Scientific project topic in elementary school Examples. How to write research work? Interesting topics for research works

Scientific project topic in elementary school Examples. How to write research work? Interesting topics for research works
Scientific project topic in elementary school Examples. How to write research work? Interesting topics for research works

Currently, research work in elementary school is considered a prerequisite for learning. Find out the goals, tasks, the directions of such work. We give prepared research work in elementary school.

Research significance

Serious reforms occurred in Russian education. The first generation standards characteristic of the classical educational system have come new GEFs. They imply the organization of primary education not only as the possibility of obtaining certain subject knowledge of schoolchildren. Updated standards are aimed at developing the adaptation of children to life in social society. After the first stage of learning, schoolchildren should be formed universal training skills.

Design and research work in elementary school successfully copes with similar tasks, helps the teacher build individual educational trajectories for each student.

Those skills that the child gets on the younger learning step helps him avoid problems in cognitive activity in the future.

Children's research work in elementary school is often performed under the leadership of parents, which is an excellent educational aspect, contributes to the strengthening of family values. For example, a schoolboy together with his parents is looking for information on family customs, rites transmitted from generation to generation.

Received skills

Finished research work in elementary school is represented by the author before classmates. The guys learn to analyze the activities of other schoolchildren, ask questions, respond to them. The experience of creative thinking, carried out experiments and experiments, ensure a deep understanding of the importance of the work under consideration, increase interest in scientific work from younger schoolchildren.

The research work of the elementary school student is a progressive form of the educational process in modern school. That rich experiments, which children receive children in the process of joint activities with parents and teachers, gives them a real opportunity to manifest their creative and intellectual abilities.

Purpose of the search method in elementary school

Research work in elementary school is aimed at forming the primary skills of experiments and experiments from schoolchildren, mastering adaptation techniques in social life. The physiological features of this age confirm the biological need of children seven-eight years to the knowledge, obtaining a new life experience.

Interesting research work in elementary school helps to go in the guys the desire to become real scientists. Thirst to obtain new impressions should be used by a teacher.

The topics of research work in elementary school are often associated with the study of wildlife, family values. They must encourage a novice researcher to active actions, the desire to understand the material he chose for his work.

Features of research

Many research work in elementary school is held in the corner of nature. The guys not only observe the plants, but also get the skills of care. For example, research projects in elementary school may concern exactly identifying conditions for the rapid development of certain indoor plants.

The teacher should be used to the maximum degree of the internal desire of the child to know the world, his diversity and uniqueness. Research work in elementary school is changing not only the way of thinking schoolchildren, but also their behavior.


How is research work in elementary school? Registration of it does not differ from those rules that are presented to the scientific works of schoolchildren. Be sure to have a title list from any project. It indicates the name of the school, on the basis of which work was performed. Also prescribed the name of the work, the surname and the name of the student, as well as the teacher who acted as a supervisor.

Finished research work in elementary school suggests the presence of content (table contents). It indicates the listing of the main sections that are in this work. Pages are also indicated on which information is presented for each study item.

Any finished research work in elementary school should be relevant, contain some kind of novelty element, uniqueness. Together with the teacher, the child puts a certain goal for his research. Individual research work in elementary school, ready-made projects must have a specific goal. For example, a child can schedule in his study study of methods for transplanting garden strawberries. A sample research work in elementary school will be submitted below to demonstrate the full structure of the school project.

In addition to the goal, in the work, the tasks that the young researcher set itself are indicated. In order for the child to make it easier to look for theoretical material, indicate the subject and object.

What else includes research work in elementary school? 4th grade is graduation at the initial learning step, so the guys are already able to make assumptions. The study indicates that hypothesis that a novice scientist plans to confirm during its experimental activities.

In the main part of the study, a full overview of various books on the problem of the selected study is carried out. If the topic is associated with practical activities, the laboratory experiments are included in the work. The last section of any research is the one in which the child must draw conclusions, give recommendations on the problem of its research.

What else implies research work in elementary school? Grade 3 is already able to work with literary sources, so the paper indicates a list of references used by the author.

Registration of literary sources

The books are listed in alphabetical order, indicate the author, the name of the work, publishing, the year of publication. Does applications contain research work in elementary school? Threads: "3D design of my room", "Dream Garden", "The garden on the windowsill" suggest the addition of work by photographs, pictures, schemes.

If, besides books, sources from the Internet were used in the study process, they are also indicated in the literature list.

Not only children are conducted by research. Topics: "Primary school grade 3: methods and training techniques", "The value of the study at the first stage of learning" can be options for scientific activities of teachers.

Work of schoolchildren

We give examples of research work in elementary school, not including the title leaf.

What do we know about the pea?

Peas is considered one of the oldest food plants. He was known to people even when neither of the cabbage, nobody even heard about the cabbage, nor about potatoes, nor about carrots in Europe. Why is this plant so much? What is the nutritional value of pea? Is it possible to use peas in folk medicine? How to grow this culture on the usual summer cottage? What factors affect the growth of pea? In my work, I will try to find answers to these questions and associate the results of the experiment with the quality of the tillage.

What is the pea himself? I will try to figure it out. According to archaeological data, it is peas - it is one of an ancient cultures, which has an average age of about 20 thousand years.

Peas is a cold-resistant culture that transfers freezing only to 0 degrees. Seeds begin to germinate it at about two degrees Celsius. That is why it is possible to grow it in the northern Russian districts, in which agriculture is permissible. In addition, this plant has a short period of vegetation, it does not exceed three - six months. Peas do not tolerate drought, it is a light-loving culture. Peas has a rod root system and a weak rod, the length of which is not more than 2.5 meters. Leaves with several pairs of leaves and long assholes ending with a leaf. At the base of all the leaves, there are two semiconductive bracts, having a size of more than the leaflet itself.

They perform a huge role in the process of photosynthesis. Leafers typically have blue-green. Flowers are large, with a length of 1.5-3.5 cm, with white, less often yellowish, or a reddish wedge. Peas is self-polishing plant, but with hot weather there are cross-pollination. Beans are mainly straight, sometimes curved, almost cylindrical, in length about three or ten centimeters, with white or pale green sash (peel). In each there are three - ten major seeds in the form of balls, which are called peas.

What is the healing power of the plant? Pea is a real protein content champion. It is rich in important amino acids: cystine, lysine, ascorbic acid, it also contains carotene. Thanks to the balance of active biological and nutritional components, the peas began to consider a particularly valuable dietary product (it seemed to me very relevant in our time) with different diseases.

Overhead parts of this plant as the infusion perfectly helps with kidney problems. The diuretic effect can be explained by the increased potassium content in its green parts. With glans on the skin, the kip from pea flour helps soften the inflamed areas. Flour from pea breeds hard tumors of the chest.

The grain pea, roasted on moderate fire, ground and mixed with a part of the cycling coffee, replaces the Indian coffee! How to cook therapeutic drugs? I was so interested in this question that I revised many books with ancient recipes. Judging by the number of recipes, the peas really have greater value, and therefore, I was not mistaken by choosing it for the experiment.

So, carefully studied all the features of the pea, I decided to start practicing: prepare the soil, sow peas, collect a harvest, dry seeds, prepare one of them from therapeutic dishes, analyze the effect of using the dish.

Practical part of work.

I set up the following tasks:

Grow peas on two experimental beds, analyze the results of the experiment, compare two varieties of pea;

Analyze the quality of the soil on each site;

Make a conclusion about the environmental situation in the country area;

From the resulting crop, prepare for old recipes at least one dish, analyze the results of its use;

Conducting an experiment, I made the following conclusions for myself:

Peas is sugar and long.

It is demanding of lighting, wind action.

Polka dots are planted only in a well-heated soil.

Flowers pea are sensitive to cold.

To speed up growth, peas should be loosened.

Peas capricane requires irrigation.

Sugar peas need a support, otherwise part of the crop disappears.

The more often you collect a harvest, it becomes even more.

There is a direct relationship between the state of the plants and the proximity of the carriageway.

Sugar peas is softer, tastier, but the seeds are faster.

1. In order to reduce the effect of exhaust gases on the growth of plants, the countryside must be protected from the road planting trees.

2. Plant pea better later, in a good warm soil.

3. Weeding only after the height of the plants reach 2 - 3 cm (the root system will strengthen).

4. Water peas better warm water.

5. The landing can be carried out without prior soaking of pea.

Work about water

For several centuries, a person is looking for ways to treat various diseases, not noticing that some of the ways are near. Such a means, for example, may be the treatment of many diseases of melt water. The first information about the hydrothery is found in the ancient Indian and ancient Egyptian treatises written to our era. From Egypt, the treatment method was transferred to Greece by Pythagore. From Greece moved to Rome by Askletpad. Our ancestors kept the water mounted water in the jugs in case of illness.

Currently, the waterproof is widely used in the therapy of various diseases, so this topic can be considered fairly relevant and interesting.

Unfortunately, now it's not so easy to find such a snow that after melting has become a clean and useful drinking water for a person. She in itself is not a drug. But it is precisely water that provides the organism self-regulation, improves the metabolism, increases the vital activity of each cell. This can be explained by its similarity in the molecular structure with the intercellular fluid. Such water is active, it will be absorbed by the human body without any problems. It has a certain energy charge of cheerfulness, ease that people need so much in winter. Fresh melt water strengthens the human body.

The purpose of my work is to get melting water and check her medicinal abilities.

1. Relator to get talu water.

2. To study the existing methods of treating melt water.

3. Take your own experiment.

In order to get talu water, you can use in several ways:

1. If you live in the mountains, it is enough to assemble snow, then melt it. It takes only clean, dry, recently falling snowball. For its thawing, you can use an enameled bucket that is closed with a lid. To speed up the process, you can put a bucket in a pelvis filled with hot water. There should be no resinous sediment on the walls of the bucket, if it is, then water is unsuitable for use. To get rid of vegetable sera, water is filtered through several layers of gauze. Then it is poured into the glass dishes and covered tightly with a lid. Shelf life does not have to be more than a week.

2. Water is quickly adjusted to + 94 ... + 96 ° C, i.e. bubbles are formed, but the water does not boil. Then remove the saucepan from the fire and cooled. Then overflow into the jar, frozen.

3. It is necessary to pour into the plastic container tap cold water. Then it is closed with a lid, then put on a lining from cardboard into the freezer refrigerator. When the water completely freezes about half the tank, you need to remove the ice, throw out the residues. It is in liquid water all impurities will remain. Almost the volume of the "brine" removed can be from thirty to seventy the total volume of the original water.

After spending only a few experiments, I came to the following conclusions:

Talay water is really good for health;

Trea water treatment is accessible to everyone.

However, thawed water treatment is not a versatile agent. It, as, however, and any medicine, has both contraindications.

Should I use the properties of melting water in practice, to solve you.


Examples of research work in the elementary school, given above, demonstrate the main structure of the project. Similar activities contribute to analytical thinking: comparison, classification, generalization of the collected material.

During such activities, the guys get acquainted with various research methods, use theoretical skills in a personal study.

A child who is fascinated by project activities, learns to organize his personal time. An important point of any project work is to represent the results of the work carried out to other students and teachers.

In order to make his performance with bright and memorable, schoolchildren already at the initial learning step actively use information technologies. The teacher introduces them with the basic rules for the preparation of the presentation. During preparation for a public performance with the results obtained, the child learns to overcome the fear of the audience.

In addition, the culture of speech is formed, which will help the student in further school education. In elementary school, research activities are carried out according to a specific algorithm. First choose the topic. Then the purpose and objectives of the study are determined. Next put forward hypothesis for work.

After holding a literary review (acquaintance with various books), the child chooses the theory, selects the methodology for conducting his experiments and experiments. What are the main conditions for the formation of research skills among younger schoolchildren?

The systematic, motivation, systematic, the authority of the teacher, the psychological environment, accounting for the individual and age characteristics of the student is important.

The federal educational standards of the second generation involve the formation of four skills of skills that will be required to schoolboy in project activities.

Organizational skills involve the organization of the workplace, drawing up an activity plan.

Skills of the research plan suggest the choice of the topic, the purpose of the goal, the choice of research method, the search for the necessary information.

The child learns to choose from a large volume only that material that is directly related to its study.

The fourth block involves obtaining the skills of presenting their work. The schoolboy meets the forms of demonstration of the results, exploring the requirements for the speech of the speaker, a variant of providing the results of work.

To carry out propaedeutic activities, the teacher uses heuristic, problematic approaching an educational process.

During such classes, children learn to identify the problem, determine the actions algorithm aimed at its permission. It is the problem learning that allows primary school teachers to carry their students research.

Your child told you what is going to study research. You would not be surprised if he was a student. However, he is still studying in elementary school. Of course, you have many questions. For example:

  • what is generally needed research work in the younger school;
  • which represents themselves;
  • how the process is organized;
  • what role adults play in this process.

What is research work in elementary school

The purpose of modern education is to "teach a child to learn." A variety of pedagogical approaches and technologies (including research work in elementary school) seek to develop such qualities in babies as independence, initiative, ability to cooperate, and responsibility. From the point of view of the State Standard of Education, in primary school the foundations of universal methods of educational actions, self-education skills are laid. Currently, the pedagogy has developed a variety of allowing the most creative approach of the child. There are two ways to acquire knowledge by the child - reproductive and productive. In the first case, the child receives knowledge from adults, in the second - by independent development. The research work of students is the activity of the search nature, which leads to the discovery and knowledge of the new and is a powerful tool for the development of the kid. In short, solid pluses.

What skills and skills of students develop

So, more. In the process of writing research work, the child becomes a subject of learning. What expect results? In practice, Kroch learns:

  • aware of training tasks;
  • generate ideas;
  • find non-standard solutions to problem situations;
  • produce hypotheses;
  • observe and conduct experiments;
  • independently control their work;
  • assess the quality of their work.

In general, teach children to science from an early age. You will not regret it. And the guys in the future must thank you.

Conditions for the organization of research work

The organization of successful research or project work is not an easy task for the teacher. A creative thinking teacher must create a situation of collaboration of schoolchildren and adults, to ensure the creative growth of the child. A full-fledged research is possible if the teacher implements the following conditions:

  1. Defined the motivation of the study. The student should see the meaning of his creative activity, the possibility of implementing his talents and abilities.
  2. Created a working creative environment. The teacher should encourage the desire for a creative search, to maintain cognitive interest among students.
  3. A comfortable psychological atmosphere in the team has been created. When conducting research activities, the teacher constantly creates the atmosphere of the "Success Situation" for each student. Each child needs to be able to believe in their strength and to realize the success of its activities.

Forms of Design and Research

The next moment. The research process is carried out by a student under the guidance of the teacher. With its organization, it is possible to use several forms of activity. It:

  • lesson-study on the topic of work;
  • short-term research (express research) on the subject in the course of the lesson;
  • observations and descriptions of results.

Algorithm of research and research student

Consider the order of the organization. For the organization of children's research work requires a consistent implementation of the following steps:

  1. Choosing an interesting and useful topic.
  2. Search for hypotheses, possible options for resolving the problem.
  3. Collect the desired material.
  4. Analysis of the data obtained, generalization.
  5. Collective presentation and protection of results.

What follows from this? Student research works must be issued and properly presented. Thus, the child understands the social significance of his scientific experiment.

By the way, the best research works of elementary school students can be used for the next confirmation of the qualification or portfolio of a schoolboy. As well as for exhibitions and contests. In the latter case, letters and diplomas are issued for the best research work. In the future, these moments may be taken into account when admission of a graduate in the university.

What you need to know for research work

And finally. Incredibly important selection of children's research works in elementary school. What should be considered? The most important thing:

  • the topic must captivate a child;
  • the topic must be executed;
  • the topic should carry practical benefits.

What to pay attention to? The best suited for research works in the elementary school of the topic from the sections "Enough Peace", "My Family", "Pets", "Beauty of Our Language", "Secrets of the Universe", etc. All at the discretion of the teacher and child. To collect data on the subject of research, the guys can offer:

  • think about what is already known on this topic;
  • write important information from books, newspapers and magazines;
  • learn and record information obtained from others;
  • use television;
  • use the Internet;
  • surveillance and experimental activities under the guidance of adults.

Tasks a lot. And a very important point is to attract students to the research work of students of the younger School of Parents. But adults should not be taken for the project themselves. Their function is to help advice, information, support the motivation of the child.

We draw conclusions. Participation in project work:

  • contributes to the formation of a wide worldview of the child, expands the horizons;
  • instills the skills of universal learning activities;
  • gives impetus to independent development;
  • instills the skills of self-organization and self-control;
  • develops the activity of students, strengthens a sense of social responsibility.

Children come to primary and middle, senior school to learn what it means to teach themselves. Research activity allows you to get the maximum effect in this process.

She studies in a lyceum. At one of the first meetings in the classroom announced scientific work for first-graders. "If desired," the teacher said - "if you feel that your child will be able to come up - get ready."

After a month, scientific work announced mandatory. All our first-graders "offered" to act with scientific work in the classroom, and the best work is directed to the school conference. It is worth noting that in our Zhokhsky class children are studying from 6 to 7.5-8 years. The variation in age is very large. Imagine what does it mean to perform a six-length scientific work?

Research work in elementary school involves not only the conduct of experiments, but also the nomination of the hypothesis, the formulation of the tasks and goals of scientific work. Writing an explanatory note, report and visual presentation.

It is clear that most of this work lies on the shoulders of parents. That the root is not true. Therefore, I tried to make the Anyuta to take part and missed the scientific work "through ourselves." We did it.

This article - our experience of organizing scientific work for first grader. I hope he will be useful to parents of children who are preparing to conduct scientific work.

Scientific work for first grader

We highlight 7 main items for the successful implementation of research work.

  1. The choice of theme.
  2. Setting the goals and objectives of scientific work. Advance hypothesis.
  3. Performing a practical part (conducting experiments / research).
  4. Conclusions / analysis.
  5. Writing an explanatory note.
  6. Preparation of the report for the speech.
  7. Creating a presentation.
  8. Training, preparation for the performance.

Select the topic for research

There are two points for which you need to pay attention when choosing the topic of scientific work:

  1. The interests of the child.
  2. The sphere of knowledge of the parent.

It is important that the theme of the work is carried by the child, otherwise he will not be able to fully participate in the process. He will be just not interested. And it is equally important that the parent has a good topic.

My daughter and I have long thought over the topic of research, and she was born by chance. For lunch. Anyutka ate cheese and thought: why is it yellow? After all, it is made of white milk. Everything! I immediately offered to make cheese on my own, at the same time, and understand this issue.

I, as in the past rustic resident, all this was known not to first. We did the sour cream, oil, cottage cheese and cheese. That daughter met these processes. The topic of scientific work was formulated and invented by Anya: "The amazing conversion of milk."

Setting the goals and objectives of scientific work. Advance hypothesis

I'll tell you how it was with us.

Deciding with the topic, we talked a lot about what we would do. I talked about my own: how together we brought the oil in the woolly oil, as banks with milk were standing on the veranda, as cottage cheese cooked, etc.

Specified leading questions that make it think. They talked about natural products and additives, reasoned why kefir, sour cream, curet cheese called sour milk.

Exactly in conversations with the child, the goals and tasks of scientific work are born. Later, when you write an explanatory note - you will help you beautifully formulate them. But in the head of the child they will be enshrined due to discussions.

When you realize that the child knows where to follow and what to do - you can start experiments and experiments.

I will tell about the practical part of our research work in a separate article, but for now let's move on to writing an explanatory note or to text design of scientific work.

Scientific work of the first grader - how to issue

When we finished with the experiments, I wondered - how to make a scientific work correctly. We made our photos and were ready to write a small report. But this was not enough.

Each school has requirements for the design of scientific work. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them to understand which sections should be in scientific work, what font use how work will be assessed.

The main sections of the explanatory note to scientific work:

  • Introduction
  • Theoretical part.
  • Practical part.
  • Conclusion (with conclusions).
  • Bibliography.

In addition to the explanatory note, the report is written - what the child will tell on the speech.

That's when I learned about it - my eyes rounded. Yes, a high school student is quite under power. But kids! First grades. This is just unreal. But since we took care of scientific work - you need to complete.

How did we come with my daughter? We all did together. To the aneutka it was clear - every time before the start of work we made up a small plan: what we want to tell. I gained the text, Anya helped to formulate thoughts.

We spent about a week on an explanatory note. Worked for about an hour a day.

Preparation of a report for speaking

I wrote my speech report on my own. Just made a sample from our shared work, and simplified the proposals. Then he gave antenna to the swelling. She read, I listened. Where she stumbled or difficult, I marked myself and simplified the text. 3-4 times we brought it to perfection.

In the process of preparation, Anya independently adapted some points of the report for themselves. And the report itself is based on. Not bad achievement.

But about this next time. I will tell in detail:

  • on the intricacies of creating a presentation;
  • how to convey information to the child and listeners;
  • how to prepare a first grader for a speech at a scientific conference.

Portal for children, parents and teachers

Section "Children's Project"

"Flowers of cornflowers!"

Margarita is a very fun and smiling girl. Loves to draw gouache and wax crayons. Margarita knows a lot of poems and sings songs.

Project "Sunflower growth conditions"

Dasha recognized in what conditions the sunflower sprout can grow. Dasha has prepared material for planting seeds on the site of the kindergarten, and the experiment spent in the home atmosphere.

Project "Vitamin Soap"

Dasha, together with her mother, manufactured soap at home.

Project "Igelka - Magician"

If there were no embroidery with ribbons, then the products would be boring, and they did not have a unique appearance.

The project "Is a man's tail?"

Reading a book about the representatives of the animal world, I thought, why doesn't a person have a tail? I wanted to figure it out in this matter, and I fulfilled the study on the topic "Is a person's tail?"

Project "Guinea Pigs"

The project contains information about domestication, content, care and feeding of guinea pigs.

The project "How I learned to pronounce the sound [p]"

This project was fulfilled the child who encountered a problem of sound testing. The project describes the work on the formulation and automation of sounds [P] and [P "].

Project "Save the tree"

The research project on how to use waste paper, create paper at home, thereby contributing to the preservation of forests.

The project "Autumn Forest in Water"

You can make your first discoveries in the usual drawing, for example, in finding a non-standard artistic solution of the image of items in water.

The project "First Ski"

The first discovery may be different. Today I share the experience of the opening of the first skiing with the reoxoites in the present forest.

Project "Underwater World"

In the visual activity, the creativity of the child is developing: children create work on individual intent, experimenting with non-traditional visual materials.

Sleeper Method of Growing Cucumbers

A settric method allows you to get a higher crop of cucumbers, extend the fruiting season of this culture and increase the deadlines for consumption of fresh vegetables, more useful for health.

Project "Big Success of a Little Man"

The paper presents an analysis of the growth problem on the example of the heroes of children's literature, epic, successful science figures, arts that demonstrate the inconsistency of the stereotype that success and high growth go hand in hand.

Project "Alers. Back to the roots"

Project activities for the study and manufacture of faiths as a way to help children in overcoming fears.

Project "Milk and dairy products"

Project goal: Enrich children's knowledge about milk as a valuable and useful product for the growth of the children's body.

Project "Secrets of Water"

Cognitive, interesting project that helps better learn the properties of water. It is a wonderful additional material for the lessons of the surrounding world and for extracurricular work.

Project "First Spring Flower"

Hyacinth - a flower of unusual beauty, he most attracted the attention of children, then the children wanted to learn more about this flower, about the origin and conditions of its growth.

Project "Investigation with Sherlock Holmes"

Experiments are always curious to the baby. Therefore, I am pleased to include various small experiments on the classes. And once we became interested in how to catch the criminal!

How does mineral and tap water affect the growth of Kalanchoe flower

To study the effect of tassay plumbing and mineral water on the growth of Kalanchoe flower. Compare Calanechoe flower growth after watering with tap and mineral water.

Project "Non-standard toys"

Non-standard toys are made of space material, optional and textiles. Such toys develop fantasy, contribute to the search for unusual solutions in their manufacture.\u003d10

Project "Chewing gum: benefit or harm"

Chewing gum. What is more: benefit or harm? I devoted it to this, having studied the history of origin, the composition and properties of chewing gum.

Project "Yard games. Past and present"

Large lively communication with peers, yard games. Therefore, there was an urgent need to return the guys the joy of these games, observing the balance and the norms of use of the means of modern media.

Project "How to decorate a tree?"

Every year a Christmas tree is decorated for the new year, and the birchans are only in the spring begin to dress up into their green outfit. What can decorate the birch in winter? Well, of course, multicolored garlands!

The project "Rainbow is joy"

In this project, we examined the rainbow from all sides, carried out experiments and came to the conclusion that the rainbow brings joy.

Project "Iron Lady of Paris"

"She has long passed for 90, but it looks younger and keeps completely straight. ... it is not very attractive. Someone even claims that the ugly, but still life without it would be a little different. " Who am I talking about?

The project "Why is the father so important?"

Children need a father. They are important for his father to play with them, read, walked. Let it be fishing, a campaign or some kind of play, so that the child can say: "But I am always with my dad ...".

Project "Moon and the Sea"

Once, when the moon in the sky was complete, I noticed that there are some stains on it. I thought it could be? And I wanted to learn more about it.

Project "Kitchen Laboratory"

The project in which the student is looking for a question than the kitchen is similar to a chemical laboratory.

Project "Magician-Flour"

The project examines the question of the fact that from flour you can cook a variety of products: pastry shops, bakery products and much more.

Creative project "Gingerbread for my city"

I presented that I would be an entrepreneur, organizing my job in the hometown of Kogalyme for the production of souvenir gingerbread.\u003d20.

Project "What is snow?"

Once during the excursion, we watched the snow, we considered snowflakes, and it became interesting for me, and what is snow, how it is formed, which properties are snow. Therefore, I wanted to explore the snow.

Project "Lullaby songs"

Recently, in our family there was a joyful event: my cousin was born. I drew attention to how he likes to fall asleep, listening to the lulled songs. I became curious: why are these songs so called, what are the lullabies, what do they differ from other songs? So there was a theme of my research.

Project "Breeding" Cavalier Star "

The paper presents experience in the cultivation of seeds of the hypipestructor for breeding this type of room plant.

Project "The Most Popular Tree"

At the lesson of local history, the guys with the guys conducted a mini-study, during which trees were counted around our school. I was wondering, and what is the tree most popular in our village and why?

Project "My childhood"

The project is dedicated to the playground, which collapses from a seven-year-old child in front of her eyes. The author of the project reflects that you can do to save your courtyard and childhood.

Research project "Maze"

Project goal: Proof of the possibility of exiting any labyrinth.

Project "Birds on the trough"

In the project program, it is planned to conduct observations of birds flying to feeders in order to trace the peculiarities of bird behavior and their nutrition.

Project "Gol to Fiction Citra"

The study of phraseological units that are consumed by teachers in working with children, and finding out the understanding of their meaning learned.

Project "Reading as a basis for the development of junior schoolchildren"

The paper presents information about the features of reading students of the initial classes of the modern school.

Project "Cartoons: What is it?"

I, like all the children, I love to watch cartoons. I wanted to try myself as a multiplier.\u003d400

The project "Balloons - fun and useful!"

Research on the influence of balloons in respiratory gymnastics on children's health, an increase in lung life capacity.

The project "Altai in times and destinies: meetings with cosmonaut pilchists"

Research is devoted to cosmonauts, which were guests of secondary school No. 38 Barnaul in different years.

Project "Afghan diary"

The work is devoted to the years of the 1980s, graduates of secondary school No. 38 of Barnaul, who performed their international duty in Afghanistan.

Project "Matryoshka - Favorite Russian toy"

The purpose of the study: create a decorative composition of matretory in the technique of inlaid from straw.

Project "Dissemination and consumption of words of greeting in Russian"

The work is devoted to the words of greetings that are used in modern society. In particular, those greetings that use 5-grade students are considered.

Research work "Lady Hares"

I believe that the bee is called "God's Wear" because she is at the destruction of God, the coincidence of nature is beneficial.

Project "Our Countryman: Artist Fedor Semenovich Torch"

F.S. Torch is a famous modern artist who know in our country and abroad. A big friend of Mongolia, which is considered the second homeland. Public figure.

Project "Sculptor Sergey Gennadevich Mozpova"

The work is devoted to the modern Altai sculptor Sergey Mozgovoy, engaged in rootplastics, ice and park sculptures.

Study of homemade sculptures in playgrounds

We present social environmental monitoring of playgrounds. In this project, several playgrounds of one microdistrict were studied and photographed.

Vocabulary love lyrics of Russian poets

Reading poems about love of different poets, I once thought, did these verses change over the centuries? And so the idea of \u200b\u200bmy project was born.\u003d410

Project "Where did the bread come from the table?"

This project sets itself a career guidance task: to introduce people of different professions related to the production of bread.

Draft "Does all yogurts useful?"

Now on sale many yogurts: "Danon", "Campina", "Erman", etc. Therefore, we got the problem: how to choose a right yogurt so that it is useful for our body?

Project "Computer games - is good or bad?"

Most schoolchildren spend a lot of time at the computer, it is an integral part of their lives, but not all of them know what the rules must be followed to keep your health.

Project: "Doll - a folk toy"

The purpose of the study: awaken the interest of children to Russian folk culture. Make faithful and game dolls.

Project "The problem of disposal of solid household waste"

I became interested in where people should throw out the garbage, how to process it and how to make it so that our village becomes cleaner. And I decided to conduct my own research.

Research project "Color and Children"

This work was carried out to study the influence of the color design of the premises of the educational institution for the mood, behavior and training of schoolchildren.

Project "Scrapbooking - a beautiful hobby"

Scrapbooking is such an unknown word. I decided to learn everything about him and tell everyone. My research work on creating a photo album with your own hands.

The project "Does the toothpaste affect the strength of the teeth?"

In this project, the influence of toothpaste on the strength of the teeth is investigated, experiments and observations are carried out, as a result of which conclusions are made.

Project "The Role of Traditions in My Family"

The purpose of my work is to find out the role of traditions in the formation of a strong and friendly family.

Project "Paradise Snowball"

Ice cream love adults and children. It became interested to know when ice cream appeared, whether it is useful.\u003d380

Project "Why Doramar Leawing?"

When we read the fairy tale A. Tolstoy "Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio," they thought, why Durramar selling leeches, and was sure that they were therapeutic. It was interested in us, and we decided to find out more about them.

Project "Lifestyle of animal in winter and their interaction with snow properties"

In this paper, a hypothesis is put forward that some of the properties of snow have a great influence on animals in winter.

Project "Mystery of Old Birch"

Research is devoted to the study of different ways to determine the age of birch and the use of them in practice.

Project "List Breathing"

Project goal: Find out which side of the leaf into the plant penetrates the air.

Draft "Cat - Pet"

The purpose of my work was to enlighten and raise us so that we sincerely love and defended animals.

Project "The influence of a magnet on the development of indoor plants"

The purpose of the study: to find out if the magnet affects the development of plants and how.

Work is a deep comparative analysis of carving technologies in various fields: cooking, sport, hairdresser art and more.

Project "The image of a dragon in children's literature"

The most famous and popular mythical creatures are dragons. In my work, I decided to tell what the dragons are and which groups are divided.

Project: Meteocenter "Folk Sights" reports ...

The work considers the problem of reliability of people will take the weather in modern climate. It is interdisciplinary (compiler) and experimental and extraimal character. Contains information about natural phenomena, history of ancestors, folklore, folk traditions, the secrets of family skill prediction of weather.

Study of the screen of the screen and the movement of Cherapacks in LogoMir

In this work, the coordinates of the turtle were found experimentally on the boundaries of the field area. It is proved that the field, in these peys, has a form of a rectangle and represents a rectangular coordinate system. And the screen on which the bug is moving outside the rectangle is the torus. Composed game programs for a psychologist.\u003d370.

Project "Song Victory"

The object of study was the songs of the period of the Great Patriotic War. The project product of our work is to create a multimedia album "Victory Songs".

What depends on the "sticky" ink and paints to fabric and paper.

Long-term research work is built on the alternation of practical (7 experiments) and theoretical parts.

Project "Where to go garbage?"

In the course of the study, experiments and experiments on garbage processing are carried out. The work is designed to bring up an ecological culture from younger students.

Project "Is it possible to grow beans in autumn?"

On the excursions, we noticed that with the onset of autumn, all ground parts of herbaceous plants die. So the plants are preparing for the winter. The question arose: "Is it possible to artificially create conditions for the growth and development of herbaceous plants in the fall?".

The project "Why ships are not drown"

Work can be used in the lessons of the surrounding world and physics. The author is logical, accessible and reasonably proves the law of Archimedes.

Project "Modern teacher and his role in society"

In my work, I will try to learn more about this profession: who is a teacher? When did it appear? What were the teachers before and what now? And tell about this to your peers.

Project "Youth Jargon in the Speech of Modern Schoolchildren"

I watched the speech of his class students in order to identify the peculiarities of speech communication of schoolchildren. The words of characteristic and used words of students of grades of characteristic and used words.

The project "What makes a magnet?"

The paper made an experienced check of some properties of the magnet.

Project "Rooting of the black birch plant"

The purpose of the project: to find out and check, under what conditions the cuttings of the "birch" quickly rooted.

Project "Attitude to the native city: Perm and Ekaterinburg"

Comparative analysis of Perm and Yekaterinburg on the example of attitudes towards the native city of residents of both cities.\u003d360

Project "Why do people love to travel?"

I and my family love to travel. We were in different countries, many cities of our Motherland visited. I wanted to know: why do people love to travel?

Project "AVZ during the Great Patriotic War"

It is interesting for us to learn the history of our city. On its territory during the war there was one plant in place where Avz is located. Therefore, we chose the topic "AVZ during the Great Patriotic War".

Project "How to Bear Water"

In the lessons on the world, I heard that fresh water in the world is only 3%. Then I decided to find out how you can protect the water and learn to spend it carefully.

The project "How do plants live?"

The world of plants is very diverse. What do you need to live? What is the relationship between the animals and the plant world? This will tell our project about it.

Project "The Forgotten Heritage of the Urals. The story of one excursion. "

The study of some abandoned Orthodox churches of the Sverdlovsk region.

Project "What is happiness?"

Very often write such words: "I wish you happiness!" Or "be happy!". In my research work, I decided to find out what happiness is and what the word "happiness" means.

Project "Who makes the wrong honey?"

This work can be used as a practical manual for checking honey for quality.

Project "Speech Aggression of Junior Schoolchildren or Some Secrets of Words"

We thought: why people talk to each other offensive words and can I fix the situation?

Project "Russian Bogatyr: the embodiment of my dream"

The work "Russian Bogatyr: the embodiment of my dream" is devoted to creating the image of the Russian hero, on the basis of the study of works of literature and art.

Project "Fruit and Vegetable Battery"

This paper presents the study of fruits and vegetables as possible chemical sources of electricity, and their practical application is also considered.

Project "Plants and Light"

What role does the light play in the life of plants? How does it affect plants? Where should I put plants so that they were beautiful? I tried to find answers on these questions.

Project "Outdated words in the story of Pushkin"

Why are the heroes of Pushkin say so strange? Can I not understand these words? And most importantly, why did Pushkin use them in his work? So there was my research project.

The project "Why do birds fly?"

I love animals very much, look about them, read books, mess with them. Near the house of culture a lot of pigeons, and I often observe them. Sometimes pigeons take off high on the roof of the building. How do they get them? I thought: what helps birds fly. I wanted to solve this mystery.

The project "Why is clouds float?"

A gladly day, not a single piece of leaf, and the clouds are high in the sky for some reason they do not stand still, but float. After all, the wind is not, why the clouds float?

Research work "Tectonics. What is it?"

I am engaged in the studio of modern dance, and I wanted to know where to start the direction of the tectonik?

Project "Unreadable guests"

In the fall of 2010, bears came to our city. They were discovered from trash cans and killed. Why did the bears come to the city? Why did people kill them? I excited me this problem, and I decided to explore it in my project.

Project "Raster graphics formats"

During the project, I got acquainted with the technical resources of the computer necessary to work with raster graphics.

Project "Cultural heritage of my family"

The goal of the project: the preservation of the cultural heritage of my family and the transfer of it to the next generations.

Project "Our Mamas on Spring Day"

What to give moms on March 8, how to please them? As they say in the famous poem "I know, Mom loves cloves and lilac. But in March there is no lilac, carnations do not get ... ". And then the children decided to grow flowers.

Project "What do I know about the history of space of space?"

The project was prepared by a group of students in grade 2 on the problem of the overall awareness of primary school students on the development of space.\u003d340

The project "Tale - a lie, yes there is a hint ..."

Each tale teaches us something. We just need to look around and listen to her. The purpose of the work: to trace how the Russian people across fairy tales taught children to treat elders.

Project "Mathematics in the kitchen"

Project "Where did Chuk and Gek traveled?"

The work of Arkady Gaidar "Chuk and Gek" begins with words: "A man lived in the forest near the blue mountains." But where are these blue mountains? Where did the path of heroes lying? The answer to this question was not found on the map or on the Internet.

Project: "We, Nature and our health"

The purpose of the project: to collect secrets in Lukoshko, ways to preserve and promoting health.

Project "Mold - part of life on earth"

The goal of the project: theoretical and pilot experimental study of mold as a biological structure.

Project "Why are soap bubbles round?"

Why do soap bubbles have a round shape? Perhaps, if used to inflate a bubble wire frame in the form of a cube or a triangle, will the bubble of another form? Consider ...

The project "The victory of the grandfather is my victory!"

Each family has its own little history of war, and we should learn as much as possible about the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfather - glorious defenders of the Motherland!

The project "How born boots?"

It became interesting for me to learn how the usual felt lump turns into a boat and whether it is possible to make felt boots at home.

Project "Mathematics and Music"

What is the connection may be between mathematics, the wise queen of all sciences and music? I propose to find answers to these questions, to prove that the connection between music and mathematics exists.

Project "Sweetsellers in the Moscow region"

As a result of observations and research, the student receives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe bird. Determines the habitat, the conditions for the residence of the Sweetsel in his native land. It turns out what faces the Moscow region in the birds.\u003d330

Project "Is it possible to lose weight in 10 days?"

This work on effective weight loss is 3-4 kg in 10 days without harm to the children's body.

Project "This is a wizard - our water"

Together with the children, we study the properties of water, learn to protect water resources, carry out practical experiments on the study of the properties of water.

Project "The World of the Child: View Through Time"

On the lessons of music often sounded plays from the "Children's album" P.I. Tchaikovsky. Listening to music, I thought: whether the interests of the children of Tchaikovsky and my peers are similar. My job search is devoted to this question.

The project "The TRUE ON Chocolate"

Chocolate is a delicacy not only children, but also adults. But few know how and where he appeared, about his benefits and harm.

Project "Should a snow fur coat be clean?"

Project goal: to study the properties of plants, germinated in various melt water.

Project "My Praded"

I want many to find out which I had a wonderful great-grandfather, that he passed the whole war and committed many feats, defending his homeland.

Project "Family - Cosmos particle"

The author compares the life of a person with the device of the Universe, taking the life of the stars and the life of a person in the family as a basis. It turns out that, according to the same laws, not only human life is arranged, but the whole world is our universe.

Project "Little History About My Big Family"

I live in a small Cossack village. I really wanted to know my family's story and how we found a new homeland, where I found good friends and gained happiness.

The project "What is a tan and is it useful for a person?"

The purpose of my research is: to find out why the tan appears and whether it is useful for the human body.

Project "Does the fur coat warre?"

The work performed an experiment comparing the thermal conductivity of various tissues and materials. It is shown that the warm clothes from the fluff and wool are the warmest.\u003d320.

Project "New Year's Souvenir"

The project describes the work of a child for making a gift with its own hands to the New Year holiday in the technique of Kushudam.

Project "Metamorphosis of God's Cow"

On the leaves of the cherry, I saw the larvae of the ladybugs. It was surprised that the children are not at all like their parents and decided to observe them for their transformation.

Project "Embroidery for the Soul"

I decided to explore in detail the entire process of embroidery work, its stages, materials, familiarize yourself with the history of its occurrence.

Project "Russian fairy tales and Japanese fairy tales"

The purpose of the study: Find out whether Russian and Japanese fairy tales are similar?

Project "Gray Crows in the City"

In the work, I described my observations of gray crowns during the construction of their nest.

Project "Piggy Bank of Vitamins"

Knowing that vegetables and fruits are the main source of vitamins, we assume that if you regularly include them in the diet, the number of patients will become less.

"Talented sculptor - the pride of our city"

I learned that a real sculptor lives in our city Frolovo. I am proud that we live in the same city with him, and I also dream of becoming a real sculptor.

Project "Living Legend of War"

Many commemorative places in the city of Frolovo, who tell about the participation of Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, about their exploits. I decided to meet with the participant of the war, Kostina Maria Alexandrovna.

Project "Tulip growth factors"

To please the loved ones, make them a gift in winter, we decided to plant flowers in a pot in a group, growing a gift with our own hands.

Project "Winter birds of our region"

If you change the living conditions of birds in winter, then maybe not all flight birds will fly away to the warm edges? After all, winter birds are feathered, able to adapt to different conditions.\u003d300

Project "Keyboard Mystery"

Why are the keys on the keyboard are this way? The purpose of my research is to identify the parameters on which the speed of the text set on the keyboard depends.

Project "Training of decorative rats"

The paper examines the issue of traverse rodents, depending on temperament and character. The success of the taming of the rat depends on their relationship with man.

The project "Why does the goat give milk?"

Work is observing the goats of a personal compound. Project goal: Find out why not all goats give milk and how to care for them.

Project "The Secret of Hazed Water"

Very often from parents, we hear such words: "The soda is harmful, it is impossible to drink." Why do stores sell carbonated water? I decided to check whether the soda is harmful.

Project "Plants predators"

I recently found out that there are plants on Earth, which chose an amazing method for producing nutrients. They catch and digest insects. Such plants are called plant predators.

Project "Paints in our life"

Paints in our life occupy a huge place. Without paints, our world would be gray, so a person always sought to find a way to decorate reality.

Project "What will tell the water droplet"

Currently, it is very acute issues of a shortage of clean fresh water. Do we often think about what water I drink? The health of people depends on the quality of water.

Project "The phenomenon of geotrophism in the life of plants"

Research work is aimed at confirmation of the hypothesis: the right landing of seeds (root down) will give fast and healthy shoots.

Project "Manifestation of emotions of the parrot"

Parrots occupy a special place among pets. The behavior of the parrot depends on its emotional state and expresses its emotions in different ways.

The project "Why is the cat glow in the dark?"

I chose this topic, because I love my cat very much, and I like to watch him. I decided to figure it out if the cat's eyes really glow in the dark.\u003d290

Project "Ice Flowers"

Project "My Malaya Motherland"

Project "Flower for Mom"

The project "There are miracles, there is a leather wandering ..."

The work will include an analysis and a child view on the negative heroes of Russian folk fairy tales.

Project "Ice Flowers"

The purpose of my work was to find out how snow patterns appear on the windows. Why patterns in the apartment, because frost outside the window? Why are snow patterns different in shape?

Project "Winter birds of the city of Kalachinsk"

In work it is described, what birds saw Nastya in his feeding in winter in the city of Kalachinsk Omsk region.

Project "Living - forcleant, animate - inanimate"

The research project gives answers to questions about the category of animation and inanimateness of living and non-living items.

Project "Health of the Nation. Smoking"

Smoking is a real disaster of our time. In my work, I will tell you the story of the appearance of smoking on Earth and how harm it does.

Project "My Malaya Motherland"

The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most relevant. Subject of research: The history of the creation of the division, town, service of warriors of rackets.

Project "Amazing Crystals"

Crystal structure have many substances. Crystals are found in life very often, but children know a little about them.

Project "Flower for Mom"

Project "Feet, Wings and ... Jet Engine"

Preparing for the celebration of the New Year, I inflated the balls, one of them broke out of the hands and flew away from me. I asked myself a question: What happened to the ball?

Project "Mugs for parents"

My parents love to drink tea. Mom loves warm tea, and dad is hot. In different circles, the tea cools in different ways. I was wondering what it depends on.

Project "Saturn - Planet Solar System"

Research work is devoted to the study of issues: Why is Planet called Saturn? When and who researched it?

Project "Origami and Mathematics"

Research project of the Queen Dasha on the identification of the relationship of the art of origami and mathematics.

Project "Oh, these dinosaurs!"

In this paper, Danil introduces the history of the life of these creatures, their habitat. Work is interesting for its presentation, which uses many photos.

Project "Dance on the fingers in the ballet"

I chose this topic because I like ballet. I wanted to know: how it turns out to get the fingertips on the tips and reach a high skill in the dance.

Project "Little Drill of the Big World"

This paper describes the history of the creation of ponds in the village of Verkhuslyno Yaran district of the Kirov region.

The project "As indoor plants affect our life"

Many residents spend up to 20 hours a day in rooms. To improve well-being, it is necessary to grow in them indoor plants.

Project "Weather forecast in February 2011"

Observation of weather forecast and temperature comparison since 2010.

Project "River Yarant"

In this paper, the sources of the River of the Yarani, its tributaries, the vegetable and animal world of this reservoir are studied. Former swimming places are investigated. It turns out that the river Omlenlae, her shores thickets and no places for bathing left. Is the survey "where children are bathed?"

Project "Soft Toy Bunny"

In this paper, the history of soft toys is studied. The main stages of the manufacture of soft toys "Bunny" are determined.

Draft "Ladies"

This work is interesting because in a short time you can help your loved ones to transform and decorate dresses and costumes, bags and shoes.\u003d270

Draft "onion" happiness

Interest in the problem of growing onions is due to the fact that onions are one of those vegetables, which is used in food by all.

Project "Suit from the Past".

The study introduces the traditions of the Chuvash people and the peculiarities of a folk costume. It is very important to know the main characters and signs that were used to decorate a female dress.

Project "School"

We go to school every day. I became interested: what school was before?

Project "Caution - Food!"

I and my friends buy chips, kiries, carbonated drinks to quench hunger and thirst. But we are constantly hearing that it is harmful. And I decided to figure out: useful or harmful fast food products?

Project "The influence of color on human health"

Color surrounds man everywhere. The purpose of my work is to study the problem of the effect of color on human mental health.

Project "Nizhnevartovsk in names"

My research invites everyone to think about my names, because they are given to man only once.

"Does the relatives of dinosaurs exist in our time?"

I wanted to understand how they lived, why did they extinct and do they have relatives in our world. After all, very many existing animals are similar to dinosaurs.

Project "Piano - the best musical instrument"

The purpose of the study: Find out why piano is considered the most versatile (popular) musical instrument.

The project "Birds in winter"

Design and research work of 3 class students.

Project "My Homemade Friends"

Interesting you work, colleagues!

Topics for projects

Why do ball balls fly?

How does the bow grow?

How to cook paint?

How does the icicle grow?

Is there life on Mars?

Is it clean white snow?

How does the tree grow?

Why does fly go on the ceiling?

What birds live in the city?

What is Yea?

How to grow flower?

Why is a multicolored rainbow?

Water riddles

How to cook herbal shampoos?

Smart invisible or why air is needed

What are shells made from?

Are there predator plants?

Where did bread make a crust?

How does the doctor hear what we breathe?

How is Rosa born?

What does the sound look like?

How is the fan?

Why not sleeping volcano?

What is the most useful water?

Where is the bee flying?

What is the crocodile for lunch?

Story Chess.

History of Olympic Games.

The whole truth about the Egyptian pyramids.

What did Keet told about?

Why light bulb shines?

How do ants build their homes?

Why sings a shoe?

How are poems born?

Why man's nose?

Can the stone treat?

How does the hand write?

Salt riddles.

Does water have a memory?

Laugh. What it is?

Why sings violin?

Where does the attraction from the magnet?

How does a person use the sea?

Greece riddles

Why a person's skeleton?

Why disappeared dinosaurs?

Topics of research and projects for primary school common topics:
Is the chicken egg firmly?
Does the toothpaste affect the strength of the teeth?
Children's fantasy
Keyboard mystery
Art of creating a book
Computer games are good or bad?
Paints in our lives
Little story about my big family
Mathematics in the kitchen
Meteocenter "Folk Signs" reports ...
Cartoons: What is it?
World of baby: look through time
Youth jargon in speech modern schoolchildren
Dragon image in children's literature
About some ways to survive in nature
What are the tracks on the snow
Origami and Mathematics
Where in bread so many holes
Where did the bread come from the table?
Paper use
Why is water in small water bodies?
Why dried puddles
Why ships are not drown
Why the sea is salty
Why do we cry? Where do tears come from?
Why is the pillow soft, and the floor is solid?
Why makes milk?
Why does popcorn shoot?
Why is a striped snowdrift?
Why is bread black and white?
Why is tea brewed in hot water?
Traveling water droplets
Speech aggression of younger schoolchildren or some secret words
Russian Bogatyr: The embodiment of my dream
The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hid ...
Sleep or sleep? That is the question!
Bread all over the head!
Color and children
What is a microscope?
What is an experiment?
What is in solonka and in sugar?
Wonderful transformations, or what is cheese?

I and my family

Topics of research work for primary school classes:
Influence of computer on children
Magic Krasok
War and our family
Family tree of my family
From the history of childhood duties
Name in human life
My pedigree
My family tape
Reward in our house
Holidays of our family
Letter of my grandmother's grandchildren
Family traditions
Family Relics
Sports life of my family
Our house. Our yard.

The world

Topics for research work for primary school about nature:
And we have pineapple!
"White birch under my window"
My birch, Berezonka!
Evergreen Beauty Forest
Life of the forest
Who paints leaves in green?
Forest - our friend
My paradise garden
My favorite fruit orange
New Year's Beauty
Why do leaves change the leaves in the fall?
About tops and roots, or why branches stretch to the sun, and roots in the ground
Useful properties of viburnum
Portrait of an apple
Why don't seeds germinate in the apple?
Travel bones
Why does the Christmas tree have prick needles?
Russian birch
What do we know about wood crust?
What is Beresta?
What is the leaf fall?
This Mexican Stranger - Avocado
Apple tree and apple
Amber - Magic Trees Trees
I was born gardener


Topics of project work of primary school on indoor plants
Cactics at home
Green window sill at school
Cactus - prickly friend
Who are you, sour lemon?
Cactus world
World of plants on the windowsill
Is it possible to grow in the home cactus of a large size?
Is it possible to grow a plant in a closed glass jar?
My green friends
My favorite flower - Begonia
My flower garden
My garden
My miracle flower
My passion - cacti
About indoor plants
Why leaves on the trees in the fall yellow, and there are no houseplants?
Secrets "Grandma Gerani"
Amazing cacti
Violet for mom
Violets as a gift grandmother
What do we know about Lemon?

Plants and berries

Topics of research work of primary classes about plants:
Visiting White Square
Can I use a dandelion plant in food?
My little world of wild plants
Dandelion - Little Sun
Portrait of strawberry
Look, dandelion!
Why not from each seed a new life originates?
Why are sunflower called the sun flower?
Why the plant grows
About tops and roots
Natural Community - Meadow
The role of plants in human life
What kind of raspberry berry?
What do we know about sunflower?
Berry ABC
Watermelon berries.


Topics of research work in primary school about the garden:
Pharmacy on Groke: Babushkina Cabbage
Ah, potatoes, potatoes!
Ah, carrot, sodium!
Without windows, no doors full of honey
"Merry beans"
Where is the onions grow better?
Where do the washings grow?
Riddles about vegetables and fruits
Who strips him, that tears sheds
Favorite potato in the life of our family
Onions from seven ailment
Observation of the development of onions
Our friend - Leek Spend
Do you need feeding zakachkov seedlings?
Inhabitants of the nursery
Experience with beans. Germination
Organic farming
Where did tomatoes come from and why they called them
Plant Selection for Alpinaria
Potato use for human health
Tomato - health fruit
Potato Holiday - Bulba
Senor Tomato
Beans - good or bad neighbor in bed?
Once peas, two peas ...
What is our life? The game? No - Kabachk Icra!
Stairs of life. The history of the life of the beans seed

Medicinal plants

Topics of research projects of primary grades of medicinal plants:
Babushkina Pharmacy
Nettle. What do I know about her?
Medicines - weeds
Does indoor plants treat cold?
Tenderness of chamomile - for soul and body
Why does Nheatva burn?
Aloe benefits
I'm not a steppe, I walk down the pharmacy ...


Themes of research works of younger schoolchildren about colors
Hyacinth distortion by March 8 - "Gift Mother"
Grow tulips ourselves, and then give mom
My favorite roses
Miracle Flowers - Velhets
Give a flower mom
Observation of the growth and development of garden and varietal tulips
Sunflower - Sunny Flower
Why smell flowers?
Why colorful flowers
Why grandma in the country the most beautiful flowers
Traveling around the kingdom of flowers. Lily of the valley
Traveling around the kingdom of flowers. Lotus
Traveling around the kingdom of flowers. Dandelion
Traveling around the kingdom of flowers. Snowdrop
Save the Lily of Lily May!
Tulip for mom
Flower of sun
Flower for mom
Flowers for home and soul
Flowers in the garden and houses
Wonderful world of flavors
I will give a bouquet mom ...


Themes of research work of primary school on animals:
Life and death of dinosaurs on planet Earth
Why the Yellow Apple?
Crocodile tears
Who lives in our forest?
Who lives under the tubercom?
Who builds a house on the river?
Who are hedgehogs and what do we know about their lives?
Who is the elephant?
Who are you, dog?
Culinary whitewash preferences
Favorite pet
I love you, my friend shaggy!
Inquisitive animal - Squirrel
People and cats.
People and dolphins
Mammoths - ancient and mighty
Bear fabulous and real
World of funny animals
World of whales
World of horses
World of Dogs
Can a hamster replace Baibaka, and Baybak hamster?
My poodle
My cat
My pet is German Shepherd
My favorite animal - Dolphin
Is it possible to make friends with a horse?
My pet pets
My mysterious cats
My cats
My favorite rabbits
My favorite horses
My favorite hamsters
My pets
My four-legged friends
My faithful friend is a dog
My pet - Syrian hamster
My pet - Scotch Terrier
My pet is a guinea pig
My fluffy tender cat Ryzhik
My redhead is a cat
My puppy: the first month of life
Guinea pig - perfect animal for children of any age
My favorite cat
My favourite dog
My amazing meeting with dolphins
Observation of the beagues
Observation of golden hamsters
Observation of the development of a rabbit with artificial feeding
Watching home and wild mice
Gray rats are not afraid of us!
Our favorite zoo
Unusual facts about ordinary hedgehog
Nora is a house. Housing animals
About leopards
Lifestyle and behavior of my cat
Lifestyle bats
One day from the life of a hamster
About cats
Deer - our friends
The difference in the behavior of large and small dogs
Very long animal under a wonderful name - Giraffe
Behavior of domestic pigs
Cat behavior
Lost world of dinosaurs
Why darted dinosaurs?
Why are whales pop up to the surface and produce a fountain of water?
Why does the cow give milk?
Why dinosaurs extinct on earth
Why crest Kitaka
Why tiger striped?
Why does the hamster have thick cheeks?
Why is the cat in the dark light eyes?
In the footsteps of the Ussuri Tiger
Habits and habits of my cats
About Zaitsev ...
Fluffy wounds
Different breed horses
Next to us live proteins ...
Whether pig pig?
Dog - man friend
Dog friend of man or man friend dog?
Dog - a true friend
Content and education puppy
"Creatures that love us more than themselves"
Who has a long tail?
Who has a language on the leg?
Amazing cats
Amazing dolphins
Amazing world of dinosaurs-giakanov
Did the dinosaurs be able to fly?
Does Dolphins know how to talk
Do animals know how?
Cat mental abilities
Mustache, paws and tail, or what does the cat tell us?
Tail hydroelectors.
"Tail, tail, tail"
Hamster in search of truth
Dragging hamsters.
Ferret. Can he replace the cat?
Tsar Dinosaurov
Whose nose is better?
Than hare is different from rabbit
What is treated with elephants?
What do i know about dolphins
What I found out about cats
What do we know about cats?
Jaguar - Majestic Predator
I am for love for all dogs.


Topics of primary school research projects about mushrooms:
Mushroom Lukoshko
His Majesty Borovik
What do we tell us the names of mushrooms?
Mold is also a mushroom!
You, chanterelle, red mushroom!
The amazing kingdom of mushrooms
Amazing Nakhodka
Guess the fungus!
What kind of mushroom on a thin leg?


Topics of research works of younger students about the birds:
As the winter sparrow
Who lives in the nestschka?
Who are birds?
Who are Amadins?
Chicken - Bird is not simple!
Swallow - Messenger of Good and Happiness
swallow's Nest
The world of our hobbies. Wavy parrots
World of birds
Can a student elementary school keep home ostrich?
My cranes
My favorite penguins
My observations of the rustic swallow
My singers canary
My feathered friends
My wavy friend
My domestic pets - Parrot Kesha
Wise Voron
We taught a parrot
On the wings of the spring brought ...
Observation of birds visiting the feeder
Monitoring the lifestyle of home germography and study of the effect of temperature on the shape of its nest
Observation of the behavior and reproduction of Mallard ordinary at home
Observations of the city swallow population
Observations for the shaking
About Sparrow
Pernaya architects
Bird behavior in winter
Behavior of tit in winter
Cheer the birds in winter!
Let's help the wintering birds
Parrot Corella. My little study
Why in winter the bird is knocking on the window?
Why is a crock of a rooster in dawn at the same time?
Why don't many ruchies fly away in winter?
Why the parrot is wavy
Why do birds fly?
Why do birds fly away in the fall?
Why is the bunch of breast red?
Birds - our friends
Birds of our school
Birds for my window
Birds - our friends
What kind of bird sparrow?
What kind of bird is this daw?
Miracle of egg
Whose nest?
Whose nests are better?


Themes of the project work of primary school on amphibians:
Who are snakes?
Frog with souls princes
The world of my turtle
My friend is a turtle
My home turtle
Observation of the development of a frog Ostrojord, Bolotnaya (Rana Arvalis Nilsson) in aquarium
Unusual lizards
About turtles
Are the snakes dangerous?
Are Lizards?
Why green frogs?
Why does the lizard have a tail break?
Tsarevna-frog, or how I grow up a frog myself
This is a fabulous creature - frog


Topics of research work in elementary school on fish:
Aquarium and its inhabitants
Aquarium fish - what are they?
Fish, fish, big and small ...
My aquarium
We created aquad, the fish are having fun in it
Observation of the behavior of ordinary crucian with the content of it in the aquarium
Observation of fish-parrots
Residents of reservoirs
Inhabitants of fresh reservoirs
Why do Cambala eyes on one side
Fish of our water
Pisch Pike No ...
What happened to Keta?


Themes of research works of younger schoolchildren about insects:
Mosquito: It is impossible to execute, pardon ...
Who lives in the computer?
Who as adapts to the world around
Who is the Medveda
Who are spiders?
Small, yes delete, or how insects move
Honey fraternity
World of Zhukov
Mir Strekzoz
My discovery about fly
My collection of insects
Ants and their kingdom
Ant life
Observation of butterfly development of peacock eyes
Monitoring the peculiarities of life and behavior of mantis in captivity
Observation of the development cycle of the Colorado Beetle
Anthill development observations
Insects of my yard
Insects. What are they?
About spiders
Where did the redhead come from and where do they behave?
Oh, these mosquitoes!
Oh, these horns!
Spider - man friend
Pontreating painting of animals (why the grasshopper is green?)
Do we understand animals, or how to attract butterflies to your garden
Purifying flowers
Why are butterflies do not live in the city?
Why is the water member walks on the water?
Why not sink a water member?
About Muravyev
Bee - a friend of man
Bee family
Are you intelligent ants?
How many points do God's cow?
Amazing world of butterflies
Praise the bee!
Than interesting spiders
Wonderful transformation of the caterpillar in a butterfly

Worms, snails, bacteria, microbes

Rain worm observation
My Akhatina, Ulyana!
Do not look down on a simple worm
Oh, these bacteria!
Who are microbes?
The world of "invisible" around us, or how to catch a microbe?

Basics of geography

Attractions of our city
Is there a future from our village?
Is there water in the air?
How Snezhinka is born
Who lives in Africa?
Who will predict the weather to us?
Search route Captain Grant (on the book J. Verne "Children of Captain Grant")
My favorite place of rest
Dunno in Elektrostal.
From whom the river runs?
Where did tea come from?
Why water on earth does not dry
Why is the volcano named the volcano and why does he "breathe fire?"
Why volcanoes are eructed?
Why is marine water salty?
Why appear waterfalls?
Why does the Christmas tree have prick needles?
Multicolored seas
Snow research
Seven wonders of the world
Seven wonders of Russia
Seven wonders of Ukraine
Seas color and titles
What is icebergs?
What is quartz?


Topics of research work of elementary school on ecology:
There were about dust
Homeless animals - the problem of each of us
Living water
Live, Spring!
How to save our river?
What water we drink
What air we breathe
How the cartoons affect the psyche of the child
Protect nature - it means to guard the world
Cleanliness on my street. What can I do with garbage?
Ecology of my village.
Ecology of our reservoir
Ecoproducts of my garden.

Physical education and health basics

Topics of research work of primary school on physical education:
If you want to be healthy
Healthy lifestyle
Story skis
My power mode
Milk is useful for children
Danger of the yard
Prevention of caries from the guys of younger age.
Li ice cream is useful
Are you helpful or harmful yeast?
Useful properties of Kumsa
The benefits and use of vitamins.
Sport life family
What is vitamins?
Rhythmic gymnastics.
Chocolate - harm or benefit.
I am a cyclist.

Russian language and literature

Dr. Aibolita route in K.I. Tales Chukovsky "Aibolit".
Inactive reflections on the fairy tale (analysis of the main features of the characteristics of the heroes of animal fairy tales).
Pinocchio and Buratino
Basni traps
Search for words-verbov, which are not written with it.
The Tale of Tsar Saltan.


Topics of research work of primary school in mathematics:
Copyright problems in mathematics for students of the 1st grade.
Arithmetic - science.
Merry tasks
Cheerful mathematical train
Merry tasks "Forest Mathematics".
Merry challenges for young fishermen.
Ancient units of length
Units of measurement in ancient Russia
Tasks in drawings
Tasks for attentive and smart.
Fresh air tasks
Tasks fairy tales
Art guess numbers
How to quickly learn multiplication table
How well be able to count!
Mathematics in cat life.
Mathematical proverbs
Mathematical coloring for the 1st grade.
Mathematical fairy tales
Mathematical kaleidoscope.
Measures and measurements
My homework
My favourite number
Is it possible to call natural numbers amazing?
My wonderful friends - Figures
In the lesson of mathematics
Natural numbers in human life.
Our creativity in mathematics.
About inches, tops and centimeters.
From addition to division
Rapid account receptions
About the number zero
"Once, two, three, four, five begin to measure"
Developing tasks in mathematics
Talk about zero
I solve the task with joy
Secrets of multiplication table
Length measures system
How much is a kilogram of potatoes from my garden?
Vintage cash units
Vintage lengths of length, volume and weight in Russian proverbs and sayings.
Country of good mathematics
Multiplication Table on Fingers
Do animals know how?
Multiplication with passion
Numeric giants
Miracle task.

Basics of chemistry

Crystal cultivation from salt
Crystal cultivation from copper mood.
Growing crystals at home.

Basics of informatics

Themes of research projects of preschoolers in computer science:
The history of the appearance of a computer.
How did our ancestors believed
Varieties of accounts in various countries.
The first electrical device for the account.


Topics of research work of primary school music:
"Poems that sing" (songs on the poems of the poet-storyman S.G. Kozlova).
Bayu-Bayushki-Bay (Lullaby songs of the Russian and Yakut peoples).
Vision of music through the drawing.
Influence of music on aquarium fish.
Harmonic in our family.
Children's musical instruments
Baby shock tools
Entertaining history of xylophone.
The history of one tool.
The history of the origin of the balalaika.
Spoons as a musical instrument.
Favorite songs of my grandmother.
Musical paints
Let's talk about mom music.
Sergey Prokofiev. Music for children.
Tale in music.
Chastushki about numbers.

Professions and hobby

Modern and vintage cars.
Stained cars
Calendar of family professions.
My passion is vintage cars.
My collection of insects.
Professions of our dreams
Professions of our parents.