Examples of loyal love in the literature. So, in lyrics M.Yu

Examples of loyal love in the literature. So, in lyrics M.Yu

One of the most important topics Many novels of the XIX century are the theme of love. As a rule, it is the rod of all the work, around which all events occur. Love causes various conflicts, development scene line. It is the feelings of law events, life, peace; Because of them, a person commits a particular action, and it does not matter - whether it is love or another person. It happens that the hero is a crime or makes some kind of immoral act, motivating his actions by passionate love and jealousy, but, as a rule, such feelings are false and disadvantaged.
Between different heroes - Different love, it is impossible to say that it is one and the same, but you can define its main directions that will be common.
Doomed love, tragic. This is the love of "extremes." She captures or strong people or fallen. For example, bazaars. He never thought about of real loveBut, having met Anna Sergeyevna Odintsov, I realized that it was. Having loved her, he saw the world in another perspective: everything that seemed insignificant, it turns out to be important and significant; Life becomes something mysterious; Nature attracts and is a particle of the person himself, lives inside it. From the very beginning it is clear that the love of Bazarov and Odentic doomed. These two passionate and strong nature can not love each other, can not create a family. Anna Sergeyevna Odintsova understands and partly because of this refuses to Basarov, although he loves him no less than it. Odenty proves it, having arrived at him in the village when the bazaarov is at death. Don't love him, why do it? And if so, it means that the news of his illness stirred the soul, and the bazaars were not disseminated by Anna Sergeyevna. This love ends with nothing: Bazarov dies, and Anna
Sergeevna Odintsova remains to live, as he lived before. Perhaps this is a rocky love, because it is partly the ruin of the Bazar. Another example tragic love - This is the love of Sony and Nicholas ("War and Peace"). Sonya loved Nicholas insanely, and he constantly hesitated: he thought he loved her, then - no. This love was defective and could not be different, as Sonya is a fallen woman, she is from those people who are not able to create a family and doomed to live "on the edge of someone else's nest" (and it turned out). In fact, Nikolai never loved Sonya, he only wanted to love her, it was a hoax. When real feelings awakened in it, he immediately understood it. Only seeing Mary, Nikolai fell in love. He felt like never before with Sonya or with someone else. That's where there was true love. Of course, Nikolai Putal Some feelings for Sona, but it was only a pity and memories of former days. He knew that Sonya loves him and loves truly and, understanding her, could not bear such a strong blow - reject their friendship. Nikolai did everything to soften her misfortune, but nevertheless Sonya was unhappy. This love (Nicholas and Sony) caused an unbearable pain of Son, ending not as she expected it; And he opened his eyes to Nicholas, let's understand what is false, and that real feelings, and helped to understand yourself.
The most tragic love of Katerina and Boris ("Thunderstorm"). She was doomed from the very beginning. Katerina - a young girl, kind, naive, but with unusually strong character. She did not have time to learn real love, as was married to rude, boring Tikhon. Katerina sought to know the world, she was absolutely wondering, so it is not surprising that it immediately pulled to Boris. He was young, handsome. It was a person from another world, with other interests, new ideas. Boris and Katerina immediately noticed each other, since both were released from the gray homogeneous mass of the people of Kalinov. Residents of the city were boring, monotonous, lived with old values, the laws of "Domostroja", false faith and debauchery. Katerina so sought to know true love and, just touching her, died, this love ended, did not have time to begin.

  • The power of love causes a person to change for the one who he loves
  • Love is not always beautiful outwardly, it is expressed in happiness inside a man
  • Love can make a person go to rapid, fearless and even immoral acts
  • The essence of love lies in the fact that loving man never causing a beloved pain
  • Love for people is the ability to sacrifice themselves for their happiness.
  • Love opens the best feelings in man


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". This can be called the love of Pierre Probrova to Natasha Rostova. He knew that Natasha was the bride Andrei Bolkonsky, his friend, therefore did not allow himself too much. Best feelings Pierre manifested in readiness to help maintain hard situation. He respected a man who loves. Pierre had the opportunity to care for Natasha when Prince Andrei was away, but he considered low to prevent someone else's happiness, to tear the relationship of people close to him. Such is true love: she lives inside a person, manifests itself in noble deeds.

A. Kuprin "Pomegranate bracelet". Capable of true love It turns out yolks, an ordinary official. Love for faith Shiny - the basis of his life. All his existence of yolks devoted to this woman. He understood that they could not be together: it really differed very much social status These two people. Yolkov did not interfere with the faith of Nikolaevna to live, did not dreamed her to conquer, but just loved - it was for him the highest happiness. The suicide of the hero is not a cowardice, because he left life, so as not to interfere with the belief. Yolks gave her the most expensive what had - garnet bracelet. He said goodbye to life with a sense of gratitude for everything that love gave him.

M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Love Margarita to the master can be called a real, incredibly strong. Margarita is ready to go to everything that will allow her to be with a loved one. She enters into a deal with the devil, becomes the queen on the Ball of Satan. And all for one person - the master, without which she cannot live. Love encourages a person to make the most crazy deeds. The power of love is higher than the feeling of fear. Margarita proves it for which he receives the award is the eternal peace with the master.

Jack London "Martin Eden." The leaving from the working class, the poor young sailor Martin Eden falls in love with the Ruth Morz - a girl belonging to the highest class. Love encourages a low-educated young man to develop in order to overcome the abyss separating it and Ruth. Martin Eden reads a lot, begins to write his works. Soon he becomes one of the most educated peoplehaving at all your own glance, most often different from the opinions dominant in society. Martin Eden and Ruth Morz are engaged, but it keeps in secret, because the young man is still trying to become a writer, but never has money in his pocket. Nobody believes in Martina Idana: neither sisters nor Ruth nor the family of famous. He also worked in the name of love: he writes, sleeps for four hours, reads, writes again, because he loves Ruth truly, wants to ensure their happiness. After the scandal around the personality of Martina Idun, arranged by a young reporter, grind up. Ruth does not even want to talk to him. But when he becomes popular, rich, gets recognition, then he is beginning to love. Ruth is no longer against marrying him: she says that he always loved him that he made a terrible mistake. But Martin Eden does not believe in these words. He understands that no one has changed during this time. When the engagement was broken, the works that were recognized were already written. So, since Ruth broke up with him then, she really did not love. But the love of Martina Idana was true, real, clean.

M. Gorky "Old West isergil". This may be not only love between the two hearts, but also the love of people in general. Danko, the hero of the work, sacrifices life in the name of the salvation of people. His goal is noble. Danko pulls the heart from his chest and illuminates the path. People come out of the forest and find themselves saved. But no one remembers the feat of the hero, and after all, he gave life to the happiness of others.

Introduction 3.
1 ... The concept of love in the stories I.A. Bunin. five
2. Love Philosophy in Roman MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" 8
Conclusion. 10
List of used literature .. 11

Introduction to modern world One of the most relevant topics is the topic of love. This beautiful feeling came across from ancient times, and fortunately, never becomes. Love, whatever she, is equally worried about both an adult and a child, many are ready to perform feats for love, and some do not even realize all the beauty and strength of this feeling. That is why many poets and writers sought to show the true place of love in human life, human relations, using their own techniques, and, expressing in their works, their views on this beautiful feeling. With volcanic energy, the topic of love is revealed in modern literature: they write both poets, and writers, philosophers and journalists, as well as critics. For several recent decades About love is written much more than in a few centuries. At the same time, literature is characterized by the originality of thinking and intense searches. The purpose of this work is to disclose the chosen topic. Based on the purpose, it is possible to distinguish the following task: to find out on the example of creativity of two writers, which role still takes love in modern literature. Of course, it is impossible to illuminate the entire treasury of Russian love literature, as it is impossible to give preference to any author, so the choice of poets and writers in this abstract, on the example of which the author to try to reveal the chosen theme is rather personal character. Each of the writers chosen by the author saw the word of love in its own way, and the diversity of their views allows us to maximally uncover the topic selected by them. In the works of many writers there were certain features of attitude to a unfavorable never and sublime theme - love. Love is a complete change in our lives, switching the body in a certain direction, more beautiful than it was before. This is the huge moral strength of love, exterminating egoism, and a reviving person in new, moral quality. The image of God is reborn in love, the ideal beginning, which is associated with the image of eternal beauty and femininity. Embodiment B. individual life This beginning creates immeasurable bliss, the very feeling of joy, which is familiar with almost every person. In love, a person finds himself his own personality. It reflects the unified, true individuality.

1. The concept of love in the stories I.A. Bunina I.A. Bunin always had a very peculiar, different from most other writers of that time look at love relationship. The image of love in his work is a special interaction of the Spirit and the flesh. Spirit, according to Bunin, can not be comprehended, without moving the flesh. That is why he defended in his works a clean attitude towards bodily and carnal. Love in his vision meant the mysterious attraction of two floors to each other than and differed his works from creativity of other authors. One of the most best books Stories about love I. Bunina " Dark alleys"No wonder they call the encyclopedia of love drama, in it the writer was able to combine both the tragic, and tenderness, and beauty associated with the wonderful sense of love. The heroes of "Dark Alley" do not interfere with nature, their actions always contradict the generally accepted morality. Love always breaks the norm, goes beyond the partitions. And immorality for the writer is a certain sign of the authenticity of love, since ordinary morality turns out to be the usual scheme in which the elements of modern life does not fit. When describing the details related to risk and body, when the author becomes impartial, in order not to go through a thin line that separates his art from pornography, Bunin, on the contrary, always worries a lot - before spasm in the throat, to a passion tremble, because for him everything is that Related to the relationship between floors, sheened secrets and holiness. As a rule, for the happiness of love in the "Dark Alley", it is necessary to partition or even death. Heroes are getting close to each other, but she leads to our regret, to separation, death or murder. Happiness can not always be eternal: Natalie dies in premature birth, Galya Ganskaya poisoned, the story "Rusya" Lovers can tell the hysterical mother of Russia. I. Bunin allowed every hero only to enjoy a wonderful feeling, after which it deprives them of the opportunity to be happy even his life. The Hero of the story "Natalie" fell in love at once, but the family happiness could not find anyone. In the story "Heinrich" a lot female images for every taste but the main character preferred loneliness and freedom from "human wives." Love in the stories of the Bunin never ends happy marriage, He himself deprives his heroes of personal happiness, because they get used to him, and the habit leads to the loss of senses. Love in habit can not be better than Love sudden, but sincere. The Hero of the story "Dark Alleys" can not tie himself to marriage with the peasant hope, but marrying a woman of his circle, does not acquire family happiness. However, despite the brevity, love still remains eternal in the memory of the hero precisely because it was fleeting. A distinctive feature of love in understanding is the combination of not quite combined things. This strange relationship of love and death constantly appears at the Bunin, which is why the name of the collection "Dark Alleys" does not mean "dark", but simply confusing and tragic love labyrinths. Love whatever she was great happiness, even if she is tragic. To this conclusion, let it be late, but most of the bunin heroes come, who have lost or destroyed their love. In a later repentance, late enlightenment of heroes, the most feature that allows us to talk about the imperfection of people who have not learned to live, realize and cherish their feelings, and the imperfection of the life itself and those circumstances that very often impede true human relationships, And the most important thing is about those high emotions that leave the restless trail of spiritual beauty and devotion.

2. Love Philosophy in Roman MA Bulgakova "Master and Margarita" book of life can be called fantastic, philosophical and historical novel Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", which occupies a special place in Russian literature and gives readers the opportunity to understand the worldview and search for the author. One of the main principles of the novel is associated with " eternal love"Masters and Margarita. Perhaps, in their eyes, it was not clear in their eyes, on the other, they would not explain the love that "ran" in front of them and struck both. Thanks to such a sudden love, we could expect a fermented, passionate, stormy RomanBut everything was quiet, peacefully, homely. Margarita every day attended the basement of the master, "put on the apron ... I lit the kerosene and prepared breakfast ... when the May thunderstorms went and past the sunny water loudly ... Lovers melted the stove and baked potatoes in it ... in The basement was heard by laughter, the trees in the garden were discharged after the rain broken twigs, white brushes. When the thunderstorms ended and a stuffy summer came, the long-awaited and both favorite roses appeared in the vase ... ". That's how carefully and peacefully advanced their relationship. The love of the unfortunate days did not exist when the Master's novel was offended by critics and life for lovers was suspended, nor severe Master's illness, nor anything exhausted disappearance for many months. Margarita could not part with him for a second, she could only mentally ask him so that he would free her from feelings. The senses of the Master and Margarita will be eternal only because one of them will fight for the feelings of two. Margarita will sacrifice the sake of love Margarita, and the master, frightened such a strong feeling, will eventually fall into the crazy house, in the shower hoping that Margarita will forget him forever. But, isn't anything to force your feelings? You can say "no." But in the novel, it was the master's cowardice that helped him run from love, from all over the world and from himself. But Margarita once again proves that for love, she is ready for any test, even become a witch to find a beloved. When you read dedicated to Margarita episodes, it comes to the temptation to call them the poem Bulgakov to the glory of their own love, with which each of us was ready to make their "last flight". Probably, in part it is. In all the fronts of Margarita - and during the flight, and visiting Voland - she is accompanied by a loving view of the author of a work, in which tenderness, and caress and pride for it - for the real royal dignity, thanks for the master whom she saved with his love from Madness and returned to life. All events and phenomena are reflected in the bright waters of this creek of love. A happy junction in the novel of the Bulgakov did not want to invent. Only for the master and margaritis writer Saker is a separate happy final: they are awaiting the eternal peace. Bulgakov in his work showed that power of love for which anyone can overcome any obstacles and difficulties, as well as to achieve happiness and peace.

Summing up, I would like to note that the literature has accepted the topic of love for many years, trying to explain its moral and philosophical meaning. In this tradition, love is understood widely and expressly, first of all, as a path to creativity, to moral improvement, as well as moral responsiveness. The concept of love involves the unity of philosophy and the concept of love, and therefore it is so closely connected with the world of literary images. On the example of works xIX literature - The XX centuries considered in the abstract, the author tried to reveal the topic of love, using a look at her different writers. Love in the works of I.A. Bunina is manifested as a beautiful feeling, deep-moral, like great happiness, even if it is tragically ends. In the work of "Master and Margarita", M. Bulgakov shows that every loving person is able to sacrifice for the happiness and tranquility of his beloved person. And at the same time, and he also remains happy. Times are changing, but problems remain the same: "What is the meaning of life", "what is good and what is evil", "what love is and in what its meaning." The author supports the point of view of many that the topic of love will sound forever and agree with the opinion of the selected writers and poets that the feeling of love is different, deep and infinitely gentle. Love makes man noble, soft and merciful. She reveals in each of us all the good, makes our life more beautiful.

List of used literature 1. Agenosov V. V. "Three times Romantic Master": Prose Mikhail Bulgakov // Agenosov V. V. and others. Literature of the peoples of Russia XIX-XX centuries. M., 1995 - 45 s. . 2. A.A. Ikvin "Philosophy of Love", M. 2006 - 235 p. 3. Babaryckin F.G. Mikhail Bulgakov, Enlightenment, M. 1991. G. - 150 s. 4. Belkova N.M. "Russian Eros, or Love Philosophy in Russia", "Enlightenment", M. 2001 - 260 p. 5. Bunin I.A. Favorites, "Maxla", Riga, 1985 g - 210 s. 6. Bulgakov MA Master and Margarita // Moscow. 1966. No. 11; 1967. No. 1. (The first publication of the novel). 7. Galinskaya I.L. Puzzles famous books. M., 2006. - 230 s. 8. Kazarkin A. P. Investigation of the literary work. Kemerovo. - 2008 - 145 p. 9. Kaplan I.E., N.T. Pinaev. Reader of historical and literary materials. , "Education", M. 1999 - 250 s. 10. Larionov M.Yu. Fiction. M. 1999 - 140 p.

Belkova N.M. "Russian Eros, or Love Philosophy in Russia", "Enlightenment", M. 2001 - with. 147.
Belkova N.M. "Russian Eros, or Love Philosophy in Russia", "Enlightenment", M. 2001 - with. 182.
Kazarkin A. P. Insolivation literary work. Kemerovo. - 2008 - with. 34.
Kaplan I.E., N.T. Pinaev. Reader of historical and literary materials. , "Enlightenment", M. 1999 - with. 115.

Love jumped out before us, as the killer pops up from behind the corner, and instantly struck us at once ... M. Bulgakov

Love is a high, clean, wonderful feeling that people have sneezed from ancient times. Love, as they say, does not age.

If you build a certain literary pedestal of love, then the love of Romeo and Juliet will be in the first place. This is perhaps the most beautiful, the most romantic, the most tragic story that Shakespeare told the reader. Two lovers go in advance of fate, despite the hostility between their families, no matter what. Romeo is ready for love to refuse even on his own behalf, and Juliet agrees to die, just to remain faithful Romeo and their high feeling. They die in the name of love, die together, because they cannot live without each other:

No story sadder in the world
What a story about Romeo and Juliet ...

However, love is different - passionate, tender, calculating, cruel, unrequited ...

Let us remember the heroes of Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" - Bazarov and Odintsova. Faced two equally strong personalities. But able to love truly turned out to be, oddly enough, bazaars. Love for him has become a strong shock, which he did not expect, and in general, before meeting with Odse Love in the life of this hero, did not play any role. All human suffering, spiritual experiences were unacceptable for his world. Bazarov is difficult to confess his feeling primarily to himself.

And what is Odenty? .. until it was affected by her interests, while there was a desire to know anything new, she was also interested in bazaars. But as soon as the topics for common conversations were exhausted, lost and interest. Odintsova lives in his world, in which everything goes according to plan, and nothing can break peace in this world, even love. Bazarov for her something like a draft that flies into the window and immediately flying back. Such love is doomed.

Another example is the heroes of the work of Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Their love is as sacrificed, it would seem like Love Romeo and Juliet. True, here sacrifices for the sake of love Margarita. The master was afraid of this strong feeling and eventually found himself in a crazy house. There he hopes that Margarita will forget him. Of course, the hero influenced the character, comprehended by his novel. Master runs from the world and above all of himself.

But Margarita saves their love, saves the madness of the master. Her feeling for the hero overcomes all obstacles, standing on the way to happiness.

Love wrote and very many poets.

I really like, for example, the so-called Panayan cycle of Nekrasov's poems, which he dedicated Avdier Yakovlevna Panayev, passionately his beloved woman. It is enough to remember such poems from this cycle, as "a heavy cross went to her in a share ...", "I do not like the irony of your ..." to say how much there was a feeling of the poet to this beautiful woman.

But lines from the beautiful poem of the love of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev:

Oh how misery we love

As in the bright blindness of passions

We are right or rather ruin

That the heart is our mile!

Long, proud of his victory,

You said: she is mine ...

Year did not pass - ask and go,

What survived from Nei?

And, of course, it is impossible not to say about love lyrics Pushkin.

I remember a wonderful moment:

Before me came,

As a fleeting vision,

As a genius of pure beauty.

In the tomgers of sadness hopeless,

Alarming noisy fuss,

And dreamed of cute features ...

These verses Pushkin presented Anna Petrovna Kern on July 19, 1825 on the day of her departure from Trigorsky, where she stayed at her aunt P. A. Osipova and constantly met with the poet.

I want to finish my essay. Again, again, from another poem of the Great Pushkin:

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,

In my soul, I was not completely out;

But let her no longer be disturbed;

I do not want to peel you nothing.

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

Then timidity, Tom's jealousy;

I loved you so sincerely, so gentle,

How God God for your beloved to be different.

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    Do not part with your loved ones ... V. Kochetkov lovers often write poetry. Naive, inept, but - poems. Probably compressed and at the same time capacious poetic string encourages them to this. After all, it is in verse that it is easier to express feelings. As, however, ...

  1. (51 Word) Of course, each of us is familiar with Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" - a story about the real, sincere and difficult love standing, because the heroes died to always be together. There was no other meaning in their being, love seemed to them the only idea of \u200b\u200bhuman existence. In his desire for her, they found immortality.
  2. (44 words) love is not always the perfect fairy tale with happy ending. For example, we sufficiently remember Grigory Pechorin from the novel "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov. His feelings are selfish, inconsistently, they hurt. Perhaps just not everyone knows how to love, or for this you need another, a special person.
  3. (30 words) in the works of Antoine de Saint-Exupery " Little Prince»The topic of love is revealed in the relationship between the main character and rose. The boy took care of the flower, gave him the whole soul, even though he was constantly capricious.
  4. (50 words) Example of strong, but unrequited love is all familiar history of Tatiana and Onegin from pushkin novel in verses "Eugene Onegin. The heroine, having received the refusal, did not change his attitude towards the beloved, and even being married, she still had a gentle feeling towards Eugene. True love lives with us throughout life.
  5. (62 words) Love is when you feel that your wings would be growing. This feeling is well acquainted with the heroine story I.S. Turgenev "Asya". Like a bird, for the first time taking off above the earth, she fearlessly falls in love with N. N. He misses his happiness, frightened the violent gust of the girl. However, her "outrage" captivates him, the hero understands that he met the "that very," but loses her forever because of his illegibility and cowardice.
  6. (66 words) about love us tells Dante Aligiery in your work " New life" When his father was killed by his father, the whole city was going to say goodbye to him. Dante did not enter the house of the deceased, but he was enough to hear women who talked about how much Beatrice suffers. And Dante suffered as if she was there and saw Beatrice. Love is and the ability to divide the mountain, worry about it as well as your own.
  7. (43 words) Love is much more than love or affection. Tragic story Peasants from the story " Poor Lisa"N.M. Karamzin shows us the reverse, cruel side of the relationship. Erast betray her, and the heroine does not withstand the blow: she rushes into the river. For her, emotions are more than life.
  8. (44 words) Love is the ability to wait. In the beautiful poem KM Simonova "Wait for me" We feel the simplicity and sincerity of real love, although this word is never mentioned there. The repeating word "wait" sounds as if his victory and life depends on this.
  9. (44 words) love is the ability to make any feat in the name close man. In the work of "Russian women" N.A. Nekrasov describes the compassion of Russian women, their durability and loyalty. They are not afraid of any deprivation. They refused the full rich life And, risking everyone, went for their husbands-Decembrists.
  10. (42 words) in the story I.A. Bunina "Natalie" seems to us bright example The fact that love is something beautiful, but at the same time incredibly tragic, unidentified "bewilderment of happiness." Despite his negative experience, Meshchersky still again "flies on the flame" of the first feelings to burn.

Examples of life, cinema and media

  1. (62 words) I believe that love lives in the home comfort, in a daily routine, for a family breakfast early in the morning. It is the sincere care for a loved one who can maintain its warmth for for long years. I see it, for example, when I come to my grandparents, their love lives in the most simple phrases It seems: "Grandfather, do you add cream to porridge?". Restlessness and support are expressed real feelings.
  2. (63 words) once in childhood I had solo speech Figure skating, I crazy worried. And when I successfully finished my speech, I noticed that someone threw me on the ice two plush toys, I was so happy! After all, you also throw toys with famous skaters! After a while I learned that these gifts were from my mom, she wanted me to feel like a real winner.
  3. (59 words) Love is to take and appreciate a person as it is. In the film Stephen Rosnblum "Love and other medicines" main character Fights with Parkinson's disease. She wants her young man to be happy, and does not want to hold it. But Jamie has the power of the Spirit and confident that together they will cope with any difficulties, simply because they love each other.
  4. (37 words) The famous psychologist Erich Fromm wrote that love is art. As art, love is subject to the same development, such as painting, literature or music. This science can also be studied, and, though, many of us need to learn to love.
  5. (53 words) on the example beautiful Music Film Tom Cross "La La Land", we see that love shows us our real essence, gives us courage to become those who we are. Despite the tragic end, both hero embodied everything they dreamed of. But in the pursuit of success, they lost themselves, because they neglected the importance of love.
  6. (50 words) love is a feeling that elevates us and opens in us best sides. The psychologist A. Langle wrote: "Without resonance of feelings, the world remains empty and dumb - music does not know how to sound, paintings do not have colors, the memories are pale and no longer hurt the soul." Without emotions there will be nothing that we like.
  7. (37 words) To love someone, first need to love yourself. Psychologist A. Langle believes that such love opens access to himself, it bends a certain worldview. And after you understand and accept yourself, you will learn to love others.
  8. (47 words) Love is the ability to love the whole world, as my parents taught me. This feeling lives in everything, in every living being, and it is not just a relation to a specific object, it is affection to the whole world. If it is aimed at one thing, it cannot be considered complete and real.
  9. (49 words) In each of us there is a special place, nothing like love. This, for example, love for the land where you were born. In travels, not a single day was passed so that I did not think about my homeland. I look at the weather in my city, I am interested in familiar about all changes and very, very much.
  10. (29 words) Love is an eternal source of inspiration for artists. I read in the journal that according to statistics, 85% of all songs is written precisely in the name of the very word of five letters.
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