Literary hero and character. Images and characters

Literary hero and character. Images and characters
Literary hero and character. Images and characters

Literature: L.Ya. Ginzburg "O. literary hero" M., 1979.

The writer is expressed by the literary hero of a person who has taken from a certain point of view in the interaction of the signs chosen by the writer. In this sense, the literary hero simulates a person. As any aesthetic phenomenon, the person depicted in the literature is not abstraction, but a specific unity. But the unity that is not conducible to a private, isolated case (which may be a person in a chronicle narrative), unity, which has an expanding, symbolic meaning capable of presenting an idea. The writer simulates a set of ideas about a person (ethical and philosophical, social, cultural and historical, biological, psychological, linguistic). The literary tradition, inherited narrative forms and a single idea of \u200b\u200bthe author build artistic image of the person from this complex.

As in life, reading an artistic work, we instantly refer to a stranger to one or another social, psychological, domestic discharge: this is a condition for communication of a person with a character. There are physical recognition formulas (redhead, thick, long-grade), social formulas (man, merchant, master, nobleman), moral and psychological (Dobryak, Messenchak, Mezpets).

Fully literary hero learns retrospectively. But the character is not only the result: the artistic value occurs in the process of reading (first reading acuity).

The first meeting should be marked by recognition, a certain instantly arising concept (typological and psychological identification of the character). In the exposition, the initial formula of the character, which can or be destroyed or, on the contrary, to obtain development is given. The hero of the epic, knightly novel, the court novel - hero, the knight, the perfect young nobleman - all of them express the norms and ideals of the environment, bayronic hero They destroy them.

The bayronic hero is recognizable from the very first pages (Benjalamen Constance "Adolf"). So, for example, the publisher met a man who was very silent and sad. His first phrase: "I am indifferent, I am here or elsewhere," says about the romantic character of the hero.

Literary hero as a character

Any hero in the literary work is a character, but not any character recognize the hero. The word "hero" usually denote the main actor, "Most of the main event" (M. Bakhtin) in a literary work, as well as a significant point of view for the author-creator of the point of view, on itself and other characters. That is, this is the other, the consciousness and act of which express for the author the essence of the world created by him. The individuals of the second plan are perceived as the service, necessary not by themselves, but for the lighting and understanding of the "persons of the first plan". The reader can argue with the heroes, since in the process of reading there is a feeling of completeness and the special independence of the hero (Tatiana, unexpectedly for the author, the unfounded marriage).

What is the characteristic of the hero from other characters:

    significance for the development of the plot (without his participation, the basic plot events may not take place);

    the hero is the subject of statements dominating in the speech structure of works.

The literary character is a series of consecutive appearances of one person within this text. For one text, the hero may be discovered in a variety of forms: references to him in the speeches of other actors, the narration of the author or the narrator about the character-related events, the image of his thoughts, experiences, speeches, externalities, the scenes in which he takes part in the words, gestures, actions and so on. That is, the mechanism of gradual increase in the image of the hero occurs.

Repeating, more or less stable signs form the characteristics of the character.

Who is such a literary character? We dedicate this issue to our article. In it we will tell where this name came, what are there literary characters And images and how to describe them in the literature lessons at their own wishes or the requirement of the teacher.

Also from our article you will learn what is the "eternal" image and what images are called the eternal.

Literary hero or character. Who is it?

Often we hear the concept of "literary character." But a few can explain about. And even schoolchildren who recently returned from the lesson of literature often find it difficult to answer the question. What is this mysterious word "character"?

It came to us from the ancient Latin (Persona, Personnage). The meaning is "personality", "especially", "face".

So, the literary character is the acting person we are mainly about prosaic genresSince images in poetry are usually called the "lyrical hero".

Without acting persons, write a story or poem, novel or the story is impossible. Otherwise, it will be a meaningless set if not words, then perhaps events. The characters are people and animals, mythological and fantastic creatures, inanimate objects, for example, a resistant tin soldier at Andersen, historical individuals and even whole nations.

Classification of literary heroes

Can confuse by their number of any connoisseur of literature. And secondary school students are particularly hard. And especially in the fact that you prefer to play your favorite game instead of doing homework. How to classify the heroes if a teacher needs this or, worse, the examiner?

The most win-win option: classify the heroes according to their importance in the work. On this basis, literary heroes are divided from the main and secondary. Without the main character, the work and its plot will be a set of words. But when losing secondary characters We lose a certain branch scene line or expressive events. But in general, the work will not suffer.

The second option classification is more limited and not suitable for all works, but fairy tales and fantastic genres. This is the division of heroes on positive and negative. For example, in a tale about Cinderella, poor Cinderella itself - positive hero, she causes pleasant emotions, she sympathize. But sisters and evil stepmother - obvious heroes of a completely different warehouse.

Characteristic character. How to write?

Heroes of literary works sometimes (especially in the lesson of literature at school) need a detailed characteristic. And how to write it? The option "lived was such a hero. He from the fairy tale about that and volume" is clearly not suitable if the assessment is important. We will share with you a win-win version of writing the characteristics of the literary (and any other) hero. We offer you a plan with brief explanations, what and how to write.

  • Introduction. Name the work and hero, which you will tell. You can also add why you want to describe it.
  • Place of hero in the story (novel, stories, etc.). You can write here, the main one or a secondary, positive or negative, person or mythical or historical personality.
  • Appearance. It will not be superfluous with quotes, which will show you as an attentive reader, and also adds the volume of your characteristic.
  • Character. Everything is clear here.
  • Acts and their characteristics in your opinion.
  • Conclusions.

That's all. Save yourself this plan, and it is not useful for you.

Famous literary characters

Although the very concept of the literary hero may seem at all unfamiliar to you, but if you call you the name of the hero, you most likely remember a lot. Especially it concerns famous characters Literature, for example, such as Robinson Cruzo, Don Quixote, Sherlock Holmes or Robin Hood, Assol or Cinderella, Alice or Peppy Long Stocking.

Such heroes are called well-known literary characters. These names are familiar with children and adults from many countries and even continents. They do not know - a sign of non-implicit and uneducation. Therefore, if you have no time to read the work itself, ask someone to tell about these heroes.

The concept of image in literature

Along with the character, you can often hear the concept of "image". What is it? Same as the hero, or not? The answer will be positive, and negative, because the literary character may well be and literary way, but the image itself is not necessary to be a character.

Often this or that hero we call a way, but in the same way in the work can be the nature. And then the theme of the examination sheet can serve as a "image of nature in a story ...". How to be in this case? The answer is: if we are talking about nature, its place in the work you need to characterize. Start with the description, add elements of character, for example, "the sky frowned", the "sun is uncomplicated", "the night frightened the darkness", and the characteristic is ready. Well, if the characteristic of the image of the hero is required, how to write it, see the plan and tips above.

What are the images?

Our next question. Here we will highlight several classifications. Above, we looked at one - images of heroes, that is, people / animals / mythical creatures and images of nature, images of peoples and states.

Also images can be the so-called "eternal". What " eternal image"? This concept calls the hero created by once by the author or folklore. But he was so" characteristic "and special that years later, the other authors write their characters from him, perhaps giving them other names, but the essence of this is not Changing. These heroes include a fighter with Don Quixote, Hero-lover Don Juan and many others.

Unfortunately, modern fantastic characters eternal do not become, despite the love of fans. Why? The better this funny Don Quixote man, for example? It is difficult to explain it in a nutshell. Just reading the book will give you the answer.

The concept of "intimacy" of the hero, or my favorite character

Sometimes the hero of the work or movie becomes so close and beloved that we are trying to imitate him, look like him. This happens not just like that, and not in vain the choice falls on this character. Often the favorite hero becomes an image, already with something reminiscent of us the most. Perhaps the similarity is in character, or experienced and hero, and you. Or this character is in a situation like yours, and you understand and sympathize with him. In any case, it is not bad. The main thing is that you are imitated only by decent heroes. And their in the literature is abound. We wish you to meet only with good heroes and imitate only positive traits their character.

Lilia Chernets

doctor of Philological Sciences
Moscow state University named after M.V. Lomonosov,

faculty of Philology, Department of Literature Theory, Professor

Literary characters

IN artistic world Epic, dramatic, lyroid works There is always a system of characters - subjects of action, for which the reader is watching the relationship. The narrator, if he participates in the plot (Nicholenka IRTENEV in the "childhood", "adolescence" and "adolescence" L.N. Tolstoy; Arkady Dostoevsky in the novel "Teen" In such cases, the narrative is usually conducted from the first person, and the narrator is called a storyteller.

Synonyms for Character B. modern literary study are a literary hero, a personal person (mainly in the drama). In this row, the word character is semantically most neutral. His etymology (Franz. Personnage, from Lat. Persona - Especially, face, mask) Reminds the conventions of art - about acting masks in the ancient theater, while the hero (from Greek. Herds - Herds, a deified man) called real manshowing the courage committed the feat. This is direct, the basic meaning of this word. IN artistic work For a long time, the hero called the main positive character. The inertia of such an understanding of the word prompted W. Tekkesey to give his novel "Vanity Fair" (1848) Subtitle: "Roman without a hero."

The character is a kind of artistic image, and the principles of the image can be different. The leading character in the literature is, of course, a man, human individual (from Lat.: Individuum - indivisible, individual). The most wide opportunities for creating a detailed image of a person provides epic Rodwhere the narrative speech easily absorbs many descriptive and psychological details. The hero is significant in the system of characters. Secondary and episodic faces are often represented by little features, used as composite "fastenings". So, in the story of A.S. Pushkin "Stationery" around the main character, Samson Wyrina, replaced episodic faces: a leakage confirmed by Minsk disease; The jimmer, lucky Minsk and the Dunny and showed that "the whole path of Duny cried, though, it seemed, he drove down her hunt"; Military Lackey Minsk in St. Petersburg and others. The final boy, redhead and curve appears in the final - one of those who brought the caretaker shortly before the death, he did not find out that his grandchildren grow in St. Petersburg. This character, withdrawing the loneliness of scoring, performs at the same time a composite feature: tells a storyteller about the arrival at the "Beautiful Baryni" station. So readers learn about the fate of the Duni and her late tears on the grave of the Father.

However, other varieties of the character are used in the literature, including fantastic imagesWhat is manifested by the conditionality of art, the "right" of the writer for fiction. Along with people in the work, they can act, talk anthropomorphic characters, such as animals. As a rule, the introduction of animal characters is a sign of one-sided typing. In the bass, moral qualities, predominantly vices, are clearly distributed between the characters: Lisa Schitra, Wolf Zhaden, died, stubborn, stupid, etc. Unlike the myth, where natural and cultural is not yet delimited (Zeus, for example, could turn into a bull, swan), "In the Basna, animals act as different from man creatures ...<...> Begin to duplicate the behavior of a person, replacing it as a conditional and, most importantly, generalizing, typening code "1. Based on the forage and other traditions, an animal EPOS is created, where more complex characters are presented. These include the main character of the "novel about the fox" - a plut, is inexhaustible in mischief, causing indignation and admiration at the same time.

Anthropomorphic characters may also be plants, things, robots, etc. (A, "To third roosters" V.M. Shukshin, "Solaris" Art. Lema).

Characters in literary review are not only individual subjects (individuals), but also collective images (their archetype - choir in the ancient drama). The image as it were "going" from many individuals, often unnamed, represented by one line, with one replica; So create mass scenes. We give a fragment from the story N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba", which describes a multiplied area in Zaporizhia Sew. Taras and his sons are opening a picturesque sight: "The travelers left for an extensive square, where it was commonly gathered. At the big tipped barrel sat Zaporozhets without a shirt; He kept her in his hands and slowly sewed holes on her. They again blocked the road a whole crowd of musicians, in the middle of which a young Zaporozhets sailed, bothering the cap and threw her hands. He shouted only: "Play more, musicians! Do not regret, Thomas, burners Orthodox Christians! " And Thomas, with a bubbital eye, measured without a bill to each whisiently on a huge mug. Near the young Zaporozhet, four of the old worked pretty finely legs, they threw out like Vikhore, to the side, and almost on the head of musicians, and suddenly, dropping away, rummaged and beat cool and tightly with their silver horseshoes tightly killed land. The land is deeply buzzed to the entire district, and in the air of the distance, the hops and trail - ki, energized with the bell-cooked boards. But he cried her alone alone and flew after others in dance. Chuprin fluttered in the wind, the whole was open was a strong breast; Warm winter casing was in the sleeve, and Pot Grave lied with him, like from a bucket. "Yes, take it at least a housing! - finally said Taras. - You see, how he soars! " - "Not allowed!" - shouted Zaporozhets. "From what?" - "Not allowed; I have such a temper: what's throw off, I will succe. " And the caps have not been on a young one for a long time, nor a belt on the caftan, no clutter; Everything went where it follows. Crowd Rosla<...»> (Chapter II).
The element of the unrestrained fun, dashy dancing captures all those who come to the square, the Cossacks are united in the extinguishing them.

Along with the characters directly depicted in the work (for example, participating in the stage action in the drama), you can select outstanding characters, expanding the space-time frame of the image and the consolidating situation ("Misanthrop" J.-B. Moliere, "Woe from Wit" a . With. Griboedov, "Chairs" E. ionesko). The influence of such characters on the behavior of persons operating on the stage can be very large. In the "Vishnevian Garden" A.P. Chekhov The spiritual fatigue and the helplessness of Ranevskaya is largely due to the death of the Grisha's son "in this river", as well as letters coming from Paris. At first she tears them, but at the end of the play decides to return to his beloved person, who, according to Petit Trofimov, "Revolt" her. At the same time, it realizes that there is a "on the bottom": "This is a stone on my neck, I go with him to the bottom, but I love this stone and I can not live without him" (d. 3).

ABOUT incoming character You can speak as appreciative not only to the drama, but also to an epic, where the analogue of the scene is direct (i.e., this is not in the retelling of some hero) an image of persons. So, in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Vanka" on the scene of the work - a nine-year-old boy, who has given to the Moscow Sapozhnika Alyakhina and writing a letter to the village of the Grandfish on the night at night, Konstantin Makarychu (as he, thinking, adds on the envelope). All other persons, including Vanka Grandpa, are insignificant.

Another kind of literary hero is a borrowed character, i.e. Taken from works of other writers and usually carrying the same name. Such heroes are natural, if the storyline is maintained, as in the tragedy of J. Rasin "Fedra", created on the basis of the tragedies of Euripid "Ippolit" and "Fedra" Seneki; Or as in the Stone Guest, A.S. Pushkin (the plot scheme of this "little tragedy" goes back to the plays " Seville mischievous, or stone guest "Spanish playwright Tirsco de Molina," Don Juan, or Stone Guest "J.-B. Moliere. At the same time, the characters recognizable by the name and the plot role called the names of Rasin and Pushkin are significantly different in nature from the heroes of previous plays.

But the well-known reader is a hero (and to unknown in such cases do not appeal) can be introduced into a new characters ensemble, in new plot. The borrowing of the character in such cases, on the one hand, exposes the conditionality of art, on the other, it contributes to a semiotic saturation of the image and its laconism: after all, the names of "foreign" heroes have become nominable, the author does not need to somehow characterize them.
From Russian classics especially often addressed this reception M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin ("in the medium of moderation and accuracy", "Letters to aunt", "Modern idyll", etc.). "... take a literary hero, literary type The last time and show it in the life of current days is a favorite technique of generous. His heroes in the 70s and 1980s - descendants of Khlezkov, Mr. Mitrofan, filled with a special force after 81. " (Gorky M. History of Russian Literature. - M., 1939. - P. 273.). The freedom is striking with which Shchedrin addresses well-known literary characters. "Complaining" biographies of heroes, satiric comes up with the most unexpected classes and positions for them, but taking into account the situation of the flame-forming time. In the "letters to aunt", the nostrils publishes and edits the "Passy" newspaper, where the reheetles leads the chronicle department; In the "germ" (cycle "in the medium of moderation and accuracy"), Molchalin recalls the ten-year directory in the Department of "State Minds" not anyone else, as Chatsky, who was "sichenly" in the play Griboedov "(in the durability of noble liberalism, satirik did not believe ). The writer establishes new, unpredictable family ties: In the "Lords of the Silent" it turns out that Rudin is a nephew reheetal, and Sophia Famusov came out for Chatsky, after his death, because of a legally illiterate testament, forced to sue Zagalytsky - the "grandchildren" of the deceased. In the same product, new faces appear with an eloquent pedigree: lawyers Balalaikin - the side son of Reetleov (from Stshshki-Gypsy) and the horseshrya-tick - the side son of Chichikova (from the box). Behind the whole game of imagination, a sentence is obvious, which Shchedrin makes its modernity, where the field of comic heroes of Griboyedov and Gogol has greatly expanded. As one of the characters noted: "It's amazing how people grow rapidly in our time! Well, what was the nozzles when Gogol introduced us to him, and see how he ... suddenly grown !! " ("Letters to the aunt". Letter 12th).

In the works depicting the former consciousness of the Hero, his phantom double (from Greek Fantasma - Ghost), in which he - with horror or joy - knows his bodily and / or spiritual similarity. Such, for example, Goldkin Jr. in the story of the Dostoevsky "Double", a black monk in the story of Chekhov (this monk, who flatters the carpet, relating to his "Choices of God", sees only sick mentally the main character). Close to this reception is a very ancient plot motive of transformation (metamorphosis) of the character, dramatically violating the "lifebody" of the image: "Invisible man" of Wells, "Klop" V.V. Mamakovsky, " dog's heart"MA Bulgakov.
Dedicated character varieties, or stable image methods, of course, do not exhaust artistic practice.

The character is usually endowed with a certain character (from Greek. Character - imprint, stigma, drawing, distinctive trait). Character and character - concepts are not identical, which was noted by Aristotle: "The acting person will have a character, if ... in speech or action, will find any direction of will, which would be it ..." 3. The performance of one or another plot-composite function does not make it character. So, it is not always possible to find a certain character in the "Heralds" ancient tragedywhose task is to fulfill the instruction, transfer the news, but not evaluate it.

Under the character mean public significant traitsshown with sufficient durability in the behavior and mindset of the hero; The combination of these traits forms his individuality, distinguishes it from other heroes. The character may be one-sided or multilateral, solid or controversial, static or developing, causing respect or contempt, etc. As noted above, there is a correlation between image receptions and characters. Their one-sidedness is obvious in the fasteners of animal characters. On the dominant feature in the behavior of the character often indicate "speaking" names. This tradition dates back to Greco-Roman antiquity, where such names along with the mask (Yarkho V.N. According to the preserved list of masks used in the ancient comedy, "all of them there were forty-four, and among them nine masks for the roles of old people, eleven - for young people, seven - for slaves, fourteen - for women "(Yarho V.N. Menandr. At the origins of the European Comedy. - M., 2004.- P. 111)), which actor was worn, created a very specific horizon in the consciousness of the viewer Expectations.

IN comic genres This reception was very stable. For example, the ratio of characters and conflict in Comedy V.V. is already clear on the list of applicants. Capnicker "Yabeda" (1798): straight and voluntaries opposing the rugs (i.e., catching law), members Civilian Chamber Krivosudov, Atuyev, Bulbulkin, Secretary Kohtin, Prosecutor Grandmaker.

For a long time in the literature, the nature of the main character and methods of its image was determined by the genre. IN high genres classic heroes should be noble and moral qualities, and by origin, but at the same time maintain your individuality. Character thought static. As N. Baluo instructed:

Hero, in whom everything is all, only for the novel is suitable.
Let him be bravely, noble,
But still without weakness, he does not nobody:
We are hot-tempered roads, rapid ahill;
He cries from the offense - unchecked detail,
So that we believe in his believability;
Agamemnon's temper is arrogant, proud;
Eney Pious and the faith of ancestors is firm.
Hero is skillfully save
Character features among any events.

As we see, the model for the theorist of French classicism is served ancient literature (Epic, tragedy). About the novel, Bouoye responds ironically, the time of the heyday of this genre has not yet come.

The image of the internal contradictions, complex, often the dual nature of the person has become software in the era of romanticism and was inherited by realism. In the possessions of R. Shutubrica "Atala" (1801) and Rene (1802), the novels "Adolf" B. Konstan (1816), "Evgeny Onegin" (1831) Pushkin, "Confession of the Son of the Century" A.De Mussse (1836 ), "Hero of our time" (1840) M.Yu.Lermontov, in the poem J.G. Byrona "Don Juan" (1817-1823) The main characters are the person's contradictory, reflecting over their own character and its oddities, worrying moral ups and downs. All of them brings the feeling of disappointment, dissatisfaction with life. The characters are usually shown in development, while not necessarily positive; So, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in the "Lord Golovye", O. Wilde in the novel "Portrait of Dorian Gray" depict moral degradation His hero.

The human yield considerations reflects L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "Resurrection": "People like rivers: water in all the same and everywhere one and the same, but each river is a narrow, then fast, then wider, quiet, then clean , then cold, then muddy, then warm. So people. Each person carries the root of all the properties of people and sometimes shows some, sometimes others and sometimes it is quite unlike himself, while remaining everyone else. Some people have these changes especially cutting. And to such people belonged to non-good "(Ch. 1. Ch. LIX).

The name of the novel is symbolic: its main characters, Dmitry Nehludov and Katyusha Maslova, after many tests come to moral resurrection.

In the literature focused on the embodiment of characters (namely, this is a classic), the latter make up the subject of reflection, disputes of readers and critics (bazaars in the assessment of M.A. Yantonovich, D.I. Pisareva and N.N.Strakhova; Katerina Kabanova in interpretation N.A. Doblarubova, P.I. Melnikova-Pechersk, D.I. Pisareva). In the same character critics see different characters.

Calculation of characters and the corresponding grouping of persons is an act not to describe the world of the work, but its interpretation. The number of characters and characters in the work usually does not coincide: characters are much larger. There are persons who are not having the nature of the scene spring; There are similar characters: Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky in the "Auditor" of Gogol; Berkukov and Glafira, which make up a contrast pair towards Kupavina and Lynyaev, in the comedy "Wolves and Sheep" Ostrovsky.
Character as character, on the one hand, and as an image - on the other, have different evaluation criteria. Unlike the characters to be "court" in the light of certain ethical ideals, images are estimated primarily from aesthetic point of view, i.e. Depending on how brightly, a creative concept is fully expressed in them. As images of chikchiki or Jewish teen are excellent and the aesthetic pleasure is delivered in this capacity. But only in this capacity.

Another important concept, widely used in the study of the character sphere of works, is a literary type (Greek. Typos - a blow, writing). It is often used as synonymous character. However, it is advisable to distinguish between these terms.

Researchers sometimes use the word "type" to designate characters unilateral in nature, static, created mainly in the early stages of art development. So, L.Ya. Ginsburg points to "traditional formulas (roles, masks, types)", helping the "pre-market identification of the hero" (Ginzburg L.Ya. about the literary hero. - L., 1979 - p. 75.). With such a interpretation, the word type in applying to latest literatureWith its complex, ambiguous characters, turns out to be not enough tool. But the concept of type is used in another meaning: as a basis for typology of characters, each of which has an individual, unique character. In other words, a number of heroes should be attributed to the type: their individualization does not prevent common featuresIt demonstrates a variety of type options, which acts as an invariant (in more detail about the relationship of the concepts "type" and "character", see: Chernets L.V. Character sphere of literary works: concepts and terms // Artistic anthropology: theoretical and historical Literary aspects / Ed. M.L. Renneva, O.A. Kling, A.Ya. Esalnek. - M., 2011. - P. 22-35.).

So, to self-director in Pieces A.N. Ostrovsky and the "swear" wilderly, organically incapable fairly and timely calculate employees ("Thunderstorm"), and Titich Bruckov, which is drunk courage more expensive money, he is ready to pay for all his disgrace ("In someone else's hangover"), and indifferent to the daughter of the Bolnov ("His people - to think!") For which the main thing is to insist on his own ("For whom Vella, for him and go" ), and even a capping Rusakov ("Do not sit down in our sleeves"). And in the late plays of the playwright, you can trace the formation of the type of "business person", which is opposing the "smart" money "Fucking", externally courtesy, but calculating and steadily pursuing its egoistic goals: Vasilkov ("Wolf Money"), Berkutov ("Wolves and Sheep" ), General Gnevzev ("Rich Bride"), profits (" Last victim"), Curls and sovereigns (" idleness "). Each of these heroes is an individuality, a living person, a grateful role for the actor. Nevertheless, they can be combined into one group.

Such an understanding of the type in particular corresponds to aesthetic views and creativity writers XIX. century - the time of creating the most deep, multifaceted characters. Sign of the type - its stable nomination: an extra person ("Diary of an extra person" I.S.Turgenev), Samodor (thanks to the article N.A. Dobrojubova " Dark kingdom"This word from the play" In someone else's hangover "got widespread), sound man ("Notes from the underground" F.M.Dostoevsky), new people ("What to do? From the stories about new people" N.G. Chernyshevsky), filled nobleman (so critic N.K. Mikhailovsky called the autoxicheological heroes L.N. Tolstoy). Introduced by the writer himself or critic - his interpreter, these nominations entrenched in literary tradition And apply to the whole gallery of characters. Type nomination is also given name Hero, if it became nominable: Faust, Don Juan, Hamlet, Lady Macbeth, Molchanin, Chichikov, Bazarov.

Long life of types in the literature (its indicator itself is the frequency of the corresponding nominations in different contexts) is due to the scale, high measure of universal in artistic opening. Turning to the reader, the author " Dead souls"It encourages him to think:" ... And who of you, full of Christian humility, is not vowels, in silence, one, in the moments of secluded conversations with himself, will deepen his soul to this heavy request: "And what is it and in me -In the part of Chichikov? "" (ch. 11).
Characters, especially in the work of one writer, often the essence of the variation, the development of one type. Writers return to the type open by them, finding new faces in it, achieving aesthetic impeccability of the image. P.V. Annenkov noted that I.S. Turgenev "For ten years he was processed by the same type - a noble, but inept person, since 1846, when" three portraits "were written, right up to" Rudin ", which appeared in 1856, where the very image of such a person found Full of its embodiment "(Annenkov P.V. Literary memories. - M., 1989. - P. 364.). Modern researcher Determines the excess person as "the socio-psychological type, imprinted in Russian literature halves XIX. in.; His main features are alienation from official Russia, from the native environment (usually noble), the feeling of intellectual and moral superiority over it and at the same time - spiritual fatigue, deep skepticism, the disorder of the word and case "(Mann Yu.V. Excessive person / / Literary encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 1987. - P. 204.). Heroes from the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, A.I. Herzen preceded by the appearance of Chulcanurin (the main character of the Turgenev "Diary of an extra person"): Onegin, Pechorin, Lestes. Turgenev after the "diary ..." creates images of Rudin, Lauretsky, etc. In the end, the gallery occurs unnecessary peopleRepresenting the type in development. It can allocate groups, one of them - Turgenev heroes.

In literature, there is another way to study the character - exclusively as a participant in the plot, as a acting person. In relation to the archaic genres of folklore, in particular to Russian magic fairy tale (reviewed by V.Ya. proppage in his book "Morphology of the fairy tales", 1928), to the early stages of the development of literature, such an approach to one degree or another is motivated by the material: characters as such are not yet or less important than the action.

With the formation of the personality, the characters become the main subject of artistic knowledge. In the programs of literary directions leading value Has a concept of personality. Approved in aesthetics and look at the plot as the most important way of disclosure of character, as to motivate its development. "The character of a person can be discovered in the most insignificant actions; From the point of view of the poetic assessment, the greatest things that shed the most light on the nature of the personality "(Lessing G.E. Hamburg dramaturgy. - M.; L., 1936. - P. 38-39.). Under these words, many writers, critics, aesthetics could subscribe to the great German enlightener.

"Russian language and literature for schoolchildren." - 2013. - № 1. - P. 3-14.

Russian literature gave us a cavalcade of both positive and negative characters. We decided to remember the second group. Sustained, spoilers.

20. Alexey Molchanin (Alexander Griboedov, "Mount from Wit")

Molchanin is a hero of "nothing", secretary of Famusov. He is faithful to the covenant of his father: "please all people without rewrittening - the owner, the boss, his servant, a dog of the janitor."

In a conversation with Chatsky, he sets out his life principlesThe fact that "my summer should not make their judgment to have."

Molchanin is confident that it is necessary to think and act as accepted in the "Famovsky" society, otherwise you will be shifted, and, as you know, " gossips worse pistols. "

He despises sophia, but ready for the sake of facilitating the Famow to sit with her nights, playing the role of a lover.

19. Grushnitsky (Mikhail Lermontov, "Hero of Our Time")

Hoochnitsky has no name in the story of Lermontov. He is the "twin" of the main character - Pechorin. According to the description of Lermontov, Grushnitsky - "... From those people who have ready-made magnificent phrases for all occasions, which simply does not touch and which are important to be draped into unusual feelings, elevated passions and exceptional suffering. Effect - their pleasure ... ".

Grushnitsky loves Paphos very much. Sincerity in it is not a gram. Grucnitsky is in love with the princess Mary, and she at first responds to him special attention, but then falls in love with Pechorin.

The case ends with a duel. Grushnitsky is so low that he matures with friends and they do not charge Pecherin's pistol. Such frank meanness hero can not forgive. He recharges the gun and kills the pearshnitsky.

18. Afanasy Totsky (Fedor Dostoevsky, "Idiot")

Athanasius Totsky, taking on education and dependency Nastya Barashkov, the daughter of the neighbor's died, as a result "got close to her", having developed a suicidal complex in the girl and indirectly becoming one of the perpetrators of her death.

Extremely falling to the female, at the age of 55, Totsky, he decided to link his life with the daughter of General Eponne Alexander, deciding to issue Nastasya for Ganu Ivigin. However, neither something nor another thing has burned out. In the end, Totsky "captured with one arrival by the Frenchwoman, a marquise and a legitimist."

17. Alena Ivanovna (Fedor Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment")

The old woman is a chart that has become a nominal one. Even those who have not read the novel Dostoevsky, heard about it. Alena Ivanovna for the current standards is not as old, she is "about 60 years old", but the author describes it like this: "... dry old woman with erase and evil eyes with a small east nose ... Belobryny, a little disinterested hair, her hair was oily greased. On her thin and length of the neck, similar to chicken leg, some kind of flannel rag like ... ".

The old woman is engaged in roving and makes himself on the mountain of people. She takes under huge interest valuable things, terticts her younger sister Lizaveta, beats her.

16. Arkady Svidrigaylov (Fedor Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment")

Svidrigaylov is one of the twins of Raskolnikov in the novel of Dostoevsky, widower, at one time he was bought off his wife from prison, 7 years old lived in the village. Cynical and depraved person. On his conscience suicide servants, 14-year-old girls, possibly poisoning of his wife.

Due to the harassment of Svidrigailov, Sister Skolnikov lost her job. Having learned that Raskolnikov - Killer, Luzhin blackmail. The girl shoots Swidrigailov and wipes.

Svidrigaylov - Rogish ideological, he does not experience moral torments and is experiencing "world boredom", eternity seems to him "Balca with spiders". As a result, he cums with him a shot from a revolver.

15. Kabaniha (Alexander Ostrovsky, "Thunderstorm")

In the image of kabani, one of central characters Pieces "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky reflected the outgoing patriarchal, strict archaic. Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna, - "Rich Kupchikha, Widow", Katerina's mother-in-law, mother of Tikhon and Varvara.

Kabaniha is very powerful and strong, it is religious, but more outwardly, since it does not believe in no forgiveness, nor in mercy. It is most practical and lives with earthly interests.

Kabaniha sure that family manner Modets are maintained only on fear and orders: "After all, the parents and strict lovers come to you, from love you and the troubles, everyone thinks good to teach." The care of the former orders of caring is perceived as a personal stingy: "So here is the old man and is displayed ... What will be like older will refill, ... I don't know."

14. Baryna (Ivan Turgenev, "Mumu")

We all know sad story About the fact that Gerasim was drowned by Moumu, but not everyone remembers why he did it, but he did it because he was ordered to make a despotic lady.

The same landowner before that gave the launch of Tatiana, which he was in love with Gerasim, for the drunkard of the Capitone's Bashman than thickened.
The lady at his own discretion peers the fate of his fortress, not at all believed to their wishes, and sometimes with common sense.

13. Lackey Yasha (Anton Chekhov, "Cherry Garden")

Lackey Yasha in the play Anton Chekhov "Cherry Garden" - an unpleasant character. It frankly bowes to all foreign ones, while he is extremely ignorant, rude and even Hamowat. When a mother comes to him from the village and is waiting for him in Human, Yasha negligently states: "I really need it, I could come tomorrow."

Yasha in humans tries to behave decently, trying to appear formed and brought up, but at the same time alone with Firsa says Starik: "You're tired, grandfather. At least you will quickly. "

Yasha is very proud of what lived abroad. In a foreign gloss, he conquers the heart of the Maid Duny, but enjoys its location for his benefit. After the sale of the estate of Laki will persuade Ranevskaya again to take it with him to Paris. In Russia, it is impossible to remain in Russia: "The country is uneducated, the people immoral, and more boredom ...".

12. Pavel Meddyakov (Fedor Dostoevsky, "Brothers Karamazov")

Meddamakov - Character with speaking surname, According to rumors, the illegitimate son of Fedor Carrmazov from the urior outering Lizarweets is doing mercable. The surname of Mechnyakov was given to him Fedor Pavlovich in honor of the mother.

Meddamakov serves in the House of Karamazov, at the same time he prepares, apparently, not bad. However, this is a "man with a rotz". At least the reasoning of Smerdivakov about this is said about this: "In the twelfth year, the great invasion of the emperor of Napoleon of the French first, and well, it was conquered by these the most French, the smart nation would conquer the very stupid-s and joined them. They would even even be the other orders. "

Meddamakov - Karamaz-Father's killer.

11. Peter Luzhin (Fedor Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment")

Lazhin is another one of the twins of Rodion Raskolnikova, business man 45 years, "With careful and obese physiognomy."

Having embarrassed "from the dirt in the prince," the Lugin is proud of its pseudo-formation, behaves arrogantly and prim. By making the proposal to the Dun, he anticipates that she will be grateful to him all his life for "brought it to people."

Wallowed to the manner, it is also worth the calculation, believing that she will be useful for him for a career. Luzhnie hates Skolnikov, because he opposes them with the Danus of the Union. Luzhiny also puts the Sona Marmalade in his pocket of a hundred rubles at her father's funeral, accusing it in the steal.

10. Kirila Troekurov (Alexander Pushkin, "Dubrovsky")

Troekurov is an example of a Russian barina spoiled by its authority and the environment. He spends time on idleness, drunkenness, consultation. Troceurov sincerely believes in its impunity and unlimited possibilities ("in the fact that the power so that without any right to take away the estate").

Barin loves her daughter Masha, but gives her for the old man's unloved her. Fortress Trocerys are similar to its owner - Troekurovsky Psar holds a Dubrovsky-senior - and thus quarrels old friends.

9. Sergey Talberg (Mikhail Bulgakov, "White Guard")

Sergey Talberg - Heather Elena Turbine, Traitor and Adaptable. He easily change his principles, beliefs, without much effort and remorse. Talberg is always there, where it is easier to live, so runs abroad. He throws a family, friends. Even eyes (which, as you know, the "soul mirror") at Talberg "two-story", it is full opposite Turbine.

Talberg was the first to stick to a red bandage in a military school in March 1917 and, as a member of the Military Committee, arrested the famous General Petrov.

8. Alexey Shvabrin (Alexander Pushkin, "Captain's Daughter")

Schvabrin - Antipode of the main character of Pushkin's story " Captain's daughter"Peter Greens. IN Belogorsk Fortress He was exiled for killing duel. Schvabrin is undoubtedly a smart, but at the same time a cunning, muster, zinicic, mocking. Having received the refusal to Masha Mironova, he dismisses dirty rumors about her, he wores him in the back in the back of the grievo, goes to the side of Pugachev, and hitting the government troops, it disseminates rumors that Grinev is a traitor. In general, rubbish man.

7. Vasilisa Kostyleva (Maxim Gorky, "At the bottom")

In the play of Gorky "on the bottom" everything is sad and sad. Such an atmosphere diligently supports the owners of the night, where there is an action - crutches. Husband - Nasty cowardly and greedy old man, Vasilisa's wife - calculating, dodging adaptation, making her lover Vaska ash stealing for her. When she finds out that he himself is in love with her sister, then promises to give it in exchange for the murder of his husband.

6. Masup (Alexander Pushkin, Poltava)

Mazepa - a character historical, but if in history the role of Mazepa is ambiguous, then in Pushkin's poem, Mazepa is definitely a negative character. Mazepa appears in the poem as a person absolutely immoral, dishonest, vengeful, evil, like a treacherous hypocrite, for whom there is nothing holy (he "does not know the shrines", "does not remember a blessing"), a person who is accustomed to at any cost to achieve the goal.

The seducer of his young scene Mary, he betrays the public execution of her father Kochubey and - already sentenced to death - exposes brutal torture to bring out where he hid his treasures. Without Ekivokov, Pushkin and political activities of Mazepa, which is determined only by the validity and thirst for revenge Peter.

5. Foma is also described (Fedor Dostoevsky, "Stepanchiko village and its inhabitants")

Thomas is described - extreme negative character. Sleeper, hypocriser, lied. He diligently depicts piousness and education, tells everyone about his alleged ascetic experience and sparks quotes from books ...

When he gets power into his hands, then shows his true essence. "Low soul, coming out from under the nest, oppress itself. Foma oppressed - and he immediately felt the need to cohere himself; They broke over him - and he himself began to break over others. He was a joke and immediately felt the need to start and his jesters. He boasted to absurdity, broke to the impossibility, demanded bird milk, called without measure, and it came to the point that kind people, I have not yet been witnessed all these trips, but listening to only Rosskazni, I thought it was for a miracle, for the obsession, baptized and walked ... ".

4. Viktor Komarissky (Boris Pasternak, "Dr. Zhivago")

Lawyer Komarovsky - Negative character of Roman Boris Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago". In the fate of the main characters - Zhivago and Lara, Komarovsky is a "evil genius" and "gray cardinal". He is guilty of the ruin of the Zivago family and in the death of the father of the main character, he cohesive with the mother of Lara and the Larry itself. Finally, Komarovsky deceit separates Zhivago with his wife. Komarovsky smart, calculating, Zhaden, Zinicic. Overall, bad person. He himself understands it, but it is quite satisfied.

3. Jewish Heads (Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, "Lord Golovy")

Porfiry Vladimirovich Golovutov, called Judek and bloodworm, is the "last representative of the fraudulent kind." He is hypocrisy, Zhaden, cowardly, calculating. He holds life in endless blisses and litigation, brings the Son's suicide, while imitates extreme religiosity, reading the prayers "without the participation of the heart."

Under the curtain of mine dark Life The heads are drunk and seeas, goes to the Martov blizzard. In the morning they find his stuffed corpse.

2. Andry (Nikolai Gogol, Taras Bulba)

Andry - younger son Tarasa Bulba, hero of the same name Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Andriy, as Gogol writes, began to feel "the need of love" from early youth. This need for it fails. He falls in love with the park, betray her homeland, and friends, and father. Andry admits: "Who said that my step-off Ukraine? Who gave me her in debris? The step rate is what our soul is looking for, which is a nice for it. My step is - you! ... and all that neither is, selling, I will give, I will send for such a depression! "
Andry is a traitor. His own father kills him.

1. Fedor Karamazov (Fedor Dostoevsky, "Brothers Karamazov")

He is a consolidation, Zhaden, envious, stupid. Walked to maturity, began to drink a lot, opened several kabaks, made it with his debtors of many countrymen ... began to compete with the eldest son Dmitry for the heart of Svetlovy, which prepared the soil for the stipulation - Karamazov was killed by his illegitimate son Peter Middyakov.


All controls, requires obedience and respect. The goal for him justifies the funds. As an example, you can bring Don Korleon from " Great Father"M. Pyuzo.


Clean and charismatic. In the past, the misfortune happened to him and this seriously affected him. The society accuses bad in all mortal sins, but he never justifies and does not allow anyone in his heart. The bad is early becomes a man, constantly rustles, but his riot is a means of self-defense. In the shower he is kind and somewhat sentimental. Example: Rett Butler from " Gone by wind"M. Mitchell.

Best friend

Stable, peace-loving, always ready to help. Often it breaks between the debt and own desires. Example: Christopher Robin in Winnie Poose A. A. Milna.


Creative, wit, constantly manipulates people. He can find the key to any heart and knows how to be cleaned the crowd. Charming - actor, he constantly plays in his own theater. Example: Ostap Bender in "12 chairs" I. Ilf and E. Petrov.

Lost soul

Lives past mistakes. Wounded, insightful, he sees people through. He is alone and notice and often does not fit into any society. Example: EDICH from "This is me, Ediche" E. Limonova.


All shipped to work. He is expert - often with oddities. His credo: logic and knowledge. Example: Sherlock Holmes from the stories A. Konan Doyle.

Seeker of adventures

I can not sit in one place. It is fearless, ingenious and selfish. His curiosity is insatiable, he hates the theory and always wants to get to the truth - even if it is conjugate with danger. He inspires others and independently solves the problem. Example: James Bond from Casino Royal Jan Fleming.


Noble, principled and stern. He does not know the mercy in the pursuit of justice. Money and power have a secondary meaning for him. He is honest and persistent. Mastrate enemies or saves beauties. Example: Edmond Dantes from "Count Monte Cristo" A. Duma.

Female characters


Requires attention and respect. She is sharp, enterprising and arrogant. Example: Tsarevna Sophia from "Peter I" A. Tolstoy.


Small and beautiful, knows how to attract the attention of men. She is cynical and often manipulates people. Appreciates friends for what they can give her. Uses its attractiveness as a weapon. Always plays a role. Example: Lolita from the novel of the same name V. Nabokova.

Brave girl

One whole nature, sincere, kind and friendly. She has an excellent sense of humor, you can rely on it. At the same time, it is skeptical and does not know how to appreciate himself. She all love. IN difficult situations She will always hand out help. Brave and persistent. Example: Natasha Rostov from "War and Peace" L. Tolstoy.


This lady eccentric, chatty and impulsive. She is inclined to exaggerate, easily distracts and believes any lie. No discipline. The traditions are indifferent. Everything wants to try herself and often makes decisions based on emotions. Example: Alice from "Alice in Wonderland" L. Carroll.

White and fluffy

Naive, touching, a pure soul. It is easy to convince and easy to offend. She is passive and constantly needs a prince on a white horse. Often falls in love with that, protects itself only in desperate situations. Everyone understands and accepts everyone. Example: Cinderella from tale of the same name Sh. Perro.


Clever, books. Persistent, serious, you can rely on it. She is intense and tries to hide their feelings from others. Perfectionist. He considers himself ugly and does not even try to seduce anyone. Lives in his own world, loves to learn. Often in her soul they boil serious passions. Example: Miss Marple from Detectives Agatha Christie.


Fights for the right thing. Bold, decisive, stubborn. Quickly comes out of myself. He is passionate about and often forgets about loved ones. She will not go on a date, if the protest march is appointed for the same day. Her goal is always more important than personal experiences. Example: Mother Sparks from the novel "Tomorrow was war" B. Vasilyeva.


Can cope with any task. She comforts, kisses and give advice. She has iron nerves, but it does not endure loneliness. She needs to need it. Best feels in the family and among close friends. Easy goes on compromises. Often undeservedly suffers. Altruist, idealist and household sage. Example: Pelageya Nilovna from the novel "Mother" M. Gorky.

Clean and mixed archetypes

The archetype is clean, and it happens mixed, with any dominant. For example, Oksana from "Night before Merry Christmas" N. Gogol is the boss and seductress.

It happens that the hero gradually changes its archetype: Natasha Rostov begins as a brave girl, and ends in the rolespond.