Chichiki as a new hero of the era (essay). Report: Chikchiki Hero "New Formation"

Chichiki as a new hero of the era (essay). Report: Chikchiki Hero "New Formation"

Topic: "Chichikov is a new" hero "of the era."

Purpose: Learning to build arguments based on text from the analysis of the proposed fragment; develop the skills of structuring an expanded response to the proposed question taking into account the learning task, the ability to use as an argumentation base literary text and literary-critical material, making analysis and self-analysis of completed work, the ability to find errors and improve the work performed; Relieve a sense of decency and attentive attitude towards others, purposefulness.

Texts for work in the lesson of the Russian language (control test for the grade 9 program).

1 option

1) Fair just name it: the owner, the acquirer. 2) Acquisition - Wines Total. 3) Because of it, it was done by which the light gives the name not very clean. 4) True, there is already something repulsive in such a character. 5) But the wise is the one who is not bended to any characters, but, in him, the testing look, it comes to initial reasons. 6) Quickly everything turns into a person. 7) and more than once not only a broad passion, but the insignificant passion will grow to something small in born on the best feats, forced him to forget the great and holy duties and in insignificant ribbons to see the Great and Holy. 8) are countless, as sea sands, human passionsAnd everyone is not like alone on the other, and all of them, low and beautiful, at first submissive to a person and then become the terrible lords of him. 9) And maybe, in the same chichotchik, his passion, his own, is no longer from him, and in the cold existence it is concluded that it will turn into dust and on his knees of man before the wisdom of heaven. (N.V.Gogol "Dead Souls" 11 Chapter).

1 option

1. From Proposition 7-8 writing the Word with an alternating vowel at the root.

2. From Proposals 8-9, wrote the Word, the spelling of the consonant in the console of which depends on the prefiguration of a deaf consonant sound.

4. Explain the formulation of the dash in 2 sentences.

5. Send the room complex sentence with apparent definition (sentences 1-4)

6. From Proposals 3-6 to write the introductory word.

7. To write down the guest room (from suggestions 5-7) containing a separate circumstance.

Key (1 option)

1. Survected

2. Countless

3. Conclosed

6. True (offer 4)

8. commas with homogeneous suggestions.

9. 1,2 - Comparative turnover, 3 - SSP, 4 - SSP, 5.6 - Separate agreed definitions expressed by single adjectives

Option 2

1) Reception of exposing gradation - conscious installation of Gogol. 2) In the "selected places ..." he writes: "For one, I follow me the heroes, one division of the other."

3) In the process of the image of the landowners, the readers are deployed and the image of the main character - Chichikova is deployed. 4) landlords and officials outlined by Gogol compete in spiritual exhaustion. 5) But both of those and others clearly surpasses Chichikov - the active knight "penny". 6) He is more hedied in the desire for acquisition than a box, which depends on seven skins with its serfs, a strata of the Soberevich and the impudence of the Nozder in the means of enrichment.

7) In the final chapter, which fills the biography of Chichikov, there is a final exposure of him as a dexterous predator, the acquirer and entrepreneur of the bourgeois warehouse, civilized scoundrel, the owner of life.

8) Gogol, a keen observer, the growth in the depths of the feudal-serfdom of bourgeois trends, quickly discussed. 9) And these trends found in him a merciless accuser, which was noticed in them a terrible, rolling power of money related to monstrous speculation, with consciously fraudulent adventures. (A.I.Värvyakin "The history of Russian literature of the 19th century." M. "Education" 1985)

Option 2

1. From Proposition 5-6 to write down the word with an alternating vowel at the root.

2. From Proposals 3-4, writing the Word, the spelling of the consonant in the console of which depends on the next to the prefix of a ring consonant sound.

3. Of the 9 proposals to write a suffering communion.

5. Write a room of a complex proposal with the apparent definition (Proposals 7-9)

6. From Proposals 4-5 to write a concerted definition.

7. To write down the guest room (from suggestions 5-6) containing a separate definition.

8. Explain the formulation of punctuation marks in the 7 sentence.

9. Number punctuation marks in 8 sentences and explain their production.

10. Select the correct answer in which the characteristic 9 offers:

1) Simple complicated offer

2) Difficult offer

3) complex proposal

4) difficult sentence with writing and supervisory bond

Key (2 options)

1. Defacing

2. Departs

3. Related

4. Common application that is at the end of the sentence

6. Gogol outlined (4 sentences)

8. 1.2 - Private turnover, 3,4,5 - homogeneous members

9. 1.2 - Completed Appendix, 3 - involvement

3 option

1) Remember Chichikova's road box - the same poem! 2) This is a poem about purchasing, squeezing sweat in the name of a million. 3) There and the city poster, torn from the cabinet, and the funeral ticket that tells him the sober mind about the guise of life. 4) the same bunch of Plushin, only not a rashpall, and given in symmetry, where every object is to business. 5) A bunch of Plushkin is a cemetery of dead things, Chichikov's casket - a campaign suitcase of a business person.

6) A comic journey ends tragically, and tragedy permeates the final lines of the "dead souls" about the troika flying into the unknownness.

7) Before this final, Chichikov falls asleep, calmed down by their successful flight from the city, and as if in a dream, he sees his own childhood, which the author himself says.

8) This story about Chicchikov's childhood and will give an overclocking of his troika, picks up it as on the wings and will incur to the unknown second.

9) In this passage, the contrast is especially felt - the immense Russia and the "government crew" is a symbol of soulless, terrible state power. (Golden I. Article "Chichikov was noticed at all on other yeast" "Literature at school", №2, 1999).

3 option

1. From offer 4-5 writing a word with an alternating voice in the root.

2. From Proposals 4-5, writing the Word, the spelling of the consonant in the console of which depends on the preferred consonant sound.

3. Of the 3 proposals to write down the suffering communion.

4. Explain the formulation of the dash in the 5 sentence.

5. Send a number of complex suggestions (Proposals 5-6)

6. From Proposals 2-3, write homogeneous members.

7. To write down the guest's room (from Proposals 1-3) containing a separate definition.

8. Explain the formulation of punctuation marks in the 7 sentence.

9. Number the punctuation marks in the 9 sentence and explain their production.

10. Select the correct answer in which the characteristic 7 offers:

1) Simple complicated offer

2) Difficult offer

3) complex proposal

4) A complex offer with writing and supervisory bond

Key (3 options)

1. Died

2. Rastrepanna

3. Torn

4. A dash between the subject and taught, expressed nouns (composite nominal faithful to the missed ligament)

6. Acquisition, squeezing sweat; poster, ticket

8. 1.2 - Persistent turnover, 2 - Uniformly taled, 3 - Puttingular definition

9. 1I2 dash - common application, 3 comma - homogeneous members

How to check work.

1. To see if the introduction is in work and answer the question: "Does the entry of the maintenance of the main work corresponding to the perception of the main part of the work?" If not - rebuild entry or remove.

2. To see if the proposed fragment is written correctly, whether all the thoughts and concepts entered into it are worked out and explained.

3. To see if the working thesis is in work and it corresponds to the interpretation of the fragment.

4. Re-read the argument and answer the question: "Does the argument confirm the working thesis and an interpreted fragment?" If it does not confirm - "Fold" reflections or replaced (similar to work, we carry out with each of the arguments).

5. To see if the final part is in work, whether it is echoing with the introduction, the working thesis and interpretation of the fragment, whether it is a logical conclusion from all the above. If not - rebuild the output.

6. Check if all offers and parts of the work are interconnected by meaning and grammatically.

7. Check errors. If you doubt the spelling of the word - check in the dictionary or replace the synonym. If you do not manage to analyze the proposal structure - rearrange it. Remove speech and grammatical errors ("ignite" phrases).

Criteria for evaluation:

K1. Introduction is and it correlates with interpretation of a fragment and working thesis, corresponds to the content of the main part of the work, prepares for its perception (1 point).

K2. The proposed fragment is interpreted, all thoughts and concepts concluded in it are worked out and explained (2 points).

The fragment is interpreted, but not all concepts (1 point) are considered and explained.

The fragment is not interpreted (0 points).

K3. Working thesis and corresponds to interpretation of a fragment (2 points).

The working thesis is, but it does not correspond to the interpretation of the fragment (1 point).

The working thesis is no (0 points).

K4. The arguments confirm the working thesis and an interpreted fragment (the first three theses are taken into account) (for each correctly selected argument - 3 points; the maximum number of points is 9).

K5. The final part echoes the entry, the working thesis and interpretation of the fragment, is a logical conclusion from the above mentioned above (3 points).

The conclusion logically completes the main part of the work, but it does not correlate with the introduction and the working thesis (1 point)

There is no output or it does not correlate with the content of the work (0 points).

K6. All offers and parts of the work are interconnected by meaning and grammatically (3 points).

There is one logical error (2 points).

There are two logical errors (1 point).

More than 2 are admitted logical errors (0 points).

The maximum number of points is 20.

Ratings: 15-20 points - "5"

11-14 points - "4"

9-13 points - "3"

0-8 points - "2"

The design of the board.

Reverse side (closed board)


1 option

Mark in the text of the poem the most bright lyrical deviations (Chapter 5 (the retreat of the talked Russian word), chapter 7 (about two types of writers; about burlacs), chapter 11 (about the bird-triple, about the road, about Russia and her heroes, about choosing a hero). What kind of artistic function they Perform?

Option 2

Prepare a message on the topic: "What does Gogol's image mean?"

Blackboard in turn

1 sash

Fragments from 11 chapter of the poem N.V.Gogol "Dead Souls"

1) It is very doubtful, so that the hero is liked to like the readers ... Dangerous man is still not taken into heroes ... It's time to finally stick and scone

2) Who is it relative to the qualities of moral? That he is not a hero, performed perfect and virtuous, it can be seen. Who is he? Will be a scoundrel? Why ca, why should be so strict to others?

3) But the wise is the one who is not bent by any character, but, by going to him, the testing look comes to initial reasons.

Central sash

Chichikov - new hero era?



1. Opening part

A) + - entry

B) work with a fragment (interpretation of a fragment)

C) the working thesis formulated on the basis of interpretation of the fragment

2. The main part of the work is the reasoning with the proof or illustration of the working thesis containing at least 2-3 arguments (reference to text, citation, partial citation, partial retelling; reference to a literary-critical assessment of the work), confirming the provisions put forward in the thesis.

3. Finishing part of the part (withdrawal from all above).

2 sash

Thesis is a position that summarizes any idea.

Argument - argument, proof.

During the classes

1. Recording homework

2. Definition of a learning task

Today we are working out an essay-reasoning skills in accordance with the training task that you are invited to decide when performing a task in part C2 on GIA. The difference is that as an argumentation base we will use the work of the work and its literary and critical assessment (the texts proposed for execution test work In the lesson of the Russian language, tutorials, literary critical materials). Thus, we will continue to prepare for the exam in the Russian language and we will work out several the works that you will be invited to write on the completion of the study of the poem "Dead Souls" and Creativity N.V. Gogol.

At the end of the lesson, we have to clarify the wording of the lesson, recorded on the board.

To today's lesson, you wrote an essay on the topic: "Who is he, this chicker?", Taking advantage of the "how to check the work", tested a written job, eliminated errors and rated their work in accordance with the evaluation criteria.

3. Work with written students. Who put on behalf of "5"? (One work is taken by a teacher for checking, students are divided into pairs, exchange notebooks and check each other's work with a consultant sheet. All the marks and corrections are made with a pencil. After checking, the second estimate is set. When assessing it is taken into account only the literary component in accordance with the proposed estimates. criteria). For work - 15 minutes.

4. Analysis of the work applied by the teacher (The works of students appreciated by classmates are subject to control).

5. Work with the proposed sample (The work is analyzed without output).

Who is he, this chicker?

So why is it still, by definition of the author, scoundrel? Yes, because with one "passion" he could not cope. This is a passion for the acquisition, accumulation, the desire to become the owner of life. "County, both sea sands, human passions, and everything is not like alone on the other, and all of them, low and beautiful, at first submissive to a person and then become the terrible lords of him," says N.V. Gogol. Chichiki fell under the power of "low" passion and became her slave. And the fault of life is the living conditions, time, imposing hard and cruel laws, and God also knows what! N.V.Gogol hinted to the future of Chichikov's rebirth and at that kind of domestic lesson who receives his "passion" in connection with this - acquisition. "And, maybe, in the same chikchiki, the passion, his own, is no longer from him, and in its cold existence, it is concluded that then it will turn into the dust and on the knees of man before the wisdom of heaven." But the author's plan was not destined to come true. Chichiki remained the chikchikov, with whom we broke up, overflowing last page The poems are "strange scoundrel", which has, however, what to learn.

Literature as a whole, literary work and every literary hero in particular is a "tutorial of life." So what lessons we assimilate, breaking the mystery of Chichikov? The moderation of accuracy, the ability, if necessary, curb its desires, diplomatic in relations with people, organized, persistence and purposefulness can teach us a hero. But most chief Lessonobtained when communicating with chikchikov is a lesson of decency. On the example of the non-departious actions of our hero, we are convinced that the biggest sin is to play the fate of people, to step over people towards achieving any, even a very "high" goal. There is nothing immoral phrase: "The goal justifies the funds." Only the goal that is achieved by the "moral means" can be justified and will bring it to achieving her luck and peace of mind.

6. There is no final part. Finished work together. So what lessons we assimilate, breaking the mystery of Chichikov? (conversation with class, read output)

7. Claim the formulation of the topic (The word "hero" is advisable to quote and remove a question mark).

Who is he, this chicker?

F.M.Dostoevsky claimed that every person is a mystery, and it should be solved to remain a person. A N.V.Gogol continued and developed his thought: "... a wise one who is not bent by any character, but, going to him the testimony, comes to initial reasons." Following the covenants of classics, try to solve the puzzle of Chichikov. After all, "solidifying" the other, we become wiser, because everyone, even if not a very "virtuous hero," there is something to learn.

Namely, he sees his main character, Chichikova, author. In the 11th chapter of the poem "Dead Souls", starting a detailed outcome of his character, "Having complained" of the "initial reasons" of his "moral qualities", N.V. Hogol suggests that the "Hero" elected "by them is unlikely to like the reader, Definitely calling him a scoundrel. And already completing a story about him, calls us not to be "strict" to him. It seems that the author himself ambiguous refers to his hero, and for him he is a mystery.

So who is such chikchik? Caskogo he or a "virtuous" person? And if a scoundrel, then what is the cause of his meanness? Where is the mystery of Chichikova hid and how to solve it?

I. Golden spoke about chikchiki: "... He is still a scoundrel of some strange." Carefully reading in the lines of the work, we are convinced of this. Chichikov - a dual nature. He can be said, "scoundrels weighing", not deprived of positive qualities.

In the fact that Chichots are not necessary to doubt. The instructions of the Father that you need to please teachers and bosses, "Walk" with those who are cooled and can be useful, to save a penny, which is "most reliable in the world" and can "overbab" not only "it took a deep ... in the soul" Pavlushi, but also got creative development. Already in this matter he succeeded! Pavlusha not only "copied a penny", refusing to himself in everything and preparing for the future of a peaceful life (this is not the biggest sin), but also "stepped over people," moving to the target target (and this is a sin, and one who comes The way otherwise you can not name the scoundrel). Recall how it sophisticated, he "squinted" money from classmates, as "pissed, pouring hard" his teacher. It should be noted that it was for what to inflate when he was "with strength and power." But the circumstances have changed, and somehow a former favorite student did somehow, refusing to help someone who was in a humiliated position and "he fed from whose hands." And the case with the "insensitive" and "unimpressed" boom, under which he worked in the sweat of the face of the Chichikov official. And it "walked", "attracted his location" and "pissed" his hero, "inflated" the most dishonest way, playing on his father's feelings. Yes, not just "pissed", and also "sat down"! And overlapping through this "the most difficult threshold", our hero has already been "easier and more successful" with the multi-level difficulties arising from the cherished goal, honing the skill of the crawls. He "TRANSULATED" various roles, the masterfully reincarnated, did not bete any means, played by people like a cat with a mouse. Well, who he is after that, as not a scoundrel! It's not by chance that A.I.revyakin calls him a "dexterous predator", "civilized by the scoundrel," accuses to greed ("More Zaidala in the desire for acquisition, than a box"), in a severity ("Kind of Sobesevich"), in arrogance ("Naked Nozdrova in enrichment means "), by making him a unconditional conviction: Chikikov surpasses all landowners" in spiritual exhaustion. "

But is it the monstrously heartlessness of our hero? We will risk assumed that there is no. It's not by chance that I. Golden calls him the "strange scoundrel", N.G. Chernyshevsky claims that Chichikov is "the most difficult character", and N.V. Hogol, being a brilliant artist and a magnificent psychologist, simply could not create such a definite image yes To make it the main character of his "vertex" work. Chichikova has plenty of advantages. He, unlike landowners and officials, is unusually active. His ingenuity does not know borders. What is only worth his adventure with the purchase of dead souls and enrichment at the expense of cosupiness and short-sightedness of landowners, "inhibitions" of the "state-bureaucratic car"! It is accurate. Even after performing a draft work, he was favorably distinguished from his colleagues, minor officials. It is sensitive. Recall the moment of his meeting with blonde, the embodiment of purity and innocence. He wondered, forgot about everything around. And when meeting with the already familiar blonde on the ball at the governor, "Chikchiki was so mixed, which could not pronounce a single intelligent word" And in this gentle, the share of true experiences "hid". Chichiki is a subtle psychologist. "Grain" of this hero - the ability to adapt to people, guess them. With Manilov, he is kind, with a box - persistently, with nozzles - will assert himself, with the Sobehevich, it is also bargaining with him, Plushina conquers his "generosity." Chichikov is capable of deep reflections. It is interesting to comprehend the character of Chichikov the next place in the work. After one of his failures - dismissal from customs for smuggling -, Chichikov reflects: "Why am I? Why did the misfortune collapsed on me? Who yawns now in office? - All acquire. I did not do anything unfortunate: I did not rob a widow, I did not let anyone in the world ... For what others are blessing and why should I miss the worm? " And this is true: Chichikov wanted to get rich, "inflating" the state, but he, at this stage of his life, did not commit dishonest actions towards people. Continuing his reflections, Chichikov asks for itself: "And what will my children say then? "Here," they will say, "Father, Cattle, did not leave us any state!" This also characterizes our hero with positive: The father's lesson went to the future (father, by and large, left him only the covenant, who largely identified his further fate: following the covenant of a neutral and irresponsible father, Chichikov turned into a break and coincisor). And our hero wants to provide their children sowless life. Yes, and all the reflections, accompanying Chichikov's deeds -, a kind of attempt to understand them, give them a report. With other characters the poem does not happen. It is typically to act as creatures of a low spiritual organization, almost an animal. Chichikov does not lower his hands when numerous failures are comprehended and returned to the initial position. "We do not allow slammingly, you need to do it," he gives his installation, again with pure sheet It is accepted for business and again achieves the desired. Such dedication, organization and perseverance can be envied! It should be noted that the Chichiku had to be able to seek himself in life, without counting on extravasory assistance, and this is very difficult! Let us return to the assessment by the author of the moral qualities of his hero. Admiring his ability to endure and limit himself in everything, if necessary, the author says that he is "the most affordable person, which ever existed in the world." But another fragment from the work, in which the author positively assesses mathematical qualities Her Hero: "It is impossible, however, to say that the nature of the hero of our was so Surov and the blacks and feelings were blunting so that he did not know any pity, nor compassion; He felt both, he would even wanted to help, but only that it was not in a significant amount ... But there was no attachment in it actually for money for money; They did not have abandonment and misfortune. No, they did not move to them: he was having experienced life ahead in all contents, with all sorts of sufficiency ... so that finally then, with time, it's certainly all this, that's why I bred a penny, Skapor refused and myself and the other. " And who of us, put your hand on the heart, does not dream of a messy and "sweet" life? That's just not everyone knows how to curb his passions and limit themselves in everything, and I knew how to chicter.

So why is it still, by definition of the author, scoundrel? Yes, because with one "passion" he could not cope. This is a passion for the acquisition, accumulation, the desire to become the owner of life. "County, both sea sands, human passions, and everything is not like alone on the other, and all of them, low and beautiful, at first submissive to a person and then become the terrible lords of him," says N.V. Gogol. Chichiki fell under the power of "low" passion and became her slave. And the fault of life is the living conditions, time, imposing hard and cruel laws, and God also knows what! N.V.Gogol hinted to the future of Chichikov's rebirth and at that kind of domestic lesson who receives his "passion" in connection with this - acquisition. "And maybe in the same chikchiki, the passion, his enthusiasm, not from him, and in the cold existence it is concluded that it will turn into dust and on the knees of man before wisdom

In the lesson of literature, we met the work of N. V. Gogol " Dead Souls". This poem has gained great popularity. The work was repeatedly shielded both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia. Also, the names of the main characters became symbolic: Plushkin - a symbol of misfortune and storage of unnecessary things, the Sobekhevich - a rough man, Manovshchina - diving in dreams that are not connected with reality. Some phrases became covered expressions.

The main hero of the poem is chikchiki. Portrait of Chichikova differs from the rest of the city. He is not a handsome man, but not bad outside, not too fat, not too thin, not old, but also not young. The author refers it to the "gentlemen's gentlemen." But still Chichikov loved everything to be noble in his appearance, since the appearance is one of its main weapons. At first, he wore a bollard-colored fraction, but after by the end of the poem, he changes him on the jacket of European style. This can be explained by the fact that it feels a change in his position in society. His status grew up, the poet look now it is necessary otherwise.

People with high ranks he tried to flatter and did not allow rudeness in a conversation, and with a smooth or lower ranks he led himself to proudly. All heroes responded about him as a decent person, even "Sobekevich, who rarely responded about someone with a good side," called him a "a prenegenic person."

The origin of Chichikov "dark and modest." He is a nobleman, a pillars or personal - not known. His childhood passed in a small house, without comrades, friends, with a sick father. The father was constantly forced to learn the son of a diploma, and raised him on the principle of "not LGI, Ostiving the eldest and nudder in the heart." When the Father gave his son to the school, he gave him instruction: "Looking, Pavlusha, learn, not Duri and do not hang, but most of all please teachers to chiefs. Dropped with those who are treated so that at the case there could be helpful to you. We behave better so that you are treated, and most of all take care and copy a penny: this thing is the most reliable in the world. "Chichiki followed the instruction of his father and very much succeeded in this matter. As a result, he grew up with an egoist, whose greed has no boundaries.
In the school, he cared to the teacher, as the father instructed, and finished his studies with good grades. I also succeeded in commercial affairs. He refused to himself in everything and sold his companions of their treats, after he showed the initiative different ways And I began to earn money on this good money. A penny became above all human relations. When his former comrades gathered money to help the teacher, who was in trouble, chikhikov was unspecified and was ready to give only fifty silver. So his storage policy began.

The service of Chichikov found an approach even to the very impregnable boss. He delicately feels human nature and is good artist. All this helps in work. I would also like to mention his patience. Not everyone is ready to wait so much to achieve its goal, given all the ups and downs that chicter experienced. I would like to tell about his service at customs. At the beginning, he pretends to serve with good intentions. The bosses increase it, and then he is accepted for his true goals. But by negligence, he attracts his comrade to this case. After, allowing yourself stupidity, he manages to quarrel with him. And in the end they commend themselves against each other.

(No ratings no)

Other works on this topic:

  1. Gogol, according to V. G. Belinsky, "The first looked boldly and directly to Russian reality." Satira writer was directed against " general order things ", not against ...
  2. Chichikov, the hero of the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls", in my opinion, is a misfortune of Russia. His desire to enrich himself, to get out of the people ruined in it those sprouts ...
  3. Pursuing a question related to what he lyrical hero Vladimir Mayakovsky, unambiguous answer, we can not. The reader likes the poetry of the author for the reason ...

N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". Chichiki as a new hero of the era and as an antihero.

Objectives: Continue the acquaintance of students with the content of the poem, to characterize the main character of Chichikov's poem, form the learning skills to draw up the characteristics of the characters, form the skills and skills to build a response to the question of the artistic work on theoretical knowledge of theoretical knowledge; Improve skills analytical work with prosaic text; promote aesthetic I. moral education students; bring up a culture of reader perception.

Equipment: tables, textbook, text of the poem "Dead souls", distributing material, table, illustrative material on the lesson.

Type of lesson: Lesson - Analysis of the artwork

Predicted results: students know about the poem's image system N.V. Gogol

"Dead Souls", know how to characterize the chikchikov's main character, analyze the text, retell individual episodes in the form of a description, participate in the conversation, produce their point of view on work of fiction In accordance with the author's position and historical era.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage

II. Actualization of reference knowledge

III. Motivation of training activities

Teacher: in 11 chapter N.V. Gogol writes that Russian literature paid a lot of attention to the "virtuous" hero: "There is no writer who would not have riding on it, poured and whip, and everyone like" But in real reality in a serf society, people are played . It seems, the ratio of Gogol to his hero is extremely clear. Is there a future in Chichikov? Who is finally located in a Briton, harnessed by the top three, which rushes in the distance? Let us turn again to the main hero. This image is a link between chapters. What do we know about him?

IV. Work on the lesson

A) reading the episode of "Chichikov in the Tavern"

How did you see PI Chichikova?

B) reading episode "Meeting Manilova and Chichikov"

What do you see in this episode chichikov?

It begins to get acquainted with the serfs from Manilov, a fairly pleasant outdoor man. Chichikov is looking for "Zamanyovka", but "The village of Manilovka a little could lure his location. The house of the Lord stood lonelled on the Yura-open to all winds ... the muralness of the mountain, on which he stood, was dressed trusted turf. It was scattered in English two or three flower beds with bushes of sirens and yellow acacia! Five-six birch in small coups ... Under the two of them there was a gazebo ... With the inscription: "The temple of a secluded reflection" ... Twisted two women, which, articulate dresses ... ° ° для ° knees in the pond ... wedding. "Pavel Ivanovich Chikchikhu and readers offer pretty-pretentious and at the same time a pathetic picture. Manilov himself meets himself overly kindly, to the plurality of intrusive. About him the author says that Manilov can be OCA-toach. There are a genus of people known under the name: people who are nor the same, nor in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan ... "Manilov initially seems to be a pleasant and permanent person, but Gogol also introduces part in the description of the details that characterize it from best side. The owner's office "always lay some book laid by the tab on the fourteenth page, which he was constantly read for two years." Magnificent detail showing mental landlord level. His aesthetic requests are limited by the fact that he drops into the windowsill ash from the tube, building not that messy heaps, not something "building" something fantastic. Manilov is completely not engaged in the economy, the transmission of the peasants to the cradle-wage. He himself does not know how much died serfs, nor the clerk caused to the report. Manilova is not interested in the essence of Chichikov's case. He cannot understand why Paul Ivanovich needs dead souls. Chichiki, adjusting to the "elegant style" of the owner, expresses his thoughts to Vitievato, calling the dead - "who in some way graduated from their existence." Chichiki pushing Manilov for a moment, but then everything passes: the landowner was not used to thinking, he is enough to admire Pavle Ivanovich, he is ready to continue to admire Pavle Ivanovich, he will write a list of all the dead peasants to decorate his silk ribbon. How brightly flashes the character of Manilov. He makes thoughtlessly "dirty" case, but gives the "packaging" with a beautiful ribbon, he is not interested in the essence, but an external beautifulness. This cannon is sufficiently vague phrases Chichikov, so that his conscience calmed down, and maybe she did not wake up?! Interesting and image of Chichikov. He is a wonderful psychologist who understands the "nature of Manilov". Pavel Ivanovich, speaking with a landowner, begins to smile as easily, to warm up before the owner, taking his behavior to his manner. Chichikov is important to lose its goal - to collect as much as possible the souls of dead peasants who did not pass the audition tales. He conceived the grandi-° of the 3rd science and now goes to his goal. For him there is no moral barrier, which could not be circumvented. Gogol managed to see the emerging class of capitalists and brilliantly depicted its individual types. The writer of him from the first to saw an unsightly "face" of capital and his hall "in all its glory" in the poem "Dead Souls".

2. Analytical conversation

What is the similarity and difference in the characters of Chichikov and each landowner. In what situations the hero behaves like a landowner? What chikikov is fundamentally different from landowners?

Thanks to what qualities, Chichikov is able to conquer the sympathy of the landowners? What is the secret of his charm?

Who is Captain Kopeikin? Is the Chichikovsky ideal intersect and the concept of capital Captain Copeikin?

As related to the name of the artworks of the landowners and Chichikov?

Is there a "Living Souls" poem? Who are they?

What is the role in the poem "Tale of Captain Kopekin"?

3. Collective work Above the preparation of Tables "Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov", "The similarity of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov with other landowners"

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov

Stages of life

There was no noble origin, there was no material wealth in the family, everything was gray, sadly, painfully - "Here is the poor picture of his initial childhood, which he barely retained his pale memory."

a) Oaks Father
b) gaining one's own experience

He was educated in the class of city school, where his father was taped and gave the following instruction: "Looking, Pavlusha, learn, not Duri and not hang, but most of all please teachers and bosses. If you will be pleased with the boss, even though, and in science you do not have time and the talent did not give, everyone will go into the move, all will be ahead. With comrades, they are not good, they will not teach you good; And if it went to that, so dwelling with those who are treated so that with the case they could be useful to you. Do not treat anyone, but behave it better so that you treat you, and most of all take care and copy a penny: this thing is the most reliable in the world. Comrade or buddy inflates you and in trouble the first will be given you, and a penny will not give out, in whatever trouble you are. You will do everything, everyone will write in the light of a penny. "
Managed to build relationships with comrades in the class in such a way that they treated him; I managed to collect money, having seen them to the father left by the father. For the accumulation of money used any possibilities:
- blinded from the wax of the bulk, painted it and sold it;
- scaled in the ethnic market, offered to hung out classmates from those who were cooled;
- I won the mouse, taught her to get up on the rear paws and sold;
- was the most diligent and disciplined student who knows how to prevent any desire for the teacher.

a) the beginning of the service
b) continuation of career

"The place got him insignificant, salaries thirty or forty rubles per year ..." Thanks to the Iron War, the ability to deny themselves in everything, while maintaining the accuracy and appearance of appearance, I managed to stand out among the same "unspoken" employees: "... Chichikov Represented in all the perfect oppositeness and briefing the face, and the welcomes of the voice, and the perfect non-consumption of any strong drinks. "
To promote the service, it took advantage of the already tried method - treat the boss, finding his "weak place" - the daughter, which "Waisted" into himself. From that moment on, he became a "man noticeable".
Service in the Commission "To build some kind of state capital." He began to allow himself "Some excesses": a good cook, good shirts, dear cloth for costumes, privacy of a couple of horses ...
Soon again lost the "warm" place. I had to change two places. "I got to customs." He touched the risky operation at which he first enriched, and then "grown" and lost almost everything.

Acquisition dead souls»
How the idea of \u200b\u200bacquiring appeared.

After Chichikov was expelled from service in customs, he tries to find new service. "And in anticipation of the best forced was to even take up the title of the attorney."

The appearance of Chichikov in the provincial city

Applying a practical surveillance, courtesy and quiet, Chichiki managed to charm and the provincial city, and the estate. Quickly solving a person, he knows how to find an approach to everyone. It remains only to be amazed by the inexhaustible variety of all "shades and the subtleties of its appeal."

"Increased strength of character", "Rodistry, insight and inspiration", all his ability to fuse himself a person's chischik in order to achieve the desired enrichment.

The similarity of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikova with other landowners

omener and his distinctive feature

How this feature is manifested in the character of Chichikova

Manilov - "Slastoughness", Restority, Uncertainty

All residents of the provincial city recognized Chichikov a man is pleasant in all respects. "In a word, wherever you turn, there was a very decent person. All officials were pleased with the arrival of a new face. The governor about him explained that he was a well-intended person; Prosecutor - that he good man; The gendarme colonel said he scientist man Chairman of the Chamber - that he is also a venerable person; Polumaster - that he is a venerable and kind person; Policheister's wife is that he is a kind and craped person. Even the Sobahevich himself, who rarely responded about someone from the good side ... Told her [wife]; "I, Drain, was the governor at the evening, and the police officer dined, and met with the college adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov: a prepressed person!"

Box - petty scramble

The famous Caucasus Chichikova, in which everything is laid down with the same diligent pedantry, as in the dresser Nastasya Petrovna boxes.

Nozdrev - narcissism

Wish and ability to like everyone; To experience the location of everyone from the side of everyone - here's the need and necessity for Chichikov: "Our hero answered everyone and everyone and felt some kind of unusual: turned right and left, according to his several side; But completely free, so he fascinated everyone ... "

Sobesevich - Rough Faces and Cynicism

Even Nozdrev notices that there is no "... no straightforward, nor sincerity! Perfect Sobekevich. "

Plushkin - Collecting unnecessary things and careful storage

During the inspection of the city of N "... pulled off the billboard nodded to the post so that, come home, read it well," and then the hero "... rushed neat and put it in his strik, where he used to put everything that neither It came out. "

The character of Chichikov is multifaceted, the hero turns out to be a mirror of that landowner, because it has the same qualities that make up the basis of the characteristics of the landowners.

4. Mini Discussion

Is it possible to call Chichikova hero of his time?

Why does Chichikov's activities can not be creative?

Under what conditions could such a person appear?

How much is such a hero is interesting to the modern reader?

V. Reflection. Summing up the lesson

Teacher summary word

Chichikov - the hero of the Great classic work, created by the genius, hero, embodied the result of copyright observations and reflection over life, people, their actions. An image that has entered typical features, and therefore has long been out of the work of the work. His name has become nominative for people - prudillary careerists, podhalimov, chains, externally "prepric", "decent and decent." Moreover, other readers, Chichikov's assessment is not so unequivocal. The comprehension of this image is possible only with a painstaking, attentive analysis not only the work itself, but also a huge massif critical literature, and the subsequent life of the image in Russian literature and culture as a whole.

Vi. Homework

Creative task: Write an essay-reasoning on the statement "And one more reason ... prevented the entry of Gogol to the Roman region: Gogol passed female character In all his depths, do you agree with this statement?

In the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol typoses images of Russian landlords, officials and peasants. Only personexplicitly distinguished from common picture russian life, - this is the main character Poles, Chichikov. Like " excess people", Onegin and Pechorin, he does not look like a crowd, but not exception of nature and not the desire to transform the world, but its activity, activities and enterprise.
What is the chicchik man? In the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol shows that the old patriarchal noble Russia dies. The inexorable course of history gives rise to people of other life orientation, business entrepreneurs.
Revealing the image of the main character, the author tells about its origin and the formation of its nature. Chichikov is the only one, with the exception of Plushkin, a character, the history of which is given in all the details. From the eleventh chapter of the poem, we learn that Pavlusha belonged to the poor noble family, whose manor stopped being a source of income. Chichikova's father left him a herself to the Copper half, and the covenant to diligently learn, to please teachers and natnikam and, most importantly, to protect and save a penny. In the will, the father said nothing about honor, debt and dignity. Unlike Greenland, Chichikov quickly realized that high concepts only interfere with the achievement of a cherished goal.
That is why Pavlusha breaks his way in life with his own efforts, without relying on anyone's patronage. But he builds his well-being at the expense of other people: an insult, deception, bribery, treasury, fraud on customs - tools of Chikchikova. No failures can break his thirst for profit. And every time, making unacceptable actions, he easily finds justification.
Gogol, who thoroughly analyzing not only actions, but also the thoughts of the hero, says that there was some side of justice in his "reasoning." Chichiki is able to sympathize in their own way, in its own way it is experiencing that in the world the stupidity and injustice triumph. The hero knows what pity and compassion, moreover, he "felt both, he would even wanted to help, but only that it was not in a significant amount." So, the basis of the Commission and at the same time the tragedy of this image is that the meaning of life hero sees only in the acquisition, storage. This is not a plush enrichment for enrichment. For Chichikova, money is a tool, not a goal. He wants well-being, worthy of life for himself and his children, but in this trap: a person deprived moral Basics, deceives himself, considering money to the means.
From the rest of the characters, the Poem Chichikov is distinguished by the strength of character. Putting a goal, he exists in huge energy, perseverance and incredible ingenuity to achieve it. The author says about him: "It is necessary to give justice an insurmountable strength of his character. After all that it was enough for not to kill, then cool and pacify the person forever, it was not fattening incomprehensible passion. " It is a pity that this passion was far from the most noble.
Chichiki can adapt to any micromir in which it turns out. Even exterior appearance The hero is such that suitable for any situation: "Not a handsome man, but not bad outside," "not too thick, not too thin," "middle-aged person" - everything in it is indefinitely, nothing stands out. Chichikov will not refuse knowledge of people. He is comprehended great mystery Like ", with each of the characters he speaks his tongue, to the closest theme to the interlocutor. Moreover, it is chikchik that is the only character capable of manifestation of the soul movements. "It can be seen, and chikhikya appeal for several minutes to poets," says the author, watching his hero stops, "as if a stunned blow," before the young sixteen-year-old girl. Ultimately, not dubious purchases, not suspicious dexterity of Chichikov, and the "human" movement of the soul was the cause of the collapse of his venture. So life arranged, says Gogol, that it is the soulfulness, sincerity, selflessness is the most dangerous. Gogol does not accidentally stand out Chichikov from a number of other characters of the poem, talking about the last hero and giving his character in development. According to the plan, the author was going to "hold Chichikov through the temptation of the property, through life dirt and crocution to moral revival." It is with people who are not finally dead, having at least some purpose, tried to tie his hopes for the revival of Russia. But the history of the second and third volumes of the poem is known. Brilliant artist, Gogol understood the impossibility of incarnation initial design. Chichiki cannot, and they do not want to save Russia, their world will inevitably clict on the idea of \u200b\u200bstorage.
The genius of the Gogol foresight is that in the poem "Dead Souls" for the first time in Russian literature, the type of people who inevitably go into the arena public Life During the birth of capitalism, the type of Delta-entrepreneur, a man "new formation". Lazy officials. But a vulgar even such a giant caliber, as chikhiki, certainly has some kind of flaw, a hole through which a worm is seen, a meager sinking fool, who lies, growing up, in the depths of the vacuum vulgarity. "
So what? Chichikov - Plug? Yes. only if? Not. Again looking at the title: Does he have a hidden meaning? Of course: from the bureaucratic-soulless meaning of the word "soul" (a certain abstract human unit, for which the tax is charged with the landowner) looks like a direct meaning - the "man's soul", in the immortality of which the author could not believe. Even censorship was frightened by this second sense of the name: the soul, said Gogol, could not be dead. Following the censorship, the reader was to be frightened: the second meaning of the name is really terrible. From the name it stretches to the thread to the narrative: it unfolds the theme of death (in all the meaningfulness of this word). The conductor of this topic becomes chikchik, about which the researcher Gogol Y. Mann writes as follows: "Chichikova is not interested in the hidden side of life, but something more: its opposite is" death ". Catcher of the dead souls, tracker of death, chikhikov aggravates attention to forbidden to grotesque climax. Already the first insection Chichikov in the city of NN records extraordinary mindside, exceeding the degree of traditional interest in the hidden side of life: the visits "asked how much the condition of the edge: there was no disease in their provinces, softening, killing any fever, smallpox Similar, and everything is so thorough and with such an accuracy that showed more than one simple curiosity. " In the future, "the strange direction of interest Chichikov is in every way emphasized and varies."
In this context, "vulgarity" goes beyond the line just comic and begins to be perceived as an attribute of "death" (in the ultimate sense of the word - "death of the soul"). The topic of vulgarity, doubled ("vulgar vulgar") and absolutized (about the "revolution" Gogol said, as if the public was frightened by "vulgarity, all together"), leads a person down the stairs of the Mirozdanya: Persons turn into animals "Snor", "Snor" - In the soulless things. And the very "bottom" of this staircase is in hell. If so, who then chicchik? Not just a scoundrel ("time to stick and scone"), and also a small demon, the hellish serviceman.
But this is not all - not all. Association with hell arises not by chance. Think about: "Dead souls" are not a Plutovskaya novel, and not a novel at all, but a poem. Here's how Gogol himself writes: "The thing that I sit and worry now ... It's not like a story, nor on the novel ... if God helps me to fulfill my poem as it should, then it will be my first decent creation". Why is the poem? "Dead souls" wondered by analogy with " Divine comedy"Dante - in three parts: the first part is" hell ", the second part is" purgatory ", the third part is" paradise ". The idea, therefore, was not limited to the image of "hell", "the vulgarity of a vulgar person", the limit of it is the salvation of this very "vulgar person." Who exactly from the first part of the "dead souls"? Chichikova primarily. What does it indicate (for this in the text of the first part?
The first thing that distinguishes Chichikov (along with Pushkina) from the other characters of the poem, this is the presence of his past - biography. Chichikov's biography (as well as Plushin) is the story of the "Soul Fall"; But if the soul "fell", which means, was once clean, it means that it may be rebirth - through repentance.
What is needed for repentance, to purify the soul? Inner "I", inner voice. Right to mental life, on "feelings" and "meditation" also have only Plushin (to a lesser extent) and chikchiki (more). "With some uncertain feeling, he looked at the houses ..."; "Unpleasant, he was vaguely on his heart ..."; "A strange, incomprehensible feeling of the feeling of Him" \u200b\u200b- fixes Gogol moments of "introspection" (internal voice) at his hero. Moreover: There are often cases when the inner voice of Chichikov goes into the author's voice or merges with him - for example, the retreat of the dead men of the companion or about the girlfriend who met Chichikov ("everything can be done from it, she can be a miracle, and maybe the rubbish And the rubbish will come out! ").
As the hero of the poem, Chichikov ceases to be one-dimensional. In the vulgarity and shallow vocabulary of the "scoundrel" shimmer the glare "Living soul", for which the ascent is possible in the subsequent volumes of the poem. Let's pay attention to how the author of the "dead souls" moves to the famous digression of the "bird-triple", finalizing the "dead souls". Selifan drove his horses; Chichiki smiled, "For he loved a quick ride"; And right there - the author's generalization: "And what Russian does not like quick ride?" Next: "Eh, Troika! Troika Bird, who invented you? " And finally, the limit, to become a grand poem, a plan of generalization: "Are you still not so, Russia, what are the brisk rough troika rush?" From Chichikov with his brittle to the mysteriously pathetic question. "Rus, where are you rushing? Give an answer. It does not give an answer "- it turns out that the chisters are involved in this" flight ", which means that" secret ": he did not froze, it did not end, it is open for rebirth and his fate is worth an inquire.
The first volume of the "dead souls" begins with the riddles: "Two Russian men" are discussed whether the wheel of the Chikchiki Brush will come to Moscow; And ends with the same britcher, the same word - "Russian", which felt in the "Rus-Troika" - and again the mystery that grew up to the grand symbol: "Rus, where are you going?" Who is the one who is in this Briton, - Chichikov? Yes, vulgar, yes, a small demon - in and a mystery. That's how Herzen responded to her: "Where the view can penetrate the fog of unclean evaporation, there he will see remote, full forces of nationality."

In the lesson of literature, we met the work of N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". This poem has gained great popularity. The work has been repeatedly shielded both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia. Also, the names of the main characters became symbolic: Plushkin - a symbol of misfortune and storage of unnecessary things, Sobashievich - an unknown man, Manovshchina - diving in dreams that are not connected with reality. Some phrases became covered expressions.

The main hero of the poem is chikchiki. Portrait of Chichikova differs from the rest of the city. He is not a handsome man, but not bad outside, not too fat, not too thin, not old, but also not young. The author refers it to the "gentlemen of the middle hand." But nevertheless, Chichikov loved everything to be noble in his appearance, because The appearance is one of its main weapons. At first, he wore a bollard-colored fraction, but after by the end of the poem, he changes him on the jacket of European style. This can be explained by the fact that it feels a change in his position in society. His status grew up, the poet look now it is necessary otherwise. People with high ranks he tried to flatter and did not allow rudeness in a conversation, and with a smooth or lower ranks he led himself to proudly. All heroes responded about him as a decent person, even "Sobesevich, who rarely responded about someone with a good side," called him a "a pre-sexed person."

The origin of Chichikov "dark and modestly". He is a nobleman, a pillars or personal - not known. His childhood passed in a small house, without comrades, friends, with a sick father. The father was constantly forced to learn the son of a diploma, and brought up him on the principle of "not LGI, Ostiving the eldest and rude a virtue in the heart." When the father gave his son to the school, he gave him instruction: "Look, Pavlusha, learn, not Duri and not hang, but most of all please teachers to chiefs. Dropped with those who are treated so that at the case there could be helpful to you. We behave better so that you are treated, and most of all take care and copy a penny: this thing is the most reliable in the world. "Chichiki followed the instruction of his father and very successful in this matter. As a result, he grew up with an egoist, whose greed has no boundaries.
In the school, he cared to the teacher, as the father instructed, and finished his studies with good grades. I also succeeded in commercial affairs. He refused to himself in everything and sold the comrades of their treats, after he showed the initiative in many ways and began to earn money on this good money. A penny became above all human relations. When his former comrades gathered money to help the teacher, who was in trouble, chikhikov was unspecified and was ready to give only fifty silver. So his storage policy began.

The service of Chichikov found an approach even to the very impregnable boss. He delicately feels human nature and is a good artist. All this helps in work. I would also like to mention his patience. Not everyone is ready to wait so much to achieve its goal, given all the ups and downs that chicter experienced. I would like to tell about his service at customs. At the beginning, he pretends to serve with good intentions. The bosses increase it, and then he is accepted for his true goals. But by negligence, he attracts his comrade to this case. After, allowing yourself stupidity, he manages to quarrel with him. And in the end they commend themselves against each other.

    • The work of Nicholas Vasilyevich Gogol had to be on the gloomy era of Nicholas I. These were the 30s. XIX century, when the reaction reigned after the suppression of the uprising of the Decembrist rebellion, all the dissents were pursued, the best people We were persecuted. Describing the current reality, N. V. Gogol creates a genius in the depth of reflection of life the poem "Dead Souls". The basis of the "dead souls" is that the book is a reflection of non-individual traits of reality and characters, but the reality of Russia as a whole. [...]
    • What is an image literary hero? Chichikov - Hero of the Great, Classic Work, created by the genius, hero, embodied the result of copyright observations and reflection over life, people, their actions. An image that has entered typical features, and therefore has long been out of the work of the work. His name has become nominative for people - prudillary careerists, podhalimov, chains, externally "prepric", "decent and decent." Moreover, other readers, Chichikov's assessment is not so unequivocal. Comprehension [...]
    • "A pretty beautiful spring brush in the gate of the hotel of the provincial town of Nn, a gentleman was sitting in the Briton, not a handsome man, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young. His entry did not produce absolutely no noise in the city and was not accompanied by anything special. " So appears in the city of our hero - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Let us, follow the author, get acquainted with the city. Everything tells us that it is a typical provincial [...]
    • French traveler, author of the famous book "Russia in 1839" Marquis de Kestin wrote: "Russia is managed by the class of officials, right from school bench occupying administrative positions ... Each of these gentlemen becomes a nobleman, having received a cross in a petties ... Possible in a circle of the power of the people, they use their authorities, as they like to buy." The king himself confessed with bewilderment, that he was not, the autocrat of the All-Russian, manages his empire, but they also supplied the column. Gubernsky City [...]
    • In the famous appeal to the "Bird-Troika", Gogol did not forget the Master to whom the Troika owes his existence: "Not cunning, it seems, a road projectile, not iron captured with a screw, but for a row, alive, with one ax and chops equipped and gathered you Yaroslavsky Thistle man. " There is another hero in the poem about fraudsters, tunes, owners of the living and dead souls. The unnamed hero of Gogol is serfs. In the "Dead Souls", Gogol folded such Diffiram by the Russian Fastener People, with such a direct clarity [...]
    • N. V. Gogol conceived the first part of the poem "Dead Souls" as a work that reveals social defects of society. In this regard, he was looking for a plot not simple life factAnd such that would be able to expose hidden phenomena of reality. In this sense, Gogol, as it is impossible, the plot proposed by A. S. Pushkin approached. The idea of \u200b\u200b"to find together with the hero all of Russia" gave the author the opportunity to show the life of the whole country. And since Gogol described it as "to" so that the whole little thing, which escapes from [...]
    • In the autumn of 1835, Gogol is accepted for work on " Dead souls", The plot of which, like the plot of the" auditor, "was suggested by Pushkin. "I want to show this novel, although with one side all Russia," he writes Pushkin. Explaining the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "dead souls", Gogol wrote that the images of the poem - "no portraits from insignificant people, on the contrary, the features of those who consider themselves better than others" explaining the choice of the hero, the author says: "Because it is time, finally, give rest to the poor virtuous person because [...]
    • It should be noted that the episode of the collision of the crews decays into two microthelers. One of them is the appearance of a crowd of zoo and "helpers" from the neighboring village, the other - the thoughts of Chichikov, caused by the meeting with the young stranger. Both of these topics have both an external, surface layer relating to directly characters of the poem and the reservoir depth, expressing copyrighted thinking about Russia and its people. So, the collision occurs suddenly when Chichots about themselves sends the curses of Nozdreva, thinking that [...]
    • Chichikov met the nostril before, at one of the techniques in the city of NN, but the meeting in the restaurant is the first serious acquaintance with him as Chichikov and the reader. We understand how the type of people owns Nozdrev, first seeing his behavior in the restaurant, his story about the fair, and then read the immediate author's characteristic of this "broken small", " historical man"Having a" passionist to nourge the neighbor, sometimes at all without any reason. " Chichikova we know as a completely different person - [...]
    • The poem Gogol "Dead Souls" is one of the greatest and at the same time mysterious works XIX. in. Genre definition "Poem", by which then definitely understood the lyric-epic work, written in the poetic form and most of the romantic advantage was perceived by Gogol contemporaries in different ways. Some found it mockery, while others saw in this definition hidden irony. Shevyrev wrote that "the meaning of the word" poem "seems to us two ... because of the words" poem "looks deep, significant [...]
    • In the poem of Gogol "Dead Souls" are very correctly noticed and described lifestyle and moral landowners of serfs. Drawing images of landlords: Manilov, boxes, Nozdrev, Sobekhivich and Plushkin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of fortress Russia, where the arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the personality underwent moral degradation. After writing and publishing the poem Gogol said: "" Dead souls "made a lot of noise, a lot of ropot, crushed for many many and mock, and the true, and caricaturia, touched [...]
    • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the ingenious authors of our immense homeland. He always spoke in his works about the sore, about what His Russia lived in his time. And so it goes great. This man really loved Russia, seeing which our country is actually unhappy, deceptive, lost, but at the same time - native. Nikolai Vasilyevich in the poem "Dead Souls" gives a social cut of then Russia. Describes the pretability in all colors, reveals all the nuances, characters. Among [...]
    • The poem "Dead Souls" reflects social phenomena and conflicts that were characterized by Russian life of the 30s - early 40s. XIX century It is very correct and described the lifestyle and morals of that time. Drawing images of landowners: Manilov, Boxes, Nozdrev, Sobesevich and Plushin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of fortress Russia, where the arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the personality has undergone moral degradation, and regardless of whether she was a personality of slave owner or [... ]
    • Plushkin is an image of a moldy crush, which remained from the silence. The history of life is only with him, all the rest of the landowners Gogol depicts static. These heroes have no past, which would have different from their present and something explained something in him. The nature of Plushkina is much more complicated by the characters of other landowners presented in the dead souls. The features of maniacal stupidity are combined in a plush with painful suspicion and distrust to people. Saving old sole, clay shard, [...]
    • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol noted that the main theme of the "dead souls" was the modern Russia. The author believed that "it is impossible to strive as a society or even all generation to the beautiful, until you show the whole depth of its real abomination." That is why the poem shows satire on local nobility, officials and others social groups. The composition of the work is subordinated by the author's task. The image of Chichikova, traveling around the country in search of the necessary connections and wealth, allows N. V. Gogol [...]
    • Landowner Appearance Manor Characteristic Relationship to the request of Chichikov Manilan is not elderly, the eyes are sweet, like sugar. But this sugar was too much. In the first minute of conversation with him, you will tell you what a nice person, you will not say anything in a minute, and at the third minute you think: "Damn knows what!" The Lord House stands on the elevation, is open to all winds. Economy in full decline. He steals the key, in the house there is always something missing. In the kitchen is preparing a stupid. Servants - [...]
    • Landowner portrait characteristic estimate attitude to the management of the economy. Lifestyle The result of manifes. Cute blond with blue eyes. At the same time, in his appearance, "it seemed too much to be transferred to the Sahara." Too incorrect look and behavior, too enthusiastic and exquisite dreamer, who does not experience any curiosity to their farm, nothing to do anything (he does not even know if his peasants died after the last revision). At the same time, his dreaminess is absolutely [...]
    • The composite poem "Dead Souls" consists of three externally closed, but internally interrelated circles. The landowners, the city, the life of Chichikov, the united roads, plotically connected by the foreman of the main character. But the middle link - the life of the city - itself consists of both the tapering circles, which are in the center; This is a graphic image of the provincial hierarchy. Interestingly, in this hierarchical pyramid, the governor embroidering on the yoke looks like a puppet figure. True life Big in civilian [...]
    • Chichikov, having acquainted in the city with landowners, received from each of them an invitation to visit the estate. The gallery of the owners of the "Dead Souls" opens manilov. The author at the very beginning of the chapter gives the characteristics of this character. The appearance initially produced a very pleasant impression, then - bewilderment, and in the third minute "... say:" Damn it is what! " And you will stay away ... ". Slastoughness and sentimentality, highlighted in the portrait of Manilov, constitute the essence of his idle lifestyle. He is constantly about something [...]
    • Gogol always attracted everything eternal and unshakable. By analogy with the "Divine Comedy" of Dante he decides to create a work in three volumes, where it would be possible to show the past, present and future of Russia. Even the genre of the work The author indicates an unusual poem, because in one artistic whole collected different fragments Life. The composition of the poem, which is based on the principle concentric circles, allows Gogol to trace the movement of Chichikov provincial city N, estates of landowners and all Russia. Already with […]