Good man from Seosaana Short. Good man from Sichuan

Good man from Seosaana Short. Good man from Sichuan

Bertolt Brecht

in collaboration with R. Berlau and M. Steffin

good person from Sichuani.

Piez Parabla


Van - Wateron.

Three God.

Shen De..

Shoy yes.

Yang Song - Unemployed pilot.

Mrs. Jan. - his mother.

Widow Tire.

A family From eight people.

Stolar Lin then.

Home owner Mi ju.


Trader Carpets.

His wife.

Old prostitute.

Barber Shu Fu.




Passers-by in prologue.

Scene: Semi-European Capital of Sichuani.

Province of Sichuan, in which all places were summarized globewhere a person exploits a person now does not belong to such places.

Street in the main city of Sichuan. Evening. Vodonos Van. It seems to the public.

Van. I am a local waterproof - braking with water in the capital of Sichuan. Heavy craft! If there are few water, you have to go far for her. And if it is much more, the earnings are small. And in general, in our province is a big poverty. Everyone says that if anyone else is able to help us, so these are gods. And now imagine my joy when a familiar cattle trader is - he travels a lot - he told me that several of our most prominent gods are already on the road and they can be expected in Sichuan with a hour for an hour. They say the sky is strongly concerned about the many complaints that come to him. For the third day, as I wait here at the city gate, especially in the evening, to first welcome guests. Later it is unlikely that I will succeed. They are surrounded by high-ranking gentlemen, try to break into them. How would you just know them? They will appear, probably not together. Most likely one in order not to pay attention to themselves. These are not like the gods, they return from work. (Carefully looks at the workers passing by the workers.) The shoulders have bent from the gravity they are dragging. And this one? What kind of God he is fingers in ink. The most employee of the cement plant. Even those two lords ...

Moved two men pass.

... and those, in my opinion, are not gods. They have a cruel expression of a person, like people who are accustomed to beat, and there are no gods in this necessity. And here is three! As if - another thing. Removed, n. the slightest feature There is any classes, shoes in dust, which means that they came from afar. They are! About the wise, place me! (NIC falls.)

First God (joyful). Are we waiting here?

Van (gives them to get drunk). Long ago. But only I knew about your arrival.

First God. We need overnight. Do you know where you would attach?

Van. Where? Everywhere! The whole city is at your disposal, about the wise! Where do you wish?

Gods Personally look at each other.

First God. At least in the nearest house, my son! Let's try in the nearest!

Van. I am only embarrassed that I brought the anger to the power of Ints, if I give a special preference to one of them.

First God. That's why we order you: start with the nearest!

Van. Mr. Fo lives there! Wait a minute. (Runs up to the house and knocks on the door.)

The door opens, but it can be seen that Van Gets a refusal.

(Robby returns.) Here is a failure! Mr. Fo, as it came out, no home, and the servants are not solved for anything without his order, the owner is very strict! Well, he scraps, when he learns who he did not accept in his house, is not it?

Gods (smiling). Of course.

Van. For another minute! The house is near Widow Su. She will be out of joy. (Runs to the house, but apparently, again receives a refusal.) I better contact the opposite. The widow says that she has only one small room, and that is not in order. Now I will turn to Mr. Chen.

Second God. We have enough small room. Tell me that we do it.

Van. Even if she is not a caught, even if there are full spiders in it?

Second God. Fucking! Where spiders, there are few flies.

Third God (Welly, Vanu). Go to Mr. Cheng or somewhere else, my son, spiders, confess, I do not like it.

Van It is knocking on some kind of door again, and they are imparted.

Van (Returning to the gods). Mr. Chen in despair, his house is full of relatives, and he does not dare to seem to you on the eyes, the wisest. Between us, I think among them there are bad people, and he does not want you to see them. He fears your anger. This is all about it.

The third God. Are we so scary?

Van. Only for unkind people, is not it? It is known that residents

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Bertold Brecht was an outstanding reformer of the Western Theater, he created new Type Drama and a new theory called "Epic".

What was the essence of the theory of Brecht? According to the author, it was supposed to be a drama in which the main role It was not assigned to the action that was based on the "classic" theater, but the story (hence the name "epichny"). In the process of such a story, the scene was supposed to remain the scene, and not the "plausible" imitation of life, the character - the role that the actor performs (in contrast to the traditional practice of "reincarnation" of the actor to the hero), depicted - exclusively scenic sketch, special relucted from illusion "Similarities" of life.

In an effort to recreate the "story", Brecht replaced the classical separation of drama on actions and acts, a chronicle composition, along which the plot of the plays created the chronologically related paintings. In addition, a variety of comments were introduced into the epic drama, which also brought it to "story": headlines that described the content of paintings; Songs ("Sounds"), which additionally explained what was happening on the scene; appeal to the public to the public; Inscriptions designed on the screen, etc.

One of the hardests art discovery There was a "Effect of Alienation". Its essence consisted that the everyday phenomenon was filed in a new light and now seemed as an amazing, eliminated from the everyday life plan, "alien". It also pushed the viewer to analyze what was shown on Konu. The "Effect of Exchange" was a rod that permeated all the levels of "epic drama": the plot, the image system, artistic details, language, etc., right up to the scenery, features of acting equipment and stage lighting.

1). Jack "Caucasian cretaceous circle"(1945) B. Brechta rightfully enters the vocation of world dramaturgical classics, its texts are quoted as aphorisms. In essence, the meaning, the Caucasian Cretace Circle is a parable that teaches us good and love on the example of hostility and war. Yes, only people are not always, but rather, very rarely ready to learn something, as not ready for this heroes of the play.

In the Caucasian Chalome Circle, Brecht used the plot close to the biblical legend about Solomon Court, the plot of the ancient eastern legend about the gravity of two women because of the child and about the wise judge, in a cunning way recognized by the actual mother. But he made a fundamental innovation to this plot: the judge rejects the claims of a valid blood mother, indifferent to the child and pursuing only selfish goals, and awards the little Michel "someone else's" woman who saved his life and selflessly cared for him, exposed to hazards and deprivation. The point is not in the blood relationship, but in the interests of the child and society, that is, in the fact that from both contenders - a blood or named mother - will be Michel the best mother, lovingly and wisely makes him.

This parable of Michel's litigation, about the fate of the Acedak and his chalome circle is closely related to another plot motive, deployed in the Prologue, with another dispute - two Caucasian collective farms about the valley, which belonged to one of them, but due to the special circumstances of wartime was the cultivated Other.

So, of the two "private" plots, a generalizing withdrawal of a huge historical and socio-ethical value grows, apotheosis of socialist humanism and a socialist public system is born.

Caucasian Chalk Circle was in the work of Brecht, perhaps the most perfect and consistent embodiment of the principles " epic theater" All what is happening in this play is a story. Not in that conventional sense that this, they say, drama, enriched with narrative teachings of the story, and in the most direct and most accurate sense of the word - the story of the singer Arkady Chkhaidze, sternming on the kindergable and setting up to Caucasian collective farmers ancient history About the chalome circle. In this play, Brecht, having completed his quest in this direction, created a special figure of the "narrator", or rather, the singer, from the mouth of which it comes to all that the viewer sees on stage. Actually, the storytellor here is not one singer here, but a whole "epic group": the singer plus the musicians who also perform the role of choir. The stage action and the dialogue is not an illustration for the story, but the point itself from the beginning to the end of the story, but the story is scenic, that is, such in which the means and the possibilities of the epos are multiplied by the expressiveness and strength of the impact of the drama.

The stage illusion in the Caucasian Chalome Circle is impossible not only because Brecht applies a lot of destroying the illusion of techniques, but also because the viewer, since the prologue, is inspired by consciousness: in front of him are not genuine people, and the characters of the story, figures created by The imagination and art of the singer subordinated to his creative will. All inaccessible traditional drama The visual features of the epos are available to the singer. He knows and talks about what they do not know or what they cannot say characters. When they meet after a long separation of the servant of the servant and her named, Simon soldier, under circumstances, as if testifying to the infidelity of the pear, and both are confused, unable to express their exciting feelings, then a singer who has universal knowledge of the epic poet, from their Name pronounces rhythmic monologues, set out what they thought, but did not say.

On the other hand, the dramatic element in the play is not in absolute dependence and subordination from the epic element. The power of the singer over the characters of the play is limited by the natural logic of their relationship. They are created by him as a teller, his author's imagination, therefore, they exist in his mind, but he does not exist in their minds. They see him as if they do not hear and do not see his monologues and "songi" do not have the influence of their stage behavior. Indicative example In this sense: when the singer appeals to his heroine, a pear, he is not responsible for him, but no matter how he himself, that is, the participants of his "epic group", musicians:

Questions in this case are facing a pear only conditionally. In fact, these questions and answers are only a form of reflection of the singer about his heroine, about the essence of the image born by his imagination.

The "Caucasian Circle Caucasian" play belongs to the most famous Pieces of the parachs of Breht. It is characterized by Paphos of ethical quest, the desire to find a person in which spiritual greatness and kindness would be revealed with the greatest fit.

Although everything in the play is classically traditionally: not Nova Fabul (Brecht himself used to use it in the Novylah "Augsburg Cretaceous Circle). But the play is this innovative, and its originality is closely connected with the main principle of Brehtov realism - "a fraction". Evil, envy, careful, conformism is a fixed environment of life, its flesh. But for Brecht, it is only visibility. Monolith evil is extremely fragile in the play. All life is inclined by the streams of human light. Element of light in the very fact of the existence of the human mind and ethical principle.

2) "Good man from Sichuan." Idean philosophical content

Piece-parable "Good man from Sichuani" (1941) is devoted to the approval of the eternal and inborn quality of a person - kindness. The main heroine of the Shen de Loins Song de Loins, and this radiation is not caused by any external impulses, it is immanently. Brecht playwright inherits humanistic tradition enlighteners. We see the connection of Brecht with fabulous tradition and folk legends. Shen de reminds Cinderella, and the gods who are awarding the girl for kindness, - Fairy-Nurse from the same fairy tale. But the traditional material Brecht comprehends innovative.

Brecht believes that the kindness is far from always rewarded with a fabulous triumph. In the fairy tale and the parable of the playwright introduces social circumstances. China, depicted in the parable, is deceived at first glance, it is just a "some kingdom, some state." But this state is capitalist. And the circumstances of the life of Shen de is the circumstances of the life of the bottom of the bourgeois city. Brecht shows that in this day the fabulous laws, rewarded Cinderella, cease to act. Bourgeois climate is destroyed for the best human qualitiesarising long before capitalism; Brecht considers bourgeois ethics as a deep regression. Such a destructive turns out to be for Shen de and Love.

Shen de embodies in the play the ideal norm of behavior. Shoy yes, on the contrary, it is guided only by soberly understood by their own interests. Shen de agree with many reasoning and acts shoi Yes, she saw that only in the appearance of Shoy yes she could really exist. The need to protect the Son in the world of fierce and vigilant people, indifferent to each other, proves her the right thing shoo yes. Seeing how the boy is looking for food in the permanent bucket, she swears, which will provide the future of the Son even in the most cruel fight.

Two appearance main heroine - this is a bright stage "alienation", this visual demonstration Dualism human soul. But this is the condemnation of dualism, for the struggle of good and evil in a person is, according to Brecht, only the rational of "bad times." The playwright clearly proves that evil in principle is a foreign body in man that evil shoi yes is just a protective mask, and not a genuine face of the heroine. Shen de never becomes actually evil, can not erase spiritual purity and softness.

The content of the parable leads the reader not only to the thought of the disadvantage of the atmosphere of the bourgeois world. This thought, by means of Brecht, is already insufficient for the new theater. The playwright makes thinking about the ways to overcome evil. The gods and Shen de bow into the compromise, they seem to be able to overcome the inertia of thinking of their own media. It is curious that the gods, in essence, recommend Shen de the same recipe for which the Mercid acted in the "Three-Grocery Roman", who robbed warehouses and sales of the goods at the cheap price to the poor owners of benches, saving them from hunger. But the phaance finals of the parable does not coincide with the comment of the playwright. The epilogue in a new way deepens and illuminates the problems of the play, proves the deep effectiveness of the "epic theater". The reader and the viewer turns out to be much more dormant than the gods and Shen De, who did not understand why the great kindness prevents her.

The playwright seems to suggest a solution in the final: to live selflessly - well, but not enough; The main thing for people is to live wisely. And this means - to build a reasonable world, the world without exploitation, the world of freedom.

Bertold Brecht

Good man from Sichuan

Piez Parabla

In collaboration with R. Berlau and M. Steffin

E. Ionova and Yu. Yuzovsky

Poems in Boris Slutsky

ㅅ actors ㄷ

Wang - Wateronos.

Three God.

Yang Song is an unemployed pilot.

Mrs. Yang is his mother.

Tire widow.

Family of eight people.

Stolar Lin then.

Homeower Mi Dzu.


Carpet trader.

His wife.

Old prostitute.

Burner Shu Fu.



Pasteners in prolog.

Prices: Semi-European Capital of Sichuani.

Sichuan Province, in which all places on the globe were generalized, where

the person operates a person, now does not belong to such places.

ㅅ Prologue ㄷ

Street in the main city of Sichuan. Evening. Vodonos Wang is submitted to the public.

Van. I am a local waterproof - braking with water in the capital of Sichuan. Heavy craft! If there are few water, you have to go far for her. And if it is much more, the earnings are small. And in general, in our province is a big poverty. Everyone says that if anyone else is able to help us, so these are gods. And now imagine my joy when a familiar cattle trader is - he travels a lot - he told me that several of our most prominent gods are already on the road and they can be expected in Sichuan with a hour for an hour. They say the sky is strongly concerned about the many complaints that come to him. For the third day, as I wait here at the city gate, especially in the evening, to first welcome guests. Later it is unlikely that I will succeed. They are surrounded by high-ranking gentlemen, try to break into them. How would you just know them? They will appear, probably not together. Most likely one in order not to pay attention to themselves. These are not like the gods, they return from work. (Carefully looks at the workers passing by the workers.) The shoulders have bent from the gravity they are dragging. And this one? What kind of God he is fingers in ink. At most - employee of the cement plant. Even those two lords ...

Moved two men pass.

And those, in my opinion, are not gods. They have a cruel expression of a person, like people who are accustomed to beat, and there are no gods in this necessity. And here is three! As if - another thing. Removed, not the slightest sign of any classes, shoes in dust, it means that they came from afar. They are! About the wise, place me! (NIC falls.)

First God (joyful). Are we waiting here?

Wang (gives them to get drunk). Long ago. But only I knew about your arrival.

First God. We need overnight. Do you know where you would attach?

Van. Where? Everywhere! The whole city is at your disposal, about the wise! Where do you wish?

The gods are meaningfully looking at each other.

First God. At least in the nearest house, my son! Let's try in the nearest!

Van. I am only embarrassed that I brought the anger to the power of Ints, if I give a special preference to one of them.

First God. That's why we order you: start with the nearest!

Van. Mr. Fo lives there! Wait a minute. (Runs up to the house and knocks on the door.)

The door opens, but it can be seen that Wang receives failure.

(Robby returns.) Here is a failure! Mr. Fo, as it came out, no home, and the servants are not solved for anything without his order, the owner is very strict! Well, he scraps, when he learns who he did not take in his house, is it not true?

Gods (smiling). Of course.

Van. For another minute! The house is near Widow Su. She will be out of joy. (Runs to the house, but apparently, again receives a refusal.) I better contact the opposite. The widow says that she has only one small room, and that is not in order. Now I will turn to Mr. Chen.

Second God. We have enough small room. Tell me that we do it.

Van. Even if she is not a caught, even if there are full spiders in it?

Second God. Fucking! Where spiders, there are few flies.

The third God (friendly, Vanu). Go to Mr. Cheng or somewhere else, my son, spiders, confess, I do not like it.

Wang again knocks on some kind of door, and he is imparted.

Van (returning to the gods). Mr. Chen in despair, his house is full of relatives, and he does not dare to seem to you on the eyes, the wisest. Between us, I think among them there are bad people, and he does not want you to see them. He fears your anger. This is all about it.

The third God. Are we so scary?

Van. Only for unkind people, is not it? It is known that the residents of the province of Kwan decades comprehends the flood - Kara God!

Second God. That's how? Why?

Van. Yes, because they are all bootiers.

Second God. Nonsense! Just because they did not revenge the dam.

First God. TSC! (Vanu). Are you still hoping, my son?

Van. How can I even ask this? It is worth passing another house, and I will find accommodation for you. Each fingers licks themselves in anticipation that you are met. Unsuccessful set of circumstances, understand? Run! (Slowly moves and hesitantly stops in the middle of the street.)

Second God. What did I say?

The third God. Still, I think it is a simple accident.

Second God. Accident ravage, chance in Kwana and random in Sichuan. God's fear is no longer on Earth - this is the truth that you are afraid to look in the face. Admit that our mission has suffered fiasco!

First God. We can still come across a good person. Any minute. We should not immediately retreat.

The third God. The ruling read: the world may remain as it is, if there are enough people worthy of the title of man. Wateronos is such a person himself, if only I am not deceiving. (Suitable to Vanu, who is still suite in indecision.)

Second God. He is deceived. When the waterpath gave us to get drunk from your mug, I noticed something. Here is a mug. (Shows her first God.)

First God. Double bottom.

Second God. Fuddle!

First God. Okay, he disappears. So what is it, if one with a rotz? We will meet and those who are able to live a worthy person with life. We are obliged to find! For two millennia, the cry is not stopped, - so can not continue! No one in this world is able to be kind! We must finally indicate people who can follow our commandments.

The third God (Vanu). Maybe it is very difficult - to find a refuge?

Van. Only not for you! Mill! My fault is that it was not immediately found, - I'm bad looking.

The third God. The case is definitely not in this. (Returns back.)

Van. They are already guessed. (To the passing.) High-grade Mr., Sorry, I appeal to you, but the three most important God, about the upcoming arrival of which for many years all Sichuan speaks, now in fact profit and need housing. Do not leave! Ensure yourself! Pretty one glance! For God's sake, help out! A happy event fell to your share - use it! Suggest asylum to the gods until someone intercepted them - they will agree.

Passer continues his way.

(Addresses to another passing.) Maisen, did you hear? Maybe you have an apartment? Not necessarily - luxurious chambers. The main thing is good intentions.

Second passerby. How do I know what kind of gods are your gods? Who knows who let go. (Enters the tobacco shop.)

Wang (runs back to the gods). He will probably agree. (I notices my mug on Earth, confusedly looks at the gods, raises it and runs away again.)

First God. It sounds not very encouraging.

Van (passing when he comes out of the shop). Well, how to housing?

Second passerby. How much do you know, maybe I live in a hotel?

First God. He will not find anything. Sichuan We also have to strike.

Van. These are the three main god! True true! Statues in the temples are very similar. If you, without losing time, come up and invite them, perhaps they will agree.

Second passerby (laughing). Good, it must be rudge, which you want to attach. (Goes out.)

Van (married him after). Curve speculator! God you are not afraid! You will roast in boiling resin for your insensitory! The gods spit on you! But you still regret! Up to fourth knees will pay! All Sichuan covered shame! (Pause.) Now only the prostitute Shen de, this cannot say - "no". (Calls.) Shen de!

From the top window it looks like Shen de.

They are already here, I can not find a refuge for them. Can you take them for one night?

Shen de. I'm afraid no, van. I'm waiting for a guest. But is it possible that you did not find the shelter for them?

Van. Now there is no time to talk about it. All Sichuan is a solid piece of shit.

Shen de. I would have to hide from him when he appears. Maybe he will leave then. He was still asked to take a walk with me.

Van. So far we rose upstairs, eh?

Shen de. Only you should not talk loudly. Can you be frank with them?

Van. God forbid! They should not know anything about your craft. No, it's better to wait downstairs. But you won't leave him?

Shen de. My deeds are bad, and if I do not pay for the apartment tomorrow, I will throw out.

Van. In this minute, it is not good to be calculated.

Shen de. I do not know. Unfortunately, in the stomach rich and then when the emperor has a birthday. Okay, I will take them.

It can be seen that it shoes light.

First God. It seems that nothing happened.

The gods are suitable for Vanu.

Van (seeing behind the gods, shudders). The apartment is provided. (Wipes sweat.)

Gods. Yes? In this case, let's go.

Van. Do not hurry. Fuck a little. The room is put in order.

The third God. Then we will come and wait.

Van. It seems here too much movement. Better go on the other side.

Second God. We look at people with hunting. Actually, for this purpose we came here.

Van. Yes, but here is a draft.

Second God. Oh, we are tempered people.

Van. But maybe you want me to show you Night Sichuan? Do not make a little walk to us?

The third God. Today we have already walked enough. (Smiling.) But if you want us to leave here, you just just tell us.

Are you satisfied now?

They sit on the porch of one of the houses.

Van (lowered to the ground at some distance from them; Having gathered with the Spirit). You set up in a lonely girl. She is the best person in Sichuan.

The third God. That's good!

Van (public). When I raised a mug, they looked at me as strangely. Did you notice? I do not dare to look more in your eyes.

The third God. You're very tired.

Van. A little bit. From weekly.

First God. What does people live here very hard?

Van. Good - yes.

First God (seriously). You too?

Van. I know what you mean. I am bad. But I'm not easy.

Meanwhile, a man appeared in front of the house of Shen de. He whistles several times

and Van every time shudders.

The third God (quiet, Vanu). It seems he did not wait and left.

Van (confused). Yes Yes. (It rises and runs to the square, leaving a jug and a mug.)

At this time, the following happened: a man who was awaited on the street left, and Shen de, coming out of the house and calling quietly: "Van", - walks down the street in search of Wan. AND

now that Wang is quietly calling: "Shen de", - he does not receive a response.

She deceived me. I left to get money for the apartment, and I do not have a night for the wisest. They are tired and waiting. I can't come to them again and say: there is nothing! My own house - Drainage pipe, there can be no speech about it. In addition, the gods will definitely wanted to live in a person whose scaling affairs has discovered. I will not return to them anything in the world. But there remained my dishes. What to do? I do not dare to take it. Rather, I will leave from the city and will hide with their eyes, because I could not help to those who worship. (Runs away.)

But as soon as he disappeared, she is returning Shen De, looking for him on the other side of the street

and sees the gods.

Shen de. Are you the wise? My name is Shen De. I will be glad if you are pleased with my camork.

The third God. But where did the waterproof disappear?

Shen de. Probably, we broke up with him.

First God. He must have decided that you would not come, and I was afraid to return to us.

The third God (raises the mug and pitcher). We will leave it with you. They still need them.

Chairman Shen de, Gods go to the house. Darks and brighten again. At dawn, the gods leave the doors of the house. They are conducted by Shen de, illuminating the path of the lamp.

They say goodbye.

First God. Cute Shen de, thanks for the hospitality. We will not forget what exactly you were sheltered us. Vernelize his dishes and give our gratitude for showing us a good man.

Shen de. I'm not good. To tell the truth when Wang addressed me with a request to give you a refinement, I swamped.

First God. The oscillation is not trouble, if it is overcome. Know that you gave us something more than overnight. Many and even with us, the gods, there was doubt - there are other good people in the world. In order to find out this, we have taken our journey. We continue to be happy, because one has already found. Bye!

Shen de. Stay, the wisest, I'm not at all sure that I am good. True, I would like to be like that, but what about the room behind the room? I confess you: to live, I sell myself. But even this way I can not exist, too many have to do the same. And here I am ready for everything, but who is not ready for everything? Of course, I would willingly observe the commandments - honoring the elders and abstaining from lies. Not to wish at home of your neighbor - it would be joy for me, to be a faithful one man - nice. I would not want to use anyone and offend defenseless. But how to do it? Even disturbing the commandments, barely managed to live.

First God. All this, Shen de, nothing but doubts of a good man.

The third God. Farewell, Shen De! Pass cardiac hello to waterpath. He was a good friend.

Second God. I'm afraid he had to tight.

The third God. Be happy!

First God. The main thing, stay good, Shen de! Goodbye!

Turn to go away, nod to her farewell.

Shen de (frightened). But I'm not sure of myself, the wisest! How can I be kind when everything is so expensive?

Second God. Here we, unfortunately, powerless. In economic issues, we cannot interfere.

The third God. Stand! Wait a minute! If she had some means, she probably would be easier to remain kind.

Second God. We are not entitled to give it anything. We will not be able to explain it upstairs there.

First God. Why not?

Whispering, briskly survibly.

(Shen de, embarrassed.) We heard - you have nothing to pay for the room. We people are not poor and able to thank for the night. Here! (Gives her money.) Only no one say that we gave you money. And then, perhaps, not so interpret.

Second God. Still would!

The third God. No, it is permitted. We did not violate anything if they were calculated for the night. In the ruling about this, nothing is said. So, goodbye!

Gods quickly go.

Little tobacco shop.

The shop is not entirely furnished and not open.

Shen de (public). For three days already, as gods left. They said they pay me for the night. But when I looked at what they were given to me, I saw more than a thousand silver dollars. I bought a tobacco shopping shop for this money. Yesterday I moved here and hope that I will have a lot of good. For example, Mrs. Shin, the former owner of the shop. Already yesterday she came to ask me rigs for his children. So today, I see she goes through the square with his pot.

Includes tires. Women are crushed with each other.

Shen de. Good afternoon, Mrs. Shin.

Tires Good afternoon, Mademoiselle Shen de. How do you feel in your new home?

Shen de. Okay. How did your children spent the night?

Tires In someone else's house! If only you can call this Barack. Junior is already coughing.

Shen de. Bad.

Tires You can not understand what is bad, because you live well. But you will have to experience something here in this lauree. Do not forget - this is a poverty quarter.

Shen de. Yes, but in the lunch break, as you talked to me, the workers of the cement plant come?

Tires In addition to them, no one buys anything, even neighbors.

Shen de. When you gave me a shop, you did not say a word about it.

Tires Not enough only your reproaches! Little to you that you have deprived of my children's children! And then we are taking conversations about the lavecon and the beggar quarter. How much can I! .. (crying.)

Shen de (fast). I will bring you rice now.

Tires I would like to ask for a little money.

Shen de (meanwhile, as she is a rattling rice in a pot). That I can't, I did not help anything yet.

Tires I need money. What to live? You have taken away from me and still want to proceed. I will pick you up your children on the threshold, bloodstand! (Eats a pot from Shen de from her hands.)

Shen de. Do not be angry, paint rice!

Enter the elderly couple and poorly dressed man.

Female. My dear Shen de, we heard you were lucky. You have become a business woman! Imagine, we are without a roof above your head. Our tobacco shop had to close. We thought if you could not hold at least one night. You remember my nephew? Here he is, we will never part.

Nephew (looking around the room). Nice lavecon!

Tires What are these people?

Shen de. When I arrived from the village to the city, it was my first apartment owners. (Public.) When the pennies that were with me were over, they kicked me out into the street. They are probably afraid that I will refuse them. Poor.

They are without a shelter

Without happiness, without a share.

I need support,

How do they refuse?

(Frillious, coming.) Please please! I will seek you. True, I have only a tiny room behind the shop.

Man. We have enough. Do not worry. (Meanwhile, as Shen de brings tea.) We will arrange here in order not to interfere. You must have chosen tobacco trade in memory of the first refuge with us? We could help you with some tips. That was why came here.

Tires (mocking). Need to hope that buyers will appear?

Female. Is it about us?

Man. TSC! So the buyer!

Enters a broken man.

Troubled man. Sorry. I am unemployed.

Tire laughs.

Shen de. What can I serve?

Unemployed. I heard, tomorrow you open a shop, and thought that when the goods are unpacking, it happens, something will deteriorate. Do you have any excess cigarettes?

Female. This is already too - to brake tobacco! If still bread!

Unemployed. Bread roads. Two or three tightening - and I am another person. I'm so tired.

Shen de (gives him cigarettes). It is very important - to become another person. Be my first buyer. You will bring me happiness.

The unemployed snaps up quickly and coughing, leaves.

Female. Did you do, cute Shen de?

Tires If you trade, then three days are tight.

Man. I bet - I had money in my pocket.

Shen de. But he said that he had nothing.

Nephew. How do you know what he was not lied?

Shen de (with indignation). How do I know that he lied?

Woman (shaking head). She does not know how to say "no"! You are too good, Shen de. If you want to keep the shop, learn how to refuse when you turn to you.

Man. Tell me that she is not yours. Tell me that it belongs to your relative who requires you a report. Is it hard to say?

Tires It is not difficult if not a passion to play benefactor.

Shen de (laughs). Swear, swear! So I'll take it to refuse to you in the housing and rice, too, take the back!

Woman (frightened). How and yours is also yours?

Shen de (public).

They are bad.

They do not like anyone.

They do not wish anyone a complete plate.

They know only themselves.

Who will condemn them for it?

It enters a man of small growth.

Shin (sees him and hurry to leave). Tomorrow I will look again. (Goes out.)

Little man (shouts to her). Wait, Mrs. Shin! You need you!

Female. Why does she come here? She has the right to you, or what?

Shen de. No rights, but there is hunger, it's more.

Small man. She knows why in a hurry to carry his legs. Are you a new shop owner? Already laid goods on the shelves! I warn you how you are there, they are not yours! Do not pay for them yet! Dyrin, who was sitting here, did not pay with me. (The rest.) I'm a joiner.

Shen de. Does the shelves do not belong to the situation for which I paid?

Joiner. Fuck! Circle hoax! You, of course, at the same time with this tire! I demand my hundred and silver dollars, don't be me lin then.

Shen de. How can I pay if I do not have more money?

Joiner. Then I sell them from the auction! This minute! Either you pay, or I sell them!

A man (tells Shen de). Relative!

Shen de. Would you like to wait until next month?

Joiner (screaming). Not!

Shen de. Do not be cruel, Mr. Lin then. I am not able to pay with everyone to immediately. (Public.)

Slightly condescension - dwells.

Here is a breakdown horse bent over herbs.

Look at this through your fingers -

She will pull the cart better.

A little patience in June - and your tree

In August, bends under the severity of peaches.

Is it possible to live together without refuse?

Little delay

Helps a great goal.

(Joiner.) Be indulgent, Mr. Lin!

Joiner. And who will be indulgent to me and my family? (Moves one of the shelves from the wall, as if he wants to carry it with him.) Money, or I will urush the shelves!

Female. Cute Shen De, why don't you entrust this business to your relative? (Joiner.) Write an account, and cousin Shen de Pay.

Joiner. We know these cousins!

Nephew. What are you laughing like a fool! I know him personally.

Man. This is not a man, it is a knife!

Joiner. Well, let his account pass to him. (Tilting the shelf, sits on it and writes a bill.)

Female. He will make your last shirt, if you do not stop it. Relieve the claims, they are valid or not, because you will not have a penny from claims, fair or not. Throw a piece of meat into a barrel with garbage, and the dogs of the whole quarter will spark in your yard. Why do the courts exist?

Shen de. He worked and have the right to get for his work. And he has a family. It's a shame that I can't pay! What will the gods say?

Man. You have fulfilled your duty after she sewed us, it is more than enough.

Enter the chrome man and a pregnant woman.

Chrome (husband and wife). So here you are where! Pretty relative, nothing to say! Throw us on the corner of the street, beautiful!

Woman (embarrassed, Shen de). This is my brother Town and daughter-in-law. (Both.) Do not scold and sit quietly into the corner, so as not to interfere with Shen de, our old friend. (Shen De.) I think you will have to leave both, the daughter-in-law is already on the fifth month. Or are you different opinions?

Shen de. You are welcome!

Female. Thank you. Cups stand there. (Shen De.) These would generally not know where to go. What happiness that you have a shop!

Shen de (smiling, carries tea. Public). Yes, happiness that I have a shop!

Included homeowners with ju with paper in hand.

Homeowers. Mademoiselle Shen De, I am the owner of the house, Mrs. Ju. I hope we will get along with each other. Here is an agreement on hiring. (Meanwhile, as Shen de the contract reads.) A wonderful moment - the opening of a small trading case, do you agree, gentlemen? (Inspected around.) On the shelves, the truth is empty, but nothing will cost. Of course, you can introduce me a few recommendations?

Shen de. Is it necessary?

Homeowers. But I do not know you at all.

Man. And if we charge for Shen de? We know her since she arrived in the city, and ready to challenge her head at any moment.

Homeowers. And who are you?

Man. Tobacco Trader, MA Fu.

Homeowers. Where is your shop?

Man. IN this moment I have no bench. You see, I just just sold it.

Homeowers. So. (Shen De.) More No one to give about you?

Woman (suggests). Cousin! Cousin!

Homeowers. We must have anyone who will charge for whom I let me in the house. This is a venerable home, my sweet. Otherwise, I can't afford to conclude a contract with you.

Shen de (slowly, dropping the eye). I have a cousin.

Homeowers. Ah, do you have a cousin? Is there in the city? So let's go straight to him. What does he do?

Shen de. He lives not here, but in another city.

Female. You seem to say - in Shune?

Shen de. Mr. Sheo yes. In Shun!

Man. Yes, yes, I know him perfectly. High so thin.

Nephew (joiner). You seem to agree too with a cousin Mademoiselle Shen De? About shelves!

Stolar (grumble). Just prescribe an account for him. Here it is! (Transfers the bill.) Tomorrow early in the morning I will come again! (Goes out.)

Nephew (shouts by him, set on homeowner). You can not worry, a cousin for everything will pay!

Homeower (permeating Shen de). Well! And I will be glad to meet him. Good evening, Mademoiselle. (Goes out.)

Woman (after pause). Now everything will open! You can be sure, tomorrow morning, she will know everything about you.

Daughter-in-law (quiet, nephew). Long here can not be resist!

It includes an old man who leads a boy.

Boy (over his shoulder). They are here.

Female. Hello, grandfather. (Shen De.) Good old man! I imagine how he worried about us. And the boy is not true, greatly grew. Eats for three. Who have you still led?

Man (looking out). No one other than niece.

Woman (Shen de). Young, just from the village. I hope this does not burden you? When you lived with us, we were not so much, right? But we got more and more. The worse there was, the more added. And the more added, the worse there was. And now let's send the door to the goal, there will be no peace. (Locks the doors.)

All sit.

The main thing is not to interfere with your business. Otherwise, smoke will not rise above the roof of this house. It is necessary to establish order: the younger days go away, only grandfather, daughter-in-law remain, and, perhaps, I am. The rest look during the day at the most time or two, right? Well, now burn the lamp and arrange the one more.

Nephew (humorous). Just did not break the cousin today, this formidable Mr. Shoy yes.

The daughter-in-law laughs.

Brother (stretches for a cigarette). One does not matter!

Man. No.

All take cigarettes and snatch. Brother passes in a circle a jug with wine.

Nephew. A cousin will pay!

Grandfather (seriously, Shen de). Good day!

Shen de, embarrassed by this late greeting, bowed. In one hand she

holds a joiner, to another - a hire agreement.

Female. Would you sing something, would have entertained the hostess!

Nephew. Grandfather will start!

They are singing.

ㅅ Song about smoke ㄷ

As long as the whole head is gray,

I thought the mind would make me help me.

Now I know that no wisdom

Hungry stomach will not be able to fill.

Look at gray smoke.

That's how you will go behind him

Three skins are jumping for honest work.

I looked and chose a curve, Okol

But our brother and here did not give the go.

Now I do not know where I turn.

And so I say: forget about everything!

Look at gray smoke.

All the colder cold, to which he leaves.

So you will go behind him.

The main city of Sichuan Province, in which all the places on the globe and any time, in which a person operates a person, is the place and time of the play of the play.

Prologue. For two millennia, a cry is not stopped: it cannot continue to continue. No one in this world is able to be kind! And the concerned gods decided: the world may remain as it is, if there are enough people who can live a decent person with life. And to check it, the three prominent God descend to Earth. Perhaps Vodonos Wang, the first to meet them and caught the water (he, by the way, is the only one in Sichuan, who knows that they are gods), a worthy person? But his mug, noticed the gods, with double bottom. Good waterproof - fraudster! The simplest checking of the first virtue - hospitality - upset them: neither in one of the rich houses: neither Mr. Fo, nor Mr. Chen, nor Widow Su - cannot van find for them overnight. One thing remains: to contact the prostitute Shen de, she cannot deny anyone. And the gods spend the night at the only good person, and the next morning, saying goodbye, leave Shen de Puzzle to stay as good as well as a good fee for the night: after all, how to be good when everything is so expensive!

I. The gods left Shen de a thousand silver dollars, and she bought her little tobacco shop on them. But how many in need of help turns out to be next to those who smiled at luck: the former owner of the shop and the former owners of Shen de - husband and wife, her lame brother and pregnant daughter-in-law, nephew and niece, old grandfather and boy, - and everyone needs a roof over his head and food. "Salving a small boat / immediately goes to the bottom. After all, too much sinking / grabbed greedily overboard. "

And then the joiner requires a hundred silver dollars who did not pay him the old hostess for the shelves, and the homeowner needs recommendations and guarantee for not too respectable Shen de. "A cousin will be charged for me," she says. - And for the shelves it will pay the same. "

II. And the next morning in the tobacco shop appears Shoy yes, cousin Shen de. Decisively, forging unlucky relatives, skillfully forceding the carpenter to take only twenty silver dollars, prudently having friends with the police, he settles his things to her too good cousin.

III. And in the evening, in the city park, Shen De meets the unemployed pilot Sun. The pilot without an airplane, the mail pilot without mail. What should he do in the world, even if he read all books about flights in the Beijing school, even if he knows how to plant a plane to Earth, exactly is his own ass? He is like a crane with a broken wing, and nothing to do on earth. The rope is ready, and the trees in the park as much as you like. But Shen de does not give him to hang. Live without hope - to create evil. The hopeless song of waterproof selling water during the rain: "Thunder thunder, and the rain is poured, / Well, I am a veins, / and the water is not for sale / and does not drink in any way. / I shout: "buy water!" / But no one buys. / In my pocket for this water / nothing falls! / Buy water, dogs! "

And Shen de buys a mug of water for his beloved Yang Suna.

IV. Returning after the night spent with the beloved, Shen de first sees the morning city, cheerful and giving fun. People are kind today. Old people, carpet traders from a shop on the contrary, give a cute shen de debt of two hundred and silver dollars - will be than paying with a homeowner for six months. A person who loves and hopes, nothing is difficult. And when Mother Sun Mrs. Yang says that for a huge amount in five hundred silver dollars, the son promised a place, she gladly gives her money received from the old people. But where to take another three hundred? There is only one way out - contact our shoi yes. Yes, he is too tough and heter. But the pilot must fly!

Intermediate. Shen de enters, holding a mask and suit shoi in his hands, and sings the "song about the helplessness of gods and good people": "Our good / good people cannot remain. / To get with a false cup, / need cruelty. / Good helpless, and the gods are powerless. / Why do not say the gods there, on the air, / what time to give everything good and good / the opportunity to live in good, good peace? "

V. Smart and prudent fuck Yes, whose eyes do not blind love, sees deception. Yang Suna do not frighten cruelty and meanness: let the place promised to him - someone else, and at the pilot, who will be fired from him, big familyLet Shen de will be cut with a bench, except for which she has nothing, and old people will lose their two hundred dollars and lose her housing - just to achieve their own. Such can not be trusted, and Shoy yes is looking for a support in rich in the barber, ready to marry Shen De. But the mind is powerless, where love acts, and Shen de leaves with Sun: "I want to leave with those who love, / I don't want to think about, whether it is good. / I do not want to know if he loves me. / I want to leave with whom I love. "

Vi. In a small cheap restaurant, the suburbs are preparing for the wedding of Yang Sun and Shen De. Bride in the wedding dress, the groom in the tuxedo. But the ceremony does not start anything in any way, and Bonza looks at the clock - the bride and his mother are waiting for Shoi Yes, which should bring three hundred silver dollars. Yang Sun sings the "song about the saint day never": "This day takes the evil throat, / On this day, all the poor is lucky, / and the owner and the battle / together marvel in the Kabak / on the saint day never / skinny drinks at Gybnbgo . / We are no longer waiting for more. / Therefore, we must give us, / Peace Labor, / Saint Day, never, never, / day, when we are resting. "

"He will never come," says Mrs. Yang. Three sit, and two of them look at the door.

VII. On the trolley near the tobacco bench, Scarb Shen De-shop had to sell to return the duty to old men. Birber Shu Fu is ready to help: he will give his barracks for the poor who helps Shen de (there still can not keep the goods - too raw), and will write down the check. And Shen de Happy: she felt the future son - pilot, "a new conqueror / inaccessible mountains and unknown regions!" But how to protect it from the cruelty of this world? She sees little Son A joiner who is looking for food in the interminated bucket, and swears, which will not calm down until he saves his son, at least one. It is time to turn again into a cousin.

Mr. Sheo, declares the gathered that his cousin will continue to leave them without help, but from now on, the distribution of food without response is stopped, and the one who agrees to work on Shen De will live in the houses of Mr. Shu Fu.

VIII. On a tobacco factory, which shoo yes, a man, women and children work in the barracks. The supervisor - and cruel - here Yang Song: he will not be sad because the fate of change and shows that he is ready for all for the interests of the company. But where is Shen de? Where is a kind person? Where is the one who many months ago on a rainy day per minute of joy bought a water mug from waterproof? Where is she and her future child about which she told waterproof? And Sun also would like to know this: if his former bride was pregnant, then he, as a child's father, can claim the position of the owner. But, by the way, in the node her dress. Did the unhappy woman killed a cruel cousin? Police comes to the house. Mr. Shoy yes will be faced with the court.

IX. In the courtroom, John de (Washing, Chet Starikov, Grandfather and Niece) and Partners Shoy Yes (Mr. Shu Fu and Homeowers) are waiting for the beginning of the meeting. At the sight of judges entering the hall, Shoi falls into fainting - these are gods. The gods are not at all ourselves: under the mask and suit, they don't recognize Shen de. And only when, not suppressing the accusations of the good and intercession of evil, Shoi Yes, takes off the mask and disrupts clothes, the gods with horror see that the mission failed them: their kind man and evil and stale shoi yes - one face. It does not work in this world to be good to others and at the same time towards yourself, does not leave others to save and do not destroy ourselves, you can not even make yourself happy with everyone together! But the gods have no time to understand such difficulties. Is it really to abandon the commandments? No never! Recognize that the world should be changed? How? By whom? No, everything is okay. And they soothe people: "Shen de did not died, she was only hidden. Among you there is a kind person. " And to the desperate cry of Shen de: "But I need a cousin" - I answer hurry: "Only not too often!" And meanwhile, as Shen de in despair stretches hands to them, they, smiling and nodding, disappear at the top.

Epilogue. Final monologue of the actor before the public: "Out of the public, my respective! The end is unimportant. I know it. / In our hands fine fairy tale Suddenly got bitter junction. / Lowered the curtain, and we stand in embarrassed - no permission issues found. / So what's the deal? Well, we are not looking for benefits, / and then should there be any correct way? / For money you will not come up - what! Another hero? And if the world is another? / Or maybe you need other gods here? Il at all without gods? Silent in alarm. / Help so much! Bed to correct - and the thought and mind will direct your here. / Try to find good for good - good path. / Bad end - abandoned in advance. / He must, should, should be good! "

The main city of Sichuan Province, in which all the places on the globe and any time, in which a person operates a person, is the place and time of the play of the play.

Prologue. For two millennia, a cry is not stopped: it cannot continue to continue. No one in this world is able to be kind! And the concerned gods decided: the world may remain as it is, if there are enough people who can live a decent life. And to check it, the three prominent God descend to Earth. Perhaps Vodonos Wang, the first to meet them and caught the water (he, by the way, is the only one in Sichuan, who knows that they are gods), a worthy person? But his mug, noticed the gods, with a double bottom. Good waterproof - fraudster! The simplest checking of the first virtue - hospitality - upset them: neither in one of the rich houses: neither Mr. Fo, nor Mr. Chen, nor Widow Su - cannot van find for them overnight. One thing remains: to contact the prostitute Shen de, she cannot deny anyone. And the gods spend the night at the only good person, and the next morning, saying goodbye, leave Shen de Puzzle to stay as good as well as a good fee for the night: after all, how to be good when everything is so expensive!

I. The gods left Shen de a thousand silver dollars, and she bought her little tobacco shop on them. But how many in need of help turns out to be next to those who smiled at luck: the former owner of the shop and the former owners of Shen de - husband and wife, her lame brother and pregnant daughter-in-law, nephew and niece, old grandfather and boy, - and everyone needs a roof over his head and food. "Salving a small boat / immediately goes to the bottom. After all, too much sinking / grabbed greedily overboard. "

And then the joiner requires a hundred silver dollars who did not pay him the old hostess for the shelves, and the homeowner needs recommendations and guarantee for not too respectable Shen de. "A cousin will be charged for me," she says. - And for the shelves it will pay the same. "

II. And the next morning in the tobacco shop appears Shoy yes, cousin Shen de. Decisively, forging unlucky relatives, skillfully forceding the carpenter to take only twenty silver dollars, prudently having friends with the police, he settles his things to her too good cousin.

III. And in the evening in the city park, Shen De meets the unemployed pilot Sun. A pilot without an airplane, a postal pilot without mail. What should he do in the world, even if he read all books about flights in the Beijing school, even if he knows how to plant an aircraft to Earth, exactly is his own ass? He is like a crane with a broken wing, and nothing to do on earth. Rope is ready, and the trees in the park as much as you like. But Shen de does not give him to hang. Live without hope - to create evil. The hopeless song of waterproof selling water during the rain: "Thunder rattles, and the rain is pouring, / well, and I am a veins, / and the water is not for sale / and do not drink anyone. I scream: "Buy WATER!" / But no one buys. / In my pocket for this water / nothing falls! / Buy water, dogs! "

And Shen de buys a mug of water for his beloved Yang Suna.

IV. Returning after the night spent with her beloved, Shen de first sees the morning city, cheerful and giving fun. People are kind today. Old people, carpet traders from a shop on the contrary, give a cute shen de debt of two hundred and silver dollars - will be than paying with a homeowner for six months. A person who loves and hopes, nothing is difficult. And when the mother Sun Mrs. Yang says that for a huge amount in five hundred silver dollars, the son promised a place, she gladly gives her money received from the old people. But where to take another three hundred? There is only one way out - contact our shoi yes. Yes, he is too tough and heter. But the pilot must fly!

Intermediate. Shen de enters, holding a mask and suit shoi in his hands, and sings the "song about the helplessness of gods and good people": "Our good in our country cannot remain. / To get with a false cup, / need cruelty. / Good helpless, and the gods are powerless. / Why do not say the gods there, on the air, / what time to give everything good and good / the opportunity to live in good, good peace? "

V. Smart and prudent fuck Yes, whose eyes do not blind love, sees deception. Yang Suna does not frighten cruelty and meanness: let the place promised to him - someone else's, and the pilot, who will be fired from him, Big Family, let Siene de Drain with a bench, except for which she has nothing, and old people will lose their two hundred dollars and lose her housing - just to achieve your own. Such can not be trusted, and Shoy yes is looking for a support in rich in the barber, ready to marry Shen De. But the mind is powerless, where love acts, and Shen de leaves with Sun: "I want to leave with those who love, / I don't want to think about, whether it is good. / I do not want to know if he loves me. / I want to leave with whom I love. "

Vi. In a small cheap restaurant, the suburb prepared for the wedding Yang Sun and Shen De. Bride in the wedding dress, the groom in the tuxedo. But the ceremony does not start anything in any way, and Bonza looks at the clock - the groom and his mother are waiting for Shoi Yes, which should bring three hundred silver dollars. Yang Sun sings a song about the day of the saint never ":" On this day, they take evil throat, / On this day, all the poor is lucky, / and the owner and the battle / together in the cabin / on the saint day, never / skinny drinks at a party . / We are no longer waiting for more. / Therefore, we must give us, / Peace Labor, / Saint Day, never, never, / day, when we are resting. "

"He will never come," says Mrs. Yang. Three sit, and two of them look at the door.

VII. On the trolley near the tobacco bench, Scarb Shen De-shop had to sell to return the duty to old men. Birber Shu Fu is ready to help: he will give his barracks for the poor who helps Shen de (there still can not keep the goods - too raw), and will write down the check. And Shen De is happy: she felt the future son - pilot, "new conqueror / inaccessible mountains and unknown regions!" But how to protect him from the cruelty of this world? She sees a small saint of a stolar, who is looking for food in a permanent bucket, and swear, which will not calm down until his son saves, at least one. It is time to turn again into a cousin.

Mr. Sheo, declares the gathered that his cousin will continue to leave them without help, but from now on, the distribution of food without response is stopped, and the one who agrees to work on Shen De will live in the houses of Mr. Shu Fu.

VIII. On a tobacco factory, which shoo yes, a man, women and children work in the barracks. The supervisor - and cruel - here Yang Song: he will not be sad because the fate of change and shows that he is ready for all for the interests of the company. But where is Shen de? Where is a kind person? Where is the one who many months ago on a rainy day per minute of joy bought a water mug from waterproof? Where she and her future babywhat did she tell the waterproof? And Sun, too, would like to know this: if his ex-bride was pregnant, then he, as the father of the child, can claim the position of the owner. But, by the way, in the node her dress. Did the unhappy woman killed a cruel cousin? Police comes to the house. Mr. Shoy yes will be faced with the court.

IX. In the courtroom, Shen de (Vodonos Van, Chuta Starikov, grandfather and niece) and partners Shoy Yes (Mr. Shu Fu and Homeowers) are waiting for the beginning of the meeting. At the sight of judges entering the hall, Shoi falls into fainting - these are gods. The gods are not at all ourselves: under the mask and suit, they don't recognize Shen de. And only when, without having accusations of the good and intercession of evil, Shoy yes, removes the mask and disrupts the clothes, the gods with horror see that the mission failed them: their good man and evil and unfortunate shoi yes - one face. It does not work in this world to be good to others and at the same time towards yourself, does not leave others to save and do not destroy ourselves, you can not even make yourself happy with everyone together! But the gods have no time to understand such difficulties. Is it really to abandon the commandments? No never! Recognize that the world should be changed? How? By whom? No, everything is okay. And they soothe people: "Shen de did not died, she was only hidden. Among you there is a kind person. " And to the desperate cry of Shen de: "But I need a cousin" - I answer hurry: "Only not too often!" And meanwhile, as Shen de in despair stretches hands to them, they, smiling and nodding, disappear at the top.

Epilogue. The final monologue of the actor before the public: "Out of the public is respectable! The end is unimportant. I know it. / In our hands, we have a beautiful tale suddenly got a bitter junction. / Lowered the curtain, and we stand in embarrassed - no permission issues found. / So what's the deal? Well, we are not looking for benefits, / and then should there be any correct way? / For money you will not come up - what! Another hero? And if the world is another? / Or maybe you need other gods here? Il at all without gods? Silent in alarm. / Help so much! Bed to correct - and the thought and mind will direct your here. / Try to find good things for good way. / Bad end - abandoned in advance. / He must, should, should be good! "

T. A. Voznesenskaya retold.