Who is the Mary of Scarlet Sails. Scarlet Sails

Who is the Mary of Scarlet Sails. Scarlet Sails

Assol - the name of the girl who became a nominal. It symbolizes the romance, openness and truth of real feelings. Assol and faith in love are two synonymous concepts. The image and characteristic of the associate in the story "Scarlet Sails" will help to understand the features of the heroine of the artistic work.

Heroine appearance

The reader meets the Assol of the eight-month-old baby, who remained without a mother, in anticipation of the sailor's father on the care of a good neighbor old man, he cared for a child for 3 months. At the end of the book, the girl is already between 17-20. At this age, her dream come true, and she meets Graha.

The appearance of the girl is changing:

  • 5 years - Good nervous face, causing a smile on the face of the Father.
  • 10-13 years old - Slender, tanned girl with dark thick hair, dark eyes and meek smile of a little mouth. Appearance is expressive and clean, the author compares it with a swallow in flight.
  • 17-20 years old - amazing attractiveness sways in all features: low, dark blond. Long eyelashes fall out shadow on the cheeks, the tender outline of the face is forced to consider it any passing by.

At each age, one epithet is suitable for a girl - charm. It is surprising also from the fact that the clothing associate is poor and cheap. In such orders, it is difficult to become noticeable, but this is not for the associate. She has his own style, a special skill to dress. Thin detail passes through the appearance of a brazer: it closes the young head, hides thick strands, hides the eyes.

The appearance of a charming modest is not popular in Kapern, scares the inhabitants with their dwarf and mind hidden inside deep dark eyes. The girl is impossible to imagine in the bazaar among women with rude hands and unleashing speech.

Family and parenting

Family lives in the village by the sea. Unknown Much: country, close city, sea. Caperna village, where is such a village? Only on the pages of the novel. Sailor's family is an ordinary family of seaside villages. Father names Longren, Mother - Mary. Without coping with the disease, the mother dies when the child was only 5 months old. Longren begins to take care of his daughter, he leaves his fishing fishery and tries to make a toy. Assol grows up and helps his father, she goes to the city to leave the father's fakes for sale. Live Assol and Longren in poverty, but in love. Life is simple and monotonous.

Character of heroine

Formation of character passes against the background of loneliness. The family is wary after the occasion with Menners. Loneliness was bored, but Assol found, with whom to be friends. Her close surroundings became nature. Tosca made a girl with a timid and suffer. Revival in the face appeared rarely.

Basic traits:

Deep soul. The girl feels all around him. She sincerely worries life, trying to help the counter. The Assol is hardly experiencing insults, compressing from hitting.

Thrift. Sheet, closed, cooks, saves - does everything you need to be able to a woman from a poor family.

Individuality. The girl did not fit into the usual characters of the seaside village. She is not understood, called the crazy, touched. They laugh at a special girl, make fun, but in the soul they understand, they do not become such, not to understand her thoughts.

Love for nature. Assol speaks with trees, they are friends, faithful and honest for her, unlike people. They are waiting for a girl, meet her trepid leaves.

Even reading, the girl is associated with nature. Little green bug crawls on the page and knows where he stops. He seemed to request her a view of the sea, where the ship was waiting for the ship with Alay Sails.

The fate of the heroine

Children's fairy tale, which Mgl's song collector, told the girl, lives in the shower. Assol does not refuse her, not afraid of ridicule, does not change her. The faithful of his dream, she looks into the distance, waiting for a ship in the sea bunner. And he comes.

Interestingly, the reader continues to talk about the associate after the appearance of Gray in her life. I would like to imagine how to change the life of a cute beauty, when the book is already read. This author's skill conquers no one generation of readers. The fairy tale has become a reality. You need to believe in your destiny so that it happens.

Objectives lesson:

  • Education- control of the level of knowledge on the work of A.Grina;
  • Educational- raising the competitive spirit, value orientation;
  • Developing - Development of attentiveness, reading mechanisms.

Equipment:Portraits A.Grina, Greenland Map, drawings for the work, crossword puzzles, photos of the Green House Museum in Feodosia.

Epigraph: "Scarlet sails" - the captivating fairy tale of Russian literature! (V.Sklovsky)

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. According to the results of the previous lesson, 10 connoisseurs of Green's creativity were determined, which will be the participants of the "weak link on the shy" Scarlet Sails ".

Students occupy their gaming places.

1 Tour "Three Questions for Sailor"

(The question is addressed to the same participant, the answer is not transferred, during the tour every participant must answer 3 questions)

  1. Nickname Assol? (Ship)
  2. The origins of the name "Scarlet Sails" (boat, made by the hands of Longren, the prediction of the eagle)
  3. Who is Longren? (Father Assol)
  4. What work at home did Longren dealt? (Did a tree toys)
  5. What did the mother associate died from? (Cold having passed into inflammation)
  6. What name will work if you connect the masters of any case and seasoning for white dishes consisting of crystals? (Assol)
  7. Who cursed Menners before his death? (Longrena)
  8. What could not be able to make ceppers, according to Longren? (Be in love)
  9. City located near Kaperna? (Liss)
  10. Who is Egle? (Song collector)
  11. Which of the great believed, what is better to be first in the village than the second in Rome? (Caesar)
  12. Who predicted the appearance of a ship with almy sails? (Egl)
  13. Whose house was glooming inside and majestic outside? (Gray)
  14. What flowers surrounded the Gay House? (Tulips)
  15. What is Lafite, Jerez, mentioned in extramonie? (Wine)
  16. What inscription in Latin was made on one of the barrels with wine? (I will drink Gray, when will be in paradise)
  17. What did a little Gray from solidarity to the maid of Betsy? (Dived)
  18. After what event, Gray wrote a note by subscribing to the name Robin Hood? (Broke a piggy bank, gave money Betsy for a wedding)
  19. When is Lilian Gray from the secular lady turned into an ordinary woman? (During communication with the son)
  20. When did Gray decide to associate life with the sea? (When I saw the picture in the library, with the image of the storm)
  21. Schooner, on which Gray went to the first sailing? ("Anselm")
  22. The name of the ship that Captain Gray bought? ("Secret")
  23. Gray name? (Arthur)
  24. What material were scarlet sails from? (From silk)
  25. Who suggested that Gray will transport smuggling? (Panten)
  26. The cargo that has transported a steamer to work with Longren? (Post office)
  27. First gift Gray Assol? (Ring)
  28. He was ready to give Mary's money, but in exchange for love (Menners)
  29. Place of residence associate? (Kaperna)
  30. What spectacle caused a vigorous confusion in Capern, comparable to the earthquake? (Corvette with almy sails)

(Upon completion of the tour, participants raise signs with the name of the participant who is considered a weak link. The outgoing says that in the work he liked the most).

2 Tour "Greenland"

(Each participant will be asked only one question in the life and creativity of the writer)

  1. How is the writer's pseudonym translated from English? (Green)
  2. Which hat described Green? (Invisible)
  3. Century, in which Green was born? (nineteen)
  4. Why did Green going to Alaska, in Siberia? (Gold)
  5. Gold product in the story of the same name? (Chain)
  6. What color the lamp Stylton asked to light the straggings? (Green)
  7. What is the name of the Children's Earth Green? (Greenland)
  8. Who dreamed of becoming a writer? (Captain)
  9. What province Green was born? (Vyatka)

(The outgoing participant on the Greenland map finds geographical names from "Scarlet sails", relates them with events in the work)

3 round "Only I will find it with a detachment, you will learn me"

(Each participant responds to two questions, learns the speech characteristic of the hero)

  1. "She also asked you! Think about it while still alive, Menners, and do not forget! " (Longren)
  2. "We have no crumbs of edible in our house, I'm going to the city, and we will get along with the girl somehow before the husband's return" (Mary)
  3. "If I'm sickling on the water to swim a little - it will not get wet, I will then wipe it" (Assol)
  4. "I, perhaps wake it up, but only then to laure your hefty neck" (Longren)
  5. "I did not spoil the picture. I can't allow me to stick out of the hands of nails and flowed blood, I don't want it. " (Gray)
  6. "Betsy, your money is yours. The leader of the hammer robbers Robin Hood. " (Gray)
  7. "Go wherever you want, my chick, Menalle to your sensitive wings stuck resin, you can wash her house cologne rose-mimosa" (captain GOP)
  8. "I can also inform you that her father is a daylight, he drowned my dad, like a cat some, forgive the Lord" (Menners Jr.)
  9. "At the expense of expenses attached the little of their" (atetics)
  10. "My sails are treated, and in the heart more happiness than an elephant at the sight of a small bun" (Gray)
  11. "Be happy, captain, and let the be happy, which is the best cargo I will name, the best" Secret "(Fercation)
  12. "It seems to me that you really hurt you, let's go, Betsy, to the doctor, let's go" (Gray)
  13. "Growth will not forget. In the meantime, you should not select your toy. Many then you will have to see not scarlet, but dirty and predatory sails "(Longren)
  14. "I love fairy tales and songs, and I promised in this village all day, trying to hear anything, no one heard" (Egl)
  15. "Longren, what did you become like a stump? See, I will carry me out "(Menners)
  16. "Here he is heaven, in my hand, then there is no again" (Gray).

(Outgoing gives the characteristic of a loved hero)

  1. He got drunk in the tavern, trying to find out about the Assol (Fercation)
  2. Village Assol (Caperna)
  3. What a grain of Gray (soup with lamb)
  4. What toys did Longren? (Boats)
  5. Wealthy man from Kaperin (Mennels)
  6. How many years spent out of home Longren? (10)
  7. What drank in the Longren Tractor? (vodka)
  8. What color toy did Longren on the day of the storm? (black)
  9. In which place are tales only talk about crooks? (in Capern)
  10. Warely what is a tiger cat? (shipwreck)
  11. When did Assol learned to read? (at 8)
  12. What country is Assol waiting for the captain? (China)
  13. To whose legs nailed a toy with almy sails? (Eg)
  14. What did the tramp at Longren? (tobacco)

(Outgoing picks up epithets to the arrangement of Assol)

  1. Who asked the question: "Did I eat you, how to eat everyone?" (Sphinx)
  2. What should Gray drink, hitting the paradise? (wine)
  3. What volcano looks like a boiling pan? (Vesuvius)
  4. Who is Lilian? (Mother Gray)
  5. Who was Gray presented himself, looking at the picture in the library? (captain)
  6. At what age Gray left home? (14 years)
  7. What did Gray spend money in the first swimming? (Cards, Cupcakes)
  8. What did Assol do when he saw Gray for the first time? (sleeping)
  9. Why did the toys of Longren ceased to generate income? (Frontal) appeared)
  10. How many girls got into the associate? (2)
  11. What speed beats the heart of the associate? (pocket watches)
  12. How many silk should be on the sail? (2000 meters)

(Outgoing makes the comparative characteristic of Mennels and Longren)

6 Tour "Dark Horce"

Before the game, the viewers put their questions in the bag on the work, in the bag of 10 questions (I advise you to view questions so that there is no incorrect or repeating).

The right to name the weakest link is provided to the audience, reach out two participants who scored a greater number of votes.

7 round "And how many were there?"

Within one minute, players must remember and write as many heroes as possible. It drops out the one who will call a smaller number of heroes.

8 Tour Final

There are 2 participants left, in this fight for each correct answer they receive emblems.

  1. Genre of the work "Scarlet Sails" (extravagania)
  2. Time to create "Scarlet sails" (1920)
  3. In which city in the draft events occurred in "Scarlet Sails"? (Petrograd)
  4. What writer helped publish "Scarlet Sails"? (Maksim Gorky)
  5. Place on the river, where Gray changed rigging (mouth)
  6. The ship on which Gray arrived at Assol ("Secret")

The winner is awarded the book A.Grina "Running on Waves" and a diploma.


  1. LM Varlamov. Green museums. Feodosia. Old Crimea. Travel to the country of Greenland. - Simferopol: Sonatat, 2005. - C.112 with Ill.
  2. A.S. Green. Scarlet Sails. - M.: Astrel: AST, 2007. - s. 268 with ill.
  3. Literature at school from A to Ya. 5 - 11 classes: Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Drop, 2006. - with. 717 with ill.

The main character of Alexander Green's story is the dreamy and sincere Assol girl. This girl is one of the most romantic characters of Russian literature of the XX century.

Mother Assol died early, and her father was raised - a sailor and an artisan Longren. Residents of the village did not love them. The girl from an early age got used to loneliness. The surrounding rejected it, she had to endure ridicule and insults. Assol even believed crazy. She told one-way story about a meeting with a sorcerer, which sustained that a noble prince was saved on the appointed hour on the ship with a scarlet sail. After that, it was nicknamed by a ship Assol.

In his warehouse, the heroine is distinguished by a bright fantasy and sincere heart. Assol looks at the world wide open eyes, she believes in his ideal and never gives up a dream. She has a rich inner world and she knows how to see a deep meaning in simple things.

Assol formed and likes to read. It is inherent in hard work and love for nature. She communicates with the plants, as with living beings, takes care of them. When the associate is growing up, it becomes truly beautiful. To her face any outfits. She is a pretty and charming girl. Her face is clean and bright, like a child.

In the soul, Assol always cherished her secret dream of a ship with Alay Sails. Even the girl's father hoped that through time she would throw out the prediction of the wizard of the eagle. But the ability to selflessly dream and ignore the evil attacks of the fellow villagers strengthened the spirit of the girl. In her life came an hour for a miracle. She met someone who understood her sensitive young soul and carried out a hidden dream. The shores of her native village appeared a ship with Alay Sails. He was built for Assol Captain Gray - a noble sailor who learned the story of Assol and embodied her in reality.

The peeing heroine is a real symbol of such an eternal and decent feeling as faith. Her soul overflow emotions and experiences, it is sensual and open, but at the same time he has a strong and imbibeable spirit. Assol did not let his feces. And so they came true.

Option 2.

So you want to believe in miracles. The world of fairy tales and dreams is close to every person. While man lives, he dreams. The theme of love and dreams more than once became the main in the work of writers of different times and epoch. It is enough to remember V. Kespir "Romeo and Juliet", L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", A.Grina "Scarlet Sails".

Assol U A.Grina is a symbol of faith, purity and devotion to his dream. The author embodies the ideal of naivety and romanticism in the image of the heroine. He loves his heroin very much, and whatever her reader would love her, the narrative writer begins with infancy.

When the baby did not turn to the year, her mother died, the father disappeared into the sea, the old man helped with herringing girl. In order for how to feed the family, the father began to make toys and sell them, the man he was not sociable and sullen. The girl could not afford the sophisticated outfits, enough money only needed, but she does not complain because they love each other with her father. Green throughout the work traces the transformation of a little girl into a charming girl.

At the age of five, the Assol raises a smile with his kind peer, a teenager in twelve years as if "swallow in flight" - expressive and clean, she fascinates the views of passersby: Growth is low, long eyelashes, dark blond tone of the hair.

Meeting with a storyteller and a collector of songs Eglem has become a fateful for the girl. With his prediction of a beautiful prince, who will definitely come for her under Alaymi sails, settled in the girl's dream forever. The surrounding did not understand the heroine, considering it "strange."

The establishment of the character of the heroine was influenced by the environment and a rustic society. To the Assoli family, the villagers treated wary, tried not to communicate with them. The girl did not have friends, nature asked her loneliness.

Seeing the sleeping Assol and learning her secret from people, Gray could not not make a fabulous dream. He sails behind the girl under Alaya sail and takes her. Both romantic nature they should be together. A happy end of a beautiful fairy tale, Assol found her prince.

A.Grin - Writer - Romantic, showed his work that if you believe and hope for a miracle, it will surely come, do not despair and should be striving for the fulfillment of your desires.

Essay the image of Assol

In the "Scarlet Sails", the readers very much loved the image of the assoli, who embodies faith in the kindness and fulfillment of the dreams, that the fairy tale will be free and everything will come true.

Assol had a difficult childhood. Mother died when Assol was not and year. The master of the mother was the owner of the tavern guilty. Therefore, the girl remained to live together with his father. Father, Sailor Longren, raised himself and took care of her daughter, and she helped him and heard him. In Kapern, where they lived, dirt and poverty reigned, people were evil. Many considered her father a killer and were not allowed to play with her children. Assol felt lonely, she had no girlfriends, but she did not harde her from this soul, she was very kind. The girl grew in his, closed world, known only to her alone. He herself, living in his mysterious world.

It turned out a good mistress: she and the floor will wash, and he wondered, and the clothes he spent, from the old one.

I drove to the bazaar to sell toys to keep out at least some money. When I went home along the path, I often spoke with trees, stroking every leaf.

And in Kapern, she laughed at her and considered it a half, but she silently transferred these insults. No one in the village believed her story about a meeting in the forest with a wizard, considered it in fiction. Once the girl returned from the city and went through the forest. In the forest, Assol met a good eagle, collector legends. He said to her that one day the ship was sailing with Alay sails and a beautiful prince will be released to her. The prince pulls his hands to the Assol and takes it forever with him. The wizard presented her with a dream, so that she could rise to the sun. The name of the associate is also sunny! The girl believed Egle and told his father about it. Longren did not disappoint the associate, deciding that everything would be forgotten with time.

When Assol grown, became a real beauty and all envied her. All clothes on it seemed like a new and the girl was just charming. For her, a gloomy day turned into a solar shower. The face, as before, glowed a children's smile. A young man appeared in her life, who in a dream dressed her finger ring. After that, the Assol was even more confident that her dreams would soon come true.

Assol never kept angrily on his offenders. Always treated with caress and caressing for animals, only apart from her father, she had another coal coil Philip.

Assol is completely unlike the townships of the town, they are from another world and they are not there. The girl did not lose the ability to rejoice and love the world around.

Essay 4.

Alexander Green Famous Romantic Writer, who became famous for the work of scarlet sails. Here are dreams on the verge of reality, so this work has become a symbol of love and believing for many generations of women. The beauty of the soul and body makes us believe in the associate and make it your ideal for imitation.

The main heroine of this novel is the Assol girl, which is in his dreams. It is a symbol of purity and innocence. But her life was not so glad, as it seems at first glance. The girl was early lost his mother, and her father was trees. An artisan and a sailor along with an old man next door. He found in reading and in education. She loves nature and feels all the notes of the soul. All living beings, it helps in one situation or another. If birds are hungry, then she feeds them with bread crumbs if someone damaged the paw, then it will definitely cure. All this is superimposed on her not only the inner world, but also on the external beauty.

Assol truly beautiful, so any outfits to her face. Green is very soulful about the girl, showing her with a bright and clean face and with a clean good soul like a child so he traces his novel all her life from infancy before transformation in a beautiful and charming swan. All his life followed her loneliness, since the inhabitants of her village for some reason did not love them. Regardless of the state of the surrounding society, Assol remained with good hearts and sparkling eyes. The main thing in her life to believe the dream and wait for the fulfillment of their desires.

Throughout her life, she had a dream to meet her prince on a ship with scarlet sails. But the desire to be happy does not make it possible to stop dreaming about this moment, so when the village of the village stops the village of the village, then the associate cannot believe his happiness. The fate of this beautiful girl becomes Captain Gray, who understood it and carried out hidden desires and dreams. In fact, such noble men at that time were little, since not everyone could put their desires to their beloved above.

Sample 5.

The story - the Emirates "Scarlet Sails" was written by Alexander Green at the beginning of the 19th century. She tells about the good dream, which was destined to become a reality, and that everyone is able to make a miracle for a loved one.

The main character of the story is Assol. When Assol was barely 5 months old, her mother died. Father's daughter's education was engaged in Longren's former sailor. To make money on life, he mastered children's toys that Assol helped to do and sell. In Kapern, many considered Longren a murderer, the former sailor was struck by the former sailor, and the children were forbidden to play with his daughter. The evil ridicule of the neighbors did not affect the good heart of the young Assol. She grew up in his mysterious world, filled with dreams and hopes.

Assol has had a recent live imagination. Once she met the old storytellor of the eigh, who gave the girl a wonderful dream. The storyteller said that when Assol would grow up, the prince was sailing on the ship with Alay sails. The words of the eagle liked the young Assol so much that for many years she became her dream that helps experience the difficulties of life. Returning home after meeting with Eglem, the girl told Longren on the prediction of the wizard. Returning sailor did not disappoint her daughter, he thought that with time everything would be forgotten.

Father taught Asol to read and write, and she gladly spent time for the book. It is very noteworthy that the books of Assol read between the lines, "how and lived" - the writer reports. Also, Assol loved nature, with tenderness and kindness referred to everything alive.

Years passed, Assol became an excellent girl who retained a good sensitive heart. Every day she met with a smile, found joy in trifles. Having prevailing and sensitivity, she cared for our smaller brothers, spoke with trees. Assol looked at the world, as a mystery, was looking for a deep meaning in everyday things. She did not pay attention to the mockery of the fellow villagers who believed a girl in a polulmy. Assol silently demolished their caustic comments and never kept evil on them. The girl believed in her dream and, of course, it helped her to come true. After someone put on the finger of the sleeping Assol Ring, faith in the words of the storyboard with a new force broke out in her soul.

Assol's dream was carried out by a young captain Gray. Hearing the history of the girl, Gray embodied in the reality of the word of the storyboard. Thus, Assol really met his prince.

Alexander Green teaches not only to dream, but also to embody the dreams of loved ones. She also teaches to always believe in the best.

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  • Assol - the name of the girl who became a nominal. It symbolizes the romance, openness and truth of real feelings. Assol and faith in love are two synonymous concepts. The image and characteristic of the associate in the story "Scarlet Sails" will help to understand the features of the heroine of the artistic work.

    Heroine appearance

    The reader meets the Assol of the eight-month-old baby, who remained without a mother, in anticipation of the sailor's father on the care of a good neighbor old man, he cared for a child for 3 months. At the end of the book, the girl is already between 17-20. At this age, her dream come true, and she meets Graha.

    The appearance of the girl is changing:

    • 5 years - Good nervous face, causing a smile on the face of the Father.
    • 10-13 years old - Slender, tanned girl with dark thick hair, dark eyes and meek smile of a little mouth. Appearance is expressive and clean, the author compares it with a swallow in flight.
    • 17-20 years old - amazing attractiveness sways in all features: low, dark blond. Long eyelashes fall out shadow on the cheeks, the tender outline of the face is forced to consider it any passing by.

    At each age, one epithet is suitable for a girl - charm. It is surprising also from the fact that the clothing associate is poor and cheap. In such orders, it is difficult to become noticeable, but this is not for the associate. She has his own style, a special skill to dress. Thin detail passes through the appearance of a brazer: it closes the young head, hides thick strands, hides the eyes.

    The appearance of a charming modest is not popular in Kapern, scares the inhabitants with their dwarf and mind hidden inside deep dark eyes. The girl is impossible to imagine in the bazaar among women with rude hands and unleashing speech.

    Family and parenting

    Family lives in the village by the sea. Unknown Much: country, close city, sea. Caperna village, where is such a village? Only on the pages of the novel. Sailor's family is an ordinary family of seaside villages. Father names Longren, Mother - Mary. Without coping with the disease, the mother dies when the child was only 5 months old. Longren begins to take care of his daughter, he leaves his fishing fishery and tries to make a toy. Assol grows up and helps his father, she goes to the city to leave the father's fakes for sale. Live Assol and Longren in poverty, but in love. Life is simple and monotonous.

    Character of heroine

    Formation of character passes against the background of loneliness. The family is wary after the occasion with Menners. Loneliness was bored, but Assol found, with whom to be friends. Her close surroundings became nature. Tosca made a girl with a timid and suffer. Revival in the face appeared rarely.

    Basic traits:

    Deep soul. The girl feels all around him. She sincerely worries life, trying to help the counter. The Assol is hardly experiencing insults, compressing from hitting.

    Thrift. Sheet, closed, cooks, saves - does everything you need to be able to a woman from a poor family.

    Individuality. The girl did not fit into the usual characters of the seaside village. She is not understood, called the crazy, touched. They laugh at a special girl, make fun, but in the soul they understand, they do not become such, not to understand her thoughts.

    Love for nature. Assol speaks with trees, they are friends, faithful and honest for her, unlike people. They are waiting for a girl, meet her trepid leaves.

    Even reading, the girl is associated with nature. Little green bug crawls on the page and knows where he stops. He seemed to request her a view of the sea, where the ship was waiting for the ship with Alay Sails.

    The fate of the heroine

    Children's fairy tale, which Mgl's song collector, told the girl, lives in the shower. Assol does not refuse her, not afraid of ridicule, does not change her. The faithful of his dream, she looks into the distance, waiting for a ship in the sea bunner. And he comes.

    Interestingly, the reader continues to talk about the associate after the appearance of Gray in her life. I would like to imagine how to change the life of a cute beauty, when the book is already read. This author's skill conquers no one generation of readers. The fairy tale has become a reality. You need to believe in your destiny so that it happens.