Hut on curious legs drawing with a pencil. Abstract Node on drawing for the middle group "Hut on Courish Legs

Hut on curious legs drawing with a pencil. Abstract Node on drawing for the middle group
Hut on curious legs drawing with a pencil. Abstract Node on drawing for the middle group "Hut on Courish Legs

Master class on drawing a hut on the bitter legs gradually with a photo

Author: Irina Gayevskaya 10 years old, studying "Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov", Pskov region, city Great Luca.
Pedagogue: Natalia Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of children "Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov", Pskov region, city Great Luke.

Description: Work can be performed with children of younger school age. The material may be useful to teachers of preschool and additional education, teachers, children and their parents.
Purpose: Participation in creative exhibitions, photo-illustration.
Purpose: Creating a composition based on the old legends of the village of Kukuba.
- to know the children with the life of the modern grandmother Yaga;
- We have children to create a composition with a hut on the courier legs on the presentation;
- send the skills to build a picture, the ability to find a composite center, develop the ability to balance the composition due to the color solutions;
- Ensure the skills of work with wax crayons;
- Assistance interest in native culture and traditions.

Hello, dear guests! Today, our work is devoted to the wise and main woman-Baba Yaga! Complete in the forests, the sole place in Russia, where the real Baba Yaga lives. As it should be, in the possessions of Baba-Yaga, an abnormal zone begins, a mobile communication is beginning to work, and the machines overheats the engine. They say it's shalp forestry and marsh residents: Lesle, Kimors and mermaids.
The same Baba Yaga, with all his external unattractiveness, has long been a peaceful, black magic and witchcraft, she prefers pies with tea. And, annually, at the last Saturday, June of the month is held the regional holiday "Baba Yaga's Baba", which is curled many cities of the Yaroslavl region.

What an adult can imagine childhood without Baba Yaga. To any of us was told terrible stories about the evil grandmother, which tipped naughty children. In all fairy tales, Baba Yaga is approximately the same - some ancient old woman, dressed in rags, which lives many hundred years in the most unfortunate forest in a very unusual hut - "on curiped legs", which can turn around. And it seems like Babu Yagu must be afraid, but in the modern world it is a favorite of many children and adults, her loving is called the main woman of the country.

The image of Baba Yagi-donel and the Soviets created in the Kukhoboy: She points out a good traveler, gives a magical horse or an eagle, where you can get to the thirtieth kingdom, gives advice in trouble. She understands the language of the forest, the language of animals and birds, talks with wind and water. It serves forest perfumes, animals, birds, fish and other creatures. Friends with leishes and water. Baba Yaga owns magic, heals herbs, knows how to move through the air at his stage and may seem invisible. In the hut, she has a magic tangler, a touchscreen tablecloth, boots, boots, a hussley samogudo, a carpet-aircraft, a sword-haul and many other mysterious things. She is the keeper of its forest space and surroundings with all their inhabitants.

The jagi hut most often stands in the middle of the reserved (special) forest, on the border with the "Threeth Kingdom". That is, on the border of our world with other worlds (kingdoms), which are an excellent set (thirty). Baba Yaga-Guard of this border. She protects the entrance to the distant fabulous world.
Any fairy tale about Babu Yagu tells about what to enter her house is not easy. To do this, you only need to ask: "The hut, the hut, become old as the mother put it: to the forest with the back, to me before!" - And the hut will obey the request. By the way, the hut Baba Yaga in the Kukoyoy, thanks to the people's craftsmen can also rotate.

In the old legends of Kukuboy, it is described that the hut was stood on the fireball in the fireball, and the old woman lived in it. Sometimes in the village was declared, and then herbs, the roots of patients treated. The road to her house in the swamp a few knew, and curious, trying to track down the sorcerer, and did not return home at all. Today we will fantasize a little, and let's try to imagine what this hut was in the forest. Welcome to our creative workshop!
Materials and tools:
Pist of paper A2.
-Wefish pencil, eraser
-wax crayons

Master class move:

We start working from pencil drawing. We draw a central object-hut for us by curious legs.

In the background, several vertical lines of trees. Then proceed to work with wax crayons. We will draw the side side of the shallow (edge), as if we rub the chalk on the surface of the paper. Green shallow stains the surface of the earth-moss on the swamp.

Next to the hut, we draw a tight-tina water-using a swamp green color, draw the edge of the shallow.

In the same color, paint a piece of the background behind the hut. For tree trunks, we will use brown and burgundy color (draw the shallow edge).

In the same technique, stain in the roof and log house of the hut.

The empty space between the trees fill in black (draw the shallow edge). Dealer draw the traditional-edge of the shallow. Black color draw contours of trees. Burgundy hand draw contours of a brickee.

Next, we draw the twigs, once again we will circle a brica, roof and curving legs.

Black shallow draw bugs of dry grass in a swamp (edge). Draw a root.

Behind the hut draw the Christmas tree. And some green shadows are applied to the top of the work between the branches. And our composition with a hut in the curiped legs is completed.

Thanks for attention! Original bookmarks for paper books do it yourself. Master class with photoThe volumetric applique of paper with their own hands on the Russian folk fairy tale kolobok for children initial shHut from cardboard with your own hands. Master class with photoDonkey from plastic bottle and plasticine with their own hands for younger students


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    I propose to draw a hut on the bitter legs as follows:

    1) start with the contours of the main part and roof, because here:

    2) Decorate the roof and draw the windows:

    3) Now we proceed to the drawing of the visor, shutter and Berwn on both sides:

    4) Draw boards and Brvn, from which the hut is made. We draw a pipe and smoke for realism, make the roof decor:

    5) Draw your legs:

    I could not anywhere to find a stepped image of the hut on the couch legs. But I found ready-made drawings from which you can syrup.

    I think you can still draw any hut and draw chicken legs to it and then it will be similar to the hut on chicken legs as in a fairy tale.

    The hut on the couch legs is often found in different fairy tales, it is very funny this hut.

    And it is not particularly difficult to draw it, especially with the help of tips and instructions that can be found in the learning video.

    My child and I tried to draw such a hut and turned out completely.

    You can also redraw from different pictures.

    First we will make a peculiar geometric figure similar to a reborn mushnat mushroom:

    Inside this mushroom, you can draw a kind of hat on the legs-chopsticks. It will be the basis for the future of September and a canopy above the door. As well as contours of the door itself. At the bottom, we can immediately draw our foundation, namely, the chicken legs themselves - the base of the hut for the old woman's unpatience.

    Now it's time to put a chimney on the roof, since the hut will naturally be heated. Let's do the door, a window, a threshold of several steps. Babulka is old, although he chokes, feet hurt, does not jump to the door, but the stupa is not always at hand.

    And now we will gradually draw the Brovnushki yes with strokes to make a hut harsh and wiggy:

    Still a little bit, and it will be ready to accommodate ...

    Initially, we make the drawings of the future hut.

    Now you need to try the shape of the hut, adding steps, door and window.

    On the hut draw Broln, as well as Babu Yagu in the structure.

    We remove all the defects and other lines using the elasty and hatch our drawing (you can pre-impose some shadows).

    Draw a hut on chicken legs You can so. Let's do it in stages. Basis take the cartoon image of the hut.

    The principle of such - draw from the bottom of the bottom. I open the PAINT program on the computer, and you can follow me.

    1. So, the roof. The roof is a rhombus, and another part of the Pickpoint:

    The Coruste will succeed, the better. After all, the hut was not made by a SMA brigade, a - forest evil spirits from the foot of the material.

    1. Now teach the walls. We indicate doors and windows:

    1. Dorify the bottom of chicken legs. Here you have to try to come out more or less realistic:

    1. Now paint everything. Testing small details and go to give to the teacher!

    Well, in principle, and that's it. More conversations.

    Who wants, can redraw the hut on the bitter legs with good children's books. It can also be done on a computer or on ordinary paper - paints and pencils.

    Olga, you are an interesting drawing as an example, I sketched it and this happened:

    • denamed the size of the hut and roof
    • drew the position of the styled and the window itself
    • etc.

    In general, see how everything happened and what happened, it remains only to decoke beautifully):

    How to draw a hut on curiped legs can be found on the video lesson, which is located below. I will explain to you now how can this be done.

    So, you first need to draw the most ordinary hut (small). We draw a roof in the form of a triangle, a square frame, well, and then decorated the windows. You can on the windows and roof hang something like a platband;, the frame itself make Breed.

    Now it remains only to the house to draw legs. I think no question will have questions how to draw chicken legs. So, we draw them underly. Drawing ready.

Master class for preschoolers "Hut Baba Yaga. Drawing with copy paper »

Olga Stanislavovna Olga - Educator, CRR MDOU №1 "Bear" G. Yuryuzan Chelyabinsk Region.
Educational or creative work
Acquaintance with Russian fairy tales and illustrations to them, as well as the image of the hut Baba Yaga in animation.
Education of love and interest in Russian folklore
Development of fantasy and expansion of the horizon.
Improving the practical skills of ownership of graphic materials
Training to work with copy paper
Paper, (landscape and copy) Pencils are simple and colored, pastel or wax crayons - at will
Preliminary work:
1. Acquaintance with the illustrations of Russian artists and multipliers to fairy tales in which Baba Yaga is found

Baba Yaga's hut can be met now in the most unexpected places: in parks, on children's playgrounds ...

And here is the hut on one leg.

Literary component:

1 Riddles
What old woman in ripped clothes
Does it live in the hut on the couch legs?
Turning the oven she is always, but does not eat cake,
Who is then? - This is ... (Baba Yaga)

To the forefront stands
And curve pipe smoke.
There Yaga - Forest grandma -
The ovens yaws sweetly.
(A hut on chicken legs.)

Listening to poem
Live hut Baba Yaga:
This hut has two couriers legs.
Sticking her legs out -
And they are shy in the January Stuzh.

Bought her Baba Yaga Boots -
Male boots for chicken legs.
And there is no slippers in stores
For the legs of the Giant chicken.

The size of the hut is ninety-second:
Trial of the shoe is a boot with a hole.
Carries her hostess sneakers -
At the moment the new clothes collapsed.

Wandering lonely she is a dubby
Then one's leg, then another pursing ...
Sighs in longing and sadness:
How people now crushed!

To children:

What a woman Yaga What: kind or evil?
In different fairy tales - different. (List examples)
What do you think, for what hunters built in the forest (and now build) the hut in the curiy legs? (so that the beasts do not get to edible supplies)
Is there any dwellings raised over the ground in other countries and what are they invented for? (in some countries - from floods)


1 option
We fold white paper A3 (album sheet) with copy paper. It is also standard - A3. We fold both leaf in half the short sides to each other.
We put a leaf fold to the left of yourself.

Draw the smooth lines of a snowdrift (or drifts) from the fold to the right to draw a square or a rectangle. This is the future log house of the hut on the bitter legs. In order not to be a simple hunting hut, do not forget to retreat from the snowdrifts, leaving a place for chicken legs.

Draw a triangular roof. Horizontal parallel lines draw a log log. Between them with spiral movements, we depict ends of logs with a side wall.

Draw a chicken leg. We place it not on the very edge of the cut, but not close to the collar - about the insertion. Sheer is rude, spoiling, nails (fingers) - three. Fourth - Spur. He will turn back.

The semicircle of the auditory window is painted and draw vertically boards closing the attic. We draw the windows, too, paint and paint. Baba Yagi at home is not and light too.

Draw a high spruce and one of the sides - branches. The branches are tilted down, the wavy line is depicting the edge of coniferous twigs.
The same branches appear on the other side of the trunk and in the midst.

In the distance draw the silhouettes of the Christmas tree. In the snow - traces, in the sky - snowflakes.

Deploy the sheet, take out the copy paper.

Tinging the sky.

Option 2

This option is a fantasy. You can come up with any other shape of the hut. And add other animals and birds. Instead of owls, for example, portray geese-swans, instead of a cat - chanterelle, hare or wolf.
The beginning is the same as in the first version. We fold white paper and copying so that the fold is from us on the left. For the left-hander, this fold is likely to be right, but since the rightmost most, put the workpiece for this.
And draw drifts.

Horizontal lines outline the floor and the ceiling of the hut.

We draw a wall and roof.

I depict logs on a logo

We draw the window, paint the opening, add simple plates and draw the roof.

Now - durable chicken leg. Hescape is not just worth it, but also goes.

A rumor window will be a rhombus. Pain it too. We are improving the attic.

Far Mountains cover forest

Next to the hut appears the old root tree.

Squeeze on the branch sovuka

We draw one owl - two turns out, we draw one cat - there will be two too.

We decide part of the image.

Class: 3 "A"
Subject: Fine Art
Phoe teacher:
Number of students: 23
Date: 01.17

The purpose of the lesson: develop design drawing skills. Develop the skill of the sentiment of the mood and artistic image with
pencil. Develop independence, aesthetic feelings and emotions, feeling of composition.
Language goal
Value influence
Using in speech concepts: Baba Yaga, hut on curiped legs
Good attitude to fairy tales.
Reading fairy tales with the participation of Baba Yaga.
Stage lesson
Org. moment
Actualization of knowledge
actions of the teacher
food on the lesson
Check availability to the lesson.
In the classroom of fine art, I wish you a good mood and
creative success in work!
Listen to the riddle.
At the stupid of the magic old woman flies
So quickly that the wind is whistle.
She lives in fabulous dark wilderness -
You are the name of the old woman to call hurry! (Baba Yaga)
That's right, it is Baba Yaga. Guys, what is she? Look at this picture, and
what is here Baba Yaga?
Indeed, in this picture it is sad, sad. What do you think,
why is she sad? (children's responses)
Look around the brothers Yaga. Look at the threshold which old
the hut is sitting. The hut stands in the dense, dense forest, rarely what guest
maybe come here. And the poor old woman lives one of the same, she is already
an old, herself can not build a new house and help her.
Probably she, so such evil and cruel, what we see it in some
fairy tales. But if she had a new house, new and beautiful, she,
probably supposed. Maybe we draw a new house for your grandmother. (Yes)
And who remembers what usually the hut lives a grandmother Yaga.
Presumageous result
All students will be able to portray
Most will be able to convey
some features of the hut
Some will be able to convey
features of the hut
student actions
check readiness
Gay a riddle
Baba Yaga
Student responses:
(evil, terrible,
old, etc.)
(sad, sad)
(In the hut in the courier

Who guessed what they would draw today?
Right. Here we draw for our grandmother Yagi a new hut in the church
legs that stands on the forest edge.
creates a problem
reflect on hole
determine the goal.
on the desk
Work on new
Analysis of work

Charging (Cukuki)
1. Draw here that form, we spend two straight lines on top that will
2. Draw the roof decoration, windows.
3. Now draw a visor under the triangular window, shutters on the left and
to the right of the large window and logs on the sides in the form of circles, as it is
the logs that we do not see, but they are the basis of the hut walls.
4. Will erase the lines in circles and in each of them draw a spiral,
then draw horizontal lines - the logs from which the hut is
pipe with smoke.
5. Play your legs at the hut.
6. So everything can be supplemented with a landscape, the hut on the curiped legs stands on
the hillock, behind a dense forest, birds fly in the sky. Drawing ready.
Watching drawings on the board, viewing ready-made images, selection
best work
Mini report: What is she Baba Yaga?
Did you get wonderful work, what helped you during drawing?
What did you learn in the lesson?
What new learned?
What beautiful got a hut! In your drawings you managed to convey
the image of a dense forest. What work did you like and why?
(Children analyze work).
shows moves
perform movements
Listen carefully
sums up
Record in diary
Replies of students
analyze their own