How the Soviet Writers' Union was born. Fatech Vergasov

How the Soviet Writers' Union was born. Fatech Vergasov
How the Soviet Writers' Union was born. Fatech Vergasov

Union of writers

Union of Writers of the USSR - organization of professional writers of the USSR. It was created in 1934 at the first congress of the Writers of the USSR, convened in accordance with the Decree of the CPSU Central Committee (b) of April 23, 1932. This union was replaced by all the writers who existed before the organization: both united on any ideological or aesthetic platform (Pass, "Pass") and the observed writers of writing unions (the All-Russian Union of Writers, All-Commercials).

In the charter of the Writers' Union, as a result of 1934, it was said: "The Union of Soviet writers puts the initial purpose of creating works of high artistic value saturated with the heroic struggle of the international proletariat, Paphos of the victory of socialism, reflecting the Great Wisdom and Herism of the Communist Party. The Union of Soviet Writers aims to create artistic works worthy of the Great Epoch of Socialism. " The charter was repeatedly edited and changed. As amended 1971, the Union of Writers of the USSR - "Voluntary Public Creative Organization, uniting the professional writers of the Soviet Union, participating in the fight for the construction of communism, for social progress, for peace and friendship between nations."

The charter was given to the definition of socialist realism, as the main method of Soviet literature and literary criticism, following which was a prerequisite for the membership of the joint venture.

The highest body of the USSR joint venture was the Congress of Writers (between 1934 and 1954, contrary to the Charter, did not convene).

The head of the USSR joint venture according to the 1934 charter was the Chairman of the Board. The first chairman in 1934-1936 of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR was Maxim Gorky. At the same time, the actual management of the Union's activities carried out the 1st secretary of the joint venture Alexander Shcherbakov. Then the chairmen were Alexey Tolstoy (1936-1938); Alexander Fadeev (1938-1944 and 1946-1954); Nikolay Tikhonov (1944-1946); Alexey Surkov (1954-1959); Konstantin Fedin (1959-1977). According to the Charter of 1977, the leadership of the Writers' Union was carried out by the first secretary of the Board. This position was occupied by: Georgy Markov (1977-1986); Vladimir Karpov (since 1986, resigned in November 1990, but continued to conduct cases until August 1991); Timur Pulatov (1991).

The structural divisions of the USSR joint ventures were regional writer organizations with a structure similar to Central Organization: the joint ventures of the Union and Autonomous Republics, writing organizations of the regions, edges, cities Moscow and Leningrad.

The Print Bodies of the SP of the USSR were the "literary newspaper", the magazines "New World", "Banner", "Friendship of Peoples", "Questions of Literature", "Literary Review", "Children's Literature", "Foreign Literature", "Youth", " Soviet literature "(published in foreign languages)," Theater "," Sovietic Geymland "(for the Yiddish)," Star "," Bonfire ".

The Board of the USSR joint venture was the Publishing House "Soviet writer", Literary Institute. M. Gorky, literary consultation for beginner authors, the All-Union Bureau of the Propaganda of Fiction, Central House of Writers. A. A. Fadeev in Moscow.

Also in the structure of the joint venture there were various units that carried out the functions of management and control. Thus, all foreign journeys of JV members were subject to approval by the Foreign Commission of the SP of the USSR.

At the board of the joint venture, the USSR operated a literary fund, regional writer organizations also had their own lithoflons. The task of Lithofords was the provision of material support to members (respectively, "rank" of the writer) in the form of providing housing, construction and maintenance of "writing" country villages, medical and sanatorium-resort service, providing vouchers to the "House of Creativity of Writers", the provision of domestic services, Supply with scarce goods and food products.

Admission to the members of the Writers' Union was made on the basis of a statement to which the recommendations of the three members of the joint venture were supposed to be made. The writer who wants to join the Union should have had two published books and submit reviews on them. The application was considered at a meeting of the local branch of the USSR joint venture and was to receive at least two thirds of the vote when voting, then the Secretariat or the Board of the USSR joint venture was considered and at least half of their votes were required to take into account. In 1934, there were 1500 members in the Union, in 1989 - 9920.

In 1976, it was reported that from the total number of members of the Union, 3665 write in Russian.

The writer could be excluded from the Writers' Union. The reason for exception could serve:

- Criticism of the writer on the part of the highest party instances. An example is the exception of M. M. Zoshchenko and A. A. Akhmatova, who followed the report of Zhdanov in August 1946 and the party decree "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ";

- Publication abroad works not published in the USSR. B. L. Pasternak for publication in Italy, "Dr. Zhivago" in 1957, was exceeded the first for this motive;

- publication in "Samizdat";

- discovered disagreement with the Policy of the CPSU and the Soviet state;

- participation in public speeches (signing open letters) with protests against the persecution of dissidents.

Excluded from the Union of Writers refused to publish books and publication in magazines subordinate to the joint venture, almost they were deprived of the opportunity to earn literary labor. With the exception of them from the Union, there was an exception from a lithofand, which enchanting tangible material difficulties. The exception to the joint venture on political reasons, as a rule, was indulging in a wide publicity, which was sometimes transformed into real injury. In some cases, an exception was accompanied by criminal prosecution under the articles "Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" and "the distribution of knowingly false fabrications that are disrupted by the Soviet state and social system", deprivation of USSR citizenship forced emigration.

According to political reasons from the Writers' Union, A. Sinyavsky, Yu. Daniel, N. Korzhavin, Vladimov, L. Chukovskaya, A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Maximov, V. Nekrasov, A. Galich, E. Ekind, V. Worn, I. Dzuby, N. Lukash, Viktor Erofeev, E. Popov, F. Lights. In protest against the exclusion of Popov and Erofeev from SP in December 1979, V. Aksenov, I. Lynnyanskaya and S. Lipkin announced their exit from the Union of Writers of the USSR.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Union of Writers of the USSR was divided into many organizations in various countries of the post-Soviet space.

The main successors of the SP of the USSR in Russia are the international community of writing alliances, which for a long time Sergey Mikhalkov, the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Russian Writers.

The soil for the separation of the Unified Community of the Writers of the USSR, in which about 11,000 people consisted, for two wings: the Union of Writers of Russia (SPR) and the Union of Russian Writers (PSA) was the so-called "letter 74". The first included those who were solidary with the authors of the "Letters of the 74th", in the second - writers, as a rule, liberal views. It served as a indicator of moods that dominated the then in a number of literary figures. The most famous, the most talented writers of Russia spoke about the danger of Russophobia, about the infidelity of the chosen "restructuring" path, the meaning of patriotism for the revival of Russia.

The Union of Writers of Russia is a all-Russian public organization uniting a number of Russian and foreign writers. Formed in 1991 on the basis of the Unified Union of Writers of the USSR. First Chairman - Yuri Bondarev. For 2004, the Union consisted of 93 regional organizations and united 6991 people. In 2004, a commemorative medal A. P. Chekhov was established to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of A. P. Chekhov. Awarded to persons awarded the literary prize named after A. P. Chekhov "For the contribution to Russian modern literature."

Union of Russian Writers - the All-Russian Public Organization, which unites Russian and foreign writers. The Union of Russian Writers was formed in 1991 during the collapse of the Union of Writers of the USSR. At the origins of his creation, Dmitry Likhachev, Sergey Zaligin, Victor Astafiev, Yuri Nagibin, Anatoly Zhigulin, Vladimir Sokolov, Roman of the Solders. First Secretary of the Union of Russian Writers: Svetlana Vasilenko.

The Union of Russian Writers is a co-founder and organizer of the Voloshinsky Prize, the Voloshin Competition and the Voloshin Festival in Koktebel, All-Russian meetings of young writers, enters the Organizing Committee for the celebration of Jubileev M. A. Sholokhov, N. V. Gogol, A. T. Tvardovsky and other prominent writers , in the jury of the international literary premium. Yuri Dolgoruky, he holds "provincial literary evenings" in Moscow, was the initiator of the construction of the monument O. E. Mandelstam in 2008, participates in international and Russian book fairs, together with the Union of Journalists of Russia, conducts conferences of women writers, creative evenings, literary Reading in libraries, schools and universities, round tables on translation issues, regional prose seminars, poetry and criticism.

With the Union of Russian Writers, the publication "Union of Russian Writers" is open.

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From the charter of the Writers' Union, as editors in 1934 (the charter was repeatedly edited and changed): "The Union of Soviet writers puts the initial purpose of creating works of high artistic value saturated with the heroic struggle of the international proletariat, the Pafos of the Victory of Socialism, reflecting the Great Wisdom and Herism of the Communist Party. The Union of Soviet Writers aims to create artistic works worthy of the Great Epoch of Socialism. "

According to the charter, as amended in 1971, the Union of Writers of the USSR - "A voluntary public creative organization, uniting the professional writers of the Soviet Union, participating in the struggle in the struggle for the construction of communism, for social progress, for peace and friendship between nations."

The charter was given to the definition of socialist realism, as the main method of Soviet literature and literary criticism, following which was a prerequisite for the membership of the joint venture.

Organization of the joint venture of the USSR

The highest body of the USSR joint venture was the Congress of writers (between 1934 and 1954, contrary to the charter, did not convene), who elected the Board of the USSR joint venture (150 people in 1986), which, in turn, was elected chairman of the Board (since 1977 - First Secretary) and formed the Secretariat of the Board (36 people in 1986), who managed the activities of the joint venture in the period between the congresses. The plenum of the board of the joint venture was assembled at least once a year. The Board of the Charter of 1971 elected, in addition, the Secretariat Bureau, as part of which was about 10 people, the actual leadership was in the hands of the working secretariat group (about 10 full-time places occupied by administrative workers than the writers). At the head of this group in 1986, Yu. N. Verchenko was approved (until 1991).

The structural divisions of the USSR joint ventures were regional writing organizations with a structure similar to the Central Organization: the joint ventures of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the writer organizations of the regions, Kraev, cities in Moscow and Leningrad.

The Print Bodies of the SP of the USSR were the "literary newspaper", the magazines "New World", "Banner", "Friendship of Peoples", "Questions of Literature", "Literary Review", "Children's Literature", "Foreign Literature", "Youth", " Soviet literature "(published in foreign languages)," Theater "," Sovieties Geymland "(for the Yiddish)," Star "," Bustor ".

The Board of the joint venture of the USSR was the Publishing House "Soviet writer", literary consultation for novice authors, the All-Union Bureau of Affairs Propaganda, the central house of writers. A. A. Fadeev in Moscow, etc.

Also in the structure of the joint venture there were various units that carried out the functions of management and control. Thus, all foreign journeys of JV members were subject to approval by the Foreign Commission of the SP of the USSR.

At the board of the joint venture, the USSR operated a literary fund, regional writer organizations also had their own lithoflons. The task of lithofords was the provision of material support members (respectively, the "rank" of the writer) in the form of providing housing, construction and maintenance of "writing" country villages, medical and sanatorium-resort service, providing trips to the "House of Creativity of Writers", the provision of household services, Supply with scarce goods and food products.


Reception in the members of the Writers' Union was made on the basis of a statement to which the recommendations of the three members of the joint venture were supposed to be attached. The writer who wants to join the Union should have had two published books and submit reviews on them. The application was considered at a meeting of the local branch of the USSR joint venture and was to receive at least two thirds of the vote when voting, then the Secretariat or the Board of the USSR joint venture was considered and at least half of their votes were required to take into account.

Numerical composition of the Writers of the USSR for years (according to the organizing committees of the CP Congresses):

  • 1934-1500 members
  • 1954 - 3695
  • 1959 - 4801
  • 1967 - 6608
  • 1971 - 7290
  • 1976 - 7942
  • 1981 - 8773
  • 1986 - 9584
  • 1989 - 9920

In 1976, it was reported that out of the total number of members of the Union, 3,665 write in Russian.

The writer could be excluded from the Writers' Union "for misconduct, dropping the honor and dignity of the Soviet writer" and for the "retreat from the principles and tasks formulated in the charter of the Writers of the USSR." In practice, the reason for exception could be:

  • Criticism of the writer on the part of the highest party instances. An example is the exception of M. M. Zoshchenko and A. A. Akhmatova, who followed Zdanov's report in August 1946 and the party decree "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ".
  • Publication abroad works not published in the USSR. B. L. Pasternak for the publication in Italy, "Dr. Zhivago" in 1957, was first for this motive.
  • Publication in "Samizdat"
  • Open expressed disagreement with the Policy of the CPSU and the Soviet state.
  • Participation in public speeches (signing open letters) with protests against the persecution of dissidents.

Excluded from the Union of Writers refused to publish books and publication in journals, subordinate joint ventures, practically they were deprived of the opportunity to earn literary labor. With the exception of the Union, there was an exception from a lithofand, entailing tangible material difficulties. The exception to the joint venture on political reasons, as a rule, was indulging in a wide publicity, which was sometimes transformed into real injury. In some cases, an exception was accompanied by criminal prosecution under the articles "Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" and "the distribution of knowingly false fabrications that are disrupted by the Soviet state and social system", deprivation of USSR citizenship forced emigration.

According to political reasons from the Union of Writers, A. Sinyavsky, Yu. Daniel, N. Korzhavin, Vladimov, L. Chukovskaya, A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Maximov, V. Nekrasov, A. Galich, E. Ekind, V. Worn, I. Dzuby, N. Lukash, Viktor Erofeev, E. Popov, F. Lights.

In protest against the exclusion of Popov and Erofeev from SP in December 1979, V. Aksenov, I. Lynnyanskaya and S. Lipkin declared their exit from the Union of Writers of the USSR.


The head of the USSR joint venture according to the 1934 charter was the Chairman of the Board.

  • Alexey Tolstoy (from 1936 to the year); The actual leadership until 1941 was carried out by the Secretary General of the USSR joint venture Vladimir Stavsky;
  • Alexander Fadeev (from 1938 PO and C PO Hg);
  • Nikolay Tikhonov (from 1944 to 1946);

According to the Charter of 1977, the leadership of the Writers' Union was carried out by the first secretary of the Board. This position was occupied by:

  • Vladimir Karpov (since 1986; resigned in November 1990, but continued to do business until August 1991);

SP of the USSR after the collapse of the USSR

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Union of Writers of the USSR was divided into many organizations in various countries of the post-Soviet space.

The main successors of the joint venture of the USSR in Russia and the CIS are the international community of writing unions (which Sergey Mikhalkov was led for a long time), the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Russian Writers.

SP of the USSR in art

Soviet writers and cinematographers in their work have repeatedly appealed to the topic of the USSR joint venture.

  • In the novel "Master and Margarita" M. A. Bulgakov under the fictional name "Massol", the Soviet writer is depicted as the union of adaptors.
  • Piez V. Worthanovich and Gorina "Cat homemade, medium fluffy" is devoted to the backstage side of the joint venture. On the play, K. Warriors took off the movie "Cap"
  • IN essays of literary life "The caller was beamed with oak" A. I. Solzhenitsyn characterizes the joint venture of the USSR, as one of the main tools of total party-state control over literary activities in the USSR.

Criticism. Quotes

The Union of Writers of the USSR meant a lot to me. Firstly, this communication with high-class masters can be said with the classics of Soviet literature. This communication was possible because the Union of Writers arranged joint trips around the country, and foreign trips were. I remember one of these trips. This is 1972, when I just started in the literature and found myself in a large group of writers in the Altai Territory. For me, it was not only an honor, but also studying and experience certain. I communicated with many very famous masters, including my countryman Pavel Nilin. Soon Georgy Makeevich Markov gathered a big delegation, and we went to Czechoslovakia. And also meetings, and it was also interesting. Well, then every time the plenums, the congresses, when I traveled myself. This, of course, study, acquaintance and entry into the greater literature. After all, the literature includes not only by their word, but also by the fraternity defined. This brotherhood was. It was later in the Union of Writers of Russia. And there was always joy to come there. At that time, the Union of Writers of the Soviet Union was undoubtedly needed. .
I found the time when Pushkin's "My friends, our union is beautiful!" With a new force and I restended in a new way in a mansion on the cook. Discussion of the "Kramolnyaya" Tale of Anatoly Popaptopkin, Problem Essays and Acute Juri Chernichenko, Yuri Nagina, Alesya Adamovich, Sergey Zalina, Yuri Karyakina, Arkady Vaxberg, Nikolai Shmeleva, Vasily Celyunina, Daniel Gorne, Alexey Kondratovich, other authors were held in the bit of the audiences . These disputes answered the creative interests of like-minded writers, received a wide resonance, formed public opinion on indigenous issues of people's life ....


see also



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Letter to the joint venture of the USSR

The destruction of the Great Russian literature contributed to many circumstances, historical cataclysms, institutions and individuals, and on their list, together with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the State Security Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a responsible role belongs to the Writers' Union.

The emergence of the literary empire with a huge apparatus of legislators, performers, judges and executioners was inevitably and occurred at the same time and for the same reasons, which were organized by mass destruction of the 1930s. The Union of Writers of the USSR was established in 1934, from which the chronicle of Soviet self-repair begins: it begins with the killing of Kirov, who gave the opportunity to kill everyone. It was necessary to destroy everything that I wore the shine of the gift, for the gift Intramit to evil. The country was imposed on the greatest evil: the reign of media. The Writers Union was invented in order to manage literature (who finally became "part of the generalocratic business"), that is, to receive something that needs ruthless and intolerant, ignorant, all-providing power. The authorities needed to raise evil and devotees, ready to unleash the wars, kill the devive and like-minded people, blow into the solemn fanfar of the glory of a wonderful person who managed to destroy the largest number of people on Earth.

I have never written lines, which was required of a well-mounted Soviet writer, and never considered himself a loyal state of liars, tyrants, criminals and fragrances of freedom.

The Union of Writers is the Institute of Police State, the same as all the rest of his institutions, no worse and no better police or fire team.

I do not share the views of the Soviet police state, his militia, fire team and other institutions, including the Writers' Union.

I believe that my stay in the writing organization is completely unnatural. I just have nothing to do there. Drinking brandy in the restaurant of the central house of writers (in the society of Kochetov and Fedin)? Thank you. I'm not drinking.

I have never betrayed the illusions and hopes for the fact that the Soviet government can be corrected. But since the arrival of the last - the most stupid, the most insignificant, the most non-intellectual government of Soviet power became clear that the confident and inevitable restoration of Stalinism came that the Stalinist figures were slightly pinched for sensitive places. The return of Stalin and Berievsky-Zhdanovsky ideas began; The stagnant revengers are built into the columns and check the lists of enemies. I think that the time has come when it needs to be said loud.

Soviet power is incorrect, incurable.

Its meaning and purpose - in the undivided and unrestrained domination of people, and therefore she received his full and perfect expression in Tirands, of whom Lenin could not yet everything, because he did not have time to destroy the opposition, and Stalin could all, because the opposition destroyed.

Stalin became the cleanest, highest and most expressive embodiment of Soviet power. He is her symbol, portrait, banner. And therefore, everything that happens and will happen in Russia will always be connected with a large or smaller number of statinism issued to the social life. Nothing better than Stalin Soviet government could not open in his depths, because it had an exhaustive compound of the need for the dictatorial state and the personal qualities of the villain. Therefore, everything that happened after it was connected only with the weakening or enhancement of a magnetic field, which then released a little, then again pulled to ships and disgusts, cave-censorship, unfastened lies and Zamoskvoretsky complacency. And because the heaviest blow to this powerful and predatory authority fell on a person who was the first to swallow on the cleanest embodiment of the Soviet ideal.

The vengeful hatred for Khrushchev was inflated on the adoration of the best samples of Soviet power. The best sample was Stalin. Khrushchev spat into the soul to the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the police and the crowd, showing that their dedicated love, the burning devotion and a swim adoration were given to the gloomy Marxist, a stupid maniac, a cunning intrigue, jailer, a poisoner and a possible employee of the royal security - the true and complete embodiment of the Soviet government , her symbol, portrait and banner.

The country is excommunicated from political life. A handful of political conspirators who captured power solves the fate of a crushed, stunned propaganda pipe of the people.

We just did not make sure, not seduced, not depraved and not intimidated people in this class, hierarchical, estate, full subordinate prejudice society, which was announced by the "socialist", only people who realized that again it was the time to destroy the remains of physical and spiritual freedom, to resist . There was already an unfinished war of the free intelligentsia with a cruel, who did not choose the state, and the state, seriously injured by the exposure of 1956-1962, understood that if it did not win this battle immediately, then it could lose it forever. And it became this battle to win. The methods were old, tested on Shalyapin and Gumilev, Bulgakov and Platonov, Meyerhold and Falka, Babel, Mandelstam, Zabolotka, Pasternak, Zoshchenko and Akhmatova. Knowing the former intricacies of the method, the state was put in prison of professional writers and had just begun to work with young writers - Brodsky, Sinzourg and Daniel, Haustov, Bukovsky, Ginzburg, Galanskov and many others, planted in the madhouse of poetess Inna Lisnian, Mathematics Yesenin-Volpina, General Grigorenko, writer Naritsa and many others, forbidden to fulfill his works by the composer Andrei Volkonsky, kicked out from the work of Pavel Litvinova, excluded from the party and kicked out the film critic N. Zorki, Karyakina, Pasytnova, Shragin, Goldyukhina and many others, clarified kardin books and Copelleva and many others, sent by publishers and editions a black list of authors who are forbidden to be printed, eliminated from the Union of artists Boris Birger, from the Union of Writers Alexey Kosterina, G. Svirsky, released with another robbing speech (for more he is not suitable) "Former Writer awarded authority and stuck scarecrow, Varyian, Cossack, Dara Anta, city Russian literature "-Mikhail Sholokhov (I am proud that these words are printed in my book" Yuri Tyanyanov ", ed. 2nd, "Soviet Writer", Moscow, 1965, p. 56-57), published a three-grader Kochetov, a monotonent of Gribachev, prepared and neatly put on the warehouse to wait for its own two-volume chief of the elected works of his cornel and teacher, the best friend of the Soviet fiction of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

Four years goes a closer due to the edition of the story of the "Cancer Corps" and the novel "In the Circle of the First" of the Great Russian Writer Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. This fight is not won, and I'm not sure that the writer will win it on the Soviet publishing field. But the great manuscripts are - and they are no longer possible to destroy them. They are immortal and indisputable in contrast to frightened tyranny power, which the Nuremberg process is inexorably.

How much is done to destroy Russian culture, human dignity, physical and spiritual freedom! But the plan is not yet fulfilled, the battle is not won, the free intelligentsia has not yet been destroyed. Planted, exclude, remove, persecuted, publish, do not publish. Does not help. Why did it work so beautifully in former times, under Stalin, and so badly helps with a pitiful, most unpopular, even in Russia, the government, where the cool power always adored with Ivan the Terrible? (Such a mediocre and hopeless government did not know Russia, which was accustomed to all governments, forgive the Lord. Except for Alexander III. Only, they say, in historical sources found that potatoes were more. Per capita.) It does not help. Does not help. Why not help? Because little. Sit little. And how much you need to plant. Here is the former chairman of the State Security Committee, a seven-party meeting at the meeting of the ideological commission under the Central Committee of the CPSU (November of the I960), when they discussed, as the Soviet Power (area of \u200b\u200b22.4 million square meters. M., The population is 208.827.000 people. In 1959) To organize a planned struggle with the poems of a novice poet, begged to put 1200 (only 1200!) To him (1200!) Otchensenets, West Lakes and Jews rebounded by our mostly healthy society and decomposing it mostly healthy youth. But he was not given. He "Dali" a few later: under gentle and crushed at the responsible Soviet service.

Afraid. Afraid of the smart young man Haustov, who decided to say to the dragon-like and wild Soviet judges, that he rejects the Soviet faith (Marxism-Leninism), they are afraid of a wonderful artist of Russia Alexander Solzhenitsyn, they are afraid of America, they are afraid of China, they are afraid of Polish students and Czechoslovak Neslukhov, afraid of Yugoslav revisionists, Albanian Dogmatikov, Romanian nationalists, Cuban extremists, East German Tupiz, North Korean cousins, rebeling and shot workers of Novocherkassk, rebeling and shot from the aircraft of the Vorkuta prisoners and crushed tanks of the prisoners of Ekibastuz, Crimean Tatars, coented from their lands, and Jewish physicists, depicted from their laboratories , fear of hungry collective farmers and intelligent workers, fear each other, themselves, everyone together, each separately.

The secretaries of the Central Committee of the Central Committee rises wool on the ridge. The chairmen of the Councils of Ministers of the Union republics are squatted on the hind legs. Fear shakes them. And if these low-organized animals understood something and remembered, so this is how they turned inside out of fear under Stalin. They inquisitively peer into each other and asked themselves with horror: "What if this (Shelepin? Polyansky? Shelest?) And is Stalin?" We need a strong personality to curb finally these eternal enemies of the police state - these boys, artists, poets, Jews. And the strong person really always starts with their curb. And cums the killings of everyone. Their predecessors also wanted to curb the opposition and clicked a strong personality for this. A strong person came and curled. And thoroughly, began to destroy everything. And now they already know what a strong personality is. But there are such hard times when a strong personality is better than boys, artists, poets and Jews.

All I write now, my distinguished brothers in the Moscow branch of the Union of Writers of the USSR and sisters on the Peredelkin House of creativity, no difference from what I wrote before. However, there is a difference. It lies in the fact that in his works printed in Soviet publishers, when there was no other possibility, called the villainance of Ivan Grozny or Paul I, and now I call it your name. From hundreds of letters, I learned that my readers understand well who - Ivan Grozny.

But Paul I and Ivan IV is not only allegories, analogies, associations and allusion. They are your source and root, your origin, your past, the soil you grown, and blood that flows in your vessels. I wrote about them, because the story and the people who gave rise to and suffered villains, possess congenital properties, ready to give rise to villains again. And therefore, the story of this country and this people did what could be done: she replaced the reactionary dictature in the world: the most reactionary monarchy in Europe.

I write so little about the mighty union of the Writers of the USSR and about the consistent Soviet literature, because why write about the secondary evil when you need to write about the main thing? The main evil is the Social Fascism of the Soviet Socialist ideology.

The aftershoshevsky government, with a growing fierce of rehabilitation Stalin, was inevitably forced to strengthen repression with increasing fierce. And Renaissance Stalin, among the main things, had this goal. By birth and profession, I belong to the circle of people exposed to constant attacks of Soviet power, that is, to the intelligentsia that does not tolerate its sovereignty. Like many other intellectuals, I hear in various variations the same question: "Why the powerful state to pursue people who do not agree with his ideology, a state that knows that these persecution is most annoying public opinion of the whole world?" I could not understand this bewilderment.

The creatures standing at the head of the Soviet state are staggering freedom, remaps human dignity and exterminate national culture not because they are bad politicians, but also because they are doomed to choke, pull and destroy. And if they won't choke, pull and destroy, even in this country, with its grave historical heredity and a constant propensity to absolutism, normal public relations may arise, that is, such when people thinking NO-one will not be able to destroy people Thinking differently. And then inevitably it turns out that people thinking differently, immensely higher and more significant lords, and this will inevitably lead to a frantic political struggle, and then due to the tragic features of Russian historical development, the Asian hostility to democracy, the traditional habit of cruelty and Radically continental properties of a national character - to the civil war. And therefore, it is catastrophically not only that, at the head of this cruel and arrogant slaveland state, there are bad politicians who seek freedom, removing human dignity and exterminating national culture, but also the fact that in the state with the form of Soviet power, others cannot stand. And this is not a historical transient private, this is a regularity of Soviet and any other fascist concept. And what is happening in China or Spain, Albania or Egypt, Poland or South Africa differs from the Soviet norm only by the national character of absurdity and the number of used predation.

Soviet power is incorrect; It can only be the same as it is, - vengeful, intolerable, capricious, arrogant and shrimp.

I reject the dominant medium-liberal opinion: we are for the Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country, minus completely unnecessary and even harmful petty guardianship over the creative intelligentsia. I argue: the Soviet government is incorporated, and it is necessary to deal with it. With its ideology and politics, methodology and character of thinking. But the most dangerous is to forget her own terrible experience: to resort to ways (in the name of the "highest goal"), in which there is at least the shadow of immorality and the shade of violence.

Now for the Soviet intelligentsia, that is, that of her circle, which does not serve destructive power, after exceptions, arrests, disagreeable and violence, which began by decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU immediately at the fifty-year anniversary of the October Revolution, the ability to resist significantly. The adorable government triumphs victory over his eternal enemy - a thinking part of humanity. It follows the pretty eye for the history of the persecution and again makes sure in the tried loyalty of its method: crushing any resistance until it has not realized its strength.

It crusses resistance from state and personal motives, which, as you know, cannot be divided from a truly Soviet person.

So it happened with two genuine Soviet people - Konstantinia Alexandrovich Fedin, acting a classic of Soviet literature, and Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, a simple Soviet man and metallurgist.

Simple Soviet man and metallurg, having planted how much time in good old Stalin's times (whether they are cursed), in liberal days (whether they are cursed), after exhausting workouts on humane attitude towards people (training was conducted on six South Russian Shepherds), decided to become wise by statesman. Therefore, in mad swadars at the Presidium of the Central Committee (collective leadership and democracy!) After the arrest of Sinyavsky and Daniel, he defended the benefits of a quiet suffocation of all anti-Sovetchists compared to a loud process only over two of them.

In order to strengthen the decision and lead to the proof, Leonid Ilyich decided to arrange a historical meeting.

Konstantin Alexandrovich also attached great importance to a historical meeting. But the hero of the story of the Sinyavsky ternts "Graphomans" Konstantin Aleksandrovich Fedin moaning in a dream from the desire for his own insertion teeth to uprind the eyes (and then the other, and then another!) At the vile anti-Soviet slander, and in the insane blindness did not smackled, why was it that appeared to him A man with a metallurgical soul is genuinely Soviet production.

Konstantin Aleksandrovich, who still had to keep calm in the discussion of the issue of imperialism and even who found physical and moral forces to restrain when discussing urgent activities on a sharp rise of popular anti-Semitism, having heard the name of the denanette and slander, the former member of the joint venture of the USSR, Furiously jumped out of his own pants and, with a gnash, sprinkling the dentures of the virgin gentle-pink and white color, with a grinding of the Central Committee, began to scream the wicked words, more and more repeating such as "dust", "bonfire", "wheelchairs", "quarters" ", Acetic acid" and "sharks of imperialism".

Then he came to himself somewhat, got into his pants, stuck prostheses and immediately became the chairman of the Social-German friendship society and the classic.

So they sat against each other the first secretaries in the literary snowdrifts of the station Peredelkino. And the secretary who did not grow up for a long time, persistently and convincingly proved all the ever-speaking secretary as an acute need for an era of imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism, the end of colonialism and the onset of revisionism, when, especially intolerant discrimination in his person of Soviet literature, in which the party and the people are entrusted to him Difficult, but the honorable post of the classic, as soon as possible and as soon as possible massifs over two inflatable anti-sakes and renuncias. and proved.

Deferred on the eve of the process was scheduled for February 10, 1966. On this day, Pushkin was killed and seventy-five years ago, Pasternak was born seventy-five years ago.

The Soviet government has always been fatally afraid of any dying complications per hour of his celebration. It hates those who can ruin his holiday. Therefore, in Stalin's times, it fought in the pre-holiday days before the prison was frenched, and in the current arranged the processes in Leningrad, on which people were judged, allegedly plucked terrorist acts against him in the anniversary days.

The Soviet government, having won (as it believes) above the intelligentsia, celebrates its celebration hour. I believe that at this time it is best to spoil a bright Soviet holiday.

I am writing this letter in proof that the intelligentsia of Russia is alive, fights, not for sale, does not give up that she has forces.

I am not in your party. I do not use big privileges than those who use every working person in your state. I do not have your ranks and there are no worthwhile. Do not get me up with higher education, apartment and clinic, Augustus given by your authority. Do not try me with bread, which I eat, and the lar, which I do not like. I worked your bread, your shelter 13 years in prisons and camps, number 1-b-860, which you have awarded me. In order to learn, get shelter and bread, not necessarily have the Soviet power with prisons and censorship. All of these even have peoples that keep under the IGM imperialism. But you can't boast, do not push, do not judge, do not destroy. You burned my old books and do not publish new ones. But even you, even now, in the articles in the first lines of my last book (one name of which causes you to cramp - the book is called "the delivery and death of the Soviet intellectual. Yuri Olesha"), you never said that I am bad Or frivolous, or favorable. You have always spoken the other: "In your books," you said, "too much inappropriate disgust to violence, intolerance to fanaticism." And you still asked, Tycha in the page about the Inquisition: "Is that a hint? Yes? this is about us? Yes?" The country of slaves, the country of the Lord ... It is terrible to live with you nearby, read your books, walk along your streets. Fortunately, the only connection that exists between you and me is a stay in the shamelessness of the organization - the Union of Writers of the USSR, who, together with your party bikes, your guard, your army, unlocking war and dealing in slavery, poisoned, unhappy, miserable obedient people. This connection is the only contact with you disgusting me, and I leave you to admire the unheard of victories, unprecedented successes, invisible crops, striking achievements, recoverable accomplishments and breathtaking decisions - without me, without me. Neither to you, nor to me the separation will bring bitterness and sadness. And you will have to deal with me will have time for this night.

I return the ticket of a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, because I consider the unworthy of an honest person to stay in the organization, with the dog devotion to the most severe, inhuman and merciless political regime of all centuries of human history.

Artists and scientists of this tortured, dorant country, all who retained dignity and decency, come to themselves, remember that you are writers of great literature, and not the waiters of the rotted regime, throw our writer tickets to them, take your manuscripts from their publishing houses, Stop participating in the systematic and malicious destruction of the personality, despise them, despise them a mediocre and noisy, beating into an inapproprible drum victory and success of a barren and merciless state.

20.6.68, Tallinn - Moscow

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To: organizations closed in 1991

Union of Writers of the USSR - Organization of professional Writers of the USSR.

The Union was replaced by all the writers who existed before the organization: both combined on any ideological or aesthetic platform (Pass, "Pass") and the observed writer's trade unions (All-Russian Union of Writers, All-Russian).

From the charter of the Writers' Union, as editors in 1934 (the charter was repeatedly edited and changed): "The Union of Soviet writers puts the initial purpose of creating works of high artistic value saturated with the heroic struggle of the international proletariat, the Pafos of the Victory of Socialism, reflecting the Great Wisdom and Herism of the Communist Party. The Union of Soviet Writers aims to create artistic works worthy of the Great Epoch of Socialism. "

According to the charter, as amended in 1971, the Union of Writers of the USSR - "A voluntary public creative organization, uniting the professional writers of the Soviet Union, participating in the struggle in the struggle for the construction of communism, for social progress, for peace and friendship between nations."

The charter was given to the definition of socialist realism as the main method of Soviet literature and literary criticism, following which was a prerequisite for the membership of the joint venture.

Organization of the joint venture of the USSR

The Board of the joint venture of the USSR was the Publishing House "Soviet writer", literary consultation for novice authors, the All-Union Bureau of Affairs Propaganda, the central house of writers. A. A. Fadeev in Moscow, etc.

Also in the structure of the joint venture there were various units that carried out the functions of management and control. Thus, all foreign trips of the members of the Union were subject to approval by the Foreign Commission of the SP of the USSR.

At the board of the joint venture, the USSR operated a literary fund, regional writer organizations also had their own lithoflons. The task of lithofords was the provision of material support members (respectively, the "rank" of the writer) in the form of providing housing, construction and maintenance of "writing" country villages, medical and sanatorium-resort service, providing trips to the "House of Creativity of Writers", the provision of household services, Supply with scarce goods and food products.


Reception in the members of the Writers' Union was made on the basis of a statement to which the recommendations of the three members of the joint venture were supposed to be attached. The writer who wants to join the Union should have had two published books and submit reviews on them. The application was considered at a meeting of the local branch of the USSR joint venture and was to receive at least two thirds of the vote when voting, then the Secretariat or the Board of the USSR joint venture was considered and at least half of their votes were required to take into account.

Numerical composition of the Writers of the USSR for years (according to the organizing committees of the CP Congresses):

  • 1934-1500 members
  • 1954 - 3695
  • 1959 - 4801
  • 1967 - 6608
  • 1971 - 7290
  • 1976 - 7942
  • 1981 - 8773
  • 1986 - 9584
  • 1989 - 9920

In 1976, it was reported that from the total number of members of the Union, 3,665 wrote in Russian.

The writer could be excluded from the Writers' Union "for misconduct, dropping the honor and dignity of the Soviet writer" and for the "retreat from the principles and tasks formulated in the charter of the Writers of the USSR." In practice, the reason for exception could be:

  • Criticism of the writer on the part of the highest party instances. An example is the exception of M. M. Zoshchenko and A. A. Akhmatova, who followed Zdanov's report in August 1946 and the party decree "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ".
  • Publication abroad works not published in the USSR. B. L. Pasternak for the publication in Italy, "Dr. Zhivago" in 1957, was first for this motive.
  • Publication in "Samizdat"
  • Open expressed disagreement with the Policy of the CPSU and the Soviet state.
  • Participation in public speeches (signing open letters) with protests against the persecution of dissidents.

Excluded from the Union of Writers refused to publish books and publication in journals, subordinate joint ventures, practically they were deprived of the opportunity to earn literary labor. With the exception of the Union, there was an exception from a lithofand, entailing tangible material difficulties. The exception to the joint venture on political reasons, as a rule, was indulging in a wide publicity, which was sometimes transformed into real injury. In some cases, an exception was accompanied by criminal prosecution under the articles "Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" and "the distribution of knowingly false fabrications that are disrupted by the Soviet state and social system", deprivation of USSR citizenship forced emigration.

According to political reasons from the Union of Writers, A. Sinyavsky, Yu. Daniel, N. Korzhavin, Vladimov, L. Chukovskaya, A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Maximov, V. Nekrasov, A. Galich, E. Ekind, V. Worn, I. Dzuby, N. Lukash, Viktor Erofeev, E. Popov, F. Lights.

In protest against the exclusion of Popov and Erofeev from SP in December 1979, V. Aksenov, I. Lynnyanskaya and S. Lipkin declared their exit from the Union of Writers of the USSR.


The head of the USSR joint venture according to the 1934 charter was the Chairman of the Board.
The first chairman (1934-) of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR was Maxim Gorky. At the same time, the actual management of the Union's activities carried out the 1st secretary of the joint venture Alexander Shcherbakov.

  • Alexey Tolstoy (from 1936 to the year); The actual leadership until 1941 was carried out by the Secretary General of the USSR joint venture Vladimir Stavsky;
  • Alexander Fadeev (from 1938 PO and C PO Hg);
  • Nikolay Tikhonov (from 1944 to 1946);
  • Alexey Surkov (from 1954 to Hg);
  • Konstantin Fedin (from 1959 to Hg);

According to the Charter of 1977, the leadership of the Writers' Union was carried out by the first secretary of the Board. This position was occupied by:

  • George Markov (from 1977 to Hg);
  • Vladimir Karpov (since 1986; resigned in November 1990, but continued to do business until August 1991);

Control from the CPSU


  • On May 20, 1967, he was awarded the Order of Lenin.
  • September 25, 1984 was awarded the Order of Peoples Friendship.

SP of the USSR after the collapse of the USSR

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Union of Writers of the USSR was divided into many organizations in various countries of the post-Soviet space.

The main successors of the joint venture of the USSR in Russia and the CIS are the international community of writing unions (which Sergey Mikhalkov was led for a long time), the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Russian Writers.

The soil for the division of the Unified Community of the Writers of the USSR for two wings (the Union of Writers of Russia (SPR) and the Union of Russian Writers (PSA)) served as "Letter 74". The SPR included those who were solidary with the authors of the "Letters of the 74th", in the SRP - writers, as a rule, liberal views.

SP of the USSR in art

Soviet writers and cinematographers in their work have repeatedly appealed to the topic of the USSR joint venture.

  • In the novel "Master and Margarita" M. A. Bulgakov under the fictional name "Massol", the Soviet writer is depicted as the union of adaptors.
  • Piez V. Worthanovich and Gorina "Cat homemade, medium fluffy" is devoted to the backstage side of the joint venture. On the play, K. Warriors took off the movie "Cap"
  • IN essays of literary life A. I. Solzhenitsyn characterizes the joint venture of the USSR, as one of the main tools of total party and state control over literary activities in the USSR.
  • In the literary novel, "Kozlenok in Milk" Yu. M. Polyakova Events unfold against the background of the activities of the Soviet Writer Organization. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is that the organization can make the name to the writer, without deepening in his work. As for the identification of characters with reality, according to the author, he tried with all their forces to keep the future readers of the novel from false identifications.

Criticism. Quotes

Vladimir Bogomolov:
Terrarium associates.
The Union of Writers of the USSR meant a lot to me. Firstly, this communication with high-class masters can be said with the classics of Soviet literature. This communication was possible because the Union of Writers arranged joint trips around the country, and foreign trips were. I remember one of these trips. This is 1972, when I just started in the literature and found myself in a large group of writers in the Altai Territory. For me, it was not only an honor, but also studying and experience certain. I communicated with many very famous masters, including my countryman Pavel Nilin. Soon Georgy Moksevich Markov gathered a big delegation, and we went to Czechoslovakia. And also meetings, and it was also interesting. Well, then every time the plenums, the congresses, when I traveled myself. This, of course, study, acquaintance and entry into the greater literature. After all, the literature includes not only by their word, but also by the fraternity defined. This brotherhood was. It was later in the Union of Writers of Russia. And there was always joy to come there. At that time, the Union of Writers of the Soviet Union was undoubtedly needed.
I found the time when Pushkin's "My friends, our union is beautiful!" With a new force and I restended in a new way in a mansion on the cook. Discussion of the "Kramolnyaya" Tale of Anatoly Popaptopkin, Problem Essays and Acute Juri Chernichenko, Yuri Nagina, Alesya Adamovich, Sergey Zalina, Yuri Karyakina, Arkady Vaxberg, Nikolai Shmeleva, Vasily Celyunina, Daniel Gorne, Alexey Kondratovich, other authors were held in the bit of the audiences . These disputes answered the creative interests of like-minded writers, received a wide resonance, formed public opinion on indigenous issues of the people of the people ...

Andrei Malgin, "Letter to a friend-literary critic":

There is an iron rule that does not know exceptions. The more famous you are, the more actively participate in the literary process, the harder you will join the Union of Writers. And the preposition always exists, if not on the creative bureau, then at the receiving commission, if not at the receiving commission, then someone will arise at the secretariat and says: "A, one book? Let first publish the second ", or:" A, two books? Let's wait for the third. " Recommendation was given by famous people - protectionism, group sex. Dali unknowns - let them give famous. Etc.<…> It is curious to familiarize yourself with the list of members of this admission committee. It consists there, for example, the trayster of the beasts Natalya Durova. Qualified judge, right? And who are Vladimir Bogatyrev, Yuri Galkin, Viktor Ilyin, Vladimir Semenov? You do not know? And I do not know. And no one knows.


The Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR was at the address of Povarskaya Street, 52/55 ("Sologub Manor" or "City Manor of Dolgorukov Prince").

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see also


  • Union of Writers of the USSR // Big Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 tons] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - m. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.

Excerpt characterizing the Union of Writers of the USSR

- I do not know what now is with me. Do not listen to me, forget what I told you.
All the funny pierre disappeared. He concernedly asked the princess, asked her to express everything, believing his grief; but she just repeated that he asks him to forget what she said she didn't remember that she said, and that she had no grief, besides the one he knows - grief that the marriage of Prince Andrei threatens to embroil the father with Son.
- Have you heard about growth? She asked to change the conversation. - I was told that they would soon be. Andre I am also waiting every day. I wanted to see them here.
- How does he look at this matter now? - asked Pierre, under he reasoning the old prince. Princess Marya shook her head.
- But what to do? Until a year, only a few months remain. And it can not be. I would only wanted to save my brother from the first minutes. I would want them to come soon. I hope to fall with her. You have known them for a long time, "said Princess Marya," Tell me, put your hand on the heart, all the true truth, what is this girl and how do you find her? But the whole truth; Because, you understand, Andrey risks so much, making it against the will of the Father, that I would like to know ...
Unclear instinct told Pierra that in these reservations and repeated requests to say the whole truth, the princess to his future daughter-in-law was expressed, which she wanted Pierre not approves the choice of Prince Andrei; But Pierre said what he felt rather than thought.
"I don't know how to answer your question," he said, blushing himself, not knowing what. - I strongly do not know what kind of girl; I can't analyze it in any way. She is charming. And why, I do not know: that's all that you can say about it. "Princess Marya sighed and the expression of her face said:" Yes, I expected this and was afraid. "
- Small she? - asked Princess Marya. Pierre thought.
"I think no," he said, "and even yes." She does not honor to be smart ... No, she is charming, and nothing else. - Princess Marya again shook her head.
- Oh, I wish you so much! You tell her it, if you see her before me.
"I heard that they will be the other day," said Pierre.
Princess Marya reported his plan about how she had just come Rostov, would get brighte with the future daughter-in-law and she would try to teach her old prince.

The marriage in a rich bride in St. Petersburg failed to Boris and he came to Moscow for the same purpose. In Moscow, Boris was in indecision between the two richest brides, Juli and Prince Marya. Although Princess Marya, despite his urgency, and seemed to him attractive Juli, for some reason he was awkwardly to care for Bolkon. In the last date with her, in the name of the old prince, to all his attempts to speak with her about the feelings, she answered him the nefple and obviously did not listen to him.
Juli, on the contrary, albeit special, one in its peculiar way, but willingly took his courting.
Jules were 27 years old. After the death of his brothers, she became very rich. She was now completely ugly; But I thought that she was not only as good, but it was still much more attractive than was before. In this delusion, it was supported by the fact that in the first it became a very rich bride, and secondly, the fact that the older she became, the more safer for men, the freer was the men to handle her and, without taking upon themselves no obligations, Use her dinners, evenings and a lively society that was accompanied by her. A man who took ten years ago would be afraid to ride every day in the house where there was a 17-year-old young lady so as not to compromise her and not tie himself, now went to her boldly every day and turned with her not like a brightness bride, but as with familiar, not having sex.
The Karagina House was this winter in Moscow the most pleasant and hospitable house. In addition to invited evenings and dinners, the Karagina has gathered a big society, especially men who have 12 meters at night and sitting up to 3rd hour. There was no ball, a walk, theater that would miss Julie. Her toilets were always the most fashionable. But, despite this, Julie seemed disappointed in everything, he said to anything that she did not believe in friendship, nor in love, nor in what joy of life, and awaiting only there. She learned the tone of the girl who suffered a great disappointment, the girls, as if lost a loved one or cruelly deceived by them. Although nothing like it happened to her, they looked at her, as at such, and she herself even believed that she suffered a lot in life. This melancholy, who did not interfere with having fun, did not interfere with her young people had a nice time to spend time. Each guest, coming to them, gave his duty to the melancholic mood of the hostess and then engaged in light conversations, dances, and mental games, and tournaments Burim, who were in fashion with Karagina. Only some young people, including Boris, were more deepened in the melancholic mood of Juli, and with these young people, she had longer and secluded conversations about the vanity of all worldly, and they opened their albums written by sad images, sayings and verses.
Juli was especially gentle to Boris: I regretted his early disappointment in life, offered him those comfortable friendship, which she could offer, herself suffered so much in life, and opened his album. Boris painted her album two trees and wrote: Arbres Rustiques, Vos Sombres Rameaux Sec / Sur Moi Les Tenebres Et La Melancolie. [Rural trees, your dark buccias shake on me dark and melancholy.]
In another place, he painted the tomb and wrote:
"La Mort Est SecuURable et La Mort Est Tranquille
"AH! Contre Les Douleurs Il N "Y A PAS D" Autre Asile ".
[The death of the savory and death is calm;
ABOUT! There is no other refuge against suffering.]
Jules said it is charming.
- II Y A QUELQUE CHOSE DE SI RAVISSANT DANS LE SOURIRE DE LA MELANCOLIE, [There is something infinitely charming in the smile of Melancholy, "she said to Boris the Word into the word written this place from the book.
- C "EST UN RAYON DE LUMIERE DANS L" OMBRE, UNE NUANCE ENTRE LA DOULEUR ET LE DESESPOIR, QUI MONTRE LA CONSOTION POSSIBLE. [This is a ray of light in the shade, a shade between sadness and despair, which indicates the possibility of consolation.] - Boris wrote to her poems:
"Toi, Sans Qui Le Bonheur Me Serait Impossible,
"Tendre Melancolie, AH, Viens Me Consoler,
"Viens Calmer Les Tourments De Ma Sombre Retraite
[Poisonous food too sensitive soul,
You, without which happiness it would be impossible for me,
Tender melancholy, oh, come, console me,
Come, wash the flour of my gloomy solitude
And attaching mystery sweetness
To these tears, which I feel.]
Jules played Boris Na Harp the most sad noctures. Boris read it out loud to Lisa and repeatedly interrupted reading from excitement, exciting his breath. Meeting in a big society, Juli and Boris looked at each other as the only people in the world of indifferent, who understood each other.
Anna Mikhailovna, who often traveled to Karagina, making up a mother's party, meanwhile, brought loose references about what was given for Juli (both Penza lines and Nizhny Novgorod forests were given). Anna Mikhailovna, with devotion to the will of Providence and asylum, looked at the sophisticated sadness, who tied her son with a rich juli.
- Toujours Charmante Et Melancolique, Cette Chere Julieie, [she is still charming and melancholic, this sweet juli.] - She said daughter. - Boris says he rests the soul in your home. He suffered so much disappointment and is so sensitive, "she said Mother.
"Oh, my friend, as I attached to Julie lately," she said to her son, "I can't describe you!" And who may not love her? This is such an unearthly creature! Ah, Boris, Boris! - She silent for a minute. "And how I feel sorry for her Maman," she continued, "now she showed me reports and letters from Penza (they have a huge estate) and she is a poor one herself alone: \u200b\u200bshe is so cheating!"
Boris smiled nearly, listening to the mother. He gently laughed at her simple trick, but he heard and sometimes asked her carefully about Penza and Nizhny Novgorod estates.
Julie had long expecting proposals from their melancholic adoration and was ready to accept it; But some secret sense of disgust to her, to her passionate wishes to marry, to her unprofiturability, and a sense of horror before renunciation from the possibility of real love was still stopped by Boris. The term of his vacation has already ended. Ever days and every God's day he spent the Karagina, and every day, arguing himself with him, Boris spoke himself that he would make a sentence tomorrow. But in the presence of Jules, looking at her red face and chin, almost always shrouded in powder, on her wet eyes and to the expression of a person who energized the always readiness from Melancholia immediately to the unnatural delight of married happiness, Boris could not pronounce a decisive word: despite The fact that he has long been in his imagination he considered himself the owner of Penza and Nizhny Novgorod estates and distributed the use of income from them. Julie saw the indecision of Boris and sometimes she came the thought that she was struggling to him; But the immediate female self-prickness represented her comfort, and she told himself that he was shy only from love. Melancholy her, however, began to move into irritability, and not long before the departure of Boris, she took a decisive plan. At the time, the day of the holiday of Boris, in Moscow and, of course, in the living room of Karagina, appeared Anatole Kuragin, and Juli, unexpectedly leaving melancholy, became very fun and attentive to Kuragin.
- Mon Cher, said Anna Mikhailovna Son, - Je Sais De Bonne Source Que Le Prince Basile Envoie Son Fils a Moscou Pour Lui Faire Epouser Julieie. [My dear, I know from loyal sources that Prince Vasily sends her son to Moscow in order to marry him to Juli.] I love Juli so much that I would have a sorry for her. What do you think my friend? - said Anna Mikhailovna.
The thought to stay in the fools and the gift to lose all this month of heavy melancholic service with julius and see all the incomes from Penza estates as follows in his imagination - especially in the hands of stupid Anatol, insulted Boris. He drove to Karagina with a solid intention to make an offer. Jules met him with a cheerful and carefree species, carelessly told about how she had fun at yesterday's ball, and asked when he was going. Despite the fact that Boris came with the intention to talk about his love and therefore intended to be gentle, he irritably began to talk about female impermanence: how women can easily move from sadness to joy and that their spirit depends only on Who cares for them. Julia was offended and said that it was true that for a woman need a variety that all the same thing will be bored with everyone.
- To do this, I would advise you ... - Boris began, wanting to say her knife; But at the same moment he came offensive idea that he could leave Moscow without reaching his goal and having lost his works (which was never happening to him). He stopped in the middle of speech, lowered his eyes, so as not to see her unpleasantly irritated and indecisive face and said: - I'm not at all in order to quarrel with you came here. On the contrary ... - he looked at her to assure whether it was possible to continue. All irritation suddenly disappeared, and restless, asking her eyes were with greedy expectation asked for him. "I can always get enough to rarely see her," Boris thought. "And the case has begun and must be done!" He broke out a blush, raised her eyes on her and told her: - "You know my feelings for you!" No longer needed to talk: Julie's face was shone with celebration and complacency; But she forced Boris to tell her everything that says in such cases, to say that he loves her, and never loved one woman more. She knew that for Penza estates and Nizhny Novgorod forests, she could demand this and she got what he demanded.
The groom with the bride, not remembering more about the trees sprinkling them with darkness and melancholy, made plans for the future device of a brilliant house in St. Petersburg, made visits and prepared everything for a brilliant wedding.

Count Ilya Andreich in late January with Natasha and Sonya came to Moscow. Countess Everything was unhealthy, and could not go, - but it was impossible to wait for her recovery: Prince Andrew was waiting for Moscow every day; In addition, it was necessary to buy dowry, it was necessary to sell the Moscow region and it was necessary to take advantage of the presence of the old prince in Moscow to present his future daughter-in-law. The House of Rostova in Moscow was not flex; In addition, they arrived for a short time, the Countess was not with them, and because Ilya Andreich decided to stay in Moscow in Maryia Dmitrievna Akhrosovova, who had long offered his hospitality.
Late in the evening, four events drove into the courtyard of Maryia Dmitrievna in the old stable. Marya Dmitrievna lived alone. Her daughter she was already married. Her sons were all in the service.
She kept still straight, said also straight, loudly and decisively all his opinion, and with all his being as if she had reproached other people for all weaknesses, passions and hobbies that she did not recognize the opportunity. From an early morning in Katsaveyka, she was engaged in household, then traveled: on holidays to dinner and from dinner in the Ostrot and prisons, where she had business, about whom she did not speak anyone, and on weekdays, dressed, at home she took the petitioners of different classes who came to her every day, and then lunch; There were always three four guests for dinner and delicious people, after lunch made a party to Boston; For the night made himself reading newspapers and new books, and herself knit. Rarely, she made exceptions for trips, and if he went, he went only to the most important persons in the city.
She still did not lie down when Rostov had arrived, and the door was on the block on the block, passing the growth and servant from the cold and their servant. Marya Dmitrievna, with glasses nodded to his nose, throwing his head back, stood in the door of the halls and with strict, angry look looked at the incoming. It would be possible to think that she was embittered against the visitors and now will be offset them, if she did not give the careful orders at this time, to people on how to place guests and their things.
- Count? "I carry me here, she said, pointing to the suitcases and not healthy with anyone. - Baryshni, here left. Well, what are you moving! She shouted on girls. - Samovar to warm! "I got it, I looked," she said, having pulled to themselves for the cavity of Natasha dug in Natasha. - Fu, Cold! Yes, undress sooner, she shouted on the count, who wanted to go to her hand. - frozen, probably. Roma to the tea to file! Sonyushka, Bonjour, "she said to Sona, with this French greeting with shading his slightly contempt and affectionate attitude towards Sona.
When everything, undressing and recovering from the road, came to tea, Maria Dmitrievna in order oversalled everyone.
"The soul is glad that they came and that I stopped," she said. "It's time," she said, looking at Natasha significantly ... "The old man here and the Son are waiting for the day. We must, you need to meet him. Well, yes, after talking about it, she added, looking at Sonya with a look, showing that she did not want to talk about it with her. "Now listen," she turned to the count, "what do you need?" For whom will you send? Shinshina? - She bent one finger; - Plaks Anna Mikhailovna? - two. She is here with her son. He marries son! Then Zuhova chtol? And he is here with his wife. He ran away from her, and she rushed after him. He dined with me in my middle. Well, and they - she pointed to the ladies - tomorrow I move to the Iverskaya, and then I will come to the ober shelter. After all, I suppose, will you do everything new? Do not take me, now the sleeves, that's what! Jedni Princess Irina Vasilyevna Young to come to me: Fear to look, just two boots on the hands put on the hands. After all, now that day is a new fashion. Yes, what is your business? She turned strictly to the count.
- Everything suddenly approached, - answered the graph. - Buy rags, and then the buyer in the near Moscow and the house. If your mercy will be yours, I will choose a time, I will go to Marinskoye on the day, you will catch my girls.
- Well, good, I will be well. I like in the guardianship. I will take them out where it is necessary, and I will be happy, and I caress, "said Marya Dmitrievna, who was touching his hand to his cheek and saint her Natasha.

Organizations are incomparably more mass than the notorious RAAP - the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers, overclocked in 1932. Rappa shared all the writers on the proletarians and travelers, reducing the last purely technical role: they can teach the proletarians to formal skills and go to either on the smelting, that is, on production, or on the peroxide, that is, in the tallerier. Stalin made an emphasis just on the travelers, for the course for the restoration of the empire - with the oblivion of all international and ultravolute slogans of the twenties, was already obvious. Travel traces - Writers of the Old School, who recognized the Bolsheviks precisely because only it was under the power to keep Russia from breakdown and save from the occupation, "they took the Spirit.

A new writer union was required - on the one hand, something like a trade union, engaged in apartments, cars, cottages, treatment, resorts, and on the other - the mediator between the ordinary writer and the party customer. Gorky was engaged in the organization of this union all 1933.

From August 17 to August 31, in the column hall of the former noble assembly, and now the houses of the unions were held his first congress. The main speaker was Bukharin, whose installation on culture, technique and some pluralism was well known; The appointment of his main speaker of the congress pointed to obvious liberalization of literary policies. Gorky took the floor several times, mainly in order to again and re-emphasize: we do not know how to show a new person, it is unconvincing, we do not know how to talk about achievements! His special delight caused the presence at the congress of the People's poet Suleiman Stalsky, Dagestan Ashuga in a stiffed bathrobe, in a gray fellible papakh. Gorky was photographed with him - they were with the Stalis were peers; In general, during the congress, the bitter was very intensely starred with his guests, old workers, young parachutes, Metrostro-building (along with the writers almost did not pose, there was its own principal installation).

Separately, it is worth mentioning the attacks on Mayakovsky, which sounded in the Gorky speech: he already dead Mayakovsky condemned his dangerous influence, for lack of realism, an excess of hyperball, apparently, a female was not personal, but ideological.

The first congress of writers was covered in the press wide and enthusiastically, and Gorky had every reason to be proud of his long-standing idea - to create a writer organization that would indicate the writers, how and what to do it, and simultaneously ensure their life. In his own letters of Gorky during these years, the sea of \u200b\u200bdesigns, the Soviets, which he distributes with the generosity of the sower: Write a book about how people make the weather! The story of religions and church robbing attitudes towards the Pacity! The history of literature of small nations! Little, writers are little rejoiced, it is necessary to be fun, brighter, gone! You can understand this permanent call to joy. Maybe he was her own horror before what was happening so worried - but neither in any of his essays there is no such pore and the shadow of horror, nor even doubts about the unconditional celebration of justice at the expanses of the Union of Soviets. One delight. So another reason is likely that the literature of the thirties and did not have learned to be talented - and if he lied, it is very urgently; Bitter sincerely wondered, seeing it. He was, oddly enough, extremely far from the life that most Russian writers lived, not to mention the people they wrote about; The presentations of his about this life were drawn mainly from the newspapers, and his mail, apparently, was strictly controlled by the secretary already familiar to us