"Spring Fairy Tale" A.OSostrovsky "Snow Maiden" originality of the plot. Communication with mythological and fabulous traditions

"Spring Fairy Tale" A.OSostrovsky "Snow Maiden" originality of the plot. Communication with mythological and fabulous traditions

"Piez Thunderstorm" is a motive organization of drama. But how do you missed a thunderstorm in the billboard? Drama image system. S.Shevyrev. A.N.ostrovsky. Storm. Find how the motives of sin and death are implemented in the text. The meaning of the name of the play of A.OSostrovsky "Thunderstorm". Track how the motives of sin and death are implemented in the text.

"Pieces of A.N. Ostrovsky" - What is music? Conclusion: The role of music in Pieces A.N.ostrovsky. Songs are used to illustrate people's life, transmission of the colors of the era. Baratinsky managed to embody the wealth and complexity of the emotional world of Larisa. Romance. "Strawberry-berry". Romance transmits the subtlettage of feelings: longing, disappointment, despondency.

"Ostrovsky Snow Maiden" - A.N.ostrovsky - Creator of the Russian National Theater. Main questions. Dramatic work, play (work designed for scene). Spring Tale A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" Features of a dramatic work. Ostrovsky family house. Modern poysie editions A.N.ostrovsky "Snow Maiden".

"The heroes of" thunderstorms "" - Piez "Thunderstorm" was written in 1859. The most famous plays of A.N.ostrovsky. How the Katerina was brought up. Drama "Thunderstorm". Love. Creativity of playwright. Two conflicts. The meaning of the title of the Piez "Thunderstorm". Kudryash. A.N.ostrovsky wrote 50 plays. National theater. The meaning of the title. Behavior of hypocritical. Social activity A.N.ostrovsky.

"Piece" Nadriddannica "- the former merchants turn into businessmen millionaires. Larisa received European filming and education. All actions of the hero are motivated by the desire to support such an impression. The paratov says: "Brilliant Barin". And everyone looks at Larisa as a stylish, fashionable, luxurious thing. Larisa is not surrounded by Larisa.

"Drama Thunderstorm" - thunderstorm (the meaning of the name of the play). Storm. Illustration of S.V. Gerasimova to Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". Katerina. It is known that the role of Katerina in the play of Ostrovsky in advance gave Kositskaya. Small theater. Katerina, remembering childhood, talks about sewing on velvet gold. V. Zorin. Kustodiev. Kuligin admires the charm of the Volga landscapes: "Wonders!

Total in the subject of 22 presentations

Ostrovsky was a talented writer and playwright. It can rightly be considered the creator of the repertoire of the Russian theater. Ostrovsky often affected the morals of merchants. However, among all his plots about Zamoskvoretsky merchants, there is a certain fabulous work, which is not similar to the rest. It was called Snow Maiden. Let's and we will make it, characterizing the Snow Maiden in the play.

Ostrovsky: Snow Maiden, Analysis of Work

Snow Maiden was written by Ostrovsky in 1873 and it became really enchanting. All who respected a fairy tale, noted her lyricity, surrounded by fantastic entourage. Snow Maiden is unusual not only genre, where the play-tale is combined with the female, but also a common combination of text that is intertwined with music and ballet formulation. In this work, the viewer and the reader meets with the gods, demigods, as well as with ordinary residents of Berentia. Ostrovsky managed to combine fiction in the Snow Maiden and makes a play even more interesting.

Speaking about the sources of inspiration for the appearance of this play, it was everyone known about the Snow Maiden and Slavic mythology. Studying the plot, we are transferred to the world of reign of Berende, where everything was very perfect. Even the ruler of the kingdom was unlike others. He was a real embodiment of folk wisdom and worried about his people. And now Berendea began to notice that his people are becoming a vain and for it falls under the anger Yarilo. However, Berendeie opens the truth - all living things should love. But the Snow Maiden lives in the kingdom, which has no gift of love. Her Father Frost knows about Vesti Yaril, who swore to melt the girl as soon as she would love to truly.

This is how the Snow Maiden lives in the Bobyl family. For the named parents, the girl is only a baits for the grooms. Snow Maiden brought confusion to the kingdom, because for the sake of the girl they are ready to throw their beloved, breaking the foundations. Moreover, the colder was a girl to guys, the stronger they stretched to her. I liked the Snow Maiden Shepherd Lel, but he bestowed his attention to all the girls, while Snow Maiden wanted attention to himself. It frustrated the girl who did not know how to love. And then Mizgir, who wanted to wander to her. Only a girl can not accept his offer, because in the heart to him emptiness. And here we see the suffering of characters, because the Snow Maiden is bad, as she cannot know love. Kupava suffers and Kupava, who threw Mizgir, and the most groom herself is bad, after all, besides the Snow Maiden, he does not see anyone else.

And then the girl asks his mother spring to give her the opportunity to love, and she agreed. According to her, the Snow Maiden loves the first oncoming, they turned out to be Mizgir. His joy was great, because the Snow Maiden answered his feelings. However, his egoism manifested here, because because of him and a girl melted.

The death of the Snow Maiden, which was ready to die for love, became a victory over the boat in the heart. And Misgir, giving one day the Snow Maiden's promise to die together, jumps into the lake to connect with the beloved, which turned into cold water.

In general, the play reveals the topic of love, without which our life is meaningless. The author also shows the relationship of opposites, where it is impossible to present the world without light and darkness, without heat and cold. At the same time, we see, despite their contradiction, their struggle, cannot exist without each other.

"Snow Maiden" - "Spring Fairy Tale" A.N. Ostrovsky. It was written in March-August 1873. The first publication: "Journal of Europe" (1873, No. 9). At the end of the work on the play A.N. Ostrovsky said N.A. Nekrasov: "In this work, I go to a new road." The novelty of the play, perceived as a "anticipation of the historical gallery" of the playwright, did not meet unequivocal approval. I.S. Turgenev was "captive by the beauty and ease of the language of the Plays," highly appreciated the poetry of the national legend concluded in it. But those who appreciated in the island of Satirik and the accuser were disappointed. Criticism ironically noted the similarity of some motives of the Spring Fairy Tale with Shakespeare Comedy "Sleeping in the Summer Night." The habit of perceiving the Ostrovsky as the "Dark Kingdom" of the "ghostly-senseless" plays and evaluation of Berendev as "people is just as stupid as foolish" (V.P. Burenin).

Slavic mythology was the source of the poetic pue of the play "Snow Maiden". The basis of the plot was the folk fairy tale about the girl-Snow Maiden (published I.A. Khoyakov in 1862). Information about beliefs and religious representations of the ancient Slavs Ostrovsky learned from the fundamental study by A.N. Afanasyeva "Poetic views of Slavs in nature" (1865-1869). Random songs, playing, figurative motifs of lyrical monologues were made up of records of folklorists and ethnographers A.V. Tereshchenko, T.I. Filippova, P.N. Rybnikova and others. The poetic size of the song of the Khora Huslarov, which begins the second action, the playwright closer to the rhythm of the prose "Words about the regiment of Igor". "Snow Maiden" can be viewed as a mytho-poetic prologue to the late dramatic of Ostrovsky, the result of his reflection on the spiritual foundations of Russian life. The author's definition of the genre as the "Spring Fairy Tale" gives the key to the content of the play about the spring of the people's life.

"Initial", "Early" time of action is the righten of the Slavic tribe. The space of the life of Berendev (the title is taken from the "Tale of Bygone Years", but there it belongs to the Allied Russia of the Turkic tribe) spiritualized and comes true, it is beloved and wonderful. This is the dawn of the universe - the Golden Age: "Grades in the country of Berendev, joyful songs along the groves and dollars / peace of Krasnoya Berendei Power". Fabulously utopian Berendevo Kingdom arranged on the beginning of the truth and love. Religion Berendev - "Natural", "Natural" Religion of the people, whose case is written in the hearts and is observed by everyone. The wise and fair guardian of the law is Berende, "the Great Tsar of the Happy Berendeev," "For all orphans," the "father of his land".

Children of Nature, Berendei live with her in a happy agreement, happily obeying her basic law - the law of love: "The nature of the love for everyone is invariably ..." Love for Berendev - initially life; "Love" is a necessary condition for its continuation. She connects together all the elements of the universe, ensures its epic equilibrium. The ritual, ritual love is the earthly embodiment of the sacred marriage of the Earth and the sky, the key to the welfare of Berendeva Kingdom. In the sacred time (Yarilin day) in the protected forest, the marriage celebration is committed into the glory of the Supreme Divine of Yarily: "It's noted by Yarile Victim!". As the children of nature, Berendeia are parally indifferent to the "personal" beginning in love. (This is especially noticeable in the impersonal storm of the "Food of the Sun" Shepherd Lelia, in the "love" of Elena beautiful, etc.) here and lies the grain of the tragic conflict.

The appearance among the Snow Maiden people threatens to destroy the natural order of life. The daughter of spring and frost, she does not "know the love at all" and therefore in the eyes of Berentyev acts a violature of natural law: "In the world, all the living should love ...". The coldness of the heroine, her "sustained" beauty breeds jealousy, thieves, craftsman. There is a "coherent in the hearts of considerable", the religious "serving of beauty" disappears, the whole way of life of people is disturbed. In the anger, Yaril does not know the mercy and deprives Berendev of the gracious warmth: the short summer "the year for the year is shorter, and the most coldly ...".

The grain of the tragic conflict sprouts when the "proud of the Spirit" Mizgir, enthusiastic with the beauty of the Snow Maiden, changes the beauty of Kupava. This unheard of violation of the human law foreshades the end of the carefree and trouble-free golden age. Personal loving feeling encroaches on the most essence of the religion of Love Berendev. Mizgir and Snow Maiden, alien to the generic unity of Berendev, make chaos and destruction in their harmonious and ordered being. "Personal" enters into an insoluble contradiction with "Rodov" and his death becomes inevitable. Snow Maiden dies, spent a gift from the mother of love for the sake of adequacy to human race. Her "enthusiastic" beauty melted under the fierce rays of the supreme patron of the local world. Misgir's "deceived by the gods", rushing to the lake with Yarilina Mountain: "If the gods are deceivers - you should not live in the world!"

Cruelty to the lawless manifestations of a personal feeling sounds in the words of the reigning sage Berendeya: "Snow Maiden, the sad death and the terrible death of the Mizgius can not disturb us. The sun knows who caraw and bed. The truthful court came! .. "The conflict between the" law "and" will "," its "and" foreign "leads to the final catastrophe. This is the "birth of the tragedy from the Spirit of the Epos."

For the first time, the Snow Maiden was put on May 11, 1873 in the Small Theater (Moscow). Music to the spectral wrote P.I. Tchaikovsky. The title role was performed by G.N. Fedotova. In the Alexandrinsky Theater (Petersburg) for the first time the play was delivered on December 27, 1900 - in Benefis K.A. Varlamov, performer of the role of King Berendeya. In the title role spoke V.F. Commissioner. Among other productions, it should be noted the performance of the new theater (Moscow), the premiere of which took place on September 8, 1900 in the director A.P. Lensky play sounded as a drama of love. In the Art Theater (Moscow), the play was in the formulation of K.S. Stanislavsky (first representation - September 24, 1900, the role of Berendeya was played by V.I. Kachalov).

In 1881 N.A. Roman Korsakov wrote Opera "Snow Maiden", for the first time delivered on January 29, 1882 in the Mariinsky Theater (Petersburg), - under the control of Cerizer E.F. Director. Among other opera performances, it should be noted the premiere on October 8, 1885. Private Russian Opera S.I. Mamontov (art decoration - B.M. Vasnetsov, I.I. Levitan, K.A. Korovin). In the Bolshoi Theater (Moscow) The first premiere of the opera took place on January 26, 1893

Conflict fairy tales

The fairy tale conflict is based on the collision and poetic development of heat and cold forces opposing each other. The beginning of the conflict - in the world of elements, between the frost and spring, the union of which is unnatural in nature. Would leave the spring of frost, but it's a trouble, "they have an old daughter - Snow Maiden."

In Claus, there is no love to the world of wildlife, nor to the world of people:

In the plague, in the yurts of nomads,

In wintering rasmovshchikov

I go, wander, basal,

There will be a bowl to me.

The arrogance of the omniscimulator, the cold, chilling force make frost evil, demonic as opposed to Yarile - the good and warm deity of Berendev.

"Light and power,

God Yarilo

Red Sun Own!

There is no you painted in the world, "-

sing Yaril Welcome song Berendie.

In the thoughts of the artist, the cold personifies, takes terrible guise. Unknown, evil - its essence. The more frost is cold, especially this is "any" to him:

I don't live badly. Berendia

About the current winter will not take care of

Merry was; Danced Sun.

From cold in the morning dawn,

And in the evening I got up with the ears a month.

I'll think about walking, I will take a bubble

I will increase the night,

Something I'm smoking and space.

All-in-law Mr. Winter, Moroz and in the summer does not give rest to the country of Berendev. Going to the north, he wants to leave, and leaves here, the particle of himself. Yes, and from the north, from afar, he sends dense clouds to the country to take the sun from the Earth; He sows cold rains and fog to close the earth with all the possibility of logging.

Summer is the time of Yaril. Yarilo drives frost from Beredeev. But the frost is not so smart. He retreats, but with the battle. And often pulls a part of the victory. Yarilo-- sworn enemy frost. Eternal enemy. And he is all the indignation of the frost. Especially in those times when he comes, Yarily, the power of the authorities here, on the land of Bereydeev.

Angry yaril

The scorching God of Lazy Berendev,

In the please, they swore a terrible oath

Cut me where to meet. Topit, smelting

My Palaces, Kiosks, Galleries,

Elegant job decorations

Details of the smallest thread

Fruits of work and designs.

In the boring frost in Yaril - a cunning design: send spring, with beauty and love. Conquer, relax frost with charm and caress. The undertaking manages. But the commodity frost and love wrapped his evil and for Yaril, and for Berendeyev. My daughter from spring, Snow Maiden, beauty in spring, cold in frost, he leaves for the summer in the forests of Berendev. And the fact that this unfortunate land holds. Fifteen years of snow maiden. She lives secretly in the forests of Berendev in fifteen. Fifteen years in a row from Berendev misfortune. Snow Maiden becomes the involuntary cause of the "everyday cardiac queries", disasters and cold for Berendev, for her birth violated the laws of nature and life.

For Claus, Yarilo "evil, scorching God", which is just waiting for the Snow Maiden in the heart of the Light of his Love Fire. Therefore, Lel, whose songs heard the Snow Maiden, is hateful, since "he pierced through the Yaryt Sun.

The sun was worshiped by the deity of good, merciful, his name was made by synonymous with happiness. This explains the mythological connection of the Sun with the fate, in the hands of which human happiness.

Unknown Sulit Yarilin Anger:

Cold winds and Sukhov

Silky Ros losllular damage,

Incomplete babies of bread grain,

Rainy cleaning - bale,

And early autumn frost

Gravity year and residents.

God is a fertilist, the representative of the grace Spring was called the Slavs Yarilo, he confessed the patron saint of love and marriages:

In Yarilin Day ...

... Berendie will come together;

... and let them go

In a single cry, hello to meet the sun

And the wedding solemn song.

Affairs there is no yarile victim.

Frees depended on it and clear weather.

…our summer,

Short, year for year in short

It becomes, and spring is cold, -

Misty, raw, juicy autumn,


The Taril value is fully explained from its very name and preserved legends about it. The root is combines the concepts of 1) of spring light and warmth; 2) young, rapid, to the rapidness of the excited strength; 3) Love passion and fertility.

And now I ask you to go to the bus: we go to the residence of Snow Maiden.

On the way, I will make you riddles.

1. It flies white airs and sparkles on the fly.

2. He is a star of cool melting on his palm and in the mouth. (snow)

3. On the windows pictures from a white cobweb. (frost)

4. If the frost is touched, if the snow trail lies,

5. That big and small ... (boots)

6. With a panicle, in a hat from a bucket -

7. Director of the Winter Yard. (snowman)

8. What does the root grow up? (icicle)

9. A little artist - draws patterns.

10. A little robber - enough for the nose.

11. Sometimes - serious, sometimes - cheerful,

12. Sometimes very angry and bites to tears. (frost)

13. Steel legs run on the ice track. (skates)

14. The bird has come from the forest in the redhead curb to count. (fox)

15. Fly in heaven and melted on the noses. (Snowflakes)

16. Jumping through the forest then back, then

17. Warter, buzzing and trees shakes. (winter storm)

The heroine of the fairy tale and her faithful assistants will hold you along the foundation and will be invited to visit the fabulous Kostroma Terem Snow Maiden. All the most interesting will be shown. In Svotlice, a small cheerful puppet show is waiting for a snowy beauty, in the hubby Snow Maiden will tell about his life - to be and will introduce with mysterious magic objects, and in the next hall there will be an amazing meeting with Slavic myths and legends. In the room, miracles are waiting for the extraordinary work of Kostroma kids, which, undoubtedly, will affect you with their fantasy and creativity.


Present The ice room is a unique hall made by the hands of Ural masters, admire fabulous beauty and surprise the skill of craftsmen, and also treat with ice drinks for children and adults. Children try the magic cocktail from the Snow Maiden. I wish you a pleasant stay!

After the Terema Snow Maiden, the excursion group on the bus will go to the dramatic theater named after A.N. Ostrovsky. On the way, I will tell why Kostroma is considered to be homey Snow Maiden. Kostroma can rightly be considered the birthday of Snow Maiden three times.

First: in ancient Russia, our ancestors of Slavs existed the custom of burning Kostroma. Kostroma is the sister of the joy. One day, when they were still small, then went to the forest to listen to the song of Mirina, but the bird of death dragged the brother of Kostroma to the underground kingdom. After many years, being already a girl, Kostroma, walking along the river, splured wreath and put on his head. But the gust of the wind told him and took it into the water, where his beautiful young man was picked up, sailing past by boat. The girl and the young man immediately fell in love with each other and got married. But after a while they learned that they were brother and sister: the young man turned out to be a buy. With grief, they decided to be drowned, but the gods clenched over them and turned the beautiful pair into a flower, known now called Ivan da Maria.

This story is reflected in the ancient conquest of burning Kostroma (from here and the name of Kostroma - from the "bonfire", "fire", one of the versions). The girl, wrapped in white clothes, personified Kostroma and accompanied the dance walked to the river, where already straw scarecrow burned on the bore. Taki escaped the spring and met the summer. After the death of Kostroma resurrected, which symbolized fertility. It is believed that the Tale of the Snow Maiden originated precisely on the basis of this tradition of burning Kostroma.

Secondly: this is, of course, the famous Piese A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden", written by him in a sliking. Here, the Snow Maiden - a beautiful girl born from frost and spring, knows love: love her, and she falls in love. But the magic tale turns out to be drama - the Snow Maiden dies during the celebration of the day of Yaril - the God of the Sun.

Thirdly: Filming the film "Snow Maiden", which took place in Kostroma in 1968. For the sake of this "spring fairy tale" (as defined the genre of the film, directed by Pavel Kadochnikov himself) built a special house in Berendevka, which was then staying here, becoming a beloved place to relax with modern Kostromich.

So Kostroma became a full-fledged birthplace of this magical character. Over time, the image of Snow Maiden, of course, has changed. Today it is a young cheerful girl, granddaughter of Santa Claus, his faithful assistant who plays with children on the New Year's Tree, while Santa Claus rests from the road.

But this image in our Kostroma today is not so faithful. Our Snow Maiden is completely concerned all year: it helps children from orphanages, participates in the "Timurovskiy Autocheg", goes to the opening of exhibitions and fairs, fights for the purity of the Russian language. Kostroma Snow Maiden itself became the organizer of the "expensive goodness" campaign for socio-unprotected children of the city of Kostroma and the region and plans with the help of sponsorship support to bring this action to the All-Russian level - so that all children feel care and love, and not only for holidays, but all year. As part of this promotion, the Snow Maiden with its helpers organizes trips with game programs and gifts for children. This year, by September 1, under the auspices of the "expensive goodness", the guys were broadcast in school letters from Snow Maiden with congratulations. More and more children are also planned to be taken out in summer to health camps. This summer, 20 children from orphanages in the city of Kostroma have already rested in the Friendship's health camp, which is in Veliky Ustyug on the Votchin of Santa Claus.

"Snow Maiden" A.N. Ostrovsky

And so we at the Ostrovsky Theater. For the first time, the image of Snow Maiden was created by the Great Russian playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky was born on March 31, 1823 in Moscow at the Small Ordinke. Childhood and part of youth passed in the center of Zamoskvorechye. Thanks to the Big Library of the Father Ostrovsky early met of Russian literature and felt an inclination to the writer. It is from the Ostrovsky that the Russian theater begins in his modern understanding: the writer has created theatrical school and the holistic concept of the game in the theater.

The essence of the Ostrovsky Theater is the lack of extreme situations and countering the acting partition. In the Pieces of Alexander Nikolayevich, the usual situations with ordinary people are depicted, the dramas of which go into life and human psychology.

The poetic fairy tale "Snow Maiden" is a mansion among a number of other works of Ostrovsky. In other plays, Ostrovsky draws a gloomy picture of a merchant medium, criticizes harsh morals and shows the entire tragedy of a lonely soul, forced to exist in the conditions of the Dark Kingdom.

The work of the "Snow Maiden" is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the surrounding world, love, nature, youth. The work is based on folk fairy tales, songs, legends and legends. Ostrovsky only joined fairy tales, legends and songs together and gave folk creativity a very peculiar flavor. In the "Snow Maiden" the main place is occupied by human relations. At first glance, the plot looks completely fantastic. But then it turns out that living human characters are visible in this phantasmagoria.

On this, our excursion ended. I hope that today you have spent a good time and learned a lot of new things. I, in turn, was nice to work with you. Thanks for attention.

"Snow Maiden" is perhaps the least typical of all the plays of Alexander Ostrovsky, sharply distinguished among other creativity by lyricity, unusual problems (instead of a social drama, the author paid the attention of the drama personal, referring the topic of love as a central theme) and completely fantastic entourage. The play tells the story of the Snow Maiden, which appears in front of us with a young girl, desperately thirsty, which she never had - love. Preserving the loyalty of the main line, the Ostrovsky parallel reveals some more: the device of its semi-ridiculous-semi-nice world, the morals and customs of Berendev, the topic of continuity and reward, and the cyclicalness of life, noting, even in allegorical form, that life and death always go hand in hand.

History of creation

The appearance of the play on the light of the Russian literary world is obliged to a happy accident: at the very beginning of the 1873 year, the building of the Small Theater was closed for major repairs, and the actor group temporarily moved to the big one. Having decided to take advantage of the capabilities of the new scene and attract the audience, it was decided to arrange an unusual performance-enchantment for those times, using a ballet, dramatic and opera component of the theater team immediately.

It is with a proposal to write a play for this extravagania and turned to Ostrovsky, who, using the opportunity to implement a literary experiment, agreed. The author changed his usual to look for inspiration in the unsightly sides of real life, and in search of a material for the play turned to the work of the people. There he found a tale of the girl-Snow Maiden, which became the basis for his magnificent work.

At the beginning of the spring of 1873, Ostrovsky worked on the creation of the play. And not one - since setting on the stage is impossible without music, the playwright worked together with another young, then Peter Tchaikovsky. According to critics and writers, it is precisely in this that one of the reasons for the amazing rhythm of the "Snow Maiden" - words and music were composed in a single impulse, close cooperation, and penetrated each other's rhythm, initially constituting one whole.

It is symbolic that the last point in the "Snow Maiden" put on the day of his fifty-year-old anniversary on March 31. And just over a month later, on May 11, the show of the premiere play took place. He received quite different reviews among critics, both positive and sharply negative, but already in the 20th century, literary crituals were firmly agreed that the "Snow Maiden" is the brightest milestone in the work of the playwright.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

The plot is based on the life path of the Snow Maiden girls, born of the Union of Frost and Spring-Red, their father and mother. Snow Maiden lives in the fictional Island Berendev kingdom, but not native - from Father-frost, which guarded it from all possible troubles, she left, - and in the family of Bobyl and Bobyli. Snow Maiden craves love, but can't love - even her interest in Lela is dictated by the desire to be the only and unique, desire to the shepherd, evenly gives all the girls warm and joy, was gentle with her with one. And Bobyl and Bobylich and are not going to give it with his love, they have a task more likely: to prove on the beauty of the girl, giving her married. Snow Maiden indifferently looks at Men-Berendev, for the sake of her who change their lives, rejecting brides and violate the social foundations; It is internally cold, she is alien to the full life berendies - and therefore attracts them. However, and the stuff of Snow Maiden falls on a misfortune - seeing Lelia, favorable to another and rejected it, the girl rushes to his mother asking to allow them to love - or die.

It is at this moment that the Ostrovsky to the limit clearly expresses the central thought of his work: life without love is meaningless. Snow Maiden can not and does not want to put up with the void and the cold, existing in her heart, and spring, which is the essence of the immaculation of love, allows the daughter to experience this feeling, despite the fact that she has a bad thing.

Mother turns out to be right: those who loved the snow Maiden melts under the first rays of hot and clear sun, have time, however, to discover the new world, filled with meaning. And her beloved, before the bride who left the bride and the expelled King Mizgir, parted with life in the pond, seeking to reunite with the water, which the Snow Maiden became.

main characters

(Scene from the ballet - Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden - the central figure of the work. The girl of extraordinary beauty, desperately wanting to know love, but at the same time a cold heart. Clean, partly naive and absolutely alien to people-Berendeum, it turns out to be ready to give everything, even his life, in exchange for knowledge about what love is and why everything is so crazy.
Frost - Father Snow Maiden, Grozny and Strict, strive to protect her daughter from all sorts of trouble.

Spring-Krasnova - the mother of a girl who, despite the premonition of the trouble, could not go on his nature and her daughter's plenty and endowed her ability to love.

Lel - windy and cheerful shepherd, the first aroused some feelings and emotions in the Snow Maiden. It was because of the fact that it turned out to be rejected by him, the girl rushed to spring.

Mizgir - a shopping guest, or, in other words, the merchant who loved the girl so much that not only suggested all his wealth for her, but also left Kupava, who was unwounding his bride, thereby violating the originally observed customs of Berendev Kingdom. In the end, he gained the reciprocity of the one who loved, but not for long - and after her death he himself broke up with life.

It is worth noting that despite the large number of characters of the play, even the secondary heroes turned out to be bright and characteristic: that the king of Berendey, that Bobyl and Bobylich, that the former Bride of the Misgi of Kupava - they are all remembered by the reader, possess their distinctive features and features.

"Snow Maiden" - the work is complex and multifaceted, including compositionally, and rhythmically. The play is written without rhyme, but thanks to a unique rhythm and singer, which is literally in every line, sounds smoothly, like any rhymed verse. He decorates the "Snow Maiden" and the rich use of spacious revolutions is quite a logical and justified step of the playwright, which, when creating a work, relied on folk tales, telling about the girl from the snow.

The same statement about versatility is fair and in relation to the content: for an externally simple story of the Snow Maiden (reached the real world - rejected people - she got love - he felt like the human world - died) not only the statement that life without love is meaningless, but also many Others, no less important aspects.

So, one of the central topics is the relationship of opposites, without which the natural course of things is impossible. Frost and Yarilo, Cold and Light, Winter and warm time, externally conflict with each other, enter into an irreconcilateral contradiction, but at the same time the red line in the text passes the idea that one without another does not exist.

In addition to the lyricity and sacrifice of love, the social aspect of the play, displayed on the background of fabulous obscures, is of interest. The norms and customs of Berendev Kingdom are observed strictly, the exile is threatened for violation, as happened to Mizgiry. These norms are valid and to some extent reflect the representation of the island about the ideal Old Russian community, where the price is loyalty and love of neighbor, life in unity with nature. The figure of Tsar Berendeya, the "good" king, who, although forced to take harsh decisions, regards the fate of Snow Maiden as a tragic, sad, causes unequivocally positive emotions; Such king is easy to sympathize.

At the same time, in the Berendevsky kingdom, justice is observed in everything: even after the death of Snow Maiden, as a result of her adoption of love, anger and spores of Yarily disappear, and Berendevtsy can enjoy the sun and warmth. Ceremonies harmony.