What is wealth? Lexical meaning.

 What is wealth? Lexical meaning.
What is wealth? Lexical meaning.

What is wealth? What is the point in itself this word? What image is behind him?

In some people, this word is associated with the desire to live in prosperity, have cash. For other wealth is spiritual development. Remember? "It is easier for a camel to go to the needle-minded ear, rather than rich in the kingdom of heaven." And in the paradise, oh how you want.

How to resolve this contradiction?

For myself, I was already allowed for myself. I have my own image of this word.

Look in the dictionary of the Russian language ...

"Wealth is an abundance of material values, money."

And now let's turn to the etymology, that is, the origin of this word.

In the word wealth, the main root basis is God.

The Version of God is the "endowing the wealth", "giving well-being."

Interestingly, Indo-European origin says about the same: Bhaga- "welfare", "happiness", as well as "vesting", "gives".

IN greek This word carries such concepts as a "chunk of bread", "Vladyka", "Tsar".

As we see, in modern definition of this word and in the root semantic meaning enclosed a big difference. What she - will show on.

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A meeting
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When I touched this topic, there were many questions in front of me: - What is wealth? "Why are some people who have material benefits, and others do not?" - Why Mothers

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The first step towards wealth
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Consumer psychology
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Immersion in Trans
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Attitude towards money
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Attitude towards me
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The main reasons for lack of money
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Purpose or remedy?
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Denial of money
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Money is good or evil?
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What is freedom?
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Everything in nature is committed to profits
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Let's start with anxiety. It appears whenever a person begins to think about money, more precisely, that they are lacking or not. Let's consider the mechanism for the appearance of this feeling.

Fear of losing money
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Amount of money
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Formation of consciousness of abundance
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Careful attitude towards the surrounding world
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Be generous. Learn to give
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Pity, compassion and new attitude to beggar
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Life in debt
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Products in Credit
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Give money
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Debt Return
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That is the question!
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In search of treasure
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Dear reader, let me ask indiscreet and to some extent a naive question: "Do you need money?" If you are not a hermit and live in the forest, then you really need money.

How to find a favorite thing?
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Individual labor activity
This sector is more suitable for people who do not like to depend on others. They themselves want to control their income, want to have a free work schedule. They understand that the more will be

Social subsidies
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Ownership of the company
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Formation of intent
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Domestic resources
First of all, this is the mood of the owner. It will attract necessary people and funds. In addition, you need inspiration (see above). This is a special state of creative lifting and tide Creative

External resources
Of course, these are people, like-minded people who will help you build a dream world. Therefore, it is important to have good relationships with people. Love for people. The company is a common cause, which

Possible obstacles when creating an enterprise
The most basic are fears and doubts. We disassemble them in detail at the beginning of this book and in other books. I just want to add that fear is always aggression. Therefore, you do not need to spend

This is one of the main obstacles in prosperity and development. Thoughts about competition, and the rival competitors themselves appear only when you do not create, but "make money." But on the per

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This is one of my favorite topics. And not only because I love to do and take gifts. But the most important thing is that this sector corresponds to a special internal state. It is difficult to describe words. His

Dear reader! We looked at all six sources of cash in cash.

Financial literacy
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Reasonable disposal money
Known american writer Richard Bach unexpectedly found out that his Books became bestsellers, and his account in the bank increased to a million. Money fell on him like snow on the head.

Distribution of money on statistics
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What to invest money?
Want to know what attachment is the most profitable, what kind of asset is the best? Guess? That you yourself! Insert the means and time in your development, in the extension of your wisdom. And get the very

Space for life
In any questionnaire, first of all, we write your last name, that is, we answer the question: who are we? What are we kind? Then answer the question: where do we live? And this is not just some kind of faceless

For those who decided to stay
If you, my native man, decided to stay in this world, and live forever, then let's build a full-fledged life together. Rasting healthy and happy children. Create beautiful paradise gardens.

Goodbye, Greece!
We sat in a small cafe in the building of the airport. It was half an hour before the registration, and we had time to talk. The seminar was successful. Valentine has become a salary translating

Money formulas
Money - metal and paper signs that are a measure of cost when buying and selling. Money is a means for the purchase of goods, services and labor. Money is an inorganic subject

Worldview of poor and rich man
The worldview of the poor man (corresponds to the old model of consciousness) the worldview of a rich man (corresponds to a new model of consciousness) a poor man believes in need and deprivation. Sees pr.

Wealth cf. Many, abundance, abundance, excess, excess. Wealth harvest. Wealth of thoughts. | Abundance of property, belly, money, Yarosl. Bone. Bocia, Arch. Romance, bottom. Wealth, Ryas. rheel w., Zap. Boga Wed (see also Bakhatka), belly, estate, property, wealth, wealth, condition; sufficiency, prosperity; objects that make up the property of a person and the most life, the state of the prosperity; Antipol. Poverty, lack, poverty, poverty, need, larger. The wealth of the sleeper is akin to. Wealth is measured, and poverty is oppressed. Wealth jerks off (letters), and poverty is plot. Not the person in wealth, which is in poverty. Wealth - water, came and gone. The stupid son is not to help wealth. Not with wealth to live, with a person, talk. About marriage. Not a horse without a just, nor wealth is crazy. Wealth is the mind gives birth (the mind gives). Poverty is crying, rich jumps. In hell not to be, wealth does not get rich. Not from poverty (poverty) misfortune came out, from wealth. | Pumbness, splendor, luxury. Temple decoration is famous for wealth. Rich, riching, rich rods. Abundant, abundant, excess, many. Rich harvest. Rich copper ore. Rich imagination. | Holding great property, estate, wealth. The man is rich that the bull is horny, comes. Rich living, and poor dressing. A rich man saves face (in a fight), and poor clothes. The richest (richer), the stupid. And richly, yes Skupenk. Rich - mind will buy; The poor and I would sell my own, do not buy. Husband his wife loves healthy, and brother sister rich. Who is overcome, he is not rich. To which I (or: Do not need me) is rich, feedor. Do not ask for a rich, askorly. Not rich feed, torping. The rich feature of children rolling. You will be rich, you will be horny. Who is rich, both horns, proud. The rich will not sleep: the rich thief is afraid. Not rich, yes Thorough. Looking at people, you will not be rich. After all, I'm not on a rich man whined, but on God, they say if they do not believe the female. Snow and rain on a wedding train - richly live. Rich devils of money kuyu. The rich need not comrade. Not strong, do not fight: not rich, do not be angry. You will be rich, you will be a stingy. It is hard to be rich, but full (but pleased) is not wise. Ornate nash. excessively, abundant, dusty, luxurious, excellent; | rode. Tul. Good, nice, named, beautiful; | thief. Orl. Maloros. lot. We have rich sheep. Rich, Goyatnaya, Sib. rich m. Boggy, Bogacheh, Bogach, Arch. richoy about. Bogatyr South. Zap., rich in the property; Healing, valid, very sufficient, wealthy, money. | Rich, fire, see Bog. Rich - Puzachi; Golyaki - Golenastics. A rich rich beer has a lot of beer, but with a stone it would be in water. God, they praise, Christ the most rich rich in curse. Bogachery Wed Collected. Rich people, rich. There was such a rich thing that fear. Rogue m. Rogue Son or daughter of rich. Unacceptable romors live; Needs doctrine better. Bogati that Popovichi da Blue horses: rarely succeed. Bogichihin, belonging to rich. Before the gate, in front of the rich, song. Riding whom to enrich, endow wealth. What robes, then the zorit, trade. Rich or rich, enriched, rearing; be enriching The stenitude is not ridiculous, and the old age wanted. Boggy of Wed Watering action, enrichment. Riching, state of riching. He pulled out, got caught, and he enriched, and his rich himself. Rober m. Rogue Enriching whom giving wealth. Earth-mother is ours rich. Jogh, robe, Bog. Tver. resin. Rough. CONYZA; Comannik, Fleece; | Rough. guns, erigeroon, floss, fear; Ivan-Kupala is guessing it: stick the kidney in the gap of the hut, or put under the icons; will bloom to good; will die, to thin. Difficult words: omitic, richer, etc. understandable, but heavy and lowly consumers.


means a set of objects that serve to meet human needs and in possession of a separate person, groups of persons or a whole people. This definition given by the best representatives of English classic school, Adam Smith and Ricardo, identifies the concept of wealth with the concept of property in general, no matter how great or not least. But the Russian language, as well as some of the other European languages, for example. German, it is typical of the use of the word "wealth" in the sense of significant property - significant as compared with the amount of owner's needs and compared with the property of other persons. We call a rich man who can eat well, dress and placed, can satisfy all the requirements of comfort and luxury, without reducing their condition and moreover without significant work on their part. As the lifestyle and the needs of people change, then the face that hear for rich in provincial cityMaybe in the capital to be considered only a person of medium wealth. - It must be borne in mind that the richness includes not all objects that benefit or pleasure, but only such from among them, to obtain a person who should spend any effort and for which for this reason you can get with a modern menovo farm Exchange any other things or services. So, for example, the air is a matter of necessity for a person, but it cannot be counted for wealth or a separate person, nor the whole country, because it turns out to be a gift, without any effort or donations from a person. In any sense, he understood the word "wealth" - in the sense of property in general, or in the sense of significant property, in any case, in determining it should be distinguished by the point of view of a separate person and the whole people. For a whole nation wealth is only such items that themselves serve for any benefit or pleasure; In a particular person, wealth can be, in addition, the requirements that he has in relation to other persons, for example. debt obligations of other persons, shares pointing to participation in some enterprise state funds And other interest papers. When we wish to calculate the wealth of a separate person, for example, when determining the inheritance, we include all such requirements; Meanwhile, from the point of view of nationwide, they do not constitute and cannot be wealth: increasing the property of one person, these requirements reduce the property of another and, therefore, do not produce any changes in the sum of all popular wealth. If the state found it possible to destroy these mutual obligations or delay them on famous timeThe property of a separate person could suffer from the damage, but the amount of the wealth of the whole people would not have experienced any change. Another difference between the wealth of a separate person and the whole people is that the first can change due to raising the exchange value of the objects of items, whereas on the last these changes do not have actions. Due to the progressive value of the harvest, the harvest can rise twice as much as in harvest yearand this will entail an increase in the wealth of individuals who have bread reserves; But it would be strange to say that with a smaller yield the whole people are richer than with more. Therefore, if it is desirable to make an accurate assessment of popular wealth, it is impossible to achieve this goal through a simple addition of private wealth, measured by their value. Compare folk property in various epochs and B. different countries Perhaps not otherwise, as by carefully transferring useful items that were or located in the possession of the people. We can talk about the growth of people's wealth only if the country has increased the amount or quality of useful items created by human efforts, buildings, ships, home utensils, agricultural, manufactory works, etc., the same incremental value of items included in The composition of the national property does not even give the right to conclude an increase in the wealth of the country. Such an increment could occur, for example, from raising the value of land caused by the increase in population, or from elevation of the value of houses due to the tide of residents to the known part of the country; And these changes, forcing the population to pay more for the same lands and at home, can not be called favorable for popular wealth.

From the foregoing, it is clear that in order to compile the correct concept of people's wealth, it would be necessary to produce a detailed census of all items that are part of individual farms with the measure of the qualities of each of these items. But since such a task is unattainable with modern condition Statistics, then in view of practical need and theoretical interest, approximate estimates are often made, which seek to achieve the goal, lifting only the main categories of items that are part of the national property and giving them on the basis of various methods Famous alleged rates. Statistical literature represents many examples of such calculations. Without claiming full accuracy, they give, however, some points of support for judgment about relative economic power nations and especially those changes that occur in individual countries over time. We present some of the more well-known calculus of this kind.

Regarding the UK there is a number of computing produced for different periods Time famous statistics Jiffen. Jiffen accepts for the basis of his calculations data on income tax, which it will capitalize to obtain the value of property from various percent, depending on the nature of the property: so for example, to calculate the capital value of houses in the country, he vies 15 the amount of their income shown in 15 in tax lists, the capital size of farmers is determined by multiplying their annual income by 8, etc. Of course, the information obtained in this way cannot claim accuracy, but they are sufficient to judge the changes taking place in the country's wealth, especially since They mainly coincide with the results of other more accurate calculus, which were produced relative to some industries and income. According to GIFEFEN calculations, the richness of Great Britain for 1885 can be estimated at 10037 million pounds sterling, or 63167 million rubles. Metal, whereas with the same assessment for 1875 it turned out 8548 million Fun. Art., And for 1865 - 6113 million f. Art. The amount of wealth calculated for 1885 gives each person an average figure of 270 f. Art., or in 1703 p. Met., but for each family, taking it, according to English data, in five people - about 1350 f. Art., i.e. about 8514 p. met. The main articles, of which the above-mentioned number of people's wealth are found in 1885, the following: Earth - 1691 million Fun. st.; Houses - 1927 million f. st.; Capital farmers - 522 million pound. st.; Capital in interest papers, with the exception of English public debt, - 527 million pound. erased; Iron Dor. - 1008 million pound. st.; Capital of joint-stock companies - 1025 million pound. st.; The capital of various types of industrial and trading enterprises - 541 million f. st.; Movable property, not covered with income tax, it is home furnishings, art objects, etc. - 960 million f. sterling; State and public property - 500 m. f. Art. The above enumeration attracts attention to the high value of houses and home furnishings, significantly exceeding the value of the Earth. For France, there are several computing, of which the newest belongs Your, Amelina, Mon. and de Foville. According to these calculations, France property is estimated from 200,000 to 250000 million fr., Or 50,000 to 62500 million rubles. Met., What gives each person in the middle conclusion from 1375 p. up to 1680 rubles. met. At the base of the calculation of de Foville, information on the amount of the property, passing through the inheritance and donation, which since 1826 is taxed in France by special tax and therefore are carefully registered. De Foville, taking the average length of generation at 36 years old, considers the value of annually overgoing property for 1/36 of the entire national property. Since, however, the given reception concludes an obvious inaccuracy in itself, the author resorts to various amendments on the basis of other sources. From the total figure of 200,000 million FRs, obtained by estimating de Foville, 80,000 million fr. accounts for real estate, except homes; 40000 million FR. - at home; 30000 million FR. - on interest papers, French and foreign; 50000 million FR. - Other movable property. From others european countries Calculation similar to the above, is available for Italy. It is executed Pantaleone According to the DE Fovil method on the basis of data on the transition of property inheritance and donation. By calculation Pantaleone, the approximate value of the property of individuals in Italy is equal to 48,000 million lire, or 1660 limes per person, which is about 415 rubles. met. From the amount of the amount of 29,000 million lire constitute the value of the Earth, 9000 million lire is the value of buildings, and the rest falls on the industrial and different other movable property. In Belgium Masalsky In the late 70s, the value of the national property was estimated at 29,500 million FR. In Denmark Falbe Gansen In the early 1980s, the country's wealth was estimated at 6500 million kroons (2251 million rubles. met.), From among which 4680 million crowns fall on immovable, and 2081 million crowns on movable property. Particularly interesting are the information about the North American United States, where, with each value, produced, as you know, after 10 years, the government is collected by the Government about different types folk property. The tenth centuries of 1880 gave the total amount of national wealth of $ 43,642 million, or in 56560 million rubles. Met., which is composed of the following top articles: Farm - $ 10197 million; residential buildings and industrial real estate - $ 9881 million; railways with the birth - 5536 million dollars; Movable property of residential buildings, such as: paintings, books, home reserves, fuel, etc. - 5000 million dollars; Cattle, agricultural tools and cars - 2406 million dollars; stocks of agricultural and manufactory products (three quarters of annual production and foreign importance) 6160 million dollars; Telegraphs, ships and channels - $ 419 million; immovable property seized from taxation (churches, schools, public buildings, etc.) - 2000 million dollars; Cash - 612 million dollars; Miscellaneous - 619 million dollars. It is interesting to trace how quickly wealth increases in the United States during recent decades. In 1850, under the population of 23.3 million people, the value of the property of the country according to official calculation stretched to $ 7136 million; In 1860 at 31.5 million people. - up to 16159 million dollars; In 1870 at 38.5 million people. - up to $ 30069 million; In 1880 at 50.1 million people. Population - up to 43642 mil. Dol. Thus, the population for 30 years has increased by 115%, and wealth is 512%. The average amount of wealth, per person, was equal: in 1850 - 308 dollars, in 1860 - 510 dollars., In 1870 - 777 dollars., In 1880 - 870 dollars, or 1153 rubles. met.

Literature. A. Smith, "The Wealth of Nations", D. Ricardo, "Principles of Political Economy"; D. S. MILL, "PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY"; V. Rosher, "Grundlagen der Nationalökonomie"; I. I. Neyman, "Grundlagen der Volkswirthschaftslehre" (Tubingen, 1889); Neuman-Spallart, "Uebersichten Der Weltwirthschaft" 1883-84. (Stuttgart, 1887); Jiffen, "The Growth Of Capital" (London, 1889).

A. Chuprov.

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-PB.: Brockhauses-Efron. 1890-1907 .



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    Cf. Many, abundance, abundance, excess, excess. Wealth harvest. Wealth of thoughts. | Abundance of property, belly, money, yarosl., The fire. Bastvier, Arkhan. Romance, bottom. Wealth, Ryas. Greater wives., Zap. Boga Wed (See also Bakhatka), ... ... Dictionary Daly

    It is the savings of many in the hands of one. Julian Tuwym If you are told: "My wealth is difficult for hard work," ask: "Whose?" Don Many Many dream of such money in which money is no longer needed. Vladislav Gezhechich very rich people are not like ... Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

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    - (Wealth) Cost (Value) Assets belonging to an individual or group of individuals. Economic science began with the study of the nature of wealth (for example, the work of Adam Smith's wealth of nations) and how it changes during this period. ... ... Business Terms Dictionary

What is wealth, what do you think? What is the point in itself this word? For some people, this word is associated with the presence of money and material wealth. For another category of people, wealth is associated with spiritual development. It is no secret that often a person can be consistent in the material plan, but is low spiritual development. This is unlikely to be called rich. I also encountered spiritual people in my life, which in the material plan were not entirely secured. In my opinion, it is truly rich, it means to become self-sufficient both in spiritual and in the material sphere.

If we consider an etymological picture of originwords wealth, we see that the word is based on the word of God, and since the person is created in the image and likeness of God, hence the investigation implies that a person is simply obliged to be rich, healthy happy, self-realized and self-sufficient. These states are natural states of a person. A person must be like God, become God. Implement all divine abilities. Not only in the field of material (I mean the presence of a sufficient amount of money), but also in other vital spheres. Being healthy is also wealth. To have a harmonious relationship, both with them and with the surrounding people. Have promotional family. Your own favorable space, your home. The presence of a loved business that brings material income and pleasure. It is clear that only reaching harmony in all these spheres of life, a person can become God, and hence rich. It is impossible to develop only spiritually or strive only to material benefits. Needless golden mean: Find the realization of yourself both in spiritual and in material plan. And it is the basis of a happy, full-fledged life. Material and spiritual are two parts of one whole. One is necessarily associated with another. And our task is to realize all forms of wealth, both material and spiritual. We can do it if we turn to our inner and divine essence. After all, the case is not in the presence of wealth or in its absence, but in the man itself.

In confirmation of these words I want to give one parable:

Somehow one of the noble people turned to the sage with the question:

- Tell me, dear, since you are so smart, why are you not rich?

To which the sage, contacting him embroidered Golden Dear Kaftan, replied:

You see, dear caftan, my wealth inside, and not outside. After all, when your master falls asleep, he does not take you with you or your servants nor gold or anything else. And if he dares a tiger running behind him, he will have to run away from the tiger in fear, and not call for helping servants. Save him in a dream from the tiger only the ability to quickly run. If he dreamed that he froze in Lyut Frost, he would be shaking from the cold and could not take and hide to you - warm caftan. It will save him from the cold only the ability to light fire. True wealth is our abilities! They are inside, and outside only their manifestation.

The rich, amazed by the fact that the sage speaks with his cafetan, and not with him, exclaimed:

- Yes, you are mad! How can you talk to my caftan and not seeme is his owner!

What a sage, smiling, said:

- So most people. They speak with bodies and notsee those who are their owners.

Wealth is an integral part of a person, it is his essence. Is it possible to assume that God is poor and unhappy? Not. And we all are gods inherently. The only question is that it prevents us from expressing yourself by God, to reveal their wealth in life. Therefore, truly rich is a person who has revealed God! And so that wealth is fully implemented, it is important that your personal desires coincide with aspirations of the soul. Then you become a creator, a wizard.

Everyone is God. God of his world, which he created. Wealth is a manifestation of harmony in life.

The first step towards wealth is awareness that you are already rich, here and now. I sincerely wish you to realize this fact And take it. Make your choice. To begin with, accept the current level of well-being and aware of your divine origin. And move on. And to help you, I offer a wonderful meditation of Brian de Flores "Activation of the money tresh of life" in the translation of Alena Starova. Be rich and happy!

Very often in speech used the word "wealth". Many people utter it, without thinking about his meaning. What could be wealth? Only material? Or some other?

If you want to know as much as possible what is wealth, you just need to read this article!

Meaning of the word

The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language gives next definition The word "wealth": this is an excess, an abundance of certain values \u200b\u200bthat can belong both to society as a whole and each person separately.

"To be rich" means to have a sufficient amount of material objects and intangible, such as money, real estate, gems and materials, knowledge, children, etc.

Synonym Word

So, you learned what wealth is. Could you call for this word synonym?

Recall that synonyms call words that indicate the same as the chosen word, that is, have a similar meaning. For example: children, kids, guys, kids, etc.

True, not every word in Russian is synonymous. Therefore, with the use of such a word in speech or in writing, difficulties may arise. In case of the impossibility of replacing and forced abundance of the same word, the text may turn out ugly, unreadable, boring.

However, such a problem will not arise if your conversation will affect the topic of wealth, because this word has a synonym. And not one.

So what is "wealth"? Synonyms for studied in this article: many, abundance, surplus, contentment, excess, abundance.

Antonym words

Remember what antonyms are? Not? But it's so easy! Antonyms are words that have the opposite lexical meaning.

"Wealth" (the word analyzed by us in this moment) Also has an antonym. What do you think what?

Have not thought up? Let's find out. You already know that wealth is wealth, an abundance of something. And what word can be opposed to him?

Indeed, wealth and poverty (or poverty) are words opposed to meaning and meaning, they are antonyms.

Material wealth

When you hear how someone mentions the phrase "rich man", what the Association first comes to your mind? Most likely, this is a healthy, cheerful, the thickness of the rich, which, as they speak in the people, do not peck money. He lives full lifewithout thinking at least to limit themselves in something.

Usually, such people are rather negative attitude. They do in every way, arguing that honest way It is simply impossible to get a huge condition.

However, the paradox of this topic is that as if people did not insult rich, almost each of them (if neither everyone), with great pleasure, would take the place of satisfied Tolstos, to fully appreciate what material wealth is to have not only money , but also by real estate, assets, firms or entire concerns, etc.

Beautiful life is constantly manit great amount People, forcing the "dishonest" business. That's just few people really manage to break through most of Such arrogant dreamers remains nothing.

Spiritual wealth

What is wealth from a material point of view, was investigated us above. But the beloved earthly goods at the abundance of advantages still faded when they have to be compared with the wealth of spiritual.

But what to understand under the epithet "spiritual"? All those life valuesthat cannot be measured in cash equivalent. It may be health, happiness, big and friendly family, bringing joy job, respect for others, love and much more. All that in essence makes every person is actually happy and rich.

Spiritual prosperity is much more important than the material, as people build their happiness for years, and one wrong step can destroy everything.

Perhaps you now objize that and with material objects is possible similar story. For example, one incorrect deal concluded by your company on the other, and you are bankrupt that lost absolutely everything. However, this situation can still be corrected. Of course, no one denies, it will be hard, but there is a way out.

And if someone from loved ones sick? Many are ready to give all the money to the last penny, but that's just no sense from it - close person It will take ... this is already nothing and no one will change.

Here it is spiritual wealth, whose value is very deep. And the loss of his most severe and sometimes wrongful.

Wise people about wealth

Famous Greek thinker Plato once said: « Wealth - to live and content with small ». This means that every person must appreciate and protect what is at the moment. After all, his fate already gave him - he lives, he exists. And even now there is no penny for the soul, everything can be corrected - life is given for this.

The English philosopher John Locke is also quite original and reasonably expressed his thought regarding wealth. He argued that wealth - the result of labor . These words express deep thought That nothing in the world gets just like that. And many rich people (not all, of course) also started from the bottom, slowly moving towards the cherished goal - worthy of capital.

Yes, and spiritual capital also does not appear from nowhere. He is a product of long and hard labor, as a result of which you are a student who passed all exams on perfectly, a happy family man, grandmother or grandfather with five charming grandchildren and so on.

If at one time you did not take certain steps that brought you to success and cherished goal, you would have stayed there below, begging and unhappy.

Who can ask wealth?

In all vital difficultiesIf they are somehow arising on the way, people ask for help from the gods. Many believe that several well-known Divine Beings will help you to become rich.

However, to choose from his patron, it is worth going with some caution and thoroughness, because not every high power Has favor you. Moreover, the "wrong" patron woman will not only leave your financial position At the initial level, but in general, will lead to the fact that you will unwittingly feel all the horrors of the position opposite to wealth.

Here you learned everything that concerns the word "wealth." Thanks for attention!