Tale of the shoe in Russian. Children's fairy tales online

Tale of the shoe in Russian. Children's fairy tales online

He lived-there was a girl, a premium, row, but very poor, and in the summer she had to walk barefoot, and in winter - in coarse wooden shoes, which horribly rubbed her legs.

In the village there lived an old woman Bashmachnitsa. So she took and sewed, as he knew how to cut a pair of shoes from cropping a red cloth. The shoes came out very clumsy, but those who were sewn with a good intention, "the shoeman gave them a poor girl.

The girl was called Karen.

She received and updated the red shoes just on the day of the funeral of her mother.

It is impossible to say that they are for mourning, but there were no others; She put on them straight on bare legs and went for a poorly straw coffin.

At this time, the village passed a large old carriage and in it - an important old lady.

She saw the girl, regretted and told the priest:

Listen, give me a girl, I'll take care of her.

Karen thought that all this came out thanks to her red shoes, but the old lady found them terrible and told burned. Karen rose and began to learn to read and sew. All people said that she was very sweet, the mirror told: "You're more than a mile, you are charming."

At this time, the queen with his little daughter traveled around the country, princess. People fled to the palace; Was here and Karen. Princess, in a white dress, stood at the window to give people to look at themselves. She had no loop, nor the crown, but on the legs were miraculous red saffian shoes; It was impossible to compare them with those that she sewed for Karen a shoeman. It could not be anything better than these red shoes!

Karen grew up, and it was time to confirm her; She was sewed a new dress and were going to buy new shoes. The best city bars removed the measure with her little legs. Karen and the old Mrs. sat in his workshop; Immediately there was a large wardrobe with glasses, followed by adorable shoes and lacquered boots. It was possible to love them, but the old mistress did not receive any pleasure: she saw very badly. There was a couple of reds between the shoes, they were exactly like those that were concerned on the legs of the princess. Oh, what kind of beauty! The shoeman said that they were ordered for the county daughter, but did not fit the leg.

Is it a lacquered leather? - asked the old lady. - They shine!

Yes, shine! - answered Karen.

The shoes were treated, turned out to be fit, and they bought them. But the old mistress did not know that they were red, she would never allow Karen to go confined in the red shoes, and Karen did just so.

All people in the church looked at her legs when she passed into her place. She seemed to her that both the old portraits of dead pastors and pastorals in long black robes and the plump circular collars were stared at her red shoes. She herself only thought about them, even at the time when the priest laid her head on his head and began to talk about the Holy Baptism, about the Union with God and that she was now an adult Christian. The solemn sounds of the church organ and the melodious singing of pure children's votes were filled with the church, the old regent tightened the children, but Karen thought only about his red shoes.

After lunch, the old mistress learned from other people that the shoes were red, explained Karen, as indecently, and told her to go to the church in black shoes, at least in the old one.

Next Sunday, it was necessary to go to the communion. Karen looked at the red shoes, looked at black, again on the red and - put on them.

The weather was wonderful, sunny; Karen with the old Mrs. passed along the path through the field; It was a bit dusty.

The church doors stood, leaning on the crutch, the old soldier with a long, strange beard: she was rather red, than gray. He bowed to them almost to the ground and asked the old lady to allow him to smear the dust from her shoes. Karen also extended his little leg to him.

Can't what glorious ballroom shoes! Said Soldier. - Sit down firmly when you scare!

And he slapped his hand on the soles.

The old lady gave Schelling soldier and entered the church with Karen.

All people in the church again looked at her red shoes, all portraits - too. Karen kept knees in front of the altar, and the golden bowl approached her, and she only thought about her red shoes, - they were crying in front of her in the bowl.

Karen forgot to pass on Psalm, I forgot to read ours "Father".

The people began to leave the church; The old mistress sat in the carriage, Karen also put his leg on the footboard, as Suddenly, the old soldier found himself and said:

Can't what glorious ballroom shoes! Karen could not have kept and made several PA, and here the legs went to dance himself, exactly the shoes had some kind of magical power. Karen lasted farther and farther, rebuilt the church and could not stop. Kumor had to run behind her in the same time, take her on his arms and put in a carriage. Karen sat down, and her legs were all continued to shine, so a lot of pinks got a good old Mrs. I had to finally remove the shoes, and the legs calmed down.

Arrived home; Karen put the shoes in the closet, but could not not admire them.

The old Mrs. stunned, and said she would not live long. It was necessary to take care of her, and whom this case concerned closer than Karen. But the city was given a big ball, and Karen was invited. She looked at the old Mrs., who was still not to live, looked at the red shoes - is it a sin? "Then put on them - and this is not trouble, and then ... went to the ball and went to dance."

But she wants to turn to the right - legs carry it to the left, wants to make a circle around the hall - legs carry her out of the hall, down the stairs, outside and the city. So she stuck it up to the Dark Forest.

Something lit between the tops of the trees. Karen thought it was a month, as something similar to the face was visible, but it was the face of an old soldier with a red beard. He nodded her and said:

Can't what glorious ballroom shoes!

She was frightened, she wanted to lose his shoes from themselves, but they sat firmly; She only brooded in the shreds of stockings; The shoes accurately increased to the legs, and she had to dance, dance in the fields and meadows, in the rain and sunny weather, and at night and day. The terrible thing was at night!

She danced danced and found himself to the cemetery; But all the dead calmly slept in their graves. The dead there is a better deal than a dance. She wanted to sit down on one poor grave, swinging Dem Koyu Ryubinsky, was not here! Neither rest or rest! She danced and danced ... Here in the open doors of the church she saw an angel in a long white robe; Behind his shoulders were big, descended to the very Earth wings. Angel's face was strictly and seriously, in his hand he kept a wide shiny sword.

You will dance, "he said, - to dance in his red shoes, until they pale, do not get sodden, do not dry, like a mummy! You will dance from the gate to the gate and knock on the doors of those houses where proud, vain children live; Your knock will scare them! You will dance, dance! ..

Long! - cried Karen.

But she no longer heard an angel's answer - the shoes entailed her to the gate, behind the cemetery fence, in the field, on roads and paths. And she danced and could not stop.

Once in the morning she flashed into a dance past the familiar door; From there with singing of Psalms, the coffin was taken out of flowers. Here she learned that the old Mrs. died, and it seemed to her that now she was left by everyone, cursed, the angel of the Lord.

And she danced, danced, even dark at night. The shoes carried her on the stones, through the forest thickets and thorns bushes, whose spines scratched it to the blood. So she stuck to a small secluded house, standing in the open field. She knew that the executioner lives here, knocked her finger into the window glass and said:

Go to me! I myself can not log in to you, I dance!

And the executioner answered:

You, right, do not know who I am? I ruble heads bad people, and my ax I see, trembling!

Do not rub my head! - said Karen. "Then I will not have time to repent of my sin." Bran me better legs with red shoes.

And she confirmed his whole sin. The executioner cut off her legs with the red shoes, - the dancing legs rushed across the field and disappeared in more often.

Then the executioner attacked her the trees instead of foot, gave crutches and learned her Psalm, who always sing sinners. Karen kissed her hand holding an ax, and walked around the field.

Well, I was pretty pronounced because of the red shoes! - she said. - I will go to the church now, let people see me!

And she quickly headed for the church doors: suddenly her feet were dug in front of her in the red shoes, she was frightened and turned away.

For a whole week, the Karen cried with bitter tears; But sunday came, and she said:

Well, I rather suffered and suffered! The right, I am not worse than many of those sitting and are important in the church!

And she boldly went there, but it only reached the wicket, "the red shoes were again dumped in front of her. She frightened again, turned back and with all his heart he repeated in his sin.

Then she went to the priest's house and asked to the service, promising to be diligent and to do everything that could, without a salary, because of a piece of bread and a shelter in good people. The wife of the priest squeezed over her and took her to her house. Karen worked not to twist the hands, but was quiet and thoughtful. What attention he heard in the evenings of the priest, who read the Bible aloud! The children loved her very much, but when the girls chatted with her about the dresses and said that they would like to be on the site of the queen, Karen sadly shook his head.

Next Sunday, everyone gathered to go to church; She was asked if she would not go with them, but she only looked at her crutches with tears. Everyone went to listen to the Word of God, and she went to her camork. There were only a bed yes chair; She sat down and began to read the psalrty. Suddenly the wind submits to her the sounds of the church organ. She raised his face with tears and exclaimed:

Help me, Lord!

And suddenly she was masted all as the sun, - an angel of the Lord in white robe was found in front of her, the one he saw in that terrible night in church doors. But now in her hands he kept a sharp sword, but a wonderful green branch, dyed roses. He touched her ceiling, and the ceiling rose highly high, and on the place to which the angel was touched, a golden star was broken. Then the angel touched the walls - they were heard, and Karen saw the church authority, old portraits of pastors and pastors and the whole people; Everyone was sitting on their benches and sang Psalms. What did it change to the church a narrow camcore of a poor girl, or the girl herself was so miraculously moved to church? .. Karen sat on his chair next to his homely priest, and when those graduated from Psalm and saw her, then gently nodded her, saying :

You did well that I also came here, Karen!

By the grace of God! She answered.

The solemn sounds of the organ merged with the tender children's voices. The rays of a clear sun flowped into the window right to Karen. Her heart was so overwhelmed with all these light, peace and joy, which was born. The soul flew along with the rays of the sun to God, and there no one asked her about the red shoes.

A long time ago, he lived in the light of the old man, and he had a son. They lived poorly, in a small old house. Here it's time to die an old man. He called his son and tells him:
- I have nothing to leave for you inheritance, son, except for your shoes. Wherever you go, always take them with you, they will come to you.

Father died, and Djigit remained alone. He was fifteen years old and sixteen.

He decided to go on the white light of happiness to look. Before walking out of the house, he remembered father words and put in the bag of shoes, and he himself went barefoot.

How long was he, briefly, just tired of his legs. "Wait," he thinks, "and don't I put on shoes?" Puting the shoes, and fatigue as hand removed. Shoes themselves go on the road, and even funny music is playing. Jigit is going, rejoicing, she sings and sings.

Half him to meet one person. He envied the person how easily and fun jigita walks. "Probably the thing is here in shoes," thinks. "I'll ask you to sell it to me these shoes."

When they both stopped relaxing, that person and says:
- Sell me these shoes, I will give you a bag of gold for them.
"Goes," said Jigit and sold him shoes.

It was worthwhile to wear shoes, as suddenly his feet had to run. He would be happy to stop, but legs do not listen. With great difficulty, he grasped for some kind of bush, rather threw off the shoes and he says herself: "The case is unclean, the shoes were enchanted. We need to save soon. "

He ran back to Jigita, who had not had time to leave, and shouts:
- Take your shoes, they are enchanted. The shoes threw him and the ones were laughed - only the heels flashed.

And Jigit shouts him after:
- Wait, yes you forgot to pick up your gold.

But he did not hear anything from fear. Dzhigit shoes and music, with songs, with jokes, reasons reached one city. He went into a small house where one old woman lived, and asked:
- How are things going in your city, grandmother?
"Bad," the old woman answers. - Our khan has a son died. Fifteen years have passed since then, but the whole city is in deep traw, it is impossible to laugh nor sing. Han himself does not want to talk with anyone, and no one can cheer him.
"It's not about," says Jigit, "Khan must cheer, dispel him sadness." I'll go to him.
"Try, son," said the old woman, "just like you, a Khan Vizier from the city did not drive."

Our jigit went down the street to the Khan's Palace. It goes, she sings, the songs sing, the shoes are playing cheerful music. People look at him, are surprised: "Where did this merry come from?"

It is suitable for the Tsarist Palace and sees: blocked him the road sight on the horse, with a sword in his hand.

And I must say that the Vizier was waiting for Khan dies from longing and sadness. He wanted to take his place and marry his daughter.

Pied a Vizier for Jigita:
"Don't you know that our city is in Touré?" Why do you balamut's people, are you walking with the songs around the city? - And drove it from the city.

Jigit sits on the stone and thinks: "It's not enough trouble that I was driven back. I will try to go to Khan again, dispel him sadness. "

Again he went to the city with music, songs, jokes-additives. Again saw his sight and drove. Again, Dzhigit sat onto a stone and he says to himself: "After all, I was not Han myself, and Vizier. I need to see Khan himself. "

For the third time he went to Khan. With music, songs, jokes are suitable for the gates of the Khan Palace. This time he was lucky. Han sat on the porch and, having heard noise, asked the guard, which was going on at the gate. - One walks here, "answer him," Sots sings, dancing, jokes jokes, the people are mercy.

Invited Han to him to his palace.

Then she ordered to gather on the square of all citizens and he says to them:
- It is impossible to live so more. Enough to sadness and grieve.

Here I went ahead back and says:
- This boy is a swarm and fraudster! It is necessary to drive it from the city. He will not dance himself at all, and he also does not play music. The point is here in the shoes, they have Magic.

Han answers him:
- If so, then put on the shoes and walked to us anything.

She put on the Vizier of the Bashmaki and wanted to be wondering, but it was not there. I will only raise the leg, and the other as if he grows to the ground, I would not tear off. The people laughed at Vizier, and Khan had driven him with disgrace.

And Jigita who walked him, Khan left himself and issued his daughter for him. When Khan died, then the people chose him with their ruler.

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A person who loving fairy tales for life in his soul remains a child. Immerse yourself in the magic world of the fairy tale yourself and open it to your children. Magic fairy tales do not leave the place of evil in our weekdays. Together with fabulous heroes, we believe that life is beautiful and amazing!

Morning short fairy tales


A long time ago, he lived in the light of the old man, and he had a son. They lived poorly, in a small old house. Here it's time to die an old man. He called his son and tells him:
- I have nothing to leave for you inheritance, son, except for your shoes. Wherever you go, always take them with you, they will come to you.
Father died, and Djigit remained alone. He was fifteen years old and sixteen.
He decided to go on the white light of happiness to look. Before walking out of the house, he remembered father words and put in the bag of shoes, and he himself went barefoot.

How long was he, briefly, just tired of his legs. "Wait," he thinks, "and don't I put on shoes?" Puting the shoes, and fatigue as hand removed. Shoes themselves go on the road, and even funny music is playing. Jigit is going, rejoicing, she sings and sings.
Half him to meet one person. He envied the person how easily and fun jigita walks. "Probably, the thing is here in the shoes," thinks. "I will ask you to sell me these shoes."
When they both stopped relaxing, that person and says:
- Sell me these shoes, I will give you a bag of gold for them.
"Goes," said Jigit and sold him shoes.
It was worthwhile to wear shoes, as suddenly his feet had to run. He would be happy to stop, but legs do not listen. With great difficulty, he grasped for some kind of bush, rather threw off the shoes and he says herself: "The case is unclean, the shoes were enchanted. We need to save soon. "
He ran back to Jigita, who had not had time to leave, and shouts:
- Take your shoes, they are enchanted. Him the shoes threw him and the nurses were empty - only heels
And Jigit shouts him after:
- Wait, yes you forgot to pick up your gold. But he did not hear anything from fear. Dzhigit shoes and music, with songs, with jokes, reasons reached one city. He went into a small house where one old woman lived, and asked:
- How are things going in your city, grandmother?
"Bad," the old woman answers. "Our khan has died. Fifteen years have passed since then, but the whole city is in deep traw, it is impossible to laugh nor sing. Han himself does not want to talk with anyone, and no one can cheer him.
"It's not about," says Jigit, "Khan must cheer, dispel him sadness." I'll go to him.
"Try, son," said the old woman, "just like you, a Khan Vizier from the city did not drive."
Our jigit went down the street to the Khan's Palace. It goes, she sings, the songs sing, the shoes are playing cheerful music. People look at him, are surprised: "Where did this merry come from?"
It is suitable for the Tsarist Palace and sees: blocked him the road sight on the horse, with a sword in his hand.
And I must say that the Vizier was waiting for Khan dies from longing and sadness. He wanted to take his place and marry his daughter.
Pied a Vizier for Jigita:
"Don't you know that our city is in Touré?" Why do you balamut's people, are you walking with the songs around the city? - And drove it from the city.

Jigit sits on the stone and thinks: "It's not enough trouble that I was driven back. I will try to go to Khan again, dispel him sadness. "
Again he went to the city with music, songs, jokes-additives. Again saw his sight and drove. Again, Dzhigit sat onto a stone and he says to himself: "After all, I was not Han myself, and Vizier. I need to see Khan himself. "
For the third time he went to Khan. With music, songs, jokes are suitable for the gates of the Khan Palace. This time he was lucky. Han sat on the porch and, having heard noise, asked the guard, which was going on at the gate. - One walks here, "answer him," Sots sings, dancing, jokes jokes, the people are mercy.
Invited Han to him to his palace.
Then she ordered to gather on the square of all citizens and he says to them:
- It is impossible to live so more. Enough to sadness and grieve.
Here I went ahead back and says:
- This boy is a swarm and fraudster! It is necessary to drive it from the city. He will not dance himself at all, and he also does not play music. The point is here in the shoes, they have Magic.
Han answers him:
- If so, then put on the shoes and walked to us anything.
She put on the Vizier of the Bashmaki and wanted to be wondering, but it was not there. I will only raise the leg, and the other as if he grows to the ground, I would not tear off. The people laughed at Vizier, and Khan had driven him with disgrace.
And Jigita who walked him, Khan left himself and issued his daughter for him. When Khan died, then the people chose him with their ruler.

Poor and two bays

Once in ancient times I had to go to the long road along with two greedy bays. They rode, they drove and drove to the inn. I drove on the stall courtyard, boiled porridge for dinner. When porridge looked, sat down to dinner. Picky porridge on the dish, sold in the middle of the hole, poured into the smell of oil.

Who wants to be fair, he must go straight through. Like this! - Speak the first Bai and spent a spoon for a kesh on top of the bottom; Oil, from the fossa flowed in his direction.
- And in my opinion, life is changing every day, and close time when everything is mixed in - from so!
So failed to fool the poor man.
By the evening of the next day, they left again on the inn. And they had in
store one fried goose on three. Before bedtime, they persuaded that the goose in the morning would get to someone who night will see the best dream.
They woke up in the morning, and everyone began to tell her sleep.
"I dreamed," said the first Bai, "I dressed in a green chapan, White Chalma and went to the mosque (Capan-here: Rich Outerwear Mullah.)
"And I dreamed that I turned into a swan and flew somewhere," said the second Bai.
It came to the poor one to tell his dream.
"I saw in a dream," he said, "as one of you dressed up in a green chapan and White Chalma and went to the mosque.
- I saw how the second turned into a swan and flew away. I was frightened, I think: I would not deteriorate to goose, I took it and ate him!

Wolf and tailor

Walked tailor on the road. To meet him there is a hungry wolf. A wolf came to the tailor, bitching his teeth. Tailor himself says:
- About wolf! I see you want me to eat. Well, I do not dare to oppose your desire. Only let me first measure you and in length and width to find out whether I will be placed in your stomach.
The wolf agreed, although it was not waiting for him: he wanted to eat the tailor rather.
He took out the tailor from the bag of Iron Arshin, the wolf grabbed with one hand, and the other began to beat him with this Arshin on his head, and so hard that the wolf fell without memory, and the tailor went on his way.
When the wolf woke up, he thought with annoyance:
"And why did I agree to shoot a measure! After all, the tailor I could eat and not in one reception! "
So reflected hungry and stupid wolf, yes it was too late.


In the deaf, deaf forest, there was one Shaitan. He was a small, even very small and completely hairy. But his hands were long, the fingers on their hands are long and nails on them are long. And he had a special nose - also long, as chisel, and strong, like iron. Its called - Dolubone. Who came to Him in Urman (deaf forest) one, that chiselon killed in a dream with his long nose.
Once he came to Uman Hunter. When the evening came, he divorced the fire. She sees, goes to him.
- What do you need here? - asks the hunter.
"To warm up," Shaitan answers.
- Well, swine, not sorry.
The hunter gets a small cast iron, pours water into it, puts meat and prepares a dinner. And Shaytan also has a little cast-iron, he also puts her on fire and cooks meat. The hunter threatens him:
- I will give you!
And Shaitan in response:
- I'll give you himself!
Okay. Then the hunter moves to the side and makes a thin and high hat from Beresta - the hood. And Shaitan also gets up and makes himself a hat from Berestov, but smaller and lower.
The hunter is suitable for the fire and lights the hat at the top - it burns until the top of the hats. Shaitan imites him and also lights his hat. But it is low, immediately flashes. The hair on the head of the Shautan tanned.
"Ai, Ai," he shouts, "why are you burned me?"
"You yourself burn yourself," answers the hunter.
Dolubone began to run from pain. And the fire from the wind challenged on his hands, back and chest.
- Help, save me! He shouts the hunter.
The hunter regretted Shaitan, poured the water pot on him and hung fire. So he saved Shaitan. They singed, and let's sit by the fire. The hunter is afraid to fall asleep, knows that Shaitan can kill him with his nose.
- What are you sitting here?
"Gray," answers the chisel. Long he grabbed, but never left.
"Let's go to sleep," says the hunter.
They lay on different sides of the fire. Shaitan immediately fell asleep and walked. And the hunter at that time got up, took the rotten hemp and put on the place where he slept. Closed them with his zipoon, and he left aside. And sees, Shaitan rose, went to Zipun, sat on him. She grabbed Prenok, thought it was the head of the hunter, and his nose poked him. The nose passed through the rotten stump and stuck in the ground. Then the hunter jumped out and began to beat Shaytan until he broke out and did not convince barely alive. And the hunter Loe and slept until the morning.

Zuhra - Yoldiz

Once upon a time the girl named Zuhra lived in the world. She was a fitting, smart, heard a big craftswoman. All around admired her skill, distortion and respectfulness. They loved Zuhra and for not being regenened with her beauty and hardworking.

Zuhra lived with his father and a stepmother, who envied the stepdaughter, scolding her for any trifle, drove her hard work on the house. Under the father, the evil woman held the tongue, but only he is behind the threshold, as the receiving daughter began to exit. Stepmother sent Zuhra behind a rush to a terrible dense forest, where there were many snakes and ferocious animals. But they never touched a good and meek girl.

Zuhra worked from dawn to dawn, tried to fulfill everything that they would be ordered, trying to please the fat scene. Yes where! Padder's humility and long-suffering and removed the stepmother.
And once in the evening, when Zuhra is particularly tired of the contradictory work, the stepmother told her from the river of the water to the bottomless sudine. Yes, threatened:
- If you can't fill to the edges to the morning, so that your feet in the house was not!
Not dare to reap, Zuhra took a bucket with a rocker and went on the water. So she was going on the day that the legs barely carried her, the hands took away, and the shoulders fenced even under the weight of empty buckets. On the shore of Zuhra decided to take a little rest. He took the bucket from the rocker, straightened his shoulders, looked around.
There was a wonderful night. The moon lilas on the ground Silver rays, and everything around was laitting in sweet rest, mastered by her rays. In the water mirror, the stars flicker, connecting with their dance in the heavenly ocean. Everything was full of mysterious captivating beauty, and for some moments, Zuhra was forgotten, they left the sorrow and adversity. Fish splashed in the reeds, rolled an easy wave on the shore. Together with her, the memories of cute childhood were flooded, as if the tender words of the beloved Mother were sounded again. And from this yet, it became an unfortunate girl who walked from a minute forgotten. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks, large diamonds falling on the ground.
Highed hard, filled the zuhra buckets, and the rocker was unbearable in the girl's shoulders. And even harder lay down the stone on the heart. Again looked at Zuhra on the moon - she was still free to swim through the heavenly path, shying and man. And so wanted Zuhre again to forget, like the heavenly stranger, do not know either grief, nor concerned and give kindness and affection ...
At this time, an asterisk rolled from the sky. And as long as she fell on the ground, everything became brighter and lighter. In the soul, Zuhron suddenly flew, the heavy stone stopped putting on the heart of the girl. Sweet source covered it, it became gratifying, deceased. Zuhra felt the water buckets become almost weightless. Her eyes closed themselves. And when Zuhra again opened his long eyelashes, he saw himself on the moon, in which she peered so long. It was surrounded by a dance of a variety of stars, one of which shone especially brightly.
It turns out that this star has always followed Zuhro. She saw her suffering, who did not harm the girl against the angry stepmother. This very star hugged the zuhra with his rays and raised her to swell, to the moon itself. No one saw this on Earth, nothing broke her night rest. Only he hand over the surface of the river near the shore and again became clean, like a mirror. And the moon and the stars disappeared with the morning dawn.
Father Zuhron came to the coast, he was looking for his daughter for a long time, called her beloved and beloved her beloved. But I saw only two buckets, to the edges filled with water. And that it was made him, whether it was really that it broke out and disappeared in clean water a small clear asterisk.
Darmedly, stood up in his father in his eyes. He touched a bucket with his hand - the water was lying, climbed, played. As if she was not full of buckets, but a lot of precious diamonds ...
If you are clear at night, you look good in the moon, you will see a silhouette of a girl with a rocker on her shoulders. And next to the moon, notice a brightly luminous star. This is the same asterisk that he asked the good soul to heaven. She is called Zuhron's star.

* Joldiz - Star

How poorly Gusya Delil

Long ago, I lived in one village poor. In addition to one goose, it did not have a cattle, nor bird. He worked on people - the fact and fed. One day he ended in his flour, nothing from what was baked bread, so he decided to go to the rich bai and ask a little flour. And that Bai did not drive him, he stabbed his only goose, frusked and brought the bai as a gift.

Bai took a goose, but just did not know how to divide him at all, and says the poor man:
- You brushes brushes, herself alone by justice. We share well - I will give you flour, and you can not-run anything!
I thought the poor thing a little, then cut off my head goose and filed it myself.
"You're a head in the house - here's a goose head," he said.
Then cut off the goose neck, gave her wife Baia.
"If the husband is head, then the wife is a neck: where the neck turns around, there and will watch the head, so you have a goose cervous," he said.
Then cut off the goose wings, filed one wing to two Bayan daughters:
- You do not always live in this house, you will soon fly away.
And he gave two goose legs to the Baysky sons and said at the same time:
"You have to run quickly and carry out the orders of your parents, so I give you a goose paw."
After that, the poor man said:
- I entered each of you than it should be. And the residue, by justice, I can take myself.
With these words, the poor man took the whole goose carcass.
Bai was surprised by the resourcefulness of the poor man and gave him a whole bag of flour.
Returned poorly home, baked bread and suit dinner goes and fresh bread.

As a fool's mind searched

There were three brothers. The older brothers were smart, and the youngest is a fool.

Their father and died. Smart brothers shared the inheritance among themselves, and the younger did not give anything and drove out of the house.
"In order to own wealth, you have to be smart," they said.
"So I will find my mind," the younger brother decided and went on the road. How long was she, briefly, finally came to some selection.
He knocked in the first hiding house and asked him to take him into employees.
For a whole year, a fool worked, and when it came to pay, the owner and asks:
- What do you need more - mind or wealth?
"I don't need wealth, give me a mind," the fool answers.
"Well, here's a reward for work: now you will understand the language of different items," the owner said and let go of the employee.
There is a fool and sees a high pillar without a single bitch.
"I wonder what tree made this beautiful pillar?" - said the fool.
"I was a high slim pine," replied the pillar.
I understood the fool that the owner did not deceive him, was delighted and went further.
He became a fool to understand the language of various items.
How long was he, briefly, nobody knows - and so reached the unknown country.
And the old king in that country disappeared a favorite tube. The one who finds her, the king promised to give his little daughter in wives. Many tried to find the phone, but everything is in vain. Came a fool to the king and says:
- I will find your phone.
He came out into the yard and shouted loudly:
- Tube, where you come to!
- I'm lying under a big stone in the valley.
- How did you get there?
- The king dropped me.
Brought the younger brother tube. An old king was delighted, his daughter gave him a wives, and in addition - a horse with the golden dressing and rich clothes.
If you do not believe, ask your senior brother's wife. True, I do not know where she lives, but it's not difficult to find out - anyone will tell you her neighbor.

As a pelvis told Padyshah Nesbylitsy

Was in ancient times one padisch. Every year he convened the narrator from all his possessions, put a great measure with gold and announced to them: who will tell me such an unprecedented that, having listened to her, I couldn't be crying ", let him take my gold. And if I say "Maybe", then the narrator will get a hundred blows whipped!

Each time the storytellers of non-pieces went and competed in their skills before Padishah, and he all told: "It may be, it may be!" - And brutally punished narrator, and the gold left himself.
One day, Padisham again gathered residents to the square, put a lot of measure with gold and began to call narrators of nonfire. But everyone was afraid, no one went out to tell. Padishai was angry, ordered the inhabitants to disperse, and he left the palace. On the second day, the same thing happened. Here I collected the third time the inhabitants. Everyone is sitting and silent. Suddenly, the middle of the square comes the tricky jigit - Taz *. The pelvis went closer to Padyshah and began to tell:
- O Great Padisham! We have been transferred to these edges when my father was not born again. We put a few hives and spread the bees. We knew how much a bee lives in each of our ulle.
- It may be! Said Padishah.
- Every day we recalculated our bees, "the story continued the story, they were afraid, no matter how any bee was not lost. One evening, we began to consider and underwent two bees. Babai became very angry and sent me to look for them. So I went. I walked for a long time, but I could not find the bees. I was very tired, removed the boots and Loeful to sleep under the bush. Suddenly, about me rose some kind of noise. I woke up and see - my boots fight.
At this place, Padishah stopped the pelvis and said:
- It may be!
And the pelvis as if he does not hear - tells on:
- I spread my boots, put them on my feet and went through the field. I walked, went and reached the forest. And in the forest something is very noise. I immediately realized that it was buzzing one of our bees. I entered the forest and see - a fight goes: two wolves attacked our bee. As the wolves saw me, they were frightened and ran away. I examined the bee, I see - one paw is broken. So that she could walk, I tied her stick instead of paw and ordered to fly to Baba.
- And it can be! Said Padishah.
"Wait," said the pelvis, "listen that it was next!" I went to look for a second bee - after all, if you do not find, then the babai will scold and punish. I went, I went, and finally met a flock of pigs. Herd Pip terrible, humpback old man: his eyes will be watched, the hair got down, he dressed in old rags. I approached closer and found out of your father, Padisham! Yes, it was the deceased Your Father, our old Padisha.
Here, Padisch jumped up from her place and shouted:
- Can not be it! Can not be!
Then the people had no longer, and the pelvis took a measure with gold rather and left the square.

* Pelvis - pleading sly; Here - cunning, cheerful jigit.

About curve Bereza

He lived in ancient times a very rapid poor man. In the same places a rich man lived, who was very loved to boast and considered himself a big clever.
- I will not deceive any slytyre! - loved to repeat Box.
Once he walked along the road and saw from afar of a rapid poor man, who stood, leaning for a curve Bereza. Fastened to Him and said:
"You, my friend, consider dexterous and rapid." And well, try to overcome me! At this pointless answered:
- Why not try! I would rejust you, yes, unfortunately, there is no bag with tricks with me. At home he remained.
I'll bring your bag, and I'll wait for you here, "said boastful.
"I would be willing to go, but I can not," said more. - See how Bereza shoved? I should move away - she fell.
Heard the brakes these excuses, got angry and shouted:
- Stay and carry most of your tricks! Before your arrival, I myself will sign birch.
Eashed lifting, and never returned. And bouncer before that day, they say, it is also supporting the curve birch.

A long time ago, he lived in the light of the old man, and he had a son. They lived poorly, in a small old house. Here it's time to die an old man. He called his son and tells him:

I have nothing to leave for me inheritance, son, except for your shoes. Wherever you go, always take them with you, they will come to you.

Father died, and Djigit remained alone. He was fifteen years old and sixteen.

He decided to go on the white light of happiness to look. Before walking out of the house, he remembered father words and put in the bag of shoes, and he himself went barefoot.

How long was he, briefly, just tired of his legs. "Wait," he thinks, "and don't I put on shoes?" Puting the shoes, and fatigue as hand removed. Shoes themselves go on the road, and even funny music is playing. Jigit is going, rejoicing, she sings and sings.

Half him to meet one person. He envied the person how easily and fun jigita walks. "Probably, the thing is here in the shoes," thinks. "I will ask you to sell me these shoes."

When they both stopped relaxing, that person and says:

Sell \u200b\u200bme these shoes, I will give you a bag of gold for them.

Go, "said Jigit and sold him shoes.

It was worthwhile to wear shoes, as suddenly his feet had to run. He would be happy to stop, but legs do not listen. With great difficulty, he grasped for some kind of bush, rather threw off the shoes and he says herself: "The case is unclean, the shoes were enchanted. We need to save soon. "

He ran back to Jigita, who had not had time to leave, and shouts:

Take your shoes, they are enchanted. Him the shoes threw him and the nurses were empty - only heels


And Jigit shouts him after:

Wait, yes, you forgot to pick up your gold. But he did not hear anything from fear. Dzhigit shoes and music, with songs, with jokes, reasons reached one city. He went into a small house where one old woman lived, and asked:

How are things going in your city, grandmother?

Poor, - the old woman answers. - Our khan has died. Fifteen years have passed since then, but the whole city is in deep traw, it is impossible to laugh nor sing. Han himself does not want to talk with anyone, and no one can cheer him.

This is not the case, "says Jigit," Khan must cheer, dispel him sadness. I'll go to him.

Try, son, "said the old woman," just like you, a Khan Vizier from the city did not drive.

Our jigit went down the street to the Khan's Palace. It goes, she sings, the songs sing, the shoes are playing cheerful music. People look at him, are surprised: "Where did this merry come from?"

It is suitable for the Tsarist Palace and sees: blocked him the road sight on the horse, with a sword in his hand.

And I must say that the Vizier was waiting for Khan dies from longing and sadness. He wanted to take his place and marry his daughter.

Pied a Vizier for Jigita:

Don't you know that our city is in Touré? Why do you balamut's people, are you walking with the songs around the city? - And drove it from the city.

Jigit sits on the stone and thinks: "It's not enough trouble that I was driven back. I will try to go to Khan again, dispel him sadness. "

Again he went to the city with music, songs, jokes-additives. Again saw his sight and drove. Again, Dzhigit sat onto a stone and he says to himself: "After all, I was not Han myself, and Vizier. I need to see Khan himself. "

For the third time he went to Khan. With music, songs, jokes are suitable for the gates of the Khan Palace. This time he was lucky. Han sat on the porch and, having heard noise, asked the guard, which was going on at the gate. - One walks here, "answer him," Sots sings, dancing, jokes jokes, the people are mercy.

Invited Han to him to his palace.

Then she ordered to gather on the square of all citizens and he says to them:

It is impossible to live so more. Enough to sadness and grieve.

Here I went ahead back and says:

This boy is a swarm and a fraudster! It is necessary to drive it from the city. He will not dance himself at all, and he also does not play music. The point is here in the shoes, they have Magic.

Han answers him:

Once so, then put on shoes and walked to us anything.

She put on the Vizier of the Bashmaki and wanted to be wondering, but it was not there. I will only raise the leg, and the other as if he grows to the ground, I would not tear off. The people laughed at Vizier, and Khan had driven him with disgrace.

And Jigita who walked him, Khan left himself and issued his daughter for him. When Khan died, then the people chose him with their ruler.