The plot plan is the fate of the Sholokhov man. Analysis of the story "The Fate of a Man" (M.A.

The plot plan is the fate of the Sholokhov man. Analysis of the story "The Fate of a Man" (M.A.

Analysis of the work

The main character of the story is the chauffeur Andrey Sokolov. This is an ordinary soldier Soviet army, who survived a terrible tragedy during the Great Patriotic War, having lost the closest people.

The work depicts the harsh truth of life with all its difficulties and sorrows, a difficult struggle for the ideals of mankind.

Sokolov is a tragic figure. He is a representative of the people, a vivid bearer of precisely those traits that are characteristic of the character of the whole people, of its original individuality.

The main of these traits can be called love and affection for the native country. He constantly remembers his Motherland, shows mercy and greatness of his soul. He went to war in order to defend his homeland.

Another important quality the hero is his modesty, already manifested in the obvious reluctance with which he begins to talk about his tragic life.

In addition, it is appropriate to talk about the heroism of Andrei Sokolov, remembering his behavior in captivity.

Thus, all of the above facts indicate the vitality of the heroes, their folk

character. In this work, the author continues and develops the traditions of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Leskov and other writers in Russian literature, revealing the character of a simple Russian person, who is the focus of the strength and vitality of the people.

2. His story about his life:

a) family life, going to the front;

c) killing a traitor;

d) concentration camp, food for the commandant;

e) escape from captivity;

f) news of the death of the family;

g) the death of a son;

h) moving to Uryupinsk, adoption of an orphan boy;

i) the road to the Kashar region.


  • story outline man's destiny
  • plan is the fate of man
  • Sholokhov human destiny analysis
  • human destiny plan
  • man's destiny story plan

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"... A person is not born, but becomes who he is!"


    tragic fate one person as the embodiment of the tragedy of the whole people during the Second World War.


    show the heroic character in the story of M. Sholokhov. Homeland, family, comrades - the threefold support of the spiritual life of A. Sokolov. Dignity and Fearlessness of Man. Loyalty to the soldier's duty. Generosity of heart, mercy as a calling of a Man;

    foster love for the Motherland, respect for its past.

Planned learning outcomes:


    to get acquainted with the work about the defenders of our Motherland.




    master the ability to understand the learning objectives of the lesson, evaluate their achievements.


    possess the skills to participate in the dialogue;

    work individually and in a group;

    use speech means to express your feelings and thoughts;

    formulate and defend their opinions.


    analyze and characterize the states and feelings of comrades;

    build relationships with them in mind.

Methodical techniques:

    expressive reading;

    retelling of individual episodes;

    analytical conversation;

    a story about a hero;

    oral drawing.

Making a chalkboard for the lesson ( visual aids):

1 stand:

    portrait of the writer and the years of the life of the writer;

    exhibition of the writer's works: "The Fate of a Man", "The Science of Hatred", "They Fought for the Motherland", "Virgin Soil Upturned", " Quiet Don"," Don Stories ";

    illustrations for the story: "Father and Son", "Andrei Sokolov at the Commandant", "Andrei Sokolov", still from the film "The Fate of a Man", amateur photographs.

2 stand:

    exhibition of works: "Son of the Regiment" V. Kataev, "Vasily Turkin" Tvardovsky, "They Fought for the Motherland", "Young Guard" A. Fadeev, "The Fate of a Man" M. Sholokhov;

    portrait of Stalin.

3 stand:

    B. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"

    V. Bykov "Sotnikov", "Obelisk"

    Yu. Bondarev "Silence", "Last Volleys"

    K. Vorobyov "Killed near Moscow".

1 lesson:

During the classes:


- Hello guys! Today we will get acquainted with one of the stories of M. Sholokhov, where the tragic fate of one person is shown as the embodiment of the tragedy of the entire people during the Second World War.

- What word carries logical stress?

FATE lexical meaning(dictionary by S. Ozhegov)

    coincidence of circumstances that do not depend on the will of human capabilities (fate pushed us against you)

    share, fate (did not know anything about the fate of her brother)

    history of existence (book style: this manuscript has an interesting fate)

    future, what will happen, what will happen (take care of the fate of the state)


- Why does this topic remain so relevant, that is, very important for the present moment?

- Why are books about the war still interesting?

Generalization of the teacher:

- Because at the proper hour, at one time in that Great War, there were our grandfathers, and not anyone else's, and their blood flows in our veins, their memory resonates in us. These are such books as ... (further, the teacher shows books from the exhibition at the stands).

- And how many poems, poems, songs about the war!

Exercise 1:

- Before you portraits of writers and poets: A. Tvardovsky, V. Kataev, M. A. Sholokhov, A. Fadeev. It is necessary to give correct answers to the quiz questions:

- Who is the author of 3 poems? One of them is called "The Book of the Fighter". But most of it is known by a different name. What is the name of the work, who is the author? (Answer: A. Tvardovsky "Vasily Tyorkin", "House by the road", "Beyond the distance - the distance").

- By the novel of the same name what writer was the film "They Fought for the Motherland" directed? (Answer: M. A. Sholokhov).

- This writer went to the front several times. He wrote essays and correspondence for the Pravda newspaper. In 1944 he published the book "Leningrad in the days of the siege". Who is he? (Answer: A. Fadeev).

- From 1943-1945, this writer collected material about young guardsmen and wrote a novel known to everyone. Who is he? What novel? (Answer: A. Fadeev "Young Guard").

- It was the first post-war spring. On the Upper Don, a meeting between the writer and the future hero took place. What kind of work are we talking about? (Answer: M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man").



- We remembered literary monuments great feat and courage, monuments to a generation that is an example of heroism to all mankind. And today we will talk about the story of MA Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man". Today I would like to start a lesson in literature with the words of the philosopher Helvetius: "A person is not born, but becomes what he is!" Using the image of the hero A. Sokolov as an example, we will try to understand the meaning of this statement.

introduction teachers:

- The Salute to Victory was held for the 70th time on the territory of our country. In the spring of May 9, 2015, the 70th anniversary Victory Parade was held all over the country, around the world. Therefore, in today's lesson we will turn to one of the major events in the history of our Motherland - the Second World War. Only selfless devotion and love for the Fatherland allowed our people to win in that terrible war... We will look at it through the eyes of the author, and the story "The Fate of a Man" will help us with this. We will learn the last life path of A. Sokolov, the main character, learn about his fate and the strength of the character of a Russian person.

- The Great Patriotic War. In the soul of every person there were wounds that were worse than wounds from a bullet or a projectile. The mother did not wait for her son, the wife for the husband, the children for the father or mother. And how painful it was for a soldier who returned from the war to see, instead of his home, a deep crater from a bomb or an empty courtyard, in which no one met him, since everyone died. Every family has been touched by the black wing of the war:

- Someone was wounded, someone died, someone returned with a crippled soul.

The theme of the war was reflected in the works of the famous Russian writer M. Sholokhov.

Student D. Chvokov:

- We will only touch on some episodes of life:

- When the Second World War began, the writer was already an experienced person who had seen a lot. After all, from the age of 15 it began independent life... The revolution, 1917, the civil war of 1918 made him grown up very quickly. At the age of 17 in 1922 on the Don, in Native land the writer was restless, the gangs ravaged the land. And he had to knock around, wander around the Don land, chase gangs.

- And here's another education - the Second World War. The writer already has a huge literary heritage: novels "Quiet Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned", "Don Stories". During the war years, he continued to work - his pen called his compatriots to stand up for protection native land, country. Sholokhov goes to the front: he is both a correspondent and a fighter. Survived the injury. In 1942, at the age of 37, he lost his 75-year-old mother, who died from a bomb explosion. During the war years were written publicistic works, stories "Russian character", "Science of hatred", a little later - "The fate of man", "They fought for the Motherland."


- How was the story created?

The story behind the story:

In 1946, at the age of 41, while hunting, Sholokhov met a former front-line soldier on the river bank. This was an accidental, short-lived meeting. He told the writer, whom he took for a front-line chauffeur, the story of his life, which will forever remain in his memory. For a long time Sholokhov nurtured ideas, plans, images. And only 10 years later in the newspaper "Pravda" was published the story "The Fate of a Man", which shocked many. Letters poured into the editorial office, on the radio, and letters to the writer. Written by people who survived all the horrors of captivity, families of the victims, doctors, learned friends from the pen (even from abroad - Ernest Hemingway (USA), Remarque). Many writers wanted to find Andrei Sokolov, bow deeply to him, surround him with care, a human attitude.

- What is your impression of the work you read?

- What periods can be divided into the life of A. Sokolov?

(Answer: before the war, during the war, after the war)

1st row - A. Sokolov's life before the war;

2nd row - the life of A. Sokolov during the war;

3rd row - A. Sokolov's life after the war.

(Students analyze not only their episodes on the topic, supplement, challenge, express their thoughts on all issues and in other groups).


- Was the work easy for you to read?

- Do you understand the work?

Group work:

1st group:

- What does A. Sokolov see happiness in? (Answer: the main meaning is family, work, home, children ... students record everything in notebooks).

- What is the hero happy about? (Answer: to a faithful, good wife, children - they delight him with their successful education, there is a job, a home).

- What are the character traits of A. Sokolov in the pre-war period? Prove it.

* Children actively participate in the discussion of the issue of the work they have read.

(Answer: hard work (p. 23), attitude towards wife and children (love, care, respect).


- What character traits would you like to develop?

- Are they needed in modern society?


- M. A. Sholokhov begins his story with a heavy country road. Is this a coincidence?

- Why did Andrei Sokolov decide to tell the first person about himself?

- Tell us about the pre-war life of the protagonist (what kind of working professions he had, marital status).

- Why do you think Irina, when she saw her husband to the front, cried so much?

- What should be a soldier, according to Andrei Sokolov?

- How was Andrei Sokolov taken prisoner?

- Why did Andrei kill his soldier at the beginning of his captivity?

- How many times ran away the main character from captivity and were all attempts successful?

- Why did the German officer recognize Andrei Sokolov as a real Russian soldier?

- Where and when did the son of Andrei Sokolov die?

- How did the main character of the story meet Vanya? And why did you decide to adopt him?

- The character of Andrey Sokolov's behavior is courage, compassion and love. Prove it!

- What is the greatness of the image of Andrei Sokolov? Can it be said that his fate reflected the fate of the entire people.

* Children relive moments of fate over and over as they discuss the book an ordinary person... The hero of the book has become understandable and close, his fate will become a lesson for our students' lives.

Lesson 2:

During the classes:


- How does M. Sholokhov show in his story the intervention of war in the fate of an ordinary person? (reading excerpt pp. 25-28)

- What episode in the text reveals human behavior in inhuman conditions?

(reading excerpt: episode in church)


Different characters here embody different life positions.

- Who arouses Sokolov's sincere respect and admiration and why?

(The position of a doctor who, in captivity and in the dark, did his great work ... reading the excerpt pp. 30-31)

- In any conditions, to remain yourself, not to change your duty - this is the position of Sokolov himself.

- What important act is Sokolov deciding on and why?

(Answer: he decides to kill Kryzhnev in order to save the platoon commander. It is not easy for Sokolov to kill, all the more to kill his own, and in general he kills the only Russian man. It is hard on his soul, but he cannot allow one person to save his life at the cost of the death of another ; only in the unity of people does he see salvation.)

- What is the strength of Sokolov's spirit?

(Answer: he is in captivity, and this was the only situation where he could demonstrate the strength of a Russian soldier. Hungry, like a wolf, long unaccustomed to human food, but at the sight of an abundance of food, he managed to suppress nausea and take his eyes off the table: not succumb to temptation , that is, temptation; ... ate only after the 3rd glass; ... all the "grubs" were divided equally to everyone).

- What character traits does a Russian person have in this environment?

(Answer: endurance, self-esteem, consistency, willpower)

- Do a Russian need such qualities in the 21st century?


- Soldier Sokolov, camp number 331, is on call, preparing for death. You cannot get used to it, you cannot prepare for it, but you can accept it in different ways, depending on whether the person has a character, that is, a core. I don’t believe it happens all of a sudden. A person prepares for this all his life. And such a step for Sokolov was a challenge to Mueller. Sokolov's strength lies in love and pride in his Motherland for the Russian people. Even the enemy appreciated "a real Russian soldier, not a prisoner of war" (reading and appraisal of a soldier pp. 331, 337, 35).

- But when the situation turned up, Sokolov escapes captivity, taking the German major. For this he receives leave from the Soviet colonel.

- But according to order No. 270 of 08.08.1941, all prisoners were considered deserters and traitors. Stalin considered them prisoners of the Motherland.

- Is it correct?

Group 3:

Sokolov's life after the war.


- And now it seemed that all the terrible is over, but fate gives one more test: he receives a letter. What does Andrei Sokolov learn from the letter?

(Answer: The bomb destroyed the house, the family, and after all there was everything, it was molded for years, and everything collapsed in a single moment, Sokolov is alone again ...)

- How can a person behave in such a situation?

(Answer: to become hardened for the whole world, to hate everyone, can take his own life if a person is weak in soul, lose faith that there is no need to live, get carried away with alcohol (sleep), and more)

- But, Sokolov did not get embittered, did not lose heart, because life goes on.

- What gift does fate give him?

(Answer: meeting with Vanya, watching a fragment from the film).

- What character should a Russian person have in order to overcome all the trials that have befallen him?

(Answer: vitality, courage, heroism, indomitable willpower, fortitude, generous heart of a simple Russian soldier who managed to overcome death with life and in the name of life).

- But that's not all. Another blow of fate?

(Answer: son Anatoly was killed on May 9, he was the commander pp. 42-43, reading an episode of the work)


- Sholokhov revealed the best features of the Russian present national character and a citizen of his country and person.

- Why did Sholokhov call the work "The Fate of a Man"?


Find words in the text (page 48, penultimate paragraph)

(... A Russian man, a man of unbending will, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls for it).

- What feelings did this piece evoke in you?

- And watch the movie?

- Can we name another work where the fate of the hero is also vividly shown?

(Answer: "The Story of a Real Man", "The Son of the Regiment", "Russian Character" by A. Tolstoy, "The Bride of Katya Malysheva" by E. Dremov).

(During the Kursk massacre, a misfortune happened - he was burned, but did not burn, thanks to the driver Chuvilev).

We conclude our discussion with a poem.

(Reader: Sofya Bryzgunova)

- The echo rolled over the fields,

And the gray smoke smoked the firmament ...

Soldiers gnawed at the ground in pain,

But he went forward, saving his people.

- Where the footprint of the soldier's boots left,

A little white flower has grown today ...

Keep the memory of war guys,

So that you do not stand on the threshold again! ..


(Answer: Sholokhov pursued a goal: to show what he does with human life war. Further, reading an episode of the work from the text).

Output :

- Guys, how do you think the discussion went, did you like it?

- Do you understand the work?

After watching the film, those present are invited to say a word about the lesson and establish an assessment of the event.

Homework: (possibly optional)

- prepare for the presentation of the selected excerpt based on the work of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man". (exercise 130, p. 64, textbook for the 7th grade).

-Pick up material on one of the topics:

"Portrait of a Boy and a Man", "Father", "Son".

- prepare for an essay on the topic


It is necessary to explain the meaning of the words:

- wattle - a hedge made of wicker rods and branches, in Ukraine you can often find it.

- farm - a village in Ukraine, Kuban, Don.

- samosad - home-grown and homemade tobacco.

- pouch - a small bag for storing homemade tobacco, tied with a string.

- howitzer battery - artillery, cannons, mortars.

- patch - to insert, sew up patches.

- calico underwear shirts - cotton underwear.

- beaver lamb - fur sheep.

- schnapps - Reviver.

- parabellum - a kind of pistol.

- stitch - a separate part of the seam, the distance between two needle punctures.

- protective color - grayish-green color, making soldiers invisible in the field of war.

The error needs to be corrected:

- I'm afraid that I will LIE (lie down) and will not get up again ...

- WHITE (whitish) eyebrows (and the hair is white ...)

- That although I am disappearing from hunger, I am not going to choke on THEIR (their) handout ...


    Magazine "Literature at school" No. 3 for 1995.

    Magazine "Russian language at school" # 4, 2000.

    Supplement to the magazine "September First"

    Article by V. Berezin "A Word about Happiness".

    M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" story.

    L. Mirskova "Originality compositional construction of the story "The Fate of a Man".




Theme: selective presentation with a description of the appearance (an excerpt from the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man"

    Portrait of a boy and a man


    A son

Lesson type: speech development lesson



    have a positive attitude to learning, to cognitive activity;

    the desire of the children to acquire newer knowledge and skills.


    save the educational task;

    the ability to draw up a plan and work on it.


    decide what information is needed to solve the educational problem;

    extract the information you need;

    independently find material from the textbook.


    answers on questions;

    formulating your own thoughts;

    express and substantiate your point of view;

    argue your point of view;

    learn to prove arguments with facts.

    Acquaintance with the word

PORTRAIT - an image of a person in a painting or photograph.

LITERARY PORTRAIT - artistic description anyone.












- The main thing in the description is to find characteristics, the main thing in the appearance of a particular person is to be able to convey them in words. This may be due to the peculiarities of a person's occupation and profession, with his certain state, with his character traits, that is, with everything that manifests itself in external appearance person. Here the student must act like an artist who, unlike a photographer, seeks to depict in a person the most essential from his point of view. To do this, you have to be very observant. Through the description of the appearance, you can show the inner world of the hero, express your attitude towards him.

- What are the descriptions of a portrait?


    Description from memory (based on life experience);

    According to special observations (including pictures);

    Based on the work read.



Errors can be:

    Set of phrases

    Scattered description

    Consistency in the description

    Replacing description with narrative

    Inability to enter a description actors into the narration

    Poor language


    Recall the content of the story

    Story topics

    Main thought

    What are the three parts of the story

The purpose of the lesson: write a sample summary

    Brief conversation about the story of M. Sholokhov

This is a story about the fate of a common Russian man A. Sokolov. The author shows the unbending will, courage, heroism and at the same time the big generous heart of the Russian soldier. Indeed, the story shows the fate of not only Andrei Sokolov, but also the fate of the boy Vanya, from whom the war took away his home, mother, father. Andrei Sokolov adopts the boy Vanya. And we, together with the author, believe that Vanya's fate will be bright and happy. The life-affirming power of the story resounds in its concluding part: “And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will withstand everything, and one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, will grow up near his father’s shoulder. his homeland.


- M. Sholokhov's story is a story within a story.

I ... Introduction. Meeting of the author with his father and boy.

II ... A. Sokolov's story (from which we learn about him and his son)

- Where did the excerpt come from? (Answer: From the introductory part)

    Expressive reading of the passage.

(read by the teacher)

* Use of common words (brother, you see, daddy, latka)

IV ... Read Conversation

- What is the theme of the passage?

- What does the passage represent by genre?

- How does the description of appearance characterize the father and son?

- Why is the meeting between the father and the boy introduced by the author at the beginning of the story, in the introduction?

V ... Collection of material for presentation on the topic "Father and Son"

- What is the peculiarity in the description of the heroes?

Consider the description of the father and son in more detail:

Description of the son:

Overall impression:

Tall, stooped

Small, about five to six

Speech, demeanor, behavior

Muffled bass; wandered wearily; sitting down tiredly; put his hands on his knees; hunched over ...

Smiling a little, he boldly held out his hand; with a touching childlike credulity he pressed himself to his knees; rolled snowballs ...

Description of hands.

Large, dark, callous, hard, hardened from physical activity

Cold, pink little hands ...

Eyes. Sight.

as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with inescapable mortal longing, it is difficult to look in them (since the death of loved ones, ordeals, conflagrations and the ashes of war - everything was reflected in these eyes)

Light as a sky; looking straight into the eyes, raised his whitish eyebrows (the boy is just entering life, he has everything in front of him, and his gaze is not clouded by anything)


the padded jacket burnt in several places is carelessly, roughly trampled; a patch on worn-out protective pants is baited with wide male stitches; on the back is a skinny duffel bag. Rolled up raspberry silk shabby pouch; almost new soldier's boots; paid woolen socks are moth-eaten ...

dressed simply, but soundly; a long-skinned jacket lined with a light worn tsigeyka; tiny boots with the expectation of putting on a woolen sock; skillful seam on the torn sleeve; everything betrayed feminine care, skillful maternal hands ...

VI ... Language training.

Teacher: comparing the two descriptions, we note the following:

    the peculiarity of the description of the two heroes in contrast, sharp opposition, which is also achieved by a special selection of linguistic means;

    usage artistic means(epithets, comparisons)

    creating child portrait, the author uses diminutive words;

    words of emotional assessment (conveying their attitude towards the boy: little boy, little hand, little nebushko, eyebrows, tiny boots, jacket);

Vii ... Project activities.

"Notepad of difficult spelling"

- spelling of participles: muffled, sprinkled, filled, worn, torn, worn out

- solid and separate spelling NOT: inescapable, somewhat sloppy, not sewn

- spelling of vowels and consonants at the root of the word: stale, silk, seam, tsigeyka, calculation, hardened, skillful, passenger

- n - nn in appendix and participles: wool

- other spellings: soldier, eaten away, long-sexed, self-siege

- prefixes -pre and -when

Punctuation errors:

- punctuation marks for homogeneous members

- punctuation marks for participle

Vii ... Distinguish words - paronyms: - put on, - put on.

Put on - cover yourself with any clothes (put on yourself)

Dress up - provide someone with clothing (dress the child)



    One of the heroes of M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" is a tall, stooped man.

    On the first page of M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" we get to know two main characters. One of them is ...

    M. Sholokhov in the story "The Fate of a Man" creates the image of Andrei Sokolov, courageous man who survived in difficult living conditions. The author writes about him with deep respect and sympathy.

    And at the same time it introduces us to a boy who lost his parents during the war and was warmed by the love of A. Sokolov, who suffered in his life.

    The mutual love of an adult who has lost a family and an orphan child saves them, helps to preserve their soul.

The ending:

- The hero of M. Sholokhov's story conquered me with his courage, bravery, kindness. Many people would break from such a life, but he endured, endured, endured. I can assume that the one who will be raised by A. Sokolov, he will not be worse than his father.

- I liked A. Sokolov because he did not surrender, stood in front of Müller, and drank not to the victory of German weapons, but to drink to his death, which bypassed him for the second time.





    to acquaint students with the biography of A. Green to help them understand and perceive the story correctly;

    v project activities to reflect the symbol of the work;

    wake sublime feelings: faith, hope, daydreaming, selflessness


    portrait of A. Green

    exhibition of books by A. Green

    student drawings

    map (flags show cities associated with Green's name (Odessa, Kirov)

    book cover (drawn) and date 2012 - 90 years (anniversary book!)

    portraits of the main characters: Gray, Assol, Longren

    the image of the house of the A. Green Museum in Feodosia

    image of A. Green's room in the house of the museum in Feodosia

    book by K. Paustovsky "Basket with spruce cones»

    L. Varlamov "House - Museum of A. Green".

Epigraph to the lesson:

If love for Green persists in adulthood, it means that a person has saved his heart from aging.

Y. Nagibin



(questions are posted in class 10 days before discussion)

    Who is Longren? Why did he have to leave the naval service?

    What kind of life did Longren lead? How did he bring up Assol?

    What incident excited the inhabitants of Kaperna in early spring?

    When do scarlet sails first appear in the story?

    What fairy tale did the magician Egl tell the girl Assol?

    How does Arthur Gray differ from his parents: what actions he committed as a child do you remember?

    What role did a painting once seen in a library play in the boy's life?

    How did Arthur Gray go to his goal? What changes have happened to him after escaping from his home?

    When did Captain Gray first see Assol? What impressions did she make?

    What did Gray learn about the girl at the Menners tavern?

    How did Captain Gray prepare for a meeting with Assol?

    What feelings did the girl experience when she saw the ship with scarlet sails?

    How did the inhabitants of Kaperna react to the appearance of the strange ship?

    How did the meeting of the main characters happen?

    What do you see as the main meaning of A. Green's "Scarlet Sails"?

Lesson type: combined

Literary theory:

EXPERIENCE is a magical fairy-tale show.

During the classes:

    Organizing time(check the availability of text, notebooks on literature, conduct a questionnaire on questions for discussion)

    Motivation for learning activities

Teacher: one writer in his work said that miracles must be done with your own hands, as Plato's Dasha did. Who is this man? Was he always surrounded by miracles in life? What did he write about?

    Statement of the goal and objectives of the lesson.


- We are starting to study the works of Russian writers XX th century, and opens this page II -th part of the literature, the work of A. Green (book II part for all students, p. 3).

- But according to the program only I chapter, and we have read the entire work, and today we are holding a reading conference on this work


    Educational: meet to theoretical concept genre - EXPERIENCE (for the first time we meet this word, work with the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, with the dictionary of foreign words)

FEE - (French) from the word FAIRY has two meanings:

- performance with fantastic costumes and declorations, with extensive use of stage effects

- a magical fairy-tale sight


-to improve the skills of monologue speech;

- ability to speak out;

-the ability to defend your point of view


-development of interest in reading fiction(2015 is the year of literature)


- in order to once again turn over the pages of this work and meet its heroes, it is necessary to get acquainted with the personality of the writer, with the "man of a bright dream" (K. Paustovsky)

    Working on the topic of the lesson

- Let's get acquainted.

Reception "Writer's chair". A comment. A student who meets in advance takes a seat on a chair in front of the class. First, he tells the biography of the writer in the first person, starting with the introduction (the real name of the writer, a pseudonym). After the story, he answers students' questions.


- the meaning of each writer is determined by how he acts on the reader's thoughts and feelings his books evoke, I want to meet the heroes.

* Teacher distributes additional material about the writer, something that was not said.

- elementary education got home

- at the age of 5 he himself read Swift's novel "Gulliver's Journey to the Land of the Lilliputians" (the teacher offers to get acquainted with the book, shows it to the students)

- at the age of 8 he discovered Pushkin

- the first self-read word is sea

- reading a lot, everything that came across

- teachers noted good memory

- from childhood, Sasha brought out few pleasant memories: at home they often beat him, even his mother; when Sasha was 13 years old, his mother died, leaving three children; then the stepmother came with her son, and then another child was born, so leaving home at the age of 15 did not raise any objections. Father somewhere got hold of 25 rubles. and hastily said goodbye to his son, who had never experienced his father's affection, and even less love, from an early age learned what hunger, cold, illness, shelters outside the house, indifference of society are.

After graduating from the 4th grade Vyatka city school, he left for Odessa (show the city on the map with a flag), wandered in search of work; tried many professions. He recalled: “... I swam (was a sailor's apprentice, worked as a bath attendant) worked on railroad, in the mines, in the iron mines, in the preparation of firewood, was on military service, deserted, was in prison, but always dreamed of the sea. " Therefore, he created funny and funny people, beautiful land- Greenland, which is not on the map. At the age of 41 (1921) he got married (2nd marriage, lives with her for 11 years, she will outlive him by 38 years (show the students a photograph - on the screen) and dedicated this work to her.

Green did not live to see the zenith of his fame, he was not destined to see numerous editions of his works.

06/30/1932 doctors gathered at the bedside of Green, discussed his state of health. Green turned out not to have tuberculosis - a contagious disease that affects the lungs, bones, joints, and other organs, but cancer of the lungs and stomach. There was no hope for salvation and recovery. And at that time the postman came, who brought a translation for 500 rubles and a parcel with 25 copies of the books "Autobiographical stories" (this is his last work). Saying goodbye to the doctors, Green gave each of them a book. 07/08/1932 Green dies with the words: "I'm dying." For a long time, the writer's books were not published, and only in 1956, through the efforts of K. Paustovsky, Green was returned to literature, and then his works began to be published in millions of copies. A person who went through all the hardships of life (Civil war, hunger, devastation), but remained with a pure and warm heart. I advise you to read the book of K. Paustovsky "Basket with spruce cones". L. Varlamov "House - Museum of Green" (a guide to the museum of A. Green in Feodosia). But his books (book exhibition) say the best about him.

"Scarlet Sails" - best book the author, which, fortunately, is included in the school curriculum.

2012 - 90 years (the book is the hero of the day, and the writer himself is the hero of the day, in 2015 it was 135 years since his birth).

Green called the work "Scarlet Sails" an extravaganza, as the fairy tale comes to life Assol.


- read last pages, the book is closed. What are your impressions and feelings from what you read? (Opinion exchange).

- Which parent read the work with you?

- how did the book touch?

* students share their experiences.

- eternal problems are touched upon:

- the relationship between "fathers" and "children"

- the topic of education;

- love theme

- makes you think about yourself? Who am I? What good have I done?

- Are such frantic (unusually strong) writers needed now?

Answer: Yes, we do. After all, if you take away the ability to dream from a person, then life will become a hopelessly gray, dreary existence.

- I would like to refer to the words of K. Paustovsky, who said: "If Green died, leaving us only one story" Scarlet Sails ", then this would be enough to put him in the ranks of wonderful writers disturbing the human heart."

- Do you agree with me? What is it?

(Answer: the story claims that a person dreamed of happiness, is able to perform miracles, to become better).

    Discussion (everyone has questions for discussion in printed form)

Teacher: from the first pages of the book we meet one of the heroes - Longren. Who is he? What do we learn about him?

(Answer: Longren is a sailor of the 2-masted sailing ship "Orion", served for 10 years, there is a family (daughter Assol, she was born when Longren was on the voyage) wife Mary).

- Why does this person evoke sympathy, so much respect?

* students suggest their answers:

- left without a wife, he does all the housework

- the house is warm, prosperity

- looking for a way out of difficult situations (makes toys and sells)

- works in the garden

- brings up a daughter, and this is more difficult for a man than for a woman (responsibility for upbringing)

- refuses the main job in order to be with her daughter, and refuses the nanny

- will not marry

- does not invite anyone into the house and does not go anywhere himself

- did not get drunk (although he goes to the store, drinks, but immediately goes home to his daughter)

- at the age of 8, Assol learned to read

- returns to the ship again when the daughter has grown up, and toys are no longer bought

- How do you feel about this? (students express opinions, but come to the same thing: this is a real man, not everyone can cope with difficulties in life, he teaches a lesson about what a man should be to our young men).

So, there is a discussion on the questions proposed by the students.

(-It must be said that the story does not cause any difficulties, the guys willingly talk, share their impressions, read out individual passages, complement each other in some cases even argue, connect where possible with our time).

- Can every man do like Longren? (Answer: no, not everyone, but a strong person!)


The teacher starts and the students finish the assignment.

- the first word read by A. Grinevsky was ... (sea)

- for the first time he saw the sea in Odessa at the age of 16, when ... (he wanted to become a sailor)

- Greenlandia is Green's country, a map of which is in the writer's museum in the city ... (Feodosia - Crimea, Ukraine)

- A. Green, despite the folded fate, difficult trials, was very fond of ... (dreaming), like his heroes, which he talked about.


- what was the name of the man who sailed under the scarlet sails? (Gray)

- what was the name of Menners' son? (Hin)

- who is Egle? (collector of songs, legends, traditions and fairy tales)

- What is the name of the famous port city of Greenlandia? (Zurbachak, Liss, Feodosia, Sevastopol)

- what is the name of Gray's ship? ("Secret")

- how many people are there on the ship? (24 people)

- which of famous artists drew illustrations for the story "Scarlet Sails"? (S. Brodsky, V. Vlasov, V. Vysotsky)

- what does the fairy tale teach?

(choose answer option)

- Have one love,

- Find your half,

- Believe in a dream and make it come true.

- Will Assol and Gray be happy? (February 14 is Valentine's Day, the guys write wishes to their classmates).

* Then poems about Green are read (Bryzgunova S. And a group of girls, the song "Scarlet Sails" is performed).

Memory of A. Green and his story "Scarlet Sails"

    A. Green Prize established

    Museums created in Feodosia, Odessa

    The book "Scarlet Sails" has been translated into many languages ​​of the world, the book has survived great amount editions (published in Russian alone more than 100 times)

    During the Second World War, the play "Scarlet Sails" was staged and shown in Moscow, Kirov, Orel, Kostroma, and the ballet "Scarlet Sails" was also created.

    In 1961, the film was shown on television not only in our country, but also abroad (France, USA, England. Director A. Ptushko wrote: “I want to make a film where heroes who can dream will live”).

    The new film adaptation on the TV screen was in 1983

    In the newspaper TVNZ"There is a heading" Scarlet Sails "where high school students conduct a dialogue

- about the meaning of life;

- about your purpose in life and on Earth;

- issues of youth are being resolved.

    Holiday of graduates called "Scarlet Sails" in St. Petersburg.


* The class is divided into three groups

1st group : create a ship with scarlet sails

2nd group : do some crafts and find words from the story that you can sign under the craft

3rd group : the guys are preparing a staging (the guys choose the stage themselves) "Meeting Assol and Gray" (costumes, decoration)

    Summing up the lesson.

The score is given to everyone. Out of 17 people it was rated:

* 2 students were absent for good reason.

Vii ... Homework.

Write an essay - a miniature "What I liked about the story - the tale" Scarlet Sails ".


    The text of the story "Scarlet Sails"

    K. Paustovsky "Basket with spruce cones"

    L. Varlamov "House - Museum of A. Grin (a guide to the Museum of A. Grin in Feodosia)

    Weekly supplement to the newspaper "September 1st"

    Literature at School Magazine

    Materials from the Internet.

    Drawings of students.

* The lesson assumes the use of multimedia technologies.

A special work that raised the problem of personality psychology during the war to a new level is the famous story by MA Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man". The reader is presented not only with the life story of a soldier, but with the fate of a person who has embodied the typical features of the national Russian character. A modest worker, the father of the family lived and was happy in his own way. And suddenly ... Sokolov went to the front to defend the Motherland. Like thousands of others like him, the war confronted Andrei with inevitable and inevitable horrors.

She tore him away from his home, from his family, from work. And the whole life of A. Sokolov seemed to be overturned: a monster of military atrocities fell upon him, life suddenly began to beat and whip him with all its might for nothing. Why is this man so punished? Sokolov's suffering is not an episode related to the private fate of a person.

The horrors of the Second World War were imposed on the Russian people, and at the cost of enormous sacrifices and personal losses, tragic upheavals and hardships, he defended his homeland. This is the meaning of the story "The Fate of a Man". The feat of a man appeared in Sholokhov's story mainly not on the battlefield and not on the labor front, but in conditions of fascist captivity, for barbed wire concentration camps. Spiritual combat against fascism reveals the character of Andrei Sokolov, his courage.

Far from his homeland, he survived all the hardships of the war, the inhuman bullying of fascist captivity. And more than once death looked into his eyes, but each time he found titanic courage in himself and remained a man to the end. But Sholokhov sees not only a clash with the enemy as a manifestation of a heroic person in nature.

An equally serious test for the hero is his loss, the terrible grief of a soldier, deprived of loved ones and shelter, his loneliness. After all, Andrei Sokolov emerged victorious from the war, restored peace to the world, and in the war he lost everything that he had in his life "for himself": family, love, happiness. Merciless and heartless fate did not leave the soldier even a refuge on earth.

In the place where his house, which he himself had built, stood, a crater from a German aerial bomb darkened. History cannot present bills to Andrey Sokolov. He fulfilled all human obligations to her. But here she is in front of him for his personal life - in debt, and Sokolov realizes this. He says to his casual interlocutor: "Sometimes you do not sleep at night, you look into the darkness empty eyes and you think: “Why did you, life, cripple me so?

"I don't have an answer either in the dark or in the clear sun ... No, and I can't wait!" Andrei Sokolov, after all that he experienced, it would seem, could call life a plague. But he does not murmur at the world, does not withdraw into his grief, but goes to people. Left alone in this world, this man gave all the warmth that remained in his heart to the orphan Vanyusha, replacing his father.

He adopted an orphan soul and that is why he himself began to gradually return to life. With all the logic of his story, M.A.Sholokhov proved that his hero is in no way broken by his difficult life, he believes in himself.

2.Andrey's life before the war: marriage, having children

3.Andrey's life during the war
a) conscription and farewell to family
b) fascist captivity
c) escape from captivity
d) news of the death of his wife and daughters
e) the death of a son

4.Andrey's life after the war
a) work as a chauffeur
b) meeting with Vanyushka
d) the decision to take the boy "into his children"


Life path Andrey Sokolov. (Based on the story of Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man")

M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" is a story about an ordinary man in a war. The Russian man endured all the horrors of the war and, at the cost of personal losses, won the victory, the independence of his homeland. The best features of the Russian character, thanks to the strength of which the victory in the Great Patriotic War was won, M. Sholokhov embodied in the main character of the story - Andrei Sokolov. These are traits such as perseverance, patience, modesty, feeling human dignity.

At the beginning of the story, the author calmly narrates about the signs of the first post-war spring, as if he prepares us for a meeting with the main character, Andrei Sokolov, whose eyes are “as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with inescapable mortal melancholy”. Sholokhov's hero recalls the past with restraint, weary, before confession he "hunched over", put his big, dark hands on his knees. All this makes us feel how tragic the fate of this person is.

Before us is the life of an ordinary person, the Russian soldier Andrei Sokolov. From childhood he learned how much "a pound of dashing", fought in Civil war... A modest worker, the father of a family, he was happy in his own way. The war broke the life of this man, tore him away from his home, from his family. Andrey Sokolov goes to the front. Since the beginning of the war, in its very first months, he was twice wounded and shell-shocked. But the most terrible thing awaited the hero ahead - he was taken prisoner by the Nazis.

The hero had to endure inhuman torment, hardship, torment. For two years Andrei Sokolov steadfastly endured the horrors of fascist captivity. He tries to escape, but unsuccessfully, deals with the coward, the traitor, who is ready, saving his own skin, to betray the commander. Self-esteem with great clarity, tremendous power spirit and endurance revealed in the moral duel of Sokolov with the commandant of the concentration camp. Exhausted, exhausted, exhausted, the prisoner is ready to meet death with such courage and endurance that it amazes even a fascist who has lost his human appearance.

Andrey still manages to escape, and he becomes a soldier again. More than once death looked into his eyes, but he remained human to the end. And yet the most serious tests fell to the lot of the hero when he returned home. Having emerged victorious from the war, Andrei Sokolov lost everything that he had in his life. In the place where the house, built by his hands, stood, a crater from a German aerial bomb darkened ... All members of his family were killed. He says to his casual interlocutor: “Sometimes you do not sleep at night, you look into the darkness with empty eyes and think:“ Why did you, life, cripple me so? "I have no answer either in the dark or in the clear sun ..."

Great Patriotic War even after many decades it remains the greatest blow to the whole world. What a tragedy it is for the warrior Soviet people who lost the most people in this bloody duel! The lives of many (both military and civilian) were broken. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" truthfully depicts this suffering, not of an individual person, but of the entire people who stood up to defend their Motherland.

The story "The Fate of a Man" is based on real events: M.A. Sholokhov met a man who told him his tragic biography. This story was almost a ready-made plot, but it did not immediately turn into a literary work. The writer nurtured his idea for 10 years, but put it on paper in just a few days. And he dedicated it to E. Levitskaya, who helped him print main novel his life "Quiet Don".

The story was published in the Pravda newspaper on the eve of the new year, 1957. And soon it was read on the All-Union radio, heard by the whole country. Listeners and readers were shocked by the strength and truthfulness of this work, it won the popularity it deserved. Literally, this book opened up to writers new way to reveal the theme of war - through the fate of a little man.

The essence of the story

The author accidentally meets the main character Andrei Sokolov and his son Vanyushka. During the forced delay at the crossing, the men started talking, and a casual acquaintance told the writer his story. That's what he told him about.

Before the war, Andrei lived like everyone else: wife, children, household, work. But then thunder struck, and the hero went to the front, where he served as a driver. One fateful day, Sokolov's car came under fire, he was concussed. So he was captured.

A group of prisoners was brought to the church to spend the night, many incidents happened that night: the execution of a believer who could not desecrate the church (they did not even let out "until the wind"), and with him several people who accidentally fell under the gunfire, help from doctor Sokolov and others wounded. Also, the main character had to strangle another prisoner, since he turned out to be a traitor and was going to extradite the commissioner. Even during the next drive to the concentration camp, Andrei tried to escape, but was caught by the dogs, who stripped him of his last clothes and bit everything, that "the skin and meat flew in shreds."

Then the concentration camp: inhuman work, an almost starving existence, beatings, humiliation - that's what Sokolov had to endure. "They need four cubic meters of production, but for the grave of each of us, even one cubic meter through the eyes is enough!" - Andrei said imprudently. And for this he appeared before Lagerfuehrer Müller. They wanted to shoot the main character, but he overcame his fear, bravely drank three shots of schnapps for his death, for which he earned respect, a loaf of bread and a piece of bacon.

Towards the end of hostilities, Sokolov was appointed a driver. And, finally, there was an opportunity for escape, and even together with the engineer whom the hero was driving. The joy of salvation did not have time to subside, grief arrived in time: he learned about the death of his family (a shell hit the house), but all this time he lived only in the hope of a meeting. Only one son survived. Anatoly also defended his homeland, with Sokolov they simultaneously approached Berlin from different sides. But right on the day of victory they killed last hope... Andrey was left all alone.


The main theme of the story is a man in a war. These tragic events- indicator personality traits: in extreme situations, those character traits that are usually hidden are revealed, it is clear who is who in reality. Andrei Sokolov before the war was not particularly different, he was like everyone else. But in battle, having survived captivity, a constant danger to life, he showed himself. His truly heroic qualities were revealed: patriotism, courage, fortitude, will. On the other hand, a prisoner like Sokolov, probably also no different in ordinary peaceful life, was going to betray his commissar in order to curry favor with the enemy. Thus, the work also reflects the theme of moral choice.

Also M.A. Sholokhov touches on the topic of willpower. The war took away from the main character not only health and strength, but also the whole family. He has no home, how can he continue to live, what to do next, how to find meaning? This question has interested hundreds of thousands of people who have experienced similar losses. And for Sokolov, caring for the boy Vanyushka, who was also left without a home and family, became a new meaning. And for the sake of him, for the sake of the future of your country, you need to live on. Here is the disclosure of the topic of the search for the meaning of life - it real man finds in love and hope for the future.


  1. The problem of choice takes an important place in the story. Every person faces a choice every day. But not everyone has to choose on pain of death, knowing that your fate depends on this decision. So, Andrei had to decide: betray or remain faithful to the oath, bend under the blows of the enemy, or fight. Sokolov was able to remain a worthy person and citizen, because he determined his priorities, guided by honor and morality, and not by the instinct of self-preservation, fear or meanness.
  2. In the whole fate of the hero, in his life trials, the problem of defenselessness is reflected common man in the face of war. Little depends on him, circumstances are piling on him, from which he tries to get out at least alive. And if Andrei was able to save himself, then his family - no. And he feels guilty about it, even though he is not.
  3. The problem of cowardice is realized in the work by means of minor heroes... The image of a traitor who, for the sake of momentary gain, is ready to sacrifice the life of a fellow soldier, becomes a counterweight to the image of a brave and strong in spirit Sokolov. And such people were in the war, the author says, but there were fewer of them, that's why we won the victory.
  4. The tragedy of the war. Numerous losses were suffered not only by the soldiers' units, but also by civilians who could not defend themselves in any way.
  5. Characteristics of the main characters

    1. Andrey Sokolov - a common person, one of many who had to leave a peaceful existence in order to defend their homeland. He exchanges a simple and happy life for the danger of war, without even realizing how to stay on the sidelines. In extreme circumstances, he retains spiritual nobility, shows willpower and resilience. Under the blows of fate, he managed not to break. And find new meaning life, which betrays kindness and responsiveness in him, because he sheltered an orphan.
    2. Vanyushka is a lonely boy who has to spend the night wherever he has to. His mother was killed during the evacuation, his father was at the front. Torn, dusty, in watermelon juice - this is how he appeared before Sokolov. And Andrey could not leave the child, introduced himself as his father, giving a chance for further normal life to myself and to him.

    What is the meaning of the work?

    One of the main ideas of the story is the need to take into account the lessons of the war. On the example of Andrei Sokolov, it is shown not what war can do with man, but what can do with all of mankind. Prisoners tortured by a concentration camp, orphaned children, destroyed families, burnt fields - this should never be repeated, and therefore should not be forgotten.

    No less important is the idea that in any, even the most terrible situation, one must remain human, not become like an animal that, out of fear, acts only on the basis of instincts. Survival is the main thing for anyone, but if this comes at the cost of betraying oneself, one's comrades, and the Motherland, then the escaped soldier is no longer a person, he is not worthy of this title. Sokolov did not betray his ideals, did not break down, although he went through something that is difficult for a modern reader to even imagine.


    The story is short literary genre revealing one storyline and several characters of the heroes. “The fate of a person” refers specifically to him.

    However, if you look closely at the composition of the work, you can clarify general definition, because this is a story within a story. Initially, the story is told by the author, who, by the will of fate, met and got into conversation with his character. Andrey Sokolov himself describes his hard life, first-person storytelling allows readers to better feel and understand the hero's feelings. Author's remarks are introduced to characterize the hero from the outside ("eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes," "I did not see a single tear in his seemingly dead, extinct eyes ... only large, limply lowered hands trembled finely, chin trembled, hard lips trembled") and show how deeply this strong man suffers.

    What values ​​does Sholokhov promote?

    The main value for the author (and for the readers) is the world. Peace between states, peace in society, peace in the soul of a person. The war destroyed the happy life of Andrei Sokolov, as well as many people. The echo of the war still does not subside, so its lessons should not be forgotten (although often in recent times this event is overestimated for political purposes, far from the ideals of humanism).

    Also, the writer does not forget about eternal values personality: nobility, courage, will, desire to help. The time of knights, noble dignity is long gone, but true nobility does not depend on origin, it is in the soul, expressed in its ability to mercy and empathy, even if the world collapsing. This story is a great lesson in courage and morality for today's readers.

    Interesting? Keep it on your wall!