How to write a sentence correctly in Russian. Word order in a sentence, intonation, logical stress

How to write a sentence correctly in Russian.  Word order in a sentence, intonation, logical stress
How to write a sentence correctly in Russian. Word order in a sentence, intonation, logical stress

Hello Losers. I recently wandered around the Internet and came across a textbook on the Russian language. I remembered this school, which I had to go to every day and sit my pants. Despite the fact that I have always studied well…. let's say not bad, I would not want to repeat this experience. In the textbook, I found a lesson about how to correctly compose the structure of sentences. And I decided to write an article about this so that you, caught by nostalgia for school times, or, suddenly, by necessity, do not wander in search of Russian language textbooks, but come to my blog. And here's a test for you:

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  1. Question 1 of 10

    1 .

    Find the structure [__ and __ ======]

  2. Question 2 of 10

    2 .

    Find the structure [│О│,…] among the sentences presented.

  3. Question 3 of 10

    3 .

    Find the structure [│ВВ│,…] among the proposals presented.

  4. Question 4 of 10

    4 .

    Find the structure [│DO│, X…] among the proposals presented.

  5. Question 5 of 10

    5 .

    Find the structure [X, │ PO│,…] among the sentences presented.

  6. Question 6 of 10

    6 .

    Find the structure "[P!]" - [a] among the proposals presented.

  7. Question 7 of 10

    7 .

    Find the structure “[P .., │О│!] - [a] among the proposals presented. - [│ВВ│, ... P ..] ".

  8. Question 8 of 10

    8 .

    Find the structure [… ..], and [… ..] among the submitted proposals.

  9. Question 9 of 10

    9 .

    Find among the submitted proposals the structure [… ..], (what….).

  10. Question 10 of 10

    10 .

    Find among the submitted proposals the structure [… ..], (which….).

Someone will object: "School is over long ago, we will write without schemes." This point of view is quite correct. For those who communicate via SMS and game chats. So, today the topic of our lesson is: "How to draw up a proposal outline?" Moreover, if you are a copywriter or want to become one and earn more than your teacher, knowledge of the proposal schemes, unfortunately, is necessary.

The procedure for drawing up an offer scheme

To draw up a diagram, you will need graphic symbols. Equal sentences in a complex sentence are denoted by square brackets. Subordinate together with the union - parentheses. The main word from which the question is asked is a cross.

Simple sentence schema

Let's consider an example right away. Let's start with the easiest elementary school assignment.

This is a simple two-part sentence. A distinction is also made between one-part, when the main members of a sentence are expressed by one subject or one predicate. Simple sentences are common, as in our case, or uncommon, for example:

Pay attention to the predicate. It can be simple or complex:

  • Simple: " Michael composed ».
  • Compound verb: " Misha wanted to write on the couch».
  • Composite nominal: " Misha was a friend for me».

A simple sentence may contain an appeal:

Ivan, sit in the left lane... The offer scheme is as follows

[│O│,… ..].

It is important to separate the reference with commas in the same way as the introductory words.

Unfortunately, this happened quite often.

[│ВВ│,… ..].

Do not forget to find and highlight the adverbial or participial phrases.

Without taking his eyes, the dog looked at her

[│Do│, X…].

The view that opened before him was like an enchanted kingdom of cold.

[X, │ PO│,… ..].

In literary texts, in text-reasoning, direct speech is often found.

“Don't go into the yard!” The stranger shouted loudly.

"[P!]" - [a].

“Hurray, brothers!” He shouted. "It seems our business is starting to go well."

“[P .., │O│!] - [a]. - [│ВВ│, ... P ..] ".

So, an English teacher. Imagine I have all fives (80 percent), I am going to graduate with honors from a technical school, Olympiads, conferences - everyone knows me. And this ... ... well .... the woman gives me a shake. I tell her: are you not normal, look at my grades, what are you doing? And nifiga is supposedly a principle. Although what the hell is the principle when she gave fours to athletes who did not come to pairs at all and gave fives for a can of coffee. And everyone said this to her, Pasha needs to give at least a four. In short, tin. Already at the defense of the diploma, the director himself intervened and she gave me 4 after the defense, but the honors diploma was lost.

Complex sentence schema.

There are several types of complex sentences. Let's consider them in order.

Compound - these are two simple equal sentences, connected by a compositional union.

The walls of the tunnel parted, and the travelers found themselves in a huge sublunary grotto.

The scheme here is simple [… ..], and [… ..].

In a complex sentence, one part is main, the second obeys, accompanies the first.

The individual columns were so huge that their tops reached the very vault.

[…..], (what ….).

The air around him was much cleaner than the air he breathed at home.

[… ..], (which….).

Subordination in such sentences occurs with the help of subordinate unions.

A unionless sentence is similar to a compound sentence, but it does not have a union.

The TV studio offered a ridiculously small amount - Miga got angry.

[…..] — […..].

In our example, Miga's displeasure is caused by the actions performed in the first part of the complex sentence. But there is no union, it is replaced by a dash.

Don't get confused by charting with different types of connections. It can be very difficult to break up such sentences without losing the main idea.

The bottom of the tunnel went down, so it was easy and simple to go: it seemed that someone was pushing in the back, and soon the light would come on ahead.

[… ..], (therefore….): [│ВВ│, ...], and [....].

A complex sentence can have several clauses arising from one another. This is consistent submission.

The children were informed that tomorrow there will be a holiday, which will end with a carnival procession.

(which the ….).

A distinction is also made between parallel subordination. From the main sentence, different questions are asked to the clauses. The clauses in this case can become separate simple sentences practically without change.

When the photographer came, Serenky wrapped the stock in a handkerchief to hide it in his bosom.

↓ when? ↓ why?

(when….), (to….).

In the Russian language, homogeneous subordination is distinguished. This is a listing of simple sentences. They are asked the same question from the main part, and they are connected by the same union.

Observing nature in spring, you can see how birds fly in, how delicate leaves appear, how the first flowers bloom.

↓ what? ↓ what? ↓ what?

(as….), (as….), (as….).

The main types of proposals are considered. While reading and analyzing the text, carefully look through sentences that are large in design. Highlight the main information. Mentally ask questions from the main word or main part to the subordinate clause or subordinate. This will help you grasp the essence and correctly place the punctuation marks.

All creative successes. Well, find 10 differences in these pictures and write how much it took you to do it.

find 10 differences

The main means of designing a sentence are word order, the actual division of the sentence, intonation and logical stress.

For the correct construction of the sentence, it is essential word order, consistency in the arrangement of the members of the proposal. In Russian, the word order is free. This means that there is no strictly assigned place for this or that member of the proposal. However, an arbitrary arrangement of words in a sentence can lead to a violation of logical connections between words and subsequently to a change in the semantic content of the entire utterance.

For example: At the meeting of representatives of the two states, the obligations assumed were successfully fulfilled.(The meaning of this proposal can be understood so that the obligations were fulfilled at the meeting itself. To eliminate the inaccuracy, it is necessary to correct the proposal as follows: The commitments made at the meeting of representatives of the two states were successfully fulfilled.) The exact word order is especially important for written speech, in which the semantic content of the utterance cannot be clarified using logical stress, non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions) and the situation itself.

The syntactic function is expressed in the fact that there are cases when, depending on the position in the sentence, a word can be a specific member of the sentence.

Compare: Mother(subject) loves daughter(addition). - Daughter(subject) loves mother(addition); Sick arrived(definition) human. - The man came sick(nominal part of a compound nominal predicate), My mum(subject) - our teacher(predicate). - Our teacher(subject) - my mom(predicate), etc.

Word order in Russian is important when expressing thoughts, as it has three main functions.

1. The word order serves to fully convey the meaning of the message. .

For example, in sentences: The car beat Kasparov and Kasparov was beaten by a car, which differ not lexically, but only in word order, contain two messages that are different in meaning: in the first case, we are talking about a machine (the subject of the message), and in the second, about Kasparov, that is, it is he who is the topic of the statement, although in both cases the machine is the subject, and Kasparov is the complement. A different word order leads to a different actual division of the sentence.

2. Special word order can add emotional flavor to a sentence. while performing the stylistic function: Red Square slumbers. Quiet passerby step.

3. Word order can distinguish members of a sentence and then it does the syntactic function: The truck overtook the car.

With a sufficient free order of words in the Russian language, nevertheless stand out straight and reverse word order.

At direct word order members of a sentence are usually located like this:

In declarative sentences, the subject is followed by the predicate: .
- the adjective object follows the defined word: The teacher checked our tests.
- an agreed definition is placed before the word being defined: The teacher checked our tests.
- an inconsistent definition appears after the word being defined: She bought a polka dot dress.
- circumstances can occupy different positions in the sentence: He came home late yesterday. We will go to the village tomorrow.

Reverse word order can be any, it is used to highlight the necessary words, thereby achieving the expressiveness of speech. Reverse word order is also called inversion (Latin "inverio" - permutation).

Inversion allows you to:

1) highlight the most important in meaning members of the proposal ;
2) express a question and enhance emotional coloring speech;
3) link parts of text .

So, in the sentence The forest drops its crimson dress(A. Pushkin.) Inversion allows you to strengthen the meaning of the main members of the sentence and the definition of crimson (compare: direct order: The forest drops its crimson dress).

In a text, word order is also one of the means of connecting its parts: Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.(I. Turgenev.) Inversion of the complement not only enhances its semantic meaning, but also connects sentences in the text.

Inversion is especially often found in poetic speech, where it not only performs the above functions, but can also serve as a means of creating melodiousness, melody:

Over Moscow great, gold-domed,
Over the Kremlin wall, white stone
Because of the distant forests, because of the blue mountains,
Playfully along the plank roofs,
The gray clouds are accelerating,
The scarlet dawn rises.

(M. Lermontov.)

Intonation includes melody, rhythm, intensity, tempo, timbre of speech, logical stress. It is used to express various grammatical categories or to express the feelings of the speaker.

There are various types of intonation: interrogative, exclamation, enumeration, emphasis, explanatory, etc.

Intonation- a complex phenomenon. It consists of several components.

1. Each phrase has a logical stress, it falls on the word that is the most important in meaning.
2. Intonation consists of raising and lowering the voice - this is the melody of speech.
3. Speech proceeds faster or slower - this forms its tempo.
4. Intonation is also characterized by its timbre, which depends on the target setting and can be gloomy, cheerful, frightened, etc.
5. Pauses are also part of intonation. It is very important to do them in the right place, since the meaning of the statement depends on this:

How surprised he / his brother's words!
How surprised his words / brother!

Intonation interrogative sentences consists in raising the tone of the word on which the logical stress falls: Have you written poetry? Have you written poetry? Have you written poetry? Depending on the place of logical stress, intonation can be ascending, descending or ascending-descending:

The peculiarities of the intonation of exclamation sentences are that the highest pitch, the power of sounding falls on the word emphasized.

Logical stress- this is a semantic stress, it can fall on any word in a sentence, depending on the desire and tasks of the speaker. It highlights the most important thing in the sentence.

Read the following sentences aloud, emphasizing the marked words in intonation:

1) In our garden has ripened grape ;
2) In our garden matured grape;
3) V our the garden has ripe grapes.

The first sentence says that the grapes are ripe, and not something else; in the second, that the grapes are ripe, are already ready; in the third, that the grapes have ripened in our country, and not in our neighbors or somewhere else, etc. The most important thing in the message is usually new, which is given against the background of the given, known to the interlocutors.

Take, for example, the sentence Brother goes to school.

If we emphasize the first word with a stronger emphasis, then we emphasize that it is the brother who studies at the school (and not the sister or anyone else). If we highlight the second word, then we emphasize what exactly the brother is doing. Highlighting the last word with a logical emphasis, we emphasize that my brother goes to school (and not in a technical school, university, etc.).

Depending on the logical stress, the meaning of the sentence changes.

When the place of the logical stress changes, the intonation also changes: if the logical stress falls on the last word, then the intonation of the whole sentence is usually calm and the logical stress itself is weak. And in other cases, the intonation is tense, and the logical stress itself is strong.

An example of how important it is to correctly place a logical emphasis is an excerpt from an article by V. Lakshin about the play by A. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard".

“The capacity of Chekhov's phrase is amazing. Petya Trofimov says in the play: "All Russia is our garden." Actors on different stages in our country and around the world pronounce these four words in different ways.
To emphasize the word "garden" - to respond to Chekhov's dream of the future of the homeland.

On the word “our” - to emphasize the feeling of disinterested ownership, involvement in what your generation has been given to accomplish.

In the word "Russia" it means to respond to one's belonging to everything Russian, a land not chosen, but given from birth.

But perhaps the most accurate way is to emphasize the word “all”: “All Russia is our garden”. For there is no corner in it, to the care and needs of which we have the right to remain deaf, which we would not like to see in the blossoming of “eternal spring”.

And the surest way to this, according to Chekhov, is to start at least one unconditionally disinterested good deed. Write at least one inspirational, honest page. Plant at least one tree. "

Thus, the most important thing in the message can be highlighted both by word order and logical stress.

Word order - a means of oral and written speech, and logical stress is only oral speech .

Boolean stress is required if the word order does not highlight what is most important in the message.

The ability to highlight the most significant in a sentence is a necessary condition for expressive oral speech.

A sentence is built from words or phrases related to each other by means of agreement, control or adjoining. These types of subordinate communication are well known to us, but in speech we do not always know how to use them. Remember how Griboyedovsky Skalozub constructs the phrase: I am ashamed, as an honest officer. I should have said: I, as an honest officer, am ashamed,- however, the speaker violated the agreement of the members of the proposal. Such errors are called syntactic bias: the beginning of a sentence is given in one plane, and the end in another. For poets, the displacement of construction sometimes conveys agitated speech, which, as it were, does not fit into strict grammatical norms. For example:

When with threats, and tears in my eyes,

My cursing century

lost in feasts,

She drove me ...

However, in prose, the shift in construction will surprise us. So, in the autobiography of V. Mayakovsky we read: I'm a poet. This is what makes it interesting. I am writing about this. Do i love, or I'm gambling, about the beauties of the Caucasian nature also - only if it is defended by a word . This was written about himself by a person who was not afraid to shock the reader and even demonstrated his disregard for some traditions ... We are not allowed to do this.

Errors in the sentence structure also arise due to the incorrect use of the adverbial turnover, which should always indicate an additional action of the subject (subject). This is sometimes forgotten, building phrases like this: Lost precious time at work listening to stupid talk; Idleness- this is a relative concept, and sitting at home, it does not exist; You don't have a headache trying to understand all this gibberish?

It is unacceptable to violate the word order when using the participial turnover, which can appear both before and after the defined word, but never includes it in its composition. Incorrectly constructed phrases: The given facts the report testifies to the great success of the graduates; Arrived delegates are invited to the congress in the hall. Such mistakes can distort the meaning of the statement, for example: Adopted program successfully completed at the conference(program adopted at the conference).

Significant difficulties arise with the inept use of the construction with prepositions except, besides, instead of, along with, which must always depend on the predicate. The breaking of this grammatical connection leads to the fact that the turnover introduced by the named prepositions "hangs in the air": Instead of the streets of Latsis and Freedom the buses headed for the newly built section of Planernaya Street; We, besides chickens, intend to engage in the cultivation of turkey poults. Eliminating such errors usually requires significant reworking of sentences; Buses headed not along the streets of Latsis and Svoboda, but on the new route, opened on Planernaya street; We intend to grow not only chickens, but also turkeys.

There are mistakes in the use of conjunctions and prepositions with homogeneous members of the sentence: Built in the city Not only new school, hospital, and drama theater and library(should have written: Not only school... but also theatre); You need to pay attention Not only on the knowledge of students, but also their practical skills(followed: but also on their practical skills, the preposition must be repeated). With such unions, the word order is especially important when using homogeneous members of the sentence. For example, it is violated in this case: In the new premises it will be possible spend not only circus performances, but also arrange big concerts, sporting events ...(right: not only performances, but also competitions or: not only to conduct, but also to arrange). Union not only but connects the compared objects or actions, and, consequently, the corresponding parts of speech: a noun with a noun, a verb with a verb.

Adversary unions ( a, but, however) connect, as a rule, identical members of the sentence. This rule is violated in such a construction: The speakers in the debate not minding against the main points of the report, however consider its incomplete(the circumstance [adverbial turnover] and the predicate are connected). Words denoting only comparable objects can be used as homogeneous members of a sentence; you can't say: Congratulations heartily and personally on my own.

The composition of homogeneous members should not include specific and generic names: Our square- favorite vacation spot residents villages, youth and children.

A common mistake is the inconsistency of one of the homogeneous members (or several) with the word in the sentence with which all other homogeneous members are associated. Let's illustrate this with examples (in the right column, corrected variants of sentences):

brought up in a boy love to travel, dreams about the conquest of space. 1. Reading science fiction novels brought up in a boy love to travel, gave birth to dreams about the conquest of space.
2. Special help and personal participation the head of the depot and the chairman of the trade union committee assisted in holding the Spartakiad. 2. Large help in the Spartakiad provided head of the depot and chairman of the trade union committee, which themselves participated in competitions.
3. Police brought down on youth clubs, tear gas grenades, firearms. 3. Police brought down on youth batons, grenades with tear gas, used a firearm weapon.

As you can see, to correct such errors, you have to introduce new words into the text, eliminating lexical inconsistencies; sometimes a radical revision of the sentence is required, refusal to use homogeneous terms (as in the second example).

When using homogeneous members of a sentence, there are also control errors, if the words combined in a composed row control different forms: Teachers will teach children understand and instill in them a love of painting, literature, music (followed: understand painting, literature, music and instill a love for these types of art).

You can avoid many mistakes when using homogeneous terms if you are more strict about the choice of case forms of nouns in the composed word row. So, the proposal needs stylistic editing: According to the program, students should learn how to perform operations such as sawing out jigsaw of plywood products, drilling, assembly and finishing details. All homogeneous nouns must be in the nominative form (such as ... drilling, assembling, finishing). It is unacceptable to use generalizing words and homogeneous members in different case forms: The director said: “We are currently working on two productions: "The Cherry Orchard" Chekhov and play Volodin "Do not part with your loved ones"(the name of the first performance should also be used in the instrumental case).

A grammatical error is a grammatical expression of homogeneous members of a sentence, for example:

The assistant to the group leader is obliged to help the leader in teaching and educating students:

Know exactly the number of listeners in the group;

Timely report to the group leader about the requests and wishes of the listeners;

Assisting the group leader in working with poorly performing students.

The structure of the sentence is also violated when one of its members and the subordinate part are combined. In one row, you cannot put, for example, an addition and a subordinate clause: The prime minister spoke on the decline inflation and that salary delays no longer. It is also illegal to combine the participial turnover and the subordinate attributive: People deserve indulgence admitting criticism and who correct their mistakes. Replace the subordinate clause with a participle (correcting their mistakes) or use a relative clause instead of a participle (who recognize ...).

There are many difficulties in the structure of a complex sentence. Sometimes it is not justified to use two unambiguous unions next to each other: Your recommendations deserve attention, but nevertheless it is not yet possible to implement this project; He claims, what if the plane was filled with substandard fuel. There is also a wrong choice of union: Your assumption will be confirmed only then if will be proven ...(instead of if need an alliance when, word-related then in the main clause). Misleading repetition of a particle spoils a complex sentence would, in the subordinate part (If these measures had been taken, everything would have ended well). The repetition of conjunctions or allied words with the consistent subordination of clauses gives the phrase a ponderousness.

Let's consider examples of stylistic editing of such sentences.

In the first example, replacing the subordinate clause of a complex sentence with a participle not only simplified the construction, but also clarified the word being defined (not the mountains, a vertices), in the second, she clarified grammatical connections (the first definition refers to the word logics, second - by the way the science). Having got rid of the repetition of union words and stringing of the same subordinate clauses, the editor transformed a complex sentence into a simple one.

Let us recall the playful lines of S.Ya. Marshak, who translated an English poem:

Here is a dog without a tail

which the pats the cat by the collar,

which the scares and catches a tit,

which cleverly steals wheat ...


Literary pronunciation

What is orthoepy

For the success of the orator's speech, the expressiveness of speech is essential, which is achieved by clear, clear pronunciation, correct intonation, and skillfully placed pauses. Particular attention should be paid to the tempo of speech, the strength of the voice, the persuasiveness of the tone, as well as the requirements of oratory: posture, gestures, facial expressions. An important role is given to literary pronunciation and stress, which are studied in a special section of the science of language - in orthoepy.

The ability to correctly formulate your thoughts is fundamental for every literate person. Written speech differs from oral speech in that you have to formulate thoughts especially diligently, making them understandable to everyone. However, in order to compose a sentence, you need to understand only a few fundamental principles of the native language.

Basics of writing proposals

It is important to understand the main thing: the sentence must contain a complete thought.

In the classical version, it is expressed in the form of a grammatical base and minor members. Sometimes, the latter are missing. One of the main members of the grammatical base may also be absent, in this case, the entire semantic load falls on the single main member. Such a proposal is called one-piece.

Principal members

Subject and predicate are the grammatical basis of the sentence.

The subject is expressed by a noun and is always used in the nominative case, that is, answers the questions "who?" or "what?"

The predicate is expressed by a verb and tells us what the subject is doing.

What are active and passive voice

In order to correctly compose a sentence, it is necessary to take into account how it will sound, because the set of words cannot always be correctly understood.

If the subject acts as the performer of the action that expresses the predicate, then we are talking about the active voice: "Masha ate the apple."

If the subject does not perform the actions expressed by the predicate, then we are talking about the passive voice: "The apple was eaten by Masha."

According to the rules of the Russian language, for a more accurate expression of thought, it is better to use an active voice. However, the passive voice is more appropriate in a number of cases:

  • When the performer is unknown;
  • When you need to focus on the subject;
  • In business correspondence.

Minor members

Most often, in addition to the subject and predicate, several words are added to the construction, one way or another, characterizing its grammatical basis. These words play a secondary role. Their presence makes the offer widespread, and if they do not exist, it makes the proposal uncommon.

It is not difficult to compose a sentence spread by minor members, it is enough to concretize or decorate the grammatical basis:

"We have planted gorgeous dahlias in our garden."

Difficult sentence

A complex sentence includes two or more grammatical foundations, in other words, it consists of several simple ones. Composing a complex sentence is not at all difficult when you understand the simple rules.

There can be commas or conjunctions between grammatical stems. If simple sentences in a complex are separated by a comma, then the sentence is considered non-union:

"The grass turns green, the sun shines, the swallow flies to us in the spring in the spring."

If compositional conjunctions are used for separation - and, a, but, yes - the sentence is called compound:

"The dog barks and the cat meows."

When using subordinate conjunctions - if, to, how, because, etc. - the sentence is considered complex.

"We'll sunbathe if the weather is sunny."

How to make a sentence with a phrase

In the Russian language school curriculum, there are often tasks related to the preparation of sentences with certain phrases. Do not be intimidated by this, because it is not difficult at all.

To compose a sentence that includes a given phrase, you need to understand that word forms in the proposed phrase can be changed in accordance with the meaning of the sentence. This means that words can be inflected and conjugated.

These are just the main points regarding the drafting of proposals.

In the text, a separate thought or complete is a sentence. It is a combination of words that are grammatically and intonationally formalized. So they act as an expression or thought that has exhausted itself. In Russian, the order of words in a sentence will help to correctly pose the question, induce action, simply inform. Pronunciation intonation will indicate the need for punctuation marks.

What is the unit of language

The main unit of the Russian language is a sentence, as it is communicative. The construction takes place according to a certain principle. A sentence consists of words, each of which, when used separately, loses its linguistic essence. They are considered syntactic constituents, which subsequently become members and are linked by constituent parts.

Regardless of whether they compose the text in writing or use it in conversation, they adhere to a certain order of words in a sentence in Russian. If this is not done, the interlocutor or listener will not be able to understand what they want to talk about. In some situations, a double meaning arises.

Subject and predicate

The proposal contains major and minor members. A language unit cannot exist without principal. Minor items may be absent. The subject is necessary to name an object or phenomenon. Acts any part of speech that answers the question "who?" or "what?"

  • I'm walking in a park. (The subject is expressed by a pronoun.)
  • The trees stand in gold. (Noun.)
  • Learning is our task. (Verb.)
  • Several minutes passed in this way. (Phrase.)

A one-part nominative sentence includes a subject indicating the presence of phenomena. However, more often a predicate stands next to it. This is the second constituent of the main members. The part is necessary to indicate the action of the subject: "The sun has risen." In some cases, it indicates a sign: "The bread was warm." Most often, the predicate is a verb. If it is present in a sentence in one word, it is called a simple verbal predicate, consisting of two words - a compound verbal predicate.

Simple sentence

Depending on the number of grammatical foundations, the sentence can be simple or complex. Minor members are present or absent, indicating such characteristics as prevalence and non-prevalence. The simple consists of one or two main members. One-part - a simple one-word sentence.

There are several varieties:

  1. Vaguely personal: "He was asked to come out."
  2. Generalized personal: "You can't hide an awl in a sack."
  3. Impersonal: "The air smells of spring."
  4. Definitely personal: "I stand and think."
  5. Infinitive: "Stop! Need to think."
  6. Name: "Spring!"

The word order in a simple sentence is a specific arrangement of members in the usual form or inverse, which is called inversion. The first type is most often used in business speech, in scientific articles. The second is necessary for literary and artistic works, in colloquial speech.

In a two-part simple sentence, the options are the same. It has a subject and a predicate, minor members in the form of an object, definition and circumstance. “We're talking about a new book. The sun came out from behind a cloud. Tomorrow I will go on vacation. "

Difficult sentence

A complex sentence contains two or more simple ones. They are connected by intonation and meaning. This means that there will be as many grammatical foundations as sentences. They are connected by punctuation marks and conjunctions. Hence the name non-union.

There are two types:

  1. Compound. Consist of several parts, which are independent and grammatically related. They are connected with the help of unions a, yes, but, and, however, on the other hand. This also includes complex unions neither ... nor ...; then ... then ...; not that ... not that ... “He left, and I was upset. The plane stopped and the passengers went to the exit. Now mom whispers quietly, then dad calls out loudly.
  2. Complicated. Two simple sentences are connected by subordinate unions. Among them, one part is subordinate to the other in grammatical and semantic terms. In Russian, the order of words in a sentence is the same as in the first form. Differs in the use of subordinate unions if, when, therefore. They are used with complex union words due to the fact that; thanks to. “I can help if you tell me everything. We did it quickly, thanks to the help we got. "

There is a kind of sentences in which parts are connected using punctuation marks. In a non-union form, they are grammatically independent, but unequal in meaning. There are no unions and allied words here: “The sun was warming, the birds were singing. I spoke, she was silent. "

How to put words together

The word order in a sentence is a specific arrangement of parts of speech that are grammatically related. It is considered free, that is, there is no assigned place for each of the members of the proposal. "The cook decorated the cake for a long time yesterday" - the words can be rearranged several times, which will allow you to get different construction options.

The forward and reverse word order depends on the structure of the sentence, the use of members in the context. The reverse - inversion - is necessary in a literary text. It should be distinguished from spoken language, in which special sentences are built according to special rules. Business and formal style implies the use of direct order. The transmission of an idea to another person must correspond to the written, so that the facts are not distorted.

Statement of subject and predicate

The order of words in the sentence, intonation is different when choosing the stylistic direction of the text. The main members matter. The subject indicates who is the most important, the predicate - what he does. They are placed in no particular order. It is important not to violate or distort the transmitted data.

In declarative sentences, the subject is often the first. "Mom said she was going to meet with her classmates." Another setting is also possible: "Mom first looked, and then dad decided to make sure."

  1. In the author's words with direct speech. "Let's go to the cinema!" - Dad said resolutely.
  2. When the subject is a natural phenomenon, and the predicate is being, the course of action. "Autumn has come. The weather was sunny. "
  3. In the story when using the description. "Leaves are dancing, the moon is winking."
  4. As an inversion. "The job of a rescuer is difficult."
  5. If in the beginning, use an adverbial word. "Guests have arrived from the Caucasus."

In interrogative sentences, the predicate is first put: "Will he save me?" Incentives are highlighted by the presence of an order, advice, so they are categorical. First, put the subject. Otherwise, soften the tone. “You finish sorting vegetables today. Finish sorting vegetables today. " In colloquial speech, a bunch of a nominal predicate is used in front of the subject: "I was impatient, wayward."

Definition and formulation

What order of words in a sentence in Russian you need to know, since minor members also have their own meaning for the transfer of information. An agreed definition comes before the related noun: proven data, unapproachable mountains. If there are several of them, the order depends on the morphology.

The pronoun comes to the fore: on this joyful day, your further actions. This also includes quality adjectives: early light spring. Inconsistent definitions are placed after the word being defined. When a personal pronoun has a possessive meaning, it is written before the main word: "No one heard his objections."

Addition in a sentence

Among the minor members, the addition occupies an important place. It is represented by a pronoun, a noun. When writing, they put after the control word: watch TV, ready for dialogue. It is important to pay attention to the transmission of certain information.

A proposal can be written in several versions.

  • I liked the job.
  • I liked the job.
  • I liked the work.
  • I liked the work.
  • I liked the job.

In impersonal sentences, the addition is placed before the control word. “He will have to go outside in the rain. The girl is not feeling well. " If there are several additions, they all refer to one control word. In Russian, the word order in a sentence suggests several options. First, there is a direct view: "Explain your behavior to everyone present." The indirect variant in the dative case, on the contrary, is written before the direct one: "Tell us your wishes regarding the holiday."

Statement of other members of the proposal

Before the predicate, they use the adverb in - o and - e: "We will definitely go to the rink." Some words are combined in reverse order. The circumstances of the course of action depend on the other minor members: “The tourists walked slowly. The tourists walked slowly along the steep path. " If measure and degree are meant, they are placed before the word on which they depend. Temporary words are used before predicate verbs. The circumstances of the place are written at the beginning of the sentence, then the predicate and subject: "A beautiful red sun was falling on the left."

Introductory words, particles and prepositions are not members of the sentence. Their use occurs in free form. “Unfortunately, I will not be able to come. I, unfortunately, will not be present. " The address is also freely put, however, it is most often used at the beginning of a sentence. This can be seen in the example: “Vanya, let's go for a walk. Come on, Vanya, let's look at the peacocks. We won't be able to come to you today, Vanya. " Particles are placed in front of the word to which they refer. The preposition cannot be separated from the controlled noun.

It is not difficult to compose sentences, since the free expression of thoughts is allowed. The definition of "word order in a sentence" must be known in order to convey a specific meaning. Change and misconstruction leads to distortion of the facts, so the listener may not understand what is being told.