Proverbs Daly Folk. Proverbs Dahl (from the book "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people") History of the creation of a collection of Dalya proverbs of the Russian people

Proverbs Daly Folk. Proverbs Dahl (from the book "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people") History of the creation of a collection of Dalya proverbs of the Russian people
Dal Purdominsky Vladimir Ilyich

"Proverbs of the Russian People"

"Proverbs of the Russian People"

"The assembly of proverbs is a set of people, experienced wisdom, the color of a healthy mind, the life of the truth of the people," Dal writes; To collect and explore the proverbs - it means to do "some kind of arch and conclusion, a general conclusion about the spiritual and moral features of the people, about its everyday relations." In the work of the people, Dalya is attracted not only creativity ("Dar of Creating"), more - the creator, the gift of this possessing: people.

Collected proverbs and before. At the end of the seventeenth century, the arch of the "Agents or Proverbs of the Mostlyoral" was drawn up, because they are "beerly demanded and useful and useful to all the Veloma." In Dalevo, the case of this was a lot and stubbornly served by Professor Ivan Mikhailovich Snegolev. Sneguing had about ten thousand proverbs, he also saw a reflection of historical events, social and family life in them, but he believed that the proverbs were created in the elected, "higher" circle, the people only accepted and distributed wise trees, opening in them " Society Russian good nature, mercy, patience. " Metropolitan Evgeny, one of the then spiritual Vladyk, called the Blanc book by the "course of the national morality"; Vladyka Svetsky, Sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich complained by the author of a diamond perside. Snegrev is a serious scientist, but he did not investigate the proverbs to learn and understand his people, he believed that he knew the people and understands him, and, of this, based, collected (picked up!) Proverbs. Snegrevsky collections are called "Russians in their proverbs" and (later) "Russian folk proverbs" - headlines essentially Effective from Daleva: "Proverbs of the Russian People."

Snegilev (what would be the looks of it) - a scientist, for him proverbs distributed in the people, tested and sharpened by centuries; There were people trying distribute The people of the proverbs. It is funny, however, in its own way and is significant: an attempt to plan the proverb in the people is the recognition of her strength and effectiveness.

Catherine Two (which and Russian did not really know) with the help of secretaries composed "Centralization" like "mercy - the keeper of the state" or "where the love is non-estatery, there is a true hope." Already at Dale, at the end of the forties, some kind of anecdotal KOVANCO through the Minister of Uvarov brought the king of a ridiculous collection "The old proverb will not be broken through, or an experienced foundation of popular wisdom in two parts", in which the "presentation is one great thought of the Spirit of People's" - love for the sovereign; It is impossible to call the author's proverbs: "The dog on the Vladyka barks, to say: Ay, Moskka, know, she is strong, turn on an elephant" (Highest ordered to release the book by the second edition).

Do not want to diminish the scholars of the merit of Snegherev (by the way, highly appreciated Dalen), but in his glance - "the proverbs were coalled by her royal-priesthood and dressed her in the chorder's rubish and intervened her in the crowd of mobiles" - and in trying to "over" The proverb to the people is something implicitly common; It is, this is general, in the root contradicts Dalev's conviction that the proverbs are created by the people and only people exist: "Recognizing the proverb and saying for a walking coin, it is obvious that we must go there where they go; And I kept this belief for decades, writing everything that I managed to intercept on the fly in an oral conversation "(" walk on them ", according to the proverb, - it is still said that" on the mushrooms, "the method is opened in this shade Daleva gathering!).

No, the distance is not neglected by the works of the predecessors, in the "intimate" to the meeting, he commemorates his kind word and Snegherev, and Knyyzhevich, who published in 1822, "the full meeting of Russian proverbs and sayings", and other wets in general with him, commemorates even an old PIITA IPPOLIT Bogdanovich with his attempts to turn the proverb to "Confectionery wisdom" ("How much wolf is neither feed, he turned into a forest" Bogdanovich turned into: "The faded wolf will not be a dog - his feed, and he looks at the forest"), comes Krylova and Griboedov, because "included his saying in the collection", those of their sayings, which he had to "hear in the form of proverbs", but the main source of labor is not printed compilation collections, but the "live Russian language", "by which he went there, where He lived intact, this language undistressed, - in the most people.

"In the meeting of Knyuzhevich (1822), only 5300 (with dozens) proverbs; They are added to I. M. Snegirev to 4000; From all this number I was eliminated at all or not accepted as they are printed to 3500; In general, it is almost more than 6,000 from books or print, or about fifth fraction My collection. The rest are taken from private notes and are collected on the humus, in oral conversation. " In the date of Dahl more than thirty thousand proverbs, and accurately - 30 130.

Proverbs in Labor Daly are often controversial: the people sometimes think about one thing: "It is wonderful that the body is a goal, and wool grows - the wisers of that." The people in the king believed: "Without the king - the land of the widow," but still "Sovereign - Batka, and the Earth - Matika," and then the experience-tip: "To the sky is high, before the king far," "King because of the tint Do not see. " The people in God believed: "That God is pleased, then it is suitable," but still "God and hears, do not soon say", and the experience-tip: "We hope for God, and you yourself are not a root!" The people in the truth believed: "Whoever keeps the truth, that God will award," but still "in any Paul has its own truth," and experience-tip: "The truth is to speak - not to please", "True in the laps; And krivda, though in curves, yes in boots. " Dal explained: "The most blasphemy, if it were where it met in the folk sayings, should not scare us: we collect and read the proverbs not for only fun and not as the instructions of moral, but for studying and searching, we want to know everything , what is".

Dala's work, contrary to the title, is not some proverbs; The subtitle clarifies: "Collection of proverbs, sayings, rivers, progress, clean paintings, additives, mysteries, belts, and so on." In the "intimate" Dal interprets: the proverb - "short parable", "judgment, verdict, a teaching expressed by an abundant and fleece into circulation, under the whien of the nationality"; saying - "Owl expression, portable speech, simple allegory, an objection, a way of expression, but without parables, without judgment, conclusion, use; This is one first half of the proverb "(" saying - flower, and a proverb - berry "), etc. But we, without leaving the final conversation about the composition hurried k. build Its labor.

The few and non-dismissal assemblies of the Dale Obsernists were usually built "on afflicting order". They also met, however, and rare exceptions: the famous east scientist, for example, a small handwritten arch-armed proverbes located in the order of the subject, choosing from the irrelevant wealth of the treasures that opened the "virtues" of human. The list of "virtue" is unusually characteristic: caution, prudence, thrift, moderation, favorabling; As I wanted, it should be done all this in the people and how it did not fit into the "virtue", in advance the easternists inscribed in the notebook, what I thought, felt and cited in the saying of the people! ..

The novelty of the construction of Daleva labor is not that the "substantive order" of the arrangement of proverbs to no one left, but in the fact that the distance did not consider the proverbs to certain concepts, but on the contrary: the collected thousands divided into content and meaning. It is not always successful (sometimes the proverb can not be attributed to one - to several discharges, sometimes one proverb is also found in several categories), but these are the little things, costs, the main distance achieved: "People's life is generally both real and moral,", In work it opens.

The distance was aware of possible costs: "The distribution method adopted by me admits an endless diversity in execution ... depending on the fullness or vastness, particular and generality of the interpretation of the proverb, you can move it from one discharge as much as you like to say that it is not in place." But, dance laughed, "to absorb them and to arrange in a terrific order, any cishar can," and thereby deliver an fun game to the educated society: "to make a memory of the proverbs and cope if they are in the collection." The expenses of the distance were aware and reproached, but he was really firmly convinced that he was firmly convinced, he was convinced that he was not mistaken, "usually these collections are published in a frantic order, according to the initial letter of the proverb. This is the most desperate method, invented because there is nothing to grasp. Measures are drawn without any meaning and connection, one random and more often changeable appearance. You can not read such a book: our mind is crushed and tires on the first page of the Mottroke and incoherence of each line; make sure that it is impossible; see that the people say about the same side of everyday life, it is impossible; To make some conclusion, the general conclusion about the spiritual and moral features of the people, about the everyday relations of it, who spoke in proverbs and sayings, it is impossible; Related to the same case, homogeneous, inseparable proverbs of the proverb are separated far apart, and the most heterogeneous extensive ex ... "

Here is an example simple (insignificant even, if at Dalev's inconspicuous reserves to look), but "at the poor and two pennies - a lot is good": We drink a dozen more than a dozen proverbs and sayings to Dahl, so that it is better to understand it. Here they are - first on the ongoing order:

B - "Wealth with money, Hol with fun"

In - "Wine is dissolved: for fun and hangover"

M - "Where the law, there and the insult"

D - "The arc is gilded, breaking the belt, and the horse is notchor"

E - "I was riding to find, but I had to live myself"

Well - "Live - insert Yes for Intracting"

To - "Whoever writes the laws, he breaks them"

M - "Husband drinks - Podoma burns, Wife drinks - The whole house is burning"

N - "The sky is covered, the field fenced"

Oh - "One wine glass on health, another for fun, third for nonsense"

P - "Condemned, did not give anything, but I used to turn it out two times"

R - "Rubish is not a fool, but gold is not a sage"

C - "Your own corner - your expanser"

T - "Bargaining - pit: stand straight; Beware, did not come, you will fall - you will disappear "

H - "What are the laws, would be a judge familiar"

Each saying in its own way, it is intelligible, but everyone together they have not been talking about anything - they are separated: just a dozen folk taught in a row. But here are the same proverbs and sayings as they at Dahl - in content and meaning:

Outly - Poverty

"Live - insert yes for dressing"

"Wealth with money, a gol with fun"

"The rubish is not a fool, but gold is not a sage"

Yard - house - economy

"Your corner - your expanse"

"The sky is covered, the field is fenced"

"The arc is gilded, breaking the belt, and the horse is notchor"


"Where is the law, there and the insult"

"Whoever writes laws, he breaks them"

"What are the laws, would be a judge know"


"Condemned, did not profit anything, but he had extended and turned red."

"I was riding to look around, but I had to live myself"

"Torg - pit: stand straight; Beware, did not come, you will fall - you will disappear "


"Wine is dissolved: for fun and hangover"

"Husband drinks - County is burning, the wife drinks - the whole house is burning."

"One wine glass on health, another for fun, third for nonsense"

We admit: it is not by chance that exactly from these sections of Dalev's collection were discharged by examples, - remember that the distance on hundreds of proverbs revealed the family life in Russia to the leaders of the geographical society; Judging by one of his letters, he also suggested, based on proverbs, show, "What exactly people speak" about poverty, about the house, about the laws, about trade, about drunkenness. Reading two or three hundred proverbs in a row on one topic, you can comprehend the opinion of the people, through the thickness of the label and cheerful words to see the golden sand at the bottom, wisdom, stunned in the centuries.

"On the proverb, no court, no violence - Dal did not try, he never occurred to the wrong thing to smoke the proverb, but - which is easier! - Pretty: In labor, he gave the people what he owned, without regardless and without a rustle. The work came out of the pen unsuccessful, unconcessed - red fiery whirlwind sticking out, rushing into the eyes, as if teasing, speech like: "King to stroking, and the boyars scrake," "the ass and Warru - all fit," "Lord forgive, in someone else's Let it be put, allowing the penny, "Barin for Barin, a man for a man," "Humped Rye into Stack, and Barina in the Coffin." It placed in his compilation that the same distance that urged to free the peasants moderately and neatly; The one who advised to beware of the words "Freedom", "Will" - they delaimed hearts, and in the collection of proverbs: "In the whole share, yes will in anything," "Will is great, and the prison is strong," and here Same: "Imbuting the horse Rogue River, whom he does not take away," "Taming Braga for a long time, and it will go through the edge - do not waste."

People whose tagged and wise word became the proverb, the Russian peasants, believed in God and sometimes not less than in God, believed in a sovereign-sovereign, for centuries they obeyed the bars and patiently demolished the oppression and impact. But these same people, the unknown Creators of Proverbs, every day was convinced that gloomy God was not to anyone and that rarely comes true for justice - "It's good, yes, not anyone is"; Patience was exhausted - "Wait, like a wave of your footage!", I was braga through the edge - "So far, we have not gone happiness"; Raised villages, parish, province, sworn steady and frightening, the estates of the Barsky burned, and the cities surrendered to the peasant troops; trembled in fear of shemyaks-officials ("Sodichi - breeds of a dog; condyle - the people are prolaze"), and pop-offend ("Popovo belly from seven sheepskin sewn") hid in his storeroom between puzzled bags; New proverbs were born.

Careful Dal is a hundred inspiratus was ready to keep under proven - let "rot", just to sleep well, and I didn't want to throw up a hundred proverbs from a collection, although I foresee: "My collection ... Could be able to become unsafe for me" - and that wrong. Dal not a single proverb to throw away - the point of sight, beliefs: Dal did not come up with the people with the help of proverbs, and showed how in proverbs, different, often contradictory, people reveals. Dal is close here at the view of Dobrolyubov, who also saw in proverbs "Material for the characteristics of the people." Curious: from the same inexhaustible source, from Dalev's assembly, stocks and lion tolstoy for the speeches of his favorite, the submissive and peaceful "non-reservoir" of Plato Karataev, and the participants of the revolutionary circle, who chosen the most famous, "blasphemous people" "And the campaign composed of them (according to Dale -" incitement ") Raek.

Dal felt this inexhaustibility and understood - everyone will find its own in the collection. "In the radish, five yates: Ramchka Trikha, radiant slices, radiant with oil, radiant with a kvass Yes Rachnika so," the people are inexhaustible, and because there are so different as "applicants". In the "intimate" Dahl wrote: "To interpret the sharpness or hint that the reader himself understands, it went and illustrate ... The most readers, no matter how few of them are, are also not the same, everyone can have their own requirements - not the sun, at all Do not understand. "

At all, it was not hurt: a long, almost ten-year history of printing "Proverbs of the Russian People" begins.

"Will that be printed this collection of this, with whom the collector fell out his age, but, parting with him, as it were, with the case, I don't want to leave it without a wonderful word" - such rows opens the distance foreword for their work and adds : "Introduction It was written in 1853, when there was a disassembly of proverbs; Let it remain and now, when the fate of the collection decided and he was printed. " Probably, it was not by chance that she wanted to "leave both now" (and thus forever) the sorrowful alarm - "Will there be whether it will not be": a heavy, unequal struggle for the fact that the result of thirty-five years of life and labor saw the light remained , From the last century you will not throw out - and it cost well, yes all the heart burns ...

The Academy of Sciences, where the work of Dalya fell, instructed to express a judgment about him to two members of his own - academician Oriental and Archpriest Kochetov.

Vostokova's review is not too detailed and not hostile, although not quite benevolent: next to the fair comments on the erroneous interpretations of individual proverbs (Dal to the opinion of East of East) displeasure due to the presence of proverbs on religious topics - "Is it decent? ..". In general, "" The collector would have to revise and carefully treat his work, which, of course, contains a lot of good in itself. " The impassive accumator-academician was not too lazy to note the proverbs transferred - and from what language, indicated, the proverbs of literary origin wrote down - and called the author ...


Whether the arrangement of the academician, this is not aware of this "impassive" - \u200b\u200bhow much heat, prostor; You can't tell about this "critic", "the Neffatureman" - the enemy! .. Archpriest was a scientist man, participated in the compilation of the academic "Dictionary of Church Slavonic and Russian," published the first experience of "science of moralology" in Russian; But you can know differently and love your language, to appreciate the nuggets of the people's mind in different ways, as well as to have different judgments about the morality of the people.

"In my opinion, the work of Dalya is 1) the work is huge, but 2) alien samples and order; 3) there are places that can insult the religious feeling of readers; 4) there is a saying, dangerous for the morality of the people; 5) There are places that excite doubts and distrust of the accuracy of their presentation. In general, the advantages of the collection of Dalya can be withdrawn by Proverbia: there is a barrel of honey and a spoon of money; Kul flour and a pinch of arsenic. "

This "pinching arsenic" Dahl became especially angry: he could not forget everything and after almost ten years he wrote in the "intimate": "Found that this collection and unsafe Singing on corruption of morals. For greater intelligibility of this truth and for the worrying of morals from the corruption threatening them, it was invented and was written, in the report, a new Russian proverb, not quite foldable, but clearly in purpose: "This is a cult flour and a chinful arsenic."

Even the "Greatness" of Labor, which could seem to be in the merit is delivered, for Archpriest - Sin: "Through it mixed up with corruption, faith with superstition and discernia, wisdom with stupidity ..."; Mixed the "verbs of God's wisdom with the sayings of human wisdom" ("This cannot not insult the religious feeling of readers"); "The sacred texts are crippled, or incorrectly interpreted, or blasphemously connected to the tribal folk."

"The temptation comes to the world ... in thin books" ... "Not without disappeared, a pious Christian will read in the book of Dalya" ... "To a dangerous morality and plugness of folk sites in the book of Dalya, you can still be attributed" ... about the wisdom of the people, about The pious morality of his - Archpriest is looking forward, and how to work - without obsteaders: "There is no doubt that all these expressions are used in the people, but the people are stupid and chatting every nonsense"; Dalual work is a "monument of folk stupidity" (and the districts believed that the wisdom of the folk!).

Kochetovsky under the face - as they conspited (and maybe they agreed!) - a review of the "secular" censorship, the college advisor Shidlovsky. The college adviser to play the scientist's husband is no need to play, but the husband of a vigilant one: he follows the Komachov to the "insulting of religious feelings", the main thing, does not miss the case to grab "harmful ambiguity." Section "Hubbee", and the proverb - "Any language of God is praised"; The "Law" section, and the proverb - "two bear in one burgher will not be seized." The "Neighborhood" itself is inappropriate, because it can cause laughter, concluding the concepts that "should not be in contact": "He has a lot of hands (that is, the authorities have a lot (that is, that is He is a thief) "Is it permissible? No, it is unacceptable, it is impossible: "Proverbs and sayings against the Orthodox clergy, treasury, authorities in general, service, law and judges, nobility, soldiers (?), Peasants (?) And the yard people are not only useless (!), But dare Say, extremely harmful. "...

And now the adulteful feature of the zealous "guardians": they are given to the title of Dalya, and they are all tormented in lines, and between the lines "open" the misunderstanding, the secret intent of the Dalya himself, so it is to convey them: "If this collection is a fruit The works of a person who graduated from the course of the exercise in one of the highest educational institutions in Russia, a person, many years in service ... "; Or: "The government cares about publishing more books of assessed people who can enlighten the people, and the city of Dal ..." Dahl answered later in the explanatory note: "I do not see how you can immediately have a crime that he collected and recorded, How much could collect different folk spares, in any order. Meanwhile, these reviews are responsible for some sentencing to the criminal. "

Baron Modest Andreyevich Korf, director of the Public Library (and he - a member of the unwrapped committee for supervision of typography), judged in his own way: since the purpose of Daleva's Labor "Collect All", the collection should be printed "in its full composition", but since it was would be "completely disgusting" "care of the government about the approval of good morals", the collection should be printed "in the form of a manuscript ... In several copies of copies" - and that "to print a collection, you can proceed for feedback censorship and ministries of popular education," yes, in addition - "Not Otherwise, as much of the highest permissions. " The thought of the korf: "A collection of proverbs, in the form of how he conceived and executed G. Dalem, there is a book for which not readers should be desired (!), And scientists of researchers, not the public that blindly believes in all the printed ... and such who knows how to redeem and bad soil (!). " Dahl all of the people wanted to return the treasures taken from him, and Corf offered (as mercy!) To keep the work of Dahl for several scientists under the castle, in the main libraries.

But the Corff's Skopic Project was not implemented: for a small case - the highest permission did not follow. The emperor Nicholas, favorably told the crafts about the stupid Moskku, who is bothering the Lord, and generously awarded the people who came down by the "guardians" "Opinion People", did not want to see the work printed, which the mind, soul and experience of the people opened in the people's word.

Funny: Corf wrote in the recall that in proverbs, people created, "A lot of falsehood and harmful beginnings", "Dangerous for our The people, "- the king, Baron, the Archpriests tried to leave the people from what he had to have thought for many centuries and a heart. Tsar, Baron, Archpriest, the college adviser tried to strain through their fravo folk wisdom, which, as the greatest value, tried to protect the distance. "Geese in the husli, ducks into the twin, crows in the cobobs, cockroaches in the drums, goat in gray sundress; Cow in Roger - everyone is more expensive. "

The collection of "Proverbs of the Russian People" saw the light only at the beginning of the sixties. On the title page, under the heading, Dahl set: "Nonudima's proverb".

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Ural proverbs, sayings

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Now we proceed to the Russian proverbs, to know who also would not hurt to each of us.

Russian proverbs and sayingsAs everyone knows, this is the folk wisdom that came to us from life experience. And now let's see the most frequently used among them in the people, as well as their interpretations, among other things. For convenience, Russian proverbs and sayings are presented according to the alphabet.

Russian proverbs and sayings and their meaning

Appetite comes with eating.
The deeper you delve to anything, the more you understand and find out.

Baba with WHO - mare easier.
On the care of an unnecessary person, not so useful to anything.

The trouble is not in the forest, but in people.
Unfortunately with people are a real misfortune, and not with what they are surrounded.

Misfortunes never come alone.
She will surely grab the minimum one more.

Poverty is not a vice.
Do not condemn people for poverty, because it is not her negative quality.

Without difficult, do not catch and fish from the pond.
Nothing can be achieved without perseverance and effort.

Take care of the dress dream, and the honor of the Smalod.
On the norms of behavior in society, etc. And having lost something or chewed, it will not be possible to restore.

God saves man, who save himself.
Careful, careful in its decisions and actions, a person is easier to avoid dangers, unjustified risks.

Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap.
Rarely, anything free is given to us without submarine stones, without a trick.

God shelma metitis.
Evil acts and other negative qualities do not remain unpunished.

Big ship - great swimming.
A person with great abilities get great opportunities.

Will you suffer for a long time - something will turn out.
Really standing in a difficult matter, you can achieve at least something.

Paper erased everything.
Paper, unlike people, serpt any lie, any mistake written on it.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
Homemade comfort, created by their own hands or hands of a loved one, cannot be replaced by any campaign.

In a healthy body healthy mind.
Keeping the body is healthy, a person retains and mental well-being.

Every family has its black sheep.
In any family or a team there is always a person with negative qualities.

In crowded but not mad.
A small inconvenience will be better for everyone, the more serious problem only one.

Still waters run deep.
In quiet and peacefulness with the form of people often hid a complex nature.

In someone else's monastery with his charter do not go.
In someone else's team, you should not behave only by your rules and orders.

In someone else, I see the face, and you do not notice in my logs.
Errors and disadvantages of surrounding people are noticeable better than their own.

Century Live, learning a century, and die fool.
On the impossibility of knowing everything, even with a constant and stubborn set of knowledge.

He took up the man - do not say that not a duzh.
Holding to work, bringing it to the end, despite the difficulties.

Visible bird on the flight.
About people who are their appearance with their appearance to those surrounding their nature.

Water stone sharpening.
Even insignificant work, manifested for a long time and stubbornly, gives good fruits.

Water in a lot of crowd - water and will be.
About the work of a stupid business that do not bring anything useful.

Wolf legs feed.
To make money on life, you have to move, actively act, and not sit still.

Wolves fear - not to walk into the forest.
If you fear difficulties or hazardous consequences, it is not worth it any matter.

All diseases from nerves.
Anger, resentment and indignation weaken immunity, which lead to the formation of diseases. Avoid everything, then makes you nervous. Capitate patience.

Everything grinds - flour will be.
Any problem is sooner or later turns around a good result.

All is well that ends well.
If the end of something good, then there is nothing to worry about.

Everything has its time.
Everything is performed on a designated period, not earlier and no later.

Everything in my own way goes away.
Each person has its advantages and disadvantages.

Any cricket know your seals.
Everyone should know their place and do not climb into someone else's.

Every lodge in the string.
Everything can come in handy, everything can go into business; Any mistake is melted.

Where anger, there is mercy.
Not everything costs only an angry one, over time, the pardon comes.

Where firewood is cut, there and sins fly.
In any case there are always losses, costs ...

Needed where was born.
About the place of birth, which would not be worth leaving fores.

Where is fine, there and breaks.
The durable always remains durable, and the weak link always gives the slope.

The eyes are afraid, and the hands do.
It is terribly taken for business, while still do not take it for him.

Gol on fiction of the cunning.
The need, the poverty of a person make it smarter and inventive.

Mountain with a mountain does not converge, and a person with a man will come down.
About people, contrary to the mountains that are able to understand their nature, to meet.

Humpback One grave will correct, and stubborn - a duby.
It is difficult to man, and sometimes it is impossible to get rid of his bad habits.

Prepare Sani in the summer, and the cart in winter.
Before proceeding with some kind of business, you must first prepare.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.
For any gift, it is necessary to thank and rejoice at him, they say that they give, then take.

Two bear in one burgher do not live.
About two rivals applying for leadership. In one house there is no place to two owners.

Master's business is afraid.
The case conducted by the master is performed qualitatively and quickly.

Case time, fun hour.
The main time should go to study and work, and only in part - on entertainment.

For a cute friend and serving from the ear.
For a good friend or a loved one, it is not a pity even the most valuable.

Debt good turn deserves another.
A good attitude towards people will definitely return the same.

Expensive egg to the Easter day.
It is always nice to get expected at the right time, in the right place.

Friendship friendship, and service service.
Friendly relationships should not influence service, however, as the opposite.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Only a friend will do everything possible for you for the sake of salvation in a serious situation.

Fools did not write the law.
Only a smart person succumb to the rules, fools are still not up to them.

The bad example is infectious.
On the imitation of a bad example, the bad act of another person.

Life live - not the field go.
Life is a difficult thing, it's not so easy to live.

For two hares, you will not catch one.
It is impossible to achieve two goals at the same time, everything must be done successively.

Behind the forest trees do not see.
Located on trifles or on the same, you cannot see the main thing.

The Forbidden fruit is sweet.
To take someone else's or forbidden much more pleasant than your personal.

Make a fool to God to pray - he and forehead hurt.
Not in the measure of a diligent person can harm the cause.

It is not worth it.
Established to anything funds are not justified by the results obtained.

From the song the words will not throw out.
It is impossible to change or pull something words without distorting reality.

Kaba knew where to fall, so straw would unstill.
About caution, prudency, so that there was no trouble.

Each kulik his swamp praises.
Anyone praises the place in which he lives, and everything else is someone else's unusual.

Everyone judges.
What a person himself is, the same seems to him.

As it will happen, it will respond.
Any actions to the surrounding people, good or bad, turn around with time the same.

As the ship will name, so he sails.
To be configured, you will get.

Do not spoil porridge oil.
Useful, pleasant can not bring harm, even if it is too much.

Fight fire with fire.
Eliminate the results of any action consequently the same means that caused this action.

The end is the case of the crown.
Any business is important to bring to the end.

Cumshot - Goulai boldly.
Having finished work, you can relax calmly, without thinking about it.

The horse about four legs - and that stumbles.
Even the smartest, deft and skillful people can sometimes be mistaken.

A penny ruble eats.
To accumulate a lot, you should not neglect small.

Krasnaya hut does not corners, but pies.
The owner in the house is not valued by wealth, but by hospitality.

Who seeks will always find.
When a person really tries to seek, he really finds.

Who gets up early, God comes.
Who's early to get up early, the day longer and the crop of magnificent.

Where needle, there and thread.
On a dependent on anyone or about dense attachment to each other.

Strike while the iron is hot.
While the possibility allows, it is better to act, and then it may not be.

The chicken on the grain pecks, but it happens.
Doing something regularly, even if we gradually, you can achieve the result.

LBU walls do not spit.
It is impossible to go against the authorities.

Lying do not beat.
To finish the victim or who fell into trouble - not accepted.

Spoon hitting in a barrel honey.
When everything is fine, any, even a minor dirty kit can spoil everything.

Better bitter truth than a sweet lie.
There are no leaving for lies, unlike the truth, whether it is.

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.
You should not believe in words, it is worth looking only for actions.

Better late than never.
It is better to do anything at least someday than not to do at all.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
It is better to have a small and quite affordable than great and difficult to achievable.

Love has no age.
A person has a property in love in absolutely any age.

Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry.
To achieve something in your life - attach efforts.

The less you know the better you sleep.
The more you know, the more excitement, experiences.

The world is not without good people.
There will always be generous people with the desire to help in someone else's trouble.

Young - green.
Young people, unlike adults, not sufficiently mature in their knowledge.

Silent means consent.
Silence - as an assumption of an affirmative answer.

Moscow was not built in a day.
Everything is complex and perfect never gives immediately, only with a set of experience.

On bearing and cancer - fish.
If the best can be useful, something worse can be useful.

We hope for God, and not bad.
It is not necessary when performing any case to hope exclusively on God. Do everything yourself, and God only supports.

Every man to his own taste.
Tastes and addictions of different people may differ from each other.

Do not please all.
It is impossible to please all that you would not do. Even if you are an angel, someone may not like the rustle of your wings.

On all sages of pretty simplicity.
As if wise and the prinders were no man, and it can be deceived.

On the catcher and the beast runs.
Bold, persistent, stubborn easier to achieve something desired.

No and no court.
About the humble acceptance of the absence of something or a refusal of request.

On offended water is carried.
The man is forced to be able to forgive. And an offended person looks no one as interesting.

Hope dies last.
Even with disappointment or complete failure there is hope for the best.

Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
Praised or promised to do something - execute.

Forcibly MIL will not.
No one impossible by force, against his will to make love.

I'm not burning the pots.
Each person is doomed to cope with his tasks itself, and not count only on God one.

Do not sit down in your sleeves.
Equivalent to expression "Do not climb not in your business."

Not all car carnival, there is a great post.
Not always life is a holiday. It goes with changeable stripes.

Not all that is gold that glitters.
Any thing or essence, as it were, it would not look beautiful, is not determined only by external signs. More importantly internal signs.

Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water.
Before doing something, you should find out how this is done.

I do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
Money disappear at the first campaign to the store, and friends remain forever.

It does not place a man, but a man place.
A man with a bad position may be an excellent employee, and with a good position - on the contrary.

Do not postpone tomorrow what can be done today.
While there is a possibility, it is better to fulfill the conceived immediately, in order to avoid the acquisition of tape and regret.

Do not spit into the well - the water will be useful to get drunk.
Do not spoil relations with a person, whatever it is. But in the future, he may be very useful, and even life to save.

Not caught - not the thief, it was not outreached - not Gulele.
A person is not guilty of his deed until the fault is proven.

It's not a swarm of a pit to another - he himself will fall into it.
A person who makes a bad other person, suffers and having rummaged on the consequences of his own actions.

Do not roast bitch on which you sit.
Do not make stupid and evil, because you can be suppressed by it yourself.

Not so worried damn, like his little.
On instructions on the exaggeration of the significance of a negative phenomenon.

Not bread is alone.
A person has not only material qualities, but also spiritual.

There is no smoke without fire.
Just nothing happens, for example, there is no woven without reason.

No humus without good.
In any complex situation, you can always remove anything pleasant, useful.

Knuck on milk - blowing on the water.
Having made a mistake once, in the future you become more generally proud.

There is safety in numbers.
Alone is more difficult to surrender anything, to win in the struggle, rather than with someone together.

One head is good, and two are even better.
Two people will be able to solve any task better and faster, in contrast to one.

One swallow does not make spring.
The very first and only sign of some phenomenon is not yet a phenomenon.

From love to hate one step.
It will not be much difficult to pour out a person and make him hate.

Nobody is insured against occasion.
No matter how try to prevent trouble, it can still happen.

Stick about two ends.
For each desired action there is a counteraction.

The first pancake is a com.
Any business does not always turn out really well the first time.

For clothes, stretch the legs.
About life in their means, income, in accordance with their capabilities.

For dressing, they meet, in the mind they escort.
Meeting with any person is appreciated by external signs, and parting - internal, mental.

The opposite head and the sword will not cross.
Voluntarily recognizing his guilt should not be punished seriously.

Repetition is the mother of the teaching.
You repeat more - you know better.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.
If you do nothing, nothing will come out.

While the thunder is not born, the man does not cross.
A person will delay his illness, or another problem, until the latter, until it becomes completely.

An attempt is not torture, and demand is not trouble.
Nothing prevents at least try to do something than not to do at all.

After the fight, the fists are not masted.
It is not allowed to change anything when it's too late.

Hurry up - rush people.
Any business should be done calmly, slowly, in order to avoid a funny position.

Forewarned is forearmed.
What is warned, to that and ready.

Caught trouble - revoke the gate.
Misfortune never comes alone. Consequently, you need to be careful and ready for everything.

A puranous crow and bush is afraid.
If a person is really scary, he will be afraid of everything that surrounds him.

Drunk Sea of \u200b\u200bKnee, and a puddle - on the ears.
Drunk pulls on the actions, which, being sober, for anything would not be solved.

Once a year and shoots a stick.
Very rare, but still impossible may well be possible.

Crane can not fly.
If a person was born a fool, he will die fool.

Fish is looking for, where deeper, and man - where better.
About people who want about the best devices of their lives.

Fish gets drunk from the head.
If the government is bad, their subordinates will be the same.

Birds of a feather flock together.
Close people easily find a common language.

With the wolves live - wolf to swell.
Upon entry into any community, life is not excluded according to their principles.

Out of sight, out of mind.
The principle of man is to forget that with whom it is not seen and does not communicate.

Who will tell you, from that too.
With whom you communicate, you are friends, from that and take his views, habits and so on.

With a loved one and in a halary paradise.
With your beloved person is good anywhere and under any conditions.

The light is not a wedge.
If everything is good on some facility, you should not do only.

His people will consider.
Close people doomed to help each other, not asking anything in return.

Its nosha does not pull.
Personally, you personally transferred easier, in contrast to the portability of someone else's.

Your shirt closer to the body.
Interests are more expensive than other people's interests.

A holy place is never empty.
If a good place is empty, someone else occupies him immediately.

Seven one is not waiting.
One fearful wait will not be waiting when everyone already gathered and ready for business.

Seven times measure cut once.
Before doing something, you must first think to think about everything, to avoid accident.

Lawless Heart.
About the inability to rule over their feelings.

How much wolf is neither feed, he still looks into the forest.
It is impossible to change the natural instincts and the inclinations of another person.

Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done.
On the fores of any case, as in a fairy tale - quickly and easily, but in fact, more and more difficult.

Miser pays twice.
Unlike buying a cheap thing, and then dear, due to the emergency breakdown, it is better to buy an expensive and high-quality thing for a long time.

Tears of sorrow will not help.
Do not lose heart if you can get rid of grief. And if the problem is inevitable, pouring tears is meaningless.

The word is not a sparrow, crashes - you can't catch.
Once in an awkward situation, uttering a bad word, it is impossible to go back.

Word - silver, silence - gold.
Say anything useful - the matter of honor, but about the useless and empty thrill better silent.

Hearing Earth is full.
A person knows secret information thanks to rumors.

The dog is bruising from the life of a dog.
Unknown, an aggressive person often becomes so from the conditions of his life: from the lack of love, concern for those who surround people, frequent misfortunes, etc.

I ate the dog, yes the tail was suppressed.
It is impossible to do anything big, without stumbling on the trifle.

There are no boundaries for perfection.
No matter how try to improve the situation, you can always do better.

Solovna bass do not feed.
Do not feed those who want to eat. He should offer food.

An old bird is not caught with chaff.
An experienced person is difficult to overturn, make a dead end.

An old friend is better than two new ones.
The old, proven, long friend, predictable much more reliable, in contrast to new, unfamiliar, not yet proven by everyday situations.

The full hungry will not understand.
The difficulty of one is incomprehensible to another until he drops to this difficulty himself.

Patience and a little effort.
Patience and perseverance in the work will win all the obstacles.

Terepi, Cossack - Ataman will become!
The urge to become a patient man when any difficulty is hopeful.

Three doctors are no better than one.
Similar to the proverb Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.
The more people are taken for one thing, the less attention is paid to it.

Fear has big eyes.
About the fearful people, all the petty and insignificant perceiving for a large and terrible.

A pavement (contract) is more expensive than money.
A good agreement, in contrast to money, may be lost irrevocably. It should be strictly adhered to its conditions.

Immediate and for the straw grabs.
A man who is in trouble is ready for all for the sake of salvation. Even if the method does not give special results.

The morning is wiser than the evening.
In the morning, decisions are made more effectively, unlike a tired evening.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
Teaching is the path to knowledge, achievements, successes. And unacceptable is the cause of retardation in development and vaguelessness.

Well, where we do not.
Often a person underestimates where he is now, and overestimates the peculiarities of the place where it was not yet.

Houdua (bad) grass from the field.
From harmful, something unnecessary should be merged so that it goes faster.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
On the success of any case, it is possible to speak only with its visible result.

Man is the blacksmith itself of his happiness.
For happiness, you need to do something, and not wait until it comes in itself.

A person suggests, and God has.
It is not worth being confident one hundred percent in the success of a not yet steady action or enterprise.

What boiled, without that stay.
A person who talks a lot about his happiness remains without him.

What the hell is not joking (until God is sleeping).
Everything can happen, anything happens.

What we have - do not store, but lost - cry.
The true value of something or anyone is noticed when we lose it.

What is written in pen, you can't cut the ax.
Written, which became known, is not amenable to change.

What we will lay, they will get married.
Perfect by anyone good or evil comes back with time.

To find out a person, you need to eat salt with him.
To find out well to know a person, you need to live with him for a long time, overcoming with him different difficulties of life.

Alien soul - Potting.
No matter how well we knew a person, his thoughts will always be a mystery. And the appearance of a person - not always there is a reflection of his soul.

There is someone else's misfortune by your hands, but I will not attach my mind.
Other people seem more decisive, more easily, unlike their own.

Murder will out.
The secret always becomes clear. And false over time will definitely come out.

Yes, porridge - our food.
About the habit there is a simple food.

The apple never falls far from the tree.
What parents are the same on mentality and their children.

Tongue to Kiev will bring.
Asking people, you can get anywhere.

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
Inexperienced man can teach experienced.

Current page: 1 (Total 34 pages)

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.
Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people


"Will that be printed this collection of this, with whom the collector fell in his age, but, parting with him, as if with the case, I don't want to leave it without a wonderful word."

Introduction It was written in 1853, when the disassembly of proverbs was completed; Let it stay and now, when the fate of the collection decided and he was printed.

According to the commissioned order, it should be wanted: what is a proverb; where she came from and what is suitable for; When and what editions of the proverbs we went out; What are they; What sources used the current collector. Scientists could squeeze the case, because it seems already Aristotle gave the definition of the proverb.

But all this here is except only very little.

Scientists of the definitions are now small in the go, the century of the Scholarism passed, although we still can't shake the rags of the powerful chlamyda.

Times, when they were explained in the introduction of the benefit of science or knowledge, which the book was dedicated, also passed; Now they believe that all conscientious work is useful and that the benefits of this Rosskaz will not forgive.

Search scientists, olden, comparisons with other Slavic adverbs - all this is not able to collector.

The analysis and assessment of other publications would have to end forward or indirect modest recognition that our best.

Sources or reserve for the collection served: two or three printed collections of the last century, the assemblies of Knyuzhevich, Snegherev, handwritten sheets and notebooks reported from different sides, and - more live Russian language And more people's speech.

I did not go into any old old man, I did not disassemble the ancient manuscripts, and the older who entered this collection fell there from the printed collections. I only looked at one old manuscript and took from it what could and now go for the proverb or saying; This manuscript was presented to me c. Dm. Nick. Tolstoy, I was given by M.P. Possible, and from there it is entirely printed, in the form of adding, with the collection of proverbs I.M. Snegiva.

At sees, I have to say mental thanks to all kindly dresses, assistants and accomplices; I do not dare to call anyone, afraid, for segments, too many to miss, but I can not call with appreciation c. Dm. Nick. Tolstoy, I.P. Sakharov and I.M. Snegiva.

When the collection of the latter was released, then mine was more partly selected: I silent his edition with the Collection of Knyuzhevich and was used by what was not there and did not find me and what, moreover, at least, I could have been taken.

In the meeting of Knyuzhevich (1822), only 5300 (with dozens) proverbs; They are added to I.M. Snegrevy up to 4000; From all this number I was eliminated at all or not accepted as they are printed to 3500; In general, it is almost more than 6,000 from books or print, or about fifth fraction My collection. The rest are taken from private notes and are collected by legal entity, orally conversation.

At the same time, concretion and choosing a timidity and doubt on me were attacked. What is not saying, and in the marriage of this arbitrariness, not to power, and reproach in it and is suppressed. It is impossible to reprint the blind all that, called the proverbs, was printed; Distortion, then Umnichny, then from misunderstandings, then simply with testers and typos, is not moderately ugly. In other cases, these are the errors, and if such a proverb got it in a true form of his own form, then the amendment or choice did not make it difficult; But the trouble is that I could not restrict ourselves to these cases, but should decide on anything about those thousand proverbs, for the correction of koi I did not have the right data, and throw them out - it would not mean fix.

Without understanding the proverb, as it often happens, you think it is a nonsense, you believe that it is invented by anyone for jokes or distorted irreparable, and do not decide to accept it; An. it's right, just look straight. After several such cases or discoveries unwitting the Orobech, think: "Who gave you the right to choose and praise? Where is the limit of this intelligibility? After all, you don't get flower bed but collection"And you start collecting and place all the expectation; Let it be superfluous, let them make out and disassemble others; But then suddenly come down on strits It seems like the following:

Everything is known that the sly lives are flattering.

In buses, Godina passed, was the crash.

Where the love is non-estate, there is a true hope there.

Luxurious and stingy satisfaction measures do not know.

Walked enclosed on the Volga, yes came the death near Nevdulya.

Previously, death should not die, etc., etc.

What do you need to do with such renewing the confectionery wisdom of the twenties? Throw out But they were found under another thousand, and so much dubious, they don't know how to be not accused of arbitrarily. Therefore, according to the difficulty of such a brave, and the part and watching, - all sin will not be false - and this collection includes many empty, distorted and dubious proverbs.

Regarding the decency in the marriage of proverbs, I kept the rules: everything that can be read out loud in a society, not perverted by chopornia, nor excessive guesses, and therefore he is happiness, - all this is taken in his collection. Clean everything is clean. The most blasphemy, if it were where it met in the folk sayings, should not scare us: we collect and read the proverbs not for only fun and not as the instructions of moral, but for studying and searching; Therefore, we want to know everything that is. We note, however, that the sharpness or brightness and the directness of expressions, in the images for us are unusual, do not always enter into an indecent one in this. If a man says: "That God is praying, who is not having a dream"; Or "I asked the Holy: I came to the word to ask the swirl," that there is no blasphemy, because here gods and saints To strengthen the concepts, people set up for the saint, God's truth, but creative nasty, forcing offended and oppressed to seek protection also by incorporate and bribe. The most proverb, hitting us by the rapprochement of such opposites, personifies only the extremes and unbearability of the perverted state, which threatened such a saying.

What proverbs and sayings need to go to the people, no one will argue in this; In the educated and enlightened society, the proverbs are not; There are weak, crushed echoes of them, which are shifted to our morals or those who use the non-Russian language, and bad translations with other languages. Ready-made proverbs higher society does not accept, because it is the pictures of the life alien to him, and not his language; And he does not hear, maybe from politeness and secular decency: the proverb is not in the eyebrow, but straight into the eye. And who will remember in good Society Brourn, Sough, Stupa, Napti, and even more so Rubaku and patch? And if you replace all the expressions of these directions of our life, then somehow the proverbs do not come out, but vulgarity is composed, in which the hint of all comes out.

As the property is common, like a world-winted citizen, enlightenment and education pass their way to the eye, with a level in hand, tearing bumps and hillocks, storming pits and potholes, and lead everything under one canvas. We also have more than anywhere, the enlightenment is what is what is, - it became a persecutor of the whole native and folk. As, recently, the first sign of the attraction for the enlightenment was Brysta Beard, so at all the direct Russian speech was avoided and everything that applies to it. Since the time of Lomonosov, from the first stretching and tongue stretching our roman and the German block, the work continues to work with violence and are increasingly removed from the true spirit of the language. Only at the very last time they began to guess that we were having walked around that we were circling and plot, having gotten off from the way, and I would go unknown where. On the one hand, the jeques of finished alien, not counting it necessary to study their first, forcibly transferred to us everything in the way, in which it came across and on someone else's soil, where it was laid and worked out, whereas it could only be made by patch and glosk; On the other hand, the notice has shuddered what, diligent, tried to make from native life into the glovecus. With one side of the Cheremis, and with another shared. Be that as it may, but from all this it follows that if you do not collect and not save folk proverbs on time, then they displaced by the level of imperference and colorlessness, a haircut under the comb, that is, with common enlightenment, is disturbed as Rodniki in drought.

The simple people stored hard and saves the original life, and there is a bad and good side in the cosupiness. Fathers and grandfathers - for him a great deal; Without once having sinking on milk, he blows on the water, incredulously accepts novelty, saying: "Everything is in a new way in a new way, and when will it be kindly?" He reluctantly retreats from the fact that he checked up with his mother's milk and that he sounds in a little naked head his folding speech. Neither other people's languages \u200b\u200bnor grammatical clarifies are confused, and he says true, right, metka and red, without knowing it. I will express my belief directly: the verbal speech of man is the gift of God, Revelation: Dockens lives in the simplicity of spiritual, the mind did not go for the mind, it is simple, straight and strong; As the heart and abscess, when a person is increasing, this is a more artificial building, it will be poured in a hostel, and in the scientific circle it receives a special, conditional meaning. The proverbs and sayings are compared only at the time of the primitive simplicity of speech and, as the branches close to the root, are our study and memory.

Ending to the surprise, allowing himself sometimes to express the proverb, we say: "Ten times an example, once again." We did not come up with this saying, but by taking it in the people, just distorted a little; The people speak more correctly and more beautiful: "Ten, an estimate, Singona, a detachment." In St. Petersburg and multiplication sign taught: twice three, five times six; Our schools say: twice three And the people say: two Troy or two five, three to six And Ave. Particulation: Unproval, reckless work is often useless - it's never spoke under the pen proverb: "Curra, yes, sing; We will sew, saying "; Or: "Shay yes, it will not be a deaf pore." Whether it is possible to express deep thought whether it is brighter than in the proverb: "To death, that in the sun, you will not look at all eyes"; This proverb went, I do not know what way, the Frenchman Larochefoucauld; In a slit translation, she went for his own and is given as an example of his mind and eloquence: "Le Soleil Ni La Mort Ne Peuvent Se Regarder Fixement" (Maximes).

We, in our everyday, come up with only proverbs like such: "Trump does not spoil; not where to walk, so with tambourine; nothing to beat, so fist "; Yes, sometimes we translate: "Swan song sing; between them the black cat runs away; And in the sun there are stains; fifth wheel; In the corner of the stick stands, because of the rain in the yard "and PR. Do you like these sayings and translations?

But we not only do not compose a single remarkable proverb, but we even seem to understand it badly. It raised me more than once. How much should I explain and interpret the proverbs? The incomprehensible, inaccessible to the auditor of the proverb - this salt, which has learned and does not slip; where to give it? And to interpret the sharpness or hint that the reader himself understands, - went and shouldno; These interpretations will take a lot of interpretation, and the book comes out of the bulk, closely and without them. Many explanations would also require scientists of references, and they need knowledge, and sources, and time, in short, this is a separate and important work. The most readers, no matter how few of them are, are also not the same, everyone can have their own requirements - not the sun, we will not understand everyone.

I put, and then during the printed print, the shortest interpretation, an indication where it could believe that it is necessary for many. Recently, we saw this examples as strange and turning sometimes understood and interpreted, they are even condemned, our proverbs: "People from Navalu are locked up" it was "from violent nationwoman to whom the goods"; And "Do not take out the stake from the hut" - declared nonsense, because it is impossible, even though the occasionally, not to sweep the sarah, and it's good to hollow, if it never sut out. But naval It is understood here in the meaning of the valet buyers, and not the goods; If the crowd, the people are pounded by the shaft - they are locked from the brushless sales, why and the bog, the merchant merchant is expensive, and the fight based on the battle, which are habit, is twice as expensive. Do not take out the sap Like any other undischarged proverb, in which the parable is direct and right, in the literal and figurative sense: the case is right, just look straight. In portable: Do not wear home accounts to people, not gossip, do not balamute; Family lazies will understand at home, if not under one Tulup, so under the same roof. In the straight: Peasants Sor never takes out and does not sweep out to the street: it is, through semi-by-door thresholds, troublesome, yes, therefore, Sor would put out the wind and the unkind person could be in the Saro, as follows, or on the track Send damage. Sat is sweeping into a bunch, under the bench, in a furnace or shaky corner; And when oven finish, it burns it. When the wedding guests, testing the patience of the bride, make her revenge of the hut and snew after her, and she again sweeps again, they sentence themselves: "Meta, Metta, yes from the huts not to put in the oven, so that smoke carried out. "

"Need to Teach Kalachi is," as the parable, was interpreted true: the need will make it work, industrial. "Gol wise, the need for fiction is torrovat" - she will give away the mind and, if there was no rye bread, he will bring to the fact that there will be wheat. But there is here and direct meaning: the need of homemade will force to go to earnings. "Neither soy and the harrow will not toss; Look for bread at home, and petach on the side "; where to? The first thing on the Volga, in Burlaki; This is still another article, and before the shipping company it was a native, and more conceived, fisheries ten provinces; On the Volga, passed by Samara, coming to Kalach (Bulka, Pie, Kalach, Wheat Bread). Top Burlaca is in Dikovin, and they, fathers and grandfathers of the current, put this proverb.

On the intricateness and turnover of speech on this one and the other: "Eat pies, and Bread forwards"; It would seem, I must say: "Eat bread, and take care of pies"; But the proverb expresses another: Live is abolished, if you can, eat and pies, and with the calculation: eat them so that the bread does not eat. "Belubo - the villain, the old good does not remember"; "We enieces about white (each) day, money about a red day (holiday) and money about a black day (about the reserve, on trouble)."

"The invoice is down, the boiler up"; Here we are talking about the same Mother's Volga and the bureau, with which the Kabala is connected, because the deposits are taken forward, they are slaughtered into the lifts, and the remains of the impregnation. Captivity, i.e need, goes down, water, look for work; Up, against water, goes, or pulls a lamb, a boa. In the literal sense: Hall or Slave ( captivity) It is waiting for the best, because he doesn't have the worst, waiting for his mercy and confidence for his faithful service: it is in front of him; banal It is increasingly confused, it takes, eats and dials for himself new Kabalu, time for a period; The boala is risen, everything is enhanced and in the old days it often ended with a coolant.

But from these few examples it can be seen that such explanations, if a collector and got to them, would require several years of time and a hundred stars of printing.

We note, however, at sees that it is necessary to interpret and explain the proverbs, you need to be extremely cautiously, so as not to turn this business into your toy. It is especially dangerous to look for a scientist when I wanted to find. The use of proverbs to events, even to personalities, on the tosenitism, to ancient customs, to doubtful baseliness of idolatry, etc. It turns out, in many cases, the stretch of imagination. I think, for example, what to attract sayings: "Lisa Patriyevna", "Patricks himself of the third" - to the Lithuanian prince Patricks, and "Rides Ananin grandson from the Great Bow" - to the Novgorod Postener Ananu - for nothing I think even that "the enemy is strong, lying and in blue" does not concern Blue Lightning and Perun, but simply hints at Blue Caftan as a sign of wealth, wealth; The dear-de places its network on any, and blue caftan falls. "Doomed cattle - not a tedious" is also hardly said from us since the days of idolskiy and does not apply to the doomed to the victims of the gods, which in the people nowhere has no memory left; doomed cattle The one who is doomed to death, not alive, not durable; This is common consolation and carelessness, and stubbornness, and merciless in trouble; Zahilelahels the cattle - leave her to the will of God; if she live, it will be alive, and if doom then she is ne. animal Not a belly, not good, not the property to you. Trying to explain the dark proverbs and apply them to the Calm, which this time we have before our eyes, we are sometimes far sigging and wisely, where the Larchk opens simply, without goodlight. To this, it is necessary to add that Velikors, disgusting to small gallows, there are no long-speaking memory; They are all limited to pressing and spiritual; Starina remains in memory and transmitted, she concerns everyday life; From this, for Russian, a direct transition to thoughts and conversations about eternity, about God and Heaven, everyone, with everyone, without third-party influence, will not work, unless on a special occasion.

So, recognizing the proverb and saying for a walking coin, it is obvious that you have to go there where they go; And I kept this belief for decades, writing everything that I managed to intercept on the fly in oral conversation. What was assembled on me, from the same source, then I tried to turn on, but I was slightly rummaged in the books and probably lowered a lot. So, for example, I did not even cope with a small, but very conscientiously treated Buselayev's collection (Archive Kalacheva, 1854), who first saw in Moscow in April 1860, when half of my collection was printed. Many sayings of our writers, in short and accuracy of their proverbs, and here it is impossible not to recall Krylov and Griboedov; But I included myself in the collection only from these spokes, which happened to me to hear in the form of proverbs, when they took orally went to walk separately. And therefore, in the collection, I have book proverbs, but I didn't take them out of books, whenever they have already fallen into such collections and, for completeness, they switched to mine. I have and transferred - which was noticed in the form of reproach - but I did not translate them, but I accepted because they say; There are distorted, ignorated, but I did not distort them, but I heard or received in this form; There are rides from St. Scriptures, and they even have a part of the part, but they are not taken from there and remarked not by me, but they say; There are vulgar, superstitious, blasphemous, lzhemad, designer, doubt, but I did not compose them; My task was: to collect in a possible fullness everything is what is and what it is, as a stock, for further development and for what anyone's conclusions and conclusions. Will be said: there is a lot of superflore scrap; True, but what is thrown out, no one sees, but where did Merylo on this marriage and how to vouch for that we will not throw out what could remain? From the spacious, you can relate; Collect the flower garden from the collection to its taste, no wonder; And what will miss, it is harder to grunt. Ranish - do not turn. Moreover, my language was in mind; One turnover of speech, one word, at first glance, not any noticeable, sometimes forced me to maintain the most disconnected saying.

The edge is the most common, and moreover, the easiest, it happens that this is what the proverb is incorrectly recorded, it says not so, and so. Undoubtedly, there are cases where such a remark is right and deserves thanks; But after all, each proverb speaks several of the lands, especially in the case of its application; It was necessary to choose one, two, a lot of three disorders, and they do not collect everyone, and they wear them to boredom.

Where only I could rightfully reach the indigenous turnover and point out the distortion, there I did it, although in the most brief notes. Here are examples: "Not until the lunch, if a lot of nonsense"; Here, Bedni got to the misunderstanding, instead of the club, the words of the North, which is pronounced there: Wreath, and then: Babi Difficulty in the House, Strank, Economy in the furnace; It can be seen from the boyfriend of this proverb: "Either to go to dinner, or a chance to drive." Other: "We are not gag, here you are God"; This, apparently, is confirmed by another: "That Dyakona is not cute, then the ass in Cadyl"; But the first came out of the south, she is Malorusskaya, not understood from us and therefore distorted: "We are not gag, from Tobi is harmony," here you are a slower, harvesting This word has a lot of meanings: poor man, poor, poor, cripple, wildlife, unhappy, about whom condoles, close, Rodain, Tribeash; This proverb is replied by our: "Helloed stepmother to the step: told all soup to evaporate." Proverb: "Not in children or not with children, not on children, and Sydney in honor" says differently and reincarnated from incomprehension: to whom God did not give children or who they are murut babies (who do not have children), he would be happy Satida, and not good, cripples; On the deserted and Sidney in honor: after all, Ilya Muromets was a seat. I have not understood this and the assistant, honoring the word children than the proverb and deprived meaning, corrected the case, turning Sidney in Sedni, in an elder with Sednoy, and making it: "Not in children and seats in honor", that is, an adult, A reasonable man respects old men.

Thus, one word often attacks the proverb of a different meaning, and if you heard her for one way, and I should not yet be heard from this that you heard her to the right, and I, and the less that I remade it myself. Take an example of this kind, where not only we are with you, but also two other interlocutors say the same proverb, everyone on your own way, and all four will be right: "the old dog is not a wolf to call," for what she is outdated, Not more than, not counting it for the wolf, do not do, as with the enemy; "Popov's dog is not a wolf to call" - no matter how neither pop greediness and preschool preschool, but do not look at his dog, like a wolf, it is not to blame for anything; "The old dog is not to name to call," not the Father - the answer to the requirement to respect the old man does not care; Star, yes, do not read him for it; "Popov Dog is not a dawn" - the answer to the requirement of respect for people by random; that neither tell about the respect for the Bat, to the ass, and his dog is not Batka; In this form, the proverb is often applied to the pets of the Barsky, from the courtyard. Such examples can be brought a lot: which of the four dispersion to choose to choose, everything can be said: no, she does not say that!

I note here that the old lists and collections of proverbs are far from always can be samples and do not prove at all so that the proverb is in the go from the word before the word, as it is written. Olders wise in this matter are not worse than our wise, wanting to correct the proverb, give her a written appearance, and, as itself, of course, they fell through it in vulgarity. There are a lot of examples for this. In Pogodinsk. Collected. 1714 We read by: "Being on someone else's side, it's necessary to have a head offense, and the heart is submorted." Is it not obvious to the smartness and alteration? Ponyna says: "Hold the head offense (or worship), and the heart is submissive"; If you apply it to a foreign land, then you can start in words: on a foreign one, on someone else's side, without changing the following words; Here everything else is added as a notebook, especially the words: being needed to have.

In archival team. The XVII century: "Walked in the Volga walked down, yes came the death of nearby", or, as clarified from Sneguing: "Nevdulyche"; Is it a proverb, saying or something similar? In the archive: "There is no money to rub"; This and today in the go and says about the drunkard, who sits sniffing at home, even hiding, if you don't drink anything; But instead peck need to read pret: "How there is no money, so on the missions of rushing", that is, climbs and lies younger. There's a proverb: "The old soul is not removed, and the young has not been sealed" - it is not overwhelmed for the better: "Before death, in living, old, the soul is not removed, and the young people are not sealed."

In Pokhodinsky 1770: "Coo Sedina is decorated, Tovo more devils"; Surely it could be a walking proverb? This is an essay of the collector, on the sample: "Sedna in a beard, and the demon in the edge."

In the national Yankova 1744 g.: "The idol, watchaza - forgive you, have enough"; This is no longer like that; Let someone who understood this nonsense, in which of the four words there is not one faithful, and therefore there is no point. Obviously, this is a distortion of the proverb, living and donne in the people: "Empty, woven - you will be clever, they don't sleep." Such examples can be dialing a lot; We bring them to the proof that at all times there were stupid corresponders and even collectors who were cleverly, and that, referring to the ancient manuscript, you can not always correct new collectors.

My collection was destined to pass a lot of solards, long before the press (in 1853), and moreover, without the slightest distortion on my part, and on the enlightened participation and insistence, the person who did not dare and hint, not knowing whether it would be pleased. But people, and moreover, people are scholars by calling, recognizing the publication of the collection harmful even dangerous Other flaws were considered a debt, by the other words, "noticing and overhearding the talks (?) People, the city of Dal, it can be seen, they did not write them down soon, but introduced after how he could remember; Because he has a rare (?) The proverb is so recorded as she said in the people. Most (?) They are seen as the following: it is written: I will reconcile this Bob And the proverb says so: Someone else's misfortunes beobami, but not to confess».

But I had both proverbs, only every in my place, because the meaning of them is not the same; Yes instead concern I have written i will do it What I also consider it faithful. I fuck me beans or on beans score; The trouble is not great, it will fit into the gate, it is possible to turn off or get rid. " Someone else's misfortunes on beans reconnaissary, but I will not do to my mind" - completely different; This means: someone else's grief with bread, someone else's sore in the side does not kiss, and its own sore is grivy, etc.

Next: "It has written: Judge the will of his will And the proverb says: Create God the will of his" That the latter says, there is no dispute about this, and if I did not have it, you could specify a pass; But the first also says. " Judge God will"It means that it is more to judge it, not to rebuild it, but it should come to her without Ropot; or adopted judge, According to the old value, for award, Court of Court, - judge God will So: Create, awarded by your will.

Total, in proof that rare The proverb is correctly recorded and what most of them It was noticed erroneously, the righteous judges of mine lead three examples, that is, one for every ten thousand, and the third most wonderful: "same infidelity and assembly (?) Supported and void; I will give an example one: it says: Not for what, what other, like this, This emptiness in the people is expressed (why does not say?) So: Not for any other, as soon as for other things; And if it is better, so nothing more; That's just».

Yes, it seems that only and everything ...

Be that as it may, but regardless of such infidelity in my proverbs, proven by the three examples here, found that the collection of this and unsafe Singing on corruption of morals. For greater uselessness of this truth and for the worrying of morals from the corruption threatening, it was invented and was written, in the report, the new Russian proverb, not quite foldable, but the clear one: " It's cult flour and chinful arsenic"It was said so in the sentence of a collection of this, and it was still added to this:" Telling to printed the monuments of folk stupidity, the city is dominant to give them a printed authority "... The people are dangerous for morality and piousness, among other things, The following sayings: "Blessing, not sin; SERIDA DAY Friday the owner in the house is not a poisoner, "etc.

To mention even after that, that hand in hand with the writers of the proverb about arsenic went and the conclusion of a jury connoisseur, to whom my collection was also hit without my participation, and that there was a non-disabilities of the promotion of proverbs or sayings: "He has a debt (the authorities have a lot ) "And" His hands are long (he is a thief) "? And here, as there, demanded amendments and amendments In proverbs, yes, except for the exceptions that "can be more than a quarter of the manuscript" ...

I answered at the time: "I don't know how much my collection could be harmful or dangerous for others, but I am convinced that he could have become unsafe for me. If, however, he could encourage such a venerable person, a member of the Higher Scientific Brotherhood, to the composition of the criminal proverb, it obviously corrupts the morals; It remains to put it on the fire and burn; I ask for challenging that the collection was presented, especially since this is not done by me. "

For the sake of truth, I must say that the opinion is the opposite of everything this was expressed at that time an enlightened sovereign, heading publicly liberty.

I express all this not as a complaint and glory, but, firstly, as an excuse, why I did not publish proverbs for the current one, secondly, to explain the modern life to us. Do not glancing in the mirror, you do not know myself in my face. Moreover, it seems to me where it is about data for the future history of our enlightenment, there everyone is obliged to say what he has evidence in his hands.

This collection includes, except for proverbs, presses, sayings, sending, soon (purely) talks, additives, riddles, beliefs, signs, superstitius and many rivers, which will not be able to give a general nickname, even simple speech turnover, conditionally entered into use .

About this, scientists connoisseurs of manuscripts, successfully insistent that it remained for another eight years under proud, there were such an opinion: "It is a pity that all this is copulated in one book: through this he (collector) mixed up with corruption, faith with Lieuner and discernie, wisdom with stupid and thus a lot dropped a lot ... It is obvious that both the honor of the publisher, and the benefits of readers, and the most prudence would require two thick foliants to break down several books and in them separately print: proverbs, sayings, Supports, riddles, signs, etc.. " The arguments did not convince me, in just less I understand how the danger of poison would decrease by such fragmentation of the whole part; Is it a teaching to the poison of urgent? In this collection, which is not the catechism of morality, below the fence with customs and hostel, it should be a folk wisdom with people's folly, mind with the vulgarity, good with evil, truth with a lie; A person must appear here, what he is in general, on the whole globe, and what he, in particular, in our people; that thin, that run; What good, then follow; But do not hide, do not hide any good, nor loud, and show that there is.

"Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people" - One of the most famous works of Russian ethnographer and writer Vladimir Ivanovich Daly. In the work published in 1862, more than thirty thousand sayings, mysteries and proverbs.

The collected sayings give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe culture, the life and vital philosophy of the Russian people. The publication is also a monument of oral and written speech of the XIX century. All sayings are recorded by livelist, as well as terms and phraseological turnover relating to crafts. Additional sources for the book served as collections of the XVIII century, private notes, works by D. Knyjevich and I. Snegiva. This auxiliary material was the fifth share of "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people."

In its work, the distance refuses to carry the terminology and provides the reader to independently understand and argue over the meaning of one or another saying. The author refers to the "collector". The book is preceded by the introductory article - "intimate". The rest of the volume is devoted directly to the samples of small folklore.

When drawing up a book, Distance Has the colossal work: collected phrases for rumor, orally conversation. Use already published proverbs It was necessary with caution, there were "empty", "distorted" expressions. It was necessary to rebel phrases with typos or signs of misunderstandings. It was conjured with the risk to exclude authentic sayings from the meeting. Thus, the main part of the collection is dedicated to the phrases recorded among the people.

Dal determines the proverb as "unwittingly broken off", which is impossible to compose specifically. These are the winged phrases used throughout the territory of the Russian people. People invented amazingly successful words and ways of expressing thought.

Also, Dal distributed the collected phrases according to thematic groups. In the book you can find a saying about God and faith, about happiness, wealth and luck, about good and evil, about family and animals, as well as many other aspects of the life of spiritual material, including nature elements, agriculture, phrases about quirks. A total of 178 topics covering the whole picture of the world, a modern person of a person. In addition, there are riddles, patters, booms.

Folklore existed in the complementary era. Studying the Dahl meeting gives a historical understanding of the life and beliefs of people, about the mentality and the common culture of the people.

Dahl Russian proverbs and sayings: read and download

We accounted for 2 collection of proverbs of Daly, based on available information in open sources, and recorded them on the Yandex disk in format.doc. In order to download proverbs, go through the specified links and click "Download"

V.I. Dal "Proverbs and sayings of Russian peoples (by themes):

V.I. Dal "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian peoples (themes in alphabetical order):

Proverbs Daly on topics:

Here just list subgroup themeswho Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl divided Russian proverbs and sayings In his book:

Baba - Woman Beating - Moto, God - Faith, Wealth - Wealth, Wealth - Poverty, Bogba - Oath - Lieuage, Boltun - Lazhchik, Branj - Hi, was the future.

Vera is sin, faith - confession, faith (riddles), faithful - Vestimy, faithful - reliable, wines - merit, will - invalo, theft - robbery, universe.

Where, grief - trouble, grief - insult, grief - consolation, guest - a hospitality, grades, a thunderstorm - Kara, Gulba - drunkenness.

Far is close, the courtyard is the house - the farm, the girls gadagna, the children are homeland, the days, good - mercy - evil, the document, wealth - a misery, a fight - the war, a friend - a cue.

Riding is a wagon.

Bridegroom - Bride, Animal - Creature, Life - Death.

Caring - Experience, Envy - Greed, Riddles, Zador - Gulba - Unsurance, loans, law, reserve, title - class, Health - Harvest, Agriculture.

Games - Fun - fishing, belief - split, Israzness - Hubbee.

Kapa - Thunderstorm, Kaba - If B, Treasury, Kara - Grace, Kara - Heaven, Kara - Potchka, Kara - Recognition - Pottery, Kara - Threat, Slander - Patrol, Clean Swelling, Conanier (Jerebium).

Love is dislike.

Monasses, the world - a quarrel - a dispute, a lot - a little, Solva - Glory, youth - old age, fraud - theft, husband - wife.

Supervision - Master, Title - Name - Nickname, People - Peace, People - Language, Inheritance - Gift, Beginning - End, bosses - Order - obedience, bosses - service, not true - false, not true - deception, inadequacy.

Loneliness, loneliness - marriage, stratum, tranquility, tidiness, caution.

Memory - Remember, Food, Reason - Cause, Weather - Elements, Search - Nakhodka, Peace - Movement, Help - By the way, it's time - the measure is a success, the proverb - the saying, praise - Pravda, True - Kryvda, True, is not true - Lie, Holiday, sentences - additives, appreciation, decency - the state - custom, chorus, promotion, the reason is an excuse, the reason is a consequence, a fraud, a prostate - a prosecution, misconduct - sin, request - consent - a refusal, directness - delicacy, path - road, Drunkenness.

Work - idleness, joy - grief, meditation - determination, plant - agriculture, craft - master, craft - a shell, a tribe, the birthplace - Alien, Retina - One, Rus - Motherland.

Wedding, Wedding, His - Alien, Various, Family - Roda, Fairy Tale - Song, Species, Cattle - Animal, Breaking - Cook - Couffery, Laughter - Joke - Fun, Humility - Pride, Temptation - Temptation, Temptation - Example, Consciousness - evidence, Son, Neighbor - Rubezh, Quarrel - Brand - Fighting, Elements - Phenomena, Site - Muzzles, Court - Litch, Court - True, Court - conjoy, fate - patience - hope, superstition - signs, essence - appearance, happiness - Good luck, account.

Mystery is curiosity, patience - hope, silence - noise - screams, Tlen - bustle, sense - bad heart, trade, torvoy - misfortune, cowardice - escape.

Murder - death, fault - service, mind - nonsense, moderation - greed, persistence, condition - deception, service - refusal, learning - science.

Good - bad.

King, color - suit.

Man, man - signs, honor - honor, Miracle - Divo - wisdom.


All people like people, alone in Ermolka.

Just asks to heaven, and the death itself is afraid.

For Jid Soul - Cheaper than a penny.

Does not know what is shame.

Job, like a demon, never shown.

Zhid Synagogue - there is a dwelling of demons.

Jews - visible demons.

Demons and Jews - children of Satan.

With Jews to know - with demons contact.

Do not be a demon, if the liquid is.

Jes in the hut, angels from the hut.

What God is pleased, then you are unsuitable.

Christian tears will be rejected in hell.

The liquid is baptized that the wolf tamed.

Just and incense is ready to nadyat, just to get money.

That God is sinner, then we can be funny.

Then the fiddles are mixed when God is angry.

Jewish children are worse than rats in the crates: and good will harm, and Christian children will be corrupted.

Where blah, there and a bribe is such a chant.

Liquid vodka will treat, and then it is.

Jid already have your penny, well, and you drink everything and drink.

Idified your penny, well, and you are still drinking.

Jew is not understood until the skin is not removed from it.

The nose itself is a nose of the nose, God gave him.

Children of Zhida from Christian - all peyisats monkey.

What is liquid and its stench.

Then, fidgets with the faces of us are unlike us so that we are not designated.

The liquid and the dead of the loop will turn out.

Just say that bit, but will not say what.

Ja, like a pig: nothing hurts, but everything moans.

Ja, like a pig: nothing hurts, and everything squeals.

Next to the liquid - not to live, and the outlet.

Jid shelter - Wolf in Khlev to put.

Good was the house, but it settled in it.

With liquid porridge cook - to poison yourself.

With liquid, it is possible to mess in nettle.

Floating flu in poverty, monster with power.

Where we are just waiting for trouble.

Where Hat Food, there is the Village of the Bed.

There is no roses without spikes, there is no trouble without jets.

And I knew everything about Zhida, I would not have perished.

They love to surrender to the enemy to come to the enemy.

The liquid lives - the bread boots, but does not like it.

The liquor waves, and the man plows on it.

Tea, Zhidovin, tired on a man to sit?

He eaten the money, if his man did not feed his bread.

When the Russian Mrift, then the liquor eats.

It is not a wolf - in an empty barn will not be taken.

Jewish hands are loved by strangers.

Zhida is treated - death will conquer.

Near Zhida will sweep up - Besa will be checked.

Zhidovin gives, and the fool takes.

God does not make friends with liquid.

That God is an enemy who is a wider friend.

Contact with liquid - you will be fluent.

The love of Zhida is worse than the loops.

Service Zhida - on the joy of Bes.

Enjoy you - betray your enemy.

Ja, like rat - Silen Fires.

From all fuse - expect harm!

No fish without bone, but enough without anger.

Believe your eyes, and not the Zhid speeches.

The whole truth is that all the fidels are not true.

In Zhidah lie that in the fields of rye.

The field is sown with God, and the Jews are all a lie.

The Zhidovsky language always lies, as if radish rubs.

The flu is fooled.

I will speech language and unclean.

JV MNIT, which does not steal, but only his takes.

Every liquid in our pocket looks.

Jew as a holey bag, never pour.

To which the liquor is shy, then the enemy will start.

And at the right enough, always hungry eyes.

Gave the Cukish blah, what you want, you can buy.

In order to achieve the benefits, the liquid is always ready to be baptized.

The tracks of the Zhidam always lays money.

The liquor in the coffin is already looking, and the money saves everything.

The liquor has profits from our death.

Do not expect from the fuel profit, and wait for him.

Russian death is allowed to arrive.

Do not look for food - it will come.

In Russia, not Murley from the famine, while the Jews did not hold over.

When I guess the will of the will, they say ourselves.

From the zhids fence - half of the salvation.

It's easier for a goat of the living gorge, than to redo.

From the flashes of the lousy, the whole pass will not be injected.

Leech is accepted and fall off, and Never.

Blood blood suck stops when breathing gets tired.

There are no good jews as there are no good rats.

God pray, yes, Faudis.

The liquor is only in the grave.

Only the dead liquor will not bite anyone.

The liquor in the grave looks, and over each penny trembles.

Keep a penny so that you can't gone.

I did not overcome us, and fear crushed.

In order for the news of lime, you should not behave with him.

The liquid is afraid of the Water of Epiphany and Tubin Rustic.

Holy fist da in Zhoidi Roger.

Want to live - Goney Jid!

What is just like mosquitoes, all bite to the pore.

There's good, where the Jews are not.

In order not to warm up God, do not let Jew on the threshold.