Important qualities about themselves in the summary. What to write in the section Summary of yourself

Important qualities about themselves in the summary. What to write in the section Summary of yourself
Important qualities about themselves in the summary. What to write in the section Summary of yourself

This section is completely small - compared with the block on the experience of work, for example, is important. This is one of the most read sections of the summary: largely depends on it whether the employer will study your resume more thoroughly or switches to the summary of other applicants.

It is important to make this block meaningful, but not too voluminous. Enough text with a volume of up to five sentences.

What to enable in this section - "About yourself"

To begin with, spend a small self-analysis and answer the following questions:

  • what skills and qualities you consider with our obvious advantages (you own them better than others, or these skills and quality are rarely found);
  • in which types of work you are most effective;
  • what are your professional achievements;
  • what are you awards, certificates, diplomas and other documents confirming your competence.

In fact, these items are a plan for creating text in the section "About me".

In this section, the summary needs to give information that allocate you in a number of other applicants and who convince the employer that you are the best candidate for a vacancy.

Before making a section "About yourself," read the vacancy announcement once again. Perhaps the employer has special requirements. For example, the translator is important for the presence of an open visa, and you have it. Or for sales manager, it is important to have its own transport and rights, and you have. Be sure to specify it in the text about yourself.

That in the section "About yourself" not need to write

No need to repeat the information described in the summary. For example, copy a list of skills and skills (for this there is a section "skills and skills".

Do not put a fragment of autobiography as in the following example:

"I, Ivanov Alexey Anatolyevich, was born on September 15, 1967. In 1985 he graduated from 8 classes, entered the electromechanical technical school. In 1988 he graduated from the technical school and was called into border troops. He served in the army and after a freelance check he entered the school of the KGB of the USSR No. 302. After graduation, he worked on operational work. In 2001 he resigned from the authorities. Computer skills: Confident user (Word, Excel, 1C, Internet, various search and information systems, databases). Personal qualities: goodwill, diligence, discipline, activity, demand, accuracy. Additional information: Sociable, executive, energetic, I can work in a team, bringing a matter to the end. "

Do not lead in the section "About yourself" a list of personal qualities, as in this example:

"Stress resistance, purposefulness, focus on the result and quality, healthy lifestyle, self-education, easy learning."

To inform the employer about the personal qualities of the applicant there is a section "Personal qualities".

Your text should not be template. He must reflect your unique professional experience, you as a specialist and as a person.

Do not forget to celebrate in the section "About yourself" the presence of awards in the professional field, if you have. For example:

  • For a vacancy "Translator": "In 2013 he was awarded the diploma of the VINCI 2013 Innovation Awards Competition (International Region).
  • For a vacancy "Head of Labor Protection": "1st place among enterprises in the Temryuk district in the review competition" Organization of work on labor protection ".

Examples of successful wording of the section "About yourself" in the summary

    Deputy Director for Economics and Finance

High organizational abilities, decency, perseverance in achieving the goal, discipline, purposefulness, responsibility, demanding, fast self-learning. Compliance with the principles of business ethics, honesty in compliance with business obligations. Analytic skills. Knowledge in the field of accounting and tax accounting, labor legislation, labor economics, forms and wage systems, laboring methods, the foundations of business planning, financial analysis and management of financial flows. Knowledge of the specifics of financial and accounting activities, building a system of budgeting and management accounting, understanding the basics of strategic marketing and management management, the desire to improve business processes. Confident user of Microsoft Office Package (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), legal systems and programs - Garant, consultant +, Glavbuch system, financial director system. Ownership programs for automation of accounting, managerial activities and electronic reporting (contourExster, SBIS ++). Availability of recommendations.

    Head of production, chief mechanic, chief engineer

Manual team more than 100 people. Organization of work workshop and production. Service and repair of equipment and fleet of the enterprise. Conducting negotiations and conclusion of contracts. Conduct revisions. Decision of administrative and economic issues.

    Commercial Director

Sale management and after-sales service organization. Personal sales experience. Negotiations at all levels. Development of pricing policy. Customer base. Drawing up and conclusion of contracts for supply and sales. Analysis of the competitive environment. Logistics. Promotion of products (exhibitions, Internet, media).

    Legal service leader

I have high organizational abilities, I know how to lead the team from 5 or more people. It is capable of organizing a systematic work and a clear execution of the tasks. I have many years of legal experience in various departments and organizations. To highly possess the knowledge of the criminal, civil, administrative, tax, labor, procedural and other branches of law. I own the skills of business letters, metals of interpersonal relationships, business etiquette rules. Experienced PC user. Self-organizing, executive, constantly aims to result. Driving license categories A, B, S.

    Office Manager, Administrator

Professional skills: experienced PC and office equipment. Organization of document management, development of provisions and instructions. Business work, business communication skills. Ability to resolve conflicts. Organization and control of work of subordinate services.

    Manager of the Furniture Wholesale Department

Large practical experience and professional approach to work in the B2B segment, B2C. The ability to negotiate at any levels. Knowledge of typical business processes on the conclusion and promotion of unknown manufacturers. Computer possession: MS Office, 1C Enterprise. The ability to make independent decisions and be responsible for them. The ability to convince and rally the team to achieve the goals. The experience of selection, adaptation and motivation of personnel. Ability to delegate authority. Communicability. Fast learning, perseverance and desire for professional growth.


Experience in the main accountant - 7 years. Two higher education, a total of 12 years in accounting. Excellent knowledge 1C 7.7, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, electronic reporting, fireplace, zek, zip, client-bank, online bank, Internet, office programs. Individual services for the restoration of accounting, reporting in tax, reporting to the Pension Fund, on different taxation systems for LLC and IP.

    Engineer mechanic bakery equipment

Professional skills: I own all kinds of power tools; I own the welding machine. Computer skills: Internet, MS Word, MS Excel, Outlook, Bat, AutoCAD, Monolith ACS. The experience of public speeches to a large audience. Personal qualities: self-learning ability, punctuality, purposefulness, thoughtfulness, responsibility, sociability. Driving license Category B, C.

    Excavator driver

Experience in the construction of gas condensate production in the north of the Tyumen region in a brigade (pile field), a coppe of trenches under pipelines, the arrangement of the NGKM, the binding of pipelines with the brigade of welders, the construction of DNS, TsDNG, refinery. Experience in Kamatsu RS-200, 300. Hitachi ZX-330 ZX-450, on Kolesniki Tereks 820 and Jercibi. Experience in construction at the Mescayakhinskoye field in Yakutia. Good attitude to work. There are no harmful habits.


Professional trucker driver. 20 years driving. Driving license of categories B, C, E. Experience in foreign cars. Without bad habbits.

Elena Nabatchikova

Interview is a standard stage while finding a job. After all, after a suitable vacancy was found, a meeting will have to meet with an employer, where he will personally need to prove his professional suitability to him. Here the most important thing is to present myself, and, it means that you need to make a competent story about yourself. Examples of telling about themselves at the interview when taking a job, see below.

Do not forget to be interested in the employer's future work -?

Most often, the interview with the employer consists of a number of standard questions. For example, it may be the personal data, where they will ask about the place of residence, age and experience. But the main part of the interview is self-sustaining. And most often it is this part that makes most people in a stupor. To successfully pass it, it is necessary to prepare it in advance and make an approximate text of the story about yourself.

What to tell about yourself at the interview when welcome

Many before going to a meeting with the employer, hoped to smyproviting on the spot. But it is proved that even the most resourceful people are often lost during the response to the most common questions. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to make a small story about yourself at home.

When drawing up a story about yourself, it is worth remembering that brevity is a sister of talent. The general story should be long from two to four minutes. Therefore, the written text needs to be carefully re-read loud and out loud, with its usual diction. You need to talk about the most important facts in your biography so that the monologue is turned out to be short, but free and meaningful.

It will not be superfluous to find out some additional information that will help in interviews:

  • Get acquainted with the site of the company. There it is possible to find out in which direction it works, and which employees are looking for;
  • Based on these data, make a list of personal qualities that can be useful during the work on the desired position. For example, responsiveness, dedication, self-discipline;
  • If it is wholesale or retail, you can talk about successful experience with many clients;
  • To mention the achievements, without embelling them, but also not silent. After all, they can play an important role during the choice of a candidate.

You can interest the employer if you competently create a resume. To do this, you need to know the basic rules for his writing and nuances of filling individual graph. In this article, as well as on the main page, you will find ready-made examples of the section "About me" in a resume in order to understand how best to fill this graph.

Too focusing attention at this point is not worth it. You can enter into it, which should interest the employer and arrange it.

For example, an accountant can enter such information:

  • there are publications in the publications "Home Accounting", "Accounting";
  • the possibility of traveling;
  • married one child;
  • annually reissue a subscription to specialized accounting journals in order to always be aware of the changes;
  • i can work with all MS Office programs.

The future sales manager can try to interest the recruiter so:

  • i easily find contact with people of different ages and professions;
  • there is a driver's license and a personal car;
  • the possibility of travel, including for a long time;
  • i am fond of studying the German language, inhabited for 2 months in Germany;
  • confident user of MS Office programs, I can handle office equipment.

The applicant for the driver of the schedule "About me" may look like this:

  • married two children;
  • driver experience more than 15 years;
  • ready to work on non-normalized graphics;
  • there is experience driving passenger buses.

A vacancy candidate in the sports department can write:

  • i am fond of snowboarding, roller skating, skate, bike;
  • at the weekend I organize tourist hiking;
  • i am a candidate for a master or a master of sports;
  • take part in testing sports equipment.

Many candidates repel the recruitment by the fact that they continue to sign their advantages in the column "Oh yourself." For example, the error will write that you are:

  • responsible, scrupulous, initiative;
  • communicable, attentive, conscientious;
  • creative, talented, resourceful.

It will be enough if you list all your advantages in the "Personal Quality" column.

In addition, keep in mind that the knowledge of the computer can be checked on the interview. The same applies to information regarding the ownership of foreign languages.

Reflecting that write about me in the summary, remember, this graph should include those data that was not included in other sections. Universal scheme can be collected from such options:

  • married, two school-age children;
  • ready for business trips for a period not more than 5 days;
  • ready for long business trips;
  • there are driver's license and personal car;
  • ready for business trips to other countries (a valid passport is available);
  • the ability to move to another city;
  • i work with MS Office programs;
  • i am a member of the association of dentists (accountants, PR-technologists, IT specialists);
  • i fond of reading professional literature, signed for profile periodicals;
  • freely in English (oral and written), the IELTS exam is delivered to 8 balls;
  • i study German (French, Spanish) language in specialized courses;
  • ready to work in extracurricular time and, if necessary, on the weekend.

From these structures, you can collect an example of a summary graph, which is suitable for you. Of course, first of all, the employer will look at the skills and experience, but readiness for travel or foreign language possession can give you a few extra points.

When drafting a resume, it is very important to pay attention to all items in the questionnaire. After all, after acquaintance with you, with your experience, education, the potential employer pays special attention to the business qualities of the candidate and the story of himself. After all, it is at the expense of them you are a good, interesting candidate. And advertise, to file yourself from the most profitable side you can in the Summary section "Story about yourself".

This article presents detailed information on what and how to talk about yourself in the summary; What exactly to write in the column "About me", as well as samples and examples of filling in the summary.

Do I need to write something at all?

The stories section about yourself, as a rule, is indicated at the very end of the summary and at first glance it may seem that the above professional qualities and experience fully describe you as an employee. However, it is not. For example, if "General Information", "Experience" and "Education" implies an indication of specific information, then the item "About me", allows you to add to the summary that you consider it necessary to specify additionally and which are not included in the main sections. Tell me about yourself in the summary, pointing out our strengths and summarizing the main achievements.

Basic rules how to make a description of yourself in the resume briefly and beautiful

  • Specify no more than 5 points.
  • The information provided should be one way or another is useful to the employer.
  • Restraint and professionalism.
  • Honesty.

We will describe in more detail what it is worth writing in a summary in the column "About me" based on the presented samples.

Candidates for the post "Sales Manager" may indicate the following:

  • I know how to find an approach to people of different ages and professions;
  • Availability of driver's license and a / m;
  • The possibility of traveling;
  • I am fond of learning foreign languages;
  • Confident PC and office equipment.

Or, for example, making a summary of an accountant in the "About me" column, you can specify the following information:

Availability of publications in the publication "Accounting";

  • Marital status, the presence of children;
  • The possibility of traveling;
  • Annual subscription to prof. magazines;
  • The ability to work in all MS Office programs.

The candidate for the driver's position in the column about me in the summary may indicate, for example, such items:

  • Family status;
  • Driver's experience;
  • Readiness for an abnormal working day;
  • Experience driving passenger buses.

Main errors of applicants

The most common mistake of many candidates is to continue the story about their advantages in the column "Oh yourself." Do not specify such information as: Communicable, Responsible, Initiative, etc. This information should be specified in the column of personal qualities. Try to write short and excco.

Also remember that knowledge of languages \u200b\u200band the ability to work in various programs is very often checked during the interview. Therefore, point out only truthful facts about yourself.

Universal designer

For your convenience, we present universal samples of what can be written in a graph about me, making up a summary. Select the most suitable options for you:

  • Marital status (married, single, the presence of children and their age).
  • Readiness or impossibility of business trips. Specify the timeline. It is also worth indicating the presence of a passport.
  • Availability of car and driver's license. Specify the category.
  • Ability to move to another city or country.
  • Knowledge of MS Office programs. Degree of ownership.
  • Membership in any professional organizations.
  • Creation of prof.literia participation in the development, publication, etc.
  • Knowledge of languages. Degree of ownership.
  • Readiness for an abnormal working day.

Tip using these samples, do not forget to specify any important information about you. The main thing is that the content of the section corresponds to the name.

What to write about yourself in Summary: Examples. Additional information about yourself in the resume Brief and beautiful: Example of writing, sample

If you need to make a good impression on the future employer, you will certainly be useful to use the correctly decorated and written summary as a document that is a brief and complete analogue of the presentation about you, your skills and achievements. The article will help tell us about yourself briefly and beautiful. Example Summary Thanks to the detailed description, you will create yourself.

What is a resume and what is eating

As mentioned above, a brief information about yourself in the summary should be described. Examples of any similar document contain an average of 2 pages. It is advisable not more and no less. Any deviation from the norm will not make a good impression. If the information is unreasonably much, the employer may consider that you have bad slave skills: narcissism prevails. If too little, then the impression will be created that you hide any information about the previous job place, for example, care with a scandal, therefore, there is immunity to criticism from the side.

There is a summary of two versions: electronic and printed. The electronic contains only autobiography (and possibly portfolio). Printed is a set of the following documents that are tailored in the folder in this order:

Resume (in a separate file);

A copy of the document on the presence of education (all the pages of the diploma);

Copies of passport data with a photo and the place of issuing a document (first page);

Scan of permanent residence from the passport;

If necessary, insert with a time-registration scan (issued not by the management company);

INN (individual taxpayer number);

SNILS (the insurance number of an individual personal account is also called pension insurance certificate or simply retirement);

Copy of military ticket or assigned;

Copies of written feedback from previous places of work.

This is all additional information about yourself. In the summary, the example is described full, nothing more needs to be added.

Regarding the penultimate point: all organizations are obliged to report on the persons who have not passed the military duty. If the work is needed, and you have not had time to serve, you need to mention the existing postponement from the call.

Depending on the proposed position, you may need to add information about the existing passport, the sanitary book, tolerance to the workplace. This is also likely to be needed to add examples of completed projects if the work depended on the skills.

Print version is provided with a responsible person or personnel department with a possible filling in an additional questionnaire in place.

Why the summary should be correctly decorated

Since the format of the presentation of the material is compressed, each word is exposed to the analysis, so it should be rechecked for errors.

Humor will play a bad joke: one inappropriate phrase - and the resume will be in the trash can, and you will continue to wait for a call with a proposal for an interview. Not the best way to report information about yourself in a summary (an example is one more sacrificing a little later). If you need to make a good impression, then this manner of communication is better to save to a personal meeting.

An important moment is the visual design of basic information. If everything is filled competently, without errors and in the disposable manner, but it is written in different fonts, without alignment and other things, then no one will understand.

It is easiest to create a resume in Microsoft Word any version. Page fields are used by the following dimensions: left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm, upper and lower - 2 cm. Font is not small, but not large (10, 12, 14 to choice). The future stitching of the document can be located or in the upper left corner, or along the left side (more practical).

A large table is created in 2 columns. In the left column, start filling the lines: Full name And year of birth, position, income level, home phone, mobile phone, e-mail. On the right side, we combine the cells and insert your photo.

Next, leave 1 line empty. Let's wonder what to write about yourself in the summary. Example Consider in detail. We write the "Personal Information" title, we specify the city and place of residence (nearest metro station), education with specialty, marital status (indicating the presence or absence of children).

The next section will be called "Experience" and consist of two columns. In the first column we indicate the position, the name of the organization, the period of work and official duties. Filled 1 place of previous work - we repeat the process again until we list all relevant to the vacant position.

The same principle describes all advanced training courses and other: the name of the course, the date of passage, the duration (if a pair of days, then do not specify), the place of passage.

Skills: Computer Hold, Foreign Languages. This description is not limited. What else to write about yourself in the summary? An example of what should not be indicated will also be shown below.

We make the entire table invisible.

You do not need to add excessive material. All load is more information about yourself. In the summary, an example of using sections is given.

Photo in the summary should be business and strict. Men in jackets and ties, women - in suits with cleaned hair. The place can be any (cafe, restaurant, street), but in no case on the background of the carpet.

This is a graph about himself in a resume - an example of how a person cannot relate rationally his skills with the expected level of earnings. Experienced people need to be repelled from the size of the salary at the previous place of work with a small markup. When we get well, look for another organization with a salary above, and require an increase (place before the fact).

Students expect for a good payment at the beginning of a career. It makes no sense to demand a decent fee, not the opportunity. Podput on a third-party draft specialty, find the vacancy for education for minimal fees. Light, then move. There should be no questions more about what to write about yourself in the summary. An example is presented above.

This graph describes the knowledge of general and special programs.

The level of owning foreign languages \u200b\u200bto indicate above the actual strictly is not recommended, as it is not difficult to check it.

This section indicates, as a rule, a standard set: sociability, responsibility, learningability. Common sense suggests that it does not prevent you from writing something excellent additionally about yourself in the summary. The example should look colorfully, but correctly. Instead, you can specify what you have achieved and what is proud of: at the last place of work it was possible to quickly find a common language with all employees, during the hospital superior colleague, he took his job for his responsibility, set him a goal for 30 books in the last summer and reached her. You should not show yourself that man who are not. However, it is possible to demonstrate your attitude to life, tasks, aspirations and work.

Without having experienced experience in the new sphere, in the summary you can compensate for the lack of information and characterize yourself as an interesting vacancy candidate.

Reviews of employers about registration Summary

We resort to the results of polls for clarity. According to one of the resources, there is a list of words that should never use a candidate for a position in resume. Examples: The best in its sphere, active (energetic, enterprising), thinking non-standard, rapidly trained, executive, leadership thinking, responsible, result-oriented, team player, sociable, hardworking, strategist, dynamic, mumbled, perfectionist. Admit you, too, they have repeatedly used.

Now about the words that crave to hear that the candidate spoke about himself in the summary. Examples: Reached, improved, taught, managed, created, decided, showed the initiative, influenced by the increase (and recession), ideas, coped (overcame), began with enthusiasm, income (profit), as part of the budget, won. Practice on paper sheet. To each word from the list, send five of your words. The same use in the summary and in the interview as an argument.

And finally, a list of basic errors that cannot be allowed when writing a resume. Examples: errors due to illiteracy, not fully filled with summaries, template phrases in the resume, in the field of the desired position indicating any "any", response to a vacancy with another name, general phrases (without specifics), exclamation marks, copying someone else's information.

How to defend your resume. Example of writing about yourself, sample and much more

So, you sent a resume by email, you were invited to an interview. This is not a reason to relax. At the appointed time you must come in the appropriate form with the necessary documents (take with you just in case another copy of the summary) and establish yourself.

The most important thing is to come to an interview not swamped, but calm and in a good mood. You do not need to hang on the neck, begging or promising what you cannot do. Before conducting the interview, you need to get rid of the outerwear and keep the handle at the ready. Sit in a convenient post after the start. Do not cross your hands on your chest, do not turn your head from the interlocutor. When talking you need to smile as often often. The easier it will be your answers to questions, the better.

Depending on the vacancy and the number of people in the office interview will differ. One person: Specifies superficial questions, a little later - cavern. Two people: one asks questions and puts into uncomfortable situations, the second, psychologist, analyzes the behavior, reaction, etc. (the position of the manager in the standard program implies tests for stress resistance). Broadcast from the office with a manual from another city: not the most pleasant view of the interview due to the fact that there may be problems with communication, a large number of people are more difficult to cause sympathy, and a psychologist sits on the side or behind the back (or local chief).

When answering questions, in no case should you shift your guilt on others, no matter who is to blame. Options for answers can be invented different, but preferably laconic and accurate. Formulate the answer so that there are no oncoming issues.

One of the questions will be asked about this: "What do you want to achieve this post?" The answer should be thought out in advance.

Talk about other features of the resume. An example of writing about yourself, a sample of filling is already disassembled. Consider a student who is arranged for work without experience (questions will be about diploma and skills). You gave a reason to ask questions by writing something superfluous about yourself in the summary. Examples of answers will be as follows:

At times lazy, at times worked and did not fit into the scoring rate.

This is the most suspended answer to the question of how to describe yourself in the summary. An example is good because you openly recognize your mistakes and point out that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwork. In this option, it is necessary to superficially tell me that it was for the position that she gave you or that it was not related to the vacancy.

Why do you have so much triple in the diploma?

I have not seen sense in pursuit of estimates.

Lack of motivation is a good output, but get ready for a meeting question.

Why do you have so much triple in the diploma?

With teachers did not find a common language. They were filled, there I was not sure for the fact that ... (I missed classes, too smart, etc.)

Shooting guilt to another will not make a good impression on the employer.

Why do you have so much triple in the diploma?

I only walked on those lessons that I liked.

From this we can conclude that it will not work against your desire to work against your desire.

Why do you have so much triple in the diploma?

There is a saying such: it is better to have a blue diploma and a red face than a red diploma and ...

The joke turned out to be inappropriate, identified the problem with the laying of a large amount of work.

From examples you can conclude that it is better to sometimes take a guilt or reply, but short.

Now you are familiar with the foundations of creating a resume, you know how to fill out what should be indicated and what is not. Once again run through the main moments:

Create a document in Word;

Exhibit fields in a new document;

Fill the contact details;

Fill your personal information;

Fill out experience;

Indicate courses, skills;

Indicate additional information;

We make the table invisible;

We recheck the presence of errors;

Print 2 copies;

We make copies of the required documents in two copies;

We strifted in separate folders.

Complete resume is ready. We take again according to the plan of preparation for the interview:

Re-read the summary and try to disassemble all the possible questions on it;

Cooking clothes for exit and handle;

Clean the shoes with a napkin;

We arrive at the interview and remove the upper clothes;

We go into the office and sit down (legs and hands control, do not turn your head from the interlocutor);

Good day, dear friend!

About yourself or good or in any way. This is the main rule for a resume. You will tell you about your shortcomings on the interview.What you need to write in a resume about yourself? About this today's conversation.

About me usually write in the "Personal Qualities" or "Additional Information" section. Depends on the template structure on a chalkboard site. On Hedhanter, the section is called "About me."

Part of personal qualities can be included in the graph. Those that you think are related to work and can characterize you in the right way.

The meaning is that the section "Key skills" is higher and a recruiter pays more attention to it.

If your personal qualities you want to pay attention to, are in the basement, it will be a shame if the recruiter will simply do not reach them.

For example, you are used to always do more than expected from you. This is a habit on which the employer's attention should be paid. You can safely turn it on the skills section. Many employers dream of having such employees in their team.

Personal qualities and hobbies that can hardly be useful at this work - it is better to leave in more information or not to write at all.

What to write?

The worst thing you can do is write like this:

  • Focusing
  • Discipline
  • Performance

The best result you get with such wording - the recruiter will simply miss them. In the worst version, your will fly to the basket. Such formulations "nothing" is pretty tired and frankly annoyed.

Do you yourself believe that you are workable, disciplined? Yes? Then pay a little time to make the wording "alive."

Your task to "hook" recruiter, remember, cause interest.

How to write?

Let's create examples:

  • Disable discipline on: FROMcompletely fulfill the assigned tasks for the deadlines.
  • Performance: FROMcommitted to perform a large amount of work with excellent quality for a long time.
  • Loyalty: W. vazzlyinally and management, management and colleagues at work.
  • Analytic skills: It is capable of structuring a large amount of heterogeneous data and draw conclusions.
  • High quality work: Constantly raise the quality standards for your work .
  • Customer focus: I have a habit of doing more than expected from me.
  • Active life position: I enter the parent school committee.

The list can be continued for quite a long time. Thinking meaning to you understand. The method is similar to how we worked with the skills:

  1. Make a list of your personal qualities
  2. We write unique wording. With meaning, but not too long.
  3. For each vacancy, choose three or four most suitable. One or two most importantly, we turn on the key skills in the section. The most important and useful for the employer is in.

Those that we have already written above are you for a sample or remade for yourself.

Identifying sign

Let's analyze another quality:

a) "focus on the result." This is about how we decided with you.

b) "aims to obtain a result that meets the specified criteria and on time". Already better, right?

And now:

c) "Fruit to the result"

What do you think? Ambiguous? Unclear? Ready?

Perhaps, but I bet that when you close this article, you can remember exactly this wording. It is clear where I'm a clone?

This "Frame" I "Slumzil" 15 years ago at the presentation of one company. To the question of what it means, the author of the presentation with a smile said something, from his explanation I realized that this is a marketing move. To remember.

And they succeeded! I do not remember not the name of the company, nor the fact that they presented, but the phrase was remembered for a long time.

I did not always include it, simply because I did not have a shortage of invitations. In addition, "Fruity" - a somewhat exaggerated characteristic.

But when I was invited to the interview, the recruiter or the manager almost always asked how I commented on this phrase. Hooked.

The unusual combination of "Freediness to the result" became a kind of identification sign, causing curiosity, interest. And most importantly, this is not just a raffleness, but to the result)

Find your "Frame"

The sequence is as follows:

  1. Find the quality you really proud of.
  2. Pick up a slaughter remembered word or comparison characterizing this quality. It can be a metaphor, adjective, slogan.
  3. Think out how you "decrypt" your "rashness to the result" in a conversation with a recruiter or head.

For example, your humble servant said this: "Frame - figuratively speaking - a state that is probably tested by a bear when there is a smell of honey. Do not stop it. While he will not receive his honey, he will not calm down. " Something in such a spirit.

And it is likely that somewhere in the company where you sent your resume, such a dialogue will take place:

Have you watched Summary Ivanova?

A, this is the one who has a result of a result? Invite, it will be interesting to him.

Such a word magnet is not a panacea of \u200b\u200bcourse. But quite a reasonable course, allowing you to stand out from the slender series of faceless candidates, "result-oriented", and pay attention to themselves.

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Have a nice day and good mood!

We began to write a summary, reached the point "About me" and ... stuck. What to tell the potential employer? Maybe write like all: "Responsible, Communicable, Stress-resistant"? Let's give up templates and make your application to become a business card of an indispensable employee.

How to effectively fill out the item "About me" in the resume, examples

Be useful from the first seconds.

Personnel hiring managers handle hundreds of resumes per day. Reading one document takes up to 20 seconds, so competently present yourself from the very beginning.

Ivan Nikolaev

Year of birth: 1983

Contacts: + 7 903 808-99-07, Skype: Ivannikolayev, E-mail: [Email Protected]

Residence: St. Petersburg, Russia

Position: Sales Manager in the department of household appliances

What am I ready to do for you:

Are you sure that you can raise the level of sales in the department? So write. Ready to provide customers with high quality services, establish the work of the unit? Be sure to specify.

Remove all offers on a list of 3-4 points. The success of the firm brings every employee - from the director to the guard. Do not be afraid to declare your utility, even if you are a simple cashier.

Learn the query

If you make a response to the application, then carefully read the requirements for the applicant, the wishes for its work. The employer is looking for a person who can conduct customer polls? Write one of two options:

- I will help to evaluate the quality of service in the department: Motivating the Buyer Fill out the questionnaire, spend an interview;

- I will learn to conduct customer polls. I will help the ability to have people to yourself and the ability to quickly absorb new knowledge.

Want to file information about me in a resume so to get a good job? Forget about the words "I do not know how" I can not " or "I do not know". Excry active phrases - "I will learn", "I will make every effort to ...", "I find out how ....".

Do not know how to effectively imagine yourself in the summary?

We have been helping our clients with employment. With us, your candidacy will be appreciated by employers.

We offer in Russian or English. We know how to competently reflect all your strengths and professional achievements.

Speak about achievements

Proactive, initiative summaries - time requirement, so try to create a "action document". Describe past successes:

My achievements:

- As a managerial manager of the department of household appliances (TECHNOSTART, April 2014 - April 2016) achieved 150% of sales growth due to personal preparation of young employees and control over quality of service. Managed to establish a commodity accounting system and reduce shortages from 10 to 2%;

- At the post of cashier (Technostarnat, May 2013 - April 2014) organized a coordinated document between the department of household appliances and accounting.

The employer immediately will notice a professional who is responsible for his plot, knows how to count and motivate subordinates.

Suppose you are a student without work experience. Speak about achievements over the years of study: they wrote a brilliant course work on management with an assessment of 100 points from 100, the practice was held in a large firm, they received a good feedback from the head, etc.

What moves you forward?

Do not write about "sociability, activity", again specify:

- open, benevolent in communication with customers, employees;

- I can quickly negotiate, solve conflicts inside the team;

- I own the skills of effective motivation;

- constantly improving the level of knowledge: attend trainings, webinars on sales psychology, read special literature.

As a result, you should have a brief, but powerful summary - a portrait of a professional or promising employee. The second is very important for students, women after decree and pensioners who want to find a job.

Separate item lists people (former employers, employees, teachers), ready to give a good recommendation. Specify their position, place of work, contact phones.