Aries strong sign. The strongest spirit signs of the zodiac

Aries strong sign. The strongest spirit signs of the zodiac
Aries strong sign. The strongest spirit signs of the zodiac

An artist to offend everyone! Yes, this is the case, the twins are the weak zodiac sign that is not able to keep a blow. So twins in principle would have every chance of becoming zodiacal boys for beating. Unless, of course, among all other signs, there would be at least one idiot, who would need to go out with her silica of the Bogatyr vehicle against the twins. Against the twins and their Jesuit tricks and outstanding cunning.

11th place - cancer

Forces in cancer Mala, but she is not particularly necessary for him - he is still in the house. In his beautiful, cozy house-bunker, in which you can safely live in a nuclear war and a zombie apocalypse. So the only case when cancer needs strength is a riot of households. But at this case, cancer has acutely sharpened metaphorical tulle. Called "and not ashamed of you?!"

10 place - scales

A small, weak and gentle cat falling into the astral at the slightest signs of aggression aimed in his direction. It should be noted that the tactics "in any incomprehensible situation are pretending to be dead" perfectly replaces the weights missing strength, so that they are not very so powerful. Well, except in that situation when the weighs themselves want to be aggressive. However, they are twisted elementary - they simply straighten into the enemy of their hand-made Aries.

9th place - Virgo

Virgin, unlike the rest of the zodiacal weaknesses, is very much suffering about their weakness. "Why, why didn't the universe squeeze me a bigger silence?" - Virgo sighs, and all the other signs of the furtiveness are rapidly the unaware of praise for this act. It is terrible to imagine that the Virgo could have to do if she would have given out her strength to the umudica.

8th place - Fish

Fish power - in their weakness, it is every obvious. But not everyone understands that the fish are not so weak at all, as they want to seem. And only our magic ball knows that his weak silk fish can accumulate in anticipation of the right moment, and they can expect almost forever without letting themselves anything. So the blow to fish tail evil enemies always get suddenly. Sometimes to death.

7th place - lion

Lions absolutely sincerely imagine themselves with omnipotent zodiac samsons and believe that their strength: 1) is stronger than all the rest; 2) limitless; 3) eternal. Situations in which the enemy turned out to be stronger, formidable lions prefer to forget immediately: I do not remember - it means there was not! But, however, these situations happen to lions infrequently: well, what a fool to decide to check if the lion is actually strong, as he says? Well him.

6th place - Aquarius

The strength of Aquarius is truly limitless, they do not take away. But the power in it sometimes is not enough. That is, Aquarius could develop their silicon and get a gold medal in this ranking, but they don't need it at all. Well, what is the meaning of what power is to fight, or what? He himself does not want to fight with anyone, but those who want to fight him are rapidly disappointed. In a difficult situation, Aquarius opens a talent for mutations and turns into a puddle of elastic clad. Very smelly, we note, Thieves: I will hit once - all my life you can not sleep.

5th place - Scorpio

Scorpions, according to all other signs, have a completely incredible force, perhaps even mystical. What is unexpected completely wrong. Not that scorpions are some weaklings there, just their strength is nothing in comparison with their other outstanding qualities: cunning and cunning. So actually by the force of scorpions is rarely used. Well, what's the point of knocking out the door from running, if you know how to open the locks, right?

4th place - Aries

The honorable fourth place goes to Aries, which are the classic case "the power is - the mind is not necessary." Moreover, "no need" does not mean "no". Just in the inner firmware of Aries, there is a mysterious and incurable bug, which turns off the function of the mind when the power function is turned on. And, oddly enough, it is this bug that makes Aries almost invincible: it's completely useless to argue with an enraged autumn, because he does not understand any damn, but it is pointless, because he is still stronger. Profit!

3rd place - Taurus

The top three leaders are closed, on which, as is known, you can plow in 24/7 mode. It should be true, to take into account that the Taurus who for some reason does not want to plow, rests against the same force with which she usually plows, and it is absolutely impossible to move it from the spot. But this may, and for the better. Because the Taurus at all applies his mighty power to everything, and as long as he does nothing power, you can live peacefully. Exactly until the calf decides that now it's time to pope in 24/7 mode. All. Yes, and you, including loafers! Resistance, naturally, is useless.

2nd place - Sagittarius

Desperate fighter. An expensive amount of the Bogatyr silhole, but where to apply it - did not explain it to the stretched universe. Therefore, Sagittarius, as a rule, spend it to stop galloping horses, which they themselves also forced galloping. You can observe this process infinitely because it looks really amazing. If you, of course, this time did not appoint a horse.

1st place - Capricorn

Capricorn - not just the strongest zodiac sign. Capricorn is a battery person who draws the power of a mysterious internal source, and then telling it in need for free without SMS. May the power be with you, are you, how are you there?! What doesn't it mean? As Capricorn will say, so it will be. In any case, yes.

An artist to offend everyone! Yes, this is the case, the twins are the weak zodiac sign that is not able to keep a blow. So twins in principle would have every chance of becoming zodiacal boys for beating. Unless, of course, among all other signs, there would be at least one idiot, who would need to go out with her silica of the Bogatyr vehicle against the twins. Against the twins and their Jesuit tricks and outstanding cunning.

11th place - cancer

Forces in cancer Mala, but she is not particularly necessary for him - he is still in the house. In his beautiful, cozy house-bunker, in which you can safely live in a nuclear war and a zombie apocalypse. So the only case when cancer needs strength is a riot of households. But at this case, cancer has acutely sharpened metaphorical tulle. Called "and not ashamed of you?!"


10 place - scales

A small, weak and gentle cat falling into the astral at the slightest signs of aggression aimed in his direction. It should be noted that the tactics "in any incomprehensible situation are pretending to be dead" perfectly replaces the weights missing strength, so that they are not very so powerful. Well, except in that situation when the weighs themselves want to be aggressive. However, they are twisted elementary - they simply straighten into the enemy of their hand-made Aries.

9th place - Virgo

Virgin, unlike the rest of the zodiacal weaknesses, is very much suffering about their weakness. "Why, however, why didn't the smallest silence, the universe did not squeeze me a bigger silence, and all the other signs were sighing with an expensive universe praise for this act. It's scary to imagine that I could do the Deva, if it were for her forces. Let us give out.

8th place - Fish

Fish power - in their weakness, it is every obvious. But not everyone understands that the fish are not so weak at all, as they want to seem. And only our magic ball knows that his weak silk fish can accumulate in anticipation of the right moment, and they can expect almost forever without letting themselves anything. So the blow to fish tail evil enemies always get suddenly. Sometimes to death.

7th place - lion

Lions absolutely sincerely imagine themselves with omnipotent zodiac samsons and believe that their strength: 1) is stronger than all the rest; 2) limitless; 3) eternal. Situations in which the enemy turned out to be stronger, formidable lions prefer to forget immediately: I do not remember - it means there was not! But, however, these situations happen to lions infrequently: well, what a fool to decide to check if the lion is actually strong, as he says? Well him.

6 Place - Outlook

The strength of Aquarius is truly limitless, they do not take away. But the power in it sometimes is not enough. That is, Aquarius could develop their silicon and get a gold medal in this ranking, but they don't need it at all. Well, what is the meaning of what power is to fight, or what? He himself does not want to fight with anyone, but those who want to fight him are rapidly disappointed. In a difficult situation, Aquarius opens a talent for mutations and turns into a puddle of elastic clad. Very smelly, we note, Thieves: I will hit once - all my life you can not sleep.

5th place - Scorpio

Scorpions, according to all other signs, have a completely incredible force, perhaps even mystical. What is unexpected completely wrong. Not that scorpions are some weaklings there, just their strength is nothing in comparison with their other outstanding qualities: cunning and cunning. So actually by the force of scorpions is rarely used. Well, what's the point of knocking out the door from running, if you know how to open the locks, right?

4th place - Aries

The honorable fourth place goes to Aries, which are the classic case "the power is - the mind is not necessary." Moreover, "no need" does not mean "no". Just in the inner firmware of Aries, there is a mysterious and incurable bug, which turns off the function of the mind when the power function is turned on. And, oddly enough, it is this bug that makes Aries almost invincible: it's completely useless to argue with an enraged autumn, because he does not understand any damn, but it is pointless, because he is still stronger. Profit!

3rd place - Taurus

The top three leaders are closed, on which, as is known, you can plow in 24/7 mode. It should be true, to take into account that the Taurus who for some reason does not want to plow, rests against the same force with which she usually plows, and it is absolutely impossible to move it from the spot. But this may, and for the better. Because the Taurus at all applies his mighty power to everything, and as long as he does nothing power, you can live peacefully. Exactly until the calf decides that now it's time to pope in 24/7 mode. All. Yes, and you, including loafers! Resistance, naturally, is useless.

2nd place - Sagittarius

Desperate fighter. An expensive amount of the Bogatyr silhole, but where to apply it - did not explain it to the stretched universe. Therefore, Sagittarius, as a rule, spend it to stop galloping horses, which they themselves also forced galloping. You can observe this process infinitely because it looks really amazing. If you, of course, this time did not appoint a horse.

1st place - Capricorn

Capricorn - not just the strongest zodiac sign. Capricorn is a battery person who draws the power of a mysterious internal source, and then telling it in need for free without SMS. May the power be with you, are you, how are you there?! What doesn't it mean? As Capricorn will say, so it will be. In any case, yes.

Some people are born in gentle and wounded, others - punch and confident. Everyone is endowed with individual talent. Today we will talk about the strongest signs of the zodiac. Read the details in this article.

  1. Capricorn - the power of patience
  2. The power of Capricorn - in his patience, perseverance and the ability to wait. He first puts the goals, and then long and persistently moves to their achievement. This approach invariably leads to an excellent result.

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    No, Capricorn does not seek easy victories. Swift conquests - not in his style. He first thinks out everything, will prepare the ground for future accomplishments, and after that it will begin to act. In his notebook you can always find plans and schedules.

    Saturn is a patron of Capricorn - manages time. Therefore, our hero knows that time on his side. It does not give up at the first difficulties. On the contrary, they spur him to show even more perseverance.

    When competitors have already surrendered, Capricorn makes the last jerk and receives the long-awaited prize.

    One of the secrets of the success of Capricorn is in its methodical and a rational approach. Sober calculation and analysis of the situation without unnecessary emotions helps to make the right decisions and find the best ways.

  3. Aries - the strength of movement
  4. Aries - a person direct and very energetic. He is always full of ideas, without which his life would become unbearably empty and boring. Continuous movement forward is the key to its good mood and well-being.

    Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries in all seeks to become No. 1. To be the first to overtake competitors, make better than others - these are the main incentives of his activity. The element of the competition is only heated by his interest.

    Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are able to completely surrender. These are those people who claim: "There are no problems, there are only tasks." The tasks set, they decide quickly, showing their rapid character.

    Aries will not be trapped in place, a long-thinking question. He prefers to act, not wait.

    And such a tactic can lead to success. While competitors are slow, Aries has already coped with the task.

  5. Lion - Power of Personality
  6. The lion highly appreciates success in society, from nature is endowed with leadership qualities. This is ambitious and at the same time a very charming person. Usually, Lviv love those surrounding their bright individuality.

    Representatives of this sign are not afraid to take responsibility. They are distinguished by courage and desire to express themselves.

    Therefore, the wonderful leaders and leaders who respember subordinates are obtained from Lviv.

    The feeling of self-esteem is another of the key quality of the lion. He will not help to humiliate himself. This is a worthy opponent who will be able to repulse with any sign of the zodiac. But with the defeated lion always comes noble.

    This zodiac sign of a piece of compliments and enchanting. Lions adore when they are deservedly praise, especially when they are doing in humans. If someone will cut the lion in front of others, he will receive an irreconcilable enemy.

  7. Scorpio - emotional force
  8. Scorpions are passionate and impulsive nature, although they show it only to close people. Their inner world is saturated with emotions and experiences. Internal work gives a powerful energy charge for active activities and achievements.

    Scorpio loves to be the first and seek high results. But his approach differs from the approach. He prefers not to demonstrate his desires, but secretly look for ways to achieve them.

    Scorpions generally love secrets. They gives pleasure to solve secrets from the life of others. The powerful mind and the desire to do in everything to the truth usually open the veil over what is hidden from the rest.

    This zodiac sign is the most stress-resistant of all. And all thanks to the patron woman - Planet Pluto, who is responsible for the revival.

    However, it will be a mistake to think that scorpion does not survive stress at all - on the contrary, his feelings are deep. But the power of negative emotions is capable of transforming into a powerful energy charge and spend it to achieve its goals.

  9. Aquarius - Power of Individuality

Aquarius since childhood feels like everyone else. He thinks not as others, dresses extravagant or has an unusual hobby. It is very important for him to show its uniqueness and not to go about others.

At the same time, Aquarius is a collectivist. He loves to work in the group, because Understands that everyone makes his part of the work, everyone contributes a part of itself into a common cause. As a result, together, it is possible to achieve much more than one by one.

Aquarius is stubborn if not to say stubborn. He wants to do in his own way, and no one can convince him in this. Thanks to the acute mind and extraordinary resource, representatives of this sign are known for their achievements in science. Recall, for example, Thomas Edison and Dmitry Mendeleev.

Aquarius will always prefer their own path, and not a failed track. Therefore, he can achieve heights in those areas in which most people simply do not fall.

Such is the five of the strongest zodiac signs. Of course, other signs can also show the power of character, the will to win and succeed in life.

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Strong signs of the zodiac - cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Scales, Capricorn), and Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). In the Cardinal Cross, each of the four elements begins its intensive development. In a fixed cross, the element reaches its maximum, and in Mutabelny - weakens and dissipates. So, Aries is the beginning of the element of fire, the lion is the maximum of the elements and, finally, the Sagittarius is a decline of fire.

What is the strongest zodiac sign

Put a question in this way: what is the strongest zodiac sign, incorrectly, since, for example, the sign of the Aries, endowed with natural strength, the desire for life, leadership abilities, can be very vulnerable in his perception of the world as an exclusively aggressive environment, in their fear disappear without a trace, dissolve in huge society. He constantly experiences the need to prove its strength, protect his ego.

Signs of the zodiac in force - it is probably possible to make such a rating, but it will be far from objectivity.

Let's go back to the strong sign of the Aries zodiac. According to Eastern Philosophy Sign Aries this is a transcendental victim . His impulse as if the last desperate flash before the end. Conquering anything - love, authority, receiving recognition, etc., he loses interest. In general, it rarely brings things to the end, often everything just throws, providing the opportunity to finish with other signs. And this feature relates rather to weak, rather than to strong. So, fiery Aries, undoubtedly, a strong zodiac sign, but at the same time can be weak, vulnerable.

Signs of the zodiac on force - Strong and weak signs of the zodiac

Along with this, signs that are hardly accepted by the strong signs of the zodiac, they can have a large number of virtues that make up their spiritual power.

Thus, the zodiac sign of cancer among its strong characteristics shows the surrounding great persistence. In risky affairs, cancer can take a leading position. In addition, people are a patronage father or maternal location, a desire to help those who need it. Craks are very felling, prudent, hardworking, executive, so, in this regard is a female strong zodiac sign.

But Aries and Cancer belong to the cardinal signs. And how is the case with fixed signs? Here, in general, everything is the same. For example, the Earth Zodiac sign is calm, confident, stable, can be generous and generous.

Taurus rules the house of money, so finance is the closest topic. This is a very strong zodiac sign, but what makes it weak? His negative features. Taurus can not be called a vicious personality, but he has its own defects. They may master greed. The better his financial affairs, the more strengthened in his soul the scrambledness, borestolubia, greed, relaxing him spiritually, burning off from people, making vulnerable.

What is the strongest zodiac sign - astrological signs

With changeable signs, not everything is simple. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and fish in certain situations weak and wounded, however, we can also say that these are very strong zodiac signs.

Gemini are strong intellectually, virgins have a lot of features worthy of admiration: logic, sensuality, intellect, the virgins are not afraid to take a big responsibility. , outdoor, sincere, freedom-loving, fair, brave, ambitious and purposeful. There is enough character traits to name the Sagittarius by the strongest zodiac sign.

What zodiac sign is the strongest /

To successfully build attitudes, first of all in the working team, it would be nice to know who is considered the strongest sign of the zodiac, according to astrologers. Yes, and in the affairs of family, such knowledge will not be superfluous.

Immediately clarify that under the "force" means psychological invulnerability and moral resistance.

The strongest signs of the zodiac on the elements

Water element signs:

  • Fish- the strongest, and not only in his element, but also among all the signs of the zodiac circle;
  • Scorpio- average position,
  • Cancer- The weakest in the aquatic element.

Signs of fire element:

  • Sagittarius- the strongest;
  • a lion- "Golden middle";
  • Aries- The most spiritually weak, and not only in his element, but also among all the signs of the zodiac circle.

Signs of earthly element:

  • Capricorn- the strongest;
  • Virgo- "midview",
  • calf- the weakest.

Signs of air element:

  • Aquarius - leaders in force,
  • Libra - in the middle of the list of his element,
  • Twins - the weakest.

At the same time, representatives of the sign are strong not only in relation to their fellows on the elements, but also in relation to the signs of the zodiac of other elements, which occupy a weaker than they are position. For example, the Sagittarius is stronger than the Virgin, and the Virgo is equally successfully manipulated by twins, as well as scales.

But if you are Aries, and you upset this rating, astrologers have something to console. Thanks to the influence of the Sun and Mars of Aries, Lions, Scorpions and Capricorns often better than everyone in the zodiac circle are expressing and arranged in life too well.

Strong zodiac sign among women

12th place: Raki.

These girls do not really know how to solve their problems, but therefore do not like. On criticism, even constructive, they are the first to be offended, and difficulties drive them into depression. The optimal option for them is to have a patron (from Mom to her husband) so that he solve complex questions for them.

11th place: calf

These girls are afraid of change - hence the majority of difficulties in their lives. For example, work they will not change themselves until they are watched - even if it is bad and low salary.

10th place: Twins

These girls are capable of collapse - but only if they praise and morally support. Otherwise, like with cancer: fall into a stupor, nervous and begin to make mistakes.

9th place: Fish

Overly patient. This is a plus, and minus. Instead of solving the problem - they just lose her. In some ways it is correct: "After all, 80% of the problems are solved by themselves, and 20% are not solved at all."

8th place: Virgo

Silenok from the dev many - but there is little initiative. They act according to the principle: why pick the code to the closed door - if there are open next door? So what did that wanted to the pool, and the door turned out to be the door to the bath? It is easier to adjust and change plans.

7 place: Libra

These girls solve problems love. The whole trouble is that they tend to try to solve all the scope. That is, break the whole broom whole, and not on a twist. The best advice for them is to divide the tasks and be consistent.

6th place: Aquarius

Too love to move alive. They are worth even sometimes to go into the course of female tricks.