About different photographic signs, wedding phenomena, or why can not take pictures of sleeping people? Signs and superstitions about photography.

About different photographic signs, wedding phenomena, or why can not take pictures of sleeping people? Signs and superstitions about photography.
About different photographic signs, wedding phenomena, or why can not take pictures of sleeping people? Signs and superstitions about photography.

Many superstitions are associated with photographs and photographic equipment, one of which states that the one who takes pictures takes away the soul and happiness. It is for this reason that in many countries is prohibited to shoot people without their permission. In Russia, it is more calm in Russia, but still it is believed that the photo has a special inexplicable force that can affect the fate of a person. In this article we will talk about the most common signs, superstitions and prohibitions associated with photographs, and let them explain to them.

Bans related to photos

1. It is impossible to give photos to unauthorized people. This sign is old as the world and carries a good justification - through a photo is carried out by energy exchange, which can take advantage of unscrupulous people to inflict irreparable harm, send damage, destroy life. Photographs often become the main magical attribute in rituals, love spells, curses.

However, this sign applies exclusively in the photo, which were printed from the first media (cameras, phone, tablet). In other words, only the first and original photo will come for magic rituals. The pictures downloaded from the Internet, this rule does not apply.

2. It is impossible to give a photograph to your beloved person. This will make it very easy to explain - the photograph on which one person depicts, transfers the energy of loneliness. So when such a photo enters your partner, he begins to subconsciously treat you as a person who needs no one.

In addition, it is now fashionable to give the most successful, edited and even artistic photos. A person looks much more attractive on them than in life. In practice, you can lose your own twin. Therefore, if you want your beloved person to have your photo, esoterica recommend to make a joint shot. This will unite you: in such a photo there is an energetic of love that distracts from the disadvantages of appearance.

3. You can not cut, tear and burn photos.Any photo is inseparably connected with a person who is depicted on it. Therefore, when you river or burn your pictures, you personally destroy your life, attract troubles, troubles, illness. You violate the integrity of your energy field, becoming a light target for ill-wishers, offenders, enemies.

4. It is impossible to put your photograph in the coffin of the deceased. This superstition originates from rituals who practice black magicians. Esotericians believe that the deceased person, in whose coffin your picture was placed, really can pick you up onto that light.

Of course, not to come true, you need to read a plot over the photo. But you should not risk in vain. Photos are closely related to human energy, therefore, burying together with the deceased his picture, you can and soon be underground.

5. You can not keep in sight of the photographs of the dead. The memory of the late loved ones is correct, but do not keep their photos in one album with those alive, and even more so place such photos in a prominent place. The fact is that the photographs of the deceased are stored and transfer to the energy of death, which negatively affects living people. In those houses in which there is a photo of the deceased in the prominent place, there are often quarrels, illness and other troubles. In such a place, the energy of the sorrow, which does not allow positive streams to dominate the negative.

6. It is impossible to photograph places with negative energy.Especially it is impossible to photograph in these places yourself and any other people. Together with you in the photo there may be traces of the energy that is inherent in a terrible place. As a rule, by making a snapshot, you let part of this negative in your life. Gloomy places - not the best choice for a snapshot.

7. You can not publish and give photos of the baby. Biopol of young children in the first months of birth is very vulnerable, so the babies are much stronger than the negative. They are easier to smooth out, not even having bad intentions. Esoterics are not recommended to give photos of kids even close to relatives. For the same reason, you should not publish photos of children on the Internet. Alien envy, negative and burglarity can harm the health of the child. He can become a capricious and weak.

8. It is impossible to be photographed before the wedding. There is such a sign that two lovers who have photographed before the wedding celebration, in a short time they will break up. Of course, in quarrels and ruptures, people themselves are more likely, rather than photography. If your love is real, you have nothing to worry about: Joint pictures will only strengthen your union, intensifying the energy of love.

9. It is impossible to photograph unresolved children. It is believed that unreleased children are deprived of divine protection, so photographs can harm them: to take away vitality, make them weak, inactive, provoke bad fate.

10. It is impossible to be photographed during pregnancy. There is a belief that a woman who takes pictures during pregnancy is necessarily waiting for a misfortune associated with its future child. These actions may cause miscarriage, problems with mental and physical health of the kid. However, this commemorate is a serious refutation - many foreign stars not only openly declared their pregnancy, but also photographed nude, making the focus on their interesting position. And each of them appeared a healthy baby.

11. It is impossible to be photographed in three. There is a belief that the one who is captured in the picture in the middle will die sustainably. This superstition does not withstand any criticism, and he has no significant justifications.

12. It is impossible to be photographed before the long trip.Superval people believe that, photographed "on the track", back home can no longer return. This is another contradictive sign. It is enough to recall the astronauts, famous travelers, sailors and discovers that are photographed before serving and safely returned back.

As you can see, many superstitions are so contradictory that they cannot withstand no criticism and come true only in exceptional cases. Esoterics do not prohibit photographed, they prohibit looking for negative where it is not and can not. The main thing is not to give your photos to strangers and take yourself only in the positive and joyful moments of your life. Such photos will fill your fate of the energy of light, love and happiness. be happyand do not forget to click on the buttons and

Photos is a very powerful source of energy. Not only is magically proven that photographic images of people carry all information about a person. Even science believes that the photocarter gives full information about any person who is depicted on it. Magu does not need to see a man or a woman personally to tell about him what a questioning man wants to know. Yes, and for the impact on a person sometimes just enough to have his picture.

Any image of a person carries all the information about who is depicted on it. On the card you can help a person, and you can harm. It is for this reason that with its pictures need to be treated very carefully, and in no case do not give them to those who do not trust.

How much will happen to photos

Fuzzy photo - ambulance. Signals about photographs are most often associated with bad omen. And all due to the fact that every card is filled with the energy of the one who is depicted on it. The people are believed that the photo can only be influenced if it is not older than five years. But this is an erroneous opinion. For a good magician, even children's photography a person who has long been retired. But the image can really tell a lot.

If the photo is clear, then the one who is depicted on it is very good health, he will live a long life. But if the snapshot is blurred, it is not possible to really consider either the eye, nor face, then it really means that a person has health problems, and such that getting rid of them is very difficult. Just before making any conclusions, see who photographed you. If the photographer was pretty drunk, then it's not about your health, but in his problem with orientation in space. There is a huge number takes pictures that cannot be assessed adequately and in them.

Signals about photographs and their refutation

Note about photographs


You can not take pictures with your loved one

on the contrary, the photo of loving unites one energy

Cannot tear photos

nothing terrible is that there is no photo. .

You can not put a photo in the coffin

if this statement was true, the number of people on our planet would have sought to zero, thanks to human envy and anger

Should I believe in the signs and superstition about photos

The bride and groom in the photo together - to the ambulance . This sign is not true. I know a lot of couples who took pictures together before the wedding, and for many years they live happily in love and harmony. Therefore, it would be wrong to say that it was that the photo was the reason for the gap between the loves, it would be wrong. Such signs did not exist in the old days. Although the pictures themselves appeared not so long ago. People parted when they are not able to understand each other. And it does not matter, they photographed together before the wedding or not, the main thing is to be mutual understanding. Only on love, respect and understanding can be built relationships. So this sign is usual.

Sketches to give a photo can play a keen joke

Want a annoying person behind - pick up his photo and burn. Such cardinal measures are accepted only if nothing else helps. If you have a photograph of a person from whom you want to get rid of, then you just just take his photos and mentally send him your thoughts that you do not want to see him for you no longer fit. If you can tune in well, your thoughts will reach this person. And if you break up a snapshot and burn it, it can lead to the disease of the person who is depicted on it. And if at this moment you think about his death, he will die soon. Do you really need such a sin on the soul?

Folk Sights: Photography fell or broke

Its old photos can not tear or burn. Not only your own, but the pictures of all our relatives can not tear nor burn. Even you can harm yourself if you spoil your photo. In no case cannot be picked up the eyes on your card - the eye disease will be provided. The same applies to any pensled organ in the picture. What if break your photo You can break your life. Everyone in life will go awry. Even if you do not like the card, keep it, since it is.

Do not put your photo in the coffin of your favorite - in the near future, go to him. In the old days they knew about this and these rules were strictly observed. But now many people have forgotten about it. If everything was fine in the family, then often the surviving husband or wife try to put your photo spouse in the coffin In order for he remembered. There's not the way there as with us. On that light, no one ever forgets anything. Forgetfulness is characterized only by living people. The bustle does its job. And, putting his picture in the coffin, you buried along with this man. If you did this, in the very near future you will begin great health problems.

And the worst thing is that in this case no doctor can help you. Unfortunately, very often in such a way, ill-wishers get rid of people who are dismissal people. If you do not want your card to put someone from your unfriendlies to someone in, then better nobody let's give your pictures .

How to use signs and superstitions about photos

We look into the lens - you give the enemy positive. This sign went from Stalin's time. If you look at the photo Stalin, then you will not find a single snapshot with his image, where he watched right into the lens. And this is not with simple. Stalin was not bad mystic. Moreover, he was equipped with all his life for an expedition to study the knowledge of the ancient people who knew and know how much more than we know today. He always knew that if in photograph her eyes look into the lens, then such a person was easy to damage. And if a person's glance is not defined, it is much more difficult to influence it. During the Great Patriotic War there was only one image of Joseph Vissarionovich, where he bribers the tube and does not look at the frame. And even if you want the photo to email positive, we recommend getting a photo session as a gift - it is always high-quality pictures and the best impressions of the filming.

People always believed in signs about photographs. Since they learned to photograph, each person has become less protected. Knowing people can and affect their enemies, and the happiness of the family to destroy. But it is impossible to use your knowledge to harm. You just need to live, take the life of what it is, and look at everything with a calm heart. Only in this case you will be fine.

With photos, many different accepts and superstitions are connected, and many of them came from other countries and firmly rooted in our consciousness. For example, some nations around the world still believe that the one who takes pictures takes the soul. That is why in these states and in remote Russian regions it is forbidden to remove the local population without much permission of each particular person.

And only if in several pictures related to different time periods, there were some kind of illuminated areas and other damage to the image, it is worth going to the clinic and complete a full examination.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the location of strips and stains - if they are located on the man itself, that is, on his face, neck, hands, legs, or on the body, the problem is really in health. If the image around the captured person is damaged, then the threat to well-being comes from the external environment.

Potted photo, where a person is depicted next to those who are no longer alive.

The situation is completely deservedly considered to be the situation when suddenly changes the clarity or a fading photography on which someone is captured next to the already dead person. This suggests that some danger threatens living is threatened, and that he needs to be careful.

However, there should be a few moments here. Firstly, if such a photo is standing there, where direct sunlights often fall, it simply burns out, respectively, is cloudy or brightened. Secondly, Polaroid (instant) snapshots do the same without assistance, without solar exposure. Well, thirdly, only the option can be considered a bad value when the effect of illumination or turbidity is observed solely in the image of the living person now, and the image of someone who has already died remains untouched.

This sign has a good base - through a photo of a person you can harm, send damage, diseases, troubles. Often photos are used for the attitude and for other magical rituals, and the snapshot, walked on the cemetery with the corresponding curses, can generally cause the ambulance.

However, this all applies to photographs that are printed from a real negative or from a first media (with a digital camera, from the phone, from the tablet), and in the photo, downloaded from the Internet and copied from social networks, this sample does not apply.

You can not give a photo to your beloved person and ask for his photo.

This sign is also easily explained - a photo on which a person is depicted alone, carries the energy of loneliness. Therefore, if this snapshot falls to the one you want to see next to you as a satellite of life, he begins to subconsciously perceive you as a person who is needed.

Moreover, in our time, it is customary to give the most successful, and sometimes edited photos and even art photographs, on which a person is much more attractive than in life. That is, as a result, you can lose your own twin (display) if the comparison turns out to be not in your favor.

But if you still want you to have an image of your loved one before your eyes, and it is yours, then it is better to photograph together. It unites and makes lovers more often think that they are a couple, and the energy of love clearly felt in the photograph distracts from flaws or figures.

You can not tear and burn your photos.

Photos some kind of mystically are closely related to people who are depicted on them. That is why it is believed that if you burn or tease your photos, then you violate the smooth course of your life and attract diseases and other troubles. That is, you destroy the integrity of the photograph of the photograph, and it immediately reflects on your real existence. So it is better not to risk and not destroy even those pictures that you do not like. By the way, this also applies to photos of other people.

You can not put your photo in the coffin of the deceased person.

This sign was born from information about some rites practiced by black magicians, and in fact it also has real foundations. Many people rightly believe that the one who "goes to that light" along with the dead man really will be very soon connecting with it.

Not to mention the fact that, perhaps, in almost every family album there is such a photo: Mom, dad and kid in the middle. And what, every child went to the world of others? Naturally, no.

If the photo turned out to be blurred, it means that a person will soon get sick.

Over this superstition, those who at least once decided to make pictures on their own. The clarity of the photograph affects a huge number of factors - from the skill of the photographer and illumination to shaking for some reason. Even with professional "paparazzi" using expensive cameras, muddy images are periodically obtained. So the blurred photo has no relation to the coming diseases.

If you take a picture of a pet, he will die soon.

If this "sign" acted, then almost a single manual animal would have left on Earth long ago, only wild animals and lucky people would have survived, they did not want to do not fall into the camera to the lens of their master. After all, all people who adore their pets are not only regularly photographing them, but also lay out their photos on social networks and send them into magazines to various contests.

If you take a picture of the Far Dear, you will not return back.

Another superstition. Remember how many pictures that the famous travelers, sailors, astronauts, politicians are depicted in the path of the path, sailors and online newspapers. And how many of them happen trouble with death? Statistics confidently refutes this "folk admission."

As you can see, many signs have so many assumptions that they come true only in extreme cases, and superstitions do not withstand any criticism at all. So take pictures on health and do not look for a negative where it is not. The main thing is not to scatter with your own and children's photos, as well as carefully choose places for shooting, and then the photo will bring you exclusively joy.

Wedding signs

With the wedding, there was always a lot of admission and customs. In any country of the world there are special rituals, signs, fortune telling. Young people, be it a young man or a girl, always want to find the only half in life and for life. This is not the last role played by signs that you just need to pay a little attention.

Before the wedding, to find out what a husband will throw a stone into the water. If the water boiled, the husband will be a grumbling boring. If your chosen one loves dogs, he will be devoteed and faithful, but at the same time strict. And if he loves cats, then your future spouse will be affectionate and gentle.

If the groom passes on the puddle near the bride's house, he will drink.

The girl on the issuance should be a little over with me. If a girl sweeps badly to the floor, then the husband can get caught by red. If during meals sheds anything on the table, then its second half will abuse alcohol.

There are also signs and in order to find out what the wife will be. If a young man loves to sleep a lot, he can get in the wives of Crvhylasia. And the guy who loves not to top up tea in a cup can get a wife with chubby sponges.

There are signs that predict the ambulance wedding. For example: if the girl has a finger during the sewing finger, then it will soon meet his narrowed. The pigeon flew into the room is unmarried means fast matchmaking - and you can choose last-minute tours to the islands.

So that a loving couple did not break up can not give each other his photos. If already presented, it is better to return.

In order not to put out in the girls do not sit down at the corner of the table. Do not sweep the floor from the table to the threshold, better the opposite. It is also impossible to spend myself a broom, you cut yourself from the grooms. Do not stand on the threshold when you eat. Do not transfer water through the threshold.

In order not to love one guy to two girlfriends, they can not look in the mirror at the same time.

The bride and the bridegroom can not allow friends to look at the mirror in front of themselves, can lead.

The bride and the bride cannot be photographed before the wedding under the handle, can part. If you did not know about it and you have such a photo, then within forty days in the evening, to yourself, repeat the prayer: "People of God are going to the Holy Easter, look at the golden crosses, kilty bell tower. And they don't look at my image, do not know, do not know, do not know. Amen."
So that marriage was long and happy to marry should be unable to new moon. And if it is in June, it is generally an ideal option.

Marry on Monday - to wealth, on Tuesday - to be healthy, on Wednesday - you are waiting for happiness. On Thursday marks, do not conclude - it promises you failures and difficulties in life. But marriage prisoners on Friday have every chance of becoming happy and long. In ancient times on Saturdays, they tried not to make marriage, it was believed that one of the spouses would go too much from life. But such a sign did not fit in our days, because the main part of marriages is registered on Saturdays. But the wedding is better not planned on Saturday, just in case.

On the day of the wedding ceremony there is a large proportion. When leaving the house, the bride should pass the threshold with the right foot, and if the sun falls at this moment, it is very good.

During the wedding ceremony, which of the newlyweds will be the first to get to the wedding carpet, he will become the main one in the family so that there should be equal rights to get up at the same time. This also applies to those who are the first to cross the threshold of the house.

When young are exchanged rings, you need a husband to put a ring to the bottom of the finger, otherwise it will take the top over it. It is impossible to drop rings at the time of the wedding ceremony, it is a bad sign.

For happiness, the bride should be put under the left heel coin. In Russia, in ancient times, the money was laid in the boots. Before the marriage night, the bride shot shoes from the groom and he gave her money for happiness.

After the registry office, newlyweds meet cooler and mother-in-law with bread-salt. Young must bite off from the cake without touching their hands. Who will be more a piece, he will be the main thing in the family.

Upon returning newlyweds under the threshold or the house rug, there are open castle, and when young people crossed his castle lock, and the key is thrown into the water, it means that their family happiness reliably locked forever.

As many people say, there will be a lot of superstitions, there are a lot and we do not know many. Therefore, first of all, you need to love and respect each other, as well as understand that the marriage is holy and if you decide on it, then be prepared for both joys and difficulties, as well as have a huge patience. Believe in what you will be happy and you have enough strength to cope with any trials that life will give you. Be happy in no way.

Photographers in their work are faced with a huge number of strange superstitions related to photography. Many of them relate to wedding pictures. Here are the most popular. Often newlyweds or their relatives who believe in signs do not give photographers to make their work as good as they can. Of course, in what signs to believe, everyone decides himself. The "Weddown Bowls.ru" most of this list cause sincere bewilderment.

Modern superstitions appear from the personal experience of some coincidences, the reformulation of older will accept, borrowed from other cultures - in the era of the Internet it happens easily and quickly. The older people, the more at least they will believe. In this regard, one of the professional competencies of the wedding photographer is to be able to dispel mystical sentiment.

1. You can not take pictures of the bride one

Hundreds of brides who have luxurious single photos, prove: faith in this will make sure to deprive the girl only beautiful wedding photopertures, but not familiar happiness or groom. And this cunning sign deprives you with pleasure to consider your cool portraits after months and years after the wedding.

2. If you do not pay with the photographer, then the mother of mother-in-law will go to the mother

Photographers confirm: with those who are not going to pay for their work, things happen and worse. So better do not risk.

3. You can not take pictures of newlyweds on the backdrop of churches

In fact, the value in this case has only one thing: what religion is newlyweds. The cult facility for their back at wedding photos must necessarily match it. If the groom with the bride do not belong to any religion, then it is usually important for them, what the temple on their photos, but a beautiful picture or not.

4. You can not take pictures of newlyweds on the day of the wedding. Well, that is, it is completely impossible

Photographers are sure: this sign is nothing as a consequence of cunning intrigues of video operators.

5. Feed the photographer at the wedding - to good photos

The only sign that does not cause objections.

6. No one at the wedding should be dressed in black

The adepts of this signs can be expelled from the celebration of the photographer, dressed in a black T-shirt. Therefore, experienced photographers do not work black. Just in case.

7. The bride must keep a bouquet in his hands until the end of the wedding

The trouble for the photographer in this case is one - all photos with the bride get very similar to each other. Some try to convince the girl to give a bouquet of a trusted face. Sometimes it turns out.

8. It is impossible for someone third in the photo between the bride and groom

The third, of course, is often superfluous, but hardly in this case. Especially if it is a favorite mother or dad, or a little sister.

9. You can not marry May, otherwise all my life will have to be

This admission came up with the photographers themselves (perhaps they conspired and with other wedding specialists). All should have a vacation at least once a year.

10. It is impossible to photograph the reflection of the bride in the mirror

In experienced photographers, there is a very significant counterproof: "Well, if so, I now post my" sir of "and I am going for" soapy ". Everyone is afraid to be afraid and remember a common sense. The result: amazing pictures with reflections.

11. Bride girlfriend must kiss witness

Although it is not quite about the photo, but ... Photographers are not against. They are just asked to include them in the list of those who should kiss the girlfriend, if it is pretty. And if not very - let the operator kisses.

12. It is impossible to photograph newlyweds on different sides of the tree

Those who believe it are usually warning in advance. For the photographer, the request of the client is the law.

13. The first photo of the bride in the wedding dress should be necessarily either with the bride or with her mom

Yes, no one objects in general.

14. In the numbering of the list of photos should not be numbers 13 and 666

How do you argue if in the world even buildings build no 13th floor?

There are those who believe: if the building - the newlyweds are made in the frame, in the frame tree - they will refuse their feet, and in ancient Russia, by the way, they lived perfectly well without photographs - so well, they are away.

In photographers, by the way, also have our own signs like such: "Everyone I shot, live long and happily," "lens on this camera is a happy wedding," and a tripod so in general "guarantor of the stability of family relationships." Unhappiness, according to photographers, they fall only on those who did not pay them in time or did not pay them at all. Excellent, in our opinion, signs are correct.