Where a man breathes a song so freely. Lyrics

Where a man breathes a song so freely. Lyrics

Our young people are dear, the old people are honored everywhere. If this happens, then there is a chance that new moods and new hopes will appear. This is very good, this is a chance. Those who are in the "island", the elders, just need to give way to us, the young.

Young people are drawn to the rhythm not only musical (as some experts often want to present), but also geopolitical, and religious, and social. Of course, you can answer: "There will be," but only if the fathers oppose specifics to "not their" trends.

Young - everywhere we have a road, / Old people - everywhere we have honor

There would be more rounds and Chinese athletes, for example, born in 2005 or 2010 - you can move them to the gold medal. Not to mention the triggers that start the process - hey, you, be the first.

Among them are Boribay Zheksembin, Bakytzhan Ordabaev, Zautbek Turisbekov

It is used both literally and in an ironic sense, according to the situation. Today, in the Muslim ummah, voices are increasingly heard about certain problems between the older and younger generations. Many are inclined to blame the “foreign trail” in the person of graduates of Islamic institutions, incl. the most prestigious and quoted in the entire world space.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions

Wouldn't it be the same today? While we are looking for the culprits of certain problems in graduates of foreign universities, it turns out that society is not only sinking into stagnation, but also does not want to look for a way out. Analytics. Does this "if" turn into practice? Why does this or that geopolitical stream break through at a certain period? And who is to blame for this? At the same time, immigrants from the CIS countries, due to the similarity of language and religion, the general experience of living in the Russian imperial and Soviet space, are the preferred option.

In turn, this leads to the poverty of citizens, the growth among them of feelings of oppression and radical sentiments. The fairs in Itil, Sarai, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod were at one time the most important barometer for the development of the Eurasian economy. I never tire of repeating: if not for the active rejection of religion ... This was the most painful question that remained insurmountable, perhaps because socialism originated from Christianity.

Sometimes the words sea and ocean are omitted in the names of the seas and oceans, but the article remains: the Atlantic, the Baltic. Is it not possible to resolve the issue as in the song "Wide is my native land"? But when we have before us last year's story with a mechanical repetition of "knixen" towards the International Table Tennis Federation, it is already impossible not to notice it.

How does a child in diapers imagine it, but in a hat and with a tie - like, already an adult. The Kapital.kz project is a business portal informing about events in the economy, business and finance in Kazakhstan and abroad. But our President and the United States warned about the danger of getting involved in a conflict. People, in general, know little, but they perfectly sense if somewhere they crucify and lynch someone.

You should also show students that ordinary words and syntactic constructions can be used as a means of expressiveness in texts. It is necessary to offer tasks that will teach them to distinguish the cases of using linguistic units in their own nominative and pictorial-expressive functions. A figure in which, in the form of an appeal to inanimate objects, phenomena, concepts, etc.

The turn of speech, consisting in the fact that a sentence (or phrase) remains unsaid, the speech that has been started is suddenly cut off. I wish you success and new achievements. On the eve of the Congress of the Union of Cinematographers, we talk with the famous producer Gali MYRZASHEV about the problems of cinema and animators. What problems do they see, and ways to solve them. He turned to Vovnyanko with a letter, asked to convene a meeting of the Board, but he ran to Kazakhfilm and recounted the words of the authors of that letter.

Chorus: My native country is wide, There are many forests, fields and rivers in it! I don’t know of any other country, Where a man breathes so freely. A spring wind blows over the country, Every day it is more and more joyful to live, And no one in the world knows how to laugh and love us better! From this perspective, we are not talking about disobedience in the family (here traditions, in general, are preserved), but, as it were, about an “ideological” divide. And this testifies to the fact that the path of finding the perpetrators of this or that situation in the citizens “not from our region” (the terminology of the unforgettable comrade Saakhov) has remained the most digestible.

Yes, we can agree that in the conditions of modernization of life, its rapid flight at an incredible pace, elders do not always catch trends (or maybe they don't want to?). Scroll through the world wide web and get confused in its networks. Here are both advisers and respondents.

General information about language means of expressiveness

Where is our powerful intellectual power in the form of portals and print media? Is it generally possible to say that there is a strong analytics functioning in the Muslim environment? What lies ahead for her, how to build relations with neighboring and distant countries? What will the blatant bloody orgy, systematically accelerating on a planetary scale, lead to? Who is its inspirer, organizer and sponsor?

How will it affect us and the next generations, who are not indifferent to us, if only because of our offspring being among them? Or maybe the ship just docked at one of the shores and the crew is sunbathing? And it will not be mermaids on the branches that will begin to teach them, but some settlers on unknown paths.

So, probably, the point here is far from the graduates of foreign universities, who carry a storehouse of "non-traditional forms of belief." The new site Islamsng.com should become a guide to the Muslim space of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Young generations with an open road ahead and many choices need to set real goals, achieve them, and grow spiritually and professionally. What to do? The other day I learned that young people were hastily admitted to membership in the union.


My dear country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it!
I don't know any other country like that,
Where man breathes so freely.

From Moscow to the very outskirts,
From southern mountains to northern seas
A man goes by like a master
His immense homeland.

Everywhere life is free and wide
The full Volga flows,
We have a road for young people everywhere,
Old people are honored everywhere.

The spring wind blows over the country
Every day it is more joyful to live
And no one in the world knows how
It is better to laugh and love us.

But we will frown sternly,
If the enemy wants to break us,
As a bride, we love the Motherland,
We care like an affectionate mother!

Moose. I. Dunaevsky. V. Lebedev-Kumach,

Sleep comes to the doorstep
Sleep soundly.
One hundred ways
One hundred roads
Open for you!

Everything in the world is resting:
The wind dies down
The sky is sleeping
The sun is sleeping
And the moon yawns.

Sleep, my treasure,
You are so rich:
All is yours,
All is yours -
Stars and sunsets!

The sun will wake up tomorrow
Will come back to us again.
A new day will begin.

To get up early tomorrow
To meet the sun
Need to sleep,
To sleep deeply,
Dear little man!

Bears and elephants sleep
Uncles sleep and aunts.
All around
Should sleep,
But not at work.

Moose. - I. Dunaevsky
Sl. - V. Lebedev-Kumach

We often see eccentrics
For a century they have been in tears
And they sigh hourly:
-Ah, ah, ah!
We don't respect such people
All sorrow is nonsense!
For a century we have been singing:
-Ha ha ha!

For the whole century we are three
We all sing, we all sing!
We are not shedding tears in vain!
Chic, shine, beauty,
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!
Ain, tsvay, tru-la-la,
...... voila!

Recently daughter ...
Oh, come on!
In one shirt ...
Until the day I die
You believe
With you in life
Nothing will happen!

Moose. - I. Dunaevsky
w .. - V. Lebedev-Kumach

I'll go from the cannon to the sky,
Digi-digi-doo, digi-digi-doo!
I'll go from the cannon to the sky,
I'll go to the sky!

Mary believes in miracles
Mary goes to heaven!
Jumping into the sky is not easy
The stars are far away.

Mary believes in miracles
Mary goes to heaven!
Mary fly to the sky
Goodbye, goodbye!
I'm flying, halloween, goodbye!

Mary fly to the sky
Goodbye, goodbye!
I'm flying, halloween, goodbye!

Sleep, my baby
Moose. I. Dunaevsky, words. V. Lebedev-Kumach

Sleep, my boy, sweet, sweet.
Sleep, my chick, sleep, baby.
Toys are sleeping, horses are sleeping.
Only you are not sleeping alone.

The month has already looked out the window more than once.
How soon will my baby fall asleep?
Sleep my boy sleep my bunny
Ai, bai, bai, bai, bai.

The month runs high.
The stars are shining far away.
Into this blue, blue light
Where there are no tears or sorrow,
The heart wants to fly away from troubles.

The stars are shining high.
I will hide my tears deeply.
If I could reach with my hand
Your silver rest.
The stars are far away.

Sleep, my boy, sleep.
Close your eyes tightly.
Sleep my boy
Baiushki bye.

muses. I. Dunaevsky, words of V. Lebedev-Kumach
Sleep comes to the doorstep
Sleep soundly
One hundred ways, one hundred roads
Open for you!

Sleep comes to the doorstep
Mitsno, mitsno, sleep you.
The sky to dry up, the sun to dry up.
Misyats pozihae.

Tulpary shunkyrym,
Inde skla sin-tyn.
Na-no-na, na-no-na,
Genatsvale patara.

Nacht iz itzt fun land bis land.
Kind kenst ruing shlafen.
Hundert Hung Foim Land,
Alla far deer ofn.

There is no stronger in the whole world
For your protection.
One hundred roads, one hundred ways
Open to you.

Bears and elephants sleep
Uncles sleep and aunts.
Everyone around should sleep
But not at work.

Sleep, my treasure,
You are so rich.
All yours, all yours
Dawns and sunsets.

Song about the Motherland - My native country is wide -.

Song of the Motherland - My native land is wide - lyrics lyrics

Music: I. Dunaevsky Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach. 1936 year

My dear country is wide,

From Moscow to the very outskirts,
From southern mountains to northern seas
A man passes by like a master
His immense homeland.

Everywhere life is free and wide,
Like the Volga is full, it flows.
We have a road for young people everywhere,
Old people are honored everywhere.

My dear country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it!
I don't know any other country like that,
Where man breathes so freely.

We write in gold letters

These words are greatness and glory
No years will erase:
Man always has the right
For study, rest and work

My dear country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it!
I don't know any other country like that,
Where man breathes so freely.

The spring wind blows over the country.
It's more joyful to live every day
And no one in the world knows how
It is better to laugh and love us.

But we will frown sternly,
If the enemy wants to break us,
As a bride, we love the Motherland,
We care like an affectionate mother.

My dear country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it!
I don't know any other country like that,
Where man breathes so freely.

Song about the Motherland - My native land is wide - the history of the song

The song about the Motherland - My native country is wide - was created in 1936 - during the adoption of the Stalinist Constitution of the USSR, which was discussed by the people for a whole year before its adoption on December 5, 1936! The song glorifies the Stalinist Constitution of the USSR with the words:

At the table, no one is superfluous,
According to merit, everyone is awarded,
We write in gold letters
The nationwide Stalinist law.

These words are greatness and glory
No years will erase:
Man always has the right
For study, rest and work

The fact is that it was Stalin who, for the first time in the history of mankind, eliminated unemployment in 1929 by introducing a planned economy and rapid industrialization in all spheres of the economy. In this way, he created as many jobs as possible and ensured the right to work. In addition, Stalin shortened the working day, giving people huge opportunities for free education and self-education. Guaranteed work in their specialty, free education, shorter working hours - all these benefits were received by the citizens of the USSR from Stalin in 1929. And it is these benefits that the song about the Motherland sings about.

Subsequently, after Khrushchev doused Stalin with a sea of ​​slander, censorship began and the second verse of this song was replaced with words that had nothing to do with the Stalinist Constitution of 1936:

Our fields cannot be ransacked with an eye,
Do not remember our cities,
Our proud word is "comrade"
We are dearer than all beautiful words.
With this word we are everywhere at home,
There are neither black nor colored for us,
This word is familiar to everyone
With him we find relatives everywhere.

It should be noted that slander against Stalin is easily refuted - it is enough to compare the population censuses of the USSR in 1926 and 1959 and take into account the deaths of 26 million people in the Great Patriotic War, it turns out that under Stalin, the population of the USSR has grown by 88 million people! Consequently, "100 million of Stalin's repressions" is a blatant vile lie, the most monstrous slander of the 20th century.


My dear country is wide,

From Moscow to the very outskirts,
From southern mountains to northern seas
A man passes by like a master
Your immense homeland!
Everywhere life is free and wide,
Like the Volga is full, it flows.
Young people - everywhere we have a road,
Old people are honored everywhere.

My dear country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like that,
Where man breathes so freely!
Our fields cannot be ransacked with an eye,
Do not remember our cities,
Our proud word is "comrade"
We are dearer than all beautiful words.
With this word we are everywhere at home,
There are neither black nor colored for us,
This word is familiar to everyone
With him we find relatives everywhere.

My dear country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like that,
Where man breathes so freely!
At the table, no one is superfluous,
Everyone is awarded according to their deserts.
We write in gold letters
National Stalin's Law.
These words are greatness and glory
No years will erase:
- A person always has the right
For study, rest and work!

My dear country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like that,
Where man breathes so freely!
The spring wind blows over the country
Every day it is more joyful to live
And no one in the world knows how
It is better to laugh and love us.
But we will frown sternly,
If the enemy wants to break us, -
As a bride, we love the Motherland,
We take care like an affectionate mother!

My dear country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like that,
Where man breathes so freely!

Lyrics translation Soviet songs - Shiroka My Native Country


Broad is my native land,
I no other country I know
From Moscow to the suburbs,
From southern mountains to Northern seas
Man held as owner
His vast country!
Throughout life and freely and widely,
Exactly Volga full, flowing.
Young everywhere we road,
Old people everywhere we honor.

Broad is my native land,
A lot of it forests, fields and rivers.
I no other country I know
Where man can breathe so freely!
Our fields are not searched the eye,
I do not remember our cities,
Our proud word "comrade"
Dearer to us than all the beautiful words.
With this word we are everywhere at home,
No for us no black, no color,
It "s a word everyone knows,
It find we relatives.

Broad is my native land,
A lot of it forests, fields and rivers.
I no other country I know
Where man can breathe so freely!
At the table none of us is unnecessary
On the merits of each award recipient.
In Golden letters we write
Nationwide Stalin-Era Law.
That said, the greatness and glory of
No years will not erase:
- Man always has the right
The drill, rest and to work!

Broad is my native land,
A lot of it forests, fields and rivers.
I no other country I know
Where man can breathe so freely!
Over the country the spring wind blows,
Every day more and more joyful to live
And no one in the world knows how
Better to laugh and to love.
But severely eyebrow we will nasuem,
If the enemy wants to break us, -
As a bride, the Home we love
Cherish, like a tender mother!

Broad is my native land,
A lot of it forests, fields and rivers.
I no other country I know
Where man can breathe so freely!

The size 4 / 4

G 7 C C +5 F F m6 C G 7 C
Shiro- ka country on my- I'm kind on- I am,
C +5 F A 7 D m G m6 D m
Many in it forests, on- lei and rivers.
F m6 G 7 C
I'm different goy such country not I know,
A m6 C G 7 C F C
Where so at will breathes human century!
E A m6 E 7 A m E 7 A m
From Mo- wells before the most to o- kra- in,
E 7 A m D m A m
From southern mountains to northern mo- ray
D 7-5 G 7 G 6 G 7 C
Human century pro walks how ho- zyain
F E D m6 E A m6 E
Neo- intimate Homeland his- her.
E A m6 E 7 A m E 7 A m
Everywhere life at- at will and shi ro- NS,
E 7 A m D m A m
Exactly Volga full, those- even
D 7-5 G 7 G 6 G 7 C
Molo- smoke ve- where we have before- horns,
C +5 F D m6 E
Old cam ve- where we have on- even


Current key: before major

G 7 C C +5 F F m6 A 7 D m G m6
A m6 E E 7 A m D 7-5 G 6 D m6



I. Strings from 6th to 1st (left to right).
II. Fret number.
III. Open string.
IV. No sound is produced on the string.
V. Fingers: index (1), middle (2), ring (3), little finger (4).
Vi. Barre with his index finger.


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My dear country is wide,

Where man breathes so freely!

His immense homeland.
Everywhere life is free and wide,
Like the Volga is full, it flows.
We have a road for young people everywhere,
Old people are honored everywhere.

Our fields cannot be ransacked with an eye,
Do not remember our cities,
Our proud word is "comrade"
We are dearer than all beautiful words.
With this word we are everywhere at home,
There are neither black nor colored for us,
This word is familiar to everyone
With him we find relatives everywhere.

The spring wind blows over the country
Every day it is more joyful to live
And no one in the world knows how
It is better to laugh and love us.
But we will frown sternly,
If the enemy wants to break us, -
As a bride, we love the Motherland,
We take care like an affectionate mother.

The last two lines of the chorus are repeated


Soviet composer Isaak Osipovich Dunaevsky (1900-1955)


Isaak Osipovich Dunaevsky (full name - Isaac Beru Iosif Betsalev Tsalievich Dunaevsky) was born on January 30 (January 18, old style), 1900 in the town of Lokhvitsa, Poltava province, into the family of a small bank employee. In 1910, the family moved to Kharkov, where Dunaevsky graduated with a gold medal from the gymnasium (1918) and the Kharkov Conservatory in violin (1919). In Kharkov, the composer worked as a violinist in an orchestra, accompanist, conductor in a drama theater and made his debut as a composer with music for the play "The Marriage of Figaro" (1920). In 1924, Dunaevsky moved to Moscow, and in 1929 - to Leningrad, where he became a composer and chief conductor of the Leningrad Music Hall. In Leningrad, Dunaevsky met L. Utyosov and film director G. Aleksandrov, with whom he began working on the film "Merry Fellows". The film with the song "March of the Merry Fellows" was released in 1934 and was a resounding success. Dunaevsky received worldwide fame. This was followed by the films "Circus" with "Song of the Motherland" (1936), "Volga-Volga" with "Song of the Volga" (1938), "Shining Path" with "March of Enthusiasts" (1940), etc. During the war there was the song "My Moscow" (1942) was written. Of the post-war songs, "Oh, the viburnum is blooming" and "What you were" from the film "Kuban Cossacks" by I. Pyriev (1949) received nationwide recognition. Dunaevsky has the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR (1950) and laureate of two Stalin Prizes (1941, 1951). Isaak Osipovich Dunaevsky died on July 25, 1955. Buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Soviet poet Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach (1898-1949)


Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach (real name - Lebedev) was born in Moscow on August 5 (July 24, old style) 1898 in the family of a shoemaker. In 1908, Vasily began to study in the first grade of the city real school and, as the best student, was able to receive a scholarship to study at the gymnasium, from which he graduated with a gold medal. In 1917, Vasily Lebedev became a student of the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University, which he left in his second year to begin literary activities. Since 1919, Lebedev performed in military clubs, worked in the Press Bureau of the Political Administration of the Revolutionary Military Council of the republic and in the military department of Agit-Rost. Then his pseudonym "Kumach" appeared. From 1921 to 1922 Lebedev-Kumach worked for the newspapers Bednota, Gudok and Krestyanskaya Gazeta. In 1922 he took part in the creation of the Krokodil magazine. In 1934, after leaving the magazine, he decided to try his hand at cinema, writing the lyrics of the song "March of the Merry Fellows" for the film "Merry Fellows" by G. Aleksandrov in co-authorship with I. Dunaevsky. After the tremendous success of the film, Lebedev-Kumach became a poet in demand and beloved by the authorities. The songs “My native land is wide” (1936, music by Dunaevsky), “Merry Wind” (1936, music by Dunaevsky), “Song of the Volga” (1938, music by Dunaevsky), “Moscow May” (1937, music by the Pokrass brothers) and etc. But, probably, the most significant creative achievement of the poet can be considered the song "Holy War" ("Get up, the country is huge"), which was written in collaboration with the composer A. Alexandrov in the 20th of June 1941 and became a musical symbol of the Great World War II. Lebedev-Kumach holds the title of laureate of the Stalin Prize (1941) and numerous government awards. Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach died on February 20, 1949. Buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.


Soviet poster "Wide is my native country"

As soon as morning rises over our country and the sun touches the first rays of the tops of the hills on the far Kuril Ridge, we hear the voice of Moscow awakening along with the new day, sending its call signs on the air - "Wide is my native country ..."

The chimes beat off the melody of a familiar song with a crystal ringing, and it is heard as a kind of sound greeting, connecting cities and villages, far and near borders of the country with its capital, uniting people into one big family:

My dear country is wide,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like that,
Where a man breathes so freely ...

And the majestic melody "Song of the Motherland" by the composer I. Dunaevsky flows to the verses of V. Lebedev-Kumach, embodying the mighty image of our country, captured in the sounds and such familiar, beloved words. This song knows the secrets to inspire people, to lead:

From Moscow to the very outskirts,
From southern mountains to northern seas
Man passes as a master
His immense homeland ...

She was born before the Great Patriotic War, in 1935, and for the first time sounded in the Soviet film "Circus" - one of the first sound musical films in our country, in which such famous actors as Lyubov Orlova and Grigory Stolyarov met in joint work, directed the film director Grigory Alexandrov, lyrics were written by Vasily Lebedev-Kumach, and the music for the film was created by Isaac Dunaevsky.

IO Dunaevsky was born in Ukraine, in the small town of Lokhvitsa, which was located in the Poltava region. From childhood, he was drawn to music, discovering bright abilities in playing the violin. His father, an office worker, wanted to give the children a good education, for which he sent his two eldest sons to Kharkov, to a music school.

I. Dunaevsky graduated not only from the music school, which was transformed into a conservatory in 1919, but also from the city gymnasium.

An inquisitive and active young man, he works with great enthusiasm in the drama theater, where he is in charge of the musical part, and sometimes he himself composes music for performances. In the early 1920s, Dunaevsky moved to Moscow and here he created one of his first operettas. Starting with the operetta "Grooms", he later wrote many wonderful performances in the genre of musical comedy - "Free Wind", "The Circus Lights the Lights", "White Acacia".

I. Dunaevsky also met with interest the appearance of jazz, when a wave of enthusiasm for it reached Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. He wrote many jazz programs for the first jazz orchestra of Leonid Utesov that emerged in our country.

And in cinema, Dunaevsky was one of the first composers who participated in the creation of sound musical films. He wrote a lot of beautiful music for films - "Merry Fellows", "Circus", "Volga-Volga", "Children of Captain Grant", "Light Path", "Kuban Cossacks", "Spring". The songs sounded in these films were immediately picked up by the people and began to live their own lives, without losing their youth, energy, beauty, and decades after their appearance.

These were lyrical melodies, love songs, funny sports marches, ditties, couplets and a wide variety of musical orchestral episodes, the crown of which is the Overture to the film Captain Grant's Children.

Each film by I. Dunaevsky is a serious musical film performance, where music, being one of the main characters, affects the entire course of the development of the plot and drama.

Many guys are well aware of his famous pioneer song "Oh, good!" from the film "Beethoven's Concert", which literally permeates the action of the film with its intonations and rhythm.

Eh, it's good to live in a Soviet country,
Eh, it's good to be a loved country.
Eh, it's good to be useful to the country,
Red tie proud to wear,
Yes, wear! ..

The composer said about his music that it was born in joy, in the life-affirming atmosphere of the selfless labor of the Soviet people. His best songs reflected the era in which they were created. “Wherever the artist is,” said I. O. Dunaevsky, “at a May Day demonstration, a sports parade, at a festivities, a carnival, at a nationwide meeting of Soviet heroes, he always feels the seething joy of our life, the iron will of the people who are building their happiness. ". This mood is imbued with many songs of I.O.Dunaevsky, which continue to sound to this day. His "Song of the Motherland" has such a long life, which has become the musical image of our Fatherland and has absorbed the brightest and best features of Soviet songwriting.