What is the meaning of the name of the fairy tale Wild landowner. The secret meaning of Russian fairy tales "Velvet Rabbit", Marjeri Williams

What is the meaning of the name of the fairy tale Wild landowner. The secret meaning of Russian fairy tales
What is the meaning of the name of the fairy tale Wild landowner. The secret meaning of Russian fairy tales "Velvet Rabbit", Marjeri Williams

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One of the characteristic components of the folklore of any country is the presence of fairy tales. And our country is not an exception. All you probably remember how in childhood someone from the parents or, for example, grandmother, read you a fairy tale for the night so that you quickly cover your eyes and fall asleep. A calm and monotonous native voice telling about something very interesting before bedtime, acts truly soothing and swelling. However, it will be not about what the effect has a fairy tale before the dream, but about the sense that is laid in these fairy tales, but very often remains incomprehensible due to the fact that he is hidden. And it's not that children, but even adults can not understand it.

The fact is that fairy tales are often permeated with the deepest symbolism, and are also inexhaustible and information about all sorts of events of antiquity. In most fairy tales, there are no random images and characters, names, names and words, and the meaning load can be so deep that it is just a divide, akin to the Russian Matriashka, in which there is another, and inside it is one more, etc., The main meaning of the fairy tale can be buried somewhere in its depth - under the layer of simpler semantic layers. All levels of fairy tales can be a window to an unknown world of the device of the universe and the basics of life.

We all need to know that fairy tales, besides the usual household educational function, can also be performed by a number of others - more complex, for example:

  • Reveal the secrets of the universe and other secret knowledge
  • Indicate the cyclicality of being
  • Astronomical or natural
  • Being storage of stories
  • Tie with ancestors
  • Talk about initiation rituals when a person goes from childhood to maturity
  • Direct a person on the path and personal growth, etc.

In many fairy tales, the presented directions can not only go close to each other, but also reset and even synchronize. Characters of fairy tales are some symbols, each of their action carries a sacral meaning, and the paths for which they follow, indicate special methods for obtaining secret knowledge and achieve inner harmony. Often, fairy tales are compared even with magical formulas that lose their strength if they are wrong to pronounce.

And let's consider a few well-known Russian folk fairy tales as an example. It's not a fact that our decodents will fully reflect the truth, but serve as a certain algorithm to understand the hidden meaning laid in fairy tales they will still be able to.

So, consider the three fairy tales: "Rack", "by whining the courage" and "the blasting immortal".

Fairy Tale "Repka"

What do we know from the fairy tale: We know that the grandfather planted repka, and because of a particularly produced year, it has grown very large sizes. To stretch the repkah, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse resorted to help. They could pull out the repkah only when they pulled it all together.

Hidden meaning:If we talk about the hidden, esoteric meaning of this fairy tale, then she tells us about those knowledge that were accumulated by the ancestors who lived in ancient times. Repka acts as roots of the genus, and planted her first and the most grandfather, who is the oldest and wise.

Grandma in this fairy tale symbolizes the traditions of the house; Father - Support and Protection of the Family; mother - custody, warmth and love; granddaughter - continuation of the kind; Bug - protecting welfare; Cat is a poor condition in the house and; And the mouse is wealth.

Each of the presented images is closely connected with each other, and all together they represent one whole. Only by connecting all parts together, the person is able to achieve the true harmony of being, will learn to live in when everything is inside a person, and everything that surrounds it outside, comes in line with each other.

Fairy tale "By whining cord"

What do we know from the fairy tale:The young man named Emelya sat on the furnace and did nothing. One day, going to the water river, he caught a pike. Pike asked Emel to let her go, and in return agreed to fulfill several desires. After a short thinking, Emelya asked Tsarevna's Pike and the Palace, which received in the end, and also became a handsome man.

Hidden meaning:The furnace symbolizes the space of consciousness in which the hero of the fairy tale was most of the time, and from which he did not want to get out, because All the time contemplated himself. However, a person cannot be in harmony if his inner world is not connected with the external.

"Having become acquainted with Pike, Emelya realized his true desires and gained the intention, which is expressed in words:" By whining class, in my desire. " The pike, in turn, is a nature of mother, in relation to which Emelya showed attentiveness. And then the nature gave him opportunities to realize his intention and self-awareness.

The phrase: "By whining class, in my opinion" means the unity of two faces of being - the spirit of man and his soul. Pike can also be interpreted as "Schura", i.e. Fathermen - the degree of the whole and human spirit. The river, from which Emelya decided to gain water, is a kind of energy-informational channel, in which you can penetrate, only and abandoning the syllable beliefs. Ultimately, Emelya, by liberating his spirit, reached inaccessible to man in the usual state of consciousness of opportunities and became the Lord of his fate. In addition, the formation of Emela is an excellent prince is a manifestation of inner beauty on the outward plan.

The fairy tale of "Koschey Immortal"

What do we know from the fairy tale:Koschey is the evil lord of the dark kingdom of the dungeon, regularly stealing beautiful maidens. It is consistent, and fish birds and animals live in his possessions. Snake Gorynych serves as a huge number of secret knowledge, due to which he has greater power. Koschey is considered to be immortal, and in conventional ways to not overcome, although if there is a desire, you can learn unusual ways that, as a rule, Ivan Tsarevich reveals Baba Yaga.

Hidden meaning:If we turn to the Pantheon of the gods of Slavyan, we will see that blasting is one of the manifestations of the black bog, owing on Navo, Darkness and the Hoeful Kingdom. Also Koschey personifies the winter cold, and the girls, whom he stealing - the life-giving power of nature and spring. Ivan-Tsarevich is a symbol of sunlight and spring thunder, accompanied by rain (remember the god Perun), in search of a blasphemy who contributes to all natural forces. By defeating Koschery, Ivan-Tsarevich, Darkness and death.

As we know, the death of wagon can be found in the egg, which is the symbol of the revival and the possibility of being of all things that can only be. Based on this, Koschey is at the beginning of everything, and his death is equal to the emergence of the world.

The needle, on the edge of which Koshcheyev is death, serves as a reference to the global tree connecting the underground world, land and sky, as well as winter and summer solstice. Koshiga can be interpreted as a winter solstice, and Ivan Tsarevich is like summer solstice. They are always in a state of struggle with each other. The death of one is the birth of another, in the same way as winter leaves and summer comes, and after this cycle is repeated.

And one more detail: Blade Immortal - this is an attempt to scare Ivan Tsarevich, which contains in itself a completely different promise - the blasting immortal - this is a blasphemy's mortal.

Little side effect

Time is inexorably running forward. The world is changing. And together with the world, the person and his perception is changing. Today, quite a few can understand and explain the sacred and very deep meaning of the fairy tale of our wise ancestors, and he, as you and yourself have time to make sure, of course, is. And those knowledge that in these fairy tales were transmitted, in general, very soon can be chosen in the fly. It is easy to note that over time the fine bond was interrupted, which combined various generations of people with each other.

In order to understand the true essence of fairy tales, in particular, Russians, a person must push his current worldview of the worldview to the background, and try to look at the world and life in it, which people who lived in those distant times were watched on them when fairy tales began to appear .

The search for the meaning, he must be attended, because the laws of being, whatever the time, no matter how well the society was, whatever high-tech human life has always remained and will remain alone and the same. Therefore, let the fairy tales of the blazes of the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Ever, Alyonushka and other characters will be not just interesting for you, and those pointers for which you will navigate in your daily life, in which it would seem The true magic remains at all.

Remember: there is a magic, and it surrounds you everywhere!

What is the meaning of the name of the fairy tale? To write down proverbs and sayings that will find in the text of the fairy tales. Table: Real motifs. Fabulous motifs.

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We all confident since childhood that Russian folk fairy tales are designed for kids. Their uncomplicated plots and simplicity of exposure to adult are not interesting. And meanwhile, "Kolobok", "Repka" and "Ryabina" - fairy tales not children's ...

Let's start with the fact that the word "tale" itself occurred from the verb to "show" and meant "List", "List", "Accurate description". It is exactly! So the fairy tale is not a lie at all, according to the famous proverb, and the most real truth. It is in Russian folk fairy tales of knowledge about the device of man, nature and even the whole universe.

Digger Ryaba

Adults this fairy tale may seem even stupid. Well, it would seem, the grandfather and grandmother beat the golden egg, but their efforts do not bring any result. Suddenly the mouse appears and finally breaks the egg. There is something that old people achieve. But no! They both are accepted crying. And calm down only when the chicken promises to demolish it a new egg, and simple. However, everything becomes clear if you try to see in this fairy tale not just actions of heroes, but a deep meaning.

Immediately I note that gold in antiquity symbolized death, and the egg is the world. Therefore, it is nothing more than the end of life, peace, selenium. Old people are trying to fight death - beat the egg. But they do nothing: they still remain older and weak. When the mouse breaks the egg to the shatters, grandfather and grandmother realize that the end has come and, of course, cry. However, the chicken assures them in the fact that it will soon demolish them not gold, but a simple egg. So, the old people are waiting for a new life, renewal, rebirth.


In the original embodiment of animals in the tale of "Kolobok" was much more. Moreover, each of them when meeting with a kolobkom, whom some part bite off from him. Thanks to these details, the fairy tale acquires a completely different appearance. So the main character becomes like a moon. And its gradual decrease from the teeth of hungry animals is the lunar phases. So the tale of "Kolobok" is an astronomy lesson for the smallest.


In this originally, there were also more characters. In particular, besides grandfather, grandmother, granddaughters, bugs, cats and mice, her father and mother participated in it. The Fairy Tale "Pink" is a philosophical reflection on the human role and its connections. Repka was planted the most eldest in the family - grandfather. These are roots of the genus carrying some knowledge. All the knowledge of these knowledge will be able to take advantage only if the connection between generations does not intervene. It is clear that only all together, ancestors and descendants, make up force. Yes, and members of the living, one family cannot exist without each other. Grandfather is the roots, grandmother - tradition, father - support, mother - love, granddaughter - continuation of the kind, bug - guard, cat is a favorable atmosphere in the house, and the mouse is the welfare of this home, wealth. If at least some component disappears, the whole house (genus) collapses.

Swan geese

The main heroine of the fairy tale is sent in search of his brother, which was taken to the forest Gus-Swan. However, in fact, the girl goes behind his brother at all in the forest, but in the kingdom of the dead. On the way, she meets many symbols of life capable of detaining it in the world of living: it is an apple tree, and a stove, and bread. However, the heroine refuses everything listed. Next, it is suitable for a dairy river with fermented banks. It is Kisel and milk that are ritual dishes that are served on the commemoration. The river is the border of two worlds, the world of living and the world of the dead. Back the path is no longer.

Soon the most entertaining character of this fairy tale appears. In antiquity it was called yoga. Yoga was goddess and was engaged in transferring people to the world of others. She did it with his hut, which could spin in all directions. Due to what? Due to kurichy feet. In any children's book, we will see that the battleship of the hut and in fact chicken paws. Only here our ancestors, speaking of the courier legs, did not mean the chicken at all. Adjective "Curii" comes from the verbs of "smoking", "smoke", "smoke." So the feet at the hut was not at all. She hung in the air, over a pillow of smoke.

Baba Yaga offers children to sit on the shovel and bows the shovel into the oven. What horror, isn't it? However, such a rite really existed in ancient Russia and called rebugs. If the baby suddenly became restless, a lot cried and sick, it was this ritual that made it. Put the baby on the bread shovel and pushed into the oven. After that, the child seems to be born again, rebooted, if you say modern language. So in the tale of "Gus-Swans" of the brethren sister straightened in order to go back to the world of living.

By whining veliny

In the fairy tale, "by whining the vein" of Emely, who was sitting on the furnace, personifies himself self-filing. That is, the main character does not interact with the outside world and ancestors. However, the volley-unilietes have to go behind the water, where he meets with Pike. Pike is Prasrat, a ancestor that the miraculous forces gives. Now the main character can manage its destiny, grow and develop. But only if he wants himself. No wonder the spell sounds like this: "By whining the vein, in my opinion!"

These are secrets are hidden in ordinary children's fairy tales. It's time to reread them again!

\u003e Works on the work of the wild landowner

Meaning of the name

In my opinion, the author used the name "Wild landowner" in order to show the true vices of the noble class of the late XIX century. It is ignorance, and the feeling of laziness, and porous, and backwardness, and moral inferiority. All these qualities are fully inherent in the main hero of the fairy tale, which himself is rather stupid and dissatisfied, and thinks that it will cost without the help of his peasants. However, the meaning of the name is not disclosed immediately. We see how with time, the landowner Urus-Kuchum Kildibaev really becomes like a wild beast.

He ceases to wash, stand, care for himself. It begins to finish wool and run on all fours, returning to the origins of evolution. Over time, he even ceases to seem to say the words, replacing them with some wild sounds, a victorious tide or something "average between whistle, hiss and rivebang." Feeding among the gingerbread and candy, he weakens and begins to go hunting into the forest. I am completely different, even finds a friend in the face of the bear. In short, the name "Wild landowner" if not immediately, then as the events develop, justifies itself.

When the provincial bosses notices that something is happening in this subsession, it orders to return the "Roy Men" to the place. Only after returning the peasants everything becomes intelligible again. Meat and bread appears in the markets, and in the treasury - money. A wild landowner leads to normal, after which he continues to launch his Granpazyan. At times, he misses forest life and might. The caustic satire skips the Saltykov-Shchedrian in this work. So he rizuats the lags of the Lord and elevates the role of peasants from the life of the country.

Fairy tales firmly occupied the place in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin. Satiri used the people beloved by the people with the aim of attracting more readers to their raised problems. In this original and at the same time, the author was able to say about the Russian society of the late 19th century more than the historians of this period made.

Saltykov-Shchedrin, according to his own admission, creates such fairy tales for adults, which in mental development correspond to the child. The author wants to open eyes to such people. In fact, such fairy tales are available to anyone, not even accustomed to reading a person. Thus, they are very dangerous to those who are changing Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The main problem raised in the fairy tales of Shchedrin is the relationship between the owners and slaves. The author with satire fell into the royal Russia. The reader faces fairy tales with the images of those who are accustomed to command and those who these teams.

The fairy tale "Wild landowner" commemorates the entire social system of Russia of the time built on the operation, full oppression of the simple people. Saving the style of Russian folk fairy tales, Shchedrin across the allegory about the real events of that period: in one estate, a landowner lives, a hereditary nobleman; He is stupid and lazy, his existence comes down to preserving the beauty of his body, and everything else makes fortress peasants for him. The landowner does not tolerate the Spirit that comes from his hills, and the delight of this hated smell was the only dream of the landowner. When this Smerand disappears on one day with all the peasants, the newless, who did not know the lady's life gradually turns into an animal and, finally, running into the forest.

In this ridiculous and fantastic plot of fairy tales, the true situation de in the country is hidden. The landowners are all the problems from managing the estate to washing dishes and undressing before bedtime shifted on their peasants. The idle existence themselves also themselves, they absolutely did not know their lives, and any problem with which they encountered one on one could destroy them.
Hence the name of the fairy tale. "Wild" in this case means "far from life", not adapted to it. And this understanding of wildness in fairy tales increases with the development of the plot.

The reader finds out that the landowner hates the peasants, does not see anything gallopped in the use of physical force against their misconduct. And the apogee of the wildness becomes the gradual transformation of the landlord in the animal: he covered the whole hair, his nails have grown out and become similar to claws, he stopped blowing herdoor and began to walk on all fours and talk. The physiological need for food makes him hunt a hare.

Despite the terrible appearance, the landowner, which turned out to be in the new conditions, lost all his severity. His wildness causes pity. After all, in fact, he is helpless as a small child.

Thanks to the gradation of the wildness of the person shown in the fairy tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin was able to show the reader to complete human degradation, motioning all his human qualities, hinting from time to time that the image of this landowner is a collective image of owners of most Russian estates of that time.

Saltykov was a moralist. Showing the horror of the fall of man, he hoped that he would understand, and would soon be restored by human morality, the rise of spirituality and the time of harmony in the life of all segments of the population would come.