed and arrogant. But at that moment, when the circumstances require decisive action from him, its weaknesses appear.

PsychoShenic type

One of the most important features of this type of accentuation is a tendency to obsessive states that manifest themselves from childhood in the form of various fears and phobias. Affected to self-analysis, anxious constancy, which arises on the basis of uncertainty in its future. These are strong experiences about possible, often unlikely events of the future. To extinguish the effect of this alarm, they come up with various helps rituals. For example, not to get sick, do not touch the door handles. Also manifests formalism and pedantry. This behavior brings confidence that if everyone is planning in advance, then nothing bad happens.

Schizoide type

This type of accentuation can be characterized by the absence of "internal unity". This is talking about this combination of the following features: coldness and sensitivity, closure and talkativeness, inconsistency and dedication, affection and antipathy, depth of the inner world and the surface of its manifestation. The most vivid features of the type are considered a low need for communication and pesting from others. In adolescence, these features are very sharp and become noticeable. Low ability to intuition and empathy are felt like coldness. The inconsistency of these people is manifested to the fact that they will rather open a stranger than they will be frank with close people.
Video about the schizoid type of character accentuation in person:

A bright feature of this type is a dysphoria - an angry-angry state, in which the evil and aggression accumulate, and after some time they are thrown out in the form of prolonged flares of anger. Inertia in all aspects: life values, emotional sphere, in movements. These features are manifested in strong jealousy, often unfounded. Do not love "empty dreams", try to live in reality and not build illusions. Epiletoid accentuation is one of the most difficult social adaptation in terms of social adaptation.

Exteroid type

Elevated egocentrism, thirst for universal love and recognition, high demonstration make up the basis of this type. Hate and negative opinion about their personality such people perceive much better than neutral attitude and even indifference. They are very afraid to stay unnoticed. An important feature of this type is the suggestibility, but it does not have a trace, if the suggestion is not aimed at emphasizing the merits and admiration.

Unstable type

Actually, the instability of these people is manifested in the inability to follow the socio-acceptable forms of behavior. From an early age, there is an unwillingness to study, they obey the elders, in an older age they are experiencing difficulties in romantic relations from difficulties in establishing deep emotional relations. These people try to live in a real day, do not make plans for the future and do not seek to achievements.

Conformal type

These are people, the main feature of which is the desire to "merge" with others. This is manifested in the adoption of other points of view, leadership of other people's desires and common goals. They try not to differ from others, very tied to a close environment. In the professional sphere, misinterfidence is pronounced. It is suitable for any work, if only it was not related to the need to be initiated.

The psychological term "accentuation of character" is used quite often in everyday life. Many people interested in psychology use special tests in order to determine their belonging to a specific psychotica. However, in order to understand the phenomenon of accentuation as much as possible, it should be led to what character is and what factors affect its formation. Let's figure it out in terminology and consider the classification of accentuations, which was proposed by the Soviet psychiatrist Andrei Lychko.

The theory of accentuated personalities quickly proved its accuracy and utility

To begin with, it should be understood with the meaning of the word "character". This term is used in psychology to describe the combination of specific personality features, which determine the worldview, attitude towards others and define a person in society. There are three features of character:

  • the formation of an individual behavioral model of a person;
  • assistance in creating communicative connections with surrounding people;
  • impact on lifestyle and vital activity of a concrete individual.

What is a person's accentuation

The founder of the teachings associated with the accentuation of character is Karl Leongard. Thanks to his theory, psychologists were able to classify all people into separate groups, depending on the type of their personality. The only disadvantage of this theory was that only adults could cope with the test questions. Unlike them, adolescents and children do not have the necessary life experience, based on which they could pass testing. This explains the complexity of determining the type of character in a child.

This issue, a domestic specialist from the field of psychiatry, Andrei Pershko, dedicated his research. His work is a modified Leongard test, which can be applied on any person, regardless of belonging to a certain age group.

The types of character accentuation are personal, are a completely recycled model proposed by Leongard, which has several new types of character.

According to Persia, the study of adolescence accentuation is most important. Many specific features of personality laid in a person in childhood are manifested in adolescence most brightly. It was this factor that made it possible to expand the characteristics of many types of accentuations, as well as study their modification as agreed. This issue was raised in the following works of an outstanding scientist:

  1. "Psychopathies and accentuations of character in adolescents";
  2. "Teenage Psychiatry";
  3. "Teenage narcology".

Andrey Persuko modified the Leongard test to determine accentuations in order to use it in children and adolescence

Children's classification

It was personal, was the first scientist who proposed to change the term "personality accentuation". In his opinion, this term did not fully revealed the entire nature of this phenomenon. The proposed term "accentuation of character" is more correct, since many specific personality features cannot be generalized under a single concept. The human personality is a collective concept that includes the level of education, mental and behavioral reactions, worldview and fectures of education.

Character is an external behavioral and mental response to the influence of various events. Such reactions are closely interconnected with the activity of the nervous system and are included in a number of narrow characteristics of the characteristics of the behavioral model. According to the psychiatrist, some character features have a temporary nature and as they grow modified or completely disappeared. Some of these features are transformed into psychopathy over time. The development of accentuation is associated with the influence of factors such as a specific type of accentuation, the severity of this type and social impact.

In psychology, the accentuation is one of the types of deformation of the character in which certain features acquire more pronounced severity. Similar changes lead to the fact that a person becomes more sensitive to the influence of certain factors. Such an impact can cause difficult adaptation to changes in various conditions. But in most cases, the ability to adapt persists, however, the confrontation of the influence of various factors may be difficult.

According to person, the accentuation is a kind of border located between psychopathy and a normal psyche. This means that the classification of accentuations is closely interconnected with typology of psychopathy.

The degree of severity of accentuation

In his research, personally notes the existence of two forms of accentuated personality traits. The first form is explicit, and the second hidden. An explicit degree is a state in which, pronounced features are preserved throughout the human life. Such features are compensated by the psyche, even with the absence of mental injuries. At the same time, pronounced accentuations in adolescents may cause deadaption. Hidden accentuations arise against the background of obtaining mental injuries, as well as under the influence of stressful factors. Such traits rarely violate the ability to adapt, but may cause short-term deadaption.

Persian first suggested replacing the term "personality accentuation" at the "accentuation of character"

Despite the fact that the phenomenon of accentuation is being studied for more than fifty years, science has not been able to find answers to questions related to the dynamics and development of certain types of accentuation. Andrei Personko, who devoted his life to the study of this phenomenon, is one of those who have made a significant contribution to the development of this direction.

According to experts, the formation and development of accentuations begins in adolescence. At the end of the puberty period, such features become smoother and compensated by others. Some of the explicit accentuations can begin modifications, becoming hidden. The hidden accentuations of a certain psychotype of the personality are revealed under the influence of stressful factors and psychotrauming situations. For certain types of accentuations, various violations are characterized, which include deviant behavior, acute affective reactions and neuroses. It should also be noted that the impact of external factors and internal mechanisms can lead to transformation of accentuations and contribute to the emergence of psychopathy.

Factors affecting the development of accentuation

Features of a human character are closely interrelated with a teenage accentuation. In his studies, Andrei Persuko raised the issue of communication between a certain age and the development of psychopathy in this period. According to the scientist, many character traits that have pathological severity are reflected in many areas of human livelihoods. The severity of various features determines the behavioral model during communication with parents, close friends and unfamiliar people.

Thanks to this factor, the possibility of an error-free definition of adolescents having a hypertension of behavior appears, which is characterized by a strong energy release, as well as the exteroid behavioral model, which is manifested in the form of an uncontrolled desire to be in the center of attention of surrounding people. In addition, psychiatrists appear the possibility of identifying a schizoid behavior model, which manifests itself in the form of voluntary social isolation.

In adolescence, many features of personality are stable, but at a certain period there are sharpening. It is this time interval that is most critical because there are all the necessary conditions for the emergence of psychopathies. Each of the psychopathy occurs in a certain age period. A person with a schizoid type of character can be determined in the first years of his life. Hypertension type of accentuation is manifested between the ages of twelve to sixteen.

Character accentuation in person - temporary changes of the nature that change or disappear in the process of growth and development of the child

In the development of various types of accentuation in adolescents, there are certain patterns. The impact of social and biological factors can lead to a hyperitronic type transformation in a cycloid form. The character accentuation is more characteristic of adolescence, since specific features of the personality manifest themselves in a ventatory with maximum brightness. Upon completion of this time, they acquire a more smoothed form and are compensated. However, there is a possibility of transforming explicit forms in a sharp view.

It should be paid to the fact that adolescents that have obvious accentuations are included in a kind of risk. The impact of psychotrambulating circumstances and other stimuli can lead to a transformation of pronounced traits - in psychopathy. Such a transformation is caused by deviation, delinquency and appearance of a suicide.

Classification system

The technique developed by Andrey Persoido is based on the systems of classifications proposed by Leongard and Gannushkin. This classification includes the following forms of accentuations:

  • cycloid;
  • unstable;
  • psychoshenic (alarming-manic);
  • hypertension;
  • asthenonevrotic;
  • exteroidal (demonstrative);
  • labile;
  • schizoid (introverted);
  • conformal;
  • sensitive (sensitive);
  • epileptoid (inert-impulsive).

In addition to the above, there is a mixed form in which the features of different types of accentuation are combined.

The hypertension form of accentuation can be described as a tendency to a positive, rare flare and irritability. This character warehouse is characterized by high vigorousness in combination with life activity, strong health and high health. The sensitive form is manifested in the form of a high level of responsibility, unstable self-esteem and increased sensitivity. Such people are muggy, impressionable and shy to others. The cycloid type of character is manifested in the form of frequent changes in mood, irritability and tendency to depressive disorder. Despite this, such people often stay in a raised mood and look positively on the world around.

For people with a psycho-bearer personality warehouse, elevated anxiety, imperidity, indecision and pedantry are characterized. In contrast, the labile form is manifested in the form of frequent changes of the mood, a tendency to affective disorders, infantality and emotional fragility. Such people need constant emotional support from others.

The path of development of accentuation is determined by its severity, social environment and type (hidden or explicit) accentuation

Individuals related to asthenonevironment category are characterized as unnecessary irritable and capricious paintings. Fast fatigue in combination with a low level of concentration of attention is accompanied by physical weakness and dimming. The schizoid type of accentuation is manifested in the form of empathy and severe emotionality. Such people prefer closedness and voluntary social isolation.

Conformal character type involves high social adaptation, conservatism and patterns of thoughts. For the exteroid group, demonstrative behavior, increased emotionality, unstable self-assessment and thirst for public attention are more characteristic. People belonging to unstable category have a weak will and rarely resist the negative influence of external stimuli.

Epiletoid warehouse of character can be described as impulsiveness and inertness of the behavioral model. For such personalities, such features like pedanticity, dedication and painstopping are characteristic. Among the negative traits should be distinguished by ground irritability, passion for conflicts and natural hostility.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that this system has been developed for the classification of the behavioral model of persons of adolescence. However, it is the personnel system that is most commonly used to determine the type of character in adults. Knowledge of key character traits allows you to create a more productive communicative connection between people. This means that the personality classification systems help identify the features in the behavioral model and understand the incentives that pursues a particular individual.


Each person has sustainable personality features, temperament, manner of behavior, the style of communication with the surrounding and reaction to various circumstances. All these features can be called in one word - character. It is he who gives an individual with distinctive properties and makes it an individual.

Not all character traits are positive. Some deliver a lot of difficulties in life to their owner. These features are usually congenital, and in the process of socialization can undergo changes. Maybe the subject of them and will be able to suppress them at all. But in the critical situation, negative qualities can manifest themselves very bright.

Character accentuation is an excessive severity of its individual properties. This feature of the individual affects the behavior and actions, attitude towards himself and others. This is an extreme version of the norm that is not considered a mental disorder. Among young people, explicit or hidden accentuations are found in 95% of the surveys. Mortification, man smoothes unwanted features, and the number of accentuations is reduced to 50-60%.

Excessive severity of certain characteristics is not always harmful. For example, people with an exteroid type are talented actors, and with hypertension - positive, sociable and can find a common language with any person.

Andrei Evgenievich Persheko

Soviet psychiatrist, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Psychoneurological Institute. V. M. Bekhtereva.



    Emotionally labile









Hypertension type It retains almost always raised mood, activity, enterprise and sociability, talkative, quick speech, expressive facial expressions. His representatives, thanks to a good orientation in a changing situation, often first successfully risen on the social staircase. But very often sooner or later comes the collapse of career because of the inability to foresee the remote consequences of their actions, overly rainbow hopes, illegitability in the choice of arbitrariness, inclinations towards adventures. But with failures, they are not desperate - they are looking for a new field for the use of cycling energy. In family life, it is managed to combine the ease of adding spouses with attachment to them, unless they look through their fingers on their adherents. In general, the hypertima can be said that they are good tactics and not anywhere stories. Part of them, with age, short depressive phases appear - they are from hyperties turn into cycloids. The most conflict and hostile relationship in hyperties add up with epileptoids. Bad compatibility happens to representatives of their own type due to the struggle for leadership, and the best with emotional-labilic and conformal, who willingly host the leadership of hypertimes.

Cycloida When matting behave differently. In some of them, the phase is smoothed by another part, on the contrary, it becomes even more obvious. Finally, a small part, as it were, for many years, "stuck" in the same phase, turning into hypertimes or melancholics - a rare "constitutional-oppressed type" according to PB Khannushkin. Recent cases may be accompanied by a strut of asthen-neurotic symptoms with hypochondrization. Some cycloids are the connection of phases since the year.

One "decals" falls for the winter - there is something similar "winter hibernation" with constant lethargy, a fall in activity, a decline in all interest, avoiding noisy companies and the preference of the usual narrow circle of communication. In these periods, the steep breakdown of the stereotype of life is seriously transferred - moving to a new place of residence, a new job, the emergence of new family members changing the usual way. In other subdepressive states, usually fall on the spring, and "Rises" for autumn. They themselves say well. A.S. can serve as a bright example of this group. Pushkin:

"I don't like spring ... I'm sick in the spring,

Blood wanders, feelings, the mind is crammed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

And every fall I flourish again ...

I feel love again to the habits of being;

Well, the dream flies, twready finds hunger;

Easy and happily plays blood blood,

Wishes boil - I'm happy again, young ... "

"Autumn" is written by Pushkin at 34 years old.

The use of tricyclic antidepressants during the light depression in cycloids is apparently irrational. A tendency to "swinging" phases, which become more pronounced. Correction is better to carry out with the help of tranquilizers or eglonila (dogmatian, sulpirid).

Labile (emotional-labile) type Character accentuations also over the years undergo various changes. Part of his representatives as if approaching cycloids: they appear short subdependility phases last to several days. Other features of emotional lability are smoothed, others remain like in his youth. Usually the rapid intuitive perception of attitudes towards them surrounding, excessive sensitivity to emotional cure on the part of significant persons and constant need for empathy. Representatives of this type often retain some infantomy, many years remain very oldly, look younger than their years. But signs of a fever appear early and almost suddenly. They, as it were, there are no period of real maturity - they go to old age from youth. In life, they are difficult to combine with representatives of epileptoid and sensitive types of accentuation, most of all prefer communicating with hypertimes that mood them.

Sensitive type The accentuations in adulthood undergo little change, although, due to hypercompensation, some features are trying to mask. Nevertheless, constant concern is preserving the attitude towards others, caution and timidity in contacts, experiences due to a complex of own inferiority. Psychogenic depression and phobias are easily developed. If you manage to get a family and children, then sensitivity smoothes if they remain lonely, maybe even sharpened. Especially this can be seen from the "old virgins", eternally afraid of being suspected of extramarital sexual contacts. But only occasionally it comes to "sensitive nonsense relationship" by E.rekchmera.

Psychiathenic (Pineapple) Type Accentuations also change little with age. All also live a constant anxiety for the future, prone to reasoning, self-confidence. Indecisiveness is combined with unexpected accumulation of actions. The obsessions are easily arising, which, like Pedanthism, serve as psychological protection against anxiety. But if psychasterics, like sensitive, adolescent age are negatively related to alcohol and other dopeful means, then when aging, alcohol can become more attractive as a method for suppressing an internal alarm, constant voltage. In relation to close and subordinates, a petty despotism can act, which, apparently, feeds on the same internal anxiety. Relationships with other sometimes spoils petty principle.

Schizoide type Accentuations are also distinguished by the stability of the basic character traits. The closure with age can partly disguise by external formal contacts, but the inner world still remains for the seven seals for others, and emotional contacts are difficult. Performances the restraint in the manifestation of emotions, immudence in exciting situations, although the ability to own themselves in schizoids may not be so much due to the power of the will, as with the weakness of temperament. There is a lack of empathy, empathy ability. In social life with age, you will not be weakened by youthful nonconformism: tend to look for non-sabroval solutions, preferred inaccessible forms of behavior, are capable of unexpected evasapada, without taking into account the harm that they apply to themselves. The enrichment of life experience changes little intuition in contacts with others, the inability to understand unspokenied by other feelings, desires, concerns, which was still marked by G. Aspersher in schizoid children. The fate of schizoid accenants largely depends on the extent to which they manage to satisfy their hobby. Sometimes they unexpectedly detect non-serve ability to stand up for themselves and their interests, make others abide by the distance. Spouses and children often cause dissatisfaction with their silence. In professional activities, even multicast can be, although the Scriptures are usually preferred by oral statements. In their sympathies of schizoids, sometimes emotionally labile, can be feeling in their character what they themselves are missing.

Epileptoid type Accentuations also retain the main features, especially the combination of slow inertness in movements, actions, thoughts with affective explosives. In Affect, they are able to lose control of themselves, to break out the thread of the battle, to put the beatings - during these moments from slowness there is no trace. In some cases, over the years, "hypersociality" with the supervision, the establishment of "its orders", intolerance to dissent, clutch against the offense, is increasingly manifested. Alcohol abuse is accompanied by heavy forms of intoxicating with aggressiveness and deposit from the memory of individual periods of time. If alcoholism develops, it flows malignantly. Some especially act the vitality and sadistic inclinations. In groups, they seek to become the lord, in contacts - to subordinate, to dive others, although they often get used to the authorities and strong world, especially if the benefits and concerns are waiting for themselves. Pedantic accuracy is visible by clothing, hairstyle, preference of order in everything. Sexual partners themselves easily change, but infidelity is not tolerated, extremely jealous and suspicious.

Exteroid type Accentuations are distinguished by infinite egocentrism, insatiable thirst for constant attention of the surroundings towards himself. In case of mature, social adaptation largely depends on how profession or social position allow you to satisfy this thirst. At the exceptional position, they claim to be in the family, and with sexual contacts. Dissatisfied egocentrism in adulthood leads to the fact that violent oppositionality becomes elements in social life. Sour off their own eloquence, its "outstanding" role. Win on transitional moments in society, in a situation of crisis and confusion. It was then that crypthood can be accepted for energy, theatrical warlikeness - for decisiveness, the desire to be in front of everyone - for organizational abilities. Once in power - big or small - exteroids are not so much controlled as they play control. The leadership of the exteroids soon passes, as soon as the environment disassembled that there are no problems with the crackle phrases.

Unstable type Accentuations are often detected in adolescence. Judging by Katamnez, the fate of most is sad: alcoholism, drug addiction, crime. In the asocial company, unstable remains on the roles of "six" - subordinates, serving in front of leaders, but ready for everything. Only cowardice is capable of keeping serious crimes. In cases of satisfactory social adaptation, the main features - disgust to work, thirst for constant entertainment, irresponsibility - smoothed, more often under the influence of a strong personality, from which dependent, and a rigidly regulated regime.

Conformal type The characteristics of the character described by us still remains little recognized. Its main features are blind followed by the customs of their environment, noncriticality to everything that falls from the usual environment and the prejudicable rejection of everything that comes from people not to their circle, dislike new, change, intolerance to breaking stereotypes. But all this allows you to adapt in conditions when life does not require a large personal initiative when you can swim in the direction laid by the usual surroundings. But even in the era of social cataclysms, conformal begin to behave as many of the usual environment - for example, to show unrestrained aggressiveness.