City n in dead souls. The provincial city in the poem

City n in dead souls. The provincial city in the poem

Production N. V. Gogol " Dead Souls", According to Herzen," amazing book, bitter reproach modern RusBut not hopeless. " Being the poem, it was intended to fight Russia in her deep folk basics. But still dominated in it satirical indifference paintings with a modern author of reality.
As in the comedy "Auditor", in the "Dead Souls", Gogol uses the Typization. The poem's action unfolds in the provincial city of Nn. which is a collective way. The author notes that "he did not disappoint to other provincial cities." This makes it possible to reproduce. full picture morals of the whole country. The main character Chischik's poems draws attention to the typical "houses in one, two and a half years old, with eternal mezzanine," on the "almost washed out of the rain signs", in more often the other than the inscription "Pite".
At first glance, it seems that the atmosphere of the life of the city is somewhat different from the sleepy, serene and frozen armor's life. Permanent balls, lunches, breakfasts, snacks and even trips to the preinstations create an image performed by energy and passions, fuss and hassle. But upon closer examination, it is clear that all this is ghostly, it is meaningless, it is impossible that representatives of the top of the urban society faceless are spiritually dead, and their existence is aimless. " Business card"The cities are becoming a vulgar Frant, who met Chichikov at the entrance to the city:" ... A young man met in white canifasi pantals, very narrow and short, in a trick with pose, from under which a manica was visible, fastened to the Tula Pins with a bronze gun " . This random character is the personification of the tastes of the provincial society.
The life of the city is entirely depends on numerous officials. The author paints an expressive portrait of administrative power in Russia. As if emphasizing the uselessness and chance of city officials, he gives them very brief characteristics. The governor says that he "was neither a thick, nor finely, had Anna on her neck ...; However, there was a big kindness and even embroidered on the yoke. " The prosecutor knows that he was the owner of "very black dense eyebrows and a few wising left-handed eyes." He was noticed about the postmaster that he was a "low" man, but "stale and philosopher".
All officials have a low level of education. Gogol with irony calls them more or less enlightened, because "who read Karamzin, who" Moscow Vedomosti ", who didn't even read anything at all ..." These are the provincial landowners. Those and others are interconnected almost related connections. The author shows in reflections on "thick and thin," as gradually state people, "having deserved universal respect, leave the service ... and are made by glorious landlords, glorious Russian bars, boss, and live and live well." This retreat is an evil satir on robbers officials and in the "bossy" Russian bar, leading idle existence, aimlessly smoking sky.
Officials are a kind of fate of the residents of the provincial city. The decision of any, even a small question depends on them. No matter was considered without bribes. Bribery, treasury and robbery of the population are constant and ubiquitous phenomena. The polytzmester was worth only to blink, passing by the fish row, like on his desk "Beluga, sturgeon, salmon, caviar, caviar, cheese, smoked tongues and bald eggs appeared on his desk," sorry, cheeses, smoked languages \u200b\u200band balis, - it was all from the fish row. "
The "servants of the people" are truly unanimous in his desire to live widely at the expense of the "gently beloved by them of the Fatherland." They equally irresponsibly belong to their direct duties. This is especially brightly shown in the design of chikchikov kupi on the fortress peasants. In the Witnesses, Sobehevich suggests inviting the prosecutor, which, "Surely, sitting at home, because it all makes the rich gold, the first Hapug in the world," and the inspector of the medical board, as well as Trukhechevsky and Belushkin. By a member of the comment of the Sobesevich, "they are all the gift burdens!" In addition, the author's remark is characterized that the Chairman at the request of Chichikov "could extend and shorten ... the presence, like an ancient Zeus."
Central place in characteristic bulk World Cases the episode of the death of the prosecutor. In just a few lines, Gogol managed to express all the voids of the lives of these people. No one knows why he lived and why the prosecutor died, because he does not understand why he lives and himself, what is his appointment.
In describing the life of the provincial city, the author pays special attention to female party. First of all, these are the wives of officials. They are also impersonal as their husbands. Chichikov notices not people on the ball, but great amount Luxury dresses, ribbons, feathers. The author pays to the province of the provincial ladies: "This is not the province, it is the capital, it is Paris himself!", But at the same time, he exposes their imitative essence, noticing the "unreasonable earthy" or "almost peacock feather." "But without this it is impossible, such is the property of the provincial city: somewhere he will certainly break." The noble feature of the provincial ladies is their ability to be expressed with "extraordinary caution and decency". The speech is elegant and Vitivat. As Gogol notes, "to further improve the Russian language, half almost words have been thrown out of the conversation at all."
The life of official women is idle, but they themselves are active, so gossip in the city spread with the striking speed and acquire a terrifying appearance. Due to the ladies, Chichikov was recognized as a million miner. But as soon as he stopped to honor women's Society Attention, absorbed by the appearance of the governor's daughter, the hero was attributed to the intelligence of the subject of contemplation and many other terrible crimes.
Ladies of the city have a huge impact On his husbands, officials and not only make them believe in incredible gossip, but they are able to set up against each other. "The duels, of course, did not occur between them, because everyone had civil officials, but she tried to attack one another, where it was possible ..."
All Gogol Heroes dream of achieving a certain ideal of life, which for most representatives of the provincial society is seen in the image of the capital, brilliant Petersburg. Creating collective image Russian city 30-40s of the XIX century, the author combines the features of the province and characteristic features of the capital's life. So, the mention of St. Petersburg is found in each chapter of the poem. Very clear, without sticks, this image was designated in the "Tale of Captain Kopekin." Gogol with an amazing frankness notes that in this city, the chiny, as well, immersed in luxury, it is absolutely impossible to live little man, such as Captain Kopeikin. The writer speaks to "Tale ..." about cold indifference strong Mira To the troubles of the unfortunate disabled person, participant Patriotic War 1812. So in the poem there is a topic of opposition to state interests and interests simple man.
Gogol sincerely indigested against the social injustice reigning in Russia, enjoying its indignation into satirical forms. In the poem, he uses the "loss situation." It helps him to reveal certain sides of the life of the provincial city. The author puts all officials before one fact and reveals all the "sins" and the crime of everyone: arbitrariness in the service, lawlessness of the police, idle pastime and much more. All this is organically woven in overall characteristic NN city. And also emphasizes its collection. After all, all these vices were characterized by modern Gogol of Russia. In the "Dead Souls" writer recreated real picture Russian life 30-40s XIX centuryAnd this is his greatest merit.

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We are checked: The image of the city of Nn in the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

The Poem's action unfolds in the city of N, where he comes to Chichikov. N.V. Gogol specially did not specify the name of the city, as the image of the city became collective, it was the same as many provincial cities were.

In the city of N flowing unremarkable everyday life. All houses in the city are built as under the carbon and painted in gloomy grey colour. Hotels, as relied in those times, were with cockroaches. One entertainment was at the citizens - restaurants. These institutions were similar to ordinary horses, only more.

As in any provincial city, there were soulless officials here, who were absolutely not worried about fate ordinary people. They, not embarrassed, took bribes, and were uneducated people themselves. They did not have education, and they did not like to read the books. Even the police was worth blinking with the eye and the merchants immediately provided them with the freshest goods.

The city was impersonal, and life in it was some kind of worthless. Officials did not fulfill their duties, and their wives led the idle lifestyle. Ordinary people And merchants had to give officials a bribe, and otherwise they would not achieve anything. It seems to me that the same thing happens also with modern cities. Life rolls to nowhere, and officials, as "dead souls" absolutely to do not care.

The work of N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls", according to Herzen, "an amazing book, bitter reproach of modern Russia, but not hopeless." As a poem, it was intended to fight Russia in its deep folk basics. But still dominated in it satirical indifference paintings with a modern author of reality.

As in the comedy "Auditor", in the "Dead Souls", Gogol uses the Typization. The poem's action unfolds in the provincial city of Nn. which is a collective way. The author notes that "he did not disappoint to other provincial cities." This makes it possible to reproduce the full picture of the morals of the whole country. The main character of Chichik's poem draws attention to the typical "houses in one, two and a half of the floor, with an eternal mezzanine", on the "almost washed with the rain signs", at most often the other than the inscription "Pite".

At first glance, it seems that the atmosphere of the life of the city is somewhat different from the sleepy, serene and frozen armor's life. Permanent balls, lunches, breakfasts, snacks and even trips to the preinstations create an image performed by energy and passions, fuss and hassle. But upon closer examination, it is clear that all this is ghostly, it is meaningless, it is impossible that representatives of the top of the urban society faceless are spiritually dead, and their existence is aimless. The "visiting card" of the city is becoming a vulgarist, who met Chikchiku at the entrance to the city: "... A young man met in white canifasi pantals, very narrow and short, in a trunk with pose, from under which a manica fastened with Tula was visible Blavo with a bronze gun. " This random character is the personification of the tastes of the provincial society.

The life of the city is entirely depends on numerous officials. The author paints an expressive portrait of administrative power in Russia. As if emphasizing the uselessness and chance of city officials, he gives them very brief characteristics. The governor says that he "was neither a thick, nor finely, had Anna on her neck ...; However, there was a big kindness and even embroidered on the yoke. " The prosecutor knows that he was the owner of "very black dense eyebrows and a few wising left-handed eyes." He was noticed about the postmaster that he was a "low" man, but "stale and philosopher".

All officials have a low level of education. Gogol with irony calls them more or less enlightened, because "who read Karamzin, who" Moscow Vedomosti ", who didn't even read anything at all ..." These are the provincial landowners. Those and others are interconnected by almost related bonds. The author shows in reflections on "thick and thin," as gradually state people, "having deserved universal respect, leave the service ... and are made by glorious landlords, glorious Russian bars, boss, and live and live well." This retreat is an evil satir on robbers officials and in the "bossy" Russian bar, leading idle existence, aimlessly smoking sky.

Officials are a kind of fate of the residents of the provincial city. The decision of any, even a small question depends on them. No matter was considered without bribes. Bribery, treasury and robbery of the population are constant and ubiquitous phenomena. The polytzmester was worth only to blink, passing by the fish row, like on his desk "Beluga, sturgeon, salmon, caviar, caviar, cheese, smoked tongues and bald eggs appeared on his desk," sorry, cheeses, smoked languages \u200b\u200band balis, - it was all from the fish row. "

The "servants of the people" are truly unanimous in his desire to live widely at the expense of the "gently beloved by them of the Fatherland." They equally irresponsibly belong to their direct duties. This is especially brightly shown in the design of chikchikov kupi on the fortress peasants. In the Witnesses, Sobehevich suggests inviting the prosecutor, which, "Surely, sitting at home, because it all makes the rich gold, the first Hapug in the world," and the inspector of the medical board, as well as Trukhechevsky and Belushkin. By a member of the comment of the Sobesevich, "they are all the gift burdens!" In addition, the author's remark is characterized that the Chairman at the request of Chichikov "could extend and shorten ... the presence, like an ancient Zeus."

The central place in the characteristics of the official world is occupied by the episode of the death of the prosecutor. In just a few lines, Gogol managed to express all the voids of the lives of these people. No one knows why he lived and why the prosecutor died, because he does not understand why he lives and himself, what is his appointment.

In describing the life of the provincial city, the author pays special attention to the female party. First of all, these are the wives of officials. They are also impersonal as their husbands. Chichikov notices not people on the ball, but a huge number of luxurious dresses, ribbons, feathers. The author pays to the province of the provincial ladies: "This is not the province, it is the capital, it is Paris himself!", But at the same time, he exposes their imitative essence, noticing the "unreasonable earthy" or "almost peacock feather." "But without this it is impossible, such is the property of the provincial city: somewhere he will certainly break." The noble feature of the provincial ladies is their ability to be expressed with "extraordinary caution and decency". The speech is elegant and Vitivat. As Gogol notes, "to further improve the Russian language, half almost words have been thrown out of the conversation at all."

The life of official women is idle, but they themselves are active, so gossip in the city spread with the striking speed and acquire a terrifying appearance. Due to the ladies, Chichikov was recognized as a million miner. But as soon as he ceased to honor the female society, absorbed by the appearance of the governor's daughter, the hero was attributed to the intelligence of the subject of contemplation and many other terrible crimes.

The ladies of the city have a huge influence on their employees and not only make them believe in incredible gossip, but they can configure each other against each other. "The duels, of course, did not occur between them, because everyone had civil officials, but she tried to attack one another, where it was possible ..."

All Gogol Heroes dream of achieving a certain ideal of life, which for most representatives of the provincial society is seen in the image of the capital, brilliant Petersburg. Creating a collective image of the Russian city of the 30-40s of the XIX century, the author combines the features of the province and characteristic features of the capital's life. So, the mention of St. Petersburg is found in each chapter of the poem. Very clear, without sticks, this image was designated in the "Tale of Captain Kopekin." Gogol with a striking frankness notes that in this city, a chinne, a soporny, immentable in luxury, it is absolutely impossible to live a little man, such as Captain Kopeikin. The writer speaks to the "story ..." about the cold indifference of the strengths of this world to the troubles of the unfortunate disabled person, the participant in the Patriotic War of 1812. So in the poem there is a topic of opposition to the state interests and interests of a simple person.

Gogol sincerely indigested against the social injustice reigning in Russia, enjoying its indignation into satirical forms. In the poem, he uses the "loss situation." It helps him to reveal certain sides of the life of the provincial city. The author puts all officials before one fact and reveals all the "sins" and the crime of everyone: arbitrariness in the service, lawlessness of the police, idle pastime and much more. All this is organically woven into the overall characteristics of the city of Nn. And also emphasizes its collection. After all, all these vices were characterized by modern Gogol of Russia. In the "Dead Souls", the writer recreated a real picture of Russian life of the 30s-40s of the XIX century, and this is his greatest merit.

(Ending) Contrast of fussy external activity and internal osenation is amazing. The life of the city is dead and meaningless, as the whole life of this insane modern Mira. The features of the alogombism in the image of the city were brought to the limit: the narrative begins with them. Recall the stupid, the unworthy conversation of the peasants, whether the wheel will come to Moscow or to Kazan; Comic idiocy signs "And here is the institution", "foreigner Ivan Fedorov" ... Do you think this is Gogol composed?

Nothing like this! In a wonderful collection of essays of the life of the writer E. Ivanova "Metague Moscow Word" The whole chapter is devoted to the texts of the signs. These are given: "a skewed master from the young Karachai lamb with Kakhetian wine.

Solomon "," Professor of Charsonon Art Andrei Zakharovich Serpoleti ". But completely" Gogol ":" Hairdresser Musya Zhoris-Pankratov "," Parisian hairdresser Pierre Musatov from London. Haircut, brush and curling ". Where to them the poor" foreigner Ivan Fedorov "!

But E. Ivanov collected curiosities at the beginning of the 20th century - that is, more than 50 years passed after the creation of the "dead souls"!

And the "Paris Hairdresser from London" and "Musya Zhoris Pankratov" - the spiritual heirs of Gogol Heroes. In many ways, the image of the provincial city in the "dead souls" resembles the image of the city in the "Revior". But - pay attention! - Enlarged scale. Instead of a losing town of the town, from where "at least three years old, you will not attend to any state," the city is central - "not far from both capitals." Instead of the shallow tower of Governing - the governor. And life is the same - empty, meaningless, alogical - "dead life".

The artistic space of the poem is two worlds, which can be conventionally indicate as the world "Real" and the world "perfect." "Real" world author builds, recreating modern reality russian life. Plushkin, Nozdrev, Sobekevich, Prosecutor, Politzmeister and other heroes, are peculiar caricatures on Gogol contemporaries, live in this world. D. S. Likhachev stressed that "all the types created by Gogol are strictly localized in the social space of Russia. With all universal features Soberevich or boxes, all of them are still at the same time representatives of certain groups of the Russian population of the first halves XIX. century.

According to the laws of Epos, Gogol recreates a picture of life in the poem, striving for the maximum breadth of coverage. It is no coincidence that he himself confessed that he wants to show "at least from one side, but the whole of Russia." Having written a picture of the modern world by creating a caricature mask of contemporaries, in which the characteristic era of weakness, disadvantages and defects were hypertrophied, brought to the absurd - and therefore simultaneously disgusting and ridiculous, - Gogol reaches the necessary effect: the reader saw the world. And only then the author reveals the mechanism of this distortion of life. Chapter "Kopeck Knight", made at the end of the first volume, compositionally becomes a "pluginary novel". Why do people see how the mess of their lives?

And how do they understand if the only and most important instruction received by the boy from his father, the spiritual covenant is expressed in two words: "Copy"? "Common is lighted everywhere, - N. V. Gogol said.

Living among him, we do not see him: but if the artist takes him to art, on stage, then we will be on yourself with a laugh. "This principle artistic creativity I embodied in the "dead souls." Giving readers to see how terrible and comical their life, the author explains why people Do not feel this, in best case Feel not enough. The epic abstraction of the author from what is happening in the "real" world is due to the scale of the task of "Show all of Russia", give the reader to the reader, without the author's poisoning, what the world around him.Mir "Ideal" is built in strict accordance with true spiritual values, with That is the high ideal to which the human shower is striving.

The author himself sees the "real" world so volumes precisely because it exists in the "other coordinate system", lives under the laws of the "ideal" world, judging itself and life in higher criteria - for aspiration to the ideal, as close to him. The name of the poem laid the deepest philosophical meaning. Dead souls are nonsense, a combination of incompatible - oxymoron, because the soul is immortal. For the "ideal" world of the soul is immortal, for it is the embodiment of the Divine beginning in man.

And in the world "real" may well be a "dead soul", because the day of his shower is only what distinguishes a living person from the dead man. In the episode of the death of the prosecutor, the surroundings guess that he had exactly the soul, only when he became "only the soulless body." This world of mad - he forgot about the soul, and confusion and there is a cause of decay, the true and only one. Only with the understanding of this reason can begin the revival of Russia, the return of the lost ideals, spirituality, the soul in the true, the highest meaning. Their "ideal" - the world of spirituality, the spiritual world of man.

There are no Plushkina and Sobeshevich in it, there can be no nozroid and boxes. It has a soul - immortal human souls. He is ideal in all the meanings of this word, and therefore this world can not be recreated epically. Spiritual world describes a different kind of literature - lyrics. That is why Gogol determines the genre of the work as a lyrol-epic, calling the "dead souls" by the poem. Also that the poem begins with a meaningless conversation of two men: whether the wheel will come to Moscow; with the descriptions of dusty, gray, infinitely dreary streets of the provincial city; With all sorts of manifestations of human nonsense and vulgarity. The first volume of the poem is the image of the Chichiki Brush, ideally transformed into the last lyrical retreat The symbol of the eternally living soul of the Russian people is a wonderful "bird-triple". The immortality of the soul is the only thing that he inspires the author to faith in the mandatory revival of his heroes - and the whole life, therefore, all of Russia.

Based on the materials: Monk O. P.

Malhouse M. V. Russian xIX literature century.

The events described in the poem are held in the city without a name. N.V.Gogol surprisingly encrypted it with two letters of unknown: NN. The prototype of the city of NN in the poem "Dead Souls" worried scientists. They were looking for similarities with real places in Russia, solved the records of the Grand Classic, but did not find accurate data.

Characteristics of the location of the city of NN

About the place of location of the city of Visit Chichikov said a bit: "The city was not in the wilderness, but on the contrary, not far from both capitals." That is somewhere near Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the first lines of the poem about Moscow there is an uncomfortable mention. Men, considering a guest bicker, reflect on whether the wheel will reach Moscow. It can be assumed that it is somewhere within a possible travel. The second city, which is called men, Kazan. If the wheel could still get to the capital, then to Kazan - no. Brica drove a lot of miles around the neighborhoods of the city of Nn, the defect revealed at the time of decision Pavel Ivanovich to leave. Literary criticians suggest that the prototype may be Tver. By location, it is close to the capital and far to the second specified city. Another proof is the Volga River. She arises in the thoughts of Chichikov when he reflects on the fate of the peasants who he managed to buy. The river flows in the middle of the city and divides it into 2 parts. The Volga proceeded in Tver, it is, of course, only a distant sign of similarities. Cities located along the banks of the rivers, in Russia.

Other resemblances

In addition to the river, scientists find similarities to the classes of peasants. Chichots at the box sees a huge amount of livery, among them turkey. This bird was more often met in southern and central regions countries. Also we can say about plants. Apple trees and fruit trees, watermelons are difficult to present in cold regions. The city of Nn is located among the bread fields. Plushkin rotches grain, putting and barn with flour. "Dead souls" had different specialties during their lifetime: blacksmiths, weavers, kagents, carpenters, shoemakers.

Linguists studied speech character. Part of the dialects helped them identify the terrain. In the Tver region, the words of the city NN were told: Bukuk, a torn, a lagoon, a lagoon, a shirt.

The dialects of the Russian people are close to each other, so recognize the findings of scientists accurately difficult. These words were also extended in other corners of Russia.

Description of the city NN.

In the city, where Pavel Ivanovich drove, there were many buildings. Here is a hotel, a cathedral, alder.

Chichikov visits the house of the governor, meets with officials in the premises. At the entrance, the reader sees the guard booth. The city has a church of Nikola. Such a description can be given any provincial town. All habitual buildings:

  • hotel with an abundance of cockroaches;
  • brick gray houses;
  • tractors in the form of Russians of large size.
Chichikov considers the decoration of the hotel. He is not surprised that on the shelves stand - "the fostered porcelain eggs", the mirror lost its quality (shows not 2, and 4 eyes). Hotel - two-story: on the first there are shops and dressers, and the second painted yellow paint. The guest goes to walk and does not affect the murderer and gloomy of urban landscapes. Wide streets and scattered chaotic home. Most of all in NN of the Pite, this is the main place of resting citizens and the passion of the inhabitants. In the newspapers Chichikov read about the city garden. It could relax in the shade of trees. In fact, the garden was not, there were miserable twigs that trembled sadly. The press in the city, as and everywhere in Russia, the lists, and the officials stole.

Typicity of the city

NN is not much remarkable. More precisely, it does not have any special buildings, unusual buildings or monuments. The author wanted to see any city of Russia in his image. Life flows measured and calmly. As if someone more than once launched his rhythm and does not give it to be distracted. There are no events changing the course of life. Even the funeral pass as a usual business, without mourning, rallies and emotion explosions. Every day begins with the usual events: visits to officials. Also measured day in the evening. The author does not distinguish residents to the description:
  • cabers;
  • soldiers;
  • employees;
  • ladies in red hats.
Almost all residents do not have names. Here, as in all provinces, the rank is important, not a person.

Rumors spread quickly in the city. Not only women, but also men love to gossip. Gossip falls out at instant speed, faster than new information. Nobody is surprised by the stories, on the contrary, they make their amendments, not embarrasing lies and a statement on unfamiliar or little familiar person.

Great classic managed under the image of one settlement show russian cities. You can search for hints per city, but it makes no sense. The goal of the author was different. But it is clear that I wonder who became the prototype of a place visited by Chichikov. Most scientists are leaning towards Tver, but every reader can reflect and look for new data.