Variety and significance of the traditional Russian ornament. Ancient Images in Folk Art - Our Heritage

Variety and significance of the traditional Russian ornament. Ancient Images in Folk Art - Our Heritage
Variety and significance of the traditional Russian ornament. Ancient Images in Folk Art - Our Heritage

In the modern world, the ornament is a pattern that decorates household objects without carrying the semantic load. For us, the rhombus on the carpet is just a rhombus, and the circles are simply circles. But there were times when people knew how to read ornaments, they encrypted their ideas about life, about the past world, about eternal truths.

It can be said that the decorative figure is the result of the interrelation of the relationship between the perception of nature and the decorative mapping of reality. For many years of the existence of decorative art, various types of patterns have developed: geometric, vegetable, complex, etc., from ordinary joints to complex intricacies.

The ornament may consist of substantive and continuous motifs, it may include forms of a person, animal world and mythological beings, in ornaments are intertwined and naturalistic elements with stylized and geometrized patterns are intertwined. At certain stages of the art evolution, there is an "erasing" of the face between the ornamental and plot painting. This can be observed in the art of Egypt (Amaran period), the art of Crete, in the ancient Roman art, in late Gothic, modern.

At first there was a geometric ornament, it was at the dawn of human culture. What could be easier of direct or wavy lines, circles, cells, crosses? It is these motifs that decorate the walls of clay vessels of primitive people, the most ancient stones, metal, wood and bones. For an ancient man, they were conditional signs, with the help of which he could express his concept about the world. The straight horizontal line meant ground, wavy - water, cross - fire, rhombus, circle or square - sun.

According to an old belief, the symbols in the patterns carried spiritual power capable of spend any evil and injustice of the natural forces of nature. These symbolic signs who came to us from the ancient rituals - with magic symbolism. For example, in a Filimon toy (Russia) we see the symbols of the sun, earth, water, fertility. The masters missed all the images and symbols through their globility and showed their perception of the world in the painting. Ancient symbols are found in the Dymkovskaya and Kargopol, toy. But they are everywhere different in the ornament. In each fishery, we notice the symbols of the sun, water and D.R. The ancient symbolism of the peasant religion is in thin thread.

And the ornament in the Russian folk costume. The main motives of which were solar signs - circles, crosses; images of a female figure - a symbol of fertility, mother - raw land; wave-like rhythmic lines - water signs; horizontal straight lines denoting land; Wood images - personification of forever wildlife. Embroidery on peasant clothes not only decorated it and pleased the patterns around the trellis, but he should have protected the one who wore this clothes, from trouble, from an evil man. Embroidered Christmas tree - it means she wished a man of prosperous and happy life, because Spruce is a tree of life and good. Born at the peasant children. And his first simple shirt she will decorate embroidery in the form of a straight line of bright, joyful color. This is a straight and bright road for which a child should go. Let this road be happy and joyful for him.

The image of the Sun occupies one of the main places in decorative and applied art. The sun in the form of round sockets, rhombuses, can be found in different types of folk art.

The direct plastering cross was also in a folk symbolism of the sun. The diamond was also revered by a symbol of fertility and often combined with a sunny sign inscribed in him.

The tree of Life

In addition to the geometric, in the ornament of ancient Russia, it is very often possible to meet various ancient pagan plots. For example, a female figure personified the goddess of land, fertility. In the pagan art of the tree of life embodied the strength of wildlife, it was portrayed the Divine Tree, which depended on the growth of herbs, cereals, trees and "growth" of the person himself. Very often you can meet the plots of magical calendar rites, which are associated with the main stages of agricultural work.

The most diverse symbolism is characteristic of the images of a plant world, which included flowers, trees, herbs.
In the ornament of Egypt, a lotus flower or lotus petals were often used - the attribute of the goddess Isis, the symbol of the divine producing the power of nature, a reviving life, high moral purity, chastity, mental and physical health, and in a surrounding cult, he was considered a magical means of revitalizing the deceased. This flower personified with the sun, and his petals with sun rays. The lotus motive was widespread in the ornamental forms of the Ancient East (China, Japan, India, etc.).

In the ornament, the Egyptians also used an aloe image - this drought-resistant plant symbolized life in the past world. From the trees, the chickel, acacia, Tamaris, a thranger, Perseya (Osiris tree), the Tutov, Persea (Osirisa Tree), were fully revealed (Osirisa Tree), the Life-affirming began, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe forever fruitless tree of life ..

Laurel in ancient Greece was dedicated to God Apollon and served as a symbol of cleansing from sins, since the sacred laurel branch was foaming to be cleaned. Wreaths from Laurel awarded the winners in musical and gymnastic competitions in Delphs - the main center of the cult of Apollon. Laurel served as a symbol of glory.

Hop is a cultivated plant, the picturesque view of which contributed to the widespread form of plants in ornament. The image of hops in the combination with ears was used as decoration on home utensils.
Grape vine - borders and branches used special reverence in antiquity and in the Middle Ages. In ancient Greek mythology, this is the attribute of God's God, Christians - in conjunction with ears (bread and wine, meaning the sacrament of communion) - the symbol of the sufferings of Christ.

Ivy - evergreen curly shrub, sometimes a tree; Like the vine was devoted to Wakhu. Its leaves have a diverse shape, most often the heart-shaped or with pointed blades. They were often used in antique art to decorate VAZ and vessels for wine.
Oak - King of Forests, a symbol of strength and power. Oak leaves were widespread in Roman ornament. Their images are often found on friezes and capitals, church utensils and in other types of applied arts Gothic, as well as in the works of the Masters of the Italian Renaissance. Currently, an image of an oak leaves along with the laure can be found on medals and coins.

Oak is a symbol of power, endurance, longevity and nobility, as well as glory.

In ancient China, Pine symbolizes immortality, longevity. Truly noble personality. With pine way, the image of a cypress, who ended up in Chinese beliefs by special security and healing properties, including protection from the dead. In the flowering trees, a wild plum-makehua is the tree symbol of the new year, the spring and birth of the whole new one. Among the colors, the central place is assigned to the peony. Ipion is associated with female beauty and family happiness. Eggs and chrysanthemums are connected with the divine world and ritual ritual. A common symbol among vegetables is a glow pumpkin, which has become a symbol of immortality and longevity.

Painted Growing Pumpkin, Vessel and Talisman (China, XIX Century)

"Happy fruits": grenades, mandarin, orange symbols of longevity and a successful career.

Sakura's motifs are often found in Japanese decorative and applied art. This is a symbol of beauty, youth, tenderness, the inevitable variability of the transient world.

Flowers are widely used in ornamental motives of all time and styles. They serve the decoration of fabrics, wallpapers, dishes and other types of decorative art.
Rose has a polar symbolism: it is heavenly perfection and earthly passion, time and eternity, life and death, fertility and virginity. It is also a symbol of the heart, the center of the universe, the cosmic wheel, the divine, romantic and sensual love. Rose is a completeness, the sacrament of life, its focus, unknown, beauty, grace, happiness, but also creature, passion, and in combination with wine - sensuality and seduction. Rose bud - a symbol of virginity; Rosary rose - lifeguard life, death, sorrow; Her spines - pain, blood and martyrdom.

Heraldic roses: 1 - Lancaster; 2 - Yorks; 3 - tudors; 4 - England (Bage); 5 - German Rosa Rosen; 6 - Russian coat.

The heraldic medieval rose has five or ten petals, which connects it with the Pythagorean pentad and decade. Rose with red petals and white stamens - the emblem of England, the most famous breast sign of the English kings. After the "war of the scarlet and white roses", named so on the breastplate signs, fought for the English crown, Alay Lancaster Rosa and White Yorkkov were combined in the form of "Rosa of Tudors". Bright Punzovaya Rose is an unofficial emblem of Bulgaria. Famous tea rose - Beijing emblem. Nine White Roses - in the coat of arms of Finland.
In ancient ornaments, along with plants, various animals are often depicted: birds, horses, deer, wolves, unicorn, lions. They form the horizontal structure of the Tree of Life: on top - birds; At the level of the trunk - people, animals, as well as bees; Under roots - snakes, frogs, mice, fish, beavers, otters.

Animals can be seen on embroidered towels and apron , on painted chest h., on carved and painted barks; on the walls of the Old Russian Cathedrals and in the decorations , In the ornaments of the letter. The ancient images of the horse and birds are preserved in folk toys and in the dishes. In the form of animal or bird heads, made screwed for horse bribes and combat bows. Stylized animals and birds decorated hair ridges, utensils and dishes. In ancient times, many phenomena of nature personified in the images of animals and everyone looked at these phenomena from the point of view, which was closer to him depending on the lifestyle and classes: the point of view of the shepherd was different from the views of the hunter, and both of them from the warrior. His knowledge about earthly animals people were transferred to atmospheric phenomena.
The bird in folk decorative and applied art could personify the wind, cloud, zipper, thunderstorm, storm and sunlight. In the form of birds cut the buckets and solonks, embroidered birds decorated with women's clothing . The image of birds widely entered the folklore of almost all nations of the world.

The horse also personified all natural phenomena associated with a rapid movement - the wind, storm, clouds. He was often depicted fireless, with a clear sun or a month in the forehead, goldcree. Wooden horse making fun for children's fun, was often all decorated with solar signs or flowers . It was believed that this was protecting the child from evil forces. Images of horses can often be seen on household items (bucket knobs, bark , spindles) on clothes .

In the northern regions, natural phenomena associated with horses, ancient people attributed to deer . Deer were often depicted near the Tree of life on an embroidered towel, sometimes they were placed instead of a skate on the roof of the hut. The sacral role of the horse, the deer in Scythian art is often associated with the hope of a safe ascension of the soul into the world of others.
The lion in the mythology of many nations was a symbol of the Sun and Fire, as well as at different times from different nations, he personified the highest strength, power, power and greatness, generosity, nobility, mind. The image of Leo has existed in decorative and applied art.
For many centuries, Lev remained one of the favorite figures in Russian symbolism. In the ancient Russian images associated with the great power, the image of a lion, depending on what he was surrounded, had two meanings: the power given by God, and the defeated power of evil.

Folk masters often cut out lions on the frontal board of huts or painted on the chests surrounded by the plant ornament, the craftsmen embroidered them.

Female start. The Great Mother in the terrible Ipostasis of the weaves of fate is sometimes depicted in the form of a spider. All the lunar goddesses are spinners and tipples of fate. A web, which spider breaks, woves from the center of Spiral, is a symbol of the creative forces of the universe, the symbol of the universe. Spider in the center of the cobweb symbolizes the center of the world; Sun surrounded by rays; The moon, personifying cycles of life and death, is a prevailing web web. Spider is often associated with good luck, wealth or rain. Kill spider - bad sign.

Spider shown on the Amulte of American Indians

Thanks to the stability of religious canons, the meaning of the symbols in the ornamental of Egypt, the art of the countries of the Ancient East has been maintained unchanged for many millennium. Therefore, for ethnographers and archaeologists, ancient ornaments are signs with which you can "read" a kind of magical texts.

Ethnocultural contacts, trade, military campaigns, religious missions, embassy gifts and invited artists contributed to the movement of works of art from one country to another, which led to the spread of artistic ideas and styles.
Often the subsequent generations of artists use previous art and create their own variations on it. Such a bright example is the element of the Swastika, one of the earliest symbols, which is found in the ornaments of almost all the peoples of Europe, Asia, America, etc. The oldest images of the swastika are already in the culture of tribal tribes V-IV thousand BC. e. In ancient and medieval cultures, the swastika is a solar symbol, a happy sign with which the ideas about fertility, generosity, well-being, motion and strength of the sun are connected.

Kolovrat or Solvice is one of the oldest old-Russian symbols, personifying the sun and the solar gods of Svarog, Dazhbog and Yarily. From the word "Kolo" - the sun and the name of the symbol occurred.

The symbol itself looks like a circle with bent rays, so many it is associated with a fascist swastika. Although it is in the root, the fascists really used this solar symbol, but not the opposite.

In 1852, the French scientist Eugene Burnuf first gave a four-pointed cross with the submenses of the Sanskrit name "Swastika", which approximately means "carrier good." By his symbol, the swastika made Buddhism, giving it a mystical meaning of the eternal rotation of the world.
In the ornaments of the new time, there is actually no modern symbolism, despite the fact that it exists in excess in the surrounding reality. As an exception, there may be creativity of modernist artists. At the end of the XIX - early XX century. These artists tried to create their own symbols and reproduce it in their work.
The ornament in their works was no longer an auxiliary role, but became an integral part of the image, it was organically walking into the canvas of the plot.
Then A. White - theoretics of Russian symbolism wrote: "An artist-symbolist, saturacing an image of experiencing, puts it in his work; Such a proper (modified) image is a symbol. " And further A. White records the main slogans of symbolism in art: "1. The symbol always reflects reality; 2. The symbol is an image, modified by experience; 3. Form of the artistic image is inseparable from the content. "
In these three points, the basic provisions of creating a symbolic work that can be used in any form of art, including ornamental, are accurately defined in these three points.

Ancient Slavic symbols

Original DPEVNE Calibone Covers carry in their image encrypted messages. Our ancestors realized the simplicity and complexity of the perception of the world. Each group to which the ceiling signs and conceals include, has a direct impact on our true desires. Thanks to this consciousness, configures on a healthy tone of work.

Slavic Coaners are divided by the elements, they are conductors of male or female energy. Symbols set up consciousness, perform protective functions, serve as conductors between the worlds created by the origin. This article is the key to understanding the welcoming, runic symbolism. Here you will find everything you need to interpret the Slavic symbols used in the embroidery of folk clothes, in everyday life, in root matters, jogging.

Graphic image perception by the brain

For a contemporary is not a secret information that our brain is a complex and mysterious phenomenon. It is conditionally divided into two halves: conscious and unconscious perception of reality. In his structure, the evolution of humanity itself was concluded.

Called "oblong", the oldest department is responsible for our primary instincts, actions that are not controlled by us deliberately. He is also responsible for our reaction to any phenomenon and the subsequent work of the whole organism.

The most amazing thing is that the signs and the signs are capable of carrying information in this department directly. In this case, the images of the Scandinavian runes or Celtic letters do not have such actions. This is due to the fact that our deep departments store the codes of deciphering genetic memory.

Thus, the ceiling of the coupling in contact with our brain. Dialogue is conducted not only with us, but also with a whole generation of ancestors. The graphic structure of each sign is read, the denial of the inclined information at the root level.

Static lines and dynamics

Considering the DPEVNE of the ceiling of the Covers as geometric drawings, you can see their amazing property. Simple lines are woven into the drawing, perceived as a movement. This is not an optical effect. We fix the direction, and the brain is completing the dynamics according to its ideas.

The brilliant solution was the fruit of the observation of our ancestors. Lean attitude and sensitivity created these images in their worldview. In each case, logic is honored, no extra or cumbersome.

Slavic signs and symbols - what did our ancestors see in them?

All cims can be divided into groups:

  • magical and protective;
  • attached to the elements;
  • personifying gods;
  • reflective phenomena of nature;
  • for different generation groups;
  • patolers crafts.

The most incomprehensible is the fact that there are common features at all varieties. They are aimed at uniting the soul and spirit of man.

Our ancestors believed in the complexity and multifaceted structure of the world. That was, in their opinion, and a person. The individual shared on the Spirit, which filled the essence of the content. At the same time, the soul was another phenomenon given by the gods.

With all the division of the DPEVNE, the ceiling has not been separated from each other. They had specialization, but the general features. Thus, each sign was part of the total and complemented a holistic picture.

Mysterious messages from the past: Slavic signs in the structure of the Universe

Known to us dPEVNE Claus Covers stored not only specific information. They carry the codes of the structure of the universe. It is already known that Slavs knew about the diversity of cosmic shums. They have information about those celestial bodies that cannot be seen without special equipment.

The cosmic subsoil researcher Jacob Nikolayevich Borzhevsky somehow noticed that the structure of the solar sign of solvent was reminded by a rotating galaxy. Considering its own assumption in more detail, he was convinced of the affinity of other Slavic symbols with the appearance of cosmic bodies.

It remains to assume how much knowledge we have not yet inherited from our ancestors. And what secrets carry true values \u200b\u200bof ancient drawings. Maybe a combination of characters reveals the amazing details of the creation of our universe or the ability to make interstellar travel.

How was the information about the symbols

For a long time, scientists have attributable information about the found images to applied art. The currently assembled creams are collected by the factory, are a product of long and painstaking work.

Only a part of the preserved monuments of the antiquity became a tip to the true meaning of the draw. With each new found city or originated, the number of images has multiplied. At the same time, there was no doubt that graphic images carry sacral and cult information.

Moziaki Etruscov

Ethnographers and primacy of the original faith conducted their own studies, replete the treasury by decoding. The source of reliable information was the folk epic, with which you still can come in touch. The epics, sayings and the rest of the information revealed the true meaning of Slavic signs.

Analogies with symbols of other countries

Considering the ceiling of the Cams, you can note their affinity with other cultures. One of the fundamental draws - Cross - can be found in the culture of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Scandinavia, Ciestka and German cultures, Anglo-Saxon, in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Denotent field Crossed lines in all cultures have a similar meaning. The swastika, or the sun, in all cultures has the same pattern and value.

Buddha statue

Wastic Slavic characters can be traced on the world of the globe. Confirmation of this fact are:

  • folklore;
  • excavations;
  • religious lines of many peoples, where the swastor symbols serve as the basis of the movement of the cult;
  • the architecture of the ancient structures whose age includes many thousands of years.

One example of similar monuments of ancient architecture is the temple buildings of the city of Baalbek, located in Lebanon. Baalbek is considered one of the oldest cities in the world. Unique staff provided by employees of the Wellez online store.

Temple buildings of Baalbek

However, the ceiling of the factors, despite all similarities with the cultures of other countries, have their own unique impact on our consciousness.

Protective properties

Big attention is used by the ceiling of the contemporary creature for the culture of a modern person. The need to realize yourself and feel the relationship with roots leads people to the study of values. Each inscription carries its unique information that is aimed at eliminating blocks and negative programs.

Thanks to its positive essentially, there is an influence.

  • on the holistic perception of his personality;
  • setting internal life systems;
  • harmonization of energy exchange;
  • restoration of sincere equilibrium;
  • creation of strong logic bonds between the brain departments;
  • balance of perception of reality.

Opided the selected symbol, a person interacts with him at all levels of its essence. This allows it to build its own shield from negative external influence. A complex or simple interlacing lines works as a cipher against penetration of hostile entities. Thus, the owner receives not just protection, but also help from the ancestors themselves.

Meaning and interpretation of Slavic characters

Our ancestors were transferred to the pains of the ceiling. The process of Christianization largely violated the continuity of generations. That is why there are disputes and disagreements in the true altitude of the ceiling coupling. However, it is necessary to understand that our modern perception differed in many ways from the life of the life of the pleas. In each cult image, accumulated knowledge was invested, sacred meaning and unique worldview.

How did our ancestors perceived the world?

Introducing the vitations of the patterns left by our ancestors, carries an entire ocean of knowledge. In trying to decipher their importance, we are little think about how different people are the world's worldview then.

Modern person is surrounded by various encrypted and open information. Artificial journey blocks the true perception of things. Our ancestors have invested in the ceiling and their signature only those information that real value for the body and spirit.

Figure of intricate patterns Our great-grandparents saw in every bend branch or plexus web. The openness and liberation of consciousness allowed them to read information without distortion. That is why the study of the foundations of signs and symbols of Slavs is a peculiar healing of the mind from the layers of excess intellectual cargo.

The subtleties of energy communication with the universe

A lot of energy exchange provisions are laid in the inspection of the ceiling. The direction is important, the number of turns and the smoothness of the lines. For our foreframes, all this served as a kind of lei lines card, according to which they led their energy.

In the center of each image there is always a place for the most important element - a living beating heart. The symbol itself is part of a single stream of strength. Resting with a person, this chaotic energy of life is converted to the creation.

After all, only a person is able to convert the world around his inner state. That is why it is necessary to select symbolism carefully, with knowledge of subtleties.

Slavic signs: symbol interpretation

Even in the culture of our ancestors, there was a real art in the culture of the Claim. Knowledge of the instructions of the inscription and the making time of the amulet or the overag is highly appreciated. They had the most experienced members of the community and some masters.

Geometry of Life

An amazing fact, but the ceiling of the bonds and their signature are directly related to geometry. Even before this science acquired its own name, its foundations were actively used by our ancestors.

Basic geometric shapes in symbols:

  • the cross is the definition of four sides of the light, the distribution of energy;
  • circle - the sphere of each living standards;
  • square, rhombus, rectangle - stability of positions;
  • point - base, creation, outcome;
  • bending - a complex figure, personifying movement.

Our ancestors deeper and widely understood the structure of any geometric phenomenon. Sustainable clear angles are combined with soft fluid transitions. This is the focus of the perfect balance, in which any act of creation is possible.

Direction in the sign

The most frequently found description of the right-hand and left-sided direction in signs. However, the cooking of the ceiling will include much more complex provisions. If you compare the movement of the symbol with the direction of blood flow through the human body, you can make a clear picture of the energy distribution by the sign.

In the female organism, the left half of the hemisphere has the greatest activity, in men - right. This affects the activity of the vascular system. That is why women's and male characters act differently on representatives of different floors.

Inscription on clothes

In terms of ceiling, sacral information about human capabilities is laid. The combination of the cross and the oval gives the stable composition of the flow distribution and the suppression of third-party intervention. Loars and smooth lines give the direction to the active zones of our body.

If creative potential prevails in man, he is able to give more than taking. This creates an unstable position in the exchange of energy. In the old days of such an identity, Rasachi would be won by Rubbamu and squares. Thus, its energy through the prism of the sign would be in the balance sheet.

Male and female start

Slavic symbolism is divided according to the principle of strengthening energy centers. In this series, men's Slavic characters combine the list of signs are associated with the elements of air and heavenly fire. While Slavic symbols for women are addressed to the moon, water elements, earthly start. All of them constitute a single cycle of equilibrium protective characters.

Men's Slavic symbols

The traditional Slavic symbol for a man personifies:

  • strength;
  • protection;
  • freedom;
  • traffic;
  • power.

All these signs belong to the elements of fire, air and heavenly light. The meaningful load that the Slavic symbol for a man is aimed at the awakening of his true principle.

Sword in symbols of Slavs

Special attention deserved symbols - swords. They have different form of drawing, but in each sign there are characteristic features:

  • direction;
  • quantity;
  • stability.

The sword is the attribute of power, protection and patronage. These concepts were perceived in the widest aspect. Divine patronage, absolute power. However, at the same time, the wise perception of his power aimed at the benefit of the community was implied. Swords served as a security and attacking symbol at the same time.


Kallrat - the personification of the Renaissance, ascending energy of life. Imagined the cosmogonic picture of the structure of the world created by our ancestors. He is a direct reference to the ancient knowledge of the universe.


Patiberer is a bright solar symbol, the true embodiment of the universe fire. This is not just sunlight, rather a flash in which life originates. One of the strongest signs of the male line.


Sign Yarovrat - refers to military art and agriculture. Our ancestors exceeded the pahahar on a par with a defender. There are two inscriptions of the Yarovrat - six- and four-beam. At the same time, the root of "Yar" makes a reference to the raffle of fire that protects against darkness.


The image of the falcon - is interpreted as freedom, victory, superiority, protection. In mythopoetics, the Slavic symbol for a man means climbing the spirit, the performance of karmic debt in front of the birth.

Slavic symbols for women

A special place was occupied by women's Slavic symbols, personified creating creation and creation.

Each female sign is hidden Messages:

  • fertility;
  • reverence of ancestors;
  • hidden sacred knowledge;
  • women Health.

According to the preserved information, Slavic symbols for women were compiled based on their status, classes and values \u200b\u200bfor the community.


Almost all women's Slavic characters are distributed over three age periods. Lunitsa depicts a young moon, this is a symbol of tide and fertility. She could wear young unmarried women who had recently entered into marriage.


One of the oldest symbols of Rozhanitsa personifies the connection with the origin of the ancestors. This power of the matriarchate, the protection of the most valuable gift - childbearing. He is creation, creation and donation of life in one way. Warned a symbol of women, married and giving birth to children.


A paired ladies sign fills the male icon. This is a symbol of harmony of two started. It concluded the patronage of the female chaotic principle, ready to move into the peaceful state of creation. Two figures are enclosed in it, personifying fire and full moon.

Amulet is designed to women practicing mystic. It is a strong protection and conductor in an implicit world. Fencing from false knowledge, reveals consciousness. Through it, the owner reveals the deep ancient female magic.

Symbols of Slavic gods and their meaning

Ecumenical love is the power that the symbols of the Slavic gods are carried. Each sign is encrypted unique codes that open the secrets of the universe. Through the symbols of the Slavic gods and their meaning we get the blessing of our ancestors.

Strength and harmony in each sign

In the presentation of our ancestors, the main driving force was love. All generated by the gods was permeated with her and consisted in indestructible harmony. If we consider the symbols of the Slavic gods separately, it is easy to notice a unique fact.

All images of gods can be united by creating groups of new signs. At the same time, the power of each subordinate to God the elements will be summed up. Clear symbolism geometry allows you to draw up ornamental rows.

The sacral meaning load, which had the symbols of the Slavic gods and their meaning in the life of ancestors, only partly reached our days. From well-known data it is clear that the signs served as a kind of communication center with the patron. Turning through the symbol to the Divine, the person was adjusted on the creation.

Common symbolism of Slavs

Symbols of Slavic gods are divided into personal and natural. Some are addressed specifically God, others - the elements that he commands.

The collected symbols of the Slavic gods and their meaning differed differed from different nations. The decodes below describe the most characteristic features of signs that coincide in the meaning of all Slavic peoples.


Lelnik was considered a symbol that kids and young girls worn. Deciphering the name is "sorrowful", that is, desired in love. The patronage of the deity was protected by growing children, a special favorable attitude of girls concerned.

It was believed that the little ones absorb the power of sincere deep love and distinguishes unclean strength and evil thoughts.

Symbol of kind

Special love for our ancestors enjoyed the symbol of the genus. He personified powerful forces:

  • the relationship of generations;
  • help ancestors;
  • Creator of all existing;
  • constructive strength of creativity.

Worn by representatives of different generations and floors. It has incredible power, reinforcing respect for a family tree. It affects the destiny of the owner, gives him the clarity of thinking.

Clean Perun

The traditional male symbol of the secreir of Perun belongs to personalized oversets. Connecting with the energy of the owner, it affects his character and worldview.

Impact on nature:

  • will durability;
  • sobriety of thinking;
  • courage;
  • self-discipline;
  • strength of mind.

The seclira was one of the types of weapons, which Perun fought with dark forces.

Symbol of Veles.

Personal velles symbol has a schematic inscription of the head of the tour. According to one of the versions, the deity appealed to this animal. Through the chaff, a person has established a connection directly with the deity.

The power of the sign stands on guard of justice, it is protection against lies in any manifestations. It is believed that the sign was concluded. Oberega winner gets the opportunity to feel hidden meaning.

Printing Veles.

Wellees prints are depicted in the form of two characters - the paws of the wolf and the bear. Both animals were considered sacred, they carried out their will in the obvious world.

According to the semantic meaning of the bear lap relates to sign challenges. He gives the owner to good luck in solving legal affairs, trade. The symbol feeds the internal forces of a person, giving it a latitude of thinking.

Wolf's wolf fits mystical personalities. His strength embodies the power of Veles over the world of a subtle plan. In his authority to protect the person from mental attacks engaged in spiritual practices.

Star Lada

The traditional female protective symbol was the star of Lada, the patroness of love and family. Personalization of the goddess through a sign protects the life and home of the owner.

The overavel value has a wide range:

  • honor;
  • vera;
  • justice;
  • freedom-lithuance.

This is a conductor to a source of wisdom generations that interrelands with ancestors. He is credited with the protection of maternity, because it enclosed the power of omnipotent love.

Reza Lazboga

The solar sign of Dazhibog carries in itself the unshakable power of the Divine. It enclosed the energy of fertility, revival and sunlight.

Under his patronage:

  • weddings;
  • wealth;
  • military courage;
  • spiritual mentoring.

It is a powerful protection and guide for those who have fallen into a difficult life situation.

Reza Chura

A strong sacral sign of CHUR refers to personalities. In his power, to establish powerful protection from the otherworldly forces. God Chouu was obeyed by the spirits of nature, living next to the man. Under the auspices of the Divine, the owner may not be afraid of the goat opposing forces.

Sign Makoshi.

Wubble Makuch is designed to wise life to women. This is a powerful fertility energy conductor. Through the symbolism, the goddess sends his chad, helping them to find inner peace and wisdom.

The image of the symbol carries two main geometric shapes - cross and rhombus. The first is a heater of solar energy, the second is the personification of the earthly start. Combining, they form a snowy field - fertility and wealth.

Reza Beloboga

Consisting of broken lines, a harmonious symbol of Belobogo folds into a fancy labyrinth. In his features, the knowledge of the complex structure of the universe was concluded. Refers to personal symbols; Explorer clean energy of love and light.

Wishes are encrypted in it:

  • well-being;
  • clarity of thought;
  • of good;
  • purity of thoughts.

Reconfing with the owner, the sign leads the inner world in consent with the thoughts and the aspirations of man. Thanks to the wrap, the carrier acquires the opportunity to soberly weigh the facts and find true solutions.

Carladnik or turning strides

An amazing car beaddle is an impersonation of rebirth. This is the eternal desire of the universe to the update and recreating life. The sun depicted on the sign is in eternal movement, the so-called direction "Somaton".

Symbols of the ancient Slavs Memory from the depths of time

The first discovered finds carrying Slavic signs belong to the I millennium BC. e. Penkovskaya, Prague-Korchak and Kolocyan culture are recognized by the progenitors of Slavic nation. Detached household and cult items cover the symbolism of the ancient Slavs, the value of which has practically not changed to the present day.

Slavic signs - Early archaeological finds

In the works of Soviet and Russian archaeologists, the first Slavic signs are attributed to the period from the I millennium BC. e. until the VI century.

These include graphic images:

  • carved on stone sculptures;
  • covering clay and wooden utensils;
  • dispensed on the skin or decorations.

Clay vessel. Pozdnyakovskaya culture

These are mainly primitive drawings depicting wavy lines, points and semicircles. Gradually, these images are transformed, becoming more complex. At the turn of the VI century, the first samples of clear solar symbolism appear. The founded Pozdnyaki culture clay vessel (middle II Millennium BC) is covered with images of a fern flower and wavy lines.

Praslavyansky and Dlavyan cultures

Early thencestrate cultures include Penkovskaya, Prague-Korchak and Kolochinsky. They existed during the period of the V-VI century and left a large number of memos of those civilizations. The historian-archeologist V. V. Sedov assumed that during this period a list of challenge symbolism was finally formed.

Founded in the Southern Pool of Pripyat and the upper reaches of the Dniester Slavic signs and their meaning repeat the elements of ornaments and fragments of images of other areas.

Among the found finds of the V-X centuries, graphic symbols are presented:

  • solar;
  • earth elements of the Earth;
  • stylistic images of animals;
  • cult symbols of deities.

There is reason to believe that the origins of the formation of a single Slavic symbolism reflect in this historic period.

Pagan symbols of Slavs - Kiev culture

Cultural monuments of Kiev type belong to the end of the II-IV centuries. Most of the finds were discovered on average subway, the Seimas, gums and Dnieper. Kiev culture echoes the reservoirs of the Baltic and Northern tribes.

Among the objects of utensils, decorations and megalithic finds, the symbolism of the Slavs repeated in other regions was found. The main feature of this period was the manufacture of faiths as a separate direction of fishery. Precious metals were used that did not meet on earlier finds.

V. V. Sedov assumed that during this period active trade relations were established with neighboring tribes. What influenced the development of pottery and blacksmiths. Judging by the numerous finds, Slavic signs and their importance underwent an effect from outside. Elements borrowed from Romano-Germanic peoples appeared. The source includes the Black Sun and Valkyrie.

Interpretation of symbols

Archaeologist G. S. Lebedev suggested that the Slavic signs reflected a unique understanding of the laws of the world of our ancestors. Each symbol carries several values \u200b\u200bhaving one semantic root.


The image called as Alatyr is widespread in folk fishing. This symbolism of Slavs occupied a cult place because it treated sacred signs.

This is talking about this list of her interpretations:

  • center of the Universe;
  • the unity of the four elements;
  • unity of the world;
  • fire.

The first finds of this sign belong to the X century, found on the Troitsky split in Novgorod.


The triglav symbol of the trinity of the Divine began occurs on the products of stone and clay II century BC. e. It was repeatedly recorded as part of the decoration of cult builds and stone sculptures of different cultural periods.


The monastery - found in the Caucasus symbolism of the ancient Slavs of the VI-X century BC. e. included complex images. Among them, the bronze products have met images recognized as a camera - symbols of purification and fire. The drawing included a number of elements that only in 1982 were decrypted and were able to identify the name.


The pagan symbolism of the Slavs had a lot of unique images, which belong to the Dlavyan cultures. One of these is Krun, a symbol of a new life, a proof sprout.

Tree of Life

Symbol common in different era. Supplements cosmogonic ancient Slavic signs, roots leaving for Aryan culture. It was brought by nomadic tribes, as evidenced by the finds of Smolensk-Poltochiy Long Kurgans.

Flower of Life

Plant symbols of Slavs and their meaning is inextricably linked with rebirth and eternal cycle of life. Images of life flower are found on numerous home utensils of various eras. The archaeologist P. K. Semenov suggested that the image came from Aryan culture together with immigrants.

Images of deer.

The pagan symbolism of Slavs is closely related to fishery. The image of animals and people in the process of hunting were found on petroglyphs throughout Russia, Belarus, some of the regions of the Caucasus. The deer symbol refers to the early civilizations of the Slavs, apparently depicting the remains of the glacial fauna. The Scythian Culture is especially rich in images - apparently this animal was the main totem of the people of that time.


Animal symbolism of Slavs and their meaning refers to the sacred cults preceding the single pantheon. The symbol of the tour found on the iconic stones and rock images. T. N. Greek nominated the theory that our ancestors tried to borrow strength and power of the animal.

Indric beast

Ancient Slavic signs were supplemented not only by real animals, but also mythical fauna. The symbol of Indrik Beast decorated the walls of the Radagood according to Titmar Merzeburgian. An image-cut on wooden lining, P. A. Vavilov on excavation under p. Kanevo Vologda region.

Wastie Symbols of Slavs and their meaning

Slavic solar symbols are built according to the laws of universal harmony and sacred geometry. Each bending or curl is subject to the law of equilibrium and balance. Through these schematic images, our ancestors appealed not only to the strength of the shone itself, but also to the energy of creation.

Heavenly fire

In the representation of the ancient, the explicit world was created by a powerful life force. Direct this energy by the force of creative thought, the mighty race recreated everything existing. In this act, incredible energy was involved, having visible forms of heavenly fire.

That is why for the Slavs, the swastitic symbols played a leading role in culture. Their images were an integral part of cultural and household text. The most important meaning of the solar sign is the living embodiment of Divine Love to the entire existing one.

Squast symbols and sacred geometry

From the point of view of geometry, the swastor symbols of Slavs combine similar features:

  • cross;
  • source point;
  • sphere or hemisphere.

The direction of the sign of the sign determines the course of energy through the lines. Continuous rotation tightens the particles of vitality into the center of the symbol. Thus, any solar image is a powerful battery.

Specialists recommend when choosing a sign to take into account the activity of blood flow in the human body. In women, this is a left-sided direction, in men - right-hand. However, it is worth paying attention to personal features, as well as the value of the symbol that has come down to us.

Unique swastory symbolism

Slavic solar symbols known to us form arcades from a variety of signs. And this set is no coincidence. It is a unique combination of stability and contradictions. The main interpretation of multidirectionality is the care of the susceptible, recreation of the new. The rebirth symbol is based on the description of each solar image. Taking on one of the faces, a person agrees to be included in the good change and update process.


Welders heads Slavic solar symbols. One of the strongest protective signs. He is the embodiment of the heavenly power of Svaraga. The visual labyrinth system builds insurmountable protection against spiritual degradation, protecting the soul.


Not inferior to the significance of the welder. Also, the rainmed is crowded and embodies the power of the genus. He patronizes tribal memory, carries a powerful charge of creative creation energy. The symbol of the continuity of generations.

Fern flower

The embodiment of spiritual purity, vitality and regeneration. Suitable people engaged in spiritual practitioners because it builds reliable protection against other interference. Fernist flower has the power to identify hidden.


Establish-grass is incredible by power Symbol of protection from a rhodes. The process of cleansing takes place on the bodily and all levels of spiritual existence. Cleans the thoughts of a person, adjusting it to good and harmony.


Complements the swastor symbols of the Slavs facing the genus. Mollard embodies the ideas of spiritual growth, the inner "burning" of the Spirit. Protects against imaging, negative thoughts. Seals generic relations from curses.


Active protective sign. It is based on the images of meridians - celestial arrows. Guards from the evil of babies, often depicted on the cradle. Radine filled with power of joy and peace.


Vitious sign promises protection to all newlyweds. The wedding attracts good luck and happy cases. Aimed at the prosperous embodiment of the desire to create a family hearth.


Dukhobor is an important symbol for leaders, spiritual practitioners. Strengthens the Spirit and restores the relationship with the soul. Winning the inner harmony and the consent of the true "I" with the world.


A unique sign having a double direction. Svetone models the movement of energies in the universe. His essence is the reunification of the earth and spiritual. Divine incarnation of love.


Switwich is a transforming symbol that bears the energy renewal energy. Included in the resonance with the essence of the owner, revealing his inner potential. The symbol of defenders of truth and justice.


The embodiment of the heavenly fiery deity. The keeper of the universal fire. It is encrypted with a vortex of vitality. Znier is protected from destruction and inner disagreement.


The embodiment of the balance and movement. The Virginik gives internally tranquility, the adoption of a true "I" of a person. Direct the desire of the owner to know the true laws.


Covenant Quintessence of the patronage of all bright gods. Energetically rich image of kinship and the opposites of four main elements of life.


Rodovik redirects collected together the heritage of previous generations into one powerful stream. Connects the owner to this flow. The result of this process is a clear awareness of its destination, the choice of the right path.


Image of heavenly electricity. It has the direction of the embonodent, protects against lightning. Carries the value of the Will gods. Depicted on the doors of the dwellings, temple complexes.


The direction of the sign is left-hand. Provides the owner by the patronage of Indra. The value is the heavenly wisdom, longevity and weapons of the true warrior of the Spirit. They were applied to the input portals of storage. It was believed that the Romovnik amazes who entered with bad thoughts.


Symbols of Defenders of the Fatherland. Walkiria recreates a single chain with relatives who defended the depression. Increases the spiritual potential of the owner. Carries the value "peaceful warrior".


Restarts the picture of Purunov path. Embodies the graphic image of the structure of the solar system. Focusing on people creativity leading spiritual searches.


Complements the swastor symbols of the Slavs with controversial (bipolar) meaning. The seal of the Goddess of Tara, who protected the four spiritual paths of man. Helps to look for a true purpose, its generic program. At the same time, the abrupt curved lines embody four great winds, opposed to the spiritual search.


Recreates a harmonious relationship with nature. Gives the strength to join the world around the world, find yourself in it.


Powerful equilibrium protection symbol, reunion. Combines all childbirth, allows you to connect to a common karmic network. Appeal to a spiritual flame transmitted from generation to generation.


Female solar symbol. Protects the protection of celestial mothers. Through it, the appeal to any of the goddesses receives the force of an increasing impulse. Sheets motherhood, bonds of parents and children.


The symbol combines two geometric draws - cross and lightning. It is considered a female reproductive opportunity to protect. Of particular importance had for young girls, defending their fate from damage and the evil eye.


Personification of God is leaving in the sign. Protects protection against decline, lack of money. Attracts poor energy creation, wealth and balance.


The task of the symbol is to maintain ways to find the meaning of life. Reunion of fire of heaven and earth.

Heavenly Vepr

It is included in the swastor symbols of the Slavs. Elimination of the meeting of the future and past. The spiritual self-improvement of the owner is protected, gives him perseverance in achieving goals.

Spiritual Swastube

The symbol of intangible fire that embodied the thoughts of the genus. This is the net energy of universal love, captured by lines.

Soul swastust

Connects to the energy of the spirit. Regulates the conscious life of earthly incarnation. He has the authority over the lines of the fate of a person, responding to his intentions.

Spiritual strength

Spiritual power helps to feel the relationship of the mind with a thin plan. Adjusts the flair on the subconscious choice of the right path.


The image of a person in both horses - material and spiritual. Helps to show the opportunity to be given by the gods and umns negative traits of character.


Female symbol that can wear men. Its basic value is fertility granted by the mother of crude ground. Gift from the sources of life, bringing the welfare owner.


Symbol of reverse rare. Enhances any action, allowing you to quickly feel the results. This is the energy boomerang, which allows to get the fruits honestly earned on time.


The embodiment of the original nature of the soul. Protects the draws of the alive, from which the creative energy of creation proceeds.


The equilibrium symbol of the uklade of the universe. Light and dark start in the eternal dance of true harmony. A person on the path of spiritual search exhibits all visible and hidden ways of development. The choice of the path determines which energy will be activated.


The incarnation of the connection of the two parallel worlds - Navi and Yavi. Gives access to the unique human capabilities in the spiritual sphere. Protects from otherworked intervention.


Combines the spiritual and body energy of man. Symbol of communication of pure light and material world. Strengthens the impulse of the aspiration, allowing you to more clearly see your goals.

Sunny cross

The embodiment of the forces of Yaril - Summer Sun. Enhances the health and power of man. Strengthens the connection of the Spirit and Soul. Patronizing soldiers. Male symbol.

Heavenly cross

Universal symbol, suitable representatives of both sexes. Pictures eternal rebirth force. Protection given by spiritual search, generic relations.


Another symbolism of the genus. Often depicted on his idiot. An insurmountable barrier from evil influence on related links, supporting the ancients.


Men's fertility symbolism. Fullness of life, fire of eternal flame. It was considered a protective sign from diseases for livestock, maintaining profits in the house. Docted on the stables and cowshes, was applied to wisp poles.


Spirit's power sign, male symbol. Directed to protection against unclean creatures, it allows you to develop both sides of the entity. Gives the stability of the psyche, connecting the internal reserves of a person.


Symbols of unity of the entire race of Slavs. Conductor powerful creative energy creation. Gives protecting the entire nation. Revises the desire for the knowledge of the roots and heritage.


Household symbols that protect homemade life and wealth from external intervention. Endowed with power to multiply the material heritage. Universal sign.


The embodiment of the Yaro-God. Male symbol of fertility, rebirth and life after death. The symbolism was drawn on barn as a defense of seed from damage. Gives fertility and abundant harvest.


Symbols of Slavic Tribes

Welding a circle combine 16 characters, each of which is under the auspices of a certain deity. The semantic load bears the concept of the device of all layers of the world. Each image has unique features affecting the fate and nature of the owner.

The meaning of the symbol of the title for man

At birth, a person is given the opportunity to enlist the support of the gods. Contact your intercession is available through the symbols of the tags. The sign is a conductor wield conductor and an energy transmission channel. Since each symbol has its own characteristics, unique changes will occur in the life and character of a person. The wubbles allow you to get the protection and send the energy and effort of the owner to achieve harmony with its vital task.

Under the patronage of the Gods

Symbols of Slavic are drawn by unique features. Their value makes adjustments to the characteristics of the carrier, depending on the deity of the patron.


Located under the guardianship of the goddess of Jiva. Explorer energy update.

The owner gives the qualities:

  • independence;
  • stubborn;
  • clearance.

All these qualities are manifested due to the transmitted energy of youth, love in love.


The sign enters the patronage of Rakhmat, the deities of the Heavenly Court, the Universal Justice and Law Enforcement.

Gives character traits:

  • the desire for purity of thoughts;
  • clarity of consciousness;
  • balance.

Sign owners are decisive, but not reckless.


Born in this sign was lucky enough to become the beloved Chads of the Glaza, responsible for family comfort and wealth.

People of this symbol are inherent:

  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • the desire for peace.

The holders of the sign are difficult to leave the comfort zone. However, they adapt perfectly to change.


The Great Heavenly Virgin Mokosh leads the fate of people born in the swan sign.

Symbol media are characteristic:

  • caring for near;
  • joyful;
  • abundance;
  • well-being.

He reached his heyday, he grants the gift of clairvoyance.


The sign is suspended by the keeper of the heavenly fire of the semargram. Symbols of Slavic blinks associated with fire elements have the strongest influence on the owner.

Related to wubble possess:

  • clear sober mind;
  • ideal internal balance;
  • quick-tempered;
  • ixiply.

The sign provides support in a difficult period.


The sign is in the jurisdiction of the strides. The patron of change and paths of human destiny gives the owner of the symbol:

  • good nature;
  • sense of humor;
  • deep wisdom.

The carriers of the overag is in love and open character.


One of the main characters belongs to the weld.

Born in the title possess:

  • strength of the spirit;
  • justice;
  • unlimited friend.

Amulet holders seek creative work to achieve a solid position. Their quality is to destroy life barriers to the chosen goal.


Ancient symbols of the thresholds are drawn to the strength of the ties with the ancestors. The draw of the stork enters the patronage of the genus. It especially fastens bonds with past generations.

The owner gives features:

  • flair;
  • the ability to navigate in life situations;
  • a developed sense of duty;
  • the desire to create a family.

The guard carriers receive a blessing for the birth of a healthy and full offspring.


Symbols belongs to Veles, the keeper of the gate of intermitts. Supports defenders of the genus and fatherland.

The characteristic qualities of the carrier are:

  • success in trade affairs;
  • a thirst for knowledge;
  • wealth and prosperity.

The winners of the symbol are able to build strong communications.

A fox

The wise earth goddess Marjam sends the blessing of the carrier of the sign.

The owner of the Oberega gives:

  • the flexibility of the mind;
  • cunning;
  • curiosity.

Having enhancing the support of the goddess, man reaches good luck in affairs, manifests a seam.


Sign smokes God Lid. God has two hypostasis - Warrior and Reaper.

In its ward strengthens quality:

  • hardworking;
  • ability to listen to yourself;
  • feeling of the true goal of life.

God helps his child to gain confidence and sustainability in personal interests.


Mother Lada patronizes the life of those born in the sign.

Thanks to her curacing, a person acquires:

  • honesty;
  • strong desire for justice;
  • love;
  • understanding with others.

People of this sign are committed to their work, find joy in serving society.


The God of the Light Worlds Navi will take care of the symbol carriers.

The sign helps the owner to find:

  • perseverance in the fight against the dark forces;
  • sincerity;
  • clear vision.

It protects the carrier from the imaging, an evil eye.


The guard of the jackets are complemented by the mistakes, providing the carrier to protect against illness.

The qualities of the sign owner are:

  • cleanness of the soul;
  • body fortress;
  • free from false feelings heart.

Being under the auspices of the joons, a person receives a deep internal impulse to the update.


Perun patronizes the soldiers and defenders of the rest of the Fatherland.

The symbol holder is endowed with properties:

  • unshakable;
  • internal balance;
  • determination.

The owners of the sign act without a doubt, always find a right decision.


The keeper of the Great Universal Wisdom Dazhbog blesses those born in his sign.

The qualities are given to them:

  • prudence;
  • foresight;
  • the ability to build plans.

Symbol owners emit indoor light and confidence. They know how to combine people around them, leading to true goals.

Slavic symbols and runes

Slavic symbols and runes cause hot spores among the scientific community. Since the facts incurred to us are scraps, the very existence of writing is questioned. However, there exist evidence that the symbols of the runes carried out a ritual role and were communicated. The signs of Slavic runes allowed the tribes to deal with the information. The found symbols of the ancient runes are known for their sacred meaning.

Runic symbols of Slavs

Slavic peoples had developed communication, which for foreigners created the impression of a single nation. Despite the identity of each tribal union, the Runic Symbols of Slavs allowed to transmit information in an affordable form.

There are evidence that the symbols of the ancient runes had two appointments:

  • writing;
  • divination.

German Chronist Titmar Merzeburgsky, who studied the monuments of Slavic religious culture, described that the name of God or Goddess was inscribed in Radojost on every idiot. Despite the fact that those who came to pay the praise were from different tribes, they read these inscriptions and understood the same way.

This suggests that the symbols of the runes proceed from a single source, which has given rise to all cultural branches of the Slavs. The remaining decoding on Slavic symbols and runes belongs to their religious value. The fact that this information has reached contemporaries in a relatively holistic form, speaks of a special place, which occupied the signs of Slavic runes in the cultural life of our ancestors.

Symbols of ancient runes

Famous symbols of runes include 18 characters. Some of them wears the names of the gods. The value and interpretation depends on who is dedicated to the inscription.

The rune symbolism of Slavs used as divination has a unique set of values. In each decoding embodied the originality of our ancestors.

Peace - It is also called Belobogo. The embodiment of the World Tree, a sign of prosperity, order and prosperity.

Chernobog - Chaos, destructive force, carrying change.

Alatyr - The incarnation of balance and harmony, the original point of the world.

Rainbow - Sign symbolizes movement, path. Rune means the journey of spiritual or physical, followed by internal development.

Need - Province of Viya, means the desired outcome of the current action or event. Everything that happens is in the power of the higher forces, does not depend on the will of the gadget.

Craft - Stability of the material situation, revival after a long stagnation or complete ruin. The symbol of the rising forces carrying prosperity to any sphere of life.

Force - Spiritual cleansing energy, spirit of warrior. Combining goals and aspirations.

Treba - Symbol of the island of the sword, masculinity and victory. The power of perseverance and faith in the victory, supported by the spiritual patronage of the gods.

Wind - Personification of spirits and elements of air, path index. Indicates the direction of the force of will on the goals, which will lead to the integrity and prosperous outcome of the enterprise.

Beregin - symbol of protection against negative impact. Powerful spiritual protection, support for ancestors. Delivered protection against malicious eyes.

UD - The second interpretation of the name Yarilo. The embodiment of the power of love, the energy of passion. Protects a powerful creative start.

Lelia - The potential of creativity, the rune of imagination, intuition forces. Means a smooth course of the direction of direction.

Rock - closed capabilities, the inevitability of what is happening. A pre-planned script whose progress is not to change.

Support - Rune Good luck, helping the highest strength. The key value of the message from the ancestors, support from their part.

Dazhibogog. - The symbol has a double value. Test carrying cleansing. Support of the Divine Patron.

Perun - Interference of powerful forces, man endowed with power.

there is - Material abundance obtained by following its intended purpose. Reward for long and stubborn efforts.

Source - Stop calm before the favorable period. Hidden depth height, stagnation phase.

Slavic characters in embroidery their meaning and scheme

Slavic symbols in embroidery were used as the creation of a charm for the body and the spirit of the owner. The techniques of drawing cult images include techniques of stroit and cross. The geometric symbols were in the ornaments, the meaning of Slavic characters in the embroidery formed the message to the highest forces.

Cult signs in everyday life

Even before forming writing, signs and symbols served for our ancestors to the means of transferring and saving information. Cult signs were applied to household items and clothing. The nature of the person and its social status was determined on the nature of their application.

The most bright signaling system expressed Slavic characters in embroidery. It covered both the upper clothes and the bottom layers. For each type of decoration, a set of drawings and signs was intended. There were unexigible rules for which the images obeyed a clear structure of entering into the composition.

Rules of formation of ornament

The signs used in embroidery are not performed separately. Each element was included in a complex ornament. By the nature of the design of the picture, it was possible to read an encrypted meaning. The value of Slavic characters in the embroidery was determined by a group of characters that could be entered into a single drawing.

Women's and male signs have never been bodied. They diluted with a drawing with a neutral value.

For example, a symbolism of abundance Paradise birds always adjoins with earth fertility signs.

Slavic ornaments have a geometrically correct form of drawing, equilibrium of each part. The protruding parts do not burst the composition, are complemented by balancing elements.

Women's and men's symbolism

The difference in female and male symbolism is not only for a set of characters. Solar signs and nature elements are affected depending on the nature of the value.

So right-sided Kolovrat was depicted only from mature men, the left-sided could be present in the female ornament. Signs were distributed over age-related criteria, for example:

  • Bereginn with his hands lowered - a symbol of a young Virgin;
  • folded on the sides - married mature woman;
  • hands raised - elderly feature.

Herbal topics also differentiated in the sexual and age criteria:

  • rose, Lily, Valina - Female drawing;
  • oak, Vasilek, Chernobrovtsy - Men's signs;
  • hop - youth ornament;
  • mac - Girl sign.

Men's ornaments were more symmetrical, clear. In female patterns, flowable smooth lines prevailed.

Reading scheme embroidery Slavic characters

The schemes of embroidery Slavic symbols reconstructed by the people's crafts were practically not undergoing change. To read the encrypted message, it is enough to know both individual values \u200b\u200band their group meaning. According to the types of images used, it was possible to know where the person lived and what position it took in the tribal union.

Residents of mountain locations in embroidery prevailed broken angular lines. Wavy in the complex with ovals met in residents of the water area of \u200b\u200breservoirs. The higher the status of a person in the community, the denser is covered with patterns outfit.

Young men and girls were expanded by the edges of the shoes and lower clothes. In married women in the shirt there were several fields from the shoulder to the wrist.

The solar symbol of the Swastika met in the southern and central regions of Slavic peoples. Northern tribes often prevailed animalistic patterns.

Rules for embroidery of Slavic patterns

To observe a clear sequence of alternating fragments, the angular part is selected to start work. From this place space is broken by squares. Slavic symbols embroidery schemes are formed on the basis of the one who is a carrier of the product.

The first to filled the fields of Kant. Then the large details of the pattern were located above it. Various additions were introduced last. The stroke of the pattern has always been a direction on a female or male side.

Hello, dear readers!

At first glance, it may seem that the figures and ornaments in the pattern are only the fruit of the fantasy of his author. In fact, all components of its elements are the symbols of ancient knowledge.

They are part of the mythology and cultural heritage of this or that nation. And today we will look at some Buddhist patterns and learn their meaning on the example of Buryat ornaments - Galza.

Definition and Functions

The word ornament on Latin means "decoration, pattern." Its main characteristic feature is that it is not independent, that is, it cannot exist separately from the subject decorated to them.

But the decoration is not the only feature of this image. It also serves to protect, as a guard and for transmitting certain information, which reveals the properties of objects or phenomena, human quality.

Not every pattern is destined to become an ornament. In order for the pattern to approach this definition, it is necessary that the patterns in it alternate or repeated in a certain order.

Creative sources

Where do ideas come from for this type of creativity? Usually they draw them in the folk vera, natural surroundings of many generations, their vital structure.

All patterns are divided into:

  • cosmogonic (natural);
  • zoomorphic (animalist);
  • geometric;
  • vegetable;
  • cult.

A variety of components of elements

The most popular motifs suggests the nature itself. Ethydenum, thunderstorm, water, wind, sun, moon, stars, fire, rainbow, mountains as well as mythical animals built into the rank of deities.

Animals can be depicted in them not entirely. As a basis, some part of their body is often taken. The most popular - "horned" pattern, where the image of the horns is repeated.

Ancient motives are a variety of geometric shapes:

  • straight
  • zigzag lines
  • spirals and curls,
  • different types of crosses,
  • circles and circles,
  • rhombid patterns.

They symbolically transmit natural phenomena associated with fertility. For example, round shapes personify the heavenly luminaries, zigzag and wavy - an air environment that reflects the effect of wind, cloud and clouds to receive a good crop.

Plant patterns include images of leaves, colors, stems, shoots, fruits, trees. Special sacred value for any Buddhist has a lotus flower image. It usually forms the throne of deities on Buddhist icons on which they are squeezed or standing.

Since the green world draws strength in nature, then the floristic motives usually personify motherhood, vitality, powerful energy.

Peoples who confessed, always tried to live in harmony with nature. She inspired them to create unique and peculiar drawings. Buryatsky patterns are similar to the motives of the ancient and modern South-Asian and Central Asian nomads and democrebers.

Elements in iconic images

Speaking about Buddhist ornamentik, it is impossible not to mention 8 favorable characters, which can be found throughout both in the temples and on the altar tables in the dwellings of believers. it

  • white umbrella,
  • two goldfish,
  • treasure vessels
  • sink with turn to the right,
  • endless knot ,
  • victory Banner,
  • golden wheel.

8 characters Buddhism

In various Buddhist cultures, these items are interpreted in different ways: in China, they are associated with the internal Buddha bodies, in Tibet, with parts of his body. Also, each of these items has many other independent values.

Description of some images

All the Mongolian peoples, including Buryats, prefer geometric forms. Among them are the most common patterns are:

  • hammer (Alchan Hee, Meander),
  • braid (housing),
  • (HAS).

Hammer motif It has many varieties: ancient Greek classic, options simpler and more complicated. In Meandra, the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuous movement is concluded:

Meander pattern

Cattlers also expressed their respect for artisans and love for the craft itself, using the name of an ancient instrument - a hammer in the designation of this ornament.

Well-known fact is that nomadic tribes have become famous as large craftsmen in the manufacture of jewelry and horse harness.

The scope of application of meander wide. They are decorated with both solid items and soft. It:

  • parts made of wood;
  • furniture;
  • products from felt;
  • embroidery;
  • clothes;
  • objects of dishes;
  • harness;
  • musical instruments.

Patterns on the dwelling of nomads

If earlier the hammer ornament met only on the expensive heart of things, then in the age of workers you can see it everywhere.

Swastika- symbolizes:

  • the path of the sun around our planet;
  • four Seasons;
  • a life;
  • shine;
  • abundance;
  • generosity.

Two words on Sanskrit, from which "swastika" occurred, together mean "well-being".

The image is focused on winter and summer solstice and on four sides of the world. The swastika can show movement both in and counterclockwise. Accordingly, it symbolizes male and female energy, as well as good and evil.

The right-sided swastika dominates the material and manages the energy at the physical level, so as not to give to the lower forces.

The left-sided swastoo gives freedom and physical forces and instincts, which interferes with the impact of higher strength. She personifies black magic and negative energy.

This symbol can be seen in all places associated with Buddhism: on statues, rocks, in the temples, on, in the caves.

Ulza - This is an image in the form of a weaving, which is a symbol of prosperity and long-life. The sign can be framed by floral motifs. It is present on the subject of any material, it can be woven from beads. In Buddhism, it means infinite, which is echoing with the value of the meander.


Tattoo in Buddhism

Many Buddhist images spectacularly look at the body in the form of tattoos. The relationship of the Buddhists themselves is ambiguous.

Some Buddhist branches belong to the drawing drawings are neutral, others are sharply negative, especially when the sacral patterns are placed by people who do not adhere to the Buddhist faith, on their feet.

Nevertheless, in southeastern countries there is a practice of SAK Yant - applying sacred images on the body.

A specially prepared Buddhist master inflicts the desired drawing using bamboo sticks and either oil (if the client wants no one to see him), or carcasses. At the same time, he reads prayers, and at the end - becomes a spiritual teacher of the customer. The image performs the role of overag.

Applying a tattoo at the Sak Yant Festival in Thailand

Among the popular tattoos there is an image of Unomoise. It symbolizes enlightenment. Winding lines personify the infancy of fate, and direct - victory over weaknesses and desires and spiritual purity.


Buddhist ornamentics is not yet sufficiently studied. If ever disclosed all its riddles, ideas about the unique Buddhist culture will definitely expand significantly.

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What feelings do you have a pattern?

Pattern, this is what we can see. What do you jerk in the pattern? You understand that only a runaway jigsaw is enough and it becomes completely clear - this is not just a chaotic set of rags and crosses. This is a language, this is the code. How to read it, understand?

Now it is fashionable to say any incomprehensible, even scientists with words, such as meditation. Our ancestors simply screwed up the whole universe on the patterns. Does this universe opens?

An excellent example of using the Slavic pattern is the folk embroidery. Pattern-embroidery was decorated towels, wedding seats, tablecloths, curtains, festive shirts, white canvas sundresses, lightweight upper clothes, hats and handkerchiefs.

Example: Rushnik - the product is symbolic and multivalued. It not only decorates everyday life, but also is a symbolic reminder of invisible connections connecting every person with his native, ancestors, and is the subject of art. It can be said that the patterns of embroidered towers are an encrypted story about the life of the people, about nature and people.

It is believed that the embroidery was decorated with those parts of the costume through which, according to the presentation of our ancestors, evil forces could penetrate the body of a person. From here and the basic value of embroidery in antiquity is a protective. The gate, cuffs, hem, neck cut, embroidered a protective pattern. The fabric itself was considered impermeable for evil spirits, as items participated in its manufacture, richly equipped with a spell ornament. Therefore, it was important to protect those places where the cloth clodded and the human body began.
But the main thing: The pattern on the clothes spoke a lot about the owner itself. Pattern on clothes as an overlap is not its main purpose. Its shirt closer to the body for she is like a skin, only yours, for you and about you.

The clothes were like a unique picture of her owner and carried a rich semantic load on themselves. Not only on cut clothes And, above all, it was possible to understand where a person he, what kind of dealing of activity, what is his spiritual status and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and so on. And the security function is designed for granted. I will give an example - if the child goes by his hand with his father, the father of course will protect his child in case of danger, but it has nothing to do with how they go and what they talk on the way.

Children's clothing were usually sewed from the old clothes of parents - not only and not so much because it is already styling many times and therefore soft, it does not hurt, it will not understand the skin of the child, but because she absorbed parental energy and power, and she will protect will save the child from a bad eye, damage, misfortunes. The girl's clothes were sewed from the maternal, the boy, of course, from paternal, thus the predetermining proper development, depending on the floor, the motherhood was transferred to the motherhood, the boy is a male force.

When the children smashed and have already acquired some kind of their own protective force, relying his first shirt, from novel. This was usually timed to the moment of the first age initiation - in three years. From twelve years, a girl received the right to wear its own (though as long as Maiden) Impare, Boy relying firstpants ports.

Since for children up to three years old, clothing was often converted from the parent, then the coast of the embroidery, of course, there was the same, the parent. It was not only inconvenient to change it and impractically, but it is inexpedient - after all, it provided besides the facing function also the connection of generations, kinship and continuity. So, if the father of the child would be a hunter, then the wubbles on his clothes were associated with the hunt, and they were transmitted to this clothing to the boy. Similarly, the female line of the craft "was transmitted" to the girl. Rather, not the craft itself, and the power of many years of parental experience in him defended the child. Everyone protects in its own way, right? Weaver protects the special pattern of the canvas, hovering - with nazuits, the hunter - the animal fang ... And the result will be the same.

But the coated embroidery for his own clothes of the child was already different from adults. First, the color of the embroidery for children was always red, whereas for adult clothes he could be different. So, women were often used in embroidery except red black color - the color of the mother of the Earth, trying to protect their whiskered from infertility. Men were often needed for the overawe of blue or green colors - blue defended from death from elements, green - from wounds. There were no children. It was believed that children are under guardianship and protecting a kind. On the shirt of the girl-girl, embroidery was mostly walking along the pic, sleeves and a necklace, and a married woman - breasts, gates, stitching on the pole was wider - it also reflected new relationship, belonging to the family of her husband.

The main chaptery symbols for the girl were: the goddess-patroness of fate, symbol of kind, Wood ornaments, a symbol of the patron of her birthday, the symbols of the Earth (again, differ from the female symbols of the Earth - those mostly it was either plowed or already in the last) and women's crafts.

Boys (like girls) were worn to twelve Shubah without belts. The main symbols guarding boys were considered: symbols of fire, solar symbols, images of totem animals, of course, also symbol of kind-patron And the spirit of the patron siest of the birthday, bells-bubber and symbols of men's crafts.

Until the majority of boys and girls could also wear common overalls. Passing the initiation at twelve years, the boychairs changed, became (like the girl) more polo-defined. The belt appeared and, of course, the faiths became less - because his own power grew.

In the embroidery, images of the gods have already appeared, no longer so much for the protected, as for the patronage, young girls - the symbols of fertility, in young young men - military. Of course, neither the girl nor the boy they were needed. In addition to embroidery on clothes, children often served by children's chambers, which hung over the cradle of the baby, the bed of a girl or boy, then rushed on her shoulder or on the belt. All this performed not only a protective and protective function, but also served as a link between man and nature.


Often, the ancient masters depicted signs that the sun indicated. These are solar signs. The Sun for the Millennium received a great many image options. These include both a variety of crosses - both in a circle, and without it. Some crosses in a circle are very similar to the image of the wheel, and it is not good: the man saw the sun moved, that is, "rolled" in the sky, like a fire wheel. The eternal movement of the heavenly luminary was marked with a hooked cross, swastika. The swastika marked not only the moving sun, but also the wish of well-being. Especially often it is found in the northern embroidery both towels and shoes and in bluff weaving.

Coast patterns

The essence of the observes exactly corresponds to their name: Their calling is to protect people, especially during the years of the Liphetia, during the periods of military conflicts and other adversity. In other words, protect your owner from any directional negative impact, whatever it is and from wherever it proceeds. Negative impacts can be purely physical influences - such as diseases (caused by, by the way, often not only natural reasons, but also overwhelmed by us as a result of the evil eye or damage). Chambers can protect their owner and from any impact on his psyche, per soul, on the emotional sphere. They will guard you from imposing someone else's will, love spells, suddenness from the outside and from severe depression.

The impact of the faucenes is associated with the colors of the spectrum of human aura. Wearing an overlap of the corresponding color, we get the opportunity to quickly patch the energy tributes in a particular part of the aura that may be dangerous for our health and even life. From the point of view of a person who can see the aura, it will look like an increase in the luminescence of a certain color of aura when equipped the overag.


  1. Wavy line - water sign. Rain is depicted by vertical lines, rivers, underground water - horizontal, "celestial pests" - horizontal.
  2. Romovnik (six-pointed cross in a circle or hexagon). Thunder sign (and Perun). Used as a charm of lightning; Also is a military warrant.
  3. Square (or rhombus) divided by a cross into four parts - (plowed field). If there are points inside there is a seeded field. These are signs of land and fertility.
  4. Bells (cross in a circle). Sun sign. Bloach and disgust of evil, closedness sign.
  5. The edge ("grille") - a sign of fire. The edge is a sacrificial or funeral fire.
  6. Camera (equilateral cross: straight or oblique) - sign of fire (and God fire - Aguni).
  7. Month - Moon sign, month. Known pendants "Lunnica".
  8. Cocking comb with seven sites - fire sign.
  9. Cornucopia. Sign of wealth, abundance.
  10. Yarma (Swastube). Otherwise - Koklet. Options for drawing there is a huge amount. Yarma - Sun sign (and, accordingly, the gods of the Sun: Horsa, Dazhiboga, etc.). In the direction of rotation (embonod's \\ anti-zolon) distinguish the sign of the light sun (Yavi Sun) and the Sign of the Dark Sun (Navi Sun). The Sun of Javi is a beneficial, creative force; Navi Sun is destructive power. According to Slavic myths, after sunset, the Sun illuminated the underground (Nava), hence the name. We know that the sun is not underground at night, but in the presence of a destructive aspect of the Sun, it is difficult to doubt ... There are two interpretations of determining the direction of rotation of the sign; Traditional, as far as I know, this is: the ends of the rays bend against the direction of rotation.
  11. Tree (most often Christmas tree) is a symbol of interrelation of everything in the world, a symbol of long life.
  12. Spiral - a symbol of wisdom; If the color gamut is blue-violet - intimate knowledge. The most powerful disgusting sign for all the dark entities of the shadow world - if the color is red, white, or black.
  13. Triangle - human symbol; Especially if accompanied by small dots or circles from the vertex. Symbol of human communication.


Woman with raised palms: Makos.
With omitted: Lada.

From an unusual side, this image is disclosed in the article "Ivan. Kupalskaya etymology"


  1. Bull - the sign of Veles.
  2. Wolf - Yarily sign.
  3. Raven is a sign of wisdom and death.
  4. Tree - sign of life and fertility; or - the universe (world tree).
  5. Snakes - the sign of the earth, wisdom. Located with the lower world.
  6. Horse - Sign of Sun, Sunny Gods.
  7. Swan - sign of Mary, death, winter.
  8. Bear is a sign of Veles.
  9. Velenikh (VAZENA) or LOSICH - sign goddesses fertility (rolling).
  10. Eagle - Thunder sign, Perun.
  11. Rooster - fire sign, Aguni.
  12. Falcon - fire sign, Aguni. It is believed that "trident" (coat of arms of Rurikovich and modern Ukraine) is a stylized image of falcon in flight.


Specifically, the colors of the Oberega are associated with the protection of one of the seven chakras of a person. Red - for the lowest, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tailbone and is responsible for the urinary system, the rectum, the musculoskeletal system. Orange - for the second, located for several fingers below the navel that is responsible for sex and kidneys. Yellow - for the third chakra (the area of \u200b\u200bsolar plexus) - the center of vital energy, which is also responsible for all the organs of the abdominal cavity. Green - for the fourth, heart chakra. It controls the activity not only the heart, but also the lungs, spine, hands, is responsible for our emotions. Blue - for fifth, throat, responsible for the respiratory organs and hearing, throat and skin, as well as the creative potential of man. Blue - for the sixth (third eye zone ") responsible for our intellectual abilities. Purple - for the seventh (tech), binding us with the highest forces, with God.

Last century, embroidery for the peasants was never just an ornament. On the contrary, Slavic ornaments were considered a powerful magical instrument capable of creating order from chaos. To make life for the desired scenario, a person was supposed to have a supernatural image, as if a reduced "model" of well-being. This role was performed by elements of embroidery on clothing or woven household subjects, performed by either the most close people.

Of course, the products were not just so, but according to strictly observed canons. When embroidery, the motives required not only the exact execution of the element, but also the quality of stitches, equally beautiful with the front and the wrong side, without nodules. From this, the magical force of the product has repeatedly increased and formed a smooth and durable energy field around the owner.

Different symbols of the Slavs had a different value on topics. Each element of the ornament performed a specific function: protection against diseases, assistance in spiritual searches, family preservation, etc.

For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, it was beloved to embroider anything with such a symbol:

It means "unity and harmony of male and female began", it serves to strengthen love and family bonds. And the female wubble "Blessing of Mother Earth and ancestors" (Tver region) looks like this:

These Slavic ornaments on clothes gave a woman to faith in the fact that she will have many healthy, strong and smart children, and you will not fade it for a long time.

"The blessing of the Sun grains in the field" (Perm region) with contemporaries can be interpreted as a charm for successful business and success in studying, mastering new knowledge:

There is another interpretation of this symbol - "Holy Union of Sun and Earth." Our ancestors believed that this ornament guarantees abundant harvest.

In the Yaroslavl region, a light curtain over the cradle, children's clothes and adolescents was often decorated with such embroidery:

It is called "the blessing of seven elements": fire, water, land, air, matter, spirit and mind. He served to protect the kids from all the misfortunes.

"True love" is already a wedding talisman from the Perm Territory:

Slavic ornaments on which S-shaped figures are embroidered, depict a pair of white swans. And the red motives between them form repeated symbols of the Mother Earth. They bless a couple, give protection from any harm, real and eternal love, based on friendship, respect and care.

Ritual embroidery for future mothers "Healthy Pregnancy and Happy Maternity" from the Perm Territory looks like this:

It is like a graphic spell for healthy pregnancy and light birth - the blessing of the Mother Earth for the guinea and infant.

In a computerized era of outfits with a similar embroidery, you will not meet, except that in the winter on the child you can see mittens with an ornament. And yet the ancient art of embroidery of pagan symbols did not go into non-existence, it is actively reborn. Slavic ornaments attract not only with their beauty, still alive Vera in their magical power. This, of course, is good, it means that the folk creativity survived. A new wave of interest in the knowledge of our ancestors will certainly resurrect symbolic art.

Slavic patterns and their history

Since ancient times, the art of Slavs was distinguished by his mystery and faith in magical forces. All this pronounced the Slavic patterns that were used with various purposes and according to it, individual schemes and compositions were created. It was believed that each pattern had a special and individual magic force that could protect, strengthen or even make richer anyone who wears robe with him.

Mysterious Slavic patterns and their meanings

As everyone knows, art and religion are opposite poles, which, nevertheless, are not able to exist without each other. It's funny that the religion of our ancestors had very interesting origins: they include Slavic patterns and other symbolism, which was alternately became church. Even the ancient Russian temples and divine fortresses were completely decorated with special ornaments. So let's talk and reveal the mysterious letters, signs, and find out what the Slavic pattern happens and where it is used ...

Architecture and ancient belief

For us, ordinary tourists and eternal passers-by, numerous Slavic temples seem simply beautiful and interestingly designed, but in fact they can be and dangerous for people with a unclean soul. The fact is that thanks to its ancient alphabet, at first glance, cute and harmless patterns, the Slavs could impose a kind of speech, which could be tormented and cured unclean.

If you carefully take a closer, then notice that all Slavic patterns have their meaning, for example, almost over all entrances to the temple, on top in the left side, there is a small "picture", which is a guard of calm. Slavs believed that it was thanks to this pattern at the entrance to the temple of people covered calm and harmony, which gave the strength of any lost soul.

Often, every temple seemed to catch the Slavic patterns that symbolized restraint. But this is not the only interpretation option, since it is believed that this belt symbolized Majesty, since he often had a chic and bulk relief, it can be compared with the royal belt or crown ...

The most interesting thing is that it is impossible to give a name to everyone and everyone, since Slavic patterns have millions of varieties. Each ornament changed from year to year, and every spiritual representative had the right to change all the values \u200b\u200bor add new ones. It is also important that each pattern was trimmed by hand, but only believers and adult masters who gave their lives with art and faith took part in the work.

Clothing: How to pick it up and decorated ...

The most interesting thing was the production of shirts and sundresses, the decoration of which Slavic patterns served. The schemes were selected directly under the man who later wore thing. As a rule, such ornaments were created to make the nature of their owner stronger and hardy. For example, if a boy was born weak, then he needed a pattern that gives force, and if the girl was untidy, then, accordingly, the pattern was supposed to give her cleanness and accuracy. ... The most important thing was that the drawing was chosen after 5-6 years, This complex business belonged to the grandmother, and before the five-year-old, the child wore clothes with the defending Slavic pattern.

Slavic patterns

Quotation of the message Galina_Bikmullin Read ORDERIVE HIS CITACTOR OR COMMUNITY!

Symbols of the ornament of embroidery

Ancient believed that over the edge of the clothing (hem, the edges of the sleeves, the gate) can penetrate evil forces, and therefore these parts of the clothes needed to be protected by embroidery.

Ornament (from Greek. "Ornamentum) decoration.

In Russia, they used the word "pattern".

"Pattern" comes from the Vine Education of the word "Understand" - see. See beauty.

In the Slavic ornament, red is the main color.

The geometric ornament is inherent in all Slavic mythology.

Rhombus is the most common ornament of embroidery of all East Slavic peoples.

Rhombus has many values: sun, fertility, agriculture.

Rhombus with extended sides - a crown of a wooden house log house.

Rhombus divided inside on 4 parts - plowed field.

Rhombus with dots inside - symbol of the seeded field.

Rhombus with hooks at the top and bottom (rhombus frog) - a female symbol in nature (fertility, the birth of children).

Cross with curved ends (solar sign) - symbol of sunflower, day and night shift.

There is a wide variety of performance and two directions of rotation.

Horizontal wavy line - water symbol.

Direct horizontal line - earth symbol.

Women's figure with abreamed to the sky hands standing in the center of the pattern

and dominates the surrounding animals and plants - a symbol of mother earth.

Her feet have a toothed line - water.

East Slavic Goddess Bereginy, or Mokosh (Makos), was considered a patroness of water, a family hearth, fertility.

"Fire-Bird" - an old sun.

Horse - keeper of the home hearth. According to the belief, the horse participated in the movement of the Sun in the sky.

Eagle, Falcon, Rooster - In different areas of Russia, these three birds symbolized fire.

"Couple of birds" - a symbol of the bride and groom.

Floral ornaments - prosperity, wealth, birth of children.

A variety of plants are encountered in embroidery depending on the terrain.

In the south - roses, Barwin. In the middle lane - Vasilek, fern, in the north - coniferous twigs.

The image of the sacred tree is found in many nations.

In Russia, the sacred tree was birch.

Ukrainian embroidery are inherent in such plant ornaments:

"Grapes", "Hop", "oak leaves", "Barwin", "Roses", "Smorodina", "Kalina", "Lily".

"Barwinka" is a symbol of unfading life.

"Apple Circle" divided into 4 parts and opposite parts,

completed in one color - a symbol of love.

"Grapes" - a symbol of the family.

"Stars" - symbol of the universe.

Lilya is a symbol of virgin purity and innocence.

"Oak" - a symbol of male energy, life.

"Hmel" refer to wedding, youth symbolism.

"Tree of Life" - an ancient symbol was depicted in the form of stylized leaves and branches.

The sun is a source of life with a lifeful force.