An essay on the topic: Grigory Melekhov in search of the truth in the novel of the Quiet Don, Sholokhov. Grigory Melekhov in search of life truth Grigory Melekhov in search of truth quotes

An essay on the topic: Grigory Melekhov in search of the truth in the novel of the Quiet Don, Sholokhov. Grigory Melekhov in search of life truth Grigory Melekhov in search of truth quotes
An essay on the topic: Grigory Melekhov in search of the truth in the novel of the Quiet Don, Sholokhov. Grigory Melekhov in search of life truth Grigory Melekhov in search of truth quotes

In search of a social truth, he is looking for an answer to an insoluble question about the truth from the Bolsheviks (guarranging, subtlekov), in the Chubuty, in White, but a sensitive heart guesses the immutability of their ideas. "Due to the land? Will? Compare? We have no lands on her. Will no longer need, and then on the streets will cut each other. Atamans themselves chose, and now they plant ... the Cossacks this power is fed up the discretion, does not give anything! The men of the power they need it. But we and generals are not needed. That the Communists that the generals are one yoke. " Grigory well understands the tragedy of his position, realizes that it is only used as a codkin: "... Socked people confused us ... Strentered lives and our hands are preferred."

Melekhov's soul suffers, according to him, "because he began on the verge of two began, denying both of them ..." Judging by his actions, he was inclined to look for peaceful ways to solve life contradictions. He did not want to answer cruelty to cruelty: ordered to let go of the prisoner - Hoprets, freed from the prison arrested, rushed to save Kotlyarov and Koshevoy, first handed over to Mikhail's hand, but he did not accept his generosity:

"- We are with you enemies ... - were. - Yes, it can be seen. - I do not understand. Why? - Unreliable you are a person ... Grigory grinned: - Strong memory you have! You brother Peter killed, and I don't remind you about it ... If you remember everything - we must live wolves. - Well, that, I killed, I do not refuse! I would bring me then to catch you and you would love you, like a nice! "

And splashes at Melekhova, the painful: "I served my own. No one else want to serve. I wondered for my age abused and worried soul scary. All I'm tired, and the revolution, and counter-revolution. Nutheh it would be all ... Nonhai It all goes to the Propase! " This man is tired of burning loss, wounds, throwing, but he is a much kinder Mikhail Koshevoy, Shtokman, subtlekov. Gregory did not lose the human, his feelings, the experiences are always sincere, they did not dulled, and perhaps, aggravated. The manifestations of his responsiveness and sympathy to people are especially expressive in the final parts of the work. The hero will shock the spectacle of those killed: "I expove the head, trying not to breathe, carefully" he courses the dead old man, sadly stops in front of the corpse of a tortured woman, corrects clothes on it.

Meeting with many little truth, ready to take each, Grigory hits the gang of Fomin. Stay in the gang is one of his most difficult and irreparable mistakes, the hero himself clearly understands it. Here, as Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov passes the condition of the hero, who has been deprived of everything, except the ability to enjoy nature. "Water rushed, breaking through the ridge of the old poplars in her way, and quietly, singers, calmed down, swaying the tops of flooded bushes. Meadows and windless standing days. Only occasionally in the clear sky flew white, flushed on the wind of the clouds, and on the spill of the Swan's packs slipped their reflections and disappeared, touching the far shore. "

Melekhov loved to look at the slaughtered by the shore, madly bubbling by fasting, listen to the difference of water and do not think about anything, try not to think about anything that causes suffering. " The depth of the experiences of Gregory is connected here with the emotional unity of nature. This experience, the conflict with himself is permitted for him to refuse war and weapons. Heading to his native khutor, he threw it out, "Carefully wiped his hands on the floor of the sheel."

"At the end of the work of Gregory refuses all his life, he does herself for longing and suffering. It is a long-standing man who has been rescued with defeat, longing to be humble in fate. "

Who is he, Grigory Melekhov, the main hero of the novel? Sholokhov himself answering this question, said: "The image of Grigoria is a generalization of the search for many people ... The image of a rolling man - the eradicator ... carrying the blackness of the era of the Epoch. And the right was Axignha, when in response to the complaint of Mishatov, that the guys do not want to play with him, because he is the son of a gangster, says: "No one is a gangster of your father. He is so ... an unfortunate man. "

Only this woman always understood Grigory. Their love is the most wonderful story of love in modern literature. In this sense, mental subtlety, delicacy, the passion of the hero is revealed. He fell silent than his love for Aksinier, perceiving this feeling as a gift like rock. At first, Grigory will still try to break all the ties connecting it with this woman, with hesitatingly rudeness and sharpness will tell her the famous saying. But neither these words nor a young wife will be able to tear him off from Axigny. It will not be to hide his feelings of either Stepan, nor from Natalia and on the father of his father will answer right: "You asked that I registered, I am al no live with Natalia, but I am, Daja, I will say that the cut off the edge is not glued" .

In this situation, the main in the behavior of Gregory - depth, passion of feeling. But such love carries people more sincere sufferers than love joys. Dramism is also the fact that Love Melekhov to Axier is the cause of the suffering of Natalia. Gregory is aware of this, but to get away from Astakhova, to save his wife from the torment - he is not capable of this. And not because Melekhov - Egoist, just he is the "Child of Nature", a man of flesh and blood, instinct. The natural is intertwined in it with social, and for him such a decision is unthinkable.

Axigna manites his familiar smell of sweat, Dernopian, and even her betray could not snatch love from his heart. He is trying to forget from torment and doubt in wine and ragble, but it does not help. After long wars, in vain features, this person understands that only long-standing love remains his support. "The only thing that remained to him in life is with a new and irrepressive force who broke the passion for Aksini. She manifes him to himself, as the manitis of the traveler in a snuby black, night, a distant campfire flap. "

The last attempt to happily Axigny and Grigory (escape to Kuban) ends with the death of the heroine and the black wild sun. "As the steppe withdrawn by dads, Gregory's life has become black. He lost everything that was expensive to his heart. Only children remained. But he himself still convulsively clung to the land, as if he was actually broken life, he represented some value for him and others. "

It came true to the little, about the sleepless nights dreamed of Gregory. He stood at the gate of his native house, kept his son on his hands. It was all that he had in his life.

The fate of the Cossack, a warrior, who sheds their own and someone else's blood, dusing between two women and various camps - becomes a metaphor of human diets. "

Gregory Melekhov in search of social truth

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Hero of Roman Mikhail Sholokhov "Quiet Don" - Grigory Melikhov - a simple Cossack from the middle peasants, who fell into the whirlpool of the First World War, Revolution and Civil War. At this time, he, a skilled warrior, is needed by all - and white, and red. In the community of the war of Melekhov, it turns out in all opposing civil war armies and is trying to understand on whose side the truth.

First, he with red, headed by subtelkov and krivoshlikov. There is an inherent inherent to Melekhov dislike for officers-nobles, which

Alienates of the people, including the Cossacks. However, it is the wildens of the subtelkov over the captive officers-White Guards disgusts Grigory from red. He evil throws the leader of the Red Cossacks, whom he himself is going to execute a painful death:

"Do you remember deep battle? Remember how officers fired ... At your order they shot! BUT? Terecherich you jump off! Well, not the tales! Not one other people's skins dug! You came out, Chairman of the Moscow Council! You, the custody, Cossacks, sold! " But Gregory Melekhov's anger cozontizes his comrade Christ: "Let's go, stalind, to horses. Go! Us

With you there is nothing to do. Lord Bick, what is being done with people! .. "The upcoming execution of the subtlekova, Krivošlochekova and their comrades will also shook Gregory. Without waiting for it, he leaves Ponamarev Khutor, where it is pressed over the prisoners.

Grigory himself, too, after executing the red brother Peter, is able to give the order to destroy the prisoners of the Red Army. It is capable of cut in open battle of non-red sailors. But such actions, he takes only a minute of an extreme anger or caused by the fight. In calm minutes, he lets with the world of a captive enemy, and about the same chopped sailors, having cooled, with longing he says "in some minute of monstrous enlightenment":

"Whom chopped! .." And for the first time in my life I was dried in the greater fit, shouting, sprinkling with foam, who even, on the lips: - "Brothers, there is no forgiveness! .. Churn, for God's sake ... in God Mother ... Death ... betray! .. "He says almost the same words as the Cossack Egor Zharkov, who received a deadly wound in the first world war and begging comrades to stop his torment:" Brothers, give death! Brothers! .. Brothers ... What are you looking away? .. ahahaa-ah-ah! .. Brothers, make death! .. "Melekhov, unlike the Zharkov, who from the torn belly there are intestines, not injured But it experiences almost the same torments that you have to kill compatriots, Russian people, Cossacks, men, sailors ... Even killing the enemy in honest battle, he is sometimes the moral flour. What to talk about the murder of unarmed. True, Molay for Peter, Grigory and such a black case does. But the feeling of revenge is quickly passed. And having learned that Peter's killers got into the hands of Cossacks, Gregory was in a hurry in his native farm, to speed up their death, but on the contrary, to save from death. But he was late: during Ivan Alekseevich's Samoya, Peter Daria's widow kills. Truly, "What is done with people"! Outliation caused by civil war, Gregory does not accept. And ultimately it turns out to be a stranger in all warring mills. He begins to doubt, whether the truth is looking for. Melekhov thinks of red: "They fight to live better, and we fought for our good life ... There is no one truth in life. It can be seen who will overcome whom, he will ... and I was looking for a bad truth. The soul was sick, there and came here ... in the old days, heard, Don Tatars were offended, they went to take away the earth, hesitate. Now - Rus. Not! I do not come back! Selfiece they are me and all the Cossacks. " He experienced a sense of community only with countrymen Cossacks, especially at the time of Vieshen's uprising. It seems that the Cossacks are independent of both the Bolsheviks, and from the "Cadets", but quickly understands that there is no "third strength" in the struggle of red and white there is no place. In the White Army, Ataman Krasnova, Grigory Melekhov serves without inspiration. Here he sees and robbery, and violence against prisoners, and the unwillingness of the Cossacks fight outside the region of the Don Troops, and himself shares their mood. And also without enthusiasm, Gregory is fighting with red after the junction of Vyeshen rebels with the troops of General Denikin. Officers who ask tone in the volunteer army, for him people are not just strangers, but also hostile. No wonder the enemy becomes and Esual Evgeny Lydotitsky, whom Grigory for communication with Axinhae beats up to death. Melekhov anticipate the defeat of white and not too sad on this occasion. By and large, he was already tired of war, and the outcome is hardly indifferent. Although in the days of retreat "at times he was born by a vague hope that the danger would make sprayed, demoralized and warring between their forces to unite, give rebuff and overturn the victorious advancing red parts."

Gregory, "oppressed by idleness," wanted to "join any military unit", but the friend and the ordinar of Prokhor Zykov decided to do this: "You, Grigory Panteleevich, see, finally slept crazy! - he stated indignantly. - What are we going to get there, in this bake? The case is finished, you can see what we will give a gap in waste? Al Do you think we are two of them to give! Until we do not touch us and do not take into part, it is necessary, if neither the Moga rather, leave the sin away, and you won what kind of damn it takes! No, please, please, peacefully, in Starikovski retreat. We and I and so abreately wondered for five years, Nehary's missions are trying! "

And Gregory agrees with his arguments. After all, Melekhov is also tired of the war, although he has a military vein, delete, even some kind of thrust for the battle. That is why Gregory is bored without a real thing. However, not one of the parties in the Civil War, he does not consider the right, and for this reason it quickly cools to the struggle for the case, which does not consider fair. On the red Melekhov, then he comes to serve to redeem the former sins, and against the Poles, even with enthusiasm, almost both against the Germans and Austrians in the first world.

Tatarsky who returned to the Karokhor Zykov's lost hand tells Assier about Grigory: "Together with him in Novorossiysk, Comrade Budennya came to the equestrian army ... Academy of Gregory Pantelyevich Sotayy, then I mean the escadron, I, of course, with it, and went to go around Kiev . Well, the girl, and we gave the devils to these Poles! Go there, Grigory Pantelyevich and says: "The Germans struggled, on all sorts of Austria tested the Palash, did the Poles of the shard shards? For rent to me, they will cut them lush than their own - Russians, what do you think? " - And winks me, grinds. He changed, as in the Red Army he passed, cheerful of himself became, smooth as Merin ... He says, I will serve until past sins of sins. It will do it - a fool's thing is simple ... near one place he led us to the attack. In my eyes four of their middle, Ulanov fired. He, damned, left-handed symbol, so he took them from both sides ... After the fight itself, the week before the ranks rang with him, and the squadron and he was gratitude. " Nevertheless, the gratitude of the legendary commander of the first horseman did not save Melekhov from suspicion. And when Budennov residents were transferred to the Crimea against Wrangel, Gregory had to chop not the Poles, and their, Russian people. After the injury on the Conferential Front, Melekhov from the Red Army demobilized, not too relying on his reliability.

The words of Gregory that the Poles of the "shards" are not stronger than the Germans, it is impossible to understand how joyful willingness to kill people. It rejoices, if you can say so, Melekhov is only what you have to kill alien, and not compatriots. However, as we see, it was necessary to kill the Russians later, perhaps the same Cossack brothers who fought under the banners of Wrangel.

Gregory, returning to the farm, expects that he will be left alone: \u200b\u200b"He cumshot to fight. Enough with him. He drove home to, in the end, to take up work, live with children, with Axigny ... "Grigory, seems to have found his truth: a quiet family life, with kids, with his wife. Former friend and current son-in-law, he admits: "I don't want to serve anyone else. I wondered for my age abused and worried soul scary. All I'm tired - and the revolution, and counter-revolution. Nuthai would be all this ... Nehary it all goes to the propagation! I want to live near my kids, go to the economy, that's all. You believe, Mikhail, I say it from the pure heart. " However, the cat does not believe, and the dreams of Gregory about a calm peaceful life are not destined to come true.

The threat of arrest forced Gregory to flee from his native farm, and the case brought him to a gang of Fomin, where he was no longer the truth, but just hiding his persecution. He decided to leave Aksigni to Kuban and to start a new life there, but his beloved died from a crazy bullet.

After this Melekhov, "I still convulsively clung to the land, as if, and in fact, the broken life was represented by some value for him, and for others." In the end, Gregory, without waiting for an amnesty, returned home.

In the final "I came true to the little, what Gregory dreamed of sleepless nights. He stood at the gate of his native house, he kept his son in his hands ... It was all that he had in his life, which was still relaxing him from the ground and with all this huge, shining under the cold sun. "

Sholokhov held his beloved hero in all the circles of hell of the Civil War, finally led to the peace coast and left him here. And although I myself perfectly understood that Gregory Melekhov expected ahead, could not and did not want to speak, and therefore left the visibility of a happy end. In the era of revolutionary cataclysms, honest people do not happen.

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\u003e Works on the work of a quiet don

Gregory Melekhov in search of truth

Gregory Melekhov - the central character of the novel "Quiet Don", the true Don Cossack, a hardworking and economic person. Before the war, he was cheerful, carefree and inexperienced young men. Being restless and stalling by nature, he often performed rapid acts. So, for example, he met with the wife of the neighbor Aksigni, in which he was insanely in love. Despite this, he easily agreed to marry another girl - Young Beauty, the daughter of the wealthy parents Natalia Korshunova. Thus, he made two women unhappy at once. This careless appears Grigory at the beginning of the novel.

With age, he begins to think more often over his actions. He himself suffers at least Natalia with Axigny because of such a dual position. With a problem of difficult choices, it also faces on the front, not knowing who to join: to "red" or "white". He does not like the entire idea of \u200b\u200bwar and meaningless bloodshed, but the situation established in the country puts everyone before the dilemma. Gregory is not so confident in his choice, like his brother or friends. He reflects for a long time in search of truth and justice, but it does not find it. Against the background of this war in all colors, the personality of the main character is revealed.

So, from the very first days of service it becomes clear that Grigory is not inclined to cruelty and even humane. He desperately stands up for the young maid France, can not sleep at night after the murder of Austrian, denies the brutal savings of the Chubat. However, over time, it is tempered, and the boundaries between good and evil are gradually blurred. Despite this, Grigory to the end of the novel remains honest, decent and loving person. His ideas about what is happening is made up of observations of life and the surrounding people, but the most "blurred borders" do not give him to approach the truth he is looking for. The hero take the side of the "red", then "whites", but nowhere finds what he needs.

The twofold position at the front and in his personal life begins to gradually bother Grigory. He even involuntarily envies those who blindly believes only in one "truth" and confidently fights for his views. Realizing the meaninglessness of the war, he runs in the arms of his love, but here it is waiting for the tragic lot. Axigna dies right on his hands, wounded by the Red Guard Crazy Bullet. In desperation, he decides to return home, in the "native" places where his son remained alone - the only person relating to him with a huge world. Starting your romance from the ancestors of Grigory and, by completing him with his son,

The first half of the twentieth century brought a lot of suffering in the life of a simple Russian people. Internal and external political changes touched each, especially by stirring the lives of the population with the oldest, age-old way - the peasantry and the Cossacks. People who are accustomed to live in the covenants of the forefathers, faced the search for a new meaning of life and survived a lot of tragic. The path of search and suffering shows Michael Sholokhov in the image of the central character of the novel "Quiet Don" Grigory Melekhova.

We are given to get acquainted with him from the youngestness itself, and we know from what kind of family it is, and what has led his character and worldview: it is a hereditary Don Cossack from a patriarchal family, a hardworking, economic person who lives land and work and perceiving labor not only with forced necessity, but also with love.

We see him and tricky, and dodgy - passion and youthful soak pushing him on a novel with a married neighbor. This act is quite as part of the worldview of the peasants - on the novels of young guys with praces here are looking through the fingers, usually accusing what happened, a woman, and a youthful lust of something like a natural knowledge of life. Who would know then that this passion will be the love of his life, eternal, as if love for his native land and native Don? And Grigory himself did not know - he agrees to marry a clean young girl from the respected family, without thinking that because of this, the women would become unfortunate and he himself. Perhaps this is the first time Gregory this marriage decides for myself to start life from a blank sheet, and then we will see how many times he will try to "reset" life looks, start something new, stand up for a new way, but, Unfortunately, his search for happiness will lead him to a dead end.

Nature has invested with mercy, and his father brought into honor and dignity. That's why he quickly becomes clear that the war is not his case, because the usual, it would seem, he does not seem to be the tendency of a soldier to cruelty, and he absolutely does not understand what he does in war, for which Fatherland is fighting. He is not inclined to frozen actions, which often among the soldiers are made from a mustache, resembling (incident with the maid, Acts of the Chubatoy), he is experiencing a regular sense of disgust, the barrier to the murder, even when it comes to eliminating the enemy (Austrian's murder). And therefore, when the country is changing the political system and the war is declared a crime, Melekhov thinks that it is time to start life from a clean sheet, and more like - blood, forced cruelty - will not be in his life.

However, on the side of the white, and on the side of the red one and the same - betrayal, cruelty and lies. And for the fact that it was releasing from the mill to the mill, will follow an inevitable punishment, and as in childhood, he runs to hide from adversity in his native home, because the roof of the house is - this is Fatherland. But there is no longer the saving heat in the hands of the mother, there is no devoted wife, and love dies, only a son remains, who will still germinate in the wild field of adversity and disasters?

(Full Peter Glebov at the filming of the film "Silent Don" directed by Sergey Gerasova, USSR 1957-58)

I'm sorry Grigory, especially at the end of the work. As a hero of his time, he only sighs, but does not see for sure that he is still waiting on. And I, as his descendant - I know. True, happiness at the end of the novel on his hands is life that continued in his son. But happiness from unity with the native creature so fleece and so fragile, and it is obvious that Gregory is still only at the beginning of that meat grinder, which is cooked for people merciless to conflicts and war of the 20th century. Grigory passed through a lot, losing the path many times, rushing and realized that the military roads, the demonstration of forces, debauchery and the defendant of someone's wealth - all this is not him, and the heart belongs to a quiet life, calmly measured work, beloved and loved ones, Khutour, native land.

Grigory's tragic wardings are in general the path of man, the entire people in the 20th century, the people who have not found themselves in revolutionary and post-revolutionary years.

Gregory Melekhov is one of the central characters in the epic work of M. Sholokhov "Silent Don". Roman-epic is a real encyclopedia of a folk life in the turning period of Russian history. Gregory is a collective image of a man who was in front of a difficult choice between mutually exclusive views.

Melekhov is a typical representative of the Cossacks associated with it centuries-old traditions and customs. He does not imagine life in the separation from his national roots. Grigory is endowed with all the qualities of this Cossack. He is a courageous and brave person, ready to support his comrade in any situation.

At the same time, Melekhov is inherent unconscious desire to truth and justice. If the overwhelming number of Cossacks stand up on the side of the white movement simply by virtue of unshakable traditions, then Gregory wants to understand themselves in everything.

The first world war is becoming a fracture in the soul of Melekhov. By participating in hostilities, he immediately draws attention to his fearlessness. At the same time, in his soul, doubt in the justice of war in general. Melekhov understands that generals deeply care about the suffering of ordinary soldiers.

From this time, Melekhov no longer feels calm. He admits himself and others that he lost a steady support in life. The traditions of the Cossacks turned out to be an illusion that does not give the true feeling of truth. The soul of Gregory dares in search of exit. His spiritual devastation is gradually filled with red movement slogans. Melekhov seems to be what he found what she was striving for.

In the ranks of the Bolsheviks, Gregory continues to perform feats. But the struggle for the next truth turns into the blood of innocent people. Melekhov understands that in addition to red and white, which are equally creating cruelty and lawlessness, there must be some kind of "real" truth. She is above political belief and comes from the human soul.

The author does not put the points in the fate of Melekhov, giving the reader the opportunity to sort out the problem of finding the truth. Internal struggle Grigory is an important philosophical topic. The problem of hard choice can touch any person.

Option 2

What is true? What is she? Each of us, probably, will answer this question in its own way and will be right, because this concept is contradictory and ambiguous. How to distinguish the truth from lies? What choice is to do? Some are immediately determined with the choice, while others are moving, doubt the correctness of the choice made by them. Their soul is tormented by doubts, and they begin painful searches of truth. Sometimes it takes a whole life.

One of these challengers is Grigory Melekhov, the protagonist of Roman Sholokhov "Quiet Don". Having become acquainted with the work, we learn about him the following: Born in the hereditary family of the Don Cossacks, who had a strong farm, material wealth. From the ancestors he inherited such qualities of character as honesty, love for peasant labor, compassion, pride and independence. Different from other Cossacks courage, the depth of feelings, kindness. The main feature of his character was that he constantly tries to find his truth, for which it was worth to serve and for what it was worth living. Do not accept a lie.

World War I began the beginning of the hero's vital test. She divided the Cossacks on the Red and White, putting everyone before choosing. Our hero could not understand himself in everything that was happening, he did not meet such a person who could explain everything to him simple and accessible to him. It happened that he was vaguely felt the truth, and how to prove it, did not know, so it was forced to obey, with which the internally did not agree. Once at war, Grigory manifests itself as a brave and decisive person, never hides behind the backs of others, but quickly disappointed. He feels that everything does wrong. For him, Warrior and Humanist, russely over unarmed disgusting. He wants to find such a truth that will be acceptable for everyone and everything will be fine.

Having wounded, Melekhov enters the hospital, where he meets the Bolshevik Garant. Under his influence, the hero's insight occurs, which is increasingly convinced that he lived in the illusions of distant from reality. He understood the meaning of the imperialist war and hated it.

The search for truth is most exacerbated during the civil war. Meeting with EfiMa Raspberries sowed in the soul of Gregory doubts, he tries to argue with him, but the semi-short, fiasco to the verbal battles with his opponent, he does not have enough knowledge to prove his truth.

Thus, the path to the truth was for Gregory long, painful, difficult, but on this path he remained man.

Melekhov is looking for the truth

Roman M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don" is an excellent example of a work affecting almost all problems of humanity. By reading this novel sometimes it is difficult to understand what is the main topic of this work, however, by a thorough analysis of the work, you can allocate the search for the personality of the main character of its place in the world as the most mentioned in the text.

Grigory Malehov spoke to the main hero of the novel. A large number of tests associated with life at the beginning of the twentieth century met on his hard wayway, in the origin of the twentieth century - in the bloody warrior. As a participant in combat actions, Grigory has achieved great success: he received the title of officer, a variety of awards was awarded, but did not reach the main goal of life. He was constantly tormented by the question: "What is the meaning of life?". He could not understand why the people of war, why are victory and power. Gregory participates in the Civil War in 1918 in the white detachment under the command of the elder brother. Over time, in attempts to understand who is right in this fratricide war, and whoever does not have a bandit, but also in such an environment he does not feel calm. Restless thoughts come to Gregory. He still cannot find answers to his questions. In the end, risking his life, he returns home to his native village. Meeting with relatives: wife, son and sister gives him strength and desire to live. However, later the hero is waiting for a big tragedy: his wife kill the bullet, which was intended to himself. He remains one with a child, a sister and her husband, who at that time is his main enemy.

In my opinion M.A. Sholokhov in the image of Gregory made all the features of a typical rustic man of those times. Few of ordinary peasants understood the meaning of war, the seizure of the authorities and the possible consequences of a particular outcome of the war. Malehov is a person with a sufficient level of intelligence as it can argue on very complex themes, however, due to the uneducation and lack of life experience, he cannot find himself in this life. The main obstacles becomes war. In those days, armed conflicts have led not only to the death of a large number of people, but also to the sad consequences among the survivors.

Gregory Malehov is a good example of how much man can break the fate of a war. Because of conflicts, he loses a lot of time, his wife, faith in his senses. In addition, he often had to kill for survival, which he clearly did not want to do that he had taken away from him the greatest wealth - a clean conscience. The war turned the simple worker Grigory in the tragic hero, an unfortunate bandit, who is looking for the truth of life and still cannot find it, condemning himself for eternal unsuccessful swells.