Chinese folk sayings proverbs and expressions. Chinese

Chinese folk sayings proverbs and expressions. Chinese
Chinese folk sayings proverbs and expressions. Chinese

Most Chinese proverbs and sayings reached us from the depths of the centuries. The source of many of them was the oral folk speech, others are drawn from myths and legends. But those and others are a concentrated life lesson for future generations, a way to transfer wise knowledge, copied centuries in the Earth.

There is even a special designation for many of these vertsions - "Chengyu" - a finished expression, as a rule, consisting of four hieroglyphs.

The fixed dragon in the thickness of water becomes mining crabs

Chinese idioms are characterized by special elegance and poetry, create expressive metaphors for the perception of reality in any particular time and place, regardless of nationality. We bring to your attention only some of them.

Chinese about the power of will

The history of China is complex and dramatic. Natural disasters, rapid raids of the inhabitants of the Great Steppe, destructive wars and civilians taught the people of durability and courage that are highly appreciated in China and today.

In the strong spirit there is will; Weak - Some desires

Man without will, that a knife without steel

The Chinese know firmly: we ourselves are doing our own destiny.

You are unable to prevent the birds of sadness to fly over your head, but the grief to those who will allow them to press the nest in their hair

About obstacles on the way

The most obvious metaphor of irresistible obstacles are mountains.

Man who decided to move the mountain, begins with dragging small stones

You must climb the mountain as an old man ( slow and carefully) to go down with her like a young man

About trust

The best constipation for the door is the ability to keep it open

Poetfully and right. It is impossible to rely on the most cunning castle if there is no confidence in others.

Mutual Trust - the basis of friendship

On the beauty of imperfection

Friend without flawlessness does not happen; If you look for a flaw - you will stay without a friend

Perfection lacks human, it is sterile and lifeless. The correct answer can be found only by making a lot of errors.

If you make a mistake - it is better to immediately laugh


Disturb from the bustle is one of the main advantages in the culture of Asian peoples. The Chinese are extreme supporters of slow change.

Live, keeping peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves

Do not be afraid to slow, fight to stop

The happiness of the next century is built in this age

A huge number of Chinese phraseological units can be levied from four classic novels: "Lo Guanzhun, Nahi Anchi, Cheng-Ena and Xuzin Cao. They are widely used today by all educated representatives of Chinese society, including politicians and business people.

Chinese proverbs and sayings are a storehouse of Chinese wisdom. China is one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. After all, only China's written history is 3,500 years old.

For many years, the Chinese people collected the statements and observations of the wise men who lived on her land.

Their wisdom is distinguished by a special look at the world and a person in it. And although these words were written thousands of years ago, they still can help each of us and send our thoughts into the right channel, and therefore actions.

The wisdom of the Chinese people, proverbs and sayings in which a deep meaning is hidden:

  1. Do not be afraid that you do not know - be afraid that you do not study.
  2. Meeting with a friend in the Far Territory is similar to the long-awaited rain.
  3. The one who indicates your shortcomings is not always your enemy; The one who speaks of your merits is not always your friend.
  4. What happens happens on time.
  5. Always look at things with a light side, and if there are no such - rubbed dark, until you block.
  6. Hut, where laugh, the richer palace, where they miss.
  7. If one word does not form, do not agree ten thousand.
  8. If you stumbled and fell, it does not mean that you are not going there.
  9. The one who drinks water must remember those who are fishing well.
  10. Until you get on the fishing rod, you will not become an expert.
  11. Only a beautiful bird is put in the cage.
  12. True has many faces.
  13. Fool and happiness is stupid.
  14. There are many roads that lead to the top. But the landscape remains unchanged.
  15. Reflecting on the past, learn about the future
  16. With thoughts, they are as follows as guests, and with desires - like with children.
  17. Do not be afraid to slow, fighting to stop.
  18. And good, and bad difficult to avoid human molly.
  19. He who gently steps far away in its path.
  20. Strong overcome the barrier, wise - all the way.
  21. Not friends with an ungrateful person.
  22. Traveling to a thousand Lee begins with one step.
  23. If there is a desire in the heart, then the stone is drilled
  24. Do not say if it does not change silence for the better.
  25. The trick of life is to die young, but as long as possible.
  26. The temptation to surrender will be particularly strong shortly before the victory.
  27. Teachers only open the doors, then you go for yourself.
  28. No matter how much the wind blew, the mountain will not be slide in front of him.
  29. Live, keeping peace. The time will come and the flowers will dissolve themselves.
  30. Friend without flawlessness does not happen; If you look for a flaw - you will stay without a friend.
  31. Misfortune enters the door that he was opened.
  32. No one comes back from traveling as he was before.
  33. Those who are able to blush cannot be a black heart.
  34. Better one day to be a man than a thousand days to be a shadow.
  35. Your house where your thoughts are calm.
  36. If you make a mistake - it is better to immediately laugh.
  37. The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is today.
  38. When they talk about my advantages - they are trusted; When they talk about my shortages - I'm taught.
  39. Have money, do not help others, I don't care what to get into the cave with jewels, and come back with empty hands.
  40. The invisible red thread is connected by those who are destined to meet, despite the time, place and circumstances. Thread can stretch or seed, but never breaks.
  41. Easy to be holy, sitting on a Thai Shan Mount. It is much more difficult to remain saints, sitting in the bazaar ....
  42. The man who was able to move the mountain began with the fact that smallest pebbles dropped from place to place.
  43. The wisest man is the one who does not forget suffering and flour even during the greatest fun. High, keeping peace.
  44. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.
  45. The magnitude of the tower is measured by the length of the shadow dropped to it, and the greatness of man - the number of its enviousness.
  46. There are you - I did not add anything, no of you - nothing.
  47. One of the main duties of a person is to make the light start of the mind, which we get from the sky.
  48. Knowledge is a treasure that everywhere follows for those who possesses them.
  49. Going together on the road love each other, engaged in one thing jealous of each other.
  50. And the emperor cannot buy a thousand years of life.
  51. It is better to leave son one book than a pot of gold.
  52. Truth is the source of courage.
  53. The big river flows quietly, a smart person does not increase the voices.
  54. Hut, where laugh, the richer palace, where they miss.
  55. Always look at things with a light side, and if there are no, it is dark, they will not block it.
  56. What happens to happen in addition to your alarm.
  57. Each failure adds to the mind.
  58. The modesty of truly good people is expressed in oblivion: they are so absorbed by what they are doing that they miss the thing that has already done.
  59. Looking for fire, you find with smoke.
    In the cognmark, learn and lie.
    In every thing there are two halves,
    And without one second you will not understand.

25 of the best Chinese proverbs. In many years, the Chinese people collected proverbs and sayings that have high wisdom. The look of the Chinese on the world, the life and place of people in the universe is very different from our usual to us.

25 best Chinese proverbs: We present you a small selection of quotes that have deep wisdom:

  • The word you did not say is your slave, and expressed - becomes your lord.

With thoughts, they are as follows as guests, and with desires - like with children.

Reflecting on the past, learn about the future.

  • Not friends with an ungrateful person.

There are many roads that lead to the top. But the landscape remains unchanged.

The temptation to surrender will be particularly strong shortly before the victory.

When they talk about my advantages - they are trusted; When they talk about my shortages - I'm taught.

  • Whoever responds badly about others, it's not good.
  • The trick of life is to die young, but as long as possible.

Have money, do not help others, I don't care what to get into the cave with jewels, and come back with empty hands.

  • Traveling to a thousand Lee begins with one step.
  • True has many faces.

Cheap items are not valuable, valuable things are not cheap.

If the heart is not on the spot, then you look, yes you do not see, listen, do you not hear, eat, do not feel taste.

Do not be afraid to slow, fighting to stop.

Talking kind words - does not mean to be kind.

  • From the jug into the cup you can only pour what was in it.
  • You can bring a camel to water, but you can not make it drink.
  • Fool and happiness is stupid.
  • And a small man can be great desires.
  • If you stumbled and fell, it does not mean that you are not going there.

Hut, where laugh, the richer palace, where they miss.

Fish Loku is growing, the man of lying spars.

If one word does not form, do not agree ten thousand.

Always look at things with a light side, and if there are no such - rubbed dark, until you block.

  • Do not laugh above the old man: you will become myself.
  • The one who indicates your shortcomings is not always your enemy; The one who speaks of your merits is not always your friend.
  • Do not be afraid that you do not know - be afraid that you do not study.
  • Teachers only open the doors, then you go for yourself.

The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is today.

No matter how much the wind blew, the mountain will not be slide in front of him.

Friend without flawlessness does not happen; If you look for a flaw - you will stay without a friend.

Misfortune enters the door that he was opened.

  • No one comes back from traveling as he was before.
  • Those who are able to blush cannot be a black heart.

Better one day to be a man than a thousand days to be a shadow.

The man who was able to move the mountain began with the fact that smallest pebbles dropped from place to place.

If you make a mistake - it is better to immediately laugh.

The wise man is the one who does not forget suffering and flour even during the greatest fun.

For the entire long history of development in Chinese, many proverbs and sayings, phraseologism, quotes and aphorisms, which moved from literary work, folk folklore and the usual life of ordinary Chinese are appeared.

For the Russian-speaking population, most of them are perceived with strange and not quite familiar with the residents of the people themselves, they are needed as air, and are often used in everyday speech and writing by hieroglyphs.

Fact. Most often, it is almost impossible to understand the meaning of saying or wise saying from simple translation, since every idioma is a long or short story, without understanding which all the beauty and weight of the expression loses part of its meaning. In addition, Chinese proverbs sound rhythmically and rhyme only in their native language, and in translating to Russian prose or the sound similar to the sense of the phrase.

History of Chinese proverbs

Any people are gaining everyday experience during their development, transmitting it from generation to generation. Before the distribution of writing in China and at that time, when the formation was inflicted for ordinary people (many Chinese and now small), winged expressions, quotes, useful conclusions about the changes in nature, observations of human relations were transmitted from older generations to descendants in the form of witty statements And Idie, who just remember enough.

In modern Chinese, there are a large number of wise proverbs and prunes. They have a different origin, but perform one task - give speech emotional color. The Chinese call them Chanjuy, usually statements consist of 4 syllables. Most Chenyuyev occurred from Venyan - the language of the ancient Chinese writing, which practically did not remain in modern Chinese, but there are more modern expression on its origin.

By its source, Chinese expressions, quotes and phrases are divided into several species:

  • what happened from religious Chinese beliefs - and Taoisma ("Buddha must be covered with gold, and people are clothing").
  • come from other languages. In addition to the Chinese themselves, 55 more people live on the territory of the Crimestone, their representatives brought their idioms into the country's language ("If water is located in the pond, then there is a fish in it").
  • phrases from literary works.
  • Phrases that came from the life of simple peasants.
  • Sayings, reflecting folk wisdom ("The released horse can be caught, and the spent the word is no longer negated.

Proverbs by category with meaning

In addition to division by origin, all statements can be divided by the subject.


Good memory is much worse than the end of a bad brush. Write information is always more reliable than just remember.

The world always becomes a little better if people do something not for themselves, but for each other.

About love

Love is not in possession, but in mutual respect.

Love from the first moment. Most often refers to a person, but sometimes used for things.

About friendship

If a person is a friend for everyone, he is not a different anyone.

We wish to get the heart of another, under any circumstances do not throw it.

About labor

Any difficulty is very difficult at first (the eyes are afraid, and the hands do).

If people are united, then the whole mountain Tishan will be able to move. If you work together, then you can turn the mountains together and the mountains.

About wisdom

Do not do, do not die. The phrase means that if a person does not make stupid actions, they will not harm him.

A strong person will cope with one obstacle, and wise - will overcome the whole path.

About enemy

The most evil dragons are headless.

Beautiful quotes

In China, the expressions of the wise men, expressed in the books, and quote them.

  • Who shows my mistakes is my teacher. Whoever notices my correct actions is my friend. The one who flashes is an enemy. Khan Xiang-Cyza.
  • Family is not an exceptional place where people need to be decent, but the first of them. Khan Xiang-Czise "Favorites".


Status is an opportunity for every person to express your own thoughts and feelings or attract additional attention to yourself. Daily millions of Chinese start their day with one habitual action - enter the Internet and enter the page on social networks. Everyone wants to know which news is from the moment when a person was last online, which is new in colleagues, familiar, loved ones. The easiest way to detect it is to just read the current user status. Using the status, a person informs everyone about his mood, the state of affairs and desire to communicate.

Interesting fact. Many names that give Chinese children are pronounced as Hestegi.

Statuses on Chinese can be the most different: funny, witty, sad, intriguing and so on. Using status, the user increases interest in his person. Because of the status, you can buy a reputation as a witty, positive, communicable person, which is further affected by relationships in real life.

More adult Chinese try to seem like educated and sophisticated personalities and try to choose statuses from the statements of famous people. Young girls write about guys, often ironically, or about eternal love and treason.

The most popular statuses in Chinese:

  1. It is a pity that I do not have the opportunity to express my love in the language of flowers - there is no so many red roses ...
  2. Is love at a big distance can't be? The sun is very far away, but heats.
  3. Love can live at a great distance. She is able to survive everything, if a person really wants it.
  4. If you woke up in the morning and feel that I slept, sleep still to feel complete in this confidence.
  5. At first you will live, and later go home.


Aphorism is the original logicly complete thought, expressed and recorded in a brief phrase and then repeated by other people. The Chinese often use the aphorisms of the Great Wise men:

  1. The man who steals one hook will be executed, and the one that the kingdom steals will be his ruler. (Mainic Tzu).
  2. A real person is very simple and kind, not subject to emotions, always calm and lackless. (Zhuang Tzu).
  3. If it is not clear how your children became, look at their nearest friends. (Xun Tzu).
  4. The main law of decent people is to do good and not swear among themselves. (Lao Tzu).
  5. Regarding an ordinary person, see how the biggest business performs. Considering the outstanding, look, as he is attentive to all the trifles. (Chen Jizhu)
  6. For a long time, you are not delayed: a young wife from the old husband; Beautiful servant at the jealous mistress (Juan Yun Jiao).
  7. A noble man, pleaseing to trouble, will not be sad, and hitting the holiday, will not avoid overall joy. It is not afraid of strong and helps weak. (Hong Zured).

Chinese proverbs by alphabet

  • The big river flows very quietly, a wise husband does not raise voices.
  • Time is money, but you can't buy any time for money.
  • Always be ready for what you can not find what you are looking for.
  • Give poor fish - you create a day without a feeling of hunger. Teach him to catch fish - and save him from hunger forever.
  • For someone who does not swim anywhere, the passing wind does not blow.
  • Thinking about the past, you can find out the future.
  • If you rush for speed - you will not reach your goals.
  • If the word was expressed - it's not to catch it on the fourth of horses (the word - not a sparrow, released - you can't catch).
  • If you remove the word "problem" from your speech, it will disappear by itself.
  • Live, supporting peace. There will be spring, and all the colors will reveal themselves.
  • It is necessary to live to old age, it is necessary to learn to old age.
  • True friendship is like clean water.
  • The wisdom of life is to die young, but as late as possible.
  • Do not be afraid to move slowly, worry to stay in place.
  • Not worth it to pronounce if the words expressed do not change silence for the better.
  • Do not miss any chance, because another may not appear.
  • There are no such holidays that do not end.
  • It is necessary to hurry to do what is not so important that later do what is truly important, without a rush.

  • Experience - like a comb that appears after it became a bald.
  • You can conclude about the ruling king on how the courtiers are dancing.
  • Strong rain in the mountains is approaching, and the house is blown by the wind (clouds are condensed over man).
  • The straight leg of a person will not be afraid of the shoe curve.
  • The best battle is the one that was not.
  • Say good words - does not mean becoming kind.
  • With your thoughts you need to contact both guests, and with dreams - like with children.
  • The centuries created can be broken over only an hour.
  • Sleep together on one pillow - does not mean to see the same dreams.
  • What is happening is always on time.
  • What can happen will occur besides your alarm.
  • In the reservoir we study the fish, the mountain peaks we hear the singing of birds.
  • Every person has their own hobby.
  • Study, you understand how little you know.
  • Teachers can only open the doors, then a person goes himself.
  • A good book is the best friend.
  • A man who moved the mountain began with the movement of small pebbles.
  • I saw the dragon, which strangled the toad.

Fact. Chinese winged expressions require careful thinking. It is much better to analyze them in the original, because if you translate these phrases to another language, for example, Russian, then the part of the wisdom concluded in them is often lost.

Chinese sayings are a table of folk wisdom. Their meaning reflects a special look at the world around the world and the location of a separate person in it. And let these expressions were compiled for several centuries ago, they are still relevant and help contemporaries to correct their thoughts and actions.


Chinese - The largest people of the world. The total number of Chinese in the world is more than a billion people. Even in the Middle Ages, the Chinese began to spread all over the world, but first of all in neighboring states. The widespread Chinese emigration acquired in the second half of the XIX - the first half of the XX centuries. Abroad, the Chinese live in almost all countries of the world. Speak on various Chinese dialects. Numerous dialects are often interpreonymable. In religiously, the Chinese adhere to their scales of spiritual values \u200b\u200bbuilt on the principles of deep syncretism. Chinese language is included in the Tai-Chinese group of the Chinese-Tibetan family of languages.


BUT romatic roses always blows from the hand that gives them.

Light man does not make dark cases.

High lamp is far shining.

Fire in paper will not be wrapped.

Food peasant depends on the weather.

Do not be afraid of paper tigers.

What official is unconsumed?

Choose the Son - I don't care what to kill him; only from under the fiery stick
There are respectful children.

Close neighbors are better than distant relatives.

Wealth Does not open DIT After three generations.

Fear your desires, they are executed.

Noble man does not remember old evil.

Tea through the night will be poisonous as a snake.

There are only immaculate brides, but there is no immaculate guards.

In the far road is not easy smoking.

In an unfamiliar place to make money well, in a familiar place to celebrate the New Year.

Welject will die - a hundred guests at the gate, the general will die - and the soldier will not suit.

Water can not only support the boat, but also sink it.

Water flows down, and man strives up.

Reducing one sip in dinner, "you live up to 99 years.

Go out and enter - no gate, come and leave - there is no way.

You will eat radish - you will not suffer hundreds of diseases.

Deaf teaches a dumb - one does not know how to say, the other does not know how to listen.

Hungry mouse is ready to eat a cat.

The sovereign is that the boat, and the people are like water: can carry, maybe drown.

The ancients do not see today's moon, but today's moon has once covered the ancients.

Even little inaccuracy can knock down from the way.

Long day - a lot of things, the night is long - a lot of dreams.

Money in the hands of a messenger - a ram in the mouth of the tiger.

Road who went thousands of years, turns into the river.

Think better about food in this world, and not about the fact that in the world, there will be nothing to trample.

Children from poor families are quickly recovering.

If weed roots are not removed during the weeding, weeds will grow again when the spring wind fits.

If I was wrong dear, then you can return; If I was wrong with a word - nothing can be done.

If you make a mistake - it is better to immediately laugh.

If you doubt a person, do not lead with him.

If you have good sons, why do you need money?

There are you - I did not add anything, no of you - nothing.

If there is Musk - he smells and himself, why then do you need a wind?

If you are unbearable, there is nothing to praise the ancestors.

After eating, pass 100 steps, and you will live up to 100 years.

For a thousand Lee sent a goose Pyryshko: a lung gift, yes dear attention.

Closed the wound - forgot about pain.

Evil, which is afraid that they will learn about him - for sure is great.

And there are gaps in the fence, and the walls have ears.

And the high mountain does not deploy the sun.

And for the fallen stone comes the day when it is turned over.

From the crown nest will not take a chicken egg.

Search bones in chicken egg.

How to know whether the future will be as good as the present.

When the tree falls, the monkeys are rushed by the swarming.

When there is wine, think more often about the time when it won't.

When you sit in the wedding palanquin, it's late to pour holes in the ears.

When a blind bear collects corn - one will take, the other drops.

When a person hardworking, then the land is not lazy.

Kohl believe that aromatic sticks will help you, then burn them, do not think, morning now or evening.

Feed troops a thousand days, and use one minute.

Beautiful flowers are ashamed when their elderly women stick into their hair.

Cracking duck shot.

Who closer to the fire, the first and burns.

A piece of field is a piece of sky.

The lamp does not illuminate itself.

The boat can turn over in the waste ditch.

It is better to talk with smart what to fight with a fool.

It is better to see a person than to hear the name.

Frog dreams to climb the cherry.

Mother cannot love her daughter and her leg at the same time.

Slowly go - better than standing.

The world is so great that there is no such thing.

You can only buy an error, but it is impossible to sell.

Longevity or early death is dependent on wealth.

For excess pollities are not offended.

On the heart of the offense, and on the face smile.

The soldier will definitely be defeated.

It is necessary to hastily do what is not so important to do in slower what is important.

Punish a meat cake.

Longevity is one of five types of happiness that exist in the world.

Do not be afraid if people do not invite, be afraid that the skill is not completely.

Do not be afraid that you do not know - be afraid that you do not study.

Health is gold. Summary - silver.

Rich people are always not far from the pharmacy.

Do not take a tiger on the tail.

Do not raise the mountains - you do not recognize the heights of the sky; Do not go down in the abyss - you do not know the strata of the earth.

Do not lose in vain time in youth, there will be very little in old age.

Heaven knows, the earth knows, you know, I know - who says that no one knows?

The invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, places and circumstances. The thread can stretch or be confused, but never breaks.

No debts - and easily easily.

No pir that does not end.

No one knows the Son better than father.

Poor people are always not far from coffins, and rich people - from drugs.

One day will replace three if you do everything on time.

Thrown one branch - ten injected.

The falling palace is difficult to rest in one log.

A pair of broken legs is a bath of tears.

So far, not breakfast - it is considered early, until he married, you think is small.

Show on a deer and call him a horse. ( those. deliberately distort the truth)

If you eat three Chinese dates every day, then you do not grow up all my life.

After a long disease, you get a good doctor yourself.

Overcoming the long distance you will find out horse endurance; Will be held for a long time - you will find out that a person in his heart.

The seller of pumpkins does not say that bitter pumpkins, the seller of wine does not say that the wine is diluted.

It takes upstairs, but they know those who are below.

Once put on new shoes - above the legs.

The divided brothers in three years become simply neighbors.

Grow tree ten years old, a person is a hundred.

Draw flavors easily, draw tiger difficult.

Parents gave you life - the will to bring up himself.

Rysak often drives fool, wise woman often lives with a stupid man.

Since childhood, steals needles - grows, the gold steals.

From this mountain it seems that the mountain is high.

Sit down easy, go hard.

Today is not predicting tomorrow morning.

The heart of a woman is the most harmful.

The blind cat came across a dead mouse ...

Running fish is always big.

Countryside and the dead stands on the legs. (Ancient Proverb)

The old horse in the stable also wants to run 1000 Li.

One hundred illnesses begin with a cold.

Standing gives debt, the knees are asked to return the money.

The happiness of the next century is built in this age.

The son is like a wolf, but seems to be a lamb, the daughter is like a mouse, but seems a tiger.

To the one who participates in the case - all the dotters, the one who looks, from the side - everything is clear.

A thousand mice will not replace one elephant.

A thousand ways to know easily, one result to achieve is difficult.

In the fish drawn on the wall, only one eye.

Good luck will change in ten years.

A smiling official kills people.

Fall seven times, raise eight.

The little knife should be sharp, a small person should be good.

Good rulers do not make it from good iron nails, and from good people - soldiers.

If you eat well and sleep - you will live for a long time. (about life, health)

Good item does not happen chemishev; Cheap item is not good.

Wants to have a good horse, but at the same time does not want to feed it with hay