Speech of comedy characters as a means of their characteristics. Speech characteristics in the comedy "inexpensive"

Speech of comedy characters as a means of their characteristics. Speech characteristics in the comedy "inexpensive"

The comedy is "inexpensive" for more than 200 years "laughs" of the audience, and also teaches and raising them. This is truly best comedy 18th century.

D.I.Fonvizin in it entered into the fight against public "worship". As satirik, he pointed out the disadvantages of Russian life who worried and worry in his era of all advanced people.

The problem of the education and education of a person, the struggle against the fasteners, the question of serfdom is all the tasks that life required the permissions. And D.I.Fonvizin solved them as a true humanist.

Comedy and now makes you think about these problems, wakes humane feeling. Therefore, she did not lose value and these days.

And, of course, the great merit of the playwright is bright, distinctive characters, truly living, individualized images.

And emphasize their individuality, create the character of each character of the Fononvione helps, of course, language.

The comedy language is very naughty and peculiar. The playwright managed to write such a work, many expressions of which were included in our Russian conversational speech and turned into proverbs, for example: "I do not want to learn, I want to marry!"

In the comedy found expressions of the best advanced people of the 18th century.

We collected language material and concluded that it can be classified with different positions, namely: to consider language Features Speeches of characters from the point of view of morphology, from the point of view of the characteristics of the syntactic system of speech, as well as the characteristics of the language in terms of emotionally - stylistic color.

Most bright character Comedy - Mrs. Prostakov. Consider more Language features of her speech.

From the point of view of morphology.

We have established the methods of observation, classification and systematization that from the point of view of morphology, the language is quite diverse. We noted the diversity of speech parts used in its speech: these are nouns, and adjectives, and verbs.

Nouns: Cattle, Besting, Dryan, Freak, Ryg, Witch, Rokha, Canal, Fool, Harry, Hopia, Bolon, Buceurman, Drain, Sudar, Brother, Pluts, Thieves, Girl, Father, Son, Teachers, Sudar, Otrada, Friend, power, shame ...

Adjectives: thieves, dog, dishonest, stupid, bad ...

Verbs: Blowing, let you, try, look, Call, say, get out, scold, swear, take away, sit, you want to raise ...

We have established that the predominant part of speech in the space language is the name of the noun. And this, in our opinion, is not accidental and important. After all, with the help of nouns, it is possible to characterize the world, calling its components, that is, items.

The comedy heroine is constantly in his estate, the circle of its communication is limited. With the help of nouns names, she calls the items surrounding it, that is, what is next to her. And it can be noted that the world of this narrow, statical and monotony. (Scoop, fraudster, thief, estate, father, uncle, hubby, son, money, wallet ...). And this, in turn, helps it is better to understand the character of the heroine, women near and low-educated.

Nouns are very actively used in the role of appeals. Cattle, festy, rubbish, dog daughter, Mr. Officer, friend of the heart, my father and others.

And this is also not by chance. Mrs. Prostakova wants to be heard, because she is a hostess in the house, full and only.

The name of the adjective is the less used part of the speech in the Language language. It uses adjectives only in those rare cases when it wants to express their attitude to the surrounding reality. (Dog daughter, bad science, heart friend ...)

This, from our point of view, speaks of the limitedness of her mind, about the lightness.

We came to interesting conclusions, watching the use of such a part of speech as verb. Prostakov verbs also use rarely. But it should be noted such a feature: almost all of them are used in the form of an imperative ignition (like, call, went out, get rid, dying, live, learn, sorry ..). This suggests that Prostakova got used to command in the house. And waiting for unconditional subordination. It is also noteworthy that the actions called verbs are reduced only to movements within the estate.

Consider the speech of Mrs. Sprostova in terms of syntax.

The following structures prevailing in the syntactic strictly predominant:

Questionals (how are you not sorry, festing? What grandma are you confused?)

Exclamation proposals (from morning to evening, how the language is suspended, I do not sit hands: it's shuffled, then fighting; the topics and the house holds, my father! Everyone Veli beat to death! Where am I going around when there is no will in my house !)

Intelligence offers (give me to the faces, to the faces ... Call your father. Speak, cattle. Eremeevna, lead here by Trushka. So, I look for him, if you don't donate it.)

In her speech prevail simple sentencesthat once again proves its uneducation.

Not deprived of the language of mistress space and aphorist. We found the following aphorisms in her speech:

Live and learn.

A clever man knows where to get out.

Where anger, here and mercy.

Since all that the peasants, we have selected, we can not contempt. Such trouble!

We also reviewed the assembled language material used by D.Fonvizin in Mrs. Prostaya's speech, from the point of view of stallistic coloring.

According to the stylistics, the word has not only lexical meaningIt is able to carry the importance of the assessment, transfer our attitude to the subject, that is, to have an emotional expressive color.

The seference of the word consumption in the dictionaries is usually indicated by different litters: the spurant, spoken, dismissive, smear, disapproving, throat ...

I analyze the vocabulary of Mrs. Prostacova, we tried to determine the stylistic function of words, that is, to establish the scope of use and emotional- expressive Color. To do this, picked up a stylistic litter for each word.

  • Harry (Rough, Brangny, Spatrical)
  • Floor (coarse, bloated, spaticrous)
  • Cattle (Rough, Spatrical)
  • Besting (Spatrible)
  • Token (spoken)
  • Distincial (smear, spoken)
  • Insufficient (smear, spoken)
  • Fraudster (spoken)
  • Sober
  • Bark (rude, spaticrone)
  • Mitrofanushka (smear)

Thus, it came to the conclusion that her speech wears a rough illustrative character, and also carries a negative emotional charge. In the speech, spaced a lot of faded words, which transmit rudeness, the unbridled and cruelty of its ingredients. It is this vocabulary that helps to discover her ignorance. The impression of the ignition of the spacecraft is also created by the inclusion of words in its lexicon, the words are intersectable - common, but neutral in an expressive attitude: he, de, Ba, fortunately, Kuda, Nikuda, I have tea, to indulge, perhaps, today, see. It is this vocabulary, deprived of an expressive load, designed to emphasize the word in speech, to allocate NGO, - creates a "common-line" background of the speech of Pnswing.

Antipode spaced in comedy is undoubtedly the beginners.

Consider the speech of the hero and make conclusions how the language helps to characterize the identity of this character.

From the point of view of morphology. In the speech of the senior we also allocated

Nouns (ranks, upbringing, soul, mind, feat, deed, rules, titles, merits, service, pride, thoughts, honor, dignity, conscience, fatherland, wealth, morals, prejudice, virtue, harmony, knowledge, arrogance, love, truth, justice, happiness, benefit, smoothie, friendship ...), adjectives (decent, heartfelt, true, honest, soulful, decent, brought up, friendly, fair, happy ...), verbs (I know, understand, excuse, eradicate, wish, despise, help, break, believe ...).

It is impossible to say that some particular part of speech prevails in the speech of this character. But still special meaningFrom our point of view, have nouns names, and abstract and distracted. No wonder this hero comedy, being very educated, argues about happiness, about a person, speaks of morality, morality, focusing.

Adjectives are also important. They help the Staroduc characterize, first of all, public phenomena, called distracted nouns, and therefore carry the shade of the book and the elevation.

The verbs used in the Speech of the Stormist are helping to characterize the hero's intensive mental activity.

Consider a senior language from the point of view of syntax.

We have established that we are resolved with complex syntactic structures. It is suspiciously monotoned. (I would like, for example, in order to educate the son of a noble Mr. The mentor dismissed him every time and pointed him two places in her: in one, as great people contributed to the good of their fatherland; in a friend, as an unworthy, who used his own Power of attorney and strength, from the height of the magnificent knowledge, overthrowing the abyss of contempt and renovation.)

In the speech of the senior, there are also many question and exclamation proposals, but they perform a completely different function, unlike the speech of the prostata.

His questioning and exclamation proposals are rhetorical exclamations and questions that make ready-made life formulas.

(How much is the great soul to be in the sovereign to become for the path and never sort with it! Thanksgiving to God, that a little to find protection can! What can be more respectable! But isn't it happy, who is happy? Yes, how is a worthy husband not to love friends? And what kind of education to expect children from the mother who lost virtue? How did she teach them a harm, which is not in it?)

Speech of the senior is very aphorist. His aphorisms (ignorant without soul - beast; cash - not cash; the ranks begin - ceases sincerity; in large light there are premissible souls; inhibition of a slavery of themselves for unplanned; enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul; sincere revelation is worthy only one who is in ranks Not for money, but for no quantities; have a heart, I have a soul, and you will be a person at all time) very memorable, bright statements on topics important for all without exception. With their help, the beginners seems to be inhibits their thoughts.

From the point of view of the stylistic color, the character's speech is also harder. Watching, we found that it practically does not use conversational, spore words. All words in his vocabulary are book in nature, they are less emotional, but the commercials are also correct.

Based on the above, we conclude about the personality of the character: it is raised, cultured, highly educated, is characterized by high morality than and causes respect for others.

Another comedy character, whose language we decided to characterize is Mitrofan. Its speech is also a bright means of characteristics of his personality.

So, from the point of view of morphology in the speech of Mitrofan, we were able to allocate vocabulary different parts Speech: Nouns (Mother, Dryan, Cherychovenka, Kvass, Pigeon, Lesson, Teacher, Rat, Damn, Solonin, Pyroe), adjectives (old, garrison), verbs (I press, I'm tired, I will recover, I do not want to listen, run , quench).

Mitrofan is not a gift "such a mother." In his speech, the nouns are also the most frequency part of speech. Like Prostakova, her son, using nouns, calls only the items of its reality, and more often the items necessary to meet its physiological needs (kvass, petrolatible, buns, father, mother ...)

Accordingly, adjectives characterize only this primitive real world in which hero is.

Verbs This character consumes either most often in ludial inclination. They need a hero to designate actions, but the actions are primitive, characterizing only movement inside the estate, as well as commands, prizes to protect.

From the point of view of syntax, Mitrofan's speech is extremely simple.

The prevailing structures are simple sentences, with an abundance of appeals (Mamushka, depart me; Get out, uncle, get off;

well, still the word Molvi, Stara Krychovka, I'm separated; All to hell ...).

From the point of view of expressive - stylistic coloring, the language of Mitrofan is replete with curses, rude expressions. The vocabulary is reduced, coarse illustrative. All of the above allows us to conclude that Mitrofan is a coarse, uncompatible and primitive personality.

The husband is silent, he does not allow himself to reveal his mouth without the allowance of his wife, but he still did not escape his fate and, according to the wife, is a "fool in the dark." We see in it a haired man who fully controls the wife. Mitrofanushka also does not like to speak much, but he, unlike his father, is allowed to say everything he wants. Dyalushkina roots are viewed in inventive curses inheritance: "garrison rat", "Old Krychovka".

Teachers and servants are characterized by signs of those estates and public layers to which they belong.

In the speech of Eremeevna, we hear the desire to please and constant justification. Teacher Tsyfirkin - a retired sergeant, his speech shows belonging to the military. His greeting sounds Bravo: "We wish your welfare to live ...". In the words of farewell, he is also faithful to himself: "We are where hiking, your wellness?" Even the tsyfirkin swears, using military vocabulary: he is ready to give his ear on the clip, if only "Poisyading to sort a soldier!"

Kuteikin, another teacher, - a dece from the cover. In his speech, belonging to church ministers. In his greeting, we hear the traditional wishes: "Lord's house is the world and many years ...". Farewell is pretty soforn: "Do we bring the ravoisi?" Even in rugs, Kuteikin uses church outdated words: "Vya", which coexist with colloquial: "Cut."

The speech of the heroes emotionally painted, very colorful.

The speech composition of positive heroes is more schematic. The speech of these characters is non-modest, there are no conversational and spaticral phrases in it. Positive heroes are peculiar to book speech, language educated people. Here, the meaning of the said can be understood from the meaning of words. The meaning of the speech of the rest of the heroes can be caught in its dynamics.

So, we practically cannot distinguish Milon's speech from Poros Patin. We cannot give the characteristics of the heroes by their speech. We simply know that, for example, Sophia is an educated, unfortunate young lady, who sensates tips and instructs his uncle. In the speech of the senior, the moral program is traced, which is promoted by the author: Rules, moral laws, principles that must be followed. All monologues of the foreigner are built according to a specific scheme: first, the beginners tells the story of his life, and then says Moral. This is the conversation of an old man with the truthful. But the conversation of uncle with a niece is a set of rules, after the study of which will be embedded in the heart. "

After analyzing the speech of the heroes of the Fonvizin's comedy, "inexpensive," it can be concluded that the speech of negative characters characterizes them themselves, the speech of positive heroes is a means of expressing the author's thoughts.

As it was taken in classicism, the heroes of the Comedy "Nepalm" are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable, vivid are still negative characters, despite their despotic and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakov, her brother Taras Skalinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and ambiguous. It is with them that comic situations are connected, full humora, bright liveliness of dialogues.

Positive characters do not cause such bright emotions, although they are resonants reflecting copyright. Educated, endowedly positive featuresThey are ideal - can not create lawlessness, they are alien to lie and cruelty.

Describe in more detail each of the characters:

Heroes Characteristic Speech character
Negative characters
Mrs. Prostakova Central negative character, representative of the fortress nobility. I am depicted uneducated, ignorant and evil babobile, which owns all the power in the family: "That is trimmed, then we fight, the fact and the house holds." She is convinced that the formation is unnecessarily and even harmful: "People live and lived without science." Double features: with serfs, teachers, husband, brother communicates hassle, rude, even aggressively, and to people from whom its position depends, trying to sole. Confirmation of the same thought is to change the relationship to Sofa. "The premounture, whom the hellish temper makes the misfortune of a whole house" calls her true. Only person, inspiding it good feelings - Son Mitrofanushka, "Heart Friend", "Drain". Therefore, in the final it is even sorry, because he turns away from her. Trishke - "Cattle", "Scammer", "Vorovskaya Kharya", "Bollan"; Eremeevna - "Besting", "Canal", "Dog Daughter". Studum - "benefactor". "That the peasants were neither, we selected, we can't help anything." "Pluts, thieves, fraudsters! All Vella navigate to death. "
Skalinin Another sharply negative character, the owner of a scratched surname, a self-breath and cruel. The only passion - pigs and everything connected with them, gives it a kind of animal like. "I didn't read anything from the genus ... God saved me from this boredom." "I love pigs ..." "Whether the pigs are found in the villages?" I want to start your pigs. "" If you are a pork son ... "" Eco happiness adopted. "" I would be those ... for my feet, yes about the angle, "Oh, you have a Cashcachka!" - Mitrofan. "Yes, you walked as it developed" - about the sister.
Mitrofan Cheap sixteen years old, son of provincial landowners. His name is "talking", because Mitrofan is translated from Greek - "like mother." The same two-friendly: tyrant in relation to home, humiliately asks for forgiveness from the Storodam in the final. It has undoubted cunning. For example, a dream, where "Mother beats the father." Education depends on the life, medium, human formation conditions. Mitrofan, who grown in a ignorant family, is ignorant himself, stupid and lazy. Mitrofanushka is not only a complete ignorant that feeds disgust for the teaching, but also an egoist, there is nothing significant for him, except for his own interests. "Ignorance without a soul is a beast," according to the Staruga. Rough and cruel towards serfdom, teachers, nurse, father. "He, though and sixteen years old, reached the last degree of his perfection and will never go," says Sophia. "Chushka damned", as his uncle calls, - the final result of the degradation of the nobility with the increasing soul of upbringing. Historically, a young nobleman, who did not receive a written certificate of a learning was considered Historically. He was not taken to the service, was not allowed to marry. The image of "inexpressible", thanks to the comedy, became nominable: usually they talk about stupid and ignorant people. Eremeevna - "Old Krychovka"; Uncle - "Rather, Uncle; fall "; "Garrison rat" - teacher Tsyfirkin .. "Street them to whitewashing with Eremevoy" - about teachers. "I do not want to learn, I want to marry." "Everything to Chort!"
Prostakov A man is missing and weak. It is definitely impossible to say about it that he is "the head of the family." All overcomes the spouse and is afraid of her. Prefers not to have his opinion - the scene with the sewing of the Kaftana: "If you have nothing you see anything." Illiterate "chopping podkin", in essence, it is not so bad person. Loves Mitrofan, "how to give a parent." "He is humble," says himself true.
Positive characters
Pravdin State official, directed to verify the provision in the estate of space-made. Arbitration, in his opinion, is an unforgivable vice. Tirande deserves punishment. Therefore, the truth will truth and the estate of the brutal and despotic software will be selected in favor of the state. "Of my heart's feat, I don't have it to notify the challenses of ignorants, which, having over people ... power, use it in evil inhumanly." "So that in decent people there was no lack of, attached ... a particular effort on education."
Sophia Niece of an old man. Decent, kind, a smart girl. Translated by S. greek name Her "wisdom". Honest and educated. "God gave you all your sex, ... heart honest man"," Says to her beginnings. "How not to please the heart when calm the conscience ... You can not not love the rules of virtue ... They are - Methods of Kschastina." "All my effort will be used to earn good opinion decent people. "
Starodules Uncle and guardian Sophia. Performs the role of a resonance expressing the thoughts of the author. His name says that he is raised in the era of Peter and adheres to her ideals, when the court served right and honestly, not Lebyazy before " strong Mira of this. And he honestly deserved their state and position: military service, served at the courtyard. It has straight and impatience of injustice. The man who endowed with the authorities, in his opinion, should not violate the rights of other people. "Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul." "Cash is not cash in cash." The ranks begin - ceases sincerity. "" Have a heart, have a soul - and you will be a person at all time. "" The dignity of the heart is inseparable. "" The main purpose of all knowledge Human - admonition. "
Milon. Handsome officer, fiance of Sofia. Despite his youth, he already took part in hostilities, where heroically showed himself. Modest. "The young man of great advantages", "the whole of the public considers it an honest and decent person," according to the Starugum. "I'm in love and i have happiness to be love. ""I suppose the trueist in the soul, and not in the heart ..."
Minor characters
Tsyfirkin In the past, soldiers, therefore, values \u200b\u200bthe concepts of debt and honor: "For the service I took the money, but I didn't scream empty, and I will not take it.. Harked but straight and honest. "I do not like to live id," he says. "Direct good man"Named by an early one. "The Lord's Lord Protectors are!", "Here is a runaway in a short one for three hours." Health for a hundred years, yes twenty, and even fifteen years old. "
Kuteukin A uncleaned seminarist with the "talking" surname: Kaystera - ritual porridge, mandatory, and memorial dish. A person undoubtedly hit, what does the choice of text in the training of Mitrofan: "Az the same worm, and not a person, the realization of people", "siren and livestock". Zhaden for money, tries not to miss his. Church-Slavic vocabulary: "darkness", "grief to me sinner", "the ranks of would be", "Prisi", "I woke up the abyss of wisdom."
Broteman German Adam Adamovich is a former foreigner coachman. The person is undergoing, about whom his name says, gives himself to a scientist who can teach "French and all sciences", and himself prevents other teachers. The owner of the Lac of Soul, tries to like the prostata, taking Mitrofan. Itself is ignorant and vigorous. "Unmarried replica!" "Shiiuchi with strreshi hospitals, reasonable, I fSa with horses."
Eremeevna Nurse Mitrofan. I sincerely serves in the house of spaces, loves his pupil of Mitrofan, but rewarded for his service as follows: "Five rubles a year, up to five slabs a day." "... I would break with him ... I would have become Berechny," ... "How to serve more, you don't know ... I wouldn't have a Tokmo ... I don't regret ... and everything is not used. "
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    • Landowner Appearance Manor Characteristic Relationship to the request of Chichikov Manilan is not elderly, the eyes are sweet, like sugar. But this sugar was too much. In the first minute of conversation with him, you will tell you what a nice person, you will not say anything in a minute, and at the third minute you think: "Damn knows what!" The Lord House stands on the elevation, is open to all winds. Economy in full decline. He steals the key, in the house there is always something missing. In the kitchen is preparing a stupid. Servants - [...]
  • Speech characteristics in the comedy "inexpensive"

    The first thing that the modern reader of the Comedy "Nepali" is noteworthy is the names. acting persons. The "speaking" surnames immediately lay the attitude of the reader (viewer) to their owners. It ceases to be a more or less objective witness of the playful action, he is psychologically becoming his participant. He took the opportunity to appreciate the heroes and their actions. From the very beginning, with the names of the actors, the reader was indicated where negative characters and where positive. And the role of the reader comes down to see and remember the ideal to which it is necessary to strive.

    There are three groups of acting persons: negative (prostacle, mitrofan, cattle), positive (true, Milon, Sophia, Streigs), the third group includes all other characters, it is mainly servants and teachers. Negative characters and their servants are inherent in common colloquial. Vocational vocabulary consists mainly of the words used in the livestock. This is well shown by Svietnina's speech - Uncle Mitrofan. It is all overflowing with the words: pig, piglets, chute. The idea of \u200b\u200blife begins and ends also cattle courtyard. He compares his life with the vital activity of his pigs. For example: "I want to start my piglets", "if I have ... For each pig, there is a special, then I will find a belka wife." And proud of this: "Well, if I am a pork son, if ..."

    Vocabulary His sisters Mrs. Prostacova is a little more diverse, due to the fact that her husband is "fool's units", and she has to do everyone. But Corninsky's roots manifest themselves in her speech.

    Favorite curses - "Cattle". To show that Prostakova left for the development of his brother. Fonvizin sometimes refuses it in elementary logic. For example, such phrases: "Since all the peasants, we have selected, we can't help anything", "Tal Is it necessary to be like being tailored to be able to sew a caftan carefully?" And, making a conclusion from the said, Prostakova finishes the phrase: "Ecloat Scott County".

    Regarding her husband, you can only say that he is a few and does not open his mouth without instructions on his wife. But this characterizes him as a "fool of the unfulfought", a haired husband, who fell under his wife's heel. Mitrofanushka is also a few, though, unlike the Father, he has freedom of speech. Cattlein roots manifest in him ingenuity of curses; "Old Krychovka", "garrison rat".

    Servants and teachers have in their speech characteristic signs classes and parts of society to which they belong. The speech of Eremeevna is constant excuse and desire to please. Teachers: Tsyfirkin - retired sergeant, Kuteyukin - Dyacker from cover. And they show belonging to their speech: one - to the military, the other - church ministers.


    Kuteyukin: "House of Vladyka World and many years from Chalad and Households."

    Tsyfirkin: "We wish your welfare to live a hundred years, yes twenty ..."


    YageyGSY: "Do we bring the ravoisi?"

    Tsyfirkin: "We are where to hike, your wellness?"


    Kuteyukin: "I'm at least now with a pussy, if only I will have a sinner by coating! .. Parable in the languages!"

    Tsyfirkin: "I would give myself a ear to attribute, if only this tunewader is to pass the soldamers! .. Eka Raznova!"

    All acting persons, except positive, speech is very colorful, emotionally painted. You can not understand the meaning of the words, but always understands the meaning of the said.

    For example:

    I will deliver you.

    I and your hooks era.

    The speech of positive heroes does not differ so brightness. All four in speech there are no conversational, integral phrases. This is a book book, the speech of the educated people of the time that practically does not express emotions. The meaning of the said you understand from the immediate meaning of words. In the rest of the heroes, the meaning can be caught in the very dynamics of speech.

    Milon's speech to distinguish from the speech of Pradina is almost impossible. About Sofye is also very difficult to say anything about her speech. The educated fragrant young lady, as if he called it to the Stars, sensitively perceiving advice and instructing his beloved uncle. The speeches of the old product are fully determined by the fact that in the mouth of this hero the author has invested its moral program: the rules, principles, moral laws for which the "Lyubic man" should live. Monologists of the foreigner are built in this way: the beginners first tells the story of his life, and then displays morality. Such, for example, a conversation of a foreigner with the truth. And the conversation of an elder with Sofia is a set of rules, and "... Every word will be embedded in the heart."

    As a result, it turns out that speech negative hero characterizes it yourself, and speech positive hero Used by the author to express his thoughts. Man is depicted volume, ideal - in the plane.

    and where positive. And the role of the reader comes down to see and remember that ideal to which it is necessary to strive. The actors can be divided into three groups: negative (prostacle, mitrofan, cattle), positive (Pravdin, Milon, Sophia, Streigs), the third group includes all other characters - this is mainly servants and teachers. Negative characters and their servants are inherent ...

    Her "fool is countless" and she has to do everyone. But Corninsky's roots manifest themselves in her speech. Favorite curses - "Cattle". To show that Prostakova left for the development of his brother, Fonvizin sometimes refuses it in elementary logic. For example, such phrases: "Since all the peasants, we have selected, we can't help anything", "so it's necessary ...

    You could be lagging behind "that" the more stupid husband, the better for the wife. " Summing up the conversation about the subjects, issues and genre composition of Novikov's magazines, as well as the result of the study of aspects of the comic image female images, it can be concluded about their the greatest diversity. On the pages of Novikov's satirical journals, such topics are affected as the arbitrariness of the landowners, ...

    Which Fononovin composed after the decision taken to go to socio an important topics. The comedy took a polemical position towards sensitive comedies. At the same time, the Brigadier follows the general thematic line of the dramatic creativity of Fonvizin. The play is directed against the bribery of judges, against abuses in legal proceedings, against Galomania. Phonwan in his play ...


    The ideological idea led the composition of the existing persons "inexpressible". The comedy draws typical destroyers (spacen, cattle), their fortress servants (Eremeevna and Trushka), teachers (Tsyfirkin, Kuteyukin and Ryshliana) and opposes them such advanced nobles, which should be, according to Fonvizin, russian nobility: on the public service (Pravdin), in the area economic activity (Elders), at military service (Milon).

    The image of Sophia, the smart and enlightened girl contributes to a more complete disclosure of the timely and ignorance of space-friendly; With Sofia is connected with all the struggle on the "comedy".

    The main face of the comedy is the preserver of the prostakov. - Rough and unbridled nature. She drove, if he does not meet resistance, and at the same time cowardly, when it comes into force. Ruthless to those who are in her power, she humiliates, ready to lie in the legs, putting out the forgiveness of the one who is stronger than her (scene with the truth in the end of the comedy), the prostakov ignorant. She is hostile to enlightenment; From her point of view, education is unnecessary: \u200b\u200b"Without sciences, people live and lived," she says.

    Only obeying the need, wanting to "bring to people" Mitrofan, she hires him teachers, but herself prevents his teach. In relations to people, it is guided only by the rude calculation, personal advantage is such, for example, its attitude towards Starodum and Sofye. For the sake of personal gain, she is able to go even for a crime (an attempt to steal sophia in order to raise her to marry Mitrofan).

    There is no prostata moral concepts: Demanding senses, philanthropy, feelings of human dignity.

    Convinced robust steepness, she considers the fortress people to their complete property: With them, she can do whatever anyone. No matter how talked to the work of her courtyard and peasants, they cannot please their fierce owner. The urgent disease leads her to rage "lies! Oh, she's a festival! Lies! As if noble! .. Birth, Bestiya! As if noble! " Even the devotees of Eremeevna, the nurse of Mitrofan, a woman in a long time trying to please her, prostakova calls not otherwise as a "old witch", "dog daughter" and "bad hare".

    Prostakova believes that it is possible to manage the farm with the help of swearing and beatings. She herself says to Pravdina himself, naively believing that the ways of her management are worthy of all praise: "From morning to evening, he is having sang, hands do not sway: it's shuffled, then tears; The fact and the house holds, my father. " The peasants she absolutely absorbed, squeezed out of them all that could only. "Since everything, she is crushed by his brother," that the peasants were, we selected, we can't help anything. Such trouble! "

    Prostakova is despotic and rude not only in relation to serf. A stupid, timid and haired husband, she does not put anything and wures it as he wants. Mitrofan teachers, buters, well, and Tsyfirkin, not paying a salary by year.

    Only to his son, Mitrofan Prostakova applies otherwise. She loves him, gentle to him) Caring for his happiness, well-being is the main content of her life. "One of my concern, one of my recovery - Mitrofanushka," she says. His maternal love She compares a dog attachment to his puppy. Therefore, her blind, unreasonable, ugly love for the son does not bring either Mitrofan, nor nothing but harm.

    The nature of the prostata, the degree of its mental development, the position of the landowner and the full-fledged mistress in the house, attitude towards the surrounding people - all this is expressive and brightly reflected in her speech.

    So, she calls Trishka, "a fraudster, a thief, a slot, thieves of hare, a shroud," Eremeevna - "Bestia". Her disdinned attitude towards her husband is also expressed in mockery over him: "You yourself are baggy, smart person", And in coarse okhriches:" What did you dig up today, my father? " "The whole century, sir, walk, I am a sir." She calls her husband "freak", "Rokhley". But it becomes another in appeals to the son: "Mitrofanushka, my friend; My heartfelt friend; Son, etc.

    At first, Prostakova costs the sofa roughly despotic: "No, madam, it is your fiction, so that you can abstentively to your us, so that we give you will." "Oh, Mother! I know that you are craftswoman, yes, don't really believe you. " When she learns that Sofya became rich in the heir, the tone of her speech change dramatically: "Congratulations, a softeushka! Congratulations, my soul! "

    The lack of culture in the spacecraft affects it.

    But Prostakova - the landowner; In his environment, she heard close to literary language Speech of people of that time. Therefore, in her speech there are (though, rarely) and book-literary words and turnover, although somewhat distorted: "Amur woven"; "This is from the officer who was looking for you to marry"; "I recommend you dear guest. OUR, Mr. Preddina "

    In enjoying, she shiningly turns to the Starodum: "Our guest is invaluable! Oh, it would not be necessary to meet the father of the native, on which the whole hope, which we have one like a powder in the eye. "

    The image of spaceless and truthfully drawn, acquires even greater persuasiveness, vitality especially because Fonvizin shows those conditions under the influence of which its character has developed and adopted such ugly forms. Prostakova grew up in a family, distinguished by extreme ignorance. Neither the Father, nor the mother gave her any education, did not attracted any moral rules, did not put anything good since childhood in her soul, but even more influenced the conditions of serfdom - its position of the full-length owner of the fortress peasants. Not restrained by any moral implications, the complete consciousness of its limitless power and impunity, it turned into "Mrs. inhuman", Tirana Monster.